Prints, photographs, and articles about people connected with printing and the book arts
Box IV.1
Abell, A. S.
Box IV.1
Acier, Francois d'
Box IV.1
Adams, Ansel
Box IV.1
Adler, Elmer
Box IV.1
Adler, Rose
Box IV.1
Aikens, Andrew
Box IV.1
Aitken, Robert
Box IV.1
Alauzet, Pierre
Box IV.1
Aldrich, Charles (1828-1908)
Box IV.1
Alexander, A. D.
Box IV.1
Alexander, George L.
Box IV.1
Alexander, H. W.
Box IV.1
Alexander, Michael R.
Box IV.1
Allen, Arthur
Box IV.1
Allison (1831-1904)
Box IV.1
Amman, Jost (or Aman) (1539-1591)
Box IV.1
Amerbach, Boniface
Box Flat box 42
Amerbach, Boniface
Box IV.1
Ames, Joseph (1689-1759)
Box IV.1
Amorettus, Andreas
Box IV.1
Anderson, Alexander (1775-1870)
Box IV.1
Anderson, Gregg
Box IV.1
Anderson, James
Box IV.1
Anderson, John
Box Flat box 42
Anderson, John
Box IV.1
Andre, Philip H.
Box IV.1
Andrew, John A.
Box IV.1
Andrews, E. R.
Box IV.1
Angelo, Valenti
Box IV.2
Arakelyan, J. J.
Box IV.2
Aretinus, Petrus
Box IV.2
Armitage, Merle
Box IV.2
Armstrong, Margaret Neilson (trade binding designer) (1867-1944)
Box IV.2
Arnesen, A. C.
Box IV.2
Arnold, M.
Box IV.2
Arnoldus, Francisc.
Box IV.2
Ashley, James M.
Box IV.2
Ashmead, John W.
Box IV.2
Ashmole, Elias (1617-1692)
Box IV.2
Asperne, James
Box IV.2
Atkins, John
Box IV.2
Audin, M. A.
Box IV.2
Austin-Leigh, R. A.
Box IV.2
Amery, Benjamin P.
Box IV.2
Avery, Henry
Box IV.2
Avery, Samuel P.
Box Flat box 42
Avery, Samuel P.
Box IV.2
Backus, John
Box IV.2
Badius Ascensius, Jodocus (1462-1535)
Box IV.2
Baer, George F.
Box IV.2
Bagford, John (1650-1716)
Box IV.2
Bailey, Francis
Box IV.2
Baker, Herbert
Box IV.2
Ball, B. J.
Box IV.2
Ball, Frank J.
Box IV.2
Ball, O. R.
Box IV.2
Box IV.2
Ballet, André Victor
Box IV.2
Balsley, A. H.
Box IV.2
Box Flat box 42
Box IV.2
Bancroft, William Lyman
Box IV.2
Bank, Arnold
Box IV.2
Bannan, Benjamin
Box IV.3
Barber, Edward Wilmot
Box IV.3
Barber, John
Box IV.3
Barberi, G.
Box IV.3
Barbera, Gaspero
Box IV.3
Barhydt, Clarence
Box IV.3
Barhydt, Frank
Box IV.3
Barnard, Fred
Box IV.3
Barnhart, A. E.
Box IV.3
Barnhart, Arthur Middleton
Box IV.3
Barr, Albert J.
Box IV.3
Barr, Oliver J.
Box IV.3
Barrow, William J.
Box IV.3
Barrows, C. M.
Box IV.3
Barta, Louis
Box IV.3
Barth, Henry (1823-1907)
Box Flat box 42
Barth, Henry (1823-1907)
Box IV.3
Bartholdt, Richard
Box IV.3
Bartholomew, William Henry
Box IV.3
Bartlett, Edward E.
Box IV.3
Baskerville, John (1706-1775)
Box IV.3
Bates, William Horatio (1841-1918)
Box IV.3
Baudrier, Henri (1815-1884)
Box IV.3
Baudrier, Julien (1860-1915)
Box IV.3
Bauer, Andreas Friedrich
Box IV.3
Bauer, J. C.
Box IV.3
Bauer, Konrad F.
Box IV.3
Beardsley, Aubrey (1872-1898)
Box IV.3
Beaumarchais, Pierre Augustin Caron de (1732-1799)
Box IV.3
Beck, Cave (1623-1706)
Box IV.3
Becker, Rud. Zach
Box IV.3
Behrends, Julius
Box IV.3
Bell, Andrew (1726-1809)
Box IV.3
Bell, John (1745-1831)
Box Flat box 42
Bell, John (1745-1831)
Box IV.4
Bender, Albert M. (1866-1941)
Box IV.4
Benedict, George H.
Box IV.4
Benedict, Thomas E.
Box IV.4
Bennet, James E.
Box IV.4
Bennett, James Gordon (1841-1918)
Box Flat box 42
Bennett, James Gordon (1841-1918)
Box IV.4
Bennett, Paul A.
Box IV.4
Benny, Elmer
Box IV.4
Bensley, Thomas (d. 1833)
Box IV.4
Benton, Linn Boyd (1844-1932)
Box Flat box 42
Benton, Linn Boyd (1844-1932)
Box IV.4
Benton, Morris Fuller
Box IV.4
Benton, Morris Fuller, Jr.
Box IV.4
Benton, William E.
Box IV.4
Box IV.4
Berger, Sanford Lionel
Box IV.4
Berker, J. F.
Box IV.4
Bernhard, Lucian
Box IV.4
Berry, Frank Belknap
Box IV.4
Berry, Gio. L.
Box IV.4
Berthiaume, Treffle (1849?-1915)
Box IV.4
Bertieri, Raffaello
Box IV.5
Bessarione, Cardinal
Box IV.5
Best, Harvey D.
Box IV.5
Bettinger, John S.
Box Flat box 43
Bettinger, John S.
Box IV.5
Bettoni, N.
Box IV.5
Bewick, Thomas (1753-1828)
Box IV.5
Bicknell, A. P.
Box IV.5
Bierce, Ambrose (1842-1914?)
Box IV.5
Bingham, A.
Box IV.5
Bingham, Fred L.
Box Flat box 43
Binney, Archibald (1763?-1838)
Box IV.5
Blackwood, William (1776-1834)
Box IV.5
Blades, G. R.
Box IV.5
Blades, William
Box IV.5
Blair, Francis Preston (1791-1876)
Box IV.5
Blair, John (of Edinburgh)
Box IV.5
Blakeley, D.
Box IV.5
Blanchard, Isaac H.
Box IV.5
Blaney, Charles W.
Box IV.5
Blum, Andre
Box IV.5
Blumenthal, Joseph
Box IV.5
Bodley, Thomas, Sir (1545?-1613?)
Box IV.5
Bodoni, Giambattista (1740-1813)
Box Flat box 43
Bodoni, Giambattista (1740-1813)
Box IV.6
Boniface, Amerbach Basil
Box IV.6
Bonner, Robert
Box IV.6
Borden, Joseph A.
Box IV.6
Bothwell, Herbert P.
Box IV.6
Boudan, Alexandre
Box Flat box 43
Boudan, Alexandre
Box IV.6
Bourdel, Joseph
Box IV.6
Bouton, J. W.
Box IV.6
Bouvier, John
Box IV.6
Bowell, MacKenzie, Sir (1823-1917)
Box IV.6
Bowles, Saml.
Box IV.6
Bowyer, William (1663-1737)
Box IV.6
Bowyer, William (1699-1777)
Box Flat box 43
Bowyer, William
Box IV.6
Boxhornius, Marcus Zverius
Box IV.6
Boydell, John (1719-1804)
Box Flat box 43
Boydell, John (1719-1804)
Box IV.6
Boyle, P. C.
Box IV.7
Bradford, Albert Green (1855-1921)
Box IV.7
Bradford, Thomas (1745-1838)
Box IV.7
Bradford, William (1663-1752)
Box IV.7
Bradford, William (1722-1791)
Box IV.7
Bradford, William (1759-1795)
Box Flat box 43
Bradford, William
Box IV.7
Bradford, William, Colonel
Box IV.7
Bradley, Will
Box IV.7
Brady, Peter J.
Box IV.7
Braille, Louis
Box Flat Box 43
Brandon, Charles H.
Box IV.7
Brandtjen, John
Box IV.7
Breitkopf, Ioh. Gottlob Immanuel (1719-1794)
Box IV.7
Brice, Andrew (1690-1773)
Box IV.7
Brickell, W. D.
Box IV.7
Bright, William
Box IV.7
Bringhurst, Robert
Box IV.8
Bronson, Herman
Box IV.8
Brooks, Erastus
Box IV.8
Brooks, H. S.
Box IV.8
Brosamer, Hanns (16th century)
Box IV.8
Brough, John
Box IV.8
Brown, Austin H.
Box IV.8
Brown, George
Box IV.8
Brown, Martin B.
Box IV.8
Browne, Francis Fisher (1843-1913)
Box IV.8
Browne, Hablot Knight
Box Flat Box 43
Bruce, David
Box Flat Box 43
Bruce, David Jr.
Box IV.8
Bruce, David W.
Box IV.8
Bruce, George (1781-1859)
Box Flat Box 43
Bruce, George (1781-1859)
Box IV.8
Brune, Guillaume Marie-Anne (1763-1815)
Box IV.8
Brunet, Jacques Charles (1780-1876)
Box IV.8
Bry, Theodore de (or Theodore de Brie) (1528-1598)
Box IV.8
Bryan, William Jennings (1860-1925)
Box IV.8
Bryant, William Cullen (1794-1878)
Box IV.8
Brydges, Samuel Egerton (1762-1837)
Box IV.8
Buchanan, George (1506-1582?)
Box IV.8
Buchanan, William C.
Box IV.8
Budaeus, Guillelmus
Box IV.8
Bulifonius, Antonius
Box IV.9
Bullen, A. H.
Box IV.9
Bullen, Henry Lewis (1857-1938)
Box IV.10
Bulmer, William (1757-1830)
Box IV.10
Burr, Alfred E.
Box IV.10
Burr, George L.
Box IV.10
Byers, William N.
Box IV.10
Byram, Harry E.
Box IV.10
Calkins, Earnest Elmo
Box IV.10
Callahan, John
Box IV.10
Box IV.10
Box IV.10
Cameron, J. R.
Box IV.10
Campbell, Andrew
Box IV.10
Campe, Julius (1792-1867)
Box IV.10
Campbell, Lewis D.
Box IV.10
Cannon, George Q.
Box IV.10
Box IV.10
Capone, Charles Reginald
Box IV.10
Cappeller, William S.
Box IV.10
Carafa, Carlo Maria
Box IV.10
Carey, Matthew (1760-1839)
Box IV.10
Carr, Horace
Box IV.10
Cary, Melbert Brinckerhoff, Jr. (1892-1941)
Box IV.10
Caslon, Henry William
Box IV.10
Caslon, Henry William IV (1786-1850)
Box IV.10
Caslon, Sydney Herbert
Box IV.10
Caslon, William (1692-1766)
Box IV.10
Castaldi, Panfilo
Box IV.10
Castell, Heinrich IV, Graf zu
Box IV.10
Castellvetro, Giacopo
Box IV.11
Cave, Edward (1691-1754)
Box IV.11
Caxton, William (ca. 1422-1491)
Box IV.11
Celtes, Conrad (1459-1508)
Box IV.11
Cennini, Bernardo
Box Flat Box 44
Cennini, Bernardo
Box IV.11
Cerf, Bennett A.
Box IV.11
Chambers, William, Sir
Box IV.11
Chandler, John Green (1815-1879)
Box IV.11
Chandler, Harrison Tyler (1840-1912)
Box Flat Box 44
Chandler, Harrison Tyler (1840-1912)
Box IV.11
Chesneau, Henry
Box IV.11
Childs, George William
Box Flat Box 44
Childs, George William
Box IV.11
Christian, Arthur
Box IV.11
Cisneros, Francisco da, Cardinal (or Francisco Jiménez de Cisneros) (1436-1517)
Box IV.11
Clapp, A. M.
Box IV.11
Clapp, David (1806-1893)
Box IV.11
Clapp, John Cotton
Box IV.11
Clapp, William W.
Box Flat Box 44
Clarendon, Edward
Box IV.11
Clark, Robert D., Jr.
Box IV.11
Clarke, Bert.
Box IV.11
Clarkson, James A.
Box IV.11
Claye, Jules (1806-1866)
Box IV.11
Cleland, Thomas Maitland
Box Flat Box 44
Cleland, Thomas Maitland
Box IV.11
Clemens, Samuel Langhorne (1835-1910)
Box IV.11
Clephane, James O.
Box IV.11
Clerk, Robert
Box IV.12
Club, Printing House
Box IV.12
Clymer, George
Box IV.12
Cobb, Albert H.
Box IV.12
Cobden-Sanderson, Thomas James
Box IV.12
Cockerell, Douglas(1870-1945)
Box Flat Box 44
Cockerell, Douglas(1870-1945)
Box IV.12
Cockerell, Sydney Carlyle
Box IV.12
Cockerill, John A.
Box IV.12
Coffinberry, H. D.
Box IV.12
Cohen, Levy Emanuel
Box Flat Box 44
Cohen, Levy Emanuel
Box IV.12
Coignard, Jean-Baptiste, III (1717-1768)
Box Flat Box 44
Cohen, Levy Emanuel
Box IV.12
Coke, William
Box IV.12
Cole, Aschel N.
Box IV.12
Cole, Timothy
Box Flat Box 44
Cole, Timothy
Box IV.12
Coleman, William (1766-1829)
Box IV.12
Colin, Paul
Box IV.12
Collagan, Charles Hiram (1857-1928)
Box IV.12
Collette, Arcangiolo
Box IV.12
Collier, Allen (1863-1927)
Box IV.12
Collins, Alex. Washington
Box IV.12
Collins, John Martin
Box IV.12
Collins, Lewis (1797-1870)
Box IV.12
Comly, James M.
Box IV.12
Conkey, W. B.
Box IV.12
Conner, Charles S.
Box IV.12
Conner, James (1798-1861)
Box Flat Box 44
Conner, James (1798-1861)
Box IV.12
Conner, William C.
Box IV.12
Connor, Emily E.
Box IV.12
Constable, Archibald (1774-1827)
Box IV.12
Conté, Jacques-Nicolas (1755-1805)
Box IV.12
Coornhert, Diet. Volk.
Box Flat Box 45
Coornhert, Diet. Volk.
Box IV.12
Copland, Robert (fl. 1508-1548)
Box IV.12
Coronelli, Vincenzo (1650-1718)
Box IV.12
Cortelyou, P. C.
Box IV.12
Cosmus, Thomas C.
Box Flat Box 45
Costerus, Laurentius
Box IV.12
Cotta, Johann Friedrich, Freiherr Cotta von Cottendorf (1764-1832)
Box IV.12
Cotta, Johann Georg
Box IV.12
Cousin, Jean (16th century)
Box IV.13
Cowles, Edwin
Box IV.13
Crane, Zenas Marshal
Box IV.13
Craske, Charles
Box IV.13
Creuzevault, Henri (1905-1971)
Box IV.13
Crocker, Uriel
Box IV.13
Cross, Edward, Colonel
Box IV.13
Cruikshank, George (1792-1878)
Box IV.13
Culver, Lawrence A.
Box IV.13
Cummings, Amos J.
Box IV.13
Curmer, L.
Box IV.13
Currier, Everett R.
Box IV.13
Curtis, Cyrus H. K.
Box IV.13
Curtis, Edward S. (1868-1952)
Box IV.13
Curtis, Fred. B.
Box IV.13
Curtis, George William
Box Flat Box 45
Curtis, George William
Box IV.13
Curtis, William Elroy
Box IV.13
Cushing, Josiah Stearns (1854-1913)
Box IV.13
Daguerre, Louis Jacques Mandé
Box IV.13
Dahlstrom, Grant
Box IV.13
Dair, Carl
Box IV.13
Dalton, Michael (1800-1879)
Box Flat Box 45
Dalton, Michael (1800-1879)
Box IV.13
Dana, Charles A.
Box Flat Box 45
Dana, Charles A.
Box IV.13
Daniels, Malva Maurice
Box IV.13
Darley, F. O. C.
Box IV.13
Davis, James (18th century)
Box IV.13
Dawson, George
Box IV.13
Day, Ben
Box IV.13
Day, John (1522-1584)
Box IV.13
Defrees, John D.
Box IV.13
De la Fond
Box Flat Box 45
De la Fond
Box IV.13
Delaine, John
Box IV.13
Dellagana, B. & Co., Ltd.
Box IV.14
Dennison, E. W.
Box IV.14
Dennison, Henry
Box IV.14
Dent, Joseph Malaby (1849-1926)
Box IV.14
Box IV.14
Desenne, Alexandre Joseph (1785-1827)
Box IV.14
Des Jardins, Benjamin
Box IV.14
De Tournes, Jean (1504-1564)
Box IV.14
De Thou, Jacques August
Box IV.14
DeVinne, Theodore Low (1828-1914)
Box Flat Box 45
DeVinne, Theodore Low (1828-1914)
Box IV.14
DeVries, John
Box Flat Box 45
Dickinson, Samuel Nelson
Box IV.14
Dickson, James (d. 1800)
Box IV.14
Didot, Ambroise Firmin (1790-1876)
Box IV.14
Didot, Firmin (1764-1836)
Box IV.14
Didot, Jules (1794-1871)
Box IV.14
Didot, Pierre (1761-1853)
Box Flat Box 45
Digby, Kenelm
Box IV.14
Dingley, Nelson, Jr.
Box IV.14
Dobell, Bertram (1842-1914)
Box IV.14
Dodge, Norman
Box IV.14
Dodge, Phillip
Box IV.14
Dolet, Estienne (1509-1546)
Box Flat Box 45
Dolet, Estienne (1509-1546)
Box IV.14
Donaldson, James (1751-1830)
Box IV.14
Donnelley, R. R. & Co.
Box IV.14
Donnelly, Samuel B.
Box IV.14
Doolittle, Amos (1754-1832)
Box IV.14
Dorri, Anton Francesco
Box IV.14
Doutre, E.
Box IV.14
Dove, J. Maury
Box IV.15
Drake, Alexander W.
Box IV.15
Dreer, Ferdinand J.
Box IV.15
Drummond, C. J.
Box IV.15
Dresser, Charles
Box IV.15
Duboc, William Albert
Box IV.15
Duff, Elmo
Box IV.15
DuFresne, Raphael Chicet
Box IV.15
Du Maurier, George (1834-1896)
Box IV.15
Duncan, H. M.
Box IV.15
Duncan, Harry
Box IV.15
Duncan, Raymond
Box IV.15
Dunlap, John
Box IV.15
Dunton, John (1659-1733)
Box IV.15
Dürer, Albrecht (1471-1528)
Box Flat Box 46
Dürer, Albrecht (1471-1528)
Box IV.15
Dutarte, Auguste Bernard
Box IV.15
Duyckinck, Evert Augustus
Box Flat Box 46
Duyckinck, Evert Augustus
Box IV.15
Dwiggins, W. A.
Box IV.15
Dytman, W. H.
Box IV.15
Earle, Homer P.
Box IV.15
Eastman, Charles G.
Box IV.15
Eberhard, Wolff
Box IV.15
Eberhart, John F.
Box IV.15
Edison, Thomas Alva (1847-1931)
Box IV.15
Egenolf, Christian (1519?-1598?)
Box Flat Box 46
Egenolf, Christian (1519?-1598?)
Box IV.15
Egle, W. H.
Box IV.15
Eilert, Ernest F.
Box IV.16
Elliott, Harrison
Box IV.16
Ellis, George H.
Box IV.16
Elwell, E. H.
Box IV.16
Elzevir, Daniel (or Elsevier) (1626-1680)
Box IV.16
Elzevir, Johannes (or Elsevier)
Box IV.16
Elzevir, Lodewijck (or Louis Elsevier) (1542-1617)
Box IV.16
Emery, Petrus
Box Flat Box 46
Emery, Petrus
Box IV.16
Emmons, Earl H.
Box IV.16
Endter, Georg (1564-1630)
Box IV.16
Endter, Johann Andreas (1625-1670)
Box IV.16
Endter, Wolfgang (1593-1659)
Box Flat Box 46
Endter, Wolfgang (1593-1659)
Box IV.16
Eney, Summerfield
Box IV.16
Engel-Hardt, Rudolf
Box IV.16
Engelmann, G.
Box IV.16
English, George Washington
Box IV.16
English, Thomas Dunn
Box IV.16
Enschede, Charles, Dr. (1855-1919)
Box IV.16
Enschede, Isaac (1681-1761)
Box IV.16
Enschede, Jean (1708-1781)
Box IV.16
Erasmus, Desiderius (1467-1536)
Box IV.16
Ericson, H. C.
Box IV.16
Ernst, Heinrich
Box IV.16
Erwin, Daniel P.
Box IV.16
Estienne, Henri
Box IV.16
Estienne, Robert (1503-1559
Box IV.16
Estill, John Holbrook
Box IV.16
Everson, James
Box IV.16
Fallon, John F.
Box IV.16
Faraday, Michael (1791-1867)
Box Flat Box 46
Faraday, Michael (1791-1867)
Box IV.16
Farmer, A. C.
Box IV.16
Farmer, Aaron D. (Connecticut type founder)
Box IV.16
Farmer, William Wallace
Box Flat Box 46
Farmer, William Wallace
Box IV.16
Farrar, Gilbert P.
Box IV.16
Fass, John
Box IV.16
Faulkner, George (1728-1775?)
Box IV.16
Faulkner, Thomas H.
Box IV.16
Faust, Johannes
Box IV.16
Faxon, William
Box IV.16
Fell, E. Lawrence
Box IV.16
Fell, John
Box Flat Box 46
Ferdinand, Prince of Paderborn
Box IV.16
Feyrabend, Sigismond
Box IV.16
Fields, James T. (1817-1881)
Box IV.16
Figgins, James, Sr.
Box IV.16
Filhol, Antoine Michel (1759-1812)
Box IV.16
Finlay, Albert W.
Box IV.16
Finley, J. H.
Box Flat Box 46
Finley, J. H.
Box IV.16
Finn, Joseph
Box IV.16
Fitch, William Stevenson
Box IV.16
Fitts, Thomas
Box IV.17
Flavius, Flavio
Box IV.17
Fleischer, Charles
Box IV.17
Fleischman, Joan Michael (1701-1768)
Box IV.17
Fleming, C. W.
Box IV.17
Flower, Edwin
Box IV.17
Flower, Walter
Box IV.17
Flynt, Roy Horton
Box IV.17
Forbes, William H.
Box IV.17
Force, Peter
Box Flat Box 47
Force, Peter
Box IV.17
Ford, Charles Henri
Box IV.17
Forney, J. W.
Box IV.17
Foss, C. M.
Box IV.17
Foster, John
Box IV.17
Foulis, A.
Box IV.17
Fournier, Pierre-Simon (1712-1768)
Box IV.17
Fowler, Edgar A.
Box IV.17
Fowler, George W.
Box IV.17
Fox, Richard K.
Box IV.17
Francis, Charles
Box IV.17
Francis, John M.
Box IV.17
Francis, John W.
Box IV.17
Franka, Emil
Box IV.17
Frankfort, Bauer
Box IV.18
Franklin, Benjamin (1706-1790)
Box Flat Box 47
Franklin, Benjamin (1706-1790)
Box IV.20
Franklin, Benjamin (1706-1790)
Box IV.19
Franklin, William
Box IV.19
Franklin, William Temple
Box IV.19
Franklin, Deborah Reed
Box IV.21
Frazer, James
Box Flat Box 48
Frazer, James
Box IV.21
Frazier, Julius Leroy
Box IV.21
Freneau, Philip Morin (1752-1832)
Box IV.21
Fréron, Elie-Catherine (1719-1776)
Box IV.21
Froben, John (1460-1527)
Box Flat Box 48
Froben, John (1460-1527)
Box IV.21
Box IV.21
Fugger, Huldric (1526-1584)
Box IV.21
Fuller, Henry Merrill
Box IV.21
Fuller, Levi K.
Box IV.21
Fuhrmann, Otto W.
Fust, Johann (fl. 1450-1466)
Box Flat Box 48
Fust, Johann (fl. 1450-1466)
Box IV.21
Gage, Harry L.
Box IV.21
Gaine, Hugh (1727-1807)
Box Flat Box 48
Gaine, Hugh (1727-1807)
Box IV.21
Gales, Joseph (1786-1861?)
Box Flat Box 48
Gales, Joseph (1786-1861?)
Box IV.21
Gallagher, William D.
Box IV.21
Gally, Merritt
Box Flat Box 48
Gally, Merritt
Box IV.21
Garamond, Claude
Box Flat Box 48
Garamond, Claude
Box IV.21
Gardiner, Robert S.
Box IV.21
Garnett, Porter
Box IV.21
Garrison, William Lloyd (1805-1879)
Box IV.21
Gears, Robert
Box IV.21
Ged, William
Box IV.21
Geer, Everett Selden (1850-1917)
Box IV.21
Genderle, Franz
Box IV.21
Gensch, Hermann
Box IV.21
Gent, Thomas (1724-1778)
Box IV.21
Gentry, Helen
Box IV.21
Gervaerts, Jasper
Box IV.22
Gilbert, Albert (1821-1873)
Box IV.22
Gilder, Richard Watson
Box Flat Box 49
Gilder, Richard Watson
Box IV.22
Gill, Eric
Box IV.22
Gillett, Fred
Box IV.22
Gillick, Joseph F.
Box IV.22
Gilliss, Frank
Box Flat Box 49
Gilliss, Frank
Box IV.22
Gilliss, Walter (1855-1925)
Box Flat Box 49
Gillray, James (1757-1805)
Box IV.22
Gilman, Arthur S.
Box IV.22
Girard, André
Box IV.22
Giunta, Jacques (1486-1546)
Box IV.22
Givel, Gilberte
Box IV.22
Glossbrenner, A. M.
Box IV.22
Glissner, James Y.
Box IV.22
Goddard, William (1740-1817)
Box IV.22
Godkin, Edwin Lawrence (1831-1902)
Box IV.22
Goebel, Theodore
Box IV.22
Gooden, Stephen
Box IV.22
Goodspeed, George Talbot
Box IV.22
Goodwin, Albert Etherington (1872-1930)
Box IV.22
Gordon, George P. (1810-1878)
Box Flat Box 49
Gordon, George P. (1810-1878)
Box IV.22
Gorman, Edward
Box IV.23
Goudy, Frederic William (1865-1947)
Box Flat Box 49
Goudy, Frederic William (1865-1947)
Box IV.24
Goudy, Frederic William (1865-1947)
Box IV.25
Gove, Frank M.
Box IV.25
Grabhorn, Edwin
Box IV.25
Grabhorn, Jane Bissell (1911-1973)
Box IV.25
Grabhorn, Robert Arlie (1900-1973)
Box IV.25
Grafton, Richard
Box IV.25
Grasset, Eugène
Box IV.25
Greeley, Horace (1811-1872)
Box Flat Box 49
Greeley, Horace (1811-1872)
Box IV.25
Green, Bartholomew (1666-1732)
Box IV.25
Greenaway, Kate (1846-1901)
Box IV.25
Greene, Nathaniel
Box IV.25
Green, William S.
Box IV.25
Greistweit, Thomas E.
Box IV.25
Grenville, Thomas (1755-1846)
Box IV.25
Gress, Edmund G.
Box IV.25
Griegengach, A. E.
Box IV.25
Grierson, Flora
Box IV.25
Griffith, Arthur
Box IV.25
Griswold, Robert W.
Box IV.25
Grosjean-Maupin, H. (1836-1908)
Box IV.25
Grotius, Hugo (1583-1645)
Box IV.25
Box IV.25
Guillotin, Joseph Ignace (1738-1814)
Box IV.25
Guppy, Henry
Box IV.25
Gustafson, David
Box IV.26
Gutenberg, Johann (ca. 1398-1468)
Box Flat Box 50
Gutenberg, Johann (ca. 1398-1468)
Box IV.27
Hachette, Georges (1838-1892)
Box IV.27
Haebler, Konrad
Box IV.27
Halford, E. W., Colonel
Box IV.27
Hall, Henry M.
Box IV.27
Halstead, Murat
Box IV.27
Hamilton, H. P.
Box IV.27
Hamilton, James Edward
Box IV.27
Hamlin, Milford M.
Box IV.27
Hammer, Victor
Box IV.27
Hammond, Harry
Box IV.27
Han, Ulrich
Box IV.27
Hankey, L. A.
Box IV.27
Hanson, W. G.
Box IV.27
Harding, W. W.
Box IV.27
Harding, Warren Gamaliel (1865-1923)
Box IV.27
Harper, Fletcher
Box IV.27
Harper, James (1795-1869)
Box IV.27
Harper & Bros.
Box Flat Box 51
Harper & Bros.
Box IV.27
Harris, Carroll T. (1891-1975)
Box IV.27
Harris, Joel Chandler (1848-1908)
Box IV.27
Harris, Josiah Albert (1808-1876)
Box IV.27
Harrison, Richard A.
Box IV.27
Hart, Francis
Box IV.27
Hart, George Eaton
Box IV.27
Hart, Horace
Box Flat Box 51
Hart, Horace
Box IV.27
Hart, James D. (1911-1990)
Box IV.27
Hart, Leo
Box IV.27
Harte, Francis Brett (1836-1902)
Box IV.27
Hartman, Fred J.
Box IV.27
Hartmann, Georg
Box IV.27
Hastings, Hugh
Box IV.27
Hatton, Frank (1846-1894)
Box IV.27
Hauten, Jan van
Box IV.27
Hauy, Rene Juste
Box Flat Box 51
Hauy, Rene Juste
Box IV.27
Hawks, Nelson C.
Box IV.27
Hazelip, N. W.
Box IV.27
Hearn, Lafcadio
Box IV.27
Hebb, George K.
Box IV.27
Hedberg, Axel
Box IV.27
Heiner, Henry
Box IV.27
Hempel, Henry Adolph
Box IV.27
Herbert, William
Box IV.27
Herrick, Rensselaer R.
Box IV.27
Heywang, Robert F.
Box IV.27
Hicks, Clinton Flower
Box IV.27
Hill, Rowland
Box IV.27
Hills, Henry
Box IV.27
Hilton, P. R.
Box IV.27
Hilton, Will
Box IV.27
Hines, Edward N
Box IV.28
Hoard, W. D.
Box IV.28
Hoch, E. W.
Box IV.28
Hoe, Peter Smith
Box IV.28
Hoe, Richard M.
Box Flat Box 51
Hoe, Richard M.
Box IV.28
Hoe, Richard March (1812-1896)
Box IV.28
Hoe, Robert (1839-1909)
Box IV.28
Hoepli, Ulrico
Box IV.28
Hoff, G. Whitney (Grace Whitney)
Box IV.28
Hoffman, Christian J.
Box IV.28
Hoffman, Richard J.
Box IV.28
Holbein, Hans (1497-1543)
Box IV.28
Holden, Charles W.
Box IV.28
Holden, George Parker
Box IV.28
Holme, Frank
Box IV.28
Holpein, Giovanni
Box Flat Box 51
Holpein, Giovanni
Box IV.28
Holst, M.
Box IV.28
Holt, Chauncey
Box IV.28
Holt, John (1721-1785)
Box IV.28
Horgan, Stephen Henry (1854-1941)
Box IV.28
Hornby, C. H. St. John (1867-1946)
Box IV.28
Horsley, H. L.
Box IV.28
Horsley, Roy
Box IV.28
Houghton, H. O.
Box IV.28
Houghton, H. O., Jr.
Box IV.28
Howe, Ed. W.
Box IV.28
Howell, Douglass Morse
Box IV.28
Howells, William Dean (1837-1920)
Box IV.29
Hubbard, Elbert
Box IV.29
Hubberton, John
Box IV.29
Huber, J. M.
Box IV.29
Hudson, Frederic
Box Flat Box 51
Hudson, Frederic
Box IV.29
Hudson, J. K.
Box IV.29
Huling, J. B.
Box IV.29
Hunt, William Holman
Box IV.29
Hunter, Dard
Box IV.29
Huntington, Henry Edwards (1850-1927)
Box Flat Box 51
Huntington, Henry Edwards (1850-1927)
Box IV.29
Hurlburt, W. H.
Box IV.29
Hürlimann, Bettina
Box IV.29
Hussey, George F.
Box IV.29
Hyde, Edward
Box Flat Box 51
International Typographical Union
Box IV.29
International Association of Printing House CraftsmenI
Box IV.29
Ipsen, Ludwig Sandoe (1840-1920)
Box IV.29
Ives, Frederic Eugene (1856-1937)
Box Flat Box 52
Ives, Frederic Eugene (1856-1937)
Box IV.29
Ivison, H.
Box IV.29
Jackson, Joseph
Box IV.29
Jacobi, Charles Thomas
Box IV.29
Janszoon, Laurens
Box IV.29
Jennings, Albert O.
Box IV.29
Jenson, Nicolas (1420-1481)
Box IV.29
Jerrold, Douglas
Box IV.29
Jewell, Marshall Henry
Box IV.29
Jewett, Charles Coffin (1816-1868)
Box IV.29
Johnson, H. T.
Box IV.29
Johnson, Henry Lewis
Box IV.29
Johnson, John
Box IV.29
Johnson, Lawrence
Box Flat Box 52
Johnson, Lawrence
Box IV.29
Johnson, Samuel Benjamin
Box IV.29
Johnston, William
Box IV.29
Jolles, Oscar
Box IV.29
Jones, George W.
Box IV.29
Jones, Henry (1838-1921)
Box IV.29
Jones, J. M. W.
Box IV.29
Jones, Richard (1564-1660)
Box IV.29
Jones, Thomas R.
Box IV.29
Jordan, George F.
Box IV.29
Jordan, Peter
Box IV.29
Jost, Heinrich
Box IV.29
Juengling, Frederick (1846-1889)
Box IV.30
Karst, John (1836-1922)
Box IV.30
Kauffman, Samuel Hay
Box IV.30
Keimer, Samuel
Box IV.30
Keith, Adolphus B.
Box IV.30
Kellogg, Charles H.
Box IV.30
Kelly, William M.
Box IV.30
Kendall, George Wilkins
Box IV.30
Kenyon, Frederic George, Sir
Box IV.30
Kerber, Thielman
Box IV.30
Kibbes, H. S.
Box IV.30
Kincaid, Harrison R.
Box IV.30
King, Jesse Marion
Box IV.30
Kirgate, Thomas
Box IV.30
Kittredge, William A.
Box IV.30
Klenkens, Christian Heinrich
Box IV.30
Klingman, Albert L.
Box IV.31
Knapp, Thomas
Box IV.31
Knight, C. H.
Box IV.31
Kner, Emerich
Box IV.31
Knopf, Blanche W. (1894-1966)
Box IV.31
Koch, Paul
Box IV.31
Koch, Peter
Box IV.31
Koch, Rudolph (1876-1834)
Box Flat Box 52
Koch, Rudolph (1876-1834)
Box IV.31
Koenig, Friedrich (1774-1833)
Box Flat Box 52
Koenig, Friedrich (1774-1833)
Box IV.31
Kollock, Shepard, Jr.
Box IV.31
Koster, Laurens Janszoon (or Coster)
Box IV.31
Krimpen, Jan van (1892-1956)
Box IV.31
Kruell, Gustav
Box Flat Box 52
Kruell, Gustav
Box IV.31
Kyster, Anker
Box IV.31
Laboulaye, Edouard
Box Flat Box 52
Laboulaye, Edouard
Box IV.31
Lackington, James (1746-1815)
Box IV.31
Ladew, Augustus Philip (1811-1881)
Box Flat Box 52
Ladew, Augustus Philip (1811-1881)
Box IV.31
Ladvocat, P. F. C.
Box IV.31
Lahure, Charles
Box IV.31
Lanston, Tolbert (1844-1913)
Box IV.31
Lascaris, Joannis
Box IV.31
La Shelle, Kirke
Box IV.31
Lawson, T.
Box IV.31
Leach, Frank A.
Box IV.31
Le Camus
Box IV.31
Lee, H. G.
Box IV.31
Lee, James L.
Box IV.31
Lee, W. A.
Box IV.31
Leech, John S.
Box IV.31
Lehmann-Haupt, Hellmut
Box IV.31
Leidinger, Georg, Dr.
Box IV.31
Leigh, Robert Watson
Box IV.31
Leighton, Archibald, Jr.
Box IV.32
Lemercier, A.
Box IV.32
Lemercier, J. R.
Box IV.32
LeMercier, Pierre Augustin
Box Flat Box 52
LeMercier, Pierre Augustin
Box IV.32
LeMercier, Rose-Joseph
Box Flat Box 52
LeMercier, Rose-Joseph
Box IV.32
Leonard, Fredericus
Box Flat Box 53
Leonard, Fredericus
Box IV.32
Leroy, C.
Box IV.32
Leslie, Robert L., Dr.
Box IV.32
Lewis, A. L.
Box IV.32
Lewis, C. B.
Box IV.32
Lewis, Ellis
Box IV.32
Lewis, Walter
Box IV.32
Leybourn, Gulielmi
Box IV.32
Lienard and Son
Box IV.32
Lietke, William Ferdinand
Box IV.32
Lilly, Eli
Box IV.32
Lincoln, Abraham (1809-1865)
Box IV.32
Lindsay, James (1826-1879)
Box IV.32
Lindenmayer, Esaias
Box IV.32
Linton, W. J.
Box IV.32
Lippincott, J. B.
Box IV.32
Lipsius, Justus
Box IV.32
Little, Andrew (1829-1911)
Box IV.32
Little, Joseph J.
Box IV.32
Locke, David Ross
Box IV.32
Lockwood, H.
Box IV.32
Lombard, H. E.
Box IV.32
Lombardi, Alessandro
Box IV.32
Lontrel, Cyms H.
Box IV.32
Lord, George
Box IV.32
Los Rios, François de
Box IV.32
Loudon, Samuel (1727-1813)
Box IV.32
Lovejoy, Elijah Parish (1802-1837)
Box IV.32
Low Family (publishers 1795-1829)
Box IV.32
Lowndes, William Thomas
Box IV.33
Lucas, F.
Box Flat Box 53
Lucas, F.
Box IV.33
Ludlow Tyograph Company
Box IV.33
Lufft, Johannes
Box IV.33
Luse, A. P.
Box IV.33
Box IV.33
Lyman, Nathan (1789-1872)
Box IV.33
Lyman, William E.
Box Flat Box 53
Lyman, William E.
Box IV.33
Lynch, James M.
Box IV.33
Lynch, Jim
Box IV.33
Lyon, James
Box IV.33
McBey, Marguerite Loeb
Box IV.33
McCaffrey, Frank
Box IV.33
McCallister, Bruce
Box IV.33
McClure, Alexander Kelly, Colonel
Box IV.33
McCormick, John
Box IV.33
McCoy, M. P.
Box IV.33
McFarland, Edwin C.
Box IV.33
McFarland, J. Horace
Box IV.33
Machlinia, William
Box IV.33
McIndoe, Jas. W.
Box IV.34
McKean, W. V.
Box IV.34
MacKellar, Thomas (1812-1899)
Box Flat Box 53
MacKellar, Thomas (1812-1899)
Box IV.34
MacKey, Charles W.
Box IV.34
McLaughlin, Frank
Box IV.34
M'Leester, Alexander
Box Flat Box 54
M'Leester, Alexander
Box IV.34
Box IV.34
MacMillan, Daniel (1818-1857)
Box IV.34
McMurtrie, Douglas C.
Box IV.34
McPharlin, Paul
Box IV.34
McVickar, J. H.
Box IV.34
MacWade, Robert M.
Box IV.34
Maggs, B. D.
Box IV.34
Maley, Henry A.
Box IV.34
Mame, Alfred
Box IV.34
Manning, Daniel
Box IV.34
Manning, James Hilton (1854-1925)
Box IV.34
Manuzio, Aldus (and family of printers)
Box Flat Box 53
Manuzio, Aldus (and family of printers)
Box IV.34
Mappa, Adam Gerard
Box IV.34
Marchbanks, Hal
Box IV.34
Marcolini, Francesco
Box IV.34
Marcus, Stanley
Box IV.34
Marcy, C. D'W.
Box IV.34
Marder, C. C.
Box IV.34
Marder, John
Box Flat Box 53
Marder, John
Box IV.34
Marder, Walter S.
Box IV.34
Mardersteig, Giovanni
Box IV.34
Marielle, Jean
Box Flat Box 53
Marder, John
Box IV.34
Box IV.34
Marrastt, Normand
Box IV.34
Marsh, Fletcher Harper
Box IV.34
Martens, Thierry (ca.1446-1534)
Box IV.34
Marthens, John Francis (1830-1902)
Box IV.35
Master Printers' Club of Boston, Massachusetts
Box IV.35
Matthews, George E.
Box IV.35
Matthews, William (1822-1896)
Box IV.35
Mayr, Joanni Baptista
Box IV.35
Medina, José Toribio (1852-1940)
Box IV.35
Megill, Edward Landon (1850-1923)
Box IV.35
Megill, Linn S.
Box IV.35
Meisenbach, Georg (1841-1912()
Box IV.35
Melcher, Frederick Gershom
Box IV.35
Menamin, Robert S. (1833-1887)
Box IV.35
Menzel, Adolph von (1815-1905)
Box IV.35
Mercier, Pierre Augustin le
Box IV.35
Mergenthaler, Ottmar (1854-1899)
Box Flat Box 54
Mergenthaler, Ottmar (1854-1899)
Box IV.35
Box IV.35
Meyers, B. F.
Box IV.35
Miera, A. C.
Box IV.35
Miliani, Pietro (1744-1817)
Box IV.35
Miller, William
Box IV.35
Mills, Charles Sumner
Box IV.35
Mills, Fred.
Box IV.1
Box Flat Box 60
Miscellaneous Group Portraits
Box IV.35
Mitau, Martin S.
Box IV.35
Mitchell, John
Box IV.35
Moerentorf, Adrienne Gras (wife of Jacques Moerentorf)
Box IV.35
Mohr, J. C. B. (1778-1854)
Box IV.35
Momoro, A. F. M.
Box IV.35
Montague, F. L.
Box IV.35
Montanus, Arias
Box IV.35
Montgomery, James
Box IV.35
Box IV.35
Moon, James
Box IV.35
Moore, Barbara
Box IV.35
Moore, Ely (1798-1860)
Box IV.35
Moore, Willis L.
Box IV.36
Moran, Benjamin (1820-1886)
Box IV.36
Mordaunt, E. J.
Box IV.36
Morehouse, Cornelius S.
Box IV.36
Moretus, Balthasar (1571-1641)
Box IV.36
Moretus, Jan (1543-1610)
Box IV.36
Moretus, Jan (1576-1618)
Box IV.36
Mori, Gustave
Box IV.36
Morison, Stanley
Box Flat Box 54
Morison, Stanley
Box IV.36
Morris, George P.
Box IV.36
Morris, William (1834-1896)
Box Flat Box 54
Morris, William (1834-1896)
Box IV.36
Morrison, J. C.
Box IV.36
Morse, Samuel Finley Breese (1791-1872)
Box IV.36
Morwitz, E.
Box IV.36
Mosher, Thomas B.
Box IV.36
Moss, John C.
Box IV.36
Moutardier, Lysias (1795-1858)
Box IV.36
Moxon, Joseph (1627-1691)
Box IV.36
Mueller, Hans Alexander
Box IV.36
Muguet, François
Box Flat Box 54
Muguet, François
Box IV.36
Muller, P. R. D.
Box IV.36
Munro, George
Box IV.36
Munsell, J.
Box IV.36
Munsey, Frank (1854-1925)
Box IV.36
Murdock, William E.
Box IV.36
Murphy, J. T.
Box IV.36
Murray, Charles R.
Box IV.36
Murray, John (1778-1843)
Box IV.36
Mylius, Arnoldus
Box IV.36
Nagahisa, Motogi
Box IV.36
Nash, John Henry
Box IV.36
Nash Building (San Francisco)
Box IV.36
Naylor, T. E.
Box IV.37
Nelson, Robert Wickham (1851-1926)
Box Flat Box 54
Nelson, Robert Wickham (1851-1926)
Box IV.37
New York Club of Printing House Craftsmen
Box IV.37
Newton, A. Edward
Box IV.37
Nichols, David
Box IV.37
Nichols, John (1745-1826)
Box Flat Box 55
Nichols, John (1745-1826)
Box IV.37
Nichols, Thomas P.
Box IV.37
Nicklin, T. G.
Box IV.37
Nieuwenhuijzen, Jan
Box Flat Box 55
Nieuwenhuijzen, Jan
Box IV.37
Nijhoff, Is. A.
Box IV.37
Nijhoff, Martinus
Box IV.37
Nijhoff, P.
Box IV.37
Niner, John Clarence
Box IV.37
Nisard, E.
Box IV.37
Normand, Maurice
Box IV.37
North, Ernest Dressel
Box IV.37
Noyes, Edward Follensbee
Box IV.37
O'Brien, Charles J.
Box IV.37
Ochs, Adolf
Box IV.37
O'Donnell, J. H.
Box IV.37
Ogilvy, John
Box IV.37
Box IV.37
Olmsted, Duncan Houx
Box IV.37
Olschki, Leo S.
Box IV.37
Oomkens, Jan
Box Flat Box 55
Oomkens, Jan
Box IV.37
Oporinus, Johannes (1507-1568)
Box IV.37
Orchard, Alfred Somerset
Box IV.37
Orchard, Samuel
Box IV.37
Orcutt, William Dana
Box IV.37
O'Reilly, John Boyle
Box IV.37
Orr, Louis Herbert
Box IV.37
Ortelius, Abraham
Box IV.38
Osborn, Thomas A.
Box IV.38
Ostrander, John G.
Box IV.38
O'Sullivan, John
Box IV.38
Oswald, John Clyde
Box Flat Box 55
Oswald, John Clyde
Box IV.38
Otis, Harrison Gray
Box IV.38
Ottendorfer, Oswald
Box IV.38
Overhage, Paul
Box IV.38
Oxford University Press
Box IV.38
Page, William Hamilton (1829-1906)
Box IV.38
Box IV.38
Paine, Thomas (1737-1809)
Box IV.38
Pakard, George E. (1875-1933)
Box IV.38
Palmer, Frank
Box IV.38
Panckoucke, Charles-Joseph (1736-1798)
Box IV.38
Panckoucke, Charles-Louis-Fleury (1780-1844)
Box IV.38
Pantinus, Peter
Box IV.38
Parker, Wadsworth Aschen
Box IV.38
Parkhill, C. L. D.
Box Flat Box 55
Parkhill, C. L. D.
Box IV.38
Parkhill, S. J.
Box IV.38
Partridge, Benjamin F.
Box IV.38
Partridge, Frank J.
Box IV.38
Pasco, W. W.
Box IV.38
Pasvolsky, Michael
Box IV.38
Paton, George (1721-1807)
Box IV.38
Paulus, Charles
Box IV.38
Paulus Manutius (1512-1574)
Box IV.39
Peacock, E. R.
Box IV.39
Peck, George W.
Box IV.39
Peignot, Charles
Box IV.39
Peignot, Etienne-Gabriel (1767-1849)
Box IV.39
Pelouze, Edmund (1765-1846)
Box IV.39
Pelouze, Edward Craige
Box IV.39
Pelouze, Henry Lafayette (1832-1896)
Box IV.39
Pendleton, Louis
Box IV.39
Pennell, Joseph (1860-1926)
Box IV.39
Perkins, Jacob (1766-1849)
Box IV.39
Peters, C. J.
Box IV.39
Peters, G. E.
Box IV.39
Peterson, Hugo D. E.
Box IV.39
Petit, Jean
Box IV.39
Petri, Sebastian Henric (1546-1627)
Box IV.39
Petty, Benjamin
Box IV.39
Peyton, Charles T.
Box IV.39
Pfaff, W.
Box IV.39
Phemister, Alexander C. (1829-1894)
Box IV.39
Phillips (director of Chilean publication Zig Zag ca. 1905)
Box IV.39
Phinney, F. D.
Box IV.39
Phinney, John S.
Box IV.39
Phinney, Joseph Warren (1848-1934)
Box Flat Box 55
Phinney, Joseph Warren (1848-1934)
Box IV.39
Piatt, Don
Box IV.39
Pickering, T.
Box IV.39
Pierce, James Appleton (1856-1915)
Box IV.39
Pierpont, F. H.
Box IV.39
Pierre, George G.
Box IV.40
Pilgrims (Massachusetts 1620)
Box IV.40
Pinkham, C. A.
Box IV.40
Piranesi, Giambattista
Box IV.40
Piroli, Tommaso
Box IV.40
Pitt, William, 1st earl of Chatham (1708-1778)
Box IV.40
Plantin, Christopher (1514-1589)
Box Flat Box 55
Plantin, Christopher (1514-1589)
Box IV.40
Platts, Nettie E., Mrs.
Box IV.40
Playfair, William
Box IV.40
Playford, Johannis
Box IV.40
Polhemus, A. L.
Box IV.40
Pomba, Luigi
Box IV.40
Poore, Benjamin Perley (1820-1889)
Box IV.40
Porter, William T.
Box IV.40
Portielje, G.
Box IV.40
Potier, L. (1806-1880)
Box IV.40
Box IV.40
Powell, Lawrence Clark
Box IV.40
Powell, Roger
Box IV.40
Prang, Louis
Box IV.40
Prault, P.
Box IV.40
Prescott, William Blair
Box IV.40
Preston, William (1742-1818)
Box IV.40
Price, John Edward
Box IV.40
Price, W. P.
Box IV.40
Priscianese, Francesco
Box IV.40
Pritchard, J. C.
Box IV.40
Proctor, J. T. R.
Box IV.40
Proudhon, Pierre Joseph (1809-1865)
Box IV.40
Pulitzer, Joseph
Box Flat Box 55
Pulitzer, Joseph
Box IV.40
Pulitzer, Ralph
Box IV.40
Purcell, William
Box IV.40
Putnam, George Haven
Box IV.40
Putnam, George Palmer (1814-1872)
Box IV.40
Pynson, Richard (1448-1529)
Box IV.40
Quaritch, Bernard Alfred
Box IV.40
Quentin, J. A. A. F.
Box IV.40
Quérard, Joseph-Marie (1797-1865)
Box IV.40
Quinn, John (1870-1924)
Box IV.40
Raasch, Louis W.
Box IV.40
Radcliffe, B. Walter, Sr.
Box IV.40
Raikes, Robert
Box IV.41
Rand, Paul
Box IV.41
Ransom, Harry Huntt (1909-1976)
Box IV.41
Ranza, Giovanni Antonio
Box IV.41
Raphelengius, Franciscus (1539-1597)
Box IV.41
Ratdolt, Erhard (ca.1447-ca.1527)
Box IV.41
Rawson, Elijah
Box IV.41
Raymond, Henry Jarvis
Box Flat Box 55
Raymond, Henry Jarvis
Box IV.41
Raymond, Marcius D. (1833-1911)
Box IV.41
Read, W. B.
Box IV.41
Redfield, R. H.
Box IV.41
Redpath, Sal
Box IV.41
Reed, Charles, Sir (1819-1881)
Box IV.41
Reed, Talbot Baines
Box Flat Box 56
Reed, Talbot Baines
Box IV.41
Reed, W. B.
Box IV.41
Reeves, John (1752-1829)
Box Flat Box 56
Reeves, John (1752-1829)
Box IV.41
Regan, James L.
Box IV.41
Reimer, Georg Andres (1776-1842)
Box IV.41
Remington, T. B.
Box IV.41
Renker, Urmin
Box IV.41
Renaudot, Théophraste
Box IV.41
Renkel, William A.
Box IV.41
Retan, A. E.
Box IV.41
Reton, John Theodore
Box Flat Box 56
Reton, John Theodore
Box IV.41
Rhead, Louis
Box IV.41
Rice, Harvey
Box IV.41
Richard, Gabriel, Father
Box IV.41
Richardson, Samuel (1689-1771)
Box Flat Box 56
Richardson, Samuel (1689-1771)
Box IV.41
Richardson, Warren
Box IV.41
Riddell, J. R.
Box IV.41
Ridge, R. R.
Box IV.41
Ringler, F. A.
Box IV.41
Ripon, Matthew W.
Box IV.41
Riqueur-Lainé, Adolphe
Box IV.41
Ritchie, Ward
Box IV.41
Ritter, G.
Box IV.41
Rivington, James (1724-1802)
Box Flat Box 56
Rivington, James (1724-1802)
Box IV.41
Robert, George F.
Box IV.41
Roberts, Ellis H.
Box IV.41
Robinson, James S.
Box IV.41
Robinson, Warren J.
Box IV.41
Robinson, William H., Ltd.
Box IV.41
Robson, Stuart
Box IV.41
Rockwell, Horace T. (1838-1902)
Box IV.41
Rockwood, George G.
Box Flat Box 56
Rockwood, George G.
Box IV.41
Roe, Herman
Box IV.42
Rogers, Bruce (1870-1957)
Box IV.42
Rogers, J. R.
Box IV.42
Rogers, John Gerham (1793-1851)
Box IV.42
Rogers, John Kimball
Box Flat Box 56
Rogers, John Kimball
Box IV.42
Rogers, Richard Edward Elmore
Box IV.42
Rogers, William Allen
Box IV.42
Rojankovsky, Feodor
Box IV.42
Roleau, Curtis E.
Box IV.42
Rollins, Carl Parington
Box IV.42
Ronaldson, James (1768-1841)
Box Flat Box 56
Ronaldson, James (1768-1841)
Box IV.42
Ronaldson, Richard
Box Flat Box 56
Ronaldson, Richard
Box IV.42
Rooker, Thomas N.
Box IV.42
Roosevelt, Theodore (1858-1919)
Box IV.42
Roper, Abel
Box IV.42
Rose, William L. (1826-1913)
Box IV.42
Rosenthal, Samuel
Box IV.42
Rosenwald, Lessing J.
Box IV.42
Rothwell, Andrew
Box IV.42
Rouse, Leon H.
Box IV.42
Rowland, H. W.
Box IV.42
Rowlandson, Thomas (1756-1827)
Box IV.42
Roxburghe, John, Duke of
Box IV.42
Royle, John
Box IV.42
Royle, Vernon
Box IV.42
Rubel, Ira Washington
Box IV.42
Rubens, Franciscus
Box IV.42
Rubeus, Io Antonius
Box IV.42
Rudge, William Edwin
Box Flat Box 56
Rudge, William Edwin
Box IV.42
Rupertus, Jacob
Box IV.42
Ruskin, John (1819-1900)
Box IV.42
Russell, William Howard
Box IV.42
Ruxton, Phillip
Box IV.42
Ruzicka, Rudolph
Box IV.42
Ryan, John
Box IV.42
Saint-Georges, M. de
Box IV.42
St. John, James A.
Box Flat Box 56
St. John, James A.
Box IV.42
Salter, George
Box IV.42
Sametz, Emma
Box IV.42
Sanby, Alfred H.
Box IV.42
Sauer, Christopher (1694-1758)
Box IV.42
Sawyer, Henry N.
Box IV.43
Schatvet, Einar
Box IV.43
Schelhorn, Io. Georg.
Box IV.43
Schenk, Peter
Box IV.43
Schierbeek, Roelof Jacob (1778-1835)
Box IV.43
Schiller, Albert
Box Flat Box 57
Schiller, Albert
Box IV.43
Schlecter, William F.
Box IV.43
Schmied, F. L.
Box IV.43
Schoffer, Johann (ca.1456-1531)
Box IV.43
Schoffer, Peter
Box Flat Box 57
Schoffer, Peter
Box IV.43
Scholderer, Victor
Box IV.43
Schraubstadter, Carl (1827-1897)
Box Flat Box 57
Schraubstadter, Carl (1827-1897)
Box IV.43
Schraubstadter, Oswald
Box IV.43
Schraubstadter, William A.
Box IV.43
Schuetz, Adolph
Box IV.43
Scott, Josiah B.
Box IV.43
Scott, Marsden G. (ca.1865-1923)
Box IV.43
Scribner, B. F.
Box IV.43
Scribner, Charles
Box IV.43
Scriver, Peter
Box IV.43
Scudder, Wilbur Stephen (1859-1932)
Box IV.43
Seaton, William Winston
Box IV.43
Selden, John (1584-1654)
Box IV.43
Senefelder, Aloysius (1771-1834)
Box Flat Box 57
Senefelder, Aloysius (1771-1834)
Box IV.43
Box IV.43
Settergren, Albert G.
Box IV.43
Sessler, Charles
Box IV.43
Sewell, John
Box IV.43
Shadinger, Roy O.
Box IV.43
Shahn, Ben
Box IV.43
Shanks, P. M.
Box IV.43
Shaw, Paul
Box IV.43
Sheinkman, Philip
Box IV.43
Sheldon, Gilbert (1598-1677)
Box IV.43
Shelley, C. C.
Box IV.43
Shelmerdine, J. M.
Box IV.43
Shepard, Clara J.
Box IV.43
Shepard, Henry Olendorf
Box Flat Box 57
Shepard, Henry Olendorf
Box IV.43
Sherman, Frank
Box IV.43
Shillaber, Benjamin Penhallow (1814-1890)
Box IV.43
Shortt, C. W.
Box IV.44
Siebold, George B.
Box IV.44
Siebold, John H.
Box IV.44
Silvestri, Giovanni (1778-1855)
Box IV.44
Simon, Pierre Guillaume (1722-1787)
Box IV.44
Simon, Oliver
Box IV.44
Singerly, W. M.
Box IV.44
Sipe, Dorsey W.
Box IV.44
Smellie, Alexander
Box IV.44
Smellie, William (1740-1795)
Box IV.44
Smith (of Smith and Porter)
Box IV.44
Smith, Asa Dodge, Reverend
Box IV.44
Smith, C. H.
Box IV.44
Smith, Frederick L.
Box IV.44
Smith, George Frederick (1786-1854)
Box Flat Box 57
Smith, George Frederick (1786-1854)
Box IV.44
Smith, John F.
Box IV.44
Smith, Martin S.
Box IV.44
Smith, Morris H.
Box IV.44
Smith, Orlando Jay, Major (1842-1908)
Box IV.44
Smith, Richard (1821-1894)
Box Flat Box 58
Smith, Richard (1821-1894)
Box IV.44
Smith, Roswell
Box IV.44
Smith, Stanfield
Box IV.44
Smith, Thomas W.
Box IV.44
Smith, William C.
Box IV.45
Sobota, Jan and Jarmila
Box IV.45
Sochets, Genevieve
Box IV.45
Southworth, A. E.
Box IV.45
Sower, Christopher
Box IV.45
Sower, David and Sower family
Box IV.45
Spenser, Edmund (1552-1599)
Box IV.45
Squire, Ephraim George
Box Flat Box 58
Stanhope, Charles
Box IV.45
Stephanoff, Vasil
Box IV.45
Stephens, Brad
Box IV.45
Stephens, Lon B.
Box IV.45
Stettiner, Louis
Box IV.45
Stettiner, Martin
Box IV.45
Stevens, Edward F.
Box IV.45
Stevens, Fred C.
Box IV.45
Stockdale, Percival
Box IV.45
Stone, Edward L. (1864-1938)
Box IV.45
Stone, Herbert Stuart
Box IV.45
Stone, William L.
Box IV.45
Stone, Wilbur Macey
Box IV.45
Stovel, John (1858-1923)
Box IV.45
Strahan, William (1715-1785)
Box Flat Box 58
Strahan, William (1715-1785)
Box IV.45
Stricker, Thomas Perry
Box IV.45
Struck, Hermann
Box IV.45
Sturmius, Joannes
Box IV.45
Box IV.45
Sulpke, C. G.
Box IV.45
Suttings, Charles A.
Box IV.45
Swan, Joseph W.
Box IV.45
Box IV.45
Symons, A. J. A.
Box IV.45
Szyk, Arthur
Box IV.46
Taft, Charles Phelps
Box IV.46
Tansey, Joe
Box IV.46
Tauber, Johann Daniel
Box IV.46
Taylor, Bayard
Box Flat Box 58
Taylor, Bayard
Box IV.46
Taylor, Charles H., General (1846-1921)
Box IV.46
Taylor, Douglas
Box IV.46
Taylor, John (1742-1829)
Box IV.46
Taylor, John Herbert
Box IV.46
Taylor, Richard
Box IV.46
Tegge, G. G.
Box IV.46
Terrebasse, Alfred Humbert de
Box IV.46
Terrebasse, Louis Alfred Jacquier de (1801-1871)
Box IV.46
Thanner, Jacobus (1448-1528)
Box IV.46
Thenot, J. P.
Box IV.46
Thiboust, Claude Louis (1667-1737)
Box IV.46
Thomas, Isaiah (1749-1831)
Box Flat Box 58
Thomas, Isaiah (1749-1831)
Box IV.46
Thomas, Peter
Box IV.46
Thompson, Benjamin (1847-1919)
Box IV.46
Thompson, Benjamin F.
Box IV.46
Thompson, John H.
Box IV.46
Thompson, John R.
Box IV.46
Thompson, William Tappan (1812-1882)
Box IV.46
Thoms, Robert
Box IV.46
Thorburn, Grant
Box IV.46
Tiemann, Walter
Box IV.46
Tilloch, Alexander
Box IV.46
Todd, Thomas
Box IV.46
Tofft, Andrew
Box IV.46
Torre, Carolina de la
Box IV.46
Tory, Geoffroy (ca.1480-1533)
Box IV.46
Tracy, Edward A.
Box IV.46
Trautz, Georges (1808-1879)
Box IV.46
Trow, John Fowler
Box IV.46
Trumbull, John
Box IV.46
Truscott, George Wyatt, Sir
Box IV.46
Truss, Darwin W.
Box IV.46
Tucker, Stephen D.
Box IV.46
Turner, Aaron B.
Box IV.46
Tuttle, Charles E.
Box IV.46
Tutrone, Domenick
Box IV.46
Box Flat Box 59
Box IV.47
Unger, Johann Frederick (1750-1804)
Box Flat Box 61
Unidentified portraits
Box Flat Box 62
Unidentified portraits
Box IV.47
United Typothetae of America
Box IV.47
Unwin, Edward
Box IV.47
Updike, Daniel Berkeley
Box IV.47
Valiant, J. W.
Box IV.47
Vallardi, Francesco
Box IV.47
Van Cott, Cornelius
Box IV.47
Vandercook, R. O.
Box IV.47
Van Dillen, I.
Box IV.47
Van Horn, Robert T.
Box IV.47
Van Liesvelt, Jacob
Box IV.47
Verbruggen, Johannes Wilhelmus
Box IV.47
Vildósola, Carlos Silva (Carlos Silva Vildósola)
Box IV.47
Vincent, Jacques
Box Flat Box 59
Vincent, Jacques
Box IV.47
Vitré, Antonius
Box IV.47
Vojvodick, Victor A.
Box IV.47
Vollard, Ambroise (1867-1939)
Box IV.47
Box IV.47
Box IV.47
Volpi, Giannantonio
Box IV.47
Wachs, Gerald N.
Box IV.47
Waggoner, Clark
Box IV.47
Waldo, Robert V.
Box IV.47
Walker, Emery
Box IV.47
Walker, William
Box IV.47
Walpole, Horace, 4th Earl of Orford (1717-1797)
Box IV.47
Walsh, Patrick
Box IV.47
Walter, Mr.
Box IV.47
Walters, John
Box IV.47
Wappler, Christian Friedrich
Box IV.47
Ward, William
Box IV.47
Warde, Beatrice
Box IV.47
Washburne, Elihu B.
Box IV.47
Washington, George (1732-1799)
Box IV.47
Waters, Peter (binder)
Box IV.47
Watkins, George T.
Box IV.47
Watson, David (1821-1901)
Box IV.47
Watson, Edward Malcolm (1846-1908)
Box IV.47
Watson, John S.
Box IV.47
Watterson, Henry
Box Flat Box 59
Watterson, Henry
Box IV.48
Weatherly, Sidney Martin
Box IV.48
Webster, A. A.
Box IV.48
Webster, C. C.
Box IV.48
Webster, George W.
Box IV.48
Webster, Noah (1758-1843)
Box IV.48
Wechel, Christian and Andreas
Box IV.48
Wedel, Benjamin
Box IV.48
Weed, Thurlow (1797-1882)
Box IV.48
Weinstein, Gregory
Box IV.48
Weiss, E. R.
Box IV.48
Weitenkampf, F.
Box IV.48
Wells, Carolyn
Box IV.48
Wells, Charles (1822-1885)
Box Flat Box 59
Wells, Charles (1822-1885)
Box IV.48
Wells, Darius (1800-1875)
Box Flat Box 59
Wells, Darius (1800-1875)
Box IV.48
Wells, David A.
Box IV.48
Wells, Heber
Box IV.48
Wells, Lester
Box IV.48
Wendell, Cornelius
Box IV.48
Werner, Nicholas Joseph
Box IV.48
West, Benjamin (1738-1820)
Box IV.48
Westermann, Georg (1810-1879)
Box IV.48
Wheble, John
Box IV.48
Whitcomb, H. C.
Box IV.48
White, Newell Q.
Box IV.48
White, William Allen
Box Flat Box 59
White, William Allen
Box IV.48
Whiting, E. K.
Box IV.48
Whitman, Walt (1819-1892)
Box Flat Box 59
Whitman, Walt (1819-1892)
Box IV.48
Whittaker, George
Box IV.48
Wiemeler, Ignata
Box IV.48
Wier, Mrs.
Box IV.48
Wilcox, Michael
Box IV.48
Wilke, William H.
Box IV.48
Wilkes, George
Box IV.48
Williams, Barney
Box IV.48
Williams, D.
Box IV.48
Willis, Nathaniel Parker (1806-1867)
Box IV.48
Willis, Richard Storrs
Box IV.48
Willoughby, Lou F.
Box IV.48
Wilson, Adrian
Box IV.48
Wilson, Alexander
Box IV.48
Wilson, Carroll A. (1886-1947)
Box IV.48
Wilson, David
Box IV.48
Wilson, John
Box IV.48
Wilson, W. Ross
Box IV.49
Wimble, Frederick Thomas (1846-1936
Box IV.49
Winship, George Parker
Box IV.49
Winslow, Edward (1595-1655)
Box IV.49
Wittmann, Charles-Léon
Box IV.49
Woerner, A.
Box IV.49
Wolfe, Reginald (or Reyner Wolfe) (d.1573)
Box IV.49
Wolfenden, Richard
Box IV.49
Wollenberg, Leah (1906-1990)
Box IV.49
Wood, Frank
Box IV.49
Woodfall, William (1746-1803)
Box IV.49
Woods, Nicholas
Box IV.49
Woodworth, Samuel
Box IV.49
Worde, Wynkyn, de
Box IV.49
Wright, A. J.
Box IV.49
Wright, George G.
Box IV.49
Wright, John
Box IV.49
Wright, Preston W.
Box IV.49
Wyman, Charles
Box IV.49
Wyman, L. A.
Box IV.49
Yervant, Hrateh
Box IV.49
Young, F. A.
Box IV.49
Young, John Russel
Box IV.49
Young, William
Box IV.49
Zainer, Günther (d.1478)
Box IV.49
Zanichelli, Nicola
Box IV.49
Zapf, Hermann
Box IV.49
Zenger, John Peter (1697-1746)
Box IV.49
Zimmer, Otto E.
Box IV.49
Zurenus, Johann
Includes announcements, prospectuses, order forms, and materials about fine
and historical presses
Box V.1
Abattoir Editions
University of Nebraska at Omaha, Omaha, Nebraska
Box V.1
Box V.1
Adagio Press -- Bahr, Leonard F.
Box V.1
Albondocani Press -- Ferguson, William
New York ; Cambridge, Massachusetts
Box V.1
Alcestis Press -- Latimer, J. Ronald Lane
Box V.1
Alcuin Press
Campden, Gloucestershire, England
Box V.1
Alden Press
Box V.1
Aldine Press
Box Flat Box 12
Aldine Press
Box V.1
Aldus Printers Inc.
Box V.1
Alembic Press
Marcham, Nr. Abingdon, Oxfordshire, England
Box V.1
Alibi Press -- Baughman, Roland O.
Box V.1
Aliquando Press
Box V.1
Allen Press -- Allen, Lewis and Dorothy
Hillsborough, California ; Kentfield, California ; Cagnes-sur-Mer, France
Box Flat Box 12
Allen Press -- Allen, Lewis and Dorothy
Hillsborough, California ; Kentfield, California ; Cagnes-sur-Mer, France
Box V.1
Allenholme Press
Wylam, Northumberland, England
Box V.1
Alternative Press
Box V.2
Amaranth Press
Box V.2
Amargi Press
Box V.2
American Institute of Architects, Press of
See here for: Goodhue, Bertram Grosvenor
New York
Box V.2
American Type Founders, Inc.
Box V.2
Amor Fati
Box V.2
Ampersand Press -- Dahlstrom, Grant
Box V.2
Ampersand, Stamperia
Box V.2
Amphora Press -- Mann, Elizabeth ; Williams, Mary Thornhill
Box V.2
Anachronic Editions
Box V.2
Anagram Press
Box V.2
Anderson, Gregg
SEE ALSO: Grey Bow Press ; Portraits & Biography Series
Various locations and presses
Box V.2
Angel Alley Press -- Grover, Edwin Osgood
Box V.2
Angelica Press
Box V.2
Angelo, Valenti (typographer, printer)
Box V.2
Anita Press
Box V.2
Antilope, Les Editions de l'
Box V.2
Anvil Press -- Victor Hammer and associates
Box V.2
Apiary Press
Smith College, Northampton, Massachusetts
Box V.2
Appletree Alley Press
Box V.2
Archetype Press -- Bentley, Wilder
Box V.2
Aralia Press
Department of English, West Chester University, West Chester, Pennsylvania
Box V.2
Aries Press -- Kellogg, Spencer, Jr.
Box V.2
Arif Press
Box Flat Box 12
Arion Press -- Hoyem, Andrew
Box V.2
Artichoke Press
See here for: Clark, Jonathan
Mountain View, California
Box V.2
Arundel Press
Box V.2
Ascham, Roger
Mississauga, Ontario, Canada
Box V.2
Ashantilly Press
Box V.2
Ashenden Press -- Hornby, C. H. St. John
Ashendene, Herefordshire, England ; London
Box Flat Box 12
Ashenden Press -- Hornby, C. H. St. John
Ashendene, Herefordshire, England ; London
Box V.2
Ashlar Press -- Heckscher, August and Maurice
Box V.2
Ashling Press
Box V.2
Attic House Press
Box V.2
Audin Press
Box V.2
Auerhahn Press
Box V.2
Avalun Press
Box V.3
Bache, Benjamin Franklin
Box V.3
Baine, John
Box V.3
Ballou, Robert O.
Box V.3
Bancroft Library Press
Box V.3
Banyan Press -- Fredericks, Claude ; Saul, Milton
New York ; Pawlet, Vermont
Box V.3
Barbarian Press
Mission, British Columbia, Canada
Box V.76
Barbarian Press
Box V.3
Barn Collections Press
Box V.3
Bartlett, Alfred
Box V.3
Bartlett Orr Press
Box V.3
Basilisk Press -- Garry, Charlene
Box Flat Box 12
Basilisk Press -- Garry, Charlene
Box V.3
Bear Press
Box V.3
Beaumont Press -- Beaumont, Cyril W.
Box V.3
Benn, Ernest, Ltd.
Box V.5
Bennett, Paul A.
Box V.3
Bentley Press -- Bentley, Wilder
SEE ALSO: Archetype Press
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Box V.6
Berkeley Press -- Annable, Irving K.
Box V.6
Berliner, Harold, printer
Box V.6
Between Hours Press -- Grauer, Ben
Box V.6
Bevan, Charles (Charles Bevan Press)
Box Flat Box 12
Beucke, Werner
Box V.6
Bibliographical Press -- Leffingwell, Russell
Box Flat Box 12
Bibliographical Press -- Leffingwell, Russell
Box V.6
Bibliographical Society of America
Box V.6
Bieler Press -- Lang, Gerald
Box V.6
Bird & Bull Press -- Morris, Henry
North Hills, Pennsylvania
Box V.76
Bird & Bull Press
Box Flat Box 11
Bird & Bull Press -- Morris, Henry
North Hills, Pennsylvania
Box V.6
Bitchy Buddha Press
Box V.6
Bits Press
Box V.7
Black Cat Press -- Forgue, Norman W.
Box V.7
Black Light Press
Box V.7
Black Mack Press -- McDonald, Thomas W.
Box V.7
Black Pennell Press
See here for: Grian-aig Press, Signet Press; Rae, Thomas
Box V.7
Black Rock Press
Box V.7
Black Rose Press
Box V.7
Black Sparrow Press
Box V.7
Black Stone Press
Box V.7
Black Vine Press -- Seeger, Harold ; Kennedy, Lawton ; Sperisen, Albert
Box V.7
Blackwell's Rare Books
Box V.7
Bloodroot Press
Box V.7
Blue Moon Press
Box V.7
Blue Ox Press -- McPharlin, Paul
Box V.7
Blue Wind Press
Box V.7
Bombshelter Press
Hermosa Beach, California
Box V.4
Book Arts Press
See here for illustrators: Charlot, Jean (1898-) Fahrner, Barbara
Columbia University, School of Library Service, New York ; University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia
Box Flat Box 11
Book Arts Press
Columbia University, School of Library Service, New York ; University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia
Box V.7
Book Club of California
Box V.7
Book Works
Box V.7
Bowles, J. M. ; Rogers, Bruce
Box Flat Box 11
Boston Type Foundry
Box Flat Box 11
Bradley, Will
Box V.7
Bremer Presse -- Wiegand, Willi
Box Flat Box 11
Bremer Presse -- Wiegand, Willi
Box V.7
Bridge Press
Box V.76
Bridge Press
Box V.7
Brighton Press
Box V.7
Bromer, Anne and David
Box V.7
Brontδ Press
Box V.7
Brooding Heron Press
Waldron Island, Washington
Box V.7
Buckner Press
Santa Barbara, California
Box V.7
Bullnettle Press
Box Flat Box 11
Byrd, William
Box V.8
Caddis Case Press
Box V.8
Caliban Press
Box V.8
Calliopea Press
Box V.8
Camberwell Press
Box V.8
Cantina Press -- Kennedy, Ruth and Clarence
Northampton, Massachusetts
Box V.8
Cape & Company
Box V.8
Capricorn Press
Santa Barbara, California
Box V.8
Caradoc Press -- Webb, H. G. and Hesba
Box V.8
Careless Press -- Corell, J. F.
Mt. Washington, Massachusetts
Box V.8
Carr Press (The Printing Press) -- Carr, Horace
Box V.8
Carriage House Press
Box Flat Box 13
Box V.8
Castle Hill Press
Blackwell's Rare Books, Oxford, England
Box V.8
Castle Press -- Dahlstrom, Grant
Box V.8
Cave, Roderick
Box V.8
Cayucos Press
Box V.8
Cayuga Press
Box V.9
Cedar Tree Press -- Capon, Charles R.
Box V.9
Centaur Press
Box V.9
Centaur Press -- Wilson, Adrian
Box V.9
Chama Press
Box V.9
Chamberlain Press -- Chamberlain, Sarah
Easthampton, Massachusetts ; Portland, Oregon
Box V.9
Chapel Press
Box V.9
Chax Press
Box V.9
Cheloniidae Press
Box V.9
Cheney, William M.
Box V.9
Cherryburn Press -- Middleton, R. Hunter
Box V.9
Cheshire House -- Chrysler, Walter P.
SEE ALSO: Georgian Press
New York
Box V.9
Chevington Press
Box V.9
Chilmark Press
Box V.9
Chimaera Press
Box Flat Box 13
Chimaera Press
Box V.9
Chiswick Press -- Jacobi, Charles T. ; Whittingham, Charles
Box V.9
Chiswick Polytechnic Press -- Tarr, J. C.
Box V.9
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
Box V.9
Church Street Press
Box V.9
Churchmouse Press -- Cowles, Thomas and Barbara
Box V.9
Circle Press
Guildford, Surrey, England
Box Flat Box 13
Circle Press
Guildford, Surrey, England
Box Flat Box 13
Claesz, Hendrik
Box V.10
Clarion Publishing
Neatham Mill, Holybourne, Alton, Hants, England
Box V.10
Clarke Press
Box V.10
Cleland Press -- Cleland, T. M.
SEE ALSO: description sheet for Arthur S. Allen Commercial Typography Collection
New York
Box V.10
Cleverdon, Douglas
Box V.10
Cloister Press -- Lewis, Walter
Box V.10
Close-Grip Press
Box V.11
Coffee House Press
Box V.11
Colish Press -- Colish, A.
Box Flat Box 13
Colish Press -- Colish, A.
Box V.11
Colophon -- Adler, Elmer
SEE ALSO: Pynson Printers
New York
Box V.11
Colt Press
Box Flat Box 13
Composing Room
Box V.11
Conde Nast Press -- Nast, Conde
Box V.11
Santa Barbara, California
Box V.11
Copeland and Day Press
Box V.12
Coq d'Or Press
Box V.12
Coromandel Express -- Paris
Box V.12
Corycian Press
Box V.12
Coulouma α Argenteuil -- Barthelemy, H.
Box Flat Box 13
Coulouma α Argenteuil -- Barthelemy, H.
Box V.12
Country Life Press
Box V.12
Countryman Press -- Orton, Vrest
Box V.12
Covici, Friede
Box V.12
Cranach Presse -- Kessler, Harry, Graf
Box V.12
Cranbrook Press -- Miller, Edward Alonzo
Bloomfield Hills, Michigan
Box V.12
Cranium Press
Box V.13
Cresset Press -- Cohen, Dennis M. ; Myers, A. I.
Box Flat Box 13
Cresset Press -- Cohen, Dennis M. ; Myers, A. I.
Box V.13
CTL Presse
Box V.13
Cuala Press -- Yeats, Elizabeth Corbet
See here for Dun Emer Press
Dublin and Dundrum, Ireland
Box Flat Box 13
Cuala Press -- Yeats, Elizabeth Corbet
Dublin and Dundrum, Ireland
Box V.13
Cuckoo Hill Press -- Chambers, David
Pinner, Middlesex, England
Box V.13
Cummington Press -- Frazier, Katharine ; Duncan, Harry
Cummington, Massachusetts
Box V.13
Cuneo Press
Box Flat Box 13
Cuneo Press
Box V.13
Currier Press -- Currier, Everett
Box V.14
Curwen Press -- Curwen, Harold ; Simon, Oliver
Box V.14
Cygnet Press
Box V.14
Dalrymple Press
Box V.14
Dandelion Press
Box V.14
Daniel Press -- Daniel, Charles Henry Olive
Frome and Oxford, England
Box V.14
Dawson, Muir, Press of
Box V.14
Delos Press
Box V.14
Dent, J. M., & Sons
Box V.14
Depping, Edition (Im Mandragora-Verlag Mⁿnster)
Box V.14
Derrydale Press -- Connett, Eugene V.
Box V.15
Desert Rose Press
Box V.15
De Vinne Press -- De Vinne, Theodore Low
Box V.15
Dial Press -- MacVeagh, Lincoln
Box V.15
Diamant Press -- Diamant, E. M.
Box V.15
Diapure Press
Box V.15
Dieu Donne Press and Paper
Box V.15
Dim Gray Bar Press
Box V.15
Dog Rose Press
Box V.15
Doggerel Press
Santa Barbara, California
Box Flat Box 13
Doggerel Press
Santa Barbara, California
Box V.15
Dogwood Press -- McCaffrey, Frank
Box V.15
Dolmen Press
Box V.15
Domesday Press -- Hornby, George
Box V.15
Dominicans of Summit Press
Box V.15
Dorn, Max ; Harwerth, Willi
Box V.16
Double Elephant Press
Box Flat Box 13
Double Elephant Press
Box V.16
Dov Press
Box V.16
Doves Press -- Cobden-Sanderson, Thomas James ; Walder, Emery
Box V.16
Driftwind Press -- Coates, Walter J. ; Cook, W. Paul
East Calais and North Montpelier, Vermont
Box V.16
Dropmore Press -- Carlow, Viscount ; Kemsley, V. ; Shanks, E. ; Sibley, G. R. G. ; Meglaughlin, R. B. ; Clifton, W. J. P.
Box V.16
Dryad Press
Leicester and London, England
Box V.16
Duensing, Paul Hayden
Box V.16
Duncan & Gladstone
Box V.16
Dunn Press -- Dunn, Harvey Hopkins
Box V.16
Dunster House Press
Box V.17
Dwiggins, W. A., independent printer and illustrator
Box V.17
Ear-say Books
Box V.17
Ebenezer Press -- Clarke, Graham
Boughton Monchelsea, Maidstone, Kent, England
Box V.17
Ecco Press
Box V.17
Eckardt, W. V., letterer
Box V.17
Edizioni La Ginestra
Box V.17
Ehrhardt, Eugene, typographer
Box V.17
Elder Press -- Elder, Paul
Box V.17
Elephant's Foot Press
Box V.17
Elizabeth Press
Box V.17
Ellinger, Carlton D., designer
Box V.17
Ellis Press Co. Inc. -- Ellis, George H.
Box V.17
Elm Press
Box V.17
Elmete Press
Barkston Ash, Yorkshire, England
Box V.17
Elmtree Press
Box V.17
Elston Press -- Conwell, Clarke
Box V.17
Elysian Press
Box V.17
Elysium Press
Box V.18
Emanon Press
Princeton Junction, New Jersey
Box V.18
Engdahl Typography -- Engdahl, Lee and Mayona
Box V.18
Enschede Press -- Enschede, Johann
Box Flat Box 13
Enschede Press -- Enschede, Johann
Box V.18
Eragny Press -- Pissarro, Lucien and Esther
Epping and London, England
Box V.18
Ernst Ludwig Presse -- Kleukens, Ch. H. (Kunstlerkolonie)
Box V.18
Eskew, William
Box V.18
Essex House Press -- Ashbee, C. R. ; Coomaraswamy, A. K., Dr.
London and Chipping Campden, England
Box Flat Box 13
Essex House Press -- Ashbee, C. R. ; Coomaraswamy, A. K., Dr.
London and Chipping Campden, England
Box V.19
Eucalyptus Press -- Mills College, Oakland, California
Box V.19
Eugrammia Press
Box V.19
Ex Ophidia
Box V.19
Flying Paper Press
Box V.19
Evans-Winter-Hebb, Inc.
Box V.19
Fairfax Press
Box V.19
Fanfare Press -- Gill, Eric, artwork and designs
Box V.19
Fanfrolico Press -- Lindsay, Jack ; Stephensen, P. R.
Box V.19
Fastcard Press -- Evans
Box V.19
Feathered Serpent Press
Box V.19
Feicke Printing -- Earhart, John F.
Box V.19
Fine Book Circle
Box V.19
Firefly Press
Somerville, Massachusetts
Box V.19
Fitz Gerald, Vincent
Box V.19
[Five by Eight] 5 x 8 Press
Huntington Park, New Jersey
Box V.19
Five Seasons Press
Box V.19
Fleece Press
Box Flat Box 13
Fleece Press
Box V.19
Fleuron Press -- Braverman, L. A.
Box V.19
Fleuron Limited -- Simon, Oliver ; Morison, Stanley
Box V.19
Flockophobic Press
Box V.19
Flying Fish Press
Box V.19
Flying Paper Press
Box V.19
Folio Society -- Ede, Charles ; Sandford, Christopher ; Bott, A. J.
Box V.19
Flying Sugar Press
Box V.19
Foolscap Press
Box V.20
Fortune Press
Box V.20
Foster, John
Box V.20
Foulis Archive Press
Box V.20
Fountain Press -- Wells, James R. ; Adams, Elbridge L.
Box V.20
Four Winds Press
Box V.20
Fournier le Jeune
Box V.20
Francis Press -- Francis, Charles
Box V.20
Franklin, Benjamin
Box Flat Box 14
Franklin, Benjamin
Box V.20
Franklin Printing Company -- Kittredge, William A. (art director)
Box V.20
Fraser Press -- Fraser, Gordon
Box V.20
Box V.20
Fulcrum Press -- Churchill, George
Box V.20
Fulcrum Press
Kill Devil Hills, North Carolina
Box V.21
Furrow Press
Box V.21
Fürsteneck, Haus zum -- Koch, Paul ; Arnold, Fritz
Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Box Flat Box 14
Fürsteneck, Haus zum -- Koch, Paul ; Arnold, Fritz
Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Box V.21
Gaberbocchus Press
Box V.21
Galisteo Press
Box V.21
Garamond Press
Walton on Thames, Surrey, England
Box V.21
Garden Press -- Frey, Edward
Box V.21
Garrett Press -- Garrett, Carl
Box V.21
Gehenna Press
See here for Colin, Paul Emile, illustrator
Northampton, Massachusetts
Box Flat Box 14
Gehenna Press
See here for Colin, Paul Emile, illustrator
Northampton, Massachusetts
Box V.21
Gemelli Press
Box V.22
Gentry, Helen
Box V.22
Georgian Press -- Ellis, Richard W.
Box V.25
Ghost Pony Press
Box V.25
Gill, Eric (designer and illustrator)
Box V.25
Ginn and Company, Publishers
Boston ; New York ; Chicago ; London
Box V.25
Girs Press
West Chesterfield, New Hampshire
Box Flat Box 14
Giunta, Lucantonio
Box V.25
Glad Hand Press
Box V.25
Godine, David R.
Box V.25
Golden Cockerel Press -- Taylor, H. M. ; Gibbings, Robert
Waltham Saint Lawrence, England
Box V.26
Golden Compasses Press
Box V.26
Golden Cross Press -- Thompson, Edmund
Box V.26
Golden Dog Press -- Waldie, Kemp ; Britt, Ralph
Box V.26
Golden Eagle Press -- Jacobs, S. A.
Box V.26
Golden Hind Press -- Rushmore, Arthur and Edna
Box V.26
Golden Quill Press
Francestown, New Hampshire
Box V.26
Good Book Press
SEE ALSO: Thomas, Peter and Donna
Santa Cruz, California
Box V.26
Gorgas Oak Press
Typographic Laboratory, Graduate School of Library Service, University of Alabama, University, Alabama
Box V.26
Gosden Head Ltd.
Box V.23
Goudy, Frederick W. (type designer and printer)
SEE ALSO: description sheet for Arthur S. Allen Commercial Tyography Collection, Portraits and biblio. See here for Village Press
New York ; Marlboro, New York
Box Flat Box 14
Goudy, Frederick W. (type designer and printer)
New York ; Marlboro, New York
Box V.24
Goudy, Frederick W. (type designer and printer)
New York ; Marlboro, New York
Box V.27
Grabhorn Press -- Grabhorn, Edwin and Robert
See here for: Studio Press
San Francisco
Box Flat Box 14
Grabhorn Press -- Grabhorn, Edwin and Robert
See here for: Studio Press
San Francisco
Box V.26
Grace Hoper Press
Box V.26
Granary Books
Box V.26
Graphic Arts Company -- Johnson, Henry Lewis
Box V.26
Grassby, Percy
Box V.26
Gravesend Press -- Hammer, Jacob
Box V.26
Gray Shingle Press -- Schmalholz, Roy, Mabel, and Jane
Box V.26
Grayhound Press -- Mathews, Alister
London and Winchester, England
Box V.28
Green Gables
Box V.28
Greenhood, David (designer)
Box V.28
Greenhouse Review Press
Box V.28
Greenwood Press
Box V.28
Gregynog Press
Box V.28
Gregynog Press -- Maynard, Robert Ashwin
Box Flat Box 14
Gregynog Press -- Maynard, Robert Ashwin
Box V.28
Grenfell Press
Box V.28
Grey Bow Press -- Anderson, Gregg ; Baughman, R. O.
SEE ALSO: Anderson, Gregg, Alibi Press, and Huntington Library Press
Pasadena, California
Box V.28
Grey Spider Press
Sedro-Woolley, Washington
Box V.28
Gruver Press -- Gruver, Arthur C.
Box V.28
Gunther, Thomas
See here for: Edition Galerie Auf Zeit
Box V.29
Haddon Craftsmen -- Ellis, Richard
1 specimen (tribute to F. W. Goudy)
Camden, New Jersey
Box V.29
Haftel, Charles ; Roters, Carl G. (designers)
Box V.29
Halcyon Press -- Stols, A. A. M.
Box V.29
Halty Ferguson Publishing Co.
Box V.29
Hammer, Jacob and Victor (printing and designing)
SEE ALSO: Anvil Press, Stamperia del Santuccio
Lexington, Kentucky
Box V.29
Hammer Creek Press -- Fass, John S.
Box V.29
Hand and Flower Press
Box V.29
Hanuman Books
Box V.29
Hapgood, Grace and Theodore
Box V.30
Harbor Press -- Wood, Roland A. ; Fass, John S.
Box V.30
Harper & Brothers
Box V.30
Harrison of Paris -- Harrison, Barbara ; Wheeler, Monroe
Box V.31
Hart, Francis
Box V.31
Hart, Leo
Box V.30
Hart, Ruth and James D.
See here for Charlot, Jean (1898-), Illustrator
Box V.31
Harwerth, Willi (designer)
Box V.31
Haslewood Books -- Etchells, Frederick ; Macdonald, Hugh
Box V.31
Haworth Press
Box V.31
Hawthorn House -- Thompson, Edmund B.
Box V.31
Haybarn Press
Box V.31
Haymarket Press -- Smith, Halton and Truscott
Box V.32
Heintzemann, Carl H.
Box V.32
Heritage Press -- Macy, George
Box V.32
Hermetic Press
Box V.32
Heron Press
Williamsburgh, Massachusetts
Box V.32
Hertzog, Carl
Box V.32
Heyeck Press
Box V.32
High House Press -- Masters, James E.
Box V.32
Highton, Alexander G., Inc.
Newark, New Jersey ; New York
Box V.32
Hildreth, E. L., & Co.
Brattleboro, Vermont ; New York
Box V.32
Hill Press
Box V.32
Hippogryph Press
Box V.32
Hobby Horse Press
Box V.32
Hobby House Press -- Botts, MacDowell
Box V.32
Hoffman, Richard
Box Flat Box 14
Hoffman, Richard
Box V.32
Hogarth Press -- Woolf, Leonard and Virginia
1 folder of catalogues
Box Flat Box 14
Holiday House
Box V.32
Holiday Press
Box V.32
Holt, Henry, and Company, publishers
Box V.32
Hoper, Grace
Box V.32
Hornung, C. P.
Box V.32
Horse & Buggy Press
Box V.33
Hours Press -- Cunard, Nancy
Chapelle-Reanville, France
Box V.33
Howling at the Moon Press
Box V.33
Huckleberry Press
Box V.33
Humphries, Bruce, Inc.
Box V.33
Hunter, Dard, Press
Box V.33
Huntington Press
Box V.33
Huntington Library Press -- Baughman, Roland O.
SEE ALSO: Alibi Press, Grey Bow Press
San Marino, California
Box V.33
Hutchinson, Bradley
Box V.33
Hyperion-Verlag -- Weber, Hans von
Box V.33
Ichiyama, Dennis Y.
Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana
Box V.33
Imprimerie Nationale
Box V.33
Imprint Society (printing out at various presses)
Box V.33
Inanna Press -- Cummins, Maureen
Box V.33
Incline Press
Box V.33
Indian Mountain Press
Box V.33
Inkwell Press
Box V.33
Inky Parrot Press
See also: Previous Parrot Press
Oxford, England
Box V.33
Iron Bear Press
Box V.33
Isis Press
Box V.33
Ives Street Press
Mount Carmel, Connecticut
Box V.34
Box V.35
Janus Press -- Van Vliet, Claire
Box Flat Box 15
Janus Press -- Van Vliet, Claire
Box V.34
Jaquish, O. W. (designer and printer)
Box V.34
Jerusalem Print Workshop
Box V.34
Johnnycake Press
Box V.34
Johnson, Charles Everett, Company
Box Flat Box 15
Johnson, John
Box V.34
Johnson, Joseph (designer)
Box V.34
Josephy, Robert S. (designer)
Box Flat Box 15
Box V.34
Jou, Louis (printer and publisher)
Box V.34
Journalism Laboratory Press
Washington and Lee University, Lexington, Virginia
Box V.34
Jubilee Press
Box V.34
Jungle Garden Press
Box V.34
Juniper Press
Burradoo, New South Wales, Australia
Box V.34
Juniper von Pfitzer Press
See here for: Shibui printing
San Francisco
Box V.34
Junto -- Goodman, Julius
Box V.34
Just for Fun Press
Box V.34
Kairos Press
Box V.34
Kaldewey Press
Box V.34
Kalkhoff Company
Box V.34
Kallemeyn Press
Box V.34
Karuba Press
Box V.34
Kat Ran Press
Box V.34
Keepsake Press
Box V.34
Kelly-Winterton Press
Box V.34
Kelmscott Press -- Morris, William
Box Flat Box 15
Kelmscott Press -- Morris, William
Box V.34
Kemble Club
Box V.36
Kennedy, Clarence
Northampton, Massachusetts
Box V.36
Kennedy, Lawton
Box V.36
Kennedy, Robert Lawrence
Box V.36
Kingfisher Press
Box V.36
Kingsport Press
Box V.36
Kirgate Press -- Buddy, Lewis, III
Box V.36
Klingspor Typefoundry -- Klingspor, Karl Hermann
Box V.36
Knickerbocker Press
see here for Green, William, Inc.
New York
Box V.36
Knopf, Alfred A. (publisher)
Box V.36
Koch, Paul (designer and printer)
SEE ALSO: Stamperia del Santuccio
Florence, Italy ; Offenbach am Main, Germany
Box V.36
Koch, Peter
Box Flat Box 15
Box V.36
Koch, Rudolf (designer and typographer)
Offenbach am Main, Germany
Box Flat Box 15
Koch, Rudolf (designer and typographer)
Offenbach am Main, Germany
Box V.36
Kristensen, Poul
Box V.36
Box V.38
Laboratory Press -- Garnett, Porter ; Gage, Henry L.
Carnegie Institute of Technology, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Box Flat Box 15
Laboratory Press -- Garnett, Porter ; Gage, Henry L.
Carnegie Institute of Technology, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Box V.78
Laboratory Press -- Garnett, Porter ; Gage, Henry L.
Carnegie Institute of Technology, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Box V.37
Labyrinth Editions
Box V.37
Lakeside Press -- Donnelley, R. R., and Sons
Box Flat Box 16
Lakeside Press -- Donnelley, R. R., and Sons
Box Flat Box 16
Lanckisch, Friedrich, heirs of
Leipzig and Frankfurt, Germany
Box V.37
Land Marks Press
Huntington Woods, Michigan
Box V.37
Larkspur Press
Box V.37
Latin Press
Box V.39
Lawton & Kennedy
Box V.39
Laymen's Committee of the Presbyterian Church
Box V.39
Leadenhall Press -- Field & Tuer
Box V.39
Legacy Press
Box V.39
Lesser, Samuel E. (typographer, Leo Hart Co.)
East Orange, New Jersey ; Rochester, New York
Box V.39
Libanus Press
Marlborough, Wiltshire, England
Box V.39
Libra Press
Box V.39
Libros San Cristobal
Box V.39
Lieberman, Ben
Box V.39
Light of Day
Northampton, Massachusetts
Box V.39
Lime Kiln Press -- Everson, William (Brother Antoninus)
University of California at Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, California
Box Flat Box 16
Lime Kiln Press -- Everson, William (Brother Antoninus)
University of California at Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, California
Box V.39
Lime Rock Press
Box V.39
Lincoln Printing Co.
Box V.39
Literary House Press
Washington College, Chestertown, Maryland
Box V.39
Little Farm Press
Box V.39
Little Press
Box Flat Box 16
Lochner, Johann Christoph
Box V.39
Logan Elm Press
Box V.39
Box V.39
London College of Printing
Box V.39
Lost Cause Press
Box V.39
Lufkin, Raymond (designer)
Box V.40
Mack, Joseph, printing house
Box V.40
MacMahon, Frederick
Box V.40
Macmillan Company
New York ; Chicago ; Boston ; Atlanta ; Dallas ; San Francisco
Box V.40
McMurtrie, Douglas C. (typographer, designer, author)
Box V.40
McPharlin, Paul
Box V.40
Mainzer Presse -- Kleukens, Christian
Box V.40
Mallette Dean (designer and artist)
Box V.40
Mandrake Press
Box V.40
Manor House Press -- Moss, William E.
Box V.40
Many Names Press
Box V.40
Maple Press -- King, Howard N.
Marchbanks Press -- Marchbanks, Hal
Box Flat Box 16
Marchbanks Press -- Marchbanks, Hal
Box V.42
Marchbanks Press -- Marchbanks, Hal
Box V.79
Marchbanks Press -- Marchbanks, Hal
Box V.43
Margaret's Press
Box V.43
Marion Press -- Hopkins, Frank E.
Box V.43
Maverick Press -- Emmons, Earl H.
Box V.43
Meadow Press
Box V.43
Meadows Press
Northampton, Massachusetts
Box V.43
Meles Vulgaris Press
Box V.43
Melville Press
Pacific Palisades, California
Box V.43
Memory Press -- Pisano, Maria G.
Box V.43
Menhaden Press -- Hegeman, F.
Box V.43
Meow Press
Box V.43
Meriden Gravure Company
Box V.43
Merrymount Press -- Updike, Daniel Berkeley
SEE ALSO: description sheet for Arthur S. Allen Commercial Typography Collection
Box Flat Box 16
Merrymount Press -- Updike, Daniel Berkeley
Box V.80
Merrymount Press -- Updike, Daniel Berkeley
Box V.43
Metacom Press
Box Flat Box 16
Metropolitan Museum, press relating to
Box V.43
Metropolitan Press
Box Flat Box 16
Metropolitan Press
Box V.43
Middle Hill Press -- Phillips, Thomas, Sir
Box V.43
Midnight Paper Sales
Box V.44
Monotype Corporation
Box Flat Box 16
Monotype Corporation
Box V.44
Montague Press -- Rollins, Carl Purington
Box Flat Box 16
Montague Press -- Rollins, Carl Purington
Box V.44
Moonkosh Press & Ragpicker Press
Box V.44
Moore, Norman R.
Box V.44
Morgan Press
Hastings-on-Hudson, New York
Box V.44
Morland Press, Limited
Box V.44
Morrill Press
Box V.44
Mosher Press -- Mosher, Thomas Bird
Box V.44
Mother Tongue Press
Salt Spring Island, British Columbia
Box V.44
Movings Parts Press
Box V.44
Munder, Norman, T. A., & Co.
Box V.44
Mutel, Didier
Box V.44
Box V.44
Nash, Hope and Ray
Box Flat Box 17
Nash, Hope and Ray
Box V.44
Nash, John Henry
Box Flat Box 17
Nash, John Henry
Box V.44
National Bank Note Company
Box V.45
Nelson, Thacher (designer and illustrator)
Box V.45
Never Mind the Press
Box V.45
New Directions (publishers)
Box V.45
New Overbrook Press
Box V.45
New Penn Press
Box V.45
New Pyramid Press
Box V.45
Newbegin, John J.
Box V.45
Nexus Press
Box V.45
Nightshade Press
Box V.45
Nimrod Press
Box V.45
Ninja Press
Box V.45
Nomadic Press
Box V.47
Nonesuch Press -- Meynell, Francis and Vera ; Garnett, David
Box Flat Box 17
Nonesuch Press -- Meynell, Francis and Vera ; Garnett, David
Box V.45
North Point Press
Box V.45
Nypels, Charles (printer, editor)
Box V.46
Oak Knoll Books
Box V.46
Occasional Works
Box V.46
Ocotillo Press
Box V.46
October Mountain Press
Washington, Massachusetts
Box V.46
October Press
Box V.46
Offhand Press
Box V.46
Officina Bodoni -- Mardersteig, Hans
Montagnola di Lugano, Switzerland ; Verona, Italy
Box Flat Box 18
Officina Bodoni -- Mardersteig, Hans
Montagnola di Lugano, Switzerland ; Verona, Italy
Box V.46
Officina Brindabella
Box V.46
Officina Peregrinis -- Evans, Henry Herman
Box Flat Box 18
Officina Serpentis
Box V.46
Old Print Shop -- Gottschalk, Edward ; Newman, Harry Shaw
Box V.46
Old School Press
Box V.46
Old Stile Press
Llandogo, Monmouthshire, Wales
Box V.46
Oldstyle Press
Box V.46
Oliphant Press -- Gordon, Ronald ; Breecker, David
Box V.46
Oliver, Peter and Katharine (printers and publishers)
Box V.46
Orange Mountain Press
Box V.46
Oriole Press -- Ishill, Joseph
Berkeley Heights, New Jersey
Box V.48
Oswald Publishing Company -- Oswald, John C.
Box V.48
Out of Sorts Press and Letter Foundry -- Taylor, Pat
Box V.48
Overbrook Press -- Altschul, Frank
SEE ALSO: New Overbrook Press
Stamford, Connecticut
Box V.49
Pacific Editions
Box V.49
Packet Editions -- Johnston, Paul
Box V.49
Palabra Press -- `
Box V.49
Palaemon Press
Winston-Salem, North Carolina
Box V.49
Palisades Press
Box V.49
Palmer & Oliver, Inc.
Box V.49
Pandora Press
Box V.49
Pantheon Books, Inc.
Box V.49
Paradise Press
Box V.49
Parallel Press
Box V.49
Pardes Rimonim Press
Box V.49
Parkgate Press
Box V.49
Parley Vale Press
Box V.49
Parnassus Press -- Ney, Lew
Box V.49
Passim Editions
Box V.49
Payson & Clarke, Ltd. (Victor Gollancz, Ltd.)
Box V.49
Peacock Press -- Underhill, Wanda
Box V.50
Pear Tree Press -- Guthrie, James (John Freeman)
Ingrave, Shorne, Harting, Flansham, England
Box V.49
Peccary Press
Box V.49
Pegasus Press -- Reese, J. Holroyd
Box V.51
Pelican Press -- Meaden, Arthur H. ; Meynell, Francis
Box Flat Box 18
Pelican Press -- Meaden, Arthur H. ; Meynell, Francis
Box V.51
Pelletan, Edouard (editor, printer)
Box V.51
Pendulum Press
Box V.51
Penguin Press (Publishing Co. Ltd.)
Box V.51
Penmaen Press -- McCurdy, Michael
Box V.51
Pennyroyal Caxton Press
West Hatfield, Massachusetts
Box V.51
Pennyroyal Press
SEE ALSO: Book Arts - Illustrator - Moser, Barry
Box V.51
Penstemon Press -- Schallock, Kathleen Gray
Box V.51
Box V.51
Penteyegram Press
Box V.51
Penumbra Press
Box V.51
Peregrine Press
Box V.51
Perimeter Press
Box V.51
Peripatetic Press
Box V.51
Perishable Press
Box Flat Box 18
Perishable Press
Box V.51
Periwinkle Press -- Perry, Louise S. G. ; Katharine Burton
Box V.51
Permanent Press
Box V.52
Peter and the Wolf Editions
Box V.52
Peter Pauper Press -- Beilenson, Peter
Box V.52
Petrarch Press
Box V.52
Petri Presse
Box V.52
Pettitt, T., and Co.
Box Flat Box 18
Picart, B.
Box V.52
Piccolo Press
Box V.52
Pichon, Leon (printer, publisher)
Box V.52
Pickering Press
Box V.52
Pillbox Private Press
Box V.52
Pioneers, Press of the
Box V.52
Plain Wrapper Press -- Rummonds, Richard-Gabriel
Box V.52
Plantin Press -- Marks, Saul and Lillian
Box Flat Box 18
Plantin Press -- Marks, Saul and Lillian
Box V.52
Plough Press
Loughborough, Leicestershire
Box V.52
P'nye Press
Box V.52
Poeschel & Trepte -- Poeschel, Carl Ernst
Box Flat Box 18
Poletti, Andrea
Box V.52
Polish Private Press Ptyszkiewicz
Box V.52
Poltroon Press
Box V.52
Pomegranate Press
Box V.52
Poole Press
Box V.52
Porte Publishing Co. -- Smith, Frederick W.
Box V.52
Potes & Poets Press
Box V.52
Potlatcxh Press
Williamstown, Massachusetts
Box V.52
Box V.52
Powers, Frank
Jackson Heights, New York
Box V.52
Powgen Press -- Powers, Frank E. ; Gensamer, Ted
Box V.53
Prairie Press -- Coleman, Carrol D.
Muscatine, Iowa City, Iowa
Box V.53
Prasada Press
Box V.53
Pratt Adlib Press
Box V.53
Press at Colorado College
Box V.53
Press in Tuscany Alley
Box V.53
Press of Appletree Alley
Box V.53
Press of Elfriede Abbe
Box V.53
Press of the Nightowl
Box V.53
Press of the Palace of the Governors, Museum of New Mexico
Box V.53
Press of Time
Box V.53
Box V.53
Previous Parrot Press
See here for Hanborough Parrot Press,
Church Hanborough, Oxford, England
Box V.53
Price, Robin
Box V.53
Primavera Press -- Zeitlin, Jake ; Hanna, Phil T. ; Ritchie, Ward ; Carey MacWilliams
Box V.53
Primrose Hill Press
Box V.53
Printery -- Kramer, Kay Michael
Box V.53
Printing Office at High Loft
Box V.53
Privy Council Press (Typophiles)
Box V.53
Profile Press -- Head, Arthur
Including items appearing under the imprint of Arthur Head, the proprietor, and many poems written under his pseudonym, "Uther Capet"
New Haven
Box V.53
Profile Press
Box V.53
Prospero Presse
Zug, Switzerland & Munich, German
Box V.53
Protean Press
Box V.54
Prumyslova Press
Box Flat Box 18
Prumyslova Press
Box V.53
Purgtory Pie Press
Box V.53
Pynson, Richard
Box V.53
Pynson Printers -- Adler, Elmer
Box V.53
Pyracantha Press
School of Art, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona
Box V.55
Quail Press
Box V.55
Quelquefois Press
Box V.55
Ragpicker Press
Box V.55
Rainbow Press
Box V.55
Raintree Press
Box V.55
Rampant Lions -- Carter, Will
Box V.55
Ranchos Press
Ranchos de Taos, New Mexico
Box V.55
Random House (publishers) -- Cerf, Bennett A.
Box V.55
Raven Press -- Maynard, Robert Ashwin ; Bray, Horace Walter
Box V.55
Red Angel Press
Box V.55
Red Dress Press
Box V.55
Red Hen Press
Byddwn Uchaf Llanhamlach, Wales
Box V.55
Red Howler Press
Box V.55
Red Hydra
Box V.55
Red Ozier Press
Box V.55
Red Trillium Press
Williamsburg, Massachusetts
Box V.55
Redcoat Press
Box V.55
Redfield-Kendrick-Odell Co. Inc. (printers)
Box V.55
Reiss, Morris
Box Flat Box 18
Box V.55
Riccardi Press (Medici Society) -- Warner, Philip Lee ; De Grey, Nigel
Box V.55
Rice, Franklin P. (private press of)
Box V.56
Ritchie, Ward (Anderson, Caroline ; Simon, Joseph)
Box V.56
Riverside Press (Houghton Mifflin Company)
Box V.56
Rob Run Press
Box V.56
Roberts, John
Box V.56
Rocket Press
Box V.57
Rogers, Bruce (printer, designer, typographer ; various presses, Riverside, Rudge, Oxford University Press, et al.)
SEE ALSO: description sheet for Arthur S. Allen Commercial Typography Collection
Box Flat Box 18
Rogers, Bruce (printer, designer, typographer ; various presses, Riverside, Rudge, Oxford University Press, et al.)
Box V.58
Rogers, Bruce (printer, designer, typographer ; various presses, Riverside, Rudge, Oxford University Press, et al.)
Box V.56
Rohse, Otto
Box Flat Box 18
Rollins,Carl P.
Box V.59
Rosa, Guido and Lawrence (designers)
SEE ALSO: description sheet for Arthur S. Allen Commercial Typography Collection
Union City, New Jersey
Box V.59
Rosemary Press -- Offner, Elliot
Northampton, Massachusetts
Box V.59
Roters, Carl G. (designer and illustrator)
Box V.59
Box V.59
Roundstone Press
Box V.59
Roycrofters (Roycroft Shop) -- Hubbard, Elbert ; Hubbard, Elbert, II
Box V.60
Rudge, William Edwin (printer and publisher)
Mount Vernon, New York ; New York
Box Flat Box 18
Rudge, William Edwin (printer and publisher)
Mount Vernon, New York ; New York
Box V.60
Rudge's Sons, William E., Inc.
Box V.61
Rydal Press -- Gentry, Bruce
See here for: Gentry Press
Santa Fe, New Mexico
Box V.61
St. Albans Press -- Hurlbut, Stephen A.
Mount St. Alban, Washington, D. C.
Box V.61
St. Dominic's Press -- Pepler, Hilary D. C.
Box Flat Box 19
St. Dominic's Press -- Pepler, Hilary D. C.
Box V.61
St. Teresa's Press
Carmelite Monastery, Flemington, New Jersey
Box V.61
Salt House Press
See here for Turner, Lewis McKenzie
Baltimore, Maryland
Box Flat Box 19
Salt House Press
Box V.61
Salter, George (designer)
Box V.80
Salter, George (designer)
Box V.61
Samson Press -- Shelmerdine, J. M. ; Grierson, Flora
Stuart's Hill Cottage, England
Box V.78
Samson Press -- Shelmerdine, J. M. ; Grierson, Flora
Stuart's Hill Cottage, England
Box V.61
San Pasqual Press
Box V.61
Sand Dollar
Box V.61
Sandstone Press
Box V.61
Santa Susana Press
California State University, Northridge, California
Box V.61
Sarabande Press
Box V.61
Saunders Studio Press -- Saunders, Lynne and Ruth
Box V.61
Scarab Press
Box V.61
Schiller, Albert (designer and printer)
Box V.61
Box V.61
Scholartis Press -- Partridge, Eric
Box V.61
Schoonmaker, W. P. (designer)
Box V.61
Schwarze Kunst
Box V.61
Scolar Press
Box V.61
Scorpio Press
Box V.61
Scripps College Press
Box V.61
Sea Cliff Press
Box V.61
Sea Pen Press & Paper Mill
Box V.61
Senecio Press
Box V.61
September Press
Box V.61
Serpent & Eagle Press
Box V.61
Seton Village Press
Box V.62
Shakespeare Head Press -- Bullen, Arthur Henry ; Newdigate, Bernard Henry
Stratford-on-Avon, England ; Oxford, England
Box V.62
Shalom Yehuda Press
Box V.62
Sheed & Ward
Box V.62
Shenval Press
Box V.62
Shepard, Henry O., Co.
Box V.62
Sherbow, Benjamin (typographer)
Box V.62
Sherwin Beach Press
Box V.62
Shiver Mountain Press -- Amberger, Fritz
Washington Depot, Connecticut
Box V.62
Shoestring Press
Box V.62
Shuffaloff Press
Box V.62
Shulamis Press
Box V.62
Sign of the Blue-Behinded Ape, At the -- Beilenson, Peter and Edna
SEE ALSO: Peter Pauper Press
Larchmont, New Rochelle, and Mount Vernon, New York
Box V.62
Sign of the Boar's Head Press -- Sandford, Christopher and Lettice
Heathercombe and London, England
Box V.64
Sign of the Dolphin, At the -- Jones, George W.
Box V.64
Sign of the George -- Winship, George P.
Box V.64
Sign of the Gosden Head -- Annand, George
Box V.64
Sign of the Pike & Ring
Box V.64
Sign of the Rose -- Craig, Edward Gordon
Box V.64
Silve, David (typographer, also with Pynson Printers)
Box V.64
Silver Hands Press
Box V.64
Singleton, Fred T. (printer and author)
Box V.64
Sixth Chamber Press
Box V.63
Skelton's Press
Box V.63
Sky Blue Press
Huntington, Woods, Michigan
Box V.63
Smellie's Printing Office
Box V.63
Society of Printers
Box Flat Box 19
Society of Printers
Box V.63
Society of Private Printers
Box V.63
Sol Invictus
Box V.63
Solitarian Press -- Flower, J. Howard and Donald M.
Box V.63
Soncino Press
Box V.63
Southworth-Anthoensen Press -- Southworth, Constant ; Anthoensen, Fred
Box V.63
Sparrow Press
Box V.63
Spiral Press -- Blumenthal, Joseph ; Hoffman, George
Box V.77
Spiral Press -- Blumenthal, Joseph ; Hoffman, George
Box V.78
Spiral Press -- Blumenthal, Joseph ; Hoffman, George
Box V.63
Spottiswoode & Co.
Box V.63
Springer, Winton L. (typographer and inventor)
Box V.63
Springer, John (printer and author)
Box V.63
Squamata Press
Box V.65
Stamperia del Santuccio -- Koch, Paul
Box V.65
Stamperia Valdonega
Box Flat Box 19
Stamperia Valdonega
Box V.65
Stanbrook Abbey Press
Box V.65
Stanton Press -- Stanton, Richard ; Lambert, Elinor
Wembley Hill, England ; Dodona, England
Box V.65
Steiner-Prag, Hugo (publisher and designer)
Box V.65
Stephen Greene Press
Box V.65
Stern & Faye, Printers
Sedro-Woolley, Washington
Box V.65
Still Point Press
Box V.65
Stillson, Robert L., Co.
Box V.65
Stinehour Press -- Stinehour, Roderick
Box V.65
Stokes, Frederick A., Co. (publishers)
Box V.65
Stone & Kimball -- Stone, Herbert S. ; Kimball, Hannibal Ingalls, Jr.
Cambridge, Massachusetts ; Chicago
Box V.65
Stone House Press
Box V.65
Stone Printing and Manufacturing Co. -- Stone, Edward L.
Box V.65
Stone Wall Press (subsidiary of Cummington Press) -- Frazier, Katherine
Box V.65
Stratford Press -- Gleason, Earl F.
Box V.65
Strawberry Hill Press -- Walpole, Horace, Sir
Box V.65
Street of Crocodiles Printery
Sedro-Woolley, Washington
Box V.65
Stricker, Thomas Perry (printer and author)
Box V.65
Sub Rosa Press
See here for: Cameron, Carol
Madison, Wisconsin
Box V.65
Sumac Press
Box V.65
Sun-Stone Press
Box V.65
Sutton Hoo Press
Box V.65
Swamp Press
Oneonta, New York ; Amherst, Massachusetts
Box V.65
Sylvan Press
Box V.65
Symposium Press
Box V.66
Tabard Press
Blackwell's Rare Books, Oxford, England
Box V.66
Table-Talk Press
Santa Barbara, California
Box V.66
Tamalpais Press -- Levenson, Roger
Box Flat Box 19
Tamalpais Press -- Levenson, Roger
Box V.66
Tanner, Wesley B.
Box V.66
Taylor, W. Thomas
Box V.66
Taylor Press
Box V.66
Taylor & Taylor (printers and publishers)
Box Flat Box 19
Tefferode, N.
Box V.66
Tenfingers Press -- Thomas, Frank J.
Box V.66
Tern Press
Market Drayton, Shropshire, England
Box V.66
Thaumatrope Press
Special Collections Department, Rivera Library, University of California, Riverside, California
Box V.66
Theodore Press
Box V.66
Third & Elm Press
Box V.66
Thistle Hill Press
North Brookfield, Massachusetts
Box V.66
Thomas, Peter and Donna
Box V.66
Thomas Todd Company (printers)
Box V.66
Thomson & Co. (printers, designers)
Box V.66
Thornwillow Press
Box V.66
Three Birds Press -- Hunt, Lee
Box V.66
Thursday Night Press -- Forgue, Norman W. ; McCarthy, Robert ; Mauger, John
Box V.67
Tideline Press
Box V.67
Times-Mirror Printing and Binding House -- Stuff, Harry Spencer
Box V.67
Timothy Press -- Anderson, Gregg ; Hugo, Harold
Box V.67
Tintern Press -- Stuart, Vincent Graham
Box V.67
Tomato Press
Box V.67
Toothpaste Press
Kornblum, Allan and Cinda
Box V.67
Topia Press
Bradford, England ; New York
Box Flat Box 19
Tournes, family of printers
Box V.67
Toyme Press
Box V.67
Toyon Press
Box V.67
Tragara Press
Box V.67
Trenholm, George F. (designer and printer)
Box V.67
Treparrot Press
Church Hanborough, Oxford, England
Box V.67
Triangular Press
Box V.67
Trianon Press
ChΓteau de Boissia, France
Box V.67
Trovillion Private Press -- Trovillion, Hal and Violet
Box V.67
Tryst Press
Box V.67
Turkey Press
Box V.67
Turtle Island Press
Box V.67
Tusar, Slavoboj
Box V.67
Two Dog Press
Box V.67
Two Pears Press
Box V.67
Twowindows Press
Box V.68
Underfoot Press
Box V.68
Unicorn Press
Santa Barbara, California
Box V.68
United States. Bureau of Engraving and Printing.
Box V.68
United States. Government Printing Office.
Box V.68
University of Amherst
Box V.68
University of California Press
Box Flat Box 19
University of California Press
Box V.68
University Press, Cambridge -- Lewis, W.
Box V.68
University Press, Columbia
Box Flat Box 19
University Press, Columbia
Box V.68
University Press in Dallas
Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas
Box V.69
University Press, Harvard
Box V.69
University of Iowa -- Ernst, Shirley
Box V.69
University Press, New York
Box V.69
University Press, Oxford
Oxford, England ; New York
Box Flat Box 19
University Press, Oxford
Oxford, England ; New York
Box V.69
University Press, Princeton -- Tomlinson, Paul ; Warde, Frederick
Box V.70
University Press, Yale -- Rollins, Carl Purington ; Rudge, William E. ; et al.
Box Flat Box 19
University Press, Yale
Box V.71
Uphill Press
Box V.68
Upstairs Press
Box V.70
USC Fine Arts Press
University of Southern California, Los Angeles
Box V.71
Vale Press -- Ricketts, Charles
Box V.71
Van Krimpen, Jan (typographer)
Box Flat Box 19
Varrentrapp, Franz
Box V.71
Box V.71
Viking Press -- Heinemann, William
Box V.71
Vine Press -- Royce, Charles, Mrs. ; Neuberg, Victor B.
Steyning, Sussex, England
Box V.71
Vindobonensis, Officina -- Koch, Paul
Box V.71
Virgil Press -- Crossett, John
Box V.71
Vixen Press
Box Flat Box 19
Box V.71
Vojtech Preissig
Box V.71
Volk, Kurt H., Inc. (typography)
Box V.72
Walpole Printing Office -- Beilenson, Peter ; Thompson, Edmund
Box V.72
Warde, Beatrice (typographer, scholar)
Box V.72
Warde, Frederick (typographer, printer)
New York ; Princeton, New Jersey
Box V.72
Warwick Press
Easthampton, Massachusetts
Box V.72
Watch Hill Press -- Gaige, Crosby ; Hendrickson, James
Box V.72
Waverly Press
Box V.72
Wayside Press
Charlottesville, Virginia
Box V.72
Wayside Press -- Bradley, Will H.
Springfield, Massachusetts
Box V.73
Wellesley College Library Press
Box V.73
Westerham Press
Box V.73
Westminster Press
Box V.73
Westgate Press
Box V.73
Wheldon & Wesley Ltd. (publishers)
Box V.73
White, Irvin (printer, author)
Box Flat Box 19
White, Irvin (printer, author)
Box V.73
Whittington Press
Manor Farm, Andoversford, near Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, England
Box V.73
Wild Carrot Press
Box V.73
Wild Hare Press
Box V.73
Williams, Gordon
Box V.73
Williams Press -- Lyon, J. B., Co.
Box V.73
Wilson, Adrian
SEE ALSO: Centaur Press
San Francisco
Box V.73
Wind River Press
Box V.73
Windell Press
Box V.73
Windflower Press
Box V.73
Windhover Press
Iowa University, Iowa City, Iowa
Box V.73
Windowpane Press
Box V.73
Windsor Press -- Johnson, C. A. and J. S.
Box V.73
Winter Harbor Press
Box V.73
Wolfensberger, J. E.
Box V.73
Women's Studio Workshop
Box V.73
Wood Clarke Press
Box V.73
Wood Lea Press
Woodbridge, Suffolk, England
Box V.74
Woolly Whale, Press of the -- Dwiggins, W. A.
Box Flat Box 19
Woolly Whale, Press of the -- Dwiggins, W. A.
Box V.73
Woolmer/Brotherson Ltd.
Box V.73
World's End Press
Box Flat Box 19
World's End Press
Box V.73
Wrongtree Press
Box V.73
Wurth, Joseph
Box Flat Box 19
Wust, Balthasar Christoph
Box V.75
Yellow Barn Press
Box V.75
Yolla Bolly Press
See here for: Robertson, Carolyn and James
Covelo, California
Box Flat Box 19
Yolla Bolly Press
Samples of, and ephemeral publications about, a wide range of printing subjects and history
Box VII.1
Box VII.1
Adhesive paper
Box VII.2
Advertising -- Miscellaneous
SEE ALSO: description sheet for Arthur S. Allen commercial typography collection; SEE ALSO: Trade cards
Box VII.2
Advertising -- Ad agencies
Box VII.2
Advertising -- Arts
Box VII.2
Advertising -- Automobiles
Box VII.2
Advertising -- Banks
Box VII.2
Advertising -- Clothing
Box VII.2
Advertising -- Education
Box VII.2
Advertising -- Home furnishings
Box VII.2
Advertising -- Real estate
Box VII.2
Advertising -- Restaurants
Box VII.2
Advertising -- Travel
Box VII.2
Advertising -- Publishing
Box VII.2
Advertising -- Valentine & Company -- Varnishes -- Valentine's varnishes
Box VII.1
Box Flat box 20
Box VII.1
Alphabets -- Chinese
Mapcase 14-G-11
American Antiquarian Society Poster by HIDY, Lance, 1987
Purchased by Jennifer B. Lee in 2012
Box VII.1
American Printing History Association -- Conferences
Box VII.1
American Printing History Collection -- Miscellaneous
Box Flat box 20
American Printing History Collection -- Miscellaneous
Box VII.1
American Printing History Association -- Keepsake -- 1st annual conference, October 2, 1976
Box VII.1
American Printing History Association -- Keepsake -- 5th annual conference, September 27, 1980
Box VII.6
American Type Founders Company -- Advertising -- Types
Box VII.4
American Type Founders Company -- Advertising -- Machinery
Box VII.3
American Type Founders Company -- Advertising -- Miscellaneous
Box VII.3
American Type Founders Company -- ATF idea file
Box Volume 4
American Type Founders Company -- Book of Layouts
Box VII.3
American Type Founders Company -- Booklets
Box Flat box 20
American Type Founders Company -- Equipment
Box VII.3
American Type Founders Company -- Exhibits
Box Flat box 20
American Type Founders Company -- Exhibits
Box Volume 35
American Type Founders Company -- Miscellaneous publications -- Cut-cost cut storage system
Box VII.5
American Type Founders Company -- Miscellaneous publications
Box VII.7
American Type Founders Company -- Miscellaneous publications
Box VII.3
American Type Founders Company -- Offices -- Views
Box VII.8
American Type Founders Company -- Related material
Box Flat box 21
American Type Founders Company -- Related material
Box VII.9
American Type Founders Company -- Shelf list
Box VII.8
American Type Founders Company -- Specimens
SEE ALSO: Specimens--Types--U. S.; SEE ALSO: Book Arts--Portrait and Biography--Bullen, H. L. and Miscellaneous group portraits
Box Flat box 21
American Type Founders Company -- Specimens
Box VII.1
Aperture Foundation (New York)
Box VII.1
Box VII.1
Box VII.1
Artists' books
Box VII.1
Artists' books -- Exhibitions -- Canada
Box VII.1
Artists' books -- Exhibitions -- United States
Box VII.1
Box VII.10
Bank note printing
Box VII.10
Baxter prints
Box Flat box 21
Baxter prints
Box VII.10
Bible -- Manuscripts -- Europe
Box Flat box 21
Bible -- Manuscripts -- Europe
Box VII.10
Bible -- Manuscripts -- Germany
Box Flat box 21
Bible -- Manuscripts -- Germany
Box VII.10
Bible -- Manuscripts -- Greek
Box VII.10
Bible -- Manuscripts -- Hebrew
Box VII.10
Bible -- Manuscripts -- Ireland
Box Flat box 21
Bible -- Manuscripts -- Ireland
Box VII.10
Bible -- Manuscripts -- Near East
Box Flat box 21
Bible -- Manuscripts -- Near East
Box VII.10
Bible -- Publication and distribution
Box Flat box 21
Bible -- Publication and distribution
Box VII.10
Bible -- Publication and distribution -- United States
Box VII.10
Bible -- Publication and distribution -- England
Box Flat box 21
Bible -- Publication and distribution -- England
Box VII.10
Bibliographical Society (London)
Box VII.10
Bibliographical Society of America
Box VII.10
Book collecting
Box VII.10
Book collecting -- England
Box VII.10
Book collecting -- Germany
Box VII.10
Book collecting -- Hungary
Box VII.10
Book collecting -- United States -- Conferences
Box VII.10
Book dealers -- United States -- California -- Berkeley
Box VII.10
Book dealers -- United States -- New York -- Kraus, H. P.
Box VII.10
Book design
Box VII.10
Book design -- Germany
Box VII.10
Book design -- United States -- Competitions -- Carl Hertzog book design award
Box VII.11
Book fairs
Box VII.11
Book fairs -- England -- London
Box VII.11
Book fairs -- Switzerland -- Zurich
Box VII.11
Book fairs -- United States -- New York
Box VII.11
Book illustrations
Box VII.11
Book shops -- Miscellaneous
Box VII.11
Book shops -- Chiswick Book Shop
Box VII.11
Book worms
Box Flat box 21
Book worms
Box VII.12
Box Flat box 22
Box VII.131
Box VII.12
Bookbinding -- Conferences
Box VII.12
Bookbinding -- Hand -- United States
Box VII.12
Bookbinding -- Machinery
Box VII.12
Bookbinding -- Materials -- Headbands
Box VII.12
Bookbinding -- Materials -- Miscellaneous -- Cloth
Box VII.12
Bookbinding -- Materials -- Miscellaneous -- French Levant leather
Box VII.12
Bookbinding -- Materials -- Miscellaneous -- German Morocco leather
Box VII.12
Bookbinding -- Materials -- Miscellaneous -- Goat skin
Box VII.12
Bookbinding -- Materials -- Miscellaneous -- Miscellaneous leather samples
Box VII.12
Box VII.12
Box VII.12
SEE ALSO: Description sheets for bookplate collections
Box VII.12
Box VII.12
Boxes, book
Box VII.12
Braille printing
Box VII.12
Brass rule machinery
Box Flat box 22
Broadsides -- France
Box Flat box 22
Broadsides -- Great Britain
Box Flat box 22
Broadsides -- Holland
Box Flat box 22
Broadsides -- Italy
Box Flat box 22
Broadsides -- United States
Box Flat box 22
Broadsides -- United States -- New York
Box VII.13
Box Flat box 22
Box VII.13
Box VII.13
Calligraphy -- Conferences
Box VII.13
Box VII.13
Canadian Bookbinders and Book Artists Guild (Toronto, Ontario)
Box Flat box 22
Box VII.13
Cartoons and caricatures
Box Flat box 22
Cartoons and caricatures
Box VII.13
Box Flat box 23
Catholic Church -- Lithurgy -- Printing
Box VII.13
Cave drawings
Box VII.13
Box Flat box 23
Box VII.13
Box VII.13
Center for Book Arts (New York)
Box VII.13
Champlain Society (Toronto, Ontario)
Box VII.13
Christmas books
Box Flat box 23
Christmas books
Box VII.13
Christmas cards
Box VII.13
Box VII.13
Chronology of printing
Box VII.13
Chuck (Wilcox's circloidal chuck)
Box VII.14
Codex Foundation, Berkeley, CA
Box VII.14
Box VII.14
Color management
Box VII.14
Color photography
Box VII.14
Color printing
Box Flat box 23
Color printing
Box VII.14
Color reproduction -- Agfa Cristalraster technology
Box VII.14
Color reproduction -- Hi-Fi process
Box VII.14
Color reproduction -- Multiple impression perfecting press
Box VII.14
Color technology -- Periodicals -- Agfa inter:face
Box VII.14
Commercial art
Box VII.15
Composing machines
Box VII.15
Composing machines -- Photographic -- ATF typesetter
Box VII.15
Composing machines -- Photographic -- Fotosetter
Box VII.15
Composing machines -- Photographic -- Linofilm
Box VII.15
Composing machines -- Photographic -- Photon
Box VII.15
Composing machines -- Photographic -- Rotofoto
Box VII.15
Composing room furniture
Box VII.15
Composing sticks
Box VII.15
Composition -- History
Box VII.15
Box VII.15
Conferences -- Book arts -- Canada
Box VII.15
Conservation Center for Art and Historic Artifacts (Philadelphia)
Box VII.15
Constance missal
Box VII.15
Box VII.15
Box VII.15
Cutting machinery
Box VII.15
Cutting machinery -- Child, C. C.
Box VII.15
Cutting machinery -- Johne-Werk
Box VII.15
Decorative type
Box VII.15
Desktop publishing -- Periodicals
Box VII.15
Digital printing -- Apple
Box VII.15
Digital printing -- IBM
Box VII.15
Documents relating to printers
Box VII.15
Dust jackets
Box Flat Box 24
Dust jackets
Box VII.17
Edifices -- Electrotypers -- Denyse, Wm. & Sons (New York)
Box VII.17
Edifices -- Electrotypers -- Felt, Joseph P. & Co. (New York)
Box VII.17
Edifices -- Electrotypers -- Lead Mould Electrotype Foundry (New York)
Box VII.17
Edifices -- Electrotypers -- Lovejoy, Son & Co. (New York)
Box VII.17
Edifices -- Electrotypers -- Orr, John W. (New York)
Box VII.17
Edifices -- Electrotypers -- Rapid Electrotype Co. (Cincinnati)
Box VII.17
Edifices -- Electrotypers -- Ringler, F. A. & Co. (New York)
Box VII.17
Edifices -- Electrotypers -- Ryan, John & Co.
Box VII.17
Edifices -- Government printing offices -- Australia -- Adelaide
Box VII.17
Edifices -- Government printing offices -- Australia -- Melbourne
Box VII.17
Edifices -- Government printing offices -- Australia -- Perth
Box VII.17
Edifices -- Government printing offices -- Australia -- Sydney
Box VII.17
Edifices -- Government printing offices -- China -- Bureau of engravings and printing
Box VII.17
Edifices -- Government printing offices -- Great Britain -- Stationers' Hall (London)
Box VII.17
Edifices -- Government printing offices -- New Guinea -- Papua
Box VII.17
Edifices -- Government printing offices -- New Zealand -- Lambton Quay
Box VII.17
Edifices -- Government printing offices -- New Zealand -- Wellington
Box VII.17
Edifices -- Government Printing Offices -- Philippine Islands -- Manila
Box VII.17
Edifices -- Government Printing Offices -- United States -- Hall of Record (New York)
Box VII.17
Edifices -- Government Printing Offices -- United States -- Union Printers Home
Box VII.17
Edifices -- Government Printing Offices -- Unidentified
Box VII.17
Edifices -- Lithographers -- Forbes Lithograph Manufacturing Co. (Boston)
Box VII.17
Edifices -- Lithographers -- Scoville, A. L. Press
Box VII.17
Edifices -- Miscellaneous
Box Flat Box 24
Edifices -- Miscellaneous
Box Flat Box 24
Edifices -- Newspapers
Box VII.17
Edifices -- Newspapers -- Albany journal
Box VII.17
Edifices -- Newspapers -- Baltimore sun
Box VII.17
Edifices -- Newspapers -- Boston herald
Box VII.17
Edifices -- Newspapers -- Bulletin (Edmonton, Ontario)
Box VII.17
Edifices -- Newspapers -- Chicago herald
Box VII.17
Edifices -- Newspapers -- China press (Shanghai)
Box VII.17
Edifices -- Newspapers -- Christian advocate (New York)
Box VII.17
Edifices -- Newspapers -- Christian science monitor (Boston)
Box VII.17
Edifices -- Newspapers -- Cincinnati weekly times
Box VII.17
Edifices -- Newspapers -- Connecticut courant (Hartford)
Box VII.17
Edifices -- Newspapers -- Dundee advertiser
Box VII.17
Edifices -- Newspapers -- Los Angeles examiner
Box VII.17
Edifices -- Newspapers -- Missouri republican
Box VII.17
Edifices -- Newspapers -- New Orleans times
Box VII.17
Edifices -- Newspapers -- New York -- Printing House Square -- Views
Box VII.17
Edifices -- Newspapers -- New York evening post
Box VII.17
Edifices -- Newspapers -- New York herald
Box VII.17
Edifices -- Newspapers -- New York Staats-Zeitung
Box VII.17
Edifices -- Newspapers -- New York sun (Tammany Hall)
Box VII.17
Edifices -- Newspapers -- New York times
Box VII.17
Edifices -- Newspapers -- New York tribune
Box VII.17
Edifices -- Newspapers -- Oakland tribune
Box VII.17
Edifices -- Newspapers -- Philadelphia weekly times
Box VII.17
Edifices -- Newspapers -- Picayune (New Orleans)
Box VII.17
Edifices -- Newspapers -- Public ledger (Philadelphia)
Box VII.17
Edifices -- Newspapers -- Springfield republican (Springfield, Massachusetts)
Box VII.17
Edifices -- Newspapers -- The times (London)
Box Flat Box 24
Edifices -- Printers
Box VII.17
Edifices -- Printers -- Adriaensens, Em. (Ghent)
Box Flat Box 24
Edifices -- Printers -- Adriaensens, Em. (Ghent)
Box VII.17
Edifices -- Printers -- Booth, S. (New York)
Box VII.17
Edifices -- Printers -- Bradford's (Philadelphia)
Box VII.17
Edifices -- Printers -- Brandon Printing Co. (Nashville)
Box VII.17
Edifices -- Printers -- Cambridge University Press
Box VII.17
Edifices -- Printers -- Case, Lockwood & Co.
Box VII.17
Edifices -- Printers -- Caxton building (Cleveland)
Box VII.17
Edifices -- Printers -- Caxton printing offices (Royal Caxton printing offices)
Box VII.17
Edifices -- Printers -- Clarendon press (Oxford)
Box VII.17
Edifices -- Printers -- Coby, E. P. & Co. (New York)
Box VII.17
Edifices -- Printers -- Commercial press works (Shanghai)
Box VII.17
Edifices -- Printers -- Cox & sons
Box VII.17
Edifices -- Printers -- Damrell & Moore (Boston)
Box VII.17
Edifices -- Printers -- De Vinne Press
Box VII.17
Edifices -- Printers -- Ehrenburg (Arizona)
Box VII.17
Edifices -- Printers -- Evans (Philadelphia)
Box VII.17
Edifices -- Printers -- Francis & Loutrel (New York)
Box VII.17
Edifices -- Printers -- Franklin Co.
Box VII.17
Edifices -- Printers -- Gray, John A. & Green (New York)
Box VII.17
Edifices -- Printers -- Gray, Wm. (New York)
Box VII.17
Edifices -- Printers -- Hakubunkwan printing co.
Box VII.17
Edifices -- Printers -- Harvard University press
Box VII.17
Edifices -- Printers -- Holman, Gray & Co. (New York)
Box VII.17
Edifices -- Printers -- Hussey & Gillingham
Box VII.17
Edifices -- Printers -- King & Baird (Philadelphia)
Box VII.17
Edifices -- Printers -- Montague press (Montague, Massachusetts)
Box VII.17
Edifices -- Printers -- Nagle, John R. & Co. (Philadelphia)
Box VII.17
Edifices -- Printers -- Nesbitt, George F. (New York)
Box VII.17
Edifices -- Printers -- Painter's (London)
Box VII.17
Edifices -- Printers -- Rand, Avery & Co.
Box VII.17
Edifices -- Printers -- Richardson's house at North End, Hammersmith
Box VII.17
Edifices -- Printers -- Robbins
Box VII.17
Edifices -- Printers -- Rockwell & Churchill's (Boston)
Box VII.17
Edifices -- Printers -- Rumford press (Concord, New Hampshire)
Box VII.17
Edifices -- Printers -- Seymour, James
Box VII.17
Edifices -- Printers -- Southern coupon co.
Box VII.17
Edifices -- Printers -- Trow, John F. (New York)
Box VII.17
Edifices -- Printers -- White, William (Boston)
Box VII.17
Edifices -- Printers -- Wilson Bros. (New York)
Box Flat Box 24
Edifices -- Printing ink factories
Box VII.17
Edifices -- Printing ink factories -- W. D. Wilson
Box VII.16
Edifices -- Printing machine manufacturers -- Challenge machinery
Box VII.16
Edifices -- Printing machine manufacturers -- Cottrell, C. B., & sons Co. (Westerly, Rhode Island)
Box VII.16
Edifices -- Printing machine manufacturers -- Field, Cyrus W. & Co. (New York)
Box VII.16
Edifices -- Printing machine manufacturers -- Golding Mfg. Co.
Box VII.16
Edifices -- Printing machine manufacturers -- Gordon, George F.
Box VII.16
Edifices -- Printing machine manufacturers -- Gordon printing press works (Rahway, New Jersey)
Box VII.16
Edifices -- Printing machine manufacturers -- Hoe, Robert & Co. (New York)
Box VII.16
Edifices -- Printing machine manufacturers -- Howard & Co. (South Boston)
Box VII.16
Edifices -- Printing machine manufacturers -- Liberty machine co. (New York)
Box VII.16
Edifices -- Printing machine manufacturers -- Mauger, Victor E. (New York)
Box VII.16
Edifices -- Printing machine manufacturers -- National machine co. (Hartford, Connecticut)
Box VII.16
Edifices -- Printing machine manufacturers -- Ruggles, S. P., power press manufacturer (Boston)
Box VII.16
Edifices -- Printing machine manufacturers -- Shepard, Henry O. co. (Chicago)
Box VII.16
Edifices -- Printing machine manufacturers -- Taylor Garnett Evans & co.
Box VII.16
Edifices -- Printing machine manufacturers -- Wells & co.
Box VII.16
Edifices -- Printing machine manufacturers -- Wesel, F., manufacturing co. (Brooklyn, New York)
Box VII.16
Edifices -- Printing machine manufacturers -- Wharfedale printing machinery (New York)
Box VII.16
Edifices -- Printing machine manufacturers -- Worrall & co. (New York)
Box Flat Box 25
Edifices -- Publishers
Box VII.16
Edifices -- Publishers -- Appleton, D. & co. (New York)
Box VII.16
Edifices -- Publishers -- Atlantic monthly press
Box VII.16
Edifices -- Publishers -- Childs, Geo. W. (Philadelphia)
Box VII.16
Edifices -- Publishers -- Curtis publishing co.
Box VII.16
Edifices -- Publishers -- Doubleday & Page (Garden City, New York)
Box VII.16
Edifices -- Publishers -- Leslie's [i. e. Frank Leslie's] publishing house (New York)
Box VII.16
Edifices -- Publishers -- Leve & Alden's (New York)
Box VII.16
Edifices -- Publishers -- Lippincott, J. B. (Philadelphia)
Box VII.16
Edifices -- Publishers -- Pacific press (Oakland, California)
Box VII.16
Edifices -- Publishers -- Peterson, Robt. E. & co. (Philadelphia)
Box VII.16
Edifices -- Publishers -- Peterson, T. B. & brothers
Box VII.16
Edifices -- Publishers -- Phelps publishing co. (Springfield)
Box VII.16
Edifices -- Publishers -- Pozzi, Luigi Valeriano
Box VII.16
Edifices -- Publishers -- Putnam's [i. e. G. P. Putnam's] sons (New York)
Box VII.16
Edifices -- Publishers -- Reid, J. A. & R. A. (Providence, Rhode Island)
Box VII.16
Edifices -- Publishers -- Youth's companion (Boston)
Box Flat Box 25
Edifices -- Type founders
Box VII.16
Edifices -- Type founders -- American type founders
Box Flat Box 25
Edifices -- Type founders -- American type founders
Box Flat Box 26
Edifices -- Type founders -- American type founders
Box VII.16
Edifices -- Type founders -- Binny & Ronaldson
Box VII.16
Edifices -- Type founders -- Boston type foundry
Box VII.16
Edifices -- Type founders -- Bresnan, P. H. type foundry
Box VII.16
Edifices -- Type founders -- Bruce's New York type foundry
Box VII.16
Edifices -- Type founders -- Central type foundry (St. Louis)
Box VII.16
Edifices -- Type founders -- Chicago type foundry
Box VII.16
Edifices -- Type founders -- Cleveland type foundry
Box VII.16
Edifices -- Type founders -- Collins & M'Leester letter foundry (Philadelphia)
Box VII.16
Edifices -- Type founders -- Conner, James (New York)
Box VII.16
Edifices -- Type founders -- Dickinson type foundry
Box VII.16
Edifices -- Type founders -- Farmer, A. D. & son (New York)
Box VII.16
Edifices -- Type founders -- Franklin type & stereotype foundry (Cincinnati)
Box VII.16
Edifices -- Type founders -- Hansen, H. C. (New York)
Box VII.16
Edifices -- Type founders -- Inland type foundry (St. Louis)
Box VII.16
Edifices -- Type founders -- Johnson's stereotype foundry (Philadelphia)
Box VII.16
Edifices -- Type founders -- Keystone type foundry (Philadelphia)
Box VII.16
Edifices -- Type founders -- MacKellar, Smiths & Jordan
Box VII.16
Edifices -- Type founders -- New York type foundry
Box VII.16
Edifices -- Type founders -- Palmer & Rey's type foundry (San Francisco)
Box VII.16
Edifices -- Type founders -- Pittsburgh type founders co.
Box VII.16
Edifices -- Type founders -- Redfield, J. S. (New York)
Box VII.16
Edifices -- Type founders -- Richmond type foundry
Box VII.16
Edifices -- Type founders -- Ryan, John, co. (Baltimore)
Box VII.16
Edifices -- Type founders -- St. Louis type foundry
Box VII.16
Edifices -- Type founders -- Sower, Christopher
Box VII.19
Box VII.19
Box Flat Box 26
Box VII.19
Box VII.19
Embossing machines
Box VII.20
Employers' associations -- Baltimore
Box VII.20
Employers' associations -- Boston
Box VII.21
Employers' associations -- Chicago
Box VII.21
Employers' associations -- Hudson county
Box VII.21
Employers' associations -- Kansas City
Box VII.21
Employers' associations -- New England
Box VII.21
Employers' associations -- New York
Box VII.21
Employers' associations -- Philadelphia
Box VII.21
Employers' associations -- Printing industry of America
Box Flat Box 26
Box VII.23
English literature -- Illustration
Box VII.23
Engraver's proofs
Box VII.18
Box Flat Box 27
Box Volume 5
Box VII.18
Engravings -- Animals
Specimens of the engraving process, most of them originally used as illustrations in books or periodicals
Box VII.18
Engravings -- Battles
Specimens of the engraving process, most of them originally used as illustrations in books or periodicals
Box VII.18
Engravings -- Botanical prints
Specimens of the engraving process, most of them originally used as illustrations in books or periodicals
Box VII.18
Engravings -- Cemeteries and tombs
Specimens of the engraving process, most of them originally used as illustrations in books or periodicals
Box VII.18
Engravings -- Dancing
Specimens of the engraving process, most of them originally used as illustrations in books or periodicals
Box VII.18
Engravings -- Historical scenes
Specimens of the engraving process, most of them originally used as illustrations in books or periodicals
Box VII.18
Engravings -- Indians (North and South America)
Specimens of the engraving process, most of them originally used as illustrations in books or periodicals
Box VII.18
Engravings -- Landscapes and views
Specimens of the engraving process, most of them originally used as illustrations in books or periodicals
Box VII.18
Engravings -- Music
Specimens of the engraving process, most of them originally used as illustrations in books or periodicals
Box VII.22
Engravings -- Portraits (fictional and mythological)
Specimens of the engraving process, most of them originally used as illustrations in books or periodicals
Box VII.22
Engravings -- Religious scenes
Specimens of the engraving process, most of them originally used as illustrations in books or periodicals
Box VII.22
Engravings -- Ships
Specimens of the engraving process, most of them originally used as illustrations in books or periodicals
Box VII.22
Engravings -- Sporting scenes
Specimens of the engraving process, most of them originally used as illustrations in books or periodicals
Box VII.22
Engravings -- Miscellaneous
Specimens of the engraving process, most of them originally used as illustrations in books or periodicals. SEE ALSO: specimens of the work of individual engravers in Book Arts Illustrator file
Box VII.23
Box VII.23
Epitaphs -- Printers
Box VII.23
Box Flat Box 27
Box VII.23
Box VII.23
Exhibit catalogues -- Binding
Box VII.23
Exhibit catalogues -- Censorship
Box VII.23
Exhibit catalogues -- Fine printing
Box VII.23
Exhibit catalogues -- Illustrated books
Box VII.23
Exhibit catalogues -- Manuscripts
Box VII.23
Exhibit catalogues -- Printing -- Historical
SEE ALSO: separate collection of exhibition catalogues
Box VII.23
Exhibit catalogues
Box VII.23
Box Flat Box 27
Box VII.25
Feeders for printing presses
Box VII.25
Fine Press Book Association
Box VII.25
Finishing machinery
Box VII.25
Flags -- Printing of
Box VII.25
Box VII.25
Folding machines
Box VII.25
Fore-edge paintings
Box VII.26
Foreign organizations -- Australia
Box VII.26
Foreign organizations -- Burma
Box VII.26
Foreign organizations -- Canada
Box VII.26
Foreign organizations -- France
Box VII.26
Foreign organizations -- Germany
Box VII.27
Foreign organizations -- Great Britain
Box VII.28
Foreign organizations -- New Zealand
Box VII.28
Foreign organizations -- Scotland
Box VII.28
Foreign organizations -- South Africa
Box VII.25
Foreign press specimens
Box Flat Box 27
Foreign press specimens
Box VII.25
Foreign press specimens -- Anshelm, Thomas (Pforzheim, GermanyL)
Box Flat Box 27
Foreign press specimens -- Bernouard, Francois
Box VII.25
Foreign press specimens -- Doaz Romano, Francesco (Valencia, Spain)
Box VII.25
Foreign press specimens -- Groninger, Johann (Strasbourg, France)
Box VII.25
Foreign press specimens -- Mayr, Sigismund (Naples, Italy)
Box VII.25
Foreign press specimens -- Pfortzen, Jacob von (Basel, Switzerland)
Box VII.25
Foreign press specimens -- Silber, Marcellus (Rome, Italy)
Box VII.25
Foreign press specimens -- Tacuinus, Joannes (Venice, Italy)
Box VII.25
Foreign press specimens -- Varela de Salamanca, Juan (Seville, Spain)
Box VII.25
Foreign press specimens -- Insel Verlag (Leipzig, Germany)
Box VII.25
Foreign press specimens -- Reichner, Herbert (Vienna, Austria)
Box Flat Box 27
French press specimens
Box VII.29
French press specimens -- Miscellaneous (unidentified)
Box VII.29
French press specimens -- Art et PensΘe
Box VII.29
French press specimens -- Balet, Pierre
Box VII.29
French press specimens -- Bernouard, Franτois
Box VII.29
French press specimens -- Bonhomme, Yolande
Box VII.29
French press specimens -- Burnot, P.
Box VII.29
French press specimens -- Deitre, Eugene
Box VII.29
French press specimens -- Desbois, Pierre
Box VII.29
French press specimens -- Didot, family of printerss
Box Flat Box 27
French press specimens -- Didot, family of printerss
Box VII.29
French press specimens -- Estienne, Robert
Box VII.30
French press specimens -- Ferenczi, J. & fils
Box VII.30
French press specimens -- Gusman, Pierre
Box VII.30
French press specimens -- Heine, Maurice
Box VII.30
French press specimens -- Helleu (& Sargeant)
Box VII.30
French press specimens -- Laurens, H.
Box VII.30
French press specimens -- Le Goupy
Box VII.30
French press specimens -- Lenoir, Michel & Jehan Petit
Box VII.30
French press specimens -- Leviault, Roger
Box VII.32
French press specimens -- Mornay, G. & A.
Box VII.32
French press specimens -- Ouvre
Box VII.32
French press specimens -- Pelletan, Edouard
Box VII.32
French press specimens -- Pichon, LΘon
Box VII.32
French press specimens -- Schriffrin
Box VII.24
Friendship cards -- Agent's sample book -- Star importing co. (Cadiz, Ohio)
Box VII.24
Friendship cards -- Agent's sample book -- Stevens Bros. (Northford, Connecticut)
Box VII.24
Friendship cards -- Agent's cards
Box VII.24
Friendship cards -- Agent's cards with price list
Box VII.24
Friendship cards -- Animals cards
Box VII.24
Friendship cards -- Birds cards
Box VII.24
Friendship cards -- Birthday cards
Box VII.24
Friendship cards -- Black background Louis Prang influence
Box VII.24
Friendship cards -- Black and white cards
Box VII.24
Friendship cards -- Blank cards
Box VII.24
Friendship cards -- Blank cards -- Fancy cut edges plain
Box VII.24
Friendship cards -- Blank cards -- Fancy cut edges coloured
Box VII.24
Friendship cards -- Blank cards -- Fancy cut edges silver
Box VII.24
Friendship cards -- Books
Box VII.24
Friendship cards -- Children
Box VII.24
Friendship cards -- Christmas
Box VII.24
Friendship cards -- Clasped hands
Box VII.24
Friendship cards -- Complement cards
Box VII.24
Friendship cards -- Diamond shape
Box VII.24
Friendship cards -- Easter cards
Box VII.24
Friendship cards -- Easter eggs
Box VII.24
Friendship cards -- Fans
Box VII.24
Friendship cards -- Flower alphabetics
Box VII.24
Friendship cards -- Fraternal cards
Box VII.24
Friendship cards -- Friendship messages
Box VII.24
Friendship cards -- Friendship messages (directly coloured on cards)
Box VII.24
Friendship cards -- Fringed cards
Box VII.24
Friendship cards -- Hands
Box VII.24
Friendship cards -- Hands with roses
Box VII.24
Friendship cards -- Hands with messages
Box VII.24
Friendship cards -- Hands with messages and roses
Box VII.24
Friendship cards -- Hands cut out
Box VII.24
Friendship cards -- Letters
Box VII.24
Friendship cards -- Letters with envelopes
Box VII.24
Friendship cards -- Memorial cards
Box VII.24
Friendship cards -- Mirror
Box VII.24
Friendship cards -- Oval shape
Box VII.24
Friendship cards -- Printed cards (for business or friendship)
Box VII.24
Friendship cards -- Portraits
Box VII.24
Friendship cards -- Rewarding of merit cards
Box VII.24
Friendship cards -- Romance series
Box VII.24
Friendship cards -- Scenes
Box VII.24
Friendship cards -- Shell
Box VII.24
Friendship cards -- Sleeper shape
Box VII.24
Friendship cards -- Small cards
Box VII.24
Friendship cards -- Small cut out
Box VII.24
Friendship cards -- Sunday school
Box VII.24
Friendship cards -- Topsy and Eva
Box VII.24
Friendship cards -- Visiting cards with envelope
Box VII.24
Friendship cards -- Visting cards coloured
Box VII.24
Friendship cards -- Visiting cards for advertisement
Box VII.24
Friendship cards -- Valentine's faces
Box Flat Box 27
Frisket sheets
Box Volume 6
Greeting cards
Box VII.33
Greeting cards
SEE ALSO: Friendship cards
Box Volume 7
Greeting cards -- John A. Lowell & Co. (Boston) -- Sample book
Box Volume 8
Greeting cards -- John A. Lowell & Co. (Boston) -- Sample book
Box Volume 9
Greeting cards -- Raphael Tuck and Sons, Ltd.
Box VII.34
Gutenberg bible
Box Flat Box 27
Gutenberg bible
Box VII.34
Gutenberg-Gesellschaft (Mainz, Germany)
Box VII.34
Gutenberg Museum
Box VII.35
Box VII.35
Box VII.35
Hawaiian printing
Box VII.35
Hebrew printing
Box VII.35
Hieroglyphics -- Egyptian
Box VII.35
Hieroglyphics -- Mesoamerican
Box VII.35
Box VII.36
House organs
Box VII.35
Humor, sentiments, etc.
Box VII.35
Box VII.39
Illumination -- Medieval
Box VII.39
Box VII.39
Box VII.39
Illustration -- Botanical
Box VII.39
Illustrators -- United States
Box VII.39
Imaginative Book Illustration Society (London)
Box VII.39
Box VII.39
Incunabula -- Germany
Box VII.39
Incunabula -- Italy
Box Flat Box 28
Incunabula -- Leaves -- Reproduction
Box Flat Box 28
Incunabula -- Leaves -- Original
Box Flat Box 28
Incunabula -- Mainz -- Psalter
Box VII.39
Indian printing
Box Volume 10
Box VII.39
Box Flat Box 41
Box VII.39
Ink distributors
Box VII.39
Inking rollers
Box VII.39
Ink makers
Box VII.39
Box VII.37
International Printing Museum (Buena Park, California)
Box VII.39
International Printing Museum (Buena Park, California)
Box VII.38
International Typographical Union -- General
Box VII.38
International Typographical Union -- General -- Deutsch-Amerikanische Typographia
Box VII.38
International Typographical Union -- General -- Lessons in printing
Box VII.38
International Typographical Union -- General -- New England Typographical Union
Box VII.38
International Typographical Union -- General -- Northwest typographical bulletin
Box VII.38
International Typographical Union -- General -- Prescott, W. B.
Box VII.38
International Typographical Union -- General -- Union Printers' Home (Colorado Springs)
Box Flat Box 27
International Typographical Union -- General -- Union Printers' Home (Colorado Springs)
Box VII.38
International Typographical Union -- General -- Miscellaneous
SEE ALSO: Book Arts--Port & Biog--International Typographical Union
Box VII.37
International Typographical Union -- City -- Albany (Union no. 4)
Box VII.37
International Typographical Union -- City -- Baltimore (Union no. 12)
Box VII.37
International Typographical Union -- City -- Boston (Union no. 13)
Box VII.37
International Typographical Union -- City -- Cheyenne (Union no. 184)
Box VII.37
International Typographical Union -- City -- Chicago (Union no. 16)
Box VII.37
International Typographical Union -- City -- Cincinnati (Union no. 3)
Box VII.37
International Typographical Union -- City -- Columbus (Union no. 5)
Box VII.37
International Typographical Union -- City -- Denver (Union no. 49)
Box VII.37
International Typographical Union -- City -- Grand Rapids (Union no. 39)
Box VII.37
International Typographical Union -- City -- Jackson (Union no. 99)
Box VII.37
International Typographical Union -- City -- Jersey City (Union no. 94)
Box VII.37
International Typographical Union -- City -- Minneapolis (Union no. 42)
Box VII.37
International Typographical Union -- City -- New York (Union no. 6)
Box VII.37
International Typographical Union -- City -- New Haven (Union no. 47)
Box VII.37
International Typographical Union -- City -- Oil City, Pennsylvania (Union no. 151)
Box VII.37
International Typographical Union -- City -- Petersburg (Union no. 26)
Box VII.37
International Typographical Union -- City -- Philadelphia (Union no. 2)
Box VII.37
International Typographical Union -- City -- Portland (Union no. 66)
Box VII.37
International Typographical Union -- City -- Providence (Union no. 33)
Box VII.37
International Typographical Union -- City -- St. Louis (Union no. 8)
Box VII.37
International Typographical Union -- City -- Sheffield (Union no. 234)
Box VII.37
International Typographical Union -- City -- Tacoma (Union no. 170)
Box VII.37
International Typographical Union -- City -- Topeka (Union no. 121)
Box VII.37
International Typographical Union -- City -- Troy, New York (Union no. 52)
Box VII.37
International Typographical Union -- City -- Utica (Union no. 62)
Box VII.39
Invention of printing
Box VII.39
Box VII.40
Japanese bookmaking
Box VII.40
Japanese woodblocks
Box VII.40
Jobbing machines
SEE ALSO: Printing presses
Box VII.41
Box VII.40
Box VII.42
Lantern slides
Box VII.40
Legibility of type
Box VII.40
Box VII.40
Lettering -- Italy -- Rome
Box VII.40
Liberty of the press
Box Flat Box 27
Liberty of the press
Box VII.40
Librarians -- Special collections
Box VII.40
Box Flat Box 27
Box VII.40
Libraries -- Italy -- Vatican
Box Flat Box 28
Libraries -- Italy -- Vatican
Box Flat Box 28
Library schools -- Columbia University
Box VII.40
Linoleum printing
Box VII.40
Box VII.43
Lithographers' advertisements
Box VII.43
SEE ALSO: lithographs published by these firms in Book Arts - Illustrator - Hullmandel, C. and Book Arts - Illustrator - Schroeder, E. H.
Box Flat Box 28
Box VII.43
Box VII.43
Lithography -- Exhibitions
Box VII.43
Lithography -- Schools -- Tamarind Institute
Box VII.43
Lozenge and dot engravings
Box VII.44
Maatschappij der Nederlandse Letterkunde (Leiden, The Netherlands)
Box VII.44
Manhattan Graphics Center
Box VII.44
Manuscripts -- Conservation
Box VII.44
Manuscripts -- Facsimiles
Box Flat Box 28
Manuscripts -- Facsimiles -- Historical
Box VII.44
Manuscripts -- Facsimiles -- Historical -- Germany
Box VII.44
Manuscripts -- Facsimiles -- Historical -- Russia
Box VII.44
Manuscripts -- Facsimiles -- Literary
Box VII.44
Manuscripts -- Facsimiles -- Liturgical
Box VII.44
Manuscripts -- Facsimiles -- Musical
Box VII.44
Manuscripts -- Facsimiles -- Scientific
Box VII.44
Manuscripts -- Facsimiles -- Travel
Box VII.44
Manuscripts -- Hebrew
Box VII.44
Manuscripts -- Indic
Box VII.44
Box VII.44
Maps -- World -- Renaissance
Box VII.44
Box VII.44
Box VII.44
Box VII.44
Box VII.44
Minnesota Center for Book Arts
Box VII.44
Box VII.44
Mitering machines
Box VII.44
Box VII.44
Box VII.44
Monotype -- Samples
Box VII.45
Box VII.44
Music printing
Box Flat Box 29
Music printing
Box VII.44
Nature printing
Box VII.46
New York City -- Assorted printers' unions, clubs, and associations -- Adams, Cylinder & Web Press
Box VII.46
New York City -- Assorted printers' unions, clubs, and associations -- American Institute of Graphic Arts
Box VII.46
New York City -- Assorted printers' unions, clubs, and associations -- Employing Book and Job Printers
Box VII.46
New York City -- Assorted printers' unions, clubs, and associations -- Employing Bookbinders
Box VII.46
New York City -- Assorted printers' unions, clubs, and associations -- Employing Electrotypers
Box VII.46
New York City -- Assorted printers' unions, clubs, and associations -- Employing Printers
Box VII.47
New York City -- Assorted printers' unions, clubs, and associations -- Franklin Association
Box VII.47
New York City -- Assorted printers' unions, clubs, and associations -- Old Time Pressman's
Box VII.47
New York City -- Assorted printers' unions, clubs, and associations -- Paper Association
Box VII.47
New York City -- Assorted printers' unions, clubs, and associations -- Pressmen's Union
Box VII.47
New York City -- Assorted printers' unions, clubs, and associations -- Printers' Board of Trade
Box VII.47
New York City -- Assorted printers' unions, clubs, and associations -- Printers' Union
Box VII.47
New York City -- Assorted printers' unions, clubs, and associations -- Printing House Superintendents
Box VII.47
New York City -- Assorted printers' unions, clubs, and associations -- Stereotypers' Union
Box VII.47
New York City -- Assorted printers' unions, clubs, and associations -- Typographical Society
Box VII.48
New York Club of Printing House Craftsmen -- Announcements
Box VII.50
New York Club of Printing House Craftsmen -- Announcements
Box VII.49
New York Club of Printing House Craftsmen -- Dinner and address
Box VII.49
New York Club of Printing House Craftsmen -- Draft of constitution
Box VII.49
New York Club of Printing House Craftsmen -- Miscellaneous
SEE ALSO: Book Arts - Port & Biog
Box VII.44
Newspaper advertisements
Box VII.44
Box Flat Box 29
Box VII.53
Offset printing
Box Flat Box 30
Organizations (unions, associations, clubs) -- Great Britain
Box VII.51
Organizations (unions, associations, clubs) -- United States -- Albany Printers' Union
SEE ALSO: Book Arts - Port & Biog under names of organizations
Box VII.51
Organizations (unions, associations, clubs) -- United States -- American Type Founders Company
Box VII.51
Organizations (unions, associations, clubs) -- United States -- Baltimore -- Dinner of Printing and Allied Trades
Box VII.51
Organizations (unions, associations, clubs) -- United States -- Ben Franklin Club of America
Box VII.51
Organizations (unions, associations, clubs) -- United States -- Boston Proofreaders Association
Box VII.51
Organizations (unions, associations, clubs) -- United States -- Boston Stereotypers' and Electrotypers' Union
Box VII.51
Organizations (unions, associations, clubs) -- United States -- Boston Type Foundry
Box VII.51
Organizations (unions, associations, clubs) -- United States -- Chicago Society of Proofreaders
Box VII.51
Organizations (unions, associations, clubs) -- United States -- Charleston Typographical Society
Box VII.51
Organizations (unions, associations, clubs) -- United States -- Chicago Old Time Printers
Box VII.51
Organizations (unions, associations, clubs) -- United States -- Circuit Court of United States -- Southern District of Ohio
Box VII.51
Organizations (unions, associations, clubs) -- United States -- International Congress of Master Printers
Box VII.51
Organizations (unions, associations, clubs) -- United States -- International Stereotypers' Union
Box VII.52
Organizations (unions, associations, clubs) -- United States -- National Association of Photo-engravers
Box VII.52
Organizations (unions, associations, clubs) -- United States -- National Electrotypers' Association
Box VII.52
Organizations (unions, associations, clubs) -- United States -- National Printers' Protective Fraternity
Box VII.52
Organizations (unions, associations, clubs) -- United States -- Ohio Printers' Federation
Box VII.52
Organizations (unions, associations, clubs) -- United States -- Pacific Coast Advertising Clubs
Box Flat Box 30
Organizations (unions, associations, clubs) -- United States -- Philadelphia Typographical Society
Box VII.52
Organizations (unions, associations, clubs) -- United States -- Nashville, Tennessee, Printers' League
Box VII.52
Organizations (unions, associations, clubs) -- United States -- New York City Printers' League
Box VII.52
Organizations (unions, associations, clubs) -- United States -- Philadelphia Journeyman Printers' Union
Box VII.52
Organizations (unions, associations, clubs) -- United States -- St. Louis Ben Franklin Club
Box VII.52
Organizations (unions, associations, clubs) -- United States -- St. Louis Central Type Foundry -- Mutual Benefit Association
Box VII.52
Organizations (unions, associations, clubs) -- United States -- Center for Book Arts
Box VII.52
Organizations (unions, associations, clubs) -- United States -- Graphic Arts Research Foundation
Box VII.52
Organizations (unions, associations, clubs) -- United States -- Information Management Institute
Box VII.52
Organizations (unions, associations, clubs) -- United States -- Research and Engineering Council of the Graphic Arts Industry
Box VII.52
Organizations (unions, associations, clubs) -- United States -- Technical Association of the Graphic Arts
Box VII.53
Oxford Guild of Printers
Box VII.53
Pacific Center for the Book Arts (San Francisco)
Box VII.53
Box VII.53
Box VII.53
Box VII.53
Paper -- Retail -- Catalogues
Box VII.55
Paper -- Samples -- Australia -- Quirindi handmade paper
Box Flat Box 31
Paper -- Samples -- Australia -- Quirindi handmade paper
Box VII.55
Paper -- Samples -- England -- J. Barcham Green & Son -- Angel feathers
Box VII.55
Paper -- Samples -- England -- J. Barcham Green & Son -- Hayle Mill
Box VII.55
Paper -- Samples -- England -- J. Barcham Green & Son -- Ivory vellum
Box VII.55
Paper -- Samples -- England -- Portals Limited
Box VII.55
Paper -- Samples -- France -- Canson & Montgolfier -- Miscellaneous advertisements and greetings
Box VII.55
Paper -- Samples -- Germany -- Braunwarth & Lⁿthke
Box VII.55
Paper -- Samples -- Germany -- Wilh. Leo's Nachf. -- Kⁿnstler-Papier
Box VII.55
Paper -- Samples -- Germany -- Wilh. Leo's Nachf. -- Java-Kunst
Box VII.55
Paper -- Samples -- Germany -- Wilh. Leo's Nachf. -- Mecota-Pergt
Box VII.55
Paper -- Samples -- Germany -- Wilh. Leo's Nachf. -- Mⁿnchner Uberz. Papier
Box VII.55
Paper -- Samples -- Germany -- Wilh. Leo's Nachf. -- Peru-Papier
Box VII.55
Paper -- Samples -- Germany -- Wilh. Leo's Nachf. -- Rheinland-Papier
Box VII.55
Paper -- Samples -- Germany -- Wilh. Leo's Nachf. -- Togo-Umschlag
Box VII.55
Paper -- Samples -- Germany -- Winkler & Co. -- Wico-Papiere
Box VII.55
Paper -- Samples -- Germany -- Zerkall Bⁿtten
Box VII.55
Paper -- Samples -- Holland -- Van Gelder Zonen -- Hollandsch Papier voor Luxe-Druk
Box VII.55
Paper -- Samples -- Holland -- Van Gelder Zonen -- Miscellaneous paper samples
Box VII.55
Paper -- Samples -- Italy -- Azienda Cartaria Italiana -- Stagioni e mesi nei disegni d'un artista fiorentino
Box VII.55
Paper -- Samples -- Italy -- Fedrigoni
Box VII.55
Paper -- Samples -- Nepal
Box VII.54
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- The Alling and Cory Company
Box VII.54
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- The Beckett Paper Company -- The Beckett Color Finder
Box VII.54
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- Brown, L. L. (L. L. Brown Paper Company)
Box VII.54
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- Curtis Paper Company
Box VII.54
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- Curtis Paper Company
Box VII.54
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- Dexter, C. H. (C. H. Dexter & Sons) -- Princess cover papers
Box VII.54
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- Dexter, C. H. (C. H. Dexter & Sons) -- Princess cover papers
Box VII.54
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- Eastern Manufacturing Company
Box VII.54
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- French Paper Company
Box VII.54
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- Giovannini (C. Giovannini Importer)
Box VII.54
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- Hampden Glazed Paper and Card Company -- Sunburst covers
Box VII.54
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- Hurlbut Paper Company -- Artists' papers and boards
Box VII.56
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- Ivy Mills -- Currency paper
Box VII.56
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- Japan Paper Company -- Chinese fancy papers
Box Flat Box 31
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- Japan Paper Company -- Chinese fancy papers
Box VII.56
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- Japan Paper Company -- Cockerell papers
Box VII.56
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- Japan Paper Company -- Deckled edge
Box VII.56
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- Japan Paper Company -- Gifu, totomi, kochi
Box VII.56
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- Japan Paper Company -- Handmade Italian papers
Box Volume 16
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- Japan Paper Company -- Handmade papers
Box VII.56
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- Japan Paper Company -- Italian woodblock papers
Box VII.56
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- Japan Paper Company -- Japanese paper tapes
Box VII.56
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- Japan Paper Company -- Kinkami papers
Box VII.56
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- Japan Paper Company -- Marbled papers from France
Box VII.56
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- Japan Paper Company -- Mashiki papers
Box VII.56
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- Japan Paper Company -- Miscellaneous advertisements and greetings
Box VII.56
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- Japan Paper Company -- Miscellaneous paper
Box VII.56
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- Japan Paper Company -- Price lists
Box Volume 14
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- Japan Paper Company -- Printing papers
Box Volume 15
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- Japan Paper Company -- Printing papers
Box VII.56
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- Japan Paper Company -- St. Albans
Box VII.56
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- Japan Paper Company -- St. Albans
Box VII.57
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- Japan Paper Company -- Grouped samples -- Arches
Box VII.57
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- Japan Paper Company -- Grouped samples -- Arnold handmade
Box VII.57
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- Japan Paper Company -- Grouped samples -- Ashford
Box VII.57
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- Japan Paper Company -- Grouped samples -- Awaji
Box VII.57
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- Japan Paper Company -- Grouped samples -- Barcelona
Box VII.57
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- Japan Paper Company -- Grouped samples -- Barracas
Box VII.57
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- Japan Paper Company -- Grouped samples -- Beauvais
Box VII.57
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- Japan Paper Company -- Grouped samples -- Chatham
Box VII.57
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- Japan Paper Company -- Grouped samples -- Chinese handmade paper
Box VII.57
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- Japan Paper Company -- Grouped samples -- Dutch charcoal
Box VII.57
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- Japan Paper Company -- Grouped samples -- Dutch handmade
Box VII.57
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- Japan Paper Company -- Grouped samples -- Etruria
Box VII.57
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- Japan Paper Company -- Grouped samples -- Fabriano
Box VII.57
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- Japan Paper Company -- Grouped samples -- Florentine
Box VII.57
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- Japan Paper Company -- Grouped samples -- French Ingres
Box VII.57
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- Japan Paper Company -- Grouped samples -- Hayle
Box VII.57
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- Japan Paper Company -- Grouped samples -- Hosho blue
Box VII.57
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- Japan Paper Company -- Grouped samples -- Incudine
Box VII.57
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- Japan Paper Company -- Grouped samples -- Italian handmade
Box VII.57
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- Japan Paper Company -- Grouped samples -- Iyogami
Box VII.57
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- Japan Paper Company -- Grouped samples -- Japanese paper
Box VII.57
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- Japan Paper Company -- Grouped samples -- Japanese tissue
Box VII.57
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- Japan Paper Company -- Grouped samples -- Japanese vellum
Box VII.57
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- Japan Paper Company -- Grouped samples -- Japanese wood veneer
Box VII.57
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- Japan Paper Company -- Grouped samples -- Kelmscott
Box VII.57
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- Japan Paper Company -- Grouped samples -- Kiang nan
Box VII.57
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- Japan Paper Company -- Grouped samples -- Kisogawa
Box VII.57
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- Japan Paper Company -- Grouped samples -- Kochi papers
Box VII.57
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- Japan Paper Company -- Grouped samples -- Korean paper
Box VII.57
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- Japan Paper Company -- Grouped samples -- Maidstone
Box VII.57
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- Japan Paper Company -- Grouped samples -- Medway
Box VII.57
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- Japan Paper Company -- Grouped samples -- Melusine
Box VII.57
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- Japan Paper Company -- Grouped samples -- Michelet
Box VII.57
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- Japan Paper Company -- Grouped samples -- Murillo
Box VII.57
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- Japan Paper Company -- Grouped samples -- Orebro
Box VII.57
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- Japan Paper Company -- Grouped samples -- Oriental
Box VII.57
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- Japan Paper Company -- Grouped samples -- Radnor
Box VII.57
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- Japan Paper Company -- Grouped samples -- Rittenhouse laid
Box VII.57
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- Japan Paper Company -- Grouped samples -- Rives
Box VII.57
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- Japan Paper Company -- Grouped samples -- San Marco
Box VII.57
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- Japan Paper Company -- Grouped samples -- Shogun
Box VII.57
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- Japan Paper Company -- Grouped samples -- Tarazona
Box VII.57
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- Japan Paper Company -- Grouped samples -- Thirteenth century
Box VII.57
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- Japan Paper Company -- Grouped samples -- Tokugawa
Box VII.57
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- Japan Paper Company -- Grouped samples -- Torino
Box VII.57
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- Japan Paper Company -- Grouped samples -- Tovil
Box VII.57
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- Japan Paper Company -- Grouped samples -- Toyogami
Box VII.57
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- Japan Paper Company -- Grouped samples -- Tunbridge
Box VII.57
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- Japan Paper Company -- Grouped samples -- Tuscany
Box VII.57
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- Japan Paper Company -- Grouped samples -- Van Gelder book paper
Box Volume 11
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- Japan Paper Company -- Hand-made paper
Box Volume 12
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- Japan Paper Company -- Miscellaneous paper
Box VII.59
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- Lindmeyer, Henry (Henry Lindmeyer and Sons)
Box VII.59
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- Miller and Wright Paper Company
Box VII.59
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- Niagara Paper Mills
Box VII.59
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- Oxford University Press -- Cockerell marble papers
Box VII.59
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- Presscraft papers
Box VII.59
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- Ruzicka, Veronica -- Proteus papers
Box VII.59
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- Schlosser Paper Corporation
Box VII.59
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- Stevens-Nelson Paper Corporation -- Commercial papers
Box VII.59
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- Stevens-Nelson Paper Corporation -- Miscellaneous samples -- Abbey mills
Box VII.59
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- Stevens-Nelson Paper Corporation -- Miscellaneous samples -- Arches
Box VII.59
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- Stevens-Nelson Paper Corporation -- Miscellaneous samples -- Basingwerk
Box VII.59
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- Stevens-Nelson Paper Corporation -- Miscellaneous samples -- Charing
Box VII.59
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- Stevens-Nelson Paper Corporation -- Miscellaneous samples -- Chatham
Box VII.59
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- Stevens-Nelson Paper Corporation -- Miscellaneous samples -- Curfew
Box VII.59
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- Stevens-Nelson Paper Corporation -- Miscellaneous samples -- Dutch charcoal
Box VII.59
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- Stevens-Nelson Paper Corporation -- Miscellaneous samples -- Edition de luxe
Box VII.59
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- Stevens-Nelson Paper Corporation -- Miscellaneous samples -- Fabriano cover Heavy weight
Box VII.59
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- Stevens-Nelson Paper Corporation -- Miscellaneous samples -- Fabriano cover Light weight white
Box VII.59
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- Stevens-Nelson Paper Corporation -- Miscellaneous samples -- Frankfurt
Box VII.59
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- Stevens-Nelson Paper Corporation -- Miscellaneous samples -- German copperplate
Box VII.59
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- Stevens-Nelson Paper Corporation -- Miscellaneous samples -- Hayle
Box VII.59
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- Stevens-Nelson Paper Corporation -- Miscellaneous samples -- Hosho
Box VII.59
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- Stevens-Nelson Paper Corporation -- Miscellaneous samples -- Incudine
Box VII.59
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- Stevens-Nelson Paper Corporation -- Miscellaneous samples -- Ingres
Box VII.59
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- Stevens-Nelson Paper Corporation -- Miscellaneous samples -- Ingres d'Arches
Box VII.59
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- Stevens-Nelson Paper Corporation -- Miscellaneous samples -- Inomachi vellum
Box VII.59
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- Stevens-Nelson Paper Corporation -- Miscellaneous samples -- Kelmscott
Box VII.59
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- Stevens-Nelson Paper Corporation -- Miscellaneous samples -- Kinwashi
Box VII.59
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- Stevens-Nelson Paper Corporation -- Miscellaneous samples -- Kitakata
Box VII.59
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- Stevens-Nelson Paper Corporation -- Miscellaneous samples -- Ingres gray
Box VII.59
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- Stevens-Nelson Paper Corporation -- Miscellaneous samples -- Invicta
Box VII.59
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- Stevens-Nelson Paper Corporation -- Miscellaneous samples -- Kochi
Box VII.59
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- Stevens-Nelson Paper Corporation -- Miscellaneous samples -- Murillo
Box VII.59
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- Stevens-Nelson Paper Corporation -- Miscellaneous samples -- Natsume
Box VII.59
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- Stevens-Nelson Paper Corporation -- Miscellaneous samples -- Okawara
Box VII.59
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- Stevens-Nelson Paper Corporation -- Miscellaneous samples -- Roma cover
Box VII.59
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- Stevens-Nelson Paper Corporation -- Miscellaneous samples -- Shidzuoka vellum
Box VII.59
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- Stevens-Nelson Paper Corporation -- Miscellaneous samples -- Tokugawa
Box VII.59
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- Stevens-Nelson Paper Corporation -- Miscellaneous samples -- Tovil
Box VII.59
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- Stevens-Nelson Paper Corporation -- Miscellaneous samples -- Toyogami
Box VII.59
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- Stevens-Nelson Paper Corporation -- Miscellaneous samples -- Tovil
Box VII.59
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- Stevens-Nelson Paper Corporation -- Miscellaneous samples -- Toyogami
Box VII.59
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- Stevens-Nelson Paper Corporation -- Miscellaneous samples -- Tsuyuko
Box VII.59
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- Stevens-Nelson Paper Corporation -- Miscellaneous samples -- Shogun
Box VII.59
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- Stevens-Nelson Paper Corporation -- Miscellaneous samples -- Umbria
Box VII.59
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- Stevens-Nelson Paper Corporation -- Miscellaneous samples -- Weimar
Box VII.59
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- Stevens-Nelson Paper Corporation -- Miscellaneous samples -- Wood veneer
Box VII.59
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- Stevens-Nelson Paper Corporation -- Miscellaneous weights
Box VII.58
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- The Strathmore Paper Company -- Commercial writing papers
Box VII.58
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- The Strathmore Paper Company -- Cover papers
Box VII.58
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- The Strathmore Paper Company -- Expressive printing papers
Box VII.58
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- The Strathmore Paper Company -- Miscellaneous samples -- Bay path cover
Box VII.58
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- The Strathmore Paper Company -- Miscellaneous samples -- Courier
Box VII.58
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- The Strathmore Paper Company -- Miscellaneous samples -- Double deckle
Box VII.58
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- The Strathmore Paper Company -- Miscellaneous samples -- Emissary text
Box VII.58
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- The Strathmore Paper Company -- Miscellaneous samples -- Highway bond
Box VII.58
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- The Strathmore Paper Company -- Miscellaneous samples -- Olde laid
Box VII.58
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- The Strathmore Paper Company -- Miscellaneous samples -- Rhododendron cover
Box VII.58
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- The Strathmore Paper Company -- Miscellaneous samples -- Saxonet
Box VII.58
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- The Strathmore Paper Company -- Miscellaneous samples -- Silver flake
Box VII.58
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- The Strathmore Paper Company -- Miscellaneous samples -- Silver flake and gold flake
Box VII.58
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- The Strathmore Paper Company -- Miscellaneous samples -- Wayside text
Box VII.58
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- The Strathmore Paper Company -- Price list
Box VII.58
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- The Strathmore Paper Company -- Strathmore quality covers and Bristols
Box VII.58
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- The Strathmore Paper Company -- The Strathmore stylist
Box VII.60
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- Thomas N. Fairbanks Company -- Book papers from Italy and France
Box Volume 13
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- Thomas N. Fairbanks Company -- Handmade papers Scrapbook
Box VII.60
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- Thomas N. Fairbanks Company -- Miscellaneous advertising and greetings
Box VII.60
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- Thomas N. Fairbanks Company -- Miscellaneous samples -- Alverstoke
Box VII.60
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- Thomas N. Fairbanks Company -- Miscellaneous samples -- Capuleti
Box VII.60
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- Thomas N. Fairbanks Company -- Miscellaneous samples -- Ciconia
Box VII.60
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- Thomas N. Fairbanks Company -- Miscellaneous samples -- Didot
Box VII.60
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- Thomas N. Fairbanks Company -- Miscellaneous samples -- Duca d'Este
Box VII.60
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- Thomas N. Fairbanks Company -- Miscellaneous samples -- Duca di Ferrara
Box VII.60
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- Thomas N. Fairbanks Company -- Miscellaneous samples -- Duca di Modena
Box VII.60
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- Thomas N. Fairbanks Company -- Miscellaneous samples -- Duca di Parma
Box VII.60
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- Thomas N. Fairbanks Company -- Miscellaneous samples -- La Garde
Box VII.60
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- Thomas N. Fairbanks Company -- Miscellaneous samples -- Gilio
Box VII.60
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- Thomas N. Fairbanks Company -- Miscellaneous samples -- Pace
Box VII.60
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- Thomas N. Fairbanks Company -- Miscellaneous samples -- Panckoucke
Box VII.60
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- Thomas N. Fairbanks Company -- Miscellaneous samples -- Rosaspina
Box VII.60
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- Thomas N. Fairbanks Company -- Miscellaneous samples -- Winterstoke
Box VII.60
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- Thomas N. Fairbanks Company -- Miscellaneous samples -- Wood veneer
Box VII.60
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- White, James (James White Paper Company)
Box VII.61
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- Whitehead and Alliger Company, Inc.
Box VII.61
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- Whiting-Patterson Company -- Croxley deckle
Box VII.61
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- Whiting-Patterson Company -- Italian pressed paper
Box VII.61
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- Worthy Paper Company -- Hand and arrows
Box Volume 17
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- Worthy Paper Company -- Georgian
Box VII.61
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- Worthy Paper Company -- Miscellaneous advertisements
Box Volume 18
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- Worthy Paper Company -- Miscellaneous samples
Box VII.61
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- Worthy Paper Company -- Miscellaneous samples -- Aurelian
Box VII.61
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- Worthy Paper Company -- Miscellaneous samples -- Dacian
Box VII.61
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- Worthy Paper Company -- Miscellaneous samples -- Georgina
Box VII.61
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- Worthy Paper Company -- Miscellaneous samples -- Marlowe
Box VII.61
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- Worthy Paper Company -- Miscellaneous samples -- Nubian
Box Volume 19
Paper -- Samples -- United States -- Worthy Paper Company -- Miscellaneous samples -- Roxburghe
Box VII.53
Paper -- Size
Box VII.62
Paper -- Specimens
SEE ALSO: description sheet for the Arthur S. Allen commercial typography collection
Box Flat Box 39
Paper -- Specimens -- samples of marbled, paste, gilt, and Japanese papers
Box Flat Box 40
Paper -- Specimens -- samples of marbled, paste, gilt, and Japanese papers
Box VII.62
Paper -- Specimens -- American -- 19th century
Box VII.62
Paper -- Specimens -- Bulk
Box VII.62
Paper -- Specimens -- Coated
Box VII.62
Paper -- Specimens -- Decorated
Box VII.62
Paper -- Specimens -- Decorated -- Czechoslovakia -- Professor Grumer and others
Box VII.62
Paper -- Specimens -- Douglas Cockerell
Box VII.62
Paper -- Specimens -- Elliott, Harrison
Box Volume 37
Paper -- Specimens -- English -- 1795 -- Elgar
Box VII.62
Paper -- Specimens -- Flame-proof and germ-proof
Box VII.62
Paper -- Specimens -- German -- 1700-1750 -- G. N. Renner and Abel
Box VII.62
Paper -- Specimens -- German gilt
Box VII.62
Paper -- Specimens -- German gilt -- Renner and Abel
Box VII.62
Paper -- Specimens -- German silver -- Augsburg
Box VII.62
Paper -- Specimens -- Kapok
Box VII.63
Paper -- Specimens -- Marbled
Box VII.63
Paper -- Specimens -- Marbled -- 18th century
Box VII.63
Paper -- Specimens -- Marbled -- 19th century
Box VII.63
Paper -- Specimens -- Marbled -- 20th century
Box VII.63
Paper -- Specimens -- Milkweed
Box VII.63
Paper -- Specimens -- Non-wet strength
Box VII.63
Paper -- Specimens -- Paste papers
Box VII.63
Paper -- Specimens -- Tissue
Box VII.65
Paper -- Specimens -- Wet-strength
Box VII.65
Paper -- Specimens -- Woodblock
Box VII.65
Paper -- Specimens -- Woodblock -- 18th century?
Box VII.65
Paper -- Specimens -- Woodblock -- German -- 18th century
Box VII.53
Paper cutters
Box VII.53
Paper makers' advertisements
Box VII.53
Paper making
Box Flat Box 30
Paper making
Box Flat Box 31
Paper making
Box VII.64
Paper making -- Hand
Box VII.64
Paper making and trade
Box VII.64
Paper making and trade -- Arabia -- History
Box VII.64
Paper making and trade -- England -- J. Barcham Green & Son
Box VII.64
Paper making and trade -- England -- Spicers Ltd.
Box VII.64
Paper making and trade -- England -- Wiggins Teape & Alex Pirie (export)
Box VII.64
Paper making and trade -- Equipment -- The cylinder machine (Fourdrinier)
Box VII.64
Paper making and trade -- Equipment -- Leader deckling machinery
Box VII.64
Paper making and trade -- Equipment -- Rope samples
Box VII.64
Paper making and trade -- Holland -- Van Gelder Zonen
Box VII.64
Paper making and trade -- Holland -- History
Box VII.64
Paper making and trade -- Japan
Box VII.64
Paper making and trade -- Pictorial works
Box VII.64
Paper making and trade -- Switzerland -- History
Box VII.64
Paper making and trade -- United States -- Bradner Smith & Company
Box VII.64
Paper making and trade -- United States -- Japan Paper Company
Box VII.64
Paper making and trade -- United States -- Montague Paper-Mills (Turner's Falls, Massachusetts)
Box VII.64
Paper making and trade -- United States -- Peter and Donna Thomas
Box VII.69
Paper making in Japan -- Japan Paper Company -- Lantern slides
Box VII.53
Box Flat Box 31
Periodical prospectuses
Box VII.66
Periodical prospectuses -- England
Box VII.66
Periodical prospectuses -- France
Box VII.66
Periodical prospectuses -- United States
Box VII.66
Periodical prospectuses -- Australia
Box VII.66
Box VII.66
Periodicals -- Great Britain -- Liver & Lights
Box VII.66
Box VII.67
Box VII.68
Box VII.68
Photography -- Advertising
Box VII.68
Photography -- Printing papers
Box VII.68
Photography -- Scientific applications
Box VII.68
Photography -- Publishers -- United States
Box VII.68
Photography -- Organizations -- Great Britain
Box VII.68
Photography of animals
Box VII.68
See here for: Heliogravure
Box Flat Box 31
Box VII.68
Photomechanical processes -- Alberttype
Box VII.68
Photomechanical processes -- Artotype
Box VII.68
Photomechanical processes -- Autogravure
Box VII.68
Photomechanical processes -- Autotype
Box VII.68
Photomechanical processes -- Bradford
Box VII.68
Photomechanical processes -- Collotype
Box VII.68
Photomechanical processes -- Cyanotypes (blue prints)
Box VII.68
Photomechanical processes -- Daguerreotype
Box VII.68
Photomechanical processes -- Galvanography
Box VII.68
Photomechanical processes -- Gelatine process
Box VII.68
Photomechanical processes -- Heliography
Box VII.68
Photomechanical processes -- Heliography -- Placet's process
Box VII.68
Photomechanical processes -- Heliotype
Box VII.68
Photomechanical processes -- Indotint process
Box VII.68
Photomechanical processes -- Ink-photo
Box VII.68
Photomechanical processes -- Microphotography -- Woodward
Box VII.68
Photomechanical processes -- Moss-type
Box VII.68
Photomechanical processes -- Photo-aquatints
Box VII.68
Photomechanical processes -- Photo-electrotypes
Box VII.68
Photomechanical processes -- Photo-engraving
Box VII.68
Photomechanical processes -- Photo-engraving -- Moss type
Box VII.68
Photomechanical processes -- Photography on silk
Box VII.68
Photomechanical processes -- Photogravure
Box VII.68
Photomechanical processes -- Photo-lithography
Box VII.68
Photomechanical processes -- Photo-lithography -- Mr. Mowan of Chicago process
Box VII.68
Photomechanical processes -- Photo-mezzotint
Box VII.68
Photomechanical processes -- Phototint process
Box VII.68
Photomechanical processes -- Relief plates
Box VII.68
Photomechanical processes -- Stanley dry plate
Box VII.68
Photomechanical processes -- Typo-etching
Box VII.68
Photomechanical processes -- Typogravure
Box VII.68
Photomechanical processes -- Waterlow Co., London
Box VII.68
Photomechanical processes -- Woodburytype
Box VII.68
Photomechanical processes -- Zincograph
Box VII.67
Plantin Museum
Box Volume 20
Plantin Museum
Box VII.67
Playing cards -- Early samples
Box VII.67
Poetry of printing
Box VII.70
Box VII.70
Box VII.70
Posters -- Catalogues -- Book and poster dealers
Box VII.70
Posters -- Exhibition catalogues
Box VII.70
Posters -- Grasset, Eugene
Box VII.70
Posters -- London Transport posters
Box VII.70
Posters -- Miscellaneous articles on posters
Box VII.71
Posters -- Reproductions of posters
Box Flat Box 32
Posters -- Conferences
Box Flat Box 32
Posters -- Exhibitions
Box VII.70
Posters -- Italy -- Torino -- Pozzo Gros Monti
Box Flat Box 32
Posters -- Poland -- Spoleczno-polityczny plakat polski, 1971-1975
Box VII.72
Press associations -- Alabama press association
Box VII.72
Press associations -- ANPA
Box VII.72
Press associations -- AP
Box VII.72
Press associations -- Boston press club
Box VII.72
Press associations -- Colorado editorial association
Box VII.72
Press associations -- Georgia press association
Box VII.72
Press associations -- Kansas editorial association
Box VII.72
Press associations -- Nebraska press association
Box VII.72
Press associations -- New England women's press association
Box VII.72
Press associations -- Northwest Missouri press association
Box VII.72
Press associations -- Suburban press association of New England
Box VII.72
Press associations -- Tulsa press club
Box VII.72
Press associations -- West Tennessee press association
Box VII.72
Press associations -- Western newspaper union
Box VII.72
Press plates
Box VII.73
Price list -- Post-Civil war
Box VII.73
Box VII.73
Printer, The
Box VII.74
Printers' accountancy
Box VII.75
Printers' accountancy
Box VII.73
Printers' advertisements -- General
Box VII.73
Printers' advertisements -- Foster, Roe, and Crone Art Printers
Box VII.73
Printers Chappel of Santa Cruz (Santa Cruz, California)
Box VII.73
Printers' furniture -- Hamilton
Box VII.73
Printers' furniture -- Tubbs
Box VII.73
Printers' League of America
Box Flat Box 32
Printers' League of America
Box VII.76
Printers' marks
Box Flat Box 32
Printers' marks
Box VII.76
Printers' marks -- Miscellaneous -- English
Box VII.76
Printers' marks -- Academia Veneta
Box VII.76
Printers' marks -- Ad Signum Aquilµ se Renounantis
Box VII.76
Printers' marks -- Alantsee, Leonardus
Box VII.76
Printers' marks -- Alaris, Enea de
Box VII.76
Printers' marks -- Alauzet, Victor
Box VII.76
Printers' marks -- Albert, Peter
Box VII.76
Printers' marks -- Alberti, Giovanni
Box VII.76
Printers' marks -- Aldus, Manutius II
Box VII.76
Printers' marks -- Aldus, Manutius
Box VII.76
Printers' marks -- Aliatte, Alexandre
Box VII.76
Printers' marks -- Amadorum, Marcum
Box VII.76
Printers' marks -- Amaulry, Thomas
Box VII.76
Printers' marks -- AndrΘ, Pierre
Box VII.76
Printers' marks -- Andream, J. and Endteri, W.
Box VII.76
Printers' marks -- Angelier, Abel
Box VII.76
Printers' marks -- Angelieri, Giorgio
Box VII.76
Printers' marks -- Angelis, Josephus de
Box VII.76
Printers' marks -- Anisson, Laurenti
Box VII.76
Printers' marks -- Anisson, Posuel & Rigaud
Box VII.76
Printers' marks -- Antoine, Pierre
Box VII.76
Printers' marks -- Appleton, D.
Box VII.76
Printers' marks -- Armoirie des imprimeurs
Box VII.76
Printers' marks -- Armorial franτais
Box VII.76
Printers' marks -- Arnaud, Lavr. & Borde, P.
Box VII.76
Printers' marks -- Arnd, J.
Box VII.76
Printers' marks -- Arnollet, Jacques
Box VII.76
Printers' marks -- Arnolleti, V. B.
Box VII.76
Printers' marks -- Arriubinis, G.
Box VII.76
Printers' marks -- Baba, Andrea
Box VII.76
Printers' marks -- Baba, Franciscum
Box VII.76
Printers' marks -- Babuty, Franτois
Box VII.76
Printers' marks -- Baglieni, Paolo
Box VII.76
Printers' marks -- Bahon-Rault, L.
Box VII.76
Printers' marks -- Baldini, Vittorio
Box VII.76
Printers' marks -- Balleonium, Paul
Box VII.76
Printers' marks -- Balsarin, G.
Box VII.76
Printers' marks -- Baptista de Tortis
Box VII.76
Printers' marks -- Baptistae, I. & Crobi, J.
Box VII.76
Printers' marks -- Barbin, Claude
Box VII.76
Printers' marks -- Barbou Freres
Box VII.76
Printers' marks -- Barbou, Jean
Box VII.76
Printers' marks -- Barbou, Joseph-Gerard
Box VII.76
Printers' marks -- Baretium
Box VII.76
Printers' marks -- Barezzi, Barrezzo
Box VII.76
Printers' marks -- Barker, C.
Box VII.76
Printers' marks -- Barre, Nicole de la
Box VII.76
Printers' marks -- Bartoli, Gierolamo
Box VII.76
Printers' marks -- Bassaei, Nicolai
Box VII.76
Printers' marks -- Basson, Thomas
Box VII.76
Printers' marks -- Battista, Gio. & Bernardo, Gio.
Box VII.76
Printers' marks -- Bazachi, Giovanni
Box VII.76
Printers' marks -- Behem, Francis
Box VII.76
Printers' marks -- Belin
Box VII.76
Printers' marks -- Bell, Geo.
Box VII.76
Printers' marks -- Bellaert, J.
Box VII.76
Printers' marks -- Bellere, Peter, III
Box VII.76
Printers' marks -- Bellere, Pierre
Box VII.76
Printers' marks -- Bellescule, P. & J.
Box VII.76
Printers' marks -- Bellone, Marc'Antonio
Box VII.76
Printers' marks -- Bellotti, Michele
Box VII.76
Printers' marks -- Belot, Jehan
Box VII.76
Printers' marks -- Benacci, Vittorio
Box VII.76
Printers' marks -- Bernard, Simon
Box VII.76
Printers' marks -- Bendolo, Giacomo
Box VII.76
Printers' marks -- Berkeley, Richard
Box VII.76
Printers' marks -- Bernard, E.
Box VII.76
Printers' marks -- Bernardi, Pietro
Box VII.76
Printers' marks -- Bernardon, Pontio
Box VII.76
Printers' marks -- Bertani, Antoine
Box VII.76
Printers' marks -- Bertani, I.
Box VII.76
Printers' marks -- Bertano, G. A.
Box VII.76
Printers' marks -- Bertanos
Box VII.76
Printers' marks -- Bertanum, P. M.
Box VII.76
Printers' marks -- Bertelli, Francesco
Box VII.76
Printers' marks -- Bettinelli, Giuseppe
Box VII.76
Printers' marks -- Bevilacqua, G. Battista
Box VII.76
Printers' marks -- Bevilaquam, Nicolas
Box VII.76
Printers' marks -- Beys, Gilles
Box VII.77
Printers' marks -- Bindoni, Francesco
Box VII.77
Printers' marks -- Birckman
Box VII.77
Printers' marks -- Birckman, Arnold
Box VII.77
Printers' marks -- Bizzarao, Giorgio
Box VII.77
Printers' marks -- Blado, Antonio
Box VII.77
Printers' marks -- Blaeu, Jean
Box VII.77
Printers' marks -- Blyspel
Box VII.77
Printers' marks -- Bocard, AndrΘ
Box VII.77
Printers' marks -- Boisilea
Box VII.77
Printers' marks -- Boissat, Gabrielis
Box VII.77
Printers' marks -- Boissat, Horace
Box VII.77
Printers' marks -- Belsec, Mathieu
Box VII.77
Printers' marks -- Bolzetta, Francesco
Box VII.77
Printers' marks -- Bome, H.
Box VII.77
Printers' marks -- Benducci, Andrea
Box VII.77
Printers' marks -- Bonelli, Giovanmaria
Box VII.77
Printers' marks -- Bonk, Philip
Box VII.77
Printers' marks -- Borsi, Fratrum
Box VII.77
Printers' marks -- Boudet, Antoine
Box VII.77
Printers' marks -- Boudot, Joannem
Box VII.77
Printers' marks -- Bouillon, Martin
Box VII.77
Printers' marks -- Boulle, Guilielmus
Box VII.77
Printers' marks -- Boullenger, Jacques-Joseph
Box VII.77
Printers' marks -- Bounyn, Benoist
Box VII.77
Printers' marks -- Bourgeat, Claude
Box VII.77
Printers' marks -- Bourgeois, Jehan de
Box VII.77
Printers' marks -- Bouyer, Jean & BellescullΘe, P.
Box VII.77
Printers' marks -- Bouyer, J. & Bouchet, G.
Box VII.77
Printers' marks -- Bozzola, Tommaso
Box VII.77
Printers' marks -- Breitkopf, B. C.
Box VII.77
Printers' marks -- Brigonci, B. P.
Box VII.77
Printers' marks -- Brocar, J.
Box VII.77
Printers' marks -- Brocas, P. D.
Box VII.77
Printers' marks -- Brogiollum
Box VII.77
Printers' marks -- Brunel, P.
Box VII.77
Printers' marks -- Bruyset, Jean-Marie
Box VII.77
Printers' marks -- Brylinger, Nicolas
Box VII.77
Printers' marks -- Bulifon, Antonio
Box VII.77
Printers' marks -- Bungart, Herman
Box VII.77
Printers' marks -- Byrd Printing Co.
Box VII.77
Printers' marks -- Cacchio, G.
Box VII.77
Printers' marks -- Caillaut, Antoine
Box VII.77
Printers' marks -- Cailleau
Box VII.77
Printers' marks -- Calliere, H.
Box VII.77
Printers' marks -- Calderij, Reginaldi
Box VII.77
Printers' marks -- Calenium, Geruinum
Box VII.77
Printers' marks -- Calvez, I.
Box VII.77
Printers' marks -- Cambridge University Press
Box VII.77
Printers' marks -- Camera Apostolica
Box VII.77
Printers' marks -- Camerini, Antonio
Box VII.77
Printers' marks -- Campana, Pompeo
Box VII.77
Printers' marks -- Caprari, Eredi
Box VII.77
Printers' marks -- Camusat, Veuve Jean & Pierre le Petit
Box VII.77
Printers' marks -- Carampello, Bartolomeo
Box VII.77
Printers' marks -- Cardon, Horace
Box VII.77
Printers' marks -- Carmignani, Philippum
Box VII.77
Printers' marks -- Caron, Pierre le
Box VII.77
Printers' marks -- Cassiani, Giulian
Box VII.77
Printers' marks -- Castellani, Vincenti
Box VII.77
Printers' marks -- Caualli, Giorgio de'
Box VII.77
Printers' marks -- Cauellat, G.
Box VII.77
Printers' marks -- Caxton, William
Box VII.78
Printers' marks -- Cecconcelli, Pietro
Box VII.78
Printers' marks -- Cesano, Bartolomeo
Box VII.78
Printers' marks -- Charteris, Robert
Box VII.78
Printers' marks -- Chastellain, Caroli
Box VII.78
Printers' marks -- Chatelain, Zacharie
Box VII.78
Printers' marks -- Chaubert
Box VII.78
Printers' marks -- ChaudiΦre
Box VII.78
Printers' marks -- Chausseye et Cytoys
Box VII.78
Printers' marks -- Chesneau, Nicolas
Box VII.78
Printers' marks -- Chevallon, Gervais
Box VII.78
Printers' marks -- Chiappini, Luigi & Cortesi, A.
Box VII.78
Printers' marks -- Chouot, Jacob
Box VII.78
Printers' marks -- Chouot, Johann Anton
Box VII.78
Printers' marks -- Chouot, Leonardi
Box VII.78
Printers' marks -- Chouot, Peter
Box VII.78
Printers' marks -- Chouot, Samuel
Box VII.78
Printers' marks -- Christian, Wilhelm
Box VII.78
Printers' marks -- Ciotti, Francesco
Box VII.78
Printers' marks -- Ciotti, G. B.
Box VII.78
Printers' marks -- Ciursetti, Dominici
Box VII.78
Printers' marks -- Claye, J.
Box VII.78
Printers' marks -- Cleys, Jehan
Box VII.78
Printers' marks -- Coignard, J. B. & Boudet, Antoine
Box VII.78
Printers' marks -- Coignard, Jean-Baptiste
Box VII.78
Printers' marks -- Coletti, Sebastiano
Box VII.78
Printers' marks -- Colines, Simon de, 1475-1547
Box VII.78
Printers' marks -- Collombat, Jacques
Box VII.78
Printers' marks -- Columbia University Press
Box VII.78
Printers' marks -- Comin da Trino
Box VII.78
Printers' marks -- Comino, Giuseppe
Box VII.78
Printers' marks -- Typographia Cominiana
Box VII.78
Printers' marks -- Comitem, Franciscum
Box VII.78
Printers' marks -- Commelin, Veuve Jean
Box VII.78
Printers' marks -- Compagnie des Libraires
Box VII.78
Printers' marks -- Concordiµ, sub signo
Box VII.78
Printers' marks -- Concordiam, Hieronymum
Box VII.78
Printers' marks -- Conte
Box VII.78
Printers' marks -- Conzatti, Carlo
Box VII.78
Printers' marks -- Conzatti, Zaccaria
Box VII.78
Printers' marks -- Cornetti, Giacomo
Box VII.78
Printers' marks -- Corvi, Joseph
Box VII.78
Printers' marks -- Cotinet, Denis
Box VII.78
Printers' marks -- Courbe, Augustin
Box VII.78
Printers' marks -- Couteau, Gilles
Box VII.78
Printers' marks -- Cracas, Cittadino
Box VII.78
Printers' marks -- Cramoisy, Sebastian & Gabriel
Box VII.78
Printers' marks -- Cratander, Andreas
Box VII.78
Printers' marks -- Cres, Jehan
Box VII.78
Printers' marks -- Crithius, Joannes
Box VII.78
Printers' marks -- Criuellarium, Gasparem
Box VII.78
Printers' marks -- Croto, Johann
Box VII.78
Printers' marks -- Curti, Stephani
Box VII.78
Printers' marks -- Cusset, Veuve P.
Box VII.78
Printers' marks -- Daniel, Roger
Box VII.78
Printers' marks -- DarantiΦre
Box VII.78
Printers' marks -- De Benedictis, Nicolas
Box VII.78
Printers' marks -- De Harsy, Antoine
Box VII.78
Printers' marks -- De la Porte, Hugues
Box VII.78
Printers' marks -- De la Porte, widow of Maurice
Box VII.78
Printers' marks -- Delaroche, AimΘ
Box VII.78
Printers' marks -- Delaulne, Florentin
Box VII.78
Printers' marks -- Delaulne, veuve
Box VII.78
Printers' marks -- Denidel, Antoine
Box VII.78
Printers' marks -- De Souzet, Henri
Box VII.78
Printers' marks -- Desprez, Guillaume
Box VII.78
Printers' marks -- Desprez, G. & Cavelier fils
Box VII.78
Printers' marks -- Dessain, H.
Box VII.78
Printers' marks -- Deuchino, Evangelista
Box VII.78
Printers' marks -- Dezallier, Antoine
Box VII.79
Printers' marks -- Didot
Box VII.79
Printers' marks -- Didot, Imprimerie
Box VII.79
Printers' marks -- Didot, le jeune
Box VII.79
Printers' marks -- Dietzel, Caspar & von der Heyden, Chris
Box VII.79
Printers' marks -- Discepolo, Girolamo
Box VII.79
Printers' marks -- Dodsley, R. & J.
Box VII.79
Printers' marks -- Dolet, Etienne
Box VII.79
Printers' marks -- Dominique, Antoine
Box VII.79
Printers' marks -- Donnis fratres (Sebastian & Ionnes)
Box VII.79
Printers' marks -- Dorico, Alverium & Aloisium
Box VII.79
Printers' marks -- Doubleday, Page & Co.
Box VII.79
Printers' marks -- Du Mont, Guillaume
Box VII.79
Printers' marks -- Duplain freres
Box VII.79
Printers' marks -- Duerer, A.
Box VII.79
Printers' marks -- Du Puis, Denys
Box VII.79
Printers' marks -- Du Puis, Jacques
Box VII.79
Printers' marks -- Du Puis, Jean
Box VII.79
Printers' marks -- Duren, Jean van
Box VII.79
Printers' marks -- Dusinelli, Pietro
Box VII.79
Printers' marks -- East, Thomas
Box VII.79
Printers' marks -- Elzevir
Box VII.79
Printers' marks -- Elzevir, Daniel
Box VII.79
Printers' marks -- Elzevir, Louis & Daniel
Box VII.79
Printers' marks -- Elzevir, Louis & Cloucq, Andre
Box VII.79
Printers' marks -- Episcipius, Nicolas & Eusebius
Box VII.79
Printers' marks -- Estienne, Antoine
Box VII.79
Printers' marks -- Estienne, Henri
Box VII.79
Printers' marks -- Estienne, Robert Ier
Box VII.79
Printers' marks -- Estienne, veuve
Box VII.79
Printers' marks -- Fabri, et Barrillot
Box VII.79
Printers' marks -- Fabrici, Peter
Box VII.79
Printers' marks -- Facciotto, Guglielmo
Box VII.79
Printers' marks -- Farri, Domenico
Box VII.79
Printers' marks -- Farri, Heredi di Domenico
Box VII.79
Printers' marks -- Farri, Pietro
Box VII.79
Printers' marks -- Fauche, Samuel
Box VII.79
Printers' marks -- Faulcon, J. Felix
Box VII.79
Printers' marks -- Fawkes, Richard
Box VII.79
Printers' marks -- Fay, Antoine de
Box VII.79
Printers' marks -- Fei, Iacomo
Box VII.79
Printers' marks -- Ferrar, Antoine
Box VII.79
Printers' marks -- Ferrebouc, Jacques
Box VII.79
Printers' marks -- Feyrabendt,Sigismund
Box VII.79
Printers' marks -- Fezandat, Michel
Box VII.79
Printers' marks -- Field, Richard
Box VII.79
Printers' marks -- Fine, Pietro da
Box VII.79
Printers' marks -- Florimi, Matteo
Box VII.79
Printers' marks -- Fontana, Bartolomeo
Box VII.79
Printers' marks -- Fontana, Benedictus
Box VII.79
Printers' marks -- Foppens, Franτois
Box VII.79
Printers' marks -- Forestier, Jacques le
Box VII.79
Printers' marks -- Fourmy, Christofle
Box VII.79
Printers' marks -- Fradin, Franτois
Box VII.79
Printers' marks -- Franceschi, Francesco de'
Box VII.79
Printers' marks -- Franceschi, Gio. Antonio & Iacomo
Box VII.79
Printers' marks -- Franceschi, P.
Box VII.79
Printers' marks -- Franceschini, Camillo
Box VII.79
Printers' marks -- Francus, David
Box VII.79
Printers' marks -- Frantin, L. N.
Box VII.79
Printers' marks -- Franzinum, Hieronymum
Box VII.79
Printers' marks -- Fritsch, Gaspar
Box VII.79
Printers' marks -- Froben, John
Box VII.79
Printers' marks -- Froben Brothers
Box VII.79
Printers' marks -- Frobergii, C. S.
Box VII.79
Printers' marks -- Froschauer, Christopher
Box VII.79
Printers' marks -- Fulgonium, Antonium
Box VII.79
Printers' marks -- Fumagalli, Paolo
Box VII.79
Printers' marks -- Fust, Johann & Scheffer, Peter
Box VII.80
Printers' marks -- Gabiano, Joannis de
Box VII.80
Printers' marks -- Galeazzi, Giuseppe
Box VII.80
Printers' marks -- Galen
Box VII.80
Printers' marks -- Gamonet, Etienne
Box VII.80
Printers' marks -- Ganeau, Etienne
Box VII.80
Printers' marks -- Gardano, Alessandro
Box VII.80
Printers' marks -- Gardano, Antonio
Box VII.80
Printers' marks -- Garde, Jehan de la
Box VII.80
Printers' marks -- Gennapµus, Gaspar
Box VII.80
Printers' marks -- Geremia, Angiolo
Box VII.80
Printers' marks -- Gerlier, Durand
Box VII.80
Printers' marks -- Gexiniana
Box VII.80
Printers' marks -- Ghele, Jehan de
Box VII.80
Printers' marks -- Giboletti, Cl.
Box VII.80
Printers' marks -- Gilioti, Ioannis
Box VII.80
Printers' marks -- Ginammi, Marco
Box VII.80
Printers' marks -- Giolito, Gabriel
Box VII.80
Printers' marks -- Giolito, Gabriel & brothers
Box VII.80
Printers' marks -- Giovanelli, Pauli
Box VII.80
Printers' marks -- Givanni de la Chiesa
Box VII.80
Printers' marks -- Girard, Theodore
Box VII.80
Printers' marks -- Giuliani, Gio. Antonio
Box VII.80
Printers' marks -- Giunta
Box VII.80
Printers' marks -- Giunta, Bernardo & Giotti, G. B.
Box VII.80
Printers' marks -- Giunta (Iuntam), Phillippum
Box VII.80
Printers' marks -- Giunta, Jacob
Box VII.80
Printers' marks -- Gleditschi, Johanne F.
Box VII.80
Printers' marks -- Gobbi, Oratio de'
Box VII.80
Printers' marks -- Goltzium, Hubert
Box VII.80
Printers' marks -- Gonzago Francisci
Box VII.80
Printers' marks -- Gori, Vincenti
Box VII.80
Printers' marks -- Gosse, Pierre
Box VII.80
Printers' marks -- Goupil, veuve A.
Box VII.80
Printers' marks -- Gourmont, Robert de
Box VII.80
Printers' marks -- Graion, Jehan
Box VII.80
Printers' marks -- Graminaei, Theodori
Box VII.80
Printers' marks -- Grandi, Virgilio Gio.
Box VII.80
Printers' marks -- Grapheus, Jean
Box VII.80
Printers' marks -- Griffio, Alessandro
Box VII.80
Printers' marks -- Gromors, Pierre
Box VII.80
Printers' marks -- Grose, Henning
Box VII.80
Printers' marks -- Gryphius
Box VII.80
Printers' marks -- Gryphius (Gryphe), Antoine
Box VII.80
Printers' marks -- Gryphius, Ioan.
Box VII.80
Printers' marks -- Gryphius, (or Gryphe) Sebastian
Box VII.80
Printers' marks -- Guarisco, Giovanni
Box VII.80
Printers' marks -- Guerigli, Io. (& Finatium, I. A.)
Box VII.80
Printers' marks -- Guerra, G. B. & D.
Box VII.80
Printers' marks -- Guerrarij, Thomµ
Box VII.80
Printers' marks -- Guillard, Carolam
Box VII.80
Printers' marks -- Guillard, Charlotte
Box VII.80
Printers' marks -- Guy, Nicolas
Box VII.80
Printers' marks -- Gymnicus, Joannes (& Hierati, Antony)
Box VII.80
Printers' marks -- Gzuninojez
Box VII.80
Printers' marks -- Haak, Theodore
Box VII.80
Printers' marks -- Hack, parents & children
Box VII.80
Printers' marks -- Han, Balthasar
Box VII.80
Printers' marks -- Hardouin, Germain
Box VII.80
Printers' marks -- Hardouin, Gilles
Box VII.80
Printers' marks -- Harnish, Matthew
Box VII.80
Printers' marks -- Harper & Brothers
Box VII.80
Printers' marks -- Harsy, Denys de
Box VII.80
Printers' marks -- Hart, Leo
Box VII.80
Printers' marks -- Havart, Martin
Box VII.80
Printers' marks -- Helianum, Victor
Box VII.80
Printers' marks -- Henning, Peter
Box VII.80
Printers' marks -- Hertz, Gio.
Box VII.80
Printers' marks -- Hervagium, Io.
Box VII.80
Printers' marks -- Herwagens, John
Box VII.80
Printers' marks -- Hillens, Michel
Box VII.80
Printers' marks -- Hochereau, Charles Estienne
Box VII.80
Printers' marks -- Hoffmann, Nicolas
Box VII.80
Printers' marks -- Honorat, Barthelemy
Box VII.80
Printers' marks -- Honore, & Chatelain
Box VII.80
Printers' marks -- Hoogenhuyse, Andre de
Box VII.80
Printers' marks -- Hopyl, Wolfgang
Box VII.80
Printers' marks -- Houghton Mifflin Co.
Box VII.80
Printers' marks -- Huart
Box VII.80
Printers' marks -- Huby, Franτois
Box VII.80
Printers' marks -- Huebsch
Box VII.80
Printers' marks -- Hugolinum, I. B.
Box VII.80
Printers' marks -- Huguetan, J. A. & M. A. Ravaud
Box VII.80
Printers' marks -- Hullegaerde, Martin
Box VII.81
Printers' marks -- Ianvario
Box VII.81
Printers' marks -- Imberti, Domenico
Box VII.81
Printers' marks -- Imberti, Ghirardo
Box VII.81
Printers' marks -- Imprimerie de l'art
Box VII.81
Printers' marks -- Imprimerie de l'Emancipatrice
Box VII.81
Printers' marks -- Imprimerie Imperiale
Box VII.81
Printers' marks -- Imprimerie Royale
Box VII.81
Printers' marks -- Imprimeriede SAS
Box VII.81
Printers' marks -- Isingrinium, Mich.
Box VII.81
Printers' marks -- Isodorus
Box VII.81
Printers' marks -- Jansen, H.
Box VII.81
Printers' marks -- Japon
Box VII.81
Printers' marks -- Jay, Le
Box VII.81
Printers' marks -- Jehannot, Estienne
Box VII.81
Printers' marks -- Jobard
Box VII.81
Printers' marks -- Jombert, Charles Antoine
Box VII.81
Printers' marks -- Josse, Louis
Box VII.81
Printers' marks -- Josset, Helie
Box VII.81
Printers' marks -- Jouaust
Box VII.81
Printers' marks -- Jugge, Richard
Box VII.81
Printers' marks -- Jullieron, Freres
Box VII.81
Printers' marks -- Keerbergium, I.
Box VII.81
Printers' marks -- Kerver, Thielman
Box VII.81
Printers' marks -- Knoch et Eslinger
Box VII.81
Printers' marks -- Knorr et Hirth
Box VII.81
Printers' marks -- Lacroix, Eugene
Box VII.81
Printers' marks -- Lafolye, Eugene
Box VII.81
Printers' marks -- Lahure, Th.
Box VII.81
Printers' marks -- Lambert, Jehan
Box VII.81
Printers' marks -- Lambillon, A. & Sarazin, Marinn
Box VII.81
Printers' marks -- Lancellotti, Pietro
Box VII.81
Printers' marks -- Landi, S.
Box VII.81
Printers' marks -- Landini, G. B.
Box VII.81
Printers' marks -- Landry, Pierre
Box VII.81
Printers' marks -- L'Angelier
Box VII.81
Printers' marks -- Laporte, Ayme de
Box VII.81
Printers' marks -- Laurens, Andre
Box VII.81
Printers' marks -- Laurent, Alexis
Box VII.81
Printers' marks -- Laurentinum, Franciscum
Box VII.81
Printers' marks -- Lazzarini, Filippo & Fabio Maria
Box VII.81
Printers' marks -- Leclerc, Henri
Box VII.81
Printers' marks -- Leers, Reinier
Box VII.81
Printers' marks -- Leeu, Gerard
Box VII.81
Printers' marks -- Legras, ThΘodore
Box VII.81
Printers' marks -- Lehuby, P.-C.
Box VII.81
Printers' marks -- Le Jeune, Martin
Box VII.81
Printers' marks -- Le Noir, Guillaume
Box VII.81
Printers' marks -- Le Noir, Michel
Box VII.81
Printers' marks -- Le Noir, Philippe
Box VII.81
Printers' marks -- LΘonard, FrΘdΘric
Box VII.81
Printers' marks -- Le Preux, Franτois
Box VII.81
Printers' marks -- Le Rouge, Pierre
Box VII.81
Printers' marks -- Leroy
Box VII.81
Printers' marks -- Lertius, J. B.
Box VII.81
Printers' marks -- Lesteen, Guillaume
Box VII.81
Printers' marks -- Leuncinum, Jacob
Box VII.81
Printers' marks -- Levet, Pierre
Box VII.81
Printers' marks -- L'Honore, Franτois
Box VII.81
Printers' marks -- Liechtenstein, Petri
Box VII.81
Printers' marks -- Linocier, Guillaume
Box VII.81
Printers' marks -- Livre et l'Image
Box VII.81
Printers' marks -- Locatelle, Francesco
Box VII.81
Printers' marks -- Locatellus, Bonetus
Box VII.81
Printers' marks -- Loe, Henry
Box VII.81
Printers' marks -- Longmans, Green & Co.
Box VII.81
Printers' marks -- Lorenzini, Francesco
Box VII.81
Printers' marks -- Lucantonio
Box VII.81
Printers' marks -- Lucia, A. S.
Box VII.81
Printers' marks -- Lud, Gaultier
Box VII.81
Printers' marks -- Ludovicu
Box VII.81
Printers' marks -- Lugduni, Imprenum
Box VII.81
Printers' marks -- Luzac, Elie
Box VII.81
Printers' marks -- Luna, Iacomo
Box VII.82
Printers' marks -- Mabre-Cramoisy, Sebastian
Box VII.82
Printers' marks -- Mace, Robinot
Box VII.82
Printers' marks -- Macmillan Co.
Box VII.82
Printers' marks -- Maillet, Jacques
Box VII.82
Printers' marks -- Mainadi, Hieronymi
Box VII.82
Printers' marks -- Maire, Jean
Box VII.82
Printers' marks -- Maison de la Bonne Presse
Box VII.82
Printers' marks -- Malachinum, Joannem
Box VII.82
Printers' marks -- Mame, Alfred
Box VII.82
Printers' marks -- Manfre Jean
Box VII.82
Printers' marks -- Manni, Giuseppe
Box VII.82
Printers' marks -- Marchand, Guyot
Box VII.82
Printers' marks -- Marchetti, Petri Marie
Box VII.82
Printers' marks -- Marciani, Domenico
Box VII.82
Printers' marks -- Marcolino, Francesco
Box VII.82
Printers' marks -- Marenigh, Giovanni
Box VII.82
Printers' marks -- Marescandoli, Salv. & Jo. Domin.
Box VII.82
Printers' marks -- Mareschal, Pierre & Chausserat, Bernard
Box VII.82
Printers' marks -- Mareschallus, Joannes
Box VII.82
Printers' marks -- Marescotti, Giorgio
Box VII.82
Printers' marks -- Marin, Claudina
Box VII.82
Printers' marks -- Marinelli, Pietro
Box VII.82
Printers' marks -- Marnef, Geoffroy de
Box VII.82
Printers' marks -- Marnef, Jehan de (& Enguilbert de)
Box VII.82
Printers' marks -- Marnef, Jerome de
Box VII.82
Printers' marks -- Marsoner, Giacomo
Box VII.82
Printers' marks -- Marsonerius, Jacobus
Box VII.82
Printers' marks -- Marteli, Sebastian
Box VII.82
Printers' marks -- Martinellus, Ioannes
Box VII.82
Printers' marks -- Martias, Id.
Box VII.82
Printers' marks -- Martyn, Jo. & Allestry, Ja.
Printers' marks -- Mascardi, Iacobus
Box VII.82
Printers' marks -- Mascardi, Vitale
Box VII.82
Printers' marks -- Mayer, Henry
Box VII.82
Printers' marks -- Meccoli, Carlo & Magliani, Salvestro
Box VII.82
Printers' marks -- Megietto, Paolo & Antonia & Robert
Box VII.82
Printers' marks -- Meiettus, Antonius
Box VII.82
Printers' marks -- Meiettus, Robertus
Box VII.82
Printers' marks -- Meiklejohn & Holden
Box VII.82
Printers' marks -- Menafolius, Ambundius
Box VII.82
Printers' marks -- Menard et Desenne
Box VII.82
Printers' marks -- Meslier, Denis
Box VII.82
Printers' marks -- Mesnage, Jehan
Box VII.82
Printers' marks -- Meursius, Joannes
Box VII.82
Printers' marks -- Migeot, Gaspard
Box VII.82
Printers' marks -- Milochus, Benedictus
Box VII.82
Printers' marks -- Minerva
Box VII.82
Printers' marks -- Minima Societas
Box VII.82
Printers' marks -- Mittelhus, Georges
Box VII.82
Printers' marks -- Molin, Horace
Box VII.82
Printers' marks -- Molino, Giovanni
Box VII.82
Printers' marks -- Mollus, Robertus
Box VII.82
Printers' marks -- Monferrato, Comin de Trino di
Box VII.82
Printers' marks -- Monstr'sil, Claude de & Richer, Jean
Box VII.82
Printers' marks -- Montani, Arid [?]
Box VII.82
Printers' marks -- Montius, Paulus
Box VII.82
Printers' marks -- Moreau, Denis
Box VII.82
Printers' marks -- Morel, Frederic
Box VII.82
Printers' marks -- Moretti, Nicolo
Box VII.82
Printers' marks -- Moretus, Balthasar & Ioannes
Box VII.82
Printers' marks -- Moretus, Jan
Box VII.82
Printers' marks -- Morin, Martin
Box VII.82
Printers' marks -- Moroni, Marco
Box VII.82
Printers' marks -- Morris, pere & fils
Box VII.82
Printers' marks -- Morris, William
Box VII.82
Printers' marks -- Mortier, Pierre
Box VII.82
Printers' marks -- Motteroz, C.
Box VII.82
Printers' marks -- Muguet, Franτois
Box VII.82
Printers' marks -- Murray, John
Box VII.82
Printers' marks -- Muschio, Andrea
Box VII.82
Printers' marks -- Mutio, Michael Aloysius
Box VII.82
Printers' marks -- Mylius, Christian
Box VII.83
Printers' marks -- Neyret, Anthoine
Box VII.83
Printers' marks -- Nicolini, Dominique
Box VII.83
Printers' marks -- Nivellius, Sebastianus
Box VII.83
Printers' marks -- Nivelle, Nicolas
Box VII.83
Printers' marks -- Nivelle, Sebastian
Box VII.83
Printers' marks -- Noblet, Ch.
Box VII.83
Printers' marks -- Novesianus, Melchior
Box VII.83
Printers' marks -- Nucio, Martin
Box VII.83
Printers' marks -- Nutius, Martinus
Box VII.83
Printers' marks -- Oportinus, Johannes
Box VII.83
Printers' marks -- Osanna, Francesco
Box VII.83
Printers' marks -- Oudin et Cie.
Box VII.83
Printers' marks -- Oxford University Press
Box VII.83
Printers' marks -- Pacad, Abraham
Box VII.83
Printers' marks -- Paci, Joannis Francisci
Box VII.83
Printers' marks -- Paganus, Theobaldus
Box VII.83
Printers' marks -- Pailliot, Pierre
Box VII.83
Printers' marks -- Palmaising
Box VII.83
Printers' marks -- Palthenio,Hartmann
Box VII.83
Printers' marks -- Panialis, Joseph
Box VII.83
Printers' marks -- Pannelli, Eredi
Box VII.83
Printers' marks -- Paolini, Stefano
Box VII.83
Printers' marks -- Paperini, Bernardo
Box VII.83
Printers' marks -- Parmantier, Michel
Box VII.83
Printers' marks -- Pasinus, Lucianus & Amadorus, Marcus
Box VII.83
Printers' marks -- Pasquali, Giambattista
Box VII.83
Printers' marks -- Pasquati, Lorenzo
Box VII.83
Printers' marks -- Passarus, Hyacinthus
Box VII.83
Printers' marks -- Paulhe, Ioannes
Box VII.83
Printers' marks -- Paulus, Manutius
Box VII.83
Printers' marks -- Pavoni, Giuseppe
Box VII.83
Printers' marks -- Paupie, Pierre
Box VII.83
Printers' marks -- Payen, Thibauld
Box VII.83
Printers' marks -- Pazzonus, Albertus
Box VII.83
Printers' marks -- Pelagallus, Vincentius
Box VII.83
Printers' marks -- Penn Publishing
Box VII.83
Printers' marks -- Percaccino, Grazioso
Box VII.83
Printers' marks -- Perisse, freres
Box VII.83
Printers' marks -- Perna, Peter
Box VII.83
Printers' marks -- Perrini, Franτois
Box VII.83
Printers' marks -- Petit Imprimerie
Box VII.83
Printers' marks -- Petit, Jehan Ier
Box VII.83
Printers' marks -- Petit, Pierre le
Box VII.83
Printers' marks -- Petit-pas, Jean
Box VII.83
Printers' marks -- Petri, Henric
Box VII.83
Printers' marks -- Petrucci, Pietroiacomo
Box VII.83
Printers' marks -- Pezzana, Nicolas
Box VII.83
Printers' marks -- Philippi, Jehan
Box VII.83
Printers' marks -- Pigelet, E.
Box VII.83
Printers' marks -- Pigouchet, Philippe
Box VII.83
Printers' marks -- Pilgrim Press
Box VII.83
Printers' marks -- Pillehotte, Jean
Box VII.83
Printers' marks -- Pillehotte, L.
Box VII.83
Printers' marks -- Pillet et Dumoulin
Box VII.83
Printers' marks -- Pincio, Camillo
Box VII.83
Printers' marks -- Pinellus, Antonius
Box VII.83
Printers' marks -- Piot, Joannes
Box VII.83
Printers' marks -- Pizzorno, Agostino
Box VII.83
Printers' marks -- Plantu, Petri
Box VII.83
Printers' marks -- Plantin, Christopher
Box VII.83
Printers' marks -- Poleti, Andreas
Box VII.83
Printers' marks -- Polo, Girolamo
Box VII.83
Printers' marks -- Polo, Nicolas
Box VII.83
Printers' marks -- Ponder, Nathaniel
Box VII.83
Printers' marks -- Ponset, le Preux
Box VII.83
Printers' marks -- Porissi, J. J. & Schonwetter, J. T.
Box VII.83
Printers' marks -- Portonariis, Franciscus de
Box VII.83
Printers' marks -- Poulet-Malassis et de Broise
Box VII.83
Printers' marks -- Pratus, Franciscus
Box VII.83
Printers' marks -- Prault, Pierre
Box VII.83
Printers' marks -- Pre, Jehan du
Box VII.83
Printers' marks -- Preux, Jean le
Box VII.83
Printers' marks -- Prieur, P. Alex le
Box VII.83
Printers' marks -- Prost, Claude
Box VII.83
Printers' marks -- Prost, Petri
Box VII.83
Printers' marks -- Pychore, Jehan et Laistre, Remy de
Box VII.83
Printers' marks -- Pynson, Richard
Box VII.83
Printers' marks -- Quantin, A.
Box VII.83
Printers' marks -- Quentel, G.
Box VII.83
Printers' marks -- Quentel, heirs of
Box VII.84
Printers' marks -- Rhav, Hmredes Georgii
Box VII.84
Printers' marks -- Rabanis, Victor α
Box VII.84
Printers' marks -- Raillard, Giacomo
Box VII.84
Printers' marks -- Ramanzini, Dionigi
Box VII.84
Printers' marks -- Rampazetto, Francesco
Box VII.84
Printers' marks -- Raphelengium, Franciscus
Box VII.84
Printers' marks -- Ratdolt, Erhard
Box VII.84
Printers' marks -- Recurti, Giambattista
Box VII.84
Printers' marks -- Regazolam, Aegidius
Box VII.84
Printers' marks -- Regis, Joannis
Box VII.84
Printers' marks -- Regio Typographeo
Box VII.84
Printers' marks -- Regnault, Franτois
Box VII.84
Printers' marks -- Regnault, Pierre
Box VII.84
Printers' marks -- Rembolt, Bertholde
Box VII.84
Printers' marks -- Typographia Remondiniana
Box VII.84
Printers' marks -- Reuenolde, Andrea
Box VII.84
Printers' marks -- Reuerendµ Camerµ Apostolicµ
Box VII.84
Printers' marks -- Richard, Jean
Box VII.84
Printers' marks -- Richards, Grant (London)
Box VII.84
Printers' marks -- Richart, Jean
Box VII.84
Printers' marks -- Richer, Jean
Box VII.84
Printers' marks -- Richter, Wolfgang
Box VII.84
Printers' marks -- Rigaud, Simon
Box VII.84
Printers' marks -- Rihel, Theo
Box VII.84
Printers' marks -- Robinet, Gilles, II
Box VII.84
Printers' marks -- Robustel, Charles
Box VII.84
Printers' marks -- Riche, Claude de la
Box VII.84
Printers' marks -- Rocolet, P.
Box VII.84
Printers' marks -- Roffet, Ponce
Box VII.84
Printers' marks -- Rome. Populi Romani.
Box VII.84
Printers' marks -- Rooman, Adrian
Box VII.84
Printers' marks -- Rossi, Salvateur
Box VII.84
Printers' marks -- Rossie, Venturino di
Box VII.84
Printers' marks -- Rosso, Giovanni
Box VII.84
Printers' marks -- Roth, Frank Nicolas
Box VII.84
Printers' marks -- Roulland, Lambert
Box VII.84
Printers' marks -- RoviΦre, Pierre
Box VII.84
Printers' marks -- Roville, Guillaume
Box VII.84
Printers' marks -- Roville, heirs of G.
Box VII.84
Printers' marks -- Royer, Jean le
Box VII.84
Printers' marks -- Rubeus, Franciscus (de Valentia)
Box VII.84
Printers' marks -- Russinello, Giacomo
Box VII.84
Printers' marks -- Sacon, Jacques
Box VII.84
Printers' marks -- The Sage
Box VII.84
Printers' marks -- Salamandrµ, in vico Mercatorio
Box VII.84
Printers' marks -- Salamandrµ Insigne
Box VII.84
Printers' marks -- Salicata (Stamperia)
Box VII.84
Printers' marks -- Salicato, Altobello
Box VII.84
Printers' marks -- Salis, Ioannis
Box VII.84
Printers' marks -- Salvioni, Francesco
Box VII.84
Printers' marks -- Salvioni, Marco
Box VII.84
Printers' marks -- Salvioni, Joachimus & Joannes Josephus
Box VII.84
Printers' marks -- Sanchez a Leyva, Anton
Box VII.84
Printers' marks -- Sansovino, F.
Box VII.84
Printers' marks -- Sarzinam, Iacobus
Box VII.84
Printers' marks -- Savius, Franciscus
Box VII.84
Printers' marks -- Sauzet, Henri du
Box VII.84
Printers' marks -- Savreux, Charles (& veuve)
Box VII.84
Printers' marks -- Scaglia, Giacomo
Box VII.84
Printers' marks -- Schoeffer, John (Ives)
Box VII.84
Printers' marks -- Sch÷ffer, Peter
Box VII.84
Printers' marks -- Sch÷nwetter, Jean Baptiste
Box VII.84
Printers' marks -- Schottus, Ioannes
Box VII.84
Printers' marks -- Schreuder, Jean
Box VII.84
Printers' marks -- Schultis, Engelhard
Box VII.84
Printers' marks -- Schultzen, Gothofredi
Box VII.84
Printers' marks -- Scoto, Hieronymus (& heir of)
Box VII.84
Printers' marks -- Scotto, Gualtero
Box VII.84
Printers' marks -- Scotus, Io. Maria
Box VII.84
Printers' marks -- Secerius, Johannes
Box VII.84
Printers' marks -- Seminantis, ad signum
Box VII.84
Printers' marks -- Seminarii (Catinµ)
Box VII.84
Printers' marks -- Senant, Oliver
Box VII.84
Printers' marks -- Senesem, Franciscus de
Box VII.84
Printers' marks -- Senneton, Claude
Box VII.84
Printers' marks -- Sens, Noδl Etienne
Box VII.84
Printers' marks -- Sermartelli, Bartholomeo
Box VII.84
Printers' marks -- Sessa, Jo. Baptista
Box VII.84
Printers' marks -- Sessa, Melchior
Box VII.84
Printers' marks -- Sessa, heir of Marchio
Box VII.85
Printers' marks -- Sgariglia, Ottavio
Box VII.85
Printers' marks -- Sheares, W.
Box VII.85
Printers' marks -- Siberch, John
Box VII.85
Printers' marks -- Simbeni, Bartholamio et fratelli
Box VII.85
Printers' marks -- Simon, Fr.
Box VII.85
Printers' marks -- Simon, P. G.
Box VII.85
Printers' marks -- Simonem, Guilielmus
Box VII.85
Printers' marks -- Sirenis
Box VII.85
Printers' marks -- Societas Brixiensis
Box VII.85
Printers' marks -- Societas Caldoriana
Box VII.85
Printers' marks -- Societe de St. Augustin
Box VII.85
Printers' marks -- Societα Tipografica
Box VII.85
Printers' marks -- Sole, Pietro Nesti
Box VII.85
Printers' marks -- Soliani, Bartolomeo
Box VII.85
Printers' marks -- Somasco, Iac. Antoni (& Iul.)
Box VII.85
Printers' marks -- Somasco, Io. Baptista
Box VII.85
Printers' marks -- Somasco, Marc'Antonio
Box VII.85
Printers' marks -- Sonnius, Michel Ier
Box VII.85
Printers' marks -- Soter, Johann
Box VII.85
Printers' marks -- Spadam, Aedidius
Box VII.85
Printers' marks -- Speranza, Segno de la
Box VII.85
Printers' marks -- Spineda, Lucio
Box VII.85
Printers' marks -- Spinellos, Andreas & Jacobus
Box VII.85
Printers' marks -- Stamperia del Ven. Seminario
Box VII.85
Printers' marks -- Stamperia del Vescovil Seminario Tusculano
Box VII.85
Printers' marks -- Stamperia di S. A. S.
Box VII.85
Printers' marks -- Stamperia di S. Tommaso d'Aquino
Box VII.85
Printers' marks -- Stamperia Imperiale
Box VII.85
Printers' marks -- Stamperia Reale
Box VII.85
Printers' marks -- Steelsius, Ioa.
Box VII.85
Printers' marks -- Stephani, Roberti
Box VII.85
Printers' marks -- Stoer, Jacob
Box VII.85
Printers' marks -- Stone, Edward L.
Box VII.85
Printers' marks -- Storti, Francesco
Box VII.85
Printers' marks -- Succius, Franciscus
Box VII.85
Printers' marks -- Sugnappus, Ioannes Paulus
Box VII.85
Printers' marks -- Syber, Jehan
Box VII.85
Printers' marks -- Tailleur, Guillaume le
Box VII.85
Printers' marks -- Tamo, Angelo
Box VII.85
Printers' marks -- Taurini, Giovanni Domenica
Box VII.85
Printers' marks -- Tebaldini, Nicolai
Box VII.85
Printers' marks -- Thenet, Jean
Box VII.85
Printers' marks -- Thibourt, Claude et Esclassan, Pierre
Box VII.85
Printers' marks -- Thibout, Samuel
Box VII.85
Printers' marks -- Thingi (Tinghi), Philippe
Box VII.85
Printers' marks -- Tigvri
Box VII.85
Printers' marks -- Tinassius, Nicolaus Angelus
Box VII.85
Printers' marks -- Tipografia Patria
Box VII.85
Printers' marks -- Tivanius, Antonius
Box VII.85
Printers' marks -- Tomasini, Christoforo
Box VII.85
Printers' marks -- Tomassini, Giovanni
Box VII.85
Printers' marks -- Topie, Michel
Box VII.85
Printers' marks -- Tornaesium, Johann
Box VII.85
Printers' marks -- Tramezzino, Michele
Box VII.85
Printers' marks -- Tramontini, Francesco
Box VII.85
Printers' marks -- Transmarini, Ludovici
Box VII.85
Printers' marks -- Trattner, Jean Thomas
Box VII.85
Printers' marks -- Trepperel, Jehan Ier
Box VII.85
Printers' marks -- Treschel, Jean
Box VII.85
Printers' marks -- Turlinus, Iacobus
Box VII.85
Printers' marks -- Turnebe, Adrien
Box VII.85
Printers' marks -- Turrinum
Box VII.86
Printers' marks -- Vignon, Eustace
Box VII.86
Printers' marks -- Vignoniana (heirs of)
Box VII.86
Printers' marks -- Ville, Jean Baptiste de
Box VII.86
Printers' marks -- Vincent, Anthony
Box VII.86
Printers' marks -- Vincent, Nathaniel
Box VII.86
Printers' marks -- Vincent, Symon
Box VII.86
Printers' marks -- Vingle, Jehan de
Box VII.86
Printers' marks -- Vinycomb
Box VII.86
Printers' marks -- Vioti, Erasmus
Box VII.86
Printers' marks -- Viotti, Septimus
Box VII.86
Printers' marks -- Vioti, Seth
Box VII.86
Printers' marks -- Viret, Jean
Box VII.86
Printers' marks -- Vitre, Antoine
Box VII.86
Printers' marks -- Vivian, Jacques
Box VII.86
Printers' marks -- Vivian, Mathieu
Box VII.86
Printers' marks -- Viviani, Pietro Gaetani
Box VII.86
Printers' marks -- V÷gelin, Ernest
Box VII.86
Printers' marks -- Volfius, Thomas
Box VII.86
Printers' marks -- Volpe, Lelio dalla
Box VII.86
Printers' marks -- Voys, Guillaume de
Box VII.86
Printers' marks -- Ugolini, Paulo
Box VII.86
Printers' marks -- Vaillant, Paulus & Isaacus
Box VII.86
Printers' marks -- Valade
Box VII.86
Printers' marks -- Valentini, Giorgio
Box VII.86
Printers' marks -- Valgrisius, Felix
Box VII.86
Printers' marks -- Valgrifius, Vincent
Box VII.86
Printers' marks -- Valle, Gio. delle
Box VII.86
Printers' marks -- Valvassori, Andrea
Box VII.86
Printers' marks -- Vander, Petrus
Box VII.86
Printers' marks -- Van der Velde
Box VII.86
Printers' marks -- Van Zuren, Ian
Box VII.86
Printers' marks -- Varese
Box VII.86
Printers' marks -- Varisci
Box VII.86
Printers' marks -- Varisco, Giovanni
Box VII.86
Printers' marks -- Variscus, Georgius
Box VII.86
Printers' marks -- Vaschieri, Girolamo
Box VII.86
Printers' marks -- Vaticanis, Typis
Box VII.86
Printers' marks -- Vecellio, Cesare
Box VII.86
Printers' marks -- Velpius, Rutger
Box VII.86
Printers' marks -- Veneto, Iac. Sanfovino
Box VII.86
Printers' marks -- Vensler, Michel
Box VII.86
Printers' marks -- Venturini, Leonardus
Box VII.86
Printers' marks -- Verard, Antoine
Box VII.86
Printers' marks -- Verdussen, Henricus & Cornelius
Box VII.86
Printers' marks -- Verdussen, widow & son of J. B.
Box VII.86
Printers' marks -- Vestri, Vincenzo & Guasti, Pellegrino
Box VII.86
Printers' marks -- Viallanes, Pierre
Box VII.86
Printers' marks -- Vialon, Pierre
Box VII.86
Printers' marks -- Vignadotti, Gio. Giacomo
Box VII.86
Printers' marks -- Walden, Jean
Box VII.86
Printers' marks -- Wechel, AndrΘ
Box VII.86
Printers' marks -- Wechel, Christian
Box VII.86
Printers' marks -- Wetsteins & Smith
Box VII.86
Printers' marks -- Widerhold, Joannes Hermannus
Box VII.86
Printers' marks -- Wiesberghe, Ian van
Box VII.86
Printers' marks -- Winterburger, John
Box VII.86
Printers' marks -- Wolf, Georges
Box VII.86
Printers' marks -- Wolf, John
Box VII.86
Printers' marks -- Worde, Wynkyn de (fl. 1477-1530)
Box VII.86
Printers' marks -- Zalterius, Marcus Antonius
Box VII.86
Printers' marks -- Zane, Christophorus
Box VII.86
Printers' marks -- Zanetti, Bart.
Box VII.86
Printers' marks -- Zannettus, Aloysius
Box VII.86
Printers' marks -- Zatta, Antonio
Box VII.86
Printers' marks -- Zempel, Joannes
Box VII.86
Printers' marks -- Zenarius, Damianus
Box VII.86
Printers' marks -- Zetzner, Eberhard
Box VII.86
Printers' marks -- Zetzner, Lazare
Box VII.86
Printers' marks -- Ziletti, Jordan
Box VII.86
Printers' marks -- Zilettus, Franciscus
Box VII.86
Printers' marks -- Zio, Domenego
Box VII.86
Printers' marks -- Zolµ
Box VII.86
Printers' marks -- Zuliani, Francesco de' & Cerutto, Giovanni
Box VII.73
Printers' medals
Box VII.89
Printers' ornaments
Box VII.73
Printers' tools -- Bullock, O. W.
Box VII.73
Printers' tools -- Hamilton & Baker
Box VII.73
Printers' tools -- Heinemann
Box VII.73
Printers' tools -- Klimsch
Box VII.73
Printers' tools -- Megill
Box VII.73
Printers' tools -- Star Tool Co.
Box VII.73
Printers' type specimen sheet
Box VII.87
Box VII.87
Printing -- Aesthetics
Box VII.87
Printing -- Germany -- History
Box VII.87
Printing -- History -- Addresses and lectures
Box VII.87
Printing -- History -- Illustrations
Box VII.87
Printing -- History -- Pictorial works
Box Flat Box 33
Printing -- History -- Pictorial works
Box VII.87
Printing -- History -- Scientific works
Box Flat Box 33
Printing -- History -- Scientific works
Box VII.87
Printing -- Mexico -- History
Box VII.87
Printing -- New England -- History
Box VII.87
Printing -- Oregon -- History
Box VII.87
Printing equipment
Box Flat Box 33
Printing equipment
Box Volume 39
Printing examples -- American Book Printing Co -- Mexico D.F.
Box VII.87
Printing examples -- Bills, receipts
Box Volume 38
Printing examples -- Folders for programs
Box VII.87
Printing examples -- Programs
Box VII.87
Printing examples -- Invitations
Box VII.87
Printing examples -- Tickets
Box VII.87
Printing examples -- Show cards
Box VII.87
Printing examples -- John Carter & Co. -- Catalogue and price list, 1904-1905
Box VII.87
Printing examples -- Leaves from books
Box VII.87
Printing examples -- Leaves from books -- Great Britain -- Seventeenth century
Box VII.87
Printing examples -- Letterheads
Box VII.87
Printing examples -- Miscellaneous
Box Flat Box 33
Printing examples -- Miscellaneous
Box VII.87 Box VII.88
Printing examples -- Sample books -- Ricker and Crockett, Boston
Box VII.88
Printing House Craftsmen -- International
Box VII.88
Printing House Craftsmen -- Baltimore
Box VII.88
Printing House Craftsmen -- Philadelphia
Box VII.88
Printing House Craftsmen -- Pacific Coast Society
Box VII.88
Printing industry -- Societies
Box VII.88
Printing machine catalogues -- General
Box VII.94
Printing machine catalogues -- Brockhaus, F. A.
Box VII.94
Printing machine catalogues -- Campbell Press Works
Box VII.94
Printing machine catalogues -- Dickinson, John -- 1883/1884
Box VII.94
Printing machine catalogues -- Donnell, E. P.
Box VII.94
Printing machine catalogues -- Miner's -- 1886/1887
Box VII.94
Printing machine catalogues -- Sanborn's illustrated catalogues -- 1891
Box VII.94
Printing machine catalogues -- Sheridan, T. W. and C. B.
Box VII.94
Printing machine catalogues -- Weko (Leinfelden-Echterdingen, Germany)
Box VII.94
Printing machinery -- Used
Box VII.94
Printing offices -- Views
SEE ALSO: Edifices - Printers
Box Flat Box 34
Printing press
Box VII.31
Printing presses -- General
Box VII.31
Printing presses -- Alauzet
Box VII.31
Printing presses -- Automatic platen
Box VII.31
Printing presses -- Babcock
Box VII.31
Printing presses -- Bacon & Donkin
Box VII.31
Printing presses -- Bensley
Box VII.31
Printing presses -- Bullock
Box VII.90
Printing presses -- Cameron book production system
Box VII.90
Printing presses -- Campbell
Box VII.90
Printing presses -- Casey
Box VII.90
Printing presses -- Challenge machinery
Box VII.90
Printing presses -- Cottrell & Babcock
Box VII.90
Printing presses -- Chandler & Price
Box VII.90
Printing presses -- Columbian Press
Box VII.90
Printing presses -- Cowper
Box VII.90
Printing presses -- Cranston
Box VII.91
Printing presses -- Damon & Peets
Box VII.91
Printing presses -- Daye
Box VII.91
Printing presses -- Degener & Weiler
Box VII.91
Printing presses -- Derriey
Box VII.91
Printing presses -- Dorman
Box VII.91
Printing presses -- Duncan & Wilson
Box VII.91
Printing presses -- Edes
Box VII.91
Printing presses -- Ehrenhard & Gramm
Box VII.91
Printing presses -- Elliot
Box VII.91
Printing presses -- Fairhaven
Box VII.91
Printing presses -- Gally
Box VII.91
Printing presses -- Globe
Box VII.91
Printing presses -- Golding
Box VII.91
Printing presses -- Gordon
Box VII.95
Printing presses -- Harris
Box VII.95
Printing presses -- Hoag
Box VII.95
Printing presses -- Hodgman
Box VII.95
Printing presses -- Hoe
Box VII.95
Printing presses -- Hogenforst
Box VII.95
Printing presses -- Huber-Hodgman
Box VII.95
Printing presses -- Hydraulic
Box VII.92
Printing presses -- Jones
Box VII.92
Printing presses -- Kelly
Box VII.92
Printing presses -- Kelsey
Box VII.92
Printing presses -- Kempewerk
Box VII.92
Printing presses -- Kidder
Box VII.92
Printing presses -- Koenig
Box VII.92
Printing presses -- Krause
Box VII.92
Printing presses -- Kustermann
Box VII.93
Printing presses -- Leroy
Box VII.93
Printing presses -- Liberty
Box VII.93
Printing presses -- Lithographic
Box VII.93
Printing presses -- McCall
Box VII.93
Printing presses -- Marinoni
Box VII.93
Printing presses -- Maschinenfabrik Johannisberg
Box VII.93
Printing presses -- Mathieu
Box VII.93
Printing presses -- Meisel
Box VII.93
Printing presses -- Mergenthaler
Box VII.93
Printing presses -- Miehle
Box VII.93
Printing presses -- Miller
Box VII.93
Printing presses -- Miller & Richard
Box VII.93
Printing presses -- Model
Box VII.93
Printing presses -- Napier
Box VII.93
Printing presses -- Nebiolo
Box VII.93
Printing presses -- New era
Box VII.93
Printing presses -- Newberry
Box VII.93
Printing presses -- Newberry jobber
Box VII.93
Printing presses -- Offset
Box VII.93
Printing presses -- Palaemon Power Presses
Box VII.93
Printing presses -- Power
Box VII.93
Printing presses -- Potter
Box VII.96
Printing presses -- Ramage
Box VII.96
Printing presses -- Ruggles
Box VII.96
Printing presses -- Ruthven
Box VII.96
Printing presses -- Rutts
Box VII.96
Printing presses -- Sadovsky rotary
Box VII.96
Printing presses -- Sanborn
Box VII.96
Printing presses -- Schelter & Giesecke
Box VII.96
Printing presses -- Scott
Box VII.96
Printing presses -- Schniedewend
Box VII.96
Printing presses -- Smith
Box VII.96
Printing presses -- Stanhope
Box VII.97
Printing presses -- Taylor
Box VII.97
Printing presses -- Star Job
Box VII.97
Printing presses -- Thomson
Box VII.97
Printing presses -- Toledo web
Box VII.97
Printing presses -- Tuft
Box VII.99
Printing presses -- Vandercook
Box VII.99
Printing presses -- Vogtland
Box VII.99
Printing presses -- Waite and Saville
Box VII.99
Printing presses -- Washington
Box VII.99
Printing presses -- Watson, Joseph
Box VII.99
Printing presses -- Webendorfer
Box VII.99
Printing presses -- Wells
Box VII.99
Printing presses -- Whitlock
Box VII.99
Printing presses -- Willard
Box VII.98
Printing presses -- Wooden
Box VII.98
Private Libraries' Association
Box Flat Box 35
Proof engravings
Box VII.99
Publishers' dummies
Box VII.100
Radio printing
Box VII.100
Rare Book School (University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia)
Box VII.100
Relics and reliquaries
Box VII.100
Rollers -- General
Box VII.100
Rollers -- Van Bibber's work on the manufacture of Roller compositions
Box VII.100
Rosenbach Company
Box VII.100
Rosetta stone
Box VII.100
Ruling machines -- General
Box VII.100
Ruling machines -- Hickok, W. O.
Box VII.100
Salesman's dummy
Box VII.100
Box VII.100
Box VII.100
Sea printing
Box VII.100
Silk souvenir scarf
Box VII.100
Silk souvenir scarf
SEE ALSO: Dramatic Library - Subject - Silk souvenir programs
Box VII.100
Box VII.100
Box VII.101
Small presses -- Organizations -- Great Britain
Box VII.101
Small presses -- Organizations -- United States
Box VII.100
Society of Scribes (New York)
Box VII.100
Society of Wood Engravers
Box VII.101
Specimens -- Type -- Belgium -- A. A. M. Stols -- Lutetia
Box VII.101
Specimens -- Type -- Belgium -- Miscellaneous
Box VII.101
Specimens -- Type -- France -- Berger-Levrault -- Baskerville
Box VII.101
Specimens -- Type -- France -- Deberny & Co. -- Serie Deberny -- No. 18
Box VII.101
Specimens -- Type -- France -- Girard & Co. -- L'Astree
Box VII.101
Specimens -- Type -- France -- Imprimerie Royale -- Caracteres romains
Box VII.101
Specimens -- Type -- France -- Miscellaneous
Box VII.101
Specimens -- Type -- France -- Peignot -- Cochin
Box VII.101
Specimens -- Type -- France -- Peignot -- Grasset
Box VII.101
Specimens -- Type -- France -- Peignot -- Miscellaneous
Box VII.101
Specimens -- Type -- France -- Peignot -- Ornaments
Box VII.101
Specimens -- Type -- Germany -- Augustin Buchdruckerei -- Non-Roman
Box VII.101
Specimens -- Type -- Germany -- Bauersche Giesserei -- Atrax
Box VII.101
Specimens -- Type -- Germany -- Bauersche Giesserei -- Baskerville
Box VII.101
Specimens -- Type -- Germany -- Bauersche Giesserei -- Bernhard
Box VII.101
Specimens -- Type -- Germany -- Bauersche Giesserei -- Beton
Box VII.101
Specimens -- Type -- Germany -- Bauersche Giesserei -- Des Buchdruckers Schatzkstlein
Box VII.101
Specimens -- Type -- Germany -- Bauersche Giesserei -- Corvinus
Box VII.101
Specimens -- Type -- Germany -- Bauersche Giesserei -- Elisabeth
Box VII.101
Specimens -- Type -- Germany -- Bauersche Giesserei -- Flott
Box VII.101
Specimens -- Type -- Germany -- Bauersche Giesserei -- Futura
Box VII.101
Specimens -- Type -- Germany -- Bauersche Giesserei -- Lucian
Box VII.101
Specimens -- Type -- Germany -- Bauersche Giesserei -- Die sch÷ne Empfehlung
Box VII.101
Specimens -- Type -- Germany -- Bauersche Giesserei -- Tages antiqua
Box VII.101
Specimens -- Type -- Germany -- Bauersche Giesserei -- Typorgane
Box VII.101
Specimens -- Type -- Germany -- Bauersche Giesserei -- Weiss
Box VII.102
Specimens -- Type -- Germany -- Berthold -- Berthold-Grotesk
Box VII.102
Specimens -- Type -- Germany -- Berthold -- City
Box VII.102
Specimens -- Type -- Germany -- Berthold -- Fraktur
Box VII.102
Specimens -- Type -- Germany -- Berthold -- Normande
Box VII.102
Specimens -- Type -- Germany -- Berthold -- Signal
Box VII.102
Specimens -- Type -- Germany -- Berthold -- Umbra
Box VII.102
Specimens -- Type -- Germany -- Berthold -- Walbaum-Schriften
Box VII.102
Specimens -- Type -- Germany -- Dornemann & Co. -- Brass types
Box VII.102
Specimens -- Type -- Germany -- Dornemann & Co. -- Types in gun metal
Box VII.102
Specimens -- Type -- Germany -- Genzsch und Heyse -- Akzidenzschrift Frankisch
Box VII.102
Specimens -- Type -- Germany -- Genzsch und Heyse -- Ege-Schmuck
Box VII.102
Specimens -- Type -- Germany -- Genzsch und Heyse -- Genzsch Antiqua
Box VII.102
Specimens -- Type -- Germany -- Genzsch und Heyse -- Germanische Antiqua
Box VII.102
Specimens -- Type -- Germany -- Genzsch und Heyse -- Glass-Antiqua
Box VII.102
Specimens -- Type -- Germany -- Genzsch und Heyse -- Grasset Antiqua
Box VII.102
Specimens -- Type -- Germany -- Genzsch und Heyse -- Halfbette Hansa-Fraktur
Box VII.102
Specimens -- Type -- Germany -- Genzsch und Heyse -- Hamburger Druckschrift
Box VII.102
Specimens -- Type -- Germany -- Genzsch und Heyse -- Hans Sachs
Box VII.102
Specimens -- Type -- Germany -- Genzsch und Heyse -- Lichte-, Akzidenz- und Reklameschriften
Box VII.102
Specimens -- Type -- Germany -- Genzsch und Heyse -- Monaco Ornamente
Box VII.102
Specimens -- Type -- Germany -- Genzsch und Heyse -- Nordische Schriften
Box VII.102
Specimens -- Type -- Germany -- Genzsch und Heyse -- Ondosa Ornamente
Box VII.102
Specimens -- Type -- Germany -- Genzsch und Heyse -- Preziosa Ornamente
Box VII.102
Specimens -- Type -- Germany -- Genzsch und Heyse -- Souveran
Box VII.102
Specimens -- Type -- Germany -- Genzsch und Heyse -- Werther-Fraktur
Box VII.102
Specimens -- Type -- Germany -- Klingspor -- Marathon
Box VII.102
Specimens -- Type -- Germany -- Klinkhardt-Schriftgiesserei
Box VII.102
Specimens -- Type -- Germany -- Ludwig & Mayer -- Mediµval Antiqua
Box VII.102
Specimens -- Type -- Germany -- Miscellaneous
Box VII.102
Specimens -- Type -- Germany -- Offizin Haag-Drugulin -- Probe der fremdsprachlichen Schriften
Box VII.102
Specimens -- Type -- Germany -- Riegerl, Weissenborn & Co. -- Medieval
Box VII.102
Specimens -- Type -- Germany -- Riegerl, Weissenborn & Co. -- Modern
Box VII.102
Specimens -- Type -- Germany -- Schelter & Giesecke -- Dolmen
Box VII.102
Specimens -- Type -- Germany -- Schelter & Giesecke -- Druckmuster
Box VII.102
Specimens -- Type -- Germany -- Schelter & Giesecke -- Fanal Flamme
Box VII.102
Specimens -- Type -- Germany -- Schelter & Giesecke -- Fette Parcival Antiqua
Box VII.102
Specimens -- Type -- Germany -- Schelter & Giesecke -- Gravira
Box VII.103
Specimens -- Type -- Germany -- Schelter & Giesecke -- Groteskschriften
Box VII.103
Specimens -- Type -- Germany -- Schelter & Giesecke -- Hermann-Gotisch
Box VII.103
Specimens -- Type -- Germany -- Schelter & Giesecke -- Koralle
Box VII.103
Specimens -- Type -- Germany -- Schelter & Giesecke -- Miscellaneous
Box VII.103
Specimens -- Type -- Germany -- Schelter & Giesecke -- Parcival
Box VII.103
Specimens -- Type -- Germany -- Schelter & Giesecke -- Rhythmus
Box VII.103
Specimens -- Type -- Germany -- Schelter & Giesecke -- Saskia
Box VII.103
Specimens -- Type -- Germany -- Schelter & Giesecke -- Schreibmeister-Zⁿge
Box VII.103
Specimens -- Type -- Germany -- Schelter & Giesecke -- Selter Turk Hurufati
Box VII.103
Specimens -- Type -- Germany -- Stempel, D. (D. Stempel Aktien-Gesellschaft) -- Die Schrift in der Anzeige
Box VII.104
Specimens -- Type -- Great Britain -- Caslon
Box Flat Box 35
Specimens -- Type -- Great Britain -- Caslon
Box VII.104
Specimens -- Type -- Great Britain -- Collins publishers -- Fontana
Box VII.104
Specimens -- Type -- Great Britain -- Lanston Monotype Corporation -- Flowers & ornaments
Box VII.104
Specimens -- Type -- Great Britain -- Lanston Monotype Corporation -- Garamond
Box VII.104
Specimens -- Type -- Great Britain -- Monotype Corporation -- Antique extended
Box VII.104
Specimens -- Type -- Great Britain -- Monotype Corporation -- Bell
Box VII.104
Specimens -- Type -- Great Britain -- Monotype Corporation -- Bembo
Box VII.104
Specimens -- Type -- Great Britain -- Monotype Corporation -- Caslon
Box VII.104
Specimens -- Type -- Great Britain -- Monotype Corporation -- A comparison of type faces
Box VII.104
Specimens -- Type -- Great Britain -- Monotype Corporation -- Miscellaneous typefaces
Box VII.104
Specimens -- Type -- Great Britain -- Stephenson, Blake & Co. Ltd. -- Verona italic
Box VII.104
Specimens -- Type -- Great Britain -- Throwgood -- Flowers
Box VII.104
Specimens -- Type -- Great Britain -- PouchΘe, L. I. -- Miscellaneous typefaces
Box VII.104
Specimens -- Type -- Great Britain -- PouchΘe, L. I. -- Miscellaneous typefaces
Box VII.104
Specimens -- Type -- Great Britain -- Unidentified firm -- Bradley
Box VII.104
Specimens -- Type -- Great Britain -- Wilson, Alexander & Sons
Box VII.104
Specimens -- Type -- Great Britain -- Unidentified firm -- Bulmer
Box VII.104
Specimens -- Type -- India -- Kurmocar (Calcutta)
Box VII.104
Specimens -- Type -- India -- Vaze & Co. (Bombay)
Box VII.104
Specimens -- Type -- Israel -- Central Press Ltd. (Jerusalem) -- Hadassah Hebrew
Box VII.104
Specimens -- Type -- Italy -- Fratelli Amoretti -- Miscellaneous typefaces and ornaments
Box VII.104
Specimens -- Type -- Italy -- Societα Augusta (Torino) -- Inglese Vittoria
Box VII.104
Specimens -- Type -- Italy -- Societα Augusta (Torino) -- Inkunabula
Box VII.104
Specimens -- Type -- Italy -- Societα Augusta (Torino) -- Radio
Box VII.106
Specimens -- Type -- Netherlands -- Joh. EnschedΘ (Haarlem) -- Antigone
Box VII.106
Specimens -- Type -- Netherlands -- Joh. EnschedΘ (Haarlem) -- Dies est lµtitiµ
Box VII.106
Specimens -- Type -- Netherlands -- Joh. EnschedΘ (Haarlem) -- Lutetia
Box VII.106
Specimens -- Type -- Netherlands -- Soc. an Letttergieterjii "Amsterdam" -- Roos, des caracteres dessines par S. H. de
Box VII.106
Specimens -- Type -- Sweden -- Gust. Carlsson & Co. (Stockholm) -- Rese-avis
Box VII.106
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- Adams Press Company
Box VII.106
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- American Standard Type Co.
Box VII.106
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- American Type Founders Company -- Agency Gothic open
Box VII.106
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- American Type Founders Company -- Arrows
Box VII.106
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- American Type Founders Company -- Balloon
Box VII.106
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- American Type Founders Company -- Bernhard
Box VII.106
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- American Type Founders Company -- Borders & initials
Box VII.106
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- American Type Founders Company -- Brass type
Box VII.106
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- American Type Founders Company -- Bulmer
Box VII.106
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- American Type Founders Company -- Caslon oldstyle no. 471
Box VII.106
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- American Type Founders Company -- Century expanded
Box VII.106
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- American Type Founders Company -- Civilite
Box VII.106
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- American Type Founders Company -- Cloister lightface
Box VII.106
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- American Type Founders Company -- Cochin
Box VII.106
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- American Type Founders Company -- Eagle
Box VII.106
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- American Type Founders Company -- Garamond
Box VII.106
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- American Type Founders Company -- Garamond italic
Box VII.106
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- American Type Founders Company -- Grayda
Box VII.106
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- American Type Founders Company -- Lydian
Box VII.106
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- American Type Founders Company -- Oxford
Box VII.106
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- American Type Founders Company -- Park Avenue
Box VII.106
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- American Type Founders Company -- Raleigh
Box Volume 1
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- American Type Founders Company -- Scrapbook
Box Volume 2
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- American Type Founders Company -- Scrapbook
Box Volume 3
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- American Type Founders Company -- Scrapbook
Box Volume 36
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- American Type Founders Company -- Scrapbook
Box VII.106
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- American Type Founders Company -- Spartan
Box VII.106
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- American Type Founders Company -- Stencil
Box VII.106
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- American Type Founders Company -- Stymie
Box VII.106
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- American Type Founders Company -- Typecuts -- Patriotic
Box VII.106
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- American Type Founders Company -- Wayside
Box VII.106
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- American Type Founders Company -- Typesetter
Box VII.106
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- Barton Manufacturing Co. -- Rubber stamps, type faces for
Box VII.106
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- Bauer Type Foundry -- Atrax
Box VII.106
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- Bauer Type Foundry -- Bauer Beton
Box VII.106
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- Bauer Type Foundry -- Bauer types
Box VII.106
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- Bauer Type Foundry -- Bernhard
Box VII.105
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- Bauer Type Foundry -- Bodoni
Box VII.105
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- Bauer Type Foundry -- Cartoon
Box VII.105
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- Bauer Type Foundry -- Corvinus
Box VII.105
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- Bauer Type Foundry -- Elizabeth
Box VII.105
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- Bauer Type Foundry -- Futura
Box VII.105
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- Bauer Type Foundry -- Gillies Gothic
Box VII.105
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- Bauer Type Foundry -- Weiss
Box VII.105
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- Bauer Type Foundry -- Family tree of printing types
Box VII.105
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- Bernhard Type Company -- Photo magnetic lettering
Box VII.105
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- Butler & Currie -- Miscellaneous
Box VII.105
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- Caslon Press -- Cooper Black
Box VII.105
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- Cincinnati Type Foundry
Box VII.105
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- Cleveland Type Foundry
Box VII.105
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- Continental Typefounders Association -- Ariston
Box VII.105
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- Continental Typefounders Association -- AstrΘe and Mercure
Box VII.105
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- Continental Typefounders Association -- Bifur
Box VII.105
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- Continental Typefounders Association -- Centaur
Box VII.105
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- Continental Typefounders Association -- City
Box VII.105
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- Continental Typefounders Association -- Condensed specimen book
Box VII.105
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- Continental Typefounders Association -- Diane
Box VII.105
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- Continental Typefounders Association -- Egmont
Box VII.105
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- Continental Typefounders Association -- Eve
Box VII.105
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- Continental Typefounders Association -- Flex
Box VII.105
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- Continental Typefounders Association -- Girder
Box VII.105
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- Continental Typefounders Association -- Goudy fleuron ornaments
Box VII.105
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- Continental Typefounders Association -- Lead soldiers on parade
Box VII.105
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- Continental Typefounders Association -- Naudin
Box VII.105
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- Continental Typefounders Association -- Narcissus
Box VII.105
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- Continental Typefounders Association -- Neuland
Box VII.105
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- Continental Typefounders Association -- Orplid
Box VII.105
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- Continental Typefounders Association -- Peignot
Box VII.105
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- Continental Typefounders Association -- Signal
Box VII.105
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- Continental Typefounders Association -- Slim black
Box VII.105
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- Continental Typefounders Association -- Two historic typefaces (blado italic and polophilus)
Box Volume 22
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- De Vinne Press -- Machine faces
Box Volume 23
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- De Vinne Press -- Machine faces
Box Volume 24
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- De Vinne Press -- Machine faces
Box Volume 25
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- De Vinne Press -- Hand type
Box Volume 26
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- De Vinne Press -- Hand type
Box Volume 28
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- De Vinne Press -- Hand type
Box Volume 30
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- De Vinne Press -- Addenda to specimens of borders, headbands, tailpieces, and ornaments
Box Volume 31
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- De Vinne Press -- Addenda to specimens of borders, headbands, tailpieces, and ornaments
Box Volume 32
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- De Vinne Press -- Addenda to specimens of borders, headbands, tailpieces, and ornaments
Box Volume 27
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- De Vinne Press -- Initials of which we have series
Box Volume 29
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- De Vinne Press -- Figures
Box VII.105
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- Diamant, E. M. -- Cochin
Box VII.105
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- Fieldston School Press -- Granjon
Box VII.105
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- Font Bank (computer typeface library)
Box VII.105
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- Hamilton Manufacturing Company -- Wood type
Box VII.105
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- Hebrew Monotype Press
Box VII.105
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- Hildreth & Co. -- Caslon old face
Box Flat Box 35
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- ElseWare Corporation -- Strider EC
Box VII.105
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- ElseWare Corporation -- Miscellaneous
Box VII.105
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- ElseWare Corporation -- Panose typeface-matching system
Box VII.105
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- ElseWare Corporation -- Infinifont font-synthesis technology
Box VII.105
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- ElseWare Corporation -- Font works for windows
Box VII.105
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- Houghton, Mifflin & Co. -- Brimmer
Box Volume 41
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- Inland Type Foundry
Box VII.105
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- Intertype Corporation -- Beton
Box VII.105
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- Intertype Corporation -- Bodoni -- Slim
Box VII.105
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- Intertype Corporation -- Borders -- Holiday
Box VII.105
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- Intertype Corporation -- Cheltonian
Box VII.105
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- Intertype Corporation -- Egmont medium
Box VII.105
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- Intertype Corporation -- Futura
Box VII.105
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- Intertype Corporation -- Garamond
Box VII.105
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- Intertype Corporation -- How to select type faces
Box VII.105
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- Intertype Corporation -- Medieval
Box VII.105
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- Intertype Corporation -- Specimens book of Intertype faces
Box VII.107
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- Lanston Monotype Machine Company -- Baskerville
Box VII.107
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- Lanston Monotype Machine Company -- Bell
Box VII.107
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- Lanston Monotype Machine Company -- Bodoni
Box VII.107
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- Lanston Monotype Machine Company -- Book pages
Box VII.107
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- Lanston Monotype Machine Company -- Caslon
Box VII.107
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- Lanston Monotype Machine Company -- Century schoolbook
Box Volume 40
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- Keystone Type Foundry -- Miscellaneous
Box VII.107
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- Lanston Monotype Machine Company -- Cochin
Box VII.107
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- Lanston Monotype Machine Company -- Italian old style
Box VII.107
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- Lanston Monotype Machine Company -- Kennerly old style
Box VII.107
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- Lanston Monotype Machine Company -- Miscellaneous
Box VII.107
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- Lanston Monotype Machine Company -- New faces 1931-1936
Box VII.107
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- Lanston Monotype Machine Company -- Ornaments
Box VII.107
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- Lanston Monotype Machine Company -- Spire
Box VII.107
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- Lanston Monotype Machine Company -- Swing bold -- Series 217
Box VII.107
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- Lanston Monotype Machine Company -- Twentieth century
Box VII.107
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- Lino Typography Inc. -- Miscellaneous typefaces
Box VII.107
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- Ludlow Typograph Company -- Advertising and commercial printing
Box VII.107
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- Ludlow Typograph Company -- Bodoni
Box VII.107
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- Ludlow Typograph Company -- Caslon
Box VII.107
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- Ludlow Typograph Company -- Coronet
Box VII.107
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- Ludlow Typograph Company -- Eden
Box VII.107
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- Ludlow Typograph Company -- Eusebius
Box VII.107
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- Ludlow Typograph Company -- Gothic
Box VII.107
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- Ludlow Typograph Company -- Hauser script
Box VII.107
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- Ludlow Typograph Company -- Karnak
Box VII.107
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- Ludlow Typograph Company -- Lining litho
Box VII.107
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- Ludlow Typograph Company -- Ludlow typefaces -- One-line specimens
Box VII.107
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- Ludlow Typograph Company -- Miscellaneous
Box VII.107
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- Ludlow Typograph Company -- New typefaces 1928
Box VII.107
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- Ludlow Typograph Company -- Newspaper advertising typography
Box VII.107
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- Ludlow Typograph Company -- Radiant
Box VII.107
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- Ludlow Typograph Company -- Samson
Box VII.107
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- Ludlow Typograph Company -- Some modern Ludlow typefaces
Box VII.107
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- Ludlow Typograph Company -- Stellar
Box VII.107
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- Ludlow Typograph Company -- Stygian -- Black
Box VII.107
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- Ludlow Typograph Company -- Tempo
Box VII.107
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- Ludlow Typograph Company -- Ultra-modern
Box VII.107
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- Mergenthaler Linotype Company -- Benedictine
Box VII.107
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- Mergenthaler Linotype Company -- Bodoni
Box VII.107
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- Mergenthaler Linotype Company -- Caledonia
Box VII.107
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- Mergenthaler Linotype Company -- Capitals -- Unique
Box VII.107
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- Mergenthaler Linotype Company -- Caravan decorative units
Box VII.108
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- Mergenthaler Linotype Company -- Caslon and Memphis family
Box VII.108
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- Mergenthaler Linotype Company -- Caslon old face
Box VII.108
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- Mergenthaler Linotype Company -- Caslons
Box VII.108
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- Mergenthaler Linotype Company -- Cheltenham
Box VII.108
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- Mergenthaler Linotype Company -- Electra
Box VII.108
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- Mergenthaler Linotype Company -- Fairfield
Box VII.108
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- Mergenthaler Linotype Company -- Head typefaces
Box VII.108
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- Mergenthaler Linotype Company -- Legibility group
Box VII.108
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- Mergenthaler Linotype Company -- Miscellaneous
Box VII.108
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- Mergenthaler Linotype Company -- Newspaper body types
Box VII.108
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- Mergenthaler Linotype Company -- Old style no. 7
Box VII.108
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- Mergenthaler Linotype Company -- Rule and border matrices
Box VII.108
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- Mergenthaler Linotype Company -- Ruled forms
Box VII.108
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- Mergenthaler Linotype Company -- Scotch series
Box VII.108
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- Mergenthaler Linotype Company -- Self-spacing faces
Box VII.108
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- Mergenthaler Linotype Company -- Specimen book linotype faces -- Supplement no. 2
Box VII.108
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- Mergenthaler Linotype Company -- Telephone faces
Box VII.108
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- Mergenthaler Linotype Company -- Universal special characters
Box VII.108
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- Miscellaneous
Box Flat Box 35
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- Miscellaneous
Box VII.108
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- Missouri Brass Type Foundry Company -- Brass type
Box VII.108
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- New York Monotype Composition Company -- Sans serif
Box VII.108
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- Oswald Publishing Company -- Caslon old face
Box VII.108
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- Philadelphia Type Foundry -- Fancy and ornamental
Box VII.108
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- Printing Art, The -- Humanistic
Box VII.108
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- Robb, Alexander
Box VII.108
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- Rumford Press
Box VII.108
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- Starr, R.
Box VII.108
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- White, John T.
Box VII.108
Specimens -- Type -- United States -- Zimmer Printers Supply Co
Box VII.100
Box VII.100
Box VII.100
Stenotype printing
Box VII.100
Box Flat Box 35
Stereotype matrix
Box VII.100
Stereotyping -- General
Box VII.108
Stereotyping -- Kahrs, Henry -- Gold simplex
Box VII.100
Stipple engravings
Box VII.109
Student printing
Box VII.111
Box VII.111
Box VII.112
Title pages and leaves -- Belgium -- 16th, 17th, 18th centuries
Box VII.112
Title pages and leaves -- England -- 16th, 17th, 18th, 19th centuries
Box VII.112
Title pages and leaves -- France -- 19th century
Box VII.112
Title pages and leaves -- Germany -- 16th, 17th, 18th, 19th centuries
Box VII.112
Title pages and leaves -- Holland -- 17th, 18th centuries
Box VII.112
Title pages and leaves -- Italy -- 16th, 17th, 18th centuries
Box VII.112
Title pages and leaves -- Switzerland -- 16th, 17th centuries
Box VII.112
Title pages and leaves -- United States -- 18th, 19th, 20th centuries
Box VII.112
Title pages and leaves -- Miscellaneous
Box Flat Box 35
Title pages and leaves
Box Volume 33
Trade cards
Box VII.111
Trade cards -- Miscellaneous
Box VII.110
Trade cards -- Dress, sewing materials, etc.
Box VII.110
Trade cards -- Food and beverages
Box VII.110
Trade cards -- Household supplies
Box VII.110
Trade cards -- Patent medicines
Box VII.110
Trade cards -- Printing trades
Box VII.110
Trade cards -- Soap, cosmetics, etc.
Box VII.110
Box Flat Box 36
Box VII.110
Box VII.116
Type designs -- Dr. George Parker Holden's type designs (original drawings) for victory, Jensonian, French, and antique (including victory freestyle)
Box VII.113
Type founders -- France -- Deberny & Peignot -- Divertissements typographiques no. 1 & 2
Box VII.113
Type founders -- France -- G. Peignot et Fils (Paris) -- Pamphlets & advertisements
Box VII.113
Type founders -- Germany -- Bauer Type Foundry -- Miscellaneous
Box VII.113
Type founders -- Germany -- Genzsch und Heyse -- Bunte BlΣtter, 1908-1909
Box VII.113
Type founders -- Germany -- Schelter & Giesecke -- Miscellaneous pamphlets
Box VII.113
Type founders -- Germany -- Stempel, D., Ltd. -- Special machines for type foundries
Box VII.113
Type founders -- Great Britain -- Excelsior Printer's Supply Company -- Printers' supplies
Box VII.113
Type founders -- Great Britain -- Haddon, John -- Miscellaneous pamphlets
Box VII.113
Type founders -- Great Britain -- Lanston Monotype Corporation -- The monotype display type caster
Box VII.113
Type founders -- Great Britain -- Lanston Monotype Corporation -- The monotype recorder
Box VII.113
Type founders -- Great Britain -- Lanston Monotype Corporation -- Miscellaneous pamphlets
Box VII.113
Type founders -- Great Britain -- Monotype Corporation -- Newsletter no. 13 (July 1934)
Box VII.113
Type founders -- Great Britain -- Monotype Corporation -- Picture the advantages of using "monotype"
Box VII.113
Type founders -- Great Britain -- Stephenson, Blake & Co., Ltd. -- Truth v. fiction
Box VII.113
Type founders -- Mexico -- Mexican Type Foundry -- Newspaper story, 1900
Box VII.113
Type founders -- Netherlands -- Brakke Grond (Amsterdam) -- Kalendar 1883
Box VII.113
Type founders -- United States -- Barnhart & Spindler -- Pamphlets & advertisements
Box VII.113
Type founders -- United States -- Bauer Type Foundry -- Pamphlets
Box VII.113
Type founders -- United States -- Boston Type Foundry -- Pamphlets and advertisements
Box VII.113
Type founders -- United States -- Bruce, George & Son -- Photographs -- Price lists
Box VII.113
Type founders -- United States -- Central Type Foundry
Box VII.113
Type founders -- United States -- Cincinnati Type Foundry -- Photograph
SEE ALSO: Type founding machinery
Box VII.113
Type founders -- United States -- Collins & M'Leester
Box VII.113
Type founders -- United States -- Continental Typefounders Association -- Layouts
Box VII.113
Type founders -- United States -- Continental Typefounders Association -- Your layout true to type
Box VII.113
Type founders -- United States -- Conner, James, & Sons -- Miscellaneous pamphlets and clippings
Box VII.113
Type founders -- United States -- Farmer, A. D. & Son -- Miscellaneous notices
Box VII.113
Type founders -- United States -- Garden City Type Foundry -- Price lists
Box VII.113
Type founders -- United States -- Hager, William & Co. -- Legal notice
Box VII.113
Type founders -- United States -- Inland Type Foundry -- A history of the swastika
Box VII.113
Type founders -- United States -- Inland Type Foundry -- The last salesroom, 1912 (photographs)
Box VII.113
Type founders -- United States -- Inland Type Foundry -- Miscellaneous
Box VII.113
Type founders -- United States -- Intertype Corporation -- Flashes from users
Box VII.113
Type founders -- United States -- Intertype Corporation -- Intertype autospacer, The
Box VII.113
Type founders -- United States -- Intertype Corporation -- Intertype news
Box VII.113
Type founders -- United States -- Intertype Corporation -- Intertype organization, The
Box VII.113
Type founders -- United States -- Intertype Corporation -- Intertype standardization increases your profits
Box VII.113
Type founders -- United States -- Intertype Corporation -- More intertype progress
Box VII.113
Type founders -- United States -- Intertype Corporation -- Miscellaneous pamphlets
Box VII.113
Type founders -- United States -- Intertype Corporation -- Profit-making intertype features
Box VII.113
Type founders -- United States -- Intertype Corporation -- Progress of a humanized business
Box VII.113
Type founders -- United States -- Intertype Corporation -- Without a peer
Box VII.114
Type founders -- United States -- Johnson, L., & Company -- Advertisement
Box VII.114
Type founders -- United States -- Keystone Type Foundry -- Miscellaneous pamphlets
Box VII.114
Type founders -- United States -- Lanston Monotype Machine Company -- Annual reports
Box VII.114
Type founders -- United States -- Lanston Monotype Machine Company -- Cellular matrix, The
Box VII.114
Type founders -- United States -- Lanston Monotype Machine Company -- Miscellaneous pamphlets
Box VII.114
Type founders -- United States -- Lanston Monotype Machine Company -- Monofacts -- 1938-1939
Box VII.114
Type founders -- United States -- Lanston Monotype Machine Company -- Monotype, The
Box VII.114
Type founders -- United States -- Lanston Monotype Machine Company -- Monotype, The -- 1937
Box VII.114
Type founders -- United States -- Lanston Monotype Machine Company -- Monotype composing machine, The
Box VII.114
Type founders -- United States -- Lanston Monotype Machine Company -- Monotype giant caster
Box VII.114
Type founders -- United States -- Lanston Monotype Machine Company -- Monotype machine typesetting
Box VII.114
Type founders -- United States -- Lanston Monotype Machine Company -- Monotype method of mounting cuts
Box VII.114
Type founders -- United States -- Lanston Monotype Machine Company -- Monotype-Thompson typecaster, The
Box VII.114
Type founders -- United States -- Lanston Monotype Machine Company -- Printing for profit
Box VII.114
Type founders -- United States -- Lanston Monotype Machine Company -- Some monotyped forms
Box VII.114
Type founders -- United States -- Lanston Monotype Machine Company -- Some monotype magazines
Box VII.114
Type founders -- United States -- Lanston Monotype Machine Company -- Types (three type faces designed by Goudy)
Box VII.114
Type founders -- United States -- Ludlow Typograph Company -- Brighter setting by a simpler method / by Victor Clough
Box VII.114
Type founders -- United States -- Ludlow Typograph Company -- Elrod, The
Box VII.114
Type founders -- United States -- Ludlow Typograph Company -- Hand composition -- Slug cast
Box VII.114
Type founders -- United States -- Ludlow Typograph Company -- Ludlow composition for commercial printing
Box VII.114
Type founders -- United States -- Ludlow Typograph Company -- Miscellaneous pamphlets
Box VII.114
Type founders -- United States -- Ludlow Typograph Company -- Newspaper experience with the Ludlow
Box VII.114
Type founders -- United States -- Ludlow Typograph Company -- Some Ludlow time records
Box VII.114
Type founders -- United States -- Ludlow Typograph Company -- Today's Ludlow
Box Flat Box 36
Type founders -- United States -- MacKellar, Smith & Jordan Type Foundry -- Awards
Box VII.114
Type founders -- United States -- MacKellar, Smith & Jordan Type Foundry -- Exhibitions
Box VII.114
Type founders -- United States -- Mergenthaler Linotype Company -- Advertisements
Box VII.114
Type founders -- United States -- Mergenthaler Linotype Company -- Advertising suggestions
Box VII.114
Type founders -- United States -- Mergenthaler Linotype Company -- All-purpose linotype
Box VII.114
Type founders -- United States -- Mergenthaler Linotype Company -- Annual report, 1912
Box VII.114
Type founders -- United States -- Mergenthaler Linotype Company -- Automatic white space
Box VII.115
Type founders -- United States -- Mergenthaler Linotype Company -- Bigger faces
Box VII.115
Type founders -- United States -- Mergenthaler Linotype Company -- Blue streak
Box VII.115
Type founders -- United States -- Mergenthaler Linotype Company -- China's phonetic script
Box VII.115
Type founders -- United States -- Mergenthaler Linotype Company -- Coordination of composing room activities
Box VII.115
Type founders -- United States -- Mergenthaler Linotype Company -- Copy-fitting
Box VII.115
Type founders -- United States -- Mergenthaler Linotype Company -- Credit memorandum plan
Box VII.115
Type founders -- United States -- Mergenthaler Linotype Company -- Display text from one keyboard
Box VII.115
Type founders -- United States -- Mergenthaler Linotype Company -- Equipment
Box VII.115
Type founders -- United States -- Mergenthaler Linotype Company -- Evidence : what they say about linotype
Box VII.115
Type founders -- United States -- Mergenthaler Linotype Company -- Extra range : model 27 and 28
Box VII.115
Type founders -- United States -- Mergenthaler Linotype Company -- Fixed indention
Box VII.115
Type founders -- United States -- Mergenthaler Linotype Company -- Injunctions against the Intertype Company
Box VII.115
Type founders -- United States -- Mergenthaler Linotype Company -- Key to quick mixing, The
Box VII.115
Type founders -- United States -- Mergenthaler Linotype Company -- Legibility of type, The
Box VII.115
Type founders -- United States -- Mergenthaler Linotype Company -- Linotype magazine, The -- 1928
Box VII.115
Type founders -- United States -- Mergenthaler Linotype Company -- Linotype mixer models 25 and 26
Box VII.115
Type founders -- United States -- Mergenthaler Linotype Company -- Miscellaneous pamphlets
Box VII.115
Type founders -- United States -- Mergenthaler Linotype Company -- Model 8 linotype
Box VII.115
Type founders -- United States -- Mergenthaler Linotype Company -- Model 14 linotype
Box VII.115
Type founders -- United States -- Mergenthaler Linotype Company -- Model 25 linotype
Box VII.115
Type founders -- United States -- Mergenthaler Linotype Company -- Model 26 linotype
Box VII.115
Type founders -- United States -- Mergenthaler Linotype Company -- Model 27 and 28 linotype
Box VII.115
Type founders -- United States -- Mergenthaler Linotype Company -- More linotype progress
Box VII.115
Type founders -- United States -- Mergenthaler Linotype Company -- Newspaper character
Box VII.115
Type founders -- United States -- Mergenthaler Linotype Company -- Price lists
Box VII.115
Type founders -- United States -- Mergenthaler Linotype Company -- Progress of 1936, The
Box VII.115
Type founders -- United States -- Mergenthaler Linotype Company -- Promotion suggestions
Box VII.115
Type founders -- United States -- Mergenthaler Linotype Company -- Shining lines -- 1937-1938
Box VII.115
Type founders -- United States -- Mind Candy (Digital Type Foundry) -- Miscellaneous
Box VII.115
Type founders -- United States -- New England Type Foundry -- Miscellaneous
Box VII.115
Type founders -- United States -- Northwestern Type Foundry -- Inventory of stock
Box VII.115
Type founders -- United States -- Pacific Type Foundry -- Price list
Box VII.115
Type founders -- United States -- Palmer & Rey -- Price lists
Box VII.115
Type founders -- United States -- Society of Typographic Arts -- Bulletin -- 1937
Box VII.115
Type founders -- United States -- Saint Louis Type and Electrotype Foundry
Box VII.115
Type founders -- United States -- White, Charles T., & Co. -- Co-partnership notice
Box VII.118
Type founding
Box Flat Box 36
Type founding
Box VII.118
Type founding machinery
Box Flat Box 36
Type founding machinery
Box VII.118
Type founding machinery -- Cincinnati Type Foundry
Box VII.118
Type founding machinery -- Elrod
Box VII.118
Type founding machinery -- Ludlow
Box Flat Box 37
Type foundries
Box VII.118
Type foundries -- T. Yegawa
Box VII.118
Type punches
Box Flat Box 37
Type specimens
SEE ALSO: Description sheet for the Arthur S. Allen Commercial Typography Collection
Box VII.117
Typesetting machines -- General
Box VII.117
Typesetting machines -- Church
Box VII.117
Typesetting machines -- Felt
Box VII.117
Typesetting machines -- Intertype
Box VII.117
Typesetting machines -- Kastenbein
Box VII.117
Typesetting machines -- Lanston
Box VII.117
Typesetting machines -- Linograph
Box VII.117
Typesetting machines -- Mergenthaler
Box VII.117
Typesetting machines -- Meray-Roza
Box VII.117
Typesetting machines -- Monoliner
Box VII.117
Typesetting machines -- Photon
Box VII.119
Typesetting machines -- Thompson
Box VII.119
Typesetting machines -- Thorne
Box VII.119
Typesetting machines -- Unitype & simplex
Box VII.119
Typesetting machines -- Type Setting Machine Company
Box VII.121
Typogaphic art -- Schiller, Albert
Box Flat Box 38
Typogaphic art -- Schiller, Albert
Box VII.121
Box Flat Box 38
United Typothetae of America
Box VII.123
United Typothetae of America -- General -- Advance sheets on Survey of the printing industry in Hudson County, New Jersey
Box VII.123
United Typothetae of America -- General -- Committee on Education
Box VII.123
United Typothetae of America -- General -- Constitution, etc.
Box VII.123
United Typothetae of America -- General -- Conventions
Box VII.123
United Typothetae of America -- General -- Cost-system pamphlets
Box VII.123
United Typothetae of America -- General -- Efforts to organize printers of western Pennsylvania
Box VII.123
United Typothetae of America -- General -- Original drawing of insignia
Box VII.120
United Typothetae of America -- General -- Printers' pilgrimage to Cologne
Box VII.120
United Typothetae of America -- General -- Proposed plan ... for three years
Box VII.120
United Typothetae of America -- General -- Recruitment advertising
Box VII.120
United Typothetae of America -- General -- Speeches and addresses
Box VII.120
United Typothetae of America -- General -- Standard organization manual
Box VII.120
United Typothetae of America -- General -- Strikes and courts
Box VII.120
United Typothetae of America -- General -- Three-year plan pamphlet
Box VII.120
United Typothetae of America -- General -- Vice-president
Box VII.120
United Typothetae of America -- General -- Miscellaneous
SEE ALSO: Book Arts - Port & Biog - United Typothetae of America
Box VII.122
United Typothetae of America -- City -- Baltimore
Box VII.122
United Typothetae of America -- City -- Boston
Box VII.122
United Typothetae of America -- City -- Buffalo
Box VII.122
United Typothetae of America -- City -- Chicago
Box VII.122
United Typothetae of America -- City -- Cincinnati
Box VII.122
United Typothetae of America -- City -- Denver
Box VII.122
United Typothetae of America -- City -- Detroit
Box VII.122
United Typothetae of America -- City -- Indianapolis
Box VII.122
United Typothetae of America -- City -- Kansas City
Box VII.124
United Typothetae of America -- City -- Philadelphia
Box VII.124
United Typothetae of America -- City -- Pittsburgh
Box VII.124
United Typothetae of America -- City -- Portland, Oregon
Box VII.124
United Typothetae of America -- City -- Rochester
Box VII.124
United Typothetae of America -- City -- Seattle
Box VII.124
United Typothetae of America -- City -- St. Louis
Box VII.124
United Typothetae of America -- City -- Toledo
Box VII.124
United Typothetae of America -- City -- Washington, D. C.
Box VII.125
United Typothetae of America -- Conventions and banquets -- Conventions
Box VII.126
United Typothetae of America -- Conventions and banquets -- District conventions and Seating plans
Box VII.127
United Typothetae of America -- Conventions and banquets -- District conventions and Seating plans
Box VII.120
United Typothetae of America -- City -- New York -- Shop rules and practices
Box VII.126
United Typothetae of America -- City -- New York -- Annual dinners
Box VII.126
United Typothetae of America -- City -- New York -- Anniversary dinners
United Typothetae of America -- Pictures of members
Box VII.121
Box VII.121
Box VII.130
Box Flat Box 38
Box Volume 34
Box VII.130
William Morris Society (London)
Box VII.121
Women in printing
Box VII.121
Women's Studio Workshop
Box VII.121
Wood block printing
Box Flat Box 38
Wood block printing -- Fifteenth century
Box VII.121
Box Flat Box 38
Box VII.130
Wood type makers -- Vanderburgh, Wells
Box VII.121
Wood type specimens
SEE ALSO: Broadsides - United States - New York for examples
Box VII.121
Box VII.130
Woodcuts -- Germany -- 20th century
Box VII.121
Box VII.130
Writing -- Prehistoric