Box 161
112th Street, ca. 1960
(Note: Bank Street College.)
Box 161
114th Street, 1958
Box 161
116th Street, 1940 ca. 1950s, 1940, ca. 1950s
(Note: College Walk construction.)
Box 161
117th Street, undated
(Note: Dean's walk; Harriman Institute.)
Box 161
119th Street, 1946
Box 161
120th Street, ca. 1915
(Note: The green; Teacher's College.)
Box 161
400 W 118th St, Architectural Plans, 1970
(Notes: From East Gallery)
Box 161
535 W 112 St, Architectural Plans, 1970
(Notes: From East Gallery)
Box 161
610-612 W 114th St, Architectural Plans, 1970
(Notes: From East Gallery)
Box 161
614-616 W 114th St, Architectural Plans, 1970
(Note: From East Gallery)
Box XL 7
Aerial views, facing Northwest, undated
Box OS 31
Alma Mater, undated
(Note: Includes photographic postcards, unveiling at Low Library steps in 1903.)
Box 161
Alma Mater, undated
(Note: Includes people. Also includes night-time photo with Butler Library in background taken by Jessica Raimi in 2019)
Box OS 31
Alumni House, undated
Box 161
Amsterdam Avenue, undated
Box 161
Amsterdam Plaza, Construction, 1964
Box 161
Amsterdam Plaza, Construction, 1963
(Note: In front of Low Memorial Library.)
Box OS 31
Architectural Plans, miscellaneous, 1958 undated, 1958, undated
(Note: East campus and unidentified.)
Box OS 32
Avery, undated
(Note: Quad. between Avery & Fayerweather.)
Box 161
Avery Hall Extension, Construction, 1975
Box 161
Avery Hall, Exterior, undated
Box 161
Avery Hall, Interior, undated
Box 161
Avery Quadrangle/Fayerweather Courtyard, Restoration, 1982-1983
Box OS 32
Barnard, early
Box OS 32
Barnard, 1938-1985
Box 161
Barnard College, Exteriors, 1890s ca. 1900s 1910s 1920s 1930s, 1890s, ca. 1900s, 1910s, 1920s, 1930s
(Note: Tennis courts, dancers, postcards.)
Box 161
Barnard College, Interior, undated
(Note: From Campus Views.)
Box XL 7
Battle of Harlem Heights Tablet Unveiling, October 16, 1897
(Note: "Sons of the Revolution, State of New York. Unveiling tablet commemorating Battle of Harlem Heights, at Columbia University… President Tallmadge presenting the tablet to President Low." Artotype, E. Bierstadt, N.Y.)
Box 162
Battle of Harlem Heights, The, 1944
(Note: September 16, 1776 "On the Site of Columbia 168 Years Ago"; by Lincoln Diamant; South Hall.)
Box 162
Bellerophon Taming Pegasus, undated
(Note: Color and black and white.)
Box 162
Bellerophon Taming Pegasus, undated
Box OS 32
Bellerophon Taming Pegasus, ca. 1977
(Accession # 2004-024. Transport of sculpture to Jerome Greene Hall, Law School.)
Box OS 32
Bloomingdale Asylum, undated
(See also "pre-Columbia.)
Box 162
Brander Matthews Dramatic Museum, undated
Box 162
Brander Matthews Hall, undated
Box 162
Buell Hall, undated
(Note: From 2 folders (subject campus views).)
Box OS 32
Butler Library, undated
Box 162
Butler Library, Album, "The New Library Building of Columbia University, Gift of Edward S. Harkness, 1934", ca. 1934
(Note: Photographs of the exterior and interior of Butler Library from a commemorative album presented to the Harkenss Family. Mrs. Edward S. Harkness returned the album to the library in 1950.)
Box 162
Butler Library, Architectural Plans, 1969
(Note: From East Gallery.)
Box 162
Butler Library, Browsing Room, undated
(Note: Students studying in library.)
Box 162
Butler Library, Business, undated
(Note: Students studying in library.)
Box 162
Butler Library, Construction, 1932
Box 162
Butler Library, Construction, 1933-1934
Box 162
Butler Library, Exterior, undated
(Note: Vandalism; crime resulting from Bob Burke expulsion; paint. Also includes photograph of helicopter landing in front of Butler Library during the production of the film Simon, 1979 March.)
Box 162
Butler Library, Interior, undated
(Note: Stained glass window given by the people of the Netherlands Antilles in commemoration of 300th anniversary of the founding of city by Peter Stuyvesant.)
Box 162
Butler Library, Interior with People, undated
Box 162
Butler Library, Periodicals, undated
(Note: Students studying in library.)
Box 209
Butler Library, Renovations, 1996-2001
Box 210
Butler Library, Renovations, 2002-2004
Box 163
Campus Map, 1968
(Note: From East Gallery.)
Box 208 Folder 33
Campus Planning, 1963-1967
Photos and plans of possible campus development donated by Robert Braunschweiger in October 2015. He worked for Stanley Salman on campus planning in the 1960s. He left Columbia in 1969.
Box 163
Casa Hispanica, undated
(Note: "Casa de las Españas" folder from Campus Views.)
Box 163
Casa Hispanica, Architectural Plans, undated
(Note: From East Gallery.)
Box 163
Casa Italiana, Exterior, undated
(Note: From 2 folders (subject files and Campus Views); remove group photo of Croccio Goliardico.)
Box 163
Casa Italiana, Interior, undated From 2 folders (subject files and Campus Views); remove group photo of Croccio Goliardico., undated
Box OS 32
Casa Italiana, Laying of Cornerstone, August 5, 1926
Box 163
Casa Italiana, Paterno Library, undated
(Notes: Student studying in library.)
Box XL 7
Cathedral St. John the Divine, 1961
(Notes: Morningside Park; Views from Manhattan and Morningside Avenues.)
Box 163
Cathedral St. John the Divine, undated
(Notes: From 2 folders (subject files and campus views); includes postcard.)
Box 163
Chandler Laboratories, undated
Box 163
Citizenship Center, undated
(Notes: Proposal for building on Van Am Quad.)
Box 163
Claremont Avenue, 1909
Box 163
Columbia House (419 W. 117th Street), undated
Box 163
Computer Science Building, Construction, 1982
Box 163
Computer Science Building, Construction, 1983
Box OS 32
Construction, 1894 1895 1896 ca. 1897, 1894, 1895, 1896, ca. 1897
Box 163
Curl, The, 1969
(Notes: Photos by V. Sladon. Located between Low Library and Uris Hall.)
Box OS 32
Dedication, 1896
Box 163
Deutsches Haus, Architectural Plans, undated
(Notes: From East Gallery.)
Box 163
Dodge Hall, undated
(Notes: From 2 folders (subject and campus views.)
Box 163
Dodge Hall, Architectural Plans, 1923
(Notes: From East Gallery.)
Box 164
Dodge Hall, Construction and Groundbreaking, undated
(Notes: From campus views.)
Box 164
Earl Hall, Architectural Plans, 1902
(Notes: From East Campus.)
Box 164
Earl Hall, Construction, undated
Box OS 33
Earl Hall, Dedication, undated
Box OS 33
Earl Hall, Exterior, undated
Box 164
Earl Hall, Exterior, undated
(Notes: Medical Office of William McCastline.)
Box OS 33
Earl Hall, Interior, undated
Box 164
Earl Hall, Interior, undated
(Notes: From 2 folders (Subject and campus views); Medical Office of William McCastline.)
Box OS 33
East Campus Development Reports, undated
Box 164
East Campus Architectural Plans, 1978
Box 165
East Campus, Construction, Jan-May, 1980
Box 165
East Campus, Construction, June -Dec, 1980
Box 165
East Campus, Construction, 1981
Box 165
East Campus, Construction, Jan-June, 1979
Box 164
East Campus, Construction, July -December 1979
Box 165
East Campus, Dedication, undated
(Notes: Exterior--no people.)
Box 165
East Campus, Demolition of Site, 1978
(Notes: Contact sheets, no negatives found.)
Box 165
East Campus, Sketches and Models, undated
(notes: Proposed graduate residence.)
Box 165
Eglise de Notre Dame, undated
Box 165
Engineering Building (See Mathematics Building), n.d
(Notes: On Broadway; For images of this building after 1962 see Mathematics Building.)
Box OS 33
Engineering Center, proposed site, undated
Box 165
Engineering Center, Proposed site, ca. 1951
(Notes: At 125th Street and Riverside Drive.)
Box 165
Exedra, undated
Box OS 33
Exedra, undated
Box 166
Facilities Management, ca. 1949
(Notes: Hamilton Hall; John Jay Hall; Ernest Veal; carpentry shop; power plant.)
Box 166
Faculty Club, undated
(Notes: Originally stood where Dodge Hall currently is; includes on copy neg.)
Box 166
Faculty House, undated
Box 166
Fayerweather Hall, undated
(Notes: Dept. of Physics.)
Box 166
Fayerweather Hall, Architectural Plans, 1896 1967, 1896, 1967
(Notes: From East Gallery.)
Box 166
Fayerweather Hall, Construction and Groundbreaking, undated
Box OS 33
Fayerweather Hall, Dedication, 1896
Box 166
Fayerweather Hall, Plans, undated
(Notes: Water damaged? Dept. of Physics.)
Box 166
Ferris Booth Hall, undated
(Notes: Columbia College Citizenship Center.)
Box OS 33
Ferris Booth Hall, undated
Box 166
Ferris Booth Hall, Construction, undated
(Notes: From 2 folders (subject and campus views); Columbia College Citizenship Center._
Box 166
(Notes: Lafayette Post, Grand Army of the Republic (G.A.R.).)
Box OS 33
(Notes: Photo by Abrose Fowler. Lafayette Post, Grand Army of the Republic (G.A.R.).)
Box 166
Foreign Students Center, Architectural Plans, 1878
(Notes: From East Gallery.)
Box 166
Fountains, undated
Box OS 34
Furnald Hall, ca. 1900-1914
Box 166
Furnald Hall, Exterior, undated
Box 166
Furnald Hall, Interior, undated
Box 166
Gatekeeper's Lodge, undated
Box 166
Gates, undated
(Notes: From several folders titled gates.)
Box OS 34
Gates, undated
Box OS 34
Gates, drawings by V. Winthrop New man, undated
(Notes: Gates designed by Arthur A. Stoughton; drawn on copper in pure dry point; presented to Dean J. W. Barker.)
Box 166
Gates, Engravings/Drawings
(Notes: From several folders titled gates.)
Box 179
General Views, ca. 1930
(Notes: Photographer W.L. Bogert.)
Box 179
General Views, ca. 1940-1950
(Notes: Gift of Pidhayny.)
Box OS 34
General Views, ca. early
Box XL 7
General Views, undated
(Notes: View from Jersey side of Hudson River. Retouched and distributed as color print. SEE OS folder.)
Box XXL 2
General Views, various
(Notes: Copy prints. Includes 2016 image "In Lumine Tuo" by Jessica Raimi)
Box 179
General Views, 1898 ca. 1900 early, 1898, ca. 1900
(Notes: Construction, panoramic views.)
Box 179
General Views, ca. 1920
(Notes: White Studio Prints.)
Box OS 34
General Views, 1970-1994
Box 179
General Views, ca. 1970
Box 180
General Views -- Landscaping, ca. 1940s 1960s, ca. 1940s, 1960s
(Notes: Philosophy Hall, The Thinker.)
Box 179
General Views [from William Campbell], early
(Notes: 3"X5" prints from glass plate negatives?)
Box 179
General Views, aerial, 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 ca. 1970, 1920, 1930, 1940, 1950, 1960, ca. 1970
(Notes: 2 folders, postcards.)
Box OS 34
General Views, aerial, albums and booklets, ca. 1905 -- 1930, ca. 1905, 1930
Box 180
General Views, albums and booklets,, ca. 1905-1930
(Notes: Taken by Richard Herpers, Secretary of CU; Published work by Clarence H. White photography class students; Margaret Bourke-White Columbia photographs order form.)
Box 180
General Views, Christmas Tree, 1954
(Notes: Between Low and Butler Library.)
Box OS 34
General Views, Drawings and Prints, undated
Box 180
General Views, Nighttime, 1912 ca. 1940-1950, 1912, ca. 1940-1950
Box 180
General Views, Postcards, 1898 1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1981, 1898, 1900, 1910, 1920, 1930, 1940, 1981
(Notes: Color and photographic postcards.)
Box 200
General Views, Postcards, ca. 1900-1920
(Notes: Color and photographic postcards. Gift of Matthew Soifer, July 2015)
Box 180
General Views, Published Reproductions, 1898 ca. 1900, 1898, ca. 1900
Box 180
General Views, Sketches, Drawings, and Models, ca. 1940-1950 1975 ca. 1991, ca. 1940-1950, 1975, ca. 1991
(Notes: Painting by Rackstraw Downes; some aerial views.)
Box 180
General Views, Snow Scenes, undated
Box 211
General Views, Spring and Winter, 2005
Digital photos on an optical disk. Photos taken by University Photographer, Eileen Barroso. Images were provided to the School of Social Work for PR purposes.
Box 166
Graduate Residence Hall, Proposed Site, 1961
(Notes: Remobed from B15.)
Box 166
Grant's Tomb, undated
(Note: From subject and campus views; gift of Pidhayny; SEE ALSO bio photos: Grant, Ulysses S.-Funeral.)
Box 166
Grantwood, ca. 1905
(Notes: Includes Barnard, Teacher's College.)
Box 167
Green, The, undated
(Removed photo of Riverside church and Pegram Hall.)
Box OS 35
Green, The, undated
Box 167
Greene (Jerome L.) Hall, n.d
Box OS 35
Greene (Jerome L.) Hall, n.d
(Notes: Architectural rendition. Original Avery Library.)
Box 167
Gymnasium (proposed), undated
(Notes: Accession 2002.054)
Box 167
Gymnasium, 113th-114th/Morningside Drive
(Notes: 1968-1970 protests.)
Box 167
Hamilton Hall, Architectural Plans, 1905
(Notes: From East Gallery)
Box 167
Hamilton Hall, Construction, undated
Box 167
Hamilton Hall, Drawings and Plans, undated
Box 167
Hamilton Hall, Exterior
Box OS 35
Hamilton Hall, Exterior, undated
(Notes: See also Hamilton Statue.)
Box OS 35
Hamilton Hall, Interior, undated
Box 167
Hamilton Hall, Interior, undated
Box 167
Hamilton Statue, undated
(Notes: See also Hamilton Hall, exterior.)
Box OS 35
Harriman Observatory, undated
(notes: Architectural model.)
Box OS 35
Hartley Hall, Exterior,1907
Box 167
Hartley Hall, Exterior, undated
Box 167
Hamilton Hall, Exterior
Box 167
Havemeyer Hall, undated
(Notes: Pool tables; table tennis.)
Box 167
Havemeyer Hall Extension
(Notes: From 2 folders; woodcuts; postcard.)
Box 167
Havemeyer Hall, Construction
(Notes: Color photographs.)
Box OS 35
Havemeyer, Construction and Dedication, 1896-1897
Box OS 35
Havemeyer, Exterior, undated
Box OS 35
Havemeyer, Interior, ca. 1896 -- 1904, ca. 1896, 1904
Box OS 50
Havemeyer, Interior
(Note: undated images, but appear to be from early 20th century. Folder includes one image of Harold Urey's Laboratory from 1931)
Box OS 36
Havemeyer, Interior -- Drafting Rooms, ca. 1904
Box OS 36
Havemeyer, Interior -- Museum, ca, 1900s
Box OS 35
Havemeyer, Interior -- Chemical Engineering Laboratory Accident,, 1922
(Notes: Photographer: J. Boldtman.)
Box OS 36
Havemeyer, Interior, with Students, ca. 1900
Box 167
Havemeyer, North Wall Structural Failure, ca. 1967
Box OS 36
Henry Moore Statue Accident, 1985
(Notes: In front of Butler Library, with people posing with it.)
Box 167
Hogan Hall, Dedication, undated
Box 167
Horace Mann School, undated
Box 167
Hudson River, 1890s
(Notes: "The Fleet Saluting" with Grants Tomb in distance?; ship, "Porter" United States Navy.)
Box 168
Interchurch Center, Dedication, undated
(Notes: Dwight D. Eisenhower.)
Box 168
International Affairs Building., Architectural Plans, 1970
(Notes: From East Gallery.)
Box 168
International Affairs Building, Construction, November -December 1966
Box 168
International Affairs Building, Construction, January -February1967
Box 168
International Affairs Building, Construction, 1969
Box 168
International Affairs Building, Construction, May -July 1967
Box 168
International Affairs Building, Construction, March-April 1967
Box 168
International Affairs Building, Construction, March-May 1967
(Notes: Dated photos are 5X3.5.)
Box 168
International Affairs Building, Interior, 1996
(Jean and Harvey Picker Computer Lab. John G. Ruggie.)
Box 168
International Affairs Building, Models, undated
Box 168
International Affairs Plaza, "Flight" sculpture by Schweitzer (Gertrude), 1978 ca. 1981, 1978, ca. 1981
(Notes: East Campus plaza.)
Box 168
International Affairs Plaza Restoration, 1982 1983, 1982, 1983
Box 168
International House, undated
Box 168
Jefferson Statue, undated
(Notes: School of Journalism.)
Box 168
John Jay Hall, Construction and Groundbreaking, undated
(Notes: Form several folders titled John Jay; groundbreaking.)
Box OS 36
John Jay Hall, Construction and Groundbreaking, 1925
(Notes: Copy print; Dean Herbert Hawkes; Marcellus Hartley Dodge; Henry Lee Norris; Albert W. Putnam; William Barclay Parsons.)
Box 168
John Jay Hall, Exterior, undated
(Notes: From several folders titled John Jay.)
Box 168
John Jay Hall, Interior, Dining Room
Box 168
John Jay Hall, Interior, Lion's Den
(Notes: Students; Drinking; Radios; Interntainment.)
Box 168
John Jay Hall, Interior, Miscellaneous, undated
(Notes: Sick students; nurses).
Box 168
John Jay Hall, Interior, Murals, 1930s 1982, 1930s, 1982
(Notes: Photos and letter recieved in 1982.)
Box OS 36
Journalism, ca. 1913 undated, ca. 1913, undated
Box 169
Journalism Building, undated
Box 169
Journalism Building, Façade Restoration, 1982
(Note: Photographic postcard; Jefferson (Thomas) statue.)
Box 169
Journalism Building, Medallions, n.d
Box 169
Journalism Architectural Plans, 1912
(Notes: From East Gallery.)
Box 169
Julliard, undated
Box 208
Kent and Hamilton Halls, 2014, 2017
(College Walk winter lights; moon over Kent Hall; photo by Jessica Raimi)
Box OS 36
Kent Hall, ca. 1910
Box 169
Kent Hall, Exterior, undated
(Notes: Photographic postcards; Law School; Political Science.)
Box 169
Kent Hall, Interior, undated
(Notes: Law School; Political Science.)
Box 169
Kent Hall, Law Library, undated
(Notes: Students studying in library.)
Box OS 36
Kent Hall, Widley Memorial, 1913
Box 169
Kent Plaza Restoration, 1982
(Notes: Philosophy Hall.)
Box 169
La Salle Street, undated
(Notes: Children playing in street.)
Box 169
Le Marteleur, undated
(Notes: School of Mines.)
Box 169
Lerner (Alfred) Hall, undated
Box 169
Lewisohn Hall Renovation, 1980-1981
(Notes: Formerly Mines building.)
Box 169
Lewisohn Hall, Exterior, post, 1961
Box 169
Lewisohn Hall, Exterior, pre, 1961
(Notes: Renamed Lewisohn in 1960 prior to that, it was the School of Mines Building; School of General Studies; Postcard.)
Box 169
Lewisohn Hall, Interior, pre, 1961
(Notes: School of Mines; Metallographic Lab; Furnaces; Cameras. Scrapbook pages with notes of interior laboratories, libraries, etc.)
Box OS 36
Lewisohn, Interior (Mines), pre, 1961
Box 169
Lion's Court -- Construction, 1996
Box OS 36
Locomotive Laboratory, undated
(Notes: Basement annex north of Engineering and beneath the esplanade in front of Havemeyer.)
Box 169
Low Memorial Library, Architectural Plans, 1896
(Notes: From East Gallery.)
Box 169
Low Memorial Library, Construction, 1897
(Notes: Domes; Columns; Sculpture; Statues.)
Box 169
Low Memorial Library, Construction, 1896
Box 169
Low Memorial Library, Construction, 1895
(Notes: Includes cornerstone laying; Bricklaying; Water damaged?)
Box 169
Low Memorial Library, Construction, Copy Prints, undated
Box 169
Low Memorial Library, Construction, Copy Prints, undated
(Notes: Cornerstone laying; Dedications (ceremonies); Moldings; Used in exhibit?)
Box OS 37
Low Memorial Library, Construction, Facing East, 1895 November -1896 December, 1895
Box OS 36
Low Memorial Library, Construction, Facing North, 1895 1896, 1895, 1896
Box OS 37
Low Memorial Library, Construction, Facing Northeast, 1895 August -1897 February, 1895
Box OS 37
Low Memorial Library, Construction, Facing Northwest, 1896 April -1897 January, 1896
Box OS 37
Low Memorial Library, Construction, Facing South, 1895 August -1896 April, 1895
Box OS 37
Low Memorial Library, Construction, Facing Southeast, 1896 June -- October, 1896
Box OS 37
Low Memorial Library, Construction, Facing Southwest, 1896 April -August, 1896
Box OS 37
Low Memorial Library, Construction, Facing West, 1895 October -1897 January, 1895
Box 169
Low Memorial Library, Laying the Cornerstone, 1895 December 7, 1895
Box OS 38
Low Memorial Library, Construction, Miscellaneous, ca. July 1896-June 1897
Box 169
Low Memorial Library, Construction, Miscellaneous, undated
Box OS 37
Low Memorial Library, Construction, Vault Details, 1896 September -- December, 1896
Box OS 36
Low Memorial Library, copy prints from 1997 Low Memorial Library construction exhibit, 1895 1896 1897, 1997, 1895, 1896, 1897
Box OS 38
Low Memorial Library, Dedication, 1895
(Notes: Laying the cornerstone.)
Box XL 7
Low Memorial Library, Dedication, 1895
Box 170
Low Memorial Library, Exterior, Color, undated
Box 170
Low Memorial Library, Exterior, Facing South, pre, 1930
(Notes: South Court; Published reproductions; Stereograph; Night views.)
Box 170
Low Memorial Library, Exterior, Facing South, post, 1940
(Notes: Crowds; Scaffolding; Students; used in display at Gimbel Bros.)
Box XL 7
Low Memorial Library, Exterior, Facing South, early
(Notes: With and without Alma Mater.)
Box 170
Low Memorial Library, Exterior, Facing South, 1930
(Notes: Postcards; South Court.)
Box XL 7
Low Memorial Library, Exterior, Facing South, early
Box OS 38
Low Memorial Library, Exterior, Miscellaneous, early
Box OS 39
Low Memorial Library, Exterior, Miscellaneous, early
Box OS 39
Low Memorial Library, Exterior, ca. 1920-1940s
Box OS 39
Low Memorial Library, Exterior, Miscellaneous, ca. 1950 1960 1970 1980, ca. 1950, 1960, 1970, 1980
Box 170
Low Memorial Library, Exterior, Other Views, 1930s
Box 208
Low Memorial Library, Exterior, 2014-2018
(Includes snow and spring images and views of Alma Mater statue. Photos by Jessica Raimi.)
Box 170
Low Memorial Library, Exterior, Postcards, undated
(Notes: Postcards; Alma Mater; accession 2001-040.)
Box 171
Low Memorial Library, Floor Plans, undated
Box 171
Low Memorial Library, Interior, pre-1934, 1934
(Notes: reading rooms; students; library stacks; books; shelving; statues; Columbiana room; exchange room, etc.)
Box OS 39
Low Memorial Library, Interior, Avery, ca. 1900
Box OS 40
Low Memorial Library, Interior, East Asiatic, undated
Box 171
Low Memorial Library, Interior, King's College Room, 1960s
(Notes: Prentis, Edmund Astley.)
Box OS 40
Low Memorial Library, Interior, Law School, ca. 1897-1904
Box OS 39
Low Memorial Library, Interior, Library, miscellaneous, ca. 1910
(Notes: Drinking fountain given by Edward A. Darling in memory of his wife Edith Pennington.)
Box 171
Low Memorial Library, Interior, Offices, pre-1934, 1934
(Notes: Carrie Haldeman; Marion Bate Westman; Elizabeth Haldeman; Rae Foster Stahl; Fanny Lake; Helen Brainerd Lay; Eugenia Wallace; Lucy Wallace; Mary Leslie Irwin.)
Box 171
Low Memorial Library, Interior, President's Office, undated
Box OS 40
Low Memorial Library, Interior, President's Room, undated
Box 171
Low Memorial Library, Interior, Room 205, 1947
(Notes: Rare Books reading room.)
Box 171
Low Memorial Library, Interior, Room 209, 1966
(Notes: Curator's Office.)
Box 171
Low Memorial Library, Interior, Room 210, 2005
Box 171
Low Memorial Library, Interior, Rotunda, post, 1934
(Notes: Speeches; Gatherings; Administrators; Librarians.)
Box OS 40
Low Memorial Library, Interior, Trustees Room, undated
Box 171
Low Memorial Library, Interior, Trustees Room, undated
(Notes: Trustees; Park Place; Includes cornerstone from original Kings College; from 2 folders (subject and campus views); Painting of Samuel Johnson now in King's College Room.)
Box 171
Low Memorial Library, Interior, Twombly Burden Room, undated
Box 171
Low Memorial Library, Interior, Zodiac, undated
Box 171
Low Memorial Library, Model from Trans-Mississippi Exposition and Indian Congress, Omaha, Nebraska,, 1898
Box 171
Low Memorial Library, Sketches, Drawings, and Models, undated
(Notes: Published Reproductions. Folder includes a 2020 donation by Judy Palfrey of an etching by F. Wilbur Hoppe)
Box OS 40
Low Plaza, 1897-1960
Box 172
Low Plaza, 1960 1970 ca. 1980, 1960, 1970, ca. 1980
Box 172
Low Plaza Balustrade, 1970
(Notes: Shows condition of balustrade.)
Box 172
Low Plaza, Construction, ca. 1896
Box 172
Low Plaza, Restoration, 1982
Box 172
Low Plaza, Restoration, 1983-1984
Box 172
Low Plaza Sculpture, undated
(Notes: Torchere; fountains; lamps.)
Box 172
Maison Francaise, Architectural Plans, 1970
(Notes: From East Gallery)
Box 208
Maison Francaise, Exterior, 2015
(Notes: Snow picture. Can also see a bit of Kent Hall. Photo by Jessica Raimi.)
Box 172
Maps, 1894 1917, 1894, 1917
Box 172
Marcellus Hartley Dodge Physical Fitness Center, Construction,, 1973
(Notes: Architect: The Eggers Partnership Builder: George A. Fuller co.)
Box 172
Marcellus Hartley Dodge Physical Fitness Center, Construction,, 1972
(Notes: Architect: The Eggers Partnership Builder: George A. Fuller co.)
Box 172
Marcellus Hartley Dodge Physical Fitness Center, Construction,, 1974
Box 172
Marcellus Hartley Dodge Physical Fitness Center, dedication and brochure materials,, 1974
(Notes: Cornerstone laying ceremony and construction images.)
Box 172
Mathematics Building, Architectural Plans, 1962
(Notes: From East Gallery.)
Box OS 41
Mathematics Building, Battle of Harlem Heights plaque, undated
Box 172
Mathematics Building, Construction, undated
Box 172
Mathematics Building, Exterior, pre, 1962
(Notes: Prior to 1962 this building was named the Engineering Building.)
Box 172
Mathematics Building, Exterior, post, 1962
(Notes: Prior to 1962 this building was named the Engineering Building.)
Box 172
Mathematics Building, Floor Plans, undated
Box 173
Mathematics Building, Interiors, Laboratories, pre, 1962
Box 173
Mathematics Building, Interiors, Laboratories, Locomotive, undated
Box 172
Mathematics Buildings-Battle of Harlem Heights plaque, undated
Box OS 41
Mathematics Buildings (Engineering), Interior, undated
Box OS 41
Mathematics Buildings (Engineering), Exterior, 1900 ca. 1907, 1900, ca. 1907
Box OS 42
Mechanical and Electrical Laboratores, ca. 1903
Box 173
Miller/McMillan Academic Theater, 1988
Box OS 42
Models, architectural, ca. 1898
Box 173
Morningside Gardens, Groundbreaking, 1955
Box 173
Morningside Park, undated
Box 173
Mudd (Seely W.) Hall, undated
(Notes: Includes construction, groundbreaking, and general views; from campus views and subject.)
Box 173
Observatories, undated
Box 210
Officer's Club Building, undated
(Superindent's building, Bloomingdale Asylum)
Box 173
Optometry, School of, undated
Box 173
Pan Statue, undated
Box 173
Pegram Laboratory, undated
Box OS 42
Philosophy Hall, ca. 1900-1950
Box 173
Philosophy Hall, undated
Box 173
Powerhouse, 1950s
Box 173
Pre-Columbia, 1881 ca. 1895 1991, 1881, ca. 1895, 1991
(Notes: Bloomingdale Asylum; Amsterdam Ave.; 118th st.; 121st st.; 122nd st.)
Box 173
President's House, undated
(Notes: SEE ALSO: Eisenhower, Dwight D.-at President's House.)
Box OS 42
President's House, undated
(Notes: SEE ALSO: Eisenhower, Dwight D.-at President's House.)
Box 173
President's House, Exterior, undated
(Notes: SEE ALSO: Eisenhower, Dwight D.-at President's House.)
Box 173
Proposed buildings, undated
(Notes: Drawing of building proposed by Sheve, Lamb & Harmon Architects, east of Butler Library in Van Amringe Quad area.)
Box 213 Folder 1
Pupin Hall (Room 813 - I.I. Rabi's Office), undated
Photo taken after his death. Photo was collected by Chauncey Olinger and donated in Fall 2022.
Box 173
Pupin Physics Building, undated
Box 173
Pylon, undated
Box 173
Revson Plaza, Restoration, 1982
Box 174
Riverside Church, undated
Box 174
Riverside Church w/ Grant's Tomb, undated
Box 174
Riverside Drive, undated
(Notes: Gift of D. Pidhayny; Samuel J. Tilden statue; Rudd Mansion; SEE ALSO bio photos: Grant, Ulysses S. -- Funeral.)
Box 174
Riverside Park, undated
(Notes: SEE ALSO bio photos: Grant, Ulysses S. -- Funeral.)
Box 174
Saint Clair Place Development, undated
Box 175
Schapiro Center for Engineering and Physical Science Research (CEPSR),, 1992
Box 175
Schapiro Center for Engineering and Physical Science Research (CEPSR) construction, 1990 March2-1991 February1, 1990
(Notes: Color photographs.)
Box 175
Schapiro Center for Engineering and Physical Science Research (CEPSR) construction, 1998 March8-1990 February12, 1998
(Notes: Color photographs.)
Box 175
Schapiro Center for Engineering and Physical Science Research (CEPSR) construction, 1991 February1-1991 November 3, 1991
(Notes: Color photographs.)
Box 175
Schapiro Center for Engineering and Physical Science Research (CEPSR) construction, 1991 December 10-1992 June 2, 1991
Box 175
Schapiro Hall, 1987
Box 175
Schermerhorn Extension, Architectural Plans, 1968
Box 175
Schermerhorn Hall, Construction, 1895-1897
Box 175
Schermerhorn Hall, Dedication, 1896
Box OS 43
Schermerhorn Hall, Dedication, 1896
Box XL 7
Schermerhorn Hall, Dedication, 1896
Box 175
Schermerhorn Hall, Exterior, undated
Box OS 42
Schermerhorn Hall, Exterior, ca. 1904
Box 175
Schermerhorn Hall, Interior, undated
Box OS 43
Schermerhorn Hall, Interior, Museum Rooms, ca. 1904
Box OS 43
Schermerhorn Hall, Interior, Staircase, ca. 1900
Box OS 43
Schermerhorn, Interior, Miscellaneous, ca. 1900
Box 176
Service Building, Architectural Plans, 1964
Box 176
Sherman Fairchild Center, Construction, 1975 June ; 1976 January -March, 1975, 1976
Box 176
Sherman Fairchild Center, Construction, 1975 March, 1975
Box 176
Sherman Fairchild Center, Construction, 1975 April -May, 1975
Box 176
Sherman Fairchild Center, miscellaneous, undated
Box 176
South Court, undated
Box OS 44
South Field, undated
Box 176
South Field, undated
Box OS 42
St. Luke's Hospital, ca. 1900
Box 174
St. Luke's Hospital, undated
Box OS 42
St. Paul's Chapel, ca. 1900-1970
Box XL 7
St. Paul's Chapel, 1946 1966, 1946, 1966
Box 174
St. Paul's Chapel, Bell, 1918
Box 174
St. Paul's Chapel, Construction, undated
Box 174
St. Paul's Chapel, Exterior, undated
Box 174
St. Paul's Chapel, Exterior with People, undated
Box 174
St. Paul's Chapel, Foucault Experiment, undated
Box 174
St. Paul's Chapel, Interior, undated
Box 174
St. Paul's Chapel, Interior with People, undated
Box 174
St. Paul's Chapel, Sketches and Drawings, undated
Box 176
Sulzberger (Iphigene Ochs) Hall-architectural drawings, 1987
Box 176
Sun Ball, undated
Box OS 44
Teacher's College, Domestic Science, Department of, ca. 1900
Box OS 44
Teacher's College, Exterior, 1894-1900
Box 176
Teacher's College, Exterior, undated
Box 176
Teacher's College, Interior, undated
Box OS 45
Teacher's College, Interior, Gymnasium and Pool, ca. 1910
Box OS 44
Teacher's College, Interior, Horace Mann School, ca. 1910
Box OS 44
Teacher's College, Interior, Miscellaneous., ca. 1900
Box 176
Terrace Building, Construction
Box 176
Thinker, The, undated
Box 176
Tight Rope Walker, undated
Box 176
Tunnels, 1950
Box 176
Union Theological Seminary, undated
Box OS 45
Union Theological Seminary, undated
Box 177
University Hall Annex, 1947
Box 177
University Hall, Construction, 1897
Box OS 45
University Hall, Construction, 1897 May 8, 1897
Box OS 45
University Hall, Dedication, undated
Box 177
University Hall, Demolition, 1962
Box 177
University Hall, Exterior, undated
Box OS 45
University Hall, Exterior, ca. 1896-1900
Box OS 45
University Hall, Interior, 1900-1915
Box 177
University Hall, Interior, undated
Box 177
University Hall, Interior -- University Commons
Box OS 45
Uris Hall, undated
Box 177
Uris Hall Addition, Construction (Book 1), 1984
Box 177
Uris Hall Addition, Construction (Book 2), 1984
Box 177
Uris Hall Addition, Construction (Book 3), 1985
Box 177
Uris Hall, Construction, 1963
Box 177
Uris Hall, Miscellaneous, undated
Box 177
Uris Hall, Prior to 1984 Addition, undated, 1984, undated
Box 178
Uris Plaza, Restoration, 1982-1983
Box 178
Van Amringe Quad/Memorial, 1986, undated
Box 178
Wallach Art Gallery, 1986
Box 178
Wallach Hall, undated
(previously known as Livingston Hall)
Box 178
Warren (William and June ) Hall -- Construction, 1997
Box 178
Wellhead, undated
Box 178
West Hall, undated
Box 178
Wien (Lawrence) Stadium, undated
Box 178
Wien Hall, Construction, undated
Box 178
Wien Hall, Exterior, undated
Box 178
Wien Hall, Interior, undated
Box 178
Wildlife, 1996
Box 178
Women's Hospital, 1894 1905, 1894, 1905