Box 104 Folder Prop. 1
Letter of proposal to Dr. D Deardorff, Health Insurance Plan from Charles Glock.,, August 3 1951
Box 104 Folder Prop. 2
Letter of proposal to Mr. Jack Mckenzie, Oil Industry Information Committee from Charles Y. Glock,, September 25, 1951
Box 104 Folder Prop.5
Letter.of Proposal to Dr. Herbert Solomon, Office of Naval Research. Navy Department, Washington, D.C. with enclosed proposal from Charles Y. Glock,, 19 December 1951
Box 104 Folder Prop. 6
Letter of proposal to William Vickery, Secretary, Council for Research In the Social Sciences, Columbia with Memorandum and proposal for a supplementary grant application enclosed from Seymour M. Lipset,, March 13, 1952
Box 104 Folder Prop. 7
Proposal for a Program of Research and Planning Preparatory to the Compilation of a New Russian-English Scientific Dictionary by BASR,, March 28,1952
Box 104 Folder Prop. 8
Letter of response to proposal with estimated budget to Dr. Arthur F Raper, Consultant, Mutual Security Agency, Washington 25, D.C. from Charles Y. Glock.-note reference Referral to B0440,, April 14, 1952
Box 104 Folder Prop. 10
Proposal for Further Research in the Epidemology of Essential Hypertension. With enclosed accompanying Work Program by BASR and the School of Public Health,, April 30, 1952
Box 104 Folder Prop.12
Two copies of Letter of Proposal to Dr.Bernard Berelson, The Ford Foundation From Charles Y.Glock and January 20, 1955 Letter requesting supplementary grant to Dr. Berelson from Seymour Martin Lipset as well as February 17,1955 Letter asking for formal request for the supplementary grant to Dr. John A. Krout, Vice President of Columbia from Charles Glock along with enclosed undated draft copy of letter to Dr. Berelson from John A. Krout making formal request for the supplementary grant, as well as Date; ;May 3, 1955 Letter of thanks for Receipt of supplementary grant to Mr. Ernest J. Perry, Acting Treasurer, Ford Foundation from John A. Krout,, May 16,1952
Box 104 Folder Prop. 13
Follow-up letter of Proposal along with memorandum to Mr. David Anderson of Standard Oil Company of New Jersey from Charles Glock,, May 22, 1952
Box 104 Folder Prop.14
Letter of acknowledgement of Proposal approval to Charles Glock from Henrietta S. Weill Chair., Committee to study Girl Scout Troop Sponsorship and May 23, 1952 Letter of Approval of Proposal to Mrs. Frank L. Weil, Girl Scouts of the USA from Charles Glock,, June 6, 1952
Box 104 Folder Prop. 15
Letter of proposed budget along with proposal to Dr. George Reader, Acting Director, Comprehensive Care and Teaching Program, New York Hospital from Charles Y. Glock,, May 26, 1952
Box 104 Folder Prop.16
Letter of approval of grant application for proposal of study of medical Schools to Dr. Merton of BASR from Mr. Geddes Smith of The Commonwealth Fund, New York. along with enclosed copy of proposal and memorandum which includes proposed budget,, June 27,1952
Box 104 Folder Prop.18
Letter of Proposal with attached "Exhibit A'-detailed budget-to Mr. Edwin W. Esmay, American Petroleum Institute from Charles Y. Glock,, August 15,1952
Box 104 Folder Prop.19
Five proposals and estimated budget by BASR relationg to study of BMI's operations and influence in the field of popular music,, August 20,1952
Box 104 Folder Prop.20
Proposal and estimated expenditures by BASR on Models of Cohort Work Experience Tables by Occupational Groups,, August 22, 1952
Box 104 Folder Prop. 21
Letter of proposal with questionnaire to Mr. Theodore Waller, American Book Publishers Council, New York from Charles Y. Glock,, August 25, 1952
Box 104 Folder Prop. 22
Letter of Proposal with estimated budget to Prof.Walter Goldschmidt, Dept of Anthropology, Univ. of California, Los Angeles, CA,. From Charles Y. Glock,, September 15, 1952
Box 104 Folder Prop.23
Letter of proposal with estimated budget to Mr. Albert C. Simonson, Circulation Manager, The Reporter from Charles Y. Glock,, October 13, 1952
Box 104 Folder Prop.24
Desc. Letter involving proposal on study of use of "ASCAP Music by Local TV Station," to Judge Simon H. Rifkind, Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton and Garrison from Charles Y. Glock ,, October 14, 1952
Box 104 Folder Prop. 25
Letter of Proposal with attached Proposal including estimated budget to Miss Florence Anderson, Carnegie Foundation, New York from Charles Glock,, November 7, 1952
Box 104 Folder Prop. 27
Letter of Proposal to Mr. Wallace Wegge, Quick Magazine, New York From Charles Y. Glock.,, Date; November 29, 1952
Box 104 Folder Prop. 28
Letter of Proposal with attached Proposal.including estimated budget to Mr. Joseph Willits, Director of Division of Social Science, Rockefeller Foundation from Charles Glock, with actual proposal from Joseph Precker,, December 17, 1952
Box 104 Folder Prop. 29
Letter of Proposal to Mr. Joseph Willits Rockefeller Foundation from Charles Glock with actual proposal from Fred C. Ikle April 2, 1954 Letter requesting extension of grant to Dr. Leland C. DeVinney, Associate Director, Division of Social Sciences, Rockefeller Foundation from Charles Glock. April 13, 1954 Letter approving grant extension to Dr. Glock from Leland DeVinney,, December 17, 1952
Box 104 Folder Prop. 30
Letter of Proposal along with Suggested Revised Questionnaire and Suggested Instructions to Salesmen and For.Administering the Questionnaire to Mr. William Coats, Testing Laboratory. Plant No. 2, IBM, from Charles Glock. March 16, 1953 Letter refining Proposal with estimated fees to Mr. R. A. Noyes, Manager, Testing laboratory, IBM, from Charles Glock,, February 11, 1953.
Box 104 Folder Prop. 31
Letter of Proposal to Mr. Harry Starr, President, Lucius N. Littauer Foundation, New York, from Charles Glock. February 17, 1955. Letter of application for grant in connection with research proposal. To Mr. Harry Starr from Charles Glock. June 7, 1955 Letter declining research Proposal to Charles Glock from Harry Starr. June 17, 1955 Letter regretting decline of proposal to Harry Starr from Charles Glock.,, February 25, 1953
Box 104 Folder Prop. 31-1
Letter of Proposal to Marion Rosenwald Ascoli (Mrs. Max), New York from Charles Glock., March 25, 1953
Box 104 Folder Prop. 31-2
Letter of Proposal to Mr. Paul Mellon, Old Dominion Foundation, New York, from Charles Glock., April 9, 1953
Box 104 Folder Prop. 31-3
Letter of Proposal to Mr. Nathan Loeser, Secretary-Treasurer, Louis D. Beaumont Foundation, Cleveland, Ohio, from Charles Glock,, May 14, 1953
Box 104 Folder Prop. 31-4
Letter of proposal to Mr. Louis M. Rabinowitz, New York from Charles Glock,, May 14, 1953
Box 104 Folder Prop. 31-5
Letter of Proposal to Dr. Louis Hausman, Friedsam Foundation, New York from Charles Glock,, May 27, 1953
Box 104 Folder Prop. 31-6
Letter of Proposal to Mr. And Mrs. Frank and Ethel Cohen, Esco Fund Committee, Inc., New York from Charles Glock,, June 4, 1953
Box 104 Folder Prop. 31-7
Letter of Proposal on "Jewish College Students,"to Mr. Kurt Peiser, Assistant to the Chairman of the Board, Foodfair Incorporated, Miami, Florida from Charles Glock ,, June 4, 1953
Box 104 Folder Prop. 31-8
Letter of Proposal to M. Hausman and Sons Foundation, Inc., New York from Charles Glock,, June 4, 1953
Box 104 Folder Prop.31-9
Letter of Proposal to Mr.Frederick P. Gruenberg, Secretary Treasurer, Samuel S. Fels Fund, Philadelphia from Charles Glock,, June 9, 1953
Box 104 Folder Prop. 31-10
Letter of Proposal to Mr. David M. Heymen, President, New York Foundation from Charles Glock,, June 25, 1953
Box 104 Folder Prop. 32
Letter of Grant Appliication along with Proposal including estimated expenses to the Behavioral Sciences Division of the Ford Foundation from Horace L. Friess and Charles Glock,, March 24, 1953
Box 104 Folder Prop. 33
Letter of Proposal with estimated expenses to Miss Marjorie Fiske International Broadcasting Service, Department of State from Charles Glock,, March 27, 1953
Box 104 Folder Prop.34
Letter of Proposal to Vivian B. Allen Foundation, New York from Charles Glock,, April 10, 1953
Box 104 Folder Prop. 35
Formal proposal application to Department of the Army, Office of the Surgeon General Medical Research and Development Board, Washinton, D.C. from Charles Glock; Date;June 22, 1954. Letter of Approval of Research proposal to Charles Glock from the Office of the Surgeon General of the Department of the Army; April 12 and August 1, 1954. Application for Research Contract, Parts I-IIIto The Office of the Surgeon General of the Department of the Army from Charles Y. Glock,, early,1953 or late ,1952.
Box 104 Folder Prop. 36.
Application for Consideration of Research Project with attached Proposal including estimated budget to the Office of the Surgeon General, Department of the Army from Fred Charles Ikle,, April 14, 1953
Box 104 Folder Prop. 37
Letter of Proposal with estimated costs to Miss Marjorie Fiske, Implementation Committee on TV from Charles Glock,, April, 17,1953
Box 104 Folder Prop.38
Letter of Proposal to Miss Laura Lorraine, Executive Director, National Federation of Business and Professional Women's Clubs, Inc., New York, from Charles Glock,, April 21, 1953
Box 104 Folder Prop. 39
Letter of Proposal to Edward W. Hazen Foundation, Haddam, Connecticut from Charles Glock,, May 8, 1953
Box 104 Folder Prop. 39-1
Letter of Proposal to Mr. Robert E. Coulson, President, James Foundation of New York, Inc., from Charles Glock,, May 19, 1953
Box 104 Folder Prop. 39-2
Letter of Proposal to Mr. Josiah K. Lilly, President, Lilly Endowment Foundation, Indianapolis, Indiana from Charles Glock,, May 26, 1953
Box 104 Folder Prop. 39-3
Letter of Proposal to Mr. Ernest Brooks, Jr. Secretary, Bellingen Foundation, Inc.,New York, from Charles Glock,, June 16, 1953
Box 104 Folder Prop. 39-4
Letter of Proposal to Mr. Robert Benjamin, Assistant Trust Officer Hiram Edward Manville Foundation, c/o Guaranty Trust Company, New York from Charles Glock,, June 22, 1953
Box 104 Folder Prop. 39-5
Mr. E.C.K.Finch, Secretary, The Henry Luce Foundation, Inc., New York, from Charles Glock,, June 23, 1953
Box 104 Folder Prop. 39-6
Desc. Letter of Proposal to Mr. Richard F. McGRaw, Director, McGraw Foundation, Chicago, from Charles Glock ,, Date;June 23, 1953
Box 104 Folder Prop. 39-7
Letter of Proposal to Mr. W. Alton Jones, President, W.Alton Jones Foundation, Inc.,New York, from Charles Glock,, July 6, 1953
Box 104 Folder Prop. 39-8
Letter of Proposal to The Fuller Foundation, Inc., Boston from Charles Glock,, July 16, 1953
Box 104 Folder Prop. 39-9
Letter of Proposal to Mr. Thomas Roberts, Treasurer, Marie Hays Clemens Fund, Inc., New York from Charles Glock,, July 16, 1953
Box 104 Folder Prop. 39-10
Letter of Proposal to Elisabeth Drew Memorial Fund, Inc.,Minneapolis, from Charles Glock,, July 16, 1953
Box 104 Folder Prop. 39-11
Letter of Proposal toMr. R. Norman Baxter, President, Baxter Foundation, Indianapolis from Charles Glock,, July 16, 1953
Box 104 Folder Prop. 39-12
Letter of Proposal to Mr.Leland DeVinney, Rockefeller Foundation, New York from Charles Glock; July 29, 1955 Letter declining idea of submitting a formal application;i.e.-rejection letter-to Charles Glock from Leland DeVinney,, July 20, 1955
Box 104 Folder Prop. 40
Letter of Proposal to Mr. George Elsey, Executive Director, Franklin D. Roosevelt Foundation, c/o W. Averall Harriman, New York from Charles Glock,, June 19, 1953
Box 104 Folder Prop 40-1
Letter of Proposal to Marion Rosenwald Ascoli (Mrs. Max), New York from Charles Glock, June 22, 1953
Box 104 Folder Prop.41
Proposal for Program of Research on the Social Demand for Permanent Conception Control by Charles Glock; July 16, 1954 Letter to Miss Irene Headley Armes of the Huma Betterment Association of America noting an enclosed check forBASR relating to above Research from Nathanial T. Winthrop. Letter to Charles Glock noting check from MR. Winthrop for research to BASR from Mr. Charles L. Cox, 2nd., Treasurer, Human Betterment Association of America, Inc., New York.; July 23, 1954. Letter to Mr. Cox acknowledging check from Charles Glock; July 23,1954. Letter to Mr. Nathanial Winthrop of Sarah T. Winthrop Memorial Fund Acknowledging receipt of research support check from Charles Glock,, July 6, 1953
Box 104 Folder Prop.42.
Letter of Proposal to Edwin W. Esmay of Standard Oil of New Jersey from Charles Glock: December 18, 1953 Letter to Mr. Charles Glock authorizing proceeding on research relating to Lincoln Structure Analysis of Springfield, Missouri Survey allowing expenditure of up to $35,000 from H. B. Miller of the American Petroleum Institute, New York; July 30, 1953. Letter of Proposal to Robert O. Carlson of the Standard Oil Company of New Jersey, from Charles Glock again dertailing proposed research on the Springfield material,, July 14, 1953
Box 104 Folder Prop.43.
Proposal for Research on Brand Behavior in Cigarette Smoking submitted to The Blow Company by BASR,, July 23, 1953
Box 104 Folder Prop.44.
Letter of Proposal to Mr. Melvin A. Glasser of the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis, Inc., New York, from Charle Glock; November 9, 1953. Supplementary Letter of Proposal to Mr. Glasser with proposed budget from Charles Glock; November 30, 1953. Letter to Charles Glock from Mr. Glasser raising budget questions; December 4, 1953 Letter to Mr. Glasser responding to budget questions from Charles Glock; December 16, 1953. Letter to Charles Glock agreeing to formal budget from Melvin Glasser,, July 29, 1953
Box 104 Folder Prop.45
Letter of Proposal to Wallace Wegge, of Cowles Magazines, Inc., New York from Charles Glock,, July 31, 1953
Box 104 Folder Prop.46.
Letter of Proposal with attached proposal to Reverend Harold C. Letts, Secretary For Social Action, The Board of Social Missions of the United Lutheran Church In America, New York, From Charles Glock,, August 26, 1953
Box 104 Folder Prop.47
Letter of Proposal to Mr. William Coats, IBM suggesting help in training in interviewing to IBM staff from Charles Glock,, September 30, 1953
Box 104 Folder Prop.48.
Memo to Trustees of Columbia noting amendment of contract from G.E.Warren, Associate Clerk of Columbia with reference to: March, 17, 1954 Letter of subcontract to Columbia University from J.S.King,Jr.,Treasurer, The Rand Corporation; February 25, 1955 Letter to Mr. King requesting extension of project from Kingsley Davis; Date;October 2, 1953: Letter to Jack Laderman, Office of Naval research, Washington requesting renewal of contract from Herbert Solomon; March 9,1954 Letter of go-ahead on proposal to Dr. Herbert Goldhammer of Rand Corporation From Kingsley Davis ,, June 13, 1955
Box 104 Folder Prop.49
Letter of Proposal to Dr. Leonard B. Cottrell, Jr., The Russell Sage Foundation, New York, concerning proposed research on the demographics of large cities from Kingsley Davis,, October 29, 1953
Box 104 Folder Prop.50.
Letter of Proposal to the American Philosophical Society concerning project in the social psychology of religion with attached Proposal from Charles Y. Glock,, October 30, 1953
Box 104 Folder Prop.51.
Application For Research Grant to NationalInstitute of Health, Bethesda , Maryland for A Study Of The Role Of Psychological and Social Factors in Essential Hypertension from George B. pegram, Chair., Committee on Government Aided Research; January 5, 1954 Letter of Proposal to Dr. John C. Eberhart, Chief, Research Grants and Fellowships Branch, National Institute of mental Health, refining research grant application from Charles Glock,, November 1, 1953
Box 104 Folder Prop. 52.
Application for Research Grant to National Institutes of Health for A Study of Blood Pressure Measurement, Peripheral Vascular Resistance, and Hyperactivity from W.C.Rappleye, M.D., Dean and Vice President in Charge of Medical Affairs, College of Physicians And Surgeons,, November 1, 1953
Box 104 Folder Prop.53.
Letter of Proposal on use of the mass media in formal education to Mr.Herb Breseman, Advertising Research Director, Life, Time and Life Building, New York from William N.McPhee ,, November 4, 1953
Box 104 Folder Prop.54.
Memorandum outlining proposed research project on Review of the Literature on Opinion Formation in the Community from Charles Glock,, December 17, 1953
Box 104 Folder Prop.55.
Letter of Proposal on tea-switchers to Mr. Hans Zeisel of the Tea Council, New York, from Charles Glock,, April 23,1954
Box 104 Folder Prop. 55A
Letter of Proposal and Proposal (Two Copies )for establishing a Center for research on Greater New York to John A. Krout, Vice President and Provost of Columbia, from Charles Y. Glock,, May 10, 1954
Box 104 Folder Prop.56
Letter of Proposal for a Study of physicians prescribing habits, especially regarding wide spectrum antibiotics to Mr. Joseph A Precker, Market Research Division , Charles A. Pfizer, Inc., Brooklyn, New York, from Charles Y. Glock,, January 20, 1954
Box 104 Folder Prop. 57
Letter regarding financial arrangements with regard to possible extension of the War Documents project to Dr, Arthur John, Washington, D.C., from Charles Glock,, February 1, 1954
Box 104 Folder Prop.58.
Proposal to the Rand Corporation for A Study of The Concentration of Essential Personnel and their vulnerability in urban areas in times of emergency to Mr. Herbert Goldhamer of The Rand Corporation from Kingsley Davis,, February 9, 1954
Box 104 Folder Prop 59
Letter of Proposal with attached Proposal on the importance of "The Social Science Research Center on the Campus," Mr. John Marshall, Division of Humanities, Rockefeller Foundation from Charles Glock,, February 15, 1954
Box 104 Folder Prop.60.
Letter of Proposal for research on Community Controversies and How They Affect personal Liberties and Institutional Freedoms in Education Around the Country to Mr. C. B. Marshall, The Fund for the Republic, Inc., New York along with enclosed Proposal from Charles Y. Glock,, March 26, 1954
Box 104 Folder Prop.62.
Letter of Proposal on study of the problem of radio programming in the Television era to Mr. Hugh M. Neville, Jr., Director of Research, NBC, New York from Charles Glock,, April 7, 1954
Box 104 Folder Prop 63.
Letter of proposal on Study of images of magazines held by major types of readers to Mr. Ray Robinson, Research Director, Crowell-Collier Publishing Company, New York, frrom Charles Glock,, April 8, 1954
Box 104 Folder Prop.64.
Letter of request for Funding of BASR to Mr. John W. Gardner, Vice-President, Carnegie Corporation, New York from Edgar Grim Miller, Dean, Faculties of Political Science, Philosophy and Pure Science,, April 13, 1954
Box 104 Folder Prop. 65.
Letter regarding finances in relation to Opinion Poll for the Alumni Federation Survey to Charles A. Anger, Office of Development, Columbia, from Charles Glock,, April 27, 1954
Box 104 Folder Prop.66.
Letter to Professor Otto Klineberg of the Social Sciences Department for UNESCO in Paris accepting responsibility for preparing a chapter on the Evaluation of the Effects of the Mass Media in a proposed Guidebook to be published by UNESCO from Charles Glock; Date;July 6, 1954 Letter of Proposal to Otto Kleinberg regarding attitudes and images about the U.S. as gathered from opinions regarding American Commercial Films distribute abroad from Marjorie Fiske,, :May: 11,1954
Box 104 Folder Prop.66A
Letter of proposal to Charle Glock suggesting publication of a short article for the "Evaluation" chapter given one-to-two-year-delay in publication of the full solicited article from Mr. S. Friedman , International Develoopment of the Social Sceinces , UNESCO,, January 14, 1955
Box 104 Folder Prop.67.
Letter of Proposal of Assistance along with Proposal for assistance in Study on the role of Scholarships in American Undergraduate Educationto Mr. William C. Fels,College Entrance Examination Board, New York, from Charles Glock,, May 4, 1954
Box 104 Folder Prop. 68
Interim Letter of Report on BASR's use of grant for the fiscal year to Mr. Samuel l. Kuhn, Eda K. Loeb Fund, New York from Charles Glock,, July 11, 1956
Box 104 Folder Prop. 69.
Letter of Proposal to Mr. G. Harold Duling, Assistant Secretary, Lilly Endowment, Inc., Indianapolis for updating of the study on the Effects of the Mass Media from Charles Glock,, June 4,1954
Box 104 Folder Prop.70..
Letter of proposal regarding Study of Social Climates in High Schools and Their Sources and Consequences, to Mr. Maurice F. Seay, kellog Foundation, Battle Creek, Michigan from Charles Glock,, June 4, 1954
Box 104 Folder Prop.71.
Letter of Proposal with accompanying proposal to Mr. George Shupert, ABC, for study of television executives from Rolf B. Meyersohn,, June 7, 1954
Box 104 Folder Prop.72
Letter of Proposal along with proposal and estimated budget to Mr. Richard Sheldon, Ford Foundation for a project on St. Helena Island from Edmund deS. Brunner,, October 28, 1955
Box 104 Folder Prop. 73.
Letter of Proposal for study of the magazine to Dr. Wallace Wegge, Director of Research, Look Magazine, Look Building , New York, from Charles Glock,, June 8, 1954
Box 104 Folder Prop.74
Letter of proposal into magazine audiences to Mr.Richard Neale , The New Weekly Sport Magazine, Time-Life, Inc., New York, from David L. Sills,, Date:June 11, 1954
Box 104 Folder Prop. 75
Desc: Letter of Proposal on updating The Effects of the Mass Media to Dr. Donald B. Woodward, The Richardson Foundation, Chanin Building, New York, from Charles Glock ,, June 14, 1954
Box 104 Folder Prop. 76
Letter of Proposal to Mr. Alvin C. Eurich, Fund for the Advancement of Education, New York for research on Social Climates in High Schools along with proposal from Charles Glock.,, April 28, 1955
Box 104 Folder Prop. 77
Letter of Proposal for study to "Test the Possibility of Combining Humanistic And Scientific Procedures in Political Historiography," along with proposal to Mr. Leland C. DeVinney, Associate Director, Division of Social Sciences, Rockefeller Foundation from Charles Glock,, July 1, 1954
Box 104 Folder Prop. 78
Letter concerning proposal to undertake study of Physicians attitudes towards National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis to Mr. Melvin A. Glasser, National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis, Inc., New York, from Charles Glock,, July 7, 1954
Box 104 Folder Prop. 79
Letter concerning possible collaboration on proposed conference on morals To Dr. Iago Galdston, The New York Academy of Medicine, New York, from Charles Glock,, July 9, 1954
Box 104 Folder Prop. 80
Letter of Proposal along with actual proposal for Study of "Certain Extremist Organizations in the United States" to Mr. David F. Freeman, Secretary, The Fund for the Republic, New York, from Charles Glock,, July 19, 1954
Box 104 Folder Prop. 81
Letter concerning possible research on the book industry to Mr. Theodore Waller, New American Library, New York, from Marjorie Fiske,, August 3, 1954
Box 104 Folder Prop. 82
Letter concerning updating "The Effects of the Mass Media," To Mr. Franklyn Waltman, Chairman, Social Science Sub-Committee of the Research Committee, Public Relations Society of America, c/o Sun Oil Company, Philadelphia, from Charles Glock,, September 24, 1954
Box 104 Folder Prop. 83
Proposal for research on the Performing Arts in Suburban New York to The Division of the Humanities, The Rockefeller Foundation from Philip Ennis,, April, 1955
Box 104 Folder Prop. 83a
Proposal for Research on Perspectives for the Performing Arts in the New York Area to Division of Humanities, Rockefeller Foundation , from Charles Glock,, September 2, 1955
Box 104 Folder Prop. 84
Letter suggesting reordering and supplementing on previous research to Mr. Melvin Glasser, Assistant to the President, National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis, New York, from Charles Glock,, October 27, 1954
Box 104 Folder Prop. 85
Letter for continuance of research on "The Design for a Long Term Study of Hypertension," along with estimated expenses to Mr. T. L. Hoyt, Executive Secretary, Tobacco Industry Research Committee, NewYork, from R. L. Vought, Associate Professor of Epidemology, School of Public Health,, October 30, 1954
Box 104 Folder Prop. 86
Letter of Proposal for study of Social Mobility to Mr. Eugene Burdock, Executive Assistant, Carnegie Corporation from Charles Glock,, November 4,1954
Box 104 Folder Prop. 87
Letter of Proposal for study of epidemiology of hypertension to Mr. Odin W. Anderson, Research Director, Health Information Foundation, New York from Charles Glock,, November 11, 1954
Box 104 Folder Prop. 88
Des. Letter discussing further plans on study of businessman's attitudes Towards Planned Parenthood to Dr. William Vogt, National Director, Planned Parenthood Federation of America, New York from Charles Glock ,, November 15, 1954
Box 104 Folder Prop. 89
Letter of Proposal on study of "Encampment for Citizenship" To Mr. Algernon Black, Education Director, Encampment for Citizenship, New York from Charles Glock,, November 29, 1954
Box 104 Folder Prop. 90
Letter of Proposal with enclosed Proposal On "The Dynamics of A Metropolitan Labor Market-New York As An Example," to Dr. Arnold Zurcher, Executive Secretary, Alfred P Sloan Foundation, Inc., New York from Charles Glock,, December 8, 1954
Box 105 Folder Prop. 91
Letter of Proposal to Mr. Everett Raimer , Office of Personnel, Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, San Juan regarding study of "The Population and Labor Force changes in Puerto Rico over the last several years," from A. J. Jaffe,, September 24, 1956
Box 105 Folder Prop. 92.
Letter of Proposal along with Proposal on "Estimating Supply of Professional And Technical Manpower, as of 1965," to Mr. Thomas J. Mills, Program Director for Scientific Manpower, National Science Foundation, Washington, D. C. from Charles Glock,, December 28, !954
Box 105 Folder Prop. 93
Letter of Proposal regarding possible publication of material on "Community Conflict and Opinion Formation" to Dr. J. Frederic Dewhurst , Executive Director, The Twentieth Century Fund, New York from Charles Glock,, January 10, 1955
Box 105 Folder Prop. 94
Letter of suggestions for survey of the reception that Heart Bulletin receives from general practitioners to Dr. Robert Warner, American Heart Association from William N. McPhee,, January 15, 1955
Box 105 Folder Prop. 95
Letter of proposal for a study of the Human Resources of `Latin America and their significance for economic development to Dr. William S. Russell, Deputy Director for Technical Services, Foreign Operation Administration, Executive Office Building , Washington, D.C. from Edmund deS. Brunner,, February 4, 1955
Box 105 Folder Prop. 96
Letter regarding official request to be sent to Bernard Berelson of the Ford Foundation regarding proposal submitted to him about proposed study of applied social research to Dr. John AS. Krout, Vice President, Low Memorial Library from Charles Glock,, April 1, 1955
Box 105 Folder Prop. 97
Desc Application for research grant for research on "Progress in Empirical Research in Rural Sociology, 1924-1954 and its Contribution to Sociological Theory," to the American Philosophical Society, Philadelphia from Edmund des. Brunner ,, February 22, 1955
Box 105 Folder Prop.98
Letter of Proposal for Survey of Alumnae to Margaret Cornwell Schmidt (Mrs. W. Clark), Executive Secretary, Alumnae Association, Sweet Briar College, Virginia from Charles Glock,, February 24, 1955
Box 105 Folder Prop. 99
Application for Research Grant on "The Relevance of Selected Small Group Research Concepts to the Therapeutic Situation," to Dr. R. C. Meader, Chief, Research Grants and Fellowship Branch, National Institute of Health , Bethesda, Maryland from W. Emerson Gentzaler, Chairman, pro tem , Committee on Government Aided Research,, February 28, 1955
Box 105 Folder Prop. 100
Letter with accompanying proposal on "Leisure -Time Agencies and Adolescents," to Mr. Alvin C. Eurich, Fund for the Advancement of Education, New York, from Charles Glock,, March 18, 1955
Box 105 Folder Prop. 101
Letter reporting interim use of a grant to BASR for special administrative and training needs to Mr. Joseph M. McDaniel, Jr., Secretary, The Ford Foundation, New York from Charles Glock,, August 14, 1957
Box 105 Folder Prop. 102
Letter with enclosed revised memoranda for study of "Class and Mobility," to Dr. Francis X. Sutton , The Ford Foundation from Seymour Martin Lipset,, March 31, 1955
Box 105 Folder Prop. 103
Letter with attached revisions of Proposal on "Organizing Behavioral Science Knowledge for Maximum Utilization," to DR. Bernard Berelson , Ford Foundation from Charles Glock,, April 1,1955
Box 105 Folder Prop. 104
Letter with attached memorandum and proposal on "The Rhythm and Blues Fad" to Mr. Sydney M. Kaye from Charles Glock,, April 5, 1955
Box 105 Folder Prop. 105
Letter with attached revised version of proposal "The Effects of Mass Media" to Mr. Alcuin Lehman, Advertising Research Foundation from Charles Lehman,, March 10, 1955
Box 105 Folder Prop. 106
Letter with attached proposal "The Effects of Mass Communication" and attached previous letters to Mr. J.L. Van Volkenburg, President CBS Television from John A. Krout, Vice President and Provost of Columbia University,, April 6, 1956
Box 105 Folder Prop. 107
Letter to Mr. John Gardner, President Carnegie Corporation from Charles Glock regarding proposal "Study of Social Climates in High Schools, Their Sources and Consequences" with attached rejection notice,, January 21, 1955
Box 105 Folder Prop. 108
Letter to Miss Nina Ridenour, Executive Secretary Ittleson Family Foundation regarding proposal for Study of Social Climates in High Schools from Charles Glock with attached rejection notice,, April 11, 1955
Box 105 Folder Prop. 109
Letter to Mr. Jerome Rothschild, President Samual S. Fels Fund from Charles Glock regarding proposal for study of social climates in high schools with attached rejection notice,, April 11, 1955
Box 195 Folder Prop. 110
Proposal for "Continuing Research on Comparative Urban Growth and City Problems" with note that it was sent to the Ford Foundation,, April 15, 1955
Box 105 Folder Prop. 111
Proposal for "The Social and Psychological Reactions to the Concentration Camp Situation" with note that it was sent to the National Research Council,, (N.d.- 1950"s ?)
Box 105 Folder Prop. 112
Letters with attached proposal "The Dynamics of Consumer Behavior Among Newly Married Couples" and accompanying memoranda to Gerhart Wiebe, Columbia Broadcasting System, Inc., to Richard Baxter, N.W. Ayer & Son, Inc., to Ray Robinson, Crowell-Collier Publishing Company, to Charles Swanson, Curtis Publishing Company, to Wallace Wegge, Look Magazine, and to Herta Herzog, McCann-Erickson, Inc. all from Charles Glock,, April 21, 1955
Box 105 Folder Prop. 113
Letters with attached proposal "The Effects of Mass Communication" to Margaret B. Walker, Payne Fund, Inc. and to Miss Ellen Talbot, Secretary The Pew Foundation both from Charles Glock,, May 2, 1955
Box 105 Folder Prop. 114
Letter with attached proposal "The Media and the Child" to Maurice Seay, W.K. Kellog Foundation from Charles Glock with rejection notice,, May 12, 1955
Box 105 Folder Prop. 115
Letter confirming the funding of Apprehension Among Teachers study to Mr. Lou Harris, Elmo Roper and Company from Charles Glock,, May 18, 1955
Box 105 Folder Prop. 117
Letters soliciting funding for project "The Climate of Opinion among Physicians about Temporary and Permanent Measures for Control of Human Fertility" to The Gustave and Louise Pfeiffer Research Foundation and William Vogt, National Director Planned Parenthood Federation of America from Charles Glock and return memoranda either offering, denying or postponing a decision on offering funding for the project from E.R. Spalt, Ortho Research Foundation, Milton Rose, Pfeiffer Foundation, The Avalon Foundation and the Lilly Research Laboratories,, June 3, 1955-November 16, 1956
Box 105 Folder Prop. 118
Letter with attached memorandum on proposed research on car buyer behavior to Mr. David Wallace, Ford Motor Company from Charles Glock,, June 23, 1955
Box 105 Folder Prop. 119
Letter to Dr. Lauris B. Whitman, National Council of the Churches of Christ from Charles Glock regarding proposed study which is unidentified,, July 1, 1955
Box 105 Folder Prop: 120
Proposal memorandum to continue, in modified form, work on documentation for advanced training in social research at Columbia University" to The Behavioral Science Division of the Ford Foundation from Paul Lazarsfeld,, August 12, 1955
Box 105 Folder Prop. 121
Letter to Miss Lois Chevalier, Medical Economics, Inc. from York Lucci, describing and possible study that is unnamed,, August 12, 1955
Box 105 Folder Prop. 122
Proposal memorandum to Dr. Davis McEntire, Research Director Commission on Race and Housing from Ernest Fisher, Institute for Urban Land Use and Housing Studies and Charles Glock,, September 14, 1955
Box 105 Folder Prop. 123
Letter detailing proposal for study of brand behavior in cigarette buying to Jerome Feniger, Cunnigham and Walsh, Inc. from Charles Glock with rejection notice,, September 28, 1955
Box 105 Folder Prop. 124
Letter with proposal for study of problems of housing in the flood disaster of the northeastern states in August 1955 to Dr. Wayne Johnson, Director of Research Federal Civil Defense Administration from Harry V. Kincaid,, October 29, 1955
Box 105 Folder Prop. 125
Letter of proposal for general support of BASR to Mr. Harold W. Luhnow, William Volker Fund from Sydney Spivack with rejection notice,, February 1, 1956
Box 105 Folder Prop. 126
Two proposals: the first a letter with enclosed proposal report "The Mathematics of Imperfect Discrimination and its Application to Decision Making and Learning" to Warren Weaver, The Rockefeller Foundation with attendant rejection notice; the second a proposal memorandum of same name to National Science Foundation with telegram of acceptance; both proposals are from R. Duncan Luce,, February 7, 1956-May 29, 1956
Box 105 Folder Prop. 127
Letter with proposal "to Study Member Colleges of the College Entrance Examination Board" to Dr. Joshua A. Fishman, College Entrance Examination Board from Charles Glock with letter of acknowledgement back,, February 23, 1956
Box 105 Folder Prop. 128
Letter with enclosed proposal "Leisure-Time Agencies and Adolescents" to Mr. J. Silberman, Foreign Operations Administration from A.J. Jaffe with associated corrspondance,, May 31, 1955
Box 105 Folder Prop. 129
Letter with enclosed proposal "The Place of the Synagogue in Contemporary Life" to Rabbi Abraham J. Feldman, President Synagague Council of America from Charles Glock,, February 27, 1956
Box 105 Folder Prop. 130
Letter with enclosed proposal " Guides to Patterns of Manufacturing Development in Underdeveloped Areas" to Mr. James Silberman, ICA from A.J. Jaffe,, March 21, 1956
Box 105 Folder Prop. 130 A
Letter with a additional letter of correction regarding the study of several problems of the First Federal Savings and Loan Association of New York to Mr. Eugene M. Mortlock, President First Federal Savings and Loan Association of New York from Charles Glock,, April 4/11, 1956
Box 105 Folder Prop. 132
Letter with enclosed proposal "A Study of Rural Social Trends with Special Reference to the Church" to Dr. Dana Creel, Rockefeller Brothers Fund from Edmund deS. Brunner,, May 3, 1956
Box 105 Folder Prop. 133
Letter with enclosed proposal on "Pilot Study into needs and means of information exchange in selected branches of physical and biological science," to Thomas W. Yerzley, Office of Government Aided Research from Charles Glock,, May 11, 1956
Box 105 Folder Prop. 134
Letter of proposal on exploratory study of greeting card habits to Mr. C.W.Smith, McKinsey and Company, New York from Charles Glock,, May 18, 1956
Box 105 Folder Prop. 135
Letter of Proposal with attached proposal on "Evaluation of National Developmental Plans in Underdeveloped Areas," for the FOA to Thomas Yerzley, Office of Government Aided Research, Columbia, from Charles Glock,, June 4, 1956
Box 105 Folder Prop. 136
Letter proposing ananlysis of questionnaire data on alumnae to Mary A. Bliss Barnard college Alumnae Association, from Charles Glock,, July 16, 1956
Box 105 Folder Prop. 137
Lettter of agreement of cooperation in research on Residential Treatment Project along with attached Donald A. Bloch, Director, Residential Treatment Project, New York State Interdepartmental Health Resources Board, New York City from Charles Glock,, September 28, 1956
Box 105 Folder Prop. 138
Memorandum expanding Proposal on research in adult education along with Earlier proposal to (G.H.Griffiths, Vice-President?), The Fund for Adult Education, White Plains, New York, from Edmund de S. Brunner,, May 16, 1957
Box 105 Folder Prop.139
Letter of Proposal along with outline of analysis on study of student Christian organizations to Dr. Paul J. Braisted, President,The Hazen Foundation, New Haven Conn., from David L. Sills; April 30, 1957,November 15,1956, and October 25, 1956. Letters of Proposal on study of "YMCA Student Work," to Dr. Clifford M. Carey, Director of Research, National Council of the YMCA, New York, from Charles Glock,, October 20, 1958
Box 105 Folder Prop. 140.
Proposal to "Investigate the "Growth of Manufacturing As Related To The Working Force and Population Changes in Underdeveloped Areas," to Office of Governmental Research for State of New York, Department of Labor, Division of Employment, Albany from BASR,, November, 1956
Box 105 Folder Prop.142.
Proposal for Study of the role of information in the recruitment of college students to the College Entrance Examination Board, (Princeton?), from.BASR,, (1957?)
Box 105 Folder Prop.143
Letter of Proposal on "The Church, Its Parishioners and Society," to Mr. Fred K. Hoehler, The New World Foundation, Chicago from Charles Glock,, November 8, 1956
Box 105 Folder Prop. 144
Preliminary Re[port on Study Design of Business Education to Robert A. Gordon And James E. Howell, Ford Foundation from BASR; January 21, 1957 Letter of Proposal to J.E.Howell from Charles Glock,, March 19,1957
Box 105 Folder Prop. 145.
Letter of Proposal along with actual Proposal on integrating religion and psychiatry in combating mental and emotional diseases to Dr. Smiley Blanton, New York from Charles Glock,, November 27, 1956
Box 105 Folder Prop. 146
Letter of proposal along with Tenative Table of Contents for Training Guide on the use of IBM machines in social and market research to Mr. Gordon Smith of IBM from Charles Glock,, January 11, 1957
Box 105 Folder Prop. 147
Letter of Proposal on study of career choices of American college students to Mr. Robert Lindsay, Batten, Barton, Durstine and Osborn, Inc., New York from Charles Glock,, August 16, 1956
Box 105 Folder Prop. 148
Letter of Proposal along with proposal for evaluation through research of the Film "Our Mr. Sun," to Mr. C. T. Smith, At ATT New York, from Charles Glock,, January 28, 1957
Box 105 Folder Prop. 149.
Letter of Proposal regarding possible award of research grant to BASR for study of audience-subscriber responses to quality and content of concerts to Mr. John Marshall, Rockefeller Foundation from from David M. Kaiser, President The Philharmonic -Symphony Society of NewYork; January 2, 1957 Draft of Letter of Proposal to Rockefeller Foundation to Mr. George Judd, NY Philharmonic from Charles Glock,, February 1,1957
Box 105 Folder Prop. 149A
Letter of Proposal along with proposal on Historical Methodology," to Mr. Bernard Berelson , Ford Foundation, New York from Charles Glock,, April 1, 1957
Box 105 Folder Prop. 149B
Letter of Proposal along with proposal on "National Images of America," to Mr. Henry Loomis, Chief Officer of Research and Intelligence , United States Information Agency Washington, D.C., from Charles Glock,, April 25, 1957
Box 105 Folder Prop.149C
Proposal on "social-Psychological Studies of the New Hebrew Man,"to (USIA?)By Charles Glock and Samuel Klausner,, May, 1957
Box 105 Folder Prop. 149D
Joint Proposal for Research Development Program in "Mass Dynamics," to (USIA?) from BASR and The University of Chicago, Department of Sociology,, May,1957
Box 105 Folder Prop.150
Letter regarding proposal on possible study of public thinking on the role of Television to Mr. Frank B. Stanton, Columbia Broadcasting System from Charles Glock,, May 24, 1957
Box 105 Folder Prop. 151.
Letter of proposal on study of the men's pajama industry to Mr. N.J Lowell, National Association of Shirt, Pajama and Sportswear Manufacturers, New York from Charles Glock,, March 5, 1957
Box 105 Folder Prop.152
Letter of Proposal along with Progress report on research planning of study of "The Engineering Profession', to Dr Joseph W. Barker, Research Corporation, New York from David L. Sills,, January 16, 1958
Box 105 Folder Prop. 153
Letter of Proposal on study of "Book of Knowledge" consumers, to Mr. Allan Greenberg, Director of Research, Doyle Dane Bernbach, Inc., New York from David l. Sills,, August 1, 1957
Box 105 Folder Prop.154
Letter of Proposal along with proposal on "The Utilization of Social Theory By Practitioners and Consultants," to Dr.Bernard Berelson, The Ford Foundation from David L. Sills,, August 22, 1957
Box 105 Folder Prop. 155
Desc.Proposal for Sociological Study of the Educational process among Interns and Reidents to the Commonwealth Fund from Basr ,, October, 1957
Box 105 Folder Prop.156
Letter agreeing to investigate possible joint research on study of Evangelical pastors to S. R. Kamm, Chairman, Commission on Social Action, The National Association of Evangelicals, Wheaton, Illinois along with questionnaire received from Mr.Kamm on same subject from Charles Glock,, June 12, 1957
Box 105 Folder Prop. 157
Letter of Proposal along with actual proposal on "Improvement of the Experiment's Operations," to Gordon Boyce, Director , The Experiment in International Living, Putney, Vermont from David L. Sills,, October 21, 1957
Box 105 Folder Prop. 159
Letter of Proposal along with proposal on "Fine Arts in Society," to Mr. Leslie Cheek, Jr., Director, Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, Richmond, Virginia from David L.Sills,, May 27, 1958
Box 105 Folder Prop. 160
Grant Application for project on "Employment Histories of Workmen's Compensation Benificiaries, Subsequent to Injury," to HEW, Office of Vocational Rehabilitation,Washington, D.C., from T. W. Yerzley,, November 27, 1957
Box 105 Folder Prop. 161
Letter of proposal and proposal on "College, Careers, and Social Contexts," to Joshua A. Fishman , Director of Research, Co College Entrance Examination Board, New York, from David L. Sills,, December 20, 1957
Box 105 Folder Prop. 162
Letter of proposal along with Proposal on "The Dynamics of Opinion Change in a Citizenship Training Program," to Mr. William G. Shannon, Executive Director, Encampment for Citizenship, New York, from David L. Sills,, January 8, 1958
Box 105 Folder Prop. 163
Letter of proposal and Proposal on "Patterns of Succession in Organizations:Their Consequences for the Organizationand its Personnel," to Dr. Samuel P. Hayes, Jr., Director, Foundation for Research On Human Behavior, Ann Arbor, Michigan, from David L. Sills,, January 23, 1958
Box 105 Folder Prop. 164
Letter suggesting next step in developing proposal on study of courses taken by high school and college students in the United States to Dr. John C. Honey, Carnegie Corporation, New York, from David L. Sills,, February 6,1958
Box 105 Folder Prop. 165
Letter of Proposal on "College Careers and Social Contexts," to Mr. Robert J. Wert, Executive Associate, Carnegie Corporation, New York, from Davisd L. Sills,, February 26, 1958
Box 105 Folder Prop. 166.
Application for Grant for Project to Restructure Family Theory to HEW, NIH, Division of Research Grants, Bethesda, Maryland fromThomas W. Yerzley,, February 28, 1958
Box 105 Folder Prop. 167.
Letter of Proposal along with Proposal for Study of"Patterns of Succession in Organization," to Dr. Neil W. Chamberlain, The Ford Foundation from David L. Sills,, March 4, 1958
Box 105 Folder Prop.168
Letter affirming assistance in assembling materials concerning the"composition and characteristics of FM audiences throughout the country," to Mr. Bertram S. Cowlan, Program Manager, WBAI, New York, from David L. Sills,, March 7, 1958
Box 105 Folder Prop.169
Letter discussing problems raised in researching the readers of Modern Romances to Mr. Albert Delacorte, Dell Publishing Company, Inc., New York, from David L. Sills,, March 7, 1958
Box 105 Folder Prop. 170.
Grant aApplication to HEW, NIH for research on "Relations Between Religion and Psychiatry," from Thomas W. Yerzley,, March 10,1958
Box 105 Folder Prop. 171.
Letter of proposal along with Proposal for a "Survey of the Occupationally Rehabilitated," to Mr. John Heyman,Secretary, New York, Foundation, from David L. S,, March 17, 1958
Box 105 Folder Prop.172
Letter of Proposal and Proposal which were rejected on"The Physician and Cigarette Smoking," to Dr. Dean Davies, American Cancer Society, New York, from David Sills,, March 28, 1958
Box 105 Folder Prop. 173
Rejected proposal on "Study of the Psychosocial Etiology of Adolescent Smoking," from BASR,, March 31, 1958
Box 105 Folder Prop. 174
Letter of proposal along with proposal on "Trends in Technical and Skilled Manpower," to Mr. Douglas Greenwald, McGraw-Hill Book co., Inc., New York, from A. J. Jaffe,, April 1, 1958
Box 105 Folder Prop. 175
Letter of Proposal along with Proposal on "Defining the Role of a National Organization to Mrs. Grace T. Stevenson, Adult Education Association, Chicago from David L. Sills,, June 11, 1958
Box 105 Folder Prop. 176
Letter and proposal on "Financing A College Education,' to Mr. Rexford G. Moon, Jr. College Entrance Examination Board, New York, from David L. Sills,, April 9, 1958
Box 105 Folder Prop. 177
Proposal for a Compartive Study of Internship and Residency to the Commonwealth Fund from BASR,, April, 1958
Box 105 Folder Prop. 178
Letter suggesting division of labor regarding study of social welfare to David G. French, Chairman of the Study Commission, National Conference on Social Welfare from David L. Sills,, April 29, 1958
Box 105 Folder Prop. 179.
Cover letter along with rejected grant application for study of smoking history and behavior of a select group of physicians to Mr. Thomas K. Hamall, Administrative Assistant, Medical Affairs Department, American Cancer Society, Inc., New York, from David L. Sills,, May 20, 1958
Box 105 Folder Prop. 199
Letter of proposal on study of message diffusion in the medical profession with attached proposal to Dr. Odin W. Anderson, Research Director Health Information Foundation from David Sills,, December 24, 1958
Box 106 Folder Prop. 180.
Box 106 Letter of proposal for study of the "un-churched in America," to Mr. Stanley G. Matthews, Director of Public Relations, Religion in American Life, New York from Charles Glock,, May 23, 1958
Box 106 Folder Prop. 181
Letter to Mr. Yerzley for grant application to U.S. Public Health Service for study of "An Investigation of Latent and Manifest Anxiety," from David l. Sills,, June 30, 1958
Box 106 Folder Prop. 182
Letter regarding preparation of research design on "Analysis of Welfare Activity," to Richard C. Cornuelle, William Volker Fund, Burlingame , California, from David L. Sills,, July 3, 1958
Box 106 Folder Prop. 183.
Grant Application for research on "Occupational Mobility Of Teachers in Comparison with Certain Other Professional Groups," to The Commissioner of Education, HEW , from T.W.Yerzley, on behalf of A.. J. Jaffe,, July 18, 1958
Box 106 Folder Prop. 184
Letter of proposal along with proposal on "The Decision to Undertake Psychotherapy," to Dr. Max M. Levin, Foundations' Fund for Research in Psychiatry, New Haven, Conn., from Samuel Z. Klausner ,, July 30, 1958
Box 106 Folder Prop. 185.
Letter with budget concerning proposed study of "College, Careers, and Social Contexts," to Dr. Joshua A. Fishman, Research Director, College Entrance Examination Board, New York, from David L. Sills,, July 31, 1958
Box 106 Folder Prop. 186.
Letter of Proposal on "The Formation of Attitudes Toward Beer in American Society," to Mr. W. W. Glaeser, Associate Director of Research, J. Walter Thompson Company, New York, from David L. Sills,, August 1, 1958
Box 106 Folder Prop. 187
Letter of time and cost estimates regarding assistance in study of professional employees of member institutions to Mrs. Margaret Bartlett, Morningside Heights, Inc., New York, from David L. Sills,, August 15, 1958
Box 106 Folder Prop. 188
Desc.Letter of Proposal along with Grant Application for study on "physicians and smoking Behavior," to Dr, Daniel Horn, Director of Program Evaluation, Statistical Research Section, American Cancer Society, New York, from David L. Sills ,, September 16, 1958
Box 106 Folder Prop. 189
Proposal of research on "Public and Volunteer Reactions to the National Foundation's Expanded Program," to (Unknown?), from BASR ,, September, 1958
Box 106 Folder Prop 190.
Letter of Proposal to Thomas Yerzeley for formal presentation to NIH on "Characteristics of Two person Communication sytems Having a Mentally Ill Member," from David l. Sills,, October 17, 1958
Box 106 Folder Prop. 191
Letter of suggestion on clarification of research design along with estimated budget to Mr. Roger B. Hunting , Director, Joint Research Project on Court Calendar Congestion, New York, from David L. Sills,, October 24, 1958
Box 106 Folder Prop. 192
Application for Research Grant on "Religion and Psychiatry:Individual Decision-Making to Undertake Psychothrapy and Counseling," to NIH, Bethesda, Maryland , from Samuel Z. Klausner,, November 1, 1958
Box 106 Folder Prop.193.
Application for Research Grant to NIH, Bethesda , on "Religion and Psychiatry: Relations Between Ministers and Psychiatrists," from Samuel Z. Klausner,, November 1, 1958
Box 106 Folder Prop. 194.
Letter describing a study "Draft Interview for World Law Poll" to Mr. Randolph Compton, The Pierce Butler, Jr. Foundation from David Sills; includes copy of questionnaire,, November 12, 1958
Box 106 Folder Prop. 195
Research proposal "Education and Styles of Thinking" by Richard Christie; no addressee,, November, 1958
Box 106 Folder Prop. 196
Letter of application for funds to The Reader's Digest Foundation from David Sills,, December 4, 1958
Box 106 Folder Prop. 200
Letter accompanying proposal for grant-in-aid of Wagner Thielen's Study of Law Schools (not in file) to Dr. Leonard S. Cottrell, Jr., Russell Sage Foundation from David Sills,, January 23, 1959
Box 106 Folder Prop. 201
Letter describing research possibilities to Mr. Martin S. Fliesler, Director of Marketing Ziff-Davis Publishing Company from David Sills,, January 29, 1959
Box 106 Folder Prop. 202
Proposal entitled "Investigations in the Multivariate Analysis of Ordered Contingency Tables" by Robert H. Somers,, January 30, 1959
Box 106 Folder Prop. 203
Letter with attached proposal "A Study of Lawyers as a Professional Community" to Dr. Leonard Cottrell, Jr., Russell Sage Foundation from David Sills,, February 6, 1959
Box 106 Folder Prop. 204
Letter describing a proposed project "Survey of Economics Teaching and Teaching Material" to Dr. Bertis E. Capehart from David Sills,, February 12, 1959
Box 106 Folder Prop. 205
Letter with attached proposal "The Dissemination of Information Among Parents of Handicapped Children" to Mr. David Klein, Director Division of Publications and Health Education Association for the Aid of Crippled Children from David Sills,, March 6, 1959
Box 106 Folder Prop. 206
Letter requesting additional funding for World Law Poll project to Mr. Randolph Compton, Treasurer The Pierce Butler Jr. Foundation from David Sills,, March 11, 1959
Box 106 Folder Prop. 207
Letter with attached proposal for a Television Study to Mr. Frank Stanton, President Columbia Broadcasting System from Bernard Berelson,, March 20, 1959
Box 106 Folder Prop. 208
Proposal for project "Review of Scientists' Information-Gathering Behavior" to National Science Foundation from Herbert Menzel,, April 10, 1959
Box 106 Folder Prop. 209
Letter with attached proposal "Study of Lawers as a Professional Community" to Mr. David M. Heyman, New York Foundation from David Sills,, April 24, 1959
Box 106 Folder Prop. 210
Letter with attached proposal "Public Images of Social Workers and the Social Work Profession" to Mr.Melvin A. Glasser from David Sills,, May 14, 1959
Box 106 Folder Prop. 211
Proposal for additional funding for project "Study of American High Schools" by Natalie Rogoff,, May 28, 1959
Box 106 Folder Prop. 212
Letter outlining proposed study on learning practices of practicing physicians to Richard H. Orr Executive Director Institute for Advancement of Medical Communication from Herbert Menzel,, May 29, 1959
Box 106 Folder Prop. 213
Letter with attached proposal "A Program on the Legal Profession" to Dr. Leonard Cottrell, Russell Sage Foundation from Ellis L. Phillips,, June 22, 1959
Box 106 Folder Prop. 214
Letter approving funding for project studying the educational and professional experience of engineering faculties in the United States to President Grayson Kirk of Columbia University from Joseph McDaniel, Secretary Ford Foundation,, July 10, 1959
Box 106 Folder Prop. 215
Letter detailing a proposed study of reading research and researchers to Mr. John Honey, Carnegie Corporation of New York from David Sills,, July 17, 1959
Box 106 Folder Prop. 216
Letter approving funding to President Grayson Kirk of Columbia University from Joseph McDaniel, Secretary Ford Foundation,, 1959
Box 106 Folder Prop. 218
Letter with attached Proposal "The Culture and Social Organization of a State Teachers College" to Mr. Thomas Yerzley, Executive Secretary Committee on Government Aided Research from David Sills,, August 26, 1959
Box 106 Folder Prop. 219
Letter detailing proposed research on "the National Council of Churches of Christ in the USA" to Judge James W. Wine, Associate General Secretary National Churches of Christ in the USA from David Sills; file includes letter of approval and other correspondance,, September 17, 1959
Box 106 Folder Prop. 220
Letter with attached proposal "Mission-Definitions as Factors in Organizational Effectivenss" to Mr. Thomas W.L. Yerzley, Executive Secretary Committee on Government Aided Research from David Sills,, September 29, 1959
Box 106 Folder Prop. 221
Proposal for Study "Investigation of Latent Structure Analysis" to Dr. Henry Riecken, National Science Foundation from Paul Lazarsfeld,, 1960
Box 106 Folder Prop. 222
N/A; insert lists title "Student Opinions in the School of General Studies on Matters of Concern to the School" and investigator: Gene N. Levine,, September, 1959
Box 106 Folder Prop. 223
Letter describing project to Mr. David Finn, Ruder & Finn, Inc. from David Sills,, October 30, 1959
Box 106 Folder Prop. 224
Proposal "Assessing the State of Information Among Practicing Physicisns," prepared for the Physicians' Council from BASR,, November 1, 1959
Box 106 Folder Prop. 225
Letters of proposal for study on "compensation of physicians "To Professor Donald B. Straus , School of Public Health, from David L.Sills,, December 4, 1959
Box 106 Folder Prop. 226.
Memorandum concerning proposed study of"consumption behavior of low income families," to Mrs. Janet M. Robbins, The Lavenburg Foundation from David L. Sills,, December 11, 1959
Box 106 Folder Prop.227
Exporatory letter suggesting various types of possible collaborative projects Related to health insurance and/or other medical topics to Mr. Albert Lee Lesser, President, TheBlaine Thompson Company, Inc., New York from David Sills,, December 17, 1959
Box 106 Folder Prop. 228
Letter regarding contract regarding preparing materials for use on a series of television programs relating to the 1960 Presidential election campaign to Mr. Eugene E. Lindstrom, IBM, New York from David Sills,, December 28, 1959
Box 106 Folder Prop. 229.
Letters concerning processing of 437 Foreign News Service interviews conducted in 1952 to Miss Marjorie Fiske, Chief, Analysis branch, Radio Program Evaluation Broadcasting Service Division , Department of State, New York, from Charles Glock; January, 1960 Copy of letter requesting support for manuscript of a book on the comparative Analysis of complex organizations submitted to the Social Science Research Council, New York from Amitai Etzioni,, January 27,1953
Box 106 Folder Prop. 230
Letter of proposal on "disaster studies," to Disaster Research Group, Anthropology and Psychology Division, National Academy ofSciences, National Research Council from Allen Barton,, January 15, 1960
Box 106 Folder Prop.231.
Grant Application for study of "individual decision-making To undertake psychotherapy," to NIH from David L. Sills,, January 26, 1960
Box 106 Folder Prop.232
Grant Application for study of the "relationship of Economic Development to Demographic and Working Force Changes in Underdeveloped Countries," to (NSGF?), From A.J.Jaffe,, January 19,1960
Box 106 Folder Prop.233:
Grant Proposal to NSF on the "Sociological Theory of Organization," from Robert K. Merton,, February 1, 1960
Box 106 Folder Prop.234
Grant Proposal to NSF on "Problems in the Analysis and Use of Computer Models of Social Processes," from William N. McPhee,, February 22, 1960
Box 106 Folder Prop.235.
Proposal for study on "The Role of Research in the Teaching of Reading," to (NSF?) from BASR,, February, 1960
Box 106 Folder Prop.236
Grant Application to NIH for work on "The relation between social class and marriage roles," from Mirra Komarovsky,, March 29,1961
Box 106 Folder Prop. 237
Letter to Bernard Berlson at BASR about mutual agreement on proposed research work on "content Analysis of Interviews and Background Data of Some General Electric Managers," from L.L.Ferguson, Manager, Behavioral Research Service, General Electric, NewYork,, March 1, 1960
Box 106 Folder Prop. 238
Memorandum of proposal with proposal on study of "exceptional talent in our nation," to The Edgar Stern Family Fund, from BASR,, March 9,1960
Box 106 Folder Prop. 239
Proposal to Columbia to study the "readership of the Columbia University Forum," from BASR,, March, 1960
Box 106 Folder Prop. 240
Letter of Proposal on possible studies to evaluate the effectiveness of steps to advance the presentation of information about science in the mass media. to Mr.Earl Ubell, Science Editor, N. Y. Herald Tribune from Herbert Menzel ,, April 26, 1960
Box 106 Folder Prop. 241.
Letter of proposal on possible research on "the complicated interrelations between the recent trends toward measurement and quantitative research on the one hand and the structure of graduate education in American universities on the other," to Mrs. Ann K. Pasanella, College Entrance Examination Board, New York from, Paul F. Lazarsfeld,, April 28, 1960
Box 106 Folder Prop. 242
Application for Grant on "A Sociological Study of the Relation Between the Religious Use of Alcohol and Intoxication in Secular Situations," to the Scientific Advisory Committee, Licensed Beverage Industries, Inc., from Samuel Z. Klausner,, May 25, 1960
Box 106 Folder Prop. 243
Proposal for study on "The measurement of Relationships Between Two or more Partially Ordered Variables," from BASR,, May, 1960
Box 106 Folder Prop. 244
Grant Application to NIH on "Cross-National Study of Health Institutions,"from William A. Glaser,, June 15, 1960
Box 106 Folder Prop. 245
Proposal on "A Program on the Legal Profession to the Russell Sage Foundation From Columbia's School of Law,, June, 1959
Box 106 Folder Prop. 246
Letter of Proposal for "testing the practicality of publication by some other individual or organization of a serious periodical devoted to Asian affairs," to Dr. Robert Blum, President, The Asia Foundation, San Francisco, from Bernard Berelson,, July 13, 1960
Box 106 Folder Prop 247.
Grant Application for Conference on Research Activities on Workmen's Compensation as Related to the Provision of Vocational Rehabilitation Services to HEW, Office of Vocational Rehabilitation from A. J. Jaffe,, July 27, 1960
Box 106 Folder Prop. 248
Letter of Proposal for study of college people, based on the 1960 census, to Mrs, Ann Pasanella, CEEB, New York, from A. J. Jaffe,, August 8, 1960
Box 106 Folder Prop. 249
Letter and proposal for study of the "Integrated Bar,' to Mr. Leonard S. Cottrell, Jr., The Russell Sage Foundation, New York from William C. Warren, Columbia University, School of Law,, October 14, 1960
Box 106 Folder Prop. 250
Grant Application to NIH for study of "17th, Century Theories of Human Nature, "From Sigmund Diamond",, (1960?)
Box 106 Folder Prop. 251
Letter concerning proposed research on the preparation of a monograph that will help government officials to recognize and cope with behavior deviations due to physical or mental illness among co-workers to Dr. Vera Rubin, Director, Research Institute for the Study of Man, New York, from Bernard Berelson,, November 3, 1960
Box 106 Folder Prop. 252
Grant proposal to HEW- Office of Education for Research on "Social and Economic Characteristics of the College Population and Others with some College Training from A. J. Jaffe,, April 1, 1961
Box 106 Folder Prop.253.
Correspondence regarding research on "Attrition of Business Personnel (Insurance Agents), to Mr. John Riley, Equitable Life Assurance Company, New York, from Bernard Berelson,, December 13, 1960
Box 106 Folder Prop.254
Cover letter and proposal for NSF Grant on "Communication, Perception and Social Behavior," from Herbert M. Hyman,, January, 1961
Box 106 Folder Prop.255
Grant Application to NIH on "Propositional Inventory in the Field of the Family," from William Goode,, February 2, 1961
Box 106 Folder Prop.256.
Letter and Proposal concerning the "Impact on Practicing Physicians of Professional and Extra-Professional Communications in Medicine, to Mr. Basil O'Conner, President,The National Foundation, New York from Bernard Berelson,, February 24, 1961
Box 106 Folder Prop.257.
Letter concerning possible co-operation on project about conducting a training Program in unemployment insurance cost estimation and related materials suggested by the addressee to Mr. Meyer Freyman, Chief, Staff Development and training, Bureau of Employment Security, U.S. Department of Labor,Washington, D.C., from A.J.Jaffe,, March 7,1961
Box 106 Folder Prop.258
Proposal to Patricia Kendall for Resarch "on the Peace Corps," From Bernard Berelson,, March 13, 1961
Box 106 Folder Prop.259
Desc. Proposal on "What Ministers Do?," submitted to Russell Sage Foundation, From BASR,, April, 1961
Box 106 Folder Prop .260
Draft proposal and/or manuscript on "An Organization Turnover and Mobility Model," By Anthony Oberschall,, April 20, 1961
Box 106 Folder Prop.261.
Letter concerning possible co-operation on preparing a syllabus on leadership in voluntary associations to Mr.Irving Becker, Council of National Organizations, New York from Bernard Berelson,, April 24, 1961
Box 106 Folder Prop. 262
Preliminary Memo suggesting establishing a Special Training Program For So Special Researchers from Underdeveloped Areas to Bernard Berelson from Immanual Wallerstein,, (1961?)
Box 106 Folder Prop.263
(Copy of internal?),Memo concerning possible collaboration by BASR On how to train people for applied social research and to properly use them in business after they have been so trained, regarding McCann.Erickson, Inc., to Columbia administration from BASR,, May 1, 1961
Box 106 Folder Prop.264
Letter of Proposal for study of non-applicants under the Foundation's program for Teachers of science and mathematics in secondary schools," to Mr. Albert T. Young, Jr., NSF, Washington, D.C., from Bernard Berelson,, May 26, 1961
Box 106 Folder Prop.265
Grant Application to NIH for research on "The Possibility of a Computer Model of Alcoholic Drinking," from William N .McPhee,, February 29,1961
Box 106 Folder Prop.266
Letter of proposal for Dr. Etzioni to undertake an intensive review of the field of Automation from the sociological viewpoint and to establish the social issues raised by automation to Mr. David L. Holzman, IBM, New York, from Bernard Berelson,, June 19, 1961
Box 106 Folder Prop.267.
Grant Application for research on the "impact on physicians of Communications in Medicine," to NIH from Herbert Menzel,, June 29, 1961
Box 106 Folder Prop.268.
Letters of Proposal along with Proposal for "A Study of Desegregation in Great Neck," to Mr.Maxwell Hahn, The Field Foundation, Inc., New York, etc., from Bernard Berelson,, June 30, 1961
Box 106 Folder Prop. 269
Confidential Memo regarding "A Preliminary Study of the Music Department of the Juilliard School of Music," to Deans Paul Preus and Mark Schubert and President William Schuman, Juilliard School of Music, from Professor Charles Kadushin,, (1961?)
Box 106 Folder Prop.270
Letter of proposal regarding suggestion by addressee on help with projects on broadcasting in Arabic to the Middle East and on publications from this country and the USSR in India, to Mr. Oren Stephens, Director, Office of Research and Analysis, USIA, Washington, D.C. from Bernard Berelson,, July 27, 1961
Box 106 Folder Prop. 271
Letter regarding proposed research on the relations between the practicing medical profession and medical schools to Ward Darley, M.D. American Association of Medical Colleges , Estes Park, Colorado frrom Bernard Berelson,, August 18, 1961
Box 106 Folder Prop. 272
Proposal on "The Organized Bar:A Proposal For A Case Study," to the Walter E. Meyer Research Institute of Law, c/o Ralph Brown, Jr., Director, New Haven, Conn., from BASR,, Date. September, 1961
Box 106 Folder Prop.273
Application for Research Contract on the "Decision to Undertake Psychotherapy in New York City Clinics,"to The Health Research Council of The City of New York, Department of Health, NY, from David L. Sills,, September 14, 1961
Box 107 Folder Prop. 197
Dept. of Health, Education and Welfare application form for training grant under National Mental Health Act, submitted by Dr. Klausner,, December 12. 1958
Box 107 Folder Prop.274.
Grant Application to NIH for A "Cross-National Study of Health Institutions," from William A. Glasser,, September 20,1961
Box 107 Folder Prop.275
Letter concerning proposed alumnae study to Miss Mary A. Bliss, Associate Alumnae of Barnard College, from Clara Shapiro, BASR Administrative Officer,, October 1, 1961
Box 107 Folder Prop. 276.
Proposal for Extension of research on "A Program on the Legal Profession," Submitted to the Rusell Sage Foundation from School of Law, Columbia University,, October , 1961
Box 107 Folder Prop. 277
Letter of proposal for work on examining the problem of how the The intellectual resources of the New York metropolitan region , especially the universities might be applied more effectively in understanding and dealing with its problems, to Projects Committee, Board of Governors, Regional Plan Association of New York from BASR,, November 13, 1961
Box 107 Folder Prop.278
Proposal on "Student Dishonesty and its Control,"to Low Memorial Library, from Allen H. Barton.,, November 30, 1961
Box 107 Folder Prop.279
Proposal on "Anglican Opportunities in South America," to the Lilly Endowment, Inc., Indiannapolis, submitted jointly by the National Council of the Protestant Epispocal Church and BASR,, October, 1961
Box 107 Folder Prop. 280.
Proposal on "Determining the Feasibility of a Computer Model of Compulsive Drinking," prepared by William N. McPhee,, September,1961
Box 107 Folder Prop. 281
Grant Application to HEW, Public Health Service on "Micro-Analysis Of Disturbed and Therapeutic Communications Processes," from Henry L. Lennard,, October 30, 1961
Box 107 Folder Prop. 282
David l. Sills and Fred Abrahams An Annotated Outline for the Council of National Organizations Project-"The Governance of Voluntary Associations",, May, 1962
Box 107 Folder Prop. 283
Letter concerning possible research on panel date on members of the club to Julie Guttenplan, Columbia Record Club, New York from David L. Sills,, December 4,1961
Box 107 Folder Prop. 284
Proposal for "A continuation of Research on Latent Structure Analysis," (To?) from BASR,, December 8, 1961
Box 107 Folder Prop. 285
Specifications for a Contract for Project on "assessing the Performance of Overseas Personnel, to the Peace Corps from BASR,, December 20, 1961
Box 107 Folder Prop.286
Letter of Proposal with estimated budget for joint project with Harvard School of Business to relate a number of cases in the Harvard files to currently available knowledge in the social sciences to Mr. Oscar Harkavy, Program in Economic Development and Administration, Ford Foundation, New York, from Paul F. Lazarsfeld,, December 21,1961
Box 107 Folder Prop. 287
Proposal for research on "The Social and Psychological Implications of A Program of Construction of Fall-Out Shelters," from Herbert H. Hyman,, December,1961
Box 107 Folder Prop. 288
Application for Research Contract for "A Comparative Study of Interns and Residents,"to Health Research Council of the City of New York, Department of Health, from Clara Shapiro, Administrative Officer,, January 29,1962
Box 107 Folder Prop.289
Research Proposal on "Formal Models of Mass Social Processes," submitted to NSF from William N. McPhee,, January 26, 1962
Box 107 Folder Prop. 290.
Research Proposal on the "Epidemiology of Family Communication, Expectation and Socialization Processes," to NSF, from Henry L. Lennard,, January 29, 1962
Box 107 Folder Prop. 291.
Grant Application for study of "Motivation Towards Rehabilitation and its Employment and Other Consequences," to HEW, Office of Vocational Rehabilitation, Washington, D.C., from A.J. Jaffe,, January26, 1962
Box 107 Folder Prop.292
Research Proposal on "A Study of Methodology of Organization Research," submitted to NSF from Allen H. Barton,, January, 1962
Box 107 Folder Prop. 293
Specifications for a Contract on "A Study of the Utilization of Educational Television," to the (Regents Educational Television Project?) from Allen H.Barton,, February 12, 1962
Box 107 Folder Prop. 294.
Grant Application on "17th.Century Theories of Human Nature," to NIH from Sigmund Diamond,, March 5, 1963
Box 107 Folder Prop. 295
Grant Application to NIH for research on "Cantometrics:Music(Especially Folk Song) as a Psychocultural Indicator," by Alan Lomax from Clara Shapiro, Administrative Officer,, March 9, 1962
Box 107 Folder Prop.297.
Letter of Proposal and budget for "A review of studies of Negro Economic Behavior," To Dr. Alfred C. Whitney, Associate Director of Research, Life Insurance Agency Management Association, Hartford, Conn., from Allen H. Barton ,, March, 1962
Box 107 Folder Prop. 298
Grant Application on the "Micr-Analysis of Disturbed and Therapeutic Communication Process," to NIH from Henry L. Lennard,, April 2, 1962
Box 107 Folder Prop.299
Grant Application to NIH for research on "Effective Policemen and Effective Police Departments," from Robert Edward Mitchell,, April 6, 1962
Box 107 Folder Prop. 300.
Letter disscussing possible research on schools and parents to Dr. Robert S. Fleming, Assistant Commissioner of Education, Department of Education, State of New Jersey, Trenton, N. J., from Allen H. Barton,, April 10, 1962
Box 107 Folder Prop.301
Research Proposal on "public Housing and its Publics," in New York City, for the Citizens' Housing and Planning Council of New York, Inc., under a special grant from the Aaron E. Norman Fund, from David Caplovitz,, April, 1962
Box 107 Folder Prop. 302.
Proposal for a Survey and Analysis of Specialized Information Sources And Services in the Social Sciences to NSF, Office of Science Information Sources, from Paul F. Lazarsfeld,, (1962?)
Box 107 Folder Prop. 303
Grant Application for research on "Health and Demography," to HEW, Public Health Service, from A. J. Jaffe,, April 23, 1962
Box 107 Folder Prop. 304
Grant Application for Research on the "Processes of Occupational Choice in Science:The Case of the "Space Cadets," submitted to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, from Bernard Barber,, April,1962
Box 107 Folder Prop. 305
Research Proposal for a Pilot Study of Family Communication, Expectation and Socialization Processes,(revision of a proposal entitled Epidemiology of Family Communication, Expectation and Socialization Processes), to NSF from Henry L. Lennard,, April, 1962
Box 107 Folder Prop. 306
Letter of Proposal and proposal on the "Success and Failure of International Associations:The British Commonwealth,"toDr, Henry W. Riecken, Social Science Division, National Science Foundation, Washington, D.C., from Allen H.Barton,, April, 30,1962
Box 107 Folder Prop. 307.
Letter of Proposal and budget for eresponse toaddressee on idea of doing a study of Admissions Officers in American Colleges, to Dr. Shildrick A. Kendrick, College Entrance Examination Board, New York, from Allen H. Barton,, May 1o, 1962
Box 107 Folder Prop. 308.
Resarch Proposal on Supply and Demand of Middle Level Manpower, especially in underdeveloped parts of the world, to Dr. Silberman of ?, from A.J.Jaffe,, May 14, 1962
Box 107 Folder Prop. 309
Grant Application for Study of "Characteristics of Communications Systems with A Mentally Ill Member," to HEW, Public Health Service, from Henry L.Lennard,, May 16, 1962
Box 107 Folder Prop.310
Letter of Proposal for research into the processes by which large business corporations arrive at decisions as to charitable giving, to Mr. Basil O'Conner, National Foundation, New York, from Allen H. Barton,, May 22, 1962
Box 107 Folder Prop.311
Letter concerning possible work on an evaluation study of your Consumer Action Program for low-income families, to Dr. William Kirk, Union Settlement, New York, from Allen H. Barton ,, July, 1962
Box 107 Folder Prop.312.
Response concerning possibility of a detailed study of refugees in the United States as suggested by the addressee to the Hon. Phillip A. Hart, United States Senate, Senate Office Buildings, Washington, D.C., from Allen H. Barton,, July 5, 1962
Box 107 Folder Prop.313
Preliminary Outline of a Study of Higher Education in Latin America from BASR,, September 4, 1962
Box 107 Folder Prop.314
Grant Application to HEW, Social Security Administration, for Study of "The Community Characteristics of Subsidized Housing Projects," from Allen H. Barton,, September 14, 1962
Box 107 Folder Prop. 315
Proposal for study of "the image of the Columbia Record Club," submitted to the Columbia Record Club from Fred Abrahams and Rolf Meyersohn,, September, 1962
Box 107 Folder Prop.316
Desc,. Grant Application for "Definition of the Social Worker Role by Groups Essential to Effective Social Work," to HEW, Social Security Administration, from Allen H. Barton ,, October 1, 1962
Box 107 Folder Prop. 317
Copies of grant application for "Design of an Evaluation Study of Consumer Education for Low-income Families," for the Social Security Administration, to Mr. William Kirk, Union Settlement Association, New York, from Allen H. Barton,, October 5, 1962
Box 107 Folder Prop. 318
Letter of proposal with proposal for a preliminary study of the operation of the disciplinary machinery of the New York Bar, to Professor Ralph S. Brown, Jr., Director, Walter E. Meyer Research Institute of Law ,New Haven Conn., from Jerome E. Carlin, Director, Metropolitan Lawyer Study,, October 10, 1962
Box 107 Folder Prop. 319.
Letter of proposal and proposal for a Training Program and Seminar In Law and the Bahavioral Sciences to Dean William C. Warren , School of Law , Columbia from Donald Young,, November 20, 1962
Box 107 Folder Prop. 320
Grant Application for "Religion and Psychiatry: A Follow-up Study," to HEW, Public Health Service from Samuel Z. Klausner ,, February 11, 1963
Box 107 Folder Prop. 321.
Proposal for a Columbia Seminar on Sociology and Educational Research, to Orville G. Brim, Jr., Russell Sage Foundation from Sam Sieber,, January 4, 1963
Box 107 Folder Prop. 322.
Letter to MR. T. W. Yerzley, Executive Secretary, Office of Projects and Grants, Low Library, concerning grant application for a study on "Relations between Social and Psychological Characteristics of the Arriving Freshman and his Subsequent College Career," for the U.S,, January 22, 1963
Box 107 Folder Prop. 323.
Grant Application to the Commissioner of Education, Office of Education, HEW for research on "Further Analysis of Data Collected for the New York State Regents Educational Television Project," from Allen H. Barton,, January 28, 1963
Box 107 Folder Prop. 324.
Proposal to NSF for Phase II of Research on Communication, Perception And Social Behavior-through study of Inter-Group relations and Attitudes of the Blind from Herbert H. Hyman,, January, 1963
Box 107 Folder Prop. 325.
Proposal for Research on Musical Taste and Repertory Selection to the Columbia Record Club fromFred Abrahams,, January,1963
Box 107 Folder Prop. 326
Letter proposing a kind of "Recent Social Trends" project to Dr. Eleanor Sheldon, Russell Sage Foundation from A.J. Jaffe,, February 4, 1963
Box 107 Folder Prop. 327
Letter regarding research to be undertaken by Bureau on participation in the New York Academy of Medicine's televised clinical science seminars to Aims C. McGuinness, M.D. from Herbert Menzel,, February 9, 1963
Box 107 Folder Prop. 328
Letter with attached proposal "Technological Change and Depressed Areas" to Dr. E.K. Smith, Chief, Economic Analysis Division, Area Redevelopmetn Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce from A.J. Jaffe,, February 14, 1963
Box 107 Folder Prop. 329
Letter with attached Department of Health, Education and Welfare proposal form detailing proposed research on payment methods of physicians in 16 countries to Mr. T.W. Yerzley, Executive Secretary, Office of Projects and Grants, Columbia University from Clara Shapiro,, February 15, 1963
Box 107 Folder Prop. 330
Letters regarding study of engineering school faculties to Mr. Anson Burlingame, Office of Projects and Grants and Dr. Carl Borgman, Ford Foundation from Clara Shapiro both times,, February 21, 1963
Box 107 Folder Prop. 331
Letter with attached Department of Health, Education and Welfare application and financial forms for Career Development Award II to Mr. Thomas Yerzley, Office of Projects and Grants from Clara Shapiro,, February 18, 1963
Box 107 Folder Prop. 332
Letter with attached Department of Health, Education and Welfare application form regarding a "corollary research grant approved by National Institute of Mental Health" to Mr. Thomas Yerzel, Office of Projects and Grants from Clara Shapiro,, February 19, 1963
Box 107 Folder Prop. 333
Proposal and Department of Health, Education and Welfare application form for the study of "The Military Establishment and Social Change in Venezuela",, June 1, 1963
Box 107 Folder Prop. 334
Proposal for study of Consumer Education and Action Program, (1963 ?)
Box 107 Folder Prop. 336
Letter regarding proposed seminar on Sociology and the Psychology of Science to Mr. Ellis Mottur, Documentary Research Program, National Science Foundation from Robert K. Merton,, Bebruary 5, 1963
Box 107 Folder Prop. 337
Proposal "Possible Types of Research on Effect of Mass Media on Fairnes of Trial" by Rita Simon and Allen Barton,, January 25, 1963
Box 107 Folder Prop. 338
Proposal onPatterns of Social and Economic Development in the Modern World from Theodore Caplow,, December, 1962
Box 107 Folder Prop. 339
Proposal for the study of Academic and Business Elites in Portugal from Harry M. Makler,, April 17, 1963
Box 107 Folder Prop. 340
Proposal on "Formal and Informal satisfaction of the Information Requirements of Scientists," to the NSF from Herbert Menzel,, May, 1963
Box 107 Folder Prop. 341
Proposal on "Technological Change and Depressed Areas,"submitted to the Area Redevelopment Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce from A. J. Jaffe ,, May, 1963
Box 107 Folder Prop.342.
Copy of Contract with HEW, Public Health Service for research on "Descriptive Analysis of methods of Payment for Physicians Services in Foreign Countries," signed byW.H.Lane,Jr., Controller, Columbia University,, April 1, 1963
Box 107 Folder Prop. 343.
Proposal on a "Cross-Cultural Study of Patients," to NIH, from William A. Glaser ,, 1963 (?)
Box 107 Folder Prop.344.
Memo study of "The Social Settings of Adult Education," submitted to Mr. Michael Burke, Vice-President, Development, CBS, and Dr. Ormsbee W. Robinson, Director of Educational Affairs, IBM, from BASR,, May, 1963
Box 107 Folder Prop.345.
Proposal on "International Differences in the Policy Problems of Nursing," to Rockefeller Foundation from BASR,, (1963?)
Box 107 Folder Prop. 346.
Grant Application for Mental Health Graduate Student Training to NIH from Robert K. Merton,, July 30, 1963
Box 107 Folder Prop. 347
Abstract of Grant Application to Commissioner of Education, Office of Education, HEW for "Further Analysis of Data Collected for the New York State Regents Educational Television Project," from Allen H. Barton,, (!963?)
Box 107 Folder Prop. 348.
Grant Application to Commissioner of Education, Office of Education, HEW for research on "Actual and Perceived Consensus on Educational Goals Between School and Community," from Allen H, Barton,, April 1,1964
Box 107 Folder Prop. 349
Proposal on "Determinants of Student Cultures Affecting Academic and Social Conduct," to Low Memorial Library from Allen H, Barton,, (1963?)
Box 107 Folder Prop. 350
Agreement between Columbia and the Department of Welfare of the City of New York on research on "The Bowery Study-Pilot Phase,, !963
Box 107 Folder Prop. 351.
Proposal for"A Descriptive Study of the Residents of the East Harlem Triangle," from BASR,, Septembeer 20, 1963
Box 107 Folder Prop. 352
Application for Grant Extension to NIH for "Micro-Analysis of Disturbed and Therapeutic Communication Process," from Henry L. Lennard,, July 2, 1963
Box 107 Folder Prop. 353
Letter requesting grant for supporting the development of "College Characteristic Data Bank,"to Dr.S. A. Kendrick, College Entrance Examination Board, New York, from Allen H. Barton,, January 7, 1964
Box 107 Folder Prop. 354.
Proposal for further Research and Preparation of a Book on Student Dishonesty, to Russell B. Stearns Foundation, from Director, BASR,, January 7, 1964
Box 107 Folder Prop. 355
Proposal for study of the "Non-Return of Israeli Students, Trainees and Professionals in the United States," from BASR,, February 4, 1964
Box 107 Folder Prop. 356
Grant Application to the Behavioral Science Division ,Office of Aerospace Research, US Air Force, D.C. for "Extrapolation of 1,045 Social Science Findings to International Analysis," from Amitai Etzioni,, 1964
Box 107 Folder Prop. 357
Proposal for Two Studies on Discovery in Civil Litigation and on the Sociology Of the Litigation Process supported by Ford Foundation and the Walter E, Meyer Institute of Law, Inc., conducted at the request of the Advisory Committee on the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, noted by Vernon K. Dibble, Associate Director, Project for Effective Justice, Columbia University,, April 10, 1964
Box 107 Folder Prop. 358.
Proposal for Two Studies on Discovery in Civil Litigation and on The Sociology Of the Litigation Process, submitted to NSF from Vernon K. Dibble,, April, 1964
Box 107 Folder Prop. 359.
Proposal for the Study of "Professional Socialization in Two Music Schools," Submitted to NSF from Charles Kadushin,, April, 1964
Box 107 Folder Prop. 360
Proposal for Research on "social Contexts of Beer Drinking," to the United States Brewers Association, Inc., through the J. Walter Thompson Company from Rolf B. Meyersohn,, May, 1964
Box 107 Folder Prop. 361
Research Proposal on "Catholic Physicians and Birth Control,"from Herbert H. Hyman and Gene N. Levine,, May, 1964
Box 107 Folder Prop. 362.
Proposal on "Science for Survival,"-An Inquiry into Public Reactions to the Office of Civil Defense's Exhibit at the 1964 New York World's Fair, submitted to the Office of Civil Defense, Department of the Army, Defense Department, Washington, D.C. from Gene N. Levine and John Modell,, August, 1964
Box 107 Folder Prop. 363.
Research Proposal on "College Attendance and the College Trained Population," submitted to the U.S. Commissioner ofr Education, Washington, D.C., by A.J.Jaffe,, August 24, 1964
Box 107 Folder Prop. 364.
Grant Application to HEW, Public Health Service, on research Concerning an "Inventory of Propositions in Sociopharmacology," from Hernry L. Lennard,, February 28, 1964
Box 107 Folder Prop.365.
Research Proposal on "The Making of a Devaint:The Puerto Rican School Drop-Out," submitted to the Commissioner of Education , Washington, D.C., from Samuel E. Wallace,, December 1, 1964
Box 107 Folder Prop. 366.
Research Proposal on "Scientific and Technical Communication in the Professions-A Proposal to Integrate Research," to (Columbia?), from Herbert Menzel,, November 24, 1964
Box 107 Folder Prop.367.
Research proposal on "College Enrollment Projections to 1975 and 1980, on the Basis of a New Census Survey," to the U.S. Commissioner of Education from A. J. Jaffe,, November 24, 1964
Box 107 Folder Prop. 368.
Research Proposal on "Further Analysis ana a Report to the Legal Profession on the Columbia Study of Pretrial Discovery and the Adversarial Process," to the Russell Sage Foundation from the Columbia Project for Effective Justice, Columbia School of Law and BASR ,, (1964?)
Box 107 Folder Prop.369.
Grant Application to HEW, Public Health Service, on "A Study Of Interpersonal Violence," from Samuel E. Wallace,, January 4, 1965
Box 107 Folder Prop.370.
Grant Application on 'The making of a Deviant: The Puerto Rican School Drop-Out," to HEW, Social Security Administration, from Samuel E. Wallace,, (1965?)
Box 107 Folder Prop. 371.
Proposal on "Inventory in the Field of Family," to? from William J.Goode., (File Folder-only Copy),, (1965?)
Box 107 Folder Prop. 372.
Propsal for the "Study of Family Structures and Mobility Processes," Submitted to the NSF, Washington, D.C., from William J. Goode,, January 1,1965
Box 108 Folder Prop. 198
Proposal entitled "Study of Public Health Nursing Field Experience in the Program of the Cornell University-New York Hospital School of Nursing" by William Glaser,, December 20, 1958
Box 108 Folder Prop.373.
Proposal for the "Study of Family Structures and Mobility Processes," submitted to NSF, from William J. Goode,, January 1,1965
Box 108 Folder Prop. 374.
Proposal for "A Program For Evaluation of Haryou-Act," Submitted to Harlem Youth opportunities Unlimited and Associated Community Teams from BASR,, January 12, 1965
Box 108 Folder Prop.375.
Research Proposal on the "Civil Service and Politics: The Development of Relationships Between Two Political Institutions," to? from William A. Glaser,, December 1, 1965
Box 108 Folder Prop.376.
Proposal for study of "Family Sructures and Mobility Processes," to? from William J. Goode, (See File for Only Copy,, ` (1965?)
Box 108 Folder Prop.377.
Proposal for a "Program of Basic Research in the Sociology of Science," to the NSF from Robert K. Merton,, February 1, 1965
Box 108 Folder Prop.378.
Proposal on "Measures of Outcome of Poverty Programs," to be submitted to the Office of Economic Opportunities,(HEW?), from Allen H. Barton,, February 23, 1965
Box 108 Folder Prop.379.
Grant Application for "A Theoretical Analysis of the Problem of Privacy," to HEW, Public Health Service, from Allen H. Barton,, February,26, 1965
Box 108 Folder Prop.380.
Research proposal on "Campus Social Climates and Student Misconduct," to the Commissioner of Education, Office of Education, HEW, from William J. Bowers,, February 26,1965
Box 108 Folder Prop.381.
Proposal on "Problems of Data Collection From Low-Income Populations," to be submitted to the Welfare Administration of HEW from BASR,, December 22, 1964
Box 108 Folder Prop.382.
Proposal and (Grant Application?) for research on an "Extrapolation of 1,045 Social Science Findings to International Analysis," to the Advanced Research Projects Agency, Washington, D.C., from Amitai Etzioni,, 1965
Box 108 Folder Prop.383.
Proposal for study of "Population, Employment and Economic Change in Selected Underdeveloped Countries," submitted to the Office of Technical Cooperation and Research, Agency for International Development, Washington, D.C., from A. J. Jaffe,, (May 1,1965?)
Box 108 Folder Prop.384.
Proposal on "The Lavenberg Project Demonstration Study," submitted by BASR,, (1965?)
Box 108 Folder Prop. 385
Proposal for Research on "Effects of the Harlem Neighborhood Legal Assistance Project," to be submitted to the Office of Economic Opportunity, Washington, D.C. by David Caplovitz and Barbara Rubin,, (1965?)
Box 108 Folder Prop. 386.
Proposal and budget for "Application of the Theory of compliance to Social Work Administration," to (HEW?), from Amitai Etzioni,, (1965?)
Box 108 Folder Prop. 387
Proposal for a Study of the Supply of Students for Negro Colleges to? From A. J. Jaffe,, March 18, 1965
Box 108 Folder Prop. 388.
Proposal for "A Study of the Development of Computer programs for Social Science Data Analysis," submitted to NSF from Charles Kadushun,, December 15, 1965
Box 108 Folder Prop.389.
Proposal for the Study of Methodological Problems in Survey Research to? from BASR,, June 25, 1965
Box 108 Folder Prop. 390.
Prelim. Proposal letter on "The NEW European Worker," to either Carnegie, Ford, or Rockefeller Foundations from William Glaser and Juan Linz,, May 18, 1965
Box 108 Folder Prop. 391.
Proposal on "The Measurement of Hidden Unemployment," to the Area Redevelopment Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce, Washington, D.C., from A. J. Jaffe,, April 28, 1965
Box 108 Folder Prop. 392.
Proposal on "The Demography of the Middle Years," to ?, from A. J. Jaffe,, May 3,1965
Box 108 Folder Prop.393.
Proposal to "Study the Performance of Vista Volunteers in the Field," submitted to VISTA by BASR,, May 18, 1965
Box 108 Folder Prop.394
Proposal for the "Methodological Analysis of Testimony as a Source of Data In History and Social Science," to NSF from Vernon K. Dibble,, June ,1965
Box 108 Folder Prop.395
Grant Application for "A Study of Haryou-ACT as an Experiment in Community Organization," to Office of Economic Opportunity, Community Action Program, Washington,D.C., from David Caplovitz,, June 15, 1965
Box 108 Folder Prop.396.
Draft proposal for "A Guide to Organizational Data on Community Action Programs," to Office of Economic Opportunity, Washington, D.C., from Allen H. Barton,, August 6, 1965
Box 108 Folder Prop.397
Proposal on "The Non-Returning Foreign Student: The Israeli Case," To the U.S. Commissioner of Education from Charles Kadushin,, August 31, 1965
Box 108 Folder Prop. 398
Proposal on "College Effects on Student Behavior," submitted to U.S Commissioner of Education from John Meyer,, August 30, 1965
Box 108 Folder Prop.399.
Proposal for study of "Details of Police-Public Interaction Under Normal and Disaster Conditions," from Allen H. Barton,, September 22,1965
Box 108 Folder Prop. 400.
Proposal for Study of "The Social Organization of the College and its Influence on Student Behavior," submitted to NSF from John W. Meyer,, October 15, 1965
Box 108 Folder Prop. 401
Grant Application for participation in the Educational Research Training Program to train researchers in the sociology of education, to HEW, Office Of Education, Sam D. Sieber,, January 19, 1966
Box 108 Folder Prop.402
Grant Application for Research on "Economic and Demographic Factors Associated with Retirement of Men from the U.S. Labor Force," to HEW, Welfare and Social Security Administration, from A.J.Jaffe ,, 1966 (?)
Box 108 Folder Prop. 403.
Proposal for research on "Informal Channels Which Aid Students in The Creative Arts to Begin Their Careers," submitted to the U.S. Commissioner of Education from Charles Kadushin,, January 20, 1966
Box 108 Folder Prop.404
Grant Application to HEW, Public Health Service, for research on "Friends of Psychotherapy: Studies in Social Circles," from Charles Kadushin,, January 31, 1966
Box 108 Folder Prop.405.
Proposal on"Consumers in Trouble:A Study of the Causes and Consequences Of Law Suits Against Defaulting Consumers," to be submitted to The Welfare Administration and American Bar Foundation from David Caplovitz and Barbara Rudin,, February 8, 1966
Box 108 Folder Prop. 406
Proposal on the "Application of Electronic Computer Techniques to Racial Integration in School Systems," submitted to the U.S. Commissioner of Education from Allen H. Barton,, February 21,1966
Box 108 Folder Prop. 407.
Proposal on "The Extent and Consequences of Observability in School Systems," submitted to the U.S. Commissioner of Education from Robert Merton and Allen Barton,, February 28, 1966
Box 108 Folder Prop. 408
Proposal to study the "recreational behavior and preferences of New York Coty residents," selected by the City Planning Commission, to? from Barton and Lenihan,, March 2, 1965
Box 108 Folder Prop.409.
Grant Proposal for "The Study of Social Circles," to the NSF from Charles Kadushin,, March 11,1966
Box 108 Folder Prop.410
Grant Proposal for "A Program of Research and Services among Social Science Data Archives," to NSF from Allen H.Barton,, March, 1966
Box 108 Folder Prop. 411.
Grant Proposal for Research on "Consumers in Trouble," to the Office of Economic Opportunity, from David Caplovitz and Barbara Rubin,, February 8, 1966
Box 108 Folder Prop.412.
Proposal on "Coalitions in the Hierarchical Triad," submitted to the NSF from Theodore Caplow,, May, 1966
Box 108 Folder Prop.413.
Grant Application to HEW, Office of Education fortraining researchers in the sociology of education from Sam D. Sieber,, May 6, 1966
Box 108 Folder Prop.414
Grant Application to HEW, Public Health Service for research on "Expressive Behavior as a Social Communications Model," from Warren F. Goodell,, May 27,1966
Box 108 Folder Prop.415.
Grant Application for "Validation Study of the Responses of Low-Income People to Research Interviews," from Allen H, Barton,, June, 1966
Box 108 Folder Prop.416
Research proposal on "Organizational Analysis Applied to University Research and Reading Experts," submitted to the US. Commissioner of Education from Paul F. Lazarsfeld,, May 16, 1966
Box 108 Folder Prop.417.
Grant Application to study "The Social Settings of Medical Care,"to HEW, Public Health Service, from Warren F. Goodell,, June 1, 1966
Box 108 Folder Prop.418.
Proposal for "Evaluation of Centers for Education in Democracy," to the Office of Economic Opportunity, Washington, D C., from BASR.,, June 1, 1966
Box 108 Folder Prop.419.
Application for Continuing Grant on "Family Structures and Mobility Structures," to HEW, Public Health Service, from William F. Goodell, Jr,, June, 1966
Box 108 Folder Prop.420
Small Contract Proposal on "Parental and Peer Group Pressures Toward Deviant Student Behavior," submitted to the Commissioner of Education from David Caplovitz,, June, 28, 1966
Box 108 Folder Prop.421.
Proposal on "Graduate Education and Occupations," submitted to the Commissioner of Education from David Caplovitz and Seymour Warkov,, July 22,1966
Box 108 Folder Prop.422.
Request for support of the study of the "Urban Corps," to Mr. Robert N. Kriedler. Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, New York, from George Nash; August 23, 1966 Copy to Leland C. DeVinney at the Rockefeller Foundation,, August 23,1966
Box 108 Folder Prop.423.
Proposal for study of "Professional and Technical Careers in the Middle Years," to the College Entrance Examination Board from Seymour Warkov,, August, 1966
Box 108 Folder Prop. 424.
Draft of Proposal to the Office of Education for research to be undertaken on the organization of financial aid administration. to be undertaken by BASR from the College Entrance Examination Board, New York,, November 14, 1966
Box 108 Folder Prop.425.
Research Proposal on "The Role of the Intellectuals inj the Definition of Social Problems," to?, from Charles Kadushin,, August, 1967
Box 108 Folder Prop.426.
Small Contract proposal for research on "Role Conflict and Its Correlates in an Educational Setting," submitted to the U.S. Office of Education, from Paula Holzman Calder and sponsored by Allen H. Barton,, September 19, 1966
Box 108 Folder Prop.428.
Proposal on "Evaluation of Low-Income (Housing) Demonstration Program," to (HEW?) from David Caplovitz,, (1966?)
Box 108 Folder Prop.429.
Proposal on "Professionalism, Conceptions of the Clients, and Compliance in Social Work Agencies," to? from Amitai Etzion,, (1966?)
Box 108 Folder Prop.430.
Proposal for "A Comparative Study of Factory Organizations," to the NSF from Allen H. Barton,, February, 1967
Box 108 Folder Prop.431.
Proposal for Research on "Professional Behavior and the Organization of Schools," to the U.S. Commissioner of Education, Washington, D.C., from Allen H. Barton,, January 23, 1967
Box 108 Folder Prop.432.
Grant Application for "Unionism and Professionalism: A Study of the Social Service Employees Union of the New York City Department of Welfare," to HEW, Welfare and Social security Administration, from Terence E. Hopkins,, March,1966
Box 108 Folder Prop.433.
Grant Application for research on the "Retirement of Women From the U.S. Labor Force," to HEW, Public Health Service from Abram J. Jaffe ,, January 17, 1967.
Box 108 Folder Prop. 434.
Proposal for" Analysis of USOE Research Training Programs," Submitted to the U.S. Commissioner of Education from Paul F. Lazarsfeld,, January 4, 1967
Box 108 Folder Prop.435.
Proposal for study of "The Non-Returning Foreign Student: A Cross-National Study," to (Office of Education?) from Seymour Warkov and Paul Ritterband,, March 22, 1967
Box 108 Folder Prop. 436.
.Research proposal for the "Investigation of the Utilization of research and Evaluation Results in Educational Decision-Making," submitted to the U.S. Commissioner of Education from Allen H. Barton,, April 7, 1967
Box 108 Folder Prop. 437.
Proposal for "A Process-Oriented Evaluation of the Impact of Model Cities Programs," submitted to the Department of Housing and Urban Development, from BASR,, April 24, 1967
Box 108 Folder Prop.438.
Proposal for A Pilot Project In Consumer Education, Training and Research Submitted to the Aaron E. Norman Fund from David Caplovitz,, May, 1967
Box 108 Folder Prop.439
The Dynamics of Poverty: A Proposal for the Study of the Socio-Economic Mobility of Lower Income Persons for Submission to the Office of Research, Planning, Programs and Evaluation of the Office of Economic Opportunity from David Caplovitz and Bernard Levenson,, May, 1967
Box 108 Folder Prop.440.
Proposal for a study of the "Determinants of Changes in Demand For Scientific and Technical Personnel," to (NSF?) from A. J. Jaffe,, April 1,1967
Box 108 Folder Prop.441
Proposal for the preparation of a "Handbook of Statistical Methods for Making School Enrollment Projections," to HEW, Office of Education, Bureau of Research, Washington, D.C. from A.J.Jaffe,, (1967?)
Box 108 Folder Prop.442.
Notes on plans for study in Yugoslavia of "Opinion-Makers in the Contemporary World," for? By Allen H. Barton,, October 23,1967
Box 108 Folder Prop.443.
Proposal on "Strains in the Masculine Role-Case Studies of 60 College Students," To NIH from Mirra Komarovsky,, June 7, 1967
Box 108 Folder Prop.444
Proposal for study of "Foreign Trained Workers in the United States," submitted to Teachers College, Columbia, Institute of International Studies from Seymour Warkov,, April 27,1967
Box 108 Folder Prop. 445.
Outline of a Study of Heroin Addiction to the New York State Narcotic Addiction Control Commission from BASR,, September 28,1967
Box 108 Folder Prop.446.
Grant Application for the study of "disaffiliation Among Urban Women," to HEW, Public Health Service, from Theodore Caplow,, September 26,1967
Box 108 Folder Prop.447.
Grant Application for study of "Social Factors Affecting utilization and Mobilization of Trained Personnel in Elite Occupations," submitted to the Director of the Office of Manpower Policy, Evaluation, and Research, Manpower Administration, U.S. Department of Labor from William J. Goode,, May 25, 1967
Box 108 Folder Prop.448.
Proposal for a study of "Employment Opportunities of Negro and White Vocational High School Graduates," for submission to the Office of Research, Planning, Programs and Evaluation of the Office of Economic Opportunity from David Caplovitz and Bernard Levenson,, September, 1967
Box 108 Folder Prop.449.
Letter concerning on-going project student achievement in poor urbaareas? to Dr. Mario D. Fantini, Program Officer, The Ford Foundation, New York from David E. Wilder,, November 20, 1967
Box 108 Folder Prop.450.
Letter concerning proposal on the study of the "Consumer practices of Harlem residents," on behalf of the Harlem development Corporation to? from BASR,, November, 1967
Box 108 Folder Prop.451-11
Preliminary Draft Proposal on the "Dynamic Modelling of Decision making in the Department of Welfare," to .the (Department of Welfare?), from Stevens H. Clarke,, June 7, 1967
Box 108 Folder Prop. 452
Grant Application for research on Doctoral dissertation entitled "Induction into the Apparel Industry: A Study of Young Negro and White Workers," from Candidate Sally T. Hillsman, sponsored by Terence K. Hopkins,, January 1, 1968
Box 109 Folder Prop. 452
Proposal on "The Social System of Government Supported Research-An Evaluation of the Small Projects Program, U.S.O.E.," submitted to the U.S. Commissioner from Allen H. Barton,, May 20, 1968
Box 109 Folder Prop.453
Grant Application for Dissertation Proposal on "Career Patterns and Values: A Study of men and Women in Scientific, Professional and Technical Occupations," submitted to the Associate Manpower Administrator for Policy, Evaluation, and Research, Manpower administration, U.S. Department of Labor, from Deborah S. David, sponsored by Paul F. Lazarsfeld,, June 28, 1968
Box 109 Folder Prop. 454
Proposal on "Two Studies in the Socialization of Professionals, "Submitted to the Russell Sage Foundation from Allen H.Barton,, August, 1968
Box 109 Folder Prop.455
Proposal for study of "Interorganizational Relationships and Consequences," to HEW, Public Health Service, from Amitai Etzioni,, (1968)
Box 109 Folder Prop.456
Proposal on the "Theoretical Explorations in Social Control," submitted to the NSF, from William J. Goode,, December 12, 1967
Box 109 Folder Prop.457
Letter of Proposal along with proposal for further analysis of data of Washington, D.C. teachers to Dr. Mario D. Fantini, Ford Foundation, New York, from David E. Wilder,, February 14, 1968
Box 109 Folder Prop.458
Small Project Research Proposal for study of "The Role Of Secondary Education in the development of Indigenous Leadership in American India Communities," submitted to the Commissioner of Education from Sam D. Sieber,, April 25, 1968
Box 109 Folder Prop.459
Proposal on "Training for Research Quality-A Study of Educational Researchers," submitted to HEW, Office of Education, Bureau of Research from Paul F. Lazarsfeld,, June 10, 1968
Box 109 Folder Prop. 460
Proposal on "Consumers in Trouble," to the Office of Economic Opportunity, Washington, D. C., from David Caplovitz and Barbara Rubin,, April, 1966
Box 109 Folder Prop.462
Proposal for a Pilot Project in Consumer Education, Training and Research prepared for submission to the Aaron E. Norman Fund from David Caplovitz,, May, 1967
Box 109 Folder Prop.463
Grant Application for "A Study of Participation in the 1960's Riots," to HEW, Public Health Service, from Robert M. Fogelson,, January 3,1968
Box 109 Folder Prop.464
Proposal for Doctoral Dissertation research on "Induction into the Apparel Industry: A Study of Young Negro and White Workers," from Sally T. Hillsman, sponsored by Dr. Terence K. Hopkins,, January 1, 1968
Box 109 Folder Prop.465
Approved Grant Application for study of "Disaffiliation Among Urban Women," to HEW, Public Health Service, from Theodore Caplow,, 1967
Box 109 Folder Prop.467
The Columbia Crisis: Campus, Vietnam and the Ghetto-A survey of student and faculty attitudes and behavior at Columbia University by Allen H. Barton,, Approved July 1,1968
Box 109 Folder Prop.469
Letter of proposal and budget for research on "Negro Anti-Semitism," to Mr. Bert Gold, Executive Director, American Jewish Committee, New York, W. Phillips Davison,, October 20, 1967
Box 109 Folder Prop.471
Grant Application for research on "A Cross Cultural Analysis of Expressive Behavior in Relation to Culture Style," HEW, Public Health Service from Alan Lomax and Conrad Arensberg,, July 18, 1969
[(B1027)-Approved Renewal.]
Box 109 Folder Prp.473
Proposal to study "the Retirement of Men from the U.S. Labor Force," to the Social Security Administration from A.J. Jaffe,, (1967?)
Box 109 Folder Prop.474
Proposal for research on "College Enrollment Projections," to the Office of Education from A.J.Jaffe,, April 30, 1965
Box 109 Folder Prop.475
Proposal for rest of budget for Yugoslav project for study of "International Opinion Makers" to the Carnegie Foundation from Kadushin, Barton, Fischer, and Denitch,, (1967?)
Box 109 Folder Prop.477
Proposal to establish an "African Social Science Data Archive," submitted to the NSF, from Terence D. Hopkins and Immanuel Wallerstein,, November 4,1966
Box 109 Folder Prop. 479
Proposal for "A Study of Technological Elements in Acceleration of Societal Change," to? from Amitai Etzioni,, (1967?)
Box 109 Folder Prop.480
Proposal for "An Experimental Study of Free Press-Fair Trial,"-Possible Effects of the News Media On the Administration of Justice in Criminal Cases," to?, from Allen H.Barton,, May, 1968
Box 109 Folder Prop.481
Budget for Proposal for study of "Social Control," Submitted to the NSF, from BASR,, (1967?)
Box 109 Folder Prop.483
Grant Application for research on "Expressive Behavior as a Social Communications Mode," to HEW, Public Health Service, from Alan Lomax and Conrad Arensberg,, May 27,1966
Box 109 Folder Prop.484
Grant Application for study of "Employment Opportunities of Negro and White Youth," to HEW, Welfare and Social Security Administration, from Bernard Levenson,, July 1, 1965
Box 109 Folder Prop.485
Proposal for "Studies in the Application Of Social Science Methods To Urban Planning Problems," submitted to the Office Of Urban Technology and Research, Department of Housing and Urban Development from BASR,, April 17, 1968
Box 109 Folder Prop.487
Proposal for "A (New York City) Metropolitan Area Panel Survey of Racial and Planning Problems," submitted to NIMH from Allen H. Barton,, June,1968
Box 109 Folder Prop.488
Proposal for an "Evaluation of Community Action Programs," submitted to the Office of Economic Opportunity, Department of Housing and Urban Development from Allen H. Barton,, June 13, 1968
Box 109 Folder Prop.489
Proposal for study of "The Outcome of Vocational Education (in Two Vocational High Schools in New York City)," submitted to the U.S. Commissioner of Education from David Caplovitz,, January 15, 1968
Box 109 Folder Prop.490
Proposal on "Propositional Inventory in the Field of the Family," Submitted to NIMH from BASR,, (1967?)
Box 109 Folder Prop.491
Proposal for "A Comparative Study of Factory Organization,"-Renewal of GS-1685-submitted to the NSF from Allen H. Barton and William A. Glaser,, (1968?)
[Rejected-( in its own separate green binder).]
Box 109 Folder Prop.492
Proposal on "Cantometrics: Music (Especially Folk Song) as a Psychocultural Indicator," submitted to NIMH from Alan Lomax,, (1964?)
Box 109 Folder Prop.493
(Proposal on Choreometrics submitted to the National Endowment For the Humanities from BASR?)-Empty Folder!,, (1967?)
Box 109 Folder Prop.494
Proposal on "Black Identity and Mass Education," to Ms. Marjorie Martus, Education Division, Ford Foundation, New York, from Alan Lomax,, July 15, 1968
Box 109 Folder Prop.495
Proposal on "Ethnic Dance Patterns," submitted to the Ford Foundation from Alan Lomax,, (1968?)
Box 109 Folder Prop.496
Proposal on "New Media Coverage for Minorities in and Around New York," to (New School Graduate School of Journalism?) BASR and Columbia's Graduate School of Journalism,, (1968?)
Box 109 Folder Prop.497
Proposal for "A Study of Institutions and Reccipients Participating in the Educational Opportunity Grant Program," to the U.S. Office of Education, Washington, D.C., from Sam D.Sieber,, December 9, 1969
Box 109 Folder Prop.498
Proposal on "The Differential Effects of Reduced Research Funding on University Scientists," for research towards a Doctoral Dissertation submitted to the Associate Manpower Administrator for Policy, Evaluation, and Research, Manpower Administration, U.S. Department of Labor, From Margit A. Johansson, Candidate and sponsor Allen H. Barton,, April 1, 1969
Box 109 Folder Prop.499
Proposal for research on a Doctoral Dissertation entitled: "Induction into the Apparel Industry: A Study of Young Negro and White Workers," submitted to the Associate Manpower AdministratorFor Policy , Evaluation and Research, Manpower Administration, U.S. Department of Labor,from Candidate Sally T. Hillsman and Sponsor, Terence K. Hopkins,, (1968?)
Box 109 Folder Prop.500
Proposal for research on Eluidics:"A Study of the Growth Pattern of A New Technology," for submission to the Office of Naval Research, Department for the Navy, Washington, D.C., from Allen H. Barton and Camilla Auger,, August, 1968
Box 109 Folder Prop.501
Grant Application to HEW Public Health Service for research on "Masculine Role Strains," from Mirra Komarovsky,, June 9, 1967
Box 109 Folder Prop. 502
Proposal for "program Evaluation In Applied Research: An Analysis of Experience and an Approach to Solutions submitted to NIMH from Carol H. Weiss,, October 31, 1968
Box 109 Folder Prop.503
Proposal for research on "A Comparative Study of the Regional Bases of French and Italian Political Parties," to the NSF from Mark Kesselman,, January, 1969
Box 109 Folder Prop.504
Proposal for support of a "Program of Research in the Sociology of Science," to the NSF from Robert K. Merton,, February 21,1967
Box 109 Folder Prop.505
Proposal for Narcotics Study to the New York State Narcotics Commission from Allen Barton, Theodore Caplow,,, (1968?)
Box 109 Folder Prop506
Proposal for the "Development of an Overall Design for the Use of Survey Research in the Evaluation of the Model Cities program," submitted to the Department of Housing and Urban Development from Allen H. Barton,, June 17, 1968
Box 109 Folder Prop.507
Proposal on "Economic (Development?), Employment and Population Changes in Developing Countries," to the NSF from A.J.Jaffe,, September 15, 1968
Box 109 Folder Prop.508
Proposal on the "relevancy of Ecological Group Determinants Upon Fertility in the Republic of Panama," submitted to the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, Bethesda, Maryland, from A.J.Jaffe,, February 21, 1969
Box 109 Folder Prop.509
Proposal on "participation of Women in the Labor Force and Fertility," submitted e to the Associate Manpower Administration, For Policy, Evaluation, and Research, Manpower Administration, U.S. Department of Labor, from Allen H. Barton,, December 30,1968
Box 109 Folder Prop.510
Grant Application for research on "power,Prestige and Friendship Systems as Control Processes," submitted to NIMH from William J. Goode,, (1969?)
Box 109 Folder Prop.511
Proposal for "A Comparative Study of Factory Organization," Renewal of GS 1685 to the NSF from Allen H. Barton,, September, 1968
Box 109 Folder Prop.512
Proposal for "Comparative Studies of National Leadership," to the Ford Foundation from Allen H. Barton,, November 3, 1971
Box 109 Folder Prop.513
Proposal on "The Effectiveness of Peace Corps Projects Overseas," To the Peace Corps from Philip E. Mosely, R. Freeman Butts, Wayne Wilcox, and William A. Glaser,, (1969?)
Box 109 Folder Prop.514
Letter of proposal and Proposal for study of attitudes and behavior relating to the problems of the metropolitan area and racial issues that would form the basis for materials for "An Urban Survey Research Laboratory," to Dr. Franklin Williams, The Urban Center 205 Lewisohn, Columbia, from Allen H. Barton,, April 18, 1969
Box 109 Folder Prop.516
Research Proposal on "What has been Learned from Studies of Upward Bound during the First Five Years," submitted to the Office of Economic Opportunity from Sam Sieber,, May 29,1969
Box 109 Folder Prop.517
Proposal for study of "The Brain Drain: An International Comparative Study," submitted to the Ford Foundation from Allen H. Barton,, July, 1969
Box 109 Folder Prop. 518
Proposal on the "Brain Drain," submitted to AID, from BASR William A. Glaser?},, (1968?)
Box 109 Folder Prop.519
Grant Application for study of "American Elites and Social Problems," to HEW, Public Health Service, from Allen H.Barton,, May 27, 1969
Box 109 Folder Prop.520
Canceled Application-Duplication of Poposal No.516 "Upward Bound," to OEO from Sam D. Sieber,, May 29, 1969
Box 109 Folder Prop.521
Proposal for "A Study of Social Service Employees Union of New York," submitted to the Department of Labor .from Richard Mendes of the Urban Center,, (1968?)
Box 109 Folder Prop.522
Proposal on "Poverty, Law and Empirical Research," to HEW, Public Health Service, from Allen H, Barton,, January 15, 1969
Box 109 Folder Prop.524
Proposal on "The Brain Drain: An International Comparative Study," to the Ford Foundation from Seymour Warkov, Paul Ritterband and William A. Glaser,, December, 1968
Box 109 Folder Prop.525
Proposal to AID-Canceled for same as No. 518-Empty Folder, 1969
Box 109 Folder Prop. 526
Proposal for "Study of Social Service Employees Union in the City of New York," to U.S. Department of Labor, -canceled as same as No. 521-Empty Folder,, 1969
Box 109 Folder Prop.531
Letter of Proposal and Proposal on the "Uses of Sociology," to Dr. Orville G. Brim, Jr., President, Russell Sage Foundation, New York from Paul F. Lazarsfeld,, December 16, 1969
Box 109 Folder Prop.531a
Letter of Proposal with estimated budget on the "Uses of Sociology," to Dr. Bert T. King, Assistant Head, Group Psychology Branch, Department of the Navy, Office of Naval Research, Washington, D.C., from Paul F. Lazarsfeld,, December 12, 1967
Box 109 Folder Prop.532
Proposal for Completion of Pilot Phase of"Experimental Study of Free Press-Fair Trial to the Russell Sage Foundationform Drs. Alice M. Padower-Singer and Allen H. Barton,, 1969
Box 109 Folder Prop.533
Proposal on "Training for Research Quality-A Study of Educational Researchers," submitted to the U.S. Commissioner of Education from Paul F. Lazarsfeld,, May 22, 1968
Box 109 Folder Prop.534
Grant Application to HEW, Public Health Service for research on "The Graduate Drop-Out: A Study of Attrition,"from Sam D. Sieber,, August 5,1969
Box 109 Folder Prop. 535
Proposal for "A Comprehensive Sudy of the College Work-Study Program," submitted to the U.S. Office of Education, from Allen Barton and Sam D. Sieber,, May 25,1970
Box 110 Folder Prop.536
Proposal on the "Evaluation of Pilot State Dissemination Program," to the Office of Information Dissemination, U.S. Office of Education, from Sam D. Sieber,, April 24, !970
Box 110 Folder Prop.537
Proposal for Research on "Incentives and Obstacles to Management Hiring of the Disadvantaged," for a Doctoral Dissertation, submitted to The Associate Manpower Administrator For Policy, Evaluation, and Research, Manpower Administration, U.S. Department of Labor, from Candidate Sherry Gorelick and Sponsor, Ivar E. Berg,, July 1,1969
Box 110 Folder Prop.538
Proposal for research on a Doctoral Dissertation entitled "The Flight from Science: Student Disillusionment with Careers in Science and Engineering," to The Associate Manpower Administrator, Manpower Administration, U.S. Department of Labor, from Candidate Jeffrey G. Reitz, and Sponsor, Robert K. Merton,, July 1,1969
Box 110 Folder Prop.539
Proposal Entitled"Atudy of Interviewing: The Use of Indigenous Interviewers in Survey Research and Interaction between Interviewer and Respondent," submitted to the Office of Education from Allen H. Barton,, 1969
Box 110 Folder Prop.540
Proposal on "The Brain Drain: An International Comparative Study,"-GS-2889-to the NSF from Allen H. Barton and William A. Glaser,, December, 1970
Box 110 Folder Prop.541
Proposal on "Masculine Role Strains," to NIMH-Cancelled-see Nos. 443 and 501-Empty Folder,, 1969
Box 110 Folder Prop.542
Proposal for research on Doctoral Dissertation entitled "Career Patterns and Values: A Study of Men and Women in Scientific, Professional, and Technical Occupations," submitted to the Associate Manpower Administrator For Policy, Evaluation, and Research, Manpower Administration, U.S. Department of Labor, from Candidate Deborah S. David, and Sponsor, Paul F. Lazarsfeld ,, 1969
[D-8004. Approved- August 22, 1969]
Box 110 Folder Prop.543
Proposal on "Disaffiliation among Urban Women," to NIMH-cancelled as same as No.465-Empty Folder,, 1969
Box 110 Folder Prop.544
Grant Application for an "Examination of the Dynamics of Professional Meetings," to HEW, Public Health Service, from Allen H. Barton,, October 23, 1969
Box 110 Folder Prop.545
Proposal for "Analysis of Professional Meetings," to NSF from Allen H. Barton,, July 3,1969
Box 110 Folder Prop.546
Grant Application for "A Conference to Produce a Handbook on the Resources and Methods in Black Folklore," to HEW, Public Health Service, from Allen H. Barton and Alan Lomax,, December 9, 1969
Box 110 Folder Prop.547
Proposal for an" Experimental Study of Free Press-Fair Trial," submitted to the National Institute of Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice, Law Enforcement Assistance Administration, U.S. Department of Justice, from Dr. Alice M. Padawer-Singer and Prof. Allen H. Barton,, April, 1970
Box 110 Folder Prop.548
Proposal for "Filming of A Criminal Trial For Educational and Experimental Purposes in an Experimental Study of Free Press-Fair Trial," submitted to the Law Enforcement Administration, National Institute of Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice, the U.S. Department of Justice, Washington, D.C., from Alice M. Padawer-Singer and Allen H. Barton,, April, 1970
Box 110 Folder Prop.549
Proposal for "Preparation of Course Content on Concepts and Indices, Causal Analysis and Qualitative Analysis for Educational Researchers," submitted to the U.S. Commissioner of Education, from Allen H. Barton and Paul F. Lazarsfeld,, July 10, 1970
Box 110 Folder Prop.550
Proposal on the "Impact of Educational R & D Products,' submitted to the U.S. Office of Education, from Paul F. Lazarsfeld,, May 25,1970
Box 110 Folder Prop.550A
Research Support Application for "Training for Research in Sociology of Education," to HEW, Office of Education, from Paul F. Lazarsfeld,, (1970?)
Box 110 Folder Prop.551
Proposal to "Prepare Course Content Module on Panel Analysis," submitted to the Office of Education from Bernard Levenson,, (1969?)
Box 110 Folder Prop.552
Proposal on "American Elites," to the NSF from Allen H. Barton., July 30, 1969
Box 110 Folder Prop.553
Proposal on "Campus Unrest," submitted to the U.S. Commissioner of Education, from Allen H Barton,, December 31, 1969
Box 110 Folder Prop.553a
Proposal for "The Anatomy of a Rebellion. A Comparative Study of Schools and Departments during the Columbia University Crisis of 1968,"submitted to NIMH from Allen H. Barton,, Decenmber 31,1969
Box 110 Folder Prop.554
Proposal for Research on "managerial Success and Failure in a High Technology Organization," submitted to the Associate Manpower Administration For Policy, Evaluation, and Research, Manpower Administration, U.S. Department of Labor, from Fred H. Goldner,, March 25,1970
Box 110 Folder Prop.555
Proposal for research on "Problems of Increasing Opportunity for Negroes in Medical Education," to the Josiah Macy, Jr. Foundation, from Allen H. Barton,, September 2, 1969
Box 110 Folder Prop.556-560
Proposal on "black Women in Elite Occupations,' to the U.S. Department of Labor from Cynthia E. Epstein,, (1969?)
Box 110 Folder Prop.561
Proposal on "Processes Affecting the Participation and Development of Negro Women in Professional Careers," to the NSF, from William J. Goode,, March 1, 1970
Box 110 Folder Prop.562
Proposal for study of the "Utilization of the Results of Social Research in Health policy Decisions," submitted to the National Center for Health Services Research and Development , from Allen H.Barton,, (1970?)
Box 110 Folder Prop.563.
Grant Application to HEW, Public Health Service, for research on "Some Attitudes of the Older Population," from Abram J. Jaffe,, (1970?)
Box 110 Folder Prop.564
Grant Application to HEW, Administration of Aging, for research on "Expenditure Patterns of Older persons-A Pilot Study," from A. J. Jaffe,, October 23, 1969
Box 110 Folder Prop.565
Proposal Submitted for research on a Doctoral Dissertation Entitled "Militance Among Coal Miners in Appalachia, 1950-1970,"submitted to the Associate Manpower Administration For Policy, Evaluation, and Research, Manpower Administration, U.S. Department of Labor, from Candidate Paul J. Nyden, and Sponsor, Sam D, Sieber,, June 24, 1970
Box 110 Folder Prop.568
Proposal for Doctoral Dissertation research on "A Sociological Analysis of the Dysfunctions of Consumer Credit," submitted to the Associate Manpower Adm. Policy Evaluation, And Research, Manpower Administration, U.S. Department of Labor, from Candidate Eric W Single, and Sponsor, Allan A. Silver,, June 30, 1970
Box 110 Folder Prop.600
Proposal for "Interdisciplinary Training for Social Research On Education," submitted to the Research Training Branch, National Center For Educational Research, U.S. Office of Education, from W.Phillips Davison and Sam D. Sieber,, December 13, 1971
Box 110 Folder Prop.601
Proposal on "Organizations and Community Conflict," to the NSF, from Norms Zane Chaplain and Allen H. Barton,, December 11,1972
Box 110 Folder Prop.601a
Proposal for Research on "Conflict Over Housing : An Organizational Perspective," to the U.S. Commissioner of Education, from Norma Zane Chaplain,, August 14, 1971
Box 110 Folder Prop.602
Proposal on "The Use of Force and Its Threat as a Control System in Human Behavior: An Experiment in Theory Development," submitted to the NSF, from William J. Goode, And Allen H. Barton,, (1971?)
Box 110 Folder Prop.603
Proposal on the "Evaluation of Existing Knowledge about Scientific and Technical Career Choice and Motivational Factors," to the NSF, from Harriet Zuckerman,, (!971?)
Box 110 Folder Prop.604
Proposal on "The Political Consteruction of the Child's Everyday World: Political Socialization in France and the United States," submitted to the NSF, from Mark Kesselman,, March 30, 1972
Box 110 Folder Prop.605
Proposal for research on "The Student Volunteers: A View of College Volunteer Service Organizations and Relations Among the Students who Run Them,"fromHenry L. Slan and Sponsor, Allen H. Barton,, May 10, 1971
Box 110 Folder Pro.606
Proposal for research on "Employment and Financial Status of Workers Seriously Disabled on the Job, Several Years After the Accident," to Dr. Peter S. Barth, Executive Director, National Commission on State Workmen's Compensations Laws, Washington, D.C., from A.J. Jaffe,, November 15, 1971
Box 110 Folder Prop.607
Proposal for "Follow-Up Study To Determine The Functional Status Of Narcotic Addicts Experiencing Different Degrees of Treatment," submitted to NIMH, from Allen H.Barton,, October 27, 1971
Box 110 Folder Prop.608
Proposal on "Processes of Undergraduate Learning About Population as a Social Issue," to the Population Council from Allen H. Barton,, November 19, 1971
Box 110 Folder Prop.609
Proposal for "A Comparative Study of Societies," to the NSF, from Peter M. Blau,, (1971?)
Box 110 Folder Prop.610
Proposal for research on "Perceptions of Environmental Quality Issues Held By Leaders in the New York Metropolitan Region," to the Rockefeller Foundation, from Allen H. Barton,, (1971?)
Box 110 Folder Prop.611
Proposal for "A Study of Deference and Sanctions in an Intensive Care Unit," to (NSF?), from William J. Goode,, (1971?)
Box 110 Folder Prop.612
Proposal for study of "Technical Assistance in Preparing a Study of the Education Profession," to?, from A.J. Jaffe,, (!971?)
Box 110 Folder Prop.613
Grant Application for research on "Fertility and Other Population Characteristics of the Puerto Rican Population with Special Reference to New York City," submitted to the Health Research Council of the City of New York, from A.J. Jaffe,, February 10, 1971
Box 110 Folder Prop.614
Grant Application to HEW, Public Health Service, for research on "Fertility and Labor Force in the U.S.," from A. J. Jaffe,, (1971?)
Box 110 Folder Prop.615
Resarch Proposal on "Fertility and the Labor Force-U.S. and Developing Countries, to the NSF, from A. J. Jaffe and Jeanne Clare Ridley,, (1971?)
Box 110 Folder Prop.616
Grant Application on "Fertility & Labor Force-U.S. & Developing Countries," To HEW, Public Health Service, from Abram J. Jaffe,, (1971?)
Box 110 Folder Prop.617
Proposal for research on a Doctoral Dissertation, entitled: "Social Determinants of Professional Migration from the Developing Countries," submitted to the Associate Manpower Administrator for Policy, Evaluation and Research, Manpower Administration, U.S. Department of Labor, from Candidate, Orlando Rodriguez, and Sponsor, Peter M. Blau,, March, 1971
Box 110 Folder Prop.618
Research Proposal on "non-Returning Foreign Students in U.S. Colleges and Universities: Education, personal Adjustment, and Career," submitted to the U.S. Commissioner of Education, from Orlando Rodriguez and Peter Blau,, (1972?)
Box 110 Folder Prop.619.
Grant proposal on "administrative Goal Change and Goal Achievement in Higher Educational Institutions," to the National Institute for Education, from Allen H. Barton., January 18, 1973
Box 110 Folder Prop.620
Proposal on "the Values, Educational Philosophy and Professional Integration of Elementary School teachers," to?, from Allen H.Barton and Sam, D. Sieber,, (1970?)
Box 110 Folder Prop.621
Proposal on "The Sociology of Educational Controversy," to the Ntional Insttute of Education, Washington, D.C. from Allen H. Barton,, March 1, 1973
Box 110 Folder Prop.622
Proposal on "After Federal Financial Aid-What next?" submitted to the Office of Education, Washington, D.C., from Allen H. Barton,, (1971?)
Box 110 Folder Prop.623
Proposal on "Explaining Variation in the Quality of Educational Research," Submitted to the U.S. Commissioner of Education, from Allen H. Barton,, May 19, 1971
Box 110 Folder Prop.624
Proposal on "Teaching the Structure and Cultural Connections of the Rhythmic Arts-Music and Dance -with Tape and Film Loops," submitted to the U.S. Commissioner of Education, from Alan Lomax and Conrad Arensberg,, May 5,1971
Box 110 Folder Prop.625
Grant Application for research on the "utilization of Social research in the Field of Patient Health Care," to the Health Research Council of the City of New York, from Allen H. Barton,, (1971?)
Box 110 Folder Prop.626
Proposal on "Foreign Affairs and the Broadcast Journalist," to?, from BASR,, (1971?)
Box 110 Folder Prop.627
Grant Application for "A Longitudinal Study of Housing for the Elderly,"to HEW, Public Health Service, from Allen H. Barton,, (1971?)
Box 110 Folder Prop.628.
Proposal on "neighborhood Government and the Quality of Urban Life: Evaluation of an Experiment in Decentralization," to the NSF, from Allen H. Barton,, January 7,1972
Box 110 Folder Prop.629.
Proposal on Youth programs in schools, to Mr. Philip M. Read, Director, Youth programs, Sears-Roebuck Foundation, Chicago, Illinois, from Allen H. Barton,, April 23,1971
Box 110 Folder Prop.630
Proposal on "Employment Prospects in the Educational System for Unemployed Engineers, Scientists, and Other Highly Qualified Technical Personnel," submitted to the Office of Education, from A. J. Jaffe,, June 1, 1971
Box 110 Folder Prop.631
Proposal on "The Relevance of Social Research to Government Decision-Making," to NIMH, , Office of Program Planning and Evaluation, from Allen H. Barton,, June 25, 1973
Box 110 Folder Prop.632
Proposal to provide "Local Action Interregional Analysis and Field Support Services to Aid," submitted to AID, from Richard A. Ellis, Checchi and Company, Washington, D.C and BASR,, May 8, 1973
Box 110 Folder Prop.633
Proposal on "Two Classrooms: Children, Social Stratification and the Politics of Everyday Life," submitted to the National Institute of Education, Washington, D.C. from Mark Kesselman,, April 13,1973
Box 110 Folder Prop.634
Proposal on "Neighborhood Government and the Quality of Urban Life: The Transition of an Experiment in Decentralization to Permanent Status," submitted to the NSF, from Allen H. Barton,, (1973?)
Box 110 Folder Prop.635
Proposal on "Minority Women in the U.S. Labor Force," submitted to the Associate Manpower Administration For Policy, Evaluation, And Research, Manpower Administration, U.S. Department of Labor, from A.J. Jaffe,, July, 1974
Box 110 Folder Prop.636
Proposal on the "Technical Section of a Study of drug Abuse Education Facilitators and Consultants," submitted to HEW, Health Services and Mental Health Administration, Washington, D.C.,from Allen H. Barton,, May 3, 1971
Box 110 Folder Prop.637
Proposal on the "prevention of Drug Addiction and Rehabilitation of Drug Addicts," submitted to the Bureau of Educational Research, Board of education of the City of New York, from Allen H. Barton,, November 30, 1970
Box 110 Folder Prop.638
Proposal on "The Methodology of Survey Research in Education," submitted to the U.S. Commissioner of Education, from Allen H. Barton and Paul F. Lazarsfeld,, (1969-70?)
Box 110 Folder Prop.639
Proposal for "A Pilot Study of Individually Prescribed Instruction," to the (U.S. Commissioner of Education?) from Gladys Lang and Sam Sieber,, December, 1969
Box 110 Folder Prop.640
Proposal for "Survey of Foreign-Trained Professionals and Employers in the Phillipine Islands," submitted to the Southeast Asia Development Advisory Group, (Washington, D.C.?), from William A. Glaser,, (1969?)
Box 110 Folder Prop.641
Proposal for "A Study of the Impact of Student Financial Aid . Phase I Study Design and Pre-Implementation Programs," submitted to the (U.S. Commissioner of Education?), from A.J. Jaffe,, (1974?)
Box 110 Folder Prop.642
Research Support Aqpplication for "Training for Research in Sociology of Education," to HEW, Office of Education, from Sam D. Sieber,, (1971?)
Box 110 Folder Prop.643
Grant Application for a "Program of Research in the Sopciology of Science," submitted to the NSF, from Robert K. Merton and William Glaser,, April 22, 1969
Box 110 Folder Prop.645
Grant Application for research on "America's Four Great Cultural Traditions-A Filmed History," submitted to the National Foundation For The Humanities, Washington, D.C. from Alan Lomax and Conrad Arensberg,, (1970?)
Box 110 Folder Prop.646
Grant Application for continuing the "comparative Organization Research Program," submitted to the (NSF?) from Peter Blau,, (1970?)
Box 111 Folder Prop.700
Grant Application for research on "The Aged in Asylums," to HEW, Public Health Service, from William J. Goode,, January 30, 1973
Box 111 Folder Prop.701
Grant Application for "Cross-National Study of Social Security," to HEW, Social and Rehabilitation Service and Social Security Administration, from Peter M. Blau,, (1973?)
Box 111 Folder Prop.702
Proposal for reseearch on "Sex-role Aspirations and Childbearing in Teen Girls," to the Russell Sage Foundation, from Allen H. Barton,, (1973?)
Box 111 Folder Prop.703
Grant Application for research on Doctoral Dissertation entitled "sources of Career Success in the Chinese Bureaucracy: 1949-1965," to the NSF, from Candidate Stephen J. Butts, and Sponsor, Andrew J. Nathan,, (1973?)
Box 111 Folder Prop.704
Proposal on "Culture and Expressive Behavior: Extension and Testing of the Culture Style Method," submitted to the NSF, from Conrad M. Arensberg,, (1973?)
Box 111 Folder Prop..705
Proposal on "union Involvement and Citizen Duty," submitted to the NSF, from Allen H. Barton,, (1973?)
Box 111 Folder Prop.706
Proposal for "A Comparison of Attitudes and Opinions of Federal Legislators With Their Voting behavior," to the NSF, from Allen H. Barton,, (19073?)
Box 111 Folder Prop.707
Proposal on "American Leaders and Social Problems: Additional Analysis," Submitted to HEW, Public Health Service, from Allen H. Barton,, 1973-1974
Box 111 Folder Prop.708.
Proposal on "structural and Individual Correlates of Creativity in Architecture," submitted to the NSF, from Allen H. Barton,, (1973?)
Box 111 Folder Prop.709
Proposal on "The Acquisition and Allocation of Prestige as Processes of Social Control," submitted to the NSF, from William J. Goode,, (1973?)
Box 111 Folder Prop.713
Proposal on Composite Societies and their International Environments," submitted to the NSF, from Allen H. Barton and William A. Glaser,, Date(1974?)
Box 111 Folder Prop.714.
Grant Application to HEW, Social and Rehabilitation Service and Social Security Administration, for research on "Paying the Doctor: Foreign Lessons for the U.S.," from William Glaser,, December 31, 1974
Box 111 Folder Prop.716
Grant Application for research on "Factors Affecting the Decision Relevance of Health Research," to HEW, Public Health Service, from Allen H. Barton and Carol H. Weiss,, (1973?)
Box 111 Folder Prop.717
Proposal on"How Individuals and Groups Affect Each Other Through the Processes of Prestige Allocation," to (NSF?) from William J. Goode,, (1973?)
Box 111 Folder Prop.719
Grant Application to the National Endowment for the Humanities, for "Study of Of Accent and its Relation to some American Sub-cultures," from Alan Lomax and Conrad Arensberg,, (1973?)
Box 111 Folder Prop.721
Proposal for Doctoral Dissertation research entitled "A Cross -National Study of Social Security," submitted to the Associate Manpower Administrator for Policy, Evaluation, And Research, Manpower Administration, U.S. Department of Labor, from Candidate Zeev Gorin, and Peter M. Blau,, February 27, 1973
Box 111 Folder Prop.722
Grant Application for research on "leadership Response To Welfare Reform": A Panel Study," to HEW, Public Health Service, from Allen H. Barton and Carol H. Weiss,, (1973?)
Box 111 Folder Prop.724
Proposal for Doctoral Dissertation on "The Impact of Environmental Conditions and Technical Factors on Productivity and Performance in the Public Sector: An Economic Analysis of Municipal Sanitation Services," submitted to the Assistant Secretary For policy Development and Research , U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, from Candidate, Ronald A. Brumback, and Sponsor, Donald J. Dewey,, March 1, 1975
Box 111 Folder Prop.725.
Proposal for (Doctoral Dissertation research entitled "A Study in the Optimal Distribution of a Free Public Good: A Simultaneous Equation Model of Crime and police Allocation in New York City," submitted to the National Institute of Law Enforcement, Washington, D.C., from Candidate , David A. Kennett, and Sponsor,C. Lowell Harriss,, April 15,1975
Box 111 Folder Prop..726.
Proposal on "Neighborhood Government and the Quality of Urban Life: Evaluation of an Experiment in Decentralization," submitted to the NSF, from Allen H. Barton,, (1973?)
Box 111 Folder Prop.727.
Proposal for Doctoral Dissertation Research on "Local Structures and Federal Goals: A Study in Program Implementation," submitted to the Assistant Secretary For Policy Development and Research, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, from Candidate, Howard G. Katz, and Sponsor, Stanley J. Heginbotham,, March 1, 1975
Box 111 Folder Prop.729
Grant Application for research on the "Development of Social Consensus Against Opium, 1800-1914," to HEW, Public Health Service, from Sigmund Diamond,, (1975?)
Box 111 Folder Prop.733.
Grant Application for continuation of research on the "Comparative Organization Research Program," to the NSF, from Peter M. Blau,, March 5,1973
Box 111 Folder Prop.734
Grant Application for "A Comparative Study of the Structure of Society," to the NSF, from Peter M. Blau,, (1974?)
Box 111 Folder Prop.736.
Proposal for "A Study of Unemployment Insurance Exhaustees," to the (U.S. Department of Labor?) , from A. J. Jaffe,, (1974-5?)
Box 111 Folder Prop.737.
Proposal on "social Conditions of the Mainland Puerto Rican population, With Notes on Conditions in the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico," to the Ford Foundation, from A.J. Jaffe,, (1974-75?)
Box 111 Folder Prop.740.
Proposal on "Incentives to Early Retirement: A Study of the Effects of a New labor Contract," Submitted to the Labor Management Services Administration," U.S. Department of Labor, from Allen H. Barton,, March 1, 1975
Box 111 Folder Prop.741.
Proposal on "Fertility and the employment of Women-A Comparison of Colombia, Puerto Rico, and the United States," to the International Program for Population Analysis, Interdisciplinary Communications Program, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. from A.J.Jaffe, and Alfredo Ocampo Zamorano,, (1974?)
Box 111 Folder Prop.743.
Proposal on "Policy Issues Analysis in Postsecondary Education," to the (U.S. Office of Education?), from Allen H. Barton,, (1975?)
Box 111 Folder Prop.744.
Proposal on "A Comparative Analysis of Postsecondary and Educational Outcomes for the High School Senior Class of 1972," submitted to the U.S. office of Education from Guillermina Jasso,, (1975?)
Box 111 Folder Prop.745.
Proposal for "Policy Issues in Postsecondary Education: Issue 3.6 D: Impact of Secondary School," submitted to the U.S. Office of Education, from Walter Wood Adams,, (1975?)
Box 111 Folder Prop.747.
Proposal for "Policy Issues in PostSecondary Education: Issues 3.6 C: Student Financial Aid," submitted to the (U.S. Office of Education?) from A.J. Jaffe, and Nathalie Friedman,, (1975?)
Box 111 Folder Prop.748
Proposal for research on "Foreign-Trained Professionals in India," to the (NSF?), From William Glaser,, October,1974.
Box 111 Folder Prop.749.
Research Grant Addendum Application for research on "A Comparative Study of Societies," to the NSF, from Peter M. Blau,, (1975?)
Box 111 Folder Prop.750.
Proposal on "Non-Returning Foreign Students in U.S. Colleges and Universities: Education, personal adjustment, and Career," submitted to the U.S. Commissioner of Education from Orlando Rodriguez and Peter M. Blau,, (1975?)
Box 111 Folder Prop.751.
Proposal to "Study the Planning and the Use of a Public Housing Project," to (HUD?), from John Zeisel,, (1975?)
Box 111 Folder Prop.752.
Supplementary research proposal on "A Panel Study of Leadership Response to Welfare Reform, 1970-1975," submitted to the NSF, from Allen H. Barton,, (1975?)
Box 111 Folder Prop.753.
Propodal on "Social Forces Underlying Inflation and Its Control,: comparative study of national leaders and experts," to the (NSF?) , from Allen H. Barton,, September 10, 1974
Box 111 Folder Prop.754.
Proposal for research on "Population Policy as a Resultant of Perceived Current Social and Economic Conditions-A Case Study of Mexico," to The Rockefeller Ford Program For Population Policy Research, from A. J. Jaffe,, (1973?)
Box 111 Folder Prop.755.
Grant Application for research on "Structural and Individual Correlates of Creativity in Architecture," submitted to the Associate Manpower Administration For Policy, Evaluation, and Research, Manpower Administration, U.S. Department of Labor, from Allen H. Barton, and Judith R. Blau,, (1974?)
Box 111 Folder Prop.756.
Grant Application for research on the "Social Correlates of Legalized Abortion," To HEW, Public Health Service, from Jack Elinson, and Carol H. Weiss,, (1971?)
Box 111 Folder Prop.757
Grant Application for an "Evaluation of Pilot State Dissemination Program,' to HEW, Office of education, from Sam D. Sieber,, April 24, 1970
Box 111 Folder Prop.758
Proposalto make BASR available for research and Consulting about the design and evaluation of AID"s development projects, to AID, from William A. Glaser,, February 6, 1975
Box 111 Folder Prop. 762
Proposal on "professors in Trouble: An Analysis of Academic Freedom and Tenure Cases' from Allen H. Barton,, January 15, 1976
Box 111 Folder Prop.763
Application for Cintinuing Grant on "Factors Affecting the Decision-Relevance of Resarch," to HEW, Public Health Service, from Allen H. Barton , carol H. Weiss,, (1973?)
Box 111 Folder Prop.766
Proposal on the "impact of District Social Structure and Administrative Decentralization on Policy Outputs: A Sociological Analysis of the Office of Neighborhood Government," submitted to the Assistant Secretary For Policy Development and Research, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development for doctoral Dissertation research, from Candidate, Mary Jane Wilson and Sponsor, Herbert Gans,, October 1, 1975
Box 111 Folder Prop. 768.
Proposal on "Soap Operas Yesterday and Today: The Effects of Daytime Serials on Female Viewers," submitted to the NSF, from Ann Pasanella and Allen H. Barton,, (75-76?).
Box 111 Folder Prop.772.
Proposal on "A Resource Management Approach To Social Indicators," to HEW, Public Health Service, from Anthony R. Oberschall,, ( 74-75?)
Box 111 Folder Prop.800
Grant Application for research on "Social Structure, Social Change and Credit Allocation," to HEW, Public Health Service, from Andrew A. Beveridge,, (75-76?)
Box 111 Folder Prop.801
Proposal Draft on "Social Decisions Affecting Inflation," to?, from William Glaser,, November, 1974
Box 111 Folder Prop.802
Draft proposal for a cooperative International Survey of "Social Forces Underlying Inflation and Its Control," to? from the Program for Comparative Study of National Leadership, BASR,, August 15, 1974
Box 111 Folder Prop.803.
Proposal on "American Leadership Beliefs About Economic Stabilization," to? from Allen H. Barton and R. Wayne Parsons,, May 23, 1975
Box 111 Folder Prop. 804
Proposal of a "project for Resident -Institution-Police Cooperation for Neighborhood Security," to the State of New York , Office of Crime Control Planning, Morningside Heights, Inc, Proposal, from Allen H. Barton,, March 13, 1972
Box 111 Folder Prop.805.
A preliminary proposal for a Five-Year Cultural Voucher Program for New York City, to? from Museums Collaborative, Inc., and the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs,, January, 1974
Box 111 Folder Prop.806
Proposal to Provide Local Action Interregional Analysis and Field Support Services to Aid, submitted to the Agency For International Development, Office of Contract Management, Central Operations Division, Rosslyn, Virginia, from Checchi and Company, Washington , D. C. , and BASR,, May 8, 1973
Box 111 Folder Prop.808.
Proposal for A "Research Training Program on Formal Organizations," to? From Peter M. Blau,, May 27, 1971
Box 111 Folder Prop.809
Low-Income Housing Demostration Grant for project on "Housing for Low-Income Families in the Context of a Middle-Income Housing Development," from the Fred L. Lavanburg Foundation, New York, and David Caplovitz,, June, 1965
Box 111 Folder Prop.810
Grant Application research on "The Social Consequences of Legalized Abortion," to HEW, Public Health Service, from Jack Elinson, and Carol H. Weiss,, (1971?)
Box 111 Folder Prop.811
Proposal on "Processes Affecting the Participation and Development of Negro Women in Professional Careers," to the NSF, from William J. Goode , W. Phillips Davison, and Cynthia F. Epstein,, March 1, 1970
Box 111 Folder Prop.812
Grant Application for research on "Black Women in Elite Professions and Occupations," To HEW, Public Health Service, from William J. Goode and Allan Silver,, (1972?)
Box 111 Folder Prop.813.
Technical Proposal For "Policy Issues Analysis in Postsecondary Education, Issue 3.6 C: Student Financial Aid," to the Office of Education, Washington, D.C., from Nathalie Friedman,, Date(1975?)
Box 111 Folder Prop.814
Technical Proposal For "policy Issues in Postsecondary Education,. Issue 3.6D: Impact of Secondary School," to the Office of Education, from A.J.Jaffe and Walter Wood Adams,, (1975?)
Box 111 Folder Prop.815
Proposal for "A Study of Women in Decision-making Elites in Cross National Perspective," to? from Cynthia Fuchs Epstein, Sociology, Queens College, CUNY,, (1975?)
Box 111 Folder Prop.816.
Proposal to "provide planning, Design and Evaluation Services to AID," submitted to AID, from William A. Glaser,, Matrch, 1975
Box 111 Folder Prop.817
Proposal on "international Interdependence: Relations Between Israel And the American Jewish Community," to Department of State , Washington, D.C. from Allen H. Barton,, January 23, 1976
Box 111 Folder Pop.818
Proposal on "The Migration and Return of Professionals," to the National Center for Education Research and Development, U.S. Office of Education, from William A. Glaser,, February, 1971
Box 111 Folder Prop.819
Proposal for a research project entitled "Foreign Students in the United States," to the (Office of Education?), from Allen H. Barton and WilliamA. Glaser,, May 31, 1973
Box 111 Folder Prop.820
Grant Application for research on" The Allocation, of Honor, Prestige , or Respect, and its Consequences for Social Control," to the National Endowment for the Humanities, D.C., from William J.Goode,, (1972?)
Box 111 Folder Prop.821.
NIMH Research Development Program Application for research on "Control Processes in Power, Prestige , Money and Friendship Systems," from William J. Goode,, November 27,1968
Box 111 Folder Prop.822.
Grant Application for research on "Patients, Providers and Programs: The Dynamics of Health Care in An Urban Community," to the ,Health Research Council of the City of New York, from Stanley J. Heginbotham,, (1973-1974?)
Box 111 Folder Prop.823.
Proposal entitled: "Is the U..S. Tending Toward Geographic Homogeneity?" to the NSF, from A. J. Jaffe,, (1975?)
Box 111 Folder Prop. 824
Proposal on the "Relevancy of Ecological Group Determinants upon Fertility in the Republic of Panama," to the National Institute of Health and Human Development, Bethesda, Maryland, from A.J. Jaffe, and William A. Glaser,, February 21, 1969
Box 111 Folder Prop.825
Technical Proposal -"A Study of the Impact of Student Financial Aid. Phase I. Study Design and Pre-Implementation Programs," to the (Office of Education?), from A.J.Jaffe,, (1973-74?)
Box 111 Folder Prop.826.
Preliminary Proposal for a Study of the Administration of Higher Education in the United States and Great Britain, to the (Office of Education?), from Sam Sieber,, October 8, 1967
Box 111 Folder Prop.827
A Proposal For " A Natality Survey of New York City," to the (Department of Public Health of the City of New York?), from BASR,, May 13, 1968
Box 111 Folder Prop. 828.
Technical Proposal for "policy Issues in Postsecondary Education, Issue 3.6 B: Demand for Postsecondary Education," submitted to the (Office of Education?), Washington, D.C., from Ann K. Pasanella and Allen H. Barton,, (1975)
Box 111 Folder Prop.829.
Proposal for research on "The Development and Test of a Major Innovation in Higher Education," submitted to the (Office of Education, Washington, D.C.?) from Alfred Oxenfeldt,, (1971?)
Box 111 Folder Prop.830
Grant Application for research on "patterns of Adjustment in Housing for the Elderly," to HEW, Administration on Aging, from Allen H. Barton,, June 3, 1971
Box 111 Folder Prop. 831
Grant Application for research on "Dance Style and Culture Pattern," submitted to the National Endowment for the Humanities , from Alan Lomax and Conrad Arensberg,, (1967?)
Box 111 Folder Prop.832.
Proposal for research on "Sex-Role Aspirations and Childbearing in Teen Girls," to Hew, Public Health Service, from Allen H. Barton,, (1972-73?)
Box 111 Folder Prop.833
Grant Application for research on "Determinants of Sex-Role Decisions in Teen-Age Girls," to Hew, Public Health Service, from Allen H. Barton,, September, 25, 1972
Box 111 Folder Prop.834.
Grant Application for research on "politics and the Child's Everyday World," to Hew , public Health Service, from Mark J. Kesselman,, May 24, 1972
Box 111 Folder Prop.835.
Draft proposal for a Study of the Membership of the Association of the Bar of the City of New York, to the (Bar Association of New York City?), from Herman Kane and Charles Kadushin,, May 4, 1973
Box 111 Folder Prop.836
Proposal for A "comparison of Attitudes And Opinions Of Federal Legislators With Their Voting Records," submitted to the NSF, from Allen H. Barton,, (72-73?)
Box 111 Folder Prop.837.
Grant Application for research on "Publishers as Gatekeepers of Ideas in Mental Illness," to HEW, Public Health Service, from Lewis A. Coser, Department of Sociology, State University of New York at Stony Brook, Stony Brook, New York, 11794,, (74-75?)
Box 111 Folder Prop.838
Technical Proposal on "Research into the Development of Statistics Relating to the Availability of Women and Minority Group Members in Certain labor pools," submitted to HEW, (Office of Statistics?), from Josepph Fromkin, Inc. Washington, D.C., and A.J. Jaffe, et. al. of BASR,, (1973?)
Box 111 Folder Prop.839.
Proposal for a "Design Study For Urban Telecommunication Experiments," to NSF, from Ralph J. Schwarz, Professor of Electrical Engineering and Associate Dean, School of Engineering and Applied Science, Columbia University,, April 10, 1974
Box 111 Folder Prop.840.
Proposed Study on "Future Occupational Composition and Educational Attainment,' submitted to the (U.S. Department of Labor?), from BASR,, September 25,1968
Box 111 Folder Prop.843.
Proposal for research on a Doctoral Dissertation entitled the "Social Implications of High-Rise Housing: A Comparative Study of affluent and Poor Tenants," submitted to the Assistant Secretary for Policy Development and research, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, from Candidate, Jacqueline M. Zito, and Sponsor, Herbert J. Gans,, October 1, 1975
Box 111 Folder Prop.851
Research proposal on a "Social Statistics Documentation Study," submitted to the NSF, from Allen H. Barton,, (1976?)
Box 111 Folder Prop.855.
Technical Proposal for Research Plan on "rearranged Work Schedules in the Private Sector," to the (U.S. Department of Labor?), from A.J. Jaffe,, (1975-76?)
Box 111 Folder Prop.859
Proposal for Doctoral Dissertation research entitled "The Effects of Technology and Organizational Structure on Engineers in Two Industrial Settings," submitted to the Associate Manpower Administrator for Policy, Evaluation and Research, Manpower Administration, U.S. Department of Labor, from Candidate, Robert Zussman, and Sponsor, Allan Silver,, November 29, 1976
Box 111 Folder Prop.865.
Proposal on"Change and Innovation in Architecture and Planning," to be submitted to ?, from Judith R. Blau,, (1975?)
Box 111 Folder Prop.866.
Proposal on "social Change and experienced quality of life: A resource management approach to social indicators and account," submitted to Vanderbilt university as a subcontract, from Andrew A. Beveridge, Assistant professor of Sociology,, (1975?)
Box 111 Folder Prop.867.
Proposal for an "Evaluation Study of Probation Vocational-Remedial Education Training Project," to the New York City Department of Probation, from A.J. Jaffe and Walter Adams,, (1973-74?)