Carnegie Council on Ethics & International Affairs records, 1844-2008

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Series XI. 2014 Addition, 2014

Box 1056 Annual meeting of the International Studies Association, Panel on World Political Theory, 1996; Towards a "Social Foreign Policy" with Asia: Fostering Links between Americans and East Asians on shared social concerns;April 2-3, 1998; What Do you Deserve? Public Policy, Welfare, and Changing Social Contracts, October 30-31, 1997; The Challenge to America Environmental Movement: Priciple or Politics? Panel discussion, November 23, 1992., 1989-1998

Materials include: handwritten, email and fax correspondence and relate to the planning and programming of conferences, including papers, budgets, and lists of attendees. Bulk of correspondence is from Joanne Bauer.

Box 1057 What Do You Deserve? Public Policy, Welfare, and Changing Social Contracts, October 30-32, 1997; Can Global Capitalism and Democracy Provide for All? The Future of the Welfare State in Industrialized Democracies, April 10, 1997, 1990-1997

Materials include: correspondence from CCEIA figures primarily Chris Sigur, Vice President for Asian Programs, and materials relating to the two 1997 conferences.

Box 1058 Correspondence, 1993-2004

Bulk of correspondence is from Chris Sigur, Vice President for Asian Programs as well as other CCEIA figures.

Box 1059 Empire and Democracy Project, 2003-2004; Making Human Rights Work: A Research and Dialogue Project; The Growth of Asia and Its Impact on Human Rights; The Growth of Asia and Its Impact on Human Rights, 1980-2010

Materials relating to two grant projects, including memos, budgets, honoraria, correspondence, reports, and notes. Various ephemera, including black-and-white staff photos, several publications and two books. Also a report on the 2003-2004 Empire and Emocracy Project. Also a 2010 report on U.S.-Russia relations. Also one binder of materials relating to the Public Philosophy Project (1998).

Box 1060 India's Nuclear Tests: The Consequences for International Security; U.S. Foreign Policy in the Middle East: Ten Years after the Gulf War; Building Peace and Civil Society in Afghanistan: Challenges and Opportunities; U.S. Japan Taskforce - The Politics and Ethics of Global Environmental Leadership; The Problems of Doing Good: Somalia as a Case Study in Humanitarian Intervention; Crisis Prevention and Development Cooperation; Social Policy Principles and the Social Development Agenda; Democratic Dilemmas in the U.S. War on Drugs in Latin America; Toward a New Public Philosophy: A Global Reevaluation of Democracy at Century's End; Empire and Democracy Project, 2003-2004; The Mexico Project: Neighbors Understanding Neighbors, 1975-2012

Photographs of lectures and conferences held by or at CCEIA, primarily 1980s. Also issues of Human Rights Dialogue, and CCEIA newsletters. Also Annual Reports representing 1989, 1995-2004, 2006-2012. Also various CCEIA case studies, and conference and workshop reports and overviews. Also color photos from a 2000 faculty workshop.

Box 1061 Development Strategies in Conflict Brazil and the Future of the Amazon; Ethics and Intervention: The United States in Grenada, 1983; Covert Intervention in Chile, 1970-1973; Chemical Arms Control: The U.S. and the Geneva Protocol of 1925; A Case Study of Terrorism: Northern Ireland 1970-1990; Ethics and Emigration: The East German Exodus, 1989; Values in Conflict: America, Israel, and the Palestinians ; From Miracle to Crisis: Brazilian Foreign Debt and the Limits of Obligations; The Withdrawal from UNESCO: International Organizations and the U.S. Role; Doing Business in South Africa: Seeking Ethical Parameters for Business and Government Responsibilities; The Kuwait Crisis: Sanctions, Negotiations, and the Decision to Go to War; Human Rights and Foreign Policy: What the Kurds Learned (A Drama in One Act); The Wallenberg Case Revisited: A Focus on Its Ethical Dimensions; The Problems of Doing Good: Somalia as a Case Study in Humanitarian Intervention; Richard Harris, Reinhold Niebuhr and the New Right; James V. Schall, On The Most Mysterious of the Virtues: The Political and Philosophical Meaning of Obedience in St. Thomas, Rousseau, and Yves Simon; Joel H. Rosenthal, Kenneth W. Thompson: Master of Ethics and International Affairs; John A.D. Cuddleback, Are Natural Law and Moral Autonomy Compatible?; Robert A. Lauder, Jacques Maritain's Personalism and the United Nations; Vittorio Possenti, Human Rights and Human Nature; Promoting Democracy After the Cold War: U.S. Policy in the Philippines; John C. Bennett, Neibuhr's Ethic: The Later Years; Kenneth W. Thompson, The Modern International Relevance of Reinhold Nieburh; Michael Barnett, The Politics, Power, and Pathologies Of International Organizations; Toward a New Public Philosophy: A Global Reevaluation of Democracy at Century's End, Nov. 14-15, 1996; Merrill House Seminar Education and Studies Program - Population Growth and U.S. Policy: Who Benefits?; Case study # 20 - Shell in Nigeria: Corporate Social Responsibility and the Ogoni Crisis, 1983-2004

Includes most, but not, all of case studies #1-20 from the "Case Study Series on Ethics and International Affairs". Papers published through CCEIA. Black-and-white staff and event photos. Correspondence relating to various projects, including newsletters and various publications.

Box 1062 Second Annual Conference on Ethics and Education in the U.S. and Japan; Fourth Annual Conference on Ethics and Education in the U.S. and Japan; Morgenthau Memorial Lecture, 1995; Fifth Annual Conference on Ethics and Education in the U.S. and Japan, 1988-2011

Programs and correspondence relating to various conferences and workshops, some presented by CCEIA, some not. Materials from the memorial for former CCEIA president Robert Myers.

Box 1063 Toward a New Public Philosophy: A Global Reevaluation of Democracy at Century's End, Nov. 14-15, 1996; Second Distinguished CRIA Lecture on Morality and Foreign Policy; Second Morganthau Memorial Lecture on Morality and Foreign Policy; U.S. Japan Task Force on the Environment 1992, 1979-2011

Programs and correspondence relating to various CCEIA workshops and conferences, Including conference proposals. Includes lecture publications

Box 1064 Ethics, Actors, and Global Economic Architecture, June 3-5, 1999; Democratic Dilemmas in the U.S. War on Drugs in Latin America; Expert Meeting on International Economic and Social Justice, 1998-2002

Correspondence, planning materials, programs, and other materials relating to various conferences and workshops. Materials relating to government and business leads, and fundraising documents.

Box 1065 Hanoke workshop, 1996; Towards a "Social Foreign Policy" with Asia: Fostering Links Between Americans and East Asians on Shared Social Concerns, April 2-3 1998; The Growth of Asia and Its Impact on Human Rights, 1987-1998

Printed web and listserv posting and correspondence from 2001-2002. Correspondence and other materials relating to several major conferences and workshops. List of 1987 speakers at various CCEIA events. Includes the 1998 Morgenthau Memorial Leture.

Box 1066 Carnegie Council Friends Committee and Public Affairs Program, 1931-2010

Correspondence, historical information, programs, and participants list for the Foreign Policy Roundtable. Pension program information dating back to 1931. Program handouts for approximately 15 different programs presented by the Carnegie Council Friends Committee.

Box 1067 Human Rights Initiative; The Carnegie Poll on Values in American Foreign Policy, 1990; Evil and International Affairs / Moral Rhetoric, Reality and Responsibility, 1988-2012

Programs, correspondence, and fundraising information relating to various conferences and programs. Includes CCEIA Bulletins, 2007-2012 (missing winter 2008).

Box 1068 Expert Meeting on International Economic and Social Justice; Ethics, Actors, and Global Economic Architecture, June 3-5, 1999; Violence Against Women, 1988-2003

Correspondence, planning and research files relating to conferences and intiatives. Includes literature review and book research files.

Box 1069 Cultural Constructions of Social Welfare: A Comparative Study of Environment and Development Values in China, India, Japan, and the U.S.; Toward a New Public Philosophy: A Global Reevaluation of Democracy at Century's End, Nov. 14-15, 1996; U.S.-Japan Econonic Agenda, 1990-1998

Primarily correspondence with participants in various CCEIA projects and conferences. Also includes background, budget, grant, planning materials, programs, and handwritten notes.

Box 1070 U.S. Japan Task Force on the Environment 1992; Towards a "Social Foreign Policy" with Asia: Fostering Links Between Americans and East Asians on Shared Social Concerns, April 2-3 1998; Human Rights Initiative; Toward a New Public Philosophy: A Global Reevaluation of Democracy at Century's End, Oct. 30-31, 1997, 1992-1998

Correspondence with participants in various CCEIA projects and conferences. Also includes budget, planning, and program materials.

Box 1071 Towards a "Social Foreign Policy" with Asia: Fostering Links Between Americans and East Asians on Shared Social Concerns, April 2-3 1998; Environment and Governance; Uehiro 2002 - Religious Traditions of Peace in Times of War; Carnegie-Georgetown Forum on Ethics and International Affairs; Integrating Ethics into Environmental Studies; Annual Conference for Development and Change, 1998-2004

Primarily correspondence, planning, and other materials related to several CCEIA workshops and conferences. Includes CCEIA publications The Carnegie Council Privatization Project; Joint Forum for Philippine Progress dialogue; CCEIA newsletter; Human Rights Dialogue. Correspondence from CCEIA Presidents Robert Myers and Joel Rosenthal. Reading materials for several faculty development seminars.

Box 1072 Crisis Prevention and Development Cooperation; Lessons from Sri Lanka: Communities and Conflict Symposium, 2000; Ethics of The New War - 92nd St. Y; Free Trade, Fair Trade, and Sustainable Trade: The Case of Resource Extraction; International Justice and Democratic Transitions, Faculty Development Seminar, Madison, Wisconsin, 1999; Teaching Ethics and International Affairs, Carlottesville, Virginia, 1994; Hans Morgenthau Memorial Lectures on Ethics and Foreign Policy; Japan: Fair Trade or Free Trade?, 1975-2005

Background, planning, and briefing reports from several CCEIA workshops. Readers from two faculty development workshops. One folder of pamphlets from various CCEIA educational programs (1980s). Typed manuscript for Ivy Marks Trembath's 1975 autobiography, and typed Council correspondence with Ivy Trembath (Wilson). Three folders of typed transcripts of 1970s Morgenthau lectures on Aristotle.

Box 1073 Foreign Policy Roundtable, 1999-2008; Human Rights Initiative, 1982-2008

Primarily grant correspondence, background, budgets, proposals, and other materials relating to the Foreign Policy Roundtable series (1999-2008). Also papers relating to various workshops and conferences (1990s).

Box 1074 Uehiro Foundation workshops; Lublin Faculty Development Seminar, 2001; The Meanings of Reconciliation: Conceptual Approaches and Implications for Policy and Institution-Building, Cambridge, MA 2000; George E. Irani and Nathan C. Funk / Rituals of Reconciliation: Arab-Islamic Perspectives; Resolution and Repair: A Comparative Study of Domestic and International Reparation, Redress and Reconstruction Methods; Values and Moral Reasoning in International Affairs, Vanderbilt University, 2004; Positive Alternatives to Alleviate Poverty, Eckerd College, 2005, 2000-2005

Primarily background, planning materials, reports, essays and papers, and other materials relating to various CCEIA workshops, panels, and seminars.

Box 1075 The War to Oust Saddam Hussein: Just War and the New Face of Conflict, James Turner Johnson, 2005; CCEIA course at Columbia University's School for International and Public Affairs (SIPA), 1997-2005

Primarily materials relating to the CCEIA course at Columbia University's School for International and Public Affairs (SIPA). Includes course planning materials, professor and student correspondence, student work, lesson plans, background, and administrative information. Includes a 2005 publication about the Iraq war and Saddam Hussein; several issues of Human Rights Dialogue (1997 and 2000) and materials on the general subjects of minority rights and human rights.

Box 1076 Human Rights Dialogue Vol. 2 No. 7, 1999-2003

Primarily materials relating to CCEIA fellowships, and a 2002 issue of Human Rights Dialogue (Vol. 2, No. 7). Includes research, articles, and background information regarding various issues including human rights, religion, and public security. Fellowship materials (2000-2004) including applications, resumes, interview preparation questions, paper drafts with handwritten edits and revisions. Human Rights Dialogue materials include layout, edits, correspondence, and submissions.

Box 1077 Public Affairs Program, 2001-2002

Materials documenting CCEIA programs, including Worldview Breakfast, Books for Breakfast, Conversation, and Author in the Afternoon. Materials were collected and/or created by Joanne Myers, Director of Public Programs.

Box 1078 Public Affairs Program, 2002-2003

Materials documenting CCEIA programs, including Worldview Breakfast, Books for Breakfast, Conversation, and Author in the Afternoon. Materials were collected and/or created by Joanne Myers, Director of Public Programs.

Box 1079 Public Affairs Program, 2003-2004

Materials documenting CCEIA programs, including Worldview Breakfast, Books for Breakfast, Conversation, and Author in the Afternoon. Materials were collected and/or created by Joanne Myers, Director of Public Programs.

Box 1080 Public Affairs Program, 2004-2006

Materials documenting CCEIA programs, including Worldview Breakfast, Books for Breakfast, Conversation, and Author in the Afternoon. Materials were collected and/or created by Joanne Myers, Director of Public Programs.

Box 1081 Public Affairs Program, 2006

Materials documenting CCEIA programs, including Worldview Breakfast, Books for Breakfast, Conversation, and Author in the Afternoon. Materials were collected and/or created by Joanne Myers, Director of Public Programs.