Boxes 1-103.& This Index is intended to show the entire output of each Bureau project. The projects were assigned numbers that were generally chronological, beginning with the year the project began, but became chronologically disordered from B-1000 to B-1038 due to a transition in the numbering system introduced in 1964. For these projects, the year of initiation is given after the project title.
Within projects, publications are listed by type: Reports, Monographs, Books, Articles, Masters Essays, Doctoral Dissertations, Foreign Publications and, in a few cases, Audio-Visual Materials. Within each category, publications are ordered by year and then alphabetically by author. If an author produced more than one publication of a given type in a particular year, a number in parentheses indicates its order in that author's publications for that year.
Projects that were funded through the Bureau and approved by its Board as "Bureau Projects" have numbers preceded by "B." Faculty projects, for which the Bureau provided space or services but that it did not initiate as an organization, are indicated by an "F." Similar student projects are indicated by "S" or "D." The names of the original project directors are given in parentheses after the project title.
Box 1 Folder 1
Project Files Index Introduction
Box 1 Folder B-0061-1
Paul F. Lazarsfeld and Edward A. Suchman Initial Report on an Exploratory Study of Coverage by Radio Stations.,, 1941, 6 pp. plus charts Questionnaire, notes on staffing coverage.
[Examples of data available about kind of audiences government agencies may reach by sponsoring radio programs, such as availability of people, general listening habits, station and program preference.]
Box 1 Folder B-0061-2
Paul F. Lazarsfeld, M. Bayne and Edward A. Suchman Station Coverage Report., 1941, 60pp. Report
[Discusses availability of people as listeners, information on station coverage and program structure. Questionnaire to stations included: What America Listened to on Wednesday, Dec. 4.]
Box 1 Folder B-0065
Ernest Dichter Study of Psychological Programs., 1939., 41 pp. Study Notes
[From interviews, which are given verbatim, two major themes were found in the various self-improvement programs. They offered explanations of psychological facts and they appealed to the listener to overcome difficulties or to accept unchangeable situations. The resultant good or bad effects upon the listener are discussed.]
Box 1 Folder B-0071
Julia Hoffard Musical Listening, 1939
[file on musical listening]
Box 1 Folder B-0075-1
Jack N. Peterman, Trienah Meyers Lucky Strike Hit Parade, 1940, B-0075-1: 20 pp., B-0075-2: 23pp. 3 folders containing lecture by Adorno, Audience measurement booklet- Zeisel & Polygraph, Study & notes on music and radio, Notes on Lucky Strike report
[Reports- B-0075-1: Discussion and report on how to better the Hit Parade rating system which measures relative popularity of songs. B-0075-2: A comparison of Hit Parade ratings, using different methods. Description of moves of five places or more in one week by Hit Parade songs. How eight songs moved. Hit Parade weaknesses.]
Box 1 Folder B-0076
Typed report on Princeton project and Columbia report on BASR from 1968-69; 1 separate pamphlet,, 1940, 5 folders containing
Box 2 Folder B-0080
Lazarsfeld, Berelson, & Gaudet Voting Study: How the Voter Makes Up His Mind in a Presidential Campaign,, 1940, 35 folders containing
[Folder 1 empty, Folder 34 missing, two folder 35's, Code for Erie, Peoples Choice- Sandusky
(The People's Choice: Erie County Study: Sandusky Study) (note, there was no report submitted). Book: Lazarsfeld, Berelson, & Gaudet 1944]
Box 2 Folder B-0092
Paul F. Lazarsfeld and Marjorie Fleiss Attitude Toward Spending, 1940, 4 folders containing notes, questionnaire, cards & tests, questionnaire and typescript
[B-0092-1: 40 pp., B-0092-2: 13 pp.
A scale was set up based on questions which reflected people's spending habits. B-0092-2 consists of interviewers'comments on the spending test survey. Reports: B-0092-1, B-0092-2]
Box 2 Folder B-0093
Marjorie Fleiss, and Paul F. Lazarsfeld Bloomingdates Restaurant Study, 1940, 3 folders containing Reports, Bloomingdale Restaurant study, card coder
[Would customers feel Bloomingdale's service to them was curtailed, would prestige of store be lowered, do financial returns of restaurant justify its upkeep? Stratified by income of 421 respondents. Report: B-0093-1]
Box 2 Folder B-0105
Lazarsfeld & Gaudet Shortwave Radio Listening in Erie County, 1940, 4 folders containing Memos, Repsondent lists, questionnaire, draft reports
Box 2 Folder B-0107
T.W. Adorno Analytical Study of the NBC Music Appreciation Hour, 1940, 1 folder containing study, draft report
Box 2 Folder B-0110
Paul F. Lazarsfeld American Station Sampler and How to Use It., 1940, 6 pp.: 1 folder containing Codebooks
[A chart listing 11 separate sets of radio stations-all stations in U.S. and territories included. Discussion of station sampling procedure. One empty folder with contents in Vienna.]
Box 2 Folder B-0121
R. Arnheim and E. Suchman Small Stations Foreign Language Broadcasts, 1941, B-0121-1 40 pp., B-0121-2 80pp.:3 folders containing Study report, Instructions to field supervisors, Codebooks
[B-0121-1 Preliminary analysis: number of hours and what language, types of programs, news items-domestic or foreign, drama-local or foreign, types of national appeals, etc. B-0121-2: This paper presents available evidence on the problems of such broadcasting. A questionnaire was filled out by 66 specially appointed listeners covering 800 hours of foreign language broadcasts across the country. They also could present summaries of their observations. Published. See pp. 3-64 in Radio Research 1941. Reports: B-0121-1, B-0121-2 1940 Article: Arnheim & Bayne 1941. One empty folder with copy of contents in Vienna. ]
Box 2 Folder B-0122
Suchman & Friedrich Italian Language Program Audiences, 1941, 4 folders: 1 is missing, 2&3 are empty with copies of contents in Vienna, 4 contains Codebook and Questionnaire instructions
[Report: B-0122-1; B-0122-2 Monograph: Suchman 1941]
Box 2 Folder B-0125
Herta Herzog Minority Groups and the 1941 Mayoralty Election, 1941, 25 pp.: 1 empty folder with copy of contents in Vienna
[A discussion of how the decision for whom to vote in the 1941 mayoralty election will be determined by racial and national fears and prejudices. Based on 57 detailed interviews among Jewish, Italian, Irish and German people. Report: B-0125]
Box 2 Folder B-0130
Paul F. Lazarsfeld, Arnheim, Herzog, Knupfer The Daytime Serial (Soap Opera Study),, 1942, 51 pp.: 11 folders containing Questionnaires, Questions & memos, draft reports, (folders 5-7 are empty with a copy of the contents of #5's contents in Vienna), Analysis , Content Analysis, Analysis- Soap Opera in Italian
[This sets forth the social and commercial problems created by daytime radio serials, reviews what is known, and suggests areas which need further exploration. The research methods which might be used are also discussed.]
Box 2 Folder B-0131-1
Herta Herzog Daytime Serials: Their Audience and Their Effect on Buying,, 1942, Pages:100 pp.: 4 folders containing Questionnaires
[Based on survey of 5000 women, this gives a broad general picture of women's daytime listening habits and the effect of listening upon actual use of product advertised.]
Box 2 Folder B-0131-2
Herta Herzog News and Views on John B. Hughes, 1942, 4 folders containing codebooks
[Hughes was a commentator who took over Raymond Graham Swing's time spot on the radio. This is a discussion of his selection and treatment of topics, comprehensibility, voice, opinion shaping, and comparison with other commentators. How to sell the product advertised on his program is also discussed.]
Box 2 Folder B-0131-3
Herta Herzog Study on Stomach Distress, 1942, 4 folders containing Codebook and studies
[310 interviewed, questionnaire included. Attitudes toward stomach troubles, remedies.]
Box 3 Folder B-0131-4
Herta Herzog Preliminary Test of Six Kolynos Commercials, 1942, 66 pp. Studies
[75 respondents were asked to compare commercials and were then interviews about them and about their own dentifrice use. Scripts and questionnaire included.]
Box 3 Folder B-0131-5
Herta Herzog Test of Kolynos Tooth Powder Commercials, 1942, 35 pp.
[Desc:100 women heard four sets of Kolynos Tooth Powder commercials and were then interviewed about them and about their own dentifrice use. Scripts and questionnaire included. (missing file)]
Box 3 Folder B-0131-6
Herta Herzog Test on Bisodol Commercials, 1942, 50 pp.
[76 people interviewed, questionnaire included. Problems posed were straight talk versus dramatized technique, personal versus straight descriptive approach commercial, as well as what properties of Bisodol should be stressed, sketchy versus detailed. (missing file)]
Box 3: Folder B-0131-7
Genevieve Knupfer The Buying of Vitamin Preparations, 1942, 35 pp.
[Topics covered are who buys vitamins, how much do they spend, brands bought. Questionnaires included. Problems with the data supplied by Industrial Surveys Co. are discussed. (missing file)]
Box 3 Folder B-0135
Paul F. Lazarsfeld Daytime Music Programs, 1942, 1 folder containing report
[Assembles available information on whether and what kind of daytime musical program would reach middle-aged, middle-class women. Main source of data: survey of 5000 women in 1941 by Office of Radio Research. Report: B-0135]
Box 3 Folder B-0136
Paul F. Lazarsfeld Saturday Evening Post Study, 1941, 1 folder containing Research suggestions
[This contains several reports dealing with the characteristics of Saturday Evening Post readers
Report: B-0136. One empty folder with copy of contents inVienna.]
Box 3 Folder B-0140
Manuel Manfield and Jeannette Green Greeting Card Study, 1941, 52 pp. 1 empty folder with copy of contents supposedly in Vienna
[193 persons interviewed by questionnaire and conversational interviews. Report discusses type of people interviewed, what greeting cards mean to people, resistance to them, cards as merchandise, the dealer. Questionnaires included. Report: B-0140]
Box 3 Folder B-0141
M. Bayne Refrigerator Buying, 1941, 30 pp.: 1 empty folder with copy of contents in Vienna. 1 folder containing Questions
[Based on 60 detailed interviews, a tentative analysis tries to answer such questions as: Do people have more subtle desires to which we could link the use of a refrigerator? Could we mobilize psychological forces which usually are not thought of in refrigerator ads? Report: B-0141]
Box 3 Folder B-0142
Durant & Lazarsfeld Morale Survey, 1941, 2 folders containing Questionnaires
[Report: not available Article: Lazarsfeld & Durant 1942 Masters Essay: Durant 1943]
Box 3 Folder B-0143
Magazines vs. Radio Serials, 1941
Box 3 Folder *B-0145
Leo Lowenthal Biographies in Popular Magazines. Published. See pp. 507-548 in Radio Research 1942-1943.,, 1942-1943, 14 folders containing Data, Notes & tables
[Article: Lowenthal 1944]
Box 3 & 4 Folder B-0150
Paul F. Lazarsfeld Joint Ownership of Radio of Radio Stations and Newspapers,, 1941, Pages:B-0150-1 35 pp., B-0150-2 34 pp., B-0150-3 55pp., B-0150-4 35pp.: 21 folders and 2 loose leaf code binders Folders 1-3 are empty with copies of their contents inVienna (statistical jargon covers by radio affiliation), other folders contain Report Analysis, Misc., Tabulations & tables, Tables & codebooks, Questionnaires, Reports, Misc. codes, and Codebook binders
[B-0150-1 A statistical picture of distribution of newspapers and radio stations, and some of their main characteristics in the whole country. B-0150-2 An analysis of 93 1-1 communities for which newspaper ownership of more than 50% is claimed. (1-1 community: radio stations and newspaper associated.) Power, frequency, population, newspaper circulation, network affiliation are variables taken into account. B-0150-3 Discusses in what communities newspapers disappear and the role in this disappearance played by radio and newspaper-radio affiliations. B-0150-4 50 radio stations were selected which were associated with a newspaper. 50 stations and 50 newspapers were selected which were not associated or owned one by the other. Then the 50 associated and non-associated stations were compared. Same was done for the 2 groups of newspapers. Reports: B-0150-1 through B-0150-4 1941 Articles: Lazarsfeld 1942 (1,2)]
Box 4 Folder B-0151
Jeannette Green Drugstore Survey, 1943, 66 pp.: 3 folders containing Questionnaire, Tables, and one Empty file with a copy of the contents in Vienna
[Report based on 264 interviews in 13 cities, concerns attitude toward drugstores and pharmacists. Report: B-0151-1; B-0151-2]
Box 4 Folder B-0152
L. Kay H. Herzog Attitude Towards Life Magazine, 1943, B-0152-1: 16 pp., B-0152-2: 60 pp., B-0152-3: 14pp.: 19 folders and 2 loose leaf binders 2 Empty folders with copies of contents in Vienna on the observations on the readings, others containing Analysis, Progress reports, Questionnaires, Tables, Correspondence & memos, Questionnaires & codes, Analysis & reports, Binders- interview data
[B-0152-1 intensive interviews were conducted toward a better understanding of the function of Life magazine as a medium of communication and as a social and political magazine. B-0152-2 Perceptions of Life's editorial policy, Life compared with other magazines, why some don't read it, how thoroughly it is read as a news magazine, as a non-news magazine, as a picture magazine. Based on 200 interviews. Questionnaire included. B-0152-3 General reading habits of Life, Saturday Evening Post, Collier's and Liberty readers; relation of multiplicity of magazine reading to intensity of reading. Reports: B-0152-1 through B-0152-3]
Box 5 Folder *B-0153
Lazarsfeld, Kaufman, Herzog Iowa Survey of Radio Listening. Published. (See pp., 130-151 in Communications Research, 1948-1949.),, 1948-1049, 4 folders containing Questionnaires, Codebooks, Memos
[Articles: Herzog 1944, Kaufman 1944, Kass 1949 Masters Essay: Kass 1945]
Box 5 Folder B-0156
Gerhart Wiebe Refuting Wartime Rumors, 1942, 35 pp.: 1 empty folder with copy of contents supposedly in Vienna
[Excerpts from three broadcasts were studied to find their relative merit in terms of audience appeal and their effectiveness in "scotching" rumors. Program Analyzer and supplementary questionnaire were used. Questionnaire included. Report: B-0156]
Box 5 Folder B-0158
Ernest Dichter Health Program Study., 1942, 43 pp.: 1 empty folder with copy of contents in Vienna
[To establish the appeal of radio health programs, 14 people were interviewed and these interviews are given verbatim. A combination of factors was found to explain their continued interest. Report: B-0158]
Box 5 Folder B-0160
Goodwin Watson Wine Study, 1944, 48 pp.: 9 folders containing 1-4 folders are empty with copies of Wine study contents in Vienna, other folders contain Questionnaires, and Code Books
[Previous discussions of customs and wine drinking, social factors involved, special characteristics of wine drinkers, types of drinkers and the marketing of wine are summarized. Topics for further study are suggested. Original discussions are contained in interim reports under B-0160. Report: B-0160-1 through B-0160-4]
Box 5 Folder B-0162
Kaufman "Why We Fight" Analysis, 1942, Memos and Tests Report
Box 5 Folder B-0163
Maurice L. Farber Program Analyzer Test of "Ask Eleanor Nash.", 1942, 6 pp. Empty File, copyof contents in Vienna
[This report discusses the test group, their "like" and "dislike" reactions, reactions to Eleanor's voice and to the program as a whole. 18 women were in the sample. Report: B-0163]
Box 5 Folder B-0165
Paul F. Lazarsfeld Magazine Reading Before and After Pearl Harbor, 1942, 22 pp.: 3 folders containing Memorandums, Study Codes
[Based on data obtained from Life, Inc., and Hearst Publications, Inc., this report investigates the changes in people's reading habits as a result of Pearl Harbor, especially with regard to the reading of nonfiction articles concerned with the war. Report: B-0165]
Box 5 Folder B-0166
Ruth A. Durant The Structure and Stability of Public Opinion; Some Aspects of National Morale, Masters' Essay,, 1942
[Masters Thesis Corresponds to S-0166. Report not available]
Box 5 Folder S-0166
Ruth A. Durant The Structure and Stability of Public Opinion; Some Aspects of National Morale [Master's essay},, August, 1942, 121 pages plus appendices
[Masters Thesis Corresponds to S-0166. Report not available]
Box 5 Folder B-0167
Shortwave Broadcasts to Germany and Italy, 1942, 56 pp.
[Discussion of unfavorable aspects of the programs and of technical problems. Report: B-0167. 1 Empty folder with copy of its contents in Vienna.]
Box 5 Folder B-0168
Lowenthal and Lazarsfeld Philadelphia News and News Commentators Study, 1942, 11 folders containing Tables, Codes,Notes, Commentaries, Analysis, Analysis of NY paper editorials, Memoranda, Monitors, Procedures
Box 5 Folder B-0169
Peatman & Marcson "This is War" Program Tests, 1942, 3 folders containing Memos, and Codebooks, 1 is empty with a copy of its contents-the report in Vienna.
[Report: B-0169-1; B-0169-2]
Box 5 Folder B-0170
Herta Herzog Pretesting a Short Story, 1942, 15 pp.: 4 folders containing 1 Empty Folder with copy of Report in Vienna), others contain Story, Misc. memo, Pretesting- 8 questionnaires (confidential)
[Summary of findings of a reader test of 15 people to determine reactions to characters, plot, etc., of readers of a preliminary version of a novelette. Interviews and questionnaire included. Report: B-0170]
Box 5 Folder B-0181
Jeannette Green Golden Wedding Whiskey Study, 1943, 18 pp.: 2 folders containing 1 empty folder with contents in Vienna), other contains Questionnaire
[163 interviews were conducted with Protestant, Catholic and Jewish men and women to find out if the wedding ring on the Golden Wedding (whiskey) trademark was offensive to their religious and social feelings. Questionnaire included. Report: B-0181]
Box 5 Folder B-0182
Genevieve Knupfer Poughkeepsie Social Stratification Study, 1943, 6 folders containing Study, Correllations, Misc., Questionnaire, Codebook
[(Also filed as S-0285) Report: not available Article: Knupfer 1947 Dissertation: Knupfer 1946]
Box 5 Folder B-0183
Kay Birthday Cards Study, 1943, 3 folders containing Questionnaire, Memo, Draft report
Box 5 Folder B-0185
Marjorie Fiske Promoting Radio to Retailers, 1943, 57 pp. Report
[The successful commercial use of radio rests upon an understanding of the interrelationship of the commercial and the informing and entertaining aspects of radio. This memorandum then, deals with "general psychology of radio, its power as a selling force, and some particular aspects of retailers' use of radio." Report: B-0185 Article: Fiske 1944]
Box 5 Folder B-0187
Robert K. Merton Patterns of Influence (Time Readership in Dover, N.J.),, 1943, 102 pp. Report
[This report explores the meaning of influence in a community and its relation to the reading of Time magazine. In two field trips 86 interviews were secured from three groups of people: 1) influential people, 2) Time subscribers, 3) random people. Suggestions for further research are made and interview schedules are included. Report: B-0187 Article: Merton 1949]
Box 5 Folder B-0190
Jeannette Green "American Magazine" Study, 1943, 34 pp.: 21 folders 1 Empty folder with contents of the study in Vienna, others contain Questionnaires- 8 interviews, Codes- & codesheets, Interview instruction, Questionnaire, Tables, Misc., Procedures, Study comparisons, Criticisms, Preference trends, Commercial breakdowns, Gratifications, Psych. applied to publishing, Pages from magazines, Final study
[315 people were interviewed, showing American Magazine steering a middle course between Cosmopolitan and Saturday Evening Post. Among people who read American Magazine, four main gratifications came to light. Report: B-0190]
Box 6 Folder B-0192
Herta Herzog "The Negro and the War"-Test of an OWI Pamphlet, 1943, 22 pp.: 18 Folders Folders Contain Questionnaires, Misc., Memos, Overall summary, Survey tables, Worksheets, Interview notes-instructions and correspondence, Scripts and script substitution, Commercials, , Question analysis, Stations responding, Statistical data, Comment analysis and one empty folder whose contents are supposed to have a copy in Vienna.
[Outlines responses of 70 Blacks interviewed to pamphlet itself and to idea conveyed by it that they should strongly support the war effort. Report: B-0192]
Box 6 Folder B-0195
Marjorie Fiske Retailers' Use of Radio, 1943, 19 pp.: 13 folders containing Questionnaires, Questions & codes, Codes, Interview instructions, Iowa study, Bibliography of department store study, Memos, Script materials, Study quotes, Analysis-tables
[200 housewives were interviewed as to how local stores' advertising could be made most helpful with emphasis on use of radio. Questionnaire included. Report: B-0195-2]
Box 6 Folder B-0200
Merton Kate Smith Bond Drive Study (Mass Persuasion), 1944, B-0200-1: 23 pp., B-0200-2: 46 pp., B-200-3: 40 pp., B-200-4: 150 pp.: 18 folders including 3 Empty folders with copies of the reports in Vienna, while others contain Questionnaires, Questionnaires & interview guides, Codesheets, Misc., Network loyalties, Preliminary observations, Report, Codebooks, Interviews, Kate Smith's size, Scripts
[B-0200-1 A discussion of how people felt about Kate Smith herself and in relation to her bond drive. B-0200-2 On the basis of interviews conducted with persons who bought bonds from her and with persons who heard her but did not buy "some of the strong points of her campaign and types of resistance she encountered" are indicated. B-0200-3 "A report of the public's choice as to who is best qualified to sell bonds on the radio, in which Kate Smith gets her share of attention." 978 people-a cross-section of the population of Greater New York-were interviewed. B-200-4 Explores some of the general aspects of the radio marathon and then analyzes Kate Smith as a war bond salesman. Intensive interview guide (100 cases) and polling questionnaire (1000 cases) included. Reports: B-0200-1 through B-0200-4 Book: Merton, Fiske, & Curtis 1946 Article: Merton 1948 (3)]
Box 6 Folder B-0202
Robert K. Merton and Patricia Kendall The Focused Interview, 1943, 7 folders containing Reports
[Book: Merton & Kendall 1956 Article: Merton & Kendall 1946]
Box 6 Folder B-0205
Marjorie Fiske and Arthur W. Kornhauser Music in Industry, 1943, 67 pp.: 1 Empty folder
[Part I-A survey of the literature of morale studies. Supplementary report: Music in Industry-a survey of the literature of research on music in industry. Extensive bibliographies included in both sections. Report: B-0205]
Box 6 Folder B-0208
Israel: Bias in Radio Newscasting, 1943, 1 folder
Box 6 Folder B-0210
Alberta Curtis Tide Magazine Study I, 1943, 48 pp.: 3 folders containing Interview and questionnaire, also including 1 empty, folder with copy of the study in Vienna.
[Tide was an "entertaining" business magazine. Survey gained ideas on how different types of business executives varied in their opinions of Tide and its rival, Printer's Ink and on what problems needed further research; 56 interviewed, questionnaire included. See also B-0220. Report: B-210]
Box 7 Folder B-0211
Jeannette Green Green River Whiskey Trademark Study, 1944, B-0211: 28 pp., B-0211-2: 7 pp.: 3 folders including two empty ones with copies of their contents in Vienna, third one contains Questionnaire
[B-0211-1 218 respondents were interviewed for the purpose of determining whether the picture of the black man on the Green River trademark connoted, (an inferior whiskey" or a "whiskey just for colored people." Interviewing was done in five cities of the deep South. Questionnaire included. B-0211-2 60 people were questioned on whether enough of the old trademark remained in the new to make it easily identifiable. Questionnaire included. Reports: B-0211-1; B-0211-2]
Box 7 Folder B-0212
Goodwin Watson "There Are No Master Races" Testing, 1945, 113 pp.: 11 folders containing Questionnaires & interview guides, Codes, Charts, Memos, Subjects of study, Articles, Interview results. Folders 5 and 6 are empty and copies of their contents-analysis -are available in Vienna
[B-0212-1 This was a comic book sponsored by the American Jewish Committee. About 350 persons were interviewed in groups of about 10-given preliminary questionnaire, shown comic, answered questionnaire a second time, then group discussion. Study # 1 discussed the reactions to the comic book as a whole, reactions to specific pictures, and whether or not comic books could be accepted as authoritative. B-0212-2 After a single reading of the comic "There Are No Master Races" the average person's information score rose substantially. However, willingness to accept persons of other races was not much affected. Reports: B-0212-1; B-0212-2]
Box 7 Folder B-0213
Bernard Berelson "The Story of Labor"- Readership Study, 1945, 16 pp.: 5 folders containing Questions, Codes, Newspaper articles, Letters, Typed & printed studies
[334 interviews completed to determine the extent to which one issue of the cartoon strip "The Story of Labor" was read by trade union members in their union publication, to identify the readers' characteristics, and to estimate the readers' comprehension of the strip. Questionnaire included. Report: B-0213]
Box 7 Folder B-0214
Bernard Berelson "The Ghosts Go West"- Testing, 1945, 24 pp.: 4 folders containing Questions, Report (empty folder, copy in Vienna), Codes, Letters & memos
[This study tried to determine the comprehension, miscomprehension or non-comprehension by 300 respondents of a cartoon. Questionnaire included. Report: B-0214]
Box 7 Folder B-0215
Bernard Berelson and Patricia Salter War Writers' Board Study, 1944, 69 pp.: 12 folders including 2 empty folders which contain copies of the study in Vienna), others contain Codes, Logsheet, & abstracts, Correspondence, Memos, Reports, Reference materials, Pamphlets
[1) Magazine Section-an analysis of American minority and foreign groups in popular magazine fiction. 2) Daytime serials- an analysis of previous study material as to treatment of minorities in daytime serials. 3) Summary of the literature on anti-minority prejudice. 4) Newsreels-an analysis of treatment of minority and foreign groups in newsreels. 5) Interviews on anti-minority prejudice in advertising copy. 6) Comic books and anti-minority prejudice. Report: B-0215-1; B-0215-2 Article: Berelson & Salter 1946]
Box 7 Folder B-0216
Marjorie Fiske and Jeannette Green Imagination as a Theme in Chrysler Ads,, 1944, 16 pp.: 4 folders containing Interviews, Advertisement examples, Memos, Typed Study
[The focused interview will shed light on why an ad is or is not successful, will indicate possible ways to improve the ad, will show how the ad affects readers' attitudes toward the company. The appendix discusses the three processes involved in this type of interview. Report: B-0216]
Box 7 Folder *B-0217
Marjorie Fiske "Naples is a Battlefield" Audience Test, 1944, 50 pp.: 8 folders containing Questionnaires, Codes, Interview guide, Analysis, Memos
[Discusses how audiences reacted to the film as recorded by the L-S analyzer, by group interviews, by "before and after" attitude tests, and by an "opinion of the film" questionnaire. Report: B-0217]
Box 7 Folder B-0218
Bernard Berelson True Story Study Pretests (Pilot Studies for Personal Influence Study- B-0240),, 1944, B-0218-2: 15 pp., B-0218-3: 15 pp.: 6 folders containing Memos, Interviews, Study, Final report , including one empty folder of which there is a copy of the report in Vienna
[B-0218-2 Summarizes what is known about opinion leadership and its relation to magazine reading based upon two surveys. B-0218-3 A detailed report on how the choice of towns for the study was narrowed to three. Reports: B-0218-2; B-0218-3 (1944-1945)]
Box 7 Folder *B-0219
Marjorie Fiske and Patricia Kendall Al Schacht as a Baseball Announcer, 1944, 14 pp.: 1 folder containing project materials
[24 people listened to a transcription of an Al Schacht broadcast, filled out questionnaires covering background information and their general impressions of him and then were interviewed in some detail as to their reasons for liking or disliking him. Report: B-0219]
Box 7 Folder B-0220
Goodwin Watson & Green Tide Magazine Study II, 1944, 52 pp.: 6 folders containing Interviews, Memos, and Codes, including one empty folder with a copy of the study in Vienna.
[This study tries to answer such questions as "What do its readers think of Tide's editorial policy? What articles do they like? What are the high spots in Tide? To what extent is it really read?" 395 advertising, manufacturing, and business executives were interviewed in detail. See also B-0210. Report: B-0220]
Box 7 Folder B-0221
Patricia Kendall Comparing Four Liniment Commercials, 1944, 25 pp.: 1 folder containing codes 1 empty folder indicating that a copy of the Report is in Vienna
[Questionnaires filled out by 384 people were used to determine which of four commercials was best remembered. Report: B-0221]
Box 7 Folder B-0222
Marjorie Fiske Attitudes Toward Subscription Radio, 1944, 80 pp.:1 folder containing Questions & codes, and one empty folder indicating copy of the study is in Vienna.
["The object of this study was to gauge the degree of public receptivity toward the proposed subscription radio plan, as indicated both by the degree of interest in the plan itself and by the degree of satisfaction or dissatisfaction with current radio offerings." Questionnaire included. 1000 interviews in upper 3/4 of all economic levels around New York City were conducted. Report: B-0222]
Box 7 Folder B-0223
Herta Herzog and Katherine Wolf "War Town" Evaluation Study, 1945, 5 pp.: 1 folder containing Notes; also indicates copy of the study is in Vienna
[14 programs of this radio series which portrayed a community service organization helping a person in distress were reviewed. This memorandum offers "observations which may be of some practical value in the planning of a similar program series in the future." Report: B-0223]
Box 8 Folder B-0224
Helen Schneider & Lazarsfeld Morning Radio Programs, 1944, B-0224-1: 44 pp., B-0224-3: 16 pp., B-0224-4a: 107 pp.: 17 folder containing two empty folders indicating a copy of the report is in Vienna, and others containing Questionnaires & interview studies, Introduction to study, Mass media, Misc., Codebook, Abstracts, Reports, NBC Morning programs, Effects of mass media, Purpose of study, Preliminary introduction on second phase of study
[B-0224-1 This memorandum was designed to show why "Finders Keepers" should be kept as a morning program rather than return to daytime serial format and how to strengthen its particular appeal. B-0224-3 This paper "defines the audience potential for a non-story program and suggests a 'double-attack' approach in a revamped 'Finders Keepers' program leading eventually to a new policy for NBC in building its morning audience." B-0224-4a Based on interviews with 3500 women who listened to morning radio programs, this study describes the behavior of the audience and gives a psychological interpretation of that behavior. Non-listeners are also considered. See also, "Research for Action" by Lazarsfeld and Dinerman in Communications Research 1948-1949. Reports: B-0224-1; B-0224-2; B-0224-3; B-0224-4a Article: Lazarsfeld & Dinerman 1949]
Box 8 Folder B-0225
"We the People" Program Analysis, 1944, 1 folder containing project materials
Box 8 Folder B-0226
Paul F. Lazarsfeld Polls, Propaganda, and Politics, 1944, 1 folder containing Letters & pamphlets
[Report: not available Articles: Lazarsfeld et al. (3) 1944]
Box 8 & 9 Folder B-0230
Robert K. Merton Housing Study (Craftown Study), 1944, 32 folders and 1 binder containing Misc. memos and papers, Questions, Code-questions, Code, Interviews, Memos, Interviews, Annual review, Report, First year work-interim report, Pamphlets, Instructions, Manifest & latent functions, Annual review, Notes, Empty-slip, Laurenburg study, Appendix B- Craftown study, Two housing communities, Winfield tenants, Analysis
[Monograph: Merton, West, Jahoda, & Selvin 1951 Articles: Merton 1947 (3), 1948 (1, 2, 5, 6); Rosenberg 1951; Lazarsfeld & Merton 1954 Masters Essays: Melow 1951; Sidel 1968]
Box 9 Folder B-0231
Watson & Zeisel Polish Study, 1944, 3 folders containing Questions, Wallace poll, Polish survey
Box 9 Folder B-0232
Fiske Unions and the Radio Industry, 1944, 3 folders containing Radio survey, Interviews, Memos
[Report: B-0232-3; B-0232-4]
Box 9 Folder B-0235
P. F. Lazarsfeld Sampling Procedures for Measurement of Station Coverage,, 1944, 87 pp.: 1 empty folder
[This report contains tables which list 1) the number of counties with radio stations in each state, 2) state totals for counties with radio stations, 3) assignment of ballots in counties with radio stations and 4) counties without radio stations. A complete list by state of all cities and towns in counties which have radio stations is also included. Report: B-0235]
Box 9 Folder B-0236
Herzog American Mutual Advertising Test, 1944, 1 folder containing Test
Box 9 Folder B-0237
Curtis WNEW's Study of the NAB Circulation Plan, 1944, 1 folder containing Study
Box 9 & 10 Folder B-0240
Lazarsfeld, Berelson, Mills, Katz Personal Influence (Decatur Study), 1944, 44 folders containing Memos, Codes, Questions, Communication research, Report, Line-up of movie leaders, Study on influence of motion pictures, Tables, Misc. articles, Stratification & opinion, Speech, Fiske & Handel article-A-83-1947, Article - A-62- 1946, Article - A-82- 1947, Article- Lazarsfeld- A-88-1947, Follow-up poll, True story study, Communications research, Interpersonal influence, Choice of towns-social, Movie going frequency, Leadership section of study, Flow of personal influence, the Stanley Journal, Scripts, Personal influence in an American community, Computer sheets, Misc. statistics and fact book., Elihu Katz-personal influences (book-empty), Book reviews, Assessment , Misc. questions, Misc. tabulation sheets, Proofs for published report
[Report: not available Book: Katz & Lazarsfeld 1955 Articles: Lazarsfeld 1945 (1); Fiske & Handel 1946; Mills 1946 (2) Dissertation: Katz 1956]
Box 10 Folder B-0241
Lazarsfeld Effectiveness of Anti-Defamation League Propaganda, 1945, 1 folder containing Preliminary study
Box 10 Folder B-0242
Glock Lutheran Study, 1945, 3 folders containing Questions, Study, Meeting minutes
Box 10 Folder B-0243
Majorie Fiske and Katherine Wolf, Children Talk About Comics, 1946, 115 pp.: 5 folders including one empty with copy of contents in Vienna; others contain Codes, Memos, Note
["This study is the first ... which has attempted to get any direct information about the impact of comic book reading on children." 100 children were intensively interviewed to get some impression of the motives in and effects of comic book reading among different groups in relation to their general behavior, interests and attitudes. Interview guide included. See also pp. 3-50 in Communications Research, 1948-1949. Report: B-0243 Article: Wolfe & Fiske 1949]
Box 10 Folder B-0244
Bernard Berelson Experiment in Serial Reproduction, 1946, 15 pp.: 3 folders containing Study-report, Interviews, Memo
[Six chains of three men were used to discover how much of the original contents were communicated and what additions and distortions were introduced in each retelling of a cartoon about minority groups within the labor movement. Report: B-0244]
Box 11 Folder *B-0246
Bernard Berelson What Missing the Newspaper Means (Newspaper Strike Study),, 1946, 26 pp.: 3 folders containing Memo, Questions, Study report-questions
[60 intensive interviews were conducted to get at the basic problem, the function of the modern newspaper for its readers. Questionnaire included. Published. See pp. 111- 129 in Communications Research, 1948-1949. Report: B-0246 Article: Berelson 1949]
Box 11 Folder B-0248
Lazarsfeld, Jeanette Sayre Smith Control of Communications Media, 1945, 110 pp.: 1 empty folder with copy of contents in Vienna
[A report on the existing materials covering the role of professional personnel, organized interests, economics, government, comparative studies, and proposals for changing the control structure. Report: B-0248]
Box 11 Folder B-0250
Patricia Kendall, Wolf, Lazarsfeld, Strauss "Mr. Biggott" Study, 1946, B-0250-1: 132 pp., B-0250-2: 33 pp., B-0250-3: 26 pp.: 24 files.including three empty files which include the study & comparisons withcopies in Vienna; others contain Interview guides, Interview instructions, Interviewer memos, Interviews, Labor cartoons, Cartoons, Questions, Questionnaire, Code, Correspondence, Scale, Proposal- American Jewish Committee projects, Report, Survey, Study
[B-0250-1 150 men were interviewed as to their understanding of three "Mr. Biggott" cartoons. Interview guide included. B-0250-2 Three "Mr. Biggott" cartoons were shown to 692 women in Decatur, Illinois. From the interview data gathered, it was possible to study who did, and who did not understand them. B-0250-3 Methodological comparisons are made between B-0250-1 and B-0250-2 which used two different techniques to test the understandability of these three "Mr. Biggott cartoons. Questionnaire for B-0250-2 included. See also "The Analysis of Deviant Cases in Communications Research" by Kendall and Wolf, pp. 152-179 in Communications Research, 1948-1949. Reports: B-0250-1 through B-0250-3 Article: Kendall & Wolf 1949]
Box 11 Folder B-0251
Jewish Social Service Association Study (Case Records Analysis) (Berelson),, 1946, 2 folders containing codebooks and study
[Report:B-0251 1945; Article: Berelson 1947]
Box 11 Folder B-0253
CBS Study of Radio Listening in Midwestern Town (Lazarsfeld), 1945, 1 folder containing Memos and one empty folder with copy of the contents in Vienna
Box 12 Folder B-0255
The People Look at Radio (Lazarsfeld & Field). 1 folder containing Codebooks, correspondence, mimeogaph materials, copy of the original text, a firstdraft of the study, and copies of NY Times article, a copy of the Pulse of New York.and materials on a NAB meeting.,, 1946
[Book: Lazarsfeld & Field 1946]
Box 12 Folder B-0256
Silverware Study (Green). Three files containing Questionnaires, Interviews ,Correspondence and Memos.,, 1946 (?)
Box 12 Folder B-0257
Zionism Study (Glock). Two files containing Quetionnaires and Interviews,, 1946 (?)
Box 12 Folder B-0258
New York Ecological Study (Hurdman). Two files containing the study and codebooks,, 1946 (?)
Box 12 Folder B-0260
Research Activities of N.Y. State Department of Labor (Mills et al.). One file containing Questionnaire and two empty folders with copies of their contents in Vienna,, 1945
Box 12 Folder B-0261
Book of the Month Club Codebook, 1946 (?)
Box 12 Folder B-0262
Sarah Lawrence Miscellaneous Codes, 1946 (?)
[Report: B-0260 1945Report: B-0260 1945]
Box 12 Folder B-0263
Robert Douglas Study Codebook, 1946 (?)
Box 12 Folder B-0264
Crespi Cardplaying I folder containing Questionnaire and Codes, 1946 (?)
Box 12 Folder B-0265
J. Fischer Church Music Codebook, 1946 (?)
Box 12 Folder B-0266
American Jewish CommitteeStudy Codebooks, 1946 (?)
Box 12 Folder B-0267
American Jewish Commitee Study Pittsfield Poll and Codes, 1946 (?)
Box 12 Folder B-0271
Federation of Jewish Philanthropies Study (Zeisel). Two Folders Containing Memos & Graphs and Sample Promotional Materials and one empty folder with a copy of its contents -the report-in Vienna.,, 1947
Box 12 Folder B-0272
Columnist Readership Study (Zeisel). Three folders containing Codebooks and Reports and Typescripts,, 1947
Box 12 Folder B-0273
Literary Criticism Analysis (Kiapper). One looseleaf binder and five folders containing a reference copy of the report, codes, miscellaneous notes , report excerpts, and draft perspectives of the report sent to critics-Stanton.,, 1947
Box 12 Folder B-0274
Audience Reaction to Ex Lax Commercials (Green). Seven folders containing Codesheets, Exlax Pretests and Tests and Commercial Questionnaire, Commercial Text for Radio,Draft Questionnaire, and Questionnaires and Codes and one empty folder with a copy of its contents in Vienna.,, 1947
[Report: B-0274-1, B-0274-2 1947]
Box 12 Folder B-0275
Attitudes toward Columbia University (Glock). Four folders containing Questionnaires, the Study and Letters and one empty folder with a copy of its contents in Vienna.,, 1947
[Report: B-0275-1, B-0275-2 1947]
Box 12 Folder B-0276
Experiment with Two Methods of Measuring Magazine Readership (Lazarsfeld & Ehrlich). Two folders containing the report and portfolio study,, 1947
Box 12 Folder B-0277
Coverage of the Heirens Murder Case (Gottlieb). Four folders containing codes, report,intoductory typescript and one empty folder with a copy of its contents in Vienna,, 1947
[Report: B-0277, 1947; Article: Gottlieb, 1947]
Box 13 Folder B-0278
Betty Crocker Program Evaluation (Glock, Kendall, Green). Two2 folders and 1 binder containing ProgramAnalysis Of Betty Crocker and general Mills tsts, Codebooks and codes, Transcripts of Genral Mills Hour Sessions,Questionnaires, Interview Guides, Interview Transcripts, Evaluations Of proposed Broadcasts and Correspondence. One empty folder with copy of the contents listed as being in Vienna.,, 1946
[Report: B-0278-1, B-0278-2 1946]
Box 13 Folder B-0279
Content Analysis of Byrnes Address on Moscow Agreement (Glock). One empty folder with contents listed as being in Vienna,, 1945
Box 13 Folder B-0280
NAB Study of CBS. Nine folders containing Codes and Codebooks, Memos and Correspondence, Miscellaneous Materials, Memos, Tables and Study Typescripts,, 1945-1946
Box 13 Folder B-0281
Franzen Study. One folder containing codebook, 1946
Box 13 Folder B-0282
ABC Study of ABC by H. Kaufman. Eight folders containing codes for a study of 8 different ABC shows, proposal on public housing study two typed manuscripts by David Sills and Fred Abraham,, 1946 and 1962
Box 14 Folder B-0301
Time Magazine College Survey (They Went to College) (Glock, West, Havemann). Twelve folders, 2 binders and codebooks with the former containing Codes and appendices, Questionnaires, Reports, a chapter of proposed book, memos, Analysis notes, study log and book review.,, 1947
[Book: Havemann & West 1952; Dissertation: West 1951]
Box 14 Folder B-0302
Panel Methods Project (Lazarsfeld, Glock) Article: Lazarsfeld 1948 . One6 folders and 1 binder containing a dissertation by Chrles Y. Glock, codes and Codebooks, Biographical Quiz, NBC Panels Materials, Proposals, Memos , a descriptive review, Study Proposal, Questionnaires, Effects of Re-interviewing andapplication of the panel method.,, 1948
[Masters Essays: McLoughlin 1953, Bond 1953; Dissertation: Glock 1952]
Box 14 Folder B-0303
Puerto Rican Study (The Puerto Rican Journey) (Mills & Senior). 8 folders containing Codebook, Questionnaire, Finding Summaries , Notes, Tally Sheets, Introduction and Letter of Transmittal. ,, 1947-1949
[Report: B-0303-1 through 3 1947-1949; Book: Mills, Senior & Goldsen 1950; Masters Essays: Parke 1952, Leibowitz 1955]
Box 14 Folder B-0304
Charles Y. Glock and Margaret McDonald Firemen's Pension Study, 1948, B-0304-1: 52 pp., B-0304-2: 35 pp.: 7 folders containing Questionnaires, Codebook, Regulations, Interviewer instructions, Reports
[B-0304-1 312 firemen were interviewed. Questionnaire included. B-0304-2 An analysis of data collected on aspects of the job other than pensions. Reports: B-0304-1; B-0304-2]
Box 15 Folder B-0305
Klapper Public Library Inquiry Project, 1947, 1 Bound report and 6 folders containing Bound report, Report, Codes, Memos & correspondence, Survey of literature, Questions & pamphlets
[Monograph: Klapper 1949]
Box 15 Folder B-0306
Jeannette Green and Babette Kass Armour Soap Study, 1948, 126 pp.: 5 folders containing Code & questionnaire, Questionnaire, Memos & correspondence, Codes, and one empty folder with copy of its contents-the report- in Vienna
[This study determined people's reactions to a meat-packing company making soap. Questionnaires included. Report: B-0306]
Box 15 Folder B-0307
Charles Y. Glock Magazine Preferences of Industrial Supply Executives, 1947, 25 pp.:3 folders containing Code, Notes, Outline of research procedures, and one ewith a copy of the report in Vienna
[Mail questionnaires sent to 2505 executives asked them to list in order of preference the business and general news magazines they read regularly. Report: B-0307]
Box 15 Folder B-0308
Carol Coen & Kass Magazine Preferences of Textile Mill Executives,, 1947, B-0308: 38 pp., B-0308-2: 63 pp.. 3 folders containing Questionnaires, Codes, and one empty folder with a copy of the report in Vienna
[B-0308-1 Reading preferences of 602 textile mill executives among 14 selected trade magazines were solicited. B-0308-2 This report represents the preferences of 1024 textile mill executives among 14 selected trade magazines. Questionnaire included. Reports: B-0308-1; B-0308-2 1949]
Box 15 Folder B-0309
Barbara Hockey, Robert Carlson and Anders Lunde Controversy of Music Industry and American Federation of Musicians,, 1948, 137 pp.: 2 folders containing report summary and one empty folder with its contents in Vienna
[Arguments on both sides are presented, then statistics picturing the state of employment of musicians, finally a review of the musical interests and activities of the American people since the advent of radio and broadcasting. Report: B-0309 Article: Lunde 1948 Masters Essay: Lunde 1947]
Box 15 Folder B-0310,
Charles Y. Glock and Melvin Goldberg Serious Radio Programs in the New York Area,, 1947, 57 pp.: 1 empty folder with a copy of its contents in Vienna
[An analysis of serious radio programs available in the New York area and the extent to which they were heard was made to help determine whether Columbia University should operate an FM station. Report: B-0310]
Box 15 Folder B-0311
Charles Y. Glock Life Dealer Panel, 1948, 25 pp.: 3 folders containing Observations, Report
[After careful study a recommendation was made that no further analysis of this panel be made as the nature of the sample and structure of the study precluded the derivation of valid and reliable conclusions from the available data. Report: B-0311]
Box 16 Folder B-0314
Anti-Semitism Poll in New York City- American Jewish Committee, 1947, 3 folders containing Questionnaires, Misc., Planning for the poll
Box 16 Folder B-0315
Benjamin Ringer & Charles Y. Glock Content Analysis of Flint Newspapers on Auto Workers Strike,, 1947, 66 pp.: 2 folders containing Report, Code
[Analysis of Flint, Michigan, newspapers as to their treatment of the UAW-CIO strike against General Motors Corporation. Both public and union newspapers were studied. Report: B-0315]
Box 16 Folder B-0320
Lazarsfeld & Fiddle Jewish Labor Study Analysis (Institute of Social Research Data),, 1947, 5 folders containing Codebook, Directives for editing, Typescripts, Report
Box 16 Folder B-0323
Margaret McDonald Public Awareness of Health Facilities, 1948, 50 pp.: 5 folders containing memos ,correspondence, questionnaires and their development and proposal; also one empty folder with copy of contents in Vienna possibly containing the report.
[This presents a preliminary questionnaire with results of the pretest interviews along with recommendations for revision of the questionnaire and a proposal for its city-wide administration. Report: B-0323]
Box 16 Folder B-0331
Arthur Kornhauser, Jeannette Green, Leo Srole Psychological Impact of Newspaper vs. Radio Advertisements,, 1948, B-0331-1: 111 pp., B-0331-2: 30 pp., B-0331-3: 125 pp.: 30 folders containing Questionnaire, Questionnaire & memo, Codebooks, Reports, Correspondence & memos, What women liked, Summary of main points, Description of commercials used, Qualitative codes, Sampling-oranges, Additional information requested, Preliminary report, Preliminary questionnaire, Experiments, Intra-individual comparisons, Survey materials, Progress report, Introduction to the study, Findings summary, Memo-Rogue's report, Statements to press & pamphlet, Analysis, Lab test procedures, Preliminary reports, Result reports, Codes
[B-0331-1 This report attempts to ascertain what goes on in people's minds when they read newspaper ads and hear radio commercials. It also considers how people are attracted to these advertisements, and the general attitudes of individuals toward them. Questionnaires and sample advertisements included. B-0331-2 28 women were shown a selected newspaper advertisement and questioned immediately about their response to that advertisement. The respondents then heard an advertisement of the same product on the phonograph in an attempt to analyze what effect the use of each media has on the response to an advertisement. In half the interviews the order was reversed so that the respondents heard the advertisement before reading it.
B-0331-3 In addition to primary emphasis on "immediate" psychological responses to the two media, this study investigates how people come to pay attention to the advertisements in their newspaper and on the air and it seeks further information on the attitudes people have developed toward newspaper and radio advertising in general. 700 housewives interviewed. Questionnaire included. Reports: B-0331-1; B-0331-2; B-0331-2 (not duplicate); B-0331-3 1948-1949]
Box 16 Folder B-0332
Klapper & Glock Scientific American Study (Condon Case Controversy),, 1948, 7 folders containing Coding instructions, Questionnaire & codes, Questionnaire, Codes, Correspondence & Questionnaire, Report (article)
[Article: Klapper & Glock 1949]
Box 16 Folder B-0333
York N. Lucci and Alan S. Meyer Oneonta Health Survey, 1951, 66 pp.:1 folders containing Questionnaire. 1 empty folder with copy of its contents-the report-in Vienna.
[All members 18 and older in a random sample of 800 households in Oneonta, New York, and contiguous rural area were to be surveyed. Object: to obtain statistics on the health status and health needs of the community. Questionnaires included. Report: B-0333]
Box 16 Folder B-0334
Leo Stole and Robert T. Bower Voting Behavior of American Ethnic Groups,, 1948, 34 pp.: 2 folders containing Memos,polls. One empty folderwith copy of the report in Vienna
[Re-examines question of ethnic voting by relating sex, age, economic status, and education to ethnic groups: Jews, Blacks, Italians, and Irish. Report: B-0334; B-0334 (duplicate) Article: Bower 1948 (1), 1950]
Box 16 Folder B-0335
Green, Clarence Fish and Francis Parker The Public Views the RCA 45 RPM Record System,, 1949, 40 pp.: 9 folders containing Memo, Questionnaires, Interviews, RCA tape recorder, Analysis, Draft analysis, Respondents background. One empty folder with copy of report in Vienna
[Forty-one people interviewed expressed favorable attitudes to the product-45 rpm record player and records, more unfavorable ones to the general situation and the ad. Report: B-0335 Articles: Lazarsfeld 1959 (1, 2)]
Box 16 Folder B-0336
Kingsley Davis German Broadcasting Project, 1949, 11 folders containing Correspondence, Memos, Transcripts, Pertinent facts, Analysis & facts & correspondence & schedules
Box 16 Folder B-0337
Kass Public Views of Atomic Energy (Federation of Atomic Scientists Report),, 1948, 14 folders containing Questionnaires, Project reports on World Government Project, Memos, Atomic bomb questionnaire, Transcript report, Respondents, Report on UN, Minutes of Conference on Atomic Energy & World Organizations at Princeton (Nov. 28-30, 1947)
Box 17 Folder B-0338
Gasoline Study, 1948, 3 folders containing Interviews, Typescript report, Typescript & related printed article
Box 17 Folder B-0339
Charles Y. Glock & Babette Kass Advertising Agencies & Companies,, 1948, 5 folders containing Correspondence, Companies questioned, Questionnaires, Company responses, List of companies under various advertising companies
Box 17 & 18 Folder B-0340
Berelson, Lazarsfeld, McPhee 1948 Voting Study (Elmira Study), 1948, 40 folders containing , 1 computer printout, 10 separate bound folders containing Codebooks, List, Questionnaire & Codebook, Transfer cards, Interview instructions, Computer sheets, Memos, Questionnaires, Ballots, Reviews, Articles and reprints, Mass Media Campaign (chapter draft), Elmira new groups codebook, Caplewitz sample, Sample lists, Empty folder (Voting by Lazarsfeld, Berelson, & McPhee), Article (A Fully Observable Electorate- by R.B. Smith, & William McPhee)...
[Report: not available Book: Berelson, Lazarsfeld, & McPhee 1954 Articles: Manheimer & H. Hyman 1949, Kitt & Gleicher 1950 Masters Essay: Meyer 1951 Dissertations: Baxter 1951, Kaplan 1955, M. Hyman 1964]
Box 18 Folder B-0343
Kingsley Davis and Babette Kass Installment Buying of Cars, 1949, 191 pp.: 10 folders containing Questionnaires, Codes, Memos, Essential information, Portraits of CIT, Notes, Typescript report
[This is a report on attitudes and opinions toward installment buying in which 103 people were interviewed. Report: B-0343]
Box 18 Folder B-0344
Jeannette Green Ready-to-Eat Cereals, 1948, 103 pp.: 2 folders containing Correspondence, Analysis & in depth interviews
[Five depth interviews were conducted with housewives on different economic levels to determine factors which influence purchase of ready-to-eat cereals and to provide incidental information about cereal eating and buying behavior. Interviews given in full and analyzed to illustrate the kind of data this type of interview affords. Report: B-0344]
Box 18 Folder B-0345
Jeannette Green Radio vs. Newspaper Advertising of Pyequick, June 1948, 31 pp.: 1 folder containing psychological analysis and one empty folder with similar content inVienna
[This pilot study, based on material gathered for B-0331-1, evaluated the effectiveness of Pyequick ads in terms of feelings, images, thoughts and buying dispositions stimulated by these ads and also dealt with specific psychological resistances to them. Report: B-0345]
Box 18 Folder B-0347
Kass New York Television Survey, 1948, 7 folders containing Memos & correspondence, Questionnaires, Studies, Surveys, Articles
Box 18 Folder B-0349
Merton, Sussman, Jahoda Eisenhower Mail Study, 1948, 2 folders containing Memos & correspondence, Codes
Box 18, 19, & 20 Folder B-0350
Herta Herzog and John Morsell Venereal Disease Survey- Columbia, Ohio, 1948-1949, 373 pp.: 67 folders containing , 2 binders & index cards One box-play loose section, Binder one- Counts I-IV, Binder two- Codebook #1019, Correspondence & memos. Memoranda, Codes of Waves I and II, Scripts for VD radio project, Statistics, Questionnaires, Wave II-blank schedules, Codes, Interviews, Interview specifications, Misc. pamphlets, Wave I-blank schedule, Misc. reports, Interview instructions, Misc. radio tests, Project specifications, Proposal, Interview pretests, Reports & analysis, Study & analysis, Survey, Patient list, Revisions of study, Study form, Classification, Notification of action, Demonstration program, Public health clinic, V.D. project- meeting of May, 1949
[I. VD attitudes in the community-Herzog; 2 waves of 1000 interviews each in between which a comprehensive educational program was staged to provide systematic information on knowledge, interests, and attitudes of the general population with respect to syphilis and to ascertain the educational efforts' effectiveness. II. The VD sufferer and his motives-Morsell; 1000 interviews of persons who came to a VD clinic for help. Questionnaires for I and II included. Report: B-0350; B-0350 (duplicate copy) Articles: Morsell & Goldsen 1950, Morsell 1952, 1953]
Box 20 Folder B-0351
E. Fein Calling All Girls, September 2, 1948, 1 folder containing codes Research column on America...
Box 20 & 21 Folder B-0355
Lazarsfeld Latent Structure Analysis I, 1948, 30 Folders. Folders contain Analytical chapters for project, Misc. materials, Training program, Correspondence & memos, Graphs, Computing forms, Chapter for project, Procedural instructions, Computation formulae, Mathematical foundation of analysis, Computation instructions, Project articles, Conceptual article, Procedural articles, Model for attitude testing, Memorandums, Empty folder containing (Algebraic introduction to latent structure analysis), General model for factoring & scaling qualitative data
[Report: B-0355 Articles: Lazarsfeld 1950 (1, 2), 1956 (2), McPhee & Coleman 1958, Lazarsfeld 1959 (1, 2) 1960 (1) Masters Essay: Orleans 1948, Gilliam 1949, Siegel 1950 Dissertation: Rossi 1951]
Box 21 Folder B-0361
Comparative Studies of Communication in Western Europe (See also B-0404),, 1949-1952, B-0361-1: 36 pp., B-0361-2: 38 pp., B-0361-3: 25 pp., B-0361-4: 29 pp., B-0361-5: 21 pp., B-0361-6: 40 pp., B-0361-7: 22 pp., B-0361-8: 102 pp., B-0361-9: 43 pp.: 8 folders containing Analysis & articles, Observations on testing, Analysis study. One empty folder with copy of materials on the experimental project of identifying VOA listeners in Vienna
[B-0361-1 This report discusses an index of public opinion leadership (a method of identifying opinion leaders), the distribution of opinion leaders within the Norwegian population and the degree to which opinion leaders influence others. B-0361-2 Analyzing data from a survey of 2207 people in Sweden, this report discusses an index of opinion leadership, the distribution of opinion leaders within the Swedish population and factors influencing the likelihood of being an opinion leader. B-0361-3 Since the proportion of population listening to VOA broadcasts is small, this report discusses the use of the snowball technique in locating a larger portion of the potential VOA audience. (The snowball technique is a research method in which respondents are asked to list other people they feel would make a relevant contribution to the study. These people are then interviewed by the researchers and the cycle is repeated.). B-0361-4 This report points out problems arising from conducting international broadcasting surveys involving the use of questionnaires and suggests how these problems may be handled. B-0361-5 This report offers an example of a practical solution to some of the problems raised in B-0361-4. It analyzes aspects of the VOA's Norwegian audience, based on a sample of 557 VOA listeners and 798 other listeners to U. S. radio broadcasts in 1950. B-0361-6 This paper discusses problems encountered by analysts of the study, Competitive Broadcasting to Germany, which was a study of the content of radio programs broadcast to Germany by VOA, BBC and Radio Moscow in 1948-49. Specifically considered are how the analysts dealt with problems regarding classification of content of programs, presentation of data obtained and interpretation of data. B-0361-7 This report deals with the results of a test of VOA programs in Sweden, Germany, Austria, Italy and France. In each country five specific programs were tested on listener panels. The panel members filled out questionnaires before and after the listening sessions to test their reactions to the programs. B-0361-8 This is an analysis of organized group radio listening and the structure of French radio at the end of 1949. Also includes a statement outlining a long-range program of international communications research and the kinds of problems which would be met whenever it was undertaken. B-0361-9 Using data obtained in studies conducted in France, Austria and Finland, this experiment was to provide information leading to 1) the ability to arrive at a single estimate of the size of the VOA audience in each country, 2) the use of a minimal number of questions to provide such an absolute figure and 3) the possibility of designing a scale of intensity of listening to the VOA. Reports: B-0361-1 through B-0361-9; B-0442 (two studies in one report) Masters Essay: Arachtingi 1952]
Box 21 Folder B-0362
Jonathon Wilde & Company Vassar College Education Project, 1946, 8 folders containing Codebooks, Questionnaires, Tables, Correspondence, Occupation of Alumnae, Husbands, Vassar Alumnae magazine
Box 21 Folder B-0363
Kingsley Davis/ B.A.S.R. Morningside Manhattanville Redevelopment Community Survey,, 1949-1950, 8 folders containing Coding & codebooks, Questionnaire, Correspondence & memos, Pre-test, Community profile, Interview guide
Box 21 Folder B-0364
Dean Manheimer and Babette Kass Slogans for Whiskey Advertisements, 1949, 18 pp.: 4 folders containing Questionnaire, Tables, Test survey and one empty folder containing a copy of a study of Slogans for a Kinsey Whiskey Advertisement in Vienna
[Pre-test of four slogans for possible use in a whiskey advertisement, focusing on interest in and comprehension of them. 400 men interviewed. Questionnaire 'included. Report: B-0364]
Box 21 Folder B-0365
Dean Manheimer and Babette Kass Knowledge About Blended Whiskey, 1949, 36 pp.:4 folders containing Correspondence & memos, Questionnaire, Pretest findings, Specifications for Whiskey study and one empty folder with a copy of the study in Vienna
[230 men interviewed, questionnaire included. Report: B-0365]
Box 21 Folder B-0366
Babette Kass Magazine Preferences of Latin American Executives, 1949, 20 pp.: 3 folders containing Correspondence & memos, Tables & Misc. material, Questionnaire, and one empty folder with a copy of the study in Vienna
[This report reviews the procedure used and presents the findings. Questionnaire included. 931 respondents. Report: B-0366]
Box 21 Folder B-0367
Dean Manheimer and Babette Kass Job Satisfaction of Insurance Underwriters,, 1949, 573 pp.:4 folders containing Codes, Questionnaire, Correspondence & memos, Codebook, and one empty folder with a copy of the report in Vienna
[Repeat of earlier mail questionnaire survey. Questionnaire included. Section I summarizes overall statistics and analyzes primary significance of survey results. Section II compares attitudes of underwriters. Section III contains all their written-in suggestions. Reports: B-0367-1; B-0367-2; B0367-3]
Box 21 Folder B-0368
Babette Kass Advertising Effectiveness of Newspapers, 1949, 16 pp.3 folders containing Memos & correspondence, Contracts, Analysis and one empty folder containing a copy of the operating instructions in Vienna
[Trial run to provide a base for estimating cost of further work; information for charting the advertising effectiveness analysis of North Carolina newspapers. Report: B-0368]
Box 21 Folder B-0369
Babette Kass and J. Mayone Stycos Men's Clothing Behavior, 1949, 94 pp.:6 folders containing Proposal, Memos & correspondence, Tables, Misc. materials, Questionnaire, Report and one empty folder with a copy of the report Part II-actual interviews- in Vienna
[24 depth interviews administered to individuals of varying age, sex, occupation, and socioeconomic status. Complete interviews included. Reports: B-0369- vol. 1 (with note and explanation); B-0369- vol. 2, part 1 (although spine says part 2, title page says part 1); B-0369- vol. 2, part 2]
Box 22, 23, & 24 Folder B-0370
J. Mayone Stycos, Mary Stycos, Lerner, et al. Middle East Study (Voice of America, International Radio Project),, 1951- 1952, B-0370-1: 96 pp., B-0370-2: 67 pp., B-0370-3: 75 pp., B-0370-4: 29 pp., B-0370-5: 168 pp., B-0370-6: 41 pp., B-0370-7:, B-0370-8: 32 pp., B-0370-9: , 32 pp., B-0370-10: 24 pp., B-0370-11: 172 pp., B-0370-12: 120 pp., B-0370-13: 262 pp., B-0370-14: 61 pp., B-0370-15: 190 pp., B-0370-16: 86 pp., B-0370-17: 68 pp., B-0370-18: 245 pp., B-0370-19: 56 pp.: 76 folders containing , 2 separate binders one empty folder with a copy of Greek attitudes towards the U.S., USSR, England & France in Vienna, Greece- reports & studies, Turkey- report & studies, Lebanon- report & studies, Jordan- report & studies, Egypt (2 copies)- report & studies, separate binder (Egypt-same as other studies), Separate binder, two empty folders with copies of reports and studies on Iran in Vienna, Book review, Egypt- papers, Middle East- papers, Report on Syria, one empty folder with copies of papers on four Arabic countries in Vienna, Report- Middle East generally, Turkey- papers, Iran- papers, Article Groier & (chief- Lerner), one empty folder supposed to contain a copy of the book entitled : "The Passing of Traditional Society" by Lerner), Report- Turkey, Team paper- Concept of Acculturation by Robert Solow, Proposal, Report & project outline- on communication systems, Data on international radio project by Wise for R.K. Merton, Egypt- report, Iran- report, Islam & Westernization by Kay Peterson, Misc.- Israel, Lazarsfeld paper-Communication systems: Comparative Study, VOA magazines, Psychological research project report, Misc. non-bureau journals & articles, Contract, Misc., Meeting minutes, Misc. memos, Research memo, Confidential policy memo, Projected research plans, Proposals on reanalysis of Turkish material, Paper- Problems in International Communication Research by Marjorie Fiske & Leo Lowenthal, Department of State: Book Translation Program- Turkey, Meeting at State Department & memos & correspondence (April 28, 1950), Master codebook, Codes- Syria, Codes- Iran, Codes- Lebanon, Codes- Jordan, Codes- Egypt, Codes- Turkey, Interview guide, Codes- Greece, Codebook- (Greece, Turkey, & Iran), Misc. codes, Interview & questionnaire instructions, Questionnaire
[B-0370-1 300 individuals, mostly male radio listeners, were interviewed on their attitudes toward the people, ways of life and foreign policies of the four above countries. All B-0370 reports on Greece are based on the same 300 qualitative interviews. B-0370-2 This covers the role of radio in the lives of the Greeks, including their image of radio, listening habits and preferences and attitudes toward foreign broadcasts. B-0370-3 This is a comparative evaluation of the three media, in an attempt to assess the relative advantages and disadvantages of each of these means of communication in Greece. B-0370-4 A consideration of the illiterate tavern owner who may own the only radio in a village, and the priest and teacher who can read the newspaper. B-0370-5 . 300 qualitative interviews "designed to study the comparative role of the several mass media and face-to-face communications in the lives of various segments of the Turkish population." B-0370-6 115 interviews were conducted with four key groups in Turkish society in order to study radio listening in general and foreign broadcast listening in particular. B-0370-7 An analysis of newspaper reading habits and preferences of the same four key groups, reading patterns of foreign publications, and comparison of reading of American and other foreign language publications. B-0370-8 This report describes their patterns of moviegoing, reactions to foreign newsreels and reactions to foreign documentaries. B-0370-9 The role domestic mass media played in their lives was determined. B-0370-10 A survey of personal contacts among members of these key groups with foreigners-domestic contacts, those abroad, and impressions of Americans. B-0370-11 A study of the potential audiences within an Arab country. Based on 300 qualitative interviews. B-0370-12 An analysis of the attitudes and communications pattems of four numerically and structurally significant groups in Jordan. Based on about 150 qualitative interviews. B-0370-13 The psychological and political contexts of the communications behavior of four occupational groups are studied. Based on 331 qualitative interviews. B-0370-14 Their communications behavior is studied in an attempt to determine the effect of attitudes upon receptivity to foreign broadcasts in Egypt. B-0370-15 Based on interviews with controlled sample of 300 persons. Sets up political typology and studies attitudes and communications behavior in relation to that typology. B-0370-16 A study of U.S. and Russian partisans in the Iranian population to establish the relationship between political opinion and mass media behavior; 201 qualitative interviews. B-0370-17 201 qualitative interviews conducted to form a description of adherents to the extreme left and the extreme right. B-0370-18 A statistical summary of studies of communication and opinion in four Middle Eastern countries, emphasizing differences related to nationality and education. B-0370-19 This report brings together and codifies the implications of the entire communications behavior study (B-0370) which are most relevant for the International Information Administration's program in the Near and Middle East. The three parts of this report make suggestions for the handling of the media along the Soviet periphery, deal with the content and presentation of the IIA communications and discuss the best ways of communicating with different nationality groups. Reports: B-0370-1 through B-0371-19 Book: Lerner 1958 Articles: Glock 1952, Ringer & Sills 1952, Stycos 1952, Brunner 1953, Lerner (1953, 1955), Kendal 1956, Carlson 1958, Masters Essay: Berkowitz 1953, Berlas 1953, Marsh 1953, Trees 1953, Fyne 1954 Dissertation: Millard 1955]
Box 24 Folder B-0371
Jeannette Green and Babette Kass Brand Motivation in the Purchase of Major Household Appliance,, 1950, 176 pp.: 12 folders containing Television interview, Questionnaires, Store observations, Misc. materials, Memos & correspondence, the working house study. Electrical & gas home appliance industry, Study, Research proposals and one empty folder with a copy of its contents-the report- in Vienna
[100 pilot interviews, 28 observations of actual shopping behavior, with particular reference to refrigerators and television sets. Main objectives were to find some major problems in this area, to discover hypotheses, to test further procedures. Questionnaires included. Report: B-0371]
Box 24 Folder B-0372
Babette Kass The Influence of Handwriting on School Grades, 1950, 34 pp.: 5 folders containing Memos & correspondence, Handwriting & jobs, Test study, Research proposals, Report (2 copies)
[250 high school students' essays in their own handwriting were graded, then regraded when all were rewritten in uniform mechanical script. Report: B-0372]
Box 24 Folder B-0373
Jeannette Green & Manheimer Acceptance of Soluble Coffee, 1949, 234 pp.: 1 empty folder with copy of the contents-the report-in Vienna
[15 depth interviews conducted to find out resistances to soluble coffee and the bases for those resistances and also to determine the factors contributing to its acceptance. Complete interviews included. Report: B-0373]
Box 24 Folder B-0374
Marie Jahoda Intergroup Relations in Industry, 1949, 51 pp.: 1 empty folder with a copy of the contents-the report-in Vienna
[An exploratory study based on data from observations of discussion sessions among 9 management and 15 labor persons at General Cable, Perth Amboy, New Jersey, from informal conversation, answers to questionnaires, and from group evaluation of the course. Questionnaires included. Report: B-0374]
Box 24 Folder B-0375
J. Mayone Stycos and Warren Breed The Harrisburg Community and its Newspapers,, 1950, 68 pp.:3 folders containing Questionnaire, Preliminary proposal, Respondents and one empty folder with a copy of the report in Vienna
[Overall problem was: Do people want another newspaper? 46 personal, unstructured interviews on general climate of Harrisburg to set up hypotheses, to find direction for solution of problem, to develop techniques for its solution. Report: B-0375 Dissertation: Breed 1952]
Box 24 Folder B-0376
Stanley Bigman The "New Internationalism" Under Attack, 1950, 105 pp.: 1 folder containing Report
[Six publications conducting a sustained campaign against world federalism as one aspect of a Communist conspiracy were analyzed as to the arguments used in opposing "World Government." Report: B-0376 Article: Bigman (1) 1950]
Box 24 Folder B-0377
Kass Margarine Study, 1949, 3 folders containing Interview guide, Questionnaire, Study
Box 24 Folder B-0378
Lazarsfeld Stock Exchange Study, 1949, 2 folders containing Questionnaire, Proposal
Box 24 Folder B-0380
Ohio State University Election Panel, 1949, 1 folder containing Questionnaire
Box 24 Folder B-0385
Robert Merton Social Theory & Structure, 1949, 1 Empty folder with above title.
Box 24 Folder B-0387
White Collar Workers, 1949, One folder. Folder contains Miscellaneous interviews by Rosenberg for his MA thesis on white collar workers.
Box 24 Folder B-388
White Collar workers, 1948, One Folder. Folder contains Miscellaneous materials- also for Rosenberg's interviews for his MA thesis on white collar workers.
Box 24, 25, 26 Folder B-0390
Fred Ikle, Davis, et al. Urban Analysis Project (Air Force Study), 1951- 1953, Pages: B-0390-1: 93 pp., B-0390-2: 31 pp., B-0390-3: 7 pp., B-0390-4: Published in American Journal of Sociology, vol. 58 (1952), pp.133-136, B-0390-5: 31 pp., B-0390-6: Published. See book: The Social Impact of Bomb Destruction by Fred Ikle, B-0390-7: 19 pp., B-0390-8,9: 77 pp., B-0390-10: 34 pp., B-0390-11: 62 pp., B-0390-12: 16 pp., B-0390-13: 35 pp., B-0390-14: 78 pp., B-0390-15: 30 pp., B-0390-16: 83 pp., B-0390-17: 44 pp., B-0390-18: 87 pp., B-0390-20: 39 pp., B-0390-21: 34 pp., B-0390-22: 15 pp., B-0390-23: 9 pp., B-0390-24: 97 pp., B-0390-25: 204 pp.:, plus 16 folders, 6 stapled folders and , 2 uncovered stapled folders with contents noted below. Dissertation by Ikle- Impact of War, Uncovered folder- Air University report on Human Resources- Research Institute, Interview methodology, Interview bibliography, Progress reports by Kingsley Davis, Memos & correspondence, Index of reports, Content code for index, Report summary, Individual reports & articles, Progress reports- Ikle,
[B-0390-1 Using data obtained primarily from more than 60 West German cities bombed in World War II, this report establishes a method for estimating the population loss of a city as a result of housing destruction. B-0390-2 Using data obtained primarily from the local statistical office in Warsaw, this report illustrates the use of demographic and transit data in analyzing the growth and development of war-damaged cities. B-0390-3 This report discusses the influence of wartime urban destruction on population distribution as compared to the long-range historical trend in population distribution. B-0390-4 Evacuation and the Cohesion of Urban Groups. B-0390-5 This report deals with further problems concerning social effects of air-borne destruction in cities with emphasis on its demographic aspects. It examines the physical effects of destruction on a city's transportation system, communications facilities and utilities in order to determine the social repercussions of this damage. B-0390-6 the social impact of bomb destruction. B-0390-7 Purpose of study was "to examine existing studies and literature for techniques of measuring morale, and availability of data useful for the measurement and analysis of morale." B-0390-8,9 Based on statistical data, these reports attempt to develop mathematical formulae for the measurement of degree of urbanization and societal stability. B-0390-10 A discussion of the application of mathematical tools to counts and measurements in urban sociology. B-0390-11 Discusses the emergence of the modern city in an international context-economic functions performed, identifying characteristics, patterns of land-use, city-region relationships. Suggested research. Bibliography. B-0390-12 This is an attempt to differentiate between workers performing production functions and workers performing maintenance functions and a consideration of the implications of such a division. Based on Canadian and U.S. census data. B-0390-13 . A consideration of the stability of relationships among cities over a period of time, and of the stability of industrial relationships within single cities over a period of time. B-0390-14 This paper is concerned with a descriptive survey of the contents of the Russian census describing in detail the census of 1926 and to a lesser extent those of 1897, 1917, 1920, and 1923. An explanation of definitions of terms is included. B-0390-15 An attempt to determine whether the difference in definition of skilled workers in the U. S. and U. S. S.R. is related to differences in technological. B-0390-16 An enumeration of changes in the technological and socioeconomic structure of five Russian cities which have taken place during rapid urbanization. Includes discussion of usefulness of Soviet statistics. B-0390-17 A discussion of empirical examples of urban growth and alternative means of estimating such growth. B-0390-18 This study is an attempt to provide some pertinent information about the socioeconomic development of Korea and to relate such development to the growth of Korean cities. Based on census data. B-0390-20 A progress report and prospectus for the future of a system for filing quantitative data for the cities of the world with over 100,000 population. B-0390-21 This report deals with the potential usefulness of the World Urban Resources Index for comparative, systematic analysis and stresses the importance of the context, or universe, of a particular city in such analysis. B-0390-22 An evaluation of methods of calculation of rates of growth intended for use in large-scale projects. B-0390-23 A discussion of operationalizing Otis Dudley Duncan's cost-utility framework. B-0390-24 Age structure and sex composition of urban populations. Demographic profiles of some cities. Intercity variation in demographic structure. Based on data on file in World Urban Resources Index. B-0390-25 A study of the demographic structure of 94 Mediterranean cities and their economic roles. Based on World Urban Resources Index data. Reports: B-0390-1 through B-0390-25 (excluding B-0390-19) Book: Ikle 1958 Articles: Ikle 1951 (1, 2), Bernert & Ikle 1952, Hertz & Davis 1952, Ikle 1954 (1, 2), Davis 1955, Hammer & Ikle 1957]
Box 26 Folder B-0391
Kingsley Davis and Brayfield Interview Methodology Project (AFIRM, Air Force Interviewing Research Methods),, 1951, 49 folders including one empty one and 1 binder. Binder- Interviewing in Foreign Area Research- edited by Lee M. Wiggins. Folders contain Air interrogation guide - Airforce (1952, marked restricted), List of documents, Project explanation, Project descriptions, Memo, Organizational structure, Plans & requirements, Objective & plans, Cost reimbursement, Expenditures- through June 1951, Statement of plans, Work statement, General proposals, Methodological considerations, Sample preliminary analysis- Harvard, Individual reports & articles, Research memorandums, Research program & schedule for German staff, Raw individual intelligence reports (marked restricted), Questionnaire, Attachments, Memos& correspondence, Wriggins material with 4 separate folders included, Progress Report, Article (marked restricted), Miscellaneous, Voluntary sources (restricted), Exploratory studies in nature of interviewing, Data collection forms, Reports & memos, Harvard Refugee Interview project, Interviewing hints, Bibliography on Columbia University Project, Selection of interviewers, Empty folder with missing contents supposedly a ( Bibliography of the interviewing literature), Proposal for further investigation.
[Vols. I-V, Five volumes are: I. Data Collection Forms and related Material, 28 pp.; II. Reports and Memoranda, 88 pp.; III. The Harvard Refugee Project, 58 pp.; IV. Interviewer Hints for Wringer Interviews, 38 pp.; V. Bibliography of the Literature concerning the use of Interviewing in Selected Fields, 77 p. Report: B-0391 (Vols. I- V) Masters Essay: Turk 1952 Dissertation: Lennard 1955]
Box 26 Folder B-0392
J. Mayone Stycos Razor Blade Study, 1950, 58 pp. 4, folders
[4 Folders contain Codes & Questionnaires Proposal, Memos and one empty folder marked as having contained the report.. Two6 men were intensively interviewed to uncover motivations which might not come out by more standard questionnaire method and to develop a questionnaire which could test and elaborate upon hypotheses developed as a result of the study. Report: B-0392]
Box 26 Folder B-0393
Robert C. Myers Home Permanent Study, 1951, 155 pp.: 11 folders including three empty folders one of which is labeled as referring to a copy of the report in Vienna. Other folders contain Interview guide, Proposal, Trip report, Studies, Observation summary, Employment applications, and Respondent key
[393 in-depth interviews ]
Box 26 Folder B-0394
Leo Srole, Babette Kass and Charles Glock Car Poster Study- Anti-Defamation League,, 1951-1952, B-0394-1: 223 pp., B-0394-2: 166 pp.: 12 folders containing Project outline, Proposal, Car Evaluations, Map of Springfield, Mass., Questionnaire, Correspondence & Memos, Codes and Instructions, Marginals, Published Report, Substatntive Studies & Typescripts.
[B-0394-1 This study focussed on the audience for the posters prepared by the Institute for American Democracy and the experiences of the subjects as they saw the material. 400 bus riders in Springfield, Massachusetts, were intensively interviewed using mainly open-ended questionnaires. B-0394-2 Based on 401 interviews with bus riders in Springfield, Massachusetts, this report evaluates audience reaction to a series of posters prepared by the Anti-Defamation League designed to improve attitudes toward minority groups. It discusses such factors as who and how many people saw the posters, and the viewers' comprehension and recall of these posters. Reports: B-0394-1; B-0394-2 Article: Srole 1956 Masters Essay: Kinard 1953]
Box 27 Folder B-0395
William McPhee, Phillip Ennis and Alan Meyer 1950 Congressional Voting Study (Regional Panels),, 1952, 79 pp.: 14 folders containing 1 Empty folder which apparently contained work by McPhee & Glasser, ed.- "Public Opinion & Congressional Elections", other folders contain Memos & correspondence, Questionnaires, Articles, Misc. materials, Background material & questionnaires, Article, Codebook, Progress report on study
[This report includes a progress report on the study of the 1950 Congressional elcctions by William McPhee, and two papers by Philip Ennis and Alan Meyer. Meyer's paper "The Independent Voter" discusses the definition and characteristics of the independent voter, while Ennis's "Contextual Factors in Voting Decisions" examines how differing social and political contexts affect standards of judgement and voting behavior. Report: B-0395 Book: McPhee & Glaser 1962 Articles: Glaser 1958, 1959 (1, 3) Dissertation: Ennis 1962]
Box 27 Folder B-0396
Stanley K. Bigman U.S. Information Service Manual, 1951, 298 pp.: 3 folders including one Empty folder listed as having copy of Report in Vienna and others containing Questionnaire and a Stste Department Manual entitled "How Effective is an Information Program?"
[A manual for public affairs officers on how to run an evaluational research project: opinion leaders, obtaining representative sample, questionnaire construction, interviewing techniques and interviewer selection, use of panels, observation and participant observer, and analyzing the content of communications. Report: B-0396-1; B-0396-2]
Box 27 Folder B-0400
Lipset, Trow, Coleman Union Democracy (International Typographical Union Study),, 1950, 7 folders containing Codebook and marginals; Questionnaires, Proposals, Non-bureau code guide, Interviewer instructions, Article, Review
[Report: B-0400 Monograph: Levine 1963 Book: Lipset, Coleman & Trow 1956 Article: Lipset 1954 Masters Essay: Wolcott 1955 Dissertations: Coleman 1955, Levine 1959]
Box 27 Folder B-0402
Kass What Does Your Congregation Think?, 1950, 1 folder containing Monograph
[Report: not available Monograph: Kass 1950]
Box 27 Folder B-0404
Paul F. Lazarsfeld Methodology of International Broadcasting Research, 1951, 181 pp. : 3 Folders Folders Contain Project Contract, Memos & Correspondence, Report
[Methodological considerations include: opinion leadership comparison in urban-rural Sweden; the snowball technique; identifying international audience; Voice of America audience in Norway; content analysis and "competitive broadcasting" to Germany; testing Voice of America programs; latent content of broadcasts. Report: B-0404]
Box 28 Folder B-0405
Robert O. Carlson Case Finding & Patient Management- Through an Understanding of Known Syphilitic Patients,, 1950, 1 folder containing Study
[A study of non-white patients in Mississippi.]
Box 28 Folder B-0406
Columbia School of Public Health/ B.A.S.R. Epidemiology of Hypertension,, 1953, 1 folder containing Report- planning and research on episdemiology & unrelated pamphlet
Box 28 Folder B-0407
Jaffe Manpower & Labor Force Analysis, 1950, 1 empty folder which apparently contained the above monograph.
[Report: not available Monograph: Jaffe 1951 Book: Jaffe & Stewart 1951 Articles: Jaffe & Froomkin 1953, Sierra Berdicia & Jaffe 1955, S. Weiss & Jaffe 1955, Jaffe 1956, 1957 (3), 1959]
Box 28 Folder B-0409
Glock & Kendall Betty Crocker on Television, 1950, 120 pp. & appendices; 18 folders containing Questionnaires, Script of program, Memos & correspondence, Proposal, Syracuse test sessions I-X, Charts & graphs, Tentative report, and Preliminary report.
[352 women registered interest in or dislike of the program Desc on the Program Analyzer, answered a questionnaire and took part in group discussion. Questionnaire included. Report: B-0409]
Box 28 Folder B-0410
Peter H. Rossi Urban Residential Mobility (Why Families Move), 1952, 462 pp., Published. 20 folders containing , 1 separate binder. Separate binder codes, Folders contain Typed report, Rossi's Manuscript, Summary of field work experience, Research & analysis memoranda, Map series-Philadelphia, Structure sampling, Philadelphia Housing & Neighborhood owners questionnaire, Owners and renters questionnaires, Enumeration sheet code, Residential mobility decision analysis, Marginals, Validation of Mobility Potential Scale, Interview schedule, Questionnaire, Proposals for research, Book & AJS article-Why Families Move?
[Why Families Move, Glencoe, IL: The Free Press, 1955. Interviews with a stratified sample of approximately 1000 in Philadelphia provided information for this study which focussed on characteristics of mobile and stable areas, characteristics of mobile households, and reasons for moves given by mobile households. Questionnaire and bibliography included. Report: B-0410 Book: Rossi 1955]
Box 29 Folder B-0411
Kendall Conflict and Mood (Reliability Factor), 1950, 11 Folders containing Dissertation, Article, Codes, Questionnaires, Questionnaire instructions.
[Report: not available Book: Kendall 1954 (published dissertation)]
Box 29 Folder B-0412
American Jewish Committee Communication Study, 1950, 2 folders containing Questionnaires, Codebook
Box 29 &30 Folder B-0420
Paul F. Lazarsfeld and Robert K. Merton Planning Project for Advanced Training in Social Research,, 1950-1958, B-0420-1: 97 pp., B-0420-2: 90 pp., B-0420-3: 41 pp., B-0420-4: 24 pp., B-0420-5: 550 pp., B-0420-6: 148 pp., B-0420-7: 301 pp., B-0420-8: 222 pp., B-0420-9: 459 pp., B-420-10: 117 pp., B-420-11: 254 pp., B-0420-12: 78 pp.: 37 folders including one empty folder which apparently contained a list of reports in Project File B-0420. Other folders contain Proposal, Historical materials on innovations in higher education, Documents for Seminar on Concepts & Indices in the Social Sciences (Rogoff), Planning project materials & conference, Analysis, Panel analysis workbook, Article on Panel technique, In service trainee program of B.A.S.R., Case materials & case analysis-Barbert, Articles, Comments on readings-The Language of Social Research, Gilliam Doctoral Dissertation, Interview analysis, PPAT progress report, PPAT-planning seminars, Questionnaires, Articles, Historical notes on concepts in social sciences article/report- Lazarsfeld, Accounting schemes memo, Proposal to continue study, Report, Participants in Program III seminar, Rogoff speech on Research Sociologists in Private Organizations,
[B-0420-1 This is concerned with the problems of training in empirical social research. It proposes to establish the institute as a significant step towards a more adequate training program. B-0420-2 The Effects of Training in Social Research on the Development of Professional Attitudes," Ann Arbor: University Microfilms, 1954. B-0420-3 This paper is an attempt to formalize Merton's theoretical reflections. Merton's analysis of homophily with regard to racial attitudes is presented followed by a formalization of this analysis. B-0420-4 This paper briefly sketches a model of a research procedure and then explores in detail the general procedure followed at the last stages of an investigation. B-0420-5 This is a collection of examples from the history of higher education where innovations in advanced learning were proposed and either adopted or defeated. The purpose was to obtain information on the conditions under which new institutions become necessary, on how ideas develop into concrete plans, and on the forces that aid or hinder these plans. B-0420-6 This discussion of panel methods for the investigation of attitudes, and other manifestations of social change, is an attempt to organize some of the major studies and techniques into a consistent developing framework. B-0420-7 This is a collection of documents dealing with specification of concepts, formal structure of individual and group characteristics, multi-dimensional classification, attribute space, and derived problems. Case material on specific sociological and economic concepts and specific concepts in social psychology and the measurement of change over time are also discussed. B-0420-8 This is a collection of documents from the Dartmouth Seminar on Concepts and Indices, July 11-25, 1953. Part I: Organization and Basic Themes; Part II: Documentation of the Leading Themes; Part II, A: From Imagery to Index-A Schematic Sequence, Part II, B: The Basic Operational Problems; Part III: Additional Case Materials and Reports. B-0420-9 This is a collection of various papers from the Seminar on Social Process Analysis. Reports are: "Methods of Panel Analysis"; "Mutual Effects of Statistical Variables"; "Methodology of Repeated Interview Analysis"; "Notes on Impact Analysis"; "Seminar Discussion of the Relation of Panel and Experiment"; "Notes on Models for a Common Type of Attitude Process"; The Multi-Wave Panel as a Quasi-Experiment"; "Uniformities in the Voting Process"; "Formalization of McPhee's Model." B-0420-10 This report evaluates the in-service training program of the Bureau. It describes the general position of the program in the overall organization, the methods of obtaining trainees, the actual processes of training and the problems uncovered. B-0420-11 Panel analysis is a research technique, a method of collecting information about individuals and studying one major class of change. This is a workbook intended to acquaint students with a variety of panel materials and to furnish them with experience in analyzing and experimenting with such data. Many solved problems are included. B-0420-12 This report on the use of case materials and case analysis in American professional training attempts to define what constitutes such materials, and to consider how they may best be analyzed, by a comparative study of several areas in which there has actually occurred use of some such materials and of some adapted educational techniques. Reports: B-0420-1 through B-0420-12 Books: Hyman 1955, Lazarsfeld & Rosenberg 1955, Komarovsky 1957, Wright 1980 (Published dissertation) Articles: Lazarsfeld & Barton 1951, Barton & Lazarsfeld 1955, Lazarsfeld 1956 (1), Lipset & Trow 1957, Lowenthal & Fiske 1957, Planck 1957, Coleman 1970 Dissertations: Wright 1954, Gilliam 1959, Levenson 1966]
Box 30 Folder B-0421
Lois V. Pratt Oil Progress Week I (Bangor, Maine), 1952, 159 pp.: 11 folders including one emty folder with contents supposedly in Vienna and others containing:. Codebook with Questionnaires, Codes, Questionnaire, Hypothesis to be tested, Interview instructions, Correspondence, Questionnaire, Codebook and instructions, Gas station attendants schedule code.
[Impact of Oil Progress Week in 1951, in Bangor, Maine. Effective media, composition of population affected, role of gasoline station personnel and their evaluation of Oil Progress Week. Appendix: sampling procedure. See also B-0461. Reports: B-0421 Masters Essay: Wilder 1955]
Box 30 Folder B-0422
Stanley Bigman & Meyer Opiate Addiction, 1951, 80 pp.: 5 folders containing Preliminary report, Bibliography-tentative outline, Public health research grants- statement of policy, U.S. Treasury- pamphlet on drug addiction, Meyer monograph and misc. articles
[Surveys available information and makes suggestions for future research. Discusses available information and lack of information on the earliest social contexts of exposure, addiction, and treatment of adolescents. Reports: B-0421-1 Monograph: Meyer 1952]
Box 31 Folder B-0423
Jeannette Green & Meyersohn Quick Magazine Study, 1951, B-0423-1: 100 pp., B-0423-3: 158 pp.: 12 folders including three empty foldrers with copies of materials (reports? supposedly in Vienna .Other folders containInterviewer instructions, Questionnaires, Codebooks, Respondent names & addresses, Summary of findings, Misc. materials, Expenses
[B-0423-1 122 people interviewed-random sample of every sixth home in alphabetical list of Quick subscribers in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. B-0423-3 This is a study of Quick readers which includes comparative material on their use of other mass media. It is based on interviews with 111 subscribers. Questionnaire included. Reports: B-0423-1 through B-0423-3 ]
Box 31 Folder *B-0430
James S. Coleman, Lazarsfeld, & Luce Behavioral Models Project (Office of Naval Research Mathematical Models Study),, 1953-1960, B-0430-1: 61 pp., B-0430-2: 28 pp., B-0430-7: Published. See pp. 139-148 in Psychometrika, vol. 20 (1955), B-0430-8: 14 pp. Published. See pp. 5-119 in Developments in Mathematical Psychology (1960), B-0430-10: 196 pp., B-0430-11: 29 pp., B-0430-12: , 40 pp., Published. See pp., 125-126 in Developments in Mathematical Psychology (1960), B-0430-13: B-0430-14: 55 pp., B-0430-15: 181 pp., B-0430-16: 58 pp.: 15 folders including five empty folders listed as having contained articles and/or reports and Technical Report#10 by Coleman with a copy of the latter listed as being in Vienna. Other folders contain Report Book (Luce & Raiffa), Articles/ reports (Coleman & Anderson), Report revision ( Luce), Report, ( Luce), Report(Adams), Survey ( Solomon), Misc., and Technical report by Lorge & Solomon. B-0430-1 Discussion of four of Rashevsky's behavioral models (imitative behavior, distribution of wealth, general theory of social distributions, and altruistic and egoistic societies) and their implications for social therapy. Published. See pp. 105-165 in Mathematical Thinking in the Social Sciences, Paul F. Lazarsfeld, ed. Glencoe, IL: The Free Press, 1954. B-0430-2 A model is developed for characterizing the statistical dependence of certain kinds of events such as marriage and voter preference. The model characterizes the degree to which these events proceed from common causes rather than from individual causes. B-0430-7 models of group behavior in the solution of Eureka type problems, . Published. See pp. 139-148 in Psychometrika, vol. 20 (1955). B-0430-8 survey of the theory of selective information and some of its behavioral applications, published.
[See pp. 5-119 in Developments in Mathematical Psychology, R. Duncan Luce, ed., Glencoe, IL: The Free Press, 1960. B-0430-10 Three distinctively different uses of mathematics in the study of small groups are examined intensively, then compared and evaluated. B-0430-11 The first part of this report deals with the conditions for k-stability in certain general classes of games such as symmetric and quota games. In the second part are presented some structural theorems for simple quota games and for two other classes of simple games which are closely related to the nonconstant-sum simple quota games. B-0430-12 survey of mathematical learning theory, Published. See pp., 125-126 in Developments in Mathematical Psychology, R. Duncan Luce, ed., Glencoe, IL: The Free Press, 1960. B-0430-13 This report has been superseded by B-0430-14.
B-0430-14 This report supersedes B-0430-13. It explores the consequences of the author's assumption: "The activity of deciding which of two alternatives in preferred is statistically independent of the activity of discriminating which of two probabilities is larger." B-430-15 This report discusses the general area of utility theory and the relationships among the various theories within this area. It describes in detail the theoretical framework of Bemoullian utility and discusses its applications. The overall objective of the report is to present a relatively non-technical introduction to the field of Bemoullian Utility theory. B-0430-16 This report discusses the major mathematical models in factor analysis produced by scholars over the past half century. Taking the systems in chronological order it compares and contrasts them with each other. Reports: B-0430-1 through B-0430-16 Books: Lazarsfeld 1954, Luce & Raiffa 1957, Luce 1960, Solomon 1960 Articles: Luce 1954, Lorge & Solomon 1955, Luce 1955, 1956 (1, 2), Luce & Adams 1956, Luce & Rogow 1956, Luce 1958, Luce & Edwards 1958, Luce 1959 Masters Essay: Somers 1956 Dissertation: Wiggins 1955]
Box 31 Folder B-0440
Dallin, Mosley, Armstrong War Documents Project, 1951, 13 folders containing , 1 pamphlet Pamphlet- guide to captured German documents- air force (December 1952), Folders contain Statement on project, Information bulletin, Guide to captured German documents & supplement, Projected organization of phase II, Misc. papers, Materials on Soviets during World War II, Empty folder (Soviet material), European trip report- Epstein, Classified material receipts (1941-1954)
Box 32 Folder B-0444
Sylvia Gilliam East European Radio Listening Project (see also B-0454), 1952-1954, B-0444-2: 91 pp., B-0444-3: 79 pp., B-0444-4: 81 pp., B-0444-5: 72 pp., B-0444-6: 69 pp., B-0444-7: 70 pp., B-0444-8: 28 pp.: 20 folders including seven empty folders supposedly containing material (reports?) on listening to VOA in Yugoslavia, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Rumania, Bulgaria, Soviet Sattelites and Miscellaneous materials with copies in Vienna.Contract, Questionnaires, Misc., Codebooks, Expert interviews, Report on VOA listening in Soviet Sattelites (comparative study), Proposal on population pressures in USSR, Hypothesis (on Poland, Czechoslovokia, and Hungary), VOA's audience in Austria (restricted), I.D. of VOA listeners.
[B-0444-2 Based on 1000 returned questionnaires, this study attempts to determine the relationship between demographic factors and listening to Voice of America broadcasts. B-0444-3 "This report ... is one of a series which summarizes and interprets results from a group of interviews with nationals of Soviet satellite countries..." Each covers listening environment, foreign broadcast listening, attitudinal material. B-0444-4 listening to the Voice of America and other foreign broadcasts in Satellite Czechoslovokial. B-0444-5 Listening to the Voice of America and other foreign broadcasts in Satellite Hungary. B-0444-6 Listening to the Voice of America and other foreign broadcasts in Satellite Rumania. B-0444-7 Listening to the Voice of America and other foreign broadcasts in Satellite Bulgaria. B-0444-8 Comparative summary of above reports (B-0444-2-7). Reports: B-0444-2 through B-0444-9]
Box 32 Folder B-0445
T.T.C. Background Material on Indo-China and Burma, 1951, 2 folders containing Background material on Indo-China, and Background report on Burma
Box 32 Folder B-0450
Glock & Ringer Episcopal Study, 1951, 12 folders containing Proposals, Misc., Correspondence, Master codes to questionnaires, Code-inventory data, Questionnaire, Sample design, Book outline, Article, and one empty folder that apparently contained a copy of the book.
[Report: not available Book: Glock, Ringer & Babbie 1967 Articles: Ringer & Glock 1954, Glock & Ringer 1956 Dissertation: Ringer 1956]
Box 33 Folder J-0450
B.A.S.R. Seventh Medical Economics Survey, 1952, 2 folders containing Survey, Correspondence
Box 33 Folder B-0451
Benjamin Ringer Film Production in Underdeveloped Countries, 1953, 53 pp.: 1 folder containing report
[Relations with the U.S. Embassy, with the host government, and problems of script writers working in the village are discussed, based on experiences of American film crews abroad. Objectives are to help field crews adjust to local situations and to provide Washington and embassy administrators with a summary of encountered difficulties. Report: B-0451]
Box 33 Folder B-0452
Jeannette Green Girl Scout Study (Troop Sponsorship), 1953, B-0452-1: 139 pp., B-0452-2: 162 pp.: 8 folders containing Questionnaires & interview guide, Codes, Correspondence & memos, Report, including two empty folders supposedly containing copies of the report-both parts 1 and 2- in Vienna.
[B-0452-1 Pilot phase of project which studies 27 Girl Scout Councils. Deals with attitudes toward troop sponsorship, cross-pressures involved, and the problem of limited troops (those sponsored by religious organizations). B-0452-2 The focus of this project is "to produce an accurate and current account of the prevailing climate of opinions and practices of local Girl Scout Councils on the matter of troop sponsorship and on the related problem of limited troops." 894 questionnaires returned. Reports: B-0452-1; B-0452-2]
Box 33 Folder B-0453
Sills Southeast Asia Project- Malaya, Thailand, 1952, 26 folders containing Final report, Questionnaires- Malaya & Thailand, Misc. correspondence, Interview guide, Data to be collected by other than survey methods, Thailand, Malaya, Phillipines, Southeast Asia project generally, Near East British Commonwealth affairs, Review of Thailand and Malaya fieldwork
Box 121 Folder B-0454
Siegfried Kracauer and Paul Berkman Satellite Mentality: A-187 October 1955 issue of Social Problems Journal, Reports, Selected hypothesis on sites in Poland Czechoslovakia & Hungary, Reviews from journals, Interview code,, 1952, 22 pages, 5 folders
[See also B-0444.
This report is a tentative outline for the qualitative analysis of interviews with Polish, Hungarian, and Czechoslovakian defectors to be based on 300 interviews collected by International Public Opinion, Inc. Report: B-0454 Book: Kracauer & Berkman 1956 Article: Kracauer & Berkman 1955]
Box 34 Folder B-0460
John A. Morsell, Ernest Koller, Glock, & Lennard Hypertension Project,, 1950-1955, B-0460-1: 42 pp., B-0460-2: 223 pp.: 1 binder and 41 folders . Binder-contains memorandums. Folders contain Questionnaires, Code, Proposal, Memo, Final reports on Candidates for Lane Bryant Awards (1948-1961), Screening reports on nominees for Lane Bryant Awards (1948-1962), Collected papers on hypertension by Henry L. Lennard, Articles, Working paper, Report on Women's Home Companion Club Woman of the year Award for 1955, and four empty folders that contained articles, one empty folder that contained a report on the program, one empty folder that contained material on a symposium on essential hypertension, and one empty folder that apparently contained miscellaneous memos.
[B-0460-1 This is the first of a series of reports concerned with the epidemiologic aspects of hypertension. It deals with the collection and mode of classification of a bibliographic file of titles comprising as complete as possible a coverage of world literature on blood pressure since 1920. B-0460-2 This report presents results of the work done since 1950 by the Columbia staff in developing a detailed design for a long term epidemiologic study of the natural history of essential hypertension. Section I outlines the objectives of the program, presenting the rationale for a longterm study; Section II describes the requirements for such a study; Section III outlines the activities of the staff in satisfying these requirements and Section IV sets forth additional steps recommended before proceeding with the long term project. Reports: B-0460-1; B-0460-2 Monographs: Recess Commission on Hypertension 1951, Koller & Katz 1952 Articles: Clark & Morsell 1962, Clark et al. 1956 (1,2), Glock et al. 1956 (1,2), Clark et al. 1957, Glock & Lennard 1957, Lennard & Glock 1957]
Box 34 Folder B-0461
Lois V. Pratt, Selvin, Simmel Oil Progress Week II (Springfield, MO), 1953-1954, B-0461-1: 144 pp., B-0461-2: 21 pp., B-0461-3: 99 pp., B-0461-4: 28 pp.: 10 folders containing Introduction, Codebooks & interview sheets, Codebook with Questionnaire, Evaluation of Oil Progress Week 1952 (report), Preliminary findings, Summary of supplementary report, Articles, and two empty folders with copies of analysis material supposed to be in Vienna and the other having contained a copy of the Supplementary Report.
[B-0461-1 Using Oil Progress Week as a case study, this project examines the extent of attitude change and attitude reinforcement which results from exposure to various media of communication, social position in the community and other social factors. Based on 560 "before and after" interviews, this report describes the events of the Oil Progress Week campaign and the resulting impact on the attitudes of the community towards the oil industry. The report focuses on changes in 10 specific opinions. B-0461-2 By applying the technique of latent structure analysis, this report seeks to determine the structure of attitudes toward the oil industry in order to provide a meaningful context in which to study changes in these attitudes brought about by Oil Progress Week. Also discussed are the relationships between opinions and attitudes. The analysis is based on 10 questions asked interviewees before Oil Progress Week. B-0461-3 Based on responses to the same questions as analyzed in B-0461-2, the interviews for this report were conducted after Oil Progress Week instead of before. Changes in the relation of general attitude to specific opinions between the two interviews are studied. Some of the social groupings in which favorable constellations of attitudes occur are also identified. B-0461-4 This report summarizes in a briefer and less technical manner B-0461-3. Reports: B-0461-1 through B-0461-4 Masters Essay: Sobel 1953]
Box 35 Folder *B-0470
William McPhee, Philip Ennis and Rolf Meyersohn Disk Jockey Study, 1953, 155 pp.: 10 folders containing Proposal, Memos & proposals, Interview guide, Questionnaire & interview guide, First report on BMI, Outline for report, Report, Notes-clippings, and one empty folder that apparently contained another copy of the report supposed to be in Vienna.
[This study examines the role of the disk jockey, how he affects the musical attitudes of his listeners and how he decides what music to play on his show. 42 disk jockeys in 24 cities were interviewed. Report: B-0470]
Box 35 Folder B-0471
Kass Business and Professional Women Study, 1952, 16 folders and 2 envelopes Envelopes-contain Tables and notes. Folders contain Tables, Questionnaires, Codebook, Draft of monograph, Memos, Suggested tabulations, Finished monograph, Raw data, State membership data, Misc.articles, Correspondence & Misc., Draft report, Misc. data, Misc. materials
Box 36 Folder B-0472
Herbert Menzel Business Christmas Gifts, 1952, 44 pp.: 4 folders containing Questionnaires, Report, Misc. & correspondence
[This is a study of which firms give what gifts to whom. There were 519 respondents to questionnaire mailed to a random sample of "Who's Who in Commerce and Industry." Reports: B-0472]
Box 36 Folder B-0473
B.A.S.R. Graduate Student Training, 1952-1953, 3 folders containing Questionnaires, Codebooks, Report about services
Box 36 Folder B-0474
Hans Zetterberg Religious Student Groups, 1951-1952, 2 folders containing Questionnaires & correspondence, Study and Tables
Box 36 Folder B-0475
Merton, Gray, Hockey, and Selvin Reader in Bureaucracy, 1952, 1 empty folder which previously contained a copy of the above book.
Box 36 Folder B-0477
Occupational Mobility in the United States, 1930-1960 (Jaffe & Carleton),, 1954, one folder containing above book.
[Book: Jaffe & Carleton 1954]
Box 36, 37 & amp;38 Folder B-0480
Medical School Study (Student Physician; Cornell Comprehensive Care and Teaching Program Evaluation: Cornell-PennsylvaniaWestern Reserve Medical Students) (Merton, Reader, Kendall et al.),, 1954-1957, Eighty-Eight Folders and Five Separate Articles of which Two are Unbound and one Staff Progress Report Two Unbound Articles by Fox Renee Fox & Glaser and Rowan & Huntington. Three bound articles by Horowitz, Brozgal and Eaton (one each) and a Staff Progress Report by Robert Merton. Five Empty Folders , two of which contained copies of Reports 14 and 17 with copies in Vienna, while the other three contained respectively "Comprehensive Medical Care & Teaching," by Reader & Goss, Editors, "The Student Physician," BY Merton, Reader & Kendall, and a paper on "Medical School Values, Climates & Student "Machiavellian" Orientations." Other folders contain List of Reports, Research Memos, List of Other Documents and Memos, Bibliography, Miscellaneous Inventories, Reports & Analysis, Preliminary Report -Analysis, Rogoff's Report,Cornell Student Opinions, Statistical Analysis, Sociological Calender Reports, Dissertation not in the BIbliography entitled the "Variety in Value Structures of Medical Schools," by Louise Ann Johnson (Columbia, 1965), Articles, Memos, Annual Reports, Articles, Evaluation of Study at BASR, Research Memorandum, more Articles, Evaluation of the New Curriculum at Western Reserve, Kendall Memorandum, Papers, the Kuder Reference Record Pamphlet, Commonwealth Fund Proposals,Conference Agenda at Western Reserve University in 1956 by Rowan, Proposal for the Continuation of the Program, Research Memorandum C, Research Memos and Articles and a 1959 Teaching Institute Workbook by the Association of American Medical Colleges located and published in Evanston, Illinois. Report: B-0480-2 through 29 1955-1960; Books: Merton, Reader & Kendall 195 7, Reader & Goss 1967, Caplovitz 1980 (Published dissertation), Goss 1980 (Published dissertation); Articles: Goss & Reader 1956, Merton et al. 1956, Christie & Budnitsky 1957, Christie & Merton 1958, Kendall & Merton 1958, Glaser 1959. Project Index
[167; Kendall 1960, Lief & Fox 1963, Kendall 1964, Caplovitz 1967, Goss et a]. 1967, Kendall & Jones 1967, Kendall 1967; Masters Essay: Steinberg, 1957; Dissertations: Goss 195 9, Budner, 1960, Kandel 1960, Caplovitz 1961, Fasick 1962]
Box 38 & 39 Folder *B-0481
David Sills The Volunteers (National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis Study),, 1954, 505 pp.: 32 folders and 1 binder Binder- Draft of Sills's book (1955). Folders contain Draft for Sills's book - 3 volumes (1954-1956), National Foundation study in 3 volumes: Sills- Editor (1954- B.A.S.R.), Empty folder (Sills's article or book), Article- Sills, Interview instructions, Interim reports, volunteers interviewed by B.A.S.R., Misc. correspondence, Request for allotment from special funds, Reviews of Sills's book, Memos, Master chapter card, Codebook (mastercopy), Codebooks, Volunteer code - index & instructions, Worksheets, Questionnaires
[This assesses the nature and strength of current (1954) volunteer and public support for the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis, in order to ascertain political support for a future program having an emphasis other than the treatment and control of infantile paralysis. 234 volunteer leaders were interviewed and 459 in a sample of 888 rank-and-f'ile volunteers returned mailed questionnaires. Published in revised form as The Volunteers, Glencoe, IL: The Free Press, 1957. Report: B-0481; B-0481-2; B-0481-5 Book: Sills 1957 (Published dissertation), Articles: Sills 1959, 1961]
Box 39 Folder B-0482
Lazarsfeld Implementation Commission for Television, 1953, B-0482-1: 50 pp., B-0482-2: 78 pp., B-0482-3: 76 pp., B-0482-4: 79 pp., B-0482-5: 68 pp., B-0482-6: 68 pp., B-0482-7: 118 pp., B-0482-8: 72 pp., B-0482-9: 65 pp., B-0482-10: 146 pp., B-0482-11: 62 pp.: 16 folders and 1 book Book- background paper for the Implementation Commission on Television by Looell. Nine Empty folders (reports: B-0482-1, B-0482-3 through B-0482-8, and B-0482-10, and B0482-11, with copies supposed to be in Vienna), Background paper (Klapper), Bibliography, Examples of service papers, Proposal & Memos, Conference, Television committee memos, ICTV correspondence
[B-0482-1 This reformulates the new directions in which communications research should proceed, especially with regard to research on the television media. The report also contains a small sample of significant contributions of past communications research to present (1953) thinking. B-0482-2 Forty adult respondents were interviewed in order to analyze and describe socially prevalent concerns relative to children and television. Such topics as "crime and violence in program content," "seeing adults in conflict" and "what is a good children's program" are discussed. B-0482-3 The report illuminates ways in which interpersonal relations operate to impede or facilitate the effects of mass media and reviews some of the findings of small group research as an aid in the planning of mass media research. B-0482-4 Analyzing articles on television programs and programming appearing during a three-year period in popular and semipopular publications, trade publications and scholarly journals, this report investigates the nature of criticisms of television and attempts to answer "who says what about television and programming?" B-0482-5 In order to provide a broader base for the study of contemporary mass media (particularly television) this report investigates some of the significant elements of the historical discussions which have centered around the problem of art versus entertainment. Ideas of such men as Montaigne, Pascal, and Goethe are discussed. B-0482-6 This paper provides a preliminary analysis of television's present performance, its potentialities and the problems involved in realizing its potentialities in the area of political communication. B-0482-7 The New York State Television Commission was established to study the cost, methods of financing, social and economic consequences of different ways to bring educational television to the public. Part I of this report presents the history of the New York Television Commission based on minutes of meetings, correspondence, and reports; Part II studies and appraises the major assumptions underlying the cornmission's final proposals. B-0482-8 What objectives organizations such as Boy Scouts, National Safety Council and YMCA hope to achieve, as well as problems faced in the use of television are discussed. B-0482-9 This bibliography comprises an annotated list of research projects conducted on television before 1954. Its sources include all available published material. The references are organized into areas of content, audience, and effects. A section concentrating on children and television is also included. B-0482-10 This report studies the organization and operations of seven "public policy councils" or commissions selected by the Implementation Committee on Television to better understand how such groups function. The organizations are also compared and contrasted. B-0482-11 This final report summarizes the work of the Implementation Committee and presents a history of the project. Recommendations are made concerning the organization of a Television Development Center. Reports: B-0482-1 through B-0482-11]
Box 39 Folder B-0483
Bennington Community Study (Vermont), 1954, 6 folders containing Master codebook, Codebook, Card & records, Content analysis, Questionnaire
Box 39 Folder B-0484
Fred Ikle and Harry Kincaid Wartime Evacuation of American Cities, 1954, 138 pp.: 5 folders containing Proposals, Final report (two copies), Monograph (Ikle & Kincaid), Contract and one Empty Folder which is listed as having contained a copy of the Report.
[Deals with social and economic problems of evacuation: billeting, human relations in reception communities, re-employment of evacuees, transportation, administration. Uses material on World War II evacuation in Britain and flood disaster evacuation in the Netherlands. Report: B-0484 Monograph: Ikle & Kincaid 1956]
Box 40 Folder B-0485
Hanan C. Selvin Patterns of Television Viewing (Pilot Study), 1954, 11 pp.: 2 folders containing Report, Report & correspondence
[This is an attempt to find patterns, based on program type, of television viewing for households as a whole in New Haven. Report includes suggestions which might prove fruitful in future research. Report: B-0485]
Box 40 Folder *B-0490
Hanan C. Selvin Deviant Behavior and Army Leadership, 1955, B-0490-1: 185 pp., B-0490-2: 120 pp., 14 folders, 1 Binder, and 1 Unbound chapter; Unbound chapter- IV (Styles of Leadership, book?). Binder- codebook. Other Folders contain Codebooks, Coding instructions, Questionnaire, Meeting notes, Final report outline, Deviant behavior proposal (Selvin & Nasatir), Contract, Report in two parts, Paper- Nonduty Behavior of Army Trainees and one Empty folder whcih may have contained a copy of the leadership book.
[Published as The Effects of Leadership, Hanan C. Selvin, Glencoe, IL: The Free Press, 1960. B-0490-1 Soldiers in 12 training companies were surveyed for frequency of 20 types of leisure activity in order to determine effect of type of company leadership and trainee's age, education and marital status upon such activities. B-0490-2 Appendices, including behavior and leadership questionnaires. Reports: B-0490-1; B-0490-2 Book: Selvin 1960 Dissertation: Selvin 1956]
Box 40 Folder B-0495
Lipset & Lazarsfeld Propositional Inventory on Political Behavior (Ford Grant),, 1953, Two Empty folders whcih are listed as having contained a Lipset article, and the Hyman book..
[Reports: not available Books: H. Hyman 1959, Lipset 1960 Article: Lipset et al. 1954]
Box 40 Folder B-0500
Phillip Ennis, and Charles Emery Beverage Story (They Changed to Tea), 1954, 270 pp.: 9 folders containing Codebook- interview guide, Interviews, Codebook draft, Questionnaire, Proposal/correspondence, Financial statements, Preliminary & Final reports
[This is a study of which kinds of dissatisfaction with previous beverages and which precipitating factors are most common among persons who have recently become regular tea drinkers. 282 interviews. Questionnaire included. Report: B-500]
Box 40 Folder B-0504
Ringer-Hillel Foundation Jewish Freshmen Study, 1956, 3 Folders containing Questionnaires and Marginals
Box 40 Folder B-0505
Rogoff Occupational Mobility, 1953, 1 folder containing Book review of Rogoff book
[Report: not available Book: Rogoff 1953]
Box 40 Folder B-0507
Daniel K. Lowenthal Trends in the Licensing of Popular Song Hits, 1953, 89 pp.: 1 folder containing Two copies of report
[This report presents the results of an investigation of popular song hits licensed by ASCAP and BMI from 1940-53. Section I comprises summary tables showing the proportion of hit songs licensed by these organizations. Section II consists of annual lists of the 30 most popular song titles in each of seven popularity categories. Report: B-0507]
Box 41 Folder B-0510
Coleman, Katz, & Menzel Medical Innovation (Flow of Scientific Information among Physicians),, 1955-1966, 18 folders and 4 Binders 4 Binders (Codebooks, Description data cards, Guide to relational decks). Folders contain Codebook, Memoranda, Correspondence, Pretest questionnaire, Interview sheets, Questionnaire, Interview guide, Proposal & correspondence, Study (Dissertation-Menzel), Articles, Summary & evaluation of pretest, Study summary, Book manuscript (Coleman, Katz, & Menzel), and one Empty folder which was supposed to have contained "Medical Innovation: A Diffusion Study," by Coleman, Katz, & Menzel.
[Report: B-0510 Book: Coleman, Katz & Menzel 1966 Articles: Menzel & Katz 1955, Coleman et al. 1957, Menzel 1957 (2), Coleman et al. 1958, Menzel et al. 1959, Menzel 1960, Menzel & Katz 1963 Dissertation: Menzel 1959]
Box 41 Folder F-0510
Threat Study- Senator McCarthy, 1953, 4 folders containing Field work instructions, IBM code, Memo, Questionnaire
Box 42-45 Folder B-0511
Lazarsfeld & Thielens The Academic Mind (Teacher Apprehension Study). , 1954, 121 folders
[An examination of use of qualitative data in The Academic Mind. Report: B-0511 Book: Lazarsfeld & Thielens 1958 Articles: Lazarsfeld & Thielens 1957, Anderson & Hammond 1968 Masters Essay: Hammond 1957, Johnson 1957, Hyman 1958 Dissertations: Goodman 1962, Goldblatt 1964]
Includes: Book- Lazarsfeld & Thielens (2 copies), Master codebook, Codebooks, Finished codebook, Codes & related materials, Questionnaires, Apprehension questions- - John W. Mayer (February, 1959- 2 copies), Misc. memos, Memos, Misc. memos from David Riesman, Memo, Individually generated memos on specific topics, Anxiety study- An interim report, Apprehension study- Appendices, Narrative table of contents, Correspondence, Sampling, Some case studies, Indices in teacher study, Key to Classification of colleges, Reseach Instrument & Master codebook, Interviews, Interviewers, Interviewer specifications, Interviews in Apprehension study- Reisman comments & articles, Interviewing- Interim report, List of colleges by respondent ID & list of interviewers, Comments on colleges, Administrations of sample colleges, Profiles of participating colleges, Colleges which refused to participate, Listing of small Catholic universities, College sample by strata, Extra copies of test draft, List of memos, Bibliography, Correspondence with the University of Chicago, Press releases, Misc. pamphlets & reprints, Memos-Thielens, Topic for study, Inventory of some major results (confidential), Federal Personnel security programs- preliminary study (revised), Newspaper clippings, Newspaper & magazine articles, Comments on Communist-Socialist problem in American schools, NBC TV Program, California Teachers Association Journal, Summary proposals, Inventory of material in file, Productivity of scholars, Masters Essay- Hyman, Memos & papers, Individual papers, Notes on Prof. Kinght's paper, Index & non-index rightists by Ruderman, Individual articles, Lecutres, Lazarsfeld funding memo, more Individual articles, Thielens- preliminary report on anxiety.
Box 45 Folder B-0512
William McPhee and Rolf Meyersohn Futures for Radio in the TV Era, 1955, 167 pp.: 8 folders containing Inventory, Misc., Memo, Draft of Research proposal, Paper, Suggested analysis, Report- NBC, and one empty folder that contained a study on the -" Futures for Radio," with a copy supposed to be in copy in Vienna.
[200 interviews were conducted with families owning television and radio sets in a study of network programming planning and problems for radio in the face of television's growth. Possibilities for the long-run future based on radio's basic and unique resources are discussed. Report: B-0512]
Box 45 & 46 Folder B-0513
Conrad Arensberg & Glock Extremist Organizations in Contemporary America,, 1954, 263 pp.: 45 folders containing Proposal, Introduction, Research design, Summary, Tentative project, Minutes, Research proposals for Projects I -IV, Misc. correspondence, Administrative recommendations, Comments on drafts, Financial, Personnel, Administrative memos, Freeman letter, Diagrams, AJC proposal, Study objectives, Administration, List of organizations, Counteraction publication (the issue), Proposals for Historical Projects, Pending miscellaneous, Reference, Inventory projects, Memos, Pending- Community studies, Proposals & articles, Research plan, Paper, Aricles- Hofstader, Articles- Lipset, Report, Questionnaire, Articles & clippings, Description & information on right wing & racist organizations, Issues of American Book Publishers- Bulletin
[This is a proposal for a program of research to evaluate the degree to which extremist groups or persons on the "right" threaten the traditional personal liberties of American life. Several working papers which discuss such topics as the historical background of reactionary politics, the "pseudo-conservative revolt," the activities of the radical right as a problem for American democracy, the evidence on clusters, syndromes and patterns in social attitudes, and anti-democratic attitudes in America as based on a public opinion poll are also contained in the project file. Report: B-0513 Article: Lipset 1955 (2)]
Box 46 Folder B-0514
Zetterberg Conference on Morale, 1954, 13 folders containing Proposal, Notes on Washington, Harriman, Chicago Conferences, Notes on NY Academy of Medicine Conference, Memos, Correspondence, Draft of theme statements for the conference, Bibliography, First study of national goals, Transcript of Harriman Conference- Vol. I (parts 1-2), Revised transcript of Harriman Conference
Box 46 Folder *B-0515
Herbert Hyman and Charles R. Wright Encampment for Citizenship Study, 1956, 326 pp.: 9 folders containing Questionnaire, Codebook, Coding materials, Correspondence & notes, Proposal, Articles, Book and one empty folder which apparently contained material entitled the "Application of Evaluation Methods."
[Questionnaires were answered by 1955 and all previous campers for the study of immediate and long-range changes which occurred as a result of the encampment. There is a detailed discussion of methods of analysis used. Published as Applications of Methods of Evaluation, H. H. Hyman, C. R. Wright and T. H. Hopkins, Berkeley: U. of California Press, 1962. Report: B-0515 Books: Hyman, Hopkins, & Wright 1962, Hopkins 1964 Article: Wright & Hyman 1965]
Box 47 Folder B-0516
James Coleman, Louis Kriesberg, & Arensberg Community Conflicts and Opinion Formation,, 1954-1955, B-0516-1: 63 pp., B-0516-2: 134 pp., B-0516-3: 63 pp.: 5 folders containing Type draft Article- Coleman, Monograph- Coleman, Report, Outline of analysis- Coleman & Kriesberg, and one empty folder with a copy of the Coleman article supposed to be in Vienna.
[B-0516-1 This is an attempt to build a foundation for community conflict theory drawing on studies of communities under stress, research on social organization, and psychological research. Suggestions for future research are included. B-0516-2 Based on earlier studies of communities under stress, research on social organization and psychological research, this review attempts to clarify recurrent patterns as they are affected by the setting and initiation of controversy, the dynamics of controversy and factors during the course of controversy. Bibliography included. B-0516-3 This is an attempt to construct a theory of the development of community controversies, based on a review of existing studies. Includes a suggested mathematical formalization of the theory. Reports: B-0516-1 through B-0516-3 Book: Coleman 1957]
Box 47 Folder B-0517
Rolf Meyersohn and William McPhee Alumni Views of Columbia University, 1954, 141 pp.: 6 folders containing Codes, Questionnaire, Pretest materials, Schematic outline of Alumni poll, and one e which supposedly contains a copy of the report in Vienna.
[This is an exploratory study of the determinants of alumni support of Columbia, based on 2053 questionnaires returned. Report: B-0517]
Box 47 Folder B-0518
Jaffe Puerto Rican Population of New York City, 1954, 1 folder containing Monograph
[Report: B-0518 Monograph: Jaffe 1954]
Box 47 Folder B-0519
Charles Wright Mass Media Effectiveness- Evaluation Methods, 1954, 62 pp., (Shorter version, International Social Science Bulletin, vol. 7 [1955], pp. 417-430.) 3 folders containing Report, Final proposal and one empty folder that supposedly contained an "article in the loan boxes by Nofell."
[This discusses how to obtain more objective, reliable information on which evaluations of communications programs can be based. It also provides information on how general research procedures are applied to the special problems faced in evaluating mass media effectiveness. Report: B-0519 Article: Wright 1955]
Box 47 Folder B-0520
Philip H. Ennis and Sheila Spaulding Performing Arts in Suburbia- Pilot Study,, 1956, 117 pp.: 10 folders containing Interviews, Questionnaires, Proposals, Memos, Pilot study, and one empty folder which is supposed to have contained a report of which there is supposed to be a a copy in Vienna.
[ 61 interviews were conducted in the New York area with attenders and non-attenders to study changes in leisure life of the suburbanite which affect his role as consumer of the performing arts. Background review of the literature is included. Report: B-0520]
Box 47 Folder F-0520
York Lucci, Stein Rokkan, and Eric Meyerhoff A Library Center of Survey Research Data,, 1957, 161 pp. One folder containing Report and Proposal
[This is a study undertaken to determine the need for and the problems of establishing an international library center of survey research materials. It evaluates the potential utilization of such a center, the availability of research material and the adequacy of the available survey data. Recommendations and conclusions are also included.]
Box 47 Folder B-0521
League of Women Voters League of Womeen Voters Survey, 1954, 10 folders containing Questionnaires & Code, Questionnaires & questionnaire results, Codebook, Correspondence, List of occupied dwellings in the Bronx, Interview instructions, Tentative notes, Summary of interpretation of survey
Box 47 Folder B-0522
Role of Scholarships in American Undergraduate Education, 1954, 3 folders containing Research proposal, Rejected proposal, Select bibliography
Box 47 Folder B-0523
McPhee Cases in the Use of Social Research, 1961, One article containing Article by McPhee
Box 47 Folder B-0530
Hans L. Zetterber An American College for Adults, 1956, 95 pp.: 1 folder containing Report (3 copies)
[What differentiates a college for adults from an extension school and a "college-age" undergraduate school, with particular emphasis placed upon differences in students and teaching personnel. Report: B-0530]
Box 47 Folder B-0531
American Philosophical Society, 1954, 1 folder containing Code
Box 47 Folder B-0533
William McPhee Community Controversies- Pilot Project, 1954, 82 pp.: 1 folder containing Report
[See also B-0516.
This report contains a proposal for research on community controversies affecting educational freedom. Educational controversies in the New York metropolitan district were investigated, secondary materials examined and informants consulted about episodes in other parts of the country; hypotheses deserving of a high priority of study were worked out. Report: B-0533]
Box 47 Folder B-0534
Jaffe Methods of Appraisal of Quality of Basic Data for Population Estimates,, 1957, 1 folder containing Report (Manual)
[Article: Jaffe 1957 (1, 2)]
Box 47 Folder B-0535
Lee Benson & Thomas J. Pressly Political Historiography, 1956, 80 pp.: 8 folders containing Memo, Working paper-Benson, Article-Benson, Proposal, Correspondence, and three empty folders apparently containing a copy of the report by Benson in Vienna; and Articles by Stern, Benson, & Turner.
[This paper examines five interpretations of the causes of the Civil War in order to determine whether they are in fact different interpretations and if so, what the differences are and how they can be resolved objectively. Report: B-0535 Books: Benson 1960, 1961. Article: Benson 1957]
Box 47 Folder B-0536
Candidates for Womens Home Companion Club Women of the Year Award, 1954-1955, 2 folders containing Correspondence, Report
Box 47 Folder B-0540
Rowan, Maruyama, Kincaid Importance of Urban Centers (RAND Study), 1956, 8 folders containing Proposal, Correspondence, Interviews, Research memos- Rowan & Kincaid, Code, Rank order of largest 1000 companies in U.S., Report/Article- Rowan & Kincaid and one empty folder which apparently contained a research memo by Rowan & Monoyama with a copy supposed to be in Vienna.
[Report: B-0540-1; B-0540-2; Monographs: Rowan & Kincaid 1956, Rowan & Maruyama 1956; Articles: Kincaid & Bright 1957 (1, 2)]
Box 48 Folder B-0541
Frank Bourne & William McPhee Monitor Study, 1956, 189 pp.: 11 folders containing Questionnaires, Master codebook, Background of study, Memos, Codebook, Monitor trendex ratings, Summary of weekend radio report, Daytime Monitor, Monitor- new NBC radio service-pamphlet, and one empty folder which apparently contained a one page reference to a study report (?)
[In Baltimore, Peoria, Hartford and San Francisco, 2853 phone interviews and 428 interviews in homes were completed among listeners and nonlisteners to "Monitor," a weekend radio service of NBC. "Monitor" was an experiment in programming designed with the growth of television in mind. Questionnaire included. Report: B-0541]
Box 48 Folder B-0542
Lennard Anatomy of Psychotherapy-Interaction in Therapy, 1955-1957, 31 Folders containing Proposal & Palmore et al. Article, Technicial reports- Lennard (Monograph) & Bernstein, Book manuscript- Lennard & Bernstein, Code, Questionnaire, Application for research grant, Brief information about project, Excerpts from Jung-"Modern Man in Search of a Soul", Excerpts from Ackerman "Trends in Terminal phase of Student Analysis", Summer progress report, Graphs, Excerpts from Philip Slater "Role Differentiation in Small Groups", Student analysis code, Minutes of meeting on student training, Final therapist questionnaire, First draft of Palmore thesis (Dissertation), Confidential draft of study of project by Lennard, Progress report, Articles- Lennard & Hendin, Exploratory analysis, Selection from the "Psychiatric Interview" by Henry Stack Sullivan, Coding exercises, Notes, Study of change via interviews and/or questionnaire, Draft article- Lennard & Hendin, Draft article- Lennard, Appendix A to study, Appendix B to study
[Report: B-0542 Monograph: Lennard et al. 1958 Book: Lennard, Bernstein et al. 1960 Articles: Lennard et al. 1957, Palmore et al. 1959, Hendin et al. 1961, Dissertation: Palmore 1959]
Box 48 Folder B-0543
Paul Berkman and Sydney S. Spivack The Rhythm and Blues Fad, 1955, 84 pp.: 5 folders containing Memos, Interview, Correspondence, Report, Spivack article draft
[This exploratory study of a popular music "fad" focuses on the character and growth of the popularity of "Rhythm and Blues" and some of the underlying factors involved. Report: B-0543]
Box 48 Folder B-0544
Samuel Z. Klausner and Harry V. Kincaid Farmington Flood Disaster Study,, 1956, 200 pp.: 10 folders containing Codebooks, Questionnaires, Correspondence, Proposal,and one empty folder which contained a copy of the report supposed to be in Vienna.
[This is a study of 231 evacuee families and 183 host families involved in the Farmington-Unionville, Connecticut, 1955 flood disaster, focusing on crisis behavior and the relations between the two families during the time that the evacuee families were sheltered by the hosts. Questionnaires included. Report: B-0544]
Box 49 Folder F-0544
Robert K. Merton and Edward C. Devereux Role of Social Research in Businees,, 1955-1956, F-0544-1: 52 pp., F-0544-2: 65 pp., F-0544-3: 58 pp., F-0544-4: 58 pp.: 5 folders containing Articles- Merton & Devereux, Reports- Papers (I, II, & IV), and one empty folder which contained a copy of Report- paper III with a copy supposed to be in Vienna.
[F-0544-1 This report is concerned with factors affecting the general level of demand for applied social research. The attitudes, beliefs and conditions which shape and either foster or impede the demand for social research are discussed using the American Telephone and Telegraph Company as an example. F-0544-2 This paper examines the sources of information other than research, utilized in determining the facts relevant to decision-making. The "competitive position" of research in relation to these alternatives is also investigated. F-0544-3 This examines the various problem-spotting and problem-defining functions of social research in the telephone company. F-0544-4 Using A.T.&T. as a case study this paper examines in detail the thesis that before a problem can be solved by a policy maker, it must first be recognized and given some specific formulation or definition. Reports: F-0544-1 through F-0544-4 Article: Merton & Devereux 1964]
Box 49 Folder B-0545
Jaffe & Shilling Patterns of Manufacturing Development, 1957-1961, 10 folders containing Proposals, Monograph- Jaffe & Baratz, Preliminary report, Input-output model, Amended letter of agreement on project, Notes, Article- Jaffe, and one empty folder which supposedly contained the (article/monograph?) of which a copy is supposed to be in Vienna.
[Report: B-0545 Monographs: Jaffe & Baratz 1957, Jaffe et al. 1957 Articles: Jaffe 1960 (2), 1961 (1), Jaffe & Azumi 1960]
Box 49 Folder B-0546
Klapper Effects of Mass Communication, 1949- 1960, 2 folders containing Proposal, and one empty folder which contained a copy of Klapper's publication of which a copy is supposed to be in Vienna.
[See also B-0305.
Report: not available Monograph: Klapper 1949 Book: Klapper 1960 (published dissertation) Articles: Klapper 1955, 1957]
Box 49 Folder B-0547
Yole G. Sills Common Council for American Unity Study, 1956, 127 pp.: 3 folders , including one empty folder which contained a copy of the report which is supposed to be in Vienna. Other folders contain notes and correspondence.
[Prepared as a working document for Common Council for American Unity to aid in utilization of their back files for a report on experiences in immigration, nationalization, deportation and related experiences, this report is a presentation of statistical tables resulting from encoding of materials. Report: B-0547]
Box 49 Folder B-0548
A. J. Jaffe and Jeanne L. Bilby Measuring the Impact of Unemployment-Pilot Sutdy,, 1958, 44 pp.: 4 folders containing Interviews, Survey Questionnaire, Survey, and one empty folder that contained the report of which a copy is supposed to be in Vienna.
[See also B-0573.
The purpose of the project is to develop a study design, focusing on role of unemployment insurance in aiding adjustment to temporarily adjusted income. Experimenting with various questionnaires, 267 total interviews were conducted during five series of interviews. Includes final questionnaire. Report: B-0548]
Box 49 Folder B-0549
Yole G. Sills Negro Migrant Agricultural Workers, 1955, 25pp.: 1 folder containing Report (2 copies)
[Based on 25 returned questionnaires, this report is a summary of the evaluations made by migrant ministers of conditions confronting black migrant agricultural workers which have a bearing on their educational problems. Report: B-0549]
Box 49 Folder B-0550
Herbert Menzel, Robert Somers and William Glaser Flow of Information Among Scientists (Pilot Study),, 1958, 208 pp.: 7 folders containing Proposals, Misc. letters & correspondence, Questionnaire, Announcement of study, Abstract of description of proposed research, Report
[This is an exploratory study of information-exchanging behavior of the biochemists, chemists and zoologists on the faculty of a single academic institution to define problems, categories and procedure. Questionnaire included. Report: B-0550 Articles: Menzel 1957 (1), 1958]
Box 49 Folder F-0550
Johan Galtung The Cold War & Artificial Sattelites, April, 1959, 1 folder containing study entitled the "Cold War and Artificial Satellites."
Box 49 Folder B-0551
Study of Business Education, 1957, 3 folders containing Misc. memos, Proposal, Survey design
Box 49 Folder B-0552
Glock Religious Orientations, 1953, 7 Folders containing Proposal, Research criteria, Articles- Glock, Articles- Glock & Ringer, Questionnaire
Box 49 Folder B-0553
McPhee & Coleman The Dynamics of Masses (Mass Dynamics Study), 1955, 5 Folders containing Proposal, Misc. memos & letters, Article- McPhee, Draft report- Coleman & McPhee, Study- McPhee
[See also B-0755, B-0816.
Article: McPhee & Coleman 1958]
Box 49 Folder S-0554
Imogen Seger Durkheim & his Critics on the Sociology of Religion,, September, 1957, 1 folder containing Monograph
Box 50 & 51 Folder B-0555
Lazarsfeld, Levenson, et al. Edsel Study-Social Influences in Automobile Buying,, 1956-1958, B-0555-1: 57 pp., B-0555-2: 56 pp., B-0555-3: 73 pp., B-0555-4: 98 pp., B-0555-5: 58 pp., B-0555-6: 81 pp., B-0555-7: 57 pp., B-0555-8: 63 pp., B-0555-9: 35 pp., B-0555-10: 29 pp., B-0555-11: 50 pp., B-0555-12: 68 pp., B-0555-13: 93 pp., B-0555-14: 40 pp., B-0555-15: 32 pp., B-0555-16: 43 pp., B-0555-17: 39 pp.: 42 folders and 9 binders. Binders contain Codebooks, Questionnaires & Code index. Folders contain Research report, Propensity index, Misc., Memos, Codebooks, Questionnaires, Questionnaires & panel study, Proposal, Correspondence, History of project, Notes on reports, New Yorker article on Edsel, Edsel's own company- Research report, Reports (1-3), Report (No. 4), Reports (6, 7, & 8), Reports (10, 11), Reports (12, 14, & 16), Pretest No.3, Ecological study of Peoria, Illinois by Schindler, Typescript articles, Bound articles and three empty folders that contained Reports Nos.5, 9, and 17, of which there are supposed to be copies in Vienna. B-0555-1 This was a study conducted for Ford Motor Co. when it was considering putting a new car on the market, on Social Stereotypes of Automobile Makes. Bernard
[Levenson the social imagery of automobile makes. 800 respondents in Peoria, Illinois, and San Bernardino, California, took part. B-0555-2 An " investigation of the extent to which the car-buyer's personal associates influence his choice of respect to price class, corporate line and newness of car." B-0555-3 single-car owners were studied for patterns of automobile replacement, the prevalence of the short replacement pattern, variety of replacement cycles, social factors involved. B-0555-4 This report examines factors associated with the seasonal timing element in the new-car-buying decision. B-0555-5 Two-car families were studied for the type of car that they buy, "paying particular heed to model-age, price-class, and brand and line loyalty." B-0555-6 This discusses behavioral and attitudinal indicators of expected change in socioeconomic status which appeared in questionnaires administered to car owners in Peoria, Illinois, and San Bernardino, California. B-0555-7 Assuming that "consumer goods are prestigeful to the extent that ownership and use of them enhances the prestige of their owners and users," this secondary analysis of data attempts to specify the criteria of general prestige. B-0555-8 385 owners of each of eight automobile makes were interviewed to determine factors which make social and product quality images of automobiles stable. B-0555-9 The implications of the existence of groups of consumers with differentiated values for the potency and durability of various product quality images in the automobile market are examined. B-0555-10 Ford, Plymouth and Chevrolet were rated by respondents before and after Plymouth models were produced. The effects of fins on owner stereotypes of each make were examined. The appearance of fins weakened the image of Ford, strengthened that of Plymouth. B-0555-11 Respondents were int" finned models. This is an attempt to analyze who composed erviewed before and after Chrysler put out its "forward looking the Chrysler market, and what happened to the old conservative one, particularly in view of the sudden fall in sales after the initial rise in the market. B-0555-12 3025 panel interviews were conducted in Knoxville, Tennessee, Rochester, New York, and Pasadena, California, before and after the appearance of the Edsel, to determine the receptivity of recent car buyers to the new model. B-0555-13 This report examines the extent to which car buyers have stereotypic images for each of four attributes-speed, appearance, workmanship and trade-in value. B-0555-14 This discusses under what conditions social imagery is related to brand loyalty and how such images contribute to size of sales. Based on same interviews as B-0555-12. B-0555-15 Characteristics of the owner who buys his car early in the model year make him important to the automobile industry. What does the early buyer value in his car and in himself? B-0555-16 This report develops further the analysis of B-0555-1 with particular emphasis on the finding that " a social image of the brand that is incompatible with the owner's background characteristics is related to an increased disposition to switch brands." B-0555-17 This paper is concerned with the popular occupational image of automobile makes and the factors contributing to producing a favorable image. Also examined is how this occupational image affects the buying intentions of individuals. Reports: B-0555-1 through B-0555-17 Masters Essay: Smith 1958, Falaguerra 1960]
Box 51 Folder B-0557
Hilda Golden Literacy and Urban Industrialism, 1955, 86 pp.: 1 folder containing Report
[This report deals with the relationship between literacy and urban industrialism and discusses the impact of a country's educational status on its industrial growth. The major focus is on the role of literacy and education in the dynamics of economic modernization of the world's underdeveloped countries. Report: B-0557 Article: Golden 1955]
Box 51 Folder B-0560
Jaffe How to Appraise Quality of Basic Data for Population Estimates, 1955, 1 folder containing Monograph
Box 51 & 52 Folder B-0571
Spivack, Ruderman, Cornish Doctors and Family Planning, 1956, Two Separate soft-cover works and 34 Folders. Soft cover Works - (Paper- Specifications for Survey 405, Report/Monograph). Folders contain Spivack Dissertation (typescript), Spivack Dissertation (copy #2), Newspaper clippings, Codebooks, Questionnaires, Progress reports, Administrative material, Proposals, List of interviewees, Rejected newspaper clippings, Publications of National Committee on Maternal Health, Reprints, Sampling, Doctors responses to questionnaires, Findings of study, Preliminary report, Working papers #1 & 2, Research proposal, Survey, Monograph- Corrnish et al., Spivack & Ruderman paper, Styco's paper, Sieber article, Notes & Huxley article, Papers
[Monograph: Cornish et al. 1963 Articles: Spivack 1962, 1964 Dissertations: Spivack 1959, Ruderman 1966]
Box 52 & 53 Folder B-0572
York Lucci The YMCA on the Campus, 1960, 277 pp.: 16 folders containing Codebooks, Questionnaires, Misc. materials, Proposals & related materials, Meeting minutes, Reports, Main Lucci report, Studies- Locci & York- Draft outline, Highlights of study- revised version (copy of transcript), Printed pamphlets (2 copies), Pamphlet report of Commission on Student Work on Study
[This is a survey of "the extent and distribution of YMCA student associations; their structure, policy and activities, and the characteristics of their leaders and members." The sample consisted of 2186 member and leader respondents. Report: B-0572 Article: Lucci 1960]
Box 53 Folder B-0573
Jaffe, Bilby, & Shapiro Unemployment Study, 1958, B-0573-1: 79 pp., B-0573-2: 88 pp.: 7 folders containing Codebooks, Coding instructions, Questionnaires, Contract & Expenditures, Article- Jaffe & Milavsky, Reports (1-2- Jaffe) and one empty folder that con- tained a copy of the procedural report of which there is one in Vienna.
This is a description and evaluation of a survey of unemployment beneficiaries in Albany-Schenectady-Troy, N.Y., in 1957. Questionnaire included. Main concern is how well benefits are able to meet workers' needs, particularly non-deferrable ones. B-0573-2 Report of findings for study described in B-0573-1. Reports: B-0573-1; B-0573-2]
Box 53 Folder B-0574
Brunner & Wilder Overview of Adult Education Research, 1958, Five Folders containing Book- Brunner et al., Proposals & related materials, Article- Brunner, Misc. Materials,and one empty folder which may have contained a copy of the book Brunner book(?)
[Report: not available Book: Brunner et al. 1959 Article: Brunner 1960]
Box 53 Folder B-0575
Francis Bourne Savings Behavior Study, 1956, B-0575-1: 71 pp.,B-0575-2: 52 pp.: 7 folders containing Codebooks, Questionnaire, Misc. materials, Proposal, Report-Bourne (No. 2), and one empty folder said to have contained Report No.1 by Bourne,of whcich there is supposed to be a copy in Vienna.
[B-0575-1 The role of dividend rates as a savings motivator is examined, focusing on depositors' knowledge of, and attitudes toward, dividends. 819 depositors interviewed. B-0575-2 This is an attempt to define personal characteristics of savers at two branches of the First Federal, and motivations for their savings attitudes toward a particular branch of a savings bank. Reports: B-0575; B-0575-1; B-0575-2]
Box 53 Folder B-0576
Natalie Rogoff College Entrance Examination Board Study, 1957, 135 pp.: 11 folders containing Master codebook, Codebooks, Proposals, Proposal- Rogoff, Articles- Rogoff, 5 year review by ETS (1952-1957),and one empty folder which may have contained a copy of the report by Rogoff (?)
[This is an overview of American colleges in the mid '50s and a classification of member colleges according to an applicant index, index of attainment and index of student involvement. Report: B-0576]
Box 54 Folder B-0577
Florence Ruderman Barnard Alumnae Study, 1957, 57 pp.: 11 foldersand Two loose copies of Barnard Alumnae magazine (July, 1957). Foldersn contain Questionnaires, Codebook, Codebook & coding instructions, Coding instructions, Tables, Misc. materials, Proposal, Memo, Survey of Alumnae opinion (report?), and one empty folder which may have contained an article by Marian Poverman(?)
[Description of responses of 2000 alumnae to open-ended questions on how well Barnard trained alumnae "for life"; would alumnae choose to go to college at Barnard today; what Barnard's primary goals should be for the next 25 years. Report: B-0577]
Box 54 Folder B-0578
Sheila Spaulding Greeting Card Study, 1958, 283 pp.: 4 folders and one loose memo typescript. Unbound typescript- memo from Sheila Spaulding to Russell Haley (Research director). Folders contain Proposal & related material, Questionnaire, Questionnaire & code, Report
[Discusses attributes of greeting card consumers, the cards bought and the stores where purchases are made. The study is based on 32 interviews. Complete transcripts included. Report: B-0578]
Box 54 Folder B-0579
Dormitory Study, 1953, One folder containing Code
Box 54 Folder B-0580
Kass Synagogue Study, 1950, 7 Folders containing Questionnaires & related materials, Coding instructions & returns, Misc., United Synagogue review, Article & paper by B. Kass
Box 54 Folder B-0581
Edmund de S. Brunner Review of Rural Sociological Research, 1957, 156 pp.: 3 folders containing Proposal, Book by Brunner, Report
[Use is made of past studies to describe the subject matter, methodology and notable findings of rural sociology in the last 50 years. Report: B-0581 Book: Brunner 1957]
Box 54 Folder B-0590
Lazarsfeld, Anderson, Barton Documentation Project for Social Rsearch Methods,, 1958-1959, B-0590-1: 86 pp., B-0590-2: 6 pp.: 26 folders and 2 papers. Folders contain List of publications & letter to Robert Chandler, Codebook, Note- Anderson, Papers by Anderson, Article- Anderson & Emery, Article- Anderson & Hammond, Annotated code by Barton, Article- Barton, Bibliography- Barton, Articles by William A. Glaser, Draft memo by Bill Mcphee, Article- Lazarsfeld, Interviews, Notes by Wiggins & Levenson, Letter to Prof. Schuyler Wallace, and three empty folders which apparently contained a Komarovsky article, anonymous articles, Paper #1- Chapter IV from book or article with multiple authors and , Paper#2- an article by David Elesh.
[B-0590-1 A report of the Documentation Project on social science methodology. B-0590-2 A report on the Documentation Project on social science methodology. Reports: B-0590-1: B-0590-2 Books: Boudon & Lazarsfeld 1965, 1966, Chazel et al. 1970 Articles: Lazarsfeld 1958, Lazarsfeld 1959 (3), Barton & Anderson 1961, Lazarfeld & Menzel 1961, Barton & Lazarsfeld 1962, Anderson & Hammond 1968 Dissertation: Western 1964]
Box 55 Folder J-0592
League of Women Voters, 1957, 1 folder containing Correspondence, survey, and analysis
Box 55 Folder B-0595
Solomon & Lorge Group Efficiency and Group Process in Problem Solving,, 1956-1957, 3 Folders containing Proposals, Misc. materials, Status- Annual & Technical reports
[Articles: Lorge e al. 1958, Lorge & Solomon 1959, 1960, 1962]
Box 55 Folder B-0600
Bourne Group Influence in Marketing and Public Relations, 1956, 1 folder containing Report (monograph?) by Bourne
Box 55 Folder J-0600
Ruderman Medical Economics, 1956, 1 folder containing Survey-8th quadrennial Survey (report?) by Ruderman
Box 55 Folder B-0601
David L. Sills Public Acceptance of Salk Polio Vaccine, 1957, 16 pp.:4 folders containing Article- Sills & Gill, Tables, Misc. materials, Reports, and one empty folder that contained a copy of a memo by Sills with a copy supposed to be extant in Vienna.
[Based on data supplied by the American Institute of Public Opinion, this memorandum supplements an early report by the Institute and provides more clues to the problem of the nature of public resistance to the Salk vaccine. Report: B-0601 Article: Sills & Gill 1959]
Box 55 Folder B-0602
Yole G. Sills Pajama Study, 1958, 107 pp.: 14 folders containing Questionnaires, Codebooks, Overall marginals, Wearer & non-wearer marginals, Campus marginals, Levittown, Peekskill, Topeka & Stamford marginals, Misc. materials, Report- Sills, and one empty folder which contained an article by Sills.
[This study specifies the relationship between the successive stages of marketing and ways in which the consumer influences this process. Interviews with 20 manufacturers, 8 retailers and a selected sample of the general public were conducted. General public questionnaires included. Report: B-0602]
Box 55 Folder B-0603
Barton Effects of College Education, 1959, 1 folder containing Proposals, and one empty folder whcih contained a Barton monograph.
[Report: not available Monograph: Barton 1959]
Box 55 Folder B-0604
Natalie Rogoff High School Students Educational Aspirations, 1963, 411 pp.: 12 folders containing Codebooks, Proposal & related materials, Interim report, Tentative Rogoff book outline, Articles- Rogoff, Working paper- John W. Meyer, Article- John W. Meyer, Article- John A. Michael
[Using data supplied by the Educational Testing Service, this report examines the flow of young people through the educational channel from secondary school to college. Shifting emphasis from the family's role in the recruitment process, this report examines the role of other institutions and organizations in college recruitment. It places most emphasis on the structural features of American secondary education. Report: B-0604-1; B-0604-2; B-0604-3 Articles: Rogoff 1960, Michael 1961, Rogoff 1961, Rogoff 1965 (1, 2) Masters Essays: Leeds 1960, Ramsoy (Rogoff) 1967]
Box 55 Folder B-0605
Berelson Graduate Education Study, 1960, 7 folders containing Draft of final report- Berelson (book?), Questionnaire & coding instructions, Codebooks, Coding instructions, Code list of schools, Marginals
Box 56 Folder B-0606
William J. Goode and William M. Evan The Engineer in American Society-Program of Inquiry,, 1957, 125 pp.: 6 folders containing Preliminary study plan, Progress report, Memo, Report, Admininstrative & financial requirements, Proposal, Proposal & related materials
[This is a detailed statement of the purposes and procedures of a comprehensive survey of the engineering profession, its past, present and future role in American society. Report: B-0606]
Box 56 Folder *B-0607
Theresa Falaguerra Purchasing the Book of Knowledge-Pilot Study, 1958, 26 pp.: 4 folders containing Report, Misc. correspondence, Proposal, Questionnaire & Interview guide
[This study of consumer behavior emphasizes the decision-making processes. Interviews were conducted with 12 purchasers, 11 non-purchasers and 6 cancellers. Proposals for the final, extensive research project and questionnaire are included. Report: B-0607]
Box 56 Folder B-0608
Hans L. Zetterberg, assisted by Charles Emery and Roger Wolcott Utilization of Social Theory by Practitioners,, 1957 (project actually began in 1955), 44 pp.: 6 folders containing Draft manuscript- report (handbook), Pilot study and proposal, Interviews, Reactions to handbook, Manuscript & fragments, Correspondence
[This project explored the feasibility of developing handbooks on particular social problems for the use of social practitioners. The report describes the types of handbook desired and outlines procedures for preparing it. Report: B-0608]
Box 56 Folder B-0610
Seger Urban Church Effectiveness Study [Proposal, Questionnaire & interview guide, Study procedures, Progress report (2)],, 1957, 4 folders
[See also S-0705.
Dissertation: Hammond 1960, Seger 1961-None of the preceeding in file. Monograph: Seger 1963 Book: Seger 1963]
Box 56 Folder B-0620
William N. McPhee The Potentialities of Television-Possible Research, 1957, 80 pp.; 1 folder containing Working paper (2 copies- McPhee, report?)
[This is devoted primarily to suggesting studies that might be beneficial in answering questions concerning the unrealized potentialities of television. More conventional research for describing the existing facts of television is also discussed. Report: B-0620]
Box 56 Folder B-0624
Robert H. Somers, Martin Hyman, Gillian Lindt and Ingrid Jacobson Experiment in International Living: Evaluation Study,, 1959, 168 pp.: 11 folders containing Questionnaire & related materials, List of experiment communities- 1958, Misc. memos & letters, Newspaper clippings & newsletters, Proposal, Progress Report, Working paper, Materials on leaders training program, Gil's shipboard repoprts, Brief overview of EIL- Somers, and one empty folder that contained a copy of the Somers report which is supposed to be extant in Vienna.
[824 members of the 1958 Experiment in International Living Program were studied to determine improved criteria for selection of participants and to evaluate the overseas experience enjoyed by them. Report: B-0624]
Box 56 Folder B-0625
Hans Zetterberg Virginia Museum of Fine Arts-Pilot Study, 1958, 35 pp.: 6 folders containing Proposal, Questionnaire & interview reord, Misc., Log of project, Progress report
[Topics are proposed for research in the field of the sociology of art. "It is written by laymen in art for laymen in sociology," and suggests problems for study as well as research designs to provide data which museums can use to strengthen their constituency and add to the existing body of knowledge in the field of the sociology of art. Report: B-0625 Article: Zetterberg 1962]
Box 56 Folder B-0630
Merton, McKeon, & Gellhorn The Freedom to Read, 1957, 1 folder containing Book
Box 56 & 57 Folder B-0631
William A. Glaser, Frances A. McVey, et al. Public Health Education for Nurses,, 1961, 270 pp.: 8 folders (including 1 envelope) Folders contain Report, Glaser & McVey articles, Glaser memo, Description of study, Questionnaire & related materials, Envelope contains coding materials.
[This volume contains a series of 9 research memoranda dealing with various aspects of the study. A report of the first year's work on the project and a Master's Essay by Thomasina Jo Smith, " Social Class and the Student Nurse," are also included. Report: B-0631 Articles: Glaser & McVey 1961, 1965, Glaser 1965 Masters Essay: Smith 1959]
Box 57 Folder B-0632
Sills, Wiggins, Levine Reactions to the National Foundation's Expanded Program,, 1960, B-0632-1: 91 pp., B-0632-2: 117 pp., B-0632-3: 121 pp., B-0632-4: 54 pp.: 11 folders containing Questionnaire, Questionnaire materials, Codebooks, Misc. materials, Articles- Sills & Abraham, General information about the National Foundation, Proposals, Memo- Crawford to Glaser, Reports 3 & 4 (4-appendices? )and two empty folders which contained reports 1 & 2- by Wiggins & Levine of which there are supposed to be copies in Vienna.
[B-0632-1 This was a study to determine the potential bases for support for the National Foundation's expanded program, at a time when the March of Dimes, among other major groups, had abandoned federated fund-raising in favor of individual drives. Based on 2970 interviews. B-0632-2 This discusses factors involved in the respondents' images of certain diseases at a time when arthritis and birth defects were included in the National Foundation's campaign. B-0632-3 Determinants and correlates of participation in health and welfare organizations, differences between volunteer and recruited workers, attitudes of March of Dimes workers toward the National Foundation are examined. B-0632-4 Questionnaire, study design, indices and tables for reports B-0632-1 through B0632-3. Reports: B-0632-1 through B-0632-4 Article: Levine 1962]
Box 57 Folder B-0633
Edmund deS. Brunner, William L. Nicholls II and Sam D. Sieber Role of the Adult Education Association,, 1959, 470 pp.: 21 folders containing Codebooks & coding materials, Organizational information, Questionnaire, Questionnaire & interviews, Misc., Study announcement, Proposals, Background material, Summary of study- Brunner, AEA Executive committee meetings, AEA National conference- 1958, Brunner & Nicholls article, Reports, ), Anonymous typescript article (report?) and one empty folder which contained the report by Brunner , Nicholls II and Sieber with a copy of it supposed to be in Vienna.
[This report investigates the role of the Adult Educational Association in the field of adult education. It analyzes the history and membership of the AEA, discusses the problems of the AEA, and adult education as a social movement and as a profession, and presents the purposes and goals of a national organization in adult education. Report: B-0633 Articles: Brunner 1959 (3), Nicholls & Brunner 1959, Brunner & Nicholls 1960]
Box 58 Folder B-0634
E. David Nasatir World Law Survey, 1959, 153 pp.: 8 folders containing Codebook, Questionnaire, Misc., Proposals, Memo, Mail survey, Report, Columbia news release
[1294 persons listed in "Who's Who in America 1958-59, answered questionnaires on war prevention measures and forms of world government. Responses were related to personal characteristics of respondents: education, age, etc. Questionnaire included. Report: B-0634]
Box 58 Folder B-0635
Somers Multivariate Analysis of Order Contingency Tables, 1959-1962, 7 folders containing Proposal, and articles by Somers
[Report: not available Article: Somers 1959, 1962 (1, 2)]
Box 58 Folder B-0636
Jaffe Unemployment Insurance Beneficiaries (Utica Study), 1960, 8 folders containing Questionnaire, Codebook, Proposal, Report, Final report, Article- Jaffe & Milavsky
[Report: not available Monograph: Jaffe & Anderson 1960]
Box 58 Folder B-0637
Lennard Cigarette Study, 1957, 10 Folders containing Questionnaires, Proposals, Misc. memos, Misc. drafts, Notes on Phillips Morris, News Clippings, Grants for study, Papers & bibliography, Other studies on smoking & cancer
Box 58 Folder B-0638
Jaffe Puerto Rican Economic Development, 1959-1961, 1 folder containing Questionnaire, and one empty folder which may have contained Jaffe's book.
[Report: not available Book: Jaffe 1959 Article: Jaffe 1961 (2)]
Box 58 Folder B-0639
Serbein Company-Contained Education Study, 1958, 7 folders containing Computer output, Questionnaire, Codebooks, Proposals, Notes
Box 59 Folder B-0640
Samuel Z. Klausner, Lazarsfeld Relations between Religion and Psychiatry,, 1957-1961, B-0640-1: 530 pp., B-0640-2: 64 pp., B-0640-3: 133 pp., B-0640-4: 36 pp., B-0640-5: 254 pp., B-0640-6: 24 pp., B-0640-7, B-0640-8, B-0640-9 10 folders containing Misc. materials, Discussion groups- Klausner, Reports # 2, 3, and 3a, First pilot form- Klausner, Report #5, Articles- Klausner, Article- Lazarsfeld, and three empty folders which contained Report #1 of which a copy is supposed to be in Vienna, and Report #3a of which four copies are supposed to be in Vienna and possibly a copy of the article by Lazarsfeld respectively.
[B-0640-1 This examines the growing alliance of pastors and psychiatrists against emotional misery, through a case study of the religio-psychiatric clinic of New York City and an analysis of the literature. Report is more comprehensive than resultant book, Psychiatry and Religion. B-0640-2 This report concerns itself with the symbolism mediating the interaction between ministers and psychiatrists. It outlines a general social theory of symbolism illustrated in terms of their linguistic symbols. B-0640-3 The report sets forth a theory explicating the concept of faith and provides a set of general descriptive categories which may be used in the study of any situation of faith and suggests hypotheses about the ways in which these categories are related to each other. B-0640-3a, a precis of "Towards a Social Psychology of Faith," 18 pp., is bound with B-0640-4. B-0640-4 This report describes the author's trip to Lourdes, first as a participant and then as an observer. Lourdes is a place of pilgrimage where miraculous cures of physical ailments supposedly occur. B-0640-5 This is a bibliography which confines itself to that area where psychiatry and religion are bridged. It focuses primarily on professional publications. B-0640-6 This is a listing of books relating to mental healing. B-0640-7 faith and strife in the Middle East B-0640-8 research methodology in relgion and psychiatry B-0640-9 These papers of the religion and psychiatry project (B-0640) are embodied in the book published in 1964, Psychiatry and Religion, New York: The Free Press. Reports: B-0640-1 through B-0640-9 Book: Klausner 1964 Articles: Klausner 1961 (1, 2) Masters Essay: Eckert 1961 Dissertation: Klausner 1963]
Box 59 Folder F-0640
Paul F. Lazarsfeld Social Research in Poland, Cover sheet plus 22 pages
[B-0640-1 This examines the growing alliance of pastors and psychiatrists against emotional misery, through a case study of the religio-psychiatric clinic of New York City and an analysis of the literature. Report is more comprehensive than resultant book, Psychiatry and Religion. B-0640-2 This report concerns itself with the symbolism mediating the interaction between ministers and psychiatrists. It outlines a general social theory of symbolism illustrated in terms of their linguistic symbols. B-0640-3 The report sets forth a theory explicating the concept of faith and provides a set of general descriptive categories which may be used in the study of any situation of faith and suggests hypotheses about the ways in which these categories are related to each other. B-0640-3a, a precis of "Towards a Social Psychology of Faith," 18 pp., is bound with B-0640-4. B-0640-4 This report describes the author's trip to Lourdes, first as a participant and then as an observer. Lourdes is a place of pilgrimage where miraculous cures of physical ailments supposedly occur. B-0640-5 This is a bibliography which confines itself to that area where psychiatry and religion are bridged. It focuses primarily on professional publications. B-0640-6 This is a listing of books relating to mental healing. B-0640-7 faith and strife in the Middle East B-0640-8 research methodology in relgion and psychiatry B-0640-9 These papers of the religion and psychiatry project (B-0640) are embodied in the book published in 1964, Psychiatry and Religion, New York: The Free Press. Reports: B-0640-1 through B-0640-9 Book: Klausner 1964 Articles: Klausner 1961 (1, 2) Masters Essay: Eckert 1961 Dissertation: Klausner 1963]
Box 59 Folder B-0645
Brunner & Wayland Educational Characteristics of the American People,, 1958-1959, 1 folder containing Monograph by Wayland & Brunner
[Report: not available Monograph: Wayland & Brunner 1958 Articles: Brunner & Wayland 1958, 1959, Wayland & Brunner 1958]
Box 59 Folder B-0647
Diffusion in the Medical Profession (reprint), 1958, 1 folder containing Correspondence & Misc.
Box 59 Folder B-0661
Jaffee Labor Market Experiences of Disabled Workers, 1959, Four Folders. Folders contain Grants, Interview information, Interviews, Codebook, and one empty folder which supposedly contained above Jaffe book.
[Report: not available Book: Jaffe, Day, & Adams 1964 Article: Jaffe et al. 1964]
Box 59 Folder B-0662
Steiner The People Look at Television (CBS TV Survey), 1960-1965, 5 Folders and One Binder.Binder contains codebook Folders contain Miscell. coding materials, Codebook & coding materials, Questionnaire, Memo, and one empty folder which contained book by Gary Steiner.
[Report: not available Book: Steiner 1963 Dissertation: Meyersohn 1965]
Box 59 & 60 Folder B-0663
Caplovitz Consumer Behavior of Low Income Families (The Poor Pay More), 1969, Eighteen Folders containing List of project papers, Papers/Articles-Caplovitz,Study Summary, Articles-Lorenz & Caplovitz, Master's Essay -Lorenz & Article,Memo Outlining Report and book review on - Caplovitz, Questionnaires, Codebook & Marginals, Codebooks, and one empty folder which contained Caplovitz's book.
[Report: not available Book: Caplovitz 1963 Articles: Caplovitz 1964 (1, 2, 3), 1965 (1, 2), Lorenz 1972 Masters Essay: Lorenz 1965]
Box 60 Folder B-0664
Herbert Menzel Dissemination of Information Among Parents of Handicapped Children,, 1961, 83 pp.: 6 folders containing Questionnaire, Codebooks, Address lists, Interview schedules & instructions, Proposal & related materials, Misc., and one empty folderwhich contained a copy of the report by Menzel of whcih a copy is supposed to be in Vienna.
[This details the experience of parents of handicapped children in getting information on the child's disability from professional personnel, parents of other handicapped children, and the literature. 142 respondents. Report: B-0664]
Box 60 & 61 Folder B-0665
E. David Nasatir Volunteers' Attitudes to New Organizational Objectives- Arthritis- Birth Defects Program of National Foundation,, 1962, 224 pp.: 5 folders and 3 paper binders Binders contain Codebooks. Folders contain Chapter char..Codebook, Questionnaires, Report- Gene Levine, Proposal
[458 National Foundation volunteers were interviewed in order to determine the causes for the response of volunteers to the National Foundation's new goal of eliminating birth defects and arthritis as compared to the overwhelming response to the Polio Drive. This report investigates the characteristics of the present volunteers and attitudes of these volunteers toward the Foundation and the new program. Report: B-0665]
Box 61 Folder B-0666
Herbert Menzel Flow of Information Among Scientists- Review of Research,, 1960, 118 pp.: 4 folders containing Report- Menzel, Proposal, Questionnaire, Review of studies
[This is a synthesis of conceptual approaches used by researchers in this field and a survey of the topics currently and potentially included. A bibliography of the materials reviewed is included. Report: B-0666]
Box 61 Folder F-0666
Linz Social Structure of Spain; Spanish Businessman Study, 1958-1967, 6 folders containing Codebook, Questionnaire, Articles- Linz & Miguel, Project publications list, Drafts (Linz book?),and one empty folder which may have contained a copy of a book by Linz and Miguel.
[Report: not available Book: Linz & Miguel 1966 Articles: Linz & Miguel 1958, 1959, 1963 (1, 2, 3), Miguel & Linz 1963 (1, 2, 3), Linz & Miguel 1964, Miguel & Linz 1964 (1, 2, 3, 4, 5), Linze & Miguel 1965 (1, 2), Miguel 1965, Linz & Miguel 1966, Linz 1967]
Box 61 Folder B-0667
Zetterberg Social Structure of Sweden, 1960, One Folder containing Zetterberg Article
Box 61 Folder B-0668
Robert E. Mitchell National Council of Churches Study, 1960, 222 pp.: 12 folders containing Report, Appenix- qustionnaire, Questionnaire, Misc. materials, Preliminary study report, Summary description of studies, Articles, Church distribution study (1940-1953)
[The report describes how a sample of American clergymen views the National Council of Churches of Christ and discusses some of the primary determinants of these views. Selected sample of 4031 respondents to questionnaire, 88 personal interviews. Interview guide and questionnaire included. Report: B-0668 Book: Glock et al. 1967 Dissertation: Mitchell 1962]
Box 61 Folder B-0669
Cornish & Simon Communications in Medicine Study, 1961, 2 Folders containing Proposal and Report with Questionnaires
Box 61 Folder B-0670
Terence K. Hopkins and Sanci Michael Group Structure and Opinion Change.,, 1963, 238 pp.: 1 folder containing Proposal,and one empty folder which containe the report by Hopkins, of which a copy is supposed to be in Vienna.
[See also B-0515.
This is an attempt to specify what aspects of the formal and informal structure of the Encampment for Citizenship make its program so effective in opinion changing. Questionnaire included. Report: B-0670]
Box 61 Folder S-0670
Obershall Empirical Research in Germany, 1848-1914, 1962, One Folder containing Dissertation- Oberschall, and one empty folder which possibly containbed a book.
[Report: not available Book: Obershall 1965 (published dissertation) Article: Lazarsfeld & Oberschall 1965]
Box 61 Folder B-0691
Lazarsfeld & Sieber Organizational Problems of Educational Research,, 1960, 3 folders containing Synopsis of needed research, Exploration essay- Lazarsfeld, & Sieber, Misc. materials, and one empty folder which contained the Lazarsfeld, book, entitled "Organizing Educational Research."
[See also B-1016.
Report: not available Book: Lazarsfeld & Sieber 1964]
Box 61 Folder B-0692
Barton Review of Disaster Studies, 1960, One Folder containing Proposal, and two empty folders which contained monograph/book/articles (?) by Barton.
[Report: not available Monograph: Barton 1963 Book: Barton 1969 Article: Barton 1962 (1)]
Box 61 Folder B-0693
Jaffe Conference on Research on Workman's Compensation, 1961, 3 folders containing Proposal, Questionnaire, Misc. materials, and one empty folder which contained Monograph by Jaffe.
[Report: not available Monograph: Jaffe 1961]
Box 61 Folder B-0694
Bernard Berelson Post-Doctoral Work in American Universities, 1960, 24 pp.: 2 folder containing Report, Article- Berelson
[This report is a background paper dealing with post-doctoral work in American universities. The various types of post-doctoral people in residence on university campuses are identified and the situation as of 1960 is discussed. Report: B-0694 Article: Berelson 1962]
Box 61 Folder B-0695
Gene N. Levine and Jeffrey Ingram School of General Studies Survey, 1960, 61 pp.: 3 folders containing Allocations for G.S. study, Questionnaire & Codebooks, Report
[See also B-0577.
This presents the results of a questionnaire, filled out by 959 General Studies students, asking for personal background and opinions on increased dormitory space, increased financial aid and a "third semester" during the summer. Questionnaire included. Report: B-0695]
Box 62 Folder B-0696
Levine & Ingram Columbia University Forum Study, 1961, 75 pp.: 4 folders containing Proposal, Codebooks, Questionnaire, Report
[2325 respondents answered questionnaires in this study which attempted to measure general response to the Forum, intensity of use of the Forum, and the relationship between attitudes to the University and attitudes to the Forum. Questionnaire included. Report: B-0696]
Box 62 Folder B-0699
David Wallace Test of a New Periodical on Asia, 1961, 8 pp.: 2 folders containing Report, Misc. materials & correspondence
[An analysis of returns of three test mailings soliciting subscribers to a new periodical is presented. Report: B-0699]
Box 62 Folder B-0700
Albert E. Gollin Industrial Executive Study, 1961, 229 pp.: 2 folders containing Codebooks, Questionnaire and one empty folder which contained a copy of the report by Gollin of which there is supposed to be a copy in Vienna.
[Responses of 179 middle management executives were coded for a statistical description of their past, current and expected occupational status and their attitudes toward these positions. Questionnaire included. Report: B-0700]
Box 62 Folder B-0701
William A. Glaser Integrated Bar Association Study, 1960, 77 pp.: 5 folders containing Proposals, Memos, Citations & bibliography, Misc. materials, and one empty folder which contained 3 papers an d a copy of the report(?) by Glaser, of which there are supposed to be copies in Vienna.
[An integrated bar is an official organization of all the lawyers in a state. "Organization" summarizes the principal organizational forms and activities of the state bars. "Debate" summarizes the arguments for and against integration as they appear in the professional literature. "Bibliography" is a collection of articles, addresses, committee reports and other publications about the integrated bar. The first two papers have been published. See 1962 article, "The Organization of the Integrated Bar," by Glaser. Report: B-0701 Article: Glaser 1962 (2)]
Box 62 Folder B-0702
William Glaser Health and Diplomacy, 1961, 153 pp.:2 folders containing Articles- Glaser, Misc. materials and one empty folder which contained a copy of the Report(?) of which there is supposed to be a copy in Vienna.
[The purpose of this report is to provide assistance in understanding and dealing with officials of other countries who behave idiosyncratically as a result of physical or mental illness. Included are several case studies of officials such as Hitler, Wilson, Lincoln and Grant who suffered illnesses which affected their duties. Report: B-0702 Article: Glaser 1963 (2)]
Box 62 Folder B-0703
A.J. Jaffe & R.O. Carleton Occupational Mobility in the United States,, 1954, 2 folders containing Clippings & Misc. materials, Report/book(?) by Jaffee and Carleton.
Box 62 Folder B-0725
McPhee Simulation Models Project, 1961-1962, 11 folders containing Grant materials, Articles- McPhee, Memo/Report- McPhee & Robert B. Smith, Paper- McPhee & Smith, Articles (McPhee, Smith, & John Ferguson), Article (McPhee, Bo Anderson, & Harry Milholland), Article- McPhee & Ferguson
[See also B-0553, B-0816.
Articles: McPhee 1961, 1962]
Box 62 Folder *B-0730
Samuel Z. Klausner Religious and Secular Use of Alcohol, 1962, 30 pp.: 1 folder containing Proposal , copy of report by Samuel Klausner supposed to be in Vienna.
[Published in Journal of Social Psychology, vol. 64(October, 1964), pp. 27-43. Presents a cross-cultural test of the hypothesis of an inverse relation between ritual drinking and heavy drinking in secular situations. The study uses data from 48 societies listed in the Human Relations Area Files at Yale University which use alcoholic beverages in religious or secular situations. Report: B-0730 Article: Klausner 1964]
Box 62 Folder B-0751
Kendall Relationship between Medical Educators and Practitioners, 1961, Four Folders. Folders contain Correspondence, Misc. materials, Interviews, Kendall-4 Monograph (copy 2), and two empty folders which contained a copy of the monograph and an article (?) by Kendall.
[Report: not available Monograph: Kendall 1965 Articles: Kendall 1963 (2), 1965 (1, 2)]
Box 62 & 63 Folder J-0752
William A. Glaser Cross-National Comparisons of Health Institutions, 1963, B-0752-1: 194 pp., B-0752-8: 452 pp.: 13 folders containing Proposal, Progress report, Misc. materials, Final reports for grant period, Articles- Glaser, Chapter of book- draft (Glaser), Papers- Glaser, Reports 1 & 2 ( 2 is a book draft- Glaser), and one empty folder which contained a copy of Glaser's book.
[B-0752-1 Analysis of nursing education and utilization of nurses in 16 countries of Europe, the Middle East, and Eastern Europe, relating nursing policies to certain attributes of the national social systems. The first half of this report is published. See pp. 1-59 in The Nursing Profession, Fred Davis, ed., New York: Wiley, 1966. B-0752-2 This report analyzes principal methods for paying doctors in several foreign countries. The administrative mechanism in distributing money to them as well as the dynamics of each system are discussed. In addition, how fees or salaries of the medical profession are set and the effects of payment systems upon medical care and the medical profession are analyzed. This report is organized by country and is limited to data before 1963. The book, Paying the Doctor, is analytical and includes data through the late 1960s. Report: B-0752-1; B-0752-2 Book: Glaser 1970 (1, 2) Articles: Glaser 1961, 1962 (1), 1963 (1), 1964, 1966 (2, 3), 1968]
Box 63 Folder B-0753
Gene N. Levine and Dale E. Ordes Barnard Alumni Achievements, 1962, 37 pp.: 1 folder containing Report
[This is a statistical description of 9028 respondents to a mailed questionnaire which includes occupational, educational and family information. Questionnaire included. Report: B-0753]
Box 63 Folder B-0754
Sills & Glaser Leadership Development in National Voluntary Associations,, 1962, 5 Folders containing Book, Proposal, Misc. materials, Questionnaire, Annotated outline for project, and one empty folder which contained Article/book(?) by Glaser & Sills.
[Report: not available Book: Glaser & Sills 1966 Articles: Sills 1967, 1968]
Box 63 Folder B-0755
Gene N. Levine, Yole G. Sills U.S. Information Agency Arabic and Indian Materials,, 1962, B-0755-1: 208 pp., B-0755-2: 101 pp.: 5 folders containing Misc. materials, Proposals & related materials, U.S. language pamphlets, Preliminary Report #1 (Levine- copy in Vienna), Preliminary Report #2 (Sills- copy in Vienna)
[B-0755-1 Interviews about Voice of America and other Arabic broadcasts with 16 respondents were conducted for an evaluation of the U. S. Information Agency programming. Extensive biographies of respondents are included. B-0755-2 16 interviews with Indians were conducted to evaluate U.S.A. English language literature and then compare it with comparable publications from the U.S.S.R. Report: B-0755-1; B-0755-2]
Box 63 Folder B-0756
Mitchell Minister Parishioner Relations, 1960-1967 (?), 5 folders containing Questionnaire, Articles- Mitchell, Dissertation- Mitchell, Proposal, Misc. materials
[Sbased on data from B-0668.
Report: not available Articles: Mitchell 1965, 1966, 1967 (1, 2) Dissertation: Mitchell 1962]
Box 63 Folder B-0760
Henry L. Lennard & Kadushin Seminar in Sociology of Mental Health,, 1962, 73 pp.: 6 folders containing Lennard lectures, Notes, correspondence and papers, comments on Seminar by Hide Bruck, Dan Milley, Monnay Swart and Lyman Wynee, respectively), Report- Lennard
[This report contains discussions of papers dealing with small group research, survey research, and institutional research. Report: B-0760]
Box 64 Folder B-0800
Robert E. Mitchell Engineering Faculty Development Loan Program, 1961, 27 pp.: 5 folders containing Proposal, Misc., Survey, Ford Foundation Study Report, Report- Mitchell
[This report on recipients and candidates for an Engineering Faculty Development Fellowship or Loan is concerned with the family, financial and academic differences between recipients and non-recipients, the effects of the Faculty Development Program on recipients and candidates and the economics of the program. 226 recipients and candidates answered questionnaires and were interviewed. Report: B-0800]
Box 64 Folder B-0810
Albert E. Gollin Review of Methods of Assessing Performance of Overseas Personnel (Peace Corps Study),, 1963, 61 pp.: 5 folders containing Proposal, Reports- Gollin, Misc. materials, Final report- Gollin
[This is an outline for an evaluative research program based on a review of the literature, and correspondence and interviews with professionals and officials in organizations with overseas programs. Annotated bibliography included. Report: B-0810]
Box 64 Folder B-0811
Jaffe, Theresa R. Shapiro, Walter Adams, and Jerome Gordon International Conference on Middle-Level Manpower ,, 1962, 72 pp., 2 Folders. Folders contain Proposal, Report
[An initial attempt to assess probable manpower shortages in middle-level occupations (professional and technical and skilled occupations) from 1965 to 1975 in countries currently cooperating with the Peace Corps program. Report: B-0811]
Box 64 Folder B-0812
Theresa R. Shapiro Middle-Level Manpower, Education and Economic Development,, 1962, 13 pp.: 1 folder containing Proposal & report
[An investigation of the relation of education, defined as school enrollments in the early 1950s, to economic growth, as indicated by changes in both gross and per capita national product in the decade 1950-1960. Report: B-0812]
Box 64 Folder B-0813
Menzel, Lenihan, & Spivack Utilization of Regents Educational Television Programs,, 1962, 11 folders
[See also B-1033.
Monograph: Lenihan, Menzel, & Spivack 1963
Includes: Codebooks, Questionnaire & Codebook, Report (Parts 1, 2, and 3), Book- Lenihan & Menzel, Proposal, Summary of report (and specifications of contract and other papers, Misc. materials, Monographs by Lenihan, Menzel, & Spivack (and related materials)]
Box 64 Folder B-0814
Julian H. Nixon The Negro Consumer, 1962, 75 pp.: 3 folders containing Proposal, Misc. materials, Report- Nixon
[This is a review of the economic position and consumer power of American Blacks outside the South. Bibliography is included. Report: B-0814 Article: Nixon 1963]
Box 64 Folder B-0815
Kenneth Lenihan Design of an Evaluation Study of Consumer Education for Low Income Families,, 1963, 33 pp.: 3 folders containing Research demonstration Progrram (Report), Proposals, Paper- Lenihan
[An action program to prevent exploitation of low-income consumers who purchase major durables, as well as an evaluative research design is set forth. Report: B-0815]
Box 64 Folder B-0816
McPhee Formal Models of Mass Social Processes, 1963, 1 folder containing Researach proposal- McPhee
[See also B-0725.
Report: not avaialable Book: McPhee 1963]
Box 64 Folder S-0820
Sieber Attitudes of Union Members toward Inflation, 1963-1964, 2 folders containing Dissertation- Sieber, Article- Sieber
[Article: Sieber 1964 Dissertation: Sieber 1963]
Box 65 Folder B-0832
Hasuer & Lazarsfeld Admissions Officer Study, 1963, 376 pp.: 6 folders containing Report (2 copies), Preliminary report, Questionnaire, Codebook, Monograph, Proposal
[This report based on returned questionnaires from 812 directors of admissions and 476 assistant directors discusses how an increase in college applications affected the development of the occupation of admissions officer. The relationship of the officer to his college, the admissions operation itself, and the outside activities involving a majority of officers are also discussed. Report: B-0832 Monograph: Hauser & Lazarsfeld 1964 Article: Hauser & Lazarsfeld 1964; Dissertation: Hauser 1964]
Box 65 Folder B-0871
Arnold Simmel Social Functions of Privacy, 1963, 99 pp.: 5 folders containing Proposals, Misc. materials, Report, Articles- Simmel
[This report examines the value of privacy and its functions in everyday life. Sociological problems related to privacy are also discussed as well as the way these problems are dealt with in existing social science research and writings. Report: B-0871 Article: Simmel 1968]
Box 65 Folder B-0872
Hannah Wartenberg and Wagner Thielens, Jr. Analysis of Anti-United Nations Letters,, 1964, 41 pp.: 2 folders containing Proposal, Report
[586 letters sent to an agency which launched a public relations campaign on behalf of the UN were coded for characteristics of the writers, images of the UN, and correspondence of letter content to the John Birch Society line. Bibliography is included. Report: B-0872]
Box 65 Folder B-0873
Jaffe Guide to Sources of Data on the NY Metropolitan Area, 1963, 2 folders containing Misc. materials, Monograph (3 copies- Jaffe)
[Report: not available Monograph: Jaffe 1963]
Box 65 Folder B-0874
Kenneth Lenihan The Negro Uprising in Birmingham, 1963, 24 pp.: 1 folder containing Report
[Sociological analysis of field observations on the racial crisis in Birmingham, Alabama. Report: B-0874]
Box 65 Folder B-0875
Riley and Merton (?) American Attitudes Towards Death (Equitable Life Insurance Study),, 1963, 1 folder containing Codebooks
Box 65 Folder J-0875
John V. Riley, Jr., and Robert Merton (?) American Attitudes Towards Death (Equitable Life Insurance Study),, 1963, Four Folders Folders contain Miscellaneous mMaterials, Codebbooks, Annotated Tables and copy of periodical entitled, American Behavioral Scientist, Vol. VI., No. 9, May, 1963, containing article entitled "Social Research & Life Insurance," by John V. Riley, Jr. pp.6-9.
Box 65 Folder B-0920
Rolf Meyersohn Criticisms of Television Commercials, 1964, 61 pp.:2 folders containing Misc. materials, Draft of final report, and one empty folder which contained the report a copy of which is supposed to be in Vienna.
[This is a description of the kinds of complaints made about TV commercials, and who voices the complaints, based on a national sample of 2498 interviews. Report: B-0920]
Box 65 Folder B-0931
William Glaser and Robert Hill The Rebuilding of Harlem, 1964, 12 pp.: 3 folders containing Misc.Materials, Monograph, Report (paper?)
[A series of questions was designed to guide a community planning conference. Subjects covered were physical planning, economics, education, culture, health, and citizen participation. Report: B-0931 Monograph: Glaser 1964]
Box 65 Folder B-0970
Glaser International Survey of Sheltered Employment, 1966-1967, 4 folders containing Questionnaire, Monograph, Survey, Article- Glaser
[Report: B-0970 Monograph: Glaser 1966 Articles: Glaser 1966, 1967]
Box 65 Folder B-0990
Anonymous (unclear) Class of 1964, Columbia College Senior Questionnaire,, 1964-1965 (?), 3 Folders Codebooks, Questionnaire
Box 66 Folder B-1000
Kendall Educational Environments of Interns and Residents, 1958, 14 folders containing Coding, Codebooks, Proposals, Comments, Misc. materials, Questionnaire -.D. Caplovitz, Questionnaire, Memo from Richard Christie, JAMA (Vol. 198, No. 5, Oct. 31, 1966), Draft- Book Chapter (??) or article - Mumford, Articles- Kendall, Article- Lajeune, and one empty folder which apparently contained a copy of book.
[NOTE: Projects numbered B-1000 to B-1038 were not numbered chronologically but fall within the period 1958-1967. The year the project began is given after the title.
Report: not available Book: Mumford 1971 Articles: Reader & Falaguerra 1959, Kendall 1961 (1, 2), Kendall 1971 (1, 2), Mahoney 1973 Dissertations: Prince 1962, Mumford 1963, Harrison 1969, Rogers 1969, Mahoney 1970.]
Box 66 Folder S-1000
Leiba Brown Educational Research and the Liberal Arts, 1964-1966, 4 folders containing Proposal, Questionnaire-drafts, Summary (1964-1966), Report- Leiba Brown (May 1966)
Box 66 Folder B-1001
Herbert Menzel & Raymond Maurice Physicians Information as Affected by Milieu,, 1962, 166 pp., plus 114 pp., of appendices; 15 folders containing Dissertation- Maurice, Proposals, Tables, Coding materials, Coding instructions & guide, Questionnaire, Misc. materials, Interview guide, Report appendix, Appendice- draft of Maurice dissertation (chapters II-V-Report?), Preliminary report, Survey, Article- Menzel
[This studies the level of knowledge of the practicing physician with respect to selected new developments in medicine, as related to: the professional milieu in which he works, his integration into that milieu; his contacts with colleagues; his reading habits, meeting attendance, and participation in continuing medical education; and his training and practice. Some 400 general practitioners and interns in private practice in communities of varying types were interviewed. Report: B-1001 1969 Article: Menzel 1966 (2) Dissertation: Maurice 1974]
Box 66 Folder F-1001
Caplovitz Jackson Heights Opinion Study, 1964-1965, 1 folder containing Questionnaire & coding instructions
Box 66 Folder S-1001
Zuckerman Nobel Laureates, 1964-1966, 5 folders containing Codebooks, Proposal, Articles- Harriet Zuckerman,and one empty folder which contained a copy of Harriet Zuckerman's dissertation.
Box 67 Folder B- 1002
Candace Rogers, Herbert Menzel, and Raymond Maurice Medical Television: An Evaluation of the New York Academy of Medicine's Program for Practitioners,, 1963, B-1002-1: 21 pp., B-1002-2: 236 pp.: 10 folders containing Codebooks, Questionnaires & etc., Misc. materials, Proposal, Report, Articles (Menzel, Maurice & McGuinness), Paper- C. Rogers & Menzel
[B-1002-1 In order to ascertain the physician audience of the New York Academy of Medicine's Clinical Science Seminars, telephone interviews and mail questionnaires were analyzed. The random sample of 295 physicians provided information such as regularity and location of viewing, as well as age and place of training. B-1002-2 This report investigates the effectiveness of the New York Academy of Medicine's open-circuit TV broadcasts. It includes analysis of the audience, as well as doctors' evaluations and criticisms of the program. A separate volume of appendices is also included. Reports: B-1002-1 1963; B-1002-2 1965 Articles: Menzel et al. 1964, 1966 (1, 2), McGuinness et al. 1968]
Box 67 Folder F-1002
Caplow & Finsterbusch Patterns of Social and Economic Development,, 1964, 40 pp.: 8 folders containing Misc. materials, Report, Research proposals- Theodore Caplow, Articles- Caplow & Finsterbusch, Article -Nettl, J.P. & Roland Robertson, Article- Finsterbusch, and Article- Joseph Lopatin
[Report: F-1002 1964 Article: Caplow & Finsterbusch 1968 Dissertation: Finsterbusch 1969]
Box 67 Folder B-1003
Litigation Study, 1964, 5 folders containing Report draft, Proposal, Law & Sociology Seminar- Dibble discussion paper, Codebook & editing manuals, Misc. materials
Box 67 Folder F-1003
Hyman Attitudes and Opinions among the Blind, 1961, 6 folders containing Interview schedule, Misc., Proposal, Codebook, Report- Hyman, Supplementary Report/article- Hyman & Strauss
[Article: Hyman et al. 1973 Dissertations: Strauss 1965, Lorenz 1968]
Box 67 Folder S-1003
Dale E. Ordes & Fred Suffet Organizational Effectiveness & Tendencies Towards Deviance in College Fencing Teams,, 1962-1963, 2 folders containing Questionnaire, Proposal
Box 67, 68, & 69 Folder B-1004
Glaser & Rosenberg Pretrial Discovery and the Adversarial Process,, 1965, 28 folders containing Codebooks & Marginal books, Codebooks & editing manuals, Table index, Questionnaires, Misc. materials, Interview guide, Confidential drafts of report/book, Book draft, Tables, Survey material, Research survey background paper, Proposal, Findings Summary- Maryland, Rosenberg & Dibble memon Field Research plans, Memo on Federal Discovery rules-Project staff, Articles- Glaser
[See also B-1003.
Report: not available Book: Glaser 1968]
Box 69 Folder J-1004
Allen Barton Goals for NY Metropolitan Region, 1962-1963, 6 folders containing Misc. materials, Introduction & Background booklets, Report, Notes- Barton, Report, Article- Barton
Box 69 Folder S-1004
Kenneth Lenihan Suburban Housing Desegregation, 1965, 16 pp.: 3 folders containing Preliminary report-Lenihan, Paper- Lenihan, Masters Essay- Ruby M. Palmer (1965)
Box 69 Folder B-1005
Thielens Law School Socialization, 1961, 10 folders containing Questionnaires & Codebooks, Quetionnaires, Misc. materials, Thielens Dissertation (Parts 1- 3), Proposal, Articles- Thielens, Article/Paper- Albert I. Goldberg
[Report: not available Book: Thielens 1980 (Published dissertation) Articles: Thielens 1969, 1970 Dissertation: Thielens 1965]
Box 69 Folder B-1006
Henry Lennard Study of Interaction and Socialization Processes in Therapy and Family Systems,, 1959, 33 pp.: 10 folders containing Codebooks, Misc. materials, Report, Proposal & related materials, Articles- Lennard
[Report: B-1006 Book: Lennard & Bernstein 1969 Articles: Lennard 1958, 1963 (1, 2), 1965, Lennard et al. 1965]
Box 69 Folder F-1006
Sam Sieber Student-Faculty Relations in Columbia College, 1965, 4 Folders containing Questionnaire, History of Questionnaire, Marginal/Codebook, Report/Article- Sam Sieber
Box 70 Folder B-1007
Lennard Study of Interaction and Socialization Processes in Therapy and Family Systems,, 1959, 33 pp.:4 folders containing Misc. materials, Paper (Anonymous0 & Summary of hypothesis, Proposals-Lennard, Article- Lennard, Beaulieu & Embrey, and one empty folder which contained a copy of the book by Lennard.
[Books: Lennard & Bernstein 1969 Articles: Lennard 1958, 1963 (1, 2), 1965, Lennard et al. 1965]
Box 70 Folder J-1007
Helmut H. Gottenburg Report on BMI Procedure, 1962-1963, 2 folders containing 1st Report -May 16, 1962 and Report-May, 1963.
Box 70 Folder B-1008
Lennard Drugs and Social Systems (Socio-Pharmacology), 1964, 5 folders containing Misc. materials, Conference report, Proposal- Lennard, Articles-Lennard, Article- Lennard, Epstein, & Katzung
[Report: not available . Article: Lennard 1964]
Box 70 Folder F-1008
Fischer Soviet Political Executives, 1964, 9 folders containing Codebooks, Proposal, Study Design- Fischer & Abrahams, Misc. materials, Articles- Fischer,and one empty folder which apparently contained the Fischer book (?)
[Report: F-1008 Book: Fischer 1968 Article: Fischer 1965]
Box 70 Folder B-1009
Wagner Thielens, Jr. The Impact of College Upon Students, 1965, 79 pp.: 10 folders containing Misc., Interviews, Working paper- John Meyer, Report-Thielens, Case study-Thielens, Articles-Thielens, Progress report-Thielens
[To illustrate the complex kinds of influences a college exercises upon its students, this report deals specifically with the influence of the college teacher on students. It is based on data obtained through 179 completed questionnaires and 24 interviews at Columbia College. Report: B-1009-1966 Articles: Thielens 1971]
Box 70 Folder B-1010
Susanne Flusser & Kadushin Decisions to Undertake Psychotherapy,, 1958, 120 pp: 12 folders containing Questionnaire history, Codebooks, Proposals, Masters Essay-Robert Smith, Articles-Crandell & Dorenwend, Articles-Kadushin, Articles & Grant application-Kadushin, and one empty folder which contained Kadushin book.
[Tracing the formation of the questionnaire used in Kadushin's Why People Go to Psychiatrists. Report: B-1010 1965 Book: Kadushin 1969 Articles: Kadushin 1958, 1962, 1964, 1966 (1), 1967 Masters Essay: Crane 1961, Kim 1965, Smith 1965, Flusser 1966, Lorenzen 1967 Dissertation: Kadushin 1960]
Box 70 & 71 Folder F-1010
Lazarsfeld, Lecuyer, Clark Sociological History of French Empirical Social Research,, 1963, 13 folders containing Working papers in French, Proposal, Log file, Overview memo, Seminar documents-working papers, Notes/Report-Lazarsfeld, Masters Essay-Bodard, Memo-Progress report (Clark, Lazarsfeld, & Lecuyer), Resume of Lazarsfeld article, Article-Lecuyer, Article-A.M. Guerny, Article-Lecuyer & Lazarsfeld
[Report: S-1012 1965 Articles: Clark 1967 (1-3), 1968 (1-7) Masters Essay: Bodard 1966, Clark 1965 Dissertatiton: Clark 1967]
Box 71 Folder J-1010
Fred F. Abrahams Consumer Behavior, 1965, 4 folders containing Misc. materials, Codebook, Questionnaire, Article/Report-Abrahams
Box 71 Folder S-1010
David Caplovitz and Harry Levy Jewish College Youth-Attitudes & Values,, 1964-1967, 77 pp.: 3 folders containing Codebook, Misc. materials, Report-Anonymous
[389 returned questionnaires were analyzed to determine student attitudes on interreligious dating and marriage, in an attempt to characterize types of students likely to marry outside their religion. Report: S-1010]
Box 71 & 72 Folder B-1011
David E. Wilder, Nathalie S. Friedman, Robert B. Hill, Eva Sandis and Sam D. Sieber Parent-Educator Consensus on Educational Goals and Roles (New Jersey School-Community Relations),, 1963, B-1011-1: 638 pp., B-1011-2: 34 pp.: 20 folders containing Hill dissertation, Friedman-Book/Published dissertation, Report-Vols. I-II, Codebooks, Questionnaire & questionnaire materials, Questionnaires, Principal's interview, Working paper-Sandis, Proposal & grant application, Article-Sieber & Wilder, Project memo No.1-Wilder & Friedman, Small contract proposals-Robert B. Hill, Project memo No.2-Sieber & Wilder, Article-Eva Sandis
[B-1011-1 This is a study of some of the complex interactions that link school systems and the families they serve. The primary focus is on relations among pupils, parents, teachers, and school systems. The extent and consequences of both actual and perceived agreements among them on a number of educational matters in several different community settings are explored. Questionnaires included. B-1011-2 Selecting ideal, typical communities and gaining access to their schools for social research purposes Reports: B-1011-1 1968, B-1011-2 n.d. Books: Friedman 1980 (Published dissertation), Hill 1980 (Published dissertation) Article: Sieber & Wilder 1967 Masters Essay: Brack 1967, Kenen 1970 Dissertations: Sandis 1967, Snow 1968, Elesh 1968, Friedman 1968, Hill 1969]
Box 72 Folder B-1011-3
Philip Schuler Sidel Residential Mobility in Craftown, 1965 (?), One Folder Master's Thesis
[Report: not available Masters Thesis: Sidel]
Box 72 & 73 Folder B-1012
Barton & Wilder Sociology of Reading Research, 1960, B-1012-1: 17 pp., B-1012-2: 15 pp.: 20 folders containing Proposal, Codebook & questionnaire, Report (brief?) with tables-Wilder, Codebook & marginals, Wilder dissertation (2 copies), Codebooks, Interviews, Questionnaire, Reports, Article-Barton & Wilder, Articles-Barton, Articles-Wilder, Misc. materials
[B-1012-1 Social Factors Relating to Public Awareness, Perception, and Evaluation of the Teaching of Reading. B-1012-2 Some Comparisons Between NCRE Members and Other Reading Researchers. Reports: B-1012-1 1965; B-1012-2 1967 Articles: Barton 1961, Barton & Wilder 1962, 1964 Dissertation: Wilder 1966]
Box 73 Folder F-1012
Donald Young Training Program in Law and the Behavioral Sciences, 1962, 1 folder containing Proposal
Box 73 Folder S-1012
Terry Clark, Paul F.Lazarsfeld and B. Lecuyer Memorandum on Progress and Plans for Study of the History of Empirical Social Research in France 1660-1914,, 1965, 49 pp.: 7 folders containing Report, Proposal, Codesheet, Articles-Clark, Progress memo (Clark, Lazarsfeld, & Lecuyer), Articles (Bertillon, Clark, Tarde, Tourville, etc.)
Box 73 & 74 Folder B-1013
Bowers Student Dishonesty, 1963, 17 folders containing Proposals, Questionnaire, Tables, Codebooks, Misc. materials, Kamens dissertation, Monograph-Bowers, Partial bibliography, Articles-Salem & Bowers, Stanford study, Articles-Bowers, Article-Sacks, Article-Kahn & Bowers,Papers-Anonymous
[Report: not available Monograph: Bowers 1964 Articles: Bowers 1968, Stannard & Bowers 1970, Salem & Bowers 1970, Bowers & Salem 1972 Masters Essay: Garon-Audy 1966, Johansson 1967 Dissertation: Bowers 1966, Kamens 1969]
Box 74 Folder F-1013
Fischer Survey of Social Research in the Soviet Union, 1966, 3 folders containing Articles-Fischer
[Report: not available Articles: Fischer 1966 (1, 2), 1967]
Box 74 Folder B-1014
George Nash College Characteristics Data Bank, 1965, 54 pp.: 5 folders containing Misc., Codebooks & marginals, Data Bank variables, and one empty folder which contained the nash Report of which a copy is supposed to be in Vienna.
[Besides a brief description of all 1144 four-year accredited institutions of higher education with undergraduates, the relationship to one another of a limited number of institutional characteristics, and how they vary from one type of institution to another are discussed. Report: B-1014 1969]
Box 74 Folder F-1014
Anonymous (unclear) Political Attitudes Among Columbia Students, 1968, 1 folder containing Questionnaire
Box 74 Folder B-1015
Herbert Menzel and Mark Oromaner Formal and Informal Satisfaction of Information Requirements of Sciences (Chemists Information),, 1963, 116 pp.: 7 folders containing Codebooks, Questionnaires, Proposals, Misc. materials, Interim report, Report, Article-Menzel
[This project examines the importance and interplay of formal and informal channels of communication in the flow of scientific information. 161 scientists in the field of polymer chemistry working in government, university, and industrial establishments were interviewed. Report: B-1015-2 1970 Articles: Menzel 1964, 1966 (1), 1972]
Box 74 Folder F-1015
Barton & Chin-Song New York City Housing Community Survey, 1959, 9 folders containing Codebooks, Questionnaire, Explanatory results, Study design, Background of study, Sample, Proposals-Barton, Masters Essay-Edwin Thomas Chin-Song
[Report: not available Masters Essay: Chin-Song]
Box 74 Folder S-1015
Rela Geffen Monson Panel of Americans, 1959, 2 folders containing Masters Essay ( one unpublished , second published-2 copies-"Goal Displacement in a Small Voluntary Association)
[Report: not available Masters Essay: Rela Geffen Monson]
Box 74 & 75 Folder B-1016
Sam D. Sieber in collaboration with Paul F. Lazarsfeld Organization of Educational Research in the United States,, 1963, B-1016: 80 pp., B-1016-1: 54 pp., B-1016-2: 33 p., B-1016-3: 24 pp., B-1016-4: 37 pp., B-1016-5: 36 pp., B-1016-6: 39 pp., B-1016-7: 51 pp., B-1016-8: 72 pp.: 16 folders containing Codebook & Instructions & marginals, Questionnaire, Proposals, Masters Essay-Hodges, Misc. materials, Project memos (1-8, superceded by Final report), Report-Sieber, Bibliography, Selected marginals, Memo on Questionnaires, Features of Research Proposals, Detailed criteria & scale of evaluation, Progress Report No.2-Sieber, Article-Hjelm and Sieber, and one empty folder which contained book and/or report by Sieber.
[See also B-0691
B-1016 This report analyzes the potential of research organizations for achieving basic university goals especially by mitigating the functional fragmentation of higher education. The conditions that impede or promote the success of these integrative agencies as well as the role of the managerial scholars who direct them are also discussed. Published by Praeger, 1972. B-1016-1 Features of Research Proposals Submitted to the Cooperative Research Program, U.S.O.E., 1956-63. B-1016-2 The Use of Field Representatives in the Questionnaire Survey of University Personnel. B-1016-3 Course Offerings in Educational Research. B-1016-4 A Profile of Research in Graduate Schools of Education. B-1016-5 The Measurement of Quality in Education Research. B-1016-6 Institutional Correlates of Research Quality. B-1016-7 Observations on the History of Research Units in Schools of Education. B-1016-8 Training for Careers in Educational Research: A Study of Institutional Outputs. Reports: B-1016 1971; B-1016-1 through -1016-8 1964-1966 Monograph: Sieber 1966 Book: Sieber 1972 Articles: Sieber 1965, 1966, Hjelm & Sieber 1967, Sieber 1967 (2), 1968 (1, 2) Masters Essay: Hodges 1967 Dissertation: Wartenberg 1973]
Box 75 Folder F-1016
College Study, 1967 (?), One Folder List of variable descriptions
Box 75 Folder J-1016
Robert B. Smith A Model Simulating the Academic Mind, 1962, 1 folder containing Paper by Smith
Box 75 Folder S-1016
National Opinion Research Survey-Television, 1960, 1 folder containing Questionnaire
Box 75 Folder B-1017
Lazarsfeld & Ferguson Specialized Social Science Information Sources in the United States,, 1963, 155 pp.:8 folders containing Trade show list, Misc., Questionnaire, Pamphlet-Yekes, Directory of Resources in U.S., Proposal, Article-Felland, Survey descriptions, and one empty folder which contained the report with one copy supposed to be in Vienna.
[This is an analysis of data collected in a survey of services which deal with subjects of the social sciences and related disciplines. Covers such topics as purposes of the different services, ways in which information is provided, their operational experiences. Questionnaire included. Report: B-1017 1965 Monograph: Ferguson 1965 Article: Ferguson & Lazarsfeld 1964 Dissertation: Ferguson 1966]
Box 75 Folder F-1017
Kadushin & Kandel Cross-Cultural Study of Adolescents, 1965, 8 folders containing Proposed outline of monograph & plan, Proposal & log, Misc. materials, Questionnaire & Preliminary reports, Questionnaire, Codebook, Marginals, and Card layout
Box 76 & 77 Folder B-1018
Gene N. Levine and John Modell Communication and Opinion about Civil Defense (Fallout Shelter Study),, 1962, 299 pp.: 30 folders containing Codebooks, Questionnaire, Interviews, Respondent names & addresses, Progress reports, Contract, Summary, Project Log, & Proposals, Bibliography & maps, Working papers ,1-6, Study design, Personality correlates of responses to threats, Dissertation-Gewirtz, Study materials, Report (5 volumes by Levine), Misc., Article-Modell, Paper-Gewirtz, Papers-Levine, Paper-Barton, Paper-Meyer & Segal and one empty folder that contained the study by Levine and Modell of which there is supposed to be a copy in Vienna.
[1718 citizens and 110 community leaders were interviewed in order to examine the processes of communication and decision involved in family and community reactions to civil defense and fallout shelter programs. Social and psychological processes affecting public attitudes were also analyzed. Report: B-1018 1964 Articles: Levine & Modell 1965, Segal & Meyer 1969 Masters Essay: Modell 1963 Dissertation: Gewirtz 1965]
Box 77 Folder F-1018
Kandell Cross-Cultural Study of Adolescents, 1966, 1 folder containing Plus Log
Box 77 Folder B-1019
Lazarsfeld & Love Network Decisions on Coverage of the Kennedy Assassination,, 1963, 13 folders containing Confidential interviews, Misc. materials, Proposal, Articles-Love, Paper-Ruth Leeds
[Report: not available Articles: Love 1965, 1966 Dissertation: Love 1969]
Box 78 Folder F-1019
George Fischer American Research on Soviet Society, 1966, 1 folder containing Guide to specialized studies-Fischer
[Report: not available Monograph: Fischer 1967]
Box 78 Folder S-1019
Thomas Pierce Wilson Inmate Staff-Community Study, 1961-1963, 3 folders containing Abstract & logs, Codebook, Questionnaire
Box 78 Folder B-1020
Charles Kadushin Development of Professional Identification among Musicians,, 1963, 297 pp.: 8 folders containing Qustionnaire, Questionnaire & Data & Codebook, Codebooks, Report-Kadushin, Proposal, Julliard study, Papers (articles?)-Kadushin
[Based on 607 respondents from Juilliard School of Music and Manhattan School of Music, this report investigates the process by which music students acquire the values, attitudes and self-concept of professional musicians. Report: B-1020 1968 Article: Kadushin 1969]
Box 78 Folder F-1020
Caplovitz, Ritterband, & Sherrow Apostasy among College Students,, 1966-1967, 2 Folders Proposal, reliminary Findings
Box 78 Folder S-1020
Robert I. Rhodos Project House Builder, 1965, One Folder Questionnaire
Box 78 Folder B-1021
Jaffe Impact of Technological Change on the Labor Force, 1960, 2 folders containing Memo, Articles-Weiss, Jaffe, & Froomkin, and one empty folder that contained Jaffee book, entitled "Technology and Jobs."
[Report: not available Book: Jaffe & Froomkin 1968 Articles: Jaffe 1961 (1), 1965, 1966 (3), Jaffe & Froomkin 1966]
Box 78 Folder B-1022
Jaffe and Theresa R. Shapiro Depressed and Prosperous Areas-A Comparison,, 1965, 106 pp.:2 folders containing Proposal, Article-Jaffe, and one empty folder which appaprently contained the report by Shapiro of which a copy is supposed to be in Vienna.
[A comparison was made of the two kinds of areas to try to determine why one becomes economically depressed and to highlight those factors about which something might be done. Sample of 787 counties. Report: B-1022 1965]
Box 78 Folder S-1022
Harry S. Slan Classification of Voluntary Association Goals, 1973, 1 folder containing Paper
Box 78 Folder B-1023
A. J. Jaffe and Walter Adams Characteristics of the College Population, 1961, 43 pp.: 7 folders containing Proposal, Misc. materials, Summary of study, Articles-Jaffe & Adams, Article-Adams, Article-Jaffe, folder and one empty folder which apparently contained the report by Jaffee & Adams and of which a copy is supposed to be extant in Vienna.
[This is a description of a sample of those in the 1960 census who did not complete college as compared to those who completed four or more years. A projection of the college populations of 1970 and 1975 is also made. Report: B-1023 1965 Articles: Jaffe & Adams 1964 (1, 2), Adams 1965]
Box 78 & 79 Folder B-1024-4
Bahr, Caplow , Henshaw , Langfur and Wallace Homelessness: Etiology, Patterns, and Consequences (Bowery Study of Homeless Men),, 1964, B-1024-1: 33 pp., B-1024-2: 47 pp., B-1024-3: 192 pp., B-1024-4: 52 pp., B-1024-5: 54 pp., B-1024-6: 136 pp., B-1024-7: 38 pp., B-1024-8: 163 pp., B-1024-9: 444 pp.: 47 folders and one book. Book is BASR Bound Report on Riots. Folders contain Codebooks, Interview schedules & interviews, Maps, Questionnaire data, Bowery, Census-67, Proposal, Tables, Misc. materials, Final Report, Interview schedule, Articles-Patricia & George Nash, Corrections, Articles-Bahr, Pilot study-Workbook Section I (Bahr & Langfur), Articles-Bahr & Langfur, Articles-Henshaw, Preliminary Studies-Markel, Articles-Markel & Sigal, Article-Garret & Bahr, Working papers-Caplow, Article-Bahr & Caplow, Article-Bahr & Sigal, Paper-Baker, Paper-Johansonn, Articles-Caplow, Bahr & Steinberg & Anonymous, Notes, Paper-Wallace, and nine empty folders which apparently contained articles by Bahr , Bahr & Caplow, A Summary Report, and Articles By Nash, Henshaw & Bahr, respectively of which the last two mentioned items (Summary Report and articles) are supposed to have copies extant in Vienna.
[B-1024-1 A Preliminary Estimate of the Population and Housing of the Bowery in New York City. B-1024-2 A Preliminary Study of NewYork's Legal Agencies and Their Effect on Homeless Men and the Bowery. B-1024-3 The Habitats of Homeless Men in Manhattan. B-1024-4 A Preliminary Study of New York City's Hospitals and Their Contacts with Homeless Men. B-1024-5 Summary Report of a Study Undertaken Under Contract Approved by the Board of Estimate, Calendar No. 14, December 19, 1963. B-1024-6 Skid Row and Its Inhabitants. Revised version published as SkidRow as a Way of Life, Totowa, N.J.: Bechninster Press, 1965. B-1024-7 An Estimate of the Population of Homeless Men in the Bowery Area, New York City, Feb. 28, 1965. B-1024-8 Camp LaGuardia: A Voluntary Total Institution for Homeless Men. B-1024-9 The Homelessness Project is a study of the etiology, patterns and consequences of homelessness based on comparison of the lifetime affiliative histories of four samples, two of homeless men and two of men living in settled neighborhoods, as well as annual censuses of the Bowery. Published, Univ. of Toronto Press, 1970. Reports: B-1024-1 through B-1024-9 1968 Books: Bahr 1970, 1973, Bahr & Caplow 1974 Articles: Bahr 1967 (1, 2), Bahr & Langfur 1967, Sigal 1967, Bahr & Caplow 1968, Bahr 1968, Caplow et al. 1968, Bahr 1969 (1, 2, 3),Bahr 1970, Bahr & Houts 1971, Garret & Bahr 1974 Dissertation: Henshaw 1971]
Box 79 Folder J-1024
George & Patricia Nash Housing Study -Northeast, 1968, 8 Folders Folders contain Codebooks, Questionnaires, Study(Descriptive), Site Visit Report, Observation Report, Preliminary Results of Study, Preliminary Report , Paper.
Box 79 Folder B-1025
Propositional Inventory on the Sociology of the Family (1958 Goode)Book: Goode et al..,, 1971, One Folder Folder contains Proposal
[Articles: Goode 1961, 1962, 1963; F-1025. Technological Elements in Acceleration of Societal Change (I 967 Etzioni); Report: F-1025 1970; Book: Etzioni & Remp 1973; Articles: Etzioni 1968, 1969]
Box 79 Folder F1025
Amitai Etzioni and Richard Romp Study of Technological Elements of Societal Change,, 1968, Three Folders Folders contain Codebook, proposal, Final Report, and one empty folder., which apparently contained Book/Report entitled "Technological Shortcuts to Social Change."
Box 80 Folder B-1026
Tamara Ferguson Impact of the Death of the Breadwinner (Widows Study), 1964, 62 pp.: 7 folders containing Short report, Interview transcripts, Proposals, Interim Report, Paper, Misc.
[This is a study of "role conflicts engendered by the new social position in which the widow finds hereself." It is based on 100 interviews with recently widowed women. Report: B-1026 1965 Articles: T. Ferguson 1969, 1972 Dissertation: T. Ferguson 1970]
Box 80 Folder F1026
David Caplovitz Pilot Project in Consumer Education, Training and Research,, 1967, One Folder Folder contains Proposal
Box 80 Folder B-1027
Lomax & Arensberg Expressive Behavior as a Social Communication Model (Cantometrics, Choreometrics),, 1962, 21 folders containing Memo & Brochure, Coding book, Article reprint, Articles (in other files: A-674, A-675, A-679), Articles, Proposal, Progress Report, Published Working Paper, Statistical papers, Papers, Article with printed copy, Papers, Cantometrics Coding book,Paper, Articles, Misc.
[Report: not available Books: Lomax 1968, 1977 Articles: Lomax 1962, Lomax & Trager 1964, Grauer 1965, Lomax 1967 (1, 2), Bartinieff 1968, Lomax 1969, Lomax et al. 1969, Lomax 1970, 1971 (1, 2), 1972, Lomax & Berkowitz 1972, Lomax 1973 (1, 2), 1974, Lomax & Arensberg 1977 Masters Essay: de Brigard 1972 Dissertation: Elder 1966, Erickson 1969 Audiovisual Materials: Film, Cassettes]
Box 80 Folder F-1027
Fischer & Schenkel Social Structure in Eastern Europe, 1969, 1 folder containing Article
[Report: not available Monograph: Fischer & Schenkel 1970]
Box 80 Folder S1027
Nicholas Taruchis Greek Kinship Study, 1960's, One Folder Folder contains Questionnaire
Box 80 Folder B-1028
Kadushin & Faust Interaction of Audience and Performers: The Mobile Shakespeare Theater,, 1964, 5 folders containing Proposal, Research Summary, Articles, Misc.
[Report: not available Monograph: Faust & Kadushin 1965 Article: Kadushin 1966]
Box 80 Folder S-1028
Nancy H. Millikan Developments of Professionals in Educational Research,, 1966, 3 folders containing Report Summary, Proposals, 2 Volume Final Report
Box 81 Folder F1028
Zablocki Family Care to Pre-School Children in Selected American Cities,, 1974, Two Folders Folders contain Research Proposal & Miscellaneous Materials
Box 81 Folder B-1029
Lazarsfeld and Neil Henry Latent Structure Analysis II, 1960, 25 folders containing Report (#1), Report, Report (Programming File), Dissertation (R.H. Somers), Papers (various), Empty folders, Report draft, Article, Experiment reports, Report (2 books), Article, Mathematical Report, Misc. papers, Project bibliography, Sampling Experiment, Appendix "A", Mathematical Report, Non-Mathematical Report, Mathematical Report, Lengthy Memoranda, Final Report, Memos, Programming file and two empty folders which respectively apparently contained book entitled "Readings in mathematical Social Science," by Lazarsfeld & Neil Henry and a Paper/Article by the same authors entitled "On Latent Structure Analysis."
[Continuation of B-0355.
Research Memoranda: B-1029-1 through B-1029-9 Books: Lazarsfeld & Henry 1966, 1968, Wiggins 1973 Article: Lazarsfeld & Henry 1965 Dissertations: Harper 1961, Somers 1961, Henry 1970]
Box 81 Folder S-1029
Cynthia Fuchs Epstein Women & Professional Careers, 1968, 8 folders containing B.A.S.R. bound Report, Article, Papers, Testimony transcript, Draft, Codebook, Computer cards, Interview schedule
Box 81 Folder B-1030
Barton Methodology of Organizational Research, 1961, 4 folders containing Proposal, Methods of research paper, Misc., Article/Book (?) Entitled "Behavioral Sciences' Education," and one empty folder that appparently contained monograph by Barton entitled "Organizational Measurement."
[Article & Book ("Behavioral Sciences"). Report: not available Monograph: Barton 1961 Articles: Barton 1963 (1), 1966, 1968, 1970]
Box 81 Folder S-1030
Peter Wernick Analysis of Columbia Freshman, 1966, 2 folders containing Progress Report, Report
Box 82 Folder B-1031
Wagner Thielens, Jr. Recruitment into the Accounting Profession, 1965, 329 pp.: 1 Book, and 6 folders. Book-Directory of public secondary day schools. Folders contain Report Summary, Memos, Questionnaire Results, Research Summary, BASR bound report, Handwritten "Databank"
[Half of the senior recruits in the field had been interested in it as freshmen; half had been drawn to it during college. This report discusses the differences in the two groups in terms of background, occupational wants and goals, and in the geographical and educational locations from which they moved into the profession. Report: B-1031 1966]
Box 82 Folder B-1032
Lazarsfeld & Hauser Professions Concerned with College Admissions,, 1965, 9 folders containing Paper, Draft, Paper (excerpt), Analysis "Notes", Paper draft, Codesheet, Conference paper, Misc., Questionnaire
[See also B-0832.
Report: not available]
Box 82 Folder J-1032
Ken Lenihan New York City Police, 1966, 1 folder containing Proposal
Box 82 Folder S-1032
Yolanda Wesley Compliance in Religious Organizations, 1966, 1 folder containing Library Log
Box 82 Folder B-1033
A. J. Jaffe and Stanley Henshaw Utilization of Television by New York Metropolitan Area Schools,, 1965, 69 pages folder containing Proposal, and one empty folder that apparently contained Report/Study entitled "Study of Utilization of Twin Schools," of which a copy is supposed to be in Vienna.
[Further analysis of data from B-0813.
A further analysis of materials collected on utilization of broadcast television programs in the New York State Regents in 1962 examines the demographic characteristics related to use or non-use and extent of use, and looks at the effects of characteristics of schools on utilization and attitudes among teachers. Report: B-1033 1965]
Box 82 Folder S-1033
E. S. Welhofer Sense of Political Efficacy in Italian Regions: Fascism in the Mezzogiorno,, 1960"s (?), 2 folders containing Report abstract, Final Report
Box 82 Folder B-1034
Alan H. Barton Requirements for More Efficient Training of Social Scientists at Columbia and Program of Student Observors on Bureau Projects,, 1963-1967, 15 folders containing Proposal, Draft, Memo , Paper (short), Paper & Research Manual, Paper & Notes (etc..), Research Guides & Papers, Papers, Research information, Study list, BASR bound Report, Questionnaire, Abbreviated Codebook
Box 82 Folder B-1035
Merton Program of Studies in the Sociology of Science, 1964, 14 folders containing Codebook, Bibliography, BASR article, Articles, Theoretical Paper, Paper (with statistics), Proposal, Conference Paper, Article & Paper, Codesheet, Articles (many), Misc. and one empty folder which apparently contained a BOOk/Paper by Merton, entitled "On Theoretical Sociology."
[Report: B-1035 Articles: Cole & Cole 1967, Merton 1967 (1, 2), Zuckerman 1967 (1, 2), Cole & Cole 1968, Merton 1968 (1, 2, 3), Zuckerman 1968, Merton 1969, S. Cole 1970, J. Cole 1970, Cournand & Zuckerman 1970, Cole & Cole 1971, Zuckerman 1971, Zuckerman & Merton 1971 Dissertations: Zuckerman 1965, J. Cole 1969]
Box 82 Folder S-1035
Calder Role Conflict and Its Correlates in an Educational Setting, 1965, 6 folders containing BASR Bound Final Report, Proposal, Statistical papers, Misc., Published articles, Questionnaires
[Report: S-1035 Article: Benedict et al. 1967 Dissertation: Kleinman 1970]
Box 82 Folder B-1036
A. J. Jaffe, Walter Adams and Sandra Meyers Negro Students in Southern Colleges,, 1965, 160 pp.:4 folders containing Proposal, Misc., Article publications, Questionnaire and two empty folders that apparently contained respectively Article/Report by Jaffe entitled "Negro Higher education in the 60's" and Article/Reort by Jaffe, Adams and meyers, entitled "Negro Colleges in the 60's," of which a copy of the latter is supposed to be in Vienna.
[Three interrelated surveys were conducted to determine the characteristics of students attending primarily black colleges: characteristics of high school students entering colleges, recent and projected trends in enrollments and related admission policies of primarily black colleges. Projections were also developed concerning the numbers of southern black youth expected to be high school graduates by 1975. Questionnaires included. Published by Praeger, 1968. Report: B-1036 Book: Jaffe et al. 1968 Article: Jaffe et al. 1967]
Box 82 Folder S-1036
A. Birenbaum Socialization to the Role of Mother of a Retarded Child, 1960's?, One Folder Library Log & Interview Schedule
Box 83 Folder B-1037
Ivan Vallier South American Religious and Social Attitudes (Anglican Opportunities in South America),, 1962, 209 pp.: 12 folders containing Codebooks & Correspondence, Questionnaire, Computer sheets, Interview Schedules, Proposals, Interim Report, Preliminary Paper, Statistical Reports, Misc., BASR Bound Final Report
[This is an attempt to determine the potential for church-related social services in South America based on interview and questionnaire data about existing needs in Argentina, Bolivia, Chile and Peru. Report: B-1037 1963 Dissertation: Upchurch 1965]
Box 83 & 84 Folder B-1038
. Jerome E. Carlin Metropolitan Law Office Study (Lawyers' Ethics), 1959, B-1038-1: 71 pp., B-1038-2: 70 pp., B-1038-3: 35 pp.: 21 folders containing Proposals & Misc., Codebooks, Proposals, Questionnaires, Progress Report, Ethics Reports, Preliminary Findings, Paper, Report, Conference Paper, BASR Bound Reports, Report on Research (Legal), Additions to Codebook, Multiple-choice Questions, Interview schedule, Questionnaire Results Reports, Pre-tests , Codebooks and one empty folder which apparently contained Paper/Report entitled "Ethics & the legal profession-A Study of Social Control in the Metropolitan Bar of which a copy is supposed to be available in Vienna.
[B-1038-1 This report describes the structure and operation of the disciplinary machinery, and discusses who in the bar gets "caught" and for what, the principal factors determining the severity of sanction imposed by the court in adjudicated cases and the role formal disciplinary machinery plays in maintaining adherence to professional norms. B-1038-2 Current research in the sociology of the legal profession. B-1038-3 Social control in the legal profession. Reports: B-1038-1 through B-1038-3 (1962-1963) Book: Carlin 1966]
Box 84 Folder S-1038
Al Szymanski The Christian Democratic Voter in Germany and Italy-A Comparative Analysis,, 1966, 1 folder containing Paper for Juan Linz
Box 84 Folder B-1039
A. J. Jaffe and J. Gordon Demography of the Middle Years, 1967, 32 pp.:5 folders containing Paper, Proposal, Report Summary, Misc., Article and two empty folders both of which apparently contained Report/Article entitled "The Middle Years" and /or"Neither Too Young Nor Too Old."
[Report: B-1039 Monograph: Jaffe 1971 Articles: Jaffe & Gordon 1966, Gordon 1967, Jaffe 1969 (2), 1970 (1)]
Box 84 Folder S-1039
John A. Michael Socialization & School Dropouts, 1967, 1 folder containing Proposal
Box 84 Folder B-1040
Peter Graham and Phil Sidel Latest Version of BASR Cross Tabulation Computer Programming-1966.,, 1966, 4 folders containing Reference Guides, Program Description (Computer?), Project Summary
Box 84 Folder S-1040
Philip S. Benjamin The Philadelphia Quakers in the Industrial Age, 1865-1920.,, 1969, 2 folders containing Letters, Codebook
Box 84 Folder B-1041
Lazarsfeld, G. Nash, & P. Nash The College Financial Aid Officer,, 1966-1967, B-1041-1: 41 pp., B-1041-2: 54 pp., B-1041-3: 39 pp., B-1041-4: 367 pp., B-1041-5: 127 pp.: 20 folders containing Project Memo, Paper, Library Log, Proposal, Project Memo #2, Preliminary Reports, Interviews with answers, Bound Reports, Article, Bound Report, Codebook, Questionnaires, Memo & Misc., Periodical, Article, Codebook, Questionnaires & Codebook, Codebook & Marginals , Questionnaire and one empty folder cross-referenced to record A-548. that apparently contained Report/Paper entitled the "Current Status of Financial Aid Administration."
[B-1041-1 A Review of the Literature on College Administrators and Admissions. B-1041-2 History of the Questionnaire for Directors of Financial Aid. B-1041-3 Student Financial Aid-College and University-a Review of the Literature and Research. B-1041-4 This report describes the aid director's work, his sources of satisfaction and dissatisfaction, how financial aid is organized at the college level and the relationship between the organization of aid administration and the effectiveness of the aid program. B-1041-5 Based on questionnaires returned by directors of undergraduate financial aid at 849 universities and colleges, as well as data obtained from American Universities and Colleges, this report analyzes financial aid policies of four-year colleges and universities in the U.S. It also describes how a limited number of institutional characteristics relate to one another and how they vary from one type of institution to another. Reports: B-1041-1 through B-1041-5 Articles: G. Nash 1968 (1, 3), 1969 (1, 3) Dissertation: G. Nash 1969]
Box 84 Folder S-1041
Steven F. Cohn Problems in the Breakdown of Democracy, 1950's (?) -1969, 3 folders containing Dissertation Summary, Library Log, Questionnaire & Codebook
Box 85 Folder B-1042
Glaser Crossnational Comparison of Factory Organization, 1967, 40 Folders and One Book. Book- Bound Final Study. Folders contain Codebooks, Notes (Spanish), Papers (Italian), Articles, Periodical (German), Book, Meeting Minutes, Appendix, Proposal, Report Draft, Papers (French), Proposal Supplement, Paper Draft, Memo Draft, Study Draft (Says "Proposal"), Paper, Outline, Article, Paper (Background Memo), Plans, Hypothesis, Comparative Paper, Short Paper, Meeting Minutes, Project Summary & Correspondence, Comparative Study, Papers (French), Project Bibliography (French), Papers (French), Proposal (French), Misc., Proposal, Draft Proposal, Final Report, Interview (French), Periodical, Project Results Report.
[Articles: Schmidt 1969, Glaser 1970, 1975 (1) Foreign Publications: Gallino 1969, Altmann 1971]
Box 85 & 86 Folder B-1043
Kenneth Lenihan Performance of Vista Volunteers in the Field, 1966, 275 pp.: 13 folders containing Interview Results, Questionnaires, Interview Schedule, Dissertation Report, Proposal, Research Overview, Research Topics, Misc., VISTA Report Location Abstract, Case study reports, Field Notes & Reports and one empty folder that apparently contained Control Report by Lenihan of which a copy is supposed to be in Vienna.
[Vista's purpose is to provide social agencies with full-time Volunteers to help combat poverty in local neighborhoods. This report discusses their training, job performance and experiences, and makes recommendations for changes so that their contribution would be more valuable. Methodological appendix, questionnaire, and interview schedules are included. Report: B-1043 Dissertation: Lenihan 1974]
Box 86 Folder S-1043
Kenneth Lenihan (?) Performance of Vista Volunteers in the Field (?), 1966, Four seperately bound Codebooks
[Vista's purpose is to provide social agencies with full-time Volunteers to help combat poverty in local neighborhoods. This report discusses their training, job performance and experiences, and makes recommendations for changes so that their contribution would be more valuable. Methodological appendix, questionnaire, and interview schedules are included. Report: B-1043 Dissertation: Lenihan 1974]
Box 86 Folder B-1044
Kadushin & Ritterband The Nonreturn of Israeli Students, 1966-1978, 10 folders containing BASR articles, cross-referenced to record A-459 , Questionnaire results, Questionnaire in English, Questionnaire in Hebrew, Proposal, Hebrew papers, Memo, Marginals, BASR Bound Final Report
[Report: B-1044 Book: Ritterband 1977 Articles: Ritterband 1966, 1969, 1970 Dissertation: Ritterband 1968]
Box 86 Folder B-1045
Wallace Study of Interpersonal Violence, 1965, 3 Folders containing Proposal, Paper, Misc. Report: not available
Box 86 Folder B-1046
Jaffe & Adams Continuing Research on Higher Education in the United States (American Higher Education in Transition),, 1969-1972, B-1046-1: 239 pp., B-1046-2: 129 pp., B-1046-3: 120 pp., B-1046-4: 133 pp.:8 folder Folders contain Articles, Proposal, Paper, Periodical Photocopy, Progress Reports, Progress Report & Findings, Misc. materials and one empty folder that apparently contained study by Adams & Jaffe, entitled "American Higher Education in Transition,"a copy of whose contents are supposed to be in Vienna.
[B-1046-1 This specifies the interlocking student and institutional variables which influence college attendance. Newer variables are distinguished from the more traditional ones and rough assessments of the relative significance of each type for the near future are made. B-1046-2 Technical Progress Report: Follow-up of Cross-Section of 1965-1966 High School Seniors. B-1046-3 Technical Progress Report: Follow-up of Cross-Section of 1965-1966 High School Seniors. B-1046-4 These (B-1046-2,3,4) cover the progress of the project and the major findings for the longitudinal follow-up of the 1965-1966 Current Population Survey of high school seniors. Report: B-1046-1 through B-1046-4 Articles: Adams 1968, 1969 (1, 2), 1970, Jaffe & Adams 1970, Froomkin 1970, Adams & Jaffe 1971, Jaffe & Adams 1971, Adams 1972, Jaffe & Adams 1972 (1, 2), Adams 1974]
Box 86 & 87 Folder S-1046
Makler Portuguese Business Elites, 1963, 9 Folders and 4 Books Books (4 in Spanish, Codebooks?). Folders contain Misc., Questionnaire Results Form, Book (Spanish), Proposal, Library Log, Paper, Bound Comparative Studies, Codebooks (Spanish), BASR Bound Final Report (2 volumes) and one empty folder with a note recording the locations of Articles that it apparently contained.
[Book: Makler 1969 Articles: Makler 1967, 1974 Dissertation: Makler 1968]
Box 87 Folder B-1047
David Caplovitz Demonstration study for Low-Income Housing, 1965, 2 folders containing Proposal & grants collected, Project Summary
Box 87 Folder S-1047
E. S. Wellhofer Correlates of Political Participation in Mexico, 1966, 1 folder and one book. Paper for Juan Linz
Box 87 Folder B-1048
Carol H. Weiss Problems of Data Collection from Low-Income Populations (Low Income Interviewing),, 1966, 84 pp.: 7 folders containing Paper, Bibliographies, Proposal, Project Summary, BASR Bound Final Report
[See also B-1121.
The basic concern of this report was with identifying the sources of error in interview responses. A review of the literature was carried out and a classified and annotated bibliography resulted. The most relevant of the literature was then analyzed to derive some insights into the nature and extent of the interviewing problem with low-income people. Report: B-1048 Article: Weiss 1966]
Box 87 Folder B-1049
Etzioni Extrapolation of 1045 Social Science Findings to International Analysis,, 1967, 199 pp.: 3 folders containing Grant Application, Misc., Articles and one empty folder that apparently contained Final Report entitled "Sociological Findings & Security Systems in the Classroom,"of which a copy is supposed to be in Vienna.
[This report investigates non-conventional uses of sociology: the application of sociology in the analysis of interaction between nations and the conditions for cooperation or avoidance of extreme conflict; and the logical nature of emergent properties of macroscopic systems and the case for focusing more efforts in future research on that level. Report: B-1049 Articles: Etzioni 1967, 1969]
Box 87 Folder B-1050
George and Patricia Nash Characteristics of the Colleges of Peace Corps Applicants,, 1966, 90 pp.: 2 Books and 4 folders Books- BASR Bound Statistical Appendices. Folders contain Proposal, Library Log, Summary of Study, Misc. and two empty folders that apparently respectively contained the Nash Report marked Confidential and entitled "From Which College Came the Peace Corps Volunteers," and an attached Appendix of which copies of both are supposed to be in Vienna , while the second empty folder apparently contained a copy of the above Appendix. .
[This report analyzes characteristics of colleges and the relationship of these characteristics to the number of applications to the Peace Corps from these colleges. The recruiting efforts of the Peace Corps are also analyzed. Report: B-1050]
Box 87 Folder B-1052
Amitai Etzioni and Nina Toren Application of the Theory of Compliance to Social Work Administration,, 1969, 320 pp.: 2 folders containing Project Summary, BASR Bound Report and one empty folder.which apparently contained copy of Paper by Etzioni entitled 'The Semi-Professions and their Organization."
[This analysis of the structure and practice of social work discusses the formally established aims of social work and the means by which they can be achieved more effectively. The elucidation of the significance of the semi-professional attributes and their effects on social work practice are the main themes of this study. Report: B-1052 Book: Etzioni 1969 Article: Etzioni 1966 Dissertation: Toren 1969]
Box 87 Folder S-1052
Jeanne Hazen Comparison of Social Democratic& Communist parties in Sacndinavian Democracies,, 1966, 1 folder containing Proposal
Box 87 Folder B-1053
George and Patricia Nash Attitudes During the Blackout, 1965, 18 pp.: 6 folders containing 107 Cards, Interview Codebook, Preliminary Draft of Report, Periodical, Misc., Interview
[This report discusses what the attitudes of people were during the blackout of November 9, 1965. 103 people were interviewed to determine what they thought caused the blackout and what they expected to happen. Interview guide included. Report: B-1053]
Box 88 Folder S-1053
Charles Kadushin Competition in the Classroom, 1966, 4 folders containing Library Log, Questionnaire, Misc., Questionnaire Appendix
Box 88 Folder B-1054
George Nash and Stephen Cole Drivers During the Transit Strike, 1966, 4 pp.: 1 folder containing Very Rough Paper Draft
[During the transit strike, 114 drivers were interviewed about their cooperation with the Mayor's appeal for drivers to bring in extra people. Cooperation is related to situational and personality variables. Report: B-1054]
Box 88 Folder B-1055
Carol H. Weiss, et al. Toward Research on Community Action Agencies: Key Variables and Research Instruments (Guide to Organizational Data on Community Action Programs),, 1966, 218 pp.: 3 folders containing Draft Proposal, Paper & Misc., BASR Bound Report
[This project developed an inventory of key variables which would describe and differentiate Community Action Agencies and which would be relevant to the effectiveness of CAA programs. This report consists of a comprehensive bibliography of organizational literature and interview guides for various people concerned with the CAA programs. A critical review of these materials is also included. Report: B-1055]
Box 88 Folder J-1055
Sam Sieber and George Nash Activities Related to Urban & Minority problems at American Universities,, 1968-1969, 2 folders containing Papers, Bound Reports-Cross referenced to A-585.
Box 88 Folder B-1059
Fred Sherrow, David Caplovitz and Paul Ritterband Volunteers to Israel (Jewish Peace Corps, Sherut La'am Program),, 1968, 139 pp.: 3 folders containing Questionnaires, Proposal, Article photocopy and one empty folder with a copy of Report/Paper entitled "Jewish Peace Corps Comes to Israrel," of which a copy is supposed to be available in Vienna.
[This is a study of more than 100 American college students who volunteered for a year of service in Israel in a program entitled Sherut La'am. Questionnaires were administered to participants before and after a 2-week orientation session prior to departure and before return from the year in Israel. The volunteers' reactions to the administration and services of the program as well as their jobs in Israel are analyzed. Report: B-1059 Article: Sherrow & Ritterband 1970]
Box 88 Folder B-1060
David Caplovitz Consumers in Trouble (Debtors in Default), 1968-1970, 15 folders containig Interviews & Misc., Questionnaires, BASR Bound Report (Vol. I), Project Summaries, Papers, Conference Paper, BASR Bound Report (Vol. II), Testimony Transcript, Proposal, Codesheet & intstructions, Preliminary Study, Paper, Survey Report, Periodical Report, and one empty folder which apparently contained Report/Study entitled "Consumers in Trouble;A Study of Debtors in Default," by Caplovitz of which a copy is supposed to be in Vienna.
[Reports: B-1060-1; B-1060-2 Book: Caplovitz 1974 Article: Caplovitz 1968 Dissertations: Rubin 1971, Single 1973]
Box 88 Folder J-1060
Susan E. Flusser Workshop on Value of Higher Education, 1967, 1 folder containing Questionnaire
Box 88 Folder B-1061
Sieber Educational Research Training Program, 1966-1967, 9 folders Proposal, Progress Report, Codebooks, Meeting Report, Miscellaneous, Seminar Paper, Misc. Materials, Codebooks
Box 89 Folder S-1061
Kameno Social Sources of College Drop-Out, 1965 (?), 1 folder containing Proposal
Box 89 Folder B-1062
Anna Lee Hopson Centers for Education in Democracy Evaluation, 1966, 186 pp.: 4 folders containing Questionnaires, Misc., Statistical Appendix and one empty folder which apparently contained Report/Article entitled "An Evaluation of the Contribution of the Centers for Education in Democracy," of which a copy of is supposed to be available in Vienna.
[This is a before and after study of the attitudes of 168 teenagers who attended a six-week summer camp either in Fieldston, New York, or in Barbourville, Kentucky. The independent variables of sex, economic background and race were related to friendship formation and attitude change toward civil rights and anti-poverty action. Comparisons were made between the conservative and liberal trainees. Questionnaire included. Report: B-1062]
Box 89 Folder B-1063
Jaffe Economic and Demographic Factors Associated with Retirement of Men from the U.S. Labor Force,, 1966, 6 folders containing Articles, Periodicals, Paper, Proposal, Photocopies, Misc.
[Report: not available Monograph: Jaffe 1972 Articles: Jaffe 1966 (1, 4), Jaffe 1967 (1, 2), Jaffe 1970 (2), 1971]
Box 89 Folder S-1063
John J. Lally Study of Psychiatrists and Religion, 1967, 1 folder containing Codebook
Box 89 Folder B-1064
Bernard Levenson Employment Opportunities of Negro and White Youth, `1967-1973, 177 pp.: 6 folders containing Proposal, Statistical Material, Interim Reports, Early Reports, BASR Bound Report, Statistical Material etc...
[This study analyzes the inequalities which exist between comparably educated blacks and whites in Baltimore, in obtaining jobs, and in wages paid. Report: B-1064 Articles: Levenson & McDill 1966, Baker & Levenson 1975, 1976 Dissertation: Baker 1970]
Box 89 Folder B-1065
Goode Family Structures and Mobility Processes, 1966, 1 Folder Project Summary
[See publications of B-1025.
Report: not available]
Box 89 Folder B-1066
Stevens H. Clarke and Julius Surkis Application of Electronic Computer Techniques to Racial Integration in School Systems,, 1967, 50 pp.: 3 folders containing Library Log, Proposals (Second Copy of Propsal supposed to be in Vienna)
[This report describes in detail a computerized system for assigning students to schools to maximize racial integration while minimizing travel time and cost. Using the computer system, MINTRAN-MPS/ 360, a table of assignment of students to school buildings is drawn up which places each student in a school with a minimum of total daily student transportation time subject to certain constraints. Report: B-1066]
Box 89 Folder S-1066
Caroline S. Hodges Measuring Educational Research Quality and Its Correlates,, 1967, 2 folders containing Bound Paper, Misc.
Box 89 Folder B-1067
Schegloff Formal Analysis of Natural, Oral, Verbal Communicaton: Details of Police-Public Interaction under Normal and Disaster Conditions,, 1967, 6 folders containing Radio Transcripts, Papers, Research Notes, Paper, Proposal, Transcripts
[Report: not available Article: Schegloff 1968 Dissertation: Schegloff 1967]
Box 89 Folder B-1068
Seymour Warkov Professional and Technical Careers in the Middle years, 1966-1967, 2 folders containing Proposal, Misc
Box 89 Folder B-1069
George Nash and Julian H. Nixon The New York City Urban Corps, 1967, 264 pp.: 9 folders containing and 1 Book Book-Bound Final Report . Folders contain Proposals, Interview, Questionnaire, Questionnaires & Questionnaire results, Field Report, Memo, Paper, Miscellaneous materials, and one empty folder that apparently contained report/paper entitled "Response to Challenge: The New York City Urban Corps,"of which a copy is supposed to be in Vienna..
[600 student interns on summer jobs in 13 New York City agencies answered questionnaires on their experiences. Supervisors' reports and field observations were also used. The analysis compares experiences in different agencies and reported effects on students and the agencies. Report: B-1069]
Box 89 Folder S-1069
H. Hyman The Extent and Consequences of Obsevability in the School System-Cross-Referenced with B-1011.,, 1966, 1 folder containing Proposal
Box 89 Folder B-1070
David E. Wilder The Potential Community Role of a College (Community Needs in the Danbury Area),, 1966, 74 pp.: 2 folders containing Final Report, Proposal
[Interviewing 180 selected community leaders, this report discusses the problems of Danbury, Conn., such as poverty and race relations, planning and growth, leadership, government, and education. The existing facilities for meeting these problems are described. The image of Danbury State College in the eyes of the community is also discussed and recommendations are made for coping with these problems. Report: B-1070]
Box 90 Folder B-1071
Validity of Interview Responses of Welfare Mothers (Weiss), 1967-1969, 7 Folders, Folders contain Periodical Reprint, Questionnaire, Project Summary, Papers , Articles, Miscell. and Project Description and one empty folder of that apparently contained the final Report entitled "Validity of Interview responses by Welfare Mothers," by Carol Weiss of which a copy is supposed to be available in Vienna.
Box 90 Folder B-1072
A Study of Washington, D.C. Teachers (Wilder & Hopson), 1960's (?), One Folder Miscell. and one empty folder of which apparently contained Paper/Report entitled "Study of Teachers in Public Schools in Washington, D.C.," and of which a copy is supposed to be in Vienna.
[Report: B-1072 1967; Dissertations: Goldberg 1969, Bodard 1970]
Box 90, 91 & 92 Folder B-1073
Closed File Narcotic Addiction Study (Caplow, Lazarsfeld, Nash), 1967-1971, One Letter, 16 Bound Books, and 53 Folders. Letter-June 1977-about closure of file. Bound Books-!-Narcotics Addiction Study (Vol I) -notes and Volumes II-XIII, Volume XIV-notes, Volume XV-Addict Study and Volume XVI-College Drug Use. Folders- Correspondence, Periodical Rewprints, Project Histories, Memos, Miscell., Questionnaires, Coding, Paperss, Questionnaire Responses, Progress Report, Marginals, Paper, Bound Reports, Memo proposal, Periodical Photocopy, Anecdotal and Formal papers, Survey Tabulations, Bound Report (regarding Drug Study itself), Memos, Anecdotal papers, Qustionnaires, Anecdotal Papers, Interview Material, Paper, Paper on Heroin, Questionnaire(Phoenix House), Papers, Paper(regarding Questionnaire Responses), Community Study, paper, Coding Information,Questionnaires, Interview Guides, Questionnaires, Coding Material, Questionnaires, Coding Papers, Qustionnaires, Code Sheets, Methodological Notes, Notes, Paper Draft, Papers, Interview reponses, Papers, Interviews, Questionnaires and Marginals, Papers, Bound papewrs, Bound Survey Results, Case Reports and one emty folder.
[Reports of this study were never officially released; copies may be consulted in the BASR project files, Herbert Lehman Social Science Library, Columbia University.]
Box 92 Folder S-1073
Michae;l McKee Student Attitude Study, 1966, One Folder Questionnaire
Box 92 Folder B-1074
Taxonomy of Higher Education (Sieber), 1966, Six Folders, Folders Contain Proposal, Paper, Note available in A656), Progress report, Memos, Basr Bound Report and Paper.
[Report: B-1074 1968; Article: Sieber 1971]
Box 92 Folder S-1074
Robert Bernice Hill Merton's Role Types & Paradigm of Deviance, 1967, Two Folders Folders contain Basr Bound report and proposal
Box 92 Folder B- 1075
African Data Archive Project (Hopkins & Wallerstein), 1967, Two Folders Periodical Article Reprint , Proposals and Abstract
[Article: Hopkins & Wallerstein 1971]
Box 92 Folder B-1076
The Social Composition of the Grand Jury (Dibble), 1967, Two Folders Folders contain Basr Bound Reports and Summary
Box 92 Folder B- 1077
Sam Sieber Analysis of U.S. Office of Education Training Programs (Sieber),, 1967-1968, Three Folders Folders contain Proposals, Summary, Codebooks and Study and one empty folder which contained a copy of study entitled "Analysis of U.S.O.F. Research Training Programs," & Questionnaire, copies of whose contents are supposed to be in Vienna..
Box 92 Folder S-1077
Mervin Verbst Study of Student's Religious Attitudes, 1967, One Folder Questionnaire
Box 92 Folder B- 1078
Review of Federal Student Loan Programs (G. Nash & P. Nash), 1967, Report: B-1078-1, B-1078-2 1967Twelve Folders, Folders Contain Questionnaires, Questionnaire Results, Congressional Reports, Report, Questionnaire Results, Basr Bound Reports, Bound Study , Bound Final Report and Periodical Article Reprints.
[Articles: G. Nash 1968 (2), 1969 (1)]
Box 92 Folder S-1078
Lou Gold King's County Brooklyn 1966 Voter Study, 1966, One Folder Questionnaire
Box 92 Folder B-1079
Communication of Social Science Information (Davison & Hopson), 1967-1968, Two Folders Folders Contain Summary proposals and BASR Bound Report
Box 93 Folder B-1080
Ralph Bisco Council of Social Science Data Archives (Glaser); Monograph: Glaser 1967; Book: Bisco 1970,, 1965-1970, 26 Folders, Folders Contain; BASR Bound Periodical; Miscellaneous Grant proposal; Periodical Reprint and Statements of Purpose; Final Report; Social Science Council Constitution; Memos; Paper; Booklit; Periodical Reprint; Paper Draft; Paper; Memos; Booklet and Archives; Periodical and Booklet; Paper; Council Miscellaneous; Membership Applications, etc., Miscellaneous Finance Matters, Reprinted legal Notes, Conference Notes, Conference Minutes, etc., Conference Schedule, Personnel Listings, Memos, Miscell. Bound Proposal and one empty folder which apparently contained book entitiled "Data Bases,Computers & the Social Sciences," by Ralph Bisco.
[Articles: Glaser & Bisco 1966, Bisco 1967, Nixon 1967, Glaser 1969]
Box 93 Folder S-1080
Anonymous Interview for Chief of Medical Service, 1960's (?), One Folder Questionnaire
Box 93 Folder B-1081
Macrosociology (Etzioni); [Book], Etzioni, 1968, 2 folders
[Articles: Etzioni & Lehman 1967, Etzioni 1967, 1970.
Periodical Reprints and one empty folder the contents of which are supposed to be cross-referenced and available in A-607.]
Box 93 Folder B-1082
Handbook of Statistical Methods for Making School Enrollment Projections (Jaffe). Monograph: Jaffe,, 1969, Two Folders Folders Contain Proposal and Short Summary.
Box 93 Folder B- 1083
Foreign-Trained Workers in the United States (Warkov & Ritterband),, 1967, Three Folders Proposal, Paper and Short Summary
Box 93 Folder B-1084
Participation in the 1960's Riots (Fogelson & Hill), 1967-1969, Five folders Folders Contain Proposal, Basr Bound Report entitled "Who Riots," Codebook-Statistics. Preliminary Draft, Codebooks and one empty folder that apparently contained Report/Paper entitled "A Study of Arrest patterns in the 1960's "by Hill & Fogelson of which a copy is supposed to be in Vienna.
[Report: B-1082-1, B-1084-2 1968-1969]
Box 93 & 94 Folder B-1085
Opinion-Makers in the Modern World (International Study of Opinion-Makers (Barton, Denitch & Kadushin). Includes Yugoslav Opinion-Makers, Czechoslovak Opinion-Makers; for American leaders see B- I II 8,, 1969, Report: B-1085-1 through 5 1969-197027 Folders and 1 Book, Book-Yugoslav Codebook. Folders contain Yugoslav Codebbok (Draft?), Questionnaires, Basr Periodicals, Correspondence (to Zbigniew Brzezinski), Paper, Questionnaire, Paper, Bound Project Folders and Working Papers, Progress report, Brief Project Description, Bound Report, Paper, Bound Reports, Paper,Index list, Papers, Note, Papers, Poposal, Yugoslav Codebook and one Empty folder.
[Articles: Kadushin 1968, Barton et al. 1969, Denitch 1972, Kadushin & Rose 1974, Denitch 1978; Books: Barton et al. 1973, Denitch 1976; Masters Essay: Denitch 1971; Dissertation: Denitch 1973; Foreign Publication: Dzinic 1969]
Box 94 Folder S-1085
The Student Volunteers (Slan), 1967, 5 Folders Folders contain Miscellaneous,Questionnaire, Preliminary Study, Hardbound Draft Report, Questionnaire and Interview Schedule.
Box 95 Folder B- 1086
Ethnic Attitudes in the Negro Community (Atkinson), 1967-1968, 4 Folders Folders contain Miscellaneous, BASR Bound Report and Questionnaires
Box 95 Folder B-1087
W. Phillip Davison & Henri Verwayen Readership Survey of Aftica Report (Davison & Verwayen),, 1967, 3 Folders Questionnaires, Miscellaneous and one empty folder that apparentlycontained a Report entitled "Readers of Africa: Their Views and Characteristics," a copy of which is supposed to be in Vienna.
Box 95 Folder B-1088
Social Factors Affecting Utilization and Mobilization of Trained Personnel in Elite Occupations (Women Lawyers Study) (Epstein),, 1967-1973, 4 Folders Folders contain Periodicals, Proposal, Transcript testimony and Paper.
[Book: Epstein 1970; Articles: Epstein 1969, 1970 (1, 2, 3), 1971 (1, 2), 1973 (1, 2, 3), 1974, 1975, 1976; Dissertation: Epstein 1968]
Box 95 Folder B-1089
Harlem Retail Merchants (Caplovitz), 1968-1969, 4 folders Folders contain Miscellaneous, Survey, Bound Draft Report, Codebooks and one empty folder which apparently contained a copy of report by Caplovitz entitlled "The Merchants of Harlem."Report: B-1089 1969; Book:
Box 95 Folder S-1089
Helga M. Nowotnoy Procedures of MacroSociological Research:An Inductive Analysis of Macrosociological Research.",, 1969, One Folder Dissertation
Box 95 & 96 Folder B-1090
Utilization of Social Research (Lazarsfeld) Reports: B- 1 090-1 through I 1 1970-1975 Book: Lazarsfeld & Reitz 1975,, 1971-1974, 19 Folders Folders contain Bound Report, Project summary, General introduction to Project, Questionnaire, Bound Report, Progress Report, Case Study, Bound Reports, Report entitled "Futurism," Bound Reports, Report , Preliminary Report, Case Study, Codes and two empty folders which apparently respectively contained a Proposal and a Book by Lazarsfeld and Reitz, entitled "Introduction to Applied Sociology."
[Dissertation: Brooke 1975]
Box 96 Folder B-1091
Negro Teachers Study (Wilder). (See B-1072 of which this is a continuation.),, 1968, One Folder Proposal
Box 96 Folder B-1092
The Community Patrol Corps (G. Nash), 1968, Two Folders Folders contain Miscellaneous materials, Interviews and two empty folders which respectively contained Papers/Reports by Nash & others entitled "The Community Patrol Corps, " and by Nash alone entitled "A Descriptive valuation of the ONe-Week Experiment."
Box 96 Folder B-1093
Crisis on the Columbia Campus (Barton), 1968, !3 folders Folders contain Questionnaires, Miscellaneous, BASR Periodical & Report, Questionnaire, Paper, Miscellaneous, Periodical, Paper, Periodicals and Survey Reports, Preliminary Report, Questionnaire, Phone Interview, and Summary of Questionnaire Results.
[Report: B-1093 1969; Articles- Barton 1968, G. Nash & Epstein 1968, G. Nash & P. Nash 1968, Cole & Adamsons 1969, 1970; Masters Essay: Metzger 1971; Dissertation: Adamsons 1975]
Box 96 Folder B- 1095
Design for Survey Research in the Evaluation of the Model Cities Program (Barton, Gordon, et al.),, 1968, 3 Folders Folders contain HUD Report, HUD Guide and Miscellaneous icncluding above paper of which another copy is supposed to be extant in Vienna.
Box 96 Folder S-1095
Richard Mendes A study of the Social Service Employees Union of the new york City Department of Social Services.,, 1969, One Folder Folder contains Dissertation Proposal
Box 96 Folder B-1096
Howard M. Bahr and Gerald R. Garrett Disaffiliation Among Urban Women (Homeless Women Study) (Caplow & Bahr),, 1971, 11 Folders Folders contain Meeting Folder, Questionnaires, Interview Schedules, Bound Report, Report, Bound Report, Report /Paper(?), Bound Report, Periodical and BASR Bound Final Report and three empty foldewrs which respectively apparently contained Papers/ Articles by Bahr & Garrett entitled "Disaffiliation Among Urban Women," "Women Alone," and "Skid Row: An introduction to Disaffiliation," by Bahr alone.
[Report: B-1096-1 through 4 1970-1971; Book: Bahr & Garrett 1976; Articles: Garrett & Bahr 1973, 1976; Dissertation: Garrett 1970]
Box 96 Folder B-1097
Effects of Pretrial Publicity on Juries (Free Press and Fair Trial Study) (Barton & Padawar-Singer),, 1970, 5 Folders Folders contain BASR Periodical, Papers, Paper & Draft Report, Questionnaire & Interview Schedule.
[Article: Padawar-Singer & Barton 1975]
Box 97 Folder B-1098
Levenson, Rogers & Sanders Evaluation of the Small-Projects Program of the U.S. Office of Education (Levenson & Rogers),, 1968-1970, 12 Folders Research Proposal, Memos, Report Tables, Questionnaire and Statistics Sheets, Bound Codebook, Progress Report, Final Report and Summary Questionnaires & Grant Proposal Forms, Bound Codebook and one empty folder which apparently contained Report/paper entitled "Small Project Grants of the Regional research Program," by Rogers Sanders & Levenson of which a copy is supposed to be in Vienna.
Box 97 Folder B-1099
C. Persell and Lazarsfeld The Quality of Research on Education: An Empirical Study of Researchers and Their Work (Persell & Lazarsfeld),, 1968-1971, 7 Folders Folders contain Questionnaires, Research Proposal, Miscellaneous Research, Draft Paper, Specification Form, BASR Bound Report, Codebooks and one empty folder which supposedly contained book by Persell entitled "Quality Careers and Training in Educational and Social Research."
[Report: B-1099 1971; Book: Persell 1976; Dissertation: Persell 1971]
Box 97 Folder B-1100
Alan Lomax & Raoul Abdul Black Identity: Materials on Black History and Culture (Lomax),, 1970's (?), One Folder Project Summary and one empty folder which apparently contained a copy of book entitled "3000 Years of Black Poetry" by Lomax and Abdul..
[Book: Lomax & Abdul 1970; Records: Lomax 1969, 1970]
Box 97 Folder B-1101
News Media Coverage of Minority Groups in New York (Davison & Hill),, 1969, 8 Folders Folders Contain First Draft of the Study, Questionnaires, Questionnaires and Coding Shets,Proposal, Bound Pilot Study Draft Report, Interviews & proposals and a Bound Interviews Book.
Box 97 Folder B-1102
Strains in the Masculine Role (Komarovsky), 1960's (?), One Folder Contains an empty questionnaire which was apparently the basis of an article of which a copy is supposed to be in File A-680.
[Book: Komarovsky 1976; Articles: Komarovsky 1973, 1974]
Box 97 Folder B-1104
Problems of Native American Education in the Western United States and Alaska,, 1960's (?), One Folder Contains Blank Questionnaire to be used in Interviewing Native-American students in selected High Schools.
Box 97 Folder B-1105
Urban Center Curriculum Project Student Proposals For Studies in Urban and Minority Affairs (Auger & Johannson),, 1969, 4 folders 2 Bound project Reports, Background Material Report, Questionnaires, Report and one empty folder which supposedlycontained a copy of an article by Coleman and Wheeler whcih can be cross-referenced to A623 and A624.
[Articles: Auger 1970, Johansson 1970]
Box 97 Folder B-1106
Nathalie Friedman, James Thompson and Sam Sieber, Institutions and Recipients Participating in the Educational Opportunity Grant Program (Friedman & Sieber),, 1969-1970, 5 Folders Proposal, 2 BASR Bound Reports Preliminary Reports, Summary of Final report, Questionnaire , Codebooks and two empty folders the contents of one of which are supposed to have a copy in A-692 ("in locked file"), and the copy of the second is supposed to have contained report entitled "Federal Opportunity Grant Program Status Report-Fiscal Year, 1970," by Friedman and Thompson, of which a copy is supposed to be available in Vienna.
[Report: B- 1 106 1971; Article: Friedman & Thompson 1971]
Box 98 Folder B-1107
Carol H. Weiss Program Evaluation in Applied Research (Weiss), 1971-1974, 6 Folders and one Book. Book-Mental Health Publication. Folders contain multiple periodical Articles, one Periodical with photocopy of first page, Conference Papers, Bibliography , BASR Bound Seminar Proceedings and two empty folders which respectively contained a paper entited "Evaluation Research," and a book Entitled "Evaluating Action Programs," by Carol H. Weiss.Report: B- 1 107 1970; Monographs:
[Weiss 1971 (1, 2); Books: Weiss 1972 (1, 2); Articles: Weiss 1966,1967 (1,2,3),1970 (3),1973 (1,2, 3),1974 (1,2), 1975 (1, 2), 1976 (3)]
Box 98, 99 & 100 Folder B-1108
The Brain Drain: An International Comparative Study (Glaser), 1970-1980, 53 Folders, Folders Contain Bound Report, Articles, Miscellaneous Articles & Reviews, Proposal, Periodical Article, Memos & Miscellaneous, Questionnaire Drafts, Papers, Qustionnaire(Ivan in Arabic), Project Statement, Instruction Booklet for Questionnaires; Project Summaries, Periodical Article, Project (Summary?), Project Draft, Report & Memos, Statistical Method Summary, Reports(Brazil), Bound Reports, Seminar Paper & Periodical Articles, Bound Report, Paper, Bound report, Report (Australia), ProgressReport, Memos, Questionnaires, Report (in French on Iran), Draft Questionnaire, Research Project and Summary Proposal, Survey Instructions, Questionnaire & Interview Drafts, Questionnaire Drafts, Bibliography, Proposal, UN Reports, Survey (in Korean and German), Proposals, Surveys (French and Spanish with UN Markings),Surveys (French with UN Markings), Surveys (French), Periodical Articles, Master's Report, Draft Report (with UN Markings), Research Project, Memos, Progress Report, project Statement, Periodical Article, Reports(Spanish), Final Report (Spanish), Study (In Korean), Correspondence , Grant Applications and Draft Articles.. Report: B- 1 108 19 7 3; Monograph:
[Glaser 1971; Book: Glaser 1978 (2); Articles: Glaser & Hurfeld 1970, Hekmati & Glaser 1972, Glaser 1974 (1, 2), Rodriguez 1976, B. Singer& Spilerman 1976, Glaser 1977 (1, 2, 3), 1978 (3), 1979 (2); Masters Essays: Habers 1972, Mironesco 1972; Dissertations: Abad 1975, Rodriguez 1975; Foreign publications: Boschi 1971 (1, 2), Coelho & Pereira 1971, Schwartzman 1971 (1, 2, 3), 1972 (1, 2), Caldwell 1974, Paik et al. 1974, Pallma 1974, Anderson & Rao 1975, Apezechea 1976, Ojikutu 1976, Rao 1976]
Box 100 Folder B-1110
Paul Rittenband Survey of Foreign Graduate Students in Science and Engineering Using Extant Data,, 1970, One Folder Proposal
Box 100 Folder B-1113
Local Politics and Political Parties in France (Kesselman), 1969-1973, Three Folders Folders contain Periodical Articles and Paper.
[Articles: Kesselman 1970 (1, 2), 1971, 1972 (1, 2), 1974 (1, 2)]
Box 100 Folder B-1115
Sam D. Sieber The Graduate Drop-Out: A Study of Attrition, 1969-1970, One Folder Proposals and Questionnaires
Box 100 Folder B-1116
Gladys Engel Lang Examination of the Dynamics of Professional Meetings (Lang),, 1969-1971, Two Folders Articles, Report, Correspondance and Grant Applications.
Box 100 Folder B-1117
Neighborhood Reactions to a Phoenix House (Narcotics Addiction Treatment Center) (G. Nash),, 1969, One Folder Questionnaire and one empty folder that apparently contained report/paper by Nash entitled "Community Response to a Narcotic Addiction Treatment Facility," a copy of which is supposed to be in Vienna.
Box 100 Folder B-1118
American Leaders and Social Problems: The Processes of Opinion-Making (American Leadership Study) (Barton, Denitch, Kadushin, Weiss),, 1970-1974, 22 Folders Folders contain Draft Study, Report, Paper, Progress Report and Miscellaneous, Bound Manuscript Copy, Periodical Articles, Questionnaire, Bibliography, Codebook, Study, Paper, Interview report, Paper Draft, Research Plan, preliminary Report, Project Description, Codebook, Report, Draft Paper, Methodology paper, Research paper, Revised Draft of Study and one empty folder which apparently contained book by Kadushin , entitled "The American Intellectual Elite," (1974).Report: B-1 1 18 n.d.; Book: Kadushin 1974; Articles: Barton 1971 (1), Kadushin et al. 197 1, Alba 1972 (1, 2), Hover & Kadushin 1972, Kadushin 1972, Alba 1973, Barton 1974, Weiss 1974, Alba & Kadushin 1976, Kadushin 1976, Barton & Parsons 1977, Alba & Moore 1978, Moore 1979, Barton 1980; Dissertations:
[Parson 1976, Moore 1977]
Box 100 Folder B-1119
Nathalie Friedman Comprehensive Study of the Federal College Work-Study Program (Friedman),, 1070-1971, 4 folders Folders contain research proposal, Bound report (card layouts) and handwritten notes, Questionnaires, Report Summarty of Congressional Hearings and two empty folders of which one is supposed to have contained a n article entitled "The Federal Work-Study Program" by Friedman a copy of which is supposed to be in ViennaNatahlie Friedman and the second is supposed to have a copy of its contents in "A791 in a locked file."
[Report: B-1 1 19 197 3; Article: Friedman et al. 1974]
Box 100 Folder S-1119
Anne Rankin Mahoney Factors Affecting Physicians' Choice of Group or Independent Practice.,, 1973, One Folder Periodical
Box 100 & 101 Folder B-1120
Sieber & Lewis Evaluation of the Pilot State Dissemination Program (Dissemination of Educational Research) (Sieber & Louis),, 1972-1973, Sixteen Folders, Folders contain Summary Report and Supporting statement, Research Proposal, Draft Reports, Periodical, Conference paper, Questionnaires, Paper, Report dealind with problems in Information Retrieval, Report Summary, Paper, Bound Case Study, Report, Papers, Miscellaneous Papers, Bound Report.
[Report:B-1120 1972; Book: Louis & Sieber 1979; Articles: Sieber 1972, 1974 (3), 1976 (1, 2), 1977; Dissertation: Louis 1975]
Box 101 Folder B-1121
Weiss The Use of Indigenous Interviewers in Survey Research (Weiss), 1971-1977, Six Folders Periodical Article,Interview Analysis, Progress report, Bibliogrphy on Interview Analysis, proposal , Bound Report and one empty folder which apparently contained paper entitled "Abstracts of Papers on Respondent Interviewer Interaction in the Research Interview ," by Bowman and others a copy of which is supposed to be in Vienna.
[Report: B-1 121-1 through 2 1971, 1973; Monographs: Weiss, Bauman & Rogers 1971; Articles: Weiss 1970 (1), 1974 (3), 1975 (3), 1977 (1)]
Box 101 Folder B-1122
Comparative Organizational Research Program (Blau), 1973-1974, Six Folders Folders Contain Codebook, Articles, periodical Article, Article, Survey, Preliminary Report and two empty folders one noting that a copy of its contents is supposed to be in "A-666 in a locked file," and the other supposedly having contained a book by Peter Blau entitled "On the Nature of Organizations."
[Books: Blau 1973, 1974Articles: Blau & Slaughter 1971, Blau 1972, Margulies & Blau 1973, Blau 1974, Blau & Margulies 1974, Blau 1975, Blau et al. 1976]
Box 101 Folder B-1124
Alan Lomax Cinema, Science and Cultural Renewal, 1970's (?), One Folder Typed Paper-2 copies
Box 101 Folder B-1125
BogdanDenitch Notes on the Relevance of Yogoslav Self-Management, 1973, One folder Periodical Article
[Articles: Denitch 1971, 1973 (1, 2)]
Box 101 Folder B-1126
Employment Prospects in the Educational System for Unemployed Engineers, Scientists and Technical Personnel (Jaffe & Adams),, 1971, Three folders Preliminary Report and 2 Final Reports, one dated July and the other dated December, 1971.
[Report: B-1 126-1 through 3 1971]
Box 101 Folder B-1127
Lewis J. Edinger Elite Socialization in the Modern Democratic State, 1974, One Folder Final Report
Box 101 Folder B-1128
Employment and Financial Status of Disabled Workers (Jaffe & Adams),, 1971, One Folder Proposal and one empty folder which apparently contained paper by A. J. Jaffe and Walter Adams entitled "Too Little and Too Late,"a copy of which is supposed to be in Vienna.
Box 101 Folder B-1129
Theresa Rogers Undergraduate Learning about the Population Problem (The Issue of Population on College Campuses) ,, 1971, One Folder Proposal and one empty folder which apparently contained the above paper a copy of which is supposed to be in Vienna.
[Report: B-1 129 1974; Article: Rogers & Bauman 1973]
Box 101 & 102 Folder B-1131
Neighborhood Government and the Quality of Urban Life: Evaluation of an Experiment in Decentralization (Barton, Friedman, Heginbotham, Koblentz, S. Fainstein, N. Fainstein),, 1971-1973, 57 Folders Folders contain Grant Application, Questionnaires with analysis Directions, Community Profile, Community leadership report, Report, Interim Report, Dissertation Proposals, Periodicals with Published work, Miscellaneous Paper, Progress Report, Neighborhood Study, Community Profile, Neighborhood Study, Report on Community leadership, Community Profile, Public Survey Report, Community Profile, Interim Reports, Draft Papers, Correspondence and Lists of Participants, Interim report, Community Profiles, Paper, report, Paper, Community Profile, Interim Reports, Impact Study, Reports, Bound Working Paper, Paper, Neighborhood Study, Interim Reports, BASr Draft, Draft Manuscript, Draft report,Interim reports, Research Memo, Preliminary Report, Interim Reports, New York City Neighborhood Report, Report, New York City Governance Report, New York City Neighborhood Report and Report Abstract, New York City Neighborhood Reports, State of new York Report, Report, Questionnaires and Codebooks and one empty folder which supposedly contained a book entitled "Decentralizing City Government," by Alan Barton, et. al.
[Reports:B-1131-Ithrough32 1974-1975; Book: Barton et al. 1977; Articles: S. Fainstein & N. Fainstein 1974, Friedman & Golding 1974, Barton 1976 (2), Boyle 1976, N. Fainstein & S. Fainstein 1976, Rogers 1976, N. Fainstein & Martin 1978, Rogers & Friedman 1978, Boyle 1979; Masters Essays: Bradley 1972, Sayle 1975; Dissertations: Cohen 1974, Alpert 1975, Roggemann 1976, Boyle 1976, Andrews, Blank, Kennett, Nelson 1977, Bucuvalas 1978, Davidson 1979]
Box 103 Folder B-1132
Readership Studies for Change Magazine and New York Review of Books (Kadushin),, 1970's (?), One Folder Insert note says most of material is in B-1085 and is also cross-referenced with record #A746.
[Article: Kadushin & Kane 1974]
Box 103 Folder B-1133
Lazarfeld, Pasanella & Rosenberg Continuities in the Language of Social Research.,, 1972, One empty folder which apparently contained a copy of the above book.
Box 103 Folder B-1134
Allen S. Meyer Morningside Heights: Action Program for a Safe Community ,, 1971-1972, Two Folders Proposals and Grant Applications
Box 103 Folder B-1135
Sieber & Wilder School in Society, 1970's (?), One Empty folder Apparently contained copy of above Book/Article.
Box 103 Folder B-1136
William A. Glaser Experience in Health Planning in the United States., 1973, One folder Conference Report
Box 103 Folder B-1137
Experimental Study of 12- vs. 6-Person Juries (Padawer-Singer & Barton) ,, 1973, Three folders Questionnaires, Miscellaneous papers and one empty folder which apparently contained the above Interim Report a copy of whose contents is supposed to be in Vienna.
[Report: B-1 137 1975; Film: 1975]
Box 103 Folder B-1139
Denitch, Kadushin & Parsons A Study of Members of District Council 37, American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees ,, 1974, One Folder Preliminary Report
[(See B- I 1 4 4 for report)]
Box 103 Folder B-1140
Yanowitch, Murray and Wesley Fisher Social Stratification & Mobility in the USSR.,, !970's(?), One Empty Folder Supposedly contained above Report/Paper/Article.
Box 103 Folder B- 1141
William Glaser Social Relationships in Technical Assistance (Glaser), 1974-1975, 14 Folders Folders contain Papers and Letters, Articles, Questionnaire Results, Papers, Technical Advice, Research Method Reports, Questionnaires Report, Papers (Report Draft?), Strategy Statement, Study Notes, Interview Questions, report and/or Papers.
[Articles: Glaser 1975 (2, 3), 1979 (1)]
Box 103 Folder S-1141
Bruce D. Johnson Social Determinants of the Use of Dangerous Drugs by College Students.,, 1971, Two Folders Folders contain Questionnaire, Bound Report
Box 103 Folder B-1142
Jaffe & Ridley Fertility and Labor Force, U.S.A. (Jaffe), 1975-1976, One Folder Articles and one empty folder which is cross-referenced to records A738 & 739 and a copy of whose former contents is also supposed to be in Vienna.
[Report: B-1 142 1976; Articles: Ridley & Jaffe 1975, Jaffe & Ridley 1976]
Box 103 Folder B-1143
Weiss Factors Affecting the Decision-Relevance of Social Research (Weiss),, 1976, Eight Folders Folders contain Interview Templates, Report, Speech Transcript, Report, Short Report,Questionnaire with note says "Missing," reports, and one empty folder whose contents are cross-referenced with records A-744, A-745 and A-750 in" a locked file."
[Books: Weiss 1977, Weiss & Bucuvalas 1980; Articles: Weiss 1976 (1, 2), J- Weiss 1976, Weiss 1977 (1, 2, 3), Weiss & Bucuvalas 1977, Weiss 1978 (1, 2); Dissertation: Weiss 1977]
Box 103 Folder B-1144
Wayne Parsons Union Involvement and Citizen Duty (Parsons), 1970's (?), One empty folder. Apparently contained above work a copy of which is supposed to be in Vienna.
Box 103 Folder B-1145
A. J. Jaffe & Zaida Carreras Carleton Social Conditions of the Mainland Puerto Rican Population (Jaffe),, 1970"s (?), One empty folder Apparently contained above work a copy of which is supposed to be in Vienna.
Box 103 Folder S-1145
Dean Savage The French Business Elite (Savage), 1974-1975, Two Folders Periodical & Report, Correspondence & Questionnaire
[Articles: Savage 1974, 1975; Dissertation: Savage 1976]
Box 103 Folder B-1146
Alan Silver Dilemmas of Authority vs. Participation: A Micro Stduy of Industrial Society.,, 1974-1976, Two Folders Proposal, Questionnaire
Box 103 Folder B-1147
Geraldine Alpert & Stanley J. Heginbotham Two-Way Closed Circuit Inter-Govermental Conferencing Systems: A Cost Effectiveness Study of MRC-TV.,, !975-1976, Four Folders Correspondence, reports, Questionnaire and proposals, Proposals, Questionnaire, Final Report Copy
Box 103 Folder B-1148
William Glaser Paying the Doctor: Foreign Lessons for the U.S. (Glaser) Report- B-1148 1977,, 1975-1976, Six folders Corresppondence, Report, Preliminary Reports, Research & Project Plan, Reports and one empty folder which apparently contained Glaser book entitled "The Doctor Under National Health Insurance: Foreign Lessons for the U.S.," of which copies of Chapters XI-XV are supposed to be in Vienna.
[Book: Glaser 1978 (1); Articles: Glaser 1978 (1, 4)]
Box 103 Folder B-1149
Alan Barton & Nathalie Friedman Incentives to Early Retirement: A Study of the Effects of a New Labor Contract.,, 1975-1976, Three Folders Proposals, Questionnaires and Miscellaneous Papers, Questionnaires, Proposal
Box 103 Folder B-1151
Lazarsfeld Qualitative Analysis, 1970's (?), One Empty Folder Contained above Report/Article/Book
Box 103 Folder B-1152
Barton & Glaser Cooperative Federalism in Canadian Health Services,, 1976, One Folder Grant Application and Proposal
[Article: Glaser 1978 (2)]
Box 103 Folder B1153
William Glaser & Stephanie Neuman Effects of Arms Flows on the Governments and Societies of Developing Countries,, 1975-1977, Two Folders Memos, Report and New York Times Article
Box 103 Folder B1154
Theresa F. Rogers & Nathalie Friedman Rearranged Work Schedules in the Private Sector,, 1976 (?), One Folder Proposal