This series contains primarily personal and professional photographs of Powell, her family, and places of residence in both New York and Ohio. Many photographs were identified by Tim Page in the course of his research work, but the series also contains many unidentified snapshots.
Box 85 Folder 1
Ault, Miller, Sherman Reunion at Ault's Farm, 1908 or 1909
Portrait photograph of several families at the Ault family farm. Includes Dawn Powell.
Box 57 Folder 1
Chapman Family, undated
From John Chapman, Royal Oak, Michigan.
Box 57 Folder 2
Margaret De Silver, undated
Box 57 Folder 3
Coburn Gilman--Photograph, circa 1934-1937, 8x10"
Box 57 Folder 4
Joseph R. Gousha, 1910s
Box 57 Folder 5
Joseph R. Gousha, 1950s
Box 57 Folder 6-10
"Photographs--Mainly Joe [Gousha]", 1910s-1940s
File probably created by Tim Page.
Box 57 Folder 11
Joseph R. Gousha?, 1950s
Box 57 Folder 12
Joseph R. Gousha, Jr., 1921
Box 57 Folder 13-16
Joseph R. Gousha, Jr., 1921-1950s
Includes photographs of him alone, and with his parents.
Box 57 Folder 17
Joseph R. Gousha, Jr.?, circa 1930s
These two photographs were originally framed in a single frame. They are unidentified.
Box 57 Folder 18
Hannah Green and John Wesley, 1990s
Box 57 Folder 19
John Howard Lawson, circa 1927
Box 57 Folder 20
"I'm Looking for a Lady", circa 1918
Photograph of Powell, E. Southward, and Ida Durham in the musical "I'm Looking for a Lady" by Charlotte Johnson and Dawn Powell.
Box 57 Folder 21
Mabel Powell Pocock, 1897 or 1898
Box 57 Folder 22
Hattie Sherman Powell--Portrait Photograph, circa 1890s
Box 57 Folder 23
Hattie Sherman Powell and her daughters Mabel, Phyllis, and Dawn Powell, circa 1901
Original, plus enlarged copy of only the persons in the photograph (used in Tim Page's biography).
Box 57 Folder 24
Roy King Powell and Sabra Powell, 1910s or 1920s
Box 57 Folder 25
Dawn Powell--Portrait Photograph, 1897 or 1898
Box 57 Folder 26
Dawn Powell--Portrait Photograph, 1890s
Box 57 Folder 27
Dawn Powell--Portrait Photograph of Dawn, Mabel, and Phyllis Powell, circa 1903
This is the original, which is damaged. There is a copy in the file of portait photographs used by Tim Page.
Box 57 Folder 28
Dawn Powell--Snapshot Photograph of Dawn, Mabel, and Phyllis Powell, 1948
Box 85 Folder 2
Dawn Powell--Portrait Photograph, 1913
Powell's high school portrait, as part of a hanging calendar for Christmas gift. Piece is fragile but photograph is intact.
Box 57 Folder 29
Dawn Powell--Portrait Photograph, 1918
Portrait photograph, perhaps a senior portrait for Lake Erie College.
Box 57 Folder 30-31
Dawn Powell--Portrait Photographs, 1920s
Box 57 Folder 32
Dawn Powell--Portrait Photographs, circa 1930
Box 57 Folder 33
Dawn Powell--Portrait Photograph, 1950s or 1960s
Portrait photograph, with negative.
Box 57 Folder 34
Dawn Powell--Portrait Photograph, 1950s or 1960s
Photographed by B.B. Adler.
Box 57 Folder 35
Dawn Powell--Portrait Photographs used by Tim Page, circa 1903, 1920-1930
The 1903 photograph is a copy of a photograph of Powell and her sisters. There are other copies of the others in the portrait photographs in the collection.
Box 57 Folder 36
Dawn Powell and other children, 1900s
This is a group photograph of Dawn and five other girls. Two are her sisters, the others may be cousins.
Box 57 Folder 37
Dawn Powell, 1910s
Box 58 Folder 1
Dawn Powell, circa 1940s
Box 58 Folder 2-3
Dawn Powell, circa 1950s
Box 58 Folder 4
Dawn Powell, circa 1960s
Box 58 Folder 5
Dawn Powell--New York World's Fair Souvenir Photograph, 1939
Box 58 Folder 6
Dawn Powell--Final Photograph, 1965 September
Box 58 Folder 7-10
Dawn Powell--"Informal", circa 1903-1950s
File probably created by Tim Page. Titled as "Powell - Informal" with a note that these had been id'd.
Box 58 Folder 11
Dawn Powell--Lake Erie College Honorary Degree, 1960
Box 58 Folder 12
Dawn Powell--Marjorie Peabody Waite Award, 1964
Powell receiving the award from Malcolm Cowley, President of the National Institute of Arts and Letters. Photograph has some damage.
Box 58 Folder 13-18
Photographs from Scrapbooks, 1920s
Photographs are primarily of Powell, Joseph Gousha, and their son Joseph Gousha, Jr. Photographs are still glued to the unbound black scrapbook pages; the paper is quite brittle.
Box 60 Folder 1-7
"Recent Photos", circa 1920s-1950s
File probably created by Tim Page. Includes note from Steerforth Press on returning photographs of Powell to Page. These are primarily of Powell and other family members including her sisters, cousins, and aunt. Many photographs are identified.
Box 58 Folder 19
Dawn Powell--Photograph in Homemade Frame, 1950s
Image is actually a clipping of Powell. Frame is made to look as if Powell is looking out a window.
Box 58 Folder 20
Dawn Powell--Residences in Mt. Gilead, Mansfield, Shelby, undated
Although residences were from her childhood, at least one was taken around 1940 and includes Powell in the photograph.
Box 58 Folder 21
Dawn Powell--Souvenir Photographs, 1940s
Souvenir photographs of Dawn Powell and Joseph Gousha from Billy Rose's Diamond Horseshow at the Paramont Hotel, Sammy's Bowery Follies, and one unidentified establishment. Include souvenir enclosures. Ones of these is a matchbook.
Box 86
Dawn Powell and Family--Photographs, 1920s-1979
Includes photographs of Dawn Powell, Joseph and Jojo Gousha. Includes 1979 photographs of Jojo Gousha and Leontine Gousha Vavrous.
Accession# 2023-2024-M112
Box 59 Folder 1-6
Dawn Powell and Family--Photographs, 1935-1947, undated
These are snapshot photographs. Some are dated, but most are unidentified. It is possible that not all the snapshots are of family members.
Box 59 Folder 7
Dawn Powell and Family--Negatives, undated
These were found together with the snapshot photographs.
Box 58 Folder 22-27
Dawn Powell and Others, 1910s
Several photos of Powell and others. Photographs are primarily of Powell and others of similar age. There are photographs at the beach, on a farm, with horses, and a few where the subjects are outside in costumes. Two items, including a group photograph of girls, identify the individuals in the photograph.
Box 58 Folder 28
Dawn Powell, James Putnam, and John La Touche, Probably 1954-1964
Note on photo indicates that this was from a television program of John Hewlett's.
Box 59 Folder 8
Jacqueline Miller Rice and Hiliary Dawn Rice, circa 1965
Box 59 Folder 9
John Sherman, Orpha May Sherman Steinbrueck and her home in Shelby, Ohio, 1930s-1950s
Box 59 Folder 10-18
Snapshots of Mt. Sinai, 1930s-1950s
Envelope label reads "Snapshots of Mt. Sinai - Bill and Harry, Bobby and Jojo, Mabel and Phyllis, etc., Effie and Charles, Auntie May." Includes photographs of Dawn and Joseph Gousha.
Box 58 Folder 29
View from Powell's Writing Room at 35 East 9th Street (Roof Level), undated
Includes photographs and one negative.
Box 59 Folder 19
Miscellaneous Identified Photographs, 1940s, 1964
Two items. Persons are identified, but significance is unknown: perhaps friends or family.
Box 60 Folder 8
Photographs used in Dawn Powell Biography
This file includes several photographs used in Tim Page's biography of Powell. Most are copies of photographs of persons associated with Powell - Hemmingway, Dorothy Parker, etc. Some photographs are originals of family members and other personal friends.
Box 60 Folder 9-15
Photographs and Negatives, 1890s-1990s
This appears to be a working file of Tim Page's. The photographs are primarily of Powell and her family. Many of the photographs are copies of originals, and several appeared in his biography of Powell. However, there are a few original photographs in the file. There are also some negatives, which may be originals or copies. Page also took his own photographs of people and places related to Powell, which may date from the 1990s. Many are identified by Tim Page. Includes photographs of Powell and her immediate family, and her cousin John Sherman.
Box 60 Folder 16-21
"Identified Photographs - Mainly Not Dawn Powell", 1890s-1960s
This appears to be a working file of Tim Page's. The photographs are primarily of Powell, Joseph Gousha, Joseph Gousha, Jr., and their extended family members. Includes the original copy of the early photograph of Roy Powell used in the Powell biography.
Box 61 Folder 1-2
"Identifications Needed", 1910s-1950s
Various photographs, unable to be identified by Tim Page.
Box 60 Folder 22-28
"Information Needed", 1900s-1950s
Various photographs, unable to be identified by Tim Page. Most of these do not include Powell. A few include some indentification, but most do not.
Box 61 Folder 3
Unidentified Photographs (Joseph Gousha?), 1910s
These include photographs of a young man, and groups of young men.
Box 61 Folder 4
Unidentified Photographs, circa 1890s-1950s, 3 items
Box 61 Folder 5-11
Unidentified Snapshots, 1910s-1960s
Various snapshots of people and places. Some of these may be of family members.
Box 61 Folder 12-13
Unidentified Snapshots from Scrapbooks, 1910s-1920s
Various snapshots of people and places. Some of these may be of family members.
Box 61 Folder 14
Negatives, various, undated
Box 24
Miscellaneous photographs