American Association for the United Nations: Policy Statements, Undated
American Ethical Union: Policy Statements, Undated
Anti-Semitism, Undated
Armenian Orthodox Church, Undated
Asia, Policy Statements, Undated
Buddhism, Undated
Catholic Policy: The Pope, Undated
Catholic Association for International Peace: Policy Statements, Undated
Box 165
Catholic General: Policy Statements, Undated
Central Conference of American Rabbis, Undated
Churches, Attacks on, Undated
Conservative Jewish, Policy Statements, Undated
Conscientious Objectors, Undated
Policy Statements: Council for Social Action International Relations Committee, Undated
Box 166
National Council: Department of International Justice and Goodwill Policy Statements, Undated
Eastern Orthodox Catholic, Undated
Education and Religion, Undated
Foreign Missions, Undated
Greek Orthodox, Undated
Human Rights: Policy Statements by Religious Organizations, Undated
Immigration, Undated
Interfaith: Policy Statements, Undated
Islam in America, Undated
Jewish Holy Days, Undated
Kierkegaard, Soran, Undated
Korea: Policy Statements, Undated
Lambeth Conference 1948 Anglican Policy Statement, Undated, 1948, Undated
Land Reform, Policy Statement Congregational Council for Social Action, CSA, Undated
McCarthy, Senator Joseph, Undated
Moral Rearmament, Undated
National Council
Policy Statements, Undated
Commission on Just and Durable Peace Policy Statements, Undated
Niemöller, Martin, Undated
Orthodox Jewish, Policy Statements, Undated
Box 167
Pacifism, Undated
Protestant Miscellaneous, Policy Statements, Undated
Quakers, Policy Statements, Undated
The Churches and Race Relations, 1946-1948
Reform Jewish, Policy Statements, Undated
Social Justice, Reform Jewish Policy Statements, Undated
Religions, World's, Undated
Religion and International Responsibility, General Materials, Undated
Box 168
Science and Religion, Undated
Sikh, Undated
Theological Seminaries in the United States and Canada, Undated
Policy Statements, Unitarian, Undated
Policy Statements, By Churches on the United Nations, Undated
Roman Catholic Church, United States, Undated
Synagogue Council of America, Undated
Vatican and International Relations, Undated
World Council of Churches, Policy Statements, Undated
Second Assembly, World Council of Churches, 1954
World Council of Churches Evanston Assembly, Participants and Program, Undated
World Council of Churches, Undated
Universal Military Training, Undated
Box 170
World Council of Churches, Undated
Asian-American Cooperation, Undated
Asian Trip
General Correspondence, Undated
A. William Loos Correspondence, Undated
Itinerary, Undated
Burma, Undated
Ceylon, Undated
Europe, Undated
Hong Kong, Undated
Indonesia, Undated
Japan, Undated
Box 171
Lists, Undated
Burma, Undated
Malaya, Undated
Mimeos, Undated
Pakistan, Undated
Paul, A.A., Undated
Philippine Islands, Undated
Replies from Asia, Undated
Thailand, Undated
Travel Documents, 1945
Official Documents, 1958
Canada, Silcox, Dr. C.E., 1957
Box 172
Canadian-American Consultation, Undated
Canadian Luncheon, New York City, 1957 February25, 1957
Carnegie Corporation Grant, 1960
Ceylon, Undated
Commission on Work Abroad, Undated
Contacts, Trip to Middle East, 1956
Continuing Committee on Muslim-Christian Cooperation, Undated
Box 173
Correspondence, Trip to Middle East, 1956
A.W.L., Eastern Europe, 1961
Europe and Middle East Trip
Correspondence, 1956
Names, 1956
Itinerary and Documents, 1956
Notes, 1956
European Trip and Correspondence, 1966
Box 174
France, Toledano, Andre and Yvonne and Jezequel, Undated
General Background File, Undated
Guiness, Paul, International Conference Plan, Undated
Implications Project
A and G and Miscellaneous, Undated
H through Z, Undated
Box 175
Follow-Up, Undated
Publication, Undated
Papers, Undated
India, Undated
Box 176
India, Paul, A.A., Undated
Institute for International Order, IIO, Research Papers, Undated
International Conference of Religious Leaders, Undated
International Exchange Project, Undated
International Institute of Advanced Buddhistic Studies, Rangoon, Burma, Undated
International Institute of Advanced Buddhistic Studies, Kerala, India, Undated
Letters for the Loos Trip, 1972
Box 177
A.W.L., Middle East Trip, 1956
Pakistan, Undated
Paul, A.A., International Fellowship, Undated
Project Presentations, Undated
Proposed Project International Seminars Abroad, Undated
International Seminar in United States, Undated
Box 178
Record of Expenditures, Smith, Donald E., Undated
Donald E. Smith Project Religion and State, Asia, Undated
U. Thitthila Reception, Undated
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization UNESCO, Proposed International Seminar of Religious Leaders International, Undated
A.W.L. Trip to Uppsala, 1968 July, 1968
Work Abroad
Advisory Committee, Undated
Substantive Questions, Undated
Work Abroad Director, Candidates for, 1959-1960
Box 179
Work Abroad, Lists of Contacts, Undated
Committee on Work Abroad Mimeographed Materials, Undated
Box 180
Work Abroad and Project Outlines, Undated
Proposed Work Abroad Projects, Correspondence, Undated
World Congress of Faiths Church Peace Union Representatives Abroad, Undated
Adult Education Association of the United States, Council of National Organizations, Undated
African American Institute, Undated
Africa Placement Service, Undated
African Service Institute of New York, Undated
Africa Project, Undated
Allied Youth, Undated
American Afro-Asian Educational Exchange, Undated
American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies, Undated
American Association for United Nations, Undated
American Association for the United Nations
Collegiate Council, Undated
Peoples Section Bulletin, Undated
Commission to Study the Organization of Peace, Undated
All-Pakistan Women's Association, Undated
American Academy of Political and Social Science, 52nd Annual Meeting, Undated
American Association of University Women, Undated
American Board of Missions to the Jews, Undated
American Christian Palestine Committee, Undated
American Citizens Committee for Economic Aid Abroad, Undated
American Civil Liberties Union ACLU, Undated
American Committee for Aid to Katanga Freedom Fighters, Undated
American Committee for Free Russia, Inc., Undated
Box 190
American Committee on Africa, Undated
American Committee on United Europe, Undated
American Committee for Freedom for the Peoples of the USSR, Undated
American Committee on Religious Rights and Minorities, Undated
American Council on Education, Undated
American Council for Judaism, Undated
American Council of Learned Societies, Undated
American Council on North Atlantic Trade Organization NATO, Inc., Undated
American Council of Voluntary Agencies for Voluntary Service, Undated
American Ethical Union, Undated
American Federation of Labor, Workers Education Bureau, Undated
American Federation Movement, Undated
American Federation of World Citizens, Undated
American Field Service International Scholarships, Undated
American Film Forum, Inc., Undated
American Foundation for Continuing Education, Undated
American Foundation for Political Education, Undated
American Freedom Association, Inc., Undated
American Friends of the Middle East, Undated
American Friends Service Committee, Undated
American Indian Fund, Undated
American Jewish Committee, Undated
American Jewish Conference, Undated
American Jewish Congress, Undated
Box 191
American International Singers, Undated
American Labor Services for the United Nations, Undated
American Liberal Association, Undated
American Library Association, Undated
American Loyalty, Undated
American Peace Society, Undated
American Peace Crusade, Undated
American Russian Institute, Undated
American Society for Russian Relief, Undated
American Society of Christian Social Ethics, Undated
American Stamp Dealers Association, Undated
American Society of African Culture, Undated
American Trade Union Council, Undated
American Travel Missions Abroad, Undated
Americans United For World Government, Undated
American Veterans for Peace, Undated
American Youth for World Youth, Undated
Americans for Democratic Action, Undated
American Oriental Society, Undated
American Universities Field Staff Inc., Undated
American University's School of International Service, Undated
Anglo-Iranian Oil Company, Undated
Annual Calendar on International Relations, Trade Tariffs, Undated
Arbeitsgemeinschaft Der Kirchen Und Religionsgesellschaften in Grob-Berlin, Undated
Arms of Friendship, Inc., Undated
Asia Foundation, Undated
Asia Society, Undated
Asia Study Group-Huth, Undated
Asian Recorder, Undated
Box 192
Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies, Undated
Assembly of Captive European Nations, Undated
Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith, Undated
Association for Asian Studies, Undated
Antioch Notes, Undated
Atlantic Union Committee, Undated
Bahai International Community, Undated
Between the Lines, Undated
Biosophical Institute, Undated
Blaisdell Institute for Advanced Study in World Cultures and Religions, Undated
Briefing on United Nations Affairs, Undated
British Council of Christians and Jews, Undated
British Council of Churches, Undated
Blaisdell Institute, Undated
Broadcasting Foundation of America, Undated
The Brownest Press, Undated
Pierce Butler Jr. Foundation for Education in World Law, Undated
Box 193
Campaign for World Government, Undated
Calendar on International Relations, Undated
Canadian Association for Adult Education, Undated
Canadian Institute on Public Affairs, Undated
CARE, Undated
CARE Development Corporation, Undated
Carnegie Endowment, Undated
Carrie Chapman Catt Memorial-Fund Freedom Agenda Committee, Undated
Catholic Association for International Peace, Undated
Catholic Intercontinental Press, Inc., Undated
Catholic Interracial Council, Undated
Box 194
Committee for Conscientious Objectors, Undated
Center for Information on America, Undated
Center for International Studies, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Undated
Centre International De Formation Europeanne, Undated
Center of Sociopolitical Research and Information, Brussels, Undated
Ceylon Muslim Cultural Centre, Undated
Chamber of Commerce of the United States, Undated
Chicago Council on Foreign Relations, Undated
Children to Palestine, Undated
China Aid Council, Inc., Undated
Chicago Committee to Win the Peace, Undated
Children's Plea for Peace, Undated
China Institute in America, Undated
Chinese Peoples Committee for World Peace and Against American Aggression, Undated
Christian Action, Undated
Christian Committee to Oppose Peacetime Conscription, Voss, Carl Herman, Undated
Christian Council on Palestine, Undated
Christian Economics, Undated
Christian Endeavor Union, Undated
Christian Faith-and-Life Community, Undated
Christian Newsletter on International Affairs, Undated
Christian Peace Conference, Undated
Christianity United Nations Limited, Undated
Christophers, the, Undated
Churchman, the, Undated
Christian Rural Overseas Program, CROP, Undated
Church Peace Mission, Undated
Church World Service, Undated
Box 195
Circuit Riders, Undated
Citizens Committee for a Free Cuba, Undated
Citizenship Clearing House, Undated
Citizens Conference on International Economic Union, Undated
Civil Aviation Organization, Undated
Civil Rights Congress, Undated
Club Program Service, Undated
College of Europe-Bruges, Undated
The Collegium, Undated
Commission of the Churches on International Affairs, Undated
Commission to Study the Organization of Peace, Undated
Commission on World Peace of Methodist Church, Undated
Committee for A Christian University in Japan, Undated
Committee for Collective Security, Undated
Committee of One Million, Undated
Committee on Cooperation in Latin America, Undated
Committee for Defense of the Constitution by Preserving the Treaty Power, Undated
Committee on Discrimination in Housing, Undated
Committee for Economic Development, Undated
Committee for an Effective Foreign Aid Program, Undated
Committee for International Economic Growth, Undated
Committee for Foreign Trade Education, Undated
Committee on Friendly Relations among Foreign Students, Undated
Committee for the Monroe Doctrine, Undated
Committee for a National Trade Policy, Undated
Committee on Social-Philosophy and Direct Finding of American Educational Association, Undated
Committee for a Free Asia, Undated
Committee on the Present Danger, Undated
Committee to Proclaim Liberty, Undated
Committee for Religion at Work in the Community, Undated
Committee against Summit Entanglements, Undated
Committee for War Victims and Reconstruction, Undated
Committee for World Development and World Disarmament, Undated
Box 196
Committee for the World Law Poll, Undated
Comprende Societa Europa Di Cultura, Undated
Commonwealth of World Citizens, Undated
Conference Counselors, Undated
Conference Group of US Organizations on the United Nations, Undated
Conference Group, the, Undated
Congregational Christian Churches, Undated
Congregational Christian Service Committee, Undated
Congregational Christian Pacifist Fellowship, Undated
Congress for Cultural Freedom, Undated
Congress of Freedom, Inc., Undated
Congress for Universal Religious Exchange, CURE, Lew Ayres, Undated
Congress for the Peoples for Peace, Undated
Congress on Racial Equality, CORE, Undated
Conlon Associates, Ltd., Undated
Continuing Committee on Muslim Christian Cooperation, Undated
Council on African Affairs, Inc., Undated
Council of Europe, Undated
Council against Intolerance, Undated
Council for Financial Aid to Education, Inc., Undated
Council for Improved US-Japanese Trade Relations, Undated
Council on Islamic Affairs, Undated
Council of National Organizations, Undated
Council for Social Action
Publications Committee, Undated
International Relations Committee, Undated
Box 197
Council for Social Action, Attacks, Undated
Council on World Tensions, Undated
Counterattack, Undated
Crusade for Peace, Undated
Crusade for Freedom, Undated
Crusade for World Government, Undated
Cultural Interchange Institute for Buddhists, Tokyo, Undated
CURE: Conference on Research and Education in World Government, Undated
Democracy Unlimited, Undated
Democratic Party, Undated
Doorway to the 20th Century, Undated
Eagleton Foundation, Undated
East and West Association, Undated
Economic Democracy, Box 835, Detroit 31, Undated
Education and World Affair, Undated
Eisenhower Exchange Fellowships, Undated
Emergency Civil Liberties Committee, Undated
Emergency Committee for German Protestantism, Undated
Ecumenical Movement, Undated
Encampment for Citizenship, Undated
Experiment in International Living, Undated
Esperanto, Undated
European Community Information Service, Undated
Evansville College, Undated
Facts Forum, Undated
Faith at Work, Printed by Religious Associations of the National Conservative Political Action Committee, NCPAC, Undated
Federal Union, Undated
Fellowship in Prayer, Inc., Undated
Fellowship of Reconciliation, Undated
Fellowship of Southern Churchmen, Undated
Film Council of America, Undated
Folk Dance House, Undated
For America, Undated
Ford Foundation, Undated
Box 198
Foreign Policy Bulletin, 1953
Foreign Policy Clearing House, Nuveen, John, Undated
Foreign Service Educational Foundation, Undated
Foreign Students, Undated
Foundation for Economic Education, Undated
Foundation for Integrated Education, Undated
Foundation for Religious Action, Undated
Franklin Delano Roosevelt Foundation, Undated
Free Europe Committee, Undated
Freedoms Foundation, Undated
Freedom House, Undated
Freedom Club, Inc., Undated
Freedom and Union, Undated
Free Europe University in Exile, Undated
Friends Committee on National Legislation, Undated
Friendship among Children and Youth, Undated
Friends of Lebanon, Undated
Friends Peace Committee, Undated
Frontier Fellowship, Undated
Box 199
Fund for Adult Education, Undated
Fund for Asia, Undated
Fund for Peaceful Atomic Development, Inc., Undated
Fund for Public Information, Undated
Fund for the Republic, Undated
General Welfare Movement, Undated
Girls' Friendly Society, Undated
Good News Publishers, Undated
Grail International Student Center, Undated
Greater New York Council for Foreign Students, Undated
Greek Orthodox Church, Undated
Group Attitudes Corporation, Undated
Group on Future Catastrophe Hazards, Undated
Heifer Project, Inc., Undated
Heritage Foundation, the, Undated
Humanity Guild, Undated
Indian Council of World Affairs, Undated
Information Service National Council of Churches, Undated
Institute for American Democracy, Inc., Undated
Institute for Asian Studies, Undated
Box 200
Institute of International Education, Undated
Institute of Ethnic Affairs, Inc., Undated
Institute for International Order, Undated
Institute of Ethics and Politics, Undated
Institute for International Order, formerly Institute for International Government, Undated
Institute of Pacific Relations, Undated
Institute on Religion in an Age of Science, Undated
Institute for Religious and Social Issues Jewish Theological Seminary of America, Undated
Institute for Social Research, Undated
Institute of War and Peace Studies, Undated
Inter-American Association for Democracy and Freedom, Undated
Association for Liberal Christianity and Religious Freedom, Undated
Auxiliary Language Association, Undated
Congress of the History of Religions, Undated
Council of Christians and Jews, Undated
Council for Christian Leadership, Undated
Box 201
Council of Community Churches, Undated
Development Placement Association, Inc., Undated
Economic Survey, Undated
Council of Religious Education, Undated
Economic Union, Undated
Educational Reconstruction, Undated
Development Advisory Board, Undated
Fellowship, Undated
Fellowship of Reconciliation, Undated
Forum for Peace, Undated
Hospitality Committee, Undated
Institute, Undated
League for the Rights of Man, Undated
Liaison Committee of Organizations for Peace, Undated
Missionary Council, Undated
Registry of World Citizenship, Undated
Political Science Association, Undated
Review Service, Undated
Students, Inc., Undated
World Peace Day Committee, 1950
Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship, Undated
Iona Community, Undated
Islamic Congress, Undated
Jane Addams Peace Association, Inc., Addams, Jane, Undated
Japan Council against A and H Bombs, Undated
Japan: A Report, Undated
Jewish Peace Fellowship, the, Undated
Jewish Statistical Bureau, Undated
Johnson Foundation, the, Undated
Kagawa National Committee, Undated
Kentucky Council on Human Relations, Undated
Koinonia Farm, Undated
Korean Pacific Press, Undated
Labor Temple, Undated
Laymen's Movement for a Christian World, Undated
League for Freedom, Undated
League to Uphold Congregational Principles, Undated
League of Women Voters, Undated
Box 202
League of Women Voters, Greenwich, Undated
Let's Talk About, Undated
Levant Club, Undated
Liberal International, Undated
Lift, Undated
Lilly Endowment, Undated
Lisle Fellowship, Undated
Los Angeles Committee for Protection of the Foreign-Born, Undated
Lowell Institute Cooperative Broadcasting Council, Undated
Lucis Publishing Council, Undated
Medway Plan, Undated
Methodist Church, the, Undated
Middle East Institute, the, Undated
Minnesota World Affairs Center, Undated
Minority of One, Undated
Missionary Education Movement, Undated
Missions Council of the Congregational Christian Churches, Undated
Monthly Message, Undated
Moral Rearmament, Undated
National Association for Liberal Christianity and Religious Freedom, Undated
National Association of Manufacturers, Undated
National Catholic Resettlement Council, Undated
National Catholic Rural Life Conference, Undated
National Center for Education in Politics, Undated
National Civil Liberties Clearing House, Undated
National Committee for an Adequate Overseas United States Information Program, Undated
National Committee on Atomic Information, Undated
National Committee for an Effective Congress, Undated
National Committee for Free Europe, Inc., Undated
National Committee for a Sane Nuclear Policy, Undated
National Committee to Repeal the McCarran Act, Undated
National Committee to Win the Peace, Undated
Box 203
National Conference of Christians and Jews, Undated
National Conference on International Economic and Social Development, Inc., Undated
National Conference of Non-Governmental Organizations on the Food and Agriculture Organization, Undated
National Council of the Arts, Sciences and Professions, Undated
National Conference of Young Churchmen, Undated
National Council against Conscription, Undated
National Council of American, Soviet Friendship, Undated
National Council of Churches, Home Missions Council of NA, National Assembly, Undated
National Council of Churches of Christ in the United Sates, Department of Publication, Undated
National Council of Churches of Christ in the United States, Undated
National Council for Prevention of War, Undated
National Council of the Protestant Episcopal Church¸, Undated
National Education Association of the United States, Undated
National Educational Television and Radio Center, Undated
National Institute of Social Relations, Undated
National Issues Committee, Undated
National Opinion Research Center, Undated
National Peace Conference, Undated
National Peace Council, Undated
National Planning Association, Undated
National Protestant Council on Higher Education, Undated
National Review Magazine, Undated
National Service Board for Religious Objectors, Undated
National Social Welfare Assembly, Undated
National Student Council Young Men's Christian Association, YMCA, Young Women's Christian Association, YWCA, Undated
Box 204
Near East Foundation, Undated
New York Citizen's Committee for a People's World Convention, Undated
New York Committee for the General Strike for Peace, Undated
New York Committee for a Sane Nuclear Policy, Undated
New York Film Council, Undated
New York State Citizens' Council, Undated
New York State Committee on Equality in Education, Undated
New York State Council of Churches, Undated
New World Review, Undated
New World Union, Undated
North American Airlines, Undated
North Central Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools, for Rel. Project, Undated
The Open Door, Undated
Operation Democracy, Undated
Organization of American States, Undated
Organization of Arab Students in the United States, Undated
Organization for European Economic Cooperation, Undated
Overseas Educational Service, Undated
Pamphleteer Monthly, Undated
Pan American Union, Undated
Peace Bond Drive, Undated
Peace Information Center, Undated
Peace Study Institute, the, Undated
People's League for World Order, Undated
Phelps-Stokes Fund, Undated
Planned Parenthood Federation, Undated
Population Council, the, Undated
Population Reference Bureau, Undated
PREWU, Undated
Program Information Bulletin, Undated
Promoting, Enduring Peace, Undated
Protestant Radio Commission, Undated
Protestants and other Americans United For Separation of Church and State, Undated
Public Administration Clearing House, Undated
Public Affairs Pamphlets, Undated
Box 205
Ramakrishna Mission, Undated
Religious Education Association of the United States and Canada, Undated
Relief Organizations, International, Undated
Religion at the News Desk, 1954
Religious Associates, Undated
Religious Freedom Committee, Undated
Republican Party, Undated
Research Exchange on the Prevention of War, Undated
Resolved, Undated
Roosevelt Foundation, Eleanor, Undated
Royal Institute of International Affairs, Undated
Rumely Groups, Undated
Save the Children Federation, Undated
School of Advanced International Studies; Johns Hopkins University, Undated
Schwenkfelder Library, Undated
Seminars for International Understanding, Undated
Servas International, Undated
Shapley-Shipler Committee, Undated
Sing Out America, Undated
Social Action in Review Jewish, Undated
Social Missions Quarterly, United Lutheran, Undated
Social Science Foundation; University of Denver, Undated
Society for Asian Music, Undated
Society for International Development, Undated
Society for the Defense of Freedom in Asia, Undated
Society for the Prevention of World War III, Undated
Society for Religious Culture, Undated
Spiritual Mobilization, Undated
Speakers Research Committee for the United Nations, Undated
Student Cooperative League, Undated
Student Volunteer Movement, Undated
Synagogue Council of America, Undated
Box 206
Taconic Foundation, Undated
Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association, Undated
The Christines, Undated
Triangles, Undated
Turn Towards Peace, Undated
TV Training Workshop, Undated
United Auto Workers-Council of Industrial Operation, UAW-CIO, Undated
Union of American Hebrew Congregations, Undated
Union House of Living Judaism, Undated
Union of International Associations, Undated
Union for the Study of Great Religions, Undated
Unitarian Commission on World Order, Undated
Unitarian Service Committee, Undated
Unitarian Universalist Commission on Church Union, Undated
United Christian Youth Movement, Undated
United Council of Church Women, Undated
Box 207
United States
Advisory Commission on Educational Exchange, Undated
Book Exchange, Inc., Undated
Committee against Militarization, Undated
Committee for the United Nations, Undated
National Students Association, Undated
South Africa Leader Exchange Program, Inc., Undated
United Stewardship Council, Undated
United Student Christian Council, Study Department, Undated
United World Federalists, Undated
Universalists Church, Undated
Uphaus, Willard Organizations, Undated
United States National Commission for the United Nations Environmental, Scientific and Cultural Organization, UNESCO
Meeting, 1952 October, 1952
Membership, Undated
University of Michigan, Research Center for Group Dynamics, Undated
Voice of America, Undated
Wage Total Peace Committee, Undated
War Resisters League, Undated
Warsaw Festival of Youth, Undated
Weekly Guardian Associates, Undated
Women's International Democratic Federation, Undated
Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, Undated
Woodrow Wilson Centennial Commission; Wilson, Woodrow, Undated
Woodrow Wilson Foundation; Wilson, Woodrow, Undated
Box 208
Workers Defense League, Undated
Workshop for Cultural Democracy, Undated
World Affairs Center, Undated
World Alliance for International Friendship through Religion, Undated
World around Press, Undated
World Brotherhood, Undated
World Calendar Association, Undated
World Citizenship Movement, Undated
World Congress of Faiths, Undated
World Constitutional Convention, Undated
World Council of Churches, Undated
World Council of Peace, Undated
World Council for Peoples World Convention, Undated
World Council of Mothers, Undated
World Council of Christian Education and Sunday school Association, Undated
World Federation of Democratic Youth, Undated
World Federation of United Nations Associations, Undated
World Fellowship, Inc., Undated
World Friendship Association, Undated
Box 209
World Goodwill, Undated
World Movement for World Federal Government, Undated
World Government Sponsors, Inc., Undated
World Neighbors, Undated
World Organization of Mothers of All Nations, Undated
World Organization of the Teaching Profession, Undated
World Parliament of Religions, Undated
World Peace Council, Undated
World Student Service Fund, Undated
World Truth League, Undated
World Veterans Federation, the, Undated
Box 210
Yardstick, the, Undated
Young Adult Council, Undated
Young Men's Christian Association, Friday Noon Discussion Group, Undated
Youth of All Nations, Undated
Young Presidents Organization, Undated
Young Women's Christian Association, Undated
Youth Argosy, Undated