General Chronological Files, 1914-1941
Box 216
Church Peace Union; General Chronological Reports and Correspondences, Undated
Box 217
Church Peace Union
Correspondence, 1914
General Chronological File, 1914
Japan, 1915
P, General, 1915
Peace Makers Committee, 1915
A through C, General, 1916
D through H, General, 1916
Box 218
Japan, 1916
Box 219
L through P, General, 1916
Peace Makers Committee, 1916
R through Y, General, 1916
A through C, General, 1917
D through I, General, 1917
Box 220
Japan, 1917
Box 221
K through M, General, 1917
Military Training, 1917
N through P, General, 1917
Peace Makers Committee, 1917
R through Y, General, 1917
A through D, General, 1918
F through I, General, 1918
Japan, 1918
K through M, General, 1918
Moral Aims of the War, 1918
N through R, General, 1918
Atkinson, Henry A. and the Social Service Commission, 1920
Box 222
Academy of Political Science, Arnaud, Undated
Atkinson, Dr. Henry A., Undated
Babbott, Frank, Boyle, Wray, Undated
Boynton, Nehemiah, Undated
Breithaupt A. A, Burns, Harry, Undated
Brown, Arthur J., Undated
Cabrera, Fernando, Clark, E.T., Undated
Chicago Conference, Undated
Chicago Conference Articles, Undated
Church Peace Union, Undated
Clark, Francis, Conrad, A., Undated
Commission on Council of Churches, Undated
Commission on International Justice and Goodwill, Undated
Committee for Constructive Immigration Legislation, Undated
Committee on New Americans, Undated
Commission on Relations with the Orient, Undated
Committee on Reduction of Armaments, Undated
Box 223
Conference on the Church and Industrial Research, Undated
Congregational Education Society, Undated
Congress, All American Churches, Undated
Cummings, Edward, Cutting, Adolf, Undated
Danforth, William, Diessmam, Adolf, Undated
Democratic National Committee, Undated
Dickinson, Sir William H., Undated
Disarmament Committee, Undated
Dorland, Arthur, Dunnice, Herbert, Undated
Federal Council of Churches, Undated
Friendship Committee of the Federation of Missions, Undated
Figueirdos, Joaquim, Fuzier, Sal, Undated
Glanvill File, Undated
Box 224
Guild, Roy B., D.D., Undated
Gulick, Sidney L., Undated
Interchange of Preachers and Speakers, 1921
Inter-Church World Movement, Undated
Japanese and American Committee, Undated
League of Nations, Undated
League to Enforce Peace, Undated
MacFarland, Dr. C.S., Undated
Marko, Merrick, Frank, Undated
Merrill, the Reverend William P., Undated
Merriman, Christina, Muldoon, Peter, Undated
Minutes, Miscellaneous, Undated
National Council for the Limitation of Armaments, Undated
Newspaper Releases, Undated
Poling, Daniel, Price, Orlo, Undated
Proposals for Leadership, Undated
Ramsey, Alexander, Remensnyder, Julius, Undated
Reports Miscellaneous, Undated
Resolutions, Undated
Box 225
Rice, Edwin, Ryan, James, Undated
Root, the Reverend E. Tallmadge, Undated
Salvesen, Bernard, Sheldon, Albert, Undated
Simpson, H.G., Smeade, George, Undated
Short, William H., Undated
Smith, Fred B., Undated
Smith, J, Sprague, Lesley, Undated
Speer, Robert E., Undated
Stone, Harlan, Symons, William, Undated
Theological Seminaries Scholarship, Undated
Turner, Fennell P., Undated
University of the Nations, Upham, Undated
Acceptance of World Alliance Board of Directors, Undated
World Conference on Faith and Order, Undated
World Conferences, Undated
World Alliance Matters, Undated
World Alliance 6th Annual Meeting, 1921 May 17-19, 1921
World Alliance Executive Meetings, Undated
Box 226
A Material, Undated
Ainslie, Peter, Undated
Allied Christian Agencies, Undated
Atterbury, Dr. Anson P., Undated
Announcements, Undated
Anthony, Alfred, Undated
Appeal to Carnegie Foundation, Undated
Atkinson, Henry A., Undated
Carnegie Corporation, Undated
World Alliance Annual Meeting Speeches, 1922
Committee on American-Japanese Relations, Gulick, Undated
Washington Conference Petitions for Ratification, Undated
Copenhagen Conference, 1922
Democratic National Committee, Undated
Dickinson, Sir Willoughby, Undated
Cummings, Edward; World Peace Foundation, Undated
Disarmament, Undated
Box 227
Dorland, Professor Arthur C., Undated
Gardiner, Robert, Greever, William, Undated
Hahn, Albert--Hooker, Edward, Undated
Homans, Rockland--Hutchins, Undated
Hull, William I., Undated
Laflamme--Lawson, William, Undated
Mahoney--Maurer, Irving, Undated
McCartby--McElveen, Undated
Mead, Lucia--Mischler, Wendell, Undated
Merrill, William P., Undated
Minutes of Church Peace Union and World Alliance Federal Council of Churches, Undated
Gulick, Sidney L., Undated
MacFarland, Dr. Charles, Undated
Box 228
Minutes and Miscellaneous, Undated
Monod, Wilfred--Myers, Undated
Page, Kirby, Undated
Reports, Miscellaneous, Undated
Resolutions, Undated
Richards, Charles, Rushbrooke, Undated
Seminary Scholarship, Undated
Smith, George, Sperry, Willard, Undated
Smith, Fred B., Undated
State Department, Stewart, John, Undated
Ward, Harry--Wright, Undated
World Alliance, Undated
Box 229
Adams, Charles; Atkinson, Henry A., Undated
Australia, Undated
Baird, Harry, Bean, James, Undated
Belgian Council of World Alliance, Boyer, Edward, Undated
Boynton, Nehemiah, Undated
Brent--Bryant, Undated
Brown, Arthur J., Undated
Buffalo Convention, Butchart, Ruben, Undated
Cabrero, Fernando--Causey, Undated
Campaign for International Cooperation, Undated
Cecil, Robert, Cleveland Meeting, Undated
Church Peace Union, Reports, Miscellaneous, Undated
Clark, Francis, Colcord, Samuel, Undated
Committee on Christianity and International Relations, Undated
Conference on Christian Way of Life and Conference on Work among the Slaves, Undated
Conferences, Universal, Undated
Box 230
Conrad, Curtis, May belle, Undated
DaCosta--Diffendorfer, Undated
Dickinson, Sir Willoughby, Undated
Donaldson, H., Dyer, Frank, Undated
Federal Council of Churches, Undated
Federal Council; Plans for Cooperation with Church Peace Union and World Alliance, Undated
Federation of League of Nations Societies, Vienna Meeting, Undated
Filene, Edward--France, Undated
Friends of Freedom for India, Undated
Gardiner, Robert--Gerard, Undated
Gill, Isabella, Guild, Roy, Undated
Gulick, Sidney L., Undated
Box 231
Halliday, James, Historical Review, Undated
Holmes, Harry L., Undated
Hodgkin, Henry--Hunting, Undated
Hughes, Charles E., excerpts of speeches, Undated
Idleman, Finis--Inman, Samuel, Undated
Immigration Commission, Undated
Institute for Public Service, Undated
Irwin, Will; Christ or Mars, Undated
Japan, Undated
Ladd, William, Leach, Henry, Undated
Lee--Leonard, Undated
League of Nations Non-Partisan Association, Undated
League of Nations Union, English, Undated
Lind, Lusk, Clayton, Undated
MacFadyn, Dugald, MacMillan, Irving, Undated
Main, Arthur, Maurer, Irving, Undated
Box 232
Merrill, Dr. William P., Undated
Minutes, Miscellaneous, Undated
Monod, Wilfred, Murray, William, Undated
Nansen, Fridtjof, Undated
National Council for Prevention of War, Undated
National Council for Reduction of Arms, Undated
Neighbors League of America, Undated
New York League of Women Voters, Undated
Our World, Undated
Pacific Coast Office, Undated
Pace, Homer, Pro-League of Nations, Undated
Page, Kirby, Undated
Petition, Undated
Ramsay, Alexander, Raphael, Ruth, Undated
Resolutions, Miscellaneous, Undated
Richards, Bernard, Russia, Undated
Sanders, Frank--Slade, Francis, Undated
Smith, Fred B., Undated
Box 233
Speer, Dr. Robert E., Undated
Smith, Charles--Sweetser, Arthur, Undated
World Alliance, Undated
World Alliance
Board of Directors Executive Board, Undated
English Council, Undated
Box 234
Adams, Charlotte, Allen, John, Undated
American Peace Award, Undated
Ames--Armitage, Undated
Atkinson, Henry A., Undated
Bacon, Howard, Beumbaugh, Harvey, Undated
Biographical Sketches, Undated
Boynton, Nehemiah, Undated
Bowie--Broadsides, Undated
Brown, Dr. Arthur J., Undated
Brown, O.--Burns, Raymond, Undated
Cadman--Calkins, Undated
Caldwell, R.J., Undated
Campaign on International Cooperation, Undated
Cannon, James--Carnegie, Louise, Undated
Carnegie Corporation of New York, Undated
Catt, Carrie--Collier, Edward, Undated
Commission on International Justice and Goodwill, Undated
Committee on Peace Strategy, Undated
Conferences, Undated
Cox--Crosby, Undated
Box 235
Cummings, Edward, Undated
Curtis, Emerson, Undated
Daniels, John, Divine, Sherman, Undated
Dickinson, Sir Willoughby, Undated
United States Tour, Undated
Dowling, Victor, Dunne, E., Undated
Edmonds, English Speaking Union, Undated
Farwell--Feinberg, Undated
Federal Council of Churches, Undated
Federation of Churches, Undated
Field, the Forum, Undated
Foreign Policy Association, Undated
Fosdick, Harry Emerson, Undated
Fosdick, Raymond B., Undated
Box 236
Francis, Robert--Frothingham, Undated
Gardiner, Robert; Golden Rule Committee, Undated
Germany, 1924
Goldstein, Dr. Jacob, Undated
Gordon, Linley V. Undated
Gratwick, F.--Guy, George, Undated
Gulick, Sidney L., Undated
Hall--Holloway, Rupert, Undated
Holmes, Harry N., Undated
Holmquist, Louise--Hutchins, Martin, Undated
Idleman, Finis, Irwin, Will, Undated
Immigration Commission, Undated
Interchange of Preachers and Speakers, Undated
Japanese and American Committee, Undated
Japanese World Alliance, Undated
Box 237
Johnson, Senator Hiram W., Undated
Laidlaw, Harriet--Levermore, Charles, Undated
League of Nations, Undated
League of Nations Non-Partisan Association, Undated
Libby, Frederick--Lyon, Sarah, Undated
Lunn, Henry, Undated
MacFarland, C.S., Undated
MacDonald, James--May o, Josephine, Undated
McAliser--McGiffert, Undated
Mead, Edwin, Missionary Education Movement, Undated
Merrill, the Reverend William P., Undated
Minutes, Miscellaneous, Undated
World Alliance and Church Peace Union, Minutes, Undated
Box 238
Monod, Wilfred--Murphy, Albert, Undated
Murray, Gilbert, Mobilizing For Peace, Undated
Murray, Professor Gilbert, Undated
National Commission and Committee of the Inquiry, Undated
National Conference on the Christian Way of Life, Undated
National Council for the Prevention of War, Undated
Neil, Donald, Norwood, Frederick, Undated
Nexus Committee, Undated
Peace Campaign, Undated
Rae, James, Randall, C.E., Undated
Reidenbach, Clarence--Revell Company, Undated
Reports Miscellaneous, Undated
Resolutions Miscellaneous, Undated
Richard, J.--Ryan, John, Undated
Sahler, William--Sprigg, William, Undated
Smith, Fred B., Undated
Speer, Robert E., Undated
Box 239
Universal Christian Conference on Life and Work, Undated
Vance, Joseph--Voris, John, Undated
Waite, Mary--Wright, Anson, Undated
World Alliance, Undated
Zilka, Francis, Undated
Aarons--Atterbury, 1925
Atkinson, Dr. Henry A., 1925
Babcock, Baxter, William, 1925
Biographies, 1925
Beam, Blyth, Robert, 1925
Booth--Breckenridge, 1925
Borah, Senator, Washington Conference, 1925
Boynton, Nehemiah, 1925
Brent, Charles--Bryant, Henry, 1925
Cadbury, Henry--Cawthorne, Herbert, 1925
Chisholm, Archibald--Cummings, Edward, 1925
Box 240
Dickinson, Willoughby--Dyer, 1925
E, General, 1925
Florida Campaign, 1925
Gordon, Reverend Linley V., 1925
Gulick, Dr. Sidney L., 1925
Harvey--Houser, 1925
Hughes--Hutchison, 1925
IJK, General, 1925
L, General, 1925
MacDonald, James--McKenzie, 1925
MacFayden, Donald--Mills, Elden, 1925
Montgomery, George--Mott, John, 1925
Nicholson, S.E., 1925
P, General, 1925
R, General, 1925
Box 241
Sanders, Everett--Shotwell James, 1925
Smeaton--Spreng, 1925
Stomberg--Sykes, Tom, 1925
Taylor--Tippy, 1925
Tomkins--Tuttle, Tania (Mrs. Frank), 1925
U, General, 1925
War Guilt, 1925
Waite, Mary--White, 1925
Wickersham, George--Wishart, Charles, 1925
World Alliance
German Council, 1925
Japanese Council, 1925
World Court Campaign, 1925
Y, General, 1925
A, General, 1926
B, General, 1926
C, General, 1926
Dickinson, Willoughby, 1926
D, General, 1926
E, General, 1926
Faunce--Fox, 1926
Federal Council of Churches, 1926
G, General, 1926
Box 242
H, General, 1926
J, General, 1926
L, General, 1926
M, General, 1926
N, General, 1926
O through P, General, 1926
Publicity, 1926
R through S, General, 1926
T, General, 1926
Universal Council for Life and Work, 1926 1928, 1926, 1928
World Alliance
British Council, 1926
Chinese Council, 1926
French Council, 1926
Japanese Council, 1926
Youth Movement, 1926
A through B, General, 1927
C, General, 1927
Dickinson, Willoughby, 1927
Federal Council of Churches, 1927
G through H, General, 1927
J through K, General, 1927
News Stories, 1927
Prague Meeting, 1927
Publicity, 1927
Box 243
R through S, General, 1927
War Guilt, 1925-1927
Ward, H.F., 1927
Wickersham, George W., 1927
World Alliance
Chinese Council, 1927
French Council, 1927
German Council, 1927
Japanese Council, 1927
Atkinson, Dr. Henry A., 1928
B through C, General, 1928
D through W, General, 1928
Disarmament, 1928
F, General, 1928
H through I, General, 1928
Japanese Sunday school Teachers' Visit, 1928
L through M, General, 1928
N, General, 1928
P, General, 1928
S, General, 1928
Wickersham, George, World Peace Foundation, 1928
World Alliance
Canadian Council, 1928
English Council, 1928
French Council, 1928
German Council, 1928
Japanese Council, Undated
World Friendship among Children, 1928
Youth Commission, 1928
Box 244
B through C, General, 1929
Church Peace Union, Report of Secretary General, 1929
Dickinson, Sir Willoughby, 1929
F through J, General, 1929
L through M, General, 1929
News Stories, 1929
P through V, General, 1929
Universal Religious Peace Conference, 1929
World Alliance
British Council, 1929
Chinese Council, 1929
Dutch Council, 1929
Finnish Council, 1929
French Council, 1929
German Council, 1929
Japanese Council, 1929
World Friendship among Children, 1930
A through C, General, 1930
Committee on Cooperation with the Press, 1930
Committee on Education, 1930
Exhibits, Undated
F through J, General, 1930
L through N, General, 1930
New Stories, 1930
P through S, General, 1930
Unemployment Petition, 1930
World Alliance
French Council, 1930
German Council, 1930
Japanese Council, Undated
Dickinson, Lord, 1930
English Council, 1930
World Court, 1930
World Friendship among Children, 1930
World Friendship Lessons, 1930
Box 245
Caldwell, R.J., 1931
Church Peace Union, World Court, 1931
National World Court Committee, 1931
Paul, A.A., 1931
World Alliance, Japanese Council, 1931
World Friendship among Children, 1931
Ames and Norr, 1932
Chicago World's Fair, 1932
Department of State, 1932
International Goodwill Congress, 1932 November 10-12, 1932
Interorganization Council on Disarmament, 1932
Manifesto against War, 1932
Matthews, Dr. Shailer, 1932
National World Court Committee, 1932
Press Releases, 1932
World Alliance International Committee, 1932
World Alliance Overseas Councils, 1932
Y, General, 1932
Zilkap, F., 1932
Addams, Jane, 1933
Ames and Norr, 1933
Arms Embargo, 1933
Brown, Dr. William Adams, 1933
Chicago World's Fair, 1933
Church Peace Union, Minutes, 1933
Committee to Study Army and Navy Chaplains, 1933
Dickinson, Lord, 1933
Davis, Norman, Fatio, Guillaume, 1933
Goodwill Club, 1933
Henriod, Reverend Henry-Louis, 1933
Hull, International Sanctions, 1933
Interorganization Council on Disarmament, 1933
International Justice and Goodwill, 1933 January, 1933
Johnson--Monod, 1933
Manifesto against War, 1933
National Peace Conference, 1933
National World Court Committee, Undated
P-T, General, 1933
Revision of Treaties, Committee on, 1933
Van Kirk, Reverend J.W., 1933
Box 246
World Alliance
International Committee, 1933
French Council, 1933
German Council, 1933
Japanese Council, 1933
Minutes and Reports, 1933
World Disarmament Campaign, 1933
World Friendship among Children, 1933
World Friendship Lessons, 1933
World Peaceways, 1933
A through B, General, 1934
Caldwell, Copyright Bureau, 1934
Church Peace Union, Minutes and Reports, 1934
Committee to Study Army and Navy Chaplains, 1934
Department of State, 1934
Dean, Doubleday, Doran and Company, Undated
F through H, General, 1934
I through L, League of Nations Association, 1934
League of Nations Campaign, 1934
MacMillan--Monod, 1934
Manifesto against War, 1934
National Council for Prevention of War, Undated
National Peace Conference, New York Times, Undated
Niagara Falls Celebration, 1934
P through S, General, 1934
T, General, 1934
U through V, General, 1934
Box 247
Wallace, Henry A., Speech at World Alliance Dinner, Undated
Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, World Peaceways, Undated
World Alliance
Dickinson, Lord, Undated
Fatio, Guillaume, 1934
French Council, 1934
German Council, 1934
Henriod, Undated
International Committee, Undated
Japanese Council, 1934
Meetings, 1934
Minutes and Reports, 1934
World Court, World Friendship Lessons, 1934
A, General, 1935
C, General, 1935
Church Peace Union, Minutes, 1935
D through G, General, 1935
H through I, General, 1935
J through L, General, 1935
League of Nations Association, 1935
M, General, 1935
N, General, 1935
National World Court Committee, 1935
National Peace Conference, 1935
National Peace Conference Mass Meeting, 1935 May 27, 1935
News Stories, 1935
Box 248
P, General, 1935
Woodsmall, 1935
World Alliance, 1935
World Alliance
Dickinson, Lord, 1935
Fatio, Guillaume, 1935
French Council, 1935
Henriod, International Council, 1935
International Council, 1935
World Court, 1935
W through Y, General, 1935
A through C, General, 1935
Church Peace Union, Minutes, 1936
D-H, General, 1936
Hearing on Compulsory Military Training, 1936
I, General, 1936
K through M, General, 1936
National Committee on the Cause and Cure of War, 1936
National Peace Conference, 1936
P through S, General, 1936
Smith, Fred B., 1936
V through W, General, 1936
World Alliance
Dickinson, Lord, 1936
French Council, 1936
Henroid, 1936
International Council, 1936
Minutes and Reports, 1936
Youth Tour, Comtesse de Pierrefeu, 1936
Box 249
Carroll County Peace Campaign, 1937
Church Peace Union
Minutes, Reports, 1937
Peace Committee in Every Church, Undated
Collier, Committee on World Friendship among Children, 1937
D through F, General, 1937
H through I, General, 1937
Industrial Mobilization Plan, 1937
J through M, General, 1937
National Committee on the Cause and Cure of War-New Commonwealth, 1937
National Peace Conference, 1937
P through W, World Peaceways, 1937
World Alliance; Minutes, Reports, 1937
Webster, Mary P., 1937
World Alliance
Dickinson, Lord, 1937
Fatio, Guillaume, 1937
Henroid, 1937
International Committee, 1937
Jezequel, Jacques, 1937
Box 250
A through B, General, 1938
H.A.A. and Boycott of Japanese Goods, 1938
Campaign for World Economic Cooperation, 1938
Carroll County Peace Campaign, 1938
Catholic Association for International Peace, 1938
Church Peace Union
China-Japan Statement, 1938
Minutes, Reports, 1938
Miscellaneous, Pamphlets, Undated
Coleman, Mrs. Ethel M., Undated
Committee on Militarism in Education, 1938
F through I, General, 1938
L, General, 1938
M, General, 1938
National Peace Conference, 1938
P through S, General, 1938
T through V, General, 1938
World Alliance
Dickinson, Lord, 1938
Fatio, Guillaume, 1938
Henroid, 1938
Marks, Ivy, 1938
Reports, Minutes, 1938
World Youth Congress, 1938
Box 251
A through B, General, 1939
C, General, 1939
Church Peace Union; Minutes and Reports, 1939
International Essay Competition for Youth-League for Fair Play, Undated
National Peace Conference, Undated
S, General, 1939
World Alliance
Fatio, Guillaume, Undated
Minutes, Undated
C, General, 1940
Church Peace Union; Minutes, Reports, 1940
World Alliance, Clippings, 1940
Hull, William I. Memorial Poster Contest, 1940
International Essay Contest, 1940
L through N, General, 1940
Publications, 1940
Red Cross, Sunday 1940 June 3, 1940
Relief for Europe Luncheon, 1940 November 25, 1940
S through W, World Council of Churches, 1940
World Alliance; Minutes, Reports, 1940
Box 252
Battle of the Atlantic, 1941
Catholic Association for International Peace, Council on Refugee Aid, Undated
Church Peace Union
Education Committee, 1941
Finance Committee, 1941
Minutes, Reports, 1941
Clippings, 1941
E through I, General, 1941
L through N, General, 1941
P through R, General, 1941
S through V, General, 1941
World Alliance; Minutes, Reports, 1941
Constitution and By-Laws; Minutes of Executive Committee, Board of Trustees and miscellaneous committees, 1921-1969
Box 253
Constitution and By-Laws, Undated
Minutes, Committee on Reduction of Armaments, 1921-1939
Box 254
Church Peace Union
Minutes of the Board of Trustees, 1951-1955
Box 256
Church Peace Union
Minutes, 1954-1955
Minutes, Board, 1956-1960
Minutes of Executive Committee Book I, 1955-1958
Box 257
Minutes, 1956-1957
Minutes, 1958-1959
Minutes of Executive Committee, 1951-1958
Box 258
Minutes of the Executive Committee Book II, 1959-1962 December, 1959-1962
Minutes of the Council on Religion and International Affairs, 1960-1961
Box 259
Minutes of the Council on Religion and International Affairs, 1962-1963
Executive Committee Minutes, 1963 January -1966 December, 1963
Box 260
Council on Religion and International Affairs
Minutes of Board of Trustees and Committees, 1964-1965
Board of Trustees, Executive Committee, Finance Committee, and Miscellaneous Committees, 1966-1967
Box 261
Minutes of the Executive Committee, 1961
Minutes of the Board of Trustees, Executive Committee, Finance Committee, and Miscellaneous Committees, 1968-1969
Box 262
Minutes of the Executive Committee, Bound Volumes, 1921-1927
Box 263
Minutes of the Executive Committee, Bound Volumes, 1928-1940
Box 264
Minutes of Interchange Committee, 1921-1947
Minutes of the Development Committee, 1961
Minutes of the Education Committee, 1956-1962
50th Anniversary Committee, 1959-1960
Box 265
Minutes of the Finance Committee, 1968
Minutes of the Finance Committee, Financial Statements, Budgets, and Transfers Within, 1955-1962
Minutes of the Joint Education Committee, 1951-1958
Minutes of the Nominating Committee, 1965
Box 266
Minutes of the Peace through Art Committee, 1926-1928
Minute Book for the Committee on Work Abroad, 1957-1960
Box 267
Development Committee, 1965 June 15, 1965
Development Dinner, 1964 December 2, 1964
Development Committee
1964 June 16, 1964
1963 December 17, 1963
1962 December 10, 1962
1962 September 20, 1962
1962 June 20, 1962
Committee on Field Work, 1965 January 28, 1965
Committee to Review Staff Benefits and Salaries, 1965 December 10, 1965
Field Work Committee, 1963-1964
Glenview Type Meetings, 1965
Staff Executive Committee, Undated
Committee on Publications, 1965 January 27, 1965
50th Anniversary Dinner, 1964
Education Committee, 1962 January 24, 1962
Education Committee, 1961 June 20, 1961
Council on Religion and International Affairs, Promotional Material, Undated
Committee on Employee Benefits, 1961
Development Committee Sub-Committee of Finance, 1961-1962
Committee on Work Abroad Correspondence, 1957-1958
Box 268
Regional Files, Evanston
Box 269
Regional Files, San Francisco--Programs, Sites, Speakers and miscellaneous
Regular Seminar, General, Undated
Laurel Dell Lodge, Undated
San Dimas, Undated
Vallombrosa, Undated
West Line Inn, Portland, Undated
Estes Park, Undated
Salt Lake City Cancelled, Undated
Los Angeles, Undated
Northern California, Carmel Valley Inn, Undated
Inn at Rancho Santa Fe, Undated
Asilomar, Undated
Box 270
Lake Arrowhead, Undated
Aspen, Undated
Palm Springs, Undated
Special Seminar, General, Undated
Foreign Students Seminar, General, Undated
Foreign Students, Undated
Washington Consultations, General, Undated
Washington Consultations, Specific, Undated
Box 271
Colorado Possible Sites, Undated
Colorado, Undated
Hawaii, Undated
Los Angeles Hotel Evaluations and Correspondence, Miscellaneous towns, Undated
Los Angeles, Undated
Oregon Correspondence
A through C, Undated
D through G, Undated
Box 272
H through K, Undated
L through M, Undated
N through S, Undated
T through Z, Undated
Palm Springs, Hotel Evaluations and Correspondence, Undated
Portland, Reverend Taylor, Daniel E., Undated
Portland, Undated
San Diego, 1965 May 23, 1965
San Diego, Hotel Evaluations and Correspondence, Undated
San Francisco, 1965 May, 1965
San Francisco, 1965 November 24, 1965
San Francisco, Undated
Box 273
Santa Barbara: Hotel Evaluations and Correspondence, Undated
Santa Barbara: Hotel Evaluations, Michael H. Armcost, Undated
Vancouver, Undated
Speakers: B through O, Undated
Box 274
Speakers: P through Z, Undated
San Francisco Office
Accounting, Undated
Automation, Undated
Board of Directors, Undated
China Mainland, Undated
Committees on Foreign Relations, Undated
International Studies Association; Sonderman, Fred, President, Undated
Program, General, Undated
Publicity, Undated
Taxes, Property, Undated
Turn Towards Peace, Undated
Box 275
Regional Files -- Washington Consultations (numbered and unnumbered)
Negotiations with the Russians, Seminar
Consultations 1, 1958 February28, 1958
Consultations 2, 1958 February28, 1958
Consultations 3, 1958 February28, 1958
Consultations 4, 1959 March6, 1959
Consultations 5, 1959 May 21, 1959
Consultations 6, 1959 December 15, 1959
Consultations 7, 1960 April 18, 1960
Consultations 8, Undated
Consultations 9, 1961 May 3
Consultations 10 and 11, 1961 October 31-November 1, 1961
Consultations 12 and 13, 1962 May 1-2, 1962
Box 276
Consultations 14 and 15, 1962 November 13-14, 1962
Consultations 16 and 17, 1963 May 13-14, 1963
Consultations 18-19, 1963 October 13-14, 1963
Consultations 20-21, 1964 May 20-21, 1964
Consultations 22 and 23, 1964 November 17-18, 1964
Consultations 24 and 25, 1965 March16-17, 1965
Box 277
Consultations 26 and 27, 1965 November 13-14, 1965
Consultations 28 and 29; Invitations, Undated
Consultations 28 and 29, 1966 May 4-5, 1966
Consultations 30 and 31, Papers, Undated
Consultations 30 and 31; Wohlstetter, Albert, Atoms for Equality, Undated
Consultations 32 and 33; Higgins, George C., the Role of the Churches in Foreign Policy Debates, Undated
Box 278
Consultations 34 and 35, Arrangements, 1968 May 2-3, 1968
Consultations 36 and 37, 1968 December 5-6, 1968
Consultations 36 and 37, Correspondence, Undated
Consultations 38 and 39, 1969 April 24-25, 1969
Consultations 40 and 41, 1970 January 29-30, 1970
Box 279
Consultations 42 and 43, Undated
Consultations 44 and 45, 1970 December 10-11, 1970
Consultations 46 and 47, 1971 May 6-7, 1971
Consultations 48 and 49, 1971 October 14-15, 1971
Consultations 48 and 49, Undated
Consultations 50 and 51, Barnett, Robert, Undated
Box 280
Consultations 50 and 51, Barnett, Robert, 1972 April 19-20, 1972
Consultations, Special on Japan, 1972 October 7-8, 1972
Consultations, Latin America, 1973
Consultations, Summary List of Registrants, Undated
Consultations, Historical File, Undated
Consultations, Material from Lefever, Ernest W. 1964 December, 1964
Study Projects, 1959 1968-1972, 1959, 1968-1972
Institutes, Seminars, and Programs: Files, 1940-1970
Box 283
Patterns for Peace, Undated
Patterns for Peace
Progress, Undated
Pamphlets and Supporting Documents, Undated
Institutes Miscellaneous Correspondence regarding Future Institutes, Undated
Champaign, Illinois, Undated
Philadelphia, Undated
Washington, D.C. cancelled, Undated
Denver and Environs postponed, Undated
Expenses, 1943-1944
Correspondence with Local Committee, Undated
Correspondence with Speakers, Undated
Miscellaneous, Undated
Program, Undated
Winter Park, Correspondence with Dr. Melcher, Undated
Rollins College
Speakers and Program, 1944 February, 1944
Correspondence with Holt, Hamilton, 1944 February, 1944
Columbus, 1944
Correspondence with Pan American League, 1944
Correspondence with Speakers, 1944
Miscellaneous, 1944
Program, 1944
Correspondence with McGowan, R.A., 1944
St. Louis
Correspondence with Local Committee, Undated
Program and Correspondence with Speakers, Undated
Program and Correspondence with Speakers; Memoranda, Correspondence, Undated
Box 284
Lafayette College, Undated
Dallas, Texas and Salina, Kansas, Undated
Idaho Institute, Undated
Mexico City, 1941
United Nations, Conference of Religion for Moral and Spiritual Support of the, 1948 June, 1948
Parliament of Religion, 1949
MacArthur, Kathlyn Series
Publicity, 1950
Contact Letters, Undated
Miscellaneous, Undated
Proposed Peace Conference, 1950 April, 1950
Leaders Conference, Rochester, 1950 October 10, 1950
World Congress of the Defenders of Peace, Sheffield, 1950 November 13-19, 1950
National Council Constitution Convention, 1950 November 28-December 1, 1950
Box 285
Transcribed Manuscripts, 1951 February, 1951
Contact Letters, 1951 February, 1951
Publicity, 1951 February, 1951
Lecturers, 1951 February, 1951
Conferences: American Association for the United Nations, AAUN, 1951 February25-27, 1951
Columbia University Citizenship Education Project, 1951 April, 1951
Sample Literature, 1951 April, 1951
Contact Letters, 1951 April, 1951
Registrations, 1951 April, 1951
Box 286
Publicity, 1951 April, 1951
Dana, Ellis, Correspondence, 1952 April, 1952
Program, 1951 April, 1951
Kit, 1951 April, 1951
Comments, Undated
Workshop on Audio-Visual Aids, Undated
National Conference on United States Foreign Policy, 1951 May 2-4, 1951
Toronto Meetings, 1951 May 14-15, 1951
Box 287
Rochester Conference, 1951
Rochester Conference
Address Manuscripts, Undated
Registration Lists, Undated
General Correspondence A-K, L-Z, Undated
Publicity, Undated
Newspaper Publicity, Undated
Conference on World Order, 1951 November 12-13, 1951
Conference on World Order
Rochester, Statements, 1951 November 12-13, 1951
Form Letters, 1951 November 12-13, 1951
Programs, 1951 November 12-13, 1951
Situation, Undated
Catch All, Undated
Box 288
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, UNESCO
Program, 1952 January, 1952
Summaries and Findings, 1952 January, 1952
Delegates, 1952 January, 1952
Publicity, 1952 January, 1952
Discussion Notes, 1952 January, 1952
Contact Letters, 1952 January, 1952
Projects and Resource People, 1952 January, 1952
Work Papers, 1952 January, 1952
Follow-Up Meetings, 1962 April 1-May 15, 1962
Follow-Up, 1962 May 15, 1962
Box 289
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
Conferences, State Department Correspondence, Undated
Conferences, State Department Catch All, Undated
American Association for the United Nations, Conference, 1952 February, 1952
Lectures, 1952
Publicity, 1952
Contact Letters, 1952
Manuscripts, 1952
United States Responsibility in the World Community, Correspondence, Undated
United Nations Indiana Seminar
Publicity, 1952 April, 1952
Registration Lists, 1952 April, 1952
Workshops and Program, 1952 April, 1952
Comments, 1952 April, 1952
Contact Letters, 1952 April, 1952
Box 290
Fall Minnesota Seminars, 1952
Cornell University Workshops, Undated
World Alliance Institute, Hackensack, 1952 November 11, 1952
United Nations, Vermont Workshops
Correspondence, 1952 November, 1952
Program, 1952 November, 1952
Publicity, 1952 November, 1952
Registration Lists, 1952 November, 1952
Correspondence, Undated
Seminar on Inter-American Relations, 1952 December 9, 1952
Box 291
National Conference of Religious Leaders
Administrative Committee, Undated
Beebe, George, Undated
Conference Counselors, Undated
Cooperating Organizations, Undated
Delegates, Undated
Executive Committee, Undated
Executive Director, Undated
Finance, Undated
Hotel, Undated
List of Names, Undated
Program, Undated
Prospectus, Undated
Calls to Meetings and Agenda, Undated
Sponsors, Undated
General Correspondence, Undated
United Nations Workshops
Information Sheet for Community Committee, 1953
Midwestern Material, Undated
Kit for Workshops, Undated
Box 292
Colombia Conference, 1953
FebruarySeminars, Undated
Andover Newton United Nations Seminars, Undated
American Association for the United Nations Conference, US Responsibility for World Leadership in 1953 1953 March1-3, 1953, 1953
United States Responsibility in the World Community
Working Papers, 1953 March, 1953
Continuing Committee, Undated
Reactions, Undated
Program, Undated
Follow Up, Undated
Consultation Committee, Undated
Consultation, Follow Up, Undated
Finances, Undated
Box 293
Pastors Conference Workshop, 1953 April, 1953
United Nations, Wisconsin Workshop
General, 1953 April, 1953
Correspondence, 1953 April, 1953
Registration Lists, 1953 April, 1953
Conference on American Foreign Policy, Colgate College, Undated
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
Fourth Annual Conference, Program and Publicity, 1953 September, 1953
Fourth Annual Conference, Delegates and Correspondence, 1953 September, 1953
Fourth Annual United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
Working Paper Group E, 1953 September, 1953
Contacts and Notes, 1953 September, 1953
Other Work Group Material, 1953 September, 1953
Fourth National Study Conference on World Order, 1953 October 27-39,, 1953
Cleveland Conference Papers, 1953 October, 1953
United Nations Day, Requests for Material on Observance of, 1953 October, 1953
United Nations
Indiana Seminar, Holland, R.L. , 1952 December, 1952
Workshop, 1953-1954
Box 294
Vermont Workshop, 1954
United States National Council for the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization, Panel on Religious Affairs, 1954
Foreign Policy Association Conference, 1954 February4, 1954
United Nations Workshop, Pennsylvania, 1954 February, 1954
Publicity Lists, 1954 February, 1954
American Association for the United Nations, Washington Conference, 1954 March, 1954
Area Committee Workshop, Worcester, 1954 April 10, 1954
United Nations
Seminars, Illinois, 1954 April, 1954
Workshops, Indiana, Undated
World Council Assembly; Motter, Allen Correspondence, 1954 August, 1954
United Nations Workshop, Kentucky
Press Clippings, Undated
Correspondence, Undated
Box 295
Consultation, Undated
Hooven Materials, Undated
Finance and Statistics, Undated
Shuster Paper, Undated
National Interest and International Responsibility, Mimeographed Notices and Articles, 1954 October, 1954
Original Lists, Additional Invitations, Correspondence, Undated
New York Participants, Undated
Institute, Nashville, 1954 November 11, 1954
United Nations Seminar
United Nations Week, 1955
United Nations, Minnesota, Workshop for spring, 1955
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, Fifth Annual Conference, 1955
United Nations
Indiana Disciples Seminar, 1955 November, 1955
Indiana Disciples Seminar, 1955 December, 1955
Wilson, Woodrow, Centennial, 1956
New York Registrations, 1956 April, 1956
World Aliyah Youth Conference, 1956 April, 1956
Michigan Graduate Seminars, Undated
United Nations Workshops in New Jersey, Atlantic and Bergen Counties, 1956 April 1956, 1956, April 1956
World Council of Churches Conference, 1956 July, 1956
Box 297
Seminar Addresses, 1957-1958
Washington Cathedral Seminar, 1957 January, 1957
Graduate Seminar, Merrill House , 1957 January 1-7, 1957
Fourth National Conference on International Economic and Social Development 2, 1957 February, 1957
Seminar, New York, Merrill House, Registration, 1957 January 7-11, 1957
Conference of National Organizations called by American Association for the United Nations, 1957 March, 1957
Graduate Seminar, Merrill House, 1957 March11-15, 1957
New York Registrations, 1957 March11-15, 1957
Washington Cathedral Seminar
Christian Responsibility in Economic Decision Making, 1957 March29-31, 1957
Ethical Principles of Nuclear Energy, 1957 March29-31, 1957
Colloquium on Interreligious Relationships the Hartford Seminary Foundation, 1957 May 23-25, 1957
Yale Seminar, 1957 June, 1957
Box 298
Silver Bay Conference, 1957 July 1957, 1957, July 1957
Seminar on Ethics, Security, and Survival in Thermonuclear Age, 1957 July 2, 1957
Ethics, Security, and the Free Society in the Thermonuclear Age, 1957 November 26, 1957
Seminar on Ethics and Security in a Free Society, 1957 November, 1957
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
Sixth Conference, 1957 November, 1957
Sixth Conference Delegates Kit, 1957 November, 1957
Box 299
Advanced Seminar, Merrill House, 1958
New York Registrations, 1958
Meeting regarding possible International Conference of Peace Organizations, Undated
America's Human Resources to Meet the Scientific Challenge, Yale University, 1958 February3, 1958
Advanced Seminar
Merrill House, Undated
New York Program and Registrants, 1958 April 18, 1958
Seminar, Milford, 1958 April 21-23, 1958
Advanced Seminar, Milford, 1958 April 21-23, 1958
Seminar, Milford, Registrations, 1958 April 21-23, 1958
Silver Bay Conference, Undated
International Association for Religious Freedom, IARF 16th Conference, 1958 August 9-13, 1958
Chicago Correspondence, 1968 August 9-13, 1968
United Nations Seminar, Indiana, 1958
FSS Program, Bronxville, 1958 September, 1958
Letters to and about Registrants, Undated
Advanced Seminar Midwest, Highland Park, 1958 November 3-7, 1958
Registrations, 1958 November 3-7, 1958
Box 300
Arrangements, Undated
Speakers, Undated
Panelists, Undated
Registrations Declined, Undated
Registration List, Undated
National Council of Churches, Dutch Interchurch Aid Fifth World Order Study Conference, Cleveland, 1958 November 18-21, 1958
Seminar New York, New York Registrations, 1959 January, 1959
Church Peace Union, Advanced Seminar, New York, Undated
Seminar New York, Registrations, 1959 April, 1959
Silver Bay Conference, 1959 July 8-15, 1959
Box 301
Seminar University of Minnesota
Registrations, Undated
Paper: Opening Address by Hartnett, Robert C., Undated
General Arrangements, Undated
Speakers, Undated
Seminar, McGregor Center, Wayne State University
Registrations, 1959 October 5-9, 1959
McNeil, Jesse Jai, 1959 October 5-9, 1959
Speakers and Miscellaneous, 1959 October 5-9, 1959
McKinney, Harold C., Jr., 1959 October 5-9, 1959
Frehse, Robert M., 1959 October 5-9, 1959
Seminar, McGregor Center, Wayne State University, Undated
Project Paper, a Project in Leadership Education, Undated
Allen, Robert F., Undated
Joffe, Boris M., Undated
Wisconsin Idea Conference, Undated
FSS Program; Endicott House, Letters to and about Registrants, 1959 November, 1959
FSS Program, Endicott House, Undated
Seminar Foreign Students, 1959 November 27-29, 1959
Box 302
Adult Education Association, Conference on International Education, 1960
Advanced Seminar
Merrill House, 1960 January 4-8, 1960
Registrations, 1960 January 4-8, 1960
List of Registration, Undated
Registration Correspondence, Undated
University of California
Program, 1960 May 6-10, 1960
Registrations, 1961 May 6-10, 1961
Registration Response, 1962 May 6-10, 1962
Speakers, 1963 May 6-10, 1963
Arrangements, 1964 May 6-10, 1964
Financial, 1965 May 6-10, 1965
Moorland Country Club, 1964 May 20-24, 1964
Box 303
Registrations, 1964 May 20-24, 1964
Speakers, 1964 May 20-24, 1964
Arrangements, 1964 May 20-24, 1964
First Dartmouth Conference, Correspondence
Documents and Lists, Undated
AWL Notes, Undated
Advanced Seminar Hotel Moraine, 1960 November 14-18, 1960
Registrations, 1960 November 14-18, 1960
Box 304
O'Brien, Dr. William, Boulding, Dr. K.E., Schelling, Dr. T.C., Ramsey, Dr. Paul, Undated
Lectures, 1960 November 14-18, 1960
Box 305
Program, Undated
Arrangements General, Undated
Finances, Undated
Arrangements, Hotel and Transportation, Undated
Registrants, Undated
Special Advanced Seminar, O'Brien, Dr. William, Boulding, Dr. K.E., Schelling, Dr. T.C., Ramsey, Dr. Paul, Undated
Letters to lecturers, Undated
Program, Undated
Foreign Students, Undated
Box 306
Advanced Seminar Church Peace Union, New York City, 1961 January 2-6, 1961
Advanced Seminar Church Peace Union, New York City, Undated
Advanced Seminar Church Peace Union, New York City, Undated
Advanced Seminar University of Denver the Broadmoor Hotel, Colorado Springs, Colorado, 1961 May 5-9, 1961
Advanced Seminar University of Denver
Registrations, Undated
General Arrangements, Undated
Evaluations, Undated
Foreign Student Seminar Lake Tahoe, California
Communication with lecturers, 1961 May 12-14, 1961
Student Seminar, 1962 May 12-14, 1962
Foreign Student Seminar Rutgers University cancelled, undated
Foreign Student Seminar Lake Tahoe
Dangerfield, Dr. Royden, Foreign Economic Policy: Trade, Aid and Economic Development, Undated
Registrations, Undated
Program, Undated
General Arrangements, Undated
Box 307
Speakers, Undated
Transportation for Speakers, Undated
Registrants, Undated
Second Dartmouth Conference Oreanda, USSR, 1961 May 14, 1961
Conference Participants, 1961 May 14, 1961
Agenda, 1961 May 14, 1961
Staff Notices, 1961 May 14, 1961
Press Information, 1961 May 14, 1961
Notes, Economic, 1961 May 14, 1961
Notes, Psychological, 1961 May 14, 1961
Notes, Arm Control, 1961 May 14, 1961
Notes, Structured Peace, 1961 May 14, 1961
Notes, Citizen's Role, 1961 May 14, 1961
Documents and Lists, 1961 May 14, 1961
Correspondence, 1961 May 14, 1961
Miscellaneous, 1961 May 14, 1961
Box 308
AWL Semi-Annual Reports, 1961 May 14, 1961
Reports of Other Participants, 1961 May 14, 1961
Second Minnesota Seminar on Ethics and Foreign Policy Lowell Inn, Stillwater, Minnesota, 1961 October 10-17, 1961
Registrations, 1961 October 10-17, 1961
General Arrangements, 1961 October 10-17, 1961
Evaluations, 1961 October 10-17, 1961
Transportation for Speakers, 1961 October 10-17, 1961
Speakers, 1961 October 10-17, 1961
Registrations, 1961 October 10-17, 1961
Institute on Ethics and Foreign Policy Georgetown University, 1961
Box 309
Seminar Georgetown University, 1962
Advanced Seminar New York, NY, 1962 January 8-12, 1962
Registrations, 1962 January 8-12, 1962
Seminar, 1962 January 8-12, 1962
Seminar, 1962 January 8-12, 1962
Seminar Washington University Lonedell, Missouri, 1962 March5-8, 1962
Seminar Program, Undated
Registrants, Undated
Third Dartmouth Conference Airlie House, Virginia, 1962 April 14, 1962
Seminar Colorado Springs
Regular, 1962 May, 1962
Regular Seminar Program, Undated
Seminar Lake Arrowhead, California, 1962 May 8-13, 1962
Cancelled Seminar, Undated
Box 310
Advanced Seminar Program the Broadmoor Hotel Colorado Springs, 1962 May 4-8, 1962
Advanced, 1962 May 4-8, 1962
Seminar 1962 May 4-8
Speakers File, 1962 May 4-8, 1962
Seminar Aspen, Colorado 1962 Registrant Information, 1962, 1962, 1962
Seminar Program Colman Hall Appleton, Wisconsin, 1962 August 22-25, 1962
Registrations, Undated
Box 311
Advanced Seminar Program Aspen, Colorado, 1962 September 4-9, 1962
Lectures, Undated
Appleton Lectures, see Box 310, Undated
Foreign Student Seminar Highland Park, Letters to Lecturers, 1963 October 18-21, 1963
Foreign Student Seminar Bronxville, NY, Registrants, Arrangements for and Accommodations for, 1963 November 29-1963 December 2, 1963
Seminar Program the Morris Inn Notre Dame, Indiana Registrations, 1963 November 30-1963 December 3, 1963
FSS Highland Park, Letters to Lecturer, 1963 October 18-21, 1963
Box 312
Georgetown University Project 1963 1963, 1963, 1963
Pending University of Denver Dr. Joseph Korbel, Undated
Special Seminar Intervention and American Purpose Cuba, 1962
Airlie House, 1963 May 13-17, Special, 1963
Box 313
Seminar Pittsburgh, PA 1963 May, General Arrangements Cancelled, 1963
Seminar Minneapolis, 1963 May, 1963
Speakers File, 1964 May, 1964
General Arrangements, 1965 May, 1965
Regular Seminar Laurel Dell, Lodge Upper Lake, California, 1963 May 23-26, 1963
Seminar Ripon College, Speakers File, 1963 September 6, 1963
Explorations Denver, 1963 July 10-11, 1963
Los Angeles, 1963 May 25-26, 1963
Ripon, Wisconsin, 1963 June 27-28, 1963
Box 314
Aspen, Colorado, 1963 September 3-17, 1963
Registrants File, 1964 September 3-17, 1964
Regrets, 1965 September 3-17, 1965
Rejected Applicants, 1966 September 3-17, 1966
Seminar Moraine on the Lake Highland Park, Illinois, 1963 October 18-21, 1963
Foreign Student Seminar Program Moraine Hotel, Illinois, 1963 October, 1963
Box 315
Seminar Indiana University, 1963 November, 1963
General Arrangements File, Undated
Seminar Claremont, California: General Arrangements, 1963 November, 1963
San Dimas November 22-25, 1963 Voorhis Education Center, Undated, November 22-25, 1963
Foreign Student Seminar Hotel Gramatan, NY, 1963 November, 1963
Explorations, Undated
Vancouver, 1964 March, 1964
Portland, Oregon, 1964 March, 1964
San Francisco, 1964 March, 1964
Foreign Student Seminar Bronxville, Letters to Registrants, 1964 May 1-3, 1964
Seminar San Francisco, 1964 May 7-10, 1964
San Francisco Office Explorations, 1964
Explorations, Manlo Park, California, 1964 May, 1964
Foreign Student Seminar Vallanbrosa, California 1964 May, Program Lecturers, Undated, 1964, Undated
Box 316
Regular Seminar No. 2 West Linn Inn West Linn, Oregon, 1964 May 21-24, 1964
Explorations, North Carolina, 1964 June, 1964
Lawrence College, 1964 June, 1964
Advanced Seminar No. 1 combines with Regular Seminar No. 3 Cancelled, Undated
Colman Hall, Lawrence University, Undated
Appleton, Wisconsin, 1964 August 20-13, 1964
Registrants File, 1965 August 20-23, 1965
Evaluation, 1966 August 20-23, 1966
Regular Seminar, 1967 August 20-23, 1967
Multiple Invitees Lawrence University and Colorado Seminar, 1964
Advanced Seminar, 1964
Foreign Student Seminar Pending Washington-Baltimore Area, Undated
Special Seminar, MLF, 1964 August 29 1964 September 2, 1964, 1964
Aspen, Undated
Box 317
Regular Seminar Colorado
Regrets, 1964 September 3-6, 1964
Registrants, 1965 September 3-6, 1965
Invitee Lists and Letters, 1966 September 3-6, 1966
Regular Seminar Colorado, 1967 September 3-6, 1967
Regular Seminar No. 5 Wildacres, Little Switzerland North Carolina, 1964 September 10-13, 1964
Summaries, 1965 September 10-13, 1965
Seminar No, 7 Medical Center of Indiana Univ. Indianapolis, Indiana, 1964 September 25-28, 1964
Summaries, 1965 September 25-28, 1965
Box 318
Chicago North Shore Meeting, 1964 December 2, 1964
Seminar Program, General, 1965
Carmel Valley Inn, 1965 February, 1965
Glenn View Meeting, 1965 February16, 1965
Advanced Seminar No. 1 the Abbey on Lake Geneva Fontana, Wisconsin
Evaluations, 1965 March35-38, 1965
The Abbey 1965 March, 1965
No. A1, 1966 March25-28, 1966
No. R2, 1967 March25-28, 1967
Box 319
Regular Seminar No. 2 the Abbey Fontana, Wisconsin 1965 March25-28, Evaluations, 1968 March25-28, 1965, 1968
Foreign Student Seminar Rancho Tranquilo, Letters to Registrants, 1965 April, 1965
Foreign Student Seminar Program Hotel Gramatan, NY, 1964 May, 1964
Denver Meeting, 1965 May 4, 1965
Colorado Springs, 1965 May 5, 1965
Regular Seminar No. 3 Mission Inn Riverside California, 1965 May 20-23, 1965
San Francisco Meeting, 1965 May 24, 1965
Regular Seminar No. 3 Wildacres, Little Switzerland North Carolina Summaries, 1965 June 3-6, 1965
Wisconsin Seminar, 1965 August, 1965
Box 320
Aspen Evaluations, Regular, 1965
Airlie House and Aspen, Undated
Regular Seminar No. 7 the Aspen Meadows Aspen, CO, 1965 September 16-19, 1965
Aspen No. R7, 1966 September 16-19, 1966
Speakers, 1967 September 16-19, 1967
Aspen No. A3, 1968 September 16-19, 1968
Advanced Evaluations, 1969 September 16-19, 1969
Minnesota Seminars, Cancelled, 1965 September 16-19, 1965
Carmel Valley Inn, 1965 October, 1965
Regular Seminar No. 9 the Inn Rancho Santa Fe California, 1965 October 22-25, 1965
Rancho Santa Fe, No. R9, 1966 October 22-25, 1966
Box 321
Regular Seminar No. 10 the Abbey Fontana, Wisconsin, 1965 November 4-7, 1965
The Abbey, No. A2, 1966 November 4-7, 1966
Advanced Seminar No. 2 the Abbey Fontana, Wisconsin 1965 November 4-7, 1st session and 2nd session, 1967 November 4-7, 1965, 1967
Speakers, 1968 November 4-7, 1968
First Set of Papers for Meeting of NGO outside the UN
NGOs at the UN, Earle, Clifford, 1965 December 16, 1965
Orientation for an NGO, Hymer, Esther, 1965 December 17, 1965
An Approach to Determining Professional Standards of Performance for NGOs Accredited to the UN-OPI, McVitty, M., 1965 December 18, 1965
Box 322
Georgia Seminar, 1966 January, 1966
Registrants, 1966 January, 1966
Foreign Student Seminar Ansilomar, California
Registrants, 1966 January 28-30, 1966
Ansilomar, No. R2, 1967 January 28-30, 1967
General Material, 1969 January 28-30, 1969
Staff Seminar Evaluations, 1969 January 28-30, 1969
Second Set of Papers, NGOS
The Relation of the International NGO to the NGO, Zizzamia, Alba, 1966 February17, 1966
How to Relate to Delegates or Delegations, Hovet, Thomas Jr., Undated
Documents, UN, NGOs for the use of Widdrington, G.N.T., Undated
NGOs and the UN Diplomatic City, Cory, Robert H. Jr., Undated
Box 323
Seminar, the Abbey Fontana, Wisconsin
Registration and Advances, 1966 April 14-17, 1966
The Abbey No. R3, 1966 April 14-17, 1966
Evaluations, Undated
Arrowhead, Cancelled, 1966 May, 1966
China, Board of Trustees, 1966 June, 1966
Seminar Aspen, 1966 September 29-1966 October 3, 1966
R5, 1966 September 29-1966 October 3, 1966
Program and Budget, 1966 September, 1966
Paper Writers, 1966 October, 1966
Box 324
Seminar September 1966 1966 November, September 1966, 1966
Papers, 1966 December, 1966
Airlie House, 1966 September 29-1966 October 3, 1966
Seminar Minnesota Cancelled, 1966 September, 1966
No. R6, 1966 September, 1966
Box 325
Seminar Palm Springs, 1966 November, 1966
No. R7, 1966 November, 1966
Seminar Callaway Gardens 1966 November : Registrants No. A5, 1966
Shimer College Possible Seminar, 1967
1967 Seminar Calendar, 1967, 1967, 1967
Seminar on Foreign Policy Michigan Interfaith Council, International Relations, Associations and Organizations, 1967 February14-15, 1967
Seminar Ohio Wesleyan, 1967 March2-5, 1967
Box 326
Seminar Pheasant Run St, Charles Illinois
Registrants, 3 31-4 67
Speakers and Program, 3 31-4 68
Registrants, 3 31-4 69
Speakers and Program, 3 31-4 70
Seminar Spring California, Southern, Cancelled, 1967
Box 327
Seminar Spring 1967 Northern California April, June 9, 1967
Seminar Spring 1967 Northern California April 6-9; Mark Thomas Hotel and Travel, Undated, 1967
Seminar University of Georgia
Registrants, 1967 December, 1967
R3, 1967 May, 1967
Public Discussion, 1967 June 28, 1967
Seminar Aspen, 1967 September, 1967
Box 328
Seminar the Alisal Ranch Solvang, California
Correspondence, 1968 March7-10, 1968
Speeches, Undated
Alisal, 1968
Registration Forms Undated
Seminar the Velvet Cloak Raleigh, North Carolina Registrants, Undated
Box 329
Society for Scientific Study of Religion; Annual Meeting Cancelled, 1967 October 27-28, 1967
Seminar Miramar; Hotel and Travel Cancelled, Undated
Seminar Callaway Gardens Cancelled, 1967 November, 1967
Seminar the Abbey; Hotel and Travel Cancelled, 1967 November 9-11, 1967
Foreign Student Seminar Lake Mohonk, NY Program, Letters to Lecturers and Arrangements regarding, 1967 December, 1967
Invitations, Seminars, 1968
Program, Seminars, 1968
CRIA Calendar, Seminars, 1968
Seminar, Alisal, 1968
Box 330
Aspen Seminar, Registrants, 1967 September 7-11, 1967
Complete Mailing, Aspen Regular, Undated
Advanced, Undated
Readings, Undated
Complete Mailing, Aspen Advanced, Undated
China Book Hsu Chan, Undated
Michigan Interfaith Council on International Relations Associations, Organizations Cancelled, Undated
Box 331
Seminars, Mark Thomas, Cancelled, 1968 November 21-24, 1968
Seminar the Abbey: Speakers Advanced and Regular, 1968 November, 1968
No. A2, Undated
CRIA Colloquia for Clergy CCC First Beginnings, 1969
CCC, 1969
Seminar Stetson University, 1969 March12-15, 1969
Seminar, Undated
Seminar Stone Mt., Georgia, 1960 May 8-11, 1960
Summaries, Undated
Seminar Aspen
Accommodations, 1969 September, 1969
Box 332
No.R4, 1969
Regular, 1968
Regular, Miscellaneous, 1968
Seminar the Savannah Inn Georgia: Summaries, 1968 October 10-13, 1968
Seminar the Abbey, 1968 November 7-10, 1968
Box 333
Seminar Aspen 1968 Regular Reading Material, 1968, 1968, 1968
Public Relations, 1968
Scholarships, 1968
Correspondence, 1968
General, 1968
No. Al, 1968
Invitees, 1968
Box 334
Seminar Estes Park, Speakers, 1968
Seminar the Abbey, Speakers, 1969 November, 1969
CCC, 1970
Young Leaders Seminar, 1970
Seminar Colorado, Attendance, 1970 September 17-20, 1970
Seminar Woodstock, Illinois, Registrants List, 1970 October 15-18, 1970
Seminar Stone Mt., Georgia, 1970
Box 335
Institutes, Seminars, and Programs: Files, 1971-1972 General seminar material (dated, 1959-1969); Biographies of Speakers, 1971-1972
CCC, 1971
Seminar Addresses, 1959-1960
State Seminar Buildup, 1960
Special Seminars, 1963 1964 1966, 1963, 1964, 1966
Staff Evaluations, Registrants, 1963-1965 November, 1963-1965
Registration Forms, Data Sheets, Samples 1967 Seminars, 1968, 1967, 1968
Japan, 1969
Biographies, Undated
Biographies of Speakers A to J, Undated
K to Z, Undated
Box 336
Institutes, Seminars, and Programs: General seminar material
California 1961-1963 1961-1963, 1961-1963, 1961-1963
China, Vietnam Articles, Seminars, Undated
Colorado 1961-1963 1961-1963, 1961-1963, 1961-1963
Conferences, Miscellaneous and Meetings, Undated
Corrected List of Participants, Undated
Evaluation Forms, Seminars, Undated
Foreign Student Seminar Material for: Letter of Acknowledgement of Registration, Questionnaire, Purpose of Seminar, Undated
General Correspondence, Undated
India Seminar Program, Undated
Latin America, Seminar Topics, Undated
Permissions, Manuscripts, Seminars and Consultations, Undated
Possible Speakers, Seminars, Undated
Public Relations, Seminars, Undated
Scholarships, Seminars, Policy, Undated
Seminars, Letters and Forms, Undated
Vietnam Dissents CRIA, Undated
Various Papers, Undated
Box 337
Seminar Program CRIA Book I, 1956 April -1956 November, 1962 December 3, 1956, November, 1962
Seminar Listings, 1963-1966
Box 338
Seminar Listings, 1967
Box 339
Seminar Lawrence College Appleton, Wisconsin, 1962 August 22-25, 1962
Seminar Aspen Colorado, 1962 September 5-9, 1962
Revised List of Seminars for 1963 1963, 1963, 1963
Material Relating to Seminars for 1961 and 1962 1961-1962, 1961, 1962
Box 340
Photographs, Undated
Wisconsin Material, 1960 1962 1963, 1960, 1962, 1963
Box 341
Institutes, Seminars, and Programs: Papers used in CPU/CRIA programs (A through Z)
Adams, Charles J., the Muslims and World Peace, 1959
Akhilananda, Swami, Christian Ethics and International Relations, Weigel, Undated
ASCE Papers 1966 1966, 1966, 1966
ASCE Papers 1967 1967, 1967, 1967
Ashby, Philip H., Implications of Hindu Ethics for International Relations, Undated
Chakravarty, Amiya, Undated
Aspaturian, Vernon V., Challenge of Soviet Foreign Policy and Defense of the Status Quo, 1961
Bartlett, C. Julian, Ethics and Policy: The Shaping of Decision, 1965
Beebe, George A.
Exchange of Persons as Education: Evaluation, 1960
The Publics: Pawns, Participants or Partners, 1963
Bennett, John C.
Principles and the Context, 1961
Christian Ethics and International Relations, Weigel, Undated
Blackett, P.M.S., Steps Towards Disarmament, 1962
Boulding, Kenneth E., the Economics of National Security, 1960
Brandon, Donald, Power and Policy: A Legitimized International Order, 1964
Brauer, Jerald C., U.S. and the End of Innocence: Religion and Ideology, 1967
Box 342
Burns, Jackson, Disarmament the Major Issue of the Decade, sermon, Undated
Buss, Claude, Overseas Chinese, 1968
Bussey, Donald S., Role of Military Force in the Nuclear Age, Undated
Chakravarty, Amiya, Implications of Hindu Ethics for International Relations, undated
Chan, Wing-Tsit, Two Aspen Talks: The Chinese Heaven: Center of Universe and Chinese Flowers: Culture and Society, Undated
Cochrane, Arthur C., A New Approach to the Problem of Natural Law in Calvin, Undated
Coffey, J.I., Ethics, Technology and Nuclear War, 1962
Cogley, John, Religion and International Responsibility, 1962
Crane, Robert I., Chakravarty, Amiya, Implications of Hindu Ethics for International Affairs, Undated
Cross, James Eliot, the Challenge of Unconventional Warfare, 1961
Dangerfield, Dr. Royden, World Economic Development, 1961
Deats, Paul, Jr., Ethical Exploration from the Perspective of Obedience, Undated
Deutsch, Karl W., Address, 1961 January 3, 1961
Presentation and Discussion Young Leader's Seminar Chestnut Hill, Pennsylvania, 1970 March5-8, 1970
Dinerstein, Herbert S., the Crisis of Revolutionary Theory: East and West, 1968
Doherty, Edward W., Defining the National Interest in Formulation of Foreign it Policy, Undated
Doherty, Edward W., Religion, Revolution, and Resources, Notes for a lecture, Undated
Dumas, Andre, Ethics and Post-Industrial Society, 1971
Dwyer, Bishop Robert J., Ethics and Policy the Shaping of Decision, 1964
Finer, Herman, U.S. National Security: Its Political Aspects, 1960
Box 343
Finkelstein, Laurence, U.S. Publics and Foreign Policy Processes, 1961
Fuller, Dr. Leon W., Review of US Foreign Policy, 1958
Furniss, Edgar S., the MLF and the Cold War, Nuclear Dilemmas in the Western Alliance, 1965
Gessert, Robert A., Wars of National Liberation: Ethical Issues for the West, 1966
Geyer, Alan
Ethics and Foreign Policy: A Design for the Dialogue, 1962
Revolution, Intervention and Moral Authority, 1962
Glenn, Dr. Edmund S., the Exchange Program as an Instrument of Foreign Policy, 1960
Gordis, Robert, Implications of Judaic Ethics for International Relations, 1959
Herz, John, Address, 1961 January 5, 1961
Hilsman, Roger, Address, Undated
Halpern, Manfred, Morality of American Intervention in the Internal Affairs of Other States, Undated
Halpern, A.M., Communist China's Demands on the World, 1961
Hamilton, Clarence H., Implications of Buddhist Ethics for International Relations, Slater, Undated
Hartt, Julian N., Implications of Judaic Ethics for International Relations, Gordis, Undated
Higgins, George G., the Role of the Churches in Foreign Policy Debates, 1967
Holsti, Kalevi J., Power and Policy: The Weak Confront the Strong, 1964
Hordern, William E., Ethics and Foreign Policy: A Theologian's View, Undated
Hoselitz, Bert F., Foreign Economic Policy: Trade, Aid and Development, Undated
Jung, Moses, Muslims and World Peace, Adams, Undated
John Inman Papers, Undated
Kaplan, Morton A., United States Foreign Policy in a Revolutionary Age, Undated
Kertesz, Stephen D., Tools of Diplomacy, Undated
Kitagawa, Joseph M.
China in Asia, Aspen Seminar, 1967
Alisal, 1968
The Asian Mind, 1966
Buddhism and Asian Politics, 1962
Box 344
Klutznick, Philip M., Some Thoughts on the Clay Committee Report, 1963
Knapp, Robert B., 11-Private Approaches to International Exchange, 1960
Landon, Kenneth Perry, Implications of Buddhist Ethics for International Relations, Slater, Undated
Laves, Walter P.C., US Publics and Foreign Policy Processes, Undated
Lefever, Ernest W., Toward a Philosophy for Arms Control; the Nature of World Crisis, 1960
Levi, Weiner, Powerful Intervention in Southeast Asia, Undated
Levine, Robert A., Facts and Morals in the Arms Debate, 1961
Loos, A. William
Nature of Convergence, 1964
Religion, Ethics and Politics: Perspective, 1965
Seminar, New York, Challenge to American Democracy in Today's Social and Economic Crisis, Undated
Mandlebaum, Bernard, Christian Ethics and International Relations Weigel, Undated
Milford, Notes for a Theological Commentary, Undated
Morgan, Kenneth W., Muslims and World Peace, Adams, Undated
Mozingo, David, the United States and China in Asia, 1966
McKenna, Joseph C., S.J., Religion and International Responsibility, 1962
Najjar, Fauzi M., Muslims and World Peace, Adams, Undated
Nuveen, John. China, Cuba and Communism, 1961
O'Brien, William V.
Ethics and United States Foreign Policy, Social Sciences, 1961
Basic Issues of International Ethics, 1964
Box 345
Ethics and Foreign Policy, Trends in Current Thought, Undated
Religion and International Responsibility: National Security, 1960
The United States and the Cold War, 1963
Wars of National Liberation: Practice and Theory, 1966
Oesterreicher, John M., Implications of Judaic Ethics for International Relations, Gordis, Undated
Osgood, Robert E.
The American Purpose: Vietnam, 1963
Memorandum on a European Visit, Undated
Pavitrananda, Swami, Implications of Hindu Ethics for International Affairs, Chakravarty, Undated
Peachey, Paul, Wars of National Liberation: The Preliminary Questions, 1966
Peterson, Keith, the Struggle for Disarmament in the 20th Century, Undated
Pfaff, William, a Critique of United States Foreign Policy, Undated
Pitt, Malcolm, Implications of Hindu Ethics for International Affairs, Chakravarty, Undated
Platig, E. Raymond, Exchange of Person: Education, Politics of Delusion, Comments, 1960
Pulleyblank, E.G., Alisal, 1968 March7-10, 1968
Quade, Quentin L., Wars of National Liberation: A Christ Informed Prudence, Undated
Quigg, Philip W., South Africa: Problems and Prospects, 1964
Qureshi, Ishtiaq Husain, Muslims and World Peace, Adams, Undated
Ramsey, Paul
Can Counter-Insurgency War Be Conducted Justly?, 1966
National Security: Its Moral Aspects, 1960
Roberts, Henry L., the Soviet Union and the West, 1958
Robinson, James A., US Publics and Foreign Policy Processes, 1961
Salter, Noel, Revolutions and International Organization, 1966
Sams, James F., US Policy and Middle East Crisis, 1967
Box 346
Schelling, T.C.
National Security: Its Military Aspects, 1960
Nuclear Necessities of a Great Power: US in a Nuclear World, 1965
Schmemann, Alexander, Implications of Judaic Ethics for International Relations, Gordis, Undated
Schneider, Herbert W., Implications of Judaic Ethics for International Relations, Gordis, Undated
Schwarzschild, Steven S., What is a Statesman's Unit of Operation?, 1963
Seifert, Harvey, Ethics and Policy: Shaping of Decision, 1964
Shih, Vincent Y.C., Alisal, 1968 March7-10, 1968
Siegel, Seymour, Outline of talk on Prophetic Judgment, 1967
Slater, Robert Lawson, Implications of Buddhist Ethics for International Relations, 1959
Steere, Douglas V., Christian Ethics and International Relations, Weigel, Undated
Stine, Leo C., Prospects in the Struggle for Disarmament, 1960
Stone, Harold C., Towards a More Effective Program of International Education, 1960
Suarez, Andres, Cuba and the Cold War: Confrontation in Will and Purpose, USSR, 1963
Thompson, Kenneth W.
Implications of Judaic Ethics for International Relations, Gordis, Undated
Muslims and World Peace, Adams, Undated
Implications of Hindu Ethics for International Affairs, Chakravarty, Undated
Implications of Buddhist Ethics for International Affairs, Slater, Undated
Christian Ethics and International Relations, Weigel, Undated
Tillman, Seth, Publics and Policy: Who Counts When, Where and How?, 1965
Theisen, Sylvester P., Man and Nuclear Weapons, 1963
Thompson, Hugo W., Christian Ethics and Foreign Policy, Undated
Thompson, Kenneth W., Stability and Change in Asia, 1967
Trager, Frank N.
Struggle for Mainland Southeast Asia: Laos, a Pivot, 1962
Implications of Buddhist Ethics for International Relations, Slater, Undated
Tucker, Robert W., Bellum Justum and the Second Vatican Council, 1966
Box 347
Uhalley, Stephen, Jr., 1968
Waelder, Robert, Movements of Protest and Revolution against Western Societies, 1961
Walter, Franklyn E., American Christian Attitudes towards National Security Problems, 1965
Waltz, Kenneth N., Kant, Liberalism and War, 1961
Weber, Theodore E.
Atoms for Equality, Wohlstetter, 1967
Morality and National Power in International Politics, 1962
Weigel, Gustave S.J.
Christian Ethics and International Relations, 1959
Religion and International Responsibility, 1961
Williams, Robert H., Revolution and Security Policy, 1966
Zawodny, J.K., Guerrilla Warfare and Subversion, 1961
Miscellaneous Papers, Undated
Annual Reports including Income and Expenditure Reports, 1914-1973
Financial Reports, Audits, securities, and budgets, 1918-1971
Box 351
Financial Reports: Audits, securities, and budgets, 1918-1945
Box 352
Financial Reports: Audits, securities, and budgets, 1946-1952
Box 353
Financial Reports: Audits, securities, and budgets, 1953-1959
Box 354
Financial Reports: Audits, securities, and budgets, 1960-1971
Box 355
Budgets and Miscellaneous Financial Reports, 1914-1963
Box 356
Financial Matters: Portfolio Breakdown, 1963 January, 1963
Financial Statements, 1963
MacFarland: Pioneers for Peace through Religion--history or Church Peace Union, Manuscript, notes, book, and related correspondence, ca. 1945
Scrapbooks, 1910-1946
Box 359
Scrapbook, 1909-1915
Historical Record of the Organization of the American National Council of the World, Undated
Account books, 11 volumes at end of collection, 1919-1946
World Alliance Multigraph Work, 1916
Box 360
World Alliance Printed Matter, 1916-1917
Publicity Stories, 1922
Box 361
Miscellaneous Information and News Stories, 1924
Campaign for International Cooperation, 1923
World Alliance for International Friendship through the Churches Ninth Annual Meeting Buffalo, 1924
Box 362
Universal Christian Conference, 1925
Scrapbook, 1924-1925
Campaign for International Cooperation 1923 and Boynton-Holt Tour 1924 1923 1924, 1923, 1924, 1923, 1924
Box 363
News Stories and Printing Exhibits, 1926 1927 1928, 1926, 1927, 1928
Scrapbook, 1925
Box 364
Scrapbook, 1927
Box 365
Newspaper Clippings, 1928
Clipping Book, 1927-1931
Box 366
News Stories and Printing Exhibits, 1931 1932, 1931, 1932
Miscellaneous Printed Material, 1929 1930, 1929, 1930
News Stories and Printing Exhibits, 1929
Goodwill Lessons, Universal Religious Peace Conference, Undated
Box 367
News Stories and Printing Exhibits, 1935-37
Senate Committee Hearings on the Private Manufacture of Arms and Munition, 1934
News Stories and Printing Exhibits, 1933 1934, 1933, 1934
News Clippings, 1932-1933
Scrapbook, Early, 1900s
News Clippings, 1932
Newsletters, 1924-1947
Individual Files
Box 452
John Inman
Clancy, William J., 1957-1962
Clark, Thelma, 1969
Cook, Rev. William J., 1959-1960
CRIA former employees, 1966-1967
CRIA pensions, 1942 1969, 1942, 1969
Davis, Stafford, development director, 1962
Finn, James, director of publications, 1968
Frankel, Dr. Charles L., Regional Field Director, San Francisco, 1965-1966
Gordon, Linley V., 1957-1960
Hall, Samuel S., Jr., 1955-1962
Assn. of Colleges and Universities for International-Intecultural Studies, Inc., 1971
S.C.E.W.A. Society for Citizen Education in World Affairs, 1972
United Nations, Correspondence, 1971-1972
Wesleyan College, GA, seminar arranged by JRI at United Nations, 1970 March, 1970
Inman, John R.
Personal Correspondence, 1970-1972
Travel Abroad, 1969
Invitations, 1964-1968
Jezequel, Paseur Jules, 1958-1962
Kautz, Lynford E., Development Consultant V.P., 1962-1964
Box 453
Lefevre, Ernest W., 1958-1964
Loos, Dr. A. William, 1955-1968
Lyons, Roger, 1955-1961
Mc, 1954-68
McKay, Martha, 1968
McLucas, Grace, 1968
M, 1958-69
Miller, Harold and Meta, 1964-1968
Miscellaneous Government Departments, Federal and New York, 1956-1963
N, 1955-1968
National Council of Churches, 1955-1964
National Education Television and Radio Center, 1962
O'Brien, Dr. William, Georgetown University, Undated
Paul, A.A., V.P., 1959-1960
Smith, Donald E., 1960-1963
Toledano, Prof. Andre, V.P., 1954-1957
Trembath, Ivy Marks, V.P., 1948-1966
Wood, Rev. James N., V.P., 1963
Zehner, Paul A., V.P., 1964-1965
Inman Correspondence, 1970-1972
Box 454
William Loos
Change of CPU Name, 1961
Ad Hoc Committee on Foreign Economic Aid, 1956
Replies to form letter sent out by Sockman, R.W., 1948 November 18, 1948
Certificate of Change of Purposes, 1960
50th Anniversary, 1959-1960
Charter Review Conference, 1955
CPU Advertising, 1951-1953
CRIA 50th Anniversary Dinner, 1959-1963
Library, 1950-1951
Box 455
Miscellaneous, 1945-1946
Policy Committee, 1946
Political Action, 1955-1956
Proposed Program, 1956
Proposed Program, 1962
Loos, Dr. A. William, Two Projects in Leadership Education, 1957
Russel Sage Residencies, 1958
Advanced Seminar Project, 1959
Fund for the Republic Project, Undated
Proposed CPU Program, 1957-1958
CPU: Resolution adopted re. Jews and Palestine, 1943 January, 1943
Its Purpose, Its Program, Undated
Radio Project, 1957
Severance Pay Plan for employees, 1945-1946
CPU Special Committee on Survey, appointed, 1949 June, 1949
Box 456
Legal, 1955-1958
Foreign Economic Aid, 1956-1957
Publicity, 1948-1950
CRIA, Explorations, 1963
CRIA Field Executive Qualifications, Undated
Field Executive Suggestions for Candidates, 1961-1962
Working Papers: CRIA Budget, 1963
Dual Leadership Education Projects, 1957
Letters to Editors, 1956-1957
Box 457
Merrill House, opening and dedication, 1948
Personnel, 1964
Press Releases, 1956-1962
Resolutions, 1952 June, 1952
Resolutions, 1953 June, 1953
Resolutions and Letter to President, 1955 March, 1955
Resolutions, Bricker Amendment, 1954
Box 458
Tax Exemption
Gribbon-Randall Covington and Burling, 1961
Gribbon-Randall correspondence, 1958-1960
CPU change of Purpose , 1960 April -July, 1960
Bell Donation, 1958 December -1959 February, 1958
Sherman and Goldring, 1958-1961
Gibbon-Randall Brief, Summer, 1958
Protest, 1961 September, 1961
Miscellaneous Correspondence and Memos, 1958-1961
General Files
Box 459
General Correspondence, 1970-1980
American Enterprise Institute, Undated
Adams, Dr. Theodore, CRIA trustee, 1956-1980
Adams, Charles J., His work abroad, 1960-1974
Atlantic Council of US, 1964-1975
Aspen Institute, 1962-1972
American Society of Christian Ethics, 1971-1974
Box 460
General Correspondence, 1970-1980
Bailey, Sydney D., 1964-1973
Beebe, George, 1956-1970
Blake, Howard C., the Laity, a New Direction, 1975-1976
Blum, Jack, IRS, 1974-1979
Bogdan, Corneliu, 1967-1970
Bosc, Rev. Robert, S.J., 1960-1970
Box 461
Bruzonsky, Mark A., 1977-1978
Brown, Arthur Judson, 1956
Miscellaneous Correspondence and Memos, Undated
Bradley, Dr. William, 1952-1977
Braisted, Dr. Paul J., 1952-1978
Brooke, Edward W., 1966-1971
Bussey, Donald S., 1963-1973
General Correspondence, 1970-1980
Box 462
Carnegie Corporation, 1936-1968
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 1954-1974
Campion, Donald R., 1970-1976
Center for International Policy, Geyer, Alan, Executive Director, 1977
Christian Peace Conference, 1966-1976
Box 463
Christianity and Crisis, 1959-1971
Christians Associated for Relationships with Eastern Europe, 1973-1975
Clancy, William P., 1954-1974
Harlan, Cleveland, 1974-1977
Cogley, John, 1956-1976
Conference on Christian Approaches to Defense and Disarmament, CCADD, 1963-1969
American Committee on CCADD, 1966-1979
Box 464
Council on Foreign Relations, 1942-1977
Cowlan, Bert, 1975-1978
Study Conference on International Conflict and Violence, Cox, Rowland, 1967 August 24-30, 1967
General Correspondence, 1970-1980
Dana, Ellis, 1964-1974
Davis, Guy G., 1966-1977
Box 465
den Hollander, Jeroen, 1965-1967
Doub, George Cochran, 1968-1973
General Correspondence, 1970-80
Emmel, Don, 1967-1968
England, 1956-1966
Ethics and International Relations, 1961-1964
Box 466
General Correspondence, 1970-80
Foreign Policy Association, 1961-1980
Finkelstein, L.S., 1959-1972
Flechtheim, Ossip K., 1953-1961
Friends of CRIA, meeting, 1967 April 28, 1967
Ford, Rev. George B., 1958-1978
Box 467
French-Valyi Project, Valyi, Emery I., 1969
Freedom House, 1956-1970
Freedom of Faith, 1978
Fund for Peace, 1969-1975
General Correspondence, 1970-1980
Box 468
Gammon, Roland 1944-1977
Gerety, Peter L., 1976-1978
Geyer, Alan, 1959-1980
Gianelli, Virgil, 1972-1973
Gottschalk, Alfred, 1973
Global Perspectives for Education, 1975-1977
General Correspondence, 1970-1980
Box 469
General Correspondence continued, 1970-80
Hanold, Terence, 1974-1978
Hattery, Robert, 1962-1974
Hayes, Samuel P., 1962-1974
Hechinger, Grace, 1975
Hellwig, Monika, 1966-1974
Hero, Alfred O., 1957-1971
Hilsman, Roger, 1958-1964
Hochman, Harry W., Undated
Hoffsommer, Abigail, 1956-1961
Holland, Ralph L., 1954-1966
Holloway, Dr. Vernon, 1959-1961
Hudson Institute, 1968-1972
Hughes, Thomas L., 1967-1975
Box 470
I through J
General Correspondence, 1970-80
Inman, John R., 1952-75
Box 471
Institute for American Democracy, Inc., 1964-1975
Institute for World Order, 1978
International Council of Christians and Jews National Council of Christians and Jews, 1975-1976
International Cooperation Council, 1966-1967
International Interfaith Fellowship, 1974
International Studies Association, 1965-1976
International Study and Research Institute, 1966-1978
Interreligious Peace Colloquium, 1975
Israels, Michael Jozef. Memos, 1980
Box 472
General Correspondence, 1970-1980
Johnson, Philip A.
Re: CRIA, 1974-1975
Lutheran Church in America, 1975-1978
Experiment in International Living, China Trip, 1978-1979
General Correspondence, 1977
General Correspondence, 1970-1980
Box 473
General Correspondence, continued, 1970-1980
Kltuznick, Philip M., 1963-1978
Koch, Walter K., 1966-1970
Kritchever, Mathew F., 1965-1979
General Correspondence, 1970-1980
LaFontant, Jewel, Mrs. H. Ernest, 1973-1977
Box 474
Lefever, Ernest W., Ethics and US Foreign Policy, 1964-1976
Luckman, Lloyd D., Undated
General Correspondence, 1970-1980
General Correspondence, 1970-1980
McCall, H. Carl, 1968-1970
McHenry, Donald F., 1970-1980
McGovern, Eleanor, 1978-1981
Box 475
Marburg, Col. Charles L., 1954-1975
Messner, William C., 1960-1968
Motwani, Kewal, 1956-1970
Messimer, Robert L. Jr., 1967-1974
Miller, William Lee, 1958-1981
The Mohonk Trust, 1969-1974
General Correspondence, 1970-1980
Box 476
Nason, John W., 1956-1973
National Strategy Information Center, Inc., 1966-1971
Neblett, Thomas E., 1972-1974
New York Theological Seminary, 1969-1972
Nitze, Paul H., 1957-1974
Nixon, Justin Wroe, Man's New Hope
Mimeo Copy and Relate, Undated
Promotion, Undated
Correspondence, Undated
Manuscript, Undated
Noble, Marshall Hays, Undated
Box 477
General Correspondence, 1970-1980
O'Brien, William V., 1961-1974
General Correspondence, P-Q, 1970-1980
Pate, Martha, Mrs. Maurice, 1959-1977
Pax World Fund, 1972-1973
Pennington, Dr. Leslie T., 1941-1975
Box 478
Platig, Raymond, 1959-1972
Polier, Justine Wise, 1956-1958
Pollock, Thomas Clark, 1956-1979
Post, Avery D., 1970-1978
Population, Poindexter Institute, Reference Bureau and Crisis Committee UN and the Population Connection, 1966-1975
General Correspondence, 1970-1980
Radius Institute, 1979
Ramsey, Paul, 1962-1980
Religion in Education Foundation, 1970
Reissig, Herman F., 1958-1968
Box 479
Rogers, William C., 1959-1976
Rose, Frederick, 1975-1979
Ryan, Rt. Rev. Msgr. William G., 1958-1974
General Correspondence, 1970-1980
St. Peter's International Program, 1975-1978
Schomer, Howard, 1975-1978
Scott, Roderick, 1943-1971
Box 480
Sheldon, Prof. James, 1954-1969
Siegman, Henry, 1976
Siskin, Dr. Edgar E., 1965-1971
Religion and the State in South East Asia, Final Report by Smith, D.E., 1960-1964
Society for Citizen Education in World Affairs, 1963-1975
Society for International Development, 1963-1977
Society for the Scientific Study of Religion, 1966-1975
Box 481
Sousa, John Philip III, 1974-1978
Steinberg, Charles S., 1973-1977
Stevens, Judge Harold A., 1959-1977
Stone, Mrs. Maurice L., 1964-1967
Stoughton, Lenore B., 1970-1978
Sturm, Douglas, 1962-1970
Henrieta Szold Institute, 1977
General Correspondence, 1970-1980
Temple of Understanding, 1972-1977
Thompson, William P., 1975-1977
Trueblood, Elton D., 1943-1978
Box 482
U through V, 1970-1980
United Church of Christ, 1970-1975
United Nations
Attacks on U.N., 1952-1968
Bricker Resolution, Undated
Food and Agriculture Organization, Undated
Box 483
Technical Assistance, 1960-1968
Economic and Social Council, 1960-1969
General Assembly, 1960-1970
General, 1960-1971
Charter Review, 1960-1972
Congo, 1960-1973
Disarmament, 1960-1974
Human Rights-Genocide, 1960-1975
Box 484
United Nations Emergency Force, 1957-1966
United Nations Children's Fund, 1967
United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organization, Undated
International Court, 1959-1960
International Labor Organization, 1960
Korea, Undated
Outer Space, 1961-1962
Refugees, 1964-1965
World Health Organization, Undated
Trusteeship Council, Undated
Security Council, 1960
South Africa, Undated
Near East, Undated
Materials regarding, 1970-1978
Box 485
United Nations Association
USA, 1964-1978
Washington, D.C., 1975
United States Mission to the U.N., 1956-1980
US-South Africa Leader Exchange Program, 1962-1971
General Correspondence, 1975-1978
Voss, Carl Herman, 1954-1970
Box 486
General Correspondence, 1970-1980
World Association for Christian Communication, 1975-1979
Wallis, Eileen, 1978
War Peace Studies, 1969
Washington Center of Foreign Policy Research, 1962-1964
Weber, Richard J., 1975
Weber, Theodore R., 1964-1980
Winters, Francis X., 1972-1975
Box 487
Wohlstetter, Albert, 1966-1971
Wolfram, Jack F., 1965-1970
World Studies Data Bank, Iaquinta, Dr. Leonard, 1975
World Watch Institute, 1975-1978
Wright, John Cardinal, 1958-1971
X through Z
General Correspondence, 1970-1980
Box 488
Organizational Files, Executive Board and Board of Trustees, Committees, Meetings and Reports
CPU, Annual Meeting, 1946 January, 1946
CPU, Semi-Annual Meeting, 1945 June, 1945
Annual Meeting, 1945 January, 1945
Semi-Annual Meeting, 1944 June, 1944
Annual Meeting, 1944 January, 1944
Semi-Annual Meeting, 1943 June, 1943
Semi-Annual Meeting, 1948 June 15, 1948
Annual Meeting, 1948 January 22, 1948
Semi-Annual Meeting, 1947 June 18-20, 1947
Annual Meeting, 1947 January 23, 1947
Semi-Annual Meeting, 1946 June, 1946
Semi-Annual Meeting, 1950 May, 1950
Annual Meeting, 1950 January 26, 1950
Semi-Annual Meeting, Trustees, 1949 June, 1949
Annual Meeting, 1949 January 27, 1949
Box 489
Executive Committee, Minutes, 1950-1954
Semi-Annual Meeting, 1953 June 23-25, 1953
Annual Meeting, 1953 January 22, 1953
Semi-Annual Meeting, Trustees, 1952 June 24, 1952
Annual Meeting, 1952 January 24, 1952
Semi-Annual Meeting, 1951 June 19-21, 1951
Annual Meeting, 1951 January 25, 1951
Executive Committee, 1967 November 15, 1967
Executive Committee, 1968 November 20, 1968
Box 490
Executive Committee, 1968 March27, 1968
Executive Committee, 1968 February21, 1968
Executive Committee, 1968 January 24, 1968
Finance Committee, 1968 November 20, 1968
Review Committee , 1968 January 24, 1968
Review Committee, 1967 October 19, 1967
Nominating Committee, 1968 May 19, 1968
Nominating Committee, 1968 January 24, 1968
Nominating Committee, 1967 November 16, 1967
Nominating Committee, 1967 June 26, 1967
Executive Finance Committee, Joint Meeting Semi-Annual, 1967 June 26, 1967
Semi-Annual Meeting, 1968 May 19-21, 1968
Nominating Committee, 1969 January 22, 1969
Nominating Committee, 1968 November 20, 1968
Box 491
Investment Executive Joint Meeting, 1969 June 22, 1969
Executive Committee, 1960 April 23, 1960
Annual Meeting, 1969 January 22, 1969
Annual Meeting, 1968 January 25, 1968
Semi-Annual Meeting, 1969 June 22-24, 1969
Nominating Committee, Suggested Names, Trustees, 1956-1974
Box 492
CRIA: Board Committees, 1971
Board Committees, 1968
Livingston, Judd, Proxies, 1972
Board Committees, 1968
Board Meeting Expenses, 1972-1974
Ad Hoc Committee on Corporate Consultation Program, 1968-1973
Committee on Development, 1969-1972
Box 493
Development Director Candidates, 1972
Mogle, William, Committee Development, 1967-1971
Semi-Annual Meeting, 1975 June, 1975
Annual Board Meeting, 1975 January 23, 1975
Box 494
Semi-Annual Annual Meeting of the Board, 1974 June, 1974
60th Annual Meeting, 1974 January 24, 1974
59th Semi-Annual Meeting, 1973 June 24-26, 1973
59th Annual Meeting, 1973 January 25, 1973
Box 495
Semi-Annual Meeting, 1976 June, 1976
Roanoke Meetings, 1978 June 26, 1978
Miscellaneous, Undated
Box 496
64th Semi-Annual Meeting, 1978 June 27-28, 1978
Financial Resources Committee, 1978 June 27, 1978
Human Resources Committee, 1978 June 27, 1978
Program Committee, 1978 June 25-27, 1978
Program Committee, 1978 November 9, 1978
Klopfer, Ulrike, Long Range Planning Committee, Undated
Long Range Planning Committee, 1978 November 10, 1978
Long Range Planning Committee, Undated
Johnson, Philip A., Long Range Planning Committee, 1978
Long Range Planning Committee, 1979
Box 497
Program Committee, 1979 January 24, 1979
Human Resources Committee, 1979 January 24, 1979
Financial Resources Committee, 1979 January 24, 1979
Executive Committee Meeting, 1979 January 25, 1979
Annual Board Meeting, 1979 January 25, 1979
Executive Committee, 1979 May 4, 1979
Long Range Planning Committee, 1978 June, 1978
Box 498
Executive Committee, 1979 June 24, 1979
Human Resources Committee, 1979 June 24, 1979
Financial Resources Committee, 1979 June 24, 1979
Program Committee, 1979 June 24, 1979
Budget, 1979 June, 1979
Long Range Planning Committee, 1970 June 25, 1970
Semi-Annual Meeting, 1979 June 25-26, 1979
Executive Committee, 1979 August 23, 1979
Executive Committee, 1979 October 18, 1979
Rental of 4th Floor Front, 1979
New York State Charitable Registration, 1979
Johnson, Philip A., Brauer-Board on PAJ's Resignation, 1979
Box 499
Myers, Robert, Financial Resources Committee, 1980
Search Committee for New President of CRIA, 1979
Subcommittee on size and Composition of Executive Committee, 1968
Ad Hoc Subcommittee on Renovation of Merrill House, 1969
Program Committee, 1968 September 20-22, 1968
Program Committee, 1968 May 19, 1968
Program Committee, 1969 October 16, 1969
Box 500
Program Committee, 1969 June 22, 1969
Ad Hoc Subcommittee on Investment Policy, 1969
Program Committee, 1968 November 19, 1968
Finance Committee, 1969 January 22, 1969
Review Committee, 1967 June 26, 1967
Review Committee, 1967 March29, 1967
Finance Executive, Joint, 1968 May 19, 1968
Finance Committee, 1968 January 24, 1968
Box 501
Nominating Committee, 1969 June 22, 1969
Investment Committee, 1969 April 23, 1969
Finance Committee, 1968 March27, 1968
Finance Committee, 1967 November 15, 1967
Finance Committee, 1967 March29, 1967
Executive Committee, 1967 March29, 1967
Executive Committee, 1967 January 25, 1967
Finance Committee
Staff Budgets and Salaries, 1965 December 10, 1965
Miscellaneous, 1961-1966
Box 502
Semi-Annual Meetings, 1954-1962
Finance Committee, Miscellaneous, 1946-1965
Executive Committee, 1967 March29, 1967
Executive Committee, 1968 November 29, 1968
Semi-Annual Meeting
Board of Trustees, 1967 June 27-28, 1967
Minutes, 1966 June 14-15, 1966
Semi-Annual Meeting, 1965 June 15-16, 1965
CRIA Board, 1964 June 16-18, 1964
Box 503
Semi-Annual Meeting, 1961 June 20-22, 1961
Semi-Annual Meeting, 1962 June 18-21, 1962
Semi-Annual Meeting, 1960 June 21-23, 1960
Semi-Annual Meeting, 1953 June 18-20, 1953
Semi-Annual Meeting, 1958 June 17-19, 1958
Semi-Annual Meeting, 1959 June 23-25, 1959
Semi-Annual Meeting, 1957 June 18-20, 1957
Semi-Annual Meeting, 1956 June 19-21, 1956
All Minutes of the Review Committee, 1967 June 26, 1967
Nominating Committee, 1967 June 26, 1967
Box 504
Annual Report, 1966
Semi-Annual Meeting, 1969 June 22-24, 1969
Semi-Annual Meeting, 1968 May 19-21, 1968
Annual Report, 1964
Annual Report, 1963
Hotel Pierre, 1965
Box 505
Semi-Annual, Undated
Review Committee , 1967 October, 1967
Annual Meetings, Undated
Semi-Annual Meetings, Undated
Box 506
Miscellaneous, 1968-1970
Unknown, Undated
Registrants, Invitees, Undated
CRIA Meetings, 1964-1970
Executive Committee, 1972
Box 507
Nominating Committee, 1971-1974
Personnel Committee, 1972 June, 1972
Nominating Committee, Suggestions, 1971-1974
Miscellaneous Reports, Undated
Box 508
Annual Reports
Executive Director, 1956-1963
Education Director, 1947-1958
Associate Executive Director, 1956-1958
Field Director, 1957-1959
Annual Meeting, 1967 January 26, 1967
52nd Annual Meeting, 1966 January 27, 1966
51st Annual Meeting, 1965 January 28, 1965
50th Annual Meeting, Board of Trustees, 1964 January 23, 1964
47th Annual Meeting, 1961 January 26, 1961
49th Annual Meeting, 1963 January 24, 1963
48th Annual Meeting, 1962 January 25, 1962
Box 509
46th Annual Meeting, 1960 January 28, 1960
44th Annual Meeting, 1958 January 23, 1958
43rd Annual Meeting, 1956 December 3, 1956
42nd Annual Meeting, 1956 January 26, 1956
Special Meeting of Trustees, 1965 November 17, 1965
41st Annual Meeting, 1955 January 27, 1955
40th Annual Meeting, 1954 January 28, 1954
38th Annual Meeting, 1952 January 24, 1952
37th Annual Meeting, 1951 January 25, 1951
36th Annual Meeting, 1950 January 29, 1950
35th Annual Meeting, 1949 January 27, 1949
34th Annual Meeting, 1948 January 22, 1948
Box 510
Syllabi, 1965-1970
From Social Ethicists Correspondence, 1969-1972
Education Committee
CPU, Minutes, 1954-1962
Membership, 1952-1955
Shih, Vincent Y.C., On Being Chinese: Ambiguity in Self Identity, 1967
Box 511
Special Executive Committee Meeting, 1962 July, 1962
Executive Committee
General, Undated
CPU, Minutes, 1954-1963
Field Work Committee, last report, 1964 January, 1964
Nominating Committee, 1962-1971
Various CRIA materials, 1964-1967
Box 512
Nominating Committee, 1955-1962
Nominating Committee, 1963-1968
Miller, William; Mosely, Dr. Philip; Morgenthau; McLaughlin; Bennett, Dr. John; Herz, John; Deutsch, Dr. Carl. Addresses, 1961 January, 1961
Unknown, Undated
CRIA, Annual Report of President and Auditor, 1965
Public Luncheon, Programs, 1969
Box 513
Bloomfield, Dr. Lincoln; Bowie, Robert R.; Finger, Dr. Seymore; Gessert, Robert; Hillsman, Dr. Roger; Hoselitz, Bert F.; Lefever, Dr. Ernest; Osgood; Ramsey, Dr. Paul; Seabury, Paul; Schelling, T.C.; Shulman, Marshall; Sonnenfeldt; Truman, Dr. David B.; Wells, Barbara. Addresses, Undated
Semi-Annual Meeting, 1969 June 22-24, 1969
Program, International Responsibility: A seminar for advanced graduate students from other countries studying in the United States, Undated
Executive Committee, 1969 June 22-24, 1969
Box 514
Annual Board Meeting, 1969 January 23, 1969
Executive Committee, 1970-1971
Dr. Case, Harold C., Report From Africa, Undated
Semi-Annual Report of the President to the Board of Trustees, 1964 June, 1964
Annual Report
Director of Publications, 1964 June, 1964
National Field Director, 1964 June, 1964
Regional Field Director, 1964 June, 1964
Of the Vice-President, 1964 June, 1964
Annual Meeting, Wright Luncheon, 1969 January 23, 1969
Box 515
CPU, Education Committee, 1938-1956
CPU, Annual Meetings, 1943 January, 1943
Board Meetings, 1966-1967
Review Committee, 1967-1968
Box 516
Minutes, Memorandums, Reports, Observances, 1956-1964
CPU, Minutes of Meetings of Executive Committee and Board of Trustees, 1930-1932
Box 517
Miscellaneous Reports, Summaries, Memorandums, Minutes, 1963-1971
Box 518
Investment Committee, 1932-1971
Executive Committee, 1964-1969
Cost Analysis, 1968
CRIA, Finance Committee, Minutes, 1962-1968
Box 519
CRIA, 56th Annual Meeting of the Board, 1970 January 22, 1970
Annual Meeting, Morgenthau Luncheon, 1970 January 22, 1970
55th Semi-Annual Meeting, 1968 May 19-21, 1968
CRIA, Annual Meeting, 1968 January 25, 1968
Semi-Annual Meeting, 1967 June 27-28, 1967
Renting Space in Merrill House, resolution adopted, 1967 June 26, 1967
Semi-Annual Meeting, 1967 June 26-28, 1967
Box 520
Trustees' Questionnaires, 1966
Nominating Committee, 1965 June, 1965
Nominating Committee, 1966 June 14, 1966
Nominating Committee, 1966 April 13, 1966
Finance Committee, Minutes, 1966 December 14, 1966
Annual Meeting, 1967 January 26, 1967
Semi-Annual Meeting, 1966 June 14-15, 1966
Annual Meeting, 1966 January 27, 1966
Semi-Annual Meeting, 1965 June 15-16, 1965
Annual Meeting, 1965 January 28, 1965
Box 521
56th Semi-Annual Meeting, 1970 June 21-23, 1970
Semi-Annual Meeting, 1964 June 16-18, 1964
Annual Meeting, 1964 January 23, 1964
Box 522
Semi-Annual Meeting, 1963 June 18-20, 1963
Annual Meeting, 1963 January 24, 1963
Special Meeting, 1962 September 20, 1962
Semi-Annual Meeting, 1962 June 19-21, 1962
Board and Committee Meetings, 1969-1970
Semi-Annual Meeting, 1970
Box 523
Annual Board Meeting, Documents, 1974
Program Committee, Studies, 1973 August, 1973
Annual Meeting, 1974 January 24, 1974
Development Committee, 1974 January 23, 1974
Nominating Committee, 1974 January 23, May 9, June 22, November 20, 1974
Development Committee, 1974 June 23, 1974
Executive and Finance Committee, 1974 June 23, 1974
Development Committee, 1975 June 23, 1975
Finance Committee, 1975 June 23, 1975
Executive Committee, 1975 June 23, 1975
Program Committee, 1975 January 22, June 22, 24, 1975
Box 524
Semi-Annual Meeting, 1974 June 22-25, 1974
Semi-Annual Meeting, 1973 June 23-26, 1973
Finance Committee, 1974 December 2, 1974
Executive Committee, 1974 December 2, 1974
Joint Executive and Investment Committee, 1974 January 23, 1974
60th Anniversary, 1974 January 24, 1974
60th Anniversary, 1974 February28, 1974
Special Board Meeting, 1974 March29, 1974
60th Anniversary, final minutes, Undated
Development Committee, 1974 May 9, 1974
Executive Committee, 1974 May 9, 1974
Finance Committee, 1974 May 9, 1974
Finance Committee, 1974 June 22, 1974
Program Committee, 1974 January 23, March28-29, May 9, June 23, 1974
Cosmopolitan Club Lunch, Special Meeting, 1974 March29, 1974
Biographical Sketches, Undated
Farewell Dinner for, 1975 January 21, 1975
Annual Meeting, 1975 January 23, 1975
Box 525
Development Committee, 1975 January 22, 1975
Finance Committee, 1975 January 22, 1975
Executive Committee, 1975 January 22, 1975
Nominating Committee, 1975 January 22, June 23, 1975
Semi-Annual Meeting, 1975 June 22-24, 1975
Human Resources Committee, 1975 June 24, 1975
Financial Resources, 1975 June 24, 1975
Interim Report of President, 1975 August 28, 1975
Financial Resources, 1975 September 24, 1975
Executive Committee, 1975 September 24, 1975
Human Resources Committee, 1975 November 14, 1975
Minutes, 1974-1975
Box 526
Executive Committee, 1978 January 25, 1978
Human Resources Committee, 1978 January 25, 1978
Program Committee, 1978 January 25, 1978
Financial Resources Committee, 1978 January 25, 1978
64th Annual Meeting, 1978 January 26, 1978
Board of Trustees, 1978 January 26, 1978
Human Resources Committee, 1977 November 1, 1977
Box 527
Minutes, 1976-1977
Semi-Annual Meeting, 1977 June 20-21, 1977
Financial Resources Committee, 1977 June 19, 1977
Human Resources Committee, 1977 June 19, 1977
Program Committee, 1977 June 18, 1977
UK Semi-Annual Meeting folder, 1977 June 18-21, 1977
Box 528
Financial Resources Committee, 1977 April 18, 1977
Executive Committee, 1977 January 26, 1977
Human Resources Committee, 1977 January 26, 1977
Financial Resources Committee, 1977 January 26, 1977
Program Committee, 1977 January 26, 1977
63rd Annual Meeting of the Board, 1977 January 27, 1977
McHenry, Donald, chairman; CRIA
Program Committee, 1976 November 18, 1976
Subcommittee on Educational Programs, 1976 November 18, 1976
Brauer, Jerald, chairman. CRIA, Ad Hoc Committee for Change of Name, 1976 November 18, 1976
Morgenthau, Hans, chairman. CRIA, Subcommittee on Studies in Ethics and Foreign Policy, Undated
Barnds, William, chairman. CRIA, Executive Committee, 1976 November 19, 1976
Brauer, Jerald, chairman. CRIA, Human Resources Committee, 1976 November 19, 1976
Moriarty, Donald, chairman. CRIA, Financial Resources Committee, 1976 November 19, 1976
Semi-Annual Meeting, 1976 June 6 22 1976, 1976, 1976
Executive Committee, 1976 June 21, 1976
Box 529
Human Resources Committee, 1976 June 21, 1976
Staff Manual, 1974 1976, 1974, 1976
Program Committee, 1976 June 20, 1976
Financial Resources Committee, 1976 June 21, 1976
Program, 1976 May 25, 1976
Program, 1976 April 21, 1976
Human Resources Committee, 1976 April 21, 1976
Box 530
Members and Board, 1976 January, 1976
Executive Committee, 1976 January 21, 1976
Human Resources Committee, 1976 January 21, 1976
Program Committee, 1976 January 20-21, 1976
Financial Resources Committee, 1976 January 21, 1976
Committees, Documentation, 1976
Box 531
Program, Semi-Annual Meeting, 1968 May, 1968
Registration List, Semi-Annual Meeting, 1968 May 19-21, 1968
Speakers, Semi-Annual Meeting, 1968 May 19-21, 1968
General, Semi-Annual Meeting, 1968 May 19-21, 1968
Arrangements, Semi-Annual Meeting, 1968 May, 1968
Registration, Semi-Annual Meeting, 1966 June 14, 1966
Semi-Annual Meeting, 1966 June 14, 1966
Open Sessions, Semi-Annual Meeting, 1967 June 28, 1967
Box 532
Arrangements, Denver Board, 1967 June 26-28, 1967
Denver, Correspondence, 1967 June 26-28, 1967
Invitations and Program, Denver Board, 1967 June 26-28, 1967
Summary, Denver Board, 1967 June 26-28, 1967
Registration Lists, Denver Board Meeting, 1967 June, 1967
China Meeting, 1966 June 14, 1966
Semi-Annual Meeting, 1972 May 21-23, 1972
Annual Meeting, 1955 January 27, 1955
Semi-Annual Meeting, 1965 June 22-24, 1965
Box 533
58th Annual Meeting, 1922 January 27, 1922
Annual Meeting, 1942
CPU, Annual Meeting, 1954 January 28, 1954
57th Annual Meeting, 1971 January 28, 1971
57th Semi-Annual Meeting, 1971 June 13-15, 1971
CPU, Semi-Annual Meeting, 1957 June 18-20, 1957
Box 534
Annual Meeting, 1956 December 3, 1956
Semi-Annual Meeting, 1956 June, 1956
Annual Meeting, 1956 January, 1956
Semi-Annual Meeting, 1955 June 21-23, 1955
Semi-Annual Meeting, 1959 June 23-25, 1959
Annual Meeting, 1960 January 28, 1960
Annual Meeting, 1959 January 22, 1959
Semi-Annual Meeting, 1958 June 17-19, 1958
Annual Meeting, 1958 January 23, 1958
Semi-Annual Meeting, 1960 June 22-24, 1960
Annual Meeting, 1961 January 26, 1961
Box 536
Organizational Files--Financial
Budget, 1966
Budget, 1971
Budget, 1970
Budget, 1977
National Field Office, 1969
Budget, 1972
Box 537
Investment Committee, 1969-1980
Investment Committee, Undated
Box 538
Brown Brothers Harriman, 1972-1977
Brown Brothers Harriman, Undated
Mercantile Safe Deposit and Trust Company, 1961-1972
Sullivan and Cromwell, 1969-1976
Box 539
Sullivan and Cromwell, Income from Stock Dividends, Rule of Osborne, 1961-1964
Financial Statements, Chambellan, Berger and Welty, 1966-1974
Box 540
Miscellaneous Financial Statements, 1964-1968
Box 541
Blue Cross-Blue Shield, 1964-1965
Benefits, Blue Cross, 1967
Addressograph Statements, January, 1963-1966
Addressograph Multigraph Corp., 1966-1967
Air Conditioners, Undated
Loos, Alfred W., Receipts, Undated
Audits, 1962-1965
Miscellaneous Financial Statements, Undated
Box 542
Benefits, Life and Maj. Medical, 1967
Budget Appropriations, 1950-1957
Budgets and Cash Statements, 1967
Budgets, Financial Cash Statements, 1965-1966
Budgets, Financial Cash Statements, 1963-1964
Development, Receipts, Bank Books, Undated
Employees Withholding, Exemption Certificates, 1957-1958
Insurance, 1963-1965
CRIA, Monthly Payroll, 1963-1966
Stock and Bond Purchases and Securities Received as Dividends, 1950
Box 543
Memos, Letters, 1966
Memos, Correspondence, 1967
Securities, Exchanges, 1951-1952
Securities, 1951-1961
Securities, 1962
Mercantile Safe Deposit and Trust Company
Securities, 1962
Securities, 1963
Mercantile Safe Deposit and Trust Company, 1964
Mercantile Safe Deposit and Trust Company, 1965
Box 544
Mercantile Safe Deposit and Trust Company, 1966
Securities, Principal, 1967
New York State Disability Benefits, 1966
Payroll, 1967
Seminars, 1968
Abbey, 1968
Seminars, 1968 March, 1968
Unknown, 1968
Unknown, 1968
Doherty, Accounts Receivable, Undated
Securities, Income, 1967
Tax Bills, New York City Water and Property, 1949
Tax Returns, 1963
Tax Returns, 1964
Tax Returns, 1965
Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association, Group Life Insurance, 1961-1966
Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association, Major Medical, 1963-1964
Box 545
Deposit, Transcontinental and Western Air, Inc., Transworld Airlines, 1946
Trial Balance, 1966
Auditors and Annual Report, 1962-1966
Minutes of Meetings
Budgets, 1951-1962
Memos, 1966
Memos, 1963 December -1965 December, 1963
Box 546
Insurance, Marsh and McLennon, 1969
Bookkeeping and Accounting, Proposed Budgets, 1963-1968
Investment Counsel, Search for a New One, 1972
Bookkeeping and Accounting, Trial Balances, 1970
Budget, 1974-1975
IRS File System, Info, Forms and Correspondence, Individual Record Sheets, Info, Forms and Correspondence, 1964-1967
Budgets, 1973-1974
Box 547
Loos, Alfred W., Working Papers on Budget, Undated
Salaries, 1965-1973
Budget Summaries, 1975-1978
Financial Statements from H.G. on specific programs, Undated
Miscellaneous Financial Information, Budget Recapitulations, Calendars, 1973-1975
Official Gift Receipts, 1964-1968
Box 548
Budgets, 1950-1962
Budgets, 1963 January -1964 January, 1963
Budgets, File, 1974-1977
Cost of Living, 1974
Box 549
Ledger, 1964-1968
Ledger, 1963-1967
Bond Register Ledger, 1965
Contract between CRIA and American Press Inc. for production of Worldview magazine, 1975 October 10, 1975
Ledger pages, 1948
Tax Exemption, US, Treasury decisions, 1960 February-1961 August, 1960
Box 550
Record of Checks, 1963-1966
Contributors to the Development Fund
L to Z, 1963-1966
A to K, 1962-1967
Ledger pages, 1952-1961
Box 551
Organizational Files, Financial--Development and Fund-Raising
Development, Lists, 1963-1964
Director of Development, 1961-1962
American City Bureau, 1964
Kautz, Lynford E., 1964
John Price Jones and other fundraising organizations, 1964
Development Committee, 1961-1963
Foundations, 1964-1966
Compton Foundation, 1965-1966
The Danforth Foundation, 1957-1960
Field Foundation, 1966-1967
General Motors, 1966
Greater Boston Community Foundation, 1965
Box 552
Ford Foundation, 1957-1975
Development Brochure, 1963
Development Kit, 1962-1963
Format for Stock Gifts, 1964
Development, 1963
General, 1963-1965
Projects Rejected, 1957
Northwestern University, 1961
General Service Foundation, 1966-1971
Hill Foundation, 1964-1965
Institute for International Order, 1957-1966
Box 553
Ripon College, Survey, Undated
Oram, Harold L., 1964
Nuveen, John, 1961-1962
States, Development Corr., 1965
Unknown, 1964-1965
Unknown, 1963-1965
Chicago Development, 1964-1969
Frank J. Lewis Foundation, 1967
Rockefeller Brothers Fund, 1966
Rockefeller Foundation, 1965-1975
Tozer Foundation, 1964-1966
U.S. Steel Foundation, 1966-1968
Box 554
Development, 1963-1964
Development, 1964
Development, 1964
Survey, Analysis and Plan, 1964 May 18, 1964
Samples File, Invitations, 1968
Ideas and Information, 1970
Membership, materials and letters received, 1965-1971
Pending Answers to Requests for Money, 1966-1971
General Solicitation Mailings, 1967-1970
Testimonial Letters, 1965
Box 555
MLA Report, 1966 January, 1966
Bildersee, Barnet, 1966
Wood, J., Development, 1960-1965
Trustees, 1963-1964
Washington Programs, 1965-1967
Box 556
Corporations, SO, GM, Douglas Aircraft, 1966-1968
Bankers Trust, 1966
The Carnegie Corporation, 1951-1959
Detroit Edison, 1966
Illinois Bell Telephone Company, 1966
McGraw Hill, 1968-1970
Federal Government Programs, 1966
F through R Companies Information, 1968
Lists and Reports, 1965-1970
Tax and Legal Information, 1967
Prospects and Research, Undated
Box 557
Miscellaneous Staff Memos and Reports re Plans for Development Program, 1962-1965
Minutes, Reports, Undated
Kautz, Lynford, 1962-1964
Staff Memos on Prospects, 1963-1965
Development Letters, 1964-1965
Foundations, 1964-1965
Correspondence with Prospects, Donors, 1964
Luncheons, 1964
Hill Foundation, 1964-1965
Rocky Mountain Region, 1963-1964
Trenbeth Direct Mail Material, 1968
Luncheons, 1963
Program, Drafts of proposed brochure, 1963
CRIA associates, 1964
Program, 1963
Miscellaneous, 1963
Dun and Bradstreet Reports, 1964
Zehner, Paul, 1963-1964
Development Program, Fundraising Organization and Individuals Involved, 1961
Box 558
Development Statistics, 1966
Development, Monthly Work Sheet, 1964-1970
Corporations, 1964-1968
Unknown, 1966-1967
Box 559
Organizational Files--Programs--Corporate Consultations on the Ethics of Investment
Resource to Dynamic Management, Undated
Stenographic Transcript of Proceedings: Seminar on the Ethics of Investment, Held under the Auspices of CRIA, 1971 September 24-26, 1971
Stenotyped Report of the Seminar on the Ethics of Investment, 1971 September, 1971
Box 560
Stenographic Transcript of Proceedings: Seminar on the Ethics of Investment, Held under the Auspices of CRIA, 1972 October 15-17, 1972
Investment report to CRIA from Manufacturers Hanover Trust, 1972 January 10, 1972
Investment report to CRIA from Endowment Management and Research Corporation, 1972 January 18, 1972
Office Survey for CRIA from Fry Consultants, 1968 January 22, 1968
Businessmen's Seminar, Substantive Materials, 1969
Latin America, Names and Planning Materials, 1969-1970
Box 561
Businessmen's Seminar, Correspondence, 1969
Ethics in Corporate Investment report, Undated
Airlee House Conference, 1971 September 24-26, 1971
Ethics of Investment Seven Member Committee, 1972
Potter, Robert S., the Investment Responsibilities of Boards Concerned About Human Welfare: A Response to the Threshold Objections to the Notion of Social Investment, 1971 September 24, 1971
Behrman, Jack N., Social Investment Issues Raised by Foreign Operations of Multinational Enterprises, 1971 September 26, 1971
Powers, Charles W., Case Studies in the Pursuit of Ethical Criteria for Social Investment Activity, 1911 September 25, 1911
Smith, Richard B.; Loos, A. William, Correspondence, 1972 April 17, 1972
Powers, Charles W., People Profits: The Ethics of Investment, 1972
Box 562
The Book on Ethics of Investment, 1972
People Profits, flyers, review copies and reviews, 1972-1973
Correspondence, Unknown
Description of the Papers, from Seminar on Ethics of Investment, 1971 September 24-26, 1971
Biographical Sketches, from Seminar on Ethics of Investment, 1971 September 24-26, 1971
Participants List, from Seminar on Ethics of Investments, 1971 September 24-26, 1971
File Copies of Papers, 1971
Box 563
Consultation I: Latin America, 1973 September, 1973
Gunnemann, Jon P., ed., The Nation State and the Multinational Corporations in Lesser Developed Countries, Special Emphasis on Latin America, draft portions, Undated
Unknown Manuscript Pages, Undated
Gunnemann, Jon P., Book, the Nation State and Transnational Corporations in Conflict, With Special Reference to Latin America, Undated
Miscellaneous correspondence, 1973
Consultation, Evaluation Letters, 1973 November 15-19, 1973
Rowson; Praeger, Re. manuscript, 1973
Miscellaneous pamphlets, manuscripts, regarding ethics of investment, Undated
Jackson, Richard A.
Corporate Responsibility, draft and related materials, 1973
Manuscript, Corporate Responsibility, 1973
Master Copy, Corporate Responsibility, 1973
Box 564
Ethics of Investment, 1972 October, 1972
Ethics of Investment, 1972
Hanold, Terence, Manuscripts of Presentation, with investors and progress reports from several corporations, Gulf Oil, General Motors regarding environment and social impact, 1972-1973
Box 565
Retyped pp, Corporate Responsibility, Undated
Powers, Charles W., Manuscript, Undated
Jackson, Richard A., Manuscript, The Multinational Corporation and Social Policy with Special Reference to General Motors in South Africa, formerly Corporate Responsibility, Unknown
Box 566
Assorted materials regarding corporate responsibility and ethical investment practices, ranging from Harvard University reports on Gulf Oil in Angola, Christianity in Crisis magazine, articles and a small bound volume on the Expropriation of El Teniente Copper Mine, publication from Committee for Economic Development, and more, 1971-1973
Box 567
Organizational Files--Programs--Corporate Consultations, General
Pamphlets on socially responsible corporate performance, Undated
Corporate Consultation Program III, invitations, 1974 December, 1974
Apen III, Materials, 1974 December, 1974
Goyert, Chalmers L., Ford in Asia: A Case Study, Undated
Sucre, Luis Alcala, the Impact of Multinational Oil Companies in Venezuela, Undated
GM Progress and Policy Reports, 1972
Box 568
Corporate Consultation Program, 1975 May 30-June 4, 1975
Reports on corporations, from about IBM, Cummins, GM, in Far East, India and Latin America, 1974
Evaluations, 1974 December, 1974
Corporation Consultation Program, 1974 December, 1974
Box 569
Corporation Consultation Program
IV, 1975 May -June, 1975
II, 1974 April 26-May 1, 1974
II, 1974 April 26-May 1, 1974
Old Master Copy, the Nation State and the Multinational Corporation, Undated
Box 570
Corporate Consultation Program, transcription of sessions, 1973 September, 1973
Corporate Consultation Program, 1973 September, 1973
Approval Returns for MS, 1973 September, 1973
Box 571
Stenographic Transcript of Proceedings, CRIA Corporate Consultation Program: The Nation State and the Multinational Corporation in Lesser Developed Countries, Asia and the Pacific, Consultation II, 1974 April 26-27, 1974
Box 572
Sample, enclosures of black plastic envelope, plus name tag and table name card, Undated
Corporate Responsibility for Social Problems: A Bibliography, Bank of America, vol. III-IV, sent in response to Levi-Strauss Corp. request, attached, Undated
Workshop on Corporate Social Responsibility, Fund for Multinational Management Education, Undated
Unknown, 1976 April -May, 1976
Prospectus, Undated
Programs, Seminar on Ethics of Investment, 1971 September 24-26, 1971
Ethics of Investment, 1972
Box 573
Corporate Consultation Program, Ethics of Investment, Correspondence, 1972-1976
Proposal, a Seminar on the Ethics of Investment, Undated
Keep Informed About New CCP Asia Book, 1973-1974
Corporate Consultation Program: A Three-Year Project on Corporate Responsibility and the Multinational Corporation with Special Reference to International Relations, 1973-1976
Council on Economic Priorities, Annual Report, 1974
Corporate Associates Prospectus, 1973
Box 574
Corporate Consultation Program, Associates Letters, 1973-1975
Responses to the Ethics of Investment Seminar Consultation, 1972
Working Folder, 1971
Program, Seminar on Investment Policy, 1971
Draft, Social Responsibility and University Investments: An Essay Growing Out of a Seminar at Yale University, 1971
Council for Corporate Review, Undated
Tepper, Alice; director. Council on Economic Priorities, Undated
Box 575
Organizational Files--Programs--Carnegie Center for Transnational Studies
Travel Agents, 1977
Sloan, Michael P., World Business Council Meeting, 1977 September 26-30, 1977
Carnegie Center for Transnational Studies Treasury Meetings, 1978
Investment Codes Promotion, 1978
Salzburg Seminar, 1977
Bydall Foundation, 1980
Borg-Warner, 1980
American Express, 1980
Tinker Foundation, 1979
German Marshall Fund, 1980
Foundation, 1980
Friendly, Fred, Correspondence with Ford Foundation, 1980
Jessie Ball DuPont, 1980
Edna McCornell Clark Foundation, 1980
Prospectus, Carnegie Center for Transnational Studies, 1976
Press Clippings, Releases, Carnegie Center for Transnational Studies, 1976
Printers, CCTS, 1977
Working Groups, 1977
LLM, Seven Springs, 1977
U.N. and Transational Corporations, 1976
Box 576
Various Clippings Relating to CCTS Transnational Corporations, 1976
Publications, Printers Public Relations, 1978
CCTS Mailing List, 1978
Unknown, 1979
CCTS outside Employees, 1977
Sloan, Michael P., European Contacts, 1977
Miscellaneous Requests for Info on Carnegie Center for Transnational Studies, 1976
European Consultations, 1978
Carnegie Center for Transnational Studies Miscellany, 1976
International Advisory Group, IAG, 1976
Collaborators with Carnegie Center for Transnational Studies, 1977
Gatt for Investment, Undated
Carnegie Center for Transnational Studies Endorsement Letters, 1976
CCTS Miscellaneous, 1975
Box 577
Labor Unions, 1975
Foundations, 1977
Cargill Inc., 1978
Sloan, Michael P., Brazil Trip, 1978
Corp. Assoc. Income, Undated
Development, Government, Undated
Pillsbury Company, 1973
Corporations, 1975
Appraisals, 1973
Curriculum Vitae, Undated
Corporate Consultation, 1973 September 15-19, 1973
Information: European Meeting Accommodations, 1977
Meeting, 1977 February, 1977
Corporate Consultation, 1974 December 13-18, 1974
Corporate Consultation, 1974 April 26-May 1, 1974
Corporate Consultation, 1975 December 12-15, 1975
Corporate Consultation, 1975 May 30-June 4, 1975
Box 578
Corporate Consultation, 1976 July 11-16, 1976
Corporate Consultation, 1976 December 3-6, 1976
Corporate Consultation, summer, 1977
Corporate Consultation, 1978
Invitational List, 1977
Foundation Information, 1976
Foundations, 1974-1976
Alcoa Foundation, 1973 October 17, 1973
Asia Foundation, Undated
Mary Reynolds Babcock Foundation, 1974
Booth Ferris Foundation, 1976
Bush Foundation, 1974
California Foundations, Undated
Chase Manhattan Bank Foundation, 1975
Edna McConnell Clark Foundation, Undated
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 1972-1973
Arie and Ida Crown Memorial, 1977
Danforth Foundation, 1975
David Dubisnky Foundation, 1975-1976
Ford Foundation, 1977
General Service Foundation, 1974-1978
Box 579
Foundation Center, 1964-1975
German Marshall Fund, 1975-1976
Edward W. Hazen Foundation, 1973-1975
Irwin Sweeney Miller Foundation, 1971-1975
The Johnson Foundation, 1975
Charles F. Kettering Foundation, 1972-1976
Henry Luce Foundation, 1974-1975
Andrew Mellon Foundation, 1973-1975
Charles E. Merrill Trust, 1972-1974
Mertz-Gilmore, 1972-1976
National Endowment for Humanities, 1974
Mott Foundation, 1974
O'Shaughnessy Foundation, 1973-1976
Smith Richardson Foundation, 1975
William H. and Kate F. Stockham Foundation, 1973
W.Clement and Jessie V. Stone Foundation, 1973
U.S. Steel Foundation, 1973-1974
The Tinker Foundation, 1976-1978
Crown Zellerbach Foundation, 1971-1974
U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, 1974-1975
U.S. Senate, 1974-1976
U.S. Department of
Justice, 1975-1977
State, 1974
Treasury, 1976-1978
Box 580
Jackson, Richard A., the Multinational Corporation and Social Policy, Special Reference to General Motors in South Africa, 1974
Review of the Multinational Corporation and Social Policy in Perspective, 1974 October, 1974
Carnegie Center, 1976
Unknown, 1976 October, 1976
Task Force, Food, Hanold-Rockefeller, 1975-1978
Aspen VIII, 1977
Unknown, Undated
Box 581
Task Force, 1976-1978
Working Group III , 1976 October 6, 1976
Report of the Marshall Task Force, Developing Countries and Transnational Enterprises: Toward a New Relationship, Undated
Kindleberger, Charles P., A Gatt for Foreign Investment: Further Reflections, Undated
Carnegie Center for Transnational Studies, announcement of inception with press materials, 1975
Pamphlets on Carnegie Center for Transnational Studies, 1977
Corporate Consultation Program Report by the Special Assistant to the President to the CRIA board of Trustees, 1975 January 22, 1975
Sloan, Michael P.
Correspondence, 1972-1974
Box 582
Correspondence, 1973
Correspondence, 1973-1975
CCTS CCP pamphlets, Unknown
International Education: The Global Context, the U.S. Role, Conference, 1979 February26-28, 1979
Academy for Contemporary Problems, 1975-1976
Rubin, Seymour J., American Society of International Law, 1976-1977
Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies, 1976
Box 583
Atlantic Council, 1978
Brookings Institution, 1974-1975
Cambridge Communications Group, 1976
Center for Ethics and Social Policy, 1975-1978
Center for War Peace Studies, 1975
Chicago Council on Foreign Relations, 1975
Commission on the Organization of Government for the Conduct of Foreign Policy, 1973
The Conference Board, 1973-1976
Corporate Social Action, 1974
Council of the Americas, 1973-1976
Council on Foreign Relations, 1976
East-West Center, 1978
Engage Social Action, 1973
European Center for Study and Information on Multinational Corporations, 1976
Foreign Policy Association, 1972-1973
Fund for Multinational Management Education, 1974-1975
Institute for World Order, 1974-1975
International Management and Development Institute, 1976
International Study and Research Institute, 1973
Institute of International Education, Unknown
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, 1973-1977
The Japan Society, 1973
Crosby, Rev. M., Justice and Peace Center, 1974
Management Institute for National Development, 1975
National Academy of Science, 1975
National Affiliation of Concerned Business Students, 1974
National Catholic Coalition for Responsible Investment, 1977
Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, 1975
Overseas Development Council, 1973-1976
Public Affairs Council, 1975
Stanford Research Institute, 1975
Suez International, 1975-1977
UNCTAD, 1978
United Nations Industrial Development Organization, 1977
United Nations, 1975-1976
U.S. Council for an Open World Economy, 1975
Box 584
UNIAPAC, International Christian Union of Business Executives, 1975-1977
Washington Center of Foreign Policy Research, 1974
World Bank, 1973-1974
de Gaspar, Diogo A.N., World Council of Churches, 1976-1977
World Food Conference, 1975-1976
Worldwatch Institute, 1975-1976
World Studies Data Bank, 1975
World without War Council, 1973
Argentina, 1975-1976
Britain, 1975-1976
Ecuador, 1976
Germany, 1976
India, 1975-1976
Indonesia, 1976
Iran, 1975
Jamaica, 1975-1976
Japan, 1974-1975
Kenya, 1978
Mexico, 1976-1978
Netherlands, 1973-1976
Spain, 1976
Sweden, 1976
Thailand, 1976
Venezuela, 1975-1976
No. 34-35, 1968 May 2-3, 1968
No. 32-33, 1967 November 30-December 1, 1967
No. 30-31, 1967 January 26-27, 1967
Correspondence, Washington Consultation, 1963-1968
Briefs, 1968
Box 585
Hunter, David R., Continuing Education, 1975-1978
Center for Parish Development, 1971-1973
To Educate Religious Leaders about the Religious and Moral Dimensions of International Affairs, Undated
National Endowment for the Humanities
Grant, 1978
Proposal, education rejected 1978 February, 1978
Unknown, 1978
Unknown, Undated
Box 586
Johnson, Philip A., Working Papers for CRIA Consultation, 1976 March1-4, 1976
700, Education, 1975-1978
Unknown, Undated
Continuing Education Seminar, 1972 October -November, 1972
CRIA Convocation , 1976 June 22-23, 1976
Picutres of the CEM Wingspread Consultation, 1976 March1-4, 1976
Continuing Education, SACEM, 1970-1978
Box 587
Sloan, Michael P., Curriculum Development Letters, Copies of all sent to MPS as they arrived, 1974 July, 1974
Continuing Education, 1971
Airlie House, 1971
Sample, envelope contents for registrants, 1970
Programs and Participants List, 1971
Unknown, Undated
Continuing Education, Materials and Programs, 1970-1974
Box 588
Continuing Education
Minister Program, 1974-1977
Seminaries Projects, 1970-1971
CRIA Conversations, 1977-1981
CRIA Conversations, 1976
Box 589
Guest list, CRIA Conversations, 1970-1975
CRIA Conversations, 1967-1976
CRIA Conversations, 1969-1974
CRIA Conversations, 1968-1976
Box 590
CRIA Conversations, 1967
CRIA Conversations, 1968
CRIA Conversations, 1969
Conversation, Current, 1975
Box 591
Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies, 1968 September 12-16, 1968
Seminars of the Council on Religion and International Affairs at the Aspen Institute, 1968 September 12-16, 1968
Calloway Gardens, 1966 November 3-6, 1966
Unknown, 1966 September 29-October 3, 1966
Unknown, 1966 May 12-15, 1966
The Abbey, 1966 April 14-17, 1966
Asilomar, 1966 January 28-31, 1966
Semi-Annual Budget Meeting, 1966 June 14, 1966
Unknown, 1966 January 6-9, 1966
Abbey Seminar, 1965 November 4-7, 1965
Carmel Valley, Cancelled, 1965 October 21-24, 1965
Unknown, 1965 October 22-25, 1965
Aspen Seminar, 1965 September 16-19, 1965
Wildacres, 1965 June 3-6, 1965
Unknown, 1965 May 20-23, 1965
Abbey, 1965 March25-28, 1965
Unknown, 1965 February4-7, 1965
Wildacres, 1964 September 10-13, 1964
Unknown, 1964 September 3-6, 1964
Aspen Seminar, MLF, 1964 August 29, September 2, 1964
Lawrence University, 1964 August 20-23, 1964
Unknown, 1964 May 21-24, 1964
Unknown, 1964 May 1-3, 1964
Indiana University Seminar, 1963 November 15-18, 1963
Moraine Hotel, 1963 October 18-21, 1963
Aspen Seminar, Cuba, 1963 September 13-18, 1963
Ripon College, 1963 September 6-9, 1963
Laurel Dell Lodge, 1963 May 23-26, 1963
Airlie House, 1963 March13-17, 1963
Unknown, 1962 August 22-25, 1962
CPU, 1961 January 2-6, 1961
Box 592
Glenview Type Meetings, 1964-1965
Washington Consultation Lists, Unknown
Mark Thomas Inn, cancelled, 1968 November 21-24, 1968
After Mao and Chiang: Two Chinas?, 1968 March7-10, 1968
Lawrence College, Midwest Student Seminar, Fall 1968 or early 1969, 1968, 1969
The Abbey, 1968 November 7-10, 1968
Abundance and Scarcity: the U.S. as a World Power, 1968 May 9-12, 1968
Northwestern University, Conference on Problems for Peaceful Living in the Middle East, 1968 January 8-12, 1968
Airlie House, CAAD, 1966 September 9-13, 1966
Unknown, 1967 September 7-11, 1967
Semi-annual Budget Meeting, 1967 June 28, 1967
University of Georgia, 1967 May 18-21, 1967
Unknown, 1967 April 6-9, 1967
Unknown, 1967 March31-April 7, 1967
Unknown, Undated
Unknown, 1966 November 10-13, 1966
Box 593
Boston Committee for Seminar, 1972 December, 1972
Chicago Trip, 1974
Texas Planning Folder, 1972
Seminar, 1973
Social Statistics Meeting, 1974
Committee for Seminar, 1972
Special Seminar, 1963-1966
Seminar Materials, Undated
Foreign Student Seminars 1958-67
Merrill House, 1957 January 7-11, 1957
Merrill House, 1957 March11-15, 1957
World Affairs Center, 1957 November 26, 1957
Seminar, Form Letters, 1960 January 4-8, 1960
Merrill House Advanced, 1958 April 14-18, 1958
Haven Hill Lodge Advanced, 1958 April 21-23, 1958
Wayne State University, 1959 October 5-9, 1959
Unknown, 1960 May 6-10, 1960
Unknown, 1960 November 14-18, 1960
Box 594
Unknown, 1961 May 5-9, 1961
Advanced, 1961 May 12-16, 1961
University of Minnesota, 1961 October 13-17, 1961
Seminar, Application blanks, registrants, and programs, 1962 January, 1962
Notre Dame Seminar, Registrants, Programs, Lists, 1962
Merrill House Advanced, Undated
Unknown, March5-8, 1962
Regular and Advanced, 1962 May 4-8, 1962
Lawrence College, 1962 August 22-25, 1962
Advanced, 1962 September 5-9, 1962
Complete Seminar List, 1962
Airlie House Seminar, 1963 March, 1963
Laurel Dell Lodge, 1963 May 23-26, 1963
Moraine on the Lake Seminar, 1963 October 18-21, 1963
Unknown, 1963 September 13-18, 1963
Indiana University, 1963 November 15-18, 1963
Voorhis Educational Center, 1963 November 22-25, 1963
Unknown, 1964 May 7-10, 1964
Unknown, 1964 May 23, 1964
Special, 1964 August 29-September 2, 1964
Unknown, 1964 September 3-6, 1964
Wildacres, 1964 September 10-13, 1964
Unknown, 1964 September 25-28, 1964
MLF, 1964 August 29-September 3, 1964
Regular, 1964 May 7-10, 1964
Unknown, 1965 February4-7, 1965
The Abbey Seminar, 1965 March25-28, 1965
Mission Inn, 1965 May 20-23, 1965
Wildacres, 1965 June 3-6, 1965
Advanced, 1965 September 16-19, 1965
Regular, 1965 September 16-19, 1965
Cancelled, 1965 October 21-24, 1965
Box 595
The Inn, 1965 October 22-25, 1965
The Abbey Advanced, 1965 November 4-7, 1965
The Abbey Regular, 1965 November 4-7, 1965
Unknown, 1966 January 6-9, 1966
Regular, 1966 January 28-31, 1966
The Abbey Regular, 1966 April 14-17, 1966
The Abbey Advanced, 1966 April 14-17, 1966
International Seminar CCADD, Airlie House, 1966 September 9-13, 1966
Aspen Seminar Advanced, 1966 September 29-October 3, 1966
Regular, 1966 November 3-6, 1966
Advanced, 1966 November 3-6, 1966
Regular, 1966 November 10-13, 1966
Advanced, 1966 November 10-13, 1966
Schedule for Regular and Advanced Seminars, 1967
Albion College, 1967 February14-15, 1967
Pheasant Run Lodge
Regular, 1967 March31-April 3, 1967
Advanced, 1967 March31-April 3, 1967
Thomas, Mark, Evaluations, originally scheduled for Carmel Valley, 1967 April 6-9, 1967
Carmel Valley Inn, 1967 April 6-9, 1967
Unknown, 1967 May 18-21, 1967
Southeast Seminar, 1968 May 9-12, 1968
Advanced, 1967 September 7-11, 1967
Aspen Seminar
Advanced, 1968 September 12-16, 1968
Regular, 1968 September 12-16, 1968
Unknown, 1968 October 10-13, 1968
Internationalism and Limited War Advanced, 1969 November 7-10, 1969
Abundance and Scarcity Regular, 1968 November 7-10, 1968
Stetson University Seminar, 1969 March12-15, 1969
Unknown, 1969 May 8-11, 1969
Abbey General Seminars, 1969 November 6-9, 1969
Estes Park General Seminar, 1969 September 4-7, 1969
Young Leaders seminar registrants, 1970 March5-8, 1970
Box 596
Unknown, 1970 September 17-20, 1970
Woodstock Seminar, 1970 October 15-18, 1970
Advanced, 1967 September 7-11, 1967
Regular, 1967 September 7-11, 1967
Alisail Ranch Regular, 1968 March7-10, 1968
Unknown, 1970 November 19-22, 1970
Inman; Loos; O'Brien; Thompson; Kitagawa; Pfaff; Osgood; Miscellaneous Papers, 1967
Various participants lists, 1963-1965
Unknown, 1967 November 19-20, 1967
Unknown, 1969
Box 597
Denver Breakfast, 1970 February, 1970
Mideast Seminar, special file, Undated
Airlie House Seminar Social Ethicists, 1972 June 5-8, 1972
The Abbey CEM seminar, 1972 October 30-November 2, 1972
The Abbey CEM seminar, 1972 October 30-November 2, 1972
Cancelled, 1972 November 9-12, 1972
Undated, 1972 November 16-19, 1972
Cancelled, 1972 December 7-10, 1972
Box 598
Consultation Pamphlets, 1971-1973
Unknown, 1972 December 15-17, 1972
Committee for seminar, 1972
Wingspread, Social Ethicists, 1974 May, 1974
Seminar in Wingspread, WI, CEM, 1974 May 29-31, 1974
Seminar in Wingspread, WI, CEM, 1973 February11-13, 1973
Seminar in Wingspread, WI, CEM, 1973 February11-13, 1973
Suggested readings and bibliography, 1973 February11-13, 1973
Box 599
Connolly Gamble, 1973 April 23-26, 1973
Union Theological Seminary, CEM, 1973 April 23-26, 1973
The Abbey Consultation Evaluation Letters, Social Ethicists, 1973 September 20-23, 1973
The Abbey, Social Ethicists, 1973 September 20-23, 1973
Consultation on Ethics and Foreign Policy, Sheraton Plaza, 1971 June 15, 1971
Correspondence about young leaders' seminar, Wainwright House, 1971
Forms for Information on Registrants at Seminars, 1971 December 9-12, 1971
Carmel Valley Inn, 1972 November 16-19, 1972
Winters, Francis X., Ethics and International Politics, 1971 December 9, 1971
Thayer, Frederick C., Morality, War, and National Policy, 1971 December 9-12, 1971
Young Leaders Seminars, Wainwright House, 1971 November 4-7, 1971
Box 600
The Abbey, Case studies for prior reading, 1973 September 20-23, 1973
JRJ Seminars, 1972-1973
Social Ethicists, 1974 June 13-16, 1974
CEM, 1974 May 29-31, 1974
Behrman, Jack N., Social Investment Issues Raised by Foreign Operations of Multinational Enterprises, Airlie House, 1971 September 26, 1971
Powers, C.W., Case Studies in Pursuit of Ethical Criteria for Social Investment Activity, Airlie House, 1971 September 25, 1971
Winters, Francis X., Ethics, International Politics and Religion, Wainwright House, 1971 November 4-7, 1971
Box 601
Adult Education Association, meeting
Papers 1 and 2, 1960
Papers 3 and 4, 1960
Platig, E. Raymond, Papers, 1960
Religion and Labor Council of America, 1960-1962
World Affairs Institute, 1960
Gaynor-Williams, 1964
Conference Group, General, 1962
Council of National Organization for Adult Education, 1962
School of World Affairs, 1962
Foreign Policy Association Seminar, 1961 March15-16, 1961
Deats, Paul, Jr., 1960-1961
Sutherlin, Calvin J. Dr., 1962
Seminars, General, Policies, 1957-1964
Arendt, Hannah, Pamphlets from seminars INCLUDING an unpublished paper by HANNAH ARENDT, 1971 October, 1971
Seminars, Future Advance Seminar Follow-Up Papers, Undated
JRJ, Seminars, 1971
Miscellaneous materials unknown, Undated
Box 602
Groundwork for Social Ethicists Program, 1971-1972
CEM Seminar, Airlie House, 1971 November 1-4, 1971
Coding of Seminars and Serial Numbers, 1956-1963
Abbey Advanced, Regrets, 1966 April 14-17, 1966
Miscellaneous seminar materials, 1963-1966
Box 603
Miscellaneous seminar materials, Appleton Report, 1956-1966
Registrants for Seminars, 1956-1964
CRIA Publicity, 1964
Box 604
Unknown, 1956-1962
Seminar Programs, 1967-1970
Unknown, 1964-1965
Box 605
Potter, Ralph, the Abbey, 1966 April, 1966
Pugh, George E., 1963
Pulleyblank, E.G., 1968 March7-10, 1968
Pye, Lucian W., Undated
Quade, Quentin, 1965-1968
Ramsey, R. Paul, 1968
Rice, Edward E., 1962
Ritter, Joseph E., 1960
Robinson, James A., Undated
Roseneau, James N., Undated
Rowen, Henry S., 1963
Schall, James S.J., 1967
Schelling, Thomas, Undated
Schwarzschild, Steven S., Undated
Seifert, Harvey J., 1961
Shannon, William V., 1961-1968
Shitt, Vincent M.C., 1968 March7-10, 1968
Siegel, Dr. Seymour, 1967
Siskin, Edgar E., Undated
Snyder, T. Richard, Fall, 1968
Sonnenfeldt, Helmut, 1963
Spingarn, Jerome, 1962
Starr, Donald, Fall, 1968
Starr, Richard F., Undated
Stillman, Edmund, 1968
Suarez, Andres, Undated
Szulc, Tad, Undated
Stein, Leonard S., Undated
Sturm, Douglas, Undated
Sylvester, Arthur, Undated
Tanham, George K., Undated
Thomas, M. Ladd, 1962
Thompson, Kenneth W., 1967
Thompson, Hugo W., Undated
Thompson, John M., 1960
Tillman, Seth, Commentator, 1968 March7-10, 1968
Trager, Frank N., 1962
Weber, Theodore, 1968
Uhalley, Stephen, JR., 1968 March7-10, 1968
Weigel, Gustave S.J., Undated
Willenz, Eric, 1968
Williams, Robert H., The Abbey, 1966 April, 1966
Wohlstetter, Albert, 1965-1968
Wohlstetter, Roberta, 1968
Zehner, Paul A., Undated
Miscellaneous, Undated
Box 606
Brauer, Jerald C., 1963
Brodie, Bernard, 1963
Brutus, Dennis, 1966-1967
Bundy, William P., 1967
Buss, Claude A., 1968 March7-10, 1968
Bussey, Donald S., 1966
Chan, Wing Tsit, 1967
Clancy, William, Undated
Clebsch, William A., 1967
Cleveland, James Harlan, Undated
Coates, Joseph F., 1967
Coffey, Joseph Irving, Undated
Commager, Henry S., 1968 May, 1968
Cox, Arthur, 1965
Cox, Richard H., Undated
Dangerfield, Royden J., 1961
Davis, Vincent J., 1968
Deats, Paul, Jr., Undated
Derr, Thomas S., 1967
de Schwinitz, Karl, Fall, 1968
Deutsch, Karl W., Undated
De Weerd, Harvey, Fall, 1968
Dinerstein, Herbert S., Undated
Dougherty, James E., Undated
Dreier, John C., 1967
Elmen, Paul, Undated
Epstein, Leon, Undated
Finkelstein, Lawrence S., Undated
Finn, James, 1963
Fishel, Wesley, Fall, 1968
Doherty, Edward Woods, 1967
Frank, Isaiah, Undated
Furniss, Edgar S., Jr., 1964
Gessert, Robert A., Undated
Geyer, Alan, 1962
Gordis, Robert, 1961-62
Goulet, Denis, 1969
Greene, James, Fall, 1968
Gurtov, Melvin, 1968 March7-10, 1968
Hahn, Walter F., 1961
Halperin, Morton H., Undated
Halpern, Manfred, 1968
Harrington, Fred Harvey, 1962
Haselden, Kyle, Undated
Hauschild, Winfried, 1961
Higgins, T.F.X., Undated
Hilsman, Roger, 1963
Hinton, Harold, 1967
Holsti, Kalevi J., Undated
Hordern, William E., 1959
Hoselitz, Bert F., Undated
Howe, James, 1968
Box 607
Hoyt, Edwin, Undated
Hsu, Francis L.K., 1967
Hsu, Immanuel C.Y., 1967
Hughes, Thomas L., 1968
Hurst, Russell, Undated
Jacobson, Harald, 1967
Jenkins, Alfred leSesne, 1967
Kaplan, Morton A., Undated
Kaufman, Arnold S., 1967-1968
Kertesz, Stephen D., Undated
Kitagwa, Joseph M., 1968
Korbel, Josef, Undated
Kramer, Leonard J., 1968
Laves, Walter H.C. , Undated
Lefever, Ernest W., 1967
Levi, Werner, Undated
Levine, Robert A., Undated
Loos, A. William, 1966
Birker, Lord Lindsay of, Undated
Maneall, Mark, 1968 March7-10, 1968
Manning, Robert, Undated
Marder, Murray, 1966
Marshall, Charles Burton, Undated
Box 608
Martin, Edwin McCammon, 1962
Martin, Warren B., 1962
McHenry, Donald F., Fall, 1968
McKenna, Joseph C., Undated
McLaughlin, Charles H., Undated
Miller, William Lee, Undated
Millet, Stanley, Abbey, 1966 April, 1966
Moran, William Edward, Jr., Undated
Morgenthau, Hans, Undated
Moriarty, John K., Undated
Neumann, Robert G., Abbey, 1966 April, 1966
Nitze, Paul H., Undated
O'Brien, William V., 1967
Osgood, Charles E., 1962
Pfaff, William, 1961
Platig, Raymond, 1962-1968
Abbey Regular, Regrets, 1966 April 14-17, 1966
60th Anniversary Committee, 1970-1974
Pate, Martha; Barnds, William J., Papers on 60th Anniversary, 1974
60th Anniversary Convocation, 1974
60th Anniversary, 1970
People interested in being invited to the 60th Anniversary Convocation, 1973
60th Anniversary Convocation Documents, 1974 October, 1974
60th Anniversary Correspondence, 1973-1974
Box 609
Final Drafts of Proposals and Projects, 1973-1974
Cassettes Project, 1971 April, 1971
Audio tapes and Cassettes, 1971
Cassettes Correspondence, 1971-1975
Cassettes Project, 1972-1976
Cassettes Mailing, 1972 July, 1972
Trusttee Biographical Sketches, 1974 May, 1974
Appleman Project, 1965
Jim Johnson program, 1977-1980
Transcriptions of recorded CRIA conversations, meetings, 1972
Box 610
Proposals, 1979-1980
Literature for Consultation, 1977 February28-March3, 1977
Lutheran Institute for Theological Education LITE, 1977-1978
Garrett Evangelical, 1977-1978
Princeton, 1979 April 30-May 3, 1979
Harvard, 1976
Union Theological Seminary, 1971-1976
Educational Programs, CEM, 1977
CRIA Colloquia for Clergy, 1969
Proposed Programs, 1956-1962
Program Committee, TV Project, 1970
Washington Program Subcommittee, 1974
TV Correspondence, 1970
TV Program, 1970
Box 611
Unknown, Undated
Program Evaluation, 1973
Unknown, Undated
Box 612
Boston Consultation Papers, 1971 June 15, 1971
Boston Consultation, semi-annual meeting, 1971 June 15, 1971
Unknown, Undated
Program Committee, 1975-1976
Unknown, Undated
Box 613
Miscellaneous correspondence, participants list, programs and unknown material, Undated
Working papers for CRIA consultation, 1977 February28-March3, 1977
The Johnson Foundation, Wingspread, Undated
Carnegie Center for Transnational Studies, 1975-1976
Box 614
Building Maintenance, Alterations, Cohen Contract, 1962
Merrill House
Equipment and furnishings, 1947-1968
Atlantic Colleges, 1967
Renovation, Minutes, 1963-1970
Maintenance, 1971
Renovation, 1968-1975
Box 615
Trustees and Legal Files
Trustees, 1956-1968
Doub, George Cochran, Elected, 1969 January 22, 1969
Dougherty, Bishop J.H., Elected three years, 1971 January, 1971
Elkus, Leonore B. Rosenbaum (Mrs. James H.), Elected, 1969 January 22, 1969
Fenwick, Prof. Charles G., 1952-1961
Ford, Rev. George B., 1959-1964
Geyer, Dr. Alan, Elected, 1969 January 22, 1969
Hehir, Rev. J. Bryan, Elected three years, 1971 January, 1971
Judd, Charles M., Elected, 1968 January 25, 1968
Klutznick, Hon. Philip M., Elected, 1964 January, 1964
Livingston, W. Putnam, 1961-1969
Luckmann, Dean Llyond D., 1951-1959
Marburg, Charles L., 1938-1969
Morgenthau, Dr. Hans J., 1963-1964
Pate, Dr. Martha B. Lucas (Mrs. Maurice), Elected, 1969 January 22, 1969
Pennington, Rev. Leslie T., 1938-1967
Pollock, Dean Thomas Clark, 1950-1968
Post, Dr. Avery D., Elected three years, 1971 January, 1971
Proctor, Dr. Samuel D., Elected three years, 1970 January, 1970
Ramsey, R. Paul, Elected, 1968 January 25, 1968
Stafford, Dr. Russell Henry, 1952-1967
Stoughton, Lenore Blanchard (Mrs. Philip), Elected three years, 1970 January, 1970
Thompson, Dr. Kenneth W., 1961-1969
Wain, Philip, Elected, 1967 January 26, 1967
Wohlstetter, Dr. Albert, Effective, 1967 January 1, 1967
Roll Calls, 1961-1966
Attendance of Trustees at Annual and Semi-Annual Meetings, 1965-1970
Board of Trustees
Past listing of, 1962-1969
Suggestions for, 1967
Adams, Rev. Theodore F., 1951-1969
Barnds, William J., Elected, and reelected three years, 1970 June, 1972 January, 1970, June, 1972
Box 616
Certificate of Change of Purpose, 1960
Change of name
Materials for, 1961
Correspondence about, 1961
Notes to Trustees and Honorary Trustees, 1968-1969
United Nations Charter Revision, 1955
CPU Act of Incorporation, 1951 December 14, 1951
Constitution and By-laws, 1957-1968
Bennett, Dr. John C., 1961-1964
Brauer, Jerald C., Elected, 1967 January 26, 1967
Brooke, Senator Edward W., Elected, 1969 January 22, 1969
Campion, Rev. Donald R., Three years, 1970 January, 1970
Case, Harold, 1969-1972
Form Letters to all Trustees, Undated
Box 617
CRIA Memberships, 1965-1968
Meeting Facilities, Miscellaneous, 1962-1969
The Hotel Roosevelt, Undated
Loos, A. William, the Search for a New President on the Retirement of CRIA's A. William Loos, 1973-1974
Purpose and Program Folder Revision, 1969
Folderless materials, 1971
CRIA's Purpose, 1972-1973
Mailing Lists Printers, 1972
Miscellaneous materials, 1972
Box 618
Unknown, Undated
Regional Conferences, 1980-1981
Airlie House, 1970-1972
Niebuhr Award, 1973-1974
International Trade Organization, 1947-1949
CRIA Press Releases and News Stories, to, 1968
Graham, Mildred F., UN Bibliography, 1954
Loos, A. William, Outline of UN Charter Review, 1954
Disarmament, 1962-1973
Disarmament Document Series, US Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, 1962
Inquiries from other Ethical organizations, 1980-1981
Unknown, Undated
Box 619
Unknown, Undated
Box 620
Club of Rome, 1977
UN Non-governmental Organization Forum, 1975
Newspaper clippings, 1965-1966
Woetzel, Robert, International Criminal Law Conferences, 1975
Finn, James; Erickson, Lynne, Files from, 1980-1981
Reprint: Nature of Man, 1968-1969
World Conference of Religion for Peace, 1971-1972
Abroad correspondence, 1973
Abroad miscellaneous, 1972
Letters from abroad, 1972
Rose, Daniel, the Economic Future of New York City: A Point of View, 1973
Miscellaneous materials, Undated
World Alliance for International Friendship through the Churches
Box 621
CPU-WA, Undated
World Alliance
Finance, Unknown
Constitution and By-laws, History, 1914-1931
European Trip, Correspondence, 1954
World Alliance, Invitations from various cities, Annual Meetings, 1941-1952
Luxembourg Conference of World Alliance and World Congress of Faiths, 1955 August, 1955
World Alliance Annual Meeting, 1952 November 10 11 10 1952, 1952, 1952
World Alliance Annual Meeting, 1950 November 9, 1950
World Alliance Annual Meeting, 1946 November, 1946
World Alliance, Relationship to CPU, Undated
World Alliance Annual Meeting, 1945 November, 1945
CPU statement to World Alliance International executive committee meeting, 1948 March10, 1948
World Alliance, Joint Meeting with World Congress of Faiths, 1949 November 7-9, 1949
Box 622
International World Alliance, Provisional Executive Committee meeting, 1946
World Alliance International, Revision of Constitution, 1946
WA Geneva Meeting, 1940 January, 1940
Hung, Dr. William, 1948-1949
WA Abroad, International work, correspondence, and general regarding reorganization, 1945-1955
Alivisatos, Dr. H.S., WA Abroad, 1956-1957
Bishop Berggrav of Oslo, 1940-1945
Fatio, M.; Bouvier, Andre, 1940-1956
Dr. Silcox, 1954-1956
Burlingham, Rev. R.E., 1940-1947
Italy, 1947
World Congress of Faiths, 1954
Box 623
Pastor Toureille, 1941-1955
France, 1939-1954
Zankow, Stefan, 1935
Canadian-U.S. seminar, 1951 May 14-15, 1951
Canadian Conference, 1946 January 7-9, 1946
Paul, A.A., India, Undated
Miscellaneous letters, etc. from Councils abroad, 1940-1946
Box 624
Japan, 1949-1952
Youthbuilders, 1947-1948
XYZ, 1954
Yugoslav Peace Conference, 1951
Zion's Herald, 1949
WA Draft Statement on Foreign Policy, 1950 March9, 1950
Handbooks of the World Alliance, Undated
Publications -- General -- Correspondence and Related Items
CRIA Briefs
Production and Costs, 1968
CRIA Briefs, 1968
Promotion, Direct mail, 1967-1968
Promotion, miscellaneous, 1967
Production, 1969
Budget and Memos, 1967-1968
Box 626
Promotion, miscellaneous, 1968
Production, 1967-1969
Promotion, space advertisement, 1961-1968
Advertising, 1968-1969
Promotion, direct mail, 1968
The New Worldview, 1971-1973
Box 627
Other, 1980
Rate card no. 3, 1980
Promo, 1977
Worldview and CRIA Promo, 1974
Worldview Promotion, 1958-1959
Unknown Miscellaneous, Undated
Box 628
Unknown, Undated
Worldview, Promotion by Trustees for 20th anniversary issue, 1978 January, 1978
Worldview, 1967-1980
Box 629
Worldview Magazine, 1966 December -1973 December, 1966
Box 630
Worldview Magazine, 1969 January -1975 December, 1982 June, 1969, December, 1982
Box 631
Worldview Magazine, 1976 December -1980 December, 1976
Box 632
Worldview Magazine, 1981 January -December, 1970 March-1972 December, 1981, January -December, 1970
Essays and symposia from Worldview, 1969 1973, 1969, 1973
Box 633
Bennett, John C.
Christian Ethics and Foreign Policy, 1961 January 8, 1961
Morality and International Affairs, 1964
Shuster, George N. , Security and the Free Society in the Thermonuclear Age, Undated
Thayer, Frederick C., Jr., National Goals and Presidential Power, Undated
Weigel, Rev. Gustave, Ethics and Foreign Policy: A Theologian's View, Undated
Shinn, Dr. R., Address, 1964 September 13, 1964
Bussey, Lt. Col. Donald S. , Remarks, 1960 January 6, 1960
Carpenter, Dr. George W., National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America, 1956 June 6-7, 1956
Cook, William J., U.S. Publics and the Fact of Power, 1965 March15, 1965
The President's Report to the Review Committee, 1967 October, 1967
Gard, Richard A., Subcommentary on The Implications of Buddhist Ethics for International Relations, Slater, Undated
Thompson, Kenneth, Commentary on the Muslims and World Peace, Adams, Undated
About 18 CPU CRIA duplicate publications previously catalogued, Undated
Box 634
Bauer, Raymond A.; Fenn, Dan H., Jr., the Corporate Social Audit, Undated
Geyer, Dr. Alan, Is America Being Militarized? The Politics and Morality of the Military-Industrial Mishmash, Undated
Furniss, Edgar S., Problems and Implications of Counterinsurgency, Undated
Peace-Keeping and Security in the Search for Disarmament: Summary report of the Conference called by the Disarmament Information Committee of the UN Association, 1965 May 19, 1965
Cook, William J.
You May Be Interested, 1964 June 15, 1964
CRIA News: Personnel, 1964 December 21, 1964
Loos, William A., letter from president, Undated
Box 635
Special Studies no.'s 205-215, Undated
Quade, Quentin L., the U.S. and Wars of National Liberation, Undated
McHenry, Donald F., Ethics and Foreign Policy, Undated
Bennet, John C., Moral Tensions in International Affairs, Undated
Goulet, Denis, Is Gradualism Dead? RElfections on Order, Change and Force, Undated
Weber, Theodore R., Modern War and the Pursuit of Peace, Undated
Thompson, Kenneth W., Ethics and National Purpose, Undated
Furniss, Edgar S., Jr., Counterinsurgency: Some Problems and Implications, Undated
Mozingo, David P., the United States in Asia: Evolution and Containment, Undated
Tucker, Robert W., Just War and Vatican Council II: A Critique, Undated
Quigg, Philip W., South Africa: Problems and Prospects, Undated
Halpern, Manfred, the Morality and Politics of Intervention, Undated
Ramsey, Paul, the Limits of Nuclear War, Undated
Zahn, Gordon, an Alternative to War, Undated
Nitze, Paul H., the Recovery of Ethics, Undated
Ferkiss, Victor C., Foreign Aid: Moral and Political Aspects, Undated
Peace, the Churches and the Bomb, Undated
The Moral Dilemma of Nuclear Weapons, Undated
Numerous CPU CRIA duplicate publications previously catalogued, Undated
Disarmament News and International Views newsletter, Undated
Box 636
CRIA pamphlets, Undated
Box 637
Agenda for Action: Toward Peace through Disengagement, Undated
Christians in the Technical and Social Revolutions of Our Time, Undated
Plowshares and Pruning Hooks, Undated
Longstreth, Bevis; Rosenbloom, H. David, Corporate Social Responsibility and the Institutional Investor: A Report to the Ford Foundation, Undated
Phillips, Ethel C., You in Human Rights, Undated
Loos, William A., the Nascent Dialogue, 1966
Tapes of Meetings and Programs (Reel-to-reel; 4 boxes)
Box 638
Reddy, E.S.; Loos, William A., the International Year for Action to Combat Racism and Racial Discrimination Discussion, 1971 September 13, 1971
Aspen Conference, 1973 September 15-19, 1973
Unknown, Undated
Box 639
Morgenthau, Hans, Discussion, Undated
Balance of Powers, 1973 February13, 1973
Religion and International Affairs, 1970 May 30, 1970
Religion and International Affairs, 1974 May 31, 1974
Forge, 1972 August 10, 1972
Forge, 1972 August 10, 1972
Talbot, Philips; Barnds, William; Nolte, Richard H., Conference at Wingspread: Balance of Power, 1973 February11, 1973
Morgenthau, Dr. Hans; Dr. Goulet; Cooper, Chester L.; Hehir, B. Morgenthau and Goulet, side one; Cooper and Hehir, side two, 1971 November 1-4, 1971
Robinson, Tom, Abbey Seminar, 1972 October 31, 1972
Siffin; Pugh, 1973 November 16, 1973
Unknown, Undated
Box 640
Unknown, Undated
Dumas, Dr. Andre, Conversation: Ethics and Post-industrial society, 1971 December 6, 1971
Religion and International Affairs, 1974 May 29, 1974
Religion and International Affairs, 1974 May 31, 1974
Balance of Power, 1973 February12, 1973
2nd Session Semi-Annual Meeting, including Program Committee and New Worldview, 1971 June 14, 1971
Laves , Discussion, Undated
Unknown, 1974 May 29, 1974
Unknown, 1974 May 30, 1974
Conversation, 1975 September 17, 1975
Box 642
Barnds, William, Welcome, CRIA Colloquium, Undated
O'Brien, William, Mylai and Vietnam, Undated
Wipfler, William L., the Latin American Churches: Challenge to the Status Quo?, Undated
Smith, Timothy, the American Corporation in Southern Africa, Undated
Alves, Ruben, Theology and Human Hope, Undated
Dinh, Tran Van, A Vietnamese Views the War in Southeast Asia, Undated
Neuhaus, R; Bergerand P., Movement and Revolution, Undated
Barnds, William, the Subcontinent after the Second Partition, Undated
CRIA Cassette Program, repeats of the above, Undated
President's Office Correspondence Files
Box 643
General Correspondence, A-B, 1980-1985
Amter, Joseph A., Correspondence, Two newspaper clippings and a report of The Committee for Research on the Development of International Institutions, 1965
James Armstrong, Undated
William J Barnds, Undated
CCAD and CNS; General Correspondence, C-D, 1980-1985. Folder contains separate folders named CCAD and CNS
Samuel DuBois Cook, Undated
John J. Dougherty, Undated
General Correspondence, 1980-1985
Box 644
Leonore R. Elkus, Mrs. James H. Elkus, Undated
General Correspondence, E-F, 1980-1985. Two newspaper clippings and one publication
J. Bryan Hehir, Undated. Publication: Corporate Religious Response to the Food Crisis, Center of Concern, D.C.
Robert C. Good, Undated. Newspaper Clipping
Alfred J. Hotz, Undated
David Hunter, Undated
Institute for World Order, Undated
Box 645
General Correspondence, K-M, 1980-1985. One black and white photo
Klopfer, Ulrike, Cancun Conference, 1981
Arthur J. Kobacker, Undated
John S. Kruglick, Undated
Novak, Jeremiah, General Correspondence, N, 1980-1985
NATO; General Correspondence, NATO 35th Anniversary, 1980-1985
General Correspondence, O-R, 1980-1985. Newspaper Clipping
General Correspondence, S, 1980-1985. Pub: Strategic Review, Fall 1961 D.C., 1961
Paul Simon, Undated
Israel Singer, Undated
Box 646
Neuhaus, Richard J., South Africa Project, 1982
General Correspondence: T, 1980-1985
General Correspondence: U-W, Undated
Neuhaus, Richard J., South Africa: Publication, 1984. Book: The Future of South Africa as South Africa See It
Box 647
World without War Council, Undated
World Conference on Religion and Peace, WCRP; WCRP IV: Kenya; August 22-August 30., 1984
Consultation, Disarmament Interreligious, 177 November 10-11
World Conference on Religion and Peace, WCRP, Undated
Michael P. Sloan Correspondence Files
Box 648
Dr. Adams, Theodore F., Dr. Adams, Theodore F., Undated
American Jewish Committee, Undated
American Lutheran Church, Undated
Amter, Joseph A., Undated
Applications for Grants, granted: VII-b, Undated
Barnds, William J., Undated
Bennett, John C., Honorable Trust, Undated
Bergstein, Fred C., Undated
Bingham, June, Undated
Berson, Joel, Undated
Board of Trustees: Human Resources Committee, Undated
Bolker, Joseph R., Undated
Brand, Cabell, Brand, Cabell, Publication: Roanoke Organizations List, Undated
Brauer, Jerald C., Undated
Brazil, 1977-1978 Brazil, 1977 July, 1977-1978, 1977
Brazil, 1977 December, 1977
Trip, 1978 February-March, 1978
June 19th Trip, 1978 June, 1978
Public-Private Cooperation Paper, 1978 April, 1978
Other Correspondence, No Folder, Undated
Hanold Task Force, Brazil, Undated, Two publications
Box 649
Brazil, Correspondence, 1978
Brown, Peter G., Undated
Business and Society Review, Undated
California Trips, Undated
Campion, Donald C., Undated
Carnegie Center for Transnational Studies, CCTS, Publication Orders, Undated
Chicago Trips, Undated
Cleveland, Harlan, Undated
Coppe, Albert, Undated
Weck, Philippe de, Undated
Craven, Howard J., Undated
Denver Trips, Undated
Doub, George Cochran, Undated
Dougherty, John J., Undated
Eichenberger, Jean Yves, Compagnie de Mokta, Undated
Episcopal Church, Undated
Estate Planning, Undated
Equipment, Undated
Expense Sheets, Undated
Box 650
Fields, Wilmer C, Undated
Figuerero, Juan Manual, Undated. Ambassador of Argentine Republic
Financial Resources Committee; Portfolio, Undated
Finnerud, Kenneth, Undated
Ford, George B., 1972
Ford, George B., 1975
Gabre-Sellassie, Zewde, 1975
Gabre-Sellassie, Zewde, 1977
Gallotti, Antonio, Undated
Geyer, Alan Undated
Good, Robert C., Undated
Gordis, Robert, Undated
Gunnemann, Jon P, Undated
Hanold, Terrance, Undated
Hehir, J Bryan, Undated
Hellegers, Andre, Undated
Herman, William A., Undated
Hochman, Harry; membership files, Undated
Hochman, Harry; refunds, Undated
Invoices, Undated, Mostly for, 1976
Box 651
Johnson, Philip, Undated
Judd, Charles M., Undated
Klutznick, Philip M., Undated
Kritchever, Mathew F., Undated
Kruglick John S., Undated
Kruglick John S., Real Estate, Undated
Letters Out Responses In, Undated
Lara, Joao de Mesquita, Undated
Lin, T. S., Undated
Lutheran Church in America, Undated
McHugh, Mathew F., Undated
Marburg, Charles L., Undated
McHenry, Donald F., Undated
Marshall Task Force Material, Undated; Includes UN conference on Trade and Devp. Report
Marshall, Burke, Undated
Minneapolis Trips, Undated
Morgenthau, Hans J., Undated
Moriarty, Donald P., Undated
Good Year Tire and Rubber, Undated
Nashville Trips, Undated
New York Times, Undated
De La Ossa, Ernest, Undated
Perlmutter, Howard, P 17, Undated
Pate, Maurice, Undated
Picker, Jean, Undated
Pinkham, Fred O., Undated
Pittsburgh Trips, Undated
Plesser, Ernst H., Deutshe Bank; Berlin Aspen Consultation, 1977
Box 652
Portfolio, Brown Folder with sub Folders, Undated
Forstmann-Leff Associates, Undated
Morgan Guaranty Trust, Undated
First Manhattan, Undated
Post, Avery D., Undated
Potter, Robert S., Undated
Presbyterian Church in the US, Undated
Proctor, Samuel D., Undated
Public Interest Alert, Undated
Roxas, Sixto K., R 19, Undated
Ridyard, John, Undated
Rose, Frederick P., Undated
S 20, Minister of Industry; Republic of Indonesia, Undated
Seminars, Undated
Shoup, Carl S., Undated
Dr. Soedjatmoko, Undated
Somavia, Juan, Undated
Sousa, John P., Undated
Steinberg, Charles S., Undated
Hon. Stevens, Harold A., Undated
Stier, Jr., Hugh D., Undated
Stoughton, Lenore Blanchard (Mrs. Philip), Undated
Tax Exempt Forms, Long; Short, Undated
Texas Trip File, Undated
Thompson, Kenneth W., Undated
Lord Thurlow, Francis, Undated
Trinity Church; Empty Folder, Undated
United Church Board for Homeland Ministries, Undated
United Church Board for World Ministries, Undated
United Methodist Church, Undated
United Presbyterian Church, Undated
US Catholic Conference, Undated
Vaitsos, Constantine V., Peru, Undated
Box 653
Wain, Philip, Undated
White, Charles, Undated
Washington, D.C. Trips, Undated
Weber, Richard J., Undated
Wells, Louis T. Jr., Undated
Winters, Francis X., Undated
Wohlstetter, Albert, Undated
Little, Florence, United Methodist Church, UMC; World Division: Board of Global Ministries, Undated
Loose Materials: Publications; Correspondence, Undated
USA-BIAC Committee on International Investment and Multinational Enterprise; a Review of the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises: Competition, 1977
Vaitsos, Constantine V., UN Conference on Trade and Devpt. The Role of Transnational Enterprises in Latin American Economic Integration Efforts, 1978
Carnegie Center for Transnational Studies, CCTS; Brasil, Soybean and Corn Industries, 1978
Board of Trustees; Minutes of Meetings
Box 654
Board, By Laws, Certificate of Incorporation, Undated
The Church Peace Union, CPU; Minutes of Special Meeting of Board; Proposed Amendments to Constitution; Report of the Secretaries and Auditors, 1955
World Alliance for International Friendship through Religion; Minutes of Last Meeting, 1956 March26, 1956
The Church Peace Union, CPU
43rd Annual Meeting; Minutes of Meeting of Board; Proposed Program for 1957 Report of Directors and Auditors, 1956, 1957, 1956
44th Annual Meeting; Part 1 of 2; Report of Auditors 1957 1958 Minutes of Annual Meeting of Board Report on A Four Step Project in International Cooperation, 1958, 1957, 1958, 1958
44th Annual Meeting; Part 2 of 2; Minutes of Education Committee; Minutes of Committee on Work Abroad; Proposed Budget for 1958 Report of Nominating Committee; Distribution Figures, Undated, 1958
45th Annual Meeting; Minutes of 45th Meeting of Board; Proposed Program for 1959 Proposed Budget for 1959 Report of Nominating Committee; Annual Report, 1959, 1959, 1959, 1959
46th Annual Meeting; Report of Director and Auditor; Agenda of Meeting; Mins of Annual Meeting; Report to Board by Exec. Director, 1960
46th Annual Meeting; Proposed Program for 1960 Mins of Education Committee; Minutes of Committee on Work Abroad; Mins of 50th Anniversary Committee; Report of Exec Director to the Committee on Work Abroad, 1960, 1960, 1960
Box 655
47th Annual Meeting; Agenda and Mins of Annual Meeting; List of Committee Members and Chairman; Report of Nominating Committee, 1961 January, 1961
47th Annual Meeting; Annual Report to the Board of Trustees, 1961 January, 1961
47th Annual Meeting; Proposed Program for 1961 Proposed Budget for 1961 Agenda and Mins of Education Committee, 1961 January, 1961, 1961, 1961
47th Annual Meeting; Special Report on Foreign Student Seminars; Inman, John R., 1961 January, 1961
Special Meeting; Agenda; Memo to Members; Mins of Special Meeting; Copies of Ballot, 1961 September, 1961
The Council on Religion and International Affairs, CRIA
48th Annual Meeting; Agenda; Mins of Annual Meeting; Press Release, 1962
48th Annual Meeting; Report of Nominating Committee, 1962 January, 1962
48th Annual Meeting; Proposed Program; Proposed Budget, 1962
48th Annual Meeting; Annual Report of Executive Director, 1962
48th Annual Meeting; Report on Research Project, Smith Donald E., 1962 January, 1962
48th Annual Meeting; Special Meeting of Board of Trustees, 1962 September 20, 1962
Box 656
Minutes of Board of Trustees, 1963 January 24. Includes the Memorial of J. Brown; text of Nominating Committee Report, 1963
Annual Report of Executive Director, 1963 January 24, 1963
Proposed Program for 1963
Report of Nominating Committee, 1963 Includes Slate of Officers; Committee members; Calendar, 1963
Proposed Budget, 1963
Annual Agenda, 1964 January 23, 1964
Minutes of Board Meeting, 1964 January 23, 1964
Financial Statement, 1964 January 23, 1964
Calendar, 1964 January 23, 1964
Report of the President, Loos, A. W., Undated
Proposed Program, 1964
Report of Nominating Committee, 1964 January 23, 1964
Report of the Development Committee, 1964 January 23, 1964
Proposed Budget for 1964 Recommendations of the Executive Committee, 1964 January 23, 1964, 1964
Recommendations of the Executive Committee regarding Board Meeting, 1964 January 23, 1964
Annual Meeting of Board of Trustees, 1966 January 27, 1966
Minutes of 52nd Annual Meeting, 1966 January 27, 1966
Slate of Officers, Nominating Committee, 1966 January 27, 1966
Annual Report of President to Board, 1967 January 27, 1967
Recommended Program for 1966 1966 January 27, 1966, 1966
Box 657
Summary Report of Development Program, 1966 January 27, 1966
Proposed Budget for 1966 1966 January 27, 1966, 1966
Calendar, 1966
CRIA, Luncheon, 1966 January 27, 1966
Annual Meeting, Agenda, 1967 January 26, 1967
Minutes of 53rd Annual Meeting, 1967 January 26, 1967
Report of President to Board, 1967
Report of Nominating Committee, 1967 January 26, 1967
Proposed Program, 1967
Proposed Budget, 1967 January 26, 1967
Calendar, 1967
Annual Meeting
Agenda, 1968 January 25, 1968
Minutes, 1968 January 25, 1968
Proposed Calendar, 1968 January 25, 1968
Proposed Budget, 1968 January 25, 1968
Report of the Nominating Committee, 1968 January 25, 1968
Report of the President, 1968 January 25, 1968
Recommended Program, 1968 January 25, 1968
World View Luncheon, 1968 January 25, 1968
Agenda, 1969 January 23, 1969
Proposed Program, 1969 January 23, 1969
Budget, 1969 January 23, 1969
Minutes, 1969 January 23, 1969
Report of the Nominating Committee, 1969 January 23, 1969
President's Report, 1969 January 23, 1969
Box 658
Constitution, 1969 January 23, 1969
Semi Annual Meeting, 1969 January 23, 1969
Proposed Calendar, 1969 January 23, 1969
Portfolio Breakdown, 1969 January 23, 1969
64th Annual Meeting, Committee; the Board; Program Reports, the Budget, 1978 January 26, 1978
Semi Annual Meeting
Minutes; Financial Statement, 1955 June, 1955
Minutes; Financial Statement; Minutes of Executive Committee; Reports of the Associate Executive Director; Reports of the Executive Director, 1956 June, 1956
Minutes; Agenda, 1957 June, 1957
Minutes of the Ed. Committee, 1957 June, 1957
Recommendations to the Board of Trustees from the Committee on Work Abroad, 1957 June, 1957
Semi Annual Report
Executive Director, 1957 June, 1957
Assistant Executive Director, 1957 June, 1957
Education Director, Mr. Clancy, 1957 June, 1957
Field Director, 1957 June, 1957
Box 659
Agenda and Minutes; Executive Director's Report; Associate Director's Report; Field Director's Report; The Washington Consultant's Report; Staff Recommendation to the Board; Program 1958-59; Tax Memorandum, 1958 June, 1958
Agenda and Minutes; Exec Director's Report; Assoc. Executive Director's Report; Field Director's Report; Washington Consultant's Report; Proposed Program for 1960 1959 June, 1960, 1959
Special Meeting of Board of Trustees, 1960 June 22, 1960
Minutes of Semi Annual Meeting and Financial Statement, 1960 June, 1960
Minutes and Agenda of Semi-Annual Meeting, 1961 June 20-22, 1961
Minutes of Executive Session of Board of Trustees, 1961 June 20, 1961
Exec Director's Report, 1961 June, 1961
Assoc. Exec Director's Report, 1961 June, 1961
Washington Consultant's Report, 1961 June, 1961
Box 660
Field Director's Report, 1961 June, 1961
Minutes of the Development Committee and Proposed Development Program for CPU, 1961 June, 1961
Exec Director's Report to the Committee on Work Abroad, 1961 June, 1961
Mins on the Committee on Work Abroad, 1961 June, 1961
Financial Statement, 1961 May 31, 1961
Proposed Program for 1962 1961 June, 1962, 1961
O'Brien, William V., Paper Read at Semi-Annual Meeting: The Moral Dilemma of Nuclear Weapons, 1961 June, 1961
Bennett, John C., Paper Read at Semi-Annual Meeting: Principles and the Context, 1961 June, 1961
Semi-Annual Meeting, Complete Set of Minutes and Meetings, 1962 June 19-21, 1962
Agenda and Mins of Meetings of Trustees, 1962 June 19-21, 1962
Executive Director's Report, 1962 June, 1962
Associate Executive Director's Report, 1962 June, 1962
Field Director's Report, 1962 June, 1962
Report of the Director of Publications, 1962 June, 1962
Washington Consultant's Report, 1962 June, 1962
Financial Statement, 1962 May 31, 1962
Box 661
Committee Structure and Members, Nominating Committee Report, Undated
Budget Projection, 1962-66, 1962 June, 1962
Additional Program's Budget, 1962 July 1-1962 Dec 31, 1962
Proposed Program, 1963
Proposed Budget, 1963
Cogley, John, Paper: Religion and International Responsibility, Undated
Semi-Annual Meeting
Complete Set of Minutes and Meetings, 1963 June 18-20, 1963
Agenda, 1963 June 18-20, 1963
Remarks of the Vice Chairman, 1963 June 18-20, 1963
Financial Statement, Receipts and Disbursements, Cash Balance, 1963 May 31, 1963
Proposed Budget, 1963
5-Year Budget Projection, 1963-67, 1963 June, 1963
Proposed Budget, Revised, 1963 June, 1963
Proposed Program for 1964 1963, 1964, 1963
Report of the President, Loos, A. W., to Board, 1963 June, 1963
Klutznick, Philip M., Address: Some Thoughts on the Clay Report, 1963 June, 1963
Semi-Annual Report of the
Davis, S.G., Director of Development, 1963 June, 1963
Inman, John R., Vice President, 1963 June, 1963
Cook, William J., National Field Director, 1963 June, 1963
Finn, James, Director of Publication, 1963 June, 1963
Wood, James N., Regional Field Director, 1963 June, 1963
Lefever, Ernest W., Washington Consultant, 1963 June, 1963
Summary of Washington Consultations, 1958-1963
Box 662
Semi-Annual Meeting
Agenda, 1964 June, 1964
Minutes, 1964 June, 1964
Report of the President to the Board, 1964 June, 1964
Bennett, John C., Paper: Morality and International Affairs, 1964 June, 1964
Case, Harold C., Paper: Report from Africa, 1964 June, 1964
Program for 1965 1964 June, 1965, 1964
Financial Statement, 1964 May 31, 1964
Annual Report of the
Vice President, 1964 June, 1964
Regional Field Director, 1964 June, 1964
Director of Publications, 1964 June, 1964
National Field Director, 1964 June, 1964
Semi-Annual Meeting
Agenda, 1965 June 15-16, 1965
Minutes, 1965 June 15-16, 1965
Semi-Annual Report of the President to the Board, 1965 June 15-16, 1965
Financial Statement, 1965 May 31, 1965
Recommended Program for 1966 1965 June 15-16, 1966, 1965
Summary Report of Development Program, 1965 June 15-16, 1965
Sockman, Dr. Ralph W.; Ford, George Barry, Tributes, 1965 June 15-16, 1965
Contributors to Religion and Politics in South Asia, 1965 June 15, 1965
Annual Meeting
Portfolio Break Down, Undated
Report on Development Program, 1964 December 31, 1964
Revised Constitution and By Laws, 1965 January 28, 1965
Proposed Budget for 1965 1965 January 28, 1965, 1965
Report of Nominating Committee, 1965 January 28, 1965
Officers and Committee Members, 1965 January 28, 1965
Program for 1965 1965 January 28, 1965, 1965
Calendar, 1965
Semi-Annual Meeting
Agenda, 1966 June 14-15, 1966
Minutes, 1966 June 14-15, 1966
Portfolio Break Down, 1966 May 27, 1966
Report of the Nominating Committee, 1966 June, 1966
CRIA Board Program Participants, 1966 June, 1966
Semi-Annual Meeting
Agenda, 1967 June 26-28, 1967
Minutes, 1967 June 26-28, 1967
Report of the National Field Director, 1967 June 26-28, 1967
Report of the Director of Publications, 1967 June 26-28, 1967
Box 664
Ulrike Klopfer, Minutes; Reports; Financial Statements, Proposals, 1975-1976
Semi-Annual Meeting
Report of the Vice President, 1967 June 26-28, 1967
Provisional CRIA program, 1967 June 26-28, 1967
Proposed Budget, 1967 June 26-28, 1967
CRIA Program Participants, 1967 June 26-28, 1967
Public Session, 1967 June 26-28, 1967
Calendar, 1967 June 26-28, 1967
Agenda, 1968 May 19-21, 1968
Minutes, 1968 May 19-21, 1968
Portfolio Breakdown, 1968 May 19-21, 1968
Report of the Vice President, 1968 May 19-21, 1968
Report of the Dir. of Publications, 1968 May 19-21, 1968
Committee Meeting Materials, 1976
Semi-Annual Board Meeting, 1976 June 20-21, 1976
Box 665
Board and Committee Meetings Materials, 1977 January, 1977
The Board, Minutes; Semi-Annual Meetings, 1978-1979
Board and Committee Meetings, Minutes, 1977 January, 1977
Semi-Annual Meeting
Belmont Conference Center, Maryland, 1977 June 20-21, 1977
Reports and Budget, 1978
Board Meeting, Reports, Education Program, 1979 June 25-26, 1979
Committee Meetings
Box 666
The Abbey; Seminars and Meeting Reports, Undated
Ad Hoc Committee: 1970-73, 1970-1973 January, 1970-1973
Box 667
Ad Hoc Committee, 1973
Committee Materials and Minutes, 1975
Trustees and Committee Members; World Alliance, Undated
Minutes Book, 1976
Executive Committee, 1979
Executive and Finance Committees, 1975 September, 1975
Financial Resources Committee, 1979
Human Resources Committee, 1979
Box 668
Committee List; Board List; Program Reports, Undated
Long Range Planning, 1976-1978
Filing Systems; Committee Meetings; Serial Numbers; CRIA Manual of Procedures; Seminar Procedures, Undated
Program Committee, Undated
World Council of Churches, WCC, and Transnational Corporations, TNCs; Correspondence, Undated
Reorganization of CRIA with related Financial Records-Photos
Box 669
Radius Institute, Undated
CRIA Task Force Program, 1974 back through 1959, 1974, 1959
Worldview Things, 1977-1978
CRIA and ITS programs, 1975-1976
Human Resources Committee, 1975 November 14, 1975
Merrill House Plans, construction plans, Undated
Philip Johnson, Executive Committee; Philip Johnson, 1979
Meetings of U.S. Churchmen, Nashville, TN, 1976 April 5-6, 1976
Freedom of Faith, Undated
Chart of Accounts, 1979 April, 1979
Philip Johnson, Correspondence, Undated
Budget, 1979-1980
Trial Balance, 1978-1979
Report on Audit for the Year Ended Dec 31, 1973 1973, 1973, 1973
The Johnson Foundation; Report on the Balance of Power System vs. International Organization Systems, 1973 February11-13, 1973
The Johnson Foundation; Publications, Undated
CRIA Conversation Photos, Undated
CRIA Papers, Undated
The Purpose of CRIA: Purpose Statement and Reports, Undated
The Policies of CRIA, Undated
Special Projects, Programs, and Conferences
Box 670
Proposal for a Transformation of the Public Affairs Activities of CRIA, Undated
Fort Hill Conference: Bills sent out to Participants, 1980
Myers, Robert J., Bob Myers; IES, new name for minorities seminar, Undated
Carnegie Center for Transnational Studies, CCTS; Progress Report on CCTS work, Undated
Information Regarding Carnegie Leadership Plan, CLP, Undated
Cheyney State University, PA; Correspondence; Survey, Undated
The Fort Hill Foundation; Correspondence, Undated
Box 671
A Report on International Economics Seminar sponsored by CLP of CRIA: The Global Partnership, North and South Together Problems and Prospects, 1964 April 6, 1964
Mexico, Brandt Report Meeting, Undated
Agenda, Programs; Report on the Corporate Consultation Program, CCP, 1975
Financial Resources Committee:
Budget, 1978
Agenda, 1979 January, 1979
Draft Budget, 1979-1980
Johnson, Philip
Correspondence, 1978
U.S. Policy on Korea, Undated
Participants of the Advisory Committee, 1983 November, 1983
Evaluation of New Carnegie Center for Transnational Studies Memos, Undated
National Endowment for the Humanities, NEH: Media Development Plan; UK file copy, Undated
Box 672
Dilliard University, New Orleans, LO: Correspondence, Undated
Directions and Maps to Fort Hill, Undated
Evans, John L., Death Row Inmate's letter to CRIA, Undated
Payton, Robert, Exxon Education Foundation Proposal, Undated
Final List of People for Fort Hill Conference, 1980
Fisk University, Nashville, TN: Correspondence, Undated
Ford Foundation; Minority Program, Black Colleges, Undated
Fort Hill Foundation, Undated
The Fort Hill Conference; UK readings: Reports and articles, Undated
Materials relating to Human Rights; Paper by Bryan Hehir, Undated
Correspondence regarding Lunch marking the publication of Global Economics and Religion, 1983
Finn, James , Book: Global Economics and Religion, Undated
Hampton Institute, Hampton, VA; Correspondence, Undated
Survivors, Holocaust Film Project, Undated
Human Rights, Human Needs, Human Growth, Undated
International Economics Seminar at Delaware State College, Dover: Clippings and Letters, 1983 November, 1983
International Communications Agency; Minorities Seminar Program: Correspondence, Undated
Invites to the Fort Hill Conference, Undated
Klopfer, Ulrike; Management: Annual Meeting; Semi-Annual Meeting; Executive Committee; Program Committee; HR Committee; Financial Resources Committee, 1976 June, 1976
President's Office: Report International Advisory Group; Budget, Undated
Membership Program: Report; Budget, Undated
Merril House Programs: Report; Budget, Undated
Foreign Policy Studies: Report; Budget, Undated
Publications: Report; Budget, Undated
Carnegie Center for Transnational Studies: Report; Budget, Undated
Educational Programs: Reports; Budget, Undated
Washington Program: Report; Budget, Undated
International Programs: Report; Budget, Undated
Special Projects: Renovating Merrill House; International Peace Conference, IRPC; Religious Institutes and Foreign Policy; Bicentennial Seminar; International Conflict and American Organization, ICAO; Budget, Undated
Budget, Undated
Forstmann-Leff Associates; Position Paper, Undated
UK Workcopies Budget, 1977 January, 1977
Box 673
Finn, James, Editor , Global Economics and Religion, Undated
Hampton Institute; Correspondence, Undated
Survivors, Holocaust Film Project, Undated
Human Rights, Human Needs, Human Growth, Undated
International Communications Agency; Minority Seminar Program, Correspondence, Undated
International Economics Seminar at Delaware State College, Dover: Clippings and Letters, 1983 November 30, 1983
Fort Hill Conference: Invitees List, Undated
Klopfer, Ulrike, Documentation Index: 62nd Semi-Annual Meeting, 1976 June, 1976
Management: Annual Meeting; Semi-Annual Meeting; Executive Committee; Program Committee; HR Committee; Financial Resources Committee, Undated
President's Office: Report International Advisory Group; Budget, Undated
Membership Program: Report; Budget, Undated
Merril House Programs: Report; Budget, Undated
Merril House Programs: Report; Budget, Undated
Foreign Policy Studies: Report; Budget, Undated
Publications: Report; Budget, Undated
Carnegie Center for Transnational Studies: Report; Budget, Undated
Educational Programs: Reports; Budget, Undated
Washington Program: Report; Budget, Undated
International Programs: Report; Budget, Undated
Special Projects: Renovating Merrill House; International Peace Conference, IRPC; Religious Institutes and Foreign Policy; Bicentennial Seminar; International Conflict and American Organization, ICAO; Budget, Undated
Budget, Undated
File Copy of Documentation Index, Undated
UK Workcopies Budget, 1977 January, 1977
Box 674
Brochure: Identifying Human Values, 10 Second Poll, 1979
Publication: Identifying Human Values, Supplement Issue, UK, 1979 February22, 1979
Publication: Great Decisions '79, UK, 1979
General Correspondence, 1978-1979
Brochure: Identifying Human Values, 10 Second Poll, 1980
Publication: Identifying Human Values, Supplement Issue, 1980 February8, 1980
General Correspondence, 1979 January, 1979
Great Decisions '78
Great Decisions '77
Great Decisions '78, Supplement Issue
Great Decisions, Community Organization Manual, 1977 October 17, 1977
Lilly Endowment; Church-State Relations Ed Davis, 1980 June, 1980
Nichols, Bruce, Coordinator, Lilly 3-year Project: Refugees; When Church and State Go Abroad, 1982 March1, 1982
Box 675
Lincoln University, 1981
Media Development Plan, Undated
Israels, Michael Jozef, CCTS filing system, Undated
Minorities Project, UK, Undated
Minority Seminar Program: Ethics and Foreign Policy, General Items, Undated
Horowitz, Irving Louis, Modernization vs. Traditional Values, Carnegie Leadership Program, CLP, Conference, 1980 October, 1980
Modernization vs. Traditional Values
Session I, 1980 October 22, 1980
Session II, 1980 October 23, 1980
Session III, 1980 October 23, 1980
Session IV, 1980 October 24, 1980
Morehouse College, Undated
Morgan Stanley College, Undated
Myers, Robert John, Undated
Minority Seminar Report, 1983 May, 1983
Proposal to the National Endowment for the Humanities, 1978 January, 1978
Box 676
New, Old Advisor Request Letter, Undated
New World Foundation; Correspondence; Minorities Seminar Program, Undated
Princeton Conference Publication, 1979 September -1980 October, 1979
Princeton, Kindleberger Consultation
Kindleberger, Charles P., Invitations; Yes responses, 1979 September 14-15, 1979
Invitations; No responses, Undated
Princeton Papers, Undated
Remarks by D. L. Guertin, Senior Advisor, International Issues, Exxon Corporation, Undated
Kindleberger, Charles P.
Towards a Code of Conduct on Transnational Corporations: Some Notes on Further Reflections on a GATT for International Direct Investment, Undated
Further Reflections on a GATT for International Direct Investment, Draft, 1978 November, 1978
Morgenthau, Hans J., Human Rights and Foreign Policy, Undated
Worldview: Japan, 1979 July -August, 1979
A Worldview Symposium in Cooperation with the Asia Society, Undated
Sample Letters: Advisors, Grants, Supporters, Participants, Undated
Box 677
General Correspondence; Papers by Sir Herbert Butterfield, Norman A. Graebner, Edward L. Keenan, Bryan Hehir, Undated
400 Study Group, Undated
Compton Foundation Material, Undated
400 Study Group, 1978 September 23, 1978
Box 678
Publications, Undated
Leng, Shao-Chuan, Human Rights in Chinese Political Culture, Undated
Graebner, Norman A., Human Rights and Foreign Policy: The Historic Condition, Undated
Hehir, Bryan, Human Rights and U.S. Foreign Policy from Ethical and Theological Perspectives, Undated
Keenan, Edward L. , Human Rights in Soviet Political Culture, Undated
General Correspondence, Undated
400 Study Group, 1978 December 16, 1978
Studies in Ethics and Foreign Policy: Includes Intelligence Reports; Foreign Affairs Newsletter; the Defense Monitor; International Policy Report, Undated
Studies in Ethics and Foreign Policy:
General, Undated
Human Rights, Undated
Lectureship, Undated
Moral Audit, Undated
Box 679
Jessup, Philip C., Memorandum, Undated
General Correspondence, Undated
Human Rights and African Culture, Undated
Religion Ethics and the Economic Order, Undated
Studies in Ethics and Foreign Policy, Undated
Task Force: Food, Undated
Hanold, Terrance
Task Force: Food, Undated
Task Force: Food, 620, Undated
Task Force: Food; Correspondence, Undated
Final Draft Report on Working Group III on the New International Economic Order, 1976 July, 1976
Marshall Task Force, Undated
600 CCTS Marshall Task Force, Undated
First Working Draft of the Marshall Task Force, 1979 January, 1979
Taxation and Employment, Undated
Shoup, Carl S., Proposal for an International Tax Code, 1976 October, 1976
Box 680
Rockefeller Foundation
Food Task Force, Undated
Grants for Food Task Force, Undated
Texas Southern University, Undated
Thompson, Kenneth W., Correspondence, Undated
Carnegie Leadership Program, CLP, Consultations; Session I-IV, 1980 October 22-24, 1980
When Church and State Go Abroad, 1981
Verbatim Productions Inc.; Correspondence, Undated
"Worldview Files"
Box 681
General Correspondence
A, Undated
B, Undated
C, Undated
D, Undated
E, Undated
F, Undated
G, Undated
Box 682
H, Undated
I, Undated
J, Undated
K, Undated
L, Undated
M, Undated
N, Undated
O, Undated
P-Q, Undated
R, Undated
Box 683
S, Undated
T, Undated
U-V, Undated
W, Undated
X through Z, Undated
Box 683-A
Correspondence to Book Publishers, Undated
Day after Tomorrow on the Pacific Region
Eastern News Distributers: Worldview News Stand Sales, Undated
McHenry, Donald F., McHenry Lectures: Ethics and Foreign Policy, Undated
Worldview: Exchange Ads and Other Paid and Unpaid Ad Deals, Undated
Foreign Policy, Undated
Identifying Human Values: Brochure, 1980
London Series, 1976-1977
Wolfson, Susan, Mailing Requirements, Undated
Corrections before Reprinting, Undated
Worldview Promotion, Undated
Worldview Promotion Folder, Undated
Fall 1973 Promotion Folder, 1973, 1973, 1973
Promotion Folder
1974 January -February, 1974
Fall 1974
Box 683-B
Fall, 1974
Worldview Promotion, 1980 September, 1980
Worldview Promotion Mailing
1975 January -February, 1975
1975 June, 1975
1975 October -1976 January, 1975
500 Publications, Undated
Publications Brochure, 1980
Promotion, Radio Advertisement, WQXR, Undated
Schedule Cost: Worldview Promotion, Undated
Worldview Symposium on Food and Hunger, 1976
Templates for Billing Form; Renewal Promotion, Envelope Guide; Scanner Form Specification, Undated
More Envelopes: Subscriptions, Undated
Box 684
Ad Hoc Committee on Worldview, Undated
Letters and Advertising Materials, Undated
Worldview Ads, Undated
Art, Newspaper Strips, Undated
Articles Accepted, Undated
Files Pending, Undated
Articles to Publications, Undated
Board of Trustees, Correspondence, Undated
Book Reviews, 2 Folders, Undated
Worldview Breakfast, Undated
Budget, 1980
Caterers, Undated
Carnegie Center for Transnational Studies, CCTS, Undated
Circulation, Undated
Classifieds, Undated
Correspondence Authors, Undated
Board Meetings, Undated
Conversations, Undated
Box 685
DATATEL; Correspondence, Undated
Worldview Editorial Board, Undated
Editorial Board and Trustees, Undated
Fulfillment Corporation of America, FCA; Mostly Correspondence, Undated
Feature Associates; Mostly Correspondence, Undated
FULCO, Undated
The Moral Imperatives of Human Rights: Published by the United Press of America, Undated
Interviews, Undated
Marshall Task Force, Undated
Moral Audit, Undated
Morgenthau, Hans J., Morgenthau Symposium, Undated
PCH; Publishers Clearing House, PCH, material, Undated
Press Releases, Undated
Promotions, 1984-1985
Promotion Mailing, 1983-1984
Mailing, 1982 December, 1982
Promotion Mailing
Ready Data Services; Ready Data Services: Correspondence, Undated
Box 685-A
Reprints, Undated
Specialists, Undated
Report on the Dept. of Publication, Undated
Sub Agencies
Domestic, Undated
Foreign, Undated
Tessitore, John, John Tessitore's, Editor, Correspondence, Undated
United Nations; United Nations, Undated
Box 686
CRIA 64th Semi-Annual Meeting of the Board of trustees: Agenda; Program Reports, Budget, 1978 June, 1978
The Caribbean Basin Initiative, CBI, Summary, Undated
DAT '80, Williamsburg IX, Undated0
Synesthetics Inc.; Demons, Demands, and Dreams: A Television Film Series Proposal developed under a grant from The Trinity Grants Program, NY, Undated
Great Decisions '85: Printed materials and art, 1985
Identifying Human Values, Y-Z: Also contains a copy of Great Decisions '80, Undated
Morgenthau Memorial Lecture, 3rd, 1983
Box 687
Soedjatmoko, First Morgenthau Memorial Lecture with an Exchange between Soedjatmoko and His Audience, 1981
Rickover, H.G., Admiral, U.S. Navy, Thoughts on Man's Purpose in Life, 2nd Morgenthau Memorial Lecture, 1982 September 10, 1982
Accepted Manuscripts, about 5 articles, Undated
Important Antique Manuscripts, Undated
Eban, Abba , Publications: Modern Diplomacy and others, Undated
Box 688
Port City Press, Inc., Correspondence; Manuscripts; Bills; Articles 1979-80
St. Joseph's Symposium, Undated
Kemperman, Steve , Three and a Half Years in the Unification Church, Undated
Box 689
Manuscripts by Date Issue
1980 January -February, 1980
1980 March, 1980
1980 April, 1980
Box 690
1980 May, 1980
1980 June, 1980
1980 July, 1980
Box 691
1980 August, 1980
1980 September, 1980
1980 October, 1980
Box 692
1980 November, 1980
1980 December, 1980
Box 693
1981 January, 1981
1981 February, 1981
1981 March, 1981
Box 694
1981 April, 1981
1981 May, 1981
1981 June, 1981
Box 695
1981 July, 1981
1981 August, 1981
Box 696
1981 September, 1981
1981 October, 1981
Box 697
1981 November, 1981
1981 December, 1981
Box 698
1982 January, 1982
1982 February, 1982
Box 699
1982 March, 1982
1982 April, 1982
1982 May, 1982
Box 700
1982 June, 1982
1982 July, 1982
1982 August, 1982
Box 701
1982 September, 1982
1982 October, 1982
Box 702
1981 November, 1981
1981 December, 1981
Box 703
1983 January, 1983
1983 February, 1983
1983 March, 1983
Box 704
1983 April, 1983
1983 May, 1983
1983 June, 1983
Box 705
1983 July, 1983
1983 August, 1983
1983 September, 1983
Box 706
1983 October, 1983
1983 November, 1983
1983 December, 1983
Box 707
1984 January, 1984
1984 February, 1984
1984 March, 1984
Box 708
1984 April, 1984
1984 May, 1984
1984 June, 1984
Box 709
1984 July, 1984
1984 August, 1984
Box 710
1984 September, 1984
1984 October, 1984
Box 711
1984 November, 1984
1984 December, 1984
Box 712
1985 January, 1985
1985 February, 1985
Box 713
1985 March, 1985
1985 April, 1985
Box 714
1985 May, 1985
1985 June, 1985
Box 715
1985 July, 1985
Box 716
Master Copy of Worldview 1980 Issue; Issue No. 05, Undated, 1980
Bid Specification Sheet, Undated
Lake, Tony, the Quiet Crisis, Undated
Tseten, Kesang, Gentle Voice of Protest, Undated
Neale, Joseph P., the Moslem Ethics: Islam in the Modern World, Undated
Fenichell, Stephen S., Don't Tread on Me, Undated
Woronoff, Jon, Rich Nations, Poor Nations, Undated
Weber, Richard, Bolivia Beckoning, Undated
Olsen, Edward A., the Korean DMZ as a Nature Preserve, Undated
Baker, Ross K., Relations between Blacks and Jews: Bad and Getting Worse, Undated
Jacqueney, Theodore; Ramli, Rizal, Democratic Messages from Indonesia, Undated
Haverwas, Stanley; Abortion: Why the Arguments Fail, Undated
Eckardt, Ray A., Covenant-Resurrection-Holocaust, Undated
Kissinger, Henry A., Address at the Frank C. Nash Memorial Lecture on International Security Affairs, 1977 April 5, 1977
Kotch, John, the Creation of the Republic of Korea and the American Commitment, Undated
Kissinger, Henry A., Address at the World Jewish Congress Luncheon on International Economic and Social Commission, 1978 November 3, 1978
Master Copy of Worldview Issue No. 13, Undated
Barnett, Robert W.; Finn, James, Table of Contents and Foreward, 1980 Symposium, Undated, 1980
The Asia Society, Inc., Williamsburg Conference, Memo, 1980 Symposium: Conversation with James Finn, Undated, 1980
Forward for the Williamsburg Conference the 1980 Symposium, Undated, 1980
Port City Press, Inc., Proposal for the Production of the 1980 Worldview Symposium, Undated, 1980
Finn, James , Correspondence
1980 March17, 1980
1980 January 26, 1980
Background Document Prepared for Williamsburg Conference, Undated
Ravenal, Earl C., the New Strategic Balance in Asia, Undated
Whitlam, Gough, Notes on Refugees and Vietnam; the Division of Korea, Undated
Finn, James, Correspondence, 1980 MarchMar 4, 1980, 1980, 1980
Melchor, Alejandro, Jr., National Response to Threats: Weapons or Welfare, Undated
Okita, Saburo, Japan, China and the US: Economic Relations and Prospects, Undated
Kahn, Herman, the Historical and World Context of East Asia, Undated
Wan, Kim Kyung, On Living under Threat: Some Personal Comments, Undated
Thin, Tun, Asian Economic Developments and Prospects: A Regional Review, Undated
Macrae, Norman, Soldiers, Growth and Conflict, Undated
Renouf, Alan P., East-West Relations in a World of Change, Undated
Werner, Roy, Politics, Economy and Security, Undated
Takyama, Yasuo, Japan at the Crossroads, Undated
Chee, Chan Heng, Assessing the Vietnamese Threat, Undated
List and job classification of all the writers in the Symposium, Undated
Whitlam, Gough. Background Paper Prepared for Williamsburg IX. Notes on Refugees and Vietnam; the Division of Korea, Undated
Wanandi, Jusuf. Background Paper Prepared for Williamsburg IX. Southeast Asian Security in Perspective, Undated
Renouf, Alan P., Review of Paper in Folder 34, Undated
Macrae, Norman. Review of Paper in Folder 33, Undated
Country Notes for Eleven Asian Countries, Undated
Williamsburg IX, Biographical Data, Undated
Whitlam, Edward Gough. The Division of Korea, Undated
Kim, Jae Ik. Nuclear Energy and Small Developing Countries, Undated
Lee, Hongkoo. Ideology and Community, Undated
List of Essays for Williamsburg, Undated
Box 717
Review by
Alexander, Robert, Undated
Armstrong, Undated
Ashley, Walter E., Undated
Awoonor, Kofi, Undated
Bagdikian, Ben H., Undated
Baker, Ross K., Undated
Barnett, Robert W., Undated
Barkan, Joanne, Undated
Bingham, June, Undated
Bloomstein, Charles, Undated
Bono, Agostino, Undated
Bozeman, Adda B., Undated
Brill, William, Undated
Buultjens, Ralph, Undated
Byron, William. S.J., Undated
Caldwell, Mark, Undated
Chase, Myrna, Undated
Checchi, Mary Jane, Undated
Chicago University, Correspondence, Undated
Review by
Cohen, Benjamin J., Undated
Colby, W.M., Undated
Cooper, Louis F., Undated
Council on Foreign Relations, Correspondence, Undated
Curtin, Edward J., Reviews and Correspondence, Undated
Review by
D'Arcy, Davis, Undated
Dauth, Brian, Undated
Davis, Nathaniel, Ambassador, Correspondence, Undated
Review by
Dominguez, Jorge I., Undated
Donnelly, J.F., Undated
Drinan, Robert F., Undated
English, Robert, Undated
Fahey, Joe, Undated
Fein, Helen, Correspondence, Undated
Review by
Feinerman, Jas V., Undated
Fenichell, Stephen S., Undated
Fisher, Francis D., Undated
Fitzgerald, Michael, Undated
Fogarty, Gerald P., Undated
McMillan, Carol, Undated
Freund, Gerald, Undated
Galvin, John P., Review and Correspondence, Undated
Gilman, Sander, Correspondence, Undated
Glassman, Ronald, Undated
Goldblatt, Howard, Undated
Goldstein, Kalman, Undated
Goudinoff, Peter, Undated
Green, Martin, Correspondence, Undated
Green, Martin; Green, Tamara M., Undated
Greyson, Laura, Undated
Griffin, Robert, Undated
Haggard, Stephen, Review and Correspondence, Undated
Hammond, Margo, Undated
Harvey, Donald J., Undated
Hoyt, Philip J., Undated
Crandall-Hollick, Jullian, Undated
Holmes, John, Undated
Hong Kai, Empty Folder, Undated
Huebner, Albert L., Reviews and Correspondence, Undated
Hux, Samuel, Undated
Inactive Reviewers, Undated
Johnson, James, Review and Correspondence, Undated
Kattenburg, Paul M., Undated
Keeley, John R., Undated
Kellerman, Barbara, Undated
King, Richard, Undated
Kleinbard, David, Undated
Review and Correspondence
Koltz, Tony, Undated
Krochmal, Arnold, Undated
Kurzweil, Edith, Undated
Kvistad, Greg, Undated
Lancaster, Carol, Reviews, Undated
Lang, Berel, Reviews and Correspondence, Undated
Larkin, Emmet, Undated
Leach, William J. Jr., Undated
Leader, Stefan H., Reviews, Undated
Lederer, Norman, Correspondence, Undated
Long, William J., Reviews, Undated
Box 718
Maestadt, Tom, Reviews and Correspondence, Undated
Marius, Richard, Review, Undated
Reviews and Correspondence
Masson, Warren L., Undated
McAdams, James A., Undated
McCreary, Alfred, Review, Undated
McHenry, Donald P., Undated
McLellan, David S., Undated
McPhetres, Sam, Undated
Meller, Horman, Undated
Menkin, Peter, Correspondence, Undated
Milberg, John, Review and Correspondence, Undated
Miller, Josh, Correspondence, Undated
Mills, Judith M., Reviews, Undated
Miroff, Bruce, Review and Correspondence, Undated
Munich, Adrienne A., Review, Undated
Myers, Holly, Reviews and Correspondence, Undated
Morrissay, Kevin, Review, Undated
Nardin, Terry, Reviews and Correspondence, Undated
Nkosi, Lewis, Review and Correspondence and an outline of the book reviewed, Undated
Novak, Jeremiah, Correspondence and Papers, Undated
Ohio State University Press and Ohio University Press, Correspondence, Undated
O' Sullivan, John, Review, Undated
Oxford University Press; Correspondence, Undated
Padberg, John W. S.J., Review and Correspondence, Undated
Phillipson, Lorrin, Undated
Pipes, Daniel, Undated
Pope, Sterett, Undated
Prevost, Gary, Undated
Princeton University Press; Correspondence, Undated
Puchala, Donald, Undated
Ragen, Bill, Undated
Rand, Richard, Reviews and Correspondence, Undated
Ransom, Kevin, Review, Undated
Review and Correspondence
Robovich, David, Undated
Reed, Stanley, Undated
Richardson, Elliot L., Undated
Romjue, John, Undated
Rosecrance, Richard, Review, Undated
Reviews and Correspondence
Rosen, David; Rosen Stephen, Undated
Rosenau, Bill, Undated
Rousseas, Stephen, Undated
Ryan, Patrick. SJ, Undated
Reviews and Correspondence
Schell, Ernest H., Undated
Schroth, Raymond A. SJ, Undated
Schwarz Hans, Review, Undated
Scully, Anthony, Reviews and Correspondence and the author's Review of The Tin Drum; Urban Cowboy, Undated
Segal, Aaron, Reviews and Correspondence, Undated
Sen, Sudhir, Correspondence, Undated
Sharlet, Robert, Undated
Sheldon, Garrett W., Undated
Sicker, Philip, Reviews and Correspondence, Undated
Silver, George A., Undated
Simpson, Smith, Undated
Smith, Henry Holmes, Correspondence, Undated
Solari, Anthony, Undated
Spain, James W., Undated
Stent, Angela E., Undated
Sullivan, Kevin, Undated
Symon, Penny, Undated
Thomas, Brian, Reviews and Correspondence and a copy of the author's review itself, Undated
Review and Correspondence
Thompson, Kenneth W., Undated
Tool, Larry, Undated
Toolan, David, Undated
Tucker, Martin, Undated
Varacalli, Joseph A., Reviews and Correspondence, Undated
Virginia University Press; Correspondence, Undated
Klaus Von Kreiter, Nikolaj, Review and Correspondence, Undated
Waters, Maureen, Correspondence, Undated
Weber, Theodore R., Reviews and Correspondence and a copy of the author's review itself, Undated
White, Robert J., Review, Undated
Whitfield, Randolph, Jr., Correspondence, Undated
Review and Correspondence
Whitfield, Stephen, Undated
Weigel, George S. Jr., Undated
Woronoff, Jon, Correspondence, Undated
Wortman, Miles, Reviews and Correspondence, Undated
Wriggins, Howard W., Undated
Yarbrough, Jean, Undated
Reviews and Correspondence
Zahn, Gordon C., Undated
Zonis, Marvin, Undated
Zeitlin, Arnold, and Paper that was reviewed, Undated
Zigman, Paul, Undated
Printed Material, Unarranged
Box 719
Council of Europe; Annual Reports, Undated
Environment: UN Environment Program, Press Releases, Reports and Publications, Undated
Brooks, Roger A., the Heritage Foundation; Peacekeeping: UN Peacekeeping: An Empty Mandate, A UN Assessment Project Study; The Heritage Foundation, Undated
World Court; Newpaper Clipping, 1984
Pilon, Juliana Geran; The Heritage Foundation; Human Rights, The Hypocrisy of UN Human Rights Day; The UN and Human Rights: The Double Standard, 1983
Harries, Owen; Gulick, Thomas G.; UNESCO, The Heritage Foundation; United Nations Association of the United States of America; UNESCO, The US and UNESCO at a Crossroads; For UNESCO, A Failing Grade in Education; UNESCO, Where Culture Becomes Propaganda; The IPDC: UNESCO vs. The Free Press; The US and UNESCO: Time for Decision; Also Correspondence from the United Nation, Undated
Merkle, Melanie, The Heritage Foundation on the UN Budget; UN Budget, How the UN spends its $1 billion from US Taxpayers, Undated
Brooks, Roger A., the Heritage Foundation on Multinationals; Multinationals, Multinationals: First Victim of the UN War on Free Enterprise, Undated
Brooks, Roger A., The Heritage Foundation on the Law of the Sea; Law of the Sea, The law of the Sea Treaty: Can the US Afford to Sign?; Letter to George Schultz, Secretary of State, Undated
UNICEF, Empty Folder, Undated
Buckman, John, the Heritage Foundation on Disarmament; Disarmament, the UN and Disarmament: The Second Special Session, Undated
Next, Invitation, Undated
United Nations, UN General Assembly, Detailed description of needs, project outlines and background information on the refugee situation, Report of the Secretary General, 2nd International Conference on Assistance to Refugees in Africa, 1984 July, 1984
United Nations; List of Non-Governmental Organizations, NGOs, Representatives Accredited to the UN, No. 6, 1984 April, 1984
United Nations Environment Program, UNEP, the Siren: News from UNEP's Regional Seas Program, Number 23, 1984 March, 1984
Kalb, Madeleine G., the New York Times Magazine; the UN's Embattled Peacekeeper, 1982 December 19, 1982
10 paper clippings, Undated
UN Dept. of Public Information, NGOs Section
Correspondence, 1984 May 17, 1984
Annual Conference, Provisional Agenda, 1984 May 23, 1984
Looking Ahead to the Women's Conference, 1984 April 12, 1984
World Labor Report Shows Significant Increases in Unemployment in both Developed and Developing Countries, 1984 April 19, 1984
International Year of Peace-1986 1984 May 4, 1984
UNESCO Publication, FYI to CEO's, 1984 June, 1984
Publication, Global Futures Digest, Vol 1, No. 2, 1983 Summer, 1983
The New York Times; Paper Clipping the Genocide Treaty: Unratified 35 Years, The New York Times, 1984 June 23, 1984
International Atomic Energy Agency; Bulletin: Vol 26, No. 1, 1984 March, 1984
Perez De Cuellar, Javier, UN; Publication, Report of the Secretary, General on the Work of the Organization, 1983
Eilan, Arieh, the Heritage Foundation on the UN Budget, the General Assembly: Can It Be Salvaged, Undated
UN, Dept. of Public Information, Publication, A Quiet Revolution: The UN Convention on the Law of the Sea, 1984
United Nations Association of the United States of America; Publication, Nuclear Proliferation: A Citizen's Guide to Policy Choices, Undated
World Disarmament Campaign Disarmament Newsletter; Vol 2 No. 2, 1984 March, 1984
Galanter, Vera, International Humanist and Ethical Union, IHEU Inc.; Annual Report of the IHEU Representative at the United Nations, 1983 August 24-26, 1983
Dilloway, James, International Humanist and Ethical Union, IHEU, Inc.; Annual Report of the IHEU Representative at the United Nations, 1983 July -August, 1983
UN, Information Service, UNIS 743 NGOs Briefed on Aims of International Year of Peace 1986 1984 February20, 1986, 1984
UNIS WOM 61 Focus on Violence against Women, 1984 February24, 1984
UNIS WOM 67 1985 Women's World Conference in Nairobi, 1984 March7, 1985, 1984
Adinopulosi, T A, Undated
Anderson, Lisa, Undated
Neuhaus, Richard John, Undated
Miller, Joshua I., Undated
Becker, John E., Correspondence, Undated
Silver, George A., Undated
Kellerman, Barbara, Undated
Hollick, Julian Crandall, Undated
Rabkin, Rhoda, Undated
Griffin, Linda, Undated
Woolfson, Susan, Undated
Becker, John E., Undated
Keeley, John B., Undated
Zeitlin, Arnold, Undated
Segal, Aaron, Undated
Pope, Sterett, Undated
Philipson, L., Undated
Magstadtt, Thomas, Undated
Fenichell, S., Undated
Ashley, Walter E., Undated
Kvistad, J., Undated
Clemens, Walter C., Undated
Segal, Aaron, Undated
Zeitlin, Arnold, Undated
Nardin, Terry, Undated
McAdams, James A., Undated
Ludington, Nick, Undated
Huebner, Albert L., Undated
Goldstein, Kalman, Undated
Woolfson, Susan, Undated
United Nations Association of the United States of America; United Nations Day: Correspondence and Pub, 1984 October 24, 1984
The Helsinki Watch Committee; the Committee to Protect Journalists; Report: Polish Journalists under Attack, 1984 June, 1984
United States Dept. of State, 30th Annual Report: United States Contributions to International Organizations, Report to Congress for Fiscal Year 1981 1981, 1981, 1981
United Nations; Disarmament, A Periodic Review by the United Nations; Vol VII, No 1, 1984 Spring, 1984
An Answer to Teller. Several authors; Plan for Survival, Dr. Edward Teller's Saturday Evening Post Article, Newspaper Clipping, Undated
Bernstein, Richard, the New York Times Magazine; the UN vs. the US, Undated
Curtin, E J, Undated
Segal, Aaron, Undated
Hammond, Margo, Undated
Magstadtt, Thomas, Undated
Valliere, Paul, Undated
Ryan, Patrick J., Undated
Myers, R J, Undated
Huebner, Albert L., Undated
Sen, Sudhir, Undated
Legterm, Lyman H., Undated
Box 720
United Nations: Industrial Development Organization; Book, Industry in a Changing World, 1984 January, 1984
CRIA Booklet, Purpose and Program, Undated
Religious Community of NY; Leaflet, Welcoming Service for His Holiness the Dalai Lama XIV, 1979 September 5, 1979
Admiral Rickover, H G; Pub, Thoughts on Man's Purpose in Life, at the Second Morgenthau Memorial Lecture on Morality and Foreign Policy, 1982 December 20, 1982
McHenry, Donald F., Ethics and Foreign Policy, at the Third Distinguished CRIA Lecture on Morality and Foreign Policy, Undated
The Carnegie Leadership Program, Undated
CRIA Conversations, Undated
CRIA Annual Report, 1982
CRIA 1983 Annual Report, 1983, 1983, 1983
Merril House Programs, CRIA Conversations and the Carnegie Leadership Program, Undated
CRIA Conversations: A Merril House Program, Undated
When Church and State Go Abroad, Undated
CRIA Education and Study Programs, Undated
CRIA Conversations: A Merril House Program, 1984-1985
Carnegie Leadership Program, Undated
CRIA Annual Report, 1981
Loos, William A., Publication: The United Nations and the Disciplines of Peace, 1953 October, 1953
Goulet, Dennis, CRIA Publication Pub, Is Gradualism Dead? Reflections on Order, Change and Force, Undated
Halpern, Manfred, CRIA Publication; Pub, the Morality and Politics of Intervention, Undated
Holloway, Vernon H., the Church Peace Union; Pub, Religious Ethics and the Politics of Power, Undated
Powers, Charles W., Ed; Book, People Profits: The Ethics of Investment, Undated
CRIA 1984 Annual Report, 1984, 1984, 1984
Leaflet, CRIA Conversation: The Last Word in World Affairs, Undated
World Order Institute, Program Brochure, 1954 November 11, 1954
CRIA and Asiatic Research Center, Leaflet, South Korea and the United States: Values in Conflict, Undated
Gunnemann, Jon P.; Book, the Nation-State and Transnational Corporations in Conflict, Undated
Thompson, Kenneth W., Ed; Ethics in Foreign Policy Series; Book, Moral Dimensions of American Foreign Policy, Undated
Tucker Robert W.; With Commentary by Higgins, George G.; Potter, Ralph; Cox, Richard H.; Ramsey, Paul. CRIA Publication; Book: Just War and Vatican Council II: A Critique, Undated
Bennett, John C., CRIA Publication; Book: Moral Tensions in International Affairs, Undated
Finn, James, Ed., CRIA Publication; Book: Peace the Churches and the Bomb, Undated
Program Ethics of Power and the United States Foreign Policy, A Seminar in Religion and International Responsibility, 1966 January 28-31, 1966
A Public Discussion on China Planned by the CREA Board of Trustees, 1966 June 14, 1966
Southeast Asia: Case Study in Nation Building, 1966 September 29-October 3, 1966
Intervention in Vietnam, Responsibilities of Power, 1966 September 29-October 3, 1966
CRIA and Cooperating Organizations;
The Columbia Forum on World Affairs and the Macon Council on World Affairs; Program: Ethics of Power and Policy, A Seminar in Religion and International Policy, 1966 November 3-6, 1966
The Columbia Forum on World Affairs and the Macon Council on World Affairs; Program: Revolution and Moral Authority, An Advanced Seminar, 1966 November 3-6, 1966
Southeast Asia: Case Studies in Nation-Building, 1966 November 10-13, 1966
Intervention in Vietnam, Responsibilities of Power, 1966 November 10-13, 1966
The Ethics of Non-Intervention: Assumptions of US Foreign Policy, 1967 March31-April 3, 1967
The Ethics of Non-Intervention, Assumptions of US Foreign Policy, 1967 March31-April 3, 1967
Tradition and Ideology, Dilemmas of Chinese Power, 1967 March31-April 3, 1967
Correspondence, 1967 March31-April 3, 1967
The Ethics of Non-Intervention: Assumptions of US Foreign Policy, 1967 April 6-April 9, 1967
Policy and People: The Ethics of Democracy, 1967 May 18-May 21, 1967
The US in Asia: Strategy, Ideology or Drift?, 1967 June 28, 1967
Program, Vietnam and the Middle East: The Hidden Agendas, 1967 September 7-11, 1967
The China That Confronts Americans: Cultures in Conflict, 1967 September 7-11, 1967
After Mao and China: Two Chinas?, 1968 March7-10, 1968
CRIA Fifth Annual Seminar Meeting; Program, Morality, War and National Policy, 1968 May 21, 1968
Program, the US as a World Power: Abundance and Scarcity, 1968 November 7-10, 1968
Publication, the Witness, the Church Peace Union, 1947 October 16, 1947
Jayaweera, Neville, Paper: Value Premises Underlying the Development Concept, the Choices Open to Asian Societies, 1973 December 9-16, 1973
Geyer, Alan. A Shalom Paper: Public Opinion and Disarmament: Challenge to the Churches, 1977 November, 1977
Bennett, John C., Paper: Moral Tensions in International Affairs, Undated
Publisher: The Disarmament Information Committee; Disarmament, A Review of the Acts of the League of Nations and of the Governments, Parliamentary Debates and the Trend of Public Opinion and the Action relating to the World Disarmament Conference; Vol II, No 4., 1932 February15, 1932
Box 721
Watson, Adam: On Behalf of Sir Herebert Butterfield; Publication, Toleration in Religion and Politics, at the Second Distinguished CRIA Lecture on Morality and Foreign Policy, 1980
Finn, James, Ed., Book, Global Economics and Religion, Undated
Voss, Carl Hermann, the Beacon Press, Boston Book, the Palestinian Problem Today: Israel and Its Neighbors, Undated
Bourdreau, Thomas E., Publication, the Secretary-General and State Diplomacy, Undated
Newsletter, Church and State Abroad, No. 1, 1983 March, 1983
Bourdreau, Thomas E., Publication, Protecting the Innocent: Enhancing the Humanitarian Role of the United Nations in Natural Disasters and Other Disaster Situations, Undated
CRIA Newsletter
No. 2, Winter 1984 1985, 1984, 1985
No. 3, Spring, 1985
No. 1, Fall, 1984
Cullinan, Nathaniel F., Disarmament: News and Views, Biweekly Publication, Vol V, No. 17, 1975 April 27, 1975
Copy of Paper Clipping from WSJ, Review and Outlook: Harvest in Vietnam, 1977 April 21, 1977
International Studies Information Service, ISIS; Vol 5, No. 3, 1977 February, 1977
Paper Clipping: Action, 1976 September 27, 1976
Notes to Friends of CRIA, from the President's Desk, 1973 February23, 1973
Dunn, Lewis A., Paper, US Perspective on Nuclear Technology Transfers To Asia, Prepared for Conference on Nuclear Technology Transfers to Asia, Policy Issues and Options, 1986 February27, 1986
Kindleberger, Charles P., With Commentary by Guertin, Donald L.; Jimenez de Lucio; Alberto; Gunnemann, Jon P., Publication, A GATT for Foreign Investment: Further Reflections, Undated
London, Mirriam and Ivan , World View Symposium on the Other China, Undated
Developing Countries and Transnational Enterprises: Toward a New Relationship, Report of the Marshall Task Force, Undated
Loos, William A., Report of the Education Secretary, 1952 June, 1952
Isolationism, the United Nations, and USA Foreign Policy, Draft Outline, Undated
U.S. National Commission for UNESCO, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization; Information on The Scientific and Cultural History of Mankind, Undated
Givens, Willard E., U.S. National Commission for UNESCO, The Fight on International Cooperation: An Analysis of Current Attacks on the United Nations and UNESCO, Undated
U.S. National Commission for UNESCO; Information on Towards World Understanding, A series of pamphlets published by UNESCO, Undated
CRIA and the Indiana Consortium for International Affairs; a Conference on Intervention and United States Foreign Policy, 198-June 13-14
CRIA and the Indiana Consortium for International Affairs; a Conference on Intervention and United States Foreign Policy Participants List, Undated
The Johnson Foundation, Consultation on International Affairs and the Continuing Education for Ministry, 1977 February28-March3, 1977
Publication: The Witness; the Church Peace Union, 1947 October 16, 1947
Bureau of Information: Conference Group of US National Organizations on the United Nations, United Nations Affairs and Charter Review: A Selected Bibliography, 1954 May, 1954
Delegation of the United States of America to the Second Extraordinary Session of the General Conference of UNESCO; An Appraisal of The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, 1953 July 1-4, 1953
Gross, Ernest A., Revising the Charter, Let's Talk About, A controversial article reprinted in its entirety from the January 1954 issue of Foreign Affairs, Vol II. No 8, Undated, January 1954
Dulles, John Foster , Policy for Security and Peace, Let's Talk About, A statement of the foreign policy of the United States written for the American people by the Secretary of State reprinted from the Apr 1954 issue of Foreign Affairs, Vol II. No. 9, Undated, 1954
Booklet, the Carnegie Leadership Program, Culture, Religion, Values: The Neglected Factors in Political Risk Assessment, Undated
Photographs, No. 17, Undated
1984 Annual Report, 1984
1983 Annual Report, 1983
Brochure: What it is and its Programs, Undated
Soedjatmoko, Power and Morality in Global Transformation, First Morgenthau Memorial Lecture on Morality and Foreign Policy, Undated
Watson, Adam: On Behalf of Sir Herebert Butterfield; Publication, Toleration in Religion and Politics, at the Second Distinguished CRIA Lecture on Morality and Foreign Policy, 1980
Audio Tapes: Conversations Church Peace Union Publication
Box 722
Council on Religion, 1973 February11, 1973
Discussion, Sohnenfeld talk, 1959 September 15, 1959
Hilsman, Discussion, Undated
Nielsen, Waldemar E., Political Directions in Southern Europe, Undated
Shinn, Roger, Dean of Instruction, Union Theological Seminary Speech on American Ethos and a New Foreign Policy, 1969 September 7, 1969
Little, David
Gaebler, Max D.; Balance of Power: Prof. David Little Interviewed by Rev. Max D. Gaebler, Undated
Little, side 2, Winters, Undated
Bhatt, 1976 September 17, 1976
Pfaft, Thursday, March5, Unknown Year
Barbara White, 1976 February25, 1976
Box 723
Religion and International Affairs, 1974 May 30, 1974
Loos, A. William
CRIA Colloquia for Clergy; Mylai and Vietnam: Moral Responsibility and Military Honor; Commentary by Z-R. Niebanch; Moderator, A. W. Loos, President of CRIA, 1971 May 10, 1971
CRIA Conversation: Guest: Dr. Andre Dumas; Topic: Ethics and Post-Industrial Society; Introduction by Dr. Wm. Loos, 1971 December 6, 1971
Deutsch, Deutsch, Undated
Kitagawa, Joseph; Barnes, William; Hehir, Byan J., KR-7 PM., 1972 May 23, 1972
Session 1 Airlie E, Undated
Session 5 Airlie E, Undated
Wilson Carey McWilliams, 1970 September 19, 1970
Annual Meeting, a.m. 1969 January 23, 1969
IX.A: Board Meetings
Box 908
Development, Finance, Executive and Program Committee Meetings-Minutes, Merrill House, New York, January 22, 1975 June 1, 1974-January 1, 1975, January 22, 1975, June 1, 1974-January 1, 1975
Box 908
Gunnemann, Jon P. / Corporate Consultation Program Report by the Special Assistant to the President to the CRIA Board of Trustees, January 22, 1975 April 1, 1974-January 1, 1975, January 22, 1975, April 1, 1974-January 1, 1975
Box 908
Reception for incoming president Johnson, Philip A., Colony Club, New York, January 30, 1975 May 1, 1974-January 1, 1975 [Annual meeting], January 30, 1975, May 1, 1974-January 1, 1975
Box 908
Board Committee Meetings, 1976-1978 January 1, 1976-January 1, 1978, 1976-1978, January 1, 1976-January 1, 1978
Box 908
Johnson, Philip A. / CRIA Long-Range Planning Committee, Virginia, November 10, 1978 January 1, 1976-June 1, 1979, November 10, 1978, January 1, 1976-June 1, 1979
Box 908
Semi-Annual Meeting of the CRIA Board of Trustees-Report on Education Programs June 25-26, 1979 June 1, 1979, June 25-26, 1979, June 1, 1979
Box 909
Board Committee Meetings, 1979 November 1, 1978-May 1, 1979, 1979, November 1, 1978-May 1, 1979
Box 909
Human Resources Committee Meeting Minutes, Merrill House, New York, 1979-1980 January 1, 1979-January 1, 1980, 1979-1980, January 1, 1979-January 1, 1980
Box 909
66th Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees Committees, Merrill House, New York, January 23-24, 1980 December 1, 1979-December 1, 1980, January 23-24, 1980, December 1, 1979-December 1, 1980
Box 909
Program Committee Meeting Minutes, Merrill House, New York, January 23, 1980 January 1, 1980, January 23, 1980, January 1, 1980
Box 909
Financial Resources Committee Meeting Minutes, Merrill House, New York, January 23, 1980 January 1, 1980, January 23, 1980, January 1, 1980
Box 909
Reception for New President, Myers, Robert J., Merrill House, New York, January 24, 1980 December 1, 1979-January 1, 1980, January 24, 1980, December 1, 1979-January 1, 1980
Box 910
66th Semi-Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees and Committees, Fort Hill, Huntington, New York, June 25-26, 1980 December 1, 1978-October 1, 1980, June 25-26, 1980, December 1, 1978-October 1, 1980
Box 910
Long-Range Planning Committee Meeting, Fort Hill, Huntington, New York, June 1980 January 1, 1980-June 1, 1980, June 1980, January 1, 1980-June 1, 1980
Box 910
Financial Resources Committee Meeting, Fort Hill, Huntington, New York, June 1980 April 1, 1980-June 1, 1980, June 1980, April 1, 1980-June 1, 1980
Box 910
Program Committee Meeting, Fort Hill, Huntington, New York, June 1980 June 1, 1980, June 1980, June 1, 1980
Box 911
Human Resources Committee Meeting, Fort Hill, Huntington, New York, June 1980 December 1, 1978-June 1, 1980, June 1980, December 1, 1978-June 1, 1980
Box 911
Board of Trustees Correspondence, May 1, 1972-May 1, 1974
Box 911
Miscellaneous Correspondence-1980, January 1, 1980-October 1, 1980
Box 911
67th Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees / Loan agreement and the Guarantee note with Mott Enterprises-January 4, 1979 January 1, 1979, 1979, January 1, 1979
Box 911
Notices and reports by Myers, Robert J. to the Board of Trustees and the Long-Range Planning Committee, June 1, 1960-August 1, 1981
Box 911
Myers, Robert J. / Memorandum to the Board of Trustees on the report by Soedjatmoko, the Rector of the UN University, January 7, 1981 December 1, 1980-January 1, 1981, January 7, 1981, December 1, 1980-January 1, 1981
Box 911
67th Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees, Merrill House, New York, January 21-22, 1981 December 1, 1980-March1, 1981, January 21-22, 1981, December 1, 1980-March1, 1981
Box 911
The National Humanities Center / Ethics and Moral Education, December 13-14, 1979-used at the 67th Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees, January 21-22, 1981 December 1, 1979-December 1, 1980, December 13-14, 1979, January 21-22, 1981, December 1, 1979-December 1, 1980
Box 911
Board Prospects for January 21-22, 1981 January 1, 1980-January 1, 1981, January 21-22, 1981, January 1, 1980-January 1, 1981
Box 911
Trustees Vote-January 1981, December 1, 1980-January 1, 1981
Box 911
Executive Committee meeting, Merrill House, New York, March6, 1981 January 1, 1981-March1, 1981, March6, 1981, January 1, 1981-March1, 1981
Box 912
67th Semi-Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustee and Committees, Merrill House, New York, May 27-28, 1981 June 1, 1980-August 1, 1981, May 27-28, 1981, June 1, 1980-August 1, 1981
Box 912
Executive Committee meeting, Merrill House, New York, November 12, 1981 June 1, 1981-November 1, 1981, November 12, 1981, June 1, 1981-November 1, 1981
Box 912
Nominating Committee Meeting-December 17, 1981 November 1, 1981-December 1, 1981, 1981, November 1, 1981-December 1, 1981
Box 912
68th Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees and Committees, Merrill House, New York, January 27-28, 1982 December 1, 1981-February1, 1982, January 27-28, 1982, December 1, 1981-February1, 1982
Box 912
68th Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees and Committees / Executive Committee Meeting, Merrill House, New York, January 28, 1982 January 1, 1982-February1, 1982, January 28, 1982, January 1, 1982-February1, 1982
Box 912
68th Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees and Committees / Nominating Committee Meeting, Merrill House, New York, January 28, 1982 June 1, 1981-July 1, 1982, January 28, 1982, June 1, 1981-July 1, 1982
Box 912
68th Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees and Committees / Long-Range Planning Committee Meeting, Merrill House, New York, January 27, 1982 January 1, 1982, January 27, 1982, January 1, 1982
Box 912
68th Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees and Committees / Finance and Administration Committee Meeting, Merrill House, New York, January 27, 1982 January 1, 1982-February1, 1982, January 27, 1982, January 1, 1982-February1, 1982
Box 913
68th Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees and Committees, Merrill House, New York, January 27, 1982-Mailings to the Board, June 1, 1981-February1, 1982
Box 913
Executive Committee Meeting, Merrill House, New York, March31, 1982 March1, 1982-April 1, 1982, March31, 1982, March1, 1982-April 1, 1982
Box 913
68th Semi-Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees, Merrill House, New York, May 27-28, 1982 April 1, 1982-June 1, 1982, May 27-28, 1982, April 1, 1982-June 1, 1982
Box 913
68th Semi-Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees, Merrill House, New York, May 27-28, 1982-Financial Documents, January 1, 1981-July 1, 1982, May 27-28, 1982, January 1, 1981-July 1, 1982
Box 913
68th Semi-Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees, Nominating Committee Meeting, Merrill House, New York, May 27-28, 1982 October 1, 1981-March1, 1982, May 27-28, 1982, October 1, 1981-March1, 1982
Box 913
Trustees' mailings after 68th Semi-Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees, Merrill House, New York, May 27-28, 1982 July 1, 1982-October 1, 1982, May 27-28, 1982, July 1, 1982-October 1, 1982
Box 913
Executive Committee Meeting, Merrill House, New York, November 5, 1982 August 1, 1981-November 1, 1982, November 5, 1982, August 1, 1981-November 1, 1982
Box 913
69th Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees and Committees, Merrill House, New York, January 26-27, 1983 December 1, 1982-January 1, 1983, January 26-27, 1983, December 1, 1982-January 1, 1983
Box 914
69th Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees and Committees, Executive and Administration Committees combined meeting, Merrill House, New York, January 26, 1983 June 1, 1982-January 1, 1983, January 26, 1983, June 1, 1982-January 1, 1983
Box 914
69th Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees and Committees, Nominating Committee meeting, Merrill House, New York, January 26, 1983 April 1, 1982-January 1, 1983, January 26, 1983, April 1, 1982-January 1, 1983
Box 914
69th Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees and Committees, Long-Range Planning Committee meeting, Merrill House, New York, January 26, 1983 April 1, 1982-January 1, 1983, January 26, 1983, April 1, 1982-January 1, 1983
Box 914
Executive Committee Meeting, Merrill House, New York, March31, 1983 February1, 1983-March1, 1983, March31, 1983, February1, 1983-March1, 1983
Box 914
69th Semi-Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees, Merrill House, New York, June 15-16, 1983 May 1, 1983-June 1, 1983, June 15-16, 1983, May 1, 1983-June 1, 1983
Box 914
Executive Committee meeting, Merrill House, New York, November 3, 1983 July 1, 1982-November 1, 1983, November 3, 1983, July 1, 1982-November 1, 1983
Box 914
70th Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees and Committees, Merrill House, New York, January 25-26, 1984 June 1, 1983-January 1, 1984, January 25-26, 1984, June 1, 1983-January 1, 1984
Box 914
70th Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees and Committees, Executive and Finance and Administration Committees meeting, Merrill House, New York, January 25, 1984 November 1, 1983-January 1, 1984, January 25, 1984, November 1, 1983-January 1, 1984
Box 914
70th Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees and Committees, Long-Range Planning Committee meeting (cancelled), Merrill House, New York, January 25, 1984 January 1, 1984, January 25, 1984, January 1, 1984
Box 914
70th Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees and Committees, Nominating Committee meeting, Merrill House, New York, January 25, 1984 December 1, 1983-January 1, 1984, January 25, 1984, December 1, 1983-January 1, 1984
Box 915
Executive Committee meeting, Merrill House, New York, April 4, 1984 January 1, 1984-April 1, 1984, April 4, 1984, January 1, 1984-April 1, 1984
Box 915
70th Semi-Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees / Finance and Administration, and Long-Range Planning Committees meeting, Merrill House, New York, May 17, 1984 June 1, 1983-May 1, 1984, May 17, 1984, June 1, 1983-May 1, 1984
Box 915
70th Semi-Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees, Merrill House, New York, May 17, 1984-Agreement with Jack Raymond and Company, May 5, 1984 April 1, 1984-May 1, 1984 PR company, May 5, 1984, April 1, 1984-May 1, 1984
Box 915
70th Semi-Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees, Merrill House, New York, May 17, 1984 April 1, 1984-June 1, 1984, May 17, 1984, April 1, 1984-June 1, 1984
Box 915
Board of Trustees Updates following the 70th Semi-Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees, Merrill House, New York, May 17, 1984 June 1, 1984-August 1, 1984, May 17, 1984, June 1, 1984-August 1, 1984
Box 915
Executive Committee meeting, Merrill House, New York, November 5, 1984 May 1, 1984-November 1, 1984, November 5, 1984, May 1, 1984-November 1, 1984
Box 916
71st Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees and Committees, Merrill House, New York, January 23-24, 1985 May 1, 1981-January 1, 1985, January 23-24, 1985, May 1, 1981-January 1, 1985
Box 916
Executive Committee meeting, Merrill House, New York, March19, 1985 January 1, 1985-March1, 1985, March19, 1985, January 1, 1985-March1, 1985
Box 916
71st Semi-Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees and Committees, Merrill House, New York, June 13, 1985 May 1, 1985-June 1, 1985, June 13, 1985, May 1, 1985-June 1, 1985
Box 917
Myers, Robert J. / Interim Report to Board of Trustees, October 15, 1985 March1, 1985-October 1, 1985, October 15, 1985, March1, 1985-October 1, 1985
Box 917
Executive Committee meeting, Merrill House, November 12, 1985 August 1, 1985-November 1, 1985, November 12, 1985, August 1, 1985-November 1, 1985
Box 917
Andrew Carnegie Sesquicentenary Gathering, Dunfermline, August 1985 August 1, 1985 conference publication-2 copies, August 1985, August 1, 1985
Box 917
72nd Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees and Committees, Merrill House, New York, January 22-23, 1986 June 1, 1985-January 1, 1986, January 22-23, 1986, June 1, 1985-January 1, 1986
Box 917
Name Change from CRIA (Council on Religion and International Affairs to CCEIA (Carnegie Council on Ethics and International Affairs)-1986, June 1, 1985-May 1, 1986
Box 917
Executive Committee meeting, Merrill House, New York, March11, 1986 March1, 1986, March11, 1986
Box 918
72nd Semi-Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees and Committees, Merrill House, New York, June 11-12, 1986 June 1, 1986, June 11-12, 1986, June 1, 1986
Box 918
Executive Committee meeting, Merrill House, new York, November 17, 1986 November 1, 1986-December 1, 1986, November 17, 1986, November 1, 1986-December 1, 1986
Box 918
Nominating Committee meeting, Merrill House, December 1986 December 1, 1986-January 1, 1987, December 1986, December 1, 1986-January 1, 1987
Box 918
73nd Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees and Committees, Merrill House, New York, January 22, 1987 (1 of 2), June 1, 1986-January 1, 1987, January 22, 1987, June 1, 1986-January 1, 1987
Box 919
73rd Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees and Committees, Merrill House, New York, January 22, 1987 (2 of 2), June 1, 1986-January 1, 1987, January 22, 1987, June 1, 1986-January 1, 1987
Box 919
Executive Committee meeting, Merrill House, New York, April 21, 1987 April 1, 1987, April 21, 1987, April 1, 1987
Box 919
73rd Semi-Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees and Committees, Merrill House, New York, June 11, 1987 May 1, 1987-June 1, 1987, June 11, 1987, May 1, 1987-June 1, 1987
Box 919
73rd Semi-Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees and Committees, Merrill House, New York, June 11, 1987-Renovation Feasibility Report, April 1, 1987
Box 919
Executive Committee meeting, Merrill House, New York, November 3, 1987 September 1, 1987-November 1, 1987, November 3, 1987, September 1, 1987-November 1, 1987
Box 919
74th Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees and Committees, Merrill House, New York, January 28, 1988 (1 of 2), December 1, 1987-February1, 1988, January 28, 1988, December 1, 1987-February1, 1988
Box 920
74th Annual Meeting, Board of Trustees and Committees, (2 of 2), December 1, 1987-February1, 1988
Box 920
Executive Committee meeting, Merrill House, New York, April 6, 1988 November 1, 1987-April 1, 1988, April 6, 1988, November 1, 1987-April 1, 1988
Box 920
74th Semi-Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees and Committees, Merrill House, New York, June 15, 1988-By-laws amended and restated with vote, May 1, 1988-July 1, 1988
Box 920
74th Semi-Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees and Committees, Merrill House, New York, June 15, 1988 May 1, 1981-June 1, 1988, June 15, 1988, May 1, 1981-June 1, 1988
Box 920
Executive Committee meeting, Merrill House, New York, November 10, 1988 October 1, 1988-November 1, 1988, November 10, 1988, October 1, 1988-November 1, 1988
Box 920
75th Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees and Committees, Merrill House, New York, January 26, 1989 June 1, 1988-February1, 1989, January 26, 1989, June 1, 1988-February1, 1989
Box 920
75th Semi-Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees and Committees, Merrill House, New York, May 12, 1989 April 1, 1989-June 1, 1989, May 12, 1989, April 1, 1989-June 1, 1989
Box 921
Mailing to trustees after 75th Semi-Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees and Committees, Merrill House, New York, May 12, 1989 July 1, 1989-December 1, 1989, May 12, 1989, July 1, 1989-December 1, 1989
Box 921
Executive Committee meeting, Merrill House, New York, November 9, 1989 November 1, 1989, November 9, 1989, November 1, 1989
Box 921
76th Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees and Committees, Merrill House, New York, January 25, 1990 November 1, 1989-January 1, 1990, January 25, 1990, November 1, 1989-January 1, 1990
Box 921
76th Semi-Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees and Committees, Merrill House, New York, May 22, 1990 June 1, 1988-August 1, 1990, May 22, 1990, June 1, 1988-August 1, 1990
Box 921
76th Semi-Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees and Committees, Merrill House, New York, May 22, 1990-Finance and Administration Committee Meeting, June 1, 1990
Box 921
77th Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees and Committees, Merrill House, New York, January 24, 1991 November 1, 1990-February1, 1991, January 24, 1991, November 1, 1990-February1, 1991
Box 921
Executive Committee meeting, Merrill House, New York, May 9, 1991 January 1, 1991-May 1, 1991, May 9, 1991, January 1, 1991-May 1, 1991
Box 921
77th Semi-Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees and Committees, Merrill House, New York, May 23, 1991 January 1, 1991-September 1, 1991, May 23, 1991, January 1, 1991-September 1, 1991
Box 921
78th Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees and Committees, Merrill House, New York, January 23, 1992 (1 of 2), November 1, 1991-February1, 1992, January 23, 1992, November 1, 1991-February1, 1992
Box 922
78th Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees and Committees, Merrill House, New York, January 23, 1992 (1 of 2), November 1, 1991-February1, 1992, January 23, 1992, November 1, 1991-February1, 1992
Box 922
Election of Mrs. Halaby, Jane Allison to the Board, March1, 1992-May 1, 1992
Box 922
Executive Committee Meeting, Merrill House, New York, May 15, 1992 April 1, 1992-May 1, 1992, May 15, 1992, April 1, 1992-May 1, 1992
Box 922
78th Semi-Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees and Committees, Merrill House, New York, May 21, 1992 January 1, 1992-May 1, 1992, May 21, 1992, January 1, 1992-May 1, 1992
Box 922
Ad Hoc Committee Meeting, Merrill House, New York, June 16, 1992 June 1, 1992, June 16, 1992, June 1, 1992
Box 922
Executive Committee Meeting, Merrill House, New York, September 30, 1992 December 1, 1991-September 1, 1992, September 30, 1992, December 1, 1991-September 1, 1992
Box 922
Executive Committee Meeting, Merrill House, New York, November 20, 1992 May 1, 1992-November 1, 1992, November 20, 1992, May 1, 1992-November 1, 1992
Box 922
79th Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees and Committees, Merrill House, New York, January 28, 1993 June 1, 1988-January 1, 1993, January 28, 1993, June 1, 1988-January 1, 1993
Box 922
Executive Committee Meeting, Merrill House, New York, May 25, 1993 May 1, 1993, May 25, 1993, May 1, 1993
Box 922
79th Semi-Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees and Committees, Merrill House, New York, June 3, 1993 April 1, 1993-September 1, 1993, June 3, 1993, April 1, 1993-September 1, 1993
Box 922
80th Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees and Committees, Merrill House, New York, January 27, 1994 June 1, 1993-May 1, 1994, January 27, 1994, June 1, 1993-May 1, 1994
Box 923
Executive Committee Meeting, Merrill House, New York, March15, 1994 February1, 1994-April 1, 1994, March15, 1994, February1, 1994-April 1, 1994
Box 923
80th Semi-Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees and Committees, May 26, 1994 January 1, 1994-July 1, 1994, May 26, 1994, January 1, 1994-July 1, 1994
Box 923
Executive Committee Meeting, Merrill House, New York, August 18, 1994 June 1, 1994-December 1, 1994, August 18, 1994, June 1, 1994-December 1, 1994
Box 923
Myers, Robert J. / Memos to Board of Trustees, February1, 1993-December 1, 1994
Box 923
65th Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees and Committees / Long-Range Planning Committee meeting, Merrill House, New York, January 24, 1979 January 1, 1979 CRIA in financial crisis, January 24, 1979, January 1, 1979
Box 923
65th Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees and Committees / Financial Resources Committee meeting, Merrill House, New York, January 24, 1979 January 1, 1979, January 24, 1979, January 1, 1979
Box 923
65th Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees and Committees / Human Resources Committee meeting, Merrill House, New York, January 24, 1979 January 1, 1978-February1, 1979, January 24, 1979, January 1, 1978-February1, 1979
Box 923
65th Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees and Committees / Program Committee meeting, Merrill House, New York, January 24, 1979 January 1, 1979, January 24, 1979, January 1, 1979
Box 923
65th Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees and Committees / Executive Committee meeting, Merrill House, New York, January 25, 1979 January 1, 1979-March1, 1979, January 25, 1979, January 1, 1979-March1, 1979
Box 930
65th Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees and Committees, Merrill House, New York, January 25, 1979 January 1, 1979-April 1, 1979, January 25, 1979, January 1, 1979-April 1, 1979
Box 930
Executive Committee Meetings (including Designated Committee of Executive Committee), Merrill House, New York, January -May, 1979 January 1, 1979-May 1, 1979, January -May, 1979, January 1, 1979-May 1, 1979
Box 931
Executive Committee Meetings (including Designated Committee of Executive Committee), Merrill House, New York, January -May, 1979 January 1, 1979-May 1, 1979, January -May, 1979, January 1, 1979-May 1, 1979
Box 931
Staff Memos and Meetings, Merrill House, New York, January -March, 1979 January 1, 1979-March1, 1979, January -March, 1979, January 1, 1979-March1, 1979
Box 931
Brauer, Jerald C, Chairman of the Board--memoranda and correspondence with the Board of Trustees, January 1, 1978-December 1, 1979
Box 931
Financial Documents presented to the Board of Trustees, 1979 February1, 1973-September 1, 1979, 1979, February1, 1973-September 1, 1979
Box 931
Financial Statement Presented to the Board of Trustees, April 18, 1979 April 1, 1979, April 18, 1979
Box 931
65th Semi-Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees and Committees, Program Committee meeting, Merrill House, New York, June 24, 1979 June 1, 1979-October 1, 1979, June 24, 1979, June 1, 1979-October 1, 1979
Box 931
65th Semi-Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees and Committees, Financial Resources Committee meeting, Merrill House, New York, June 24, 1979 June 1, 1979, June 24, 1979, June 1, 1979
Box 931
65th Semi-Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees and Committees, Long-Range Planning Committee meeting, Merrill House, New York, June 25, 1979 March1, 1979, June 25, 1979, March1, 1979
Box 931
65th Semi-Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees and Committees, Executive Committee meeting, Merrill House, New York, June 24, 1979 June 1, 1979, June 24, 1979, June 1, 1979
Box 931
65th Semi-Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees and Committees, Human Resources Committee meeting, Merrill House, New York, June 24, 1979 May 1, 1979-August 1, 1979, June 24, 1979, May 1, 1979-August 1, 1979
Box 931
65th Semi-Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees and Committees, Merrill House, New York, June 25, 1979 (1 of 2), January 1, 1979-June 1, 1979, June 25, 1979, January 1, 1979-June 1, 1979
Box 932
65th Semi-Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees and Committees, Merrill House, New York, June 25, 1979 (2 of 2), January 1, 1979-June 1, 1979, June 25, 1979, January 1, 1979-June 1, 1979
Box 932
Executive Committee Meeting, Merrill House, New York, August 23, 1979 August 1, 1979, August 23, 1979, August 1, 1979
Box 932
Executive and Search Committee Meetings, Merrill House, New York, October 18, 1979 September 1, 1979-October 1, 1979, October 18, 1979, September 1, 1979-October 1, 1979
Box 932
Search Committee Meeting, Merrill House, New York, November 29, 1979 November 1, 1979, November 29, 1979, November 1, 1979
Box 932
Miscellaneous board and committees minutes, correspondence and by-laws, October 1, 1967-May 1, 1980
IX.B: Presidential Search Committee
Box 932
Presidential Search Committee-Correspondence, and materials on candidates, 1993-1994 June 8, 1905-July 1, 1994, 1993-1994, June 8, 1905-July 1, 1994
Box 924
Presidential Search Committee-Correspondence, and materials on candidates, 1993-1994 June 8, 1905-July 1, 1994, 1993-1994, June 8, 1905-July 1, 1994
Box 924
Presidential Search Committee-Vote, July -August, 1994 July 1, 1994-August 1, 1994, July -August, 1994, July 1, 1994-August 1, 1994
IX.C: Trustees Individual Files
Box 925
Bell, Kathleen, March1, 1982-May 1, 1989
Box 925
Bennett, John C., November 1, 1956-May 1, 1995
Box 925
Bent, Bruce, September 1, 1985-February1, 1996
Box 925
Bingham, June, January 1, 1977-February1, 1990
Box 925
Blackford, Staige D., January 1, 1980-August 1, 1991
Box 925
Brademas, John, March1, 1981-October 1, 1992
Box 925
Brand, Cabell, January 1, 1976-February1, 1993
Box 925
Brauer, Gerald C., May 1, 1967-February1, 1994
Box 926
Buultjens, E. Ralph, December 1, 1977-September 1, 1995
Box 926
Cox, Edward F., May 1, 1994-April 1, 1997
Box 926
Craven, J. Howard, February1, 1972-December 1, 1980
Box 926
Davis, Edgar G., January 1, 1982-June 1, 1991
Box 926
Ehrlich, Burtt R., April 1, 1984-May 1, 1990
Box 926
Fields, W. C., December 1, 1971-December 1, 1987
Box 926
Fredericks, J. Wayne, January 1, 1981-December 1, 1986
Box 926
Gardiner, Arthur, December 1, 1987
Box 926
Gayden, William K., May 1, 1985-December 1, 1991
Box 926
Geyer, Alan, Undated
Box 926
Gilbert, Jarobin Jr., May 1, 1995-December 1, 1995
Box 926
Gilmore, Robert, August 1, 1967-January 1, 1993
Box 926
Gilpin, Robert, August 1, 1987-December 1, 1991
Box 926
Good, Robert C., April 1, 1980
Box 926
Gordis, Robert, June 1, 1958-January 1, 1992
Box 926
Halaby, Alison, February1, 1994-July 1, 1996
Box 926
Harrison, Gilbert A., March1, 1985-February1, 1988
Box 926
Hehir, Bryan J., [December 1989]
Box 926
Holmes, Diana, September 1, 1981-December 1, 1995
Box 926
Hummel, Arthur W., November 1, 1981-November 1, 1992
Box 926
Hunt, George W., November 1, 1984-May 1, 1991
Box 926
Livingston, W. Putnam, June 1, 1960-July 1, 1988
Box 927
Muller, Helen M., January 1, 1977-November 1, 1995
Box 927
O'Hare, Joseph A., June 1, 1976-January 1, 1996
Box 927
Picker, Jean, December 1, 1972-June 1, 1990
Box 928
Proctor, Samuel DeWitt, October 1, 1969-October 1, 1991
Box 928
Read, David H. S., February1, 1982-December 1, 1989
Box 928
Roosevelt, Curtis, January 1, 1978-July 1, 1991
Box 928
See, Charles B., December 1, 1982-December 1, 1992
Box 928
Sigur, Gaston J., March1, 1984-December 1, 1990
Box 928
Smith, F. Randall, July 1, 1980-January 1, 1995
Box 928
Solomon, Richard, December 1, 1986-June 1, 1988
Box 928
Steans, Harrison I., December 1, 1991
Box 928
Thompson, Kenneth W., December 1, 1956-December 1, 1993
Box 929
Wain, Philip, June 1, 1966-December 1, 1991
Box 929
Wall, James M., January 1, 1977-August 1, 1991
Box 929
Watson, James, January 1, 1986-September 1, 1989
Box 929
Williams, Eddie, May 1, 1985-December 1, 1991
IX.D: Financial Materials
Box 929
Development Fund Donors Journal, June 1, 1974-February1, 1976
Box 933
General Ledger, May 21, 1905-May 26, 1905
Box 932
The Church Peace Union Financials / Securities Sold, April 11, 1905-May 5, 1905
Box 934
Council on Religion and International Affairs Financials / Closed Sheets, Securities Sold, April 30, 1905-May 17, 1905
IX.E: Fundraising and Reports
Box 934
Development Reports and contribution lists, May 17, 1905-May 23, 1905
Box 934
Project reports, 1981-1986 "When Church and State Go Abroad", "The Church and International Economic Development", "Sanctuary Politics and the Shaping of American Refugee Policy"., June 3, 1905-June 8, 1905, 1981-1986, June 3, 1905-June 8, 1905
Box 934
Fundraising for "Conversations" program, September -November, 1973 September 1, 1973-November 1, 1973, September -November, 1973, September 1, 1973-November 1, 1973
Box 935
Fundraising for Foreign Policy Association's "Great Decisions" program / Seminar on "Identifying Human Values", Merrill House, New York, April 17, 1979 November 1, 1978-May 1, 1979, April 17, 1979, November 1, 1978-May 1, 1979
Box 935
Fundraising for Conference "Identifying Human Values", Indianapolis, Indiana, 1979 November 1, 1978-June 1, 1979, 1979, November 1, 1978-June 1, 1979
Box 935
Lutheran Institute for Theological Education (LITE) /CRIA Foreign Policy Seminar, May 31-June 1, 1978-report and participants' evaluations, May 1, 1978-June 1, 1978, May 31-June 1, 1978, May 1, 1978-June 1, 1978
Box 935
Sarah Scaife Foundation / rejection of grant for CRIA's Educational Programs-correspondence, October 1, 1975-October 1, 1976
Box 935
Funds denied, USA -- correspondence, May 1, 1975-May 1, 1976
Box 935
Charles F. Kettering Foundation-correspondence on grants and proposals, May 1, 1975-July 1, 1976
Box 935
Hazen Foundation-correspondence on grants and proposals, July 1, 1976-December 1, 1976
Box 935
Correspondence on grants and proposals with Amter, Joseph, Executive Director of Peace Research Organization Fund, June 1, 1970-April 1, 1976
Box 935
Fundraising for "Great Decisions" program in Cleveland, Ohio, December 1, 1977-July 1, 1978
Box 935
CRIA and Scarritt College for Christian Workers funded Consultation "Discovering New China: Implications for America", Nashville, Tennessee, November 7-11, 1977-cancelled, March1, 1976-October 1, 1977, November 7-11, 1977, March1, 1976-October 1, 1977
Box 935
United States Information Agency (USIA) Grant Application for NATO Youth Exchange Initiative, 1987 January 1, 1987-March1, 1987, 1987, January 1, 1987-March1, 1987
Box 935
Fundraising for Education Programs, 1979 May 1, 1979-June 1, 1979, 1979, May 1, 1979-June 1, 1979
Box 935
CRIA Media Development Plan Proposal to National Endowment for the Humanities, 1979 June 1, 1978-September 1, 1978, 1979, June 1, 1978-September 1, 1978
Box 935
Lilly Endowment-Correspondence and proposals, April 1, 1975-October 1, 1976
Box 936
National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) Grant Application: Citizens' Analysis of Foreign Policy Values, 1978-1979-denied, August 1, 1975-June 1, 1978
Box 936
President's Commission on Foreign Language and International Studies, December 1, 1978-January 1, 1979
Box 936
Articles on Ethics, Leadership and Moral Responsibility, May 15, 1905-May 20, 1905
Box 936
Fundraising Decisions, 1958-1989 June 1, 1958-July 1, 1989, 1958-1989, June 1, 1958-July 1, 1989
Box 936
Religion and Global Economics Study Group sessions, February-May, 1981 September 1, 1980-May 1, 1981, February-May, 1981, September 1, 1980-May 1, 1981
Box 936
CRIA Annual Report, 1982 July 1, 1982-January 1, 1983, 1982, July 1, 1982-January 1, 1983
Box 936
Fundraising / 75th Anniversary, June 10, 1905-June 11, 1905
Box 937
Fundraising / 75th Anniversary, June 10, 1905-June 11, 1905
Box 937
75th Anniversary Celebration, May 11, 1989 the Pierre Hotel, August 1, 1984-May 1, 1989, May 11, 1989, August 1, 1984-May 1, 1989
Box 937
The Marshall Task Force Report on "Developing Countries and Transnational Enterprises", January 1, 1980-March1, 1980
Box 937
Emerging problems in the field of International Affairs, September 1, 1968-December 1, 1968
Box 937
Luncheon on "Participation of more African Americans in CRIA programs, Merrill House, New York, May 3, 1973 March1, 1973-May 1, 1973, May 3, 1973, March1, 1973-May 1, 1973
Box 937
Report of the Publications Committee to Annual Meeting of the American Society of Christian Ethics, January 1969 January 1, 1968-January 1, 1970, January 1969, January 1, 1968-January 1, 1970
Box 937
Compliments for CRIA, July 1, 1969-March1, 1973
Box 937
Biography data for seminar speakers, April 1, 1968-September 1, 1973 Friends of CRIA, April 1, 1968-September 1, 1973
Box 937
Notes to Trustees and Honorary Trustees from the President's desk, April 1, 1965-April 1, 1979 Folder 1 of 4, April 1, 1965-April 1, 1979
Box 938
Notes to Trustees and Honorary Trustees from the President's desk, April 1, 1965-April 1, 1979 Folders 2-4 of 4, April 1, 1965-April 1, 1979
Box 938
Notes to Friends of CRIA from the President's desk, September 1, 1968-June 1, 1973 Folder 1 of 2, September 1, 1968-June 1, 1973
Box 939
Notes to Friends of CRIA from the President's desk, September 1, 1968-June 1, 1973 Folder 2 of 2, September 1, 1968-June 1, 1973
Box 939
Trustee and Other Donors, September 1, 1965-February1, 1976
Box 939
Fundraising for CRIA programs, March1, 1967-September 1, 1970 Includes correspondence and contributions from Pate, Martha, March1, 1967-September 1, 1970
Box 939
Scholars-in-residence program 1984 initiated with the contribution from Boveri, Brown, January 1, 1984-February1, 1986, 1984, January 1, 1984-February1, 1986
Box 939
Correspondence on the matching grant of $10,000 by Irwin-Sweeney-Miller Foundation for "A Seminar on the Ethics of Investment", September 24-26, Airlie House, Warenton, Virginia, June 1, 1971-October 1, 1972
Box 939
CRIA letters to foundations, 1977-1978 March1, 1977-August 1, 1972, 1977-1978, March1, 1977-August 1, 1972
Box 939
CRIA reports on financial statements, 1982-1983 June 1, 1982-June 1, 1983, 1982-1983, June 1, 1982-June 1, 1983
Box 939
CRIA annual reports, 1984-1986 June 1, 1984-June 1, 1986, 1984-1986, June 1, 1984-June 1, 1986
Box 940
Correspondence with requests for funding for 1982 December 1, 1981-November 1, 1982, 1982, December 1, 1981-November 1, 1982
Box 940
Correspondence on the pending funding from foundations, February1, 1976-December 1, 1983
Box 940
Fundraising letter to Trustees, December 1982 December 1, 1982, December 1982, December 1, 1982
Box 940
Contributions to CRIA and fundraising correspondence, August 1, 1984-March1, 1991
IX.F: Asian Programs (continued later at Box 1034)
Box 940
"The Good Society: East and West", 1995 CCEIA and Uehiro Foundation on Ethics and Education, February1, 1995-June 1, 1995, 1995, February1, 1995-June 1, 1995
Box 940
"The Good Society: East and West". A comparative study of the U.S. and Japan, planning meeting, Merrill House, New York, November 23, 1994 February1, 1994-December 1, 1994, November 23, 1994, February1, 1994-December 1, 1994
Box 940
"The Good Society: East and West" / correspondence, April 1, 1995-May 1, 1996
Box 940
Moral Education I, II and III, June 14, 1905-June 15, 1905 Publications containing articles on Japan, June 14, 1905-June 15, 1905
Box 940
Maruyama, Noboru / The Days in Mourning, June 19, 1905
Box 941
Publications on Japan, January 1, 1995-June 19, 1905
Box 941
"The Good Society: East and West"-correspondence with Uehiro Foundation on Ethics and Education, April 1, 1990-January 1, 1995
Box 941
"The Good Society: East and West"/ correspondence on welcoming new International Honorary Trustee-Uehiro, Eiji, August 1, 1993-July 1, 1996
Box 941
CCEIA and Uehiro Foundation on Ethics and Education--Fifth Annual Conference on Moral Education in the United States and Japan--"Science and Ethics: Is Genetic Research the Hope for the Future?", Cold Spring Harbor, New York, November 20-22, 1994 May 1, 1993-December 1, 1994, November 20-22, 1994, May 1, 1993-December 1, 1994
Box 941
CCEIA and the Uehiro Foundation on Ethics and Education--Conference "Education in the U.S. and Japan", Merrill House, New York, December 7-11, 1990 May 1, 1990-July 1, 1991, December 7-11, 1990, May 1, 1990-July 1, 1991
Box 941
Uehiro Foundation on Ethics and Education / 10th Anniversary, Kayu Kaikan, May 8, 1997 April 1, 1997-May 1, 1997, May 8, 1997, April 1, 1997-May 1, 1997
Box 941
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. and Elizabeth Watson Myers' Visit to Taiwan, November 25-27, 1993 January 1, 1993-December 1, 1993, November 25-27, 1993, January 1, 1993-December 1, 1993
Box 942
"A New Symbol for a New Age" / Myers, Robert's speech for the Tokyo conference, November 14-15, 1991 October 1, 1990-May 1, 1993, November 14-15, 1991, October 1, 1990-May 1, 1993
Box 942
Continuity and Change in Contemporary Korea: The Impact of Democratic Reform, New York, June 14-15, 1994 July 1, 1993-March1, 1996, June 14-15, 1994, July 1, 1993-March1, 1996
Box 942
US-Taiwan Policy Consultation Conference, New York, December 9-10, 1994 December 1, 1994, December 9-10, 1994
Box 942
Reporting Objectively on the Korean Peninsula, New York, December 13-14, 1993 December 1, 1993 Folder 1 of 2, December 13-14, 1993, December 1, 1993
Box 943
Reporting Objectively on the Korean Peninsula, New York, December 13-14, 1993 December 1, 1993 Folder 2 of 2, December 13-14, 1993, December 1, 1993
Box 943
Opening Relations with North Korea: The Human Rights Agenda, New York, December 14, 1994 April 1, 1993-December 1, 1994 Contains a floppy disk, December 14, 1994, April 1, 1993-December 1, 1994
Box 943
Potential Proposals for Korea Foundation-correspondence, November 1, 1990-February1, 1994 Contains 2 photographs, November 1, 1990-February1, 1994
Box 943
International Conference on Korea's Democratic Experiment, Seoul, Korea, June 27-28, 1991 June 1, 1991, June 27-28, 1991, June 1, 1991
Box 943
Seminar on the Korean Peninsula after Kim II Sung, Merrill House, New York, July 21, 1994 July 1, 1994-August 1, 1994, July 21, 1994, July 1, 1994-August 1, 1994
Box 943
Young, Lee Bu Dinner, Lotos Club, October 7, 1994 September 1, 1994-October 1, 1994, October 7, 1994, September 1, 1994-October 1, 1994
Box 943
Farewell Luncheon for the Honorable Hyun, Hong-Choo, Permanent Observer of the Republic of Korea to the United Nations, Merrill House, New York, February25, 1991 February1, 1991, February25, 1991, February1, 1991
Box 943
"Economic Development, Public Health, and Environmental Protection: Public Responsibilities for the Human and Natural Future", New York, January 10, 1991 January 1, 1991-January 1, 1992, January 10, 1991, January 1, 1991-January 1, 1992
Box 943
Asian Programs Luncheon Seminar / "Taiwan's United Nations Bid: Is It is Beijing's Interest?", Merrill House, New York, November 16, 1994 October 1, 1994-November 1, 1994, November 16, 1994, October 1, 1994-November 1, 1994
Box 943
Japan Programs Private Breakfast, Merrill House, New York, May 3, 1994 Guest of Honor-Iokibe, Makoto-Professor of History, Kobe University, April 1, 1994-May 1, 1994, May 3, 1994, April 1, 1994-May 1, 1994
Box 943
Research Institute for Peace and Security (RIPS), and Sasagawa Peace Foundation (SPF) / project "Japan, the United States, China, and East Asia", 1994 July 1, 1994-October 1, 1994 CCEIA declined funding, 1994, July 1, 1994-October 1, 1994
Box 943
Japan Programs private breakfast with the Honorable Matsuda, Iwao / Merrill House, New York, October 25, 1994., September 1, 1994-October 1, 1994
Box 943
Conference on the Republic of China and the United Nations, Merrill House, New York, October 25-26, 1993 October 1, 1993, October 25-26, 1993, October 1, 1993
Box 943
American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS) / Planning meeting "Hegemony or Community: China's Role in East Asia's New Century", Merrill House, New York, September 5, 1995 October 1, 1994-April 1, 1995 Proposal declined by Joint Committee on Chinese Studies, September 5, 1995, October 1, 1994-April 1, 1995
Box 943
Sasakawa Peace Foundation and CCEIA / High Level U.S.-Japan-Russia Commission for the Promotion of Democratic Culture in the Former Soviet Union, 1992 March1, 1992-December 1, 1992, 1992, March1, 1992-December 1, 1992
Box 944
CCEIA and The International Cultural Society of Korea / Korea's Place in the World, Merrill House, New York, June 25-26, 1990 June 1, 1990, June 25-26, 1990, June 1, 1990
Box 944
Book "Korea's New Challenges and Kim Young Sam" / edited by Sigur, Christopher J., January 1, 1993-January 1, 1994
Box 944
Dinner panel discussion "Prospects for Peace and economic Growth in Korea: An Expert Assessment", Merrill House, New York, February23, 1995 January 1, 1995-February1, 1995, February23, 1995, January 1, 1995-February1, 1995
Box 944
Asia Programs Panel Discussion / Korea as an Emerging Middle Power, Merrill House, New York, February27, 1992 June 1, 1988-March1, 1992 Contains photographs, February27, 1992, June 1, 1988-March1, 1992
Box 944
Berger, Peter "The Spirit of Asian Capitalism"-project proposals, 1982-1985
Box 944
International Symposium "In Search of an East Asian Development Model", Merrill House, New York, June 28-30, 1985 October 1, 1984-July 1, 1985, June 28-30, 1985, October 1, 1984-July 1, 1985
Box 945
CCEIA and Asia and World Institute / International Symposium "In Search of an East Asian Development Model", Merrill House, New York, June 28-30, 1985 Contains a book "In Search of an East Asian Development Model", edited by Berger, Peter L., and Hsiao, Hsin-Huang Michael, June 1, 1985-January 1, 1987, June 28-30, 1985, June 1, 1985-January 1, 1987
Box 945
Fifth Tamkang American Studies Conference, Taipei, Taiwan, November 27-30, 1988 February1, 1988-April 1, 1989, November 27-30, 1988, February1, 1988-April 1, 1989
Box 946
Lists of participants of conferences and programs on China, 1980 November 1, 1980-January 1, 1981, 1980, November 1, 1980-January 1, 1981
Box 946
Chinese Delegations Dinner, Merrill House, New York, June 26, 1982 April 1, 1982-July 1, 1982, June 26, 1982, April 1, 1982-July 1, 1982
Box 946
China Christian Council / Conference "Religion and World Peace", July, 1982-cancelled, May 1, 1981-March1, 1982
Box 946
Conference "The Exchange of Moral and Intellectual Commodities Between China and the United States" / Napa Valley, Midwest, New York City and Washington D.C., June 1981 June 1, 1980-December 1, 1982, June 1981, June 1, 1980-December 1, 1982
Box 946
Correspondence on various programs and conferences on China, June 1, 1966-April 1, 1982
Box 946
Scholar-in-Residence Zhengqing, Hu, July -August, 1982 March1, 1982-August 1, 1982, July -August, 1982, March1, 1982-August 1, 1982
Box 946
Letters inquiring about possible questions for the dialogue on China-U.S. relations, June 1981 November 1, 1980, June 1981, November 1, 1980
Box 946
Klopfer, Ulrike's handwritten notebook on China, Undated
Box 946
Dinner reception hosted by Muller, Helen, dedicated to the improvement of U.S.-China relations, New York, June 23, 1983 May 1, 1983-June 1, 1983, June 23, 1983, May 1, 1983-June 1, 1983
Box 947
The Carnegie Leadership Program and the Institute for International Studies, Beijing / conference "U.S.-China Relations: Prospects and Limitations", Merrill House, New York, June 22-24, 1983-cancelled, July 1, 1980-June 1, 1983, June 22-24, 1983, July 1, 1980-June 1, 1983
Box 947
"In the Spirit of Toynbee: A Centennial Celebration", Barbizon Hotel, New York, April 17, 1989 January 1, 1989-April 1, 1989, April 17, 1989, January 1, 1989-April 1, 1989
Box 947
"Roots of South Korean Radicalism: Cause and Effect", 1989-project proposal, June 1, 1989-July 1, 1989
Box 947
Conference "China and the World in the Nineties", Beijing, May 28-June 2, 1988 January 1, 1988-December 1, 1988, May 28-June 2, 1988, January 1, 1988-December 1, 1988
Box 947
Conference "Democracy and Political Institutions", Seoul, Korea, July 8-9, 1988 April 1, 1988-May 1, 1988, July 8-9, 1988, April 1, 1988-May 1, 1988
Box 947
Conference on the Application of Sun Yat-sen's Three Principles of the People to Reform communist China, Taiperi, November 24, 1987 May 1, 1987-July 1, 1988, November 24, 1987, May 1, 1987-July 1, 1988
Box 947
Miscellaneous correspondence on China, 1988-1994 January 1, 1988-April 1, 1994, 1988-1994, January 1, 1988-April 1, 1994
Box 947
Miscellaneous correspondence on Japan, 1990-1994 January 1, 1988-December 1, 1994, 1990-1994, January 1, 1988-December 1, 1994
Box 948
Miscellaneous correspondence on Korea, 1988-1995 January 1, 1988-January 1, 1995, 1988-1995, January 1, 1988-January 1, 1995
Box 948
President of International Cultural Society of Korea Seong-Jin Kim's Trip to New York, April 1, 1989-May 1, 1989
Box 948
18th International Conference of the Korean Institute of International Studies on "New Order in Asia and Pacific Basin"--Choi, Chong-Ki-President of Korean Institute of International Studies, December 1, 1988-April 1, 1989
Box 948
South Korea and the United States: Values in Conflict, Merrill House, New York, July 22-23, 1981 April 1, 1980-August 1, 1981, July 22-23, 1981, April 1, 1980-August 1, 1981
Box 948
South Korea and the United States: Values in Conflict, Merrill House, New York, July 22-23, 1981 April 1, 1980-August 1, 1981, July 22-23, 1981, April 1, 1980-August 1, 1981
Box 948
Ilhae Foundation and CCEIA / conference "Experiments in Democracy-the Pacific Community Experience", Seoul, Korea, July 3-4, 1987 April 1, 1987-January 1, 1988, July 3-4, 1987, April 1, 1987-January 1, 1988
Box 950
Seminar on Korea: The Forgotten War / Barbizon Hotel, New York, June 22, 1988 May 1, 1988-June 1, 1988, June 22, 1988, May 1, 1988-June 1, 1988
Box 950
Pacific Cultural Foundation / conference "Evolution of Democracy in China", New York, December 14, 1989 January 1, 1989-April 1, 1990, December 14, 1989, January 1, 1989-April 1, 1990
Box 951
Photographs from U.S.-Japan briefings for Magaziner, 1990 August 1, 1990 Includes photographs, 1990, August 1, 1990
Box 951
The Asia Foundation / conference "Managing the threats to the Global Environment", Berlin, October 1990 March1, 1989-March1, 1990, October 1990, March1, 1989-March1, 1990
Box 951
Asian Population and Development Association / The International Disaster Soliadarity Fund, Tokyo, Japan, 1991-project proposal, January 1, 1991
Box 951
Kim, Byoung-Lo Philo / Two Koreas in Development-proposal for presentation at CCEIA breakfast, 1990 November 1, 1990-December 1, 1990, 1990, November 1, 1990-December 1, 1990
Box 951
Korean Government Overseas Fellowship program for Park, Johngseh, February1, 1990-April 1, 1991 Contains a photograph, February1, 1990-April 1, 1991
Box 951
Reisman, Michael / "The 1991 Elections in Taiwan: Uncertain Moves Toward Constitutional Democracy"-proposal for a paper presentation, April 1, 1992, 1991, April 1, 1992
Box 951
Train, John's visit to China, May 1992 March1, 1992-April 1, 1992, May 1992, March1, 1992-April 1, 1992
Box 951
The Asia Society, and Coordination Council for North American Affairs / Luncheon in honor of Lin, Bih-Jaw; Hu, Jason Chih-Chiang; and Chen, Yu-Chun, New York, July 25, 1989 July 1, 1989, July 25, 1989, July 1, 1989
Box 951
International Conference on Hainan: Economic Development in Harmony with the Natural Environment, July 16, 1990 July 1, 1990-September 1, 1990, July 16, 1990, July 1, 1990-September 1, 1990
Box 951
International Conference on the History of Science and Technology in Modern China, Tsing-Hua University, Hsinchu, August 25-27, 1990 February1, 1988-November 1, 1990, August 25-27, 1990, February1, 1988-November 1, 1990
Box 951
Conference "Hong-Kong Reconsidered", Taipei, April 15-16, 1991-Correspondence, March1, 1990-November 1, 1990, April 15-16, 1991, March1, 1990-November 1, 1990
Box 951
Hill and Knowlton Japan Ltd. / conference on the Joint Forum for Philippine Progress, Manila, January 17-20, 1990 May 1, 1989-December 1, 1989, January 17-20, 1990, May 1, 1989-December 1, 1989
Box 951
Conversation program "Northeast Asia and the Korean Peninsula: A Time for Transition?", New York, November 16, 1989 October 1, 1989-November 1, 1989 Guest speaker-Sigur, Gaston, November 16, 1989, October 1, 1989-November 1, 1989
Box 951
Philippine American Foundation / "Database and Directory of U.S.-based Non-Governmental Institutions Working in the Philippines"-proposal, March1, 1990
Box 951
Establishment of "Information and Education Networks"-proposal, Undated
Box 951
Sasakawa Peace Foundation / Goals and Choices in Japan-U.S.-European Relations: The Question of Leadership Values / March1990-declined, June 1, 1989-September 1, 1991
Box 951
Worldview Breakfast Program / American Policy towards Asia's New Dragons: A View from Thailand / Merrill House, New York, April 13, 1990 February1, 1990-March1, 1990, April 13, 1990, February1, 1990-March1, 1990
Box 951
US-Philippine Business Committee / Briefing on Business Opportunities in the Philippines, Merrill House, New York, June 27, 1990 June 1, 1990, June 27, 1990, June 1, 1990
Box 951
CCEIA Asian Department Correspondence-Chronological, September -December, 1989 September 1, 1989-December 1, 1989, September -December, 1989, September 1, 1989-December 1, 1989
Box 952
CCEIA Asian Department Correspondence-Chronological, July -August, 1989 July 1, 1989-August 1, 1989, July -August, 1989, July 1, 1989-August 1, 1989
Box 952
CCEIA Asian Department Correspondence-Alphabetical, 1988-1991 June 10, 1905-June 13, 1905, 1988-1991, June 10, 1905-June 13, 1905
Box 953
Joint Forum for Philippine Progess (JFPP), Honolulu, Hawaii, February9-11, 1989 February1, 1989, February9-11, 1989, February1, 1989
Box 953
Japan-U.S. Relations and the American Black Community, Christian Theological Seminary, Indianapolis, Indiana, December 8-9, 1988 December 1, 1988, December 8-9, 1988, December 1, 1988
Box 953
Japan Programs Private Breakfast Series / "The Implications of the New Political Situation in Japan for United States-Japan Relations", New York, November, 1993 November 1, 1993-January 1, 1994, November, 1993, November 1, 1993-January 1, 1994
Box 954
Korea's Place in the World, New York, June 25-26, 1990 June 1, 1990, June 25-26, 1990
Box 954
George Washington University / Schlossstein, Steven, B. / US/Japan Economic Agenda / Beyond "Revisionism": Being realistic about Japan, Undated, Publication
Box 954
Reporting Objectively on the Korean Peninsula, New York, December 13-14, 1993 May 1, 1993-May 1, 1995 Includes Correspondence with Korea Foundation, December 13-14, 1993, May 1, 1993-May 1, 1995
Box 954
A Conference on U.S. and Korean Media Coverage of the Korean Peninsula, New York, December 13-14, 1993 June 1, 1993-December 1, 1993, December 13-14, 1993, June 1, 1993-December 1, 1993
Box 954
Korea Foundation and Japan Foundation Center for Global Partnership / Trilateral Forum on East Asian Security, 1993-Project proposal, January 1, 1992-May 1, 1993
Box 954
United States Information Agency / George Washington University-program proposals (Asia, Eastern Europe), July 1, 1979-October 1, 1991
Box 954
Association for Promotion of International Cooperation (APIC) / Huntington Review Symposium, Tokyo, Japan, November 7-9, 1994 January 1, 1994-February1, 1994, November 7-9, 1994, January 1, 1994-February1, 1994
Box 955
Joint Forum for Philippine Progess (JFPP), Manila, Philippines, January 28-30, 1990 June 1, 1988-November 1, 1990 Includes 4x6 color print photographs (24), January 28-30, 1990, June 1, 1988-November 1, 1990
Box 955
Phillip Morris International Inc. / Philippine Orchestra Tour, 1994 March1, 1994-May 1, 1994, 1994, March1, 1994-May 1, 1994
Box 955
PAIF Project (Philippine Agro-Industrial Fund)-proposals, correspondence, reports, March1, 1990-June 1, 1993
Box 956
PAIF Project (Philippine Agro-Industrial Fund)-proposals, correspondence, reports, March1, 1990-June 1, 1993
Box 957
PAIF Project (Philippine Agro-Industrial Fund)-proposals, correspondence, reports, March1, 1990-June 1, 1993
Box 957
US-Japan Economic Agenda / Newsletters on Joint Forum for Philippine Progress, June 7, 1905-June 14, 1905 Publications, June 7, 1905-June 14, 1905
Box 957
Narrative and Financial Report on Asian Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions for Pew Charitable Trusts, May 13, 1992 March1, 1992-May 1, 1992, May 13, 1992, March1, 1992-May 1, 1992
Box 957
Seminar on Korea: the Forgotten War / Seminar Proceedings, Barbizon Hotel, New York, June 22, 1988 June 1, 1988 Publication (3 copies), June 22, 1988, June 1, 1988
Box 957
International Conference on Korea's Democratic Experiment, Seoul, Korea, June 27-28, 1991-correspondence, invoices, texts, publications, April 1, 1991-September 1, 1991, June 27-28, 1991, April 1, 1991-September 1, 1991
Box 958
Korea's Place in the World, Merrill House, New York, June 25-26, 1990-correspondence, budget, report, texts, bios, photos, January 1, 1990-December 1, 1991 Photos (5x7 b&w prints (12), contact sheets, June 25-26, 1990, January 1, 1990-December 1, 1991
Box 958
George Washington University / U.S. Policy Toward Japan in the Reagan Administration: Lessons for the 1990s Merrill House, New York, June 3-4, 1992 November 1, 1990-July 1, 1992, 1990s, June 3-4, 1992, November 1, 1990-July 1, 1992
Box 959
Conference "Democracy in Korea: The Roh Tae-woo Years", Merrill House, New York, June 22, 1992 March1, 1992-October 1, 1992 Photos (5x7 b&w prints (13), June 22, 1992, March1, 1992-October 1, 1992
Box 959
Seminar "Human Rights in North Korea", New York, November 13, 1992 July 1, 1992-November 1, 1992, November 13, 1992, July 1, 1992-November 1, 1992
Box 959
Seminar on "Taiwan's Political and Economic Development: Models for the Developing World", New York, July 10, 1995 July 1, 1995, July 10, 1995, July 1, 1995
Box 959
US-Taiwan Policy Consultation, 1995 May 1, 1995-August 1, 1995, 1995, May 1, 1995-August 1, 1995
Box 959
Conference "Republic of China in International Perspective", Merrill House, New York, October 30, 1992 February1, 1992-December 1, 1993, October 30, 1992, February1, 1992-December 1, 1993
Box 959
Korea Foundation / Forum for Security and Unification on the Korean Peninsula, 1995 February1, 1994-August 1, 1995, 1995, February1, 1994-August 1, 1995
Box 959
Peace and Stability in Korea: Prospects and Pitfalls, Merrill House, New York, October 31, 1995 September 1, 1995-November 1, 1995, October 31, 1995, September 1, 1995-November 1, 1995
Box 960
Ambassador Pelaez Luncheon-photographs, Undated
Box 960
U.S.-Japan Agricultural Conference, September 1990 August 1, 1990-September 1, 1990, September 1990, August 1, 1990-September 1, 1990
Box 960
First Annual U.S.-Japan Financial Markets Conference, New York, February25-26, 1988 April 1, 1987-November 1, 1989 Contains 11 photographs, February25-26, 1988, April 1, 1987-November 1, 1989
Box 960
Second Annual U.S.-Japan Financial Markets Conference, Kyoto, February13-14, 1989 January 1, 1989-February1, 1989, February13-14, 1989, January 1, 1989-February1, 1989
Box 960
Third U.S.-Japan Financial Markets Conference: Management Strategies for the 1990s Merrill House, New York, November 28-29, 1989 November 1, 1989-November 1, 1991, 1990s, November 28-29, 1989, November 1, 1989-November 1, 1991
Box 961
Fourth Annual U.S.-Japan Financial Markets Conference: Management Strategies of U.S.-Japan Financial Institutions under the New World Order, Osaka, Japan, October 24-25, 1990 August 1, 1990-February1, 1991 Contains a floppy disk and 4 photographs, October 24-25, 1990, August 1, 1990-February1, 1991
Box 961
Fifth Annual U.S.-Japan Financial Markets Conference: Corporate Strategies of U.S. and Japanese Financial Institutions in the Period of Financial Reform, Merrill House, New York, November 19-20, 1991 April 1, 1991-March1, 1992, November 19-20, 1991, April 1, 1991-March1, 1992
Box 961
Sixth Annual U.S.-Japan Financial Markets Conference, 1992 May 1, 1992-July 1, 1992, 1992, May 1, 1992-July 1, 1992
Box 961
Newsletters on Japan programs, U.S.-Japan Agricultural Conferences and U.S.-Japan Financial Markets Conferences, June 8, 1905-June 14, 1905
Box 961
Correspondence with Association for Promotion of International Cooperation (APIC) and Osaki Yukio Memorial Foundation about conferences on Japan, July 1, 1994-November 1, 1994
Box 961
Papers and materials presented to Association for Promotion of International Cooperation (APIC), June 16, 1905
Box 962
Correspondence on Japan Programs, 1983-1994 June 5, 1905-June 16, 1905, 1983-1994, June 5, 1905-June 16, 1905
Box 962
U.S-Japan Investment Panel, New York-proposal, 1986 August 1, 1986-September 1, 1986, 1986, August 1, 1986-September 1, 1986
Box 962
Free Trade or Fair Trade: The Options for the U.S.-Japan Economic Partnership-Proposal, March1985 February1, 1985-March1, 1985, March1985, February1, 1985-March1, 1985
Box 962
The Japan-United States Friendship Commission / U.S.-Japan Economic Agenda, September 1986-October 1987 June 7, 1905-June 9, 1905, September 1986-October 1987, June 7, 1905-June 9, 1905
Box 963
The Japan-United States Friendship Commission / U.S.-Japan Economic Agenda, September 1986-October 1987 June 7, 1905-June 9, 1905, September 1986-October 1987, June 7, 1905-June 9, 1905
Box 964
Southeast Asian Science Foundation, Inc. and Center for Research and Communication / U.S.-Japan-Philippines Project, 1989 July 1, 1988-March1, 1990, 1989, July 1, 1988-March1, 1990
Box 964
American Chamber of Commerce in the Philippines / the Joint Forum for Philippine Progess, Manila, Philippines, January 28-30, 1990-Blacker, Mark's speech, January 1, 1990-March1, 1990, January 28-30, 1990, January 1, 1990-March1, 1990
Box 964
US-Japan Foundation / Joint Forum for Philippine Progress-Grant proposal and budgets for first, second and third years, 1989-1991 June 10, 1905-June 13, 1905, 1989-1991, June 10, 1905-June 13, 1905
Box 964
Joint Forum for the Development of Philippines, Hawaii, February9-11, 1989 September 1, 1988-June 1, 1989, February9-11, 1989, September 1, 1988-June 1, 1989
Box 964
Joint Forum for Philippine Progress / Information and Education Networks, 1989 April 1, 1989-October 1, 1989, 1989, April 1, 1989-October 1, 1989
Box 964
Joint Forum for Philippine Progress / Potential Funders, 1989 January 1, 1989-September 1, 1989, 1989, January 1, 1989-September 1, 1989
Box 964
Joint Forum for Philippine Progress / State visit of Her Excellence Aquino, Corazon C. to the United States of America, November 8-11, 1989 August 1, 1989-November 1, 1989, November 8-11, 1989, August 1, 1989-November 1, 1989
Box 964
A Brief Guide to Investment in Philippines, 1991-2nd edition materials, April 1, 1990-September 1, 1991
Box 964
Sourcebook on Current Economic and Business Conditions in Philippines, 1990-materials, August 1, 1989-September 1, 1990
Box 964
Ethics and International Affairs in Japan: A Survey of University Curriculum-proposal to U.S.-Japan Friendship Commission, 1992 January 1, 1992-July 1, 1992, 1992, January 1, 1992-July 1, 1992
Box 964
Correspondence seeking additional funding for Joint Forum for Philippine Progress, 1989 July 1, 1989-August 1, 1989, 1989, July 1, 1989-August 1, 1989
Box 964
The United States and Japan in Southeast Asia, Merrill House, 1990 August 1, 1989-September 1, 1990, 1990, August 1, 1989-September 1, 1990
Box 964
Correspondence with Makati Business Club, 1989-1990 April 1, 1989-April 1, 1990, 1989-1990, April 1, 1989-April 1, 1990
Box 964
Joint Forum for Philippine Progress / Live-in Conference, Manila, Philippines, November 1989 September 1, 1988-April 1, 1989, November 1989, September 1, 1988-April 1, 1989
Box 964
Joint Forum for Philippine Progress / Manila Conference, Philippine Plaza Hotel, January 28-30, 1990 August 1, 1989-May 1, 1992, January 28-30, 1990, August 1, 1989-May 1, 1992
Box 965
Joint Forum for Philippine Progress / Manila Conference, Philippine Plaza Hotel, January 28-30, 1990 August 1, 1989-May 1, 1992, January 28-30, 1990, August 1, 1989-May 1, 1992
Box 965
Joint Forum for Philippine Progress / Meetings on June 5, 1989 July 27, 1989 and April 18, 1990 May 1, 1989-April 1, 1990, June 5, 1989, July 27, 1989, April 18, 1990, May 1, 1989-April 1, 1990
Box 965
Joint Forum for Philippine Progress-general documents, June 11, 1905
Box 965
Correspondence with Association for Promotion of International Cooperation (APIC) on Joint Forum for Philippine Progress, March1, 1988-February1, 1990
Box 965
First Philippine Dialogue for Science and Technology Projects, Roosevelt Hotel, New York, June 6-7, 1989 January 1, 1989-June 1, 1989, June 6-7, 1989, January 1, 1989-June 1, 1989
Box 965
Pew Charitable Trusts / Project to Support Center for Asian Democracy, 1992-correspondence, background, budget, April 1, 1990-May 1, 1994
Box 966
Pew Charitable Trusts / Project to Support Center for Asian Democracy, 1992-correspondence, background, budget, April 1, 1990-May 1, 1994
Box 966
U.S.-Japan Foundation / A Joint Project on U.S., Japan and the Philippines, 1988 June 10, 1905-June 12, 1905, 1988, June 10, 1905-June 12, 1905
Box 966
Joint Forum for Philippine Progress-Correspondence, 1988-1992 September 1, 1988-August 1, 1992, 1988-1992, September 1, 1988-August 1, 1992
Box 966
Joint Forum for Philippine Progress: Gotemba Conference, Gotemba, January 21-22, 1991 July 1, 1990-March1, 1991 82 photos (color prints, mostly 4x5 in albums), January 21-22, 1991, July 1, 1990-March1, 1991
Box 967
Joint Forum for Philippine Progress Luncheon Seminar / Update on Asian Security, Merrill House, New York, September 11, 1991 August 1, 1991-September 1, 1991 Speaker-Armitage, Richard L. (contains 6 photographs), September 11, 1991, August 1, 1991-September 1, 1991
Box 967
Joint Forum for Philippine Progress and Philippine American Chamber of Commerce / Luncheon Address "The Economic Transformation of the Philippines", Merrill House, New York, April 17, 1991 February1, 1991-April 1, 1991 Speaker-Richardson, Elliot (contains 4 photographs), April 17, 1991, February1, 1991-April 1, 1991
Box 967
Joint Forum for Philippine Progress / Breakfast Briefing "The Business Climate in the Philippines: 1991 and beyond", Merrill House, New York, May 7, 1991 April 1, 1991-May 1, 1991 Speaker-Yuchengco, Alfonso (contains 3 photographs), 1991, May 7, 1991, April 1, 1991-May 1, 1991
Box 967
US/Japan Economic Agenda / Roundtable on U.S.-Japan Agricultural Trade, Merrill House, New York, January 17-18, 1986 January 1, 1986-June 1, 1986 Publication (2 copies), January 17-18, 1986, January 1, 1986-June 1, 1986
Box 967
US/Japan Economic Agenda / U.S.-Japan Relations: Technology, Economics, and Security, 1987 December 1, 1986-December 1, 1987 (Publication (2 copies), 1987, December 1, 1986-December 1, 1987
Box 967
Agricultural Reform Efforts in the United States and Japan / edited by Johnson, Gale D., 1987 March1, 1987-February1, 1988 Publication is a collection of papers presented at the conference "Issues in the U.S.-Japan Agricultural Trade", University of Chicago, December 5-6, 1986 (3 copies), 1987, March1, 1987-February1, 1988, December 5-6, 1986
Box 967
US/Japan Economic Agenda-issues, correspondence and materials, 1985-1989 June 7, 1905-June 11, 1905 Contains publications, 1985-1989, June 7, 1905-June 11, 1905
Box 968
US/Japan Economic Agenda-issues, correspondence and materials, 1985-1989 June 7, 1905-June 11, 1905, 1985-1989, June 7, 1905-June 11, 1905
Box 968
Conference "Japan-U.S. Agricultural Trade-Seeking Bilateral Solutions in a Global Perspective", Japan, December 2-6, 1987 April 1, 1987-November 1, 1987, December 2-6, 1987, April 1, 1987-November 1, 1987
Box 968
Balick, Kenneth's testimony before the Subcommittee on Economic Stabilization / Trade and Competitiveness Hearings, March10, 1987 February1, 1987-April 1, 1987, March10, 1987, February1, 1987-April 1, 1987
Box 968
US/Japan Economic Agenda / Washington Briefing: Economic Restructuring in Japan, New York, June 7, 1988 November 1, 1987-June 1, 1988 Guest Speaker: Yoshitomi, Masaru, June 7, 1988, November 1, 1987-June 1, 1988
Box 969
US/Japan Economic Agenda / Conference on Agricultural Reform Efforts in the U.S. and Japan, University of Chicago, December 5-6, 1986 August 1, 1986-May 1, 1987, December 5-6, 1986, August 1, 1986-May 1, 1987
Box 969
Newspaper clippings, 1984-1986 June 6, 1905-June 8, 1905, 1984-1986, June 6, 1905-June 8, 1905
Box 969
CRIA press releases, 1985 June 7, 1905, 1985, June 7, 1905
Box 970
Lists of publications on Japan, 1985 August 1, 1985-November 1, 1985, 1985, August 1, 1985-November 1, 1985
Box 970
Roundtable on U.S.-Japan Agricultural Relations, Merrill House, New York, January 17-18, 1986 November 1, 1985-December 1, 1985, January 17-18, 1986, November 1, 1985-December 1, 1985
Box 970
Japan-United States Friendship Commission-mailing list, budget and programs, September 1, 1985
Box 970
Fair Trade or Free Trade? The Options for the U.S.-Japan Economic Partnership-project, submitted to Japan-United States Friendship Commission, March1985 March1, 1985-November 1, 1985, March1985, March1, 1985-November 1, 1985
Box 970
Japan Programs Luncheon / Is Japan Part of the West? A Look Ahead at United States-Japan-Europe Relations-Guest Speaker Chiba, Kazuo, Merrill House, New York, June 28, 1991 June 1, 1991 photos included, June 28, 1991, June 1, 1991
Box 970
Joint Forum for Philippine Progress Luncheon Seminar / The Investment Climate in the Philippines-Guest of Honor Concepcion, Raul T., Chairman of Concepcion Industries Group, Merrill House, New York, October 9, 1991 October 1, 1991 photos included, October 9, 1991, October 1, 1991
Box 970
Japan Programs Private Breakfast with the honorable Eda, Satsuki, New York, March15, 1993 March1, 1993-April 1, 1993, March15, 1993, March1, 1993-April 1, 1993
Box 970
Asian Programs Luncheon / Ambassador Hanabusa, Masamichi / Consequences of the Gulf War: A Japanese View, Merrill House, New York, February28, 1991 December 1, 1990-February1, 1991, February28, 1991, December 1, 1990-February1, 1991
Box 970
Luncheon for Haruna, Kazuo, Marubeni Corporation, Merrill House, New York, April 2, 1991 April 1, 1991 photos included, April 2, 1991, April 1, 1991
Box 970
Asian Programs Luncheon / Hu, Jason Chih-Chiang-Republic of China's Government Spokesman, Merrill House, New York, February7, 1992 February1, 1992 photos included, February7, 1992, February1, 1992
Box 970
Luncheon with Javier, Emil Quinto-President of the University of the Philippines, Merrill House, New York, October 24, 1994 October 1, 1994, October 24, 1994, October 1, 1994
Box 970
Lunch in honor of Minister Kang, Sok Chu, Merrill House, New York, June 5, 1993 June 1, 1993, June 5, 1993, June 1, 1993
Box 970
Asian Programs Luncheon Seminar / The Honorable Kim, Dae-Jung, Chairman of Democratic Party, Merrill House, New York, September 23, 1991 August 1, 1991-September 1, 1991, September 23, 1991, August 1, 1991-September 1, 1991
Box 970
Asian Programs Seminar / The American Life Insurance Industry: Corporate Strategies and the Impact of Developments in the Financial Markets-Guest Speaker Kojaku, Jon, Managing Director of Equitable Capital Management Corporation, Merrill House, New York, August 7, 1990 June 1, 1990-August 1, 1990, August 7, 1990, June 1, 1990-August 1, 1990
Box 970
Asian Programs Seminar / Kyung-won, Kim / "President Kim Young-sam: A One Year Review", Merrill House, New York, February22, 1994 January 1, 1994-April 1, 1994, February22, 1994, January 1, 1994-April 1, 1994
Box 970
Carnegie Leadership/Japan Programs Breakfast / Dr. Nakahara, Tsuneo / U.S.-Japan Technology Leadership, Strategic Alliances, and the Information Superhighway, Merrill House, New York, March1, 1994 February1, 1994-March1, 1994, March1, 1994, February1, 1994-March1, 1994
Box 970
Japan Programs Luncheon / Okamoto, Yukio / Internationalization of Japan: Progress at the Individual, Corporate, and Government Levels, Merrill House, New York, March18, 1991 February1, 1991-June 1, 1991 photos included, March18, 1991, February1, 1991-June 1, 1991
Box 970
Asian Programs Breakfast / Ota, Seizo, and Lockheimer, Roy / 1991 Japan and the United States at the Crossroads, Merrill House, New York, March10, 1992 January 1, 1992-March1, 1992, 1991, March10, 1992, January 1, 1992-March1, 1992
Box 970
Joint Forum for Philippine Progress Luncheon / Ambassador Pelaez, Emmanuel / Update on U.S.-Philippines Relations, Merrill House, New York, January 28, 1991-Cancelled, April 1, 1990-January 1, 1991
Box 970
Asian Programs Luncheon / Shaw, Yu-Ming / Republic of China on the Move: Liberalization, Democratization and the Reunification of China, Merrill House, New York, May 22, 1991 April 1, 1991-May 1, 1991, May 22, 1991, April 1, 1991-May 1, 1991
Box 970
Asian Programs / Carnegie Leadership Program Luncheon Seminar "American Policy and the Emerging Settlement in Cambodia", Guest Speaker-Solomon, Richard H., Merrill House, New York, October 4, 1990 October 1, 1990 photos included, October 4, 1990, October 1, 1990
Box 970
Joint Forum for Philippine Progress Seminar on U.S.-Philippine Relations with Wisner, Frank G., Merrill House, New York, August 5, 1991 August 1, 1991, August 5, 1991, August 1, 1991
Box 970
Carnegie Council Breakfast Seminar / Yusupov, Shukrullo / The Present Day Political and Economic Situation of Uzbekistan, Merrill House, New York, July 16, 1991 June 1, 1991-July 1, 1991, July 16, 1991, June 1, 1991-July 1, 1991
Box 970
Joint Forum Working Group Meeting, Merrill House, New York, November 16, 1990 November 1, 1990, November 16, 1990, November 1, 1990
Box 970
CCEIA and the Society for International Development/New York Chapter / Seminar "AIDS, Poverty and Development", Merrill House, New York, June 10, 1991 April 1, 1991-June 1, 1991 Photos included, June 10, 1991, April 1, 1991-June 1, 1991
Box 971
Japan and Asian Program Luncheons, Merrill House, New York, 1992-1994 May 1, 1992-April 1, 1994, 1992-1994, May 1, 1992-April 1, 1994
Box 971
Asian Programs Panel Discussion / The United States in Asia: President Clinton's Trip to Korea, Merrill House, New York, July 21, 1993 June 1, 1993-July 1, 1993, July 21, 1993, June 1, 1993-July 1, 1993
Box 971
Korea Foundation / Myers, Rober J.'s Dinner for President Son, New York, September 27, 1993 September 1, 1993, September 27, 1993, September 1, 1993
Box 971
Japan Programs Private Breakfast Series / Has Japan Arrived? Democratization, Liberalization, and the New Japan Order, Merrill House, New York, November 1993 January 1, 1993-January 1, 1994, November 1993, January 1, 1993-January 1, 1994
Box 971
The United States in Asia: A Report on the APEC Summit Meeting / Kim, Ki Hwan; Lee, Hong Koo; and Patrick, Hugh / Merrill House, New York, November 22, 1993 November 1, 1993 APEC-Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Organization, November 22, 1993, November 1, 1993
Box 971
People's Republic of China (PRC) Strategic Studies Group Visitors' meeting at Merrill House, New York, February17-18, 1994 February1, 1994, February17-18, 1994, February1, 1994
Box 971
US-Taiwan Policy Consultation, Working Group Meeting, Merrill House, New York, May 23, 1994 May 1, 1994, May 23, 1994, May 1, 1994
Box 971
US-Taiwan Policy Consultation, New York City, December 9-10, 1994-Conference Papers, October 1, 1993-December 1, 1994, December 9-10, 1994, October 1, 1993-December 1, 1994
Box 971
US-Taiwan Policy Consultation, New York City, December 9-10, 1994-Correspondence, August 1, 1992-August 1, 1995, December 9-10, 1994, August 1, 1992-August 1, 1995
Box 971
Taiwan's Economic and Political Development: Models for the Developing World, Merrill House, New York, January 25, 1995 January 1, 1995-May 1, 1995, January 25, 1995, January 1, 1995-May 1, 1995
Box 971
United States-Taiwan Policy Consultation Working Group Meeting, Merrill House, New York, April 28, 1995 February1, 1995-June 1, 1995, April 28, 1995, February1, 1995-June 1, 1995
Box 971
US-Taiwan Policy Consultation, New York City, December 9-10, 1994-CV's and Expense Reports, November 1, 1994-December 1, 1994, December 9-10, 1994, November 1, 1994-December 1, 1994
Box 971
Miscellaneous Asian Department Programs, 1995 January 1, 1995-March1, 1995, 1995, January 1, 1995-March1, 1995
Box 1034
US-Japan Foundation, June 2, 1905-June 6, 1905
Box 1034
US-Japanese Relations--White, James W., June 5, 1905-June 6, 1905
Box 1034
Technova Euro-Japanese High-Tech Project, June 9, 1905-June 12, 1905
Box 1034
Mitsubishi Research Institute, June 9, 1905-June 11, 1905
Box 1034
Ota, Seizo, president of TOHO Insurance Co.--Dinner in Washington, DC, June 12, 1905
Box 1034
US-Japan Agricultural Conferences No. 3-6, June 9, 1905-June 13, 1905
Box 1035
US-Japan Agricultural Conference No. 6, June 13, 1905 Numerous photographs, June 13, 1905
Box 1036
US-Japan Agricultural Conferences No. 6-7, July 17, 1900-June 14, 1905
Box 1036
China, 1981-1991
Box 1036
Hong Kong, June 11, 1905
Box 1036
Pacific Cultural Foundation and Taiwan Genera, 1984-1991
Box 1036
Education in Vietnam, June 16, 1905
Box 1036
Triangular relations: Korea-Japan-US, June 9, 1905
Box 1036
Philippines, 1990-1992
Box 1036
Asia Programs, Miscellaneous, 1986 1991, 1986, 1991
Box 1037
Korea General, 1980-1990
Box 1038
Korea General, 1988-1994
IX.G: Education Programs
Box 972
Rosenthal, Joel-Education and Studies Program Director / papers and presentations, October 1, 1991-November 1, 1993
Box 972
Thompson, Kenneth W. biography by Rosenthal, Joel, May 1, 1993-April 1, 1998
Box 972
Dinner on Ethics and Commercial Policy, October 11, 1995 / guest of honor-Friedman, Thomas, October 1, 1995, October 11, 1995, October 1, 1995
Box 972
Sasakawa Peace Foundation / Project on Islam, 1993 January 1, 1992-May 1, 1993, 1993, January 1, 1992-May 1, 1993
Box 972
Conference "The Realist Tradition in American Foreign Policy", Blithewood, Bard College, October 18-20, 1991 September 1, 1991-October 1, 1991, October 18-20, 1991, September 1, 1991-October 1, 1991
Box 972
The Republic of China on the Move: Liberalization, Democratization and Reunification of China, New York, May 22, 1991 March1, 1989-Fall 1993, May 22, 1991, 1993
Box 972
East-West Conference on the Islamic World, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, 1990 May 1, 1988-April 1, 1991, 1990, May 1, 1988-April 1, 1991
Box 972
Gasperi Institute / Conference on Europe and its Values in New International Society, Rome, Italy, November 7-9, 1991 January 1, 1991-November 1, 1991, November 7-9, 1991, January 1, 1991-November 1, 1991
Box 972
Indian Ocean Centre for Peace Studies / Changing Prospects for Peace in the Indian Ocean Region, the University of Western Australia, January 14-16, 1991 January 1, 1991-September 1, 1992, January 14-16, 1991, January 1, 1991-September 1, 1992
Box 972
American Political Science Association Annual Convention, Hilton Hotel, New York, September 1-4, 1994 May 1, 1994-August 1, 1994, September 1-4, 1994, May 1, 1994-August 1, 1994
Box 972
American Political Science Association 89th Annual Meeting, Washington D.C., September 2-5, 1993 March1, 1993-September 1, 1993, September 2-5, 1993, March1, 1993-September 1, 1993
Box 973
REALIA / Institute for Advanced Philosophic Research Annual Conference / Crime and Punishment: Natural Law, Positive Law, and National/International Moral Norms, Colorado, August 17-23, 1994 August 1, 1991-August 1, 1994, August 17-23, 1994, August 1, 1991-August 1, 1994
Box 973
Article on Ethics for Encyclopedia of U.S. Foreign Relations, 1994 November 1, 1993-July 1, 1994 Diskette 3.5'' enclosed, 1994, November 1, 1993-July 1, 1994
Box 973
The Rutgers Center for Historical Analysis / Rosenthal, Joel's talks and articles, 1994 January 1, 1994-April 1, 1994, 1994, January 1, 1994-April 1, 1994
Box 973
Civil Society and the Prospects for Political Reform in the Middle East, Queenstown, Maryland, September 30-October 2, 1994 September 1, 1994-February1, 1995, September 30-October 2, 1994, September 1, 1994-February1, 1995
Box 973
Boudreau, Thomas / Project "Rethinking Collective Security and the Role of the UN Security Council", 1992 May 1, 1992-July 1, 1992, 1992, May 1, 1992-July 1, 1992
Box 973
Budgets for Educational Programs and Projects, 1990-1993 October 1, 1990-April 1, 1993, 1990-1993, October 1, 1990-April 1, 1993
Box 973
Humanitarian Intervention Articles (Indexed), 1991-1996 June 13, 1905-June 18, 1905 Index enclosed, 1991-1996, June 13, 1905-June 18, 1905
Box 974
Ethics and Foreign Policy Speakers, 1988 May 1, 1988 August 1, 1988, 1988, 1988
Box 974
United States Institute of Peace (USIP) / Project "Teaching Ethics in International Affairs: Case Studies for Educating Policy Professionals", 1989-1990 June 10, 1905-June 14, 1905, 1989-1990, June 10, 1905-June 14, 1905
Box 974
National Endowment for Humanities (NEH) / Teaching Ethics in International Affairs, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia, June 5-July 15, 1994 March1, 1988-June 1, 1994, June 5-July 15, 1994, March1, 1988-June 1, 1994
Box 974
Georgetown University Press / Ethics and International Affairs: A Reader, 1995 June 1, 1989-July 1, 1995, 1995, June 1, 1989-July 1, 1995
Box 974
Uehiro Foundation on Ethics and Education (Tokyo) / Ethics and Education in the U.S. and Japan, Merrill House, New York, December 10-11, 1990 June 1, 1990-June 1, 1991, December 10-11, 1990, June 1, 1990-June 1, 1991
Box 975
Uehiro Foundation on Ethics and Education (Tokyo) / Ethics and Education in the U.S. and Japan, Merrill House, New York, December 10-11, 1990 June 1, 1990-June 1, 1991, December 10-11, 1990, June 1, 1990-June 1, 1991
Box 975
Uehiro Foundation on Ethics and Education (Tokyo) / Second Annual Conference on Ethics and Education in the U.S. and Japan, International House, Tokyo, November 14-15, 1991 January 1, 1991-March1, 1992, November 14-15, 1991, January 1, 1991-March1, 1992
Box 975
Uehiro Foundation on Ethics and Education (Tokyo) / Third Annual Conference on Ethics and Education in the U.S. and Japan, New York, November 10-11, 1992 December 1, 1991-October 1, 1993, November 10-11, 1992, December 1, 1991-October 1, 1993
Box 975
Uehiro Foundation on Ethics and Education (Tokyo) / Fourth Annual Conference on Ethics and Education in the U.S. and Japan, Tokyo, November 19-20, 1993 December 1, 1992-July 1, 1995, November 19-20, 1993, December 1, 1992-July 1, 1995
Box 976
Uehiro Foundation on Ethics and Education (Tokyo) / Fifth Annual Conference on Moral Education in the U.S. and Japan / "Genetics Research: Hope for the Future?", Banbury Conference Center, Cold Spring Harbor, New York, November 20-22, 1994 October 1, 1992-November 1, 1995 Contains photographs, November 20-22, 1994, October 1, 1992-November 1, 1995
Box 976
Uehiro Foundation on Ethics and Education (Tokyo) / 5 Annual Conferences on Ethics and Education in the U.S. and Japan-Receipts, Publications and Materials, February1, 1990-August 1, 1995
Box 977
Carnegie Council Members Study Group / Case studies in Ethics and International Affairs / First Session, Case #1: Brazil and the Future of the Amazon-prepared by McCleary, Rachel, June 12, 1905
Box 977
Myers, Robert J.'s Articles and Talks, 1982-1993 September 1, 1982-September 1, 1993, 1982-1993, September 1, 1982-September 1, 1993
Box 977
Tucker, Robert W. / Walzer Seminar: Just and Unjust Wars, May 16, 1996 March1, 1996-July 1, 1996 Photos included, May 16, 1996, March1, 1996-July 1, 1996
Box 977
Security Communities in Comparative Perspective, Merrill House, New York, December 1-2, 1995 November 1, 1995-December 1, 1995, December 1-2, 1995, November 1, 1995-December 1, 1995
Box 977
CCEIA and John and Elizabeth Baker Peace Studies Endowment / Moral Judgment and Cold War History, Merrill House, New York, October 20-21, 1995 October 1, 1995-December 1, 1996 Photos included, October 20-21, 1995, October 1, 1995-December 1, 1996
Box 977
Carnegie Council and Toynbee Foundation / Conference "1492 and After: Global Challenge and Response", New York, April 30, 1992 April 1, 1992-April 1, 1994 Photos included, April 30, 1992, April 1, 1992-April 1, 1994
Box 978
Smith, Gaddis / Morgenthau Memorial Lecture # 12, New York, December 3, 1992 February1, 1992-August 1, 1993, December 3, 1992, February1, 1992-August 1, 1993
Box 978
Carnegie Council and Gasperi Institute / Symposium: Europe and Its Values in the New International Society, Rome, November 7-9, 1991 November 1, 1990-January 1, 1992, November 7-9, 1991, November 1, 1990-January 1, 1992
Box 978
Wilton Park Conferences, West Sussex, United Kingdom, 1988-1995 May 1, 1988-June 17, 1905 Includes photographs, 1988-1995, May 1, 1988-June 17, 1905
Box 979
The Legacy of Quincy Wright, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia, November 4-5, 1993 September 1, 1992-April 1, 1994, November 4-5, 1993, September 1, 1992-April 1, 1994
Box 979
Roundtable Discussion / "Ethics and the Nuclear Confrontation", Merrill House, New York, October 12, 1989 September 1, 1989-October 1, 1990 Featuring four Soviet Scholars, October 12, 1989, September 1, 1989-October 1, 1990
Box 979
U.S.-Soviet Working Group on "An Ethical Agenda for World Politics: New Thinking in Superpower Relations", Berlin, October 3-7, 1990 February1, 1990-November 1, 1990, October 3-7, 1990, February1, 1990-November 1, 1990
Box 979
U.N. 50th Anniversary, San Francisco, Sprint-Summer, 1995 August 1, 1993-September 1, 1994, 1995, August 1, 1993-September 1, 1994
Box 979
World Organization for Care at Home and Hospice / Conference "As the World Ages, Health Care is Homeward Bound", Chicago, Illinois, October 22-23, 1994 January 1, 1994-November 1, 1994, October 22-23, 1994, January 1, 1994-November 1, 1994
Box 979
Monterey Institute of International Studies / Teaching Ethics and International Affairs, Monterey, California, June 5-10, 1995 June 1, 1995, June 5-10, 1995, June 1, 1995
Box 979
National Endowment for the Humanities / Faculty Institute / Teaching Ethics and International Affairs, the University of Virginia, June 5-July 15, 1994 July 1, 1992-December 1, 1994, June 5-July 15, 1994, July 1, 1992-December 1, 1994
Box 980
Carnegie Reader on Ethics and International Relations for Faculty Institute, University of Virginia, June 5-July 15, 1994 June 1, 1994-July 1, 1994 publication, June 5-July 15, 1994, June 1, 1994-July 1, 1994
Box 980
Supplemental Reader on Ethics and International Relations for Faculty Institute, University of Virginia, June 5-July 15, 1994 June 1, 1994-July 1, 1994 publication, June 5-July 15, 1994, June 1, 1994-July 1, 1994
Box 980
Faculty Institute on Ethics and Statecraft, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, October 7-9, 1993 August 1, 1992-January 1, 1996, October 7-9, 1993, August 1, 1992-January 1, 1996
Box 980
North American Integration: Toward What Kind of Community? / Vancouver, Canada, October 1993 October 1, 1992-January 1, 1994, October 1993, October 1, 1992-January 1, 1994
Box 980
National Endowment for the Humanities / National Defense University / Conference "Ethics, Security, and The New World Order", Fort McNair, Washington, D.C., February11-12, 1993 July 1, 1991-March1, 1993, February11-12, 1993, July 1, 1991-March1, 1993
Box 981
National Endowment for the Humanities / National Defense University / Conference "Ethics, Security, and The New World Order", Fort McNair, Washington, D.C., February11-12, 1993 July 1, 1991-March1, 1993, February11-12, 1993, July 1, 1991-March1, 1993
Box 981
Faculty Institute on Ethics and International Affairs / Self Interests and the Common Good: The Problem of Ethical Dualism in International Affairs", University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia, February24-26, 1992 June 1, 1990-June 1, 1992, February24-26, 1992, June 1, 1990-June 1, 1992
Box 981
Faculty Institute on Ethics and International Affairs, American University, Washington, D.C., June 12-14, 1991 June 1, 1989-June 1, 1991, June 12-14, 1991, June 1, 1989-June 1, 1991
Box 982
Center for the Study of Foreign Affairs / Seminar "Force, Responsibility, Corruption: Ethical Themes in American Foreign Policy", January 15, 1991 June 1, 1990-November 1, 1991 Includes photographs, January 15, 1991, June 1, 1990-November 1, 1991
Box 982
Ethics in International Affairs: Case Studies for Educating Tomorrow's Policy Professionals / George Washington University, June 10-12, 1990 February1, 1990-June 1, 1990, June 10-12, 1990, February1, 1990-June 1, 1990
Box 982
Teaching Ethics and International Affairs / Yale Faculty Institute, New Haven, Connecticut, June 11-17, 1989 October 1, 1987-May 1, 1993, June 11-17, 1989, October 1, 1987-May 1, 1993
Box 982
Seminar "Teaching Ethics: The Question of Covert Action in a Democracy", Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, December 1-3, 1988 September 1, 1988-February1, 1989, December 1-3, 1988, September 1, 1988-February1, 1989
Box 982
Faculty Institutes, 1989-1994-Participants' Evaluations, June 1, 1989-July 1, 1994
Box 982
Ethics Education-New Projects, 1988 October 1, 1988-November 1, 1988, 1988, October 1, 1988-November 1, 1988
Box 982
International Conference on "Global Responsibilities and national interests", DePauw University, Greencastle, Indiana, June 17-20, 1990 June 1, 1989-June 1, 1990, June 17-20, 1990, June 1, 1989-June 1, 1990
Box 982
American Center for International Leadership / US-USSR Emerging Leaders Summit, Soviet Union, June 14-30, 1990 March1, 1990-April 1, 1990, June 14-30, 1990, March1, 1990-April 1, 1990
Box 982
Summer Institute on Teaching Western Ethics in International Affairs, 1988-1990-grant application to National Endowment for Humanities (NEH), June 10, 1905 Nichols, Bruce-director, Education and Studies Program, June 10, 1905
Box 982
Conference "NATO After the Zero Option", Wilton Park Conferences Center, England, May 16-20, 1988 February1, 1987-July 1, 1988, May 16-20, 1988, February1, 1987-July 1, 1988
Box 982
Journal of Ethics and International Affairs, 1990-1991-correspondence, July 1, 1989-March1, 1991
Box 983
Journal of Ethics and International Affairs, 1990-1991-correspondence, July 1, 1989-March1, 1991
Box 983
Faculty Institute: Teaching Ethics and International Affairs, American University, Washington, D.C., June 12-14, 1991-June 1, 1991 photos incl. ( 36 4x5 b&w prints), 1991-June 1, 1991
Box 983
Faculty Institute / Teaching Ethics: The Issue of Refugees, Smith College, Northampton, Massachusetts, April 27-29, 1989 December 1, 1988-January 1, 1990, April 27-29, 1989, December 1, 1988-January 1, 1990
Box 983
Faculty Seminar on Teaching Ethics: Covert Action in a Democracy, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, December 1-3, 1988 October 1, 1988-December 1, 1988, December 1-3, 1988, October 1, 1988-December 1, 1988
Box 983
Faculty Institute: Teaching Ethics in International Affairs, Yale University, June 11-17, 1989 November 1, 1988-August 1, 1989, June 11-17, 1989, November 1, 1988-August 1, 1989
Box 984
Faculty Institute: Teaching Ethics in International Affairs, Yale University, June 11-17, 1989 November 1, 1988-August 1, 1989, June 11-17, 1989, November 1, 1988-August 1, 1989
Box 984
Faculty Institute / Teaching Ethics: U.S. Human Rights Policy, Purdue University, September 14-16, 1989 February1, 1989-March1, 1990, September 14-16, 1989, February1, 1989-March1, 1990
Box 984
Faculty Institute: Ethics in International Affairs: Case Studies for Educating Policy Professionals, George Washington University, Washington, D.C., June 10-12, 1990 April 1, 1989-June 1, 1989, June 10-12, 1990, April 1, 1989-June 1, 1989
Box 984
Exxon Education Foundation / Curriculum Development Program, 1976-1985 May 29, 1905-June 7, 1905, 1976-1985, May 29, 1905-June 7, 1905
Box 985
Exxon Education Foundation / Curriculum Development Program, 1976-1985 May 29, 1905-June 7, 1905, 1976-1985, May 29, 1905-June 7, 1905
Box 985
Exxon Education Foundation / Papers for University of Virginia College Curriculum program, 1983 June 5, 1905, 1983, June 5, 1905
Box 985
Exxon Education Foundation / Curriculum Development Program grant-news release, January 1, 1983-July 1, 1983
Box 985
Professor Todaro, Michael-Economist, New York University, March1, 1980
IX.H: Ethics and Foreign Policy and Morgenthau Memorial Lectures
Box 985
Morgenthau Memorial Lecture # 5 / Thompson, Kenneth W., / Words and Deeds in Foreign Policy, New York City, December 5, 1985 July 1, 1985-May 1, 1986, December 5, 1985, July 1, 1985-May 1, 1986
Box 985
Morgenthau Memorial Lecture # 6 / Barzun, Jacques / Is Democratic Theory for Export? / New York City, September 17, 1986 January 1, 1986-December 1, 1986, September 17, 1986, January 1, 1986-December 1, 1986
Box 985
Morgenthau Memorial Lecture # 7, Hoffman, Stanley / The Political Ethics of International Relations, New York City, October 14, 1987 February1, 1987-April 1, 1988, October 14, 1987, February1, 1987-April 1, 1988
Box 986
Morgenthau Memorial Lecture # 8 / Hersburgh, Theodore / The Nuclear Dilemma: The Greatest Moral Problem of All Time / New York City, November 3, 1988 December 1, 1984-November 1, 1988 Contains a cassette, November 3, 1988, December 1, 1984-November 1, 1988
Box 986
Morgenthau Memorial Lecture # 9 / Schlesinger, Arthur Jr. / Is the Cold War Over? / New York City, November 29, 1989 October 1, 1989-May 1, 1990 Photos incl., November 29, 1989, October 1, 1989-May 1, 1990
Box 986
Morgenthau Memorial Lecture # 10 / Boorstin, Daniel J. / Forecasting and Remembering: The Statesman's Challenge / Merrill House, New York, January 23, 1991 November 1, 1989-February1, 1991, January 23, 1991, November 1, 1989-February1, 1991
Box 987
Morgenthau Memorial Lecture # 11 / Myers, Robert J. / Speaking Truth to Power: The Quest for Equality in Freedom / Merrill House, New York, October 10, 1991 July 1, 1991-November 1, 1991 Contains a cassette and a photograph, October 10, 1991, July 1, 1991-November 1, 1991
Box 987
Morgenthau Memorial Lecture # 12 / Smith, Gaddis / Woodrow Wilson's Fourteen Points: A Seventy-fifth Anniversary Reconsideration / New York City, December 3, 1992 February1, 1992-December 1, 1992, December 3, 1992, February1, 1992-December 1, 1992
Box 987
Morgenthau Memorial Lecture # 13 / Hehir, Bryan J. / Intervention: Debating the Norms and Deciding Specific Cases / New York City, February17, 1994 April 1, 1993-February1, 1994 Contains 2 cassettes, February17, 1994, April 1, 1993-February1, 1994
Box 987
Morgenthau Memorial Lecture # 14 / Brzezinski, Zbigniew / The New Dimensions of Human Rights / New York City / April 6, 1995 April 1, 1994-May 1, 1995 VHC and Hi8 tape incl., April 6, 1995, April 1, 1994-May 1, 1995
Box 988
Distinguished Lecture # 1 / Morgenthau, Hans J. / New York, May 23, 1977 May 1, 1977-July 1, 1978 1/4 in. x 1800 ft. polyester magnetic audiotape reel included, May 23, 1977, May 1, 1977-July 1, 1978, 1800
Box 988
Distinguished Lecture # 2 / Watson, Adam / New York, May 16, 1979 March1, 1979-May 1, 1980 transcript, no tape, May 16, 1979, March1, 1979-May 1, 1980
Box 989
Distinguished Lecture # 3 / McHenry, Donald F. / New York, June 19 1980 February1, 1980-October 1, 1980 1/4 in. x 1800 ft. polyester magnetic audiotape reel included, photos incl., 1980, February1, 1980-October 1, 1980, 1800
Box 989
Distinguished Lecture # 4 / Morgenthau Memorial Lecture # 1 / Soedjatmoko / Power and Morality in Global Transformation, New York, July 13, 1981 December 1, 1980-September 1, 1981 1/4 in. x 1800 ft. polyester magnetic audio tape reel and copy on 90 min cassette tape incl., July 13, 1981, December 1, 1980-September 1, 1981, 1800
Box 989
Distinguished Lecture # 5 / Morgenthau Memorial Lecture #2 / Rickover, H.G. / Thoughts on Man's Purpose in Life, New York, September 10, 1982 July 1, 1982-September 1, 1982 90 min cassette audio tape and photos incl., September 10, 1982, July 1, 1982-September 1, 1982
Box 990
Morgenthau Memorial Lecture # 3 & dinner / Cuevas-Cancino, Francisco / F.D.R's Good Neighbor Policy Revisited / New York, November 2, 1983 April 1, 1983-January 1, 1985 90 min cassette audio tape (poor condition) incl., November 2, 1983, April 1, 1983-January 1, 1985
Box 990
Morgenthau Memorial Lecture #4 & dinner / Eban, Abba / Interest and Conscience in Modern Diplomacy / New York, December 6, 1984 April 1, 1984-June 1, 1985 2 90 min cassette audio tape (poor condition) incl., December 6, 1984, April 1, 1984-June 1, 1985
Box 991
Ethics and Foreign Policy Lectures-Japan, 1985 April 1, 1985, 1985, April 1, 1985
Box 991
Ethics and Foreign Policy Lectures-[University of Notre Dame], 1986 March1, 1986, 1986, March1, 1986
Box 991
Ethics and Foreign Policy Lectures-Harvard University, 1984-1987 June 1, 1984-January 1, 1987, 1984-1987, June 1, 1984-January 1, 1987
Box 991
Ethics and Foreign Policy Lectures-University of California, Berkeley, 1983-1986 December 1, 1983-February1, 1986, 1983-1986, December 1, 1983-February1, 1986
Box 991
Ethics and Foreign Policy Lectures-City University of New York, Hunter College, 1983-1985 April 1, 1983-October 1, 1985, 1983-1985, April 1, 1983-October 1, 1985
Box 992
Ethics and Foreign Policy Lectures-City University of New York, Hunter College, 1983-1985 April 1, 1983-October 1, 1985, 1983-1985, April 1, 1983-October 1, 1985
Box 992
Ethics and Foreign Policy Lectures-University of Chicago, 1983-1987 July 1, 1983-June 1, 1987 Contains 2 cassettes, 1983-1987, July 1, 1983-June 1, 1987
Box 993
Ethics and Foreign Policy Lectures-Lists of Contributors and Correspondence, 1984-1985 April 1, 1984-December 1, 1985, 1984-1985, April 1, 1984-December 1, 1985
Box 993
Ethics and Foreign Policy Lectures-Newsletter, August 1985 March1, 1984-August 1, 1985, August 1985, March1, 1984-August 1, 1985
IX.I: Publications, 1980s-1990s
Box 993
13th Morgenthau Memorial Lecture on Ethics and Foreign Policy / "Ethics & International Affairs," Volume 9, June 17, 1905 , Note: Morgenthau Memorial Lecture Nos. 10 & 13; Daniel Boorson (#10), not published; J. Bryan Hehir (#13), published in journal
Box 993
12th Morgenthau Memorial Lecture on Ethics and Foreign Policy / Smith, Gaddis / "Woodrow Wilson's Fourteen Points After 75 Years", June 15, 1905
Box 993
11th Morgenthau Memorial Lecture on Ethics and Foreign Policy / Myers, Robert J. / "Speaking Truth to Power: The Quest for Equality in Freedom", June 13, 1905
Box 993
Boorstin, Daniel J. / Correspondence & Essay, February1, 1991 Not a publication, February1, 1991
Box 993
9th Morgenthau Memorial Lecture on Ethics and Foreign Policy / Schlesinger, Arthur / "Is the Cold War Over?", June 12, 1905
Box 993
8th Morgenthau Memorial Lecture on Ethics and Foreign Policy / Hesburgh, Theodore M. / "The Nuclear Dilemma: The Greatest Moral Problem of All Time", June 11, 1905
Box 993
7th Morgenthau Memorial Lecture on Ethics and Foreign Policy / Hoffman, Stanley / "The Political Ethics of International Relations", June 10, 1905
Box 993
6th Morgenthau Memorial Lecture on Ethics and Foreign Policy / Barzun, Jacques / "Is Democratic Theory for Export", June 8, 1905
Box 993
5th Morgenthau Memorial Lecture on Ethics and Foreign Policy / Thompson, Kenneth W. / "Words and Deeds in Foreign Policy", June 8, 1905
Box 993
4th Morgenthau Memorial Lecture on Ethics and Foreign Policy / Eban, Abba / "Interest and Conscience in Modern Diplomacy", June 7, 1905
Box 993
3rd Morgenthau Memorial Lecture on Ethics and Foreign Policy / Cuevas-Cancino, Francisco / "FDR's Good Neighbor Policy Revisited", June 5, 1905
Box 993
2nd Morgenthau Memorial Lecture on Ethics and Foreign Policy / Rickover, H.G. (Admiral) / "Thoughts on Man's Purpose in Life", June 4, 1905
Box 993
1st Morgenthau Memorial Lecture on Ethics and Foreign Policy / Soedjatmoko / "Power and Morality in Global Transformation", June 3, 1905
Box 993
3rd Distinguished CRIA Lecture on Morality and Foreign Policy / McHenry, Donald F. / "Ethics and Foreign Policy", June 2, 1905
Box 993
2nd Distinguished CRIA Lecture on Morality and Foreign Policy / Watson, Adam (on behalf of Sir Herbert Butterfield) / "Toleration in Religion and Politics", June 2, 1905
Box 993
1st Distinguished CRIA Lecture on Morality and Foreign Policy / Morgenthau, Hans J. / "Human Rights and Foreign Policy", June 1, 1905
Box 993
Ethics and Foreign Policy Lecture Series / Tucker, Robert W. / "Intervention and the Reagan Doctrine", June 7, 1905
Box 993
Praeger Publishers, Inc. / Jackson, Richard A.-editor / "The Multinational Corporation and Social Policy", May 27, 1905
Box 993
Columbia University Press / Nau, Henry R.-editor / "Domestic Trade Politics and the Uruguay Round", June 11, 1905
Box 994
Myers, Robert J.-editor / Ethics & Foreign Policy, Volume 3 / "The Political Morality of the International Monetary Fund", June 9, 1905
Box 994
Berger, Peter L. and Hsiao, Hsin-Huang Michael,-editors / "In Search of An East Asian Development Model", June 10, 1905
Box 994
The ILHAE Institute-Carnegie Council Joint Seminar / "Progress in Democracy: The Pacific Basin Experience", July 1, 1987
Box 994
Sung-Joo, Han and Myers, Robert J.-editors / Ethics and Foreign Policy Series; Volume 5 / "Korea: The Year 2000", June 9, 1905
Box 994
Thompson, Kenneth W.-editor / Ethics in Foreign Policy, Volume 2 / "Ethics & International Relations", June 7, 1905
Box 994
Thompson, Kenneth W.; and Myers, Robert J.-editors / "Truth & Tragedy," A Tribute to Morgenthau, Hans J., June 6, 1905
Box 994
Van Minnen, Cornelis A.-editor / Roosevelt Study Center / "The Roosevelts: Nationalism, Democracy and Internationalism", June 9, 1905
Box 994
Nichols, Bruce; and Loescher, Gil-editors / University of Notre Dame Press / "The Moral Nation: Humanitarianism and US Foreign Policy Today", June 11, 1905
Box 995
Rosenthal, Joel H.-editor / Georgetown Univ. Press / "Ethics and International Affairs: A Reader", June 17, 1905
Box 995
Finn, James-editor / "Global Economics and Religion", June 5, 1905
Box 995
Myers, Robert J.-editor / Ethics & Foreign Policy Series; Volume 4 / "International Ethics in the Nuclear Age", June 9, 1905
Box 995
Nardin, Terry; and Mapel, David R. / Cambridge Studies in International Relations: 17 / "Traditions of International Ethics", June 14, 1905
Box 995
Thompson, Kenneth W.-editor / University Press of America / "The Moral Imperatives of Human Rights", June 2, 1905
Box 995
CRIA and George Washington University / Brown, Harold / US-Japan Economic Agenda / "US-Japan Relations: Technology, Economics and Security", June 9, 1905
Box 995
CRIA and George Washington University / Nau, Henry R.; and Quigley, Kevin F.F.-editors / US-Japan Economic Agenda / "The Allies and East-West Economic Relations: Past Conflicts and Present Choices", June 11, 1905
Box 996
CRIA and George Washington University / Sorich, Richard; and Johnson D. Gale / US-Japan Economic Agenda / "Issues in US-Japan Agricultural Trade", June 8, 1905
Box 996
CRIA: Center for Research and Publication / "Democratic Institutions," Volume 1, June 14, 1905
Box 996
Canadian Institute of International Affairs/ "Ethics in World Politics," International Journal, Volume XLIII, # 2, Spring, 1988
Box 996
1st Nizer, Louis Lecture on Public Policy / / Valenti, Jack / "William Faulkner's Old Verities: It's Planning Time in America", December 7, 1994 December 1, 1994, December 7, 1994, December 1, 1994
Box 996
2nd Nizer, Louis Lecture on Public Policy / Schlesinger, Arthur M. / "America and the World: Isolationism Resurgent?", December 6, 1995 December 1, 1995, December 6, 1995, December 1, 1995
Box 996
3rd Nizer, Louis Lecture on Public Policy / Wiesel, Elie / "Ethical Issues for Today", November 6, 1996 November 1, 1996, November 6, 1996, November 1, 1996
Box 996
CRIA and Merrill House / Rosenthal, Joel H.-editor / "Moral Education," I, II and III, June 14, 1905-June 15, 1905
Box 996
New York University Press / Johnson, Gale D.-editor / "Agricultural Reform Efforts in the United States and Japan", June 9, 1905
Box 996
CRIA / Sigur, Christopher J.-editor / "Korea's New Challenges and Kim Young Sam", June 15, 1905
Box 996
CRIA and Merrill House / Sigur, Christopher J.-editor / "Democracy in Korea: The Roh Tae Woo Years", June 14, 1905
Box 996
The Carnegie Center for International Studies / Kindleberger, Charles P. / "A GATT for Foreign Investment: Further Reflections", June 2, 1905
Box 996
The Carnegie Council and DRT International Privatization Project / "Putting Government Out of Business: Privatization in the Americas", Undated
Box 996
The Carnegie Council and DRT International Privatization Project / Leaflet: "Labor's View of Privatization," No. 1, April 26, 1991 April 1, 1991, April 26, 1991
Box 996
The Carnegie Council and DRT International Privatization Project / Leaflet: "The Political Economy of Privatization in Czechoslovakia," No. 2, May 5, 1991 May 1, 1991, May 5, 1991, May 1, 1991
Box 996
The Carnegie Council and DRT International Privatization Project / Leaflet: "Privatization in a Capital-Short World," No. 3, June 28, 1991 June 1, 1991, June 28, 1991, June 1, 1991
Box 996
The Carnegie Council and DRT International Privatization Project / Leaflet: "An Assessment of Privatization in the UK: Mistakes, Successes, and Future Prospects," No. 4, September 20, 1991 September 1, 1991, September 20, 1991, September 1, 1991
Box 996
The Carnegie Council and DRT International Privatization Project / Leaflet: "Privatization in the Republic of Russia," No. 5, October 1, 1991 October 1, 1991, October 1, 1991, October 1, 1991
Box 996
The Carnegie Council and DRT International Privatization Project / Leaflet: "Privatization in the United States," No. 6, January 31, 1992 January 1, 1992, January 31, 1992, January 1, 1992
Box 996
The Carnegie Council and DRT International Privatization Project / Leaflet: "Privatization: Opportunities for New York," No. 7, February28, 1992 February1, 1992, February28, 1992, February1, 1992
Box 996
The Carnegie Council and DRT International Privatization Project / Leaflet: "Privatization: Misconceptions, Glib Answers and Lessons," No. 8, March20, 1992 March1, 1992, March20, 1992, March1, 1992
Box 996
The Carnegie Council and DRT International Privatization Project / Leaflet: "From 'Confusion Economics' to a Market Economy: The Only Way for Sweden," No. 9, April 6, 1992 April 1, 1992, April 6, 1992, April 1, 1992
Box 996
The Carnegie Council and DRT International Privatization Project / Leaflet: "Is Privatization a Solution to Urban Crisis?," No. 10, May 8, 1992 May 1, 1992, May 8, 1992, May 1, 1992
Box 996
The Carnegie Council and Deloitte Touche Tomatsu (DTT) Privatization Project / Leaflet: "Privatizing Eastern Germany: A Report from the Treuhand," No. 11, June 26, 1992 June 1, 1992, June 26, 1992, June 1, 1992
Box 996
The Carnegie Council Privatization Project / Leaflet: "The Role of Private Property Development," No. 12, October 5, 1992 October 1, 1992, October 5, 1992, October 1, 1992
Box 996
The Carnegie Council Privatization Project / Leaflet: "The Case for Structural Reform Through Privatization," No. 13, October 20, 1992 October 1, 1992, October 20, 1992, October 1, 1992
Box 996
The Carnegie Council Privatization Project / Leaflet: "Moving Municipal Services Into the Marketplace," No. 14, November 20, 1992 November 1, 1992, November 20, 1992, November 1, 1992
Box 996
The Carnegie Council Privatization Project / Leaflet: "The Politics of Russia's Privatization Program," No. 15, December 1992 December 1, 1992, December 1992, December 1, 1992
Box 996
The Carnegie Council Privatization Project / Leaflet: "Mass Privatization in Poland: Differences and Similarities with Other Privatization Programs," No. 16, January 29, 1993 January 1, 1993, January 29, 1993, January 1, 1993
Box 996
The Carnegie Council Privatization Project / Leaflet: "An Update on Privatization in the Czech Republic: The Economic Transformation After the Split," No. 17, February19, 1993 February1, 1993, February19, 1993, February1, 1993
Box 996
The Carnegie Council Privatization Project / Leaflet: "Privatization: The Canadian Story," No. 18, March9, 1993 March1, 1993, March9, 1993, March1, 1993
Box 996
The Carnegie Council Privatization Project / Leaflet: "Why America Needs a Privatized Infrastructure Industry," No. 19, May 7, 1993 May 1, 1993, May 7, 1993, May 1, 1993
Box 996
The Carnegie Council Privatization Project / Leaflet: "Making New York Work Through Privatization and Competition," No. 20, September 20, 1993 September 1, 1993, September 20, 1993, September 1, 1993
Box 996
The Carnegie Council Privatization Project / Leaflet: "Reinventing Government: Public Employees' Perspectives," No. 21, October 22, 1993 October 1, 1993, October 22, 1993, October 1, 1993
Box 996
The Carnegie Council Privatization Project / Leaflet: "The Politics of Privatization in Argentina," No. 25, February11, 1994 February1, 1994, February11, 1994, February1, 1994
Box 996
The Carnegie Council Privatization Project / Leaflet: "Improving Municipal Services Through Empowerment," No. 26, March2, 1994 March1, 1994, March2, 1994
Box 996
The Carnegie Council Privatization Project / Leaflet: "Privatization and Investment Opportunities in Kazakhstan," No. 27, March4, 1994 March1, 1994, March4, 1994
Box 996
Leaflet: "Human Rights Dialogue," Volume 1, May 1, 1994
Box 996
Leaflet: "Human Rights Dialogue," Volume 2, September 1, 1995
Box 996
Leaflet: "Human Rights Dialogue," Volume 3, December 1, 1995
Box 996
Leaflet: "Human Rights Dialogue," Volume 4, March1, 1996
Box 996
Leaflet: "Human Rights Dialogue," Volume 5, June 1, 1996
Box 996
Leaflet: "Human Rights Dialogue," Volume 6, September 1, 1996
Box 996
Leaflet: "Human Rights Dialogue," Volume 7, December 1, 1996
Box 996
Leaflet: "Human Rights Dialogue," Volume 8, March1, 1997
Box 996
Leaflet: "Human Rights Dialogue," Volume 9, June 1, 1997
Box 996
Leaflet: "Human Rights Dialogue," Volume 10, September 1, 1997
Box 996
Seminar on Human Rights in Asia: North Korea / Leaflet: "An Interchange on Human Rights: The Two Koreas", Undated
Box 996
Leaflet: "Business, Society and Ethics Series," Seminar Report, Seminar No. 1, September 1, 1991
Box 996
Leaflet: "Swiss Week: 700 Years of Freedom! 1291-1991", May 13-17, 1991 May 1, 1991, May 13-17, 1991, May 1, 1991
Box 996
Halloran, Richard / "The Tiger and the Eagle" / A Conference Report on: "Reporting Objectively on the Korean Peninsula", Merrill House, New York, December 13-14, 1993 December 1, 1993, December 13-14, 1993, December 1, 1993
Box 996
Bauer, Joanne / "US-Japan Task Force on the Environment: The Politics and Ethics of Global Environmental Leadership", Undated
Box 996
Carnegie Council on Ethics and International Affairs; International Cultural Society of Korea / "Korea's Place in the World", New York City, June 25-26, 1990 June 1, 1990, June 25-26, 1990, June 1, 1990
Box 996
Carnegie Leadership Program Seminar Series / Ehrenfeld, Rachel / "Evil Money: Integrity in Government and Finance, US Foreign Policy: Iraq & Iraqgate", October 14, 1992 October 1, 1992, October 14, 1992, October 1, 1992
Box 996
16th Morgenthau Memorial Lecture / Sen, Amartya / "Human Rights and Asian Values", June 19, 1905
Box 997
15th Morgenthau Memorial Lecture / Pfaff, William / "The Future of the United States As a Great Power", June 18, 1905
Box 997
14th Morgenthau Memorial Lecture / Brzezinski, Zbigniew / "The New Dimensions of Human Rights", June 17, 1905
Box 997
CCEIA and the Mexican Cultural Institute of New York / The Mexico Project / "Neighbors Understanding Neighbors, October 1, 1994
Box 997
CRIA / "South Africa: Interviews," Volume 1, April 27-June 3, 1982 April 1, 1982-June 1, 1982, April 27-June 3, 1982, April 1, 1982-June 1, 1982
Box 997
The Journal of Ethics and International Affairs, Volumes 1-12, 1987-1998 June 9, 1905-June 20, 1905, 1987-1998, June 9, 1905-June 20, 1905
Box 998
The Journal of Ethics and International Affairs, Volumes 1-12, 1987-1998 June 9, 1905-June 20, 1905, 1987-1998, June 9, 1905-June 20, 1905
Box 998
CRIA/CCEIA Newsletter, Numbers 1-53, 1984-1997 June 6, 1905-June 19, 1905, 1984-1997, June 6, 1905-June 19, 1905
Box 999
CRIA/CCEIA Newsletter, Numbers 1-53, 1984-1997 June 6, 1905-June 19, 1905, 1984-1997, June 6, 1905-June 19, 1905
Box 999
Case Studies in Ethics and International Relations, No. 1-18, June 12, 1905-June 19, 1905
Box 999
CRIA / CCEIA Annual Reports, 1983-1997 June 5, 1905-June 9, 1905, 1983-1997, June 5, 1905-June 9, 1905
Box 1000
Publications Catalogs, 1988-1993 June 10, 1905-June 15, 1905, 1988-1993, June 10, 1905-June 15, 1905
Box 1000
Membership and program brochures, 1984-1985 June 6, 1905-June 7, 1905, 1984-1985, June 6, 1905-June 7, 1905
Box 1000
Ethics and International Affairs / A College-level Curriculum Development Program / # 1-20, 1985-1997 June 7, 1905-June 19, 1905, 1985-1997, June 7, 1905-June 19, 1905
Box 1000
Center for the Study of the Presidency / Presidential Studies Quarterly, Volume XXIV, Number 3, Summer 1994 June 16, 1905, 1994, June 16, 1905
Box 1000
Journal of the Third World Spectrum, Volumes 1 and 2, 1994-1995 Fall 1994 2 issues, 1994-1995, 1994
Box 1000
Pogge, Thomas; Christman, John; Klosko, George; and Murphy, Mark / Philosophy and Public Affairs, 1994 Summer 1994, 1994, 1994
IX.J: Publications Subject Files
Box 1000
Moral Dimensions of American Foreign Policy / Introduction to reprint by Myers, Robert, 1993 August 1, 1993-December 1, 1993 (contain typescript versions of publications, related correspondence, etc.), 1993, August 1, 1993-December 1, 1993
Box 1000
Publications on environmental Issues, 1989-1991 February1, 1989-November 1, 1991, 1989-1991, February1, 1989-November 1, 1991
Box 1000
Membership brochures, 1995 January 1, 1995-November 1, 1995, 1995, January 1, 1995-November 1, 1995
Box 1000
Conversations Program brochure, Undated
Box 1000
Style sheet for submissions for the Journal of Ethics and International Affairs, May 1, 1986-March1, 1995
Box 1000
The Journal of Ethics and International Affairs / book review sections and book lists from various issues, 1993-1997 August 1, 1993-November 1, 1997, 1993-1997, August 1, 1993-November 1, 1997
Box 1000
The Journal of Ethics and International Affairs, Back Issues, Index 1987-1996 June 9, 1905-June 18, 1905, 1987-1996, June 9, 1905-June 18, 1905
Box 1001
The Journal of Ethics and International Affairs, Issues 3-11-correspondence, June 8, 1905-June 19, 1905
Box 1002
The Journal of Ethics and International Affairs, Issues 3-11-correspondence, June 8, 1905-June 19, 1905
IX.K: Merrill House and Public Affairs Programs
Box 1002
Worldview breakfast / Stoga, Alan, Debt and Democracy / Merrill House, New York, September 14, 1989 May 1, 1989-September 1, 1989 Photos incl., September 14, 1989, May 1, 1989-September 1, 1989
Box 1002
Worldview breakfast / Kislov, Aleksandr / Evolving Soviet Approaches to Regions in Conflict / Merrill House, New York, September 22, 1989 July 1, 1989-September 1, 1989 Photos incl., September 22, 1989, July 1, 1989-September 1, 1989
Box 1003
Worldview breakfast / Brigadier General Borling, John / Strategic Perspectives, Modernization, and the Stealth / Merrill House, New York, October 6, 1989 August 1, 1989-October 1, 1989 Photos incl., October 6, 1989, August 1, 1989-October 1, 1989
Box 1003
Worldview breakfast / Purcell, Susan-The Americas Society / Debt and the Restructuring of Mexico / Merrill House, New York, October 24, 1989 July 1, 1989-November 1, 1989 Photos incl., October 24, 1989, July 1, 1989-November 1, 1989
Box 1003
Worldview breakfast / House, Karen Elliott-Dow Jones International Group / America's World Role in the 1990s and Beyond / Merrill House, New York, November 2, 1989 January 1, 1989-November 1, 1989 Photos incl., 1990s, November 2, 1989, January 1, 1989-November 1, 1989
Box 1003
Worldview breakfast / Ebinger, Charles K.-Center for Strategic and International Studies / Volatility in the Middle East and U.S. National Security / Merrill House, New York, November 21, 1989 April 1, 1989-December 1, 1989, November 21, 1989, April 1, 1989-December 1, 1989
Box 1003
Worldview breakfast / Prahalad, C.K. / The Changing Nature of Worldwide Competition: Reversing the United States' Decline / Merrill House, New York, December 6, 1989 August 1, 1989-December 1, 1989, December 6, 1989, August 1, 1989-December 1, 1989
Box 1003
Worldview breakfast / Foldesi, Istvan-Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Budapest / Hungary in a Changing Eastern Europe, Merrill House, New York, December 12, 1989 December 1, 1989, December 12, 1989, December 1, 1989
Box 1003
Worldview breakfast / Brademas, John-New York University / Growing up Internationally: Challenges to Higher Education / Merrill House, New York, December 19, 1989 June 1, 1989-January 1, 1990, December 19, 1989, June 1, 1989-January 1, 1990
Box 1003
Worldview breakfast / Murphy, Richard W.-Council on Foreign Relations / Reflections on Middle East Peace, Merrill House, New York, January 9, 1990 December 1, 1989-February1, 1990 Photos incl., January 9, 1990, December 1, 1989-February1, 1990
Box 1003
Worldview breakfast / Tismaneanu, Vladimir-Foreign Policy Research Institute / The East European Revolution / Merrill House, New York, January 23, 1990 December 1, 1989-March1, 1990 Photos incl., January 23, 1990, December 1, 1989-March1, 1990
Box 1003
Worldview breakfast / Gomez, Agustin Barrios-Ambassador (Mexico) / Mexico Today / Merrill House, New York, February6, 1990 August 1, 1989-February1, 1990, February6, 1990, August 1, 1989-February1, 1990
Box 1003
Worldview breakfast / General Dugan, Michael J. / Realism and Readiness in the "New" Old World / Merrill House, New York, February20, 1990 February1, 1990-March1, 1990 Photos incl., February20, 1990, February1, 1990-March1, 1990
Box 1003
Worldview breakfast / Fraga, Javier Gonzalez-Harvard University / President Menem's First 200 Days / Merrill House, New York, March2, 1990 February1, 1990-March1, 1990 Photos incl., March2, 1990, February1, 1990-March1, 1990
Box 1003
Worldview breakfast / Ornstein, Norman-American Enterprise Institute / American Politics in the 90's: What We Do Without Communism / Merrill House, New York, March9, 1990 August 1, 1989-March1, 1990 Photos incl., March9, 1990, August 1, 1989-March1, 1990
Box 1003
Worldview breakfast / Stauffer, Thomas R.-John Hopkins University / Middle East Oil: Commodity or Political Football? / Merrill House, New York, April 17, 1990 December 1, 1989-April 1, 1990 Photos incl., April 17, 1990, December 1, 1989-April 1, 1990
Box 1003
Worldview breakfast / Whitehead, John C. / The Nicaraguan Election: An Observer's Viewpoint / Merrill House, New York, April 24, 1990 April 1, 1990 Photos incl., April 24, 1990, April 1, 1990
Box 1003
Worldview breakfast / Schaefer, Helmut / Current Prospects for Germany / Merrill House, New York, May 2, 1990 May 1, 1990-June 1, 1990, May 2, 1990, May 1, 1990-June 1, 1990
Box 1003
Worldview breakfast / Cameron, Kim S.-University of Michigan / Downsizing and the Global Corporation: Lessons from a Three-Year Study / Merrill House, New York, May 10, 1990 March1, 1990-June 1, 1990 Photos incl., May 10, 1990, March1, 1990-June 1, 1990
Box 1003
Worldview breakfast / Adhemar, Phillippe-Financial Counselor, Embassy of France / European Bank for Reconstruction and Development / Merrill House, New York, June 5, 1990 May 1, 1990-June 1, 1990 Photos incl., June 5, 1990, May 1, 1990-June 1, 1990
Box 1003
Worldview breakfast / Yochelson, John N.-Center for Strategic and International Studies / EC 1992 Is It Passe? / Merrill House, New York, June 21, 1990 May 1, 1990-June 1, 1990 Photos incl., 1992, June 21, 1990, May 1, 1990-June 1, 1990
Box 1003
Worldview breakfast / Adams, James / The Myth of the Peace Dividend / Merrill House, New York, July 11, 1990 July 1, 1990, July 11, 1990, July 1, 1990
Box 1003
Worldview breakfast / Aho, Michael C.-Council on Foreign Relations / Reflections on the First Post-Cold War Economic Summit / July 17, 1990 July 1, 1990 Photos incl., July 17, 1990, July 1, 1990
Box 1003
Worldview breakfast / Gal, Fedor; and Feldek, Lubomir / From a Communist Czechoslovakia to a Democratic One: The Social Costs of Freedom / Merrill House, New York, July 25, 1990 July 1, 1990-August 1, 1990 Photos incl., July 25, 1990, July 1, 1990-August 1, 1990
Box 1003
Worldview breakfast / Gittleman, Sol / The Historical Context of German Reunification / Merrill House, New York, August 1, 1990 August 1, 1990, August 1, 1990, August 1, 1990
Box 1003
Worldview breakfast / Poluneev, Yuri V. / Socio-Economic, Political and Cultural Environment for International Business in USSR and the Ukraine / Merrill House, New York, August 8, 1990 August 1, 1990, August 8, 1990, August 1, 1990
Box 1003
Worldview breakfast / Isham, Heyward-Ambassador in Residence / Practical Challenges to Building Democracies in Eastern Europe / Merrill House, New York, August 15, 1990 August 1, 1990 Photos incl., August 15, 1990, August 1, 1990
Box 1003
Worldview breakfast / Savir, Uriel-Ambassador (Israel) / The Military and Economic Reality in the Middle East / Merrill House, New York, September 13, 1990 June 1, 1990-September 1, 1990 Photos incl., September 13, 1990, June 1, 1990-September 1, 1990
Box 1003
Worldview breakfast / Hurley, Mark (Bishop) / Blood on the Shamrock / Merrill House, New York, September 21, 1990 September 1, 1990 Photos incl., September 21, 1990, September 1, 1990
Box 1003
Worldview breakfast / Palliser, Michael-Midland Bank, plc / The European Community: Political and Economic Developments in the Nineties / Merrill House, New York, September 28, 1990 April 1, 1990-October 1, 1990 Photos incl., September 28, 1990, April 1, 1990-October 1, 1990
Box 1003
Worldview breakfast / Harris, Robert G.-University of California at Berkley / Telecommunications as a Strategic Industry / Merrill House, New York, October 2, 1990 January 1, 1990-October 1, 1990 Photos incl., October 2, 1990, January 1, 1990-October 1, 1990
Box 1003
Worldview breakfast / Menshikov, Stanislav / Communism and Capitalism: Can they Coexist? / Merrill House, New York, October 12, 1990 September 1, 1990-October 1, 1990 Photos incl., October 12, 1990, September 1, 1990-October 1, 1990
Box 1003
Worldview breakfast / London, Herb / Socialism is Dead: Leviathan Lives / New York University, November 1, 1990 November 1, 1990 Photos incl., November 1, 1990, November 1, 1990
Box 1003
Worldview breakfast / Green, Jerrold D.-Center for Middle Eastern Studies / Middle East Politics in the 90's / Merrill House, New York, November 27, 1990 September 1, 1990-November 1, 1990 Photos incl., November 27, 1990, September 1, 1990-November 1, 1990
Box 1003
Worldview breakfast / Friedman, Alan-The Financial Times / U.S. Policy Toward Saddam Hussein: The Arming and Financing of Iraq / Merrill House, New York, December 4, 1990 December 1, 1990 Photos incl., December 4, 1990, December 1, 1990
Box 1003
Worldview breakfast / Olcott, Martha Brill-Colgate University / Should the USSR Survive? / Merrill House, New York, December 13, 1990 November 1, 1990-December 1, 1990 Photos incl., December 13, 1990, November 1, 1990-December 1, 1990
Box 1003
Worldview breakfast / Da Nobrega, Mailson Ferreira-MCM Consultores Associados / President collor De Mello's First 300 Days: Some Perspectives / Merrill House, New York, January 18, 1991 December 1, 1990-January 1, 1991, January 18, 1991, December 1, 1990-January 1, 1991
Box 1003
Worldview breakfast / Bonker, Don-Congressman / The Gatt and Plow Shares / Merrill House, New York, January 29, 1991 December 1, 1990-February1, 1991, January 29, 1991, December 1, 1990-February1, 1991
Box 1003
Worldview breakfast / Bruderle, Rainer-Minister (Germany) / February12, 1991-cancelled, October 1, 1990-January 1, 1991
Box 1003
Worldview breakfast / Brainard, Lawrence J. / Eastern Europe: How to Create a Capital Market / Merrill House, New York, March8, 1991 January 1, 1991-March1, 1991 Photos incl., March8, 1991, January 1, 1991-March1, 1991
Box 1003
Worldview breakfast / Kameyoshi, Tsuruta-Office of Prime Minister of Japan / Japan and the Gulf War / Merrill House, New York, March13, 1991 February1, 1991-April 1, 1991 Photos incl., March13, 1991, February1, 1991-April 1, 1991
Box 1003
Worldview breakfast / Works, Benjamin C.-Strategic Issues Research Foundation / Fitting Strategy to Culture in a Coalition / Merrill House, New York, March14, 1991 February1, 1991-March1, 1991, March14, 1991, February1, 1991-March1, 1991
Box 1003
Worldview breakfast / Doherty, William C.-American Institute for Free Labor Development / Labor's View of Privatization / Merrill House, New York, April 26, 1991 March1, 1991-April 1, 1991 Photos incl., April 26, 1991, March1, 1991-April 1, 1991
Box 1003
Worldview breakfast / Rubio, Luis F.-Centro de Investigation para el Desarrollo (CIDAC) / The Politics of Free Trade in Mexico / Merrill House, New York, April 30, 1991 February1, 1991-April 1, 1991 Photos incl., April 30, 1991, February1, 1991-April 1, 1991
Box 1003
Worldview breakfast / Kohl, Wilfrid L., / After the Gulf War: Implications for U.S. Energy and Foreign Policies / Merrill House, New York, May 9, 1991 April 1, 1991-May 1, 1991 Photos incl., May 9, 1991, April 1, 1991-May 1, 1991
Box 1003
Worldview breakfast / Helprin, Mark / Europe has not seen the end of War / Merrill House, New York, May 31, 1991 April 1, 1991-May 1, 1991 Photos incl., May 31, 1991, April 1, 1991-May 1, 1991
Box 1003
Worldview breakfast / Curien, Gilles-Ambassador (France) / The Political and Military Architecture of the New Europe / June 7, 1991-June 1, 1991 Photos incl., June 7, 1991-June 1, 1991
Box 1003
Worldview breakfast / Bell, Geoffrey-Guinness Mahon Holdings / Privatization in a Capital-Short World / June 28, 1991 June 1, 1991 Photos incl., June 28, 1991, June 1, 1991
Box 1003
Worldview breakfast / Onate, Santiago-Ambassador (Mexico) / Democracy in Mexico: A Post-Election Progress Report / Merrill House, New York, August 22, 1991 August 1, 1991, August 22, 1991, August 1, 1991
Box 1003
Worldview breakfast / Pomeroy, Brian W.-Touche Ross / An Assessment of Privatization in the U.K.: Mistakes, Successes, and Future Prospects / Merrill House, New York, September 20, 1991 August 1, 1991-September 1, 1991 Photos incl., September 20, 1991, August 1, 1991-September 1, 1991
Box 1003
Worldview breakfast / Chernogorodsky, Valery-Russia State Committee on Privatization / Privatization in the Republic of Russia / Merrill House, New York, September 31, 1991 September 1, 1991-February1, 1993 Photos incl., September 31, 1991, September 1, 1991-February1, 1993
Box 1004
Worldview breakfast / Tith, Naranhkiri-IMF (International Monetary Fund) Institute / The Shape of the New Agreements on Cambodia: The 31 October Meeting in Paris / Merrill House, New York, October 29, 1991 October 1, 1991, October 29, 1991, October 1, 1991
Box 1004
Worldview breakfast / Lieber, Robert-Georgetown University / U.S. Energy Security in the Post-Gulf War and Post-Cold War Period / Merrill House, New York / December 20, 1991 November 1, 1991 December 1, 1991 Photos incl., December 20, 1991, 1991
Box 1004
Worldview breakfast / Horvat, Janos-Columbia University / The prospects for Free Media in the Former Communist Countries of Eastern Europe / Merrill House, New York, January 21, 1992 December 1, 1991-January 1, 1992, January 21, 1992, December 1, 1991-January 1, 1992
Box 1004
Worldview breakfast / Miller, Judith-The New York Times Magazine / Immigration: The Issue of the Decade / Merrill House, New York, February4, 1992 January 1, 1992-February1, 1992 Photos incl., February4, 1992, January 1, 1992-February1, 1992
Box 1004
Worldview breakfast / Lauder, Ronald S.-New York State Senate Advisory Commission on Privatization / Privatization: Opportunities for New York / Merrill House, New York, February28, 1992 February1, 1992-March1, 1992 Photos incl., February28, 1992, February1, 1992-March1, 1992
Box 1004
Worldview breakfast / Mathews, David-Charles F. Kettering Foundation / Mericans' Views of Politics and Politicians / Merrill House, New York, March3, 1992 January 1, 1992-March1, 1992 Photos incl., March3, 1992, January 1, 1992-March1, 1992
Box 1004
Worldview breakfast / Shirley, Mary-World Bank / Privatization: A World Bank Perspective / Merrill House, New York, March20, 1992 July 1, 1991-March1, 1992 Photos incl., March20, 1992, July 1, 1991-March1, 1992
Box 1004
Worldview breakfast / Westerberg, Per-Minister (Sweden) / From Confusion Economics to Market Economy, The Only Way for Sweden / Merrill House, New York, April 6, 1992 February1, 1992-June 1, 1992 Photos incl., April 6, 1992, February1, 1992-June 1, 1992
Box 1004
Worldview breakfast / Bode, Ken-DePauw University / 1992 Campaign: The Good, The Bad, The Ugly / Merrill House, New York, April 14, 1992 April 1, 1992 Photos incl., 1992, April 14, 1992, April 1, 1992
Box 1004
Worldview breakfast / Cavaiola, Lawrence; and Rohlfing, Joan / Defense in the 90's: How Much Do We Need (And What Will It Cost?) / Merrill House, New York, April 24, 1992 March1, 1992-May 1, 1992 Photos incl., April 24, 1992, March1, 1992-May 1, 1992
Box 1004
Worldview breakfast / Giraudo, John-Skadden Arps Slate Meagher & Flom / Is Privatization a Solution to the Infrastructure Crisis? / Merrill House, New York, May 8, 1992 December 1, 1991-June 1, 1992 Photos incl., May 8, 1992, December 1, 1991-June 1, 1992
Box 1004
Worldview breakfast / Adams, James-London Sunday Times / Arms Proliferation in the New World / Merrill House, New York, May 19, 1992 March1, 1992-May 1, 1992 Photos incl., May 19, 1992, March1, 1992-May 1, 1992
Box 1004
Worldview breakfast / Galvin, John R.-Allied Commader in Europe (General) / Nato in Transition / Merrill House, New York, June 5, 1992 January 1, 1990-June 1, 1992 Photos incl., June 5, 1992, January 1, 1990-June 1, 1992
Box 1004
Worldview breakfast / Reimnitz, Christoph-Treuhandanstalt / Privatizing Easter Germany: A Report from the Treuhand / Merrill House, New York, June 26, 1992 May 1, 1992-June 1, 1992 Photos incl., June 26, 1992, May 1, 1992-June 1, 1992
Box 1004
Worldview breakfast / Fallon, Ivan-Sunday Times / Merrill House, New York, July 7, 1992 June 1, 1992-July 1, 1992, July 7, 1992, June 1, 1992-July 1, 1992
Box 1004
Worldview breakfast / Arria, Diego E.-Ambassador (Venezuela) / The Current Political and Economic Situation in Venezuela / Merrill House, New York, September 16, 1992 August 1, 1992-September 1, 1992 Photos incl., September 16, 1992, August 1, 1992-September 1, 1992
Box 1004
Worldview breakfast / De Soto, Hernando-Institute for Liberty & Democracy / The Role of Private Property in Development / Merrill House, New York, October 5, 1992 February1, 1992-October 1, 1992 Photos incl., October 5, 1992, February1, 1992-October 1, 1992
Box 1004
Worldview breakfast / Saunders, Stuart-University of Cape Town / Dismantling Apartheid: The Implications for Business / Merrill House, New York, October 9, 1992 August 1, 1992-October 1, 1992 Photos incl., October 9, 1992, August 1, 1992-October 1, 1992
Box 1004
Worldview breakfast / Schmidt, Benno C.-The Edison Project / The Case for Structural Reform Through Private Innovation / Merrill House, New York, October 20, 1992 June 1, 1992-February1, 1993 Photos incl., October 20, 1992, June 1, 1992-February1, 1993
Box 1004
Worldview breakfast / Anders, George-The Wall Street Journal / Wall Street in the Nineties: The Next Wave / Merrill House, New York, October 27, 1992 August 1, 1992-November 1, 1992 Photos incl., October 27, 1992, August 1, 1992-November 1, 1992
Box 1004
Worldview breakfast / Ornstein, Norman J.-American Enterprise Institute / the Election and Its Aftermath / Merrill House, New York, November 3, 1992 October 1, 1992-November 1, 1992, November 3, 1992, October 1, 1992-November 1, 1992
Box 1004
Worldview breakfast / Goldsmith, Stephen-May or (Indianapolis) / Moving Municipal Services into the Marketplace / Merrill House, New York, November 20, 1992 September 1, 1992-November 1, 1992 Photos incl., November 20, 1992, September 1, 1992-November 1, 1992
Box 1004
Worldview breakfast / Hamdoon, Nizar-Ambassador (Iraq) / Merrill House, New York, December 1, 1992 September 1, 1992-December 1, 1992 Photos incl., December 1, 1992, September 1, 1992-December 1, 1992
Box 1004
Worldview breakfast / Schleifer, Andrei-Harvard University / The Russian Privatization Program / Merrill House, New York, December 10, 1992 July 1, 1992-February1, 1993 Photos incl., December 10, 1992, July 1, 1992-February1, 1993
Box 1004
Worldview breakfast / Thieme, Jerzy / Mass Privatization in Poland / Merrill House, New York, January 29, 1993 December 1, 1992-February1, 1993 Photos incl., January 29, 1993, December 1, 1992-February1, 1993
Box 1004
Worldview breakfast / Taladrid, Raul-Vice Minister (Cuba) / New Approaches to Foreign Investment, International Trade, and Economic Development in Cuba / Merrill House, New York, February17, 1993 January 1, 1993-March1, 1993 Photos incl., February17, 1993, January 1, 1993-March1, 1993
Box 1004
Worldview breakfast / Dyba, Karel-Minister (Czech Republic) / An Update on Privatization in the Czech Republic / Merrill House, New York, February19, 1993 December 1, 1992-April 1, 1993 Photos incl., February19, 1993, December 1, 1992-April 1, 1993
Box 1004
Worldview breakfast / McDermid, John-Minister (Canada) / Privatization: The Canadian Story / Merrill House, New York, March9, 1993 January 1, 1993-May 1, 1993 Photos incl., March9, 1993, January 1, 1993-May 1, 1993
Box 1004
Worldview breakfast / Chaudhuri, Adhip-Georgetown University / Vietnam's Economic Reform / Merrill House, New York, April 2, 1993 January 1, 1993-April 1, 1993 Includes publication "Investment in Vietnam" published by KPMG (undated), April 2, 1993, January 1, 1993-April 1, 1993
Box 1005
Worldview breakfast / Harish, Micha-Minister (Israel) / The Economy of Israel / Merrill House, New York, April 15, 1993 September 1, 1992-May 1, 1993 Photos incl., April 15, 1993, September 1, 1992-May 1, 1993
Box 1005
Worldview breakfast / Poole, Robert-The Reason Foundation / why America Needs a Privatized Infrastructure Industry / Merrill House, New York, May 7, 1993 March1, 1993-May 1, 1993 Photos incl., May 7, 1993, March1, 1993-May 1, 1993
Box 1005
Worldview breakfast / Derbisov, Erkeshbay-Minister (Kazakhstan) / Privatization and Economic Reform in the Republic of Kazakhstan / Merrill House, New York, May 25, 1993 May 1, 1993-June 1, 1993 Photos incl., May 25, 1993, May 1, 1993-June 1, 1993
Box 1005
Worldview breakfast / Niemczycki, Zgigniew-Curtis International, Inc. / Merrill House, New York, May 27, 1993 May 1, 1993-June 1, 1993, May 27, 1993, May 1, 1993-June 1, 1993
Box 1005
Worldview breakfast / Ebinger, Charles / U.S. Energy Policy in the Clinton Administration / Merrill House, New York, June 10, 1993 April 1, 1993-June 1, 1993 Photos incl., June 10, 1993, April 1, 1993-June 1, 1993
Box 1005
Worldview breakfast / Kulov, Feliks-Vice President, Kyrgyzstan / Merrill House, New York, June 29, 1993-cancelled, May 1, 1993-June 1, 1993
Box 1005
Worldview breakfast / Suarez-Mier, Manuel-Minister (Mexico) / NAFTA: What Will It Mean For You? / Merrill House, New York, July 30, 1993 July 1, 1993-October 1, 1993 Photos incl., July 30, 1993, July 1, 1993-October 1, 1993
Box 1005
Worldview breakfast / Zarb, Frank G.-Primerica Corporation / Making New York Work Through privatization and Competition / Merrill House, New York, September 20, 1993 June 1, 1993-November 1, 1993 Photos incl., September 20, 1993, June 1, 1993-November 1, 1993
Box 1005
Worldview breakfast / Yesilada, H Can / Merrill House, New York, September 27, 1993 September 1, 1993, September 27, 1993, September 1, 1993
Box 1005
Worldview breakfast / Niechaev, Andrei / The Current Situation in Russia and Its Impact on Business Prospects / Merrill House, New York, October 8, 1993 October 1, 1993 Photos incl., October 8, 1993, October 1, 1993
Box 1005
Worldview breakfast / McEntee, Gerald M. / Reinventing Government: Public Employees' Perspectives / Merrill House, New York, October 22, 1993 Photos incl., October 22, 1993
Box 1005
Worldview breakfast / Lamy, Pascal-Chief of Staff (European Commission) / European-United States Relations and GATT / Merrill House, New York, November 18, 1993 October 1, 1993-November 1, 1993 Photos incl., November 18, 1993, October 1, 1993-November 1, 1993
Box 1005
Worldview breakfast / Ocampo, Raul-Ambassador (Argentina) / Economic and Political Reform in Argentina / Merrill House, New York, November 10, 1993 October 1, 1993-December 1, 1993 Photos incl., November 10, 1993, October 1, 1993-December 1, 1993
Box 1005
Worldview breakfast / Luttwak, Edward-Center for Strategic and International Studies / the Third-Worldization of America / Merrill House, New York, November 16, 1993 July 1, 1993-November 1, 1993 Photos incl., November 16, 1993, July 1, 1993-November 1, 1993
Box 1005
Worldview breakfast / Balcerowicz, Leszek-Former Minister (Poland) / The Various Roads to a Private Economy / Merrill House, New York, November 29, 1993 October 1, 1993-April 1, 1994 Photos incl., November 29, 1993, October 1, 1993-April 1, 1994
Box 1005
Worldview breakfast / Hoge, James F.-Foreign Affairs Magazine / Clinton's Foreign Policy as Seen from Overseas / Merrill House, New York, December 3, 1993 November 1, 1993-December 1, 1993 Photos incl., December 3, 1993, November 1, 1993-December 1, 1993
Box 1005
Worldview breakfast / Overholt, William H.-Bankers Trust Co / Merrill House, New York, December 6, 1993 November 1, 1993-December 1, 1993 Photos incl., December 6, 1993, November 1, 1993-December 1, 1993
Box 1005
Worldview breakfast / Butler, Stuart M.-Heritage Foundation / What the Clients have not gotten Right: Health Care Reform in the United States / Merrill House, New York, December 10, 1993 November 1, 1993-December 1, 1993 Photos incl., December 10, 1993, November 1, 1993-December 1, 1993
Box 1005
Conversation Programs / Weinstein, Martin / Merrill House, New York, January 11, 1989 November 1, 1988 December 1, 1988, January 11, 1989, 1988
Box 1005
Conversation Programs / Syed, Aslam / Prospects of Democracy in Pakistan Since the Election / Merrill House, New York, January 18, 1989 January 1, 1989 Newspaper Clipping, January 18, 1989, January 1, 1989
Box 1005
Conversation Programs / Binyan, Liu-Harvard University / Crisis and Hope of China / Merrill House, New York, January 25, 1989 January 1, 1989-February1, 1989 Photos incl., January 25, 1989, January 1, 1989-February1, 1989
Box 1005
Conversation Programs / Hauser, Rita E.-Stroock & Stroock & Lavan / The Middle East Peace Process: Where Do We Go From Here? / Merrill House, New York, February15, 1989 December 1, 1988-February1, 1989 Photos incl., February15, 1989, December 1, 1988-February1, 1989
Box 1005
Conversation Programs / Moore, Jonathan-Ambassador (US) / Current Challenges in US Refugee Policy / Merrill House, New York, February15, 1989 November 1, 1988-February1, 1989, February15, 1989, November 1, 1988-February1, 1989
Box 1005
Conversation Programs / Harrison, Selig S.-Carnegie Endowment for International Peace / Afghanistan: After the Withdrawal / Merrill House, New York, February23, 1989 December 1, 1988-January 1, 1989 Photos incl., and Newspaper Clipping, February23, 1989, December 1, 1988-January 1, 1989
Box 1005
Conversation Programs / Gerson, Allan-American Enterprise Institute / U.S. Foreign Policy in Transition: Shifting Assumptions / Merrill House, New York, March2, 1989 December 1, 1988-March1, 1989, March2, 1989, December 1, 1988-March1, 1989
Box 1005
Conversation Programs / Ladjevardi, Habib-Harvard University / The Role of Leadership in the Collapse of the Monarchy in Iran / Merrill House, New York, March15, 1989 January 1, 1989-March1, 1989, March15, 1989, January 1, 1989-March1, 1989
Box 1005
Conversation Programs / Schuler, Henry M. / Libya Three Years After the Raid / Merrill House, New York, March22, 1989 February1, 1989-March1, 1989, March22, 1989, February1, 1989-March1, 1989
Box 1005
Conversation Programs / Brimelow, Peter-Forbes Magazine / U.S.-Canada Relations in Light of the Free Trade Agreement / Merrill House, New York, March29, 1989 February1, 1989-March1, 1989 Photos incl., March29, 1989, February1, 1989-March1, 1989
Box 1005
Conversation Programs / Christy, David S. / Afghanistan Independence: Or a Greater Pakistan? / Merrill House, New York, April 5, 1989 January 1, 1989-April 1, 1989, April 5, 1989, January 1, 1989-April 1, 1989
Box 1005
Conversation Programs / Prince Philippe-Prince (Belgium) / New York, April 10, 1989 March1, 1989-April 1, 1989 Photos incl., April 10, 1989, March1, 1989-April 1, 1989
Box 1005
Conversation Programs / Truell, Peter-The Wall Street Journal / The Brady Plan / Merrill House, New York, April 12, 1989 April 1, 1989 Photos incl., April 12, 1989, April 1, 1989
Box 1006
Conversation Programs / Rogers, William D.; Green, Rosario; and Smith, Peter / The Future of U.S.-Mexico Relations under Presidents Salinas and Bush / Merrill House, New York, April 19, 1989 January 1, 1989-April 1, 1989 Photos incl., April 19, 1989, January 1, 1989-April 1, 1989
Box 1006
Conversation Programs / Eberstadt, Nicholas-American Enterprise Institute / Foreign and American Purpose / Merrill House, New York, April 26, 1989 February1, 1989-July 1, 1989, April 26, 1989, February1, 1989-July 1, 1989
Box 1006
Conversation Programs / Glasnost Panel / Daniloff, Nicholas; Kaufman, Bel; Andjaparidze, Georgi; and Kudriavseva, Tatiana / The Effects of Glasnost on Cultural Life in the Soviet Union / Merrill House, New York, April 27, 1989 July 1, 1988-May 1, 1989 Photos incl., and Newspaper Clipping, April 27, 1989, July 1, 1988-May 1, 1989
Box 1006
Conversation Programs / Goldman, Merle-Boston University / The Problems of China's Reforms / Barbizon Hotel, New York, May 3, 1989 February1, 1989-March1, 1989, May 3, 1989, February1, 1989-March1, 1989
Box 1006
Conversation Programs / Murakami, Yoshio-Asahi Shimbun (Japan) / The Future of Japanese-American Relations: A Journalist's Perspective / Barbizon Hotel, New York, May 18, 1989 April 1, 1989 February1, 1990 Photos incl., May 18, 1989, 1990
Box 1006
Conversation Programs / Drug Panel / Tambs, Lewis. A. / Drug Trafficking: Terrorism in the Western Hemisphere / Barbizon Hotel, New York, May 23, 1989 April 1, 1989-June 1, 1989 Photos incl., May 23, 1989, April 1, 1989-June 1, 1989
Box 1006
Conversation Programs / Kittani, Ismat T.-Ex-Ambassador (Iraq); Special Representative (UN) / The Prospects for Peace in the Gulf since the End of the War / Merrill House, New York, May 31, 1989 March1, 1989-June 1, 1989 Photos incl., May 31, 1989, March1, 1989-June 1, 1989
Box 1006
Conversation Programs / Ostry, Sylvia-Council on Foreign Relations / Coping with the Global Economy: Summitry, the GATT and All That / Merrill House, New York, June 7, 1989 January 1, 1989-June 1, 1989 Photos incl., June 7, 1989, January 1, 1989-June 1, 1989
Box 1006
Conversation Programs / Ellsworth, Robert F.-Ambassador (US) / The International Security System Transformed: NATO After the Cold War / Merrill House, New York, June 14, 1989 May 1, 1989-June 1, 1989 Photos incl., June 14, 1989, May 1, 1989-June 1, 1989
Box 1006
Conversation Programs / Asman, David-The Wall Street Journal / Panama and the U.S.: Underneath the Diplomatic Veil / Merrill House, New York, June 21, 1989 January 1, 1989-June 1, 1989 Photos incl., June 21, 1989, January 1, 1989-June 1, 1989
Box 1006
Conversation Programs / Kipper, Judith-The Brookings Institute / The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: Is Peace Now Possible? / Barbizon Hotel, New York, June 28, 1989 April 1, 1989-June 1, 1989 Photos incl., June 28, 1989, April 1, 1989-June 1, 1989
Box 1006
Conversation Programs / Pahlavi, Mohammad Reza-Shah of Iran / Iran's Future: The Struggle for Democracy / Lotos Club, New York, June 29, 1989 June 1, 1989-July 1, 1989 Photos incl., June 1, 1989-July 1, 1989
Box 1006
Conversation Programs / Pipes, Daniel-Foreign Policy Research Institute / The Middle East Peace Process: A Skeptical View / Merrill House, New York, September 13, 1989 February1, 1989-September 1, 1989 Photos incl., September 13, 1989, February1, 1989-September 1, 1989
Box 1006
Conversation Programs / Bremer, Paul L.-Ambassador (US) / Developing a Western Strategy to Combat Terrorism / Merrill House, New York, September 19, 1989 August 1, 1989-October 1, 1989 Photos incl., September 19, 1989, August 1, 1989-October 1, 1989
Box 1006
Conversation Programs / LaMalfa, Giorgio-Secretary General (Republic Party of Italy) / 1992 Italy, Europe, and the United States / Merrill House, New York, September 26, 1989 August 1, 1989-October 1, 1989 Photos incl., 1992, September 26, 1989, August 1, 1989-October 1, 1989
Box 1006
Conversation Programs / Cheng, Nien / Life and Death in Shanghai / Merrill House, New York, October 12, 1989 November 1, 1988-October 1, 1989 Photos incl., October 12, 1989, November 1, 1988-October 1, 1989
Box 1006
Conversation Programs / Castaneda, Jorge; Pastor, Robert / Limits to Friendship: The United States and Mexico / October 18, 1989 May 1, 1989-November 1, 1989 Photos incl., and Paper Clippings, October 18, 1989, May 1, 1989-November 1, 1989
Box 1006
Conversation Programs / Kutuinnikov, Andrei-Permanent Soviet Mission to the US / Perestroika's Competing Forces and American Interest: A View from Moscow / Merrill House, New York, October 25, 1989 January 1, 1989-November 1, 1989 Photos incl., October 25, 1989, January 1, 1989-November 1, 1989
Box 1006
Conversation Programs / Romaszewski, Zbigniew-Member of Polish Senate / Democratic Reform and Human Rights in Poland / Merrill House, New York, November 1, 1989 August 1, 1989-November 1, 1989 Photos incl., November 1, 1989, August 1, 1989-November 1, 1989
Box 1006
Conversation Programs / Sigur, Gaston-George Washington University / Northeast Asia and the Korean Peninsula: A time of Transition? / Merrill House, New York, November 16, 1989 October 1, 1989-November 1, 1989 Photos incl., November 16, 1989, October 1, 1989-November 1, 1989
Box 1006
Conversation Programs / Okun, Herbert S.-Ambassador (US) / Russia and Germany: What Next? / Merrill House, New York, December 7, 1989 November 1, 1989 Photos incl., December 7, 1989, November 1, 1989
Box 1006
Conversation Programs / Pickering, Thomas-Ambassador (US) / The United States' Participation in the United Nations / Merrill House, New York, December 13, 1989 January 1, 1989-December 1, 1989 Photos incl., December 13, 1989, January 1, 1989-December 1, 1989
Box 1006
Conversation Programs / Roett, Riordan-John Hopkins University / Brazil: The Agenda for 1990 / Merrill House, New York, January 10, 1990 May 1, 1989-February1, 1990 Photos incl., 1990, January 10, 1990, May 1, 1989-February1, 1990
Box 1006
Conversation Programs / O' Sullivan, John-National Review / Mrs. Thatcher's Britain and a Changing Europe / Merrill House, New York, January 31, 1990 December 1, 1989-February1, 1990 Photos incl., January 31, 1990, December 1, 1989-February1, 1990
Box 1006
Conversation Programs / Nakas, Victor-Lithuanian Information Center / Democratization and Independence: Lithuania's Version of Perestroika / Merrill House, New York, February7, 1990 January 1, 1990-July 1, 1990 Photos incl., February7, 1990, January 1, 1990-July 1, 1990
Box 1006
Conversation Programs / Colby, William / Lost Victory / Merrill House, New York, February22, 1990 January 1, 1990-March1, 1990 Photos incl., February22, 1990, January 1, 1990-March1, 1990
Box 1007
Conversation Programs / Bosworth, Stephen W.-Ambassador (US) / The Philippines: Possibilities and Prospects / Merrill House, New York, February28, 1990 February1, 1990-March1, 1990 Photos incl., February28, 1990, February1, 1990-March1, 1990
Box 1007
Conversation Programs / Nickel, Herman-Ambassador (US) / South Africa on the Threshold of a New Era / Merrill House, New York, March7, 1990 February1, 1990-March1, 1990 Photos incl., March7, 1990, February1, 1990-March1, 1990
Box 1007
Conversation Programs / Moore, Charles-The Spectator / Merrill House, New York, March14, 1990 February1, 1990, March14, 1990, February1, 1990
Box 1007
Conversation Programs / Cartledge, Bryan-Ambassador (UK) / A Plural Soviet Union: Nationalities and Parties / Merrill House, New York, March21, 1990 March1, 1990 Photos incl., March21, 1990, March1, 1990
Box 1007
Conversation Programs / Carpenter, David-New York State Dept. of Health / Pollution: An International Public Health Challenge in the 90's / Merrill House, New York, April 4, 1990 January 1, 1990-March1, 1990 Photos incl., April 4, 1990, January 1, 1990-March1, 1990
Box 1007
Conversation Programs / Menendez, Jose Luis Llovio / Fidel Castro: Is Cuba the Next to Go? / Merrill House, New York, April 18, 1990 March1, 1990-April 1, 1990 Photos incl., April 18, 1990, March1, 1990-April 1, 1990
Box 1007
Conversation Programs / Anderson, Lisa-Columbia University / Prospects for Democracy in the Arab World / Merrill House, New York, April 25, 1990 March1, 1990-April 1, 1990 Photos incl., April 25, 1990, March1, 1990-April 1, 1990
Box 1007
Conversation Programs / Sussman, Leonard-Freedom House / Power, the Press, and the Technology of Freedom / Merrill House, New York, May 8, 1990 April 1, 1990-May 1, 1990 Photos incl., May 8, 1990, April 1, 1990-May 1, 1990
Box 1007
Conversation Programs / Sturua, Melor-Izvestia / The Fate of Perestroika and Gorbachev / Merrill House, New York, May 23, 1990 March1, 1990-May 1, 1990 Photos incl., May 23, 1990, March1, 1990-May 1, 1990
Box 1007
Conversation Programs / Fuller, Graham E. / The Nationalities Explosion in the Soviet Union / Merrill House, New York, June 6, 1990 May 1, 1990-June 1, 1990 Photos incl., June 6, 1990, May 1, 1990-June 1, 1990
Box 1007
Conversation Programs / Checklin, Vladimir N.-US-USSR Trade & Economic Council / Perestroika in the USSR and Soviet-American Trade / Merrill House, New York, June 13, 1990 November 1, 1989-June 1, 1990 Photos incl., June 13, 1990, November 1, 1989-June 1, 1990
Box 1007
Conversation Programs / Oxnam, Robert-The Asia Society / China after Tiananmen / Merrill House, New York, June 20, 1990 February1, 1990-July 1, 1990 Photos incl., June 20, 1990, February1, 1990-July 1, 1990
Box 1007
Conversation Programs / Morse, Edward L.-Petroleum Intelligence Weekly / The Gulf Crisis: What's in Store for the International Petroleum Industry / Merrill House, New York, September 12, 1990 August 1, 1990-September 1, 1990 Photos incl., September 12, 1990, August 1, 1990-September 1, 1990
Box 1007
Conversation Programs / Stone, Roger David / Destroying the World's Coastal Zone / Merrill House, New York, September 19, 1990 July 1, 1990-September 1, 1990 Photos incl., September 19, 1990, July 1, 1990-September 1, 1990
Box 1007
Conversation Programs / Urquhart, Brian-UN; The Ford Foundation / Iraq: Challenging the Post-Cold War United Nations / Merrill House, New York, September 25, 1990 July 1, 1990-September 1, 1990 Photos incl., September 25, 1990, July 1, 1990-September 1, 1990
Box 1007
Conversation Programs / Ganguly, Sumit-Hunter College / India in the 1990s The Most Dangerous Decade? / Merrill House, New York, October 3, 1990 October 1, 1990 Photos incl., 1990s, October 3, 1990, October 1, 1990
Box 1007
Conversation Programs / Malstev, Yuri-United States Institute of Peace / Soviet Economic Reforms / Merrill House, New York, October 17, 1990 September 1, 1990-October 1, 1990 Photos incl., October 17, 1990, September 1, 1990-October 1, 1990
Box 1007
Conversation Programs / Hyland, William G.-Foreign Affairs / U.S. Foreign Policy / Merrill House, New York, October 24, 1990 October 1, 1990 Photos incl., October 24, 1990, October 1, 1990
Box 1007
Conversation Programs / Holstein, William J.-Business Week / Japanese Politics: Who's on First? / Merrill House, New York, November 7, 1990 October 1, 1990-November 1, 1990 Photos incl., November 7, 1990, October 1, 1990-November 1, 1990
Box 1007
Conversation Programs / Cohen, Roberta-Deputy Assistant Secretary of State (US) / The Problematic Absorption of Soviet Jews in Israel / Merrill House, New York, November 15, 1990 June 1, 1990-November 1, 1990 Photos incl., November 15, 1990, June 1, 1990-November 1, 1990
Box 1007
Conversation Programs / Shlaes, Amity-The Wall Street Journal / Germany: The Empire Within / Merrill House, New York, November 29, 1990 September 1, 1990-November 1, 1990, November 29, 1990, September 1, 1990-November 1, 1990
Box 1007
Conversation Programs / Levchenko, Stanislav-Former KGB; Counterpoint (Editor) / Is the KGB Fatally Ill? / Merrill House, New York, December 5, 1990 August 1, 1990-December 1, 1990 Photos incl., December 5, 1990, August 1, 1990-December 1, 1990
Box 1007
Conversation Programs / Treaster, Joseph B.-New York Times / On Assignment in the Gulf / Merrill House, New York, December 11, 1990 November 1, 1990-December 1, 1990 Photos incl., December 11, 1990, November 1, 1990-December 1, 1990
Box 1007
Conversation Programs / Kim, Byoung-Lo Philo / The Two Koreas in the 1990s A Look at Post-Cold War Politics / Merrill House, New York, January 30, 1991 December 1, 1990-February1, 1991, 1990s, January 30, 1991, December 1, 1990-February1, 1991
Box 1007
Conversation Programs / Al-Sultan, Fawzi Hamad / Iraqi Invasion of Kuwait: A Kuwaiti Perspective / Merrill House, New York, January 31, 1991 January 1, 1991-February1, 1991 Photos incl., January 31, 1991, January 1, 1991-February1, 1991
Box 1007
Conversation Programs / Southerland, Daniel-Council on Foreign Relations / Possibilities for Change in China's Post-Deng Era / Merrill House, New York, February6, 1991 November 1, 1990-February1, 1991 Photos incl., February6, 1991, November 1, 1990-February1, 1991
Box 1007
Conversation Programs / Wallach, John; Wallach, Janet / Arafat and the PLO: What Happens after the War / Merrill Hosue, New York, February7, 1991 January 1, 1991-February1, 1991 Photos incl., February7, 1991, January 1, 1991-February1, 1991
Box 1007
Conversation Programs / Alburt, Lev-Chess Grandmaster / 1991 The Last Year of Gorbachev? / Merrill House, New York, February13, 1991 January 1, 1991-February1, 1991, 1991, February13, 1991, January 1, 1991-February1, 1991
Box 1007
Conversation Programs / Kramer, Martin-Moshe Dayan Center for Middle East Studies (Israel) / Israel and Syria: Post-War Scenarios / Merrill House, New York, February26, 1991 May 1, 1990-March1, 1991 Photos incl., February26, 1991, May 1, 1990-March1, 1991
Box 1007
Conversation Programs / Ahn, Byung-Joon-Yonsei University / Political Development in Korea and the Coming Local Elections / Merrill House, New York, February27, 1991 February1, 1991, February27, 1991, February1, 1991
Box 1007
Conversation Programs / Kniazkov, Maxim-The Jamestown Foundation / Merrill House, New York, March5, 1991 January 1, 1991-February1, 1991, March5, 1991, January 1, 1991-February1, 1991
Box 1007
Conversation Programs / Grabendorff, Wolf-Institute of European-Latin American Studies (Madrid) / What Role for the New Europe in the Americas? / Merrill House, New York, March12, 1991 February1, 1991-March1, 1991, March12, 1991, February1, 1991-March1, 1991
Box 1007
Conversation Programs / Viets, Richard-Ambassador (US) / Jordan: Caught in the Middle / Merrill House, New York, March19, 1991 February1, 1991-March1, 1991 Photos incl., March19, 1991, February1, 1991-March1, 1991
Box 1007
Conversation Programs / Gottlieb, Gidon Alain Guy-University of Chicago / Is a Compromise Possible on the Palestinian Question? / Merrill House, New York / April 9, 1991 April 1, 1991, April 9, 1991, April 1, 1991
Box 1007
Conversation Programs / Svec, Milan-Institute for National & Strategic Studies / Gorbachev's Unfinished Revolution / Merrill House, New York, April 23, 1991 July 1, 1990-April 1, 1991 Photos incl., April 23, 1991, July 1, 1990-April 1, 1991
Box 1007
Conversation Programs / Nau, Henry R.-George Washington University / America's Decline: A Casualty of the Persia Gulf War / Merrill House, New York, May 7, 1991 March1, 1991-May 1, 1991 Photos incl., May 7, 1991, March1, 1991-May 1, 1991
Box 1007
Conversation Programs / Venys, Ladislav-Center for Democracy & Free Enterprise (Prague) / The Political Economy of Privatization in Czechoslovakia / Merrill House, New York, May 15, 1991 April 1, 1991-July 1, 1993 Photos incl., May 15, 1991, April 1, 1991-July 1, 1993
Box 1007
Conversation Programs / Keeley, Robert V.-Ambassador (US) / Israel and Palestine: Back to Basics / Merrill House, New York, May 29, 1991 April 1, 1991-June 1, 1991 Photos incl., May 29, 1991, April 1, 1991-June 1, 1991
Box 1007
Conversation Programs / Eisenstadt, Michael G.-US Information Agency / The Politics of Ethnicity in Post-Communist Yugoslavia / Merrill House, New York, June 11, 1991 April 1, 1991-June 1, 1991, June 11, 1991, April 1, 1991-June 1, 1991
Box 1007
Conversation Programs / Marmor, Theodore R.-Yale University / The Misunderstanderstood Welfare State: North American Examples / Merrill House, New York, June 20, 1991 March1, 1991-June 1, 1991, June 20, 1991, March1, 1991-June 1, 1991
Box 1007
Conversation Programs / Kipper, Judith-The Brookings Institute / New Thinking in the Middle East / Merrill House, New York, June 25, 1991 April 1, 1991-June 1, 1991, June 25, 1991, April 1, 1991-June 1, 1991
Box 1007
Conversation Programs / Schlesinger, Arthur-CUNY (The City University of New York) / Reflections on a Multicultural Society / Merrill House, New York, September 12, 1991 September 1, 1991 Photos incl., September 12, 1991, September 1, 1991
Box 1007
Conversation Programs / Bainerman, Joel-The Jerusalem Post / The Middle East Peace Conference / Merrill House, New York, October 8, 1991 October 1, 1991 Photos incl., October 8, 1991, October 1, 1991
Box 1007
Conversation Programs / Garment, Suzanne-American Enterprise Institute / Scandal: The Culture of Mistrust in American Politics / Merrill House, New York, October 15, 1991 April 1, 1991-November 1, 1991 Photos incl., October 15, 1991, April 1, 1991-November 1, 1991
Box 1007
Conversation Programs / Decker, Hans; Garten, Jefferey E.; Okabe, Toru-Siemens Corporation, The Blackstone Group, NHK Japan Broadcasting / Japan and Germany in the American Mind / Merrill House, New York, October 30, 1991 September 1, 1991-November 1, 1991 Photos incl., October 30, 1991, September 1, 1991-November 1, 1991
Box 1007
Conversation Programs / Del Castillo, Graciana-United Nations / Finance and Development / Merrill House, New York, November 7, 1991 November 1, 1991, November 7, 1991, November 1, 1991
Box 1007
Conversation Programs / Davydov, Anatoly / Cultural Differences Between the U.S. and U.S.S.R. / Merrill House, New York, November 14, 1991 October 1, 1991-November 1, 1991 Photos incl., November 14, 1991, October 1, 1991-November 1, 1991
Box 1007
Conversation Programs / Pipes, Daniel-Foreign Policy Research Institute / Syria: America's New Ally? / Merrill House, New York, November 21, 1991 September 1, 1991-November 1, 1991 Photos incl., November 21, 1991, September 1, 1991-November 1, 1991
Box 1007
Conversation Programs / Costa, Alexandra / Political and Economic Disintegration of the Soviet Union / Merrill House, New York, December 12, 1991 October 1, 1991-December 1, 1991 Photos incl., December 12, 1991, October 1, 1991-December 1, 1991
Box 1007
Conversation Programs / Woodward, Susan-The Brookings Institute / The Yugoslav Civil War / Merrill House, New York, December 17, 1991 November 1, 1991-December 1, 1991 Photos incl., December 17, 1991, November 1, 1991-December 1, 1991
Box 1007
Conversation Programs / Jensen, Kenneth-United States Institute of Peace / Will the Great Game Begin Again in Central Asia? / Merrill House, New York, December 19, 1991 November 1, 1991-December 1, 1991 Photos incl., December 19, 1991, November 1, 1991-December 1, 1991
Box 1007
Conversation Programs / Menshikov, Stanislav-Business & Management (Journal) / Revolution in Moscow: Towards New Anarchy? / Merrill House, New York, January 8, 1992 December 1, 1991-January 1, 1992 Photos incl., January 8, 1992, December 1, 1991-January 1, 1992
Box 1007
Conversation Programs / Yochelson, John-International Business & Economics / Regionalism Vs. Globalism: The Issue of the Decade / Merrill House, New York, January 16, 1992 November 1, 1991-January 1, 1992 Photos incl., January 16, 1992, November 1, 1991-January 1, 1992
Box 1007
Conversation Programs / Komarek, Valtr / Merrill House, New York, January 23, 1992 January 1, 1991-January 1, 1992, January 23, 1992, January 1, 1991-January 1, 1992
Box 1007
Conversation Programs / Miller, James R.-Citizens for a Sound Economy / Privatization in the United States / Merrill House, New York, January 30, 1992 November 1, 1991-February1, 1992 Photos incl., January 30, 1992, November 1, 1991-February1, 1992
Box 1007
Conversation Programs / Fukuyama, Francis / The End of History and the Last Man / Merrill House, New York, February11, 1992 January 1, 1992-February1, 1992 Photos incl., February11, 1992, January 1, 1992-February1, 1992
Box 1007
Conversation Programs / Mirsky, Georgiy I.-United States Institute of Peace / On the Ruins of the Soviet Empire: The New Middle East / Merrill House, New York, February20, 1992 January 1, 1992-February1, 1992, February20, 1992, January 1, 1992-February1, 1992
Box 1007
Conversation Programs / Sick, Gary-National Security Council (US) / October Surprise: America's Hostages in Iran and the Election of Ronald Reagan / Merrill House, New York, February25, 1992 December 1, 1991-February1, 1992 Photos incl., February25, 1992, December 1, 1991-February1, 1992
Box 1007
Conversation Programs / Faour, Muhammad A.-United States Institute of Peace / Western Democracy and the Arab World / Merrill House, New York, March12, 1992 January 1, 1992-March1, 1992 Photos incl., March12, 1992, January 1, 1992-March1, 1992
Box 1008
Conversation Programs / Sir De La Billiere, Peter-Commander (British Forces) / The Gulf: A British Military and a Personal Perspective / Merrill House, New York, March18, 1992 February1, 1992-March1, 1992 Photos incl., March18, 1992, February1, 1992-March1, 1992
Box 1008
Conversation Programs / Cose, Ellis-New York Daily News / A Nation of Strangers: Prejudice, Politics and the Populating of America / Merrill House, New York, March26, 1992 February1, 1992-March1, 1992 Photos incl., March26, 1992, February1, 1992-March1, 1992
Box 1008
Conversation Programs / Cartledge, Bryan-Ambassador (UK) / The End of the Soviet Union: Cause and Effect / Merrill House, New York, March31, 1992 March1, 1992, March31, 1992, March1, 1992
Box 1008
Conversation Programs / Talbot, Phillips-Asia Society; Assistant Secretary of State (US) / Conflicted South Asia: India, Pakistan and the New World Order / Merrill House, New York, April 9, 1992 March1, 1992 April 1, 1992, April 9, 1992, 1992
Box 1008
Conversation Programs / Education Panel Discussion / Cronin, Joseph; Fallon, Dan; Baytops, Joy; and Biemer, Linda / A Crisis in Our Schools / Merrill House, New York, April 21, 1992 April 1, 1992 Photos incl., April 21, 1992, April 1, 1992
Box 1008
Conversation Programs / Graubard, Stephen R.-Brown University / The Locust Years: The Reagan-Bust Area / Merrill House, New York, May 5, 1992 February1, 1992-May 1, 1992 Photos incl., and Newspaper Clipping, May 5, 1992, February1, 1992-May 1, 1992
Box 1008
Conversation Programs / Oakley, Phyllis-State Department (US) / Intelligence in the Post Cold-War Era / Merrill House, New York, May 28, 1992 March1, 1992-May 1, 1992 Photos incl., May 28, 1992, March1, 1992-May 1, 1992
Box 1008
Conversation Programs / White, Richard W./ Rude Awakenings: What the Homeless Crisis Tells Us / Merrill House, New York, June 4, 1992 March1, 1992-June 1, 1992, June 4, 1992, March1, 1992-June 1, 1992
Box 1008
Conversation Programs / Ozacky-Lazar, Sarah-Institute of Arabic Studies / Jews and Arabs in the Land of Israel / Merrill House, New York, June 11, 1992 May 1, 1992-June 1, 1992 Photos incl., June 11, 1992, May 1, 1992-June 1, 1992
Box 1008
Conversation Programs / Picco, Giandomenico-United Nations / Merrill House, New York, June 18, 1992 March1, 1992-June 1, 1992, June 18, 1992, March1, 1992-June 1, 1992
Box 1008
Conversation Programs / Liebenberg, Petrus Wessel / The New South Africa: Constructive or Destructive? / Merrill House, New York, June 25, 1992 April 1, 1992-June 1, 1992 Photos incl., June 25, 1992, April 1, 1992-June 1, 1992
Box 1008
Conversation Programs / Sheehy, Thomas P. / Somalia: Common Tragedy, Uncommon Response / Merrill House, New York, September 17, 1992 August 1, 1992-September 1, 1992 Photos incl., September 17, 1992, August 1, 1992-September 1, 1992
Box 1008
Conversation Programs / Schambeck, Herbert-Austrian Federal Assembly / A European Perspective on Relations Between Europe and the U.S. / Merrill House, New York, September 22, 1992 June 1, 1992-September 1, 1992 Photos incl., September 22, 1992, June 1, 1992-September 1, 1992
Box 1008
Conversation Programs / Haq, Mahbubul / The Challenge of Human Development / Merrill House, New York, October 15, 1992 June 1, 1992-October 1, 1992 Photos incl., October 15, 1992, June 1, 1992-October 1, 1992
Box 1008
Conversation Programs / Campi, Alicia J.-US Mongolia Advisory Group / Mongolia's Role in a Future Northeast Asian Free Trade Zone / Merrill House, New York, October 22, 1992 July 1, 1992-October 1, 1992, October 22, 1992, July 1, 1992-October 1, 1992
Box 1008
Conversation Programs / Society Magazine / Horowitz, Irving Louis-Editor-in-Chief / November 12, 1992 March1, 1992-October 1, 1992, November 12, 1992, March1, 1992-October 1, 1992
Box 1008
Conversation Programs / Codrescu, Andrei-Institute of Liberty & Democracy (Lima) / From Socialism to National Socialism in Eastern Europe / Merrill House, New York, November 17, 1992 September 1, 1992-November 1, 1992 Photos incl., November 17, 1992, September 1, 1992-November 1, 1992
Box 1008
Conversation Programs / Eatwell, John (Lord)-Trinity College, Cambridge / The Monetary Future of Europe / Merrill House, New York, November 18, 1992 September 1, 1992-November 1, 1992 Photos incl., November 18, 1992, September 1, 1992-November 1, 1992
Box 1008
Conversation Programs / May otte, Judith-Maryknoll Sisters Center / Disposable People?: Refugees as By-Products of War / Merrill House, New York, December 8, 1992 September 1, 1992-December 1, 1992 Photos incl., December 8, 1992, September 1, 1992-December 1, 1992
Box 1008
Conversation Programs / Chu, Chin-Ning-Asian Marketing Consultants, Inc. / The Asian Mind Game / Merrill House, New York, December 15, 1992 December 1, 1992, December 15, 1992, December 1, 1992
Box 1008
Worldview Breakfast / Dominguez, Jorge I.-Inter-American Dialogue / Fidel Castro's Cuba: Thirty-Five Years and Still Counting / Merrill House, New York, January 11, 1994 December 1, 1993-January 1, 1994, January 11, 1994, December 1, 1993-January 1, 1994
Box 1008
New York Seminar Series #25 / Rendell, Edward G.-May or (City of Philadelphia) / Privatization: It Can and Does Work / Merrill House, New York, January 19, 1994 November 1, 1993-April 1, 1994 Photos incl., January 19, 1994, November 1, 1993-April 1, 1994
Box 1008
New York Seminar Series #24 / Peterson, Peter G.-The Blackstone Group / Facing Up: How to Rescue the Economy from Crushing Debt and Restore the American Dream / Merrill House, New York, January 26, 1994 December 1, 1993-March1, 1994 Photos incl., and Newspaper Clipping, January 26, 1994, December 1, 1993-March1, 1994
Box 1008
Worldview Breakfast / Suyin, Han / Zhou Enlai and the Making of Modern China / Merrill House, New York, February8, 1994 January 1, 1994-February1, 1994 Photos incl., February8, 1994, January 1, 1994-February1, 1994
Box 1008
New York Seminar Series #27 / Amadeo, Eduardo-House of Representatives (Argentina) / The Politics of Privatization in Argentina / Merrill House, New York, February11, 1994 January 1, 1994-February1, 1994 Photos incl., February11, 1994, January 1, 1994-February1, 1994
Box 1008
Worldview Breakfast / Quandt, William B.-The Brookings Institute / Will 1994 Be the Year of Arab-Israeli Peace? / Merrill House, New York, February15, 1994 December 1, 1993-February1, 1994 Photos incl., 1994, February15, 1994, December 1, 1993-February1, 1994
Box 1008
New York Seminar Series / Schundler, Bret-May or (Jersey City) / Improving City Services through Empowerment / Merrill House, New York, March2, 1994 December 1, 1993-June 1, 1994 Photos incl., and Newspaper Clipping, March2, 1994, December 1, 1993-June 1, 1994
Box 1008
Working Dinner / Montoya, Carlos / Privatization and Investment Opportunities in Peru / Merrill House, New York, March15, 1994 March1, 1994-April 1, 1994 Photos incl., March15, 1994, March1, 1994-April 1, 1994
Box 1008
Worldview Breakfast / Kemp, Geoffrey-Carnegie Endowment for International Peace / U.S. Military Intervention in the Post-Cold War: The Balkans Dilemma / Merrill House, New York, March16, 1994 February1, 1994-March1, 1994 Photos incl., March16, 1994, February1, 1994-March1, 1994
Box 1008
Worldview Breakfast / Segev, Tom-Haaretz / The Israelis and the Holocaust / Merrill House, New York, March23, 1994 February1, 1994-March1, 1994, March23, 1994, February1, 1994-March1, 1994
Box 1008
Worldview Breakfast / Von Lingen, Alexander-European Parliament / The European Union's Relations with Central and Eastern Europe and the CIS / Merrill House, New York, April 5, 1994 March1, 1994-April 1, 1994, April 5, 1994, March1, 1994-April 1, 1994
Box 1008
Worldview Lunch / Rifkind, Malcolm-Secretary of State (UK) / Peace and Stability-the British Military Contribution / Merrill House, New York, April 13, 1994 March1, 1994-May 1, 1994 Photos incl., April 13, 1994, March1, 1994-May 1, 1994
Box 1008
Worldview Breakfast / Cowan, Jon; Nelson, Rob-"Lead… or Leave" campaign / Inheriting the Federal Budget Deficit and Other Problems / Merrill House, New York, April 14, 1994 October 1, 1993-April 1, 1994, April 14, 1994, October 1, 1993-April 1, 1994
Box 1008
Worldview Breakfast / Ghiles, Francis-Council on Foreign Relations / The Current Situation in Algeria / Merrill House, New York, April 15, 1994 February1, 1994-April 1, 1994 Photos incl., April 15, 1994, February1, 1994-April 1, 1994
Box 1008
Private Working Lunch / Garza, Ramon Alberto-El Norte (Mexico) / The Current Political Situation in Mexico / Merrill House, New York, April 19, 1994 April 1, 1994 Photos incl., April 19, 1994, April 1, 1994
Box 1009
Worldview Breakfast / Hottelet, Richard C.-Council on Foreign Relations / America and the World / Merrill House, New York, April 21, 1994 February1, 1994-April 1, 1994 Photos incl., April 21, 1994, February1, 1994-April 1, 1994
Box 1009
Worldview Breakfast / Rauch, Jonathan-National Journal / Demosclerosis: The Silent Killer of American Government / Merrill House, April 25, 1994 March1, 1994-April 1, 1994 Photos incl., April 25, 1994, March1, 1994-April 1, 1994
Box 1009
New York Seminar Series / Karibzhanov, Zhanisek S.; Matlock, Jack-Deputy Prime Minister (Kazakhstan); Ambassador (US) / May 4, 1994 April 1, 1994-May 1, 1994 Photos incl., May 4, 1994, April 1, 1994-May 1, 1994
Box 1009
Worldview Breakfast / Mandel, Michael J.-Business Week / Immigrants: How They are Helping the U.S. Economy / Merrill House, New York, May 5, 1994 April 1, 1994-May 1, 1994, May 5, 1994, April 1, 1994-May 1, 1994
Box 1009
Worldview Breakfast / Gallagher, Carole / America's Secret Nuclear War / Merrill House, New York, May 17, 1994 April 1, 1994-May 1, 1994 Photos incl., May 17, 1994, April 1, 1994-May 1, 1994
Box 1009
Worldview Breakfast / Stauch, Johannes-Consul General (South Africa) / South African Elections: A Vision of the Future / Merrill House, New York, May 20, 1994 April 1, 1994-May 1, 1994, May 20, 1994, April 1, 1994-May 1, 1994
Box 1009
Worldview Breakfast / Young, Kathryn Taaffe-Task Force, Carnegie Corporation / America in the 21st Century: Health, Education and Welfare of our Youngest Children / Merrill House, New York, June 14, 1994 May 1, 1994-June 1, 1994 Photos incl., June 14, 1994, May 1, 1994-June 1, 1994
Box 1009
Worldview Breakfast / Duke, Angier Biddle; Heuvel, William J. Vanden-Ambassadors (US) / Cuba: What Next Socially, Politically, and Economically? / Merrill House, New York, June 16, 1994 May 1, 1994-June 1, 1994 Photos incl., June 16, 1994, May 1, 1994-June 1, 1994
Box 1009
New York Seminar Series / Naim, Moises-Minister of Industry (Venezuela) / Managing Market Reforms / Merrill House, New York, June 21, 1994 April 1, 1994-June 1, 1994 Photos incl., June 21, 1994, April 1, 1994-June 1, 1994
Box 1009
Worldview Breakfast / Buruma, Ian-The Spectator / Losers to Winners: The Impact of World War II on Today's Germany and Japan / Merrill House, New York, June 23, 1994 May 1, 1994-June 1, 1994 Photos incl., June 23, 1994, May 1, 1994-June 1, 1994
Box 1009
Edward Larocque Tinker Distinguished Visitor Series / Goldenberg, Efrain-Minister (Peru) / Economic and Political Outlook for Peru / Americas Society, New York, June 23, 1994 June 1, 1994, June 23, 1994, June 1, 1994
Box 1009
Worldview Breakfast / Mansourov, Alexandre Y. / North Korean Decision Making and the Nuclear Bomb / Merrill House, New York, August 11, 1994 May 1, 1994-August 1, 1994 Photos incl., August 11, 1994, May 1, 1994-August 1, 1994
Box 1009
Rocca, Agostino-Techint Group / Argentina: Business Outlook / New York, September 15, 1994 August 1, 1994-September 1, 1994 Photos incl., September 15, 1994, August 1, 1994-September 1, 1994
Box 1009
Carnegie Council Privatization Project / Co, Tran Quang-Deputy Foreign Minister (Vietnam) / Vietnam's Foreign and Economic Policy / Merrill House, New York, September 20, 1994 September 1, 1994-October 1, 1994 Photos incl., September 20, 1994, September 1, 1994-October 1, 1994
Box 1009
New York Seminar # 29 / Olechowski, Andrzej-Minister (Poland) / Report on Poland / Merrill House, New York, September 28, 1994 August 1, 1994-October 1, 1994 Photos incl., September 28, 1994, August 1, 1994-October 1, 1994
Box 1009
New York Seminar # 30 / Brazauskas, Algirdas Mykolas-President (Lithuania) / Economic and Political Reform in Lithuania: What Does the Future Hold? / Merrill House, New York, September 30, 1994 September 1, 1994 Photos incl., September 30, 1994, September 1, 1994
Box 1009
Carnegie Council Privatization Project / Working Dinner / Cam, Nguyen Manh-Minister (Vietnam) / The Renovation of Vietnam / Merrill House, New York, October 5, 1994 June 1, 1994-October 1, 1994 Photos incl., October 5, 1994, June 1, 1994-October 1, 1994
Box 1009
Seminar Lunch / Marlin, George-U.S. Trust Company of New York / New York State's Fiscal and Economic Treadmill to Oblivion / Merrill House, New York, October 19, 1994 September 1, 1994-October 1, 1994 Photos incl., October 19, 1994, September 1, 1994-October 1, 1994
Box 1009
Worldview Breakfast / Bogh, Tore-Ambassador (Norway) / Lessons Learned from Yugoslavia: Could the Crisis Been Avoided? / Merrill House, New York, October 24, 1994-October 1, 1994
Box 1009
Seminar Series #1 / Fuentes, Carlos-Ambassador (Mexico) / Mexico's Changing Role in the Hemisphere / Merrill House, New York, October 27, 1994 June 1, 1993-December 1, 1994 Photos incl., October 27, 1994, June 1, 1993-December 1, 1994
Box 1009
Books for Breakfast / Duchene, Francois-The Economist; Author of "The First Statesman of Interdependence" / Merrill House, New York, November 17, 1994 September 1, 1994-November 1, 1994, November 17, 1994, September 1, 1994-November 1, 1994
Box 1009
Seminar Series #2 / Green, Rosario-United Nations / The Legacy of President Salinas: The Challenges for the New Administration / Merrill House, New York, November 17, 1994 October 1, 1994-November 1, 1994 Photos incl., November 17, 1994, October 1, 1994-November 1, 1994
Box 1009
Working Dinner / Levy, Santiago-Federal Competition Commission (Mexico) / Mexico's Brave New (Competitive) World / Merrill House, New York, November 17, 1994 October 1, 1994-November 1, 1994 Photos incl., November 17, 1994, October 1, 1994-November 1, 1994
Box 1009
Working Lunch / Luers, Wendy-The Foundation for Civil Society / The Czech Republic: A Blueprint for Success? / Merrill House, New York, November 22, 1994 September 1, 1994-November 1, 1994, November 22, 1994, September 1, 1994-November 1, 1994
Box 1010
Lunch / Sacks, Paul-Multinational Strategies, Inc. / Merrill House, New York, December 1, 1994 September 1, 1994, December 1, 1994, September 1, 1994
Box 1010
Dinner / Guillermoprieto, Alma-The New Yorker / Chiapas: The Next Chapter / Merrill House, New York, December 7, 1994 October 1, 1994-February1, 1995 Newspaper Clipping, December 7, 1994, October 1, 1994-February1, 1995
Box 1010
Conversation / Pomer, Marshall-Macroeconomic Policy Institute / Can Russia Save Russia? / Merrill House, New York, February22, 1994 January 1, 1994-February1, 1994, February22, 1994, January 1, 1994-February1, 1994
Box 1010
Conversation / Davydov, Antoly / Impressions of Russia After 18 Years in Exile / Merrill House, New York, February16, 1994 January 1, 1994-February1, 1994, February16, 1994, January 1, 1994-February1, 1994
Box 1010
Conversation / Kanfer, Stefan-Time Magazine / South Africa: Mining the Truth / Merrill House, New York, January 27, 1994 December 1, 1993-January 1, 1994 Photos incl., January 27, 1994, December 1, 1993-January 1, 1994
Box 1010
Conversation / Novak, James / Bangladesh in the Future / Merrill House, New York, December 7, 1993 July 1, 1993-December 1, 1993, December 7, 1993, July 1, 1993-December 1, 1993
Box 1010
Conversation / Crossette, Barbara-The New York Times / India, Facing the Twenty-First Century / Merrill House, New York, November 18, 1993 October 1, 1993-November 1, 1993 Photos incl., November 18, 1993, October 1, 1993-November 1, 1993
Box 1010
Conversation / Askari, Hossein-George Washington University / Merrill House, New York, November 10, 1993 July 1, 1993-November 1, 1993 Photos incl., November 10, 1993, July 1, 1993-November 1, 1993
Box 1010
Conversation / Chazan, Naomi-Knesset (Israel) / The Israeli/Palestinian Agreement: An Experiment Which Cannot Afford To Fail / Merrill House, New York, November 4, 1993 August 1, 1993-November 1, 1993 Photos incl., November 4, 1993, August 1, 1993-November 1, 1993
Box 1010
Conversation / Farmaian, Sattareh Farman / Daughter of Persia: A Woman's Journey from Her Father's Harem Through the Islamic Revolution / Merrill House, New York, October 26, 1993 August 1, 1993-October 1, 1993 Photos incl., October 26, 1993, August 1, 1993-October 1, 1993
Box 1010
Conversation / NATO Panel / Mevik, Leif; Jones, Edward; and Ribeiro, Antonio Goncalves / With the Cold War Over, Is NATO Still Needed? / Merrill House, New York, October 6, 1993 August 1, 1993-October 1, 1993, October 6, 1993, August 1, 1993-October 1, 1993
Box 1010
Worldview Breakfast / Remnick, David-The New Yorker / The Last Days of the Soviet Empire / Merrill House, New York, October 5, 1993 July 1, 1993-October 1, 1993 Photos incl., October 5, 1993, July 1, 1993-October 1, 1993
Box 1010
Conversation / Hinton, Deane R; Pryce, William T.-NAFTA Ambassadors / The Impact of NAFTA on U.S.-Latin Relations / Merrill House, New York, September 22, 1993 September 1, 1993 Photos incl., September 22, 1993, September 1, 1993
Box 1010
Conversation / Lerner, Michael-Tikkun Magazine / The Politics of Meaning / Merrill House, New York, September 21, 1993 August 1, 1993-October 1, 1993 Photos incl., September 21, 1993, August 1, 1993-October 1, 1993
Box 1010
Conversation / Rados, Jozo-Member of Parliament (Croatia) / The Current Political Situation in Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina / Merrill House, New York, September 13, 1993 August 1, 1993-September 1, 1993 Photos incl., September 13, 1993, August 1, 1993-September 1, 1993
Box 1010
Conversation / Mena, Fidel Chavez; Sancho, Eduardo; Valiente, Mario; Valle, Victor; Zamora, Ruben-Presidential Candidates (El Salvadore) / Consolidating Peace and Democracy in El Salvador / Merrill House, New York, June 16, 1993 May 1, 1993-June 1, 1993 Photos incl., June 16, 1993, May 1, 1993-June 1, 1993
Box 1010
Conversation / Kenney, George / Whose Responsibility is Yugoslavia? / Merrill House, New York, June 8, 1993 April 1, 1993-July 1, 1993 Photos incl., June 8, 1993, April 1, 1993-July 1, 1993
Box 1010
Conversation / Kennedy, Paul M.-Yale University / Preparing for the Twenty-First Century / Merrill House, New York, June 15, 1993 April 1, 1993-July 1, 1993 Photos incl., June 15, 1993, April 1, 1993-July 1, 1993
Box 1010
Conversation / Al-Ashtal, Abdalla S.-Ambassador (Yemen) / Merrill House, New York, May 25, 1993 December 1, 1992-April 1, 1993, May 25, 1993, December 1, 1992-April 1, 1993
Box 1010
Conversation / Castaneda, Jorge-Princeton University / A Mexican Perspective on the North American Free Trade Agreement / Merrill House, New York, May 18, 1993 February1, 1993-May 1, 1993 Photos incl., May 18, 1993, February1, 1993-May 1, 1993
Box 1010
Conversation / Entz, Geza-State Secretary (Hungary) / The Problems of Ethnic Minorities in Central and Eastern Europe / Merrill House, New York, May 11, 1993 March1, 1993-May 1, 1993 Photos incl., May 11, 1993, March1, 1993-May 1, 1993
Box 1010
Conversation / Das, Santanu-TranSwitch Corporation / Does Culture Affect Mastery of High Technology? / Merrill House, New York, April 27, 1993 March1, 1993-April 1, 1993, April 27, 1993, March1, 1993-April 1, 1993
Box 1010
Conversation / Ledlie, John-Deputy Secretary (N. Ireland) / How Democracies Can Best Respond to the Threat of Terrorism / Merrill House, New York, April 21, 1993 March1, 1993-May 1, 1993 Photos incl., April 21, 1993, March1, 1993-May 1, 1993
Box 1010
Conversation / Meyer, Jonathan D.-Neighborhood Coalition / Helping the Homeless / Merrill House, New York, April 20, 1993 April 1, 1993, April 20, 1993, April 1, 1993
Box 1010
Conversation / El-Shibib, Talib-Iraqi National Congress / Future U.S. Policy and the Situation in the Gulf / Merrill House, New York, April 7, 1993 February1, 1993-April 1, 1993 Photos incl., April 7, 1993, February1, 1993-April 1, 1993
Box 1010
Conversation / Alyushin, Alexey-Depauw University / Russia's Constitutional Reform / Merrill House, New York, March23, 1993 January 1, 1993-April 1, 1993, March23, 1993, January 1, 1993-April 1, 1993
Box 1010
Conversation / Bartoli, Andrea-Columbia University / The Peace in Mozambique / Merrill House, New York, March18, 1993 January 1, 1993-March1, 1993, March18, 1993, January 1, 1993-March1, 1993
Box 1010
Conversation / Sacirbey, Muhamed-Ambassador (Bosnia & Herzegovina) / The War in Bosnia and Herzegovina / Merrill House, New York, February11, 1993 August 1, 1992-February1, 1993 Photos incl., February11, 1993, August 1, 1992-February1, 1993
Box 1010
Conversation / Awanohara, Susumu-Far Eastern Economic Review / What the Clinton Administration Might Mean for Asia / Merrill House, New York, February25, 1993 September 1, 1992-February1, 1993 Photos incl., February25, 1993, September 1, 1992-February1, 1993
Box 1010
Conversation / Elias, Enrique-Minister (Peru) / Peru: A Dramatic Political, Economic, and Social Revolution / Merrill House, New York, February17, 1993 February1, 1993-March1, 1993 Photos incl., February17, 1993, February1, 1993-March1, 1993
Box 1010
Conversation / Kiser, John W. III-Kiser Research, Inc. / If Conversion means Competition Can the West Take the Heat / Merrill House, New York, January 21, 1993 October 1, 1992-January 1, 1993 Photos incl., January 21, 1993, October 1, 1992-January 1, 1993
Box 1010
Conversation / Avital, Colette-Ambassador (Israel) / Israel in 1993 Seeking Peace and Security / Merrill House, New York, January 20, 1993 December 1, 1993-January 1, 1993 Photos incl., 1993, January 20, 1993, December 1, 1993-January 1, 1993
Box 1010
Conversation / Lance, Natasha-Parallax Productions / Russia for Sale: The Rough Road to Capitalism / Merrill House, New York, January 7, 1993 December 1, 1992-January 1, 1993 Photos incl., January 7, 1993, December 1, 1992-January 1, 1993
Box 1011
Conversation / Abourezk, James G.; Bookbinder, Hyman-Barbara J. Hendra Associates / Through Different Eyes / Merrill House, New York, November 9, 1987 September 1, 1987-November 1, 1987 Photos incl., November 9, 1987, September 1, 1987-November 1, 1987
Box 1011
Worldview Breakfast / Adelman, Kenneth L. / U.S. Arms Control Policy / Merrill House, New York, August 12, 1986 August 1, 1986, August 12, 1986, August 1, 1986
Box 1011
Worldview Breakfast / Aho, Michael-Council on Foreign Relations / Trade Challenges Confronting the Next Administration / Merrill House, New York, April 29, 1988 February1, 1988-April 1, 1988 Photos incl., April 29, 1988, February1, 1988-April 1, 1988
Box 1011
Worldview Breakfast / Alpert, Jon / Nicaragua / Merrill House, New York, August 14, 1985 August 1, 1985, August 14, 1985, August 1, 1985
Box 1011
Worldview Breakfast / Andrade, Fernando-Ambassador (Guatemala) / The Current Situation in Guatemala / Merrill House, New York, March8, 1988 October 1, 1987-March1, 1988 Photos incl., March8, 1988, October 1, 1987-March1, 1988
Box 1011
Conversation / Axelgard, Frederick-Center for Strategic & International Studies / Controversies Surrounding U.S. Policy in the Persian Gulf / Merrill House, New York, February10, 1988 September 1, 1987-February1, 1988 Photos incl., February10, 1988, September 1, 1987-February1, 1988
Box 1011
Conversation / Baker, Pauline H. / U.S. Policy Toward Africa / Merrill House, New York, April 22, 1986 April 1, 1986, April 22, 1986, April 1, 1986
Box 1011
Conversation / Bassow, Whitman-World Environment Center / Covering Gorbachev's Russia: Then and Now / Merrill House, New York, October 12, 1988 April 1, 1988-November 1, 1988, October 12, 1988, April 1, 1988-November 1, 1988
Box 1011
Conversation / Beeman, William O.-Brown University / Living with Iran / Merrill House, New York, April 15, 1987 April 1, 1983-April 1, 1987, April 15, 1987, April 1, 1983-April 1, 1987
Box 1011
Worldview Breakfast / Behling, John L. / Socialism and Journalism in Bulgaria Today / Merrill House, New York, December 10, 1985 December 1, 1985, December 10, 1985, December 1, 1985
Box 1011
Conversation / Beissinger, Mark-Harvard University / How Long will Glasnost Last? / Merrill House, New York, October 28, 1987 September 1, 1987-October 1, 1987, October 28, 1987, September 1, 1987-October 1, 1987
Box 1011
Conversation / Bell, Peter D. / The Search for Peace in Central America / Merrill House, New York, August 21, 1985 August 1, 1985, August 21, 1985, August 1, 1985
Box 1011
Conversation / Belonogov, Aleksandr M.-Ambassador (Soviet Union) / New Political Thinking / Merrill House, New York, May 20, 1987 August 1, 1986-May 1, 1987, May 20, 1987, August 1, 1986-May 1, 1987
Box 1011
Worldview Breakfast / Berman, George A.-Columbia University / The E.E.C. on Its Thirteenth Anniversary: Amendments to the Treaty of Rome / Merrill House, New York, July 14, 1987 April 1, 1987-July 1, 1987, July 14, 1987, April 1, 1987-July 1, 1987
Box 1011
Conversation / Betts, Richard Kevin-The Brookings Institute; Columbia University / February18, 1987 August 1, 1986-February1, 1987, February18, 1987, August 1, 1986-February1, 1987
Box 1011
Worldview Breakfast / Boraine, Alexander L. / IDASA (South Africa) / A Democratic Alternative for South Africa / Merrill House, New York, April 27, 1987 April 1, 1987, April 27, 1987
Box 1011
Worldview Breakfast / Brademas, John-New York University / The Role of Congress in U.S. Foreign Policy, Merrill House, New York, October 30, 1987 September 1, 1987-October 1, 1987, October 30, 1987, September 1, 1987-October 1, 1987
Box 1011
Conversation / Brill, Alida; Shulman, Colette-Women's Dialogue-US/USSR / The Soviet-American Women's Dialogue / Merrill House, New York, January 28, 1987 October 1, 1986-January 1, 1987, January 28, 1987, October 1, 1986-January 1, 1987
Box 1011
Conversation / Brown, Bernard E. / March5, 1986 March1, 1986, March5, 1986, March1, 1986
Box 1011
Conversation / Bulliet, Richard-Columbia University / Update on Iran and the Islamic Revolution / Merrill House, New York, April 20, 1988 January 1, 1988-April 1, 1988, April 20, 1988, January 1, 1988-April 1, 1988
Box 1011
Conversation / Busby, Morris D.-State Department (US) / Central America, Mexico and the U.S.: Current Issues and Future Prospects / August 4, 1987 June 1, 1987-August 1, 1987, August 4, 1987, June 1, 1987-August 1, 1987
Box 1011
Conversation / Buultjens, Ralph-New York University / South Asia: Politics of Survival / Merrill House, New York, November 14, 1988 November 1, 1988-December 1, 1988, November 14, 1988, November 1, 1988-December 1, 1988
Box 1011
Conversation / Carver, George A.-Center for Strategic & International Studies / Intelligence and Security / Merrill House, New York, April 8, 1987 May 1, 1986-April 1, 1987, April 8, 1987, May 1, 1986-April 1, 1987
Box 1011
Conversation / Castaneda, Jorge G.-Carnegie Endowment for International Peace / Mexico: The Coming Challenges / Merrill House, New York, May 13, 1987 January 1, 1987-May 1, 1987, May 13, 1987, January 1, 1987-May 1, 1987
Box 1011
Worldview Breakfast / Charpentier, Remi-Dean Witter Reynolds (Paris) / Deregulation of the French Market, Merrill House, New York, October 15, 1987 October 1, 1987 Photos incl., October 15, 1987, October 1, 1987
Box 1011
Conversation / Cline, Ray S. / Terrorism and Soviet Foreign Policy / Merrill House, New York, December 17, 1985 December 1, 1985, December 17, 1985, December 1, 1985
Box 1011
Conversation / Clough, Michael-Council on Foreign Relations / The Current Situation in Southern Africa / Merrill House, New York, July 26, 1988 July 1, 1988 Photos incl., July 26, 1988, July 1, 1988
Box 1011
Conversation / Cohen, Eliot A.-U.S. Naval War College / March25, 1987 April 1, 1986-March1, 1987, March25, 1987, April 1, 1986-March1, 1987
Box 1011
Conversation / Cohen, Stephen F.-Princeton University / U.S. Policy and Gorbachev's Plight / Merrill House, New York, January 6, 1987 February1, 1986-January 1, 1987, January 6, 1987, February1, 1986-January 1, 1987
Box 1011
Conversation / Curtis, Gerald-Columbia University / Dealing with Japan: The Need for a New Approach / Merrill House, New York, November 9, 1988 August 1, 1988-November 1, 1988, November 9, 1988, August 1, 1988-November 1, 1988
Box 1011
Conversation / DeVecchi, Robert P.-International Rescue Committee, Inc. / Refugees-A Political, Ethical and Moral Challenge / Merrill House, New York, March2, 1988 September 1, 1987-March1, 1988, March2, 1988, September 1, 1987-March1, 1988
Box 1011
Worldview Breakfast / Dionne-Marsolais, Rita / Quebec and the Mid-Atlantic States: A Privileged Partnership / Merrill House, New York, March18, 1986 March1, 1986, March18, 1986, March1, 1986
Box 1011
Worldview Breakfast / Eagleburger, Lawrence S. / The Challenges to American Foreign Policy to the Close of the Century / Merrill House, New York, January 8, 1986 January 1, 1986, January 8, 1986, January 1, 1986
Box 1011
Worldview Breakfast / Eatwell, John-Economic Advisor (Labor Party, UK) / Economics and the Public Interest / Merrill House, New York, January 12, 1988 October 1, 1987-January 1, 1988 Old photo of Palgrave, Robert included ; Two publications included: booklet "Presenting the New Palgrave: A Dictionary of Economics" (undated) and prospectus "The New Palgrave: A Dictionary of Economics" (undated), January 12, 1988, October 1, 1987-January 1, 1988
Box 1011
Conversation / Eggar, Tim-Member of Parliament (UK) / The British Approach to Human Rights: 40 Years After the Universal Declaration / Merrill House, New York, December 8, 1988 September 1, 1988-December 1, 1988, December 8, 1988, September 1, 1988-December 1, 1988
Box 1011
Worldview Breakfast / Eisenmann, Roberto I. / Panama: "A Backyard Philippines in the Making" / Merrill House, New York, May 9, 1986 May 1, 1986, May 9, 1986, May 1, 1986
Box 1011
Worldview Breakfast / Falk, Pamela S.-Columbia University / Petroleum and Mexico's Future / Merrill House, New York, September 15, 1987 September 1, 1987, September 15, 1987, September 1, 1987
Box 1011
Conversation / Finger, Seymour Maxwell-National Committee on American Foreign Policy; Ambassador (Retd) / Should the U.S. Leave the U.N.? / Merrill House, New York, January 6, 1988 November 1, 1987-January 1, 1988, January 6, 1988, November 1, 1987-January 1, 1988
Box 1011
Conversation / Friedman, F. G. / The Trouble with Europe / Merrill House, New York, March19, 1986 March1, 1986, March19, 1986, March1, 1986
Box 1011
Worldview Breakfast / Fuchs, Anke-Member of German Bundestag / April 7, 1987-January 1, 1987 April 1, 1987, April 7, 1987-January 1, 1987, April 1, 1987
Box 1011
Worldview Breakfast / Galvin, John R.-General, United States Army / The Military View on Central and South-America / Merrill House, New York, April 2, 1986 April 1, 1986, April 2, 1986, April 1, 1986
Box 1011
Conversation / Garthoff, Raymond L. / The Clash in Soviet and American Perspectives and Reciprocal Perceptions / Merrill House, New York, February19, 1986 February1, 1986, February19, 1986, February1, 1986
Box 1011
Conversation / Goldman, Marshall and Merle-Harvard University / Soviet-Chinese Economic Reforms / Merrill House, New York, March30, 1988 September 1, 1987 April 1, 1988, March30, 1988, 1988
Box 1011
Conversation / Goldman, Marshall I.-Harvard University / Gorbachev's Challenge: Economic Reform in the Age of High Technology / Merrill House, New York, May 21, 1986 January 21, 1987 January 1, 1987, May 21, 1986, January 21, 1987, January 1, 1987
Box 1011
Conversation / Goldman, Merle-Harvard University / Will China's Current Camgaign Against "Bourgeois Liberalization" Harm Its Economic Modernization / Merrill House, New York, June 3, 1987 February1, 1987-June 1, 1987, June 3, 1987, February1, 1987-June 1, 1987
Box 1011
Conversation / Gordon, Lincoln-Brookings Institution / Ending Empire: Western Relations with Eastern Europe / Merrill House, New York, September 30, 1987 September 1, 1987-October 1, 1987, September 30, 1987, September 1, 1987-October 1, 1987
Box 1011
Worldview Breakfast / Gupta, Bhabani Sen / India's Relations with Superpowers / Merrill House, New York, September 5, 1985 September 1, 1985, September 5, 1985, September 1, 1985
Box 1011
Conversation / Gutman, Roy-Newsday / Schizophrenia in the White House: The Nicaraguan Example / Merrill House, New York, September 28, 1988 August 1, 1988-September 1, 1988, September 28, 1988, August 1, 1988-September 1, 1988
Box 1011
Conversation / Hacker, Andrew-Queens College, CUNY / January 13, 1988 September 1, 1987-January 1, 1988, January 13, 1988, September 1, 1987-January 1, 1988
Box 1011
Conversation / Harding, Harry-Brookings Institution / U.S. Strategy in East Asia / Merrill House, New York, December 9, 1987 September 1, 1987-December 1, 1987, December 9, 1987, September 1, 1987-December 1, 1987
Box 1011
Worldview Breakfast / Hauser, Rita E.-Stroock, Stroock & Lavan / Is War Inevitable in the Middle East? / Merrill House, New York, January 8, 1987 September 1, 1986-January 1, 1987, January 8, 1987, September 1, 1986-January 1, 1987
Box 1011
Conversation / Hawk, David-Columbia University Center for the Study of Human Rights / Update on the Cambodia Conflict / Merrill House, New York, April 13, 1988 January 1, 1988-April 1, 1988 Photos incl., April 13, 1988, January 1, 1988-April 1, 1988
Box 1011
Conversation / Heilbroner, Robert L. / Thinking about Capitalism / Merrill House, New York, October 5, 1988 Fall 1987-October 1, 1988, October 5, 1988, 1987-October 1, 1988
Box 1011
Conversation / Henkin, Louis-Columbia School of Law / Law and the Use of Force by the United States / Merrill House, New York, May 25, 1988 January 1, 1987-June 1, 1988 Photos incl., May 25, 1988, January 1, 1987-June 1, 1988
Box 1011
Worldview Breakfast / Henry, Charles R.-Brigadier General, Army Public Affairs / The Effect of Military Procurement Reforms on U.S. Business / Merrill House, New York, April 9, 1987 February1, 1987-April 1, 1987 Photos incl., April 9, 1987, February1, 1987-April 1, 1987
Box 1011
Conversation / Herres, Robert T.-General, United States Army / To Secure the Blessings of Liberty / Merrill House, New York, July 29, 1987 July 1, 1987-August 1, 1987 Photos incl., July 29, 1987, July 1, 1987-August 1, 1987
Box 1011
Conversation / Hertzberg, Arthur-Dartmouth College / Israel as an Issue in the Presidential Election / Merrill House, New York, September 8, 1988 August 1, 1988-September 1, 1988, September 8, 1988, August 1, 1988-September 1, 1988
Box 1012
Conversation / Hewett, Ed A.-Brookings Institution / Soviet Economic Reform / Merrill House, New York, February5, 1986 February1, 1986, February5, 1986, February1, 1986
Box 1012
Conversation / Hewett, Ed A.-Brookings Institution / Gorbachev the Economic Reformer: A Balance Sheet for the First Three Years / Merrill House, New York, June 13, 1988 September 1, 1987-June 1, 1988, June 13, 1988, September 1, 1987-June 1, 1988
Box 1012
Worldview Breakfast / Hoffmann, Stanley-Harvard University / Western Europe in World Affairs / Merrill House, New York, February26, 1987 February1, 1987, February26, 1987, February1, 1987
Box 1012
Worldview Breakfast / Hormats, Robert D.-Goldman Sachs / Reforming the International Monetary System / Merrill House, New York, November 24, 1987 November 1, 1987, November 24, 1987, November 1, 1987
Box 1012
Worldview Breakfast / Dr. Horowitz, Irving Louis-Rutgers University / Cuban Communism: The Final Stages / Merrill House, New York, March5, 1987 December 1, 1986-March1, 1987, March5, 1987, December 1, 1986-March1, 1987
Box 1012
Conversation / Hough, Jerry F.-Duke University / Gorbachev's Strategy / Merrill House, New York, January 8, 1986 January 1, 1986, January 8, 1986, January 1, 1986
Box 1012
Conversation / Hough, Jerry F.-Duke University / Gorbachev's Marxist Revolution Against Lenin: Implications for America / Merrill House, New York, January 20, 1988 September 1, 1987-January 1, 1988, January 20, 1988, September 1, 1987-January 1, 1988
Box 1012
Conversation / Hummel, Arthur-former ambassador to People's Republic of China / U.S.-China Relations / Merrill House, New York, September 16, 1987 July 1, 1987-September 1, 1987 Photos incl., September 16, 1987, July 1, 1987-September 1, 1987
Box 1012
Worldview Breakfast / Jackson, Henry F.-Professor, Hunter College, CUNY / The African Crisis: Drought and Debt / Merrill House, New York, February11, 1987 Summer 1985-February1, 1987, February11, 1987, 1985-February1, 1987
Box 1012
Conversation / Janku, Vladimir-Secretariat for Church Affairs of the Government of the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic / Church and State: Present Situation in Czechoslovakia / Merrill House, New York, May 27, 1987 April 1, 1987-June 1, 1987, May 27, 1987, April 1, 1987-June 1, 1987
Box 1012
Conversation / Jervis, Robert / American Nuclear Strategy / Merrill House, New York, October 2, 1985 October 1, 1985, October 2, 1985, October 1, 1985
Box 1012
Conversation / Kemoularia, Claude de-Ambassador / France and Black Africa Today / Merrill House, New York, January 29, 1986 January 1, 1986, January 29, 1986, January 1, 1986
Box 1012
Conversation / Kennedy, Paul / The Rise and Fall of the Great Powers / Merrill House, New York, May 25, 1988 January 1, 1988-May 1, 1988, May 25, 1988, January 1, 1988-May 1, 1988
Box 1012
Conversation / Keyes, Alan-resident scholar, American Enterprise Institute / Diplomacy and Strategic Thinking / Merrill House, New York, July 18, 1988 April 1, 1988-July 1, 1988, July 18, 1988, April 1, 1988-July 1, 1988
Box 1012
Worldview Breakfast / Kikuchi, Kiyaoki-Ambassador, Permanent Mission of Japan to the UN / Foreign Economic Policy and Ethics / Merrill House, New York, May 14, 1987 February1, 1987-May 1, 1987, May 14, 1987, February1, 1987-May 1, 1987
Box 1012
Conversation / Kim, Young C. / North Korean Foreign Policy / Merrill House, New York, September 12, 1985 September 1, 1985, September 12, 1985, September 1, 1985
Box 1012
Conversation / Kincade, William H. / Strategy, Technology and Arms Control / Merrill House, New York, April 2, 1986 April 1, 1986, April 2, 1986, April 1, 1986
Box 1012
Conversation / Knight, Amy-Senior Research Specialist in Soviet affairs, Library of Congress / The KGB and Perestroika / Merrill House, New York, September 22, 1988 August 1, 1988-September 1, 1988, September 22, 1988, August 1, 1988-September 1, 1988
Box 1012
Conversation / Komer, Robert William / Non Nuclear Strategy / Merrill House, New York, October 9, 1985 October 1, 1985, October 9, 1985, October 1, 1985
Box 1012
Worldview Breakfast / Korey, William / The Helsinki Accords / Merrill House, New York, April 29, 1986 April 1, 1986, April 29, 1986, April 1, 1986
Box 1012
Conversation / Kreisberg, Paul-Senior Associate, CCEIP / India: Economic Growth and Political Decay / Merrill House, New York, March15, 1988 February1, 1988-March1, 1988, March15, 1988, February1, 1988-March1, 1988
Box 1012
Worldview Breakfast / Kubarech, Roger-New York Stock Exchange / Globalization of Financial Markets / Merrill House, New York, March24, 1987 January 1, 1987-March1, 1987, March24, 1987, January 1, 1987-March1, 1987
Box 1012
Conversation / Leontief, Wassily / The New Approaches in Economic Analysis / Merrill House, New York, April 16, 1986 April 1, 1986, April 16, 1986, April 1, 1986
Box 1012
Worldview Breakfast / Lincoln, Edward-Brookings Institution / December 1, 1987 September 1, 1987-December 1, 1987, December 1, 1987, September 1, 1987-December 1, 1987
Box 1012
Conversation / Livingston, Neil-Institute on Terrorism and Subnational Conflict; Georgetown University / The War Against Terrorism in the Wake of the Iran-Contra Crisis / Merrill House, New York, July 6, 1988 April 1, 1988-July 1, 1988, July 6, 1988, April 1, 1988-July 1, 1988
Box 1012
Conversation / Luttwak, Edward N.-Doctor, Georgetown University / Force and Morality / Merrill House, New York, April 22, 1987 September 10, 1985 February1, 1985-April 1, 1987, April 22, 1987, September 10, 1985, February1, 1985-April 1, 1987
Box 1012
Worldview Breakfast / Maisonrouge, Jacques G. / The Future of Franco-American Business Relations / Merrill House, New York, March3, 1986 March1, 1986, March3, 1986, March1, 1986
Box 1012
Conversation / Makram-Ebeid, Mona-American University in Cairo / Egypt's Coming Challenges / Merrill House, New York, November 23, 1987 September 1, 1987-November 1, 1987, November 23, 1987, September 1, 1987-November 1, 1987
Box 1012
Conversation / Martin, Lawrence / Disinformation: Myth and Reality / Merrill House, New York, August 7, 1985 August 1, 1985, August 7, 1985, August 1, 1985
Box 1012
Conversation / Massell, Gregory / Suicide of the Oligarchs / Merrill House, New York, September 17, 1985 September 1, 1985, September 17, 1985, September 1, 1985
Box 1012
Conversation / Mathabane, Mark / Kaffir Boy / Merrill House, New York, February24, 1987 October 1, 1986-February1, 1987, February24, 1987, October 1, 1986-February1, 1987
Box 1012
Worldview Breakfast / Maulde, Bruno de / Has the Seould Meeting Modified the International Financial Outlook? / Merrill House, New York, November 4, 1985 November 1, 1985, November 4, 1985, November 1, 1985
Box 1012
Worldview Breakfast / McCoy, Tidal / Technology Transfer / Merrill House, New York, October 16, 1985 October 1, 1985, October 16, 1985, October 1, 1985
Box 1012
Conversation / MccGwire, Michael / The Soviets are Serious about Arms Control / Merrill House, New York, July 22, 1987 July 1, 1987, July 22, 1987, July 1, 1987
Box 1012
Conversation / Menges, Constantine-American Enterprise Institute / Presidential Leadership and Management of Foreign Policy / Merrill House, New York, September 14, 1988 July 1, 1988-September 1, 1988, September 14, 1988, July 1, 1988-September 1, 1988
Box 1012
Worldview Breakfast / Modigliani, Franco / Appraisal of Reagan's Economic Accomplishments and Prospects / Merrill House, New York, November 17, 1986 November 1, 1986, November 17, 1986, November 1, 1986
Box 1012
Conversation / Mottaheden, Roy Parvitz / Cultural Dimensions of the Iranian Revolution and its Aftermath / Merrill House, New York, March26, 1986 March1, 1986, March26, 1986, March1, 1986
Box 1012
Conversation / Mousouris, Sotirios-UN Centre Against Apartheid / Apartheid on the Attack: Meeting the Challenge / Merrill House, New York, August 3, 1988 October 1, 1986-August 1, 1988, August 3, 1988, October 1, 1986-August 1, 1988
Box 1012
Conversation / Sir Murray, James / Namibia, Past, Present and Future / Merrill House, New York, October 15, 1985 October 1, 1985, October 15, 1985, October 1, 1985
Box 1012
Conversation / Myers, Robert-President, CCEIA / Democratic Developments in Asia Today / Merrill House, New York, August 12, 1987 March1, 1987-August 1, 1987, August 12, 1987, March1, 1987-August 1, 1987
Box 1012
Worldview Breakfast / Nau, Henry R.-Professor, The George Washington University / U.S. Policy and the Rome Economic Summit / Merrill House, New York, April 3, 1987 November 1, 1986-April 1, 1987, April 3, 1987, November 1, 1986-April 1, 1987
Box 1012
Worldview Breakfast / Newton, Maxwell / The Decline and Fall of the Fed / Merrill House, New York, September 24, 1985 September 1, 1985, September 24, 1985, September 1, 1985
Box 1012
Worldview Breakfast / Nowotny, Eva-Doctor, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Austrian Government / Latest Developments in Austro-American Relations / Merrill House, New York, June 4, 1987 May 1, 1987-June 1, 1987, June 4, 1987, May 1, 1987-June 1, 1987
Box 1012
Conversation / Nowotny, Ewald-Austrian member of parliament / Promoting a Workable Consensus Between the Competing Partners in the Economy / Merrill House, New York, December 13, 1988 December 1, 1988-January 1, 1989, December 13, 1988, December 1, 1988-January 1, 1989
Box 1012
Conversation / Ofuatey-Kodjoe, W.-Professor, Queens College, City University of New York / U.S. Economic Policy Towards Africa / Merrill House, New York, September 9, 1987 August 1, 1987-September 1, 1987 Photos incl., September 9, 1987, August 1, 1987-September 1, 1987
Box 1012
Worldview Breakfast / O'Sullivan, John / Anti-Americanism in Europe / Merrill House, New York, August 1, 1985 August 1, 1985, August 1, 1985, August 1, 1985
Box 1012
Conversation / Oxnam, Robert-President, Asia Society / Vietnam: A Visitor's Impressions and Implications for the U.S. / Merrill House, New York, June 30, 1987 April 1, 1987-June 1, 1987, June 30, 1987, April 1, 1987-June 1, 1987
Box 1012
Worldview Breakfast / Paarlberg, Robert-Doctor, Harvard University / Fixing Farm Trade / Merrill House, New York, January 29, 1988 December 1, 1987-January 1, 1988, January 29, 1988, December 1, 1987-January 1, 1988
Box 1012
Conversation / Palmer, Dave R.-Lieutenant General, US Army, West Point / Education and Ethics / Merrill House, New York, October 5, 1987 April 1, 1987-August 1, 1987 Photos incl., October 5, 1987, April 1, 1987-August 1, 1987
Box 1012
Conversation / Patten, Christopher-British MP / Refugees, Emergencies and Development / Merrill House, New York, June 9, 1988 June 1, 1988, June 9, 1988, June 1, 1988
Box 1012
Conversation / Pezzullo, Lawrence-Catholic Relief Services / The Ethiopian Emergency / Merrill House, New York, March23, 1988 May 1, 1983-March1, 1988, March23, 1988, May 1, 1983-March1, 1988
Box 1012
Conversation / Phillips, Robert L. / Terrorism and Assassination / Merrill House, New York, July 24, 1985 July 1, 1985, July 24, 1985, July 1, 1985
Box 1012
Tea / Premadasa, Hema-First Lady of Sri Lanka / Social Problems in Sri Lanka: A Third World View / Merrill House, New York, October 12, 1987 September 1, 1987-October 1, 1987, October 12, 1987, September 1, 1987-October 1, 1987
Box 1012
Conversation / Prestowitz, Clyde-Senior Associate, CEIP / Trading Places: How America is Giving the Future to Japan / Merrill House, New York, May 4, 1988 January 1, 1988-May 1, 1988, May 4, 1988, January 1, 1988-May 1, 1988
Box 1012
Conversation / Quandt, William B. / American Policy in the Middle East / Merrill House, New York, November 12, 1986 November 1, 1986, November 12, 1986, November 1, 1986
Box 1012
Conversation / Reddaway, Peter-Doctor, Kennan Institute for Advanced Russian Studies, Wilson Center, Smithsonian Institution / How Great is Mr. Gorbachev's Power? / Merrill House, New York, January 15, 1987 June 1, 1986-June 1, 1987, January 15, 1987, June 1, 1986-June 1, 1987
Box 1012
Conversation / Reedy, Abdel Raouf El-Ambassador / Prospects for peace in the Middle East / Merrill House, New York, January 22, 1986 January 1, 1986, January 22, 1986, January 1, 1986
Box 1012
Conversation / Reich, Bernard-The George Washington University / The Arab-Israeli Conflict: Prospects for a Solution / Merrill House, New York, February1, 1988 September 1, 1987-February1, 1988, February1, 1988, September 1, 1987-February1, 1988
Box 1012
Conversation / Resnicoff, Arnold-Rabbi; Cohen, Eliot A.-US Navy / The Jewish Concept of Just War / Merrill House, New York, March25, 1987 January 1, 1987-March1, 1987, March25, 1987, January 1, 1987-March1, 1987
Box 1012
Conversation / Rikhye, Indar-Major General, International Peace Academy / The Process of Negotiation / Merrill House, New York, June 2, 1988 April 1, 1988-June 1, 1988, June 2, 1988, April 1, 1988-June 1, 1988
Box 1012
Conversation / Roett, Riordan-Doctor, Johns Hopkins University / Update on the Transition to Democracy in Latin America / Merrill House, New York, November 4, 1987 September 1, 1987-November 1, 1987, November 4, 1987, September 1, 1987-November 1, 1987
Box 1012
Conversation / Rusher, William / the Trouble with the Media / Merrill House, New York, October 19, 1988 July 1, 1988-October 1, 1988, October 19, 1988, July 1, 1988-October 1, 1988
Box 1012
Conversation / Ryan, Hewson A.-Tufts University / When the Shooting Stops: The Real Problems of Central America / Merrill House, New York, November 16, 1987 June 1, 1987-November 1, 1987, November 16, 1987, June 1, 1987-November 1, 1987
Box 1012
Worldview Breakfast / Sanderman, Hugh / Can Trade and Excahnge Rates be Free at the Same Time? / Merrill House, New York, November 6, 1986 November 1, 1986, November 6, 1986, November 1, 1986
Box 1012
Worldview Breakfast / Sanderman, Hugh / Can Europe Hope for Higher Economic Growth? / Merrill House, New York, October 29, 1985 October 1, 1985, October 29, 1985, October 1, 1985
Box 1013
Conversation / Schlesinger, Arthur / A Democratic Looks at the Elections / Merrill House, New York, June 28, 1988 April 1, 1988-July 1, 1988, June 28, 1988, April 1, 1988-July 1, 1988
Box 1013
Conversation / Scroggins, Deborah-The Atlanta Journal and Constitution / The Famine Weapon: Selective Starvation in Sudan / Merrill House, New York, August 4, 1988 July 1, 1988-August 1, 1988, August 4, 1988, July 1, 1988-August 1, 1988
Box 1013
Conversation / Shipler, David K. / Arab and Jew Wounded Spirits in a Promised Land / Merrill House, New York, September 25, 1986 September 1, 1986, September 25, 1986, September 1, 1986
Box 1013
Conversation / Shulman, Collette / Soviet-American Women's Dialogue: Insights into Ourselves and Society / Merrill House, New York, January 28, 1987 October 1, 1986-January 1, 1987, January 28, 1987, October 1, 1986-January 1, 1987
Box 1013
Conversation / Shulman, Marshall-Doctor, Columbia University / An Assessment of Current Soviet Developments / Merrill House, New York, December 15, 1987 October 1, 1987-December 1, 1987 Photos incl., December 15, 1987, October 1, 1987-December 1, 1987
Box 1013
Conversation / Sigmund, Paul-Princeton University / The Plebiscite in Chile / Merrill House, New York, October 26, 1988 July 1, 1988-October 1, 1988, October 26, 1988, July 1, 1988-October 1, 1988
Box 1013
Conversation / Sigur, Gaston J.-Doctor, Assistant Secretary of State / U.S./Japan Relations / Merrill House, New York, June 10, 1987 February1, 1987-June 1, 1987, June 10, 1987, February1, 1987-June 1, 1987
Box 1013
Conversation / Singer, Max-President, The Potomac Organization / The Economic Development Train / Merrill House, New York, December 1, 1988 November 1, 1988-December 1, 1988, December 1, 1988, November 1, 1988-December 1, 1988
Box 1013
Worldview Breakfast / Silk, Leonard-Doctor, The New York Times / U.S. International Economic Policy / Merrill House, New York, January 14, 1987 October 1, 1986-January 1, 1987-, January 14, 1987, October 1, 1986-January 1, 1987
Box 1013
Conversation / Sofaer, Abraham-Judge, State Department (US) / International Law / Merrill House, New York, March31, 1987 February1, 1987-May 1, 1987, March31, 1987, February1, 1987-May 1, 1987
Box 1013
Conversation / Solarz, Stephen / U.S. Foreign Policy in East Asia / Merrill House, New York, December 2, 1985 December 1, 1985, December 2, 1985, December 1, 1985
Box 1013
Conversation / Sonnenfeldt, Helmut / What's Next in East-West Relations / Merrill House, New York, November 26, 1985 November 1, 1985, November 26, 1985, November 1, 1985
Box 1013
Conversation / Spector, Leonard-Senior Associate, CEIP / Nuclear Weapons and South Asian Security / Merrill House, New York, April 6, 1988 January 1, 1988-April 1, 1988, April 6, 1988, January 1, 1988-April 1, 1988
Box 1013
Worldview Breakfast / Starr, S. Frederick-Doctor, President, Oberlin College / Outsiders as Insiders in Gorbachev's Russia / Merrill House, New York, April 23, 1987 January 1, 1987-April 1, 1987, April 23, 1987, January 1, 1987-April 1, 1987
Box 1013
Conversation / Steinbruner, John D.-Brookings Institution / The Principles of Defensive Deterrence / Merrill House, New York, November 12, 1987 September 1, 1987-November 1, 1987, November 12, 1987, September 1, 1987-November 1, 1987
Box 1013
Conversation / Thayer, Nathaniel-School of Advanced International Studies / The Course of Japan's International Relations Under the New Prime Minister / Merrill House, New York, April 27, 1988 January 1, 1988-April 1, 1988, April 27, 1988, January 1, 1988-April 1, 1988
Box 1013
Worldview Breakfast / Thurow, Lester C. / Is the World Moving toward more Economic Disintegration of less Economic Disintegration? / Merrill House, New York, January 13, 1986 January 1, 1986, January 13, 1986, January 1, 1986
Box 1013
Worldview Breakfast / Timerbaev, Roland-Ambassador, Permanent Mission of the USSR to the UN / Prospects for U.S.-Soviet Relations / Merrill House, New York, December 11, 1987 November 1, 1987-December 1, 1987, December 11, 1987, November 1, 1987-December 1, 1987
Box 1013
Conversation / Toensing, Victoria (Esq.)-Deputy Assistant Attorney General, US Deputee of Justice / Terrorism: Can the Rule of Law Apply? / Merrill House, New York, July 8, 1987 November 1, 1986-July 1, 1987, July 8, 1987, November 1, 1986-July 1, 1987
Box 1013
Conversation / Treverton, Gregory-Council on Foreign Relations / The Question of Covert Action / Merrill House, New York, March9, 1988 December 1, 1987-March1, 1988, March9, 1988, December 1, 1987-March1, 1988
Box 1013
Conversation / Tresize, Philip H.-Brookings Institution / Free Trade with Canada at Last? / Merrill House, New York, January 27, 1988 September 1, 1987-December 1, 1988, January 27, 1988, September 1, 1987-December 1, 1988
Box 1013
Conversation / Ukawa, Hidetoshi-Ambassador / U.S.-Japan Trade Relations: A Japanese Perspective / Merrill House, New York, November 19, 1985 November 1, 1985, November 19, 1985, November 1, 1985
Box 1013
Worldview Breakfast / Rooy, Yvonne Van-Netherlands Consulate General / European-U.S. Trade Relations / Merrill House, New York, September 25, 1987 September 1, 1987, September 25, 1987, September 1, 1987
Box 1013
Conversation / Venkatrathnam, Sonny / South Africa in Perspective / Merrill House, New York, May 11, 1988 January 1, 1988-May 1, 1988 Photos included, May 11, 1988, January 1, 1988-May 1, 1988
Box 1013
Worldview Breakfast / Wagner, Louis-General, US Army / Arming Our Soldiers: Why It Costs So Much / Merrill House, New York, January 8, 1988 December 1, 1987-January 1, 1988, January 8, 1988, December 1, 1987-January 1, 1988
Box 1013
Worldview Breakfast / Webster, David / The Geography of Mass Media / Merrill House, New York, December 4, 1985 December 1, 1985, December 4, 1985, December 1, 1985
Box 1013
Conversation / Wilson, Mary-Doctor, New York University / Looking over Jordan / Merrill House, New York, February24, 1988 September 1, 1987-February1, 1988 Photos included, February24, 1988, September 1, 1987-February1, 1988
Box 1013
Conversation / Vaky, Viron-Ambassador, CEIP / The Direction of U.S. and Latin American Relations / Merrill House, New York, July 13, 1988 April 1, 1988-July 1, 1988 Photos included, July 13, 1988, April 1, 1988-July 1, 1988
Box 1013
Conversation / Yousuf, Abdulquadir M.-Professor, Indiana University / The Need for Centers of Excellence in Arab States / Merrill House, New York, March4, 1987 January 1, 1987-March1, 1987, March4, 1987, January 1, 1987-March1, 1987
Box 1013
Worldview Breakfast / Yu, Mengjia-Ambassador, Permanent Mission of the People's Republic of China to the UN / Sino-American Relations / Merrill House, New York, June 2, 1987 December 1, 1986-June 1, 1987, June 2, 1987, December 1, 1986-June 1, 1987
Box 1013
Conversation / Zak, Marilyn-US Agency for International Development / Haiti, Foreign Assistance, and Democracy / Merrill House, New York, July 28, 1988 June 1, 1988-July 1, 1988, July 28, 1988, June 1, 1988-July 1, 1988
Box 1013
Worldview Breakfast / Zarb, Frank-Lazard Freres and Co. / Is Energy Going to be an Election Issue? / Merrill House, New York, October 21, 1987 September 1, 1987-October 1, 1987, October 21, 1987, September 1, 1987-October 1, 1987
Box 1013
Filled out Carnegie Council Questionnaires for members and trustees with questions on participation in programs and fundraising activities, 1988-1989 December 1, 1988-February1, 1989, 1988-1989, December 1, 1988-February1, 1989
Box 1013
Filled out brief Carnegie Council Questionnaires for members with their names, areas of interest and background, 1988 June 10, 1905, 1988, June 10, 1905
Box 1013
CRIA Conversations, Merrill House, New York, January -March, 1986 September 1, 1985-March1, 1986, January -March, 1986, September 1, 1985-March1, 1986
Box 1014
Worldview Breakfasts, Merrill House, New York, January -March, 1986 August 1, 1985-March1, 1986, January -March, 1986, August 1, 1985-March1, 1986
Box 1014
CRIA Conversations, Merrill House, New York, April -June, 1986 September 1, 1985-June 1, 1986, April -June, 1986, September 1, 1985-June 1, 1986
Box 1014
Worldview Breakfasts, Merrill House, New York, April -June, 1986 January 1, 1986-December 1, 1986, April -June, 1986, January 1, 1986-December 1, 1986
Box 1014
CRIA Conversations, Merrill House, New York, July -September, 1986 January 1, 1986-September 1, 1986, July -September, 1986, January 1, 1986-September 1, 1986
Box 1014
Worldview Breakfasts, Merrill House, New York, July -September, 1986 April 1, 1986-December 1, 1986, July -September, 1986, April 1, 1986-December 1, 1986
Box 1014
Conversations, Merrill House, New York, October -December, 1986 January 1, 1986-January 1, 1987, October -December, 1986, January 1, 1986-January 1, 1987
Box 1015
Worldview Breakfasts, Merrill House, New York, October -December, 1986 March1, 1986-December 1, 1986, October -December, 1986, March1, 1986-December 1, 1986
Box 1015
CRIA Conversations / Student Briefing, Merrill House, New York, November 19, 1987 September 1, 1984-November 1, 1987, November 19, 1987, September 1, 1984-November 1, 1987
Box 1015
CRIA Conversations / Student Briefings, Merrill House, New York, 1987-1988 December 1, 1986-March1, 1988, 1987-1988, December 1, 1986-March1, 1988
Box 1015
CRIA Conversations / Attendance Lists / Merrill House, New York, 1985 September 1, 1983-August 1, 1988, 1985, September 1, 1983-August 1, 1988
Box 1015
Foreign Service Program / Merrill House, New York, 1984 February1, 1984-March1, 1984, 1984, February1, 1984-March1, 1984
Box 1015
CRIA Conversations / Student Memberships, 1985-1987 June 7, 1905-June 9, 1905, 1985-1987, June 7, 1905-June 9, 1905
Box 1015
CRIA Conversations and Worldview Breakfasts / Guest Lists, 1983-1988 June 5, 1905-June 10, 1905 (Folder 1 of 3), 1983-1988, June 5, 1905-June 10, 1905
Box 1016
CRIA Conversations and Worldview Breakfasts / Guest Lists, 1983-1988 June 5, 1905-June 10, 1905 (Folder 2 and 3 of 3), 1983-1988, June 5, 1905-June 10, 1905
Box 1016
CRIA Conversations and Worldviews Breakfast programs, Hotel Pierre, January 22, 1970 January 1, 1970 1/4'' reel-to-reel audiotape (speed: 3 3/4), likely in poor condition, January 22, 1970, January 1, 1970
Box 1016
CRIA Conversation / Morgenthau, Hans J. / What Détente Means Today / Merrill House, New York, October 22, 1975 October 1, 1975 1/4'' reel-to-reel audiotape (speed: 3 3/4), likely in poor condition. List of participants enclosed, October 22, 1975, October 1, 1975
Box 1016
Morgenthau Memorial Lecture #10 / Boorstin, Daniel (not published), and Morgenthau Memorial Lecture #13 / Helin, Bryan, New York, May 14-15, [1995], [May 1995], 90-min Cassette Audiotape
IX.L: Carnegie Leadership Program
Box 1017
Chronological files ((Pgm. Director and CCEIA VP-Audna England), 1989-1990 Includes photographs, 1989-1990
Box 1018
Chronological files 1991-1992 Includes photographs
Box 1019
Chronological files, 1993-1994 Includes photographs, 1993-1994
Box 1019
Miscellaneous, 1985-1990
Box 1020
Novak, Jeremiah --Dinner Mtg, May . 13, 1980 CLP Events, 1980
Box 1020
Gannon, Francis X. --Dinner Meeting, September 18, 1980 CLP Events, September 18, 1980
Box 1020
Miscellaneous, 1981-1984 CLP Events, 1981-1984
Box 1020
Jova, Joseph John --Dinner, February10, 1981 CLP Events, February10, 1981
Box 1020
Correspondence; Dinners, September 1981 CLP Events, September 1981
Box 1020
Zae-Won, Roh --Luncheon, September 8, 1981 CLP Events, September 8, 1981
Box 1020
Ovinnikov, Richard (Ambassador, USSR)--Dinner, September 10, 1981 CLP Events, September 10, 1981
Box 1020
Lefever, Ernest W. (Ethics & Public Policy Center)--Dinner, September 17, 1981 CLP Events, September 17, 1981
Box 1020
Novak, Jeremiah --Dinner, /010/29, 1981 CLP Events, October 29, 1981
Box 1020
Correspondence; Dinners, /010/, November, December, 1981 CLP Events, December, 1981
Box 1020
Szuprowicz, Bohdan (21st Century Research)--Luncheon, November 5, 1981 CLP Events, November 5, 1981
Box 1020
Sigmund, Paul (Princenton University)--Dinner, November 10, 1981 CLP Events, November 10, 1981
Box 1020
Mensch, Gerhard O., December 2, 1981 CLP Events, December 2, 1981
Box 1020
Wei-ping, Tsai --Dinner-Taiwam Representative, December 8, 1981 CLP Events, December 8, 1981
Box 1020
Correspondence; Dinners, January, February, March, 1982 CLP Events, March, 1982
Box 1020
CLP Advisory Group, 1982-1983 CLP Events, 1982-1983
Box 1020
Train, John, June 4, 1905
Box 1021
Guertin, Don L. (Exxon Corporation)--Dinner, January 21, 1982 CLP Events, January 21, 1982
Box 1021
Kyu-Taik, Kim (International Cultural Society of Korea)--Dinner, February1, 1982 CLP Events, February1, 1982
Box 1021
Basheer, Tahseen (Ambassador, Egypt)--Dinner, February18, 1982 CLP Events, February18, 1982
Box 1021
Watson, James D. (Cold Spring Harbor Lab)--Dinner, March10, 1982 CLP Events, March10, 1982
Box 1021
Train, Harry D. (Admiral, U.S. Navy)--Luncheon, April 13, 1982 CLP Events, April 13, 1982
Box 1021
Harlow, Bruce A. (Admiral, U.S. Dept. of Defense )--Luncheon, May . 25, 1982 CLP Events, 1982
Box 1021
Lunches (complete file with Jerry Harris), Fall, 1982 CLP Events, 1982
Box 1021
Sobhan, Farooq (Ambassador, Bangladesh)--Lunch, February24, 1983 CLP Events, February24, 1983
Box 1021
Bangladesh Dinner September 27, 1983 CLP Events, 1983
Box 1021
Delaware State College-International Economics Seminar: The Global Partnership: North and South Together: Problems and Prospects, November -December 1983
Box 1021
Korean Commemorative Affair, November 1, 1983 Photos incl., CLP Events, November 1, 1983
Box 1021
McCartney, Forrest S. (Commander, U.S. Space Division)--L.A. Luncheon, November 9, 1983 CLP Events, November 9, 1983
Box 1021
Kim, Kyong-Won (Ambassador, Korea)--Dinner, November 15, 1983 CLP Events, November 15, 1983
Box 1021
Andres, Ernst (Ambassador, Switzerland)--Dinner, December 14, 1983 CLP Events, December 14, 1983
Box 1021
CLP Scholars in Residence, June 6, 1905
Box 1022
Hummel, Arthur (Ambassador, US)--Dinner, January 16, 1984 CLP Events, January 16, 1984
Box 1022
Hummel, Arthur (Ambassador, US)--Dinner, January 16, 1984 CLP Events, January 16, 1984
Box 1022
Shustov, Vladimir V. (Permanent Representative to UN, USSR)--Discussion Mtg, February7, 1984 Photos incl., CLP Events, February7, 1984
Box 1022
Shaw, Yu-ming (Asia & World Institute, Taiwan )--Luncheon, April 3, 1984 CLP Events, April 3, 1984
Box 1022
Morehouse College: International Economics Seminar: The Global Partnership: North and South Together: Problems and Prospects, April 1984
Box 1022
Chien, Fredrick F. (Coordination Council for North American Affairs )--Luncheon (Dallas, LA, SF), May . 9-11, 1984 CLP Events, 1984
Box 1022
Jin-hie, Lee (Minister, Korea)--Luncheon, June 20, 1984 CLP Events, June 20, 1984
Box 1022
Dillard University: International Economics Seminar: Latin American Business: the North-South Connection, November 1984
Box 1022
Ying-jeou, Ma; Yu-hsin, Chien; Shaw, Yu-ming --Luncheon January 25, 1985 Photos incl., CLP Events, 1985
Box 1022
Tuskegee Institute: International Economics Seminar: South Africa: Myths and Realities of Divestiture, March1985
Box 1022
Yixian, Sun (Chinese Delegation to the UN)--Dinner, September 19, 1985 CLP Events, September 19, 1985
Box 1022
Choudhury, HuMay un Rasheed (Foreign Minister, Bangladesh)--Dinner, /010/10, 1985 CLP Events, October 10, 1985
Box 1022
Hartling, Paul (UN High Commisioner for Refugees)--Carnegie Award for Humanitarian Services, /010/30, 1985 CLP Events, October 30, 1985
Box 1023
Shaw, Yu-ming (Institute of International Realtions, China)--Luncheon, December 3, 1985 CLP Events, December 3, 1985
Box 1023
Hummel, Arthur (Ambassador, US)--Dinner, March10, 1986 CLP Events, March10, 1986
Box 1023
Chang, King-Yuh (Government Information Ofiice, China)--Luncheon, April 12, 1986 CLP Events, April 12, 1986
Box 1023
Pong, Duwan (Foreign Affairs Committee, Korea)--Luncheon, April 29, 1986 CLP Events, April 29, 1986
Box 1023
Dubinin, Yuri V. (Ambassador, USSR)--Dinner, May . 12, 1986 CLP Events, 1986
Box 1023
Wei, Yung --Luncheon, June 3, 1986 CLP Events, June 3, 1986
Box 1023
Shaw University---International Economics Seminar: International Initiatives: Blueprints for Change in South Africa, November 1986
Box 1023
Choudhury, HuMay un Rasheed (Foreign Minister, Bangladesh)--Dinner, November 4, 1986 CLP Events, November 4, 1986
Box 1023
Morita, Akio (Chairman, Sony Corporation)--Luncheon, November 14, 1986 CLP Events, November 14, 1986
Box 1023
CLP Miscellaneous Events folder 1of 2, 1987-1990
Box 1023
Nagorski, Andrew (Newsweek, Bonn Bureau), June 9, 1905
Box 1023
Muller, Helen M. (Vice Chairman, Carnegie Council )--Dinner, February12, 1987 CLP Events, February12, 1987
Box 1024
Fisk University: CLP International Economics Conference-New Developments in Asian-US Business: opportunities and challenges for 1990s., April 13-15, 1987
Box 1024
Denoon, David "How will economic trends affect US security choices", June 22, 1987
Box 1024
Florida A&M University: SBI Key Executive Series, November 1987
Box 1024
Basil Hersov Corrsepondence/SBDC, June 10, 1905
Box 1024
Taiwanese delegation--Lunch, February2, 1988 CLP Events, February2, 1988
Box 1024
Shaw Yu-Ming (Government Information Office, Taiwan )--Luncheon Seminar, June 16, 1988 CLP Events, June 16, 1988
Box 1024
Sung-Joo, Han (Korea University)--Luncheon Seminar, August 25, 1988 CLP Events, August 25, 1988
Box 1024
Joint Ventures in USSR Seminar, December 7, 1988 CLP Events, December 7, 1988
Box 1024
Lilley, James R. (Ambassador, US)--Dinner, April 11, 1989 CLP Events, April 11, 1989
Box 1024
Lee Hongkoo (Minister, Korea)--Dinner (Columbia Univ. Affair), June 12, 1989 CLP Events, June 12, 1989
Box 1025
Hall of Democracy and dinner for Aquino, Corazon (President, Philippines), Sep. 30, 1992
Box 1025
CLP Seminar Series. Evil Money: Integrity in Government and Finance. US Foreign Policy, Iraq and Iraqgate., June 14, 1905 Publication. enclosed: very angry letter from Laurence Eagleburger, US secretary of State re "publishing this garbage", June 14, 1905
Box 1025
Carnegie Leadership Program Archives, 1993-1994
Box 1025
CLP Seminar Series.Ethics and Effectiveness of US and Global Regulation of Financial Markets and Institutions, Sep. 15, 1993
Box 1026
Djerassi, Carl, Stanford University, June 16, 1905
Box 1026
Carnegie Leadership Program Emerging Markets Seminar, June 16, 1905
Box 1026
Toffler, Barbara Ley--Resources for Responsible Management, June 8, 1994
Box 1026
Scheman, Ronald. Inter-American Development Bank, Sep. 21, 1994
IX.M: Carnegie Council Media Coverage
IX.N: General Correspondence -- President's Office (Robert Myers), 1959-1995
Box 1028
General Correspondence-A, June 8, 1905-June 16, 1905
Box 1028
General Correspondence-B, June 6, 1905 June 16, 1905
Box 1028
Berger, Brigitte--Lunch, June 14, 1905 Lunch associated with a book release, June 14, 1905
Box 1028
Berger, Peter Lunch, July 14, 1994 Lunch associated with study report: "Democracy, Growth and Development: The Role of Business", July 14, 1994
Box 1028
Berson, Joel J., May 25, 1905-May 30, 1905 Concerns petroleum stock, May 25, 1905-May 30, 1905
Box 1028
General Correspondence-C, May 26, 1905-June 16, 1905
Box 1029
General Correspondence-D, June 10, 1905-June 16, 1905
Box 1029
Dilenschneider, Robert, June 10, 1905-June 16, 1905
Box 1029
General Correspondence-E, June 7, 1905-June 16, 1905
Box 1029
General Correspondence-F, June 6, 1905-June 16, 1905
Box 1029
General Correspondence-G, June 6, 1905-June 16, 1905
Box 1029
Gordon Ingram/Aspen Institute, June 13, 1905
Box 1029
General Correspondence-H, June 6, 1905-June 16, 1905
Box 1029
Hotz, Alfred J., June 10, 1905-June 15, 1905
Box 1029
Hurley, Bishop Mark J., June 6, 1905-June 14, 1905
Box 1029
General Correspondence-I, June 7, 1905-June 10, 1905
Box 1030
General Correspondence-J, June 6, 1905-June 16, 1905
Box 1030
Johnson Foundation, May 12, 1905-June 1, 1905
Box 1030
General Correspondence-K, June 6, 1905-June 16, 1905
Box 1030
General Correspondence-L, June 6, 1905-June 16, 1905
Box 1030
General Correspondence-M, June 6, 1905-June 16, 1905
Box 1030
Miller, Wilbur, June 6, 1905-June 13, 1905
Box 1031
General Correspondence-N, June 5, 1905-June 16, 1905
Box 1031
General Correspondence-O, June 7, 1905-June 15, 1905
Box 1031
General Correspondence-P, June 4, 1905-1994
Box 1031
Philippines, June 6, 1905-June 16, 1905
Box 1031
General Correspondence-Q, June 12, 1905-June 15, 1905
Box 1031
General Correspondence-R, May 30, 1905-June 17, 1905
Box 1031
Raymond, Jack, June 1, 1905-June 13, 1905
Box 1031
Roosevelt Institute/ Middleburg, June 7, 1905-June 11, 1905
Box 1031
Rosenthal, Samuel R./ D&R Fund, May 18, 1905-May 30, 1905
Box 1032
General Correspondence-S, June 5, 1905-June 17, 1905
Box 1032
Sri Lanka, 1985 (book publishing year)-June 11, 1905, 1985, 1905
Box 1032
Switzerland, June 7, 1905-June 12, 1905
Box 1032
General Correspondence-T, June 3, 1905-June 16, 1905
Box 1032
Taiwan, June 3, 1905-June 13, 1905
Box 1032
Takeda, Shuzaburo, June 12, 1905-June 13, 1905
Box 1033
General Correspondence-U, June 6, 1905-June 16, 1905
Box 1033
General Correspondence-V, June 7, 1905-June 16, 1905
Box 1033
Van Evera, Mary (Mrs. W. P.), May 15, 1905-June 11, 1905
Box 1033
General Correspondence-W, May 28, 1905-June 16, 1905
Box 1033
Winn, Gregory F.T., June 6, 1905-June 15, 1905
Box 1033
World Without War Council, June 13, 1905
Box 1033
General Correspondence-XYZ, June 6, 1905-June 16, 1905
IX.O: Vice-President Audna England Files
Box 1039
Carnegie Leadership Program publications, June 5, 1905-June 15, 1905 head of CLP, June 5, 1905-June 15, 1905
Box 1039
Membership receptions, June 13, 1905
Box 1039
Patron Dinners, June 13, 1905-June 15, 1905
Box 1039
Business Development, June 15, 1905-June 16, 1905
Box 1039
Donor Plaques, June 13, 1905
Box 1039
Portugal, 1991-1992
Box 1039
US Army War College, breakfast and National Security Seminar, June 12, 1905-June 16, 1905 Includes Pencil drawing, presented by Stoft, William A., Commandant, US Army War College, June 12, 1905-June 16, 1905
Box 1039
West, Togo D. Jr., Secretary of Army, June 16, 1905 Photos incl., June 16, 1905
Box 1039
Vice-President of Philippines note of appreciation, June 16, 1905
Box 1039
Gloria Gilbert (CCEIA director) correspondence, June 10, 1905-June 11, 1905
IX.P.1: Robert Myers Files
Box 1040
Writings and personal documents, June 1, 1905-June 12, 1905 Photo incl., June 1, 1905-June 12, 1905
Box 1040
Asia Diary
Box 1040
Article for K.W. Thompson: "The limits of American Global Goals" by Myers, Holly, June 10, 1905
Box 1040
Article for K.W. Thompson/Worldview: "Religious Solutions to the Problem of Aggression in International Relations", June 4, 1905
Box 1040
China Article, June 5, 1905
Box 1040
Centrifugal Force article for Prof. Ra in Korea, June 6, 1905
Box 1040
Congressional Testimony, June 9, 1905
Box 1040
LeFrak, Samuel, 1976-June 12, 1905
Box 1040
Articles in New York Times and Society
Box 1040
Kosmos Club-Tith, Narankiri, June 5, 1905
Box 1040
Kosmos Club-Chien, Frederick, June 14, 1905
Box 1040
Madeira School, Virginia, June 3, 1905-June 11, 1905
IX.P.2: Robert Myers Files -- Program and Travel
Box 1041
Nuclear Arms Project and Conference, May 28, 1905-June 2, 1905
Box 1041
Carnegie Center for Transnational Studies -- Evaluations, 1976-June 2, 1905
Box 1041
Lilly Endowment--Church and State Project, June 2, 1905-June 8, 1905
Box 1041
Exxon Project, June 3, 1905
Box 1041
NATO, June 3, 1905-June 7, 1905
Box 1041
Germany, June 4, 1905
Box 1042
Russia, June 4, 1905-June 7, 1905
Box 1042
Presentation at Belmont College, Nashville, TN, June 5, 1905-June 6, 1905
Box 1042
Korea, Taiwan, Japan and India travel, June 5, 1905-June 9, 1905
Box 1042
Helsinki Accords (Freymond, Jacques), June 6, 1905-June 8, 1905
Box 1043
Korea, Taiwan, Japan, June 9, 1905-June 11, 1905
Box 1043
NATO trips, June 8, 1905-June 10, 1905
Box 1044
UK--Morocco, June 8, 1905-June 9, 1905
Box 1044
Chechnya (Conversations Program), June 8, 1905-June 9, 1905
Box 1044
Various new project proposals, June 9, 1905-June 16, 1905
Box 1044
DePauw University Conference on "Global Values and National Interests", June 11, 1905-January 0, 1900
Box 1044
Center for European Culture (Freymond, Jacques), June 11, 1905-June 12, 1905
Box 1044
Club of Rome proposal, June 11, 1905-June 13, 1905
Box 1044
Moscow Trip, June 12, 1905-June 13, 1905
Box 1044
Berlin Conference on Environmental Issues, June 12, 1905-June 14, 1905 Photos Incl., June 12, 1905-June 14, 1905
Box 1045
Hilton Head Conference for Methodist Educators, June 12, 1905
Box 1045
China Trip, June 13, 1905-June 15, 1905
Box 1045
Commencement Speech, Roanoke, Va, June 13, 1905
Box 1045
Health Rights Proposal, June 13, 1905
Box 1045
Television Program Proposal, June 13, 1905
Box 1045
Japan Proposal and Trip, June 14, 1905
Box 1045
Hoffman, Stanley-book grant, June 14, 1905-June 15, 1905
Box 1045
Teaching Ethics and International Affairs, University of Virginia, June 14, 1905-June 16, 1905
Box 1045
Mexico-Donner Foundation, June 15, 1905
Box 1045
Asia Trips, June 15, 1905-June 16, 1905
Box 1045
International Political Science Association / Research Committee on Political Education Conference: World in Transition: Can Democracies Thrive? Boca Raton, FL, June 15, 1905-June 16, 1905
Box 1045
Toynbee Programs, June 14, 1905-June 15, 1905
Box 1045
Science and Ethics: Genetic Research, the Hope for the Future, Cold Spring Harbor, NY, June 16, 1905
IX.Q: Miscellaneous Programs and Proposals
Box 1046
Asian Religions, May 23, 1905-May 24, 1905
Box 1046
Special Meetings, May 29, 1905-May 30, 1905
Box 1046
CRIA Corporate Consultation Program (1973-1976) report, May 29, 1905
Box 1046
CRIA Continuing Education/Ministry project (1974-1977) report, May 30, 1905
Box 1046
Northern Ireland, June 2, 1905-June 6, 1905
Box 1046
US Military Academy, West Point--Seminar, June 3, 1905
Box 1046
Epoch B Project-Raymond, Jack, June 4, 1905
Box 1046
Gender and Institution Project (Russell Sage Foundation), June 4, 1905-June 6, 1905
Box 1046
US Military Power and the Prospects of Peace (Russell Sage Foundation), June 4, 1905-June 6, 1905
Box 1046
Buultjens, Ralph-Conscience of the World, June 5, 1905
Box 1046
Latin America--US Information Agency, June 5, 1905-June 8, 1905
Box 1046
Religious Press and the American Foreign Policy proposal, June 5, 1905
Box 1046
Politics and the Supernatural Dimension proposal from African-Caribbean Institute, June 5, 1905-June 7, 1905
Box 1046
New Perspectives on Caribbean Studies: Toward the 21st Century / International Seminar "Toward the Success of the Caribbean Basin Initiative", 1984 February1, 1984-May 1, 1984, 1984, February1, 1984-May 1, 1984
Box 1046
Moral Imperatives of Human Rights (re: Helsinki Accords), June 6, 1905-June 7, 1905
Box 1046
Middle East Projects, June 6, 1905-June 9, 1905
Box 1046
Wirthlin Poll on Values in American Foreign Policy, June 11, 1905
Box 1046
Business, Society and Ethics seminar, June 13, 1905
Box 1046
Education Program: Ethics and the Clinton Foreign Policy, December 9, 1994
Box 1046
Values in Emerging Societies, June 17, 1905
Box 1047
Valliere, Paul-Religion and Nationalism in Contemporary Society (Russia), June 3, 1905-June 4, 1905 Includes Ford and Rockefeller foundation correspondence, June 3, 1905-June 4, 1905
Box 1047
Boudreau, Thomas E.-United Nations projects, June 4, 1905-June 9, 1905
Box 1048
"Homeward Bound"-health care for the elderly project and conference, June 14, 1905-June 16, 1905
Box 1049
World Bank/International Monetary Fund/General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) programs, June 7, 1905-June 9, 1905
Box 1050
Morgenthau, Hans-memorial fund and book project, May 10, 1905-June 5, 1905 Includes documents, writing and CCEIA correspondence by Hans Morgenthau and his family, obituaries, and publishing documents., May 10, 1905-June 5, 1905
Box 1050
Berger, Peter-Strategies for South Asia: the Relevance of East Asian models, June 3, 1905-June 8, 1905
IX.R: Audiovisual Materials
Box 1051
Study Group, Sep. 23, 1978 4 90-min cassette audiotapes, ms., table of contents enclosed, 1978
Box 1051
[Nitze], November 1,1978 90-min cassette audiotape
Box 1051
Alfredo, /010/22, 1982 60-min cassette audiotape, October 22, 1982
Box 1051
McHenry, Donald, January 18, 1978 90-min cassette audiotape (ferric), January 18, 1978
Box 1051
Jan Chevrett, November 8, 1982 60-min cassette audiotape, November 8, 1982
Box 1051
Ramon Custodio, November 5, 1982 60-min cassette audiotape, November 5, 1982
Box 1051
Rev. Harold LeFevr, Eastern Board Mennonites; [Sr. Carlos Roberta Reina], November 11, 1982 60-min cassette audiotape, November 11, 1982
Box 1051
Rev. Billy Harell-World Gospel Missions; Chet Thomas-CEDEN, November 9, 1982 60-min cassette audiotape, November 9, 1982
Box 1051
CRIA Tapes No.1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8--Wang, N.T; Biller J; Bergsten, F; Baum, D; Figuerero, J; Somavia, J; Williamson; Gunneman J.; Young, R, December 12-15, 1975 3 90-min and 3 120-min cassette audiotapes, December 12-15, 1975
Box 1052
Carnegie Symposium: Teaching Ethics: the Issue of Refugees, Smith College, April 27-29, 1989 9 90-min cassette audiotapes (master), April 27-29, 1989
Box 1052
Maitre, /010/30, 1984 90-min cassette audiotape, October 30, 1984
Box 1052
Bazoche, Charles, /010/27-28, 1984 2 60-min cassette audiotapes, October 27-28, 1984
Box 1052
Dyson, December 5, 1984 90-min cassette audiotape, December 5, 1984
Box 1052
Col. Turkios, November 11, 1982 60-min cassette audiotape, November 11, 1982
Box 1052
Brown, Mark Malloch Smyser, W; Koslowski, T; Lorenz, E; Beck, K. S.; Prim, Guy (UN high commissioner on refugees); Quinlan, Robert (CRS, Geneva); Knox, L; Abusayd, K; Deng, D; Ross, S; Muller, R; Jandra, C; Davison, H; Wohlegabriel, B; Walker, J; DaCunha, G; Messina J; B[iigevelt], A.W., January 1983 9 60-min micro cassettes, January 1983
Box 1052
Fellows, Tom (IRC); Macaulay, S., January 7, 1982 60-min micro cassette, January 7, 1982
Box 1052
NPR Morning Edition: Carnegie Council, June 8, 1905 cassette audiotape, June 8, 1905
Box 1053
Ethics and Education in the US and Japan, December 10, 1990 2 Hi-8 tapes (master) 2 VHS tapes-(copy) RT: 2hrs; RT: 73 min, December 10, 1990
Box 1053
Ethics and Education in the US and Japan-steering committee planning sessions No.1 & 2 (discussion of future programs), December 11, 1990 2 120-min cassette audiotapes, December 11, 1990
Box 1053
[event not identified], November 10-11, 1992 7 90-min cassette audiotapes, November 10-11, 1992
Box 1053
Carnegie Council-Nakamura, November 21, 1994 90-min cassette audiotape, November 21, 1994
Box 1053
Rosenthal, Joel interviews Kenneth Thompson, May 26, 1993 2 90-min cassette audiotapes, May 26, 1993
Box 1053
Senator Lugar, Richard speaking, June 17, 1990 90-min cassette audiotape, June 17, 1990
Box 1053
MML #12-Smith, Gaddis, June 14, 1905 2 90-min cassette audiotapes, June 14, 1905
Box 1054
Daniel A. Bell, March2, 1994 May 4, 1994 2 90-min cassette audiotapes, March2, 1994, May 4, 1994
Box 1054
Carnegie Council-Banbury, June 16, 1905 90-min cassette audiotape, June 16, 1905
Box 1054
Rethinking America by Smith, Hedrick, April 23, 1996 90-min cassette audiotape, April 23, 1996
Box 1054
Thurow, Lester C.-lecture and Q&A, March18, 1996 2 90-min cassette audiotapes, March18, 1996
Box 1054
Walzer Symposium: Just and Unjust Wars, 2 90-min cassette audiotapes
Box 1054
Judith Miller, May 22, 1996 90-min cassette audiotape, May 22, 1996
Box 1054
MML #13-Hehir, Bryan J., June 16, 1905 3 90-min cassette audiotapes, June 16, 1905
Box 1054
Anti-Internationalism, April 11, 1996 3 90-min cassette audiotapes, April 11, 1996
Box 1054
Weisel, Elie, November 5, 1996 2 90-min cassette audiotapes, November 5, 1996
Box 1054
Economists and Environmentalists-Ships passing in the Night, June 4, 1996 90-min cassette audiotape, June 4, 1996
Box 1055
Second Annual Conference on Ethics and Education in the US and Japan November 14-15, (no year), 6 90-min cassette audiotapes
Box 1055
Carnegie Council-Reilly, 90-min cassette audiotape
Box 1055
Carnegie Council-Kato, 90-min cassette audiotape
Box 1055
Carnegie Council-Hamada, Yotaro; Nurai, Minoru; Uehiro, Eiju, 90-min cassette audiotape
Box 1055
Watson, 90-min cassette audiotape
Box 1055
Buultjens, Ralph; McNeil, William; Mazlish, Bruce-Q&A etc., 3 90-min cassette audiotapes
Box 1055
Savimbi, 60-min cassette audiotape
Box 1055
Joan Peters, 90-min cassette audiotape
Box 1055
James Bowling, 90-min cassette audiotape
Box 1055
Douglas, E; Potte, M; Vance, C; Fellows, T, Undated, 3 60-min micro cassettes
Box 1055
CRIA Tapes No.5, 9 (different sequence from above): Intro, beginning, conclusion-Schomer, Howard; Blum, Jack, Jul 13-16, (no year)
Box 1055
Walzer, Michael--seminar "Just and Unjust Wars Revisited", Undated, 2 90-min cassette audiotapes
Box 1055
photos of Hawaii Planning Meeting, color negative film
X.A: President's Correspondence
Box 796
A -- General, March1, 1995-January 1, 2004
Box 796
American-Swiss Foundation, May 1, 1995-February1, 1999 (Faith Whittlesey), May 1, 1995-February1, 1999
Box 796
Anderson, Lisa, November 1, 1999-May 1, 2001
Box 796
B -- General, August 1, 1981-March1, 2004
Box 796
BrilMay er, Lea, January 1, 1996-December 1, 1998
Box 796
Bruce, Marcus C., May 1, 1997-June 1, 2002
Box 796
Buultjens, Ralph, November 1, 1981-October 1, 1998
Box 796
C -- General, September 1, 1993-June 1, 2003
Box 797
Campbell, Kenneth, April 1, 1998-August 1, 1999
Box 797
Carnegie, Andrew-Medal of Philanthropy, 2003 Awards in Washington, D.C., December 1, 2003-December 1, 2003, 2003, December 1, 2003-December 1, 2003
Box 797
Carnegie, Andrew Medal of Philanthropy, November 1, 1985-May 1, 2001
Box 797
Chiefs, September 1, 1995-November 1, 2002
Box 797
Coicaud, Jean-Marc, October 1, 1998-June 1, 2002
Box 797
Colby, Jonathan E., October 1, 1997-June 1, 2004
Box 797
Collins, Phyllis D., November 1, 1989-May 1, 2003
Box 797
Cosmos Club, July 1, 1998-October 1, 2002
Box 797
Crossette, Barbara, December 1, 1998-February1, 2001
Box 798`
Cutler, Robert M., February1, 1995-January 1, 1996
Box 798`
D-General, January 1, 1995-January 1, 2003
Box 798`
Dennery, Philippe, January 1, 2005-January 1, 2005
Box 798`
Diggins, John Patrick, May 1, 1995-February1, 2002
Box 798`
Donaldson, Thomas, May 1, 1991-December 1, 1999
Box 798`
E-General, October 1, 1995-August 1, 2002
Box 798`
Editional, Advisory Board, July 1, 1996-May 1, 2000
Box 798`
F-General, February1, 1995-September 1, 2000
Box 798`
Felice, William F., November 1, 1999-March1, 2004
Box 798`
Finn, James, September 1, 1961-January 1, 1997
Box 798`
Ford Foundation, February1, 1984-June 1, 1992
Box 798`
Foreign Policy Association, April 1, 1984-June 1, 1989
Box 798`
G -- General, August 1, 1988-December 1, 2000
Box 798`
Gudis, Malcolm J. trustee, December 1, 1994-April 1, 1999
Box 798`
H -- General, October 1, 1997-August 1, 2003
Box 799
H -- General, July 1997-November 1, 1994
Box 799
Hardin, Russell, May 1, 1984-November 1, 2002
Box 799
Hill and Knowlton Incorporated, December 1, 1988-May 1, 1991
Box 799
Hong Kong, October 1982-May 1, 1985
Box 799
Horowitz, Irving Louis, June 1, 1980-April 1, 1999
Box 799
International Studies Association-Ethics Section, 1994 September 1, 1993-March1, 1997, 1994, September 1, 1993-March1, 1997
Box 800
I, J-General, July 1, 1984-February1, 2001
Box 800
Jones, Dorothy, April 1, 1995-February1, 2004
Box 800
Judd, Charles, July 1, 1967-January 1, 2003
Box 800
Box 800
K-General, July 1, 1993-September 1, 2002
Box 800
Kegley, Charles W. Jr., November 1, 1984-July 1, 2004
Box 800
Klenicki, Leon, May 1, 1999-March1, 2001 (ADL-CCEIA Conference), May 1, 1999-March1, 2001
Box 800
Klopfer, Ulrike, August 1, 1979-June 1, 2002
Box 800
Kobacker, Arthur, December 1, 1996-December 1, 1996
Box 800
Korey, William, March1, 2000-May 1, 2001 Carnegie Corporation-Raphael Lemkin Study, March1, 2000-May 1, 2001
Box 800
L-General, January 1, 1988-August 1, 2002
Box 800
Ladak, Imtiaz, January 1, 2005-January 1, 2005
Box 800
Lake, Anthony, June 1, 1985-February1, 2001
Box 800
Lang, Tony, June 1, 1999-December 1, 2000
Box 800
Langan, John S. J., December 1, 1997-February1, 2001
Box 800
Lawson, Kenneth, September 1, 1995-August 1, 1999
Box 802
Lees, Martin-Proposals, January 1, 1987-April 1, 1991
Box 802
Lees, Martin-Hainaw, March1, 1989-August 1, 1990
Box 802
LeFrak, Ethel, May 1, 1987-April 1, 2003
Box 802
Little, David Trustee, February1, 1996-May 1, 1999
Box 802
Luce Foundation, September 1, 1987-January 1, 1999
Box 802
M-General, May 1, 1989-April 1, 2002
Box 802
May ers, David Trustee, December 1, 1997-January 1, 2003
Box 802
Miscamble, Wilson, November 1, 1999-March1, 2004
Box 802
Mollov, Ben, April 1, 1995-January 1, 2002
Box 802
Morgenthau, Linda and Matthew, September 1, 1965-January 1, 2001
Box 803
Moriarty, Donald P., June 1, 1974-December 1, 2002
Box 803
Myers, Holly, January 1, 2001-January 1, 2001
Box 803
Myers, Robert J., June 1, 1992-October 1, 2002
Box 803
Myers, Robert J.-Good Society Review, January 1, 1992-February1, 1992
Box 803
N-General, March1, 1991-April 1, 2002
Box 803
Nolan, Cathal J., August 1, 1995-March1, 2001
Box 804
O-General, April 1, 1993-July 1, 2002
Box 804
Othman, Norani, August 1, 1996-October 1, 1996 Visiting Scholar, August 1, 1996-October 1, 1996
Box 804
P-General, April 1, 1995-December 1, 2001
Box 804
Phillips, Ann, April 1, 1987-April 1, 2003
Box 804
Pines, Robert, September 1, 1985-October 1, 2000
Box 804
Platt, Alexander H., December 1, 2002-December 1, 2002
Box 804
Proctor, Samuel, May 1, 1997-July 1, 1997
Box 804
Q-General, January 1, 1995-November 1, 1997
Box 804
R-General, January 1, 1995-October 1, 2003
Box 804
Resnicoff, Arnold, November 1, 1999-August 1, 2005
Box 804
Rosenthal, Joel H., March1, 1995-April 1, 2001
Box 804
Russell, Greg, May 1, 1995-October 1, 1997
Box 804
Russia-"European House" proposal 1989-1992 February1, 1984-January 1, 1992, 1989-1992, February1, 1984-January 1, 1992
Box 805
S-General, November 1, 1988-Janaury-2002
Box 805
Scott, Julius Jr., May 1, 1982-July 1, 2004
Box 805
Sherman, Nancy, December 1, 1997-December 1, 1998
Box 805
Shields, James J., December 1, 1997-January 1, 2001
Box 805
Shultz, Richard H., October 1, 1989-December 1, 2002
Box 805
Smith, Michael J., December 1, 1994-September 1, 2000
Box 805
Spanbock, Maurice, March1, 1980-March1, 2005
Box 805
Stead, Jerre, January 1, 1996-December 1, 1998
Box 805
Steans, Harrison I., January 1, 1992-March1, 2003
Box 805
Stern, Paula, June 1, 1984-December 1, 1998
Box 805
T-General, August 1, 1993-August 1, 2000
Box 805
Thompson, Kenneth, August 1, 1993-June 1, 1999
Box 805
Thorne, Landon K., January 1, 2005-January 1, 2005
Box 805
U-General, June 1, 1995-February1, 2001
Box 806
United Nations-Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), January 1, 1979-November 1, 1989 Economic and Social Council, January 1, 1979-November 1, 1989
Box 806
United Nations -Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) consultative status for Council on Religion and International Affairs (CRIA), June 1, 1960-February1, 1979 Economic and Social Council, June 1, 1960-February1, 1979
Box 806
United Nations Association of the USA, January 1, 1980-December 1, 1989
Box 806
V-General, August 1, 1995-August 1, 2002
Box 806
W-General, April 1, 1990-November 1, 2004
Box 806
White, Merry, February1, 1991-December 1, 1998
Box 806
Wirthlin Group-Poll on Values in American Foreign Policy, March1, 1989-March1, 1989
Box 806
X, Y, Z-General, July 1, 1995-May 1, 1999
Box 806
Zimmermann, Warren (Trustee), December 1, 1998-February1, 2004
X.B: Board of Trustees
Box 807
Nominating Committee, October 1, 1995-January 1, 1996
Box 807
Mailings to Trustees in 1995 February1, 1996-October 1, 1996, 1995, February1, 1996-October 1, 1996
Box 807
Executive Committee Meeting on 1995 June 15, June 1, 1995-June 1, 1995, 1995, June 1, 1995-June 1, 1995
Box 807
Executive Committee Meeting on 1995 May 23, January 1, 1995-May 1, 1995, 1995, January 1, 1995-May 1, 1995
Box 807
Semi-Annual Board Meeting No. 81 on 1995 June 15, June 1, 1988-June 1, 1995, 1995, June 1, 1988-June 1, 1995
Box 807
Annual Board Meeting No. 81on 1995 January 26, January 1, 1994-January 1, 1995, 1995, January 1, 1994-January 1, 1995
Box 807
FLA Asset Management, January 1, 1995-January 1, 1995 FLA--Forstmann-Leff's Associates, January 1, 1995-January 1, 1995
Box 807
Executive Committee Meeting on 1995 January 19, January 1, 1995-January 1, 1995, 1995, January 1, 1995-January 1, 1995
Box 807
By-Laws Amendments, November 1, 1994-December 1, 1994
Box 808
Annual Board Meeting No. 83 on 1997 January 23, December 1, 1996-February1, 1997, 1997, December 1, 1996-February1, 1997
Box 808
Mailings to Trustees in 1996-1997 January 1, 1996-January 1, 1997, 1996-1997, January 1, 1996-January 1, 1997
Box 808
Semi-Annual Board Meeting No. 82 on 1996 June 25, May 1, 1996-June 1, 1996, 1996, May 1, 1996-June 1, 1996
Box 808
Executive Committee Meeting on 1996 June 5, May 1, 1996-June 1, 1996, 1996, May 1, 1996-June 1, 1996
Box 808
Executive Committee Meeting on 1996 April 2, February1, 1996-June 1, 1996, 1996, February1, 1996-June 1, 1996
Box 808
Annual Board Meeting No. 82 on 1996 January 25, June 1, 1995-March1, 1996, 1996, June 1, 1995-March1, 1996
Box 809
Semi-Annual Board Meeting No. 83 on 1997 June 10, January 1, 1997-September 1, 1997, 1997, January 1, 1997-September 1, 1997
Box 809
Annual Board Meeting No. 84 on 1998 January 22, June 1, 1997-February1, 1998, 1998, June 1, 1997-February1, 1998
Box 809
Semi-Annual Board Meeting No. 84 on 1998 June 16, January 1, 1998-July 1, 1998, 1998, January 1, 1998-July 1, 1998
Box 809
Annual Board Meeting No. 85 on 1999 28 January, January 1, 1998-February1, 1999, 1999, January 1, 1998-February1, 1999
Box 809
Nominating Committee, October 1, 1998-January 1, 1999
Box 809
Mailings to Trustees in 1999 March1, 1999-October 1, 1999, 1999, March1, 1999-October 1, 1999
Box 809
Executive Committee Meeting on 1999 April 15, April 1, 1999-April 1, 1999, 1999, April 1, 1999-April 1, 1999
Box 810
New Initiatives 1999 September 17, January 1, 1974-November 1, 1999, 1999, January 1, 1974-November 1, 1999
Box 810
Semi-Annual Board Meeting No. 85 on 1999 June 17, April 1, 1999-July 1, 1999, 1999, April 1, 1999-July 1, 1999
Box 810
Investment Committee, April 1, 1999-September 1, 1999
Box 810
Nominating Committee, September 1, 1999-January 1, 2000
Box 810
New Initiatives 2000 October 1, 1999-July 1, 2000, 2000, October 1, 1999-July 1, 2000
Box 810
Annual Board Meeting No. 86 on 2000 January 27, October 1, 1999-February1, 2000, 2000, October 1, 1999-February1, 2000
Box 810
Investment Committee, January 1, 2000
Box 810
Semi-Annual Board Meeting No. 86 on 2000 June 1, April 1, 2000-August 1, 2000, 2000, April 1, 2000-August 1, 2000
X.C: Internal Files
Box 811
International General Memoranda, April 1, 1990 November 1, 1992
Box 811
Studies Meetings, September 1, 1997-August 1, 2000
Box 811
Studies, August 1, 1999-April 1, 2000
Box 811
Studies Correspondence General, January 1, 2000-October 1, 2001
Box 811
Quarterly Program Reviews 2001 December, April 1, 2000-Janaury-2002, 2001
Box 811
Studies Correspondence Memoranda, April 1, 2000-November 1, 2002
Box 811
Studies Correspondence Minutes, April 1, 2000-November 1, 2002
Box 811
Fundraising Memoranda, November 1, 2000-February1, 2001
Box 811
Studies "Memo for the record" 2001 March1, 2001-September 1, 2001, 2001, March1, 2001-September 1, 2001
Box 811
Studies "Memo for the record" 2002 January 1, 2002-July 1, 2002, 2002, January 1, 2002-July 1, 2002
Box 811
Program Goals and Reviews, February1, 2002-March1, 2002
Box 811
Quarterly Program Reviews, April 1, 2002-May 1, 2002
Box 812
Quarterly Program Reviews 2002 August, August 1, 2002-June 1, 2003 box mostly empty, 2002, August 1, 2002-June 1, 2003
Box 812
Quarterly Program Reviews 2002 December, October 1, 2002-December 1, 2002, 2002, October 1, 2002-December 1, 2002
Box 812
Quarterly Program Reviews 2003 June, May 1, 2003-June 1, 2003, 2003, May 1, 2003-June 1, 2003
Box 812
Quarterly Program Reviews 2003 February, February1, 2003-August 1, 2003, 2003, February1, 2003-August 1, 2003
X.D: Merrill House and Public Affairs Programs
Box 813
Bristow, Lonnie on 1994 May 25, May 1, 1994-August 1, 1994, 1994, May 1, 1994-August 1, 1994
Box 813
Emery, Fred on 1994 July 20, July 1, 1994-July 1, 1994, 1994, July 1, 1994-July 1, 1994
Box 813
Rowan, Hobart on 1994 September 14, August 1, 1994-September 1, 1994, 1994, August 1, 1994-September 1, 1994
Box 813
Kristof, Nicholas on 1994 September 20, September 1, 1994-September 1, 1994, 1994, September 1, 1994-September 1, 1994
Box 813
Zagoria, Don on 1994 September 21, September 1, 1994-September 1, 1994, 1994, September 1, 1994-September 1, 1994
Box 813
Armstrong, Karen on 1994 September 27, July 1, 1994-November 1, 1994, 1994, July 1, 1994-November 1, 1994
Box 813
Novak, Jim on 1994 September 29, May 1, 1993-September 1, 1994, 1994, May 1, 1993-September 1, 1994
Box 813
Goldman, Marshall on 1994 October 14, September 1, 1994-October 1, 1994, 1994, September 1, 1994-October 1, 1994
Box 813
Hilane, Max on 1994 October 19, September 1, 1994-October 1, 1994, 1994, September 1, 1994-October 1, 1994
Box 813
Garnett, Laurie on 1994 October 26, October 1, 1994-October 1, 1994, 1994, October 1, 1994-October 1, 1994
Box 813
Barnett, Michael on 1994 November 16, November 1, 1994-November 1, 1994, 1994, November 1, 1994-November 1, 1994
Box 813
Jentleson, Bruce on 1994 November 30, October 1, 1994-December 1, 1994, 1994, October 1, 1994-December 1, 1994
Box 813
Hellstrom, Mats on 1995 January 10, December 1, 1994-January 1, 1995, 1995, December 1, 1994-January 1, 1995
Box 813
Faggioli, Vincent on 1995 January 11, December 1, 1994-January 1, 1995, 1995, December 1, 1994-January 1, 1995
Box 813
Rodman, Peter on 1995 January 17, August 1, 1994-January 1, 1995, 1995, August 1, 1994-January 1, 1995
Box 813
Florio, Jim on 1995 January 19, July 1, 1994-January 1, 1995, 1995, July 1, 1994-January 1, 1995
Box 813
Kidder, Rush on 1995 January 24, October 1, 1994-January 1, 1995, 1995, October 1, 1994-January 1, 1995
Box 813
Norton, Richard on 1995 January 25, January 1, 1995-January 1, 1995, 1995, January 1, 1995-January 1, 1995
Box 813
Jezek, Tomas on 1995 January 31, December 1, 1994-January 1, 1995, 1995, December 1, 1994-January 1, 1995
Box 813
Altindal, Aytun on 1995 February1, December 1, 1994-February1, 1995, 1995, December 1, 1994-February1, 1995
Box 813
Pinto, Jorge on 1995 February8, February1, 1995-February1, 1995, 1995, February1, 1995-February1, 1995
Box 813
Aciman, Andre on 1995 February9, February1, 1995-February1, 1995, 1995, February1, 1995-February1, 1995
Box 813
Engelhardt, Tom on 1995 February16, November 1, 1994-February1, 1995, 1995, November 1, 1994-February1, 1995
Box 813
Goldman, Merle on 1995 February22, February1, 1995-February1, 1995, 1995, February1, 1995-February1, 1995
Box 813
Farnen, Russell F. on 1995 February23, August 1, 1994-February1, 1995, 1995, August 1, 1994-February1, 1995
Box 813
Murphy, Richard on 1995 March2, December 1, 1994-March1, 1995, 1995, December 1, 1994-March1, 1995
Box 813
Sonnenfeldt, Helmut on 1995 March7, March1, 1995-March1, 1995, 1995, March1, 1995-March1, 1995
Box 813
Johnston, Douglas on 1995 March16, June 1, 1994-March1, 1995, 1995, June 1, 1994-March1, 1995
Box 813
Orme, William on 1995 March22, February1, 1995-March1, 1995, 1995, February1, 1995-March1, 1995
Box 813
Rieff, David on 1995 April 5, March1, 1995-April 1, 1995, 1995, March1, 1995-April 1, 1995
Box 813
Lieberthal, Ken on 1995 April 11, March1, 1995-April 1, 1995, 1995, March1, 1995-April 1, 1995
Box 813
Chace, James on 1995 May 3, April 1, 1995-May 1, 1995, 1995, April 1, 1995-May 1, 1995
Box 813
Stauch, Johannes on 1995 May 11, April 1, 1995-May 1, 1995, 1995, April 1, 1995-May 1, 1995
Box 813
Lind, Michael on 1995 May 18, March1, 1995-May 1, 1995, 1995, March1, 1995-May 1, 1995
Box 813
Morse, Edward on 1995 June 1, May 1, 1995-June 1, 1995, 1995, May 1, 1995-June 1, 1995
Box 813
Baeyens, Andre on 1995 June 6, September 1, 1993-June 1, 1995, 1995, September 1, 1993-June 1, 1995
Box 813
Fisher, Marc on 1995 June 13, May 1, 1995-June 1, 1995, 1995, May 1, 1995-June 1, 1995
Box 814
Jessen-Petersen, Soren on 1995 June 14, April 1, 1995-June 1, 1995, 1995, April 1, 1995-June 1, 1995
Box 814
Brimelow, Peter on 1995 July 12, May 1, 1995-July 1, 1995, 1995, May 1, 1995-July 1, 1995
Box 814
Cahill, Kevin on 1995 July 18, May 1, 1995-July 1, 1995, 1995, May 1, 1995-July 1, 1995
Box 814
Gilman, Benjamin on 1995 September 6, July 1, 1995-September 1, 1995, 1995, July 1, 1995-September 1, 1995
Box 814
Sutterlin, James on 1995 September 13, July 1, 1995-September 1, 1995, 1995, July 1, 1995-September 1, 1995
Box 814
Schlesinger, Stephen on 1995 September 18, September 1, 1995-September 1, 1995, 1995, September 1, 1995-September 1, 1995
Box 814
Goulding, Marrack on 1995 September 28, July 1, 1995-September 1, 1995, 1995, July 1, 1995-September 1, 1995
Box 814
Mukherjee, Pranab on 1995 October 2, May 1, 1995-October 1, 1995, 1995, May 1, 1995-October 1, 1995
Box 814
Goren, Rad on 1995 October 5, September 1, 1995-October 1, 1995, 1995, September 1, 1995-October 1, 1995
Box 814
Friedman, Thomas on 1995 October 11, July 1, 1995-October 1, 1995, 1995, July 1, 1995-October 1, 1995
Box 814
Ferraro, Geraldine on 1995 October 13, October 1, 1995-October 1, 1995, 1995, October 1, 1995-October 1, 1995
Box 814
Buultjens, Ralph on 1995 October 25, July 1, 1995-October 1, 1995, 1995, July 1, 1995-October 1, 1995
Box 814
Fukuyama, Francis on 1995 October 27, July 1, 1995-October 1, 1995, 1995, July 1, 1995-October 1, 1995
Box 814
Matlock, Jack on 1995 November 8, October 1, 1995-November 1, 1995, 1995, October 1, 1995-November 1, 1995
Box 814
Handelman, Stephen on 1995 November 13, August 1, 1995-November 1, 1995, 1995, August 1, 1995-November 1, 1995
Box 814
Lavrov, Sergei on 1995 November 14, November 1, 1995-November 1, 1995, 1995, November 1, 1995-November 1, 1995
Box 814
LaMarche, Gara on 1995 November 29, November 1, 1995-November 1, 1995, 1995, November 1, 1995-November 1, 1995
Box 814
Brown, Lester on 1995 December 5, October 1, 1995-December 1, 1995, 1995, October 1, 1995-December 1, 1995
Box 814
Yovel, Yerri on 1995 December 11, December 1, 1995-December 1, 1995, 1995, December 1, 1995-December 1, 1995
Box 814
Stern, Kennet on 1996 January 4, January 1, 1996-January 1, 1996, 1996, January 1, 1996-January 1, 1996
Box 814
Ekeus, Rolf on 1996 January 9, January 1, 1996-January 1, 1996, 1996, January 1, 1996-January 1, 1996
Box 814
Campbell, Kurt on 1996 January 24, January 1, 1996-January 1, 1996, 1996, January 1, 1996-January 1, 1996
Box 814
Butler, Richard on 1996 January 31, November 1, 1995-January 1, 1996, 1996, November 1, 1995-January 1, 1996
Box 814
Handelman, Stephen,Fox, William,Cooper, Anne on 1996 February5, December 1, 1995-February1, 1996, 1996, December 1, 1995-February1, 1996
Box 814
Grossman, Lawrence on 1996 February13, November 1, 1995-February1, 1996, 1996, November 1, 1995-February1, 1996
Box 814
Little, David on 1996 February22, February1, 1996-March1, 1996, 1996, February1, 1996-March1, 1996
Box 814
Summers, Lawrence on 1996 February27, February1, 1996-February1, 1996, 1996, February1, 1996-February1, 1996
Box 814
Roth, Kenneth on 1996 February29, February1, 1996-March1, 1996, 1996, February1, 1996-March1, 1996
Box 814
Burrows, William on 1996 March6, November 1, 1995-March1, 1996, 1996, November 1, 1995-March1, 1996
Box 814
Yankelovich, Daniel on 1996 March12, September 1, 1995-March1, 1996, 1996, September 1, 1995-March1, 1996
Box 814
Thurow, Lester on 1996 March18, November 1, 1995-March1, 1996, 1996, November 1, 1995-March1, 1996
Box 814
Kaplan, Robert on 1996 March26, January 1, 1996-March1, 1996, 1996, January 1, 1996-March1, 1996
Box 815
Ansay, Engin,Halman, Talat S.,Lowry, Heath W. on 1996 April 2 February1, 1996-April 1, 1996, 1996, February1, 1996-April 1, 1996
Box 815
Thomas, Evan on 1996 April 9, April 1, 1996-April 1, 1996, 1996, April 1, 1996-April 1, 1996
Box 815
Oppenheimer, Andreas on 1996 April 16, January 1, 1996-April 1, 1996, 1996, January 1, 1996-April 1, 1996
Box 815
Smith, Hedrick on 1996 April 23, July 1, 1995-April 1, 1996, 1996, July 1, 1995-April 1, 1996
Box 815
Taylor, Charles on 1996 April 23, May 1, 1995-April 1, 1996, 1996, May 1, 1995-April 1, 1996
Box 815
Gates, Robert on 1996 April 30, April 1, 1996-April 1, 1996, 1996, April 1, 1996-April 1, 1996
Box 815
Johnson, Haynes,Broder, David S. on 1996 May 2, January 1, 1996-May 1, 1996, 1996, January 1, 1996-May 1, 1996
Box 815
Lewis, Bernard on 1996 May 8, May 1, 1996-May 1, 1996, 1996, May 1, 1996-May 1, 1996
Box 815
Brumberg, Daniel, Norton, Richard A. on 1996 May 14, April 1, 1996-May 1, 1996, 1996, April 1, 1996-May 1, 1996
Box 815
Miller, Judith on 1996 May 22, February1, 1996-May 1, 1996, 1996, February1, 1996-May 1, 1996
Box 815
Price, Monroe on 1996 May 29, May 1, 1996-May 1, 1996, 1996, May 1, 1996-May 1, 1996
Box 815
Linden, Eugene on 1996 June 4, May 1, 1996-June 1, 1996, 1996, May 1, 1996-June 1, 1996
Box 815
Ottunu, Olara on 1996 June 11, 1996 April 1, 1996-June 1, 1996, 1996, June 11, 1996, April 1, 1996-June 1, 1996
Box 815
Kechichian, Joe on 1996 June 17, April 1, 1996-October 1, 1996, 1996, April 1, 1996-October 1, 1996
Box 815
Leggewie, Claus on 1996 June 27, February1, 1996-July 1, 1996, 1996, February1, 1996-July 1, 1996
Box 815
Avital, Colette on 1996 July 2, July 1, 1996-July 1, 1996, 1996, July 1, 1996-July 1, 1996
Box 815
Szent-Ivanyi, Istvan on 1996 July 10, May 1, 1996-July 1, 1996, 1996, May 1, 1996-July 1, 1996
Box 815
Elliot, Michael on 1996 July 11, April 1, 1996-July 1, 1996, 1996, April 1, 1996-July 1, 1996
Box 815
Brochures, June 1, 1995-July 1, 1996
Box 816
Mitofsky, Warren on 1996 September 11, August 1, 1996-September 1, 1996, 1996, August 1, 1996-September 1, 1996
Box 816
Brenner, Paul on 1996 September 16, September 1, 1996-September 1, 1996, 1996, September 1, 1996-September 1, 1996
Box 816
Clerides, Glafcos on 1996 September 24, August 1, 1996-September 1, 1996, 1996, August 1, 1996-September 1, 1996
Box 816
Zimmermann, Warren on 1996 September 26, June 1, 1996-September 1, 1996, 1996, June 1, 1996-September 1, 1996
Box 816
Broek, Hans van den on 1996 September 26, July 1, 1996-September 1, 1996, 1996, July 1, 1996-September 1, 1996
Box 816
Judt, Tony on 1996 September 30, June 1, 1996-October 1, 1996, 1996, June 1, 1996-October 1, 1996
Box 816
Merari, Ariel on 1996 October 3, September 1, 1996-October 1, 1996, 1996, September 1, 1996-October 1, 1996
Box 816
Greenberg, Stanley on 1996 October 16, October 1, 1996-October 1, 1996, 1996, October 1, 1996-October 1, 1996
Box 816
Schmalz-Jacobson, Cornelia on 1996 October 23, July 1, 1996-October 1, 1996, 1996, July 1, 1996-October 1, 1996
Box 816
Mackey, Sandra on 1996 October 30, August 1, 1996-October 1, 1996, 1996, August 1, 1996-October 1, 1996
Box 816
Ogata, Sadako on 1996 November 1, October 1, 1996-November 1, 1996, 1996, October 1, 1996-November 1, 1996
Box 816
Wiesel, Elie on 1996 November 6, August 1, 1996-November 1, 1996, 1996, August 1, 1996-November 1, 1996
Box 816
Wu, Harry on 1996 November 14, October 1, 1996-November 1, 1996, 1996, October 1, 1996-November 1, 1996
Box 816
Sandel, Michael J.,Onuma, Yasuaki on 1996 November 14, March1, 1996-November 1, 1996, 1996, March1, 1996-November 1, 1996
Box 816
Huntington, Samuel P. on 1996 November 18, October 1, 1996-November 1, 1996, 1996, October 1, 1996-November 1, 1996
Box 816
Ayala, Jose-Lasso on 1996 November 19, October 1, 1996-November 1, 1996, 1996, October 1, 1996-November 1, 1996
Box 816
Homer, Thomas-Dixon on 1996 November 20, January 1, 1996-November 1, 1996, 1996, January 1, 1996-November 1, 1996
Box 816
Rudenstine, David on 1996 December 4, August 1, 1996-December 1, 1996, 1996, August 1, 1996-December 1, 1996
Box 816
deWolf Smith, Nancy on 1996 December 19, October 1, 1996-December 1, 1996, 1996, October 1, 1996-December 1, 1996
Box 816
Grunwald, Henry on 1997 January 14, December 1, 1996-January 1, 1997, 1997, December 1, 1996-January 1, 1997
Box 816
Clark, William Jr.,Gregg, Donald P.,Levin, Herbert on 1997 January 22, January 1, 1997-January 1, 1997, 1997, January 1, 1997-January 1, 1997
Box 816
Krugman, Paul on 1997 January 23, January 1, 1997-January 1, 1997, 1997, January 1, 1997-January 1, 1997
Box 817
Richter, Andrei on 1997 January 28, January 1, 1997-January 1, 1997, 1997, January 1, 1997-January 1, 1997
Box 817
Greider, William on 1997 January 29, August 1, 1996-January 1, 1997, 1997, August 1, 1996-January 1, 1997
Box 817
Karatnycky, Adrian on 1997 February5, January 1, 1997-February1, 1997, 1997, January 1, 1997-February1, 1997
Box 817
Eigen, Peter on 1997 February5, January 1, 1997-February1, 1997, 1997, January 1, 1997-February1, 1997
Box 817
Kakar, Sudhir on 1997 February14, October 1, 1996-February1, 1997, 1997, October 1, 1996-February1, 1997
Box 817
Kiernan, Ben on 1997 February18, January 1, 1997-February1, 1997, 1997, January 1, 1997-February1, 1997
Box 817
Bernstein, Richard,Munro, Ross H. on 1997 February21, December 1, 1996-February1, 1997, 1997, December 1, 1996-February1, 1997
Box 817
Roth, Kenneth on 1997 February25, February1, 1997-February1, 1997, 1997, February1, 1997-February1, 1997
Box 817
Lundestad, Geir on 1997 March3, December 1, 1996-March1, 1997, 1997, December 1, 1996-March1, 1997
Box 817
Fialka, John on 1997 March5, November 1, 1996-March1, 1997, 1997, November 1, 1996-March1, 1997
Box 817
Blinder, Alan on 1997 March10, November 1, 1996-March1, 1997, 1997, November 1, 1996-March1, 1997
Box 817
Remnick, David on 1997 March11, February1, 1997-March1, 1997, 1997, February1, 1997-March1, 1997
Box 817
Dworkin, Ronald on 1997 March12, March1, 1997-March1, 1997, 1997, March1, 1997-March1, 1997
Box 817
Davies, Hugh on 1997 March24, December 1, 1996-April 1, 1997, 1997, December 1, 1996-April 1, 1997
Box 817
Dertouzos, Michael on 1997 March25, January 1, 1997-March1, 1997, 1997, January 1, 1997-March1, 1997
Box 817
Walmeir, Patti on 1997 April 2, January 1, 1997-April 1, 1997, 1997, January 1, 1997-April 1, 1997
Box 817
Cohen, Joel on 1997 April 9, November 1, 1996-April 1, 1997, 1997, November 1, 1996-April 1, 1997
Box 817
Edelman, Peter, Maruo, Naomi on 1997 April 10, March1, 1997-April 1, 1997, 1997, March1, 1997-April 1, 1997
Box 817
Zartman, William I. on 1997 April 14, December 1, 1996-April 1, 1997, 1997, December 1, 1996-April 1, 1997
Box 817
Lam, Willy Wo-Lap on 1997 April 23, April 1, 1997-April 1, 1997, 1997, April 1, 1997-April 1, 1997
Box 817
Lendvai, Paul on 1997 April 24, February1, 1997-April 1, 1997, 1997, February1, 1997-April 1, 1997
Box 817
Garten, Jeffrey on 1997 May 1, November 1, 1996-May 1, 1997, 1997, November 1, 1996-May 1, 1997
Box 817
Allison, Graham on 1997 May 13, May 1, 1997-May 1, 1997, 1997, May 1, 1997-May 1, 1997
Box 817
Smith, Patrick on 1997 May 15, May 1, 1997-May 1, 1997, 1997, May 1, 1997-May 1, 1997
Box 817
Auletta, Ken on 1997 May 28, March1, 1997-May 1, 1997, 1997, March1, 1997-May 1, 1997
Box 817
Kamal, Ahmad on 1997 June 11, April 1, 1997-June 1, 1997, 1997, April 1, 1997-June 1, 1997
Box 818
Kerry, John F. on 1997 June 16, May 1, 1997-June 1, 1997, 1997, May 1, 1997-June 1, 1997
Box 818
Kemenade, Willem van on 1997 June 19, May 1, 1997-June 1, 1997, 1997, May 1, 1997-June 1, 1997
Box 818
Schlesinger, Jacob M. on 1997 June 26, March1, 1997-June 1, 1997, 1997, March1, 1997-June 1, 1997
Box 818
Anderson, Lisa on 1997 June 3, May 1, 1997-June 1, 1997, 1997, May 1, 1997-June 1, 1997
Box 818
Osterhaler, Robert T. on 1997 June 17, June 1, 1997-June 1, 1997, 1997, June 1, 1997-June 1, 1997
Box 818
Ling, Jeffrey on 1997 July 2, May 1, 1997-July 1, 1997, 1997, May 1, 1997-July 1, 1997
Box 818
Nathan, Andrew on 1997 July 8, June 1, 1997-July 1, 1997, 1997, June 1, 1997-July 1, 1997
Box 818
Silber, Laura on 1997 September 17, July 1, 1997-September 1, 1997, 1997, July 1, 1997-September 1, 1997
Box 818
Ekedahl, Carolyn M.,Goodman, Melvin A. on 1997 September 25, March1, 1997-September 1, 1997, 1997, March1, 1997-September 1, 1997
Box 818
Tharoor, Shashi on 1997 September 30, April 1, 1997-September 1, 1997, 1997, April 1, 1997-September 1, 1997
Box 818
Natsios, Andrew on 1997 September 15, July 1, 1997-September 1, 1997, 1997, July 1, 1997-September 1, 1997
Box 818
Newhouse, John on 1997 October 15, May 1, 1997-October 1, 1997, 1997, May 1, 1997-October 1, 1997
Box 818
Tirman, John on 1997 October 17, September 1, 1997-October 1, 1997, 1997, September 1, 1997-October 1, 1997
Box 818
Glazer, Nathan on 1997 October 22, May 1, 1997-October 1, 1997, 1997, May 1, 1997-October 1, 1997
Box 818
Falk, Pamela on 1997 October 28, May 1, 1997-October 1, 1997, 1997, May 1, 1997-October 1, 1997
Box 818
Parr, Fukuda on 1997 October 30, October 1, 1997-October 1, 1997, 1997, October 1, 1997-October 1, 1997
Box 818
Aiyar, Mani on 1997 November 7, October 1, 1997-November 1, 1997, 1997, October 1, 1997-November 1, 1997
Box 818
Baeyens, Andre on 1997 November 18, June 1, 1997-November 1, 1997, 1997, June 1, 1997-November 1, 1997
Box 818
Beschloss, Michael on 1997 November 13, August 1, 1997-November 1, 1997, 1997, August 1, 1997-November 1, 1997
Box 818
Legwaila, Jonah on 1997 November 10, August 1, 1997-November 1, 1997, 1997, August 1, 1997-November 1, 1997
Box 818
Volkan, Vamik on 1997 December 18, July 1, 1997-December 1, 1997, 1997, July 1, 1997-December 1, 1997
Box 818
Lee, Roy on 1997 December 16, June 1, 1997-December 1, 1997, 1997, June 1, 1997-December 1, 1997
Box 818
Eichengreen, Barry on 1997 December 3, July 1, 1997-December 1, 1997, 1997, July 1, 1997-December 1, 1997
Box 819
Taylor, Peter on 1998 January 5, December 1, 1997-January 1, 1998, 1998, December 1, 1997-January 1, 1998
Box 819
Yergin, Daniel on 1998 January 21, December 1, 1997-January 1, 1998, 1998, December 1, 1997-January 1, 1998
Box 819
McDougall, Walter on 1998 January 30, September 1, 1997-January 1, 1998, 1998, September 1, 1997-January 1, 1998
Box 819
Butler, Richard on 1998 January 14, October 1, 1997-January 1, 1998, 1998, October 1, 1997-January 1, 1998
Box 819
Kazemi, Farhad on 1998 January 21, September 1, 1997-January 1, 1998, 1998, September 1, 1997-January 1, 1998
Box 819
Cummings, Bruce on 1998 February2, July 1, 1997-February1, 1998, 1998, July 1, 1997-February1, 1998
Box 819
Turner, Stansfield on 1998 February19, October 1, 1997-February1, 1998, 1998, October 1, 1997-February1, 1998
Box 819
Haynal, George,Pinto, Jorge on 1998 February11, October 1, 1997-February1, 1998, 1998, October 1, 1997-February1, 1998
Box 819
Ruggie, John on 1998 February25, January 1, 1998-February1, 1998, 1998, January 1, 1998-February1, 1998
Box 819
Sachs, Jeffrey on 1998 February17, September 1, 1997-March1, 1998, 1998, September 1, 1997-March1, 1998
Box 819
Landes, David on 1998 March19, December 1, 1997-March1, 1998, 1998, December 1, 1997-March1, 1998
Box 819
Tanguy, Joelle on 1998 March11, October 1, 1997-March1, 1998, 1998, October 1, 1997-March1, 1998
Box 819
Wibisono, Makarim,Park, Soo Gil on 1998 March17, December 1, 1997-March1, 1998, 1998, December 1, 1997-March1, 1998
Box 819
Mowlam, Marjorie on 1998 March18, February1, 1998-March1, 1998, 1998, February1, 1998-March1, 1998
Box 820
Fallows, James on 1998 March3, July 1, 1997-March1, 1998, 1998, July 1, 1997-March1, 1998
Box 820
Burstein, Daniel on 1998 April 8, December 1, 1997-April 1, 1998, 1998, December 1, 1997-April 1, 1998
Box 820
Godwin, Michael on 1998 April 1, November 1, 1997-April 1, 1998, 1998, November 1, 1997-April 1, 1998
Box 820
Lapsley, Michael on 1998 April 28, March1, 1998-April 1, 1998, 1998, March1, 1998-April 1, 1998
Box 820
Lambert, Richard on 1998 April 14, November 1, 1997-April 1, 1998, 1998, November 1, 1997-April 1, 1998
Box 820
Fowler, Robert on 1998 April 21, December 1, 1997-April 1, 1998, 1998, December 1, 1997-April 1, 1998
Box 820
Lieven, Anatol on 1998 May 1, January 1, 1998-May 1, 1998, 1998, January 1, 1998-May 1, 1998
Box 820
Eban, Abba on 1998 May 7, January 1, 1998-May 1, 1998, 1998, January 1, 1998-May 1, 1998
Box 820
Krugman, Paul on 1998 May 12, April 1, 1998-May 1, 1998, 1998, April 1, 1998-May 1, 1998
Box 820
Johnson, Pierre on 1998 May 13, November 1, 1997-May 1, 1998, 1998, November 1, 1997-May 1, 1998
Box 820
Cook, Timothy on 1998 May 19, April 1, 1998-May 1, 1998, 1998, April 1, 1998-May 1, 1998
Box 820
Zakaria, Fareed on 1998 June 10, June 1, 1998-June 1, 1998, 1998, June 1, 1998-June 1, 1998
Box 820
Kenen, Peter on 1998 June 4, June 1, 1998-June 1, 1998, 1998, June 1, 1998-June 1, 1998
Box 820
Brinkley, Alan on 1998 June 16, April 1, 1998-June 1, 1998, 1998, April 1, 1998-June 1, 1998
Box 820
Bhagwati, Jagdish on 1998 June 18, February1, 1998-June 1, 1998, 1998, February1, 1998-June 1, 1998
Box 821
Crosette, Barbara on 1998 July 15, June 1, 1998-July 1, 1998, 1998, June 1, 1998-July 1, 1998
Box 821
Watanabe, Koji on 1998 July 8, June 1, 1998-July 1, 1998, 1998, June 1, 1998-July 1, 1998
Box 821
Adams, James on 1998 September 16, September 1, 1998-September 1, 1998, 1998, September 1, 1998-September 1, 1998
Box 821
Chace, James on 1998 September 10, April 1, 1998-September 1, 1998, 1998, April 1, 1998-September 1, 1998
Box 821
Church, Jerome W. on 1998 September 23, July 1, 1998-September 1, 1998, 1998, July 1, 1998-September 1, 1998
Box 821
Gratchec, Mikhail on 1998 September 24, August 1, 1998-September 1, 1998, 1998, August 1, 1998-September 1, 1998
Box 821
Inbar, Efraim on 1998 September 11, July 1, 1998-September 1, 1998, 1998, July 1, 1998-September 1, 1998
Box 821
Linden, Eugene on 1998 October 8, September 1, 1998-October 1, 1998, 1998, September 1, 1998-October 1, 1998
Box 821
Spence, Jonathan on 1998 October 15, June 1, 1998-October 1, 1998, 1998, June 1, 1998-October 1, 1998
Box 821
Bundy, William on 1998 October 20, June 1, 1998-October 1, 1998, 1998, June 1, 1998-October 1, 1998
Box 821
Wise, Michael on 1998 October 28, April 1, 1998-October 1, 1998, 1998, April 1, 1998-October 1, 1998
Box 821
Metternich, Cornel on 1998 October 6, June 1, 1998-October 1, 1998, 1998, June 1, 1998-October 1, 1998
Box 821
Billington, James on Books for Breakfast Program 1998 November 10, November 1, 1998-November 1, 1998, 1998, November 1, 1998-November 1, 1998
Box 821
Ignatieff, Michael on Books for Breakfast Program 1998 November 12, August 1, 1998-November 1, 1998, 1998, August 1, 1998-November 1, 1998
Box 821
Kennedy, Paul on Books for Breakfast Program 1998 November 20, November 1, 1998-November 1, 1998, 1998, November 1, 1998-November 1, 1998
Box 822
Baeyens, Andre on Conversations Program 1998 November 4, November 1, 1998-June 1, 1998, 1998, November 1, 1998-June 1, 1998
Box 822
Hassouna, Hussein on Conversations Program 1998 November 17, May 1, 1998-November 1, 1998, 1998, May 1, 1998-November 1, 1998
Box 822
Silajdzic, Haris on Lunch Program 1998 November 18, November 1, 1998-November 1, 1998, 1998, November 1, 1998-November 1, 1998
Box 822
Howard, Michael on Books for Breakfast Program 1998 December 3, July 1, 1998-December 1, 1998, 1998, July 1, 1998-December 1, 1998
Box 822
Korey, William on Conversations Program 1998 December 2, December 1, 1998-December 1, 1998, 1998, December 1, 1998-December 1, 1998
Box 822
Randal, Jonathan on Worldview Breakfast Program 1998 December 14, January 1, 1998-December 1, 1998, 1998, January 1, 1998-December 1, 1998
Box 822
Mazower, Mark on Books for Breakfast Program 1999 January 26, January 1, 1998-October 1, 1998, 1999, January 1, 1998-October 1, 1998
Box 822
Signal V., Leon on Conversations Program 1999 January 13, January 1, 1999-January 1, 1999, 1999, January 1, 1999-January 1, 1999
Box 822
Gandalovic, Petr, Kovacs, Istvan, Jadowski, Dariusz on Panel Discussion Program 1999 January 20, June 1, 1998-January 1, 1999, 1999, June 1, 1998-January 1, 1999
Box 822
Lt. General Lipkin-Shahak, Amnon on Worldview Breakfast Program 1999 January 25, December 1, 1998-January 1, 1999, 1999, December 1, 1998-January 1, 1999
Box 822
H.E. Mr. Yoshiyaso Sato, Peter on Worldview Breakfast Program 1999 January 27, September 1, 1998-January 1, 1999, 1999, September 1, 1998-January 1, 1999
Box 822
Gourevitch, Philip on Books for Breakfast Program 1999 February3, January 1, 1999-March1, 1999, 1999, January 1, 1999-March1, 1999
Box 822
Neier, Aryeh on Books for Breakfast Program 1999 February10, November 1, 1998-February1, 1999, 1999, November 1, 1998-February1, 1999
Box 822
Becker, Elizabeth on Books for Breakfast Program 1999 February18, October 1, 1998-February1, 1999, 1999, October 1, 1998-February1, 1999
Box 822
Dahl, Robert on Books for Breakfast Program 1999 February23, November 1, 1998-February1, 1999, 1999, November 1, 1998-February1, 1999
Box 822
Marchand, Philip on Books for Breakfast Program 1999 February26, November 1, 1998-February1, 1999, 1999, November 1, 1998-February1, 1999
Box 823
McHenry F., Donald on Conversations Program 1999 February8, October 1, 1998-February1, 1999, 1999, October 1, 1998-February1, 1999
Box 823
Sellager, Stephan on Books for Breakfast Program1999 March3, January 1, 1999-March1, 1999
Box 823
Brady, Rose on Books for Breakfast Program 1999 March11, November 1, 1998-March1, 1999, 1999, November 1, 1998-March1, 1999
Box 823
Pope, Nicole on Conversations Program 1999 March1, February1, 1999-March1, 1999, 1999, February1, 1999-March1, 1999
Box 823
Waterbury, John on Conversations Program 1999 March15, October 1, 1998-March1, 1999, 1999, October 1, 1998-March1, 1999
Box 823
Heymann, Phil on Worldview Breakfast Program 1999 March5, November 1, 1998-March1, 1999, 1999, November 1, 1998-March1, 1999
Box 823
Stahl, Lesley on Books for Breakfast Program 1999 April 7, December 1, 1998-April 1, 1999, 1999, December 1, 1998-April 1, 1999
Box 823
Fritz, Mark on Books for Breakfast Program 1999 April 13, November 1, 1998-April 1, 1999, 1999, November 1, 1998-April 1, 1999
Box 823
Frye, Robert,Waisbord, Silvio R. on Conversations Program 1999 April 29, April 1, 1999-April 1, 1999, 1999, April 1, 1999-April 1, 1999
Box 823
Charle, Suzanne, Ishak, Joesoef, McGlynn, John H. on Panel Discussion Program 1999 April 26, April 1, 1999-March1, 1999, 1999, April 1, 1999-March1, 1999
Box 823
Schell, Jonathan on Worldview Breakfast Program 1999 April 22, August 1, 1998-April 1, 1999, 1999, August 1, 1998-April 1, 1999
Box 823
Delors, Jacques on Worldview Breakfast Program 1999 April 29, February1, 1999-February1, 1999, 1999, February1, 1999-February1, 1999
Box 823
Buruma Ian on Books for Breakfast Program 1999 May 5, January 1, 1999-May 1, 1999, 1999, January 1, 1999-May 1, 1999
Box 823
Plissner, Martin on Books for Breakfast Program 1999 May 14, January 1, 1999-May 1, 1999, 1999, January 1, 1999-May 1, 1999
Box 823
H.E.Mr. Mahbubani, Kishore on Conversations Program 1999 May 6, January 1, 1999-May 1, 1999, 1999, January 1, 1999-May 1, 1999
Box 823
The Hon. McKinley, Brunson on Conversations Program 1999 May 17, May 1, 1999-May 1, 1999, 1999, May 1, 1999-May 1, 1999
Box 823
Shapiro, Bernard on Conversations Program 1999 May 19, January 1, 1998-May 1, 1999, 1999, January 1, 1998-May 1, 1999
Box 824
Krugman, Paul on Lunch Program 1999 May 18, May 1, 1999-May 1, 1999, 1999, May 1, 1999-May 1, 1999
Box 824
Alibek, Ken,Handelman, Stephen on Books for Breakfast Program 1999 June 9, May 1, 1999-June 1, 1999, 1999, May 1, 1999-June 1, 1999
Box 824
Fukuyama, Francis on Books for Breakfast Program 1999 June 14, January 1, 1999-June 1, 1999, 1999, January 1, 1999-June 1, 1999
Box 824
Yunus, Mohammad on Books for Breakfast Program 1999 June 16, September 1, 1998-June 1, 1999, 1999, September 1, 1998-June 1, 1999
Box 824
Ravinovich, Itamar on Books for Breakfast Program 1999 June 25, January 1, 1999-June 1, 1999, 1999, January 1, 1999-June 1, 1999
Box 824
Malone, David on Conversations Program 1999 June 2, January 1, 1999-June 1, 1999, 1999, January 1, 1999-June 1, 1999
Box 824
Blumenthal, Sidney on Lunch Program 1999 June 29, June 1, 1999-June 1, 1999, 1999, June 1, 1999-June 1, 1999
Box 824
Picco, Giandomenico on Books for Breakfast Program 1999 July 14, April 1, 1999-July 1, 1999, 1999, April 1, 1999-July 1, 1999
Box 824
Basombrio, Carlos, Odinkalu, Chidi, Petrova, Dimitrina, Ross, Loretta, Cox, Larry on Panel Discussion Program 1999 July 12, July 1, 1999-July 1, 1999, 1999, July 1, 1999-July 1, 1999
Box 824
The Hon. Otunnu, Olara on Worldview Breakfast Program 1999 September 27, December 1, 1998-September 1, 1999, 1999, December 1, 1998-September 1, 1999
Box 824
Sampson, Anthony on Books for Breakfast Program 1999 September 22, July 1, 1999-September 1, 1999, 1999, July 1, 1999-September 1, 1999
Box 824
Bracken, Paul on Author in the Afternoon Program 1999 September 9, September 1, 1999-September 1, 1999, 1999, September 1, 1999-September 1, 1999
Box 824
Fromkin, David on Author in the Afternoon Program 1999 September 30, August 1, 1999-September 1, 1999, 1999, August 1, 1999-September 1, 1999
Box 825
The Hon. Sir Prendergast, Kieran on Worldview Breakfast Program 1999 October 5, June 1, 1999-October 1, 1999, 1999, June 1, 1999-October 1, 1999
Box 825
Massin, Michael on Books for Breakfast Program 1999 October 13, March1, 1999-October 1, 1999, 1999, March1, 1999-October 1, 1999
Box 825
Simes K., Dimitri on Books for Breakfast Program 1999 October 20, March1, 1999-October 1, 1999, 1999, March1, 1999-October 1, 1999
Box 825
Weaver, Mary Ann on Author in the Afternoon Program 1999 October 26, April 1, 1999-October 1, 1999, 1999, April 1, 1999-October 1, 1999
Box 825
Morgan, Jennifer, Ramakrishna, Kilapatri,Rosenzweig, Cynthia, Sagoff, Mark, Shue, Henry on Panel Discussion Program 1999 October 21, October 1, 1999-October 1, 1999, 1999, October 1, 1999-October 1, 1999
Box 825
Conquest, Robert on Books for Breakfast Program 1999 November 15, July 1, 1999-November 1, 1999, 1999, July 1, 1999-November 1, 1999
Box 825
Goltz, Thomas on Books for Breakfast Program 1999 November 30, November 1, 1999-November 1, 1999, 1999, November 1, 1999-November 1, 1999
Box 825
Vice Admiral Perowne, J.F. on Conversations Program 1999 November 23, July 1, 1999-November 1, 1999, 1999, July 1, 1999-November 1, 1999
Box 825
Lewis, Bernard on Author in the afternoon Program 1999 November 4, June 1, 1999-November 1, 1999, 1999, June 1, 1999-November 1, 1999
Box 825
Castaneda, Jorge on Worldview Breakfast Program 1999 December 8, October 1, 1999-December 1, 1999, 1999, October 1, 1999-December 1, 1999
Box 825
Appleby, R. Scott on Conversation Program 1999 December 2, December 1, 1999-December 1, 1999, 1999, December 1, 1999-December 1, 1999
Box 825
The Hon. Baeyens, Andre on Conversations Program Program 1999 December 14, December 1, 1999-December 1, 1999, 1999, December 1, 1999-December 1, 1999
Box 825
Weigel, George on Author in the Afternoon Program 1999 December 8, February1, 1999-December 1, 1999, 1999, February1, 1999-December 1, 1999
Box 825
Reynolds, David on Books for Breakfast Program 2000 January 26, January 1, 1999-September 1, 1999, 2000, January 1, 1999-September 1, 1999
Box 825
Schultz, Jr., Richard H. on Author in the Afternoon Program 2000 January 12, January 1, 2000-January 1, 2000, 2000, January 1, 2000-January 1, 2000
Box 825
Monteiro, Antonio, Turk, Danilo,Wensley, Penny on Panel Discussion Program 2000 January 27, October 1, 1999-January 1, 2000, 2000, October 1, 1999-January 1, 2000
Box 826
Roth, Kenneth on Worldview Breakfast Program 2000 February8, November 1, 1999-February1, 2000, 2000, November 1, 1999-February1, 2000
Box 826
Janeway, Michael on Books for Breakfast Program 2000 February3, January 1, 2000-February1, 2000, 2000, January 1, 2000-February1, 2000
Box 826
Shapiro, Andrew J. on Books for Breakfast Program 2000 February15, January 1, 2000-February1, 2000, 2000, January 1, 2000-February1, 2000
Box 826
Sadik, Nafis on Conversation Program 2000 February28, December 1, 1999-February1, 2000, 2000, December 1, 1999-February1, 2000
Box 826
Sir Urquhart, Brian on Worldview Breakfast Program 2000 March15, November 1, 1999-March1, 2000, 2000, November 1, 1999-March1, 2000
Box 826
Kaplan, Robert on Books for Breakfast Program 2000 March7, December 1, 1999-March1, 2000, 2000, December 1, 1999-March1, 2000
Box 826
Showcross, William on Books for Breakfast Program 2000 March21, December 1, 1999-March1, 2000, 2000, December 1, 1999-March1, 2000
Box 826
Aron, Leon on Books for Breakfast Program 2000 March29, December 1, 1999-March1, 2000, 2000, December 1, 1999-March1, 2000
Box 826
O'Brien, Conor Cruise on Conversation Program 2000 March9, January 1, 2000-March1, 2000, 2000, January 1, 2000-March1, 2000
Box 826
Roberts, Adam,Turks, Danilo on Panel Discussion Program 2000 March13, January 1, 2000-March1, 2000, 2000, January 1, 2000-March1, 2000
Box 826
Rashid, Ahmed on Books for Breakfast Program 2000 April 11, March1, 2000-April 1, 2000, 2000, March1, 2000-April 1, 2000
Box 826
McNeill, J.R. on Books for Breakfast Program 2000 April 20, February1, 2000-April 1, 2000, 2000, February1, 2000-April 1, 2000
Box 826
Meredith, Martin on Books for Breakfast Program 2000 April 25, January 1, 2000-April 1, 2000, 2000, January 1, 2000-April 1, 2000
Box 826
Johnson, Chaimers on Books for Breakfast Program 2000 April 13, November 1, 1999-April 1, 2000, 2000, November 1, 1999-April 1, 2000
Box 827
Sick, Gary G. on Conversation Program 2000 April 27, February1, 2000-April 1, 2000, 2000, February1, 2000-April 1, 2000
Box 827
Grant, Charles,Guehenno, Jean-Marie on Panel Discussion Program 2000 April 17, February1, 2000-April 1, 2000, 2000, February1, 2000-April 1, 2000
Box 827
Ignatieff, Michael on Books for Breakfast Program 2000 May 4, February1, 2000-May 1, 2000, 2000, February1, 2000-May 1, 2000
Box 827
Lawrence, Bruce on Books for Breakfast Program 2000 May 5, January 1, 2000-May 1, 2000, 2000, January 1, 2000-May 1, 2000
Box 827
Owens, William on Books for Breakfast Program 2000 May 9, January 1, 2000-May 1, 2000, 2000, January 1, 2000-May 1, 2000
Box 827
Micklethwait, John, Wooldridge, Adrian on Books for Breakfast Program 2000 May 11, March1, 2000-May 1, 2000, 2000, March1, 2000-May 1, 2000
Box 827
Hirsh, John on Conversation Program 2000 May 16, March1, 2000-May 1, 2000, 2000, March1, 2000-May 1, 2000
Box 827
Butler, Richard on Books for Breakfast Program 2000 June 1, May 1, 2000-June 1, 2000, 2000, May 1, 2000-June 1, 2000
Box 827
Gilpin, Roger on Books for Breakfast Program 2000 June 6, November 1, 1999-June 1, 2000, 2000, November 1, 1999-June 1, 2000
Box 827
Fitzgerald, Frances on Books for Breakfast Program 2000 June 20, March1, 2000-June 1, 2000, 2000, March1, 2000-June 1, 2000
Box 827
Holden, John on Conversation Program 2000 June 15, May 1, 2000-June 1, 2000, 2000, May 1, 2000-June 1, 2000
Box 827
Ruggie, John Gerald on Conversation Program 2000 June 27, May 1, 2000-June 1, 2000, 2000, May 1, 2000-June 1, 2000
Box 828
Miyet, Bernard on Worldview Breakfast Program 2000 September 21, June 1, 2000-September 1, 2000, 2000, June 1, 2000-September 1, 2000
Box 828
Snyder, Jack on Author in the afternoon Program 2000 September 12, April 1, 2000-September 1, 2000, 2000, April 1, 2000-September 1, 2000
Box 828
Glover, Jonathan on Author in the afternoon Program 2000 September 14, August 1, 2000-September 1, 2000, 2000, August 1, 2000-September 1, 2000
Box 828
Maraniss, David on Books for breakfast Program 2000 October 19, October 1, 2000-October 1, 2000, 2000, October 1, 2000-October 1, 2000
Box 828
Waldman, Michael on Books for breakfast Program 2000 October 26, July 1, 2000-October 1, 2000, 2000, July 1, 2000-October 1, 2000
Box 828
Scheffer, David on Conversation Program 2000 October 5, October 1, 2000-October 1, 2000, 2000, October 1, 2000-October 1, 2000
Box 828
Ramos-Harta, Jose, Cobban,Helena on Conversation Program 2000 October 11, July 1, 2000-October 1, 2000, 2000, July 1, 2000-October 1, 2000
Box 828
Shain, Smith on Conversation Program 2000 October 24, October 1, 2000-October 1, 2000, 2000, October 1, 2000-October 1, 2000
Box 828
Abdo, Geneive on Author in the Afternoon Program 2000 October 17, February1, 2000-September 1, 2000, 2000, February1, 2000-September 1, 2000
Box 828
Kaplan, Robert on Books for breakfast Program 2000 November 9, July 1, 2000-November 1, 2000, 2000, July 1, 2000-November 1, 2000
Box 828
Karny, Yoav on Books for breakfast Program 2000 November 16, June 1, 2000-November 1, 2000, 2000, June 1, 2000-November 1, 2000
Box 828
Ash, Timothy on Books for breakfast Program 2000 November 17, August 1, 2000-November 1, 2000, 2000, August 1, 2000-November 1, 2000
Box 828
Kagans, Author in the Afternoon Program 2000 November 29, June 1, 2000-November 1, 2000, 2000, June 1, 2000-November 1, 2000
Box 828
Sharma, Kamalesh on Conversation Program 2000 November 1, July 1, 2000-November 1, 2000, 2000, July 1, 2000-November 1, 2000
Box 828
Matsunaga, Nobuo on Worldview Breakfast Program 2000 December 1, September 1, 2000-December 1, 2000, 2000, September 1, 2000-December 1, 2000
Box 828
Bell, Daniel on Books for Breakfast Program 2000 December 6, April 1, 2000-December 1, 2000, 2000, April 1, 2000-December 1, 2000
Box 828
Chicola, Phillip,Tate, Winifred on Panel Discussion Program 2000 December 4, December 1, 2000-December 1, 2000, 2000, December 1, 2000-December 1, 2000
Box 828
Hayner, Priscilla on Author in the Afternoon Program 2001 January 10, October 1, 2000-January 1, 2001, 2001, October 1, 2000-January 1, 2001
Box 828
McGovern, George on Author in the Afternoon Program 2001 January 22, January 1, 2001-January 1, 2001, 2001, January 1, 2001-January 1, 2001
Box 829
Bates, Robert on Books for breakfast Program 2001 January 25, September 1, 2000-January 1, 2001, 2001, September 1, 2000-January 1, 2001
Box 829
Morse, Edward on Worldview Breakfast Program 2001 January 31, September 1, 2000-January 1, 2001, 2001, September 1, 2000-January 1, 2001
Box 829
Dixon, Thomas Homer on Books for breakfast Program 2001 February6, November 1, 2000-February1, 2001, 2001, November 1, 2000-February1, 2001
Box 829
Levy, Steven on Books for breakfast Program 2001 February22, December 1, 2000-February1, 2001, 2001, December 1, 2000-February1, 2001
Box 829
Nathan, Andrew on Books for breakfast Program 2001 February27, February1, 2001-February1, 2001, 2001, February1, 2001-February1, 2001
Box 829
Jain, Bawa on Conversation Program 2001 February7, September 1, 2000-February1, 2001, 2001, September 1, 2000-February1, 2001
Box 829
Mutaboba, Joseph on Conversation Program 2001 February12, November 1, 2000-February1, 2001, 2001, November 1, 2000-February1, 2001
Box 829
Cooper, Ann on Conversation Program 2001 February28, September 1, 2000-February1, 2001, 2001, September 1, 2000-February1, 2001
Box 829
Corell, Hans on Woldview Breakfast Program 2001 March20, November 1, 2000-March1, 2001, 2001, November 1, 2000-March1, 2001
Box 829
Sciolino, Elaine on Books for Breakfast Program 2001 March13, October 1, 2000-March1, 2001, 2001, October 1, 2000-March1, 2001
Box 829
Ackerman, Peter,DuVall, Jack on Author in the Afternoon Program 2001 March6, January 1, 2001-March1, 2001, 2001, January 1, 2001-March1, 2001
Box 829
Bremmer, Ian,Medish, Mark on Panel Discussion Program 2001 March8, January 1, 2001-March1, 2001, 2001, January 1, 2001-March1, 2001
Box 829
Hoge, James F.,Kaplan, Robert D. on Panel Discussion Program 2001 March14, January 1, 2001-March1, 2001, 2001, January 1, 2001-March1, 2001
Box 829
Menchu, Rigoberta on Conversation Program 2001 April 5, February1, 2001-April 1, 2001, 2001, February1, 2001-April 1, 2001
Box 829
Das, Gurcharan on Books for Breakfast Program 2001 April 3, December 1, 2000-April 1, 2001, 2001, December 1, 2000-April 1, 2001
Box 829
Kennedy, Paul on Books for Breakfast Program 2001 April 11, December 1, 2000-April 1, 2001, 2001, December 1, 2000-April 1, 2001
Box 829
Guillermoprieto, Alma on Books for Breakfast Program 2001 April 25, December 1, 2000-April 1, 2001, 2001, December 1, 2000-April 1, 2001
Box 830
Marchi, Sergio on Worldview Breakfast Program 2001 May 4, April 1, 2001-May 1, 2001, 2001, April 1, 2001-May 1, 2001
Box 830
Knoppers, Bartha on Worldview Breakfast Program 2001 May 8, November 1, 2000-May 1, 2001, 2001, November 1, 2000-May 1, 2001
Box 830
Kapuscinski, Ryszard on Books for Breakfast Program 2001 May 2, January 1, 2001-May 1, 2001, 2001, January 1, 2001-May 1, 2001
Box 830
Klare, Michael on Books for Breakfast Program 2001 May 22, January 1, 2001-May 1, 2001, 2001, January 1, 2001-May 1, 2001
Box 830
Handelman, Stephen,Massing, Michael on Panel Discussion Program 2001 May 30, March1, 2001-May 1, 2001, 2001, March1, 2001-May 1, 2001
Box 830
Luck, Edward on Worldview Breakfast Program 2001 June 12, May 1, 2001-June 1, 2001, 2001, May 1, 2001-June 1, 2001
Box 830
McNamara, Robert S.,Blight, James G. on Books for Breakfast Program 2001 June 5, April 1, 2001-June 1, 2001, 2001, April 1, 2001-June 1, 2001
Box 830
Prof. Sunstein, Cass, Reschedled Author in the Art on Conversation Program 2001 June 20, February1, 2001-April 1, 2001, 2001, February1, 2001-April 1, 2001
Box 830
Tellis, Ashley on Conversation Program 2001 June 7, February1, 2001-June 1, 2001, 2001, February1, 2001-June 1, 2001
Box 830
Christopher, Warren on Author in the Afternoon Program 2001 June 20, April 1, 2001-June 1, 2001, 2001, April 1, 2001-June 1, 2001
X.E: Fellows, 2000-2005
Box 831
Fellows 2000 March1, 2001-December 1, 2001, 2000, March1, 2001-December 1, 2001
Box 831
Fellows-Travel for Orientation (2001 September ), July 1, 2001-September 1, 2001
Box 831
Orientation Social Event (2001 September ), July 1, 2001-July 1, 2001
Box 831
Fellows Orientation Conference (September 2001), September 1, 2001-September 1, 2001
Box 831
Fellows (2001-2002): Stipend & Money, January 1, 2002-March1, 2002
Box 831
Fellows event proposals (2001-2002), November 1, 2001-April 1, 2002
Box 831
Fellows Midterm Reports, June 23, 1905
Box 831
IBHAWOH, May 1, 2000-June 1, 2002
Box 831
Stamenova, Svetlana, July 1, 2001-March1, 2002
Box 831
Cheremushkin, Peter, July 1, 2001-July 1, 2001
Box 831
Mawdsley, Emma, July 1, 2001-July 1, 2001
Box 831
Harper, Christopher, August 1, 2001-August 1, 2001
Box 831
Nilsson, Mans, July 1, 2001-August 1, 2001
Box 831
Gundare, Ieva, July 1, 2001-July 1, 2001
Box 831
Futehally, Ilmas, July 1, 2001-March1, 2002
Box 831
Call for Applications, June 1, 2001-December 1, 2002
Box 831
Zinnbauer, Dieter (2002-2003), April 1, 2002-July 1, 2003
Box 831
Slack, Keith (2002-2003), January 1, 2002-June 1, 2003
Box 831
Yoshida, Takashi (2002-2003), March1, 2002-June 1, 2003
Box 831
Rodrigues, Maria (2002-2003), September 1, 2002-June 1, 2003
Box 831
Wong, Elizabeth (2002-2003), March1, 2002-May 1, 2002
Box 831
Dagi, Ihsan (2002-2003), April 1, 2002-June 1, 2003
Box 832
Travel-Fellows Week 2003 May 1, 2003-June 1, 2003, 2003, May 1, 2003-June 1, 2003
Box 832
Fellows Week-To Do, June 1, 2003-June 1, 2003
Box 832
People who want Fellows papers, May 1, 2003-June 1, 2003
Box 832
Fellows Week 2003-Important documents, June 1, 2003-June 1, 2003
Box 832
Fellows Week-2003-Planning, December 1, 2002-June 1, 2003
Box 832
Carnegie Council Fellows Program, Ethics and International Affairs Reader, June 14, 1905-June 25, 1905
Box 832
Carnegie Council Fellows Program, Ethics and International Affairs Reader, Printed and bound, June 14, 1905-June 25, 1905
Box 832
Hotel Packet (fellows week 2002), June 24, 1905-June 25, 1905
Box 832
Check Lists for fellow week, June 1, 2002-June 1, 2002
Box 832
Final Presentation: Environment (2001-2002), June 1, 2002-June 1, 2002
Box 832
Final Presentation-Conflict Prevention Fellows 2001-2002 May 1, 2002-June 1, 2002, 2001-2002, May 1, 2002-June 1, 2002
Box 832
Final Presentation-Human Rights Initiative Fellows (2001-2002), June 1, 2002-June 1, 2002
Box 832
Fellows 2002-2003 Midterm Reports, December 1, 2002-January 1, 2003, 2002-2003, December 1, 2002-January 1, 2003
Box 832
Travel: June 2002 April 1, 2002-August 1, 2002, June 2002, April 1, 2002-August 1, 2002
Box 832
Planning: Fellows Week, June 2002 November 1, 2001-September 1, 2002, June 2002, November 1, 2001-September 1, 2002
Box 832
Fellows Reimbursements (2002-2003), April 1, 2002-April 1, 2002
Box 832
Final Presentation: History,Reconciliation (2001-2002), May 1, 2002-June 1, 2002
Box 832
Fellows 2002-2003 Selection Process, March1, 2002-March1, 2002, 2002-2003, March1, 2002-March1, 2002
Box 833
Fellows Conference 2005 June 1, 2005-June 1, 2005, 2005, June 1, 2005-June 1, 2005
Box 833
All Fellows Contact Information, June 22, 1905-June 25, 1905
Box 833
Fellows News, September 1, 2002-February1, 2004
Box 833
Fellows Meeting Notes, Task List, September 1, 2001-September 1, 2004
Box 833
Accuracy and consistency: the media and human rights, Draft report for consultation, April 1, 2001-April 1, 2001
Box 833
Fellows Brainstorming Ideas, August 1, 2002-June 26, 1905
Box 833
Fellows Fundraising, Undated
Box 833
Fellows: Important Documents, January 1, 2002-May 1, 2002
Box 833
Fellowship Programs at other Institutions, February1, 2002-March1, 2002
Box 833
Fellows 2005-2006 Planning, June 1, 2004-June 27, 1905, 2005-2006, June 1, 2004-June 27, 1905
Box 833
2004-2005 Applications-Fellows, February1, 2004-June 27, 1905, 2004-2005, February1, 2004-June 27, 1905
Box 833
Fellows 2004-2005 March1, 2003-November 1, 2004, 2004-2005, March1, 2003-November 1, 2004
Box 833
2004-2005 letter of Agreement, March1, 2004-March1, 2004, 2004-2005, March1, 2004-March1, 2004
Box 833
Fellows Week 2004 March1, 2003-October 1, 2004, 2004, March1, 2003-October 1, 2004
Box 833
Oglesby, Elizabeth (2003-2004), March1, 2003-March1, 2003
Box 833
Hall, Marcus (2003-2004), March1, 2003-March1, 2003
Box 833
Ewelukwa, Uche (2003-2004), June 1, 2004-June 1, 2004
Box 833
Osofsky, Hari (2003-2004), March1, 2003-March1, 2003
Box 833
Silverstone, Scott (2003-2004), March1, 2003-March1, 2003
Box 833
2003-2004 Application Process, June 1, 2001-March1, 2003, 2003-2004, June 1, 2001-March1, 2003
Box 833
2003 Fellows-General, June 25, 1905-June 26, 1905, 2003, June 25, 1905-June 26, 1905
Box 833
Fellows 2003-2004 Midterm reports, December 1, 2003-January 1, 2004, 2003-2004, December 1, 2003-January 1, 2004
Box 833
Fellows 2003 Finances, October 1, 2003-December 1, 2003, 2003, October 1, 2003-December 1, 2003
Box 833
Carnegie Council on Ethics and International Affairs, Fellow week evaluation 2003-2004 Fellows, June 1, 2003-June 26, 1905, 2003-2004, June 1, 2003-June 26, 1905
Box 833
Final Presentation-General, May 1, 2003-June 1, 2003
Box 833
Fellows-Reader in Ethics and International Affairs, September 1, 1990-October 1, 1990
X.F: Foreign Policy Round Table
Box 834
FPR Year 1 # 1, November 10, 1999--Rieff, David : A new age of liberal imperialism?, October 1, 1999-November 1, 1999
Box 834
FPR Year 1 # 2, December 15, 1999--Rose, Gideon : Present laughter vs. Utopia bliss: Conservatism and foreign policy, December 1, 1999-December 1, 1999
Box 834
FPR Year 1 # 3, January 26, 2000--Gustafson, Thane : Capitalism Russian-Style, January 1, 2000-January 1, 2000
Box 834
FPR Year 1 # 4, February23, 2000--Kupchan, Charles A : After Kosovo: Future of US Engagement in Europe--Continued hegemony or impending retrenchment?, February1, 2000-February1, 2000
Box 834
FPR Year 1 # 5, March29, 2000--Walt, Stephen M. : Two cheers for Clinton's Foreign policy, March1, 2000-March1, 2000
Box 834
FPR Year 1 # 6, April 26, 2000--Banac, Ivo : The Demise of Yugoslavia, March1, 2000-April 1, 2000
Box 834
FPR Year 1 # 7, May 24, 2000--Smith, Tony : Morality and the Use of force in a Unipolar world: The "Wilsonian Moment?", May 1, 2000-May 1, 2000
Box 834
FPR Year 2 # 1, September 20, 2000--de Soto, Hernando : The mistery of Capital, September 1, 2000-April 1, 2000
Box 834
FPR Year 2 # 2, October 25, 2000--Sharpe, Kenneth : Two wars or one? Drugs, Guerrillas, and Colombia's new "Violencia", September 1, 2000-October 1, 2000
Box 834
FPR Year 2 # 3, December 6, 2000--Cohen, Eliot : Defending America in the twenty-first century, November 1, 2000-December 1, 2000
Box 834
FPR Year 2 # 4, January 17, 2001--Friedberg, A.L. : The struggle for mastery in Asia, December 1, 2000-January 1, 2001
Box 834
FPR Year 2 # 5, February21, 2001--Boot, Max : The Savage wars of peace, January 1, 2001-February1, 2001
Box 834
FPR Year 2 # 6, March21, 2001--Tucker, Robert W. : The US and the International Criminal Court Controversy, February1, 2001-March1, 2001
Box 834
FPR Year 2 # 7, May 2, 2001--Makovsky, David : Middle East peace through partition, March1, 2001-April 1, 2001
Box 834
FPR Year 2 # 8, May 30, 2001--Dujarric, Robert : North Korea: Risk and rewards of engagement, May 1, 2001-May 1, 2001
Box 835
FPR Year 3 # 1, October 3, 2001--Kumar, Radha, Kashmir : "Integral Limb" or "Jugular Vein"?, August 1, 2001-October 1, 2001
Box 835
FPR Year 3 # 2, November 14, 2001--Krepinevich, Andrew : The first war of a new century: a first-blush assessment, September 1, 2001-November 1, 2001
Box 835
FPR Year 3 # 3, December 12, 2001--Gause, Gregory : Saudi Arabia in the Crisis: Domestic stability and US-Saudi relations, November 1, 2001-December 1, 2001
Box 835
FPR Year 3 # 4, January 23, 2002--Zimmermann, Warren : First great triumph: How five Americans made their country a world power, December 1, 2001-January 1, 2002
Box 835
FPR Year 3 # 5, February27, 2002--Pollack, Kenneth M. : Next Stop Baghdad?, February1, 2002-February1, 2002
Box 835
FPR Year 3 # 6, April 3, 2002--Yergin, Daniel : The commanding heights: The battle for the World economy, March1, 2002-April 1, 2002
Box 835
FPR Year 3 # 7, May 1, 2002--Jacoby, Tamar : How to Think about US Immigration Policy (and its post-9,11 Implications), April 1, 2002-May 1, 2002
Box 835
FPR Year 3 # 8, June 5, 2002--Unger, David : Maps of War, Maps of Peace: The Elusive Search for a two-State solution to the Israeli-Palestinian Question, May 1, 2002-June 1, 2002
Box 835
FPR Year 4 # 1, September 25, 2002--Hirsh, Michael : Bush and the World, August 1, 2002-September 1, 2002
Box 835
FPR Year 4 # 2, October 23, 2002--Nichols, Thomas : Putin's First two Years: Democratic Partner or Future US Competitor?, September 1, 2002-November 1, 2002
Box 835
FPR Year 4 # 3, December 4, 2002--Bacevich, Andrew J. : American Empire: The Realities and Consequences of US Diplomacy, October 1, 2002-December 1, 2002
Box 835
FPR Year 4 # 4, January 29, 2003--Doran, Michael : Palestine, Iraq, and American Strategy, December 1, 2002-January 1, 2003
Box 835
FPR Year 4 # 5, February26, 2003--Calleo, David P. : Rethinking Europe's Future, February1, 2003-February1, 2003
Box 835
FPR Year 4 # 6, March28, 2003--Allin, Dana H. : The Democratic Party and Foreign Policy, February1, 2003-March1, 2003
Box 835
FPR Year 4 # 7, April 30, 2003--Glennon, Michael J. : Why the Security Council Failed, April 1, 2003-April 1, 2003
Box 835
FPR Year 4 #8, June 4, 2003--Krepinevich, Andrew : Operation Iraqi Freedom: Preliminary Military and Strategic Lessons Learned, April 1, 2003-June 1, 2003
Box 836
FPR Year 5 # 1, September 17, 2003--Menon, Rajan : The end of Alliances, August 1, 2003-September 1, 2003
Box 836
FPR Year 5 # 2, October 29, 2003--Elliott, Michael J. : The First Casualty of War: Has the American Press Become the Administration's Poodle?, September 1, 2003-October 1, 2003
Box 836
FPR Year 5 # 3, December 17, 2003--Simon, Steven : The moral psychology of US Support for Israel, November 1, 2003-December 1, 2003
Box 836
FPR Year 5 # 4, January 28, 2004--Pollack, Kenneth M. : Spies. Lies and Weapons, January 1, 2004-January 1, 2004
Box 836
FPR Year 5 # 5, March10, 2004--Boroumand, Ladan and Roya : Prospects for Democracy in Iran and American Foreign Policy, February1, 2004-May 1, 2004
Box 836
FPR Year 5 # 6, April 21, 2004--Howard, Glen E. : The Russo-Chechen War: Recommendations for U.S. Foreign Policy, March1, 2004-April 1, 2004
Box 836
FPR Year 5 # 7, June 8, 2004--Ikenberry, John : The end of the Neo-Conservative Moment, May 1, 2004-June 1, 2004
Box 836
FPR Year 5 # 6, April 21, 2004--Howard, Glen E. : The Russo-Chechen War: Recommendations for U.S. Foreign Policy, March1, 2004-April 1, 2004
Box 836
FPR Year 5 Special, September 29, 2004--Gutman, Roy : Bin Laden and Afganistan: An Endless Tragedy, September 1, 2004-September 1, 2004
Box 836
FPR Year 6 # 1, December 15, 2004--Frederick, Starr S. : US Afghanistan policy: it's working, November 1, 2004-December 1, 2004
Box 836
FPR Year 6 # 2, February2, 2005--Bacevich, Andrew J. : The new American militarism: how Americans are secuded by war, January 1, 2005-February1, 2005
Box 836
FPR Year 6 # 3, March9, 2005--Takeyh, Ray : Taking on Iran, February1, 2005-March1, 2005
Box 836
FPR Year 6 # 4, April 27, 2005--Iatrides, John O. : A first cut at a George Kennan retrospective, March1, 2005-April 1, 2005
Box 836
FPR Year 6 # 5, June 1, 2005--Hendrickson, David C. : The curious case of American hegemony: imperial aspirations and national decline, May 1, 2005-June 1, 2005
Box 836
FPR Year 7 # 1, September 21, 2005--Nichols, Thomas M. : Anarchy and order in the new age of prevention, August 1, 2005-September 1, 2005
Box 836
FPR Year 7 # 2, October 19, 2005--Danner, Mark : Taking stock of the forever war, August 1, 2005-October 1, 2005
Box 836
FPR Year 7 # 3, November 30, 2005--Krepinevich, Andrew : How to win in Iraq, November 1, 2005-November 1, 2005
Box 836
FPR Year 7 # 4, February1, 2006--Boot, Max : War made new: Four great revolutions that changed the face of battle and the course of history, December 1, 2005-February1, 2006 and 2 DVD, December 1, 2005-February1, 2006
Box 836
FPR Year 7 # 5, March15, 2006-- Mandelbaum, Michael : The case for Goliath: How America acts as the world's government in the twenty-first century, March1, 2006-February1, 2006 and book, March1, 2006-February1, 2006
Box 836
FPR Year 7 # 6, April 26, 2006--Yergin, Daniel : Ensuring energy security, April 1, 2006-April 1, 2006
Box 836
FPR Year 7 # 7, June 7, 2006--Miller, John H. : Will the real Japan please stand up, May 1, 2006-June 1, 2006
Box 837
FPR Year 8 # 1, September 27, 2006--Ikle, Fred C. : Annihilation from Within: The ultimate threat to nations, August 1, 2006-September 1, 2006
Box 837
FPR Year 8 # 2, October 19, 2006--Kirk, Michael : The lost year in Iraq: Spring 2003-June 2004 September 1, 2006-October 1, 2006, 2003-June 2004, September 1, 2006-October 1, 2006
Box 837
FPR Year 8 # 3, November 15, 2006--Kirk, Michael : The lost year in Iraq: Spring 2003-June 2004 continuation, October 1, 2006-November 1, 2006, 2003-June 2004, October 1, 2006-November 1, 2006
Box 837
FPR Year 8 # 4, December 13, 2006--Taspinar, Omer : Turkey on the Brink, November 1, 2006-December 1, 2006
Box 837
FPR Year 8 # 5, February7, 2007--Khalidi, Rashid : The iron cage: The story of the Palestinian struggle for statehood, January 1, 2007-February1, 2007
Box 837
FPR Year 8 # 6, March28, 2007--Garfinkle, Adam : Exit interview: A conversation with John Bolton, February1, 2007-March1, 2007
Box 837
FPR Year 8 # 7, April 25, 2007--Unger, David : Wealth and Terror: Why America's quest for absolute security is a mission impossible that can also destroy our democracy, March1, 2007-April 1, 2007 and DVD, March1, 2007-April 1, 2007
Box 837
FPR Year 8 # 8, May 23, 2007--Samuels, Richard J. : Securing Japan: The current discourse, May 1, 2007-May 1, 2007
Box 837
FPR Year 9 # 1, September 26, 2007--Bacevich, Andrew : Illusions of Managing history: The Enduring Releveance of Reinhold Niebuhr, September 1, 2007-October 1, 2007
Box 837
FPR Year 9 # 2, November 14, 2007--Rose, Gideon : The mearsheimer-Walt "Thesis" on the Israel Lobby, and its wider implications, October 1, 2007-November 1, 2007
Box 837
FPR Year 9 # 3, December 12, 2007--Leverett, Flynt : Dealing with Tehran: Assessing US diplomatic options towards Iran, October 1, 2007-December 1, 2007
Box 837
FPR Year 9 # 4, February13, 2008--Rostow, Nicholas : Law abiding: Restoring America's global reputation, January 1, 2008-February1, 2008
Box 838
FPR Year 9 # 5, March26, 2008--Kupchan, Charles A. : Atlantic Orders: The fundamentals of change, February1, 2008-March1, 2008
Box 838
FPR Year 9 # 6, May 7, 2008--Worden, Minky : China's great leap: the Beijing games and Olympian human rights challenges, March1, 2008-May 1, 2008
Box 838
FPR Year 9 # 7, June 10, 2008--Kirk, Michael : Bush's war, May 1, 2008-July 1, 2008
Box 838
FPR Year 10 # 1, September 24, 2008--Taspinar, Omer : "Turkey's Constitutional Crisis: What next?", August 1, 2008-September 1, 2008
Box 838
FPR Year 10 # 2, October 29, 2008--Woodworth, Paddy : "Spanish Separatism, ETA Terrorism, and the Basque Tragedy", October 1, 2008-October 1, 2008
Box 838
FPR Year 10 # 3, December 10, 2008--Mandelbaum, Michael : "America, Russia and Europe", November 1, 2008-December 1, 2008
Box 838
[FPR-Year 11] Lukacs Symposium # 1, April 1, 2009--Historical Retrospectives: "Winston Churchill and Russia", February1, 2009-April 1, 2009
Box 838
[FPR-Year 11] Lukacs Symposium # 2, May 13, 2009--Historical Retrospectives: "George Kennan the Soviet Union and the Cold War reconsidered", April 1, 2009-May 1, 2009
X.G: Various Programs, 1984-2005
Box 839
Evil & International Affairs: Moral Rhetoric, Reality & Responsibility, McGill University, Montreal, Canada, June 2-6, 2003 October 1, 2001-July 1, 2003, June 2-6, 2003, October 1, 2001-July 1, 2003
Box 839
"Ethics, Science, and Policy: Environmental Education for a Transnational World
Box 839
College of the Holy Cross (Worchester, MA), May 18-21, 2003 ", May 1, 2003-June 1, 2003 2 CDs, May 18-21, 2003, May 1, 2003-June 1, 2003
Box 840
Proposal for National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) Grant on Evil &International Affairs, March2002 August 1, 2002-September 1, 2002, March2002, August 1, 2002-September 1, 2002
Box 840
International Studies Association Northeast Providence, Rhode Island, November 7-9, 2002 March1, 2002-November 1, 2002, November 7-9, 2002, March1, 2002-November 1, 2002
Box 840
Ethics and International Affairs: An Agenda for Scholarship and Pedagogy, Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island, June 9-14, 2002 December 1, 200- June 1, 2002, June 9-14, 2002
Box 840
International Studies Association Northeast Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, November 8-10, 2001 June 1, 2001-November 1, 2001, November 8-10, 2001, June 1, 2001-November 1, 2001
Box 840
International Studies Association, Chicago, February21-24, 2001 September 1, 2000-February1, 2001, February21-24, 2001, September 1, 2000-February1, 2001
Box 840
US Foreign Policy in the Middle East-Conference co-sponsored by the Council and Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies, New York City, February15, 2001 October 1, 2000-February1, 2001 conference held at the Carnegie Council headquarters on February15, 2001. The conference was attended by Israelis, Arabs, Europeans, and Americans, February15, 2001, October 1, 2000-February1, 2001
Box 840
Global Ethics Network-Ethics Centers Project 2001-2002 September 1, 2001-October 1, 2002, 2001-2002, September 1, 2001-October 1, 2002
Box 841
Educational Programs-Overall Education Plan with George Lopez, 2001-2002 May 1, 2001-October 1, 2002, 2001-2002, May 1, 2001-October 1, 2002
Box 841
"Ethical Issues in the Use of Military Power, Faculty Development Seminar, Annapolis, June 4-9, 2000", March1, 2000-June 1, 2000, June 4-9, 2000, March1, 2000-June 1, 2000
Box 841
International Studies Association, Broadening the International Studies Curriculum through Scholarly Exchange, Los Angeles, March14-18, 2000 March1, 2000-June 1, 2000, March14-18, 2000, March1, 2000-June 1, 2000
Box 841
International Studies Association, Broadening the International Studies Curriculum through Scholarly Exchange, Los Angeles, March14-18, 2000 July 1, 1999-March1, 2000, March14-18, 2000, July 1, 1999-March1, 2000
Box 841
International Studies Association, Broadening the International Studies Curriculum through Scholarly Exchange, Los Angeles, March14-18, 2000 December 1, 1999-March1, 2000, March14-18, 2000, December 1, 1999-March1, 2000
Box 841
International Studies Association, Broadening the International Studies Curriculum through Scholarly Exchange, Los Angeles, March14-18, 2000 September 1, 1999-March1, 2000, March14-18, 2000, September 1, 1999-March1, 2000
Box 842
Morgenthau Project General Correspondence, Merrill House, New York, March26-27, 1998 December 1, 1996-March1, 1999 Morgenthau Symposium on "Politics among Nations 1948-1998", Merrill House, New York, March26-27, 1998, March26-27, 1998, December 1, 1996-March1, 1999, March26-27, 1998
Box 842
Morgenthau Project Agenda, Program and Speakers, Merrill House, New York, March26-27, 1998 September 1, 1997-April 1, 1998 Morgenthau Symposium on "Politics among Nations 1948-1998", Merrill House, New York, March26-27, 1998, March26-27, 1998, September 1, 1997-April 1, 1998, March26-27, 1998
Box 842
Morgenthau Project Papers, March1998 Morgenthau Symposium on "Politics among Nations 1948-1998", Merrill House, New York, March26-27, 1998, March1998, March26-27, 1998
Box 842
Ethikon Project "Boundaries, Ownership and Autonomy-Diverse Ethical Perspectives", Merrill House, New York, September 12-14, 1997 August 1, 1996-September 1, 1997, September 12-14, 1997, August 1, 1996-September 1, 1997
Box 842
Shriver Seminar "Ethic for Enemies", Merrill House, New York, October 17, 1996 July 1, 1996-October 1, 1996, October 17, 1996, July 1, 1996-October 1, 1996
Box 842
Conference "Is there a New American Hegemony?" co-sponsored by Carnegie Council on Ethics and International Affairs (CCEIA) and World Policy Institute, Merrill House, New York, April 11-12, 1997 April 1, 1997-April 1, 1997, April 11-12, 1997, April 1, 1997-April 1, 1997
Box 842
Merrill House Symposium "Just and Unjust Wars Revisited"--Walzer, Michael--Merrill House, New York, May 16, 1996 April 1, 1994-May 1, 1996, May 16, 1996, April 1, 1994-May 1, 1996
Box 842
Merrill House Seminar "Gambling with Gratitude: Woodrow Wilson, Max Weber and World War I"--Diggins, Jack--Merrill House, New York, September 14, 1995 August 1, 1995-September 1, 1995, September 14, 1995, August 1, 1995-September 1, 1995
Box 842
Barnett, Michael, Adler, Emanuel on Security Communities in Comparative Perspective, Merrill House, New York, December 1-2, 1995 August 1, 1995-December 1, 1995, December 1-2, 1995, August 1, 1995-December 1, 1995
Box 843
Cold War Project "Moral Judgment and Cold War History: Case Studies Seminar", Papers, Merrill House, New York, December 13-14, 1996 October 1, 1994-December 1, 1996, December 13-14, 1996, October 1, 1994-December 1, 1996
Box 843
Cold War Project,Agenda-Program-Speakers, Merrill House, New York, December 13-14, 1996 December 1, 1996-June 1, 1997, December 13-14, 1996, December 1, 1996-June 1, 1997
Box 843
Cold War Project "Moral Judgment and Cold War History: Case Studies Seminar", General Correspondence, Merrill House, New York, December 13-14, 1996 February1, 1996-March1, 1997, December 13-14, 1996, February1, 1996-March1, 1997
Box 843
Cold War Project "Moral Judgment and Cold War History: Case Studies Seminar", Transcripts, Merrill House, New York, December 13-14, 1996 October 1, 1995-October 1, 1995, December 13-14, 1996, October 1, 1995-October 1, 1995
Box 843
Merrill House Seminar Series, Merrill House, New York, September 14, 1993--May 10, 1994 January 1, 1993-May 1, 1994, 1994, January 1, 1993-May 1, 1994
Box 843
Town Hall Meeting, "The Ethics of Intervention", Merrill House, New York, May 19, 1994 March1, 1994-May 1, 1994, May 19, 1994, March1, 1994-May 1, 1994
Box 844
Swiss Week Project, Papers, New York, May 13-17, 1991 May 1, 1991-June 1, 1991 2 cassettes, May 13-17, 1991, May 1, 1991-June 1, 1991
Box 844
Swiss Week Project, General Correspondence, New York, May 13-17, 1991 April 1, 1989-September 1, 2005, May 13-17, 1991, April 1, 1989-September 1, 2005
Box 845
Swiss Week Project, Red Cross Correspondence, Swiss Consulate, Embassy Correspondence, New York, May 13-17, 1991 August 1, 1989-May 1, 1991, May 13-17, 1991, August 1, 1989-May 1, 1991
Box 845
Swiss Week, Meier Correspondence, New York, May 13-17, 1991 April 1, 1989-May 1, 1991, May 13-17, 1991, April 1, 1989-May 1, 1991
Box 845
Robert J. Myers, Swiss Week, New York, May 13-17, 1991 July 1, 1988-May 1, 1991, May 13-17, 1991, July 1, 1988-May 1, 1991
Box 845
Swiss week, Funding & Budget Info, New York, May 13-17, 1991 February1, 1991-May 1, 1991, May 13-17, 1991, February1, 1991-May 1, 1991
Box 845
Merrill House Seminar with Jack Becker, "Problems of Contemporary Ethical Discourse", Merrill House, New York, April 26, 1990, March1, 1990-April 1, 1990, April 26, 1990, March1, 1990-April 1, 1990
Box 846
Pan American Economic Leadership Conference, Indianapolis, Indiana, June 14-17, 1987 May 1, 1981-February1, 1992, June 14-17, 1987, May 1, 1981-February1, 1992
Box 846
Meyrs, Robert J.'s Tokyo-Seoul Trip September, 1989 August 1, 1989-September 1, 1989, September, 1989, August 1, 1989-September 1, 1989
Box 846
Meyrs, Robert J.'s January -February1990 trip, Japan and China, December 1, 1989-March1, 1990, January -February1990, December 1, 1989-March1, 1990
Box 846
Meyrs, Robert J., "Leadership Program on Japan-US Relations", Association for Promotion of International Cooperation (APIC), Tokyo, March24-31,1990, March1, 1990-March1, 1990
Box 846
Meyrs, Robert J.'s June 1991 Trip, South Korea, Taiwan and the Philippines, May 1, 1991-July 1, 1991, June 1991, May 1, 1991-July 1, 1991
Box 846
Gaylin, Willard on Carnegie Leadership Program Evening Seminar, Merrill House, New York, April 20, 1994 April 1, 1994-May 1, 1994, April 20, 1994, April 1, 1994-May 1, 1994
Box 846
Carnegie Leadership Program with the Lederberg Laboratory of the Rockefeller University, Carl Djerassi, Merrill House, New York, December 7, 1993 March1, 1993-December 1, 1993, December 7, 1993, March1, 1993-December 1, 1993
Box 846
Carnegie Leadership Program Seminar Series, "Evil Money", Merrill House, New York, October 14, 1992 October 1, 1992-November 1, 1992, October 14, 1992, October 1, 1992-November 1, 1992
Box 846
Garten, Jeffrey on Merrill House Summer Breakfast Series, Merrill House, New York, July 24, 1991 February1, 1991-August 1, 1991, July 24, 1991, February1, 1991-August 1, 1991
Box 846
Ackerman, Raymond on Carnegie Leadership Program Luncheon, Merrill House, New York, November 22, 1988 November 1, 1988-May 1, 1990, November 22, 1988, November 1, 1988-May 1, 1990
Box 846
Garten, Jeffrey E. on Carnegie Leadership Program Luncheon, Merrill House, New York, November 1, 1988 September 1, 1988-December 1, 1988, November 1, 1988, September 1, 1988-December 1, 1988
Box 846
Leveque, Jean Maxime on Carnegie Leadership Program Dinner, Merrill House, New York, October 25, 1988 September 1, 1988-October 1, 1988, October 25, 1988, September 1, 1988-October 1, 1988
Box 847
Manglapus, Raul on Carnegie Leadership Luncheon Seminar, New York, September 23, 1988 August 1, 1988-December 1, 1988, September 23, 1988, August 1, 1988-December 1, 1988
Box 847
Lewis, Samuel on Carnegie Leadership Luncheon Seminar, New York, June 9, 1988 January 1, 1988-July 1, 1988, June 9, 1988, January 1, 1988-July 1, 1988
Box 847
Solomon, Anthony M. on Carnegie Leadership Program Dinner, New York, May 17, 1988 December 1, 1987-June 1, 1988, May 17, 1988, December 1, 1987-June 1, 1988
Box 847
Nickel, Herman on Carnegie Leadership Program Luncheon, New York, May 10, 1988 January 1, 1988-May 1, 1988, May 10, 1988, January 1, 1988-May 1, 1988
Box 847
Rollwagen, John on Carnegie Leadership Program Luncheon, New York, May 5, 1988 December 1, 1987-May 1, 1988, May 5, 1988, December 1, 1987-May 1, 1988
Box 847
Bailey, Norman on Carnegie Leadership Program Luncheon, April 12, 1988 December 1, 1986-March1, 1987, April 12, 1988, December 1, 1986-March1, 1987
Box 847
Llosa, Mario Vargas on Carnegie Leadership Program Luncheon, March24, 1988 July 1, 1987-April 1, 1988, March24, 1988, July 1, 1987-April 1, 1988
Box 847
Sewall, John O.B. on Carnegie Leadership Program Luncheon, February12, 1988 February1, 1987-February1, 1988, February12, 1988, February1, 1987-February1, 1988
Box 847
Fauroux, Roger on "The Future of the French Civil Service", Lunch, Merrill House, New York, July 27, 1987 July 1, 1987-August 1, 1987, July 27, 1987, July 1, 1987-August 1, 1987
Box 847
Messier, Jean-Marie, and Villin, Philippe on Carnegie Leadership Program Dinner, "France's Privatization Program", Merrill House, New York, March26, 1987 March1, 1987-May 1, 1987, March26, 1987, March1, 1987-May 1, 1987
Box 847
Langoni, Carlos Geraldo on Carnegie Leadership Program Luncheon, Merrill House, New York, March11, 1987 February1, 1987-September 1, 1987, March11, 1987, February1, 1987-September 1, 1987
Box 847
Heimann, John G., Vice Chairmen of Merrill Lynch, on Carnegie Leadership Program Luncheon Seminar, Merrill House, New York, October 2, 1986 February1, 1987-November 1, 1987, October 2, 1986, February1, 1987-November 1, 1987
Box 847
Moreira, Marcilio Marques on Carnegie Leadership Program Luncheon, Merrill House, New York, October 28, 1985 October 1, 1985-December 1, 1988, October 28, 1985, October 1, 1985-December 1, 1988
Box 847
South Africa March1988 December 1, 1987-April 1, 1988, March1988, December 1, 1987-April 1, 1988
Box 847
South Africa February1987 August 1, 1986-June 1, 1991, February1987, August 1, 1986-June 1, 1991
Box 847
South Africa October -1986, November 1, 1985-January 1, 1988
Box 847
South Africa January 1986, December 1, 1985-February1, 1986
Box 847
Ball, Christopher on Carnegie Leadership Program Dinner, Merrill House, New York, October 2, 1986 September 1, 1986-October 1, 1986, October 2, 1986, September 1, 1986-October 1, 1986
Box 847
Carnegie Leadership Program, meeting of the advisory and planning group for the conference on South African Economy, Merrill House, New York, August 6, 1986 July 1, 1986-January 1, 1987, August 6, 1986, July 1, 1986-January 1, 1987
Box 847
Ball, Christopher on Carnegie Leadership Program Luncheon, Merrill House, New York, March5, 1985 May 1, 1984-March1, 1985, March5, 1985, May 1, 1984-March1, 1985
Box 847
Carnegie Leadership Seminar,New York, 1987-Speaker Letters, May 1, 1985-December 1, 1986
Box 848
Ethikon Wrap-up, Ethikon Projects from 1986 to 2001--Valera, Phillip, September 1, 1997-June 1, 2003, 1986, September 1, 1997-June 1, 2003
Box 848
Ethikon Conference, Venice, Italy, July 16-18, 1999 January 1, 1998-July 1, 1999, July 16-18, 1999, January 1, 1998-July 1, 1999
Box 848
Ethikon Conference, New York City, September 12-14, 1997 February1, 1995-November 1, 1997, September 12-14, 1997, February1, 1995-November 1, 1997
Box 848
Ethikon Conference Papers, New York City, September 12-14, 1997 August 1, 1997-September 1, 1997, September 12-14, 1997, August 1, 1997-September 1, 1997
Box 848
CCEIA conference, Argentina November 1999--Rabi Klenicki, Leon, November 1, 1999-January 1, 2001
Box 849
CCEIA conference, Argentina November 16, 1999-April 1, 1999 November 1, 1999, November 16, 1999-April 1, 1999
Box 849
CCEIA conference, Argentina March1999-November 1, 1998 November 1, 2005, March1999-November 1, 1998
Box 849
CCEIA conference, Center for New Internationalism, January 1999 December 1, 1998-May 1, 1999, January 1999, December 1, 1998-May 1, 1999
Box 849
CCEIA conference, Kosovo 1999 April 1, 1999-October 1, 1999, 1999, April 1, 1999-October 1, 1999
Box 849
CCEIA conference, The Communitarian Reader "The Cycles of Moral Dialogue", Chapter by Rosenthal, Joel H., April 1, 1997-February1, 2000
Box 849
CCEIA conference on Public Philosophy, Uehiro, Merrill House, New York, October 20-22, 1999 August 1, 1998-September 1, 1998 Uehiro Foundation on Ethics and Education, October 20-22, 1999, August 1, 1998-September 1, 1998
Box 849
CCEIA conference-Methods Project 1997 April 1, 1998-April 1, 1998 Project on the use of different qualitative methods in ethics and international affairs research, 1997, April 1, 1998-April 1, 1998
Box 850
CCEIA Conference "International Studies in the Era of Globalization", Bangi, Malaysia, May 23-26, 1998 May 1, 1998-June 1, 1998, May 23-26, 1998, May 1, 1998-June 1, 1998
Box 850
International Studies Association: Session with Louis Henkin on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Minneapolis, March20, 1998 June 1, 1997-February1, 1998, March20, 1998, June 1, 1997-February1, 1998
Box 850
Graduate Theological Union (GTU), Ethics Consultation, Berkeley, April 17 1998 February1, 1998-April 1, 1998, 1998, February1, 1998-April 1, 1998
Box 850
United Nations University (UNU) Meetings June 1998-January 1999 New York City, March1, 1998-January 1, 1999 UNU-United Nations University, June 1998-January 1999, March1, 1998-January 1, 1999
Box 850
Sino-U.S. Study Tour, Beijing, People's Republic of China (PRC), January 1998 December 1, 1996-November 1, 1997, January 1998, December 1, 1996-November 1, 1997
Box 850
CCEIA conference, International Criminal Court, United Nations, New York, December 1, 1997 July 1, 1997-July 1, 1998, December 1, 1997, July 1, 1997-July 1, 1998
Box 851
CCEIA conference, The Strategy of Sanctions, Wheaton, Illionois, May 8-9, 1997 November 1, 1996-July 1, 1997, May 8-9, 1997, November 1, 1996-July 1, 1997
Box 851
Conference "Is there New American Hegemony?", Merrill House, New York, April 11-12, 1997 November 1, 1996-June 1, 1997, April 11-12, 1997, November 1, 1996-June 1, 1997
Box 851
Faculty Development Seminar "International Justice and Democratic Transitions", Madison, Wisconsin, July 3-4, 1999 May 1, 1999-June 1, 1999, July 3-4, 1999, May 1, 1999-June 1, 1999
Box 851
Faculty Development Seminar "Great Power Responsibility in World Affairs", Boston, Massachusetts, April 30-May 2, 1998 September 1, 1997-May 1, 1998, April 30-May 2, 1998, September 1, 1997-May 1, 1998
Box 852
Morgenthau Memorial Lecture (MML) #15, "Anti-Internationalism In America Today" Conference, New York, Thursday, April 11, 1996 October 1, 1995-April 1, 1996 MML 96 (Pfaff, William) delivered during this conference, April 11, 1996, October 1, 1995-April 1, 1996
Box 852
Morgenthau Memorial Lecture (MML) #15 on Ethics and Foreign Policy, Pfaff, William, New York, April 11, 1996 January 1, 1996-April 1, 1996, April 11, 1996, January 1, 1996-April 1, 1996
Box 852
Morgenthau Memorial Lecture (MML) # 16 on Ethics and Foreign Policy, Sen, Amartya, New York, May 1, 1997 October 1, 1996-May 1, 1997 w, cassette, May 1, 1997, October 1, 1996-May 1, 1997
Box 852
Morgenthau Memorial Lecture (MML) # 17 on Ethics and Foreign Policy, Lake, Anthony, New York, March26, 1998 July 1, 1997-March1, 1998, March26, 1998, July 1, 1997-March1, 1998
Box 852
Morgenthau Memorial Lecture (MML) # 18 on Ethics and Foreign Policy, Nye, Joseph, New York, April 14, 1999 January 1, 1999-April 1, 1999, April 14, 1999, January 1, 1999-April 1, 1999
Box 852
Morgenthau Memorial Lecture (MML) # 19 on Ethics and Foreign Policy, Goldstone, Richard, New York, April 18, 2000 January 1, 2000-May 1, 2000, April 18, 2000, January 1, 2000-May 1, 2000
Box 852
Morgenthau Memorial Lecture (MML) # 20 on Ethics and Foreign Policy, Walzer, Michael, New York, May 15, 2001 September 1, 2000-May 1, 2001, May 15, 2001, September 1, 2000-May 1, 2001
Box 853
Morgenthau Memorial Lecture (MML) # 21 on Ethics and Foreign Policy, de Soto, Hernando, New York, May 8, 2002 September 1, 2001-May 1, 2002, May 8, 2002, September 1, 2001-May 1, 2002
Box 853
Morgenthau Memorial Lecture (MML) # 22 on Ethics and Foreign Policy, General Clark, Wesley, New York, May 7, 2003 November 1, 2002-May 1, 2003, May 7, 2003, November 1, 2002-May 1, 2003
Box 853
Nizer, Louis lecture #1, Occidental Petrolium Corporation, New York, December 7, 1994 March1, 1994-November 1, 1995 with cassette, December 7, 1994, March1, 1994-November 1, 1995
Box 853
Nizer, Louis Lecture # 2, New York, Wednesday, December 6, 1995 July 1, 1995-December 1, 1995, December 6, 1995, July 1, 1995-December 1, 1995
Box 853
Nizer, Louis Lecture # 3, presented by Wiesel, Elie, New York, November 6,1996, July 1, 1996-November 1, 1996
Box 854
Nizer, Louis Lecture # 4, presented by Dyson, Freeman, New York, November 5, 1997 July 1, 1997-December 1, 1997, November 5, 1997, July 1, 1997-December 1, 1997
Box 854
Nizer, Louis Lecture # 5, Presented by Buultjens, Ralph New York, November 19, 1998 August 1, 1998-October 1, 1998, November 19, 1998, August 1, 1998-October 1, 1998
Box 854
Walzer, Michael Symposium "Just and Unjust Wars Revisited", Merrill House, New York, May 16, 1996 September 1, 1995-July 1, 1996, May 16, 1996, September 1, 1995-July 1, 1996
Box 855
Environmental Values-Website change Fellows, June 1, 2001-April 1, 2002
Box 855
Environmental Values Project China, July 1, 1997-December 1, 2000
Box 855
Environmental Values Project, Original Letters of Support, July 1, 1999-February1, 2000
Box 855
Environmental Values: Scales Seminar and Online Forum, October 24-30, 2000 September 1, 2000-October 1, 2000, October 24-30, 2000, September 1, 2000-October 1, 2000
Box 855
Environmental Values: Understanding Values: a comparative study of values in environmental policy making in China, India, Japan, and the United States, November 1, 2001-November 1, 2001
Box 855
Environmental Values Planning Meeting, Cosmos Club, Washingtom D.C., November 13, 1997 September 1, 1997-November 1, 1997, November 13, 1997, September 1, 1997-November 1, 1997
Box 855
Environmental Values Project, Ma Zhong, Merrill House, New York, October 21-22, 1999 March1, 1998-October 1, 1999 in Chinese language, October 21-22, 1999, March1, 1998-October 1, 1999
Box 855
Environmental Values: India Report by Shiv Visvanathan and Chandrika Parmar, Undated
Box 855
Environmental Values--International Meeting of Participating Research Teams, Lakw Biwa Museum, Kusatsu, Japan, July 18-20, 1999 April 1, 1999-July 1, 1999, July 18-20, 1999, April 1, 1999-July 1, 1999
Box 856
Environmental Values--International Studies Association paper 2001 October 1, 2001-October 1, 2001, 2001, October 1, 2001-October 1, 2001
Box 856
Values in Environmental Policy Making International Team Meeting, New York, September 29-October 2, 2001 September 1, 2001-October 1, 2001, September 29-October 2, 2001, September 1, 2001-October 1, 2001
Box 856
Environmental Values Team reports, Udaipur, India, January 7-10, 2001 January 1, 2001-January 1, 2001, January 7-10, 2001, January 1, 2001-January 1, 2001
Box 856
Environmental Values Team Meetings, 2000-2001 July 1, 2000-October 1, 2001, 2000-2001, July 1, 2000-October 1, 2001
Box 856
Environmental Values 1997-1998 January 1, 1997-April 1, 1998, 1997-1998, January 1, 1997-April 1, 1998
Box 856
Environmental Values, Final Budget report to Henry Luce Foundation, December, 2001 January 1, 1998-December 1, 2001, December, 2001, January 1, 1998-December 1, 2001
Box 856
Environmental Values Project, Postmaterialism & Environmentalism, Jilan Kamal, February9, 2003 February1, 2003-February1, 2003, February9, 2003, February1, 2003-February1, 2003
Box 856
Human Rights Dialogue--Martinez, Samuel, Winter 2001-January 1, 2002
Box 856
Environmental Values--International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN)-World Conservation, December 1, 1994-September 1, 1995
Box 856
Environmental Values--Carnegie Proposals and Reports, September 1, 1990-April 1, 1991
Box 857
Methodology of Research Projects in Social Sciences: correspondence and printed materials, December 1, 1997-December 1, 2002
Box 857
Faculty Development Seminar on Environment, Holy Cross, May, 2003 May 1, 2003-May 1, 2003, May, 2003, May 1, 2003-May 1, 2003
Box 857
Faculty Development, Fellows 2003-2004 June 1, 2003-June 1, 2003, 2003-2004, June 1, 2003-June 1, 2003
Box 857
Faculty Development Seminar, Integrating Ethics into Environmental Studies, New York University, May 24-27, 2004 May 1, 2003-May 1, 2004, May 24-27, 2004, May 1, 2003-May 1, 2004
Box 857
Faculty Development Seminar, Ethics in Action, New York University, February15-16, 2002 February1, 2002-July 1, 2002, February15-16, 2002, February1, 2002-July 1, 2002
Box 858
Workshop on Bridging Human Rights and Conflict Resolution, Carnegie Council, July 16-17, 2001 July 1, 2001-July 1, 2001, July 16-17, 2001, July 1, 2001-July 1, 2001
Box 858
Public Philosophy Conference, October 21-22, 1999 September 1, 1998-November 1, 2000, October 21-22, 1999, September 1, 1998-November 1, 2000
Box 858
Public Philosophy 1999 Founders, October 1, 1999-October 1, 1999, 1999, October 1, 1999-October 1, 1999
Box 858
Public Philosophy 1999 Public Panel, July 1, 1999-October 1, 1999, 1999, July 1, 1999-October 1, 1999
Box 858
Public Philosophy 1999 Workshop Papers, October 1, 1999-October 1, 1999, 1999, October 1, 1999-October 1, 1999
Box 858
Public Philosophy 1999 reading materials, July 1, 1994-winter 1999, 1999
Box 858
Public philosophy 1999 CV's and Biographies, October 1, 1999-October 1, 1999, 1999, October 1, 1999-October 1, 1999
Box 858
Public Philosophy 1999 Correspondence, July 1, 1999-December 1, 1999, 1999, July 1, 1999-December 1, 1999
Box 859
Public Philosophy 1999 CV's Notes, October 1, 1999-October 1, 1999, 1999, October 1, 1999-October 1, 1999
Box 859
Public Philosophy 1999 Travel Accommodation, September 1, 1999-November 1, 1999, 1999, September 1, 1999-November 1, 1999
Box 859
Public Philosophy 1999 Reimbursement Forms, October 1, 1999-October 1, 1999, 1999, October 1, 1999-October 1, 1999
Box 859
Faculty Development Seminar, Ethical Issues in the Use of Military Power, Annapolis, Maryland, June 4-9, 2000 January 1, 1991-June 1, 2000 "Ethical Issues in the Use of Military Power, Annapolis, June 4-9, 2000", June 4-9, 2000, January 1, 1991-June 1, 2000, June 4-9, 2000
Box 859
Faculty Development Seminar, Ethical Issues in the Use of Military Power, Session 3, June 5, 2000 June 1, 2000-June 1, 2000, June 5, 2000, June 1, 2000-June 1, 2000
Box 859
Faculty Development Seminar, Ethical Issues in the Use of Military Power, Session 4, June 6, 2000 June 1, 2000-June 1, 2000, June 6, 2000, June 1, 2000-June 1, 2000
Box 859
Faculty Development Seminar, Ethical Issues in the Use of Military Power, Session 5, 2000 Undated
Box 859
Faculty Development Seminar, Ethical Issues in the Use of Military Power, Session 7, 2000 Undated
Box 859
Faculty Development Seminar, Ethical Issues in the Use of Military Power, Session 8, 2000 Undated
Box 859
Faculty Development Seminar, Ethical Issues in the Use of Military Power, Session 9, 2000 Undated
Box 859
Faculty Development Seminar, Ethical Issues in the Use of Military Power, Session 11, 2000 December 1, 1997-December 1, 1997, 2000, December 1, 1997-December 1, 1997
Box 860
Faculty Development Seminar, Ethical Issues in the Use of Military Power, Biographies, 2000 Undated
Box 860
Discussing Democracy: a Cross Cultural Dialogue, Tashkent, 1991 December 1, 1990-November 1, 1992, 1991, December 1, 1990-November 1, 1992
Box 860
Discussing Democracy: a Cross Cultural Dialogue, Tashkent, Fact Finding, March1, 1991-June 1, 1991
Box 860
Teaching Ethics and International Affairs, participant evaluations, Faculty Institute, June 5-10, 1995 March1, 1995-June 1, 1995 Co-sponsored by CCEIA and the Monterey Institute of International Studies, June 5-10, 1995, March1, 1995-June 1, 1995
Box 860
Faculty Development Seminar --Evil & International Affairs: Moral Rhetoric, Reality & Responsibility, McGill University, Montreal, Canada, June 2-6, 2003 June 1, 2003-August 1, 2003, June 2-6, 2003, June 1, 2003-August 1, 2003
Box 860
Carnegie Council and United States Institute of Peace, Conference, Unite or Divide? The Challenge of Teaching History, Airlie Center, Warrenton, Virginia, November 18-19, 2005 September 1, 2005-November 1, 2005, November 18-19, 2005, September 1, 2005-November 1, 2005
Box 861
Faculty Development Seminar--Teaching Ethics, National Endowment for the Humanities, Correspondence Post Seminar, Charlottesville, Virginia, June 5-July 15, 1994 March1, 1994-December 1, 1994 1994 NEH Summer Faculty Institute, "Teaching Ethics and International Affairs," University of Virginia, June 5-July 15, 1994, March1, 1994-December 1, 1994, 1994
Box 861
Faculty Development Seminar--Teaching Ethics, National Endowment for the Humanities, H-Net, Virginia, 1994 April 1, 1994-May 1, 1994, 1994, April 1, 1994-May 1, 1994
Box 861
Faculty Development Seminar--Teaching Ethics, National Endowment for the Humanities, Participation 1994 June 1, 1991-March1, 1995, 1994, June 1, 1991-March1, 1995
Box 861
"Ethics and the Clinton Foreign Policy" Luncheon,Discussion Invitations, Merrill House, New York, December 8, 1994 December 1, 1994-December 1, 1994, December 8, 1994, December 1, 1994-December 1, 1994
Box 861
Carnegie Council Merrill House Seminar Series on The Age of Consistency: International Ethics in the 21st Century, Bell, Daniel, Liberal Democracy: A Universal Ideal?, Seminar # 9, Merrill House, New York, February28, 1995 Program Participant Invitation, February1, 1995-February1, 1995, February28, 1995, February1, 1995-February1, 1995
Box 861
Faculty Development Institute, Charlottesville, VA 1994-Papers, May 1, 1994-May 1, 1994
Box 862
Faculty Development Institute, Charlottesville, VA, June 5-July 15, 1994-Papers, June 1, 1994-July 1, 1994, June 5-July 15, 1994, June 1, 1994-July 1, 1994
Box 862
Faculty Development Institute, Faculty Development Seminar "Ethics and Humanitarian Intervention", Colorado, June 12-15, 1996 May 1, 1994-June 1, 1996, June 12-15, 1996, May 1, 1994-June 1, 1996
Box 862
Faculty Development Institute, New York City, June 12-14, 1997-Reading Materials, April 1, 1997-June 1, 1997, June 12-14, 1997, April 1, 1997-June 1, 1997
Box 862
"Security Communities in Comparative Perspective", Barnett, Michael, Adler, Emanuel, New York City, December 1-2, 1995 March1, 1995-December 1, 1995, December 1-2, 1995, March1, 1995-December 1, 1995
Box 863
Conference "Broadening he Western Curriculum through Cultural Exchange", Beijing, China, June 1995-E-Mails, 1997-1999 October 1, 1996-July 1, 1999, 1997-1999, October 1, 1996-July 1, 1999
Box 863
International Economic Justice: Theory and policy, Minneapolis, Minnesota, November 14-15, 1997 May 1, 1997-April 1, 1998, November 14-15, 1997, May 1, 1997-April 1, 1998
Box 863
A Theory of Rights and Passions in Modern Democracies, Coicaud, Jean Marc, New York, August 6, 1998 July 1, 1998-August 1, 1998 2 cassettes, photo, August 6, 1998, July 1, 1998-August 1, 1998
Box 863
Roundtable Discussion with Lomperis, Timothy, St. Louis, Illinois, December 10, 1997-Agenda, Program, Speakers, Papers, October 1, 1997-December 1, 1997 photos, October 1, 1997-December 1, 1997
Box 863
How nations make peace, Kegley, Charles, and Raymond, Gregory, November 3, 1999-RSVPs, August 1, 1999-November 1, 1999
Box 863
Religion and International Affairs: Does Religion Matter?, Merrill House, New York, May 14-15, 1998 March1, 1998-June 1, 1998, May 14-15, 1998, March1, 1998-June 1, 1998
Box 863
Western Political Theory and Ethnic Relations in Eastern Europe, Kymlicka, Will, Merrill House, New York, October 22, 1998 August 1, 1998-October 1, 1998 photos, October 22, 1998, August 1, 1998-October 1, 1998
Box 864
The Ideological Origins of American Internationalism, Roundtable discussion with Hendrickson, David, New York, November 5, 1998 June 1, 1998-November 1, 1998 photos, November 5, 1998, June 1, 1998-November 1, 1998
Box 864
Seminar or Ethics and the New Meanings of National Security and National Interest", Stuart, Douglas, New York, December 10, 1998 January 1, 1997-March1, 1999, December 10, 1998, January 1, 1997-March1, 1999
Box 864
International Workshop on International Studies in the Era of Globalization, Malaysia, May 24-26, 1998 January 1, 1998-May 1, 1998, May 24-26, 1998, January 1, 1998-May 1, 1998
Box 864
Faculty development seminar: Ethical Issues in the Use of Military Power, U.S. Naval Academy Annapolis, Maryland, June 4-9, 2000 May 1, 2000-June 1, 2000, June 4-9, 2000, May 1, 2000-June 1, 2000
Box 865
Faculty Development Seminar, International Justice and Democratic Transitions, Madison, Wisconsin, June 3-4, 1999 February1, 1999-June 1, 1999 Folder 1 of 6, June 3-4, 1999, February1, 1999-June 1, 1999
Box 865
Faculty Development Seminar, International Justice and Democratic Transitions, Madison, Wisconsin, June 3-4, 1999 August 1, 1997-June 1, 1999 Folder 2 of 6, June 3-4, 1999, August 1, 1997-June 1, 1999
Box 865
Faculty Development Seminar, International Justice and Democratic Transitions, Madison, Wisconsin, June 3-4, 1999 June 1, 1999-June 1, 1999 Folder 3 of 6, June 3-4, 1999, June 1, 1999-June 1, 1999
Box 865
Faculty Development Seminar, International Justice and Democratic Transitions, Madison, Wisconsin, June 3-4, 1999 June 21, 1905-June 21, 1905 Folder 4 of 6, June 3-4, 1999, June 21, 1905-June 21, 1905
Box 865
Faculty Development Seminar, International Justice and Democratic Transitions, Madison, Wisconsin, June 3-4, 1999 February1, 1999-May 1, 1999 Folder 5 of 6, June 3-4, 1999, February1, 1999-May 1, 1999
Box 865
Faculty Development Seminar, International Justice and Democratic Transitions, Madison, Wisconsin, June 3-4, 1999 June 1, 1999-June 1, 1999 Folder 6 of 6, June 3-4, 1999, June 1, 1999-June 1, 1999
Box 866
Faculty Development Institute, Great Power Responsibility in World Affairs, Boston, Massachusetts, April 30-May 2, 1998 June 1, 1996-May 1, 1998 Folder 1 of 4, April 30-May 2, 1998, June 1, 1996-May 1, 1998
Box 866
Faculty Development Institute, Great Power Responsibility in World Affairs, Boston, Massachusetts, April 30-May 2, 1998 May 1, 1997-May 1, 1998 Folder 2 of 4, April 30-May 2, 1998, May 1, 1997-May 1, 1998
Box 866
Faculty Development Institute, Great Power Responsibility in World Affairs, Boston, Massachusetts, April 30-May 2, 1998 May 1, 1997-May 1, 1998 Folder 3 of 4, April 30-May 2, 1998, May 1, 1997-May 1, 1998
Box 866
Faculty Development Institute, Great Power Responsibility in World Affairs, Boston, Massachusetts, April 30-May 2, 1998 April 1, 1998-May 1, 1998 Folder 4 of 4, April 30-May 2, 1998, April 1, 1998-May 1, 1998
Box 866
Faculty Development seminar, The Politics and Ethics of Humanitarian Intervention: Experience and Prospects, New York City, June 12--14, 1997 September 1, 1996-June 1, 1997, 1997, September 1, 1996-June 1, 1997
Box 867
Faculty Development Seminar, "Ethics and Humanitarian Intervention", Colorado Springs, CO, June 12-15, 1996, October 1, 1995-July 1, 1996, June 12-15, 1996, October 1, 1995-July 1, 1996
Box 867
Faculty Development Institute, Teaching Ethics and International Affairs, Monterey, California June 5-10, 1995 January 1, 1995-July 1, 1995 photos, June 5-10, 1995, January 1, 1995-July 1, 1995
Box 867
Faculty Development Institute on Ethics and Statecraft, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, October 6-9, 1993 October 1, 1993-October 1, 1993, October 6-9, 1993, October 1, 1993-October 1, 1993
Box 867
Faculty Institute, Ethics in International Affairs: Case Studies, George Washington University, June 10-12, 1990-Evaluations, March1, 1990-June 1, 1990, June 10-12, 1990, March1, 1990-June 1, 1990
Box 868
China Faculty Development Institute with International Studies Association---Sino-US Curriculum Development Workshops on Ethics and International Affairs, Fudan University, Beijing, China, July 1999 November 1, 1997-July 1, 1999, July 1999, November 1, 1997-July 1, 1999
Box 868
Broadening the international Studies Curriculum through Scholarly Exchange, Beijing, China, July 1999 June 1, 1999-December 1, 1999, July 1999, June 1, 1999-December 1, 1999
Box 868
Sino-U.S. Workshop on Values and Ethics in International Affairs, Ethics and the Influence of Great Power: Chilna and the United States in the 21st Century, Beijing, China, January 6-8, 1998 August 1, 1997-March1, 1998, January 6-8, 1998, August 1, 1997-March1, 1998
Box 868
Shanghai Institute of International Studies, China, 1997 June 1, 1997-June 1, 1997, 1997, June 1, 1997-June 1, 1997
Box 869
Faculty Development Institute, Carnegie Council, Columbia University and National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) on "Supernationalism", June 4-July 13, 2001 March1, 2000-July 1, 2001, June 4-July 13, 2001, March1, 2000-July 1, 2001
Box 869
Faculty Development Institute, National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) Summer Faculty Institute--Teaching Ethics and International Affairs, 1994 September 1, 1992-July 1, 1994, 1994, September 1, 1992-July 1, 1994
Box 869
Carnegie Council on Ethics and International Affairs (CCEIA) Annual Report 1994 June 16, 1905, 1994
Box 869
Faculty Development Institute, National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) Summer Faculty Institute--Teaching Ethics and International Affairs, 1994
Box 869
National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) 1996 Budget Forms, Undated, 1996
Box 870
Public Philosophy Project Assessment Report, September 1998
Box 870
Public Philosophy-- Bauer, Joanne, October 1, 1999
Box 870
Public Philosophy and Carnegie Council on International Affairs--Workshop "What do you deserve? Public Philosophy, Welfare, and Changing Social Contracts", New York, October 30-31, 1997 October 1, 1997, October 30-31, 1997, October 1, 1997
Box 870
Public Philosophy, Historical Perspectives by Zarrow, Peter, November 14-15, 1996
Box 870
Public Philosophy List serve, November 1, 1999-December 1, 1999
Box 870
Public Philosophy--Workshop on "Public Philosophy, Environment, and Social Justice", Merrill House, New York City, October 21-22, 1999 October 1, 1999-October 1, 1999, October 21-22, 1999, October 1, 1999-October 1, 1999
Box 870
Environmental Values--Second Global Forum on Human Development, Rio de Janeiro, October 9-10, 2000 August 1, 2000-October 1, 2000, October 9-10, 2000, August 1, 2000-October 1, 2000
Box 871
Environmental Values--Cultural Conceptions of Environment and Development Values: A Comparative Study of Values in Environmental Policy of China, India, Japan and the United States, draft-1997, Proposal, October 1, 1995-April 1, 1997
Box 871
Environmental Values--"Understanding Values: A Comparative Study of Values in Environmental Policy Making in the United States, China and Japan", Progress Report, Japan Team, November 1998 November 1, 1998-March1, 2000, November 1998, November 1, 1998-March1, 2000
Box 871
Environmental Values--Review of Indian Case Studies on Environmental Values, India Team, 2000 March1, 2000-March1, 2000, 2000, March1, 2000-March1, 2000
Box 871
Environmental Values--National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), December 1, 1999
Box 871
Environmental Values--Understanding Values: A Comparative Study of Values in Environmental Policy Making in China, India, Japan, and the United States-Methodology and Website, April 1, 2000-April 1, 2000
Box 871
Environmental Values--Budget for Environmental Project, April 1, 2000-April 1, 2000
Box 871
Environmental Values--Environmental Policy Outreach, April 1, 2000-April 1, 2000
Box 871
Environmental Values--Future environment, China, December 1, 2000-December 1, 2000
Box 871
Environmental Values--General Environmental Project Memoranda, Undated
Box 871
Environmental Values-Meeting in Kusatsu, Japan,-July 1999, July 1, 1999-July 1, 1999
Box 871
Environmental Values--U.S. Case Study Meeting with Austin, Diane, December 1, 1999-November 1, 2000
Box 871
Environmental Values-- International Environmental Justice Meeting, Germany, Undated
Box 871
Environmental Values-- Conversations with Rayner, Steve, October 27, 1998 October 1, 1998-September 1, 2000, October 27, 1998, October 1, 1998-September 1, 2000
Box 871
Environmental Values-- Papers and Wuxi Case Meeting, July 2000 July 1, 1999-November 1, 2000, July 2000, July 1, 1999-November 1, 2000
Box 871
Environmental Values--Understanding Values: A Comparative Study of Values in Environmental Policy Making in China, India, Japan, and the United States, International Meeting of Participating Research Teams, Beijing, China, July 2-6, 2000 February1, 2000-July 1, 2000, July 2-6, 2000, February1, 2000-July 1, 2000
Box 872
Environmental Values, China, July 2000-Project Meeting, June 1, 2000-June 1, 2000
Box 872
Environmental Values--Understanding Values: A Comparative Study of Values in Public Policy Making in Japan, the United States, China and India, April 1998-Project Materials, September 1, 1997-April 1, 1998
Box 872
Environmental Values--Bauer, Joanne, April 1, 1998 April 1, 1998
Box 872
Environmental Values--Understanding Values: A Comparative Study of Values in Public Policy Making in Japan, the United States, China and India, September 1997-Proposal, September 1, 1997-April 1, 1998
Box 872
Environmental Values,"Environment Proposal A Cross-Disciplinary, Cross-National Examination of Approaches to Environmental Values", Merrill House, New York, April 1998 and August 1998-conference materials, April 1, 1998-July 1, 1998, April 1998, April 1, 1998-July 1, 1998
Box 872
Environmental Values Project,Interim reports-1998, October 1, 1998-December 1, 1998
Box 872
Environmental Values--Understanding values: A Comparative Study of Values in Environmental Policy Making in China, India, Japan and the United States, 1998-Proposal, August 1, 1998
Box 872
Environmental Values--Understanding values: A Comparative Study of Values in Environmental Policy Making in China, India, Japan and the United States, International Meeting, Merrill House, New York, April 24-25, 1998 November 1, 1997-April 1, 1998, April 24-25, 1998, November 1, 1997-April 1, 1998
Box 873
Editorial Seminar #1, The American Empire, Hudson Institute, February13, 2002 February1, 2002-February1, 2002, February13, 2002, February1, 2002-February1, 2002
Box 873
Editorial Seminar #2, The American Empire, Boston Institute, March20, 2002 March1, 2002, March20, 2002, March1, 2002
Box 873
Editorial Seminar #3, Avoiding a Crisis Over Cyprus, New York, May 30, 2002 May 1, 2002, May 30, 2002
Box 874
Religion Retreat and Workshop on "War, Crisis, and Transnational Theology", New York, December 2-4, 1999 December 1, 1999, December 2-4, 1999, December 1, 1999
Box 874
The Moral, Ethical and Religious Aspects of the International Criminal Court, December 16-17 1997 Postponed, September 1, 1997-December 1, 1997, 1997, September 1, 1997-December 1, 1997
Box 874
American Culture,Global Culture Conference, Bard College, November 8-9, 1997 May 1, 1997-November 1, 1997, November 8-9, 1997, May 1, 1997-November 1, 1997
Box 874
The Good Society East and West--Uehiro Foundation, Toward a New Public Philosophy: A Global Reevaluation of Democracy at Century's End, Merrill House, New York, October 30-31, 1997 January 1, 1997-November 1, 1997, October 30-31, 1997, January 1, 1997-November 1, 1997
Box 874
Japan Policy Research Institute (JPRI) Conference, October 1997-Cancelled, December 1, 1996-June 1, 1997
Box 874
Moral Judgment and Cold War history: Case Studies Seminar, Merrill House, New York, December 13-14, 1996 (Folder 1 of 2), December 1, 1996-December 1, 1996, December 13-14, 1996, December 1, 1996-December 1, 1996
Box 875
Moral Judgment and Cold War history: Case Studies Seminar, Merrill House, New York, December 13-14, 1996 (Folder 2 of 2), December 1, 1996-May 1, 1997, December 13-14, 1996, December 1, 1996-May 1, 1997
Box 875
"The Good Society East and West" Series--Models of Public Philosophy, East and West, New York, November 14-15, 1996 August 1, 1996-November 1, 1996, November 14-15, 1996, August 1, 1996-November 1, 1996
Box 875
Transcript of Good Society, New York, November 14-15, 1996 November 1, 1996-November 1, 1996, November 14-15, 1996, November 1, 1996-November 1, 1996
Box 875
Symposium "Tribe, Nation, World: Self-Identification in the Evolving International System" with Franck, Thomas M, Merrill House, New York, September 19, 1996 March1, 1996-August 1, 1997, September 19, 1996, March1, 1996-August 1, 1997
Box 876
Security communities in Comparative Perspective, New York, December 1-2, 1995 March1, 1995-December 1, 1995, December 1-2, 1995, March1, 1995-December 1, 1995
Box 876
Faculty and Course Development in International Studies (FACDIS)--"Teaching Human Rights and Ethical Issues in World Affairs, West Virginia, November 9-11, 1995 September 1, 1995-December 1, 1995, November 9-11, 1995, September 1, 1995-December 1, 1995
Box 876
Moral Judgment and Cold War history, New York, October 20-21, 1995 August 1, 1995-October 1, 1995, October 20-21, 1995, August 1, 1995-October 1, 1995
Box 876
Moral Judgment and Cold War History, Merrill House, New York, October 20-21, 1995 October 1, 1995-October 1, 1995, October 20-21, 1995, October 1, 1995-October 1, 1995
Box 876
"Moral Judgment and Cold War History" Project, Gaddis, John, New York, October 20-21, 1995 May 1, 1995-February1, 1995, October 20-21, 1995, May 1, 1995-February1, 1995
Box 876
Visit of Army War College students to Carnegie Council, October 10, 1995 October 1, 1994-July 1, 1995, October 10, 1995, October 1, 1994-July 1, 1995
Box 876
Faculty Development Seminar, West Point, August 31, 1995 February1, 1995-August 1, 1995, August 31, 1995, February1, 1995-August 1, 1995
Box 876
Faculty Development Seminar--Teaching Ethics and International Affairs, Charlottesville, Virginia, June 5-July 15, 1994 June 1, 1994-July 1, 1994, June 5-July 15, 1994, June 1, 1994-July 1, 1994
Box 877
Global Policy Initiative--Center for the Study of Globalization and Regionalization (CSGR) and Global Scenario Group (GSG), Research, June 1, 2004-May 1, 2005
Box 877
Global Policy Initiative--Center for Labor and Community Research (CLCR), March1, 2005-August 1, 2005
Box 877
Global Policy Initiative-- 1st Annual Conference for Development & Change (ACDC),Concept notes and discussion papers, Antigua Guatemala, July 2003 July 1, 2003-July 1, 2003, July 2003, July 1, 2003-July 1, 2003
Box 877
Global Policy Initiative-- Events 2003-2005 April 1, 2003-October 1, 2005, 2003-2005, April 1, 2003-October 1, 2005
Box 877
Global Policy Initiative-- Experts-biographies, July 1, 2005-September 1, 2005
Box 877
Global Policy Initiative (GPI) Inventory, September 1, 2005-September 1, 2005
Box 877
Global Policy Initiative (GPI) Hub-Reference in various lists, June 27, 1905-September 1, 2006
Box 877
Global Policy Initiative-- Reports on Debt, 2002-2005 December 1, 2002-Februray 2005, 2002-2005
Box 878
Global Policy Initiative-- Globalization Papers, June 23, 1905-May 1, 2004
Box 878
Global Policy Initiative-- Institute of Development Studies (IDS), Economic Literacy Materials, June 1, 2005-June 1, 2005
Box 878
Global Policy Initiative-- Curricula-Courses on Development, January 1, 2002-Spring 2005
Box 878
Global Policy Initiative Programs (GPIP)-2004, July 1, 2004-December 1, 2004
Box 878
Global Policy Initiative (GPI)--Articles for Program Manager, March1, 2006-March1, 2006
Box 878
Global Policy Initiative (GPI) Planning Documents, July 1, 2004-September 1, 2005
Box 878
Global Policy Initiative--Helsinki Process Papers on Human Security, 2005 June 27, 1905-June 27, 1905, 2005, June 27, 1905-June 27, 1905
Box 878
Global Policy Initiative--Meetings and Conferences, September 1, 2003-November 1, 2004
Box 878
Global Policy Initiative--United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD, Undated
Box 878
Global Policy Initiative--Overview of collaborators, potential participants, authors and organizations, January 1, 2005-January 1, 2005
Box 878
Global Policy Initiative--Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa (CODESRIA), January 1, 2005-January 1, 2005
Box 878
Global Policy Initiative--Helsinki Track II Papers, Undated
Box 878
Global Policy Initiative--Other, June 1, 2004-April 1, 2005
Box 878
Global Policy Initiative--Oxfam, January 1, 2005-January 1, 2005
Box 878
Global Policy Initiative--Global Social Policy Research Programme of United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD) with Deacon, Bob, September 2004 September 1, 2004-September 1, 2004, September 2004, September 1, 2004-September 1, 2004
Box 878
Global Policy Initiative (GPI) Programs-booklets, September 1, 2004-November 1, 2007
Box 879
Justice & World Economy--Debt, January 1, 2002-March1, 2003
Box 879
Justice & World Economy--Bi-monthly event series Miscellaneous, September 1, 2002-October 1, 2002
Box 879
Justice & World Economy--Kremer, Michael, April 1, 2002
Box 879
Justice & World Economy--Achieving Global Justice (AGJ), New York-invited speakers, December 1, 2002-February1, 2003
Box 879
Justice & World Economy--Achieving Global Justice, Monitoring Global Poverty, New York, November 18, 2002 August 1, 2002-November 1, 2002, November 18, 2002, August 1, 2002-November 1, 2002
Box 879
Justice & World Economy--International Codes of Conduct for Multinational Corporations, Sethi, Prakash talk, April 3, 2003 March1, 2003-April 1, 2003, April 3, 2003, March1, 2003-April 1, 2003
Box 879
Justice & World Economy--Ideas for "Achieving Global Justice", December 1, 2002-February1, 2003
Box 879
Justice & World Economy--February2003-Various publications on Human Rights, February1, 2003-June 1, 2003
Box 879
Justice & World Economy--Financing for Development Process, General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS), New York, April 7, 2003 May 1, 2001-June 1, 2003, April 7, 2003, May 1, 2001-June 1, 2003
Box 879
Justice and the World Economy (JWE): Funding, March1, 2002
Box 879
Justice & World Economy--Global Income Poverty, October 1, 2002
Box 879
Justice & World Economy--Other Book Series, July 1, 2002
Box 880
Justice & World Economy--Achieving Global Justice, A Carnegie Council Book Series-drafts , Undated
Box 880
Justice & World Economy--Achieving Global Justice, A Carnegie Council Book Series-Correspondence, May 1, 2002 October 1, 2002
Box 880
Justice & World Economy--World Congress of Philosophy Meeting, Istanbul, Turkey, August 10-17, 2003 March1, 2003, August 10-17, 2003, March1, 2003
Box 880
Justice & World Economy--Zinnbauer, Dieter, September 1, 2002-November 1, 2002 Fellows, September 1, 2002-November 1, 2002
Box 880
Justice & World Economy--Slack, Keith, June 1, 2003 Fellows, June 1, 2003
Box 880
Justice & World Economy--Just Regimes for Digital Intellectual Property (JURDIP), December 1, 2002
Box 880
Justice & World Economy--World Trade Organization (WTO)-dispute resolution, Undated
Box 880
Justice & World Economy--Development, January 1, 2001-March1, 2003
Box 880
Justice & World Economy--Labor, March1, 2002-June 1, 2002
Box 880
Justice & World Economy--Globalization, July 1, 2002-August 1, 2002
Box 880
Justice & World Economy--Economics & Finance, Fall, 1999
Box 880
Justice & World Economy--Justice, January 1, 2002-September 1, 2002
Box 880
Justice & World Economy--Responsibility, June 1, 2002
Box 880
Justice & World Economy--Environment, June 1, 2002
Box 880
Justice & World Economy--Capital Controls, Fall 1998-February1, 2001
Box 880
Justice & World Economy--Human Rights, June 17, 1905-June 18, 1905
Box 881
Justice & World Economy--General International relations, September 1, 2000
Box 881
Justice & World Economy--Poverty, March1, 2002-December 1, 2002
Box 881
Justice & World Economy--Conflict, War, Summer 2002-Fall 2002
Box 881
Justice & World Economy--Barry, Christian-Publications, June 23, 1905
Box 881
Justice & World Economy--Miscellaneous, May 1, 2001-Decemer 2002
Box 881
Justice & World Economy--Resource Extraction, April 1, 1997
Box 881
Justice & World Economy--Business,Corporate Ethics, October 1, 1994-October 1, 2002
Box 881
Justice & World Economy--Trade, November 1, 1999-July 1, 2002
Box 881
Justice & World Economy--Other, March1, 2002-September 1, 2002
Box 881
Justice & World Economy--Health, April 1, 2002
Box 882
Justice & World Economy--International taxation, April 1, 1998-January 1, 2003
Box 882
Justice & World Economy--Non-Carnegie Events, December 1, 2002-March1, 2003
Box 882
Justice and the World Economy (JWE), Public Health and International Justice workshop, New York, April 19-20, 2002 February1, 2002-April 1, 2002, April 19-20, 2002, February1, 2002-April 1, 2002
Box 882
Justice & World Economy--Ford Foundation, Cox, Clarry, August 1, 2001
Box 882
Justice & World Economy--Meeting with Younis, Mona and Gilmare, Joyce Meaz, International Human Rights Funders Group, August 23, 2001 August 1, 2001, August 23, 2001
Box 882
Justice and the World Economy (JWE) Flyers, June 24, 1905-June 25, 1905
Box 882
Justice & World Economy--Economic Crisis and Political Upheaval with Rodriguez, Francisco, New York, September 5, 2002 August 1, 2002-September 1, 2002, September 5, 2002, August 1, 2002-September 1, 2002
Box 882
Justice & World Economy--Poverty Task force meeting, New York, March31-April 1, 2003 March1, 2003-April 1, 2003, March31-April 1, 2003, March1, 2003-April 1, 2003
Box 882
Justice & World Economy--Film Screening, Voices from the Edge, May 5, 2003 March1, 2003-May 1, 2003, May 5, 2003, March1, 2003-May 1, 2003
Box 882
Justice & World Economy--Resource Extraction Conference, The Earth's Riches and the World's Poor,Washington D.C., May 9, 2005 December 1, 2002-May 1, 2003, May 9, 2005, December 1, 2002-May 1, 2003
Box 882
Justice & World Economy--"Dealing Justly with Debt" Roundtable, New York, April 30, 2003 January 1, 2003-May 1, 2003, April 30, 2003, January 1, 2003-May 1, 2003
Box 882
Justice and the World Economy--Achieving Global Justice, Held to Account: Governance in the World Economy, New York, October 28, 2002 August 1, 2002-October 1, 2002, October 28, 2002, August 1, 2002-October 1, 2002
Box 882
Justice & World Economy--Death Penalty, August 1, 2001-January 1, 2002
Box 883
Achieving Global Justice-seminars 2002-2005, August 1, 2002-March1, 2005
Box 883
Carnegie Council In-House Conference Photos, February16, 2002-February1, 2002
Box 883
Carnegie Council Program on Conflict Prevention--The Albanian Legal System: The Challenge of Implementing the Rule of Law, New York, February6, 2004 January 1, 2001, February6, 2004, January 1, 2001
Box 883
Cambodian Development Resource Institute (CDRI), April 1, 2001
Box 883
Launch of Spring 2001 issue of "Ethics and International Affairs" journal, Washington D.C., May 11, 2001 May 1, 2001, 2001, May 11, 2001, May 1, 2001
Box 883
Ethics in Action, Workshop, Bell, Daniel, New York, February15-16, 2002 January 1, 2002-March1, 2002, February15-16, 2002, January 1, 2002-March1, 2002
Box 883
Ethics in Action, Phase 2, Notes, articles, and miscellaneous, January 1, 2001-April 1, 2002
Box 883
Ethics in Action, New York, February15 and 16, Papers, February1, 2002
Box 883
United States Institute of Peace (USIP) Workshop, Bridging Human Rights and Conflict Prevention, New York, July 16-17, 2001-Participant Information, July 1, 2001, July 16-17, 2001, July 1, 2001
Box 884
"Forgiveness, Justice, and Conflict Resolution", Symposium, Shiver, Donald, New York, October 17, 1996 June 1, 1996-December 1, 1996 two cassettes, October 17, 1996, June 1, 1996-December 1, 1996
Box 884
The Next Human Rights Agenda, Carnegie Council for Ethics and International Affairs, July 12-13, 1999-Sample welcome packet for Baehr, Peter R., June 20, 1905-July 1, 1999, July 12-13, 1999, June 20, 1905-July 1, 1999
Box 884
The next human rights agenda,Carnegie Council on ethics and international affairs, July 12-13, 1999 Sessions 1, 2, July 1, 1999 two books, July 12-13, 1999, July 1, 1999
Box 884
Gyawali, Dipak, Talk, The Contested Interface: Water, Development and Human Rights, May 10, 2001 April 1, 2001, May 10, 2001, April 1, 2001
Box 884
International Council on Human Rights Policy (ICHRP), "Human Rights Defenders and Humanitarian Intervention" Roundtable, New York, November 27, 2001 September 1, 2001-November 1, 2001, November 27, 2001, September 1, 2001-November 1, 2001
Box 884
Human Rights Institute (HRI) Board Meeting, New York, October 5, 2000 July 1, 2000-October 1, 2000, October 5, 2000, July 1, 2000-October 1, 2000
Box 884
United States Institute of Peace (USIP) Proposal for "Educational and Reconciliation Research Project", December, 2000 December 1, 2000, December, 2000
Box 885
United States Institute of Peace (USIP), Educational and Reconciliation Research Project Grant, 2001 Miscellaneous, October 1, 2001-March1, 2002, 2001, October 1, 2001-March1, 2002
Box 885
United States Institute of Peace (USIP), Education and Reconciliation Research Project,Final reports, May 1, 2005
Box 885
United States Institute of Peace (USIP) 2001-2003 Project, Education and Reconciliation Research Project: Grant Materials, March1, 2001-September 1, 2003, 2001-2003, March1, 2001-September 1, 2003
Box 885
United States Institute of Peace (USIP) History Education and Reconciliation Project, Quarterly reports, January 1, 2002-March1, 2005
Box 885
International visitors Program, New York, January 15-February8, 2002 January 1, 2002-February1, 2002, January 15-February8, 2002, January 1, 2002-February1, 2002
Box 885
Kosovo Documentary, "Animal Life", October 30, 2001 October 1, 2001, October 30, 2001, October 1, 2001
Box 885
New York Public Forum, After September 11, Whom do the Terrorists Represent?, New York, April 4, 2002 October 1, 2001-April 1, 2002, April 4, 2002, October 1, 2001-April 1, 2002
Box 885
New York Public Forum, After September 11, Whom do the Terrorists Represent?, January 16, 2002 January 1, 2002-February1, 2002, January 16, 2002, January 1, 2002-February1, 2002
Box 885
New York Public Forum, After September 11, Shifting Priorities in Global Justice, New York, March6, 2002 November 1, 2001-August 1, 2002, March6, 2002, November 1, 2001-August 1, 2002
Box 885
New York Public Forum, After September 11, Shifting Priorities for Global Justice, New York, November 7, 2001 October 1, 2001-November 1, 2001, November 7, 2001, October 1, 2001-November 1, 2001
Box 885
Carnegie Georgetown Forum, Georgetown University, March19, 2002 March1, 2002, March19, 2002, March1, 2002
Box 885
Conflict Prevention Meetings & Memoranda 2002-2003 December 1, 2001-January 1, 2002, 2002-2003, December 1, 2001-January 1, 2002
Box 886
Human rights dialogue # 11, Correspondence, April 1, 1998-May 1, 1998
Box 886
Human Rights Dialogue #10, Correspondence, January 1, 1996-August 1, 1997
Box 886
Human rights dialogue # 9, Correspondence, March1, 1997-May 1, 1997
Box 886
Human rights dialogue # 8, Correspondence, February1, 1997-April 1, 1997
Box 886
Human rights dialogue # 7, Correspondence, September 1, 1996-December 1, 1996
Box 886
Human rights dialogue # 6, Correspondence, June 1, 1996-September 1, 1996
Box 886
Human rights dialogue # 5, Correspondence, December 1, 1995-July 1, 1996
Box 887
Case Teaching in International Relations, Pew Program, Georgetown University Case Studies, August 1, 1991-May 1, 1995
Box 887
Sandler, Shmuel, Seminar on "Building a Security Regime in the Middle East", New York, February2, 1995 January 1, 1995-February1, 1995, February2, 1995, January 1, 1995-February1, 1995
Box 887
Hazarika, Sanjoy, Seminar on "The Migration Crisis in Northeast India, New York, December 15, 1998 August 1, 1996-December 1, 1998 with floppy disk, December 15, 1998, August 1, 1996-December 1, 1998
Box 887
Solinger, Dorothy, Human Rights Issues in China's Internal Migration, Merrill House, New York, December 15, 1995 December 1, 1995, December 15, 1995, December 1, 1995
Box 887
Case Teaching in International Relations, Pew Program, International Studies Notes, Spring 1994 Journal, 1994
Box 887
American Council of Learned Societies, Manual for International Book and Journal Donations, 1993 May 1, 1993 Journal, 1993
Box 887
Case Teaching in International Relations, Pew Program, 1994 Case Catalog,Interactive learning, June 16, 1905-June 16, 1905 Journal, 1994, June 16, 1905-June 16, 1905
Box 887
U.S.-Taiwan Policy Consultation 1994 Conference, New York, December 9-10, 1994 December 1, 1994, 1994, December 9-10, 1994, December 1, 1994
Box 887
Valenti, Jack, 1st Louis Nizer Public Policy Lecture, New York, December 7, 1994 October 1, 1994-December 1, 1994, December 7, 1994, October 1, 1994-December 1, 1994
Box 887
Case Teaching in International Relations, Case Studies 1991-1993 December 1, 1991-June 1, 1993, 1991-1993, December 1, 1991-June 1, 1993
Box 887
United States Institute of Peace (USIP), Conference Proposals 1989 January 1, 1989-July 1, 1989, 1989, January 1, 1989-July 1, 1989
Box 887
Case Teaching in International Relations, Case study # 5, Draft # 1, Northern Ireland, October 1, 1989-March1, 1990
Box 887
Case Teaching in International Relations, Landy, Thomas (case #9), Correspondence, December 1, 1989-September 1, 1990
Box 887
Case Teaching in International Relations, Magstadt, Tom, Correspondence, October 1, 1989-June 1, 1990
Box 887
Case Teaching in International Relations, Treverton, Gregory, Correspondence, February1, 1989-February1, 1989
Box 887
Case Teaching in International Relations, Farer, Tom, Case study, September 1, 1991-October 1, 1992
Box 888
Case Teaching in International Relations, Korey, William, Case Study (#17), The Wallenberg Case Revisited, January 1, 1995-August 1, 1995
Box 888
Ambassador Matlock, Jack, Privatization and Investment Opportunities in Kazakhstan, May 4, 1994 May 1, 1994, May 4, 1994
Box 888
Publications, Invoices and Mailing 1994-1993 June 1, 1993-March1, 1994, 1994-1993, June 1, 1993-March1, 1994
Box 888
Publications, Invoices, Samples and Distribution 1993-1992 June 1, 1991-April 1, 1993, 1993-1992, June 1, 1991-April 1, 1993
Box 888
Publication #18, Fall 1994 Contains photographs, 1994
Box 888
Publication #40, March1995 March1, 1995 Contains photographs, March1995, March1, 1995
Box 888
Publication #42, September 1994 Contains photographs, September 1994
Box 889
Good Society, A New Public Philosophy 1996 January 1, 1996, 1996
Box 889
Good Society East and West Conference, Hawaii, April 26-27, 1995 September 1, 1993-May 1, 1995, April 26-27, 1995, September 1, 1993-May 1, 1995
Box 889
Good Society East and West Conference, New York, November 23, 1994 September 1, 1993-November 1, 1994, November 23, 1994, September 1, 1993-November 1, 1994
Box 889
Good Society: Japan and the U.S. 1995 October 1, 1994-November 1, 1994, 1995, October 1, 1994-November 1, 1994
Box 889
Just War Theory Lecture by Johnson, Thomas, Center for Religious Inquiry, New York, April 29, 2003 October 1, 2002-April 1, 2003, April 29, 2003, October 1, 2002-April 1, 2003
Box 889
American Dialogues for Global Ethics Series, Reparations for African Americans, Howard University, April 3, 2001 February1, 2001-March1, 2001, April 3, 2001, February1, 2001-March1, 2001
Box 889
Carnegie Council International Ethics Forum, Atlanta, Georgia, April 6, 2000 October 1, 1999-April 1, 2000, April 6, 2000, October 1, 1999-April 1, 2000
Box 889
International Ethics Forum, Dickinson College, Carlisle, Pennsylvania, November 2000 October 1, 2000-December 1, 2000, November 2000, October 1, 2000-December 1, 2000
Box 890
Publications, Business Ethics, February1, 1991-Fall 2000
Box 890
International Ethics Forum, Chicago, September 2000 September 1, 2000-November 1, 2000, September 2000, September 1, 2000-November 1, 2000
Box 890
International Ethics Forum, Atlanta, April 6, 2000 April 1, 2000, April 6, 2000, April 1, 2000
Box 890
Great Decisions, Ethics and Globalization, Lecture by Buultjens, Ralph, Atlanta, January 1999 October 1, 1998-February1, 1999, January 1999, October 1, 1998-February1, 1999
Box 890
Great Decisions, Religion and U.S. Foreign Policy, Atlanta 1998 January 1, 1998, 1998, January 1, 1998
Box 890
Great Decisions, Clinton's Foreign Policy Legacy, Atlanta 1997 February1, 1997-October 1, 1997, 1997, February1, 1997-October 1, 1997
Box 890
Great Decisions, U.S. Foreign Policy, Atlanta 1996 July 1, 1995-January 1, 1996, 1996, July 1, 1995-January 1, 1996
Box 890
Georgia Council for International Visitors, Correspondence on lecture on January 25, 1994 September 1, 1994-October 1, 1994, January 25, 1994, September 1, 1994-October 1, 1994
Box 890
Great Decisions, Developing a Global Perspective, Georgia, 2001 August 1, 2001-October 1, 2001, 2001, August 1, 2001-October 1, 2001
Box 890
International Health and Human Rights Program, August 1, 2001-November 1, 2001
Box 890
American Dialogues in International Ethics Program--From Protest to Progress-report, 2001 January 1, 2001-August 1, 2001, 2001, January 1, 2001-August 1, 2001
Box 890
American Dialogues in International Ethics Program--Justice and the World Economy, Columbus, Ohio, December 1, 1994-October 1, 2001
Box 890
American Dialogues in International Ethics Program--Cleveland Council on World Authors, Correspondence, August 1, 2001-December 1, 2003
Box 891
American Dialogues in International Ethics Program--Detroit Council for World Affairs, Correspondence, August 1, 2001-September 1, 2001
Box 891
Iowa Council for International Understanding Events, Des Moines, 2000 October 1, 1999-February1, 2000, 2000, October 1, 1999-February1, 2000
Box 891
Iowa Council for International Understanding Events, Des Moines, 1999 January 1, 1999-November 1, 1999, 1999, January 1, 1999-November 1, 1999
Box 891
Iowa Council for International Understanding Events, Des Moines, 1998 June 1, 1998-November 1, 1998, 1998, June 1, 1998-November 1, 1998
Box 891
Iowa Council for International Understanding Events, Des Moines, 1997 June 1, 1997-November 1, 1997, 1997, June 1, 1997-November 1, 1997
Box 891
Iowa Council for International Understanding Events, Des Moines, 1996 April 1, 1996-May 1, 1996, 1996, April 1, 1996-May 1, 1996
Box 891
Iowa Council for International Understanding Events, Des Moines, 1995 April 1, 1995-October 1, 1995, 1995, April 1, 1995-October 1, 1995
Box 891
Iowa Council for International Understanding Events, Des Moines, 1994 March1, 1994-September 1, 1994, 1994, March1, 1994-September 1, 1994
Box 891
Iowa Council for International Understanding Events, Des Moines, 1993 July 1, 1993-October 1, 1993, 1993, July 1, 1993-October 1, 1993
Box 891
Iowa Council for International Understanding, Lopez, George, War and Peace in Afghanistan, January 20-21, 2002 November 1, 2001-August 1, 2002, January 20-21, 2002, November 1, 2001-August 1, 2002
Box 891
American Dialogues in International Ethics, World Affairs Council in Greater Cincinnati, Ohio, October 1, 1998-January 1, 2002
Box 891
American Dialogues in International Ethics, International Services Council of Huntsville-Madison County, Alabama, July 1, 1993-August 1, 2001
Box 891
Worcester Committee on Foreign Relations, Symposium, "Democracy and Ethnic Nationalism: Are They Compatible?", Massachusetts, November 15, 1993 August 1, 1993-February1, 1994 5 1.4 inch floppy disks, August 1, 1993-February1, 1994
Box 891
Berks-Lehigh Valley College Campus Talk by Rosenthal, Joel, 1999 Reading, Pennsylvania, October 1, 1998-February1, 1999, 1999, October 1, 1998-February1, 1999
Box 891
American Dialogues in International Relations, International Visitors Council, U.S. Department of State Town Meeting, North Carolina, October 15, 2001 August 1, 1993-August 1, 2001, October 15, 2001, August 1, 1993-August 1, 2001
Box 891
World Affairs Council of North Carolina "Russia and the Future of Eurasia", Pacific Grove, California, May 1-3, 1998 May 1, 1998, May 1-3, 1998, May 1, 1998
Box 891
Montana Council for International Visitors, Correspondence, May 1, 1994
Box 891
Denver World Affairs Council Luncheon--Political Cycles of the 20th Century by Buultjens, Ralph, May 10, 1994 Colorado, August 1, 1993-May 1, 1994, May 10, 1994, August 1, 1993-May 1, 1994
Box 891
Minnesota International Center,Correspondence, May 1, 1994
Box 891
International Visitors Council of San Diego Symposium on Trade, Aid and Investment, December 1, 1994
Box 891
United States Information Agency (USIA), Summer Institute for Foreign Policy Officials, New School University, June 6-26, 1999 May 1, 1999-June 1, 1999, June 6-26, 1999, May 1, 1999-June 1, 1999
Box 891
University of East Anglia, Conference, "The New Agenda in International Relations", September 9-10, 1999-Sponsorship of Jack Donnelly to the Conference, August 1, 1998-November 1, 1999, September 9-10, 1999, August 1, 1998-November 1, 1999
Box 892
Top 5 Moral Issues in International Affairs-Survey Returns 2000 March1, 2000-April 1, 2000, 2000, March1, 2000-April 1, 2000
Box 892
American Dialogues Program 2000-2001 November 1, 2000-October 1, 2001 Folder 1 of 2, 2000-2001, November 1, 2000-October 1, 2001
Box 892
American Dialogues Program 2000-2001 January 1, 2000-June 1, 2001 Folder 2 of 2, 2000-2001, January 1, 2000-June 1, 2001
Box 892
National Council for International Visitors, Washington D.C., March1, 1993-November 1, 1998
Box 892
National Council for International Visitors (NICK) Correspondence and Memoranda 1992 November 1, 1992-June 1, 1998, 1992, November 1, 1992-June 1, 1998
Box 892
Meeting of National Council for International Visitors (NCIV) and World Affairs Council (WAC) Representative, Merrill House, New York, December 2-3, 1998 November 1, 1998-December 1, 1998, December 2-3, 1998, November 1, 1998-December 1, 1998
Box 893
Teaching Ethical Dilemmas in International Relations, Focus group meetings, Merrill House, New York, 2001-2002 April 1, 2001-September 1, 2001, 2001-2002, April 1, 2001-September 1, 2001
Box 893
Survey of Needs and Views about Ethics in the International Relations Field, September 2001 September 1, 2001, September 2001
Box 893
Education Proposal, How Should International Ethics be Taught? A Plan for Higher Education, concept, 2000 December 1, 2000-September 1, 2001, 2000, December 1, 2000-September 1, 2001
Box 893
Education in International Affairs-Materials, May 1, 2001-May 1, 2002
Box 893
Georgetown Forum on Ethics and International Affairs, An American Empire? New Responsibilities, New Challenges, 2003-2004 February1, 2003-June 26, 1905, 2003-2004, February1, 2003-June 26, 1905
Box 893
Georgetown Forum, Ethics of the New War: Which Rules Apply?, Spring, 2001 March1, 2001-March1, 2002, 2001, March1, 2001-March1, 2002
Box 893
Georgetown Forum, In the Name of God: Understanding Religious Violence, 2002-2003 June 1, 2002-April 1, 2003, 2002-2003, June 1, 2002-April 1, 2003
Box 893
Georgetown Forum, Judaism: Power and Interpretation, Georgetown University, September 19, 2002 July 1, 2002-October 1, 2002, September 19, 2002, July 1, 2002-October 1, 2002
Box 893
Georgetown Forum, Christianity: Contending Theologies of War, Georgetown University, November 21, 2003 September 1, 2002-November 1, 2002, November 21, 2003, September 1, 2002-November 1, 2002
Box 894
Georgetown Forum, Islamic Perspectives on War and Peace, Georgetown University, February20, 2003 November 1, 2002-February1, 2003, February20, 2003, November 1, 2002-February1, 2003
Box 894
Uehiro Foundation, Conference, Religious Traditions of Peace in Times of War, Merrill House, New York, October 24-25, 2002 October 1, 2002-March1, 2003, October 24-25, 2002, October 1, 2002-March1, 2003
Box 894
American Jewish Committee, Faith and Foreign Policy: Universal Values and Particular Interests in the Jewish Tradition, Merrill House, New York, March6-7, 2003 March1, 2003-March1, 2003 Folder 1 of 2, March6-7, 2003, March1, 2003-March1, 2003
Box 894
American Jewish Committee, Faith and Foreign Policy: Universal Values and Particular Interests in the Jewish Tradition, Merrill House, New York, March6-7, 2003 October 1, 2002-March1, 2003 Folder 2 of 2, March6-7, 2003, October 1, 2002-March1, 2003
Box 895
The Ethics of U.S. Foreign Policy, Workshop, United States Foreign Policy in the Middle East, New York, February15, 2001-Participants' letters and administrative details, November 1, 2000-February1, 2001
Box 895
Faith and Foreign Policy, The Catholic Tradition and American Foreign Relations, Merrill House, New York, March7-8, 2002 November 1, 2001-March1, 2002 Folder 1 of 2, March7-8, 2002, November 1, 2001-March1, 2002
Box 895
Faith and Foreign Policy, The Catholic Tradition and American Foreign Relations, Merrill House, New York, March7-8, 2002 March1, 2002-August 1, 2002 Folder 2 of 2, March7-8, 2002, March1, 2002-August 1, 2002
Box 895
Faith and Foreign Policy, Background Materials on Jewish and Christian groups and scholars, June 1, 2000-March1, 2002
Box 895
Faith and Foreign Policy-publications, January 1, 2001-October 1, 2002
Box 895
War College Conferences--Ethics and International Affairs Magazine Submission, Ethics of Casualties byPierce, Albert C., February1, 2001-May 1, 2001
Box 896
Romania Program by Meyer, Mark, September 19, 1990 September 1, 1990 VHS, September 19, 1990, September 1, 1990
Box 896
Korea, untitled, Undated, Beta b L-500 video cassette in Korean
Box 896
Korea, untitled, VHS (no name)
Box 897
The Ethics of U.S. Foreign Policy, Workshop, United States Foreign Policy in the Middle East, New York, February15, 2001-Conference Report, February1, 2001-September 1, 2001
Box 897
The Ethics of U.S. Foreign Policy, Workshop, United States Foreign Policy in the Middle East-Publications, February1, 2000-August 1, 2001
Box 897
War College Conferences, From Moral Norm to Criminal Code, Johnson, James Turner-Paper, 2001 April 1, 1998-July 1, 2001, 2001, April 1, 1998-July 1, 2001
Box 897
War College Conferences, National Defense University (NDU), Annapolis Papers, Lee, Steven, October 1, 1997-May 1, 2001
Box 897
War College Conferences, Crenshaw, Martha-Papers 1993-2001 June 15, 1905-May 1, 2001, 1993-2001, June 15, 1905-May 1, 2001
Box 897
War College Conferences, Harbour, Frances V., Living with Chemical and Biological Weapons: Ethical Considerations, June 28, 2001 November 1, 1999-June 1, 2001, June 28, 2001, November 1, 1999-June 1, 2001
Box 897
War College Conferences, National Defense University (NDU), Annapolis, Dunlap, Charles, November 1, 1997-October 1, 2001
Box 897
War College Conferences, Shriver, Donald W., The International Criminal Court: Its Moral Urgency, 1998 March1, 1998-March1, 1998, 1998, March1, 1998-March1, 1998
Box 898
War College Conferences, Lucas, George R., Ethics and Warfare in the 21st Century, February5-6, 1998 February1, 1998-February1, 1998, February5-6, 1998, February1, 1998-February1, 1998
Box 898
War College Conferences, National Defense University (NDU), Annapolis, Fotion, Nicholas, Responses to Terrorism, January 1, 1997-September 1, 1997
Box 898
War College Conferences, Hehir, Bryan-Papers, November 1, 1997-May 1, 2001
Box 898
National War College, Ethics and Warfare in the Twenty-First Century, Working Group Project, Meeting #1, January 28-29, 1997, Cook, Martin L. and Fotion, Nicholas-papers, August 1, 1996-August 1, 1997 3 cassettes, January 28-29, 1997, August 1, 1996-August 1, 1997
Box 898
National War College, Ethics and the Future of International Conflict, Working Group Project, Meeting # 2, November 13-14, 1997 November 1, 1997-November 1, 1997 1 cassette, November 13-14, 1997, November 1, 1997-November 1, 1997
Box 898
National War College, Ethics and the Future of International Conflict, Working Group Project, Meeting # 3; Annapolis, February5-6, 1998-papers by Lucas and Hehir, January 1, 1998-February1, 1998, February5-6, 1998, January 1, 1998-February1, 1998
Box 898
National War College, Ethics and the Future of International Conflict,Working Group Project, Meeting #4, Georgetown University, October 15-16, 1998 April 1, 1998-October 1, 1998, October 15-16, 1998, April 1, 1998-October 1, 1998
Box 898
National War College, Ethics and the Future of International Conflict, Working Group Project, Meeting # 5; National War College, March26, 1999 January 1, 1997-March1, 1999, March26, 1999, January 1, 1997-March1, 1999
Box 898
National War College, Ethics and the Future of International Conflict, Working Group Project, Meeting # 6; National War College, October 29, 1999 May 1, 1999-November 1, 1999, October 29, 1999, May 1, 1999-November 1, 1999
Box 899
National War College, Ethics and the Future of International Conflict-Concepts and ideas, August 1, 1995-April 1, 1999
Box 899
Ethics and the Use of Force Conference--European Perspectives on the Ethics of Military Forces, Cambridge University, January 6-10, 2002 October 1, 2001-January 1, 2002, January 6-10, 2002, October 1, 2001-January 1, 2002
X.H: Photographs
Box 900
Ethics and Education in the U.S. and Japan, December 10-11, 1990 Klopfer, Ulrike, December 1, 1990-July 1, 1991 Photos, December 10-11, 1990, December 1, 1990-July 1, 1991
Box 900
Staff and Trustees, Klopfer, Ulrike, August, 1996 August 1, 1996 Photos, August, 1996, August 1, 1996
Box 900
PCC 4th Floor Merrill House Destruction, Klopfer, Ulrike, August, 2001 August 1, 2001 Photos, August, 2001, August 1, 2001
Box 900
Construction at 170 East 64th Street, March8, 1989 to March21, 1989 and March31, 1989, Klopfer, Ulrike, March1, 1989-April 1, 1989 Photos, March8, 1989, March21, 1989, March31, 1989, March1, 1989-April 1, 1989
Box 900
13th Morgenthau Memorial Lecture and Dinner, San Petus Church, Lotos Club, February17, 1994 February1, 1994 Photos, February17, 1994, February1, 1994
Box 900
Christmas Party, Klopfer, Ulrike, February17, 1998 February1, 1998 Photos, February17, 1998, February1, 1998
Box 900
Trustee BrilMay n, Lea in her office at New York University (NYU), February1996 February1, 1996 Photos, February1996, February1, 1996
Box 900
Trees of Merrill House, Front (June, 1997) and Back (February, 1997), February1, 1997-June 1, 1997 Photos, February1, 1997-June 1, 1997
Box 900
Frank's Birthday Party 1998 and Special guest for a program arriving, June 20, 1905 Photos, 1998, June 20, 1905
Box 900
2001 June 23, 1905 Photos, 2001, June 23, 1905
Box 900
De Pauw University, CCEIA Conference, June 17-20, 1990 June 1, 1990 Photos, June 17-20, 1990, June 1, 1990
Box 900
Klopfer, Ulrike, November 30, 1988 November 1, 1988-December 1, 1988 Photos, November 30, 1988, November 1, 1988-December 1, 1988
Box 900
Ethikon Conference, Klopfer, Ulrike, September 17, 1997 September 1, 1997 Photos, September 17, 1997, September 1, 1997
Box 900
Myers, Bob, Farewell Party, Klopfer, Ulrike, December 15, 1994 December 1, 1994 Photos, December 15, 1994, December 1, 1994
Box 900
Klopfer, Ulrike, February19, 1997 February1, 1997 Photos, February19, 1997, February1, 1997
Box 900
Klopfer, Ulrike, January 4, 1989 January 1, 1989 Photos, January 4, 1989, January 1, 1989
Box 901
Corazon Aquino in Auditorium, Undated, Photos
Box 901
Klopfer, Ulrike, April 8, 1999 April 1, 1999 Photos, April 8, 1999, April 1, 1999
Box 901
Office, Klopfer, Ulrike, October 9, 1997 October 1, 1997 Photos, October 9, 1997, October 1, 1997
Box 901
Klopfer, Ulrike, June 9, 2001 Negatives, Various Photographs, May 30, 1905-June 18, 1905 Photos, June 9, 2001, May 30, 1905-June 18, 1905
Box 901
2 photo albums, Undated, Photos
Box 901
Council on Religion and International Affairs (CRIA) Consultation on International Affairs and Continuing Education, Wingspread, Racine, Wisconsin,mid to late 1970 mid to late 1970-mid to late 1970 Photos, 1970, 1970
Box 901
Reception at Council on Religion and International Affairs (CRIA) Honoring the Dalai Lama, September 5, 1979 September 1, 1979 Photos, September 5, 1979, September 1, 1979
Box 901
Ambassador McHenry, Donald F., 3rd Distinguished Lecture in Ethics and Foreign Policy, June 19, 1980 June 1, 1980 Photos, June 19, 1980, June 1, 1980
Box 901
Council on Religion and International Affairs (CRIA) Board Meeting, June 1980 Fort Hill, Long Island, New York, June 1, 1980 Photos, June 1980, June 1, 1980
Box 901
Toasting Robert Myers, Undated, Photos
Box 901
Various Events, Undated, Photos
X.I: Carnegie Anniversary
X.J: Publications
Box 902
Worldview Index 1958-84, January 1, 1960-December 1, 1983
Box 902
Human Rights Dialogue, May 1, 1994-Fall 2000
Box 903
What we do and how we do it, Staff reader, June 18, 1905-June 22, 1905
Box 903
The US-Japan Economic Agenda, An annotated bibliography of reports and publications, 1980-1985 June 2, 1905-June 7, 1905, 1980-1985, June 2, 1905-June 7, 1905
Box 903
Asia Development Model and the Caribbean Basin Initiative, Workshop Summary, Key Bridge Marriott Hotel, Rosslyn, Virginia, September 15-19, 1984 September 1, 1984, September 15-19, 1984, September 1, 1984
Box 903
Pioneers for peace through religion, by Macfarland, Charles, Undated, Book
Box 903
Korea's new challenges and Kim Young Sam, edited by Sigur, Christopher, June 15, 1905 Book, June 15, 1905
Box 903
Ethics & International Affairs, a Reader, edited by Rosenthal, Joel, Book
Box 903
The Political Morality of the International Monetary Fund, Ethics and foreign policy, volume 3, edited by Myers, Robert, June 9, 1905 Book, June 9, 1905
Box 903
Democratic Institutions, 1992-Volume 1, edited by Sigur, Christopher, June 14, 1905 Book, June 14, 1905
Box 903
The Carnegie Council: The first seventy-five years, Undated, Book
Box 903
Seminar on Business, Society and Ethics, June 5, 1991-Report, September 1, 1991 Book, September 1, 1991
Box 903
The first and second Louis Nizer Lectures on Public Policy 1994-1995 December 1, 1994-December 1, 1995 Book, 1994-1995, December 1, 1994-December 1, 1995
Box 903
17th Morgenthau Memorial Lecture, Lake, Anthony, Directions in U.S. Foreign Policy, June 20, 1905 Book, June 20, 1905
X.K: Ephemera
Box 904
5th Annual Conference on Moral Education, Cold Spring Harbor, New York, November 20-22, 1994-Banner, June 16, 1905 Ephemera (from boxes 23, 24), November 20-22, 1994, June 16, 1905
Box 904
Carnegie Council on Ethics and International Affairs-Banner, Undated, Ephemera (from boxes 23, 24)
Box 904
Global Policy Innovations Project-Poster, Undated, Ephemera (from boxes 23, 24)
Box 904
The 1997 Associated Church Press Award of Merit to Worldview Magazine, June 19, 1905 Ephemera (from boxes 23, 24), 1997, June 19, 1905
Box 907
Council on Religion and International Affairs-Stamp, Undated, Ephemera (from boxes 23, 24)
Box 907
The Church Peace Union-Seal, Undated, Ephemera (from boxes 23, 24)
Box 907
Council on Religion and International Affairs-Seal, Undated, Ephemera (from boxes 23, 24)
X.L: Audiovisual
Box 905
Foreign Policy Roundtable (FPR), Yergin, Daniel, Commanding heights: the battle for the world economy, Part one: "The battles of ideas", April 3, 2002 April 1, 2002 VHS-See also Box 835, folder 6, April 3, 2002, April 1, 2002
Box 905
Foreign Policy Roundtable (FPR), Yergin, Daniel, Commanding heights: the battle for the world economy, Part two: "The agony of reform", April 10, 200, April 1, 2002 VHS-See also Box 835, folder 6, April 1, 2002
Box 905
Foreign Policy Roundtable (FPR), Yergin, Daniel, Commanding heights: the battle for the world economy, Part three: "The new rules of the game", April 17, 2002 April 1, 2002 VHS-See also Box 835, folder 6, April 17, 2002, April 1, 2002
Box 905
Bush's War, Parts 1 and 2, March24-25, 2008 March1, 2008 2 VHS disks, March24-25, 2008, March1, 2008
Box 905
The Lost Year in Iraq, October 17, 2006 October 1, 2006, October 17, 2006, October 1, 2006
Box 905
The Open Mind, Myers, Robert J., What's "Right" and What's "Wrong" in World Affairs, November 4, 1989 November 1, 1989 VHS, November 4, 1989, November 1, 1989
Box 906
Aquino, Corazon's interview on CBS "Up to the Minute" following Carnegie Council Address,September 30, 1992 September 1, 1992 VHS, 1992, September 1, 1992
Box 906
Carnegie Final with cutaways, Undated, VHS
Box 906
Carnegie Council Joanne's copy, Undated, VHS
Box 906
Carnegie Council on Ethics and International Affairs, The Challenge of the American Environmental Movement: Politics vs. Principle, Undated, Betacam SP and FUJI Videocassette