Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching Records, 1905-1979

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Series VII: Related Organizations, 1911-1980

Series contains files of two organizations related to CFAT: National Association of State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges (NASULGC) and International Examinations Enquiry Committee (IEEC). It is not clear how papers ended up in CFAT files, but the organizations were actively collaborating for many years.

Subseries VII.A: National Association of State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges, 1911-1980

The NASULGC is an organization of more than 200 public universities, land-grant colleges, and state university systems. Founded in 1887 as the Association of American Agricultural Colleges and Experiment Stations (AAACES), NASULGC is the oldest national association of institutions of higher education. It went through several name changes becoming the Association of Land-Grant Colleges (ALGC) in 1919; then the Association of Land-Grant Colleges and Universities (ALGCU) in 1926. In 1963 it merged with National Association of State Universities (NASU), started in 1896, and the State Universities Association (SUA), founded in 1930, to form the NASULGC. Prior to their merger, the three organizations had overlapping memberships and similar interests but were competitive with each other for many years. The Association of Land-Grant Colleges and Universities created a Washington, D.C., office in 1945, with Russell I. Thackrey as the full-time executive secretary, a position he held through the merger to 1969. The papers in this series cover the period of Thackrey's management, detailing the mergers and the work of various NASULGC committees, as well as some financial documentation and printed materials.

Sub-Subseries VII.A.1: Committees, 1911-1951

Materials cover work of various committees and subcommittees within AAACES- ALGC- NASULGC. The files are ordered alphabetically by committee name.

Box 189 Committee on Agricultural Policy, 1947-1948

Box 189 Committee on Extension Organization and Policy, 1937-1947

Box 190 Committee on Extension Organization and Policy, 1911-1951

Box 190 Committee on Institutional Organization and Policy, 1945

Box 190 Committee on Military Organization and Policy, 1942-1946

Box 190 Committee on National Defense, 1946-1948

Box 190 Committee on Radio, 1947-1948

Box 190 Committee on Veterans Affairs, 1944-1947

Box 191 Committee on Veterans Affairs, 1948

Box 191 Joint Committee on Cooperation with A.V.A., 1944-1948

Box 191 Joint Committee on Study of Cooperative Extension, 1947-1948

Box 191 Joint Committee on Training for Government Service, 1936-1949

Box 191 Joint Veterans Affairs Committee, 1946-1949

Box 192 Special Committee on Buildings, 1947-1948

Box 192 Special Committee on Short Curricula, 1947

Box 192 Subcommittee on Agricultural Coordination, 1947-1949

Box 192 Subcommittee on Training of Extension Personnel, 1947

Sub-Subseries VII.A.2: Subject Files, 1926-1980

Files contain historical documents, financial records, and printed materials, ordered alphabetically by subject.

Box 193 Funds to Transfer Information to NASULGC from SUA, 1966-1969

Box 193 Historical Documents, 1946-1962

Box 193 Investments, 1966-1969

Box 193 Miscellaneous Finance, 1941-1967

Box 193 Miscellaneous Finance-New York Charities Registration, 1954-1968

Box 193 Original ASULGC Office Records, 1940-1951

Box 194 Printed Materials, 1926-1956

Box 193 Taxation of Educational Institutions, 1948

Subseries VII.B: International Examinations Enquiry Committee (IEEC), 1929-1938

International Examinations Enquiry was an international scientific project, which operated in the 1930s and attracted key world figures in educational research, including major comparative educationalists, New Education Fellowship academics, statisticians and educational psychologists. Originally involving the USA, Scotland, England, France, Germany and Switzerland, it later grew to include Norway, Sweden and Finland. The Committee focused on examination methods for the growing population of secondary school students. The key issues included establishing standardized methods of measurement, international scholarly communication and comparative understandings of national diversity. The series contains subject files on various countries in alphabetical order.

Box 195 England, 1938

Box 195 France, 1936

Box 195 France, Germany, 1935-1938

Box 195 Miscellaneous, 1929-1935

Box 195 Scotland, 1938

Box 195 Sweden, Norway, Finland, Denmark, 1929-1937