Paul Jarrico papers, 1914-2014

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Series II: House Committee on Un-American Activities, 1944-1956

This series contains material relating to Jarrico's appearance before the House Committee on Un-American Activities, who suspected him of holding communist views. It also contains documents relating to a subsequent legal case against RKO (under the leadership of Howard Hughes), who removed Jarrico's credits from the film The Las Vegas Story. This lawsuit was unsuccessful, both at trial and on appeal. This series comprises both legal documents and ephemera. The legal documents were largely produced by Jarrico's lawyer, Edward Mosk, but also include Jarrico's subpoena to Washington DC, material produced by RKO's legal team, and records from the House Committee on Un-American Activities. Ephemera include clippings and scrapbook pages about the subpoena, Jarrico's non-compliance, and the court case against RKO. This series also contains Jarrico's notes relating to these legal battles. Jarrico's subsequent activism in relation to the Blacklist can be found in Series III. Some material relating to the Screen Writers Guild's response to the RKO trial can be found in Subseries IV.1. Correspondence from this period can be found in Series VI.

Box 29 Folder 1 RKO v. Jarrico (briefs), 1954-1955

The District Court of Appeal, Second Appellate District, State of California, case 19953 (appellant's opening and closing briefs, respondent's brief, petition for rehearing); Supreme Court of the State of California, case 19953 (petition for hearing); Supreme Court of the United States, case 678 (answer to petition for writ of certiorari). By Jarrico's lawyer Edward Mosk.

Box 29 Folder 2-3 RKO v. Jarrico (transcripts), 1952, 2 folders

The Superior Court of the State of California in and for the County of Los Angeles, case 597.008. In two volumes.

Box 30 Folder 1 Hughes v. Jarrico (trades), 1952

Clippings about the trial (mostly Variety and Rolling Stone).

Box 30 Folder 2 Hughes case, 1952

Notes, correspondence, Screen Writers' Guild reports and bulletin, draft legal documents.

Box 30 Folder 3 Hughes v. Jarrico (briefs), 1954

Supreme Court of the United States (petition for writ of certeriori); Supreme Court of the State of California (petition for hearing), case 19953; District Court of Appeal, Second Appellate District, State of California (appellant's closing brief). By Jarrico's lawyer Edward Mosk.

Box 30 Folder 4 Hughes v. Jarrico (miscellaneous notes), 1952

Folder annotated: "Also SWG role and Thurman Arnold Brief." Clippings, excerpts from briefs, SWG notices, draft of a speech, letters to Guild members, notes, draft statements.

Box 74 Folder 6 Hughes v. Jarrico (clippings), 1952, 1955

Includes clippings about the case, its outcomes, and its appeals. Clippings are glued to individual pieces of paper; however, the glue has deteriorated and many clippings are coming loose.

Box 75 Folder 1-3 Investigation of Un-American Propaganda Activities in the United States, 1944, 3 folders

By the Special Committee on Un-American Activities. Appendix, Part IX, Volumes 1-3.

Box 77 Folder 2 1951 hearings (clippings and notes, summer), 1951

Clippings from US and international newspapers (German, French), and notes (including lists of supposed communists implicated in the hearings). Also includes correspondence and administrative documents for the planning of protests.

Box 77 Folder 3 Washington subpoena (miscellaneous), 1951

Administrative documents relating to reimbursements for Jarrico's subpoena. Includes the original subpoena. Includes material relating to political activism around the subpoena, including notes, correspondence, speeches, and publicity documents. Includes material relating to the National Council of Arts, Sciences, and Professions and its political activism agains the Committee. Folder is annotated.

Box 77 Folder 4 Washington subpoena (publicity), 1951

Newspaper clippings related to the supboena and Jarrico's testimony.

Box 77 Folder 4 Washington supboena (speeches), 1948, 1951, 1956

Copies of speeches about the Committee from Jarrico and others.

Flat Box 83 Folder 1 Scrapbook pages, 1951

Box 89 Folder 1-4 "Nothing But the Truth -- So Help Me -", 1950-1951, 1955, undated

A "dossier" or "exposé" compiled on the House Committee of Un-American Activities and its "collaborators" (compliant witnesses). Created to document the Committee's civil rights abuses in order to prove "that the committee's task is to create the atmosphere for Fascism." Includes: draft tables of contents, an annotated preface, handwritten notes, the voting records of committee members, an AFTRA referendum calling for the censoring of non-compliant witnesses, and typed excerpts from committee transcripts (annotated, organized by testifying witness and/or by subject). Transcript subjects include: "Attitude towards the constitution," "Attitude towards freedom of thought," "Thought control," "On crime," "On opinion," "On the committee," "Invasion of privacy," "On being a dupe," "On waking up," "Intimidation," "On Kremlin control," "On guilds and unions," "Blacklist," "On minorities," "On war and peace," "On force and violence," "On freedom of thought," "On freedom of assembly," "On freedom of speech," "On right of petition," "On dues," "On the Communist Party," "On fear," "On informers," "On politics," "On being an American," and other variations on these titles. Includes some testimony from Jarrico.