Leopold Haimson Papers, 1890s-1999

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Series IV: Strikes Project, 1980s

This series contains materials from the cooperative project that was launched in 1982 after an international colloquium in comparative labor history in Paris. The participants in the colloquium decided to pursue a discussion of analytic problems addressed in its proceedings, and to explore further possibilities of analyzing them in a comparative perspective through the application of quantitative methods. An international working group was created for this purpose. An international cooperative framework was established involving the Maison des Sciences de l'Homme (Paris), the International Research and Exchanges Board (New York), the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, and the eventual cooperation of the Friedrich Ebert and Feltrinelli Foundations. The tasks pursued by this Project included the creation of an international data bank to make available, in computer readable form, the statistical data on industrial labor conflicts recorded in the official and other major sources for Austria-Hungary, France, Great Britain, Italy, Germany, Imperial Russia, and the United States; the organization, under the sponsorship of the Project, of other colloquia in the field of comparative labor history; and the joint publication program. The series is arranged in three subseries and includes Project documents, writings, and research material. Related to the Project materials located also in Series VI: Colloquiua and Conferences.

Subseries IV.1: Project Documentation

Files contain project description, grant proposals, budget notes, and data. Not arranged.

Box 66 Folder 1-2 Project Documentation

Subseries IV.2: Monographs and colloquium papers, 1982-1992

Comprises typescripts with holograph notes and correction; drafts and notes of the Project publications and papers presented at the international colloquium. Arranged in alphabetical order by volume's title, then alphabetically by author's name.

Box 66 Folder 1-2 Monographs and colloquium papers, 1982-1992

Annales volume, [1982]

Box 66 Folder 3-7 Drafts, charts


Box 66 Folder 3-7 Haimson, Leopold; Petrusha, Ronald. "Strike waves in Imperial Russia (1912-14, 1905-07): a quantitive analysis and interpretation"

Box 66 Folder 3-7 Hogan, Heather. "Industrial rationalization and the roots of labor militance in the St. Peterburg metal-working industry, 1901-1914"

Box 66 Folder 3-7 Koenker, Diana. "Strikes in revolution: Russia, 1917"

Box 67 Folder 1-4 Annales volume, [1982] (continuation)

Box 67 Folder 5-8 Haimson, Leopold; Petrusha, Ronald. "Strikes in Russia, 1895-1914a summary and interpretation of the results of a quantitive analysis", 1895-1914, (manuscript, notes on discussion, pertinent correspondence)

Box 68 Folder 1-2 Haimson, Leopold. "Two strikes waves in Imperial Russia (1905-1907 1912-1914): Finding and interpretations of a quantitative analysis"

Papers presented at the Colloquium on the Comparative History of Strikes, 1982 Paris, 1982

Box 68 Folder 3 Bezza, Bruno. "Transformation des statuts professionnels pendant la premiere guerre mondiale et le nouveau modele des relations industrielles"

Bovykin, Viktor:

Box 68 Folder 4 "Napravlenie i problemy statisticheskogo izucheniia stachek rabochikh v tsarskoi Rossii"

Box 68 Folder 4 "Tendances et les problemes de l'etude statistique des greves ouvrieres en Russie Tsariste"

Costas, Ilse:

Box 68 Folder 5 "Summary of questions addressed, the data and methods used, and the conclusions reached in my studies of labour unrest"

Box 68 Folder 5 "Topics, problems, approaches which should be incorporated into the discussion"

Box 68 Folder 6 Cronin, James. "Strikes and power in Britain, 1870-1920"

Box 68 Folder 7 Edwards, Paul. "General themes"

Box 68 Folder 8 Franzosi, Roberto. "One hundred years of strike statistics: data, methodology, and theoretical issues in quantitative strike research"

Box 68 Folder 9 Franzosi, Roberto; Tilly, Charles. "British view of American strikes"

Box 68 Folder 10 Koenker, Diane. "Strikes in Russia, 1917 a general review of the project" (report), 1917

Box 68 Folder 11 Lagrange, Hugues. "Crise et le conflit"

Box 68 Folder 12 McClelland, Keith; Reid, Alastair. "Wood, iron and steel: technology, labour and trade union organization in the shipbuilding industry, 1840-1914"

Box 68 Folder 13 Unidentified

Strikes, Social Conflict and the First World War

(Manuscripts, drafts, typescripts and photocopies of typescripts of the articles contributed to the volume and papers presented at an international colloquium in Cortona in June 1986 many with manuscript corrections)

Box 68 Folder 14 Table of content

Box 68 Folder 15 Boch, Rudol"Changing pattersn of labor conflict and labor organization in the German cutlery industry Solingen 1905-1926"

Box 68 Folder 16 Boll, Friedhelm. "Reformist and revolutionary strike practice in Germany labour disputes in Hanover and Braunschweig 1906-1919"

Costas, Ilse

Box 68 Folder 17 "Management and labour in the Siemens plants in Berlin (1906-1920)"

Box 68 Folder 17 "Siemens' management and labour in the First World War period (1906-1920)"

Box 68 Folder 18 Feldman, Gerald D. "Introduction Germany"

(including photocopy of a related letter from Gerald Feldman to Gioulio Sapelli, February 8, 1988)

Box 68 Folder 19 Hardy-Emery, Odette. "Strikes in the Coal and Metal Basin of the Nord: new word force, new ideas. Three years of indecision: 1919-1921"

(English and French)

Box 69 Folder 1 Institute of International Labor Studies of the USSR Academy of Science. "Strike movement in Western countries after the October Revolution of 1917"

Box 69 Folder 2 Kaelble, Hartmut. "International comparisons of the history of strikes"

Kir'ianov, Iurii:

Box 69 Folder 3 "Strike movement in Russia in 1914- February 1917based on the materials of chronicles of workers' actions.", February 1917

(In Russian and English)

Box 69 Folder 3 "Strike movement in Russia in1914-February 1917a discussion of statistical data", 1914-February 1917

Box 69 Folder 4 Kunz, Andreas. "Patterns of labor unrest among state employees in Germany and Great Britain during and after the First World War (1917-1922)"

Box 69 Folder 5 Mandel, Daniel. "Ivanovo-Kineshma region working class: a case study of the Russian labour movement in the province, 1914-1917"

Box 69 Folder 6 Mueller, Dirk H. "Trade unions, workers' committees and workers' councils in Berlin's wartime industry 1914-1918"

Box 69 Folder 7 Musso, Stefano. "Political tension and labor union struggle: working class conflicts n Turin during and after the First World War"

Box 69 Folder 8 Perrot, Michelle. Translation of Introduction for Cortona volume

Box 69 Folder 9 Potolov, Sergei Ivanovich. "Rabochee dvizhenie v Petrograde nakanune i v gody pervoi mirovoi voiny / Working-class movement in Petrograd on the Eve and during the First World War"

(In English and Russian)

Box 69 Folder 10 Procacci, Giovanna. "Changing nature of popular protest and labor unrest in Italy, 1917-1918the political content", 1917-1918

Box 69 Folder 11 Pushkarev, I.M. "Rabochee dvizhenie v Rossii mezhdu fevralem i oktiabrem 1917 g.: o roli stachechnoi bor'by v politicheskoi kon'iunkture 1917 g. / Working-class movement in Russia between February and October 1917", 1917, 1917

(In Russian and English)

Box 69 Folder 12 Quellien, Jean. "Working classes and strike movements in Lower Normandy during and after the First World War"

Box 70 Folder 1 Robert, Jean-Louis. "Parisian strikes (August 1914 to July 1919)", 1914

Box 70 Folder 2 Sapelli, Giulio. "Strikes from 1789 to 1889", 1789

Box 70 Folder 3 Steinisch, Irmgard. "Patterns of labor conflicts among steel workers in Pittsburgh and in the Ruhr Valley after World War I: a comparative analysis"

Box 70 Folder 4 Tomassini, Luigi. "Industrial mobilization and state intervention in Italy during World War I: effects on labor unrest"

Box 70 Folder 5 Volkmann, Heinrich. "Strike waves of 1910-13 and 1919-20 in Germany. Continuity and discontinuity in the development of industrial conflict"

Strikes, Wars, and Revolutions in an International Perspective , (photocopy of typescript of the volume, with corrections)

(incompleted. Arranged in accordance with pagination)


Box 70 Folder 6 Tilly, Charles. "Theories and realities"


Box 70 Folder 7 Haimson, Leopold. "Historical setting in Russia and the West"

Box 70 Folder 8 Haimson, Leopold; Brian, Eric. "Introduction"

Box 70 Folder 9 Boll, Friedhelm. "Changing forms of labor conflict: secular development or strike waves?"

Box 70 Folder 10 Cronin, James. "Strikes and power in Britain, 1870-1920"

Box 70 Folder 11 Haimson, Leopold; Petrusha, Ronald. "Two strike waves in Imperial Russia, 1905-19071912-1914", 1905-1907

Box 70 Folder 12 Koenker, Diane; Rosenberg, William. "Strikes in revolution: Russia, 1917"

Box 70 Folder 13 Lagrange, Hughes. "Crisis and conflict"

(this manuscript wasn't included in the final version of the volume)

Box 70 Folder 14 Bordogna, Lorenzo; Cella, Gian Primo; Provasi, Giancarlo. "Labor conflicts in Italy before the rise of fascism, 1881-1923a quantitative analysis", 1881-1923

Box 70 Folder 15 Edwards, P.K. "Strikes and politics in the United States, 1900-1919"

Box 70 Folder 16 Montgomery, David. "Strikes of machinists in the United States, 1870-1922"

Box 71 Folder 1 Domansky, Elizabeth. "Rationalization of class struggle: strikes and strike strategy of the German Metal Workers' Union from 1891-1922"

Box 71 Folder 2 Hogan, Heather. "Scientific management and the changing nature of work in the St. Petersburg metalworking industry, 1900-1914"

Box 71 Folder 3 Tilly, Charles. "Introduction"

Box 71 Folder 4 Boll, Friedhelm. "Economic cycles and labor conflicts in Germany during the first quarter of the twentieth century"

Box 71 Folder 5 Cronin, James. "Crisis of state and society in Britain, 1917-1922"

Box 71 Folder 6 Lagrange, Hugues. "Strikes and the war"

Box 71 Folder 7 Koenker, Diane; Rosenberg, William. "Strikes in Russia, 1917 the impact of revolution", 1917

Box 71 Folder 8-10 Related to the publication material: corrections, research notes

Subseries IV.3: Research Material

Contains extensive data on strikes, elections, and censuses; raw data, coding books, methodology description, statistical analysis. See also: Series X: Research and reference materials--Subseries X.2: Drafts and research notes--Strikes: statistical section (boxes 127-128) and Subseries X.3: Materials from Soviet archives and libraries--Strikes, workers' movement, and labor statistics (boxes 142-147).

Box 72 Research materials

Box 73 Research materials

Box 74 Research materials

Box 75 Research materials

Box 76 Research materials

Box 77 Research materials

Box 78 Research materials

Box 79 Research materials

Box 80 Research materials

Box 81 Research materials

Box 82 Research materials

Box 83 Research materials

Box 84 Research materials