Box 216
Church Peace Union; General Chronological Reports and Correspondences, Undated
Box 217
Church Peace Union
Correspondence, 1914
General Chronological File, 1914
Japan, 1915
P, General, 1915
Peace Makers Committee, 1915
A through C, General, 1916
D through H, General, 1916
Box 218
Japan, 1916
Box 219
L through P, General, 1916
Peace Makers Committee, 1916
R through Y, General, 1916
A through C, General, 1917
D through I, General, 1917
Box 220
Japan, 1917
Box 221
K through M, General, 1917
Military Training, 1917
N through P, General, 1917
Peace Makers Committee, 1917
R through Y, General, 1917
A through D, General, 1918
F through I, General, 1918
Japan, 1918
K through M, General, 1918
Moral Aims of the War, 1918
N through R, General, 1918
Atkinson, Henry A. and the Social Service Commission, 1920
Box 222
Academy of Political Science, Arnaud, Undated
Atkinson, Dr. Henry A., Undated
Babbott, Frank, Boyle, Wray, Undated
Boynton, Nehemiah, Undated
Breithaupt A. A, Burns, Harry, Undated
Brown, Arthur J., Undated
Cabrera, Fernando, Clark, E.T., Undated
Chicago Conference, Undated
Chicago Conference Articles, Undated
Church Peace Union, Undated
Clark, Francis, Conrad, A., Undated
Commission on Council of Churches, Undated
Commission on International Justice and Goodwill, Undated
Committee for Constructive Immigration Legislation, Undated
Committee on New Americans, Undated
Commission on Relations with the Orient, Undated
Committee on Reduction of Armaments, Undated
Box 223
Conference on the Church and Industrial Research, Undated
Congregational Education Society, Undated
Congress, All American Churches, Undated
Cummings, Edward, Cutting, Adolf, Undated
Danforth, William, Diessmam, Adolf, Undated
Democratic National Committee, Undated
Dickinson, Sir William H., Undated
Disarmament Committee, Undated
Dorland, Arthur, Dunnice, Herbert, Undated
Federal Council of Churches, Undated
Friendship Committee of the Federation of Missions, Undated
Figueirdos, Joaquim, Fuzier, Sal, Undated
Glanvill File, Undated
Box 224
Guild, Roy B., D.D., Undated
Gulick, Sidney L., Undated
Interchange of Preachers and Speakers, 1921
Inter-Church World Movement, Undated
Japanese and American Committee, Undated
League of Nations, Undated
League to Enforce Peace, Undated
MacFarland, Dr. C.S., Undated
Marko, Merrick, Frank, Undated
Merrill, the Reverend William P., Undated
Merriman, Christina, Muldoon, Peter, Undated
Minutes, Miscellaneous, Undated
National Council for the Limitation of Armaments, Undated
Newspaper Releases, Undated
Poling, Daniel, Price, Orlo, Undated
Proposals for Leadership, Undated
Ramsey, Alexander, Remensnyder, Julius, Undated
Reports Miscellaneous, Undated
Resolutions, Undated
Box 225
Rice, Edwin, Ryan, James, Undated
Root, the Reverend E. Tallmadge, Undated
Salvesen, Bernard, Sheldon, Albert, Undated
Simpson, H.G., Smeade, George, Undated
Short, William H., Undated
Smith, Fred B., Undated
Smith, J, Sprague, Lesley, Undated
Speer, Robert E., Undated
Stone, Harlan, Symons, William, Undated
Theological Seminaries Scholarship, Undated
Turner, Fennell P., Undated
University of the Nations, Upham, Undated
Acceptance of World Alliance Board of Directors, Undated
World Conference on Faith and Order, Undated
World Conferences, Undated
World Alliance Matters, Undated
World Alliance 6th Annual Meeting, 1921 May 17-19, 1921
World Alliance Executive Meetings, Undated
Box 226
A Material, Undated
Ainslie, Peter, Undated
Allied Christian Agencies, Undated
Atterbury, Dr. Anson P., Undated
Announcements, Undated
Anthony, Alfred, Undated
Appeal to Carnegie Foundation, Undated
Atkinson, Henry A., Undated
Carnegie Corporation, Undated
World Alliance Annual Meeting Speeches, 1922
Committee on American-Japanese Relations, Gulick, Undated
Washington Conference Petitions for Ratification, Undated
Copenhagen Conference, 1922
Democratic National Committee, Undated
Dickinson, Sir Willoughby, Undated
Cummings, Edward; World Peace Foundation, Undated
Disarmament, Undated
Box 227
Dorland, Professor Arthur C., Undated
Gardiner, Robert, Greever, William, Undated
Hahn, Albert--Hooker, Edward, Undated
Homans, Rockland--Hutchins, Undated
Hull, William I., Undated
Laflamme--Lawson, William, Undated
Mahoney--Maurer, Irving, Undated
McCartby--McElveen, Undated
Mead, Lucia--Mischler, Wendell, Undated
Merrill, William P., Undated
Minutes of Church Peace Union and World Alliance Federal Council of Churches, Undated
Gulick, Sidney L., Undated
MacFarland, Dr. Charles, Undated
Box 228
Minutes and Miscellaneous, Undated
Monod, Wilfred--Myers, Undated
Page, Kirby, Undated
Reports, Miscellaneous, Undated
Resolutions, Undated
Richards, Charles, Rushbrooke, Undated
Seminary Scholarship, Undated
Smith, George, Sperry, Willard, Undated
Smith, Fred B., Undated
State Department, Stewart, John, Undated
Ward, Harry--Wright, Undated
World Alliance, Undated
Box 229
Adams, Charles; Atkinson, Henry A., Undated
Australia, Undated
Baird, Harry, Bean, James, Undated
Belgian Council of World Alliance, Boyer, Edward, Undated
Boynton, Nehemiah, Undated
Brent--Bryant, Undated
Brown, Arthur J., Undated
Buffalo Convention, Butchart, Ruben, Undated
Cabrero, Fernando--Causey, Undated
Campaign for International Cooperation, Undated
Cecil, Robert, Cleveland Meeting, Undated
Church Peace Union, Reports, Miscellaneous, Undated
Clark, Francis, Colcord, Samuel, Undated
Committee on Christianity and International Relations, Undated
Conference on Christian Way of Life and Conference on Work among the Slaves, Undated
Conferences, Universal, Undated
Box 230
Conrad, Curtis, May belle, Undated
DaCosta--Diffendorfer, Undated
Dickinson, Sir Willoughby, Undated
Donaldson, H., Dyer, Frank, Undated
Federal Council of Churches, Undated
Federal Council; Plans for Cooperation with Church Peace Union and World Alliance, Undated
Federation of League of Nations Societies, Vienna Meeting, Undated
Filene, Edward--France, Undated
Friends of Freedom for India, Undated
Gardiner, Robert--Gerard, Undated
Gill, Isabella, Guild, Roy, Undated
Gulick, Sidney L., Undated
Box 231
Halliday, James, Historical Review, Undated
Holmes, Harry L., Undated
Hodgkin, Henry--Hunting, Undated
Hughes, Charles E., excerpts of speeches, Undated
Idleman, Finis--Inman, Samuel, Undated
Immigration Commission, Undated
Institute for Public Service, Undated
Irwin, Will; Christ or Mars, Undated
Japan, Undated
Ladd, William, Leach, Henry, Undated
Lee--Leonard, Undated
League of Nations Non-Partisan Association, Undated
League of Nations Union, English, Undated
Lind, Lusk, Clayton, Undated
MacFadyn, Dugald, MacMillan, Irving, Undated
Main, Arthur, Maurer, Irving, Undated
Box 232
Merrill, Dr. William P., Undated
Minutes, Miscellaneous, Undated
Monod, Wilfred, Murray, William, Undated
Nansen, Fridtjof, Undated
National Council for Prevention of War, Undated
National Council for Reduction of Arms, Undated
Neighbors League of America, Undated
New York League of Women Voters, Undated
Our World, Undated
Pacific Coast Office, Undated
Pace, Homer, Pro-League of Nations, Undated
Page, Kirby, Undated
Petition, Undated
Ramsay, Alexander, Raphael, Ruth, Undated
Resolutions, Miscellaneous, Undated
Richards, Bernard, Russia, Undated
Sanders, Frank--Slade, Francis, Undated
Smith, Fred B., Undated
Box 233
Speer, Dr. Robert E., Undated
Smith, Charles--Sweetser, Arthur, Undated
World Alliance, Undated
World Alliance
Board of Directors Executive Board, Undated
English Council, Undated
Box 234
Adams, Charlotte, Allen, John, Undated
American Peace Award, Undated
Ames--Armitage, Undated
Atkinson, Henry A., Undated
Bacon, Howard, Beumbaugh, Harvey, Undated
Biographical Sketches, Undated
Boynton, Nehemiah, Undated
Bowie--Broadsides, Undated
Brown, Dr. Arthur J., Undated
Brown, O.--Burns, Raymond, Undated
Cadman--Calkins, Undated
Caldwell, R.J., Undated
Campaign on International Cooperation, Undated
Cannon, James--Carnegie, Louise, Undated
Carnegie Corporation of New York, Undated
Catt, Carrie--Collier, Edward, Undated
Commission on International Justice and Goodwill, Undated
Committee on Peace Strategy, Undated
Conferences, Undated
Cox--Crosby, Undated
Box 235
Cummings, Edward, Undated
Curtis, Emerson, Undated
Daniels, John, Divine, Sherman, Undated
Dickinson, Sir Willoughby, Undated
United States Tour, Undated
Dowling, Victor, Dunne, E., Undated
Edmonds, English Speaking Union, Undated
Farwell--Feinberg, Undated
Federal Council of Churches, Undated
Federation of Churches, Undated
Field, the Forum, Undated
Foreign Policy Association, Undated
Fosdick, Harry Emerson, Undated
Fosdick, Raymond B., Undated
Box 236
Francis, Robert--Frothingham, Undated
Gardiner, Robert; Golden Rule Committee, Undated
Germany, 1924
Goldstein, Dr. Jacob, Undated
Gordon, Linley V. Undated
Gratwick, F.--Guy, George, Undated
Gulick, Sidney L., Undated
Hall--Holloway, Rupert, Undated
Holmes, Harry N., Undated
Holmquist, Louise--Hutchins, Martin, Undated
Idleman, Finis, Irwin, Will, Undated
Immigration Commission, Undated
Interchange of Preachers and Speakers, Undated
Japanese and American Committee, Undated
Japanese World Alliance, Undated
Box 237
Johnson, Senator Hiram W., Undated
Laidlaw, Harriet--Levermore, Charles, Undated
League of Nations, Undated
League of Nations Non-Partisan Association, Undated
Libby, Frederick--Lyon, Sarah, Undated
Lunn, Henry, Undated
MacFarland, C.S., Undated
MacDonald, James--May o, Josephine, Undated
McAliser--McGiffert, Undated
Mead, Edwin, Missionary Education Movement, Undated
Merrill, the Reverend William P., Undated
Minutes, Miscellaneous, Undated
World Alliance and Church Peace Union, Minutes, Undated
Box 238
Monod, Wilfred--Murphy, Albert, Undated
Murray, Gilbert, Mobilizing For Peace, Undated
Murray, Professor Gilbert, Undated
National Commission and Committee of the Inquiry, Undated
National Conference on the Christian Way of Life, Undated
National Council for the Prevention of War, Undated
Neil, Donald, Norwood, Frederick, Undated
Nexus Committee, Undated
Peace Campaign, Undated
Rae, James, Randall, C.E., Undated
Reidenbach, Clarence--Revell Company, Undated
Reports Miscellaneous, Undated
Resolutions Miscellaneous, Undated
Richard, J.--Ryan, John, Undated
Sahler, William--Sprigg, William, Undated
Smith, Fred B., Undated
Speer, Robert E., Undated
Box 239
Universal Christian Conference on Life and Work, Undated
Vance, Joseph--Voris, John, Undated
Waite, Mary--Wright, Anson, Undated
World Alliance, Undated
Zilka, Francis, Undated
Aarons--Atterbury, 1925
Atkinson, Dr. Henry A., 1925
Babcock, Baxter, William, 1925
Biographies, 1925
Beam, Blyth, Robert, 1925
Booth--Breckenridge, 1925
Borah, Senator, Washington Conference, 1925
Boynton, Nehemiah, 1925
Brent, Charles--Bryant, Henry, 1925
Cadbury, Henry--Cawthorne, Herbert, 1925
Chisholm, Archibald--Cummings, Edward, 1925
Box 240
Dickinson, Willoughby--Dyer, 1925
E, General, 1925
Florida Campaign, 1925
Gordon, Reverend Linley V., 1925
Gulick, Dr. Sidney L., 1925
Harvey--Houser, 1925
Hughes--Hutchison, 1925
IJK, General, 1925
L, General, 1925
MacDonald, James--McKenzie, 1925
MacFayden, Donald--Mills, Elden, 1925
Montgomery, George--Mott, John, 1925
Nicholson, S.E., 1925
P, General, 1925
R, General, 1925
Box 241
Sanders, Everett--Shotwell James, 1925
Smeaton--Spreng, 1925
Stomberg--Sykes, Tom, 1925
Taylor--Tippy, 1925
Tomkins--Tuttle, Tania (Mrs. Frank), 1925
U, General, 1925
War Guilt, 1925
Waite, Mary--White, 1925
Wickersham, George--Wishart, Charles, 1925
World Alliance
German Council, 1925
Japanese Council, 1925
World Court Campaign, 1925
Y, General, 1925
A, General, 1926
B, General, 1926
C, General, 1926
Dickinson, Willoughby, 1926
D, General, 1926
E, General, 1926
Faunce--Fox, 1926
Federal Council of Churches, 1926
G, General, 1926
Box 242
H, General, 1926
J, General, 1926
L, General, 1926
M, General, 1926
N, General, 1926
O through P, General, 1926
Publicity, 1926
R through S, General, 1926
T, General, 1926
Universal Council for Life and Work, 1926 1928, 1926, 1928
World Alliance
British Council, 1926
Chinese Council, 1926
French Council, 1926
Japanese Council, 1926
Youth Movement, 1926
A through B, General, 1927
C, General, 1927
Dickinson, Willoughby, 1927
Federal Council of Churches, 1927
G through H, General, 1927
J through K, General, 1927
News Stories, 1927
Prague Meeting, 1927
Publicity, 1927
Box 243
R through S, General, 1927
War Guilt, 1925-1927
Ward, H.F., 1927
Wickersham, George W., 1927
World Alliance
Chinese Council, 1927
French Council, 1927
German Council, 1927
Japanese Council, 1927
Atkinson, Dr. Henry A., 1928
B through C, General, 1928
D through W, General, 1928
Disarmament, 1928
F, General, 1928
H through I, General, 1928
Japanese Sunday school Teachers' Visit, 1928
L through M, General, 1928
N, General, 1928
P, General, 1928
S, General, 1928
Wickersham, George, World Peace Foundation, 1928
World Alliance
Canadian Council, 1928
English Council, 1928
French Council, 1928
German Council, 1928
Japanese Council, Undated
World Friendship among Children, 1928
Youth Commission, 1928
Box 244
B through C, General, 1929
Church Peace Union, Report of Secretary General, 1929
Dickinson, Sir Willoughby, 1929
F through J, General, 1929
L through M, General, 1929
News Stories, 1929
P through V, General, 1929
Universal Religious Peace Conference, 1929
World Alliance
British Council, 1929
Chinese Council, 1929
Dutch Council, 1929
Finnish Council, 1929
French Council, 1929
German Council, 1929
Japanese Council, 1929
World Friendship among Children, 1930
A through C, General, 1930
Committee on Cooperation with the Press, 1930
Committee on Education, 1930
Exhibits, Undated
F through J, General, 1930
L through N, General, 1930
New Stories, 1930
P through S, General, 1930
Unemployment Petition, 1930
World Alliance
French Council, 1930
German Council, 1930
Japanese Council, Undated
Dickinson, Lord, 1930
English Council, 1930
World Court, 1930
World Friendship among Children, 1930
World Friendship Lessons, 1930
Box 245
Caldwell, R.J., 1931
Church Peace Union, World Court, 1931
National World Court Committee, 1931
Paul, A.A., 1931
World Alliance, Japanese Council, 1931
World Friendship among Children, 1931
Ames and Norr, 1932
Chicago World's Fair, 1932
Department of State, 1932
International Goodwill Congress, 1932 November 10-12, 1932
Interorganization Council on Disarmament, 1932
Manifesto against War, 1932
Matthews, Dr. Shailer, 1932
National World Court Committee, 1932
Press Releases, 1932
World Alliance International Committee, 1932
World Alliance Overseas Councils, 1932
Y, General, 1932
Zilkap, F., 1932
Addams, Jane, 1933
Ames and Norr, 1933
Arms Embargo, 1933
Brown, Dr. William Adams, 1933
Chicago World's Fair, 1933
Church Peace Union, Minutes, 1933
Committee to Study Army and Navy Chaplains, 1933
Dickinson, Lord, 1933
Davis, Norman, Fatio, Guillaume, 1933
Goodwill Club, 1933
Henriod, Reverend Henry-Louis, 1933
Hull, International Sanctions, 1933
Interorganization Council on Disarmament, 1933
International Justice and Goodwill, 1933 January, 1933
Johnson--Monod, 1933
Manifesto against War, 1933
National Peace Conference, 1933
National World Court Committee, Undated
P-T, General, 1933
Revision of Treaties, Committee on, 1933
Van Kirk, Reverend J.W., 1933
Box 246
World Alliance
International Committee, 1933
French Council, 1933
German Council, 1933
Japanese Council, 1933
Minutes and Reports, 1933
World Disarmament Campaign, 1933
World Friendship among Children, 1933
World Friendship Lessons, 1933
World Peaceways, 1933
A through B, General, 1934
Caldwell, Copyright Bureau, 1934
Church Peace Union, Minutes and Reports, 1934
Committee to Study Army and Navy Chaplains, 1934
Department of State, 1934
Dean, Doubleday, Doran and Company, Undated
F through H, General, 1934
I through L, League of Nations Association, 1934
League of Nations Campaign, 1934
MacMillan--Monod, 1934
Manifesto against War, 1934
National Council for Prevention of War, Undated
National Peace Conference, New York Times, Undated
Niagara Falls Celebration, 1934
P through S, General, 1934
T, General, 1934
U through V, General, 1934
Box 247
Wallace, Henry A., Speech at World Alliance Dinner, Undated
Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, World Peaceways, Undated
World Alliance
Dickinson, Lord, Undated
Fatio, Guillaume, 1934
French Council, 1934
German Council, 1934
Henriod, Undated
International Committee, Undated
Japanese Council, 1934
Meetings, 1934
Minutes and Reports, 1934
World Court, World Friendship Lessons, 1934
A, General, 1935
C, General, 1935
Church Peace Union, Minutes, 1935
D through G, General, 1935
H through I, General, 1935
J through L, General, 1935
League of Nations Association, 1935
M, General, 1935
N, General, 1935
National World Court Committee, 1935
National Peace Conference, 1935
National Peace Conference Mass Meeting, 1935 May 27, 1935
News Stories, 1935
Box 248
P, General, 1935
Woodsmall, 1935
World Alliance, 1935
World Alliance
Dickinson, Lord, 1935
Fatio, Guillaume, 1935
French Council, 1935
Henriod, International Council, 1935
International Council, 1935
World Court, 1935
W through Y, General, 1935
A through C, General, 1935
Church Peace Union, Minutes, 1936
D-H, General, 1936
Hearing on Compulsory Military Training, 1936
I, General, 1936
K through M, General, 1936
National Committee on the Cause and Cure of War, 1936
National Peace Conference, 1936
P through S, General, 1936
Smith, Fred B., 1936
V through W, General, 1936
World Alliance
Dickinson, Lord, 1936
French Council, 1936
Henroid, 1936
International Council, 1936
Minutes and Reports, 1936
Youth Tour, Comtesse de Pierrefeu, 1936
Box 249
Carroll County Peace Campaign, 1937
Church Peace Union
Minutes, Reports, 1937
Peace Committee in Every Church, Undated
Collier, Committee on World Friendship among Children, 1937
D through F, General, 1937
H through I, General, 1937
Industrial Mobilization Plan, 1937
J through M, General, 1937
National Committee on the Cause and Cure of War-New Commonwealth, 1937
National Peace Conference, 1937
P through W, World Peaceways, 1937
World Alliance; Minutes, Reports, 1937
Webster, Mary P., 1937
World Alliance
Dickinson, Lord, 1937
Fatio, Guillaume, 1937
Henroid, 1937
International Committee, 1937
Jezequel, Jacques, 1937
Box 250
A through B, General, 1938
H.A.A. and Boycott of Japanese Goods, 1938
Campaign for World Economic Cooperation, 1938
Carroll County Peace Campaign, 1938
Catholic Association for International Peace, 1938
Church Peace Union
China-Japan Statement, 1938
Minutes, Reports, 1938
Miscellaneous, Pamphlets, Undated
Coleman, Mrs. Ethel M., Undated
Committee on Militarism in Education, 1938
F through I, General, 1938
L, General, 1938
M, General, 1938
National Peace Conference, 1938
P through S, General, 1938
T through V, General, 1938
World Alliance
Dickinson, Lord, 1938
Fatio, Guillaume, 1938
Henroid, 1938
Marks, Ivy, 1938
Reports, Minutes, 1938
World Youth Congress, 1938
Box 251
A through B, General, 1939
C, General, 1939
Church Peace Union; Minutes and Reports, 1939
International Essay Competition for Youth-League for Fair Play, Undated
National Peace Conference, Undated
S, General, 1939
World Alliance
Fatio, Guillaume, Undated
Minutes, Undated
C, General, 1940
Church Peace Union; Minutes, Reports, 1940
World Alliance, Clippings, 1940
Hull, William I. Memorial Poster Contest, 1940
International Essay Contest, 1940
L through N, General, 1940
Publications, 1940
Red Cross, Sunday 1940 June 3, 1940
Relief for Europe Luncheon, 1940 November 25, 1940
S through W, World Council of Churches, 1940
World Alliance; Minutes, Reports, 1940
Box 252
Battle of the Atlantic, 1941
Catholic Association for International Peace, Council on Refugee Aid, Undated
Church Peace Union
Education Committee, 1941
Finance Committee, 1941
Minutes, Reports, 1941
Clippings, 1941
E through I, General, 1941
L through N, General, 1941
P through R, General, 1941
S through V, General, 1941
World Alliance; Minutes, Reports, 1941
Box 283
Patterns for Peace, Undated
Patterns for Peace
Progress, Undated
Pamphlets and Supporting Documents, Undated
Institutes Miscellaneous Correspondence regarding Future Institutes, Undated
Champaign, Illinois, Undated
Philadelphia, Undated
Washington, D.C. cancelled, Undated
Denver and Environs postponed, Undated
Expenses, 1943-1944
Correspondence with Local Committee, Undated
Correspondence with Speakers, Undated
Miscellaneous, Undated
Program, Undated
Winter Park, Correspondence with Dr. Melcher, Undated
Rollins College
Speakers and Program, 1944 February, 1944
Correspondence with Holt, Hamilton, 1944 February, 1944
Columbus, 1944
Correspondence with Pan American League, 1944
Correspondence with Speakers, 1944
Miscellaneous, 1944
Program, 1944
Correspondence with McGowan, R.A., 1944
St. Louis
Correspondence with Local Committee, Undated
Program and Correspondence with Speakers, Undated
Program and Correspondence with Speakers; Memoranda, Correspondence, Undated
Box 284
Lafayette College, Undated
Dallas, Texas and Salina, Kansas, Undated
Idaho Institute, Undated
Mexico City, 1941
United Nations, Conference of Religion for Moral and Spiritual Support of the, 1948 June, 1948
Parliament of Religion, 1949
MacArthur, Kathlyn Series
Publicity, 1950
Contact Letters, Undated
Miscellaneous, Undated
Proposed Peace Conference, 1950 April, 1950
Leaders Conference, Rochester, 1950 October 10, 1950
World Congress of the Defenders of Peace, Sheffield, 1950 November 13-19, 1950
National Council Constitution Convention, 1950 November 28-December 1, 1950
Box 285
Transcribed Manuscripts, 1951 February, 1951
Contact Letters, 1951 February, 1951
Publicity, 1951 February, 1951
Lecturers, 1951 February, 1951
Conferences: American Association for the United Nations, AAUN, 1951 February25-27, 1951
Columbia University Citizenship Education Project, 1951 April, 1951
Sample Literature, 1951 April, 1951
Contact Letters, 1951 April, 1951
Registrations, 1951 April, 1951
Box 286
Publicity, 1951 April, 1951
Dana, Ellis, Correspondence, 1952 April, 1952
Program, 1951 April, 1951
Kit, 1951 April, 1951
Comments, Undated
Workshop on Audio-Visual Aids, Undated
National Conference on United States Foreign Policy, 1951 May 2-4, 1951
Toronto Meetings, 1951 May 14-15, 1951
Box 287
Rochester Conference, 1951
Rochester Conference
Address Manuscripts, Undated
Registration Lists, Undated
General Correspondence A-K, L-Z, Undated
Publicity, Undated
Newspaper Publicity, Undated
Conference on World Order, 1951 November 12-13, 1951
Conference on World Order
Rochester, Statements, 1951 November 12-13, 1951
Form Letters, 1951 November 12-13, 1951
Programs, 1951 November 12-13, 1951
Situation, Undated
Catch All, Undated
Box 288
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, UNESCO
Program, 1952 January, 1952
Summaries and Findings, 1952 January, 1952
Delegates, 1952 January, 1952
Publicity, 1952 January, 1952
Discussion Notes, 1952 January, 1952
Contact Letters, 1952 January, 1952
Projects and Resource People, 1952 January, 1952
Work Papers, 1952 January, 1952
Follow-Up Meetings, 1962 April 1-May 15, 1962
Follow-Up, 1962 May 15, 1962
Box 289
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
Conferences, State Department Correspondence, Undated
Conferences, State Department Catch All, Undated
American Association for the United Nations, Conference, 1952 February, 1952
Lectures, 1952
Publicity, 1952
Contact Letters, 1952
Manuscripts, 1952
United States Responsibility in the World Community, Correspondence, Undated
United Nations Indiana Seminar
Publicity, 1952 April, 1952
Registration Lists, 1952 April, 1952
Workshops and Program, 1952 April, 1952
Comments, 1952 April, 1952
Contact Letters, 1952 April, 1952
Box 290
Fall Minnesota Seminars, 1952
Cornell University Workshops, Undated
World Alliance Institute, Hackensack, 1952 November 11, 1952
United Nations, Vermont Workshops
Correspondence, 1952 November, 1952
Program, 1952 November, 1952
Publicity, 1952 November, 1952
Registration Lists, 1952 November, 1952
Correspondence, Undated
Seminar on Inter-American Relations, 1952 December 9, 1952
Box 291
National Conference of Religious Leaders
Administrative Committee, Undated
Beebe, George, Undated
Conference Counselors, Undated
Cooperating Organizations, Undated
Delegates, Undated
Executive Committee, Undated
Executive Director, Undated
Finance, Undated
Hotel, Undated
List of Names, Undated
Program, Undated
Prospectus, Undated
Calls to Meetings and Agenda, Undated
Sponsors, Undated
General Correspondence, Undated
United Nations Workshops
Information Sheet for Community Committee, 1953
Midwestern Material, Undated
Kit for Workshops, Undated
Box 292
Colombia Conference, 1953
FebruarySeminars, Undated
Andover Newton United Nations Seminars, Undated
American Association for the United Nations Conference, US Responsibility for World Leadership in 1953 1953 March1-3, 1953, 1953
United States Responsibility in the World Community
Working Papers, 1953 March, 1953
Continuing Committee, Undated
Reactions, Undated
Program, Undated
Follow Up, Undated
Consultation Committee, Undated
Consultation, Follow Up, Undated
Finances, Undated
Box 293
Pastors Conference Workshop, 1953 April, 1953
United Nations, Wisconsin Workshop
General, 1953 April, 1953
Correspondence, 1953 April, 1953
Registration Lists, 1953 April, 1953
Conference on American Foreign Policy, Colgate College, Undated
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
Fourth Annual Conference, Program and Publicity, 1953 September, 1953
Fourth Annual Conference, Delegates and Correspondence, 1953 September, 1953
Fourth Annual United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
Working Paper Group E, 1953 September, 1953
Contacts and Notes, 1953 September, 1953
Other Work Group Material, 1953 September, 1953
Fourth National Study Conference on World Order, 1953 October 27-39,, 1953
Cleveland Conference Papers, 1953 October, 1953
United Nations Day, Requests for Material on Observance of, 1953 October, 1953
United Nations
Indiana Seminar, Holland, R.L. , 1952 December, 1952
Workshop, 1953-1954
Box 294
Vermont Workshop, 1954
United States National Council for the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization, Panel on Religious Affairs, 1954
Foreign Policy Association Conference, 1954 February4, 1954
United Nations Workshop, Pennsylvania, 1954 February, 1954
Publicity Lists, 1954 February, 1954
American Association for the United Nations, Washington Conference, 1954 March, 1954
Area Committee Workshop, Worcester, 1954 April 10, 1954
United Nations
Seminars, Illinois, 1954 April, 1954
Workshops, Indiana, Undated
World Council Assembly; Motter, Allen Correspondence, 1954 August, 1954
United Nations Workshop, Kentucky
Press Clippings, Undated
Correspondence, Undated
Box 295
Consultation, Undated
Hooven Materials, Undated
Finance and Statistics, Undated
Shuster Paper, Undated
National Interest and International Responsibility, Mimeographed Notices and Articles, 1954 October, 1954
Original Lists, Additional Invitations, Correspondence, Undated
New York Participants, Undated
Institute, Nashville, 1954 November 11, 1954
United Nations Seminar
United Nations Week, 1955
United Nations, Minnesota, Workshop for spring, 1955
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, Fifth Annual Conference, 1955
United Nations
Indiana Disciples Seminar, 1955 November, 1955
Indiana Disciples Seminar, 1955 December, 1955
Wilson, Woodrow, Centennial, 1956
New York Registrations, 1956 April, 1956
World Aliyah Youth Conference, 1956 April, 1956
Michigan Graduate Seminars, Undated
United Nations Workshops in New Jersey, Atlantic and Bergen Counties, 1956 April 1956, 1956, April 1956
World Council of Churches Conference, 1956 July, 1956
Box 297
Seminar Addresses, 1957-1958
Washington Cathedral Seminar, 1957 January, 1957
Graduate Seminar, Merrill House , 1957 January 1-7, 1957
Fourth National Conference on International Economic and Social Development 2, 1957 February, 1957
Seminar, New York, Merrill House, Registration, 1957 January 7-11, 1957
Conference of National Organizations called by American Association for the United Nations, 1957 March, 1957
Graduate Seminar, Merrill House, 1957 March11-15, 1957
New York Registrations, 1957 March11-15, 1957
Washington Cathedral Seminar
Christian Responsibility in Economic Decision Making, 1957 March29-31, 1957
Ethical Principles of Nuclear Energy, 1957 March29-31, 1957
Colloquium on Interreligious Relationships the Hartford Seminary Foundation, 1957 May 23-25, 1957
Yale Seminar, 1957 June, 1957
Box 298
Silver Bay Conference, 1957 July 1957, 1957, July 1957
Seminar on Ethics, Security, and Survival in Thermonuclear Age, 1957 July 2, 1957
Ethics, Security, and the Free Society in the Thermonuclear Age, 1957 November 26, 1957
Seminar on Ethics and Security in a Free Society, 1957 November, 1957
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
Sixth Conference, 1957 November, 1957
Sixth Conference Delegates Kit, 1957 November, 1957
Box 299
Advanced Seminar, Merrill House, 1958
New York Registrations, 1958
Meeting regarding possible International Conference of Peace Organizations, Undated
America's Human Resources to Meet the Scientific Challenge, Yale University, 1958 February3, 1958
Advanced Seminar
Merrill House, Undated
New York Program and Registrants, 1958 April 18, 1958
Seminar, Milford, 1958 April 21-23, 1958
Advanced Seminar, Milford, 1958 April 21-23, 1958
Seminar, Milford, Registrations, 1958 April 21-23, 1958
Silver Bay Conference, Undated
International Association for Religious Freedom, IARF 16th Conference, 1958 August 9-13, 1958
Chicago Correspondence, 1968 August 9-13, 1968
United Nations Seminar, Indiana, 1958
FSS Program, Bronxville, 1958 September, 1958
Letters to and about Registrants, Undated
Advanced Seminar Midwest, Highland Park, 1958 November 3-7, 1958
Registrations, 1958 November 3-7, 1958
Box 300
Arrangements, Undated
Speakers, Undated
Panelists, Undated
Registrations Declined, Undated
Registration List, Undated
National Council of Churches, Dutch Interchurch Aid Fifth World Order Study Conference, Cleveland, 1958 November 18-21, 1958
Seminar New York, New York Registrations, 1959 January, 1959
Church Peace Union, Advanced Seminar, New York, Undated
Seminar New York, Registrations, 1959 April, 1959
Silver Bay Conference, 1959 July 8-15, 1959
Box 301
Seminar University of Minnesota
Registrations, Undated
Paper: Opening Address by Hartnett, Robert C., Undated
General Arrangements, Undated
Speakers, Undated
Seminar, McGregor Center, Wayne State University
Registrations, 1959 October 5-9, 1959
McNeil, Jesse Jai, 1959 October 5-9, 1959
Speakers and Miscellaneous, 1959 October 5-9, 1959
McKinney, Harold C., Jr., 1959 October 5-9, 1959
Frehse, Robert M., 1959 October 5-9, 1959
Seminar, McGregor Center, Wayne State University, Undated
Project Paper, a Project in Leadership Education, Undated
Allen, Robert F., Undated
Joffe, Boris M., Undated
Wisconsin Idea Conference, Undated
FSS Program; Endicott House, Letters to and about Registrants, 1959 November, 1959
FSS Program, Endicott House, Undated
Seminar Foreign Students, 1959 November 27-29, 1959
Box 302
Adult Education Association, Conference on International Education, 1960
Advanced Seminar
Merrill House, 1960 January 4-8, 1960
Registrations, 1960 January 4-8, 1960
List of Registration, Undated
Registration Correspondence, Undated
University of California
Program, 1960 May 6-10, 1960
Registrations, 1961 May 6-10, 1961
Registration Response, 1962 May 6-10, 1962
Speakers, 1963 May 6-10, 1963
Arrangements, 1964 May 6-10, 1964
Financial, 1965 May 6-10, 1965
Moorland Country Club, 1964 May 20-24, 1964
Box 303
Registrations, 1964 May 20-24, 1964
Speakers, 1964 May 20-24, 1964
Arrangements, 1964 May 20-24, 1964
First Dartmouth Conference, Correspondence
Documents and Lists, Undated
AWL Notes, Undated
Advanced Seminar Hotel Moraine, 1960 November 14-18, 1960
Registrations, 1960 November 14-18, 1960
Box 304
O'Brien, Dr. William, Boulding, Dr. K.E., Schelling, Dr. T.C., Ramsey, Dr. Paul, Undated
Lectures, 1960 November 14-18, 1960
Box 305
Program, Undated
Arrangements General, Undated
Finances, Undated
Arrangements, Hotel and Transportation, Undated
Registrants, Undated
Special Advanced Seminar, O'Brien, Dr. William, Boulding, Dr. K.E., Schelling, Dr. T.C., Ramsey, Dr. Paul, Undated
Letters to lecturers, Undated
Program, Undated
Foreign Students, Undated
Box 306
Advanced Seminar Church Peace Union, New York City, 1961 January 2-6, 1961
Advanced Seminar Church Peace Union, New York City, Undated
Advanced Seminar Church Peace Union, New York City, Undated
Advanced Seminar University of Denver the Broadmoor Hotel, Colorado Springs, Colorado, 1961 May 5-9, 1961
Advanced Seminar University of Denver
Registrations, Undated
General Arrangements, Undated
Evaluations, Undated
Foreign Student Seminar Lake Tahoe, California
Communication with lecturers, 1961 May 12-14, 1961
Student Seminar, 1962 May 12-14, 1962
Foreign Student Seminar Rutgers University cancelled, undated
Foreign Student Seminar Lake Tahoe
Dangerfield, Dr. Royden, Foreign Economic Policy: Trade, Aid and Economic Development, Undated
Registrations, Undated
Program, Undated
General Arrangements, Undated
Box 307
Speakers, Undated
Transportation for Speakers, Undated
Registrants, Undated
Second Dartmouth Conference Oreanda, USSR, 1961 May 14, 1961
Conference Participants, 1961 May 14, 1961
Agenda, 1961 May 14, 1961
Staff Notices, 1961 May 14, 1961
Press Information, 1961 May 14, 1961
Notes, Economic, 1961 May 14, 1961
Notes, Psychological, 1961 May 14, 1961
Notes, Arm Control, 1961 May 14, 1961
Notes, Structured Peace, 1961 May 14, 1961
Notes, Citizen's Role, 1961 May 14, 1961
Documents and Lists, 1961 May 14, 1961
Correspondence, 1961 May 14, 1961
Miscellaneous, 1961 May 14, 1961
Box 308
AWL Semi-Annual Reports, 1961 May 14, 1961
Reports of Other Participants, 1961 May 14, 1961
Second Minnesota Seminar on Ethics and Foreign Policy Lowell Inn, Stillwater, Minnesota, 1961 October 10-17, 1961
Registrations, 1961 October 10-17, 1961