This collection is comprised of four notebooks created by Marion Haskell (Barnard class of 1921) during the years 1910-1913 when she was between the ages of 11 and 13.
This collection is comprised of four notebooks created by Marion Haskell (Barnard class of 1921) during the years 1910-1913 when she was between the ages of 11 and 13.
This collection consists of the personal papers of Martha Hollister Boynton Wheeler. It includes correspondence between friends, employees, and family; financial papers; memorabilia; and photographs. The collection also includes a booklet on her life created posthumously.
This collection consists of the personal papers of Martha Hollister Boynton Wheeler. It includes correspondence between friends, employees, and family; financial papers; memorabilia; and photographs. The collection also includes a booklet on her life created posthumously.
This collection consists of the personal papers of Barnard College alumna ('61), Mary-Jo Kline. The collection is primarily comprised of letters from Kline to her parents detailing her life at Barnard as well as correspondences between her and fellow alumna post graduation between 1962-1997.
This collection consists of the personal papers of Barnard College alumna ('61), Mary-Jo Kline. The collection is primarily comprised of letters from Kline to her parents detailing her life at Barnard as well as correspondences between her and fellow alumna post graduation between 1962-1997.
This collection consists of the personal papers of Barnard College alum Mary K. Kahl. Kahl was an attorney and writer. This collection contains her unpublished fiction manuscripts (as well as one published historical nonfiction work), drafts, and notes.
This collection consists of the personal papers of Barnard College alum Mary K. Kahl. Kahl was an attorney and writer. This collection contains her unpublished fiction manuscripts (as well as one published historical nonfiction work), drafts, and notes.
This collection consists of the Barnard College Annual and Mortarboard yearbooks, which are bound volumes depicting life at Barnard and honoring the graduating classes. Volumes contain pen and ink sketches done by students, photographs of student activities, formal portraits of students and staff, histories of the college, histories of academic departments, retrospectives looking back on the events at Barnard of that year, and letters from the Dean of the College. Mortarboards also contain student directories, lists and photographs of faculty and administrators, photographs of the graduating class, photographs from various events and clubs, and advertisements by local businesses.
This collection consists of the Barnard College Annual and Mortarboard yearbooks, which are bound volumes depicting life at Barnard and honoring the graduating classes. Volumes contain pen and ink sketches done by students, photographs of student activities, formal portraits of students and staff, histories of the college, histories of academic departments, retrospectives looking back on the events at Barnard of that year, and letters from the Dean of the College. Mortarboards also contain student directories, lists and photographs of faculty and administrators, photographs of the graduating class, photographs from various events and clubs, and advertisements by local businesses.