Wesley Clair Mitchell papers, 1898-1953

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Series VIII: [O] Anthropology and Psychology

2 Boxes: Boxes 36 and 37

Box 36 1914 Feb & Mar; hol 17 p; J. Dewey on social psychology; notes from manuscript of Dewey lectures., 1914

Box 36 1914 Mar 19; hol 1 p; talk on J. Dewey., 1914

Box 36 Folder O142 [n.d.]; hol 1 p; dictionary of definitions hedonism.

Box 36 Folder O52 [before 1913]; hol & typed 24 p; E0; Bering Straits Eskimo; quotes by Nelson and Boas

Box 36 Folder O53 [before 1913]; hol & typed 18 p; E0; weapons and food; quotes by Curr, Grinnell, Spencer and Gillen.

Box 36 Folder O54 [before 1913]; hol 2 p; E0; Pueblo Indians.

Box 36 Folder O56 [before 1913]; hol 5 p; E0; metaphysical implications of savage intelligence, origin of animism.

Box 36 Folder O57 [before 1913]; hol 11 p; E0; domestication of animals.

Box 37 Folder O62 [before 1913]; typed 2 p; Indians of North Pacific coast

Box 37 Folder O60 [before 1913]; hol & typed 25 p; 5X3; economic life of Australian aborigines; quotes by Kroeber.

Box 37 Folder O63 [before 1913]; hol & typed 46 p; E0; hunting; quotes by Cushing, Nelson, Boas, Grinnell.

Box 37 Folder O64 before 1913 hol 44 p; E0; manufacturing origins., 1913

Box 37 Folder O65 before 1913 hol 26 p; E0; beginnings of agriculture., 1913

Box 37 Folder O66 before 1913 hol 50 p; E0; evaluation of agriculture; quotes by Dorsey, Batchelor., 1913

Box 37 Folder O67 [before 1913]; hol 1 p; Fijians.

Box 37 Folder O68 [before 1913]; hol 1 p; other lower hunters besides Australians.

Box 37 Folder O69 [before 1913]; hol 33 p; E0; exchange; quotes by Nelson, E. Man, H. Roth, Thurn, R. Smyth, C. Codrington, O. Mason [?]

Box 37 Folder O70 [before 1913" hol 9 p; E0; interlocutory lecture.

Box 37 Folder O71 [before 1913" hol 5 p; E0; introductory lecture.

Box 37 Folder O72 [before 1913' hol 5 p; E0; introductory lecture.

Box 37 Folder O73 [before, 1913 hol 2 p; E0; summary lecture., 1913

Box 37 Folder O74 [before 1913" hol 1 p; E0; summary lecture.

Box 37 Folder O75 [before 1313' hol 3 p; E0; summary lecture - general aspects of economic development in earlier stages.

Box 37 Folder O76 [before 1913]; hol 6 p; summary lecture - ethnology

Box 37 Folder O77 [before 1913]; hol 4 p; summary lecture.

Box 37 Folder O78 [before 1913]; hol 2 p; E0; outline of ethnological material

Box 37 Folder O79 [before 1913]; hol 1 p; E0; political institutions

Box 37 Folder O80 [before 1913]; hol 1 p; EO; ethnology and antiquity

Box 37 Folder O81 [before 1913]; hol 2 p; E0; habits of work

Box 37 Folder O83 [before 1913]; hol 3 p; E0; beginnings of ownership.

Box 37 Folder O82 [before 1913]; hol & typed 56 p; E0; organization of labor; quotes by J. Bonnick, W. Roth, McGee, Boas, Grinnell, K. Steiner, J. Heckewelder, Thurn, Batchelor, Bogoras, Mathews, Cushing, Williams, Calvert, W. Ellis, Carr, Hale, Dorsey, Lummis, Gatschet, H. Ellis, Spencer and Gillen; reference to Schmoller.

Box 37 Folder O84 [before 1913]; hol & typed 33 p; E0; evolution of economic technique domestic; quote by Grinnell.

Box 37 Folder O85 [before 1913]; hol 9 p; EQ}. primitive agriculture.

Box 37 Folder O86 [before 1913]; hol 5 p; E0; Central Australian aborigines

Box 37 Folder O87 [before 1913]; hol & typed 73 p; E0; conditions of economic development outline; quotes by Grinnell, Boas, Powell, McGee, Spencer, Gillen, Williams & Calvert, H. Ellis, Wallace.

Box 37 Folder 088 [before 1913]; hol 5 p; W; conditions of economic development - outline; lower hunters

Box 37 Folder 089 [before 1913]; hol 30 p; development of manufactures.

WCM notes on his reading;, undated

Box 37 Folder 094 typed 3 p; quotes, C. Ayres.

Box 37 Folder 095 hol 2 p; quotes, A. Bain.

Box 37 Folder 095 hol 5 p; quotes and abstracts, J. Baldwin (see A95, A101)

Box 37 Folder 01 typed 29 p; quotes, J. Batchelor.

Box 37 Folder 02 typed 4 p; quotes, H. Bates.

Box 37 Folder 03(1 2) typed 132 p; quotes and reference, Boas

Box 37 Folder 04 typed 23 p; quotes, W. Bogoras.

Box 37 Folder 05 typed 14 p; quotes, Brinton.

Box 37 Folder 06 typed 1 p; table: British Association for Advancement of Science; metrical equivalencies in inches

Box 37 Folder 096 typed 2 p; quotes by H. Brown.

Box 37 Folder 07 hol 7 p; quotes and abstracts, K. Bucher.

Box 37 Folder 0141 typed 1 p; quote, H. Bumstead.

Box 37 Folder 097 typed 1 p; quotes, W. Bush.

Box 37 Folder 08 typed 10 p; quotes, L Carr.

Box 37 Folder 09 typed 15 p; quotes, A Chamberlain.

Box 37 Folder 098 typed 11 p; quotes, J.M. Clark.

Box 37 Folder 099 typed 7 p; quotes, M. Cohen.

Box 37 Folder 010 typed 25 p; quotes, Curr.

Box 37 Folder 011 typed 1 p; quote, J. Curtin.

Box 37 Folder 012 typed 41 p; quotes, Cushing.

Box 37 Folder 013 typed 5 p; quotes, C. Darwin.

Box 37 Folder 0100 typed 2 p; quotes, 2 p; J. Dashiell.

Box 37 Folder 014 typed 1 p; quote, G. Dawson.

Box 37 Folder 0140 typed 3 p; quotes by Dewey.

Box 37 Folder 0101 hol & typed 21 p; quotes and abstracts, J. Dewey.

Box 37 Folder 0102 hol 3 p; quotes, Dewey and Tufts.

Box 37 Folder 0103 printed 1 p; review of X. Dickinson's Economic Motives, by S. Chase.

Box 37 Folder 015 typed 17 p; quotes, Dorsey.

Box 37 Folder 016 typed 1 p; quote, E. Dutcher.

Box 37 Folder 017 hol 3 p; quotes and abstract, H. Ellis.

Box 37 Folder 013 hol 2 p; quote, J. Fewkes.

Box 37 Folder 0104 hol 3 p; quotes, W Fite.

Box 37 Folder 0105 printed 1 p; L. Fraina: "Socialism and Psychology".

Box 37 Folder 019 typed 2 p; quote, Galton.

Box 37 Folder 020 typed 19 p; quotes, Gatschet.

Box 37 Folder 021 typed 67 p; quotes, G. Grinnell.

Box 37 Folder 022 typed 16 p; quotes, E. Grosse.

Box 37 Folder 0106 hol 4 p; abstract, A.T. Hadley.

Box 37 Folder 023 hol & typed 9 p; quotes, E. Hahn

Box 37 Folder 024 typed 12 p; quotes, Hale.

Box 37 Folder 0107 typed 15 p; quotes, B. Hart.

Box 37 Folder 025 typed 11 p; quotes, L. Hobhouse.

Box 37 Folder 026 typed 4 p; quotes, Hodge.

Box 37 Folder 0108 hol 14 p; abstract, H. Hoffding.

Box 37 Folder 027 typed 13 p; quotes, W. Holmes.

Box 37 Folder 0110 hol 15 p; abstracts and quotes, W. James (see 0101).

Box 37 Folder 091 hol 1 p; abstract, A. Jenks.

Box 37 Folder 0111 hol 1 p; quote, A. Johnson

Box 37 Folder 0112 typed 3 p; quotes, H. Kali en.

Box 37 Folder 029 typed 7 p; quotes, Kroeber.

Box 37 Folder 0113 hol 15 p; abstract, O. Kulpe (and bibliography on classification of feelings)

Box 37 Folder 030 typed 7 p; quotes, J. Letherman.

Box 37 Folder 031 typed 14 p; quotes, Letourneau.

Box 37 Folder 0114 carbon 1 p; [incomplete]; quote, S. Lewisohn.

Box 37 Folder 0115 typed 1 p; quote, W. Lippman.

Box 37 Folder 032 typed 20 p; quotes, C. Lummis.

Box 37 Folder 0116 typed 1 p; quote, H. Marot.

Box 37 Folder 0149 hol 19 p; abstracts, H. Marshall (see 0153).

Box 37 Folder 033 typed 5 p; quotes, 0. Mason

Box 37 Folder 034 hol and typed 45 p; quotes, W. Mathews.

Box 37 Folder 036 typed 65 p; quotes, W. McGee.

Box 37 Folder 0117 hol 11 p; abstract, C. Mercier.

Box 37 Folder 035 typed 13 p; quotes, J. Mooney.

Box 37 Folder 0118 typed 3 p; quotes, J. Moore

Box 37 Folder 0119 hol 11 p; quotes, C. Morgan (see 0149).

Box 37 Folder 040 typed 1 p; [incomplete]; quotes, Neeboer.

Box 37 Folder 037 typed 11 p; quotes, E. Nelson

Box 37 Folder 038 typed 14 p; quotes, Niblach.

Box 37 Folder 039 typed 2 p; quotes, Nicholas.

Box 37 Folder 041 typed 33 p; quotes, E. Payne.

Box 37 Folder 0120 typed 7 p; quotes, R. Perry.

Box 37 Folder 042 typed 3 p; quotes, Report of the Philippine Commission (1901).

Box 37 Folder 0121 typed 1 p; abstract, L. Pohle.

Box 37 Folder 0122 hol 1 p; reference, R. Pound

Box 37 Folder 043 typed 14 p; quotes, J. Powell

Box 37 Folder 044 typed 1 p; quote and drawing, Putnam

Box 37 Folder 0123 hol 1 p; abstract, H. Rashdall.

Box 37 Folder 0124 typed & printed; quotes by and clipping on J.H. Robinson

Box 37 Folder 0124 hol 2 p; quotes, J. Romanes (see O149).

Box 37 Folder 0125 hol 6 p; quotes, E. Ross.

Box 37 Folder 093 hol 3 p; references and abstracts, G. Schmoller.

Box 37 Folder 0126 typed 2 p; quotes, H. Schneider

Box 37 Folder 0127 typed 3 p; quotes, IV. Sheldon.

Box 37 Folder 0128 typed 1 p; quote, J. Shotwell.

Box 37 Folder 0129 typed 2 p; quote, E. Southard

Box 37 Folder 045 typed 42 p; quotes, Spencer and Gillan.

Box 37 Folder 0130 hol 31 p; abstracts, H. Stanley (see 0151 0153)., 0151

Box 37 Folder 046 typed 7 p; quotes, A. Stephen

Box 37 Folder 0131 hol 9 p; abstract, G. Stout

Box 37 Folder 047 typed 30 p; quotes, A Sutherland.

Box 37 Folder 0132 typed 16 p; quotes, F Taussig.

Box 37 Folder 0133 typed 2 p; quotes, G. Tawney.

Box 37 Folder 048 typed 2 p; quotes, J. Teit

Box 37 Folder 048 hol 7 p; abstract, Thomas (see 07).

Box 37 Folder 0134 hol 6 p; quotes, J. Tiburtius.

Box 37 Folder 0135 hol 6 p; quotes and abstract, E Titchener.

Box 37 Folder 0136 hol 1 p; abstract, T. Veblen.

Box 37 Folder 049 typed 1 p; quote, Vincent.

Box 37 Folder 0137 typed 3 p; quotes, A. Whitney.

Box 37 Folder 050 typed 60 p; quotes, Williams & Calvert.

Box 37 Folder 051 typed 1 p; quote, C. Willoughby.

Box 37 Folder 0138 hol 12 p; quotes and abstract, W. Wundt (see 0151).

Box 37 Folder 0139 typed 1 p; quote, R. Yerkes.

Box 37 Folder 0152 hol 31 p; abstracts of W. Johnson, J. Sully, Mason, A. Bain, H. Stanley, H. Marshall.

Box 37 Folder 0150 hol 15 p; abstracts of S. Mezes, C. Strong, H. Marshall., H. Nichols.

Box 37 Folder 0151 hol 14 p; abstracts and quotes by H.Stanley, W. Wundt, A. Horwig.

Box 37 Folder 055 hol 2 p; bibliography on property - destruction at death, communistic.

Box 37 Folder 0144 hol 1 p; bibliography on hedonism.