Historical photograph collection, 1858-

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Series VIII: Class Portraits

This series contains mostly large format (oversized), group photographs of Columbia's graduating classes from across the various schools, including the College, School of Mines and Law. Classes represented are mostly from the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Photos included also depict reunion dinners for various classes.

Box OS 50 Class Portraits, undated

(Note: two unidentifed class portraits from late 19th-early 20th century)

Box 181 Class of 1865 1865, 1865, 1865, (3 Folders)

Box OS 1 Class of 1865 ca. 1865, 1865, ca. 1865

Box OS 1 Class of 1867 ca. 1867, 1867, ca. 1867

(Notes: Maison de Punk.)

Box OS 1 Class of 1869 1869, 1869, 1869

(NotesĀ : Maison de Punk; Columbia College.)

Box OS 1 Class of 1870 1870, 1870, 1870

(Notes: Maison de Punk; Columbia College.)

Box 181 Class of 1871

Undated photograph of members of the Class of 1871 on the Morningside campus.

Box OS 1 Class of 1871 1871 1921, 1871, 1871, 1921

(Notes: Maison de Punk; Dinner with N.M. Butler for 50th anniversary dinner; Columbia College.)

Box OS 1 Class of 1873 1873, 1873, 1873

Box OS 1 Class of 1874 1874 1891 1910 1915, 1874, 1874, 1891, 1910, 1915

(Notes: Maison de Punk; 20th and 45th Annual Dinner at University Club, Columbia College.)

Box OS 1 Class of 1875 1875, 1875, 1875

(Notes: Maison de Punk; Columbia College.)

Box OS 1 Class of 1876 1876 1916 1926, 1876, 1876, 1916, 1926

(Notes: Maison de Punk; Annual Dinners; Columbia College.)

Box OS 1 Class of 1877 1877, 1877, 1877

(Notes: Maison de Punk; James R. Priest, Black student; Mines.)

Box OS 1 Class of 1878 1878 19011913 1928, 1878, 1878, 1928

(Notes: Maison de Punk; Mines; Columbia College; 1901 University Club Dinner.)

Box OS 1 Class of 1879 1879 1929, 1879, 1879, 1929

(Notes: Maison de Punk; Arts, School of.)

Box OS 1 Class of 1880 1880 1910 1930, 1880, 1880, 1910, 1930

(Notes: Maison de Punk; Mines; Arts; 1910 Dinner; Law School Luncheon.)

Box OS 2 Class of 1881 1881 1901 1921 1931, 1881, 1881, 1901, 1921, 1931

(Notes: Mines; Arts; Reunion dinners; 40th Anniversary Dinner with N.M. Butler.)

Box OS 2 Class of 1882 1882 1902 1922, 1882, 1882, 1902, 1922

(Notes: Mines; Arts; Reunion dinners; 40th Anniversary Dinner with N.M. Butler.)

Box OS 2 Class of, 1883

(Notes: Mines 20th Anniversary; 25th Reunion; 50th Anniversary.)

Box OS 3 Class of 1884 1884, 1884, 1884

(Notes: Mines; Civil Engineers.)

Box OS 3 Class of 1885 1885 1935, 1885, 1885, 1935

Box OS 3 Class of 1886 1884 1886 1926, 1886, 1884, 1886, 1926

(Notes: Arts; Arts and Mines 40th Reunion.)

Box OS 3 Class of 1887 1883 1887 1937, 1887, 1883, 1887, 1937

(Notes: Arts; Mines; Arts 50th Anniversary Garrison, NY.)

Box OS 3 Class of 1888 1887 1888 1903 1938, 1888, 1887, 1888, 1903, 1938

(Notes: Maison de Punk; Cyanotypes; Prof. Hamelin Harrinson class 1886; 1887; 1888; 1938 Arts; Civil Engineers; 1903 Reunion at Columbia University Club.)

Box OS 4 Class of 1889 1889, 1889, 1889

(Notes: Law; SLS; Columbia College.)

Box OS 4 Class of 1890 (Folder 1 of 2, Folder 2 in OS 5), 1886 1890 1900 1905 1912 1915 1930 1940, 1890, 1886, 1890, 1900, 1905, 1912, 1915, 1930, 1940

(Notes: Mines; Arts; Physicians & Surgeons; Pharmacy, College of; 35th Reunion, 1934 Law Reunion; P&S Sesqui-Decennial Anniversary Dinner at New York Athletic Club; P& S 40-year Reunion; 1940 University Club Dinner.)

Box OS 5 Class of 1890 (Folder 2 of 2, Folder 1 in OS 4), 1886 1890 1900 1905 1912 1915 1930 1940, 1890, 1886, 1890, 1900, 1905, 1912, 1915, 1930, 1940

(Notes: Mines; Arts; Physicians & Surgeons; Pharmacy, College of; 35th Reunion, 1934 Law Reunion; P&S Sesqui-Decennial Anniversary Dinner at New York Athletic Club; P& S 40-year Reunion; 1940 University Club Dinner.)

Box OS 5 Class of 1891 1891 1911 1916 1941, 1891, 1891, 1911, 1916, 1941

(Notes: Arts; Physicians & Surgeons; Reunions; 1st class in Electrical Engineering; Pupin; 25th Reunion; Columbia College 50th Reunion.)

Box OS 5 Class of 1892 1892 1912 1947, 1892, 1892, 1912, 1947

(Notes: Arts; Mines; 25th Anniversary; 1912 Commencement.)

Box OS 6 Class of 1893 1893 1903 1918 1928, 1893, 1893, 1903, 1918, 1928

(Notes: Arts; 35th Anniversary Commencement Day; St Paul's Chapel bell; 60th Reunion Dinner.)

Box OS 6 Class of 1894 1924 1939 1944 1949, 1894, 1924, 1939, 1944, 1949

(Notes: School of Arts; Mines; reunions.)

Box OS 6 Class of 1895 (Folder 1 of 2; Folder 2 in OS 7), 1895 1921 1928 1930 1933, 1895, 1895, 1921, 1928, 1930, 1933

(Notes: Mines; Physicians & Surgeons; Architecture; Reunion; Dinners.)

Box OS 7 Class of 1895 (Folder 2 of 2; Folder 1 in OS 6), 1895 1921 1928 1930 1933, 1895, 1895, 1921, 1928, 1930, 1933

(Notes: Mines; Physicians & Surgeons; Architecture; Reunion; Dinners.)

Box OS 7 Class of 1896 1896 1906 1921, 1896, 1896, 1906, 1921

(Notes: Arts; Mines; Architecture; Faculty Club; Decennial Reunion.)

Box OS 7 Class of 1897 1897, 1897, 1897

(Notes: Architecture; Mines; Engineering; Law; Columbia College.)

Box OS 8 Class of 1898 ca 1897, 1898, 1897

(Notes: Architecture.)

Box OS 8 Class of 1899 1899 1924 1927 1939 1941 1942 1944, 1899, 1899, 1924, 1927, 1939, 1941, 1942, 1944

(Notes: Reunion dinners; Testimonial Dinner to Charles Henry Tuttle, Columbia University Club.)

Box OS 8 Class of 1900 1896 1900 1930 1940 1950, 1900, 1896, 1900, 1930, 1940, 1950

(Notes: Mines; Architecture; Physicians & Surgeons 40th & 50th Reunion dinner; Drawings.)

Box OS 9 Class of 1901 1901 1926, 1901, 1901, 1926

(Notes: Physicians & Surgeons; Columbia College; Reunion at Briarcliff?)

Box OS 9 Class of 1902 1912 1927 1942, 1902, 1912, 1927, 1942

(Notes: Law 25th & 40th Reunion; Columbia College; Decennial Costume Parade; Columbia University Club.)

Box OS 9 Class of 1903 1903 1912, 1903, 1903, 1912

(Notes: Arts with ; Commencement parade.)

Box OS 9 Class of 1904 ca. 1904, 1904, ca. 1904

(Notes: Barnard; Law; Columbia College.)

Box OS 9 Class of 1905 1905, 1905, 1905

(Notes: Photo printed in two halves.)

Box OS 9 Class of 1906 1906 1931 1932, 1906, 1906, 1931, 1932

(Notes: Columbia College; 1931 Absecon, NJ; 1932 Annual Dinner.)

Box OS 9 Class of 1907 1907, 1907, 1907

(Notes: Columbia College.)

Box OS 9 Class of 1909 ca. 1909 1929-1959, 1909, ca. 1909, 1929-1959

(Notes: Columbia College.)

Box OS 9 Class of 1910 1910, 1910, 1910

(Notes: Columbia College; with Butler on Low steps.)

Box OS 9 Class of 1911 ca. 1909, 1911, ca. 1909

(Notes: Sophomores Banquet.)

Box OS 9 Class of 1912 undated, 1912, undated

Box OS 9 Class of 1913 1912 1913 1940 1953 1958 1962, 1913, 1912, 1913, 1940, 1953, 1958, 1962

(Notes: Electrical Engineers; Law; Physicians & Surgeons; Junior Prom Committee; 40th Reunion at Arden House, 45th Reunion; Reunion at Ferris Booth Hall.)

Box OS 10 Class of 1914 1914, 1914, 1914

(Notes: Naval officers; Columbia College.)

Box OS 10 Class of 1915 1915 1940 1947 1950 1952, 1915, 1915, 1940, 1947, 1950, 1952

(Notes: 25th Annual Dinner; 30th Reunion at Long Shore Country Club, Westport, CT; 32nd Reunion Dinner Engineering; Journalism; Architecture; Columbia College 37th Reunion at Columbia University Club.)

Box OS 10 Class of 1916 1916, 1916, 1916

(Notes: Columbia College; Low Memorial Library.)

Box OS 10 Class of 1917 1914 1917 1922 1924 1931 1941, 1917, 1914, 1917, 1922, 1924, 1931, 1941

(Notes: Journalism Pulitzer Foundation; 5th Annual Dinner; 14th Annual Dinner; Class Dinner at Hotel Claridge; Journalism and Civil Engineering Dinner.)

Box OS 10 Class of 1918 1918 1931, 1918, 1918, 1931

(Notes: Naval officers; Optometry; 31Annual Columbia College Dinner.)

Box OS 10 Class 1919 1919, 1919, 1919

(Notes: Optometry; Columbia College.)

Box OS 10 Class of 1920 1920 1950-1951, 1920, 1920, 1950-1951

(Notes: Optometry; 1920 Science Commencement Banquet at Cavanaghs.)

Box OS 10 Class of 1921 1921, 1921, 1921

(Notes: Columbia College; copy print.)

Box OS 10 Class of 1922 1932, 1922, 1932

(Note: Physicians & Surgeons 10th anniversary dinner.)

Box OS 10 Class of 1923 1923 1951 1952 1954, 1923, 1923, 1951, 1952, 1954

(Notes: Optometry; Law; Columbia College; Annual Dinner at Columbia University Club.)

Box OS 10 Class of 1924 1924 1949 1952-1953, 1924, 1924, 1949, 1952-1953

(Notes: Optometry; Pre-Engineers, Engineering; "Man of the Year" award; Eisenhower; Aaron Berg.)

Box OS 10 Class of 1925 1921 1924 1925, 1925, 1921, 1924, 1925

(Notes: Optometry; Pre-Engineers; Alpha Sigma Phi.)

Box OS 10 Class of 1926 undated, 1926, undated

(Notes: Pre-Engineers, Engineering; Columbia College.)

Box OS 10 Class of 1927 1923 1927, 1927, 1923, 1927

(Notes: Columbia College.)

Box OS 10 Class of 1928 1927 1928 1978, 1928, 1927, 1928, 1978

(Notes: Physicians & Surgeons; Pre-Engineers, Engineering; Columbia College; Alumni with lion mascot.)

Box OS 10 Class of 1929 1929, 1929, 1929

(Notes: Pre-Engineers, Engineering; Columbia College.)

Box OS 10 Class of 1930 1930, 1930, 1930

(Notes: 8 x 10 copy print Columbia College with Dean Hawkes.)

Box OS 10 Class of 1931 1931, 1931, 1931

(Notes: Optometry; Seth Low Students; Columbia College.)

Box OS 10 Class of 1932 1932 1962, 1932, 1932, 1962

(Notes: Optometry; Columbia College; 30th Anniversary.)

Box OS 10 Class of 1933 1931 1933, 1933, 1931, 1933

(Notes: Optometry; Columbia College.)

Box OS 10 Class of 1934 1931, 1934, 1931

(Notes: Columbia College.)

Box OS 10 Class of 1935 1935, 1935, 1935

(Notes: Optometry.)

Box OS 10 Class of 1936 undated, 1936, undated

Box OS 10 Class of 1940 1940, 1940, 1940

(Notes: Optometry.)

Box OS 10 Class of 1941 1941, 1941, 1941

(Notes: Optometry.)

Box OS 10 Class of 1942 1942, 1942, 1942

(Notes: Optometry.)

Box OS 10 Class of 1946 1946, 1946, 1946

(Notes: Optometry.)

Box OS 10 Class of 1947 1947, 1947, 1947

(Notes: Optometry.)

Box OS 10 Class of 1950 1950, 1950, 1950

(Notes: Physicians & Surgeons.)

Box OS 10 Class of 1952 1952, 1952, 1952

(Notes: Optometry.)

Box OS 10 Class of 1953 1953, 1953, 1953

(Notes: Optometry.)

Box OS 10 Class of 1954 1954, 1954, 1954

(Notes: Optometry.)

Box OS 10 Class of 1990 1990, 1990, 1990

(Notes: 8x10 color prints, Steps of Low.)

Box OS 10 Class of 1995 1995, 1995, 1995

(Notes: Law School, photographer John Roemer.)

Box XL 4 Class of 1867 1867, 1867, 1867

(Notes: Maison de Punk; Columbia College.)

Box XL 4 Class of 1871 1871, 1871, 1871

(Notes: Maison de Punk; Columbia College.)

Box XL 4 Class of 1874 1914, 1874, 1914

(Notes: 40th Annual Dinner.)

Box XL 4 Class of 1883 1883, 1883, 1883

(Notes: St. Paul's Chapel.)

Box XL 4 Class of 1887 ca. 1887 1927 1912, 1887, ca. 1887, 1927, 1912

(Notes: Mines, School of; Annual dinner at Union League Club, New York, December 6.)

Box XL 4 Class of 1891 ca. 1891, 1891, ca. 1891

(Notes: "The class of 91 and the old administration go out together")

Box XL 4 Class of 1897 ca. 1897, 1897, ca. 1897

(Notes: Architecture.)

Box XL 4 Class of 1898 1923, 1898, 1923

(Notes: Commencement costume parade.)

Box XL 4 Class of 1899 1913 undated, 1899, 1913, undated

(Notes: Columbia College; Dinner given in the honor of the Honorable [J? ]ohn Puro[y?] Mitchell at Astor Hotel December 19 1913 Reunion; University Hall?)

Box XL 4 Class of 1902 1937 1942, 1902, 1937, 1942

(Notes: Thirty-fifth School of Law reunion at Columbia University Club May 26; Fortieth School of Law reunion at Columbia University Club May 26.)

Box XL 4 Class of 1904 ca. 1903 1907, 1904, ca. 1903, 1907

(Notes: Low Memorial Library; Reunion.)

Box XL 4 Class of 1905 1905, 1905, 1905

Box XL 4 Class of 1911 ca. 1910 1936, 1911, ca. 1910, 1936

(Notes: St. Paul's Chapel; Columbia College; Twenty-fifth reunion at Claremont Inn, June 2.)

Box XL 4 Class of 1917 1938, 1917, 1938

(Notes: Twenty-first Journalism annual dinner at Hotel Lafayette December 16.)

Box XL 4 Class of 1918 1923, 1918, 1923

(Notes: Commencement costume parade.)

Box XL 4 Class 1921 ca. 1921, 1921, ca. 1921

(Notes: Optometry; White Studio, N.Y.)

Box XL 4 Class of 1922 ca. 1922, 1922, ca. 1922

(Notes: Physicians & Surgeons, School of.)

Box XL 4 Class of 1923 1920 1933, 1923, 1920, 1933

(Notes: First annual dinner; reunion at Westchester Country Club May 21.)

Box XL 4 Class of 1928 ca. 1928, 1928, ca. 1928

(Notes: Physicians & Surgeons, School of.)

Box XL 4 Class of 1929 1929, 1929, 1929

(Notes: Optometry.)

Box XL 4 Class of 1933 1958, 1933, 1958

(Notes: Twenty-fifth reunion at Columbia University Club March14.)

Box XL 4 Class of 1943 1943, 1943, 1943

(Notes: Dinner at the Men's Faculty Club April 30.)

Box XXL 1 Class of 1865 1913, 1865, 1913

(Notes: Columbia College.)

Box XXL 1 Class of 1873 1901 March13,, 1873, 1901

(Notes: ""Not Columbia University"""25th Annual Dinner of the old students of the Royal School of Mines," Hotel Cecil, London.)

Box XXL 1 Class of 1885 1885 1910 May 31,, 1885, 1885, 1910

(Notes: Arts reunion with sunball, School of Mines, Astor Hotel. Upper left corner missing.)

Box XXL 1 Class of 1889 1939, 1889, 1939

(Notes: Barnard College 50th Anniversary Dinner.)

Box XXL 1 Class of 1890 1929 February5, 1890, 1929

(Notes: 35th Reunion, College of Physicians and Surgeons.)

Box XXL 1 Class of 1900 1925 June,, 1900, 1925

(Notes: 25th Anniversary, Briarcliff Lodge, New York.)

Box XXL 1 Class of 1901 ca. 1901, 1901, ca. 1901

(Notes: With dog mascot on steps of Low Memorial Library; Class in cap and gown with Seth Low in front of Fayerweather Hall; Columbia College; Physics graduates?)

Box XXL 1 Class of 1903 1928 May 30, 1903, 1928

(Notes: 25th Annual Reunion, Seaview Golf Club.)

Box XXL 1 Class of 1909 1923 1964 undated, 1909, 1923, 1964, undated

(Notes: Costume parade at '23 commencement; Reunions.)

Box XXL 1 Class of 1911 1908 1910-1911 1917 1951 1954-1956, 1911, 1908, 1910-1911, 1917, 1951, 1954-1956

(Notes: School of Mines; Columbia College.)