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Adam P. and Feofaniia V. Benningsen Papers, 1919-1957

110 items 1 box
Abstract Or Scope

Papers of Adam Pavlovich Benningsen and his wife Feofanii︠a︡ Vladimirovna Benningsen. This collection contains a substantial number of letters which Adam Benningsen wrote to his wife while serving with the White armies in South Russia during 1919-1921. The bulk of the collection consists of manuscripts by Adam Benningsen: a lengthy memoir of his service in the Tsar's army in World War I and in the White armies in the Civil War; diaries and draft memoirs relating to the same period; memoirs of the fall of France in 1940 and of his own imprisonment, apparently by the Germans, during World War II; and two short manuscripts containing theological reflections. A short memoir of the Revolution by Feofanii︠a︡ Benningsen ("Iz zapisok grafini F. V. Benningsen," 1917)., a collection of White Army poems and songs, and a hand-produced satirical journal emanating from the White Army's camp at Gallipoli (1921) complete the collection. Correspondence: Series of letters from A. P. Benningsen to F. V. Benningsen (1919-1920) and other letters from A. P. Benningsen to F. V. Benningsen (1919-1921). Manuscripts: Diary of Adam P. Benningsen (22 July-4 September, 1914; "Iz zapisok grafini F. V. Benningsen" (1917); Prison diary of A. P. Benningsen (1943); "Razvei gore v golom pole", No. 15, (Gallipoli, 16 June, 1921); Religious reflections of Adam P. Benningsen. Notebooks: Memoirs of Adam P. Benningsen (1914-1921?), 4 notebooks, continuous pagination; Drafts of memoirs and diaries by Adam P. Benningsen; Memoirs of the fall of France by Adam P. Benningsen ("May 1940"); Theological reflections by Adam P. Benningsen. Songs and poems of the White army

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Adam P. and Feofaniia V. Benningsen Papers, 1919-1957 110 items 1 box

Aleksandr Alekseevich Volzhanin Papers, 1950-1979

500 items 5 boxes
Abstract Or Scope

Correspondence, manuscripts, photographs and printed materials of Volzhanin. The correspondence includes two letters from Aleksandra Tolstai︠a︡. The manuscripts are all by Volzhanin himself, and include memoirs describing his World War I military service, his service in the White Army in Siberia, his arrest and imprisonment until about 1937, his service with the Germans during World War II, and his eventual emigration to the United States. Other manuscripts deal with noted figures in Russian history, the emigre press, and literature. There are a few photographs of Volzhanin and a number of clippings.

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Aleksandr Alekseevich Volzhanin Papers, 1950-1979 500 items 5 boxes

Aleksandr Ivanovich Makhonin Manuscript and Memoir, 1966

2 items 2 items
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The collection contains a manuscript (10 p.) entitled"Velikai︠a︡ kni︠a︡gini︠a︡ Anastasii︠a︡" and a memoir (54 p.) that deals with Makhonin's education at the Naval Engineering Academy in Kronstadt, Makhonin's service in the navy during World War I, his mission to England to inspect the production of war materials for Russia, his service in the Volunteer Army in the south of Russia during the Civil War, his work with the American Red Cross in Crimea, and information on General Krasnov's Cossack Army, which collaborated with the Germans during World War II.

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Aleksandr Ivanovich Makhonin Manuscript and Memoir, 1966 2 items 2 items

Aleksandr Kallinikovich Svitich Papers, 1858-1959

600 items 3 boxes; 1 oversized folder
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Svitich's papers, which consist of manuscripts, photographs, subject files, and printed materials, chiefly concern the Orthodox church in interwar Poland. The papers also include Svitich's diaries, written in Poland between 1939 and 1940. Also included is an essay, in an unidentified hand, which Svitich attributes to V.V. Rozanov. There are photographs of Mikhail Artsybashev and Vladimir Burt︠s︡ev. Subject files concern: the Orthodox church in the Vilnius region in the late 19th century; meetings of various Russian organizations in 1917; many aspects of Orthodoxy in Poland in the 1920's and 1930's, including government persecution and in World War II. Among printed materials are issues of "Russkiĭ Golos"(Lwʹow) confiscated by the Polish government in 1939, and issues of Russian newspapers from World War II, including "Vestnik Russkago Komiteta v General-Gubernatorstve" (Warsaw).

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Aleksandr Kallinikovich Svitich Papers, 1858-1959 600 items 3 boxes; 1 oversized folder

Aleksandr Os Papers, 1952

21 pages 21 pages
Abstract Or Scope

The author's name is given as Aleksandr Os., and the manuscript "Po lageriam i lesam Suomi" describes his experiences in the Soviet army and as a prisoner of war in Finland during the Second World War.

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Aleksandr Os Papers, 1952 21 pages 21 pages

Alexander Dallin Papers, 1934-1955

63 items 2 boxes
Abstract Or Scope

Almost all the materials concern World War II in the Soviet Union. Materials include reports, two diaries, documents, and printed materials. There are photocopies of reports concerning the German occuation of Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union, written by German military staff, and a mimeographed research report by Alexander Dallin entitled "Kaminsky: The History of an Experiment (1941-1945)." One diary is by Otto Bräutigam, a German Foreign Ministry official who worked in the Ministry for the Occupied Eastern Territories; the other diary is by one Linge, apparently a secretary to Hitler, for his diary is a record of Hitler's daily appointments from 1934-1943. Both diaries are photocopies. The printed materials include issues of a number of titles published mostly in the German-occupied parts of the Soviet Union; they are mostly single issues. Two pamphlets published by the Russian Liberation Army (ROA). There are photocopies of documents, cartoons, and leaflets concerning the partisan movement in the Soviet Union.

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Alexander Dallin Papers, 1934-1955 63 items 2 boxes

Andryi Konstantynovych Moskalenko Papers, 1943-1954

4 items 4 items
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The collection consists of a letter from Elena Knipper dated 1943, clippings of an article by Moskalenko entitled "Narodzhenni︠a︡ formuly rozshyrenni︠a︡ skhidno-evropeĭskoĭ imperii" a memoir (14 p.) by Moskalenko about his meeting with the brother of Olǵa Chekhova-Knipper during the war, and a monarchist pamphlet.

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Andryi Konstantynovych Moskalenko Papers, 1943-1954 4 items 4 items

Anna Bykowska Memoirs, 1942, 1958

3 items 2 folders
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The collection includes both Polish and German versions of Bykowska's memoirs covering the period 1939-1942. A shorter memoir discusses how she became a nurse in Poland before the war. There is also a photograph of pani Piechkowska (1942)

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Anna Bykowska Memoirs, 1942, 1958 3 items 2 folders

Anton Antonovich Kersnovskii Papers, 1922-1952

43 items 1 box
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Papers primarily consists of a manuscript of an apparently unpublished book, "Istorii︠a︡ Rossii" (A History of Russia), a World War II memoir, and manuscripts and information bulletins of several Russian emigre organizations, including Narodnyĭ Soi︠u︡z Zashchity Rodiny i Svobody (National Union for the Defense of Homeland and Freedom) and Koordinat︠s︡ionnyĭ T︠S︡entr Antibolśhevit︠s︡koĭ Borb́y (Coordinating Center of the Anti-Bolshevik Struggle).

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Anton Antonovich Kersnovskii Papers, 1922-1952 43 items 1 box

Boris Ivanovich Buchinskii Papers, 1961, undated

8 items 2 folders
Abstract Or Scope

Collection consists of two letters, five essays, and one photograph. The essays are reminiscences of such topics as a World War I battle, the Corps of Cadets, Imperial hunts, and World War II. Photograph of Kiev Corps of Cadets (Kievskii kadetskii korpus).

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Boris Ivanovich Buchinskii Papers, 1961, undated 8 items 2 folders

Boris Ol'shanskii Manuscripts, 1949-1951

3 items 3 items
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Three typescripts by Olśhanskiĭ chiefly concerning the Soviet army during World War II: "How it is Happened" [sic], covering the whole course of the Soviet-German war and its immediate aftermath in Germany; "Perekhod reki Oder v operat︠s︡ii︠a︡kh sovet︠s︡koĭ armii;" and "Skorost ́i metody postroĭki dorog v sovet︠s︡koĭ armii.".

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Boris Ol'shanskii Manuscripts, 1949-1951 3 items 3 items

Bureau of Applied Social Research-War Documentation Project Records, 1950-1956

3500 items 14 boxes
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Office files and reports of the Bureau of Applied Research of Columbia University, relating to the Bureau's War Documentation Project. Under government grants, this project used captured German documents to study the Second World War in the Soviet Union. This collection includes correspondence, progress reports, other office files, and printed reports and drafts of specific projects. There is also one file concerning a project on Hungarian military potential after World War II.

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Bureau of Applied Social Research-War Documentation Project Records, 1950-1956 3500 items 14 boxes

Corliss Lamont papers, 1891-1993

3 linear feet 6 boxes 1 phonodisc
Abstract Or Scope

Correspondence, manuscripts, photographs, and printed materials of Lamont. Letters from George Santayana (1863-1952), with Lamont and others, a few early manuscripts, interviews and other notes on Santayana, and general correspondence about him. A series of letters from John Dewey to Lamont, discussing his ideas on humanism and religion. Extensive correspondence with the family of John Masefield including approximately 100 letters from Judith Masefield to Lamont, primarily written shortly after the death in 1967 of her father the poet John Masefield, and dealing with his life and work. Also, a few of her own writings; a number of the letters are descriptive of historical England and her concern for contemporary events. Among the letters from other family members are fifteen from Lamont's nephew, Jack Masefield, and 53 from his cousin Sir Peter G. Masefield, 1970-1983, conveying news about Judith as well as interest in the publication of John Masefield's letters from the World War I years and their continuing appreciation of Lamont's work on Masefield. There is discussion on the publication of Masefield's letters to Corliss' mother, Florence Lamont, printed in 1979.

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Corliss Lamont papers, 1891-1993 3 linear feet 6 boxes 1 phonodisc

Edmund Stevens papers, 1939-1992

16 linear feet 15 record cartons 1 1/2 document box and 1 card box
Abstract Or Scope
Edmund Stevens (1910-1992) was an American journalist who worked as a foreign correspondent in the Soviet Union from the 1930s until the early 1990s. He won the Pulitzer Prize for international reporting in 1950. The papers include articles, book materials, correspondence, travel notes, reporter notebooks, and photographs.
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Edmund Stevens papers, 1939-1992 16 linear feet 15 record cartons 1 1/2 document box and 1 card box

Edward C. Carter papers, 1851-1960

5.5 linear feet 13 boxes
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Correspondence, memoranda, photographs, documents, manuscripts, wire recordings, and printed materials dealing mostly with Russian War Relief, Inc. (The American Society for Russian Relief, Inc.), 1940-1954. There are some materials on the Institute of Pacific Relations and its investigation by the McCarran Committee in the early 1950s. Also, personal and family correspondence, photographs, and other memorabilia. Correspondents include Hugo L. Black, Henry Sloane Coffin, Andrei Gromyko, John Hersey, Eleanor Roosevelt, and Arnold Toynbee.

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Edward C. Carter papers, 1851-1960 5.5 linear feet 13 boxes

Ekaterina Ippolitovna Maidel' Papers, 1900-1971

200 items 2 boxes
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Papers include corespondence, manuscripts, documents, photographs, a subject file, and printed materials. Correspondence includes a letter by Frank A. Golder. Manuscripts consist chiefly of extensive memoirs by Maĭdel,́ with many related documents, photographs, and other items appended. Her memoirs discuss her life up to 1919 in detail, with a great deal of coverage of her education. She studied at the Kronshtadskai︠a︡ Aleksandrinskai︠a︡ Zhenskai︠a︡ Gimnazii︠a︡, and then at the Imperatorskiĭ Zhenskiĭ Pedagogicheskiĭ Institut in St. Petersburg. Another memoir discusses her experiences in Petrozavodsk in 1941-44. There is a subject file concerning the Helsinki Aleksandrovskai︠a︡ Gimnazii︠a︡, with which Maĭdel ́was associated, in 1917-23. Printed materials include a book by E. Eĭkhgolt́s, "Ti︠u︡remnyĭ vrach i ego pat︠s︡ienty" (1916).

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Ekaterina Ippolitovna Maidel' Papers, 1900-1971 200 items 2 boxes

Elizaveta Vladimirovna Isaakova Memoirs, 1962

623 pages 1 box
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Typescript memoirs that discuss such topics as her childhood on her parents' estate; World War I; 1917 in Petrograd; 1918 in the Ukraine; the Civil War and the emigration in Constantinople, Germany, and Poland; and World War II in Poland.

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Elizaveta Vladimirovna Isaakova Memoirs, 1962 623 pages 1 box

Evgeniia Il'inichna Berestovskaia Papers, 1918-1964

33 items 7 folders
Abstract Or Scope

Papers of Evgeniia Il'inichna Berestovskaia, consisting of manuscripts, correspondence, personal documents, and photographs.

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Evgeniia Il'inichna Berestovskaia Papers, 1918-1964 33 items 7 folders

Evgenii Antonovich Karpovich Memoirs, 1953

107 pages 107 pages
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Mimeographed typescript memoirs "Chto skryvaet sovetskaia propaganda" that discuss the early part of the German-Soviet war (summer of 1941), Karpovich's arrest by the NKVD, his incarceration in various prisons, and his eventual release to the Red Army in 1943. In writing this memoir, Karpovich used the pseudonym Evgeniĭ Milk.

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Evgenii Antonovich Karpovich Memoirs, 1953 107 pages 107 pages

Evgenii Eduardovich Messner Papers, 1917-1974

700 items 8 boxes
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The collection consists of correspondence, manuscripts by Messner and others, memoirs by Messner, photographs and printed materials. Manuscripts by Messner include a typescript (275 p.) entitled "Nekotorye prichiny porazhenii︠a︡ Germanii v voĭnu 1939-1945 g.g." Messner's memoirs (3293 p. and 350 p.) cover the years 1914-1973. Included among them are clippings, photographs, mimeographed materials and pamphlets. The majority of his memoirs concern World War I and the Civil War. Photographs are mostly copies. Printed materials consist mostly of clippings of articles by Messner in South American monarchist periodicals.

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Evgenii Eduardovich Messner Papers, 1917-1974 700 items 8 boxes

Fedor Tkachenko Memoirs, 1957-1958

5 items 1 box
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Typescript memoirs, in two volumes, of Tkachenko. The memoirs are written under the pseudonym St. Chemer, and are entitled: "Dvadt︠s︡at ́pi︠a︡t ́let pod serpom i molotom" (429 p.), and "Dva lata pod znakom svastiki" (76 p.). There are also clippings of three memoiristic articles by Tkachenko.

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Fedor Tkachenko Memoirs, 1957-1958 5 items 1 box

Fiodor Gorb Memoir, 1955

172 pages 4 copies
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Typescript memoirs "Chernyi Uragan" describe experiences of Gorb and his family in the Soviet Union before and during the Second World War.

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Fiodor Gorb Memoir, 1955 172 pages 4 copies

G. Bukhantsov Memoirs, 1953

2 items 1 folder
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Two copies of a typescript memoir (51 p.) by G. Bukhantsov. The memoir concerns his experiences as a soldier in the Soviet army during World War II and as a prisoner in German camps in Poland and Germany.

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G. Bukhantsov Memoirs, 1953 2 items 1 folder

German World War II Photographs, 1942-1944

359 items 1 box
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These German World War II photographs are from the archives of the Reichsbahnzentrale für den Deutschen Reiseverkehr, Berlin. Most of the photographs have German and/or French captions. There are photographs from the Soviet Union, France, and North Africa; some also show German and other Axis generals and high officials. They appear to be press and publicity photographs.

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German World War II Photographs, 1942-1944 359 items 1 box

Harvard Russian Research Center Manuscripts, 1950-1951

700 items 26 boxes
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Records of the Harvard University Russian Research Center's Project on the Soviet Social System. This project interviewed Soviet emigres on a broad range of topics. The records consist of mimeographed typescripts of these interviews. They are divided into two major categories: "personal life history documents" (A schedules); and interviews on economics, family, government, nationalities, wartime occupations, partisan movements, professions, and stratification. There are also clinical interviews, copies of questionnaires, and an interviewer's guide.

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Harvard Russian Research Center Manuscripts, 1950-1951 700 items 26 boxes

Hellmuth Kruger Papers, 1945-1954

17 items 17 items
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The collection includes a letter by Krüger to Grayson Kirk describing his experiences, pages from a guest-book signed by American and Soviet soldiers, and photographs of Krüger and his restaurant.

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Hellmuth Kruger Papers, 1945-1954 17 items 17 items

Iakob Glasse Diary, 1950

194 pages 194 pages
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Typescript copy of Glasse's diary which deals with the interwar USSR, World War II, his emigration to western Europe during the war and his life there afterwards.

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Iakob Glasse Diary, 1950 194 pages 194 pages

Ian Vlodarskii Papers, 1960-1969

125 items 1 box
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Correspondence, manuscripts, photographs and printed materials of Vlodarskii. The correspondence dates from the 1960's and chiefly concerns Vlodarsiĭ's meeting Nikita Khrushchev during World War II. The photographs consist of two pictures of Vlodarskiĭ. There are three folders of articles by Vlodarskiĭ clipped from a variety of technical journals.

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Ian Vlodarskii Papers, 1960-1969 125 items 1 box

Igor' Konstantinovich Solomonovskii Papers, 1959-1973

14 items 14 items
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Papers of Solomonovskiĭ, consisting primarily of his manuscript memoirs (ca. 300 p.). The memoirs mostly concern his experiences during World War II, but also touch on the Civil War and emigration. Also included are clippings and correspondence from 1964-1971 which concern various controversies relating to the ROA and World War II.

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Igor' Konstantinovich Solomonovskii Papers, 1959-1973 14 items 14 items

Inna Konstantinovna Buttler Memoirs, 1970

3 items 1 folder
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Three typescript memoiristic essays (112 p.) by Inna Konstantinovna Buttler, describing primarily her experiences in the Soviet Union during World War II, and to a lesser extent life in the Soviet Union during the 1930s.

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Inna Konstantinovna Buttler Memoirs, 1970 3 items 1 folder

Iurii Konstantinovich Meier Manuscripts, 1954-1957

5 items 5 items
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Meier's typescript memoirs discuss: the emigration in Yugoslavia; the formation of the Russian Defense Corps (Russkiĭ Okhrannyĭ Korpus) in Yugoslavia during World War II; and KONR and the Vlasov army. Also included are copies of German reports (Ereignismeldungen) on the war against the USSR in the summer of 1941. In addition to the memoirs, there is a typescript by Meier, based on the Smolensk party archive, on party members in the Smolensk region, 1920-1940 ("Zhizn ́i nastroenii︠a︡ partiĭt︠s︡ev..", 194 p.).

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Iurii Konstantinovich Meier Manuscripts, 1954-1957 5 items 5 items

Kezar Bernard Memoirs, 1959-1965

1 folder
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Manuscript memoirs (207 p.) that describe Bernard's experiences in the Soviet Ukraine between the Wars and the Second World War in the Vinnytsia area.

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Kezar Bernard Memoirs, 1959-1965 1 folder

Klavdii I. Popov Manuscripts, 1975-1976

11 items 11 items
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Popov's typed manuscripts include his memoirs of his family through the Revolution, his work in Soviet factories from 1928 to the outbreak of World War II, and his analysis of the Vlasov movement.

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Klavdii I. Popov Manuscripts, 1975-1976 11 items 11 items

Konstantin Nikolaevich Gavrilov Papers, 1917-1963

1500 items 3 boxes
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Papers consist of diaries, documents, and photographs. Most of the diaries are from the post-war period; a few concern the 1917 Revolution and World War II. There are many photographs from the interwar Soviet Union, when Gavrilov lived in Stalingrad. Among the documents are Gavrilov's personal documents from the Soviet period, from the Second World War, and from the post-war years, when he was a displaced person in Germany.

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Konstantin Nikolaevich Gavrilov Papers, 1917-1963 1500 items 3 boxes

Lev Nikolaevich Duving Memoirs, 1951

1 item 1 item
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Duvings memoirs, "Velikaia Skorb'", primarily concern his experiences in General Vlasov's Russian liberation army (Russkaia Osvoboditel'naia Armiia) during the World War II.

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Lev Nikolaevich Duving Memoirs, 1951 1 item 1 item

Meyer Schapiro letters and manuscripts of Whittaker Chambers and James Thomas Farrell, 1923-1991

3 linear feet 6 boxes
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Autograph and typed letters from James Thomas Farrell to Schapiro, concerning Farrell's personal life, his writings, and current social and political affairs. There are also eight of Farrell's manuscripts from the 1960s. The long friendship of neighbors is seen in Farrell's personal letters about his private life and his family and in the discussions of whichever novel he was working on at the time. The main body of the correspondence is from the World War II period and shows much concern for current events in the Soviet Union as well as in the U.S. and Europe. The author also made a few forays into Irish humor, as in the use of his pseudonym, Jonathan Titelescu Fogarty. There are autograph drafts of Prof. Schapiro's replies to and notes about Farrell, and letters and post cards from Farrell's actress wife, Hortense Adler. Also, a letter from Frances Mitchell on her book, THE AWAKENING - LE REVEIL, 1950.

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Meyer Schapiro letters and manuscripts of Whittaker Chambers and James Thomas Farrell, 1923-1991 3 linear feet 6 boxes

Michael Schatoff Papers, 1945-1980

67 boxes (10000 items)
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Part of the collection concerns Schatoff's bibliographical studies. Other materials consist of the Archives of the Russian Liberation Army (Arkiv Osvoboditelńogo Dvizhenii︠a︡ Narodov Rossii), and records of the Union for the Struggle to Liberate the Peoples of Russia (Soi︠u︡z Borb́y za Osvobozhdenii︠a︡ Narodov Rossii).

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Michael Schatoff Papers, 1945-1980 67 boxes (10000 items)

Mikhail Alekseevich Golubov, 1955-1971

12 items 1 box
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Manuscript and typescript memoirs that describe Saratov in 1917, the Crimea in 1920, refugee camps in Turkey in 1920-21, Vienna during World War II, the repatriation of Cossacks at Lienz in 1945, and displaced persons after World War II. There are also three photographs.

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Mikhail Alekseevich Golubov, 1955-1971 12 items 1 box

Mikhail Fedorovich Vasil'ev Papers, 1939-1962

125 items 1 manuscript box
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Manuscripts, photographs, and a document of Mikhail Fedorovich Vasil'ev. The manuscripts are chiefly autobiographical in nature, and concern Vasil'ev's participation in the Vlasov movement in World War II. There is also an essay on the Soviet oil industry. List of manuscripts: "Iz vospominanii M. F. Vasil'eva," "Neftianaia promyshlennost' v SSSR," "Pravda o bol'shevizme," "Voenno-podryvnaia deiatel'nost' SSSR v stranakh svobodnogo mira," "Vospominaniia" (5 folders), manuscript fragments (5 folders). Clippings and typed additions have been interspersed throughout many sections of the manuscripts. Also included are two photographs of Vasil'ev, a copy of a photograph of General Vlasov, and Vasil'ev's military service record from the ROA, to which a service pin has been affixed.

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Mikhail Fedorovich Vasil'ev Papers, 1939-1962 125 items 1 manuscript box

Mikhail Petrovich Osipov Collection on Military History, 1903-1974

600 items 4 boxes; 1 oversized folder
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The collection consists of a photograph of Sergeĭ M. Lifaŕ correspondence, a diary, manuscripts and memoirs, subject files, documents, military service records and questionnaires, membership registers of the Union of the Knights of St. George (Soi︠u︡z georgievskikh kavalerov), photographs and printed materials. The collection mostly concerns the Russian General-Military Union and the Union of the Knights of St. George. The diary is by Lev L. De-vit on the Civil War. Subject files include materials on the Union of the Knights of St. George and Major-General Ippolit V. Savit︠s︡kiĭ. Service records, military service questionnaires, membership records and photographs deal with members of both organizations. Printed materials include mimeographed bulletins of these organizations and a book listing the recipients of the Order of St. George, dated November 26, 1916.

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Mikhail Petrovich Osipov Collection on Military History, 1903-1974 600 items 4 boxes; 1 oversized folder

Mother Mariia Papers, 1912-1955

1.5 linear feet 3 boxes
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Collection includes 19 manuscript notebooks of poetry and prose; 42 titled articles in typescript form on religious, political, literary and autobiographical topics; several published collections of her poetry; and a folder of original drawings. Also included are three biographical articles by K. Mochulśkiĭ, M. Vishni︠a︡k and her mother Sofii︠a︡ Borisovna Pilenko, as well as her own childhood and that of her mother and grandmother during the era of Alexander I, Nicholas I, and Alexander II.

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Mother Mariia Papers, 1912-1955 1.5 linear feet 3 boxes

Nadezhda Iakovlevna Dubakina Papers, 1918-1961

19 items 19 items
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Collection consists of manuscripts, documents and printed materials. Manuscripts include two memoirs by Dubakina, one on her experiences in the Crimea, the other on a visit of Nicholas II there; and a personal memoir by Evgenii︠a︡ Tuli︠a︡kova-Danilovskai︠a︡, entitled "Pervyĭ god v Germanii." There is also a copy of a poem attributed to Vladimir Purishdevich. There are personal documents of Dubakina from 1918-1920. Printed materials consist of newspaper clippings concering A. I. Tuli︠a︡kova.

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Nadezhda Iakovlevna Dubakina Papers, 1918-1961 19 items 19 items

N. Grigoriev Manuscripts, 1939-1942

4 items 4 items
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The four typescript essays concern the Ukrainian Nationalist movement. Three are written by N. Grigorév: "Ukrainskai︠a︡ Demokratii︠a︡ i reakt︠s︡ii︠a︡" (n.d., 25 p.); "Kak nemt︠s︡y obmanyvali ukraint︠s︡ev" (n.d., 14 p.). One is a summary of articles written by N. Grigorév: "Zadachi Ukrainskoĭ Demokratii" (1939, 8 p.). Grigorév treats his topic from a historical perspective as well as in specific regard to World War II.

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N. Grigoriev Manuscripts, 1939-1942 4 items 4 items

Nikolai Alekseevich Kupfer Manuscripts, 1944-1973

14 items 14 items
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The collection consists of six handwritten memoirs concerning the ROA in Italy in 1945 (plus related items): "Bez 5 minut 12" (16 p.); "Gosti iz Dabendorfa" (89 p.); "Mart︠s︡abotto" (63 p.); "Posledni︠a︡i︠a︡ boevai︠a︡ operat︠s︡ii︠a︡ brigady ROA v Italii" (5 p.); "Tolé" (31 p.); and "Voenno-polevoĭ sud" (12 p.).

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Nikolai Alekseevich Kupfer Manuscripts, 1944-1973 14 items 14 items

Nikolai Ivanovich Tereshchenko Memoirs, 1962-1970

3 items 3 items
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Memoirs of Tereshchenko. These extensive, uncollated manuscript memoirs discuss Tereshchenko's service in the Russian army in World War I; inthe White Army in the Ukraine and southern Russia in the Civil War; in the French Foreign Legion in the 1920's; and, in World War II, with German auxiliary forces, the NTS, and the Vlasov movement.

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Nikolai Ivanovich Tereshchenko Memoirs, 1962-1970 3 items 3 items

Nikolai Prokof'ev-Pylaev Memoirs, 1952

1 item 1 item
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The memoirs "Zheltye zvezdy" describe how Prokofév-Pylaev and his friends helped save Jews during the war, and how Jews served in Vlasov's army.

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Nikolai Prokof'ev-Pylaev Memoirs, 1952 1 item 1 item

Nikolai Vital'evich Maryshev Papers, 1945-1964

100 items 1 box
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Maryshev's handwritten memoirs (200 p.) deal with his childhood and education as well as his later experiences. There are also materials relating to his work in the Russian Orthodox Church in Western Europe after the war.

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Nikolai Vital'evich Maryshev Papers, 1945-1964 100 items 1 box

Nil Valentinovich Milovskii Memoirs, 1975-1976

2 items 2 items
Abstract Or Scope

Milovskiĭ's memoirs discuss primarily the Civil War in the Baltic region and on the Northwest Front, and the occupations of Vilnius by the Soviet and then the Lithuanian army in 1939. Milovskiĭ uses the pseudonym Aleksandr Sushkevich in these memoirs.

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Nil Valentinovich Milovskii Memoirs, 1975-1976 2 items 2 items

Ol'ga N. Shilo-Nudzhaevskaia Memoirs, 1963

5 items 5 items
Abstract Or Scope

Shilo-Nudzhaevskai︠a︡'s five brief manuscript memoirs (in all 28 p.) discuss the Civil War in the Ukraine and the Crimea, meetings with White general Shkuro, the evacuation of refugees to Turkey, the emigration in Bulgaria and France, and attempts to avoid the Soviet forces and return to France at the end of World War II.

1 result in this collection

Ol'ga N. Shilo-Nudzhaevskaia Memoirs, 1963 5 items 5 items

Ol'ga Tissarevskaia Memoirs, 1973

307 pages 307 pages
Abstract Or Scope

Typescript memoirs "Svet i teni moei zhizni". The memoirs are edited and introduced by Mikhail Karachevskiĭ-Karateev. They touch upon her youth, the 1917 Revolution and the Civil War, emigration in Poland, World War II, emigration in the United States, and her subsequent round-the-world travels.

1 result in this collection

Ol'ga Tissarevskaia Memoirs, 1973 307 pages 307 pages

Petr Semenovich Makhrov Papers, 1841-1961

500 items 10 boxes
Abstract Or Scope

Papers of Petr S. Makhrov, consisting primarily of extensive manuscript memoirs. Emigrating to France, he became a leading figure in the "Soviet patriotic" movement during and after World War II. His memoirs, in thousands of pages, discuss all aspects of his career. The papers also include correspondence, documents, photographs, and printed materials. There are orders (prikazy) from World War I and the Civil War, and reports and telegrams from his time in Poland. There is a copy of "Russkie v Gallipoli" autographed by Wrangel, and a photograph album entitled "Russkai︠a︡ armii︠a︡ na Balkanakh." Also included is the 1841 report of the director of the Imperial Military Academy in St. Petersburg, General Sukhozanet.

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Petr Semenovich Makhrov Papers, 1841-1961 500 items 10 boxes

Petr Vasil'evich Petrashin Memoirs, 1970-1978

48 items 48 items
Abstract Or Scope

Petrashin's memoirs are mostly brief fragments, and touch upon such topics as World War I, the Civil War, the USSR between the World Wars, anti-Semitism, and World War II. Many of the events discussed take place in the Ukraine and Belorussia.

1 result in this collection

Petr Vasil'evich Petrashin Memoirs, 1970-1978 48 items 48 items

Robert Minor papers, 1907-1952

15000 items 65 boxes
Abstract Or Scope

Manuscripts comprising notes, speeches, and articles, covering a wide range of social and political subjects and giving an extensive history of the Communist Party. Many of the manuscripts relate to his work as a theoretical writer for the Communist Party and the DAILY WORKER (New York). Subjects covered include the Garvey movement in 1924 and the League of Struggle for Negro Rights in the early 1930s; the re-orientation of the Communist Party in 1945-1947 with respect to the South and the Negro question generally (Minor became the Party's Southern representative in that period); the Party's general policies in the early 1930s and 1941-1942 when Minor was acting secretary in the absence of Earl Browder, and relating to the Party's policy toward the war following the German attack on the Soviet Union; postwar changes in the Party; the "Agrarian Movement;" and the Communist trials of 1949-1953. The extensive clipping file covers the entire domestic political scene and reflects the whole of Minor's career. These date from 1907 to his death, and contain considerable material on the Russian Revolution and the Spanish Civil War. Also, numerous pamphlets and ephemera relating to the Communist Party.

1 result in this collection

Robert Minor papers, 1907-1952 15000 items 65 boxes

Russkii Obshche-Voinskii Soiuz (ROVS) Records, 1887-1968

70000 items 177 boxes; 2 oversized folders; 2 glass negatives
Abstract Or Scope

Related materials can be found in the following Bakhmeteff Archive collections: Arkhangel'skii, Kutepov, Lampe, ROVS-North America, and Shatilov.

1 result in this collection

Russkii Obshche-Voinskii Soiuz (ROVS) Records, 1887-1968 70000 items 177 boxes; 2 oversized folders; 2 glass negatives

Sergei Germanovich Pushkarev Printed Materials, 1920-1975

10000 items 18 boxes; 16 oversized folders
Abstract Or Scope

The collection of printed materials consists of eighteen boxes of newspaper clippings, oversize clippings and various newspaper letters and flyers. The clippings cover the 1920-1975 period and deal with topics including: World War II, Soviet affairs, the Korean War, the Vietnam War, Russian literature, Asian affairs and such individuals as Stalin, Khrushchev, Solzhenit︠s︡yn and Sakharov. There are newsletters from the St. Sergius High School and the Tolstoy Foundation as well as a number of pamphlets on East European affairs.

1 result in this collection

Sergei Germanovich Pushkarev Printed Materials, 1920-1975 10000 items 18 boxes; 16 oversized folders

Skorodumov Manuscripts, 1941-1945

1 item 1 item
Abstract Or Scope

The manuscript, written in short story style, recounts four episodes in the author's life: Russia's declaration of war against Germany (22 June 1941) and subsequent mobilization, his plans for escape, arrest and condemnation to a labor camp and eventual flight. The four episodes are entitled: "Krutoĭ povorot" "Zelenyĭ prokuror" "Trinadt︠s︡atai︠a︡ noch́" and "Lager ́smerti.".

1 result in this collection

Skorodumov Manuscripts, 1941-1945 1 item 1 item

Valentin Iosifovich Lekhno Memoirs, 1940-1957

23 items 23 items
Abstract Or Scope

The memoirs discuss Lekhno's experiences in the Soviet Union, Europe and Latin America. Also included are printed ephemera from Yugoslavia and Brazil.

1 result in this collection

Valentin Iosifovich Lekhno Memoirs, 1940-1957 23 items 23 items

Vasilii Nikolaevich Kasatkin Memoirs, 1960

1 item 1 item
Abstract Or Scope

The memoirs, which seem incomplete, cover Kasatkin's military education, World War I, the Revolution, and the Civil War on the Siberian Front. A large section of the memoirs concerns China and the Far East, where Kasatkin lived and worked as a trade officer in 1919-1959.

1 result in this collection

Vasilii Nikolaevich Kasatkin Memoirs, 1960 1 item 1 item

V Boiakh za Rodinu I Za Stalina, 1951

362 pages 1 box
Abstract Or Scope

Typescript memoirs by an unknown author (ca. 1915-) about the Soviet Union during World War II. The author discusses life in the Soviet Union in 1939-1941 and his experiences in the Red Army in 1942-1943. The memoirs end with his desertion from the Red Army after reading a "vlasovskai︠a︡ listovka" (Vlasov leaflet).

1 result in this collection

V Boiakh za Rodinu I Za Stalina, 1951 362 pages 1 box

Viktor Aleksandrovich Zambrzhitskii Manuscripts, 1950-1958

11 items 2 boxes
Abstract Or Scope

Manuscripts of Zambrzhitskiĭ. The manuscripts primarily are studies of World War II, including events in North Africa, France, the Balkans and Finland. Also discussed is the psychological preparation of the Soviet Army and the image of World War II as a world revolution. In addition, there are two brief memoirs on World War I ("Ocherki bylogo") and on an army mutiny in Kiev in 1907 ("Sapernyĭ bunt").

1 result in this collection

Viktor Aleksandrovich Zambrzhitskii Manuscripts, 1950-1958 11 items 2 boxes

Vladimir Dmitrievich Belov Memoirs, 1955-1956

78 pages 1 folder
Abstract Or Scope

Typescript and manuscript memoirs that concern Belov's military education, his service in World War I, his forcible repatriation to the Soviet Union after World War II and his subsequent experiences in Soviet concentration camps.

1 result in this collection

Vladimir Dmitrievich Belov Memoirs, 1955-1956 78 pages 1 folder

V. Valentinov Memoirs, 1952

70 pages 70 pages
Abstract Or Scope

Typed memoirs ""Wie ich 'Kollaborateur' wurde" by Valentinov. He primarily describes his service in the Red Army, his life as a prisoner of war, and the activities of the NKVD, the Russian Liberation Army, and the Committee for the Liberation of the Peoples of Russia (Komitet Osvobozhdenii︠a︡ Narodov Rossii).

1 result in this collection

V. Valentinov Memoirs, 1952 70 pages 70 pages

William Averell Harriman papers on Special Envoy to Churchill and Stalin, 1941-1974, bulk 1941-1946

2.5 linear feet 5 boxes
Abstract Or Scope

Working files for the book SPECIAL ENVOY TO CHURCHILL AND STALIN, 1914-1946 by William Averell Harriman and Elie Abel, containing typescript drafts with handwritten corrections of Harriman's recollections; typescript notes; photocopies of American, British, and Soviet (in translation) diplomatic correspondence, memoranda, and reports; speeches and other writings by Harriman; and related background materials. The period covered is 1941-1946 and 1951-1954. Among the photocopies are letters from Franklin D. Roosevelt, Harry S. Truman, Edward Stettinius, Harry Hopkins, Dean Acheson, Charles Bohlen, Joseph Stalin, Vyacheslav Molotov, Andrei Vyshinsky, Winston Churchill, and Anthony Eden. Also, five letters from Harriman to Abel written in 1973-1974, concerning the details of writing this book (these are the only letters cataloged in this collection).

1 result in this collection

William Averell Harriman papers on Special Envoy to Churchill and Stalin, 1941-1974, bulk 1941-1946 2.5 linear feet 5 boxes