Letters and Diaries:
Box 137 Folder 9
Chelnikov, M.V. - D.N.Shipov correspondence, 1903
Kliuzhev, I.S. Dnevnik, 1911
Box 138 Folder 4
Krivoshein, A.V. Letter to V.N.Kokovtsev, 1911, (typed transcript)
Parties and State Duma's groups:
Box 138 Folder 5-9
Konstitutsionno-demokraticheskaia partiia (aka Partiia narodnoi svobody) i fraktsiia Narodnoi svobody. Minutes of meetings and reports, 1907-1915, (photocopies and transcripts of original documents)
Box 139 Folder 1-9
Konstitutsionno-demokraticheskaia partiia (cont.)
Box 140 Folder 1-3
Konstitutsionno-demokraticheskaia partiia (cont.)
Box 140 Folder 4-5
Soiuz 17 oktiabria (minutes of meetings, letters), 1909-1914
Bulletins of the 2nd and 3rd Congresses
(cataloged under the call numbers SEEC 2149 and SEEC 2157 and stored and stored along with SEEC holdings)
Box 140 Folder 6-9
Police and Gendarme departments: reports on various matter, 1913-1914
Box 141 Folder 1-6
Police and Gendarme departments: reports on various matter, 1913-1914 (cont.), 1913-1914
State Duma:
Box 141 Folder 7-8
3rd Duma: Various documents, 1908-1909
Box 141 Folder 9-10
4th Duma. Data on elected members, 1912
(organized in alphabetical order by regions)
Box 141 Folder 11-12
Stolypin, P. Dokladnye zapiski, (photocopy and transcript)
Box 142
Strikes, workers' movement, and labor statistics--Reports, statistics, letters, general, 1910th-1920s
Box 143
Strikes, workers' movement, and labor statistics--Reports, statistics, letters, general, 1910th-1920s
Box 144
Strikes, workers' movement, and labor statistics--Reports, statistics, letters, general, 1910th-1920s
Box 145
Strikes, workers' movement, and labor statistics--Reports, statistics, letters, general, 1910th-1920s
Box 146
Strikes, workers' movement, and labor statistics--Reports, statistics, letters, general, 1910th-1920s
Box 147
Strikes, workers' movement, and labor statistics--Reports, statistics, letters, general, 1910th-1920s
Box 147 Folder 7
Zemskie soveshchaniia, 1904-1905
Box 147 Folder 8
Tsentral'nyi Gosudarstvennyi Arkhiv Oktibr'skoi revoliutsii i sotsialisticheskogo stroitel'stva: putevoditel'. Moskva, 1946, (photocopy)
Box 147 Folder 9
Box 148 Folder 1
Fabrichno-zavodskiia predpriiatiia Rossiiskoi Imperii
, 1914
Box 148 Folder 2
French labor movement, 1963-1966, (reprints of articles)
Box 148 Folder 3
Iakovleva, K. Zabastovochnoe dvizhenie v Rossii za 1895-1917 gg. Moskva, 1920
Box 148 Folder 4
Kvakin, A. Rossiiskaia intelligentsia I "Pervaia volna" emigratsii: uchebno-metodicheskoe posobie dlia prepodavatelei istorii. Tver', 1994, (pamphlet)
Box 148 Folder 5
Metodicheskie rekomendatsii po sostavleniiu statistiki stachechnogo dvizheniia proletariata Rossii perioda kapitalizma. Moskva
, 1981, (pamphlet)
Box 148 Folder 6
Laverychev, V. "Moskovskie promyshlenniki i popytki sozdaniia chisto burzhuaznoi national-liberal'noi partii v 1907-1914 gg.", 1907-1914
Box 148 Folder 7
Pavlov, I. "Ocherk istorii revoliutsionnogo dvizheniia v Markovskoi volosti"
Box 148 Folder 8
Shakhovskoi, D. "Soiuz Osvobozhdeniia." Zarnitsy: Literaturno-politicheskii sbornik. Vypusk 2 (1909)
Box 148 Folder 9
Stolypin, Petr. "Mobilizatsiia reaktsii v 1906 g." Krasnyi arkhiv 32 (1906): 159-182, 1906
Box 148 Folder 9
Studentsov, Aleksandr. Saratovskoe krest'ianskoe vosstanie 1905 iz vospominanii raz'ezdnago agitatora. Penza, 1926
Box 148 Folder 10
Timofeev, P. Chem zhivet zavodskoi rabochii, S.-Peterburg: Russkoe bogatstvo, 1906