Carnegie Council on Ethics & International Affairs records, 1844-2008

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Series III: Organizational Files: World Alliance for International Friendship through the Churches, 1914-1957

General Files, 1914-1950

Box 370 World Alliance, 1914

Baker, J. Allen, 1915

Battin, Benjamin F., Undated

British Council, Undated

Dickinson, W.H., Undated

Gulick, Sidney L., Undated

Publications, Undated

Schumaker, E.E., Undated

Siegmund-Schultz, F., Undated

British Council, 1916

Gulick, Sidney L., Undated

World Alliance, Undated

Publications, Undated

Conference of Christian Women, 1917

World Alliance, 1917

Interchange of Preachers and Speakers, 1918

Mid-European Nations, 1918

World Alliance, 1918

Anthony, Alfred W., 1919

Commission on Relations with France and Belgium, Undated

Commission on International Friendship and Good Will, 1919

Commission on Relations with the Orient, 1919

Constructive Immigration Legislation, 1919

Chaplain Legislation, Undated

E, General, 1919

Faunce, H.P, Undated

Federal Council of Churches, 1919

G, General, 1919

Box 371 Gordon, Linley V., 1919

Gulick, Sidney L., 1919

H, General, 1919

Herring, Rev. Hubert C., 1918

Lavelle, M.J., League to Enforce Peace, Undated

League of Nations, Undated

MacFarland, R. C.S., Undated

May flower Council, 1920

McAlfee-Mercier, Undated

American May flower Council, Minutes, 1920

May flower Council

Biographies English, Undated

Reports, Undated

Merrill, William P., Undated

Mexico, Undated

Box 372 Mid-European Union, Undated

Phelan, James D., Undated

Presbyterian Commission of the World Alliance, Undated

Smith, Sir George Adam, Undated

Taft, William Howard, Undated

War-Time Commission, Undated

A, General, 1920

B, General, 1920

Carnegie, Andrew--Colcord, Undated

Church Peace Union, Undated

Cleveland Conference, Commission on International Justice and Good Will, Undated

Commission on Relations with France and Belgium, Undated

Commission on Relations with the Orient, Undated

Commission on Stations with Religious Bodies in Europe, Undated

Conference on Allied Christian Agencies Doing Community Work, Undated

Box 373 Congregational Education Society, Undated

Committee on New Americans, Undated

Conference of National Organizations Favorable to Immediate Ratification of the Treaty of Peace with Germany, Undated

Constructive Immigration Legislation, Undated

Crowe, William G.--Curtis, W.A., Undated

Dane, Charles W., Disarmament, Undated

Dodge, Cleveland H.--Dykstra, J.A., Undated

Edsall, Jessie--Evans, Joseph, Undated

Pres. Faunce, Undated

Federal Council of Churches, Undated

Boston Meeting, Undated

Meetings, Undated

Minutes, Undated

Filene, Edward A.--France, Sen. Joseph I, Undated

Box 374 G, 1920

General Committee on Army and Navy Chaplains, Undated

Holland Pilgrim Fathers Celebration, 1920

Interchurch World Movement, Undated

Interchange of Preachers and Speakers, Undated

J-K, General, 1920

N-O, General, 1920

Wartime Commission, Undated

League of Nations

Box 375 League to Enforce Peace, Lynch, Dr. Frederick, Undated

MacFarland, C.S.--Myers, Undated

May flower Council, Undated

Minutes, Other Organizations, Undated

World Alliance Minutes and Reports, Undated

WA, Correspondence, Lord Dickinson, Marks Atkinson, Undated

World Alliance

Executive Committee, Undated

Miscellaneous, Undated

American Council Programs, Undated

International Programs, Undated

Education Committee, Undated

Annual Meetings, Undated

Draft Statement on Foreign Policy Remarks, 1950

Minutes, 1914-1956

Box 376 Minutes, 1914-1929

Box 377 Minutes, 1930-1941

Box 378 Minutes, 1942-1956

Annual Congresses and Conventions, 1923-1949

Box 379 Philadelphia World Alliance Congress, 1923

Buffalo World Alliance Congress, 1924

Detroit World Alliance Congress

Miscellaneous, 1925

Publicity, 1925

Speakers, 1925

Speeches, 1925


Publicity, 1926

Miscellaneous, 1926

St. Louis World Alliance Congress

Clippings, 1927

Form Letters, 1927

Minutes, 1927

Miscellaneous, 1927

Box 380 New York City World Alliance Congress

Committee on Message, 1928

Exhibit Book, Undated

Form Letters, Undated

Miscellaneous, Undated

Women's Advisory Committee, Undated

Nashville World Alliance Congress, 1929

Nashville World Alliance

Committee on Message, Undated

Clippings, Undated

Form Letters, Undated

Miscellaneous, Undated

Washington, D.C. World Alliance Congress, 1930

Form Letters, Invitations, 1930

Speeches, Undated

Box 381 Material in Connection with, 1930

Miscellaneous, 1930

Program Committee, 1930

Chicago World Alliance Congress

Material in Connection with, 1931

Exhibit Book, Undated

Miscellaneous, Undated

Speeches and releases, Undated

New York City World Alliance Congress

Exhibit Book, 1932

Miscellaneous, Undated

Speeches, Reports, Undated

Box 382 Philadelphia World Alliance Congress

Exhibit Book, 1933

Miscellaneous, Undated

Publicity, Undated

New York and Indianapolis World Alliance Convention, Exhibit Book, 1934

Indianapolis Convention, 1934 November 9-12, 1934

New York World Alliance Meeting, 1934 November 14, 1934

New York World Alliance Convention

Exhibit Book, 1935

Miscellaneous, Undated

Publicity, Undated

Luncheon for Lord Cecil November 19, Undated

Speeches, Undated

Denver World Alliance Convention

Publicity, 1936

Exhibit Book, Undated

Miscellaneous, Undated

Box 383 Boston World Alliance Congress

Reference Material, 1937

Miscellaneous, Undated

Publicity, Undated

Speeches, Undated

San Francisco World Alliance Congress

Exhibit Book, 1938

Miscellaneous, Undated

Publicity, 1939

Milwaukee and New York World Alliance Annual Meeting, Exhibit Book, Undated

Milwaukee, Miscellaneous, 1939

New York, Publicity, Undated

Meeting, Milwaukee Wisconsin, Dr. Dakin, and Institute at Ripon, 1940 January, 1940

Columbus, Ohio World Reliance Annual Meeting, 1949

Financial Records, 1916-1956

Box 384 Financial Records, 1916-1918

Ledger, Undated

Box 385 Audits, 1924-1956

Box 386 Newsletter -- Book Review Files, 1949-1955

Reviewed Books Received, 1949-1955

Letters requesting review copies, Undated

Review Books requested, 1951-1955

Book Reviews Rejections General Correspondence, 1953-1955

Newsletter-copies of, 1922-1957

Box 387 World Alliance Newsletter, 1922-1929

Box 388 World Alliance Newsletter, 1930-1942

Box 389 World Alliance Newsletter, 1943-1947

Box 390 World Alliance Newsletter, 1948-1953

Box 391 World Alliance Newsletter, 1954-1957

Box 392 World Alliance Newsletter, 1937

World Alliance Newsletter, 1939

World Alliance Newsletter, 1942-1943

World Alliance Newsletter, 1944-1947

World Alliance Newsletter, 1948-1949

World Alliance Newsletter, 1948-1951

World Alliance News Letter, 1950-1951

Box 393 World Alliance News Letter, 1952-1955

World Alliance News Letter, 1956-1957

World Alliance News Letter, 1952-1953

World Alliance News Letter, 1954-1955

World Alliance News Letter, 1956-1957

Handbooks and Printed Reports, 1914-1956 and undated, 1914-1956, undated

Box 394 One binder of miscellaneous material, Undated

World Alliance, Europe, Undated

USA, Undated

World Alliance, 1914-1919

Box 395 USA and Europe, 1920-1926

Box 396 USA and Europe, 1927-1931

Box 397 USA and Europe, 1932-1939

Box 398 USA and Europe, 1937-1943

Box 399 World Alliance, Undated

Belgium, Undated

Bulgaria, Undated

Czechoslovakia, Undated

Denmark, Undated

Finland, Undated

France, Undated

Germany, Undated

Great Britain, Undated

Greece, Undated

Holland, Undated

India, Undated

Italy, Undated

Norway, Undated

Sweden, Undated

Switzerland, Undated

Turkey, Undated