Carnegie Endowment for International Peace New York and Washington Offices records, 1910-1954

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Series IV: Division of International Law

(150 volumes, 9 boxes)

The Trustees of the Endowment formed the Division of International Law to: (1) to aid in the development of international law and its acceptance among nations; (2) establish a better understanding of international rights and duties and a sense of international justice among the countries throughout the world; and (3) promote a general acceptance of peaceable methods in the settlement of international disputes.

The Division devoted its efforts in three principal areas: facilitating the study and improving the teaching of international law and related subjects; furthering the development of international law and restating its rules in a more unified and systematic way; and improving the documentation of international law through a publication program resulting in the production of some 200 volumes.

The Division helped found and support an Academy of International Law, which opened in 1923 provided financial and administrative support to six conferences of teachers of international law between 1914 and 1941 sponsored a series of eight summer sessions on international law to which it invited teachers from smaller colleges and prospective teachers who expected to begin their academic careers in small colleges; and awarded a series of fellowships in international law for the purpose of increasing the number of qualified scholars in the field.

Soon after its formation, the Division of International Law entered into a cooperative arrangement with the Institut de Droit International. Through this arrangement the Institut created an advisory committee to counsel the Division, and in turn, the Institut for many years received financial assistance from the Endowment to encourage attendance at its sessions and aid in the publication of Annuaires. The Division also helped establish the American Institute of International Law in 1915 cooperated with and supported Harvard Research in International Law; financially assisted other societies of international law including the Grotius Society of London, the Société de Législation Comparée of Paris, the Association Yougoslave de Droit International of Belgrade, the Istituto Italiano di Diritto Internazionale of Rome, and the International Law Association; cooperated with governmental and non-governmental organizations including the Department of State of the U.S, the Neutrality Board of the United States, the Pan American Union, the Advisory Board of Jurists at the Hague, the Inter-American Commission of Jurists created by the International Conferences of American States, and the Permanent Court of International Justice; and lent technical and other specialized assistance to the work of several assemblies and conferences, including the American Commission to Negotiate Peace at Paris (1919), the Washington Conference on the Limitation of Armament (1921-1922), and several of the Pan American Scientific Congresses.

The Division gave financial assistance to several international law books and journals by purchasing copies and distributing them to libraries and other interested institutions. The Division also had its own extensive publication program issuing collections of international documents, reports of tribunals, treatises, pamphlets and monographs on particular topics, and the series the "Classics of International Law," the publication of which the Endowment took over from the Carnegie Institution. (Source: Carnegie Endowment for International Peace: Summary of Organization and Work. Washington DC: CEIP, 1941 pp31-45.)

Series IV. is organized into the following subseries:

A. General

B. Classics of International Law

C. Conferences

D. Fellowships

E. Meetings

F. Promotion

G. Reports and publications

H. Repor on Teaching of International Law

Subseries IV.A: General

(92 vols, 5 boxes)

The volumes for 1910-1935 are indexed unless otherwise noted. (Indices are available in RBML. Electronic versions of the indices are in preparation.)

Volume title: International Law

Box 558 Volume 252:, 1910-1911

Box 558 Volume 253:, 1910-1911

Box 559 Volume 254, 1912

Box 560 Volume 225:, 1912

Box 560 Volume 256:, 1912

Box 561 Volume 257:, 1913

Box 562 Volume 258:, 1913

Box 563 Volume 259:, 1914

Box 564 Volume 260:, 1914

Box 565 Volume 261:, 1914

Box 566 Volume 262:, 1915

Box 567 Volume 263:, 1915

Box 568 Volume 264:, 1916

Box 569 Volume 265:, 1916

Box 570 Volume 266:, 1917

Box 571 Volume 267:, 1917

Box 572 Volume 268:, 1917

Box 573 Volume 269:, 1918

Box 574 Volume 270:, 1918

Box 575 Volume 271:, 1918

Box 576 Volume 272:, 1918

Box 577 Volume 273:, 1919

Box 578 Volume 274:, 1919

Box 579 Volume 275:, 1919

Box 580 Volume 276:, 1919

Box 581 Volume 277:, 1920

Box 582 Volume 278:, 1920

Box 583 Volume 279:, 1920

Box 584 Volume 280:, 1920

Box 585 Volume 281:, 1921

Box 586 Volume 282:, 1921

Box 587 Volume 283:, 1921

Box 588 Volume 284:, 1921

Box 589 Volume 285:, 1922

Box 590 Volume 286:, 1922

Box 591 Volume 287:, 1922

Box 592 Volume 288:, 1922

Box 593 Volume 289:, 1923

Box 594 Volume 290:, 1923

Box 595 Volume 291:, 1923

Box 596 Volume 292:, 1923

Box 597 Volume 293:, 1923

Box 598 Volume 294:, 1924

Box 599 Volume 295:, 1924

Box 600 Volume 296:, 1924

Box 601 Volume 297:, 1924

Box 602 Volume 298:, 1924

Box 603 Volume 299:, 1924

Box 604 Volume 300:, 1925

Box 605 Volume 301:, 1925

Box 606 Volume 302:, 1925

Box 607 Volume 303:, 1925

Volumes 304-306 (Being unbound 4/2013):, 1926

Volumes 307-309 (Being unbound 4/2013):, 1927

Volumes 310-312 (Being unbound 4/2013):, 1928

Volumes 313-315 (Being unbound 4/2013):, 1929

Volumes 316-319:, 1930

Volumes 320-323:, 1931

Volumes 324-330:, 1932

Volumes 331-335:, 1933

Volumes 336-338:, 1934

Volumes 339-343:, 1935

Subseries IV.B: Classics of International Law, 1910-1926

(8 vols)

The volumes in this subseries are indexed. (Indices are available in RBML. Electronic versions of the indices are in preparation.)


Volume 344 A-B

Volume 345 C-L

Volume 346 M-Z

Volume 347 1917

Volume 348 1918

Volume 349 1919-1921

Volume 350 1922-1923

Volume 351 1924-1926

Subseries IV.C: Conferences

( 2 vols)

Volume 398 Third Conference of Teachers of International law, 1928

Volume 399 Fourth Conference of Teachers of International Law, 1929

Subseries IV.D: Fellowships, 1925-1935

(42 volumes, 12 boxes)

Dates represent academic years. The volumes in this subseries are indexed. (Indices are available in RBML. Electronic versions of the indices are in preparation.)

Volume 352 1925-1926

Volume 353 1925-1926

Volume 354 1926-1927

Volume 355 1926-1927

Volume 356 1926-1927

Volume 357 1926-1927

Volume 358 1927-1928

Volume 359 1927-1928

Volume 360 1927-1928

Volume 361 1927-1928

Volume 362 1927-1928

Volume 363 1928-1929

Volume 364 1928-1929

Volume 365 1928-1929

Volume 366 1929-1930

Volume 367 1929-1930

Volume 368 1929-1930

Volume 369 1929-1930

Volume 370 1930-1931

Volume 371 1930-1931

Volume 372 1930-1931

Volume 373 1930-1931

Volume 374 1931-1932

Volume 375 1931-1932

Volume 376 missing 1931-1932

Volume 377 1931-1932

Volume 378 1932-1933

Volume 379 1932-1933

Volume 380 1932-1933

Volume 381 1932-1933

Volume 382 1933-1934

Volume 383 1933-1934

Volume 384 1933-1934

Volume 385 1933-1934

Volume 386 1933-1934

Volume 387 1933-1934

Volume 388 1934-1935

Volume 389 1934-1935

Volume 390 1934-1935

Volume 391 1934-1935

Volume 392 1934-1935

Volume 393 1934-1935

Fellows theses:

Box 191 Alexander, Norman. Rights of aliens in the United States., 1925

Brennan, Helen

Box 191 Current international law…September 15, 1921-May 15, 1922. 1922, September 15, 1921-May 15, 1922, 1922

Box 191 The treatise on reprisals of Bartolus of Sassoferrato., 1924

Box 191 Buss, Claude A.

Box 191 The constitutional convention of Pennsylvania, 1837., 1924

Box 191 The events leading to the Mexican War., 1925

Box 191 The Genesis of so-called traditional isolation as expressed in writings of the Fathers., 1925

Box 191 Studies in diplomacy. Benjamin Franklin and John Hay., 1925

Box 191 Carlston, Kenneth Smith. The nullity of international arbitral awards., 1933

Box 192 Christensen, A.N. A study of the plebiscites held under the provisions of the treaties of Versailles and Saint Germain., 1930

Box 192 Cutler, John Ward. The treatment of foreigners in relation to the draft convention and conference of 1929., 1933

Box 192 Dillard, Hardy C. The principle of estoppel, with particular reference to its application by international tribunals., 1931

Box 192 Dimitroff, Deltcho. La Bulgarie, le probleme de la Thrace et l'access a la mer Egee…, 1934

Dunn, Frederick Sherwood

Box 192 International law and private property rights in Mexico., 1927

Box 192 The new international status of the British Dominions. The Development of the legislative process in international law., 1927

Box 192 Gano, Barbara A. International protection of women and children. (With this is bound her International ice patrol.), 1934

Gantenbein, James W.

Box 192 The doctrine of continuous voyage particularly as applied to contraband and blockade., 1928

Box 192 The doctrine of ultimate destination: the British applications during the world war and the American protests…, 1926

Box 192 The doctrine of ultimate destination: and historical survey to the outbreak of the world war…, 1925

Box 193 The doctrine of ultimate destination and the future., 1925

Box 193 The "Petergoff" as a precedent for applying the doctrine of ultimate destination to conditional contraband., 1928

Garfield, Wadsworth

Box 193 Clipping thesis., 1925

Box 193 Miscellaneous articles., 1926

Geyerman, Fred J.

Box 193 Guarantee treaties. Their operation and interpretation., 1924

Box 193 International Law., 1922

Box 193 Shall Congress ratify the Colombian treaty?, 1924

Box 193 Gosnell, Cullen Bryant. Compulsory arbitration of international differences… 1927 154 p. Carbon type script., 1927

Gray, Welles Alexander.

Box 193 The anti-Japanese boycott, 1925

Box 193 The international pacific sanction., 1926

Box 193 Municipal indebtedness in Minnesota., 1924

Hessler, William H.

Box 194 The Contribution of the United States to the judicial settlement of international disputes., 1926

Box 194 International organization and National State Sovereignty., 1926

Box 194 Houghton, Nealie Doyle. De facto governments: a study in international law and American policy., 1927

Box 194 Hsu, Tun Chan. The council of the League of Nations., 1930

Box 194 Jaeger, H.E. International law as a part of the municipal law of the U.S. The circumstances leading to the promulgation of the Monroe Doctrine. The law of Angary in international law., 1926

Box 194 Jaeger, Walter H. Introduction a une etude sur les rapports entre le droit international public et le droit public francais., 1927

Box 195 Krylov, S. B. Materials for the history of the United Nations., 1949

Box 195 Laing, Lionel H. Merchant shipping legislation (and other papers) submitted with application for fellowship., 1934

Box 195 Lipovanu, Ioan. L'apatridie…, 1935

Box 195 Liu, Shih Shun. Extraterritoriality: its rise and its decline., 1924

Box 195 Lotz, Walther. "Die deutsche Staatsfinanz-Wirthchaft in Kriege" (trans. By Prof. W. Alison Phillips), 1924

Box 196 Lycan, Gilbert L. The place of neutrality in the present international society (and other papers)., 1935

Box 196 MacKenzie, N.A.M. Miscellaneous Articles., 1926

Box 196 Marshall, Charles Burton. Problems in the adjudication of international claims: the arbitrations between the United States and Mexico under the conventions of September 8 and 10, 1923., 1935

Box 196 Micheles, Vera. Dual nationality and absence of nationality during the World War and after., 1926

Moore, Roger D.

Box 196 International law and the Ruhr., 1926

Box 196 The friendship of the English-speaking peoples., 1924

Box 197 Aspects of international life. (clipping thesis). 1926.

Box 197 Münch, Friedrich. The delimitation of waters under national control., 1931

Box 197 Noble, George Bernard. International attitudes., 1925

Box 197 Ogdon, Montell. Influences of the concept of the independence and equality of states upon the law of diplomatic immunity., 1934

Box 197 Pasching, Walter. The rules contained in the "General principals of law recognized by civilized nations"…, 1932

Box 198 Randolph, Bessie Carter. Regional understandings., 1926

Raphael, Maxwell I.

Box 198 International law and the French revolution, a preliminary bibliography., 1924

Box 198 The right of separate action in the enforcement of the treaty of Versailles., 1924

Box 198 Reiff, Henry. Memorandum on an inquiry onto the legal status of government ships employed in commerce. Consent as a juristic basis of international law. An inquiry into the enforcement of certain multi-lateral conventions by the United States., 1927

Box 198 Ronhovde, Andreas G. Discrimination in the treatment of aliens., 1934

Box 198 Sewell, Franklin Clarence. The nature and interpretation of treaties. 1932.

Shiman, Russell Gardner.

Box 199 The relations of the United States with France during the peace negotiations of 1782. The origin and birth of the British labour party. The establishment of the gold exchange standard in the Philippines., 1927

Box 199 The United States and the conference of Algesiras., 1927

Box 199 Shipman, Gordon D. The inequality of states in international organization., 1932

Box 199 Stone, Ivan M. The relation of petroleum to American foreign policy., 1926

Box 199 Suzuki, Kazumi. The Responsibility of States for Acts of Political Parties., 1935

Box 199 Thormodsgard, Olaf H. Constitutional law-search and seizure-self incrimination., 1926

Box 199 Thormodsgard, Olaf H. and Moore, Roger D. Recognition in international law., 1926

Box 199 Timm, Charles August . The Diplomatic relations between Brazil and the United States., 1927

Box 200 Toelle, J.H.

Box 200 The Court of claims; its jurisdiction and principal decision bearing on international law., 1925

Box 200 The rights of the United States in the post-war settlement., 1925

Box 200 The Status of the territory of Memel., 1925

Trautwein, Dorothy A.

Box 200 Custom and present day international law., 1930

Box 200 The status of diplomatic agents engaged in trade or other unofficial activities., 1930

Box 200 Vallindas, Peter. Uniformity of interpretation of the international treaties in private international law., 1932

Box 200 Walker, Adolf. Comment on Article 15 of the Convention on Treaties adopted by the 6th International Conference of American States, Havana, 1928., 1930

Box 200 Whiteman, Marjorie. In the moot court of appeal. Action for specific performance of contract., 1928

Box 200 Wilcox, Francis Orlando. Induced ratification to international conventions. 184 p., 1934

Box 200 Williams, Edward B. The convention on treaties, Havana, 1928. Article II., 1931

Wilson, Robert R.

Box 200 Bartolus' theory of an international system., 1923

Box 200 Foreign consulships under the confederate states of Ameri, ca. 1924

Box 200 The progress of international arbitrations since the world war., 1925

Box 200 Wynne, Edward C. Japanese Feudalism., 1925

Box 201 Yokota, K. The league of Nations in its Relation to International Law., 1928

Subseries IV.E: Meetings, 1928-1947

(1 box, 2 volumes)

Box 202 1928-1929 1940-1947, 1928-1929, 1940-1947

Volume 400 Institute of International Law Meeting, 1929

Volume 401 Institute of International Law Meeting, 1929

Subseries IV.F: Promotion, 1923-1949

(2 boxes)

The fellowships file includes summaries of applications for the years 1935-1936 and 1936-1937.

Box 202 Fellowships, 1923, 1926, 1935-1937

Box 202 Teaching, 1937-1948

Box 203 Inter-American Academy of Comparative and International Law, 1937-1949

Subseries IV.G: Reports and publications, 1936-1948, undated

(3 folders)

Box 204 This subseries includes programs, brochures, reports, and conference proceedings created as a result of or related to activities of the Division of International Law.

Subseries IV.H: Report on Teaching of International Law, 1913-1921

(4 volumes)

The volumes in this subseries are indexed. (Indices are available in RBML. Electronic versions of the indices are in preparation.) )

Volume 394 1913

Volume 395 1913

Volume 396 1921

Volume 397 1921