Box 37 Folder 094
typed 3 p; quotes, C. Ayres.
Box 37 Folder 095
hol 2 p; quotes, A. Bain.
Box 37 Folder 095
hol 5 p; quotes and abstracts, J. Baldwin (see A95, A101)
Box 37 Folder 01
typed 29 p; quotes, J. Batchelor.
Box 37 Folder 02
typed 4 p; quotes, H. Bates.
Box 37 Folder 03(1 2)
typed 132 p; quotes and reference, Boas
Box 37 Folder 04
typed 23 p; quotes, W. Bogoras.
Box 37 Folder 05
typed 14 p; quotes, Brinton.
Box 37 Folder 06
typed 1 p; table: British Association for Advancement of Science; metrical equivalencies in inches
Box 37 Folder 096
typed 2 p; quotes by H. Brown.
Box 37 Folder 07
hol 7 p; quotes and abstracts, K. Bucher.
Box 37 Folder 0141
typed 1 p; quote, H. Bumstead.
Box 37 Folder 097
typed 1 p; quotes, W. Bush.
Box 37 Folder 08
typed 10 p; quotes, L Carr.
Box 37 Folder 09
typed 15 p; quotes, A Chamberlain.
Box 37 Folder 098
typed 11 p; quotes, J.M. Clark.
Box 37 Folder 099
typed 7 p; quotes, M. Cohen.
Box 37 Folder 010
typed 25 p; quotes, Curr.
Box 37 Folder 011
typed 1 p; quote, J. Curtin.
Box 37 Folder 012
typed 41 p; quotes, Cushing.
Box 37 Folder 013
typed 5 p; quotes, C. Darwin.
Box 37 Folder 0100
typed 2 p; quotes, 2 p; J. Dashiell.
Box 37 Folder 014
typed 1 p; quote, G. Dawson.
Box 37 Folder 0140
typed 3 p; quotes by Dewey.
Box 37 Folder 0101
hol & typed 21 p; quotes and abstracts, J. Dewey.
Box 37 Folder 0102
hol 3 p; quotes, Dewey and Tufts.
Box 37 Folder 0103
printed 1 p; review of X. Dickinson's Economic Motives, by S. Chase.
Box 37 Folder 015
typed 17 p; quotes, Dorsey.
Box 37 Folder 016
typed 1 p; quote, E. Dutcher.
Box 37 Folder 017
hol 3 p; quotes and abstract, H. Ellis.
Box 37 Folder 013
hol 2 p; quote, J. Fewkes.
Box 37 Folder 0104
hol 3 p; quotes, W Fite.
Box 37 Folder 0105
printed 1 p; L. Fraina: "Socialism and Psychology".
Box 37 Folder 019
typed 2 p; quote, Galton.
Box 37 Folder 020
typed 19 p; quotes, Gatschet.
Box 37 Folder 021
typed 67 p; quotes, G. Grinnell.
Box 37 Folder 022
typed 16 p; quotes, E. Grosse.
Box 37 Folder 0106
hol 4 p; abstract, A.T. Hadley.
Box 37 Folder 023
hol & typed 9 p; quotes, E. Hahn
Box 37 Folder 024
typed 12 p; quotes, Hale.
Box 37 Folder 0107
typed 15 p; quotes, B. Hart.
Box 37 Folder 025
typed 11 p; quotes, L. Hobhouse.
Box 37 Folder 026
typed 4 p; quotes, Hodge.
Box 37 Folder 0108
hol 14 p; abstract, H. Hoffding.
Box 37 Folder 027
typed 13 p; quotes, W. Holmes.
Box 37 Folder 0110
hol 15 p; abstracts and quotes, W. James (see 0101).
Box 37 Folder 091
hol 1 p; abstract, A. Jenks.
Box 37 Folder 0111
hol 1 p; quote, A. Johnson
Box 37 Folder 0112
typed 3 p; quotes, H. Kali en.
Box 37 Folder 029
typed 7 p; quotes, Kroeber.
Box 37 Folder 0113
hol 15 p; abstract, O. Kulpe (and bibliography on classification of feelings)
Box 37 Folder 030
typed 7 p; quotes, J. Letherman.
Box 37 Folder 031
typed 14 p; quotes, Letourneau.
Box 37 Folder 0114
carbon 1 p; [incomplete]; quote, S. Lewisohn.
Box 37 Folder 0115
typed 1 p; quote, W. Lippman.
Box 37 Folder 032
typed 20 p; quotes, C. Lummis.
Box 37 Folder 0116
typed 1 p; quote, H. Marot.
Box 37 Folder 0149
hol 19 p; abstracts, H. Marshall (see 0153).
Box 37 Folder 033
typed 5 p; quotes, 0. Mason
Box 37 Folder 034
hol and typed 45 p; quotes, W. Mathews.
Box 37 Folder 036
typed 65 p; quotes, W. McGee.
Box 37 Folder 0117
hol 11 p; abstract, C. Mercier.
Box 37 Folder 035
typed 13 p; quotes, J. Mooney.
Box 37 Folder 0118
typed 3 p; quotes, J. Moore
Box 37 Folder 0119
hol 11 p; quotes, C. Morgan (see 0149).
Box 37 Folder 040
typed 1 p; [incomplete]; quotes, Neeboer.
Box 37 Folder 037
typed 11 p; quotes, E. Nelson
Box 37 Folder 038
typed 14 p; quotes, Niblach.
Box 37 Folder 039
typed 2 p; quotes, Nicholas.
Box 37 Folder 041
typed 33 p; quotes, E. Payne.
Box 37 Folder 0120
typed 7 p; quotes, R. Perry.
Box 37 Folder 042
typed 3 p; quotes, Report of the Philippine Commission (1901).
Box 37 Folder 0121
typed 1 p; abstract, L. Pohle.
Box 37 Folder 0122
hol 1 p; reference, R. Pound
Box 37 Folder 043
typed 14 p; quotes, J. Powell
Box 37 Folder 044
typed 1 p; quote and drawing, Putnam
Box 37 Folder 0123
hol 1 p; abstract, H. Rashdall.
Box 37 Folder 0124
typed & printed; quotes by and clipping on J.H. Robinson
Box 37 Folder 0124
hol 2 p; quotes, J. Romanes (see O149).
Box 37 Folder 0125
hol 6 p; quotes, E. Ross.
Box 37 Folder 093
hol 3 p; references and abstracts, G. Schmoller.
Box 37 Folder 0126
typed 2 p; quotes, H. Schneider
Box 37 Folder 0127
typed 3 p; quotes, IV. Sheldon.
Box 37 Folder 0128
typed 1 p; quote, J. Shotwell.
Box 37 Folder 0129
typed 2 p; quote, E. Southard
Box 37 Folder 045
typed 42 p; quotes, Spencer and Gillan.
Box 37 Folder 0130
hol 31 p; abstracts, H. Stanley (see 0151 0153)., 0151
Box 37 Folder 046
typed 7 p; quotes, A. Stephen
Box 37 Folder 0131
hol 9 p; abstract, G. Stout
Box 37 Folder 047
typed 30 p; quotes, A Sutherland.
Box 37 Folder 0132
typed 16 p; quotes, F Taussig.
Box 37 Folder 0133
typed 2 p; quotes, G. Tawney.
Box 37 Folder 048
typed 2 p; quotes, J. Teit
Box 37 Folder 048
hol 7 p; abstract, Thomas (see 07).
Box 37 Folder 0134
hol 6 p; quotes, J. Tiburtius.
Box 37 Folder 0135
hol 6 p; quotes and abstract, E Titchener.
Box 37 Folder 0136
hol 1 p; abstract, T. Veblen.
Box 37 Folder 049
typed 1 p; quote, Vincent.
Box 37 Folder 0137
typed 3 p; quotes, A. Whitney.
Box 37 Folder 050
typed 60 p; quotes, Williams & Calvert.
Box 37 Folder 051
typed 1 p; quote, C. Willoughby.
Box 37 Folder 0138
hol 12 p; quotes and abstract, W. Wundt (see 0151).
Box 37 Folder 0139
typed 1 p; quote, R. Yerkes.
Box 37 Folder 0152
hol 31 p; abstracts of W. Johnson, J. Sully, Mason, A. Bain, H. Stanley, H. Marshall.
Box 37 Folder 0150
hol 15 p; abstracts of S. Mezes, C. Strong, H. Marshall., H. Nichols.
Box 37 Folder 0151
hol 14 p; abstracts and quotes by H.Stanley, W. Wundt, A. Horwig.
Box 37 Folder 055
hol 2 p; bibliography on property - destruction at death, communistic.
Box 37 Folder 0144
hol 1 p; bibliography on hedonism.