This series contains material regarding Douglas Haskell's professional and personal relationship with Frank Lloyd Wright. The dates of the material span 1928-1966, with gaps, and include related material after FLW's death in 1959. This series contains select item level descriptions.
The folders in this series are arranged non-alphabetically by subject, and thereunder in reverse chronological order.
Box 84 Folder 1 Obituaries and postmortem news items, 1959-1960, 1962
This folder mainly contains obituaries of Frank Lloyd Wright, but also has other related material; Clippings, telegrams, memos, notes.
DH to Lans Holden. 26 May 1959; Memo. 2 pp. Re Architectural Record and Architectural Forum and which did a better job regarding publishing Frank Lloyd Wright.
Grotz, Paul, Architectural Forum to Mrs. Frank Lloyd Wright, Arizona. Undated; Carbon copy of telegram. 1 p. Gives FORUM's condolences re death of her husband.
Box 84 Folder 2 DH/FLW correspondence, 1928-1933, 1936, 1941, 1949-1953, 1956-1957, 1959.
This folder contains DH's personal correspondence with Frank Lloyd Wright. It also contains correspondence with Karl E. Jensen regarding the Taliesin Fellowship.
Wright, Frank Lloyd, Arizona, 15 August 1928 to DH, Lake Placid, NY. Telegram, 1 p. Re photographs he is sending to DH. Mentions Lewis Mumford; German monograph.
Wright, Frank Lloyd to DH, n.p., undated. A.l.s. 1 p. (recto and verso.) Re an article Mumford was supposed to do on Wright but handed over to DH. Wright is not happy with the new arrangement.
[Haskell, Douglas], Camp Treetops, Lake Placid, 19 Sept. 1928 to Mr. Wright. T.l. 1 p. Responds to Wright's letter (above) and explains why Wright should not have such a bad impression of the kind of article DH will write.
Wright, Frank Lloyd, Taliesin, 10 July 1929, to DH, Lake Placid. T.l.s. 1 p. Suggests DH revise an article. Mentions Lewis Mumford. Says the Architectural Record will publish a book of his work containing what he as written for them. Says Lawrence Kocher is coming and invites DH to join them.
Wright, Frank Lloyd, Taliesin, 26 July 1929, to DH, Lake Placid. T.l.s. 1 p. Invites DH to visit his office for a week. Hopes Kocher will come too. Mentions writing an article together with DH.
[Haskell, Douglas], The Architectural Record, NY, 26 Nov. 1929 to Frank Lloyd Wright, n.p. T.l. (carbon copy,) 2 pp. Mentions Mr. Kocher; Henry-Russell Hitchcock; Palmer Shannon. Is sending books under separate cover.
No author, "Chicago Fair Drops Wright: Dispute Follows Failure to Include Noted Architect on Committee," The New York Telegraph, 11 November 1930.
Wright, Frank Lloyd, Spring Green, WI, 21 April 1930, to DH, Architectural Record, NY. Telegraph. 1 p. Compliments DH on [his work?]
Wright, Frank Lloyd, Taliesin, 25 April 1930, to DH, The Architectural Record, NY. T.l.s. 2 pp. (1 p. folded.) With hand-written notes. Re the book they are working on.
Wright, Frank Lloyd, Taliesin, 31 Oct. 1930, to DH, Brooklyn, NY. T.l.s. 1 p. (1 p. folded.) Sending drawings to DH at once. Mentions if and how he will be included in World's Fair.
Wright, Frank Lloyd, Taliesin, 18 Nov. 1930, to DH, Brooklyn, NY. T.l.s. 1 p. (1 p. folded.) Drawings will be sent soon. Thanks DH for article in The Nation. Compliments DH on his writing and his ideas. Mentions [Mumford]; Carvey Wily; Charles Morgan; Cheney.
Wright, Frank Lloyd, Taliesin, 9 Jan. 1931, to DH, NYC. T.l.s. 1 p. (1 p. folded.) (With hand-written postscript.) Mentions Neutra; copper building; St. Mark's, [in the Bowery?]
[Wright], Frank [Lloyd], Spring Green, 8 April 1947, to DH, Fifth Ave. Hospital, NYC. Telegram, 1 p. Invites DH to come and recuperate at Taliesin, with Helen.
Wright, Frank Lloyd, Taliesin, 8 April 1931, to DH, Brooklyn, NY. T.l.s. 1 p.. (1 p. folded.) (Identical script as above telegram.) Hand-written note on top of page states: "copy of telegram."
Wright, Frank Lloyd, Taliesin, 23 Nov. 1931, to Whom It May Concern, n.p. T.l.s. 1 p. (1 p. folded.) Letter of introduction for DH.
Wright, Frank Lloyd, Taliesin, 11 Jan. n.y., to DH, NYC. T.l.s. 1 p. (1 p. folded.) Re the latest on the fellowship. Thanks DH for card and sentiment.
Wright, Frank Lloyd, Spring Green, 16 May 1934, to DH, NYC. A.l.s. 1 p. (1 p. folded with envelope.) Re FLW's trouble with gall bladder. Mentions Tree Tops.
Wright, Frank Lloyd, Taliesin, 7 Dec. 1936, to Howard Myers, The Architectural Forum, NY. T.l.s. 1 p. (photostat.) Accepts Myers offer for an article in FORUM.
Wright, Frank Lloyd, n.p., 20 March 1941, to DH, n.p. T.l.s. 1 p. (1 p. folded.) Re the destruction of the Robie House. Asks DH to protest.
Wright, Frank Lloyd, n.p., 31 March 1941, to DH, Lake Placid. T.l.s. 1 p. (1 p. folded.) Tells DH he hasn't heard from him in a long time.
Wright, Frank Lloyd, n.p., 15 June 1941, to FORUM, n.p. T.l.s. 1 p. (1 p. folded.) Thanks FORUM for the "proto Leaf to the Fellowship."
Wright, Frank Lloyd, n.p., 20 June 1950, to DH, The Architectural Forum, NYC. T.l.s. 1 p. (1 p. folded.) Tells DH he is arriving in NY June 28th
Wright, Frank Lloyd, n.p., 24 Oct. 1950, to DH, n.p. T.l.s. 1 p. (1 p. folded.) Mentions Johnson, Church at Madison, and four houses. Tells DH there are color shots of each. Asks where Ezra [Stoller?] is.
Wright, Frank Lloyd, n.p., 4 Oct. 1951, to DH, The Architectural Forum, NYC. T.l.s. 1 p. (1 p. folded.) "Let other churches flock together."No photos yet.
Haskell, Douglas, [NYC], 19 Sept. 1951, to Frank Lloyd Wright, Taliesin. T.l. (carbon copy.) 1 p. Re publishing the Madison Unitarian Church.
Wright, Frank Lloyd, n.p., 13 March 1952, to DH, n.p. T.l.s. 1 p. Re the [architectural press], modern architecture, and exploitation. Discusses publishing Taliesin.
Wright, Frank Lloyd, n.p., 5 August 1952, to DH, n.p. T.l.s. 1 p. Re obtaining FLW's permission to publish photos of houses for which he was the architect. Also mentions FORUM's article on the Unitarian Church regarding the same matter of photos.
Wright, Frank Lloyd, Salt Lake City, 29 April, to DH, NYC. Telegram. 1 p. Says FORUM's motives are similar to prostitute's.
Wright, Frank Lloyd, n.p., 12 June 1953, to DH, n.p. T.l.s. 1 p. Re mistakes made, tells DH to wait for facts. (With handwritten postscript.)
Wright, Frank Lloyd, n.p., 8 July 1953, to Perry [Prentice?], n.p. Photostat of letter. 5 pp. Discusses his work in respect to "International Style"; Wasmuth publication in 1910; Museum of Modern Art; modern achitecture; organic architecture; LeCorbusier; Gropius; Mies van der Rohe.
Wright, Frank Lloyd, n.p., 13 August 1955, to the FORUM, [NYC]. T.l.s. 1 p. Remonstrates FORUM for "inventing" words instead of using his own [in an article they did on Price Tower?]
Wright, Frank Lloyd, n.p., 20 March 1956, to Doug[las] [Haskell], n.p. T.l.s. 1 p. Nice of DH to help with the illustrated book.
Wright, Frank Lloyd, n.p., 7 May 1957, to Douglas Haskell, NYC. T.l.s. 1 p. [In?] Iraq, will see DH at the Plaza soon.
Wright, Frank Lloyd, n.p., 29 July 1959, to Doug[las] [Haskell], n.p. T.l.s. 1 p. Pleased to think of their old days together.
Wright, Frank Lloyd, n.p., 23 August 1957, to Doug[las] [Haskell], n.p. T.l.s. 1 p. They will soon be in New York, will see DH then.
Wright, Frank Lloyd, n.p., 25 March 1959, to Doug[las] [Haskell], n.p. T.l.s. 1 p. Re $100 contribution will install DH's name in the Society for American Architecture as a "prime mover." Mentions Robie House and Zeckendorf.
Taliesin-related correspondence:
Noland, [?], Brooklyn Daily Eagle, 2 April 1931, to K.E. Jensen, Taliesin. T.l.s. 1 p. Re lost Wright manuscript.
Jensen, K.E., Taliesin, 5 April 1931, to [Douglas] Haskell, n.p. T.l.s. 1 p. Re [lost] manuscript with corrections in Wright's original hand.
Jensen, Karl, Spring Green, 28 December 1932, to [Douglas] Haskell, NYC. T.l.s. 1 p. Re Leica equipment loaned to them by Willard Morgan. Mentions DH's New Republic article on the Fellowship.
Jensen, Karl, Taliesin, 20 April 1934, to [Douglas] Haskell, n.p. T.l.s. 1 p.. (1 p. folded.) Thanks DH for subscription. Looking forward to seeing DH and Helen. Mentions trouble with releasing photographs.
[Haskell, Douglas], n.p. 15 April 1934, to Frank Lloyd Wright, Taliesin. T.l. (carbon copy) Re photographs. Mentions his small house in the mountains; coming out to Taliesin; articles for The Nation.
Jensen, K.E., n.p., undated, to [Douglas] Haskell, n.p. A.l.s. 2 pp. (1 p. recto and verso) Thanks DH for greetings.
The Taliesin Fellowship an Extension of the Work at Taliesin to Include Seventy Apprentices." Undated. Copy of typed document explaining fellowship, approx. 17 x 17 inches. With application form and two copies of drawings of Taliesin buildings.
Box 84 Folder 3 "In the Cause of Architecture", 1928
This folder contains clippings of the article titled "In The Cause of Architecture" by Frank Lloyd Wright, which was published in The Architectural Record, 1928.
Box 84 Folder 4 Nature of Materials. Photographs—FLW 1928, [1928]
This folder contains various photographs, including examples of different kinds of materials.
"The Frank Lloyd Wright I Knew: an informal slide lecture by Edgar Tafel, Architect..." Undated. Flyer. 1 p. Re lecture.
2 clippings: 1 picture of FLW; 1 picture of FLW house.
16 B&W photographic prints, various sizes:
FLW and another man in front of (FLW house?); "Detail Prairie type, Chicago suburb"; People passing in front of building with the word "Energy" on it.; "Terraces, Mass of Mr. Innes Study, Seen beyond, Fifth Textile Block Construction"; "Living Room at Taliesin, lit from fireplace, Native stone, wood and plaster"; "Terrace, detail, Hollyhock House, Hollywood"; "Mould closed, finished block along side Arizona Biltmore"; "Marking blocks, Arizona Biltmore"; "La Miniatura" House of Mrs. George Madison Millard, Pasadena, California...Built in 1923."; Silhouette, Hollyhock House, Hollywood"; "Hollyhock House, Hollywood"; "Prairie type, Chicago suburb"; "Hollywood [Hollyhock House]"
Box 84 Folder 5 FORUM 1948, 1931, 1948, 1951
This folder contains a special issue of FORUM on Frank Lloyd Wright, and several other pamphlets.
The Architectural Forum: Frank Lloyd Wright, January 1948. Special issue devoted to FLW, 226 pp.
"Frank Lloyd Wright," Architectural Forum, January 1951. Reprint. pp. 75-[106]. Signed by Frank Lloyd Wright on cover.
"On the Occasion of Gimbel Brothers Preview of the Italian Exhibition at the Palazzo Strozzi Florence of the Life Work of the American Architect Frank Lloyd Wright." 5 January 1951, Philadelphia. Program. [7 pp.]
"Two Lectures on Architecture by Frank Lloyd Wright," The Art Institute of Chicago. Undated. Pamphlet. 63 pp. Chicago: Lakeside Press. With (2) telegrams inserted:
Beggs, George E., Princeton, 7 Feb. 1931, to Douglas Haskell, Brooklyn. Telegram. 1 p. Tells DH to phone re FLW.
Wright, Frank Lloyd, Spring Green, 6 Feb. 1931, to Douglas Haskell, Brooklyn. Telegram. 1 p. Re Prof. Beggs at Princeton will call. Mentions Thompson, Churchill, and others.
Box 84 Folder 6 Speeches, articles, reprints, by FLW, 1932, 1949, 1951, 1953, 1956, 1966
This folder mainly contains speeches and articles written by FLW.
The Prairie School Review, Volume III, no. 3, 1966. Periodical. Contains articles re Frank Lloyd Wright.
"Speech delivered by Frank Lloyd Wright to the AIA meeting October 24, 1956." Typed speech. 3 pp. Re Louis Sullivan's 100th anniversary. With attached memo giving background information, and other related material.
"Speech by Frank Lloyd Wright accepting the Gold Medal for Architecture, Presented at the Joint Ceremonial of the American Academy and the National Institute of Arts and Letters." May 27, 1953. Typed speech. 7 pp.
"To Meet the Great American Architect Frank Lloyd Wright." January 25, 1951, Philadelphia. Program. [10 pp.] Gimbel Brothers preview of the Italian exhibition at Palazzo Strozzi, Florence. Related material enclosed including "Description of the exhibition of the life work of Frank Lloyd Wright at Gimbel Brothers," 5 pp. Guest list for dinner also included.
"The Sovereignty of the Individual, In the Cause of Architecture, Frank Lloyd Wright: preface to Ausgeführte Bauten und Entwurfe, published by Wasmuth Berlin 1910, reprinted as introduction to exhibition Palazzo Strozzi, Florence, Italy 1951." Inscribed on cover-"To Douglas-FLWright- May10/51" Reprint. 19 pp.
"Frank Lloyd Wright, address upon receiving Gold Medal, The American Institute of Architects, Rice Hotel, Houston, Texas, March 17, 1949." Speech. 6 pp. With 2 carbon copies of speech also enclosed.
T-Square, Volume 2, no.2, February 1932. Periodical. Contains article titled "For All May Raise the Flowers Now For All Have Got the Seed," by Frank Lloyd Wright.
"Frank Lloyd Wright on "The Song of Steel and Steam," The Brickbuilder, May 1900." Typed copy of poem. 1 p. With 3 other copies enclosed.
Box 84 Folder 7 1949-1953, 1949-53
This folder mainly contains carbon copies of correspondence from DH to FLW, and FORUM memos regarding FLW. Most of the material concerns articles to be published in FORUM about FLW. There is also correspondence with Oscar Stonorov and others.
Box 84 Folder 8 Madison, Wisconsin, 1953, 1955, 1957
This folder mainly contains wires from a stringer in Madison, regarding the latest news on FLW. Topics include civic center; secret dossier on FLW; Air Force Academy. Also included:
Wright, Richard L., Washington, D.C., 13 May 1957, to Douglas Haskell, NYC. T.l.s. 1 p. Re trying to identify dossier of derogatory material on his father, FLW. American Legion threatened to reveal secret material if FLW were awarded the contract for Air Force Academy.
Box 84 Folder 9 1931, 1953, 1955-1962, 1972, 1931, 1953, 1955-1962, 1972
This folder mainly contains correspondence to various people regarding FLW. Topics include Wright's Marin County Civic Center; Wright church at Redding; Guggenheim; Imperial Hotel; Bradley House; Taliesin; special magazine issues on FLW; FLW's family; proposed state capitol for Arizona; Greek church; Christian Science Church in Marin County; FORUM article on Price Tower; and others.
Box 85 Folder 1 Century of Progress International Exposition, 1933-1934, 1930-1931, 1933
This folder contains material regarding DH's efforts to get FLW into the 1933 World's Fair [A Century of Progress International Exposition].
[Haskell, Douglas], Brooklyn, 24 Oct. 1930, to Frank Lloyd Wright, n.p. T.l. (carbon copy) 2 pp. Re copper building in Chicago. Inquires if FLW has been invited to Fair. Preparing article and working on a book.
[Haskell], Douglas, n.p., 20 Nov. 1930, to Frank [Lloyd] Wright, n.p. T.l.s. (carbon copy) 1 p. Re a meeting at the "League" inviting criticism; also mentions Mumford, Corbett, Walker, Churchill.
Haskell, Douglas, Brooklyn, 24 Nov. 1930, to Ralph T. Walker, Chicago. T.l.s. (carbon copy) 1 p. Re FLW being excluded from World's Fair. Will challenge Corbett in The Nation.
Churchill, Henry, NYC, 12 Nov. 1930, to Douglas Haskell, Brooklyn. T.l.s. 1 p. Re omission of FLW in Fair.
[Haskell, Douglas], Brooklyn, 12 Nov. 1930, to Mr. Hale, n.p. T.l. (carbon copy) 1 p. DH mentions his article ["Shells"]. Discusses bringing pressure for FLW's inclusion in the Fair.
Wright, Frank Lloyd, Taliesin, 2 Feb. 1931, to Douglas Haskell, NYC. T.l.s. 1 p. Mentions [Mumford] and Fair. Will bring equipment and lecture on "Twentieth Century Architecture." Mentions Thompson and Churchill.
Krumb[?], Amsterdam, 17 April, to Douglas Haskell, n.p. A.l.s. 1 p. Re publication announcing FLW's exhibition in Europe.
Box 85 Folder 2 Guggenheim Museum, NYC, 1953, 1956, 1959
This folder contains clippings and memos regarding the Guggenheim Museum. The clippings include an article from 1953 stating that "Mr. Wright's plan calls for a building which looks like a particularly horrible Hollywood avacadoburger stand." Titles of other clippings include: "Guggenheim Museum by Frank Lloyd Wright Is Begun"; "Art Experts Laud Wright's Design"; "New Art Museum Opens on 5th Ave.: Building Designed by Wright for Guggenheim Continues to Evoke Controversy"; and others. Other related material includes a letter from Percival Goodman, School of Architecture, Columbia University, to James Johnson Sweeney, Director, the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, re support for Wright's design.
Box 85 Folder 3 Price Tower, Bartlesville, Okla., 1953-1954
This folder contains material regarding the Price Tower in Bartlesville, Oklahoma. There are cablegrams from a stringer in Tulsa, Oklahoma, keeping FORUM abreast of any new developments regarding the building. There is also correspondence with the Price Company.
Box 85 Folder 4 Printed material from or by Frank Lloyd Wright, 1949, 1951, 1953, 1957
Clippings, newsletter, reprint, news release.
The Museum of Modern Art, 19 June 1953. News release, 2 pp. Re a published statement by FLW in which he denounces the International Style and accuses the Museum of Modern Art of betraying American Organic Architecture.
No author, "A Butterfly-Wing Bridge for San Francisco Bay," Architectural Record, July 1949. Reprint, [3 pp.] Frank Lloyd Wright, architect.
"On An Architecture For Democracy 1951: the forward from the book `When Democracy Builds' is here printed as Taliesin Square Paper number fifteen on the occasion of the opening of the Italian exhibition: a preview in Philadelphia at Gimbel Brothers Gallery, January 25, 1951."
Flyer[?] Above, are the opening remarks on a single piece of paper measuring 17 x 17 inches. The paper is folded and titled "A Taliesin Square-Paper: a non political voice from our democratic minority, a free fearless enlightened minority is the conscience of a democratic nation. When this is stifled, democracy is gone from the life of the nation." The end of the document it reads: "Frank Lloyd Wright, Taliesin West, January 1951."
1 newsletter; 4 clippings; 1 letter from Bruce Elliot to Douglas Haskell.
Box 85 Folder 5 to 7 Robie House campaign and Robie interview, 1962-64
This folder contains material regarding the campaign to restore and preserve Frank Lloyd Wright's Robie House in Chicago. Douglas Haskell was a member of the Robie House Committee and there is material in the folder relating to his activities in this group. Other related material includes information concerning the tape of Fred Robie, Sr. being interviewed by his son, Fred Robie, Jr. about the Robie House. Douglas Haskell circulated the tape to various architecture schools in the United States, and also to various individuals.
Box 85 Folder 9 Taliesin Fellowship, 1933, Undated
This folder contains 3 pamphlets on the Taliesin Fellowship.
"Taliesin, nine times a year, Frank Lloyd Wright editor, The Taliesin-Fellowship sole contributor and factor, no copyright, advertising." Undated. Pamphlet, 27 pp.
"The Taliesin Fellowship." 1933[?]; Pamphlet, [14 pp.]
"The Taliesin Fellowship." 1933; Pamphlet, [10 pp.]