Columbia LGBT records, 1961-1990, bulk 1967-1989

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Series I: Governing Documents, 1972-1989

This series contains ratified constitutions and procedural rules for Gay People at Columbia (GPC), Columbia Gay and Lesbian Alliance (CGLA), and Lesbian and Gays of Barnard and Columbia (LGBC). Organized chronologically, the series also contains annotated copies and drafts reflecting changes to the group's stated mission and by-laws across two decades.

Box 1 Rules and Procedures, 1972-1983

Box 1 GPC(B) Rules and Procedures Draft, 1972

Box 1 Constitution Committee, 1987-1988

Box 1 1989 Restructuring Proposal, 1989

Series II: Student Homophile League, 1966-1973

This series contains governing documents, membership lists, event flyers, meeting minutes, internal memos and correspondence for the Student Homophile League (SHL), the first collegiate gay student organization in the country, founded in 1967 by Stephen Donaldson (a.k.a. Robert A. Martin). Correspondence includes communications with gay-identified individuals requesting information about connecting to other homosexuals either in their hometowns or in New York City as well as young men interested in information about draft deferment. Also of interest is a letter of support from the critic Eric Bentley, Brander Matthews Professor of Dramatic Literature at Columbia University. At the end of the series is a 1982 letter from Robert A. Martin offering his account of the founding of the Student Homophile League as well as SHL's participation in the 1968 strike at Columbia University. In addition to office records, this series also includes documents relating to the homophile movement outside of Columbia University. These materials include pamphlets, clippings and resolutions addressing the national homophile movement as well as memos, informational fliers and addresses from other chapters of the Student Homophile League established after Columbia's chapter, which operated as the center of the organization.

Box 1 Student Homophile League -- Governing Documents, 1967-1969

Box 1 Student Homophile League -- Membership, 1967-1968

Box 1 Student Homophile League -- Minutes, 1967-1968

Box 1 Student Homophile League -- Memos, 1967-1973

Box 1 Student Homophile League -- Other Chapters, 1967-1972

Box 1 Student Homophile League -- Residence Hall Activities, 1967-1969

Box 1 Student Homophile League -- Correspondence, 1966-1970

Box 1 Student Homophile League -- Correspondence, 1967-1972

Box 1 Student Homophile League -- "The Gay Way," Columbia News, 1968 March 27

Box 1 Student Homophile League -- Homophile Movement Materials, 1967-1969

Box 1 Student Homophile League -- Miscellaneous, 1968

Series III: Office Records, 1972-1989

This series includes official and draft meeting minutes, proceedings reports, financial statements, internal memos and attendance sheets for Gay People at Columbia-Barnard (GPCB) and Columbia Gay and Lesbian Alliance (CGLA). Memos include detailed and personal letters of recommendation of board members. Two separate folders consist of governing documents, meeting minutes and memos from the Student Governing Board (SGB) concerning internal operations and its relation to the Earl Hall Center, which sponsored and housed Gay People at Columbia (GPC). With SHL founder Robert Martin as SGB chairperson in the mid-1970s, GPC joined other student groups in 1977 in temporarily withdrawing their membership from SGB because of conflicts over director J. Paul Martin's management of SGB.

Box 1 Student Homophile League -- Letter from Robert Martin on founding of SHL, 1982

Box 1 Minutes, 1972-1973

Box 1 Secretary -- Rick Shur, 1973-1974

Box 1 Proceedings, 1974

Box 1 Secretary Business Meeting -- Official Minutes, 1974-1977

Box 1 Educational Committee Meetings, 1977

Box 1 Meeting Minutes and Notes, 1978

Box 1 Meetings, 1981-1982

Box 1 GPC, 1981-1982

Box 1 Meeting Minutes, 1982

Box 1 Minutes, 1983-1984

Box 1 Meeting Minutes and Notes, 1984

Box 1 CGLA -- Minutes -- Official, 1987-1988

Box 1 CGLA -- Notes, Data, 1987-1988

Box 1 Minutes Spring, 1988-1989

Box 1 Financial Statements, 1981-1982

Box 1 Memos, 1972-1974

Box 1 Correspondence, 1973

Box 1 Chairperson's Valedictory Sermon, 1974 February 11

Box 1 Vice-chairperson, 1975

Box 1 GPC = History, General, 1977

Box 1 GPC Activities Academic Year, 1981-1982

Box 1 Memos, 1982-1983

Box 1 GPC Fall, 1984

Box 1 GPC Spring, 1984

Box 1 Frank Elsea, 1985

Box 1 Memos -- Resignation, 1982

Box 1 Activities - Fall, 1982

Box 1 Attendance sheets, 1988-1989

Box 1 Student Governing Board, 1973-1975

Box 1 Student Governing Board and Earl Hall Info, 1972-1989

Series IV: Activities, 1967-1989

Arranged in four subseries, this series documents the various activities pursed by the Student Homophile League (SHL), Gay People at Columbia-Barnard (GPCB) and Columbia Gay and Lesbian Alliance (CGLA).

Subseries IV.1: Earl Hall Dances, 1970-1986

Organized chronologically, this subseries consists of event fliers, income statements, inventories, receipts, ticket sale reports, and handwritten memos for the gay dances organized by the Student Homophile League (SHL), Gay People at Columbia-Barnard (GPCB), and Columbia Gay and Lesbian Alliance (CGLA) in the 1970s and 1980s. The earliest material dates to 1970, when the organization was still known as the Student Homophile League. These dances were well known throughout New York City's gay community and were attended by non-students as well as Columbia students. The final folder in the subseries consists of a blank copy of a 1986 questionnaire in which dance attendees are asked to provide personal information, evaluate their experiences of the dances and suggest improvements.

Box 1 Dances, 1970-1971

Box 1 Dance Logs, 1982

Box 1 Dances, 1972

Box 1 Dances, 1973 January-June

Box 1 Dances, 1973 July-December

Box 1 Dances, 1974 January-June

Box 1 Dances, 1974 July-December

Box 1 Dances, 1975

Box 1 Dances, 1981

Box 1 Dance Committee, 1977

Box 1 Dances, 1982-1984

Box 1 Dance Inventory, 1982

Box 1 Dance Expenses, 1983

Box 1 Misc. Dance Fliers, 1980s

Box 1 Dance Questionnaire, 1986

Subseries IV.2: Education, 1968-1987

This subseries consists of materials pertaining to educational programming and research initiatives completed by Gay People at Columbia-Barnard (GPCB) and Columbia Gay and Lesbian Alliance (CGLA). The subseries is organized by educational event type, with folder contents organized chronologically. The first files consist of fliers, handouts, syllabi and readings for discussion groups organized by GPCB and CGLA, specifically consciousness raising groups in the 1970s and study groups in the 1980s. Some of the readings are annotated. Following the discussion group materials are memos, fliers, discussion plans, and reports for GPCB's "floor raps," in which GPCB members would lead an information session about homosexuality to residents of a dormitory floor. The memos consist of internal communications reflecting on the success of particular events as well as communications with residence staff. The following files consist of two 1973 and 1974 research initiatives, two separate blank surveys and subsequent reports about sexual experience and gay life at Columbia University. The series concludes with fliers for miscellaneous educational panels, including completed questionnaires for panels on "Coming Out" and "Gays in Business," as well as collected lecture notes, syllabi, and a proposed essay prize pertaining to gay studies at the university.

Box 1 Consciousness Raising, 1973-1974

Box 1 (GPC) Discussion Groups, 1975 October 5

Box 1 Study Group, 1984 Fall

Box 1 Study Group, undated

Box 1 Study Group Reading and Syllabus, 1985

Box 1 Study Group, 1984-1986

Box 1 Study Group, 1980s

Box 2 Study Group, 1985

Box 2 Study Group, 1984-1986

Box 2 Study Group, 1986-1987

Box 2 Floor Raps, 1972-1974

Box 2 Questionnaires -- Socio-psychological Surveys -- Greenberg, 1971

Box 2 1973 Survey on Sexual Experience and Homophobia at Columbia, 1973

Box 2 "A New Gay Survey", 1974

Box 2 Misc. Educational Events, 1974-1981

Box 2 Misc. Educational Events, 1981-1985

Box 2 Lecture Notes, 1968

Box 2 Psychology Courses Columbia, Barnard, 1974-1975

Box 2 GPCB Essay Prize, 1975

Box 2 High School Education, 1973-1974

Box 2 Educational Committee, 1973-1974

Subseries IV.3: Social, 1970-1982

This subseries consists of materials pertaining to social activities organized by Gay People at Columbia-Barnard (GPCB) and Columbia Gay and Lesbian Alliance (CGLA), divided into three categories: the gay lounge, film screenings, and miscellaneous social activities. The subseries largely consists of internal memos, correspondence, clippings, and press statements pertaining to GPCB's nationally reported struggle to achieve official administrative recognition for the gay lounge, ca. 1971-1973. This collection of materials includes communications with university deans and trustees as well as minutes from a meeting of the Board of Trustees in which GPCB member Morty Manford asked the board for assistance in receiving administrative recognition. The subseries also includes correspondence and fliers related to film screenings either organized by or receiving support from GPCB, including a handout for a post-film discussion of Boys in the Band (1970), a drama about a group of gay friends in New York City controversial for its arguable reproduction of harmful stereotypes. Invited to participate in the screening by its organizers, GPCB planned a discussion that aimed to foster a more critical take on a film the group wouldn't have personally chosen to screen due to ideological reservations. The end of the subseries consists of promotional fliers for miscellaneous social events organized by the GPCB as well as a folder of undated photos labeled "Author's Night at Lounge."

Box 2 Lounge through 1971, 1971

Box 2 Trustees, Columbia University -- Gay Lounge, 1971-1972

Box 2 Lounge, 1972

Box 2 Gay Lounge, 1973-1975

Box 2 Films, 1972-1982

Box 2 Social Committee Activities, 1975

Box 2 Photographs -- Author's Night at Lounge, 1970-1971

Subseries IV.4: Outreach, 1967-1989

This subseries documents Gay People at Columbia-Barnard (GPCB) and Columbia Gay and Lesbian Alliance (CGLA) community engagement activities. It consists of memos, schedules, and promotional fliers documenting GPCB's involvement in freshman orientation, including two informational leaflets written by the group, "On Coming Out" and "To the Parents," and proposed revisions to statements about sexual diversity in promotional materials. There are also publicity materials, including mailing lists for GPCB's newsletter and correspondence with advertisers and invoices from The Spectator, as well as membership lists.

Box 2 Informational Fliers about GPCB for Columbia-Barnard Students,, 1970-1982

Box 2 Freshman Orientation, 1972-1982

Box 2 To the Parents, undated

Box 2 On Coming Out, undated

Box 2 Hamilton Hall, 1971-1984

Box 2 Facets revisions, 1988-1989

Box 2 Open Letters to Instructors and Administrators, 1986-1989

Box 2 Mailing List, 1967-1971

Box 2 Mailing Lists, circa 1973

Box 2 CGLA Mailing List, 1986-1989

Box 2 Directories, 1969-1985

Box 2 Media, undated

Box 2 Mailing Lists -- National, 1971-1974

Box 2 Owl, 1970-1971

Box 2 Spectator -- Invoices, 1971-1972

Box 2 Spectator Invoices, 1983

Box 2 Spectator Advertisements for spring of 1984 Frank Elsea, Publicity Director, 1984

Box 2 University Record, 1973-1975

Box 2 Columbia University Calendar, 1975-1976

Box 2 Public Relations Press -- Publicity, 1973-1975

Box 2 Invitation of 15th Anniversary Reception, 1982

Box 2 Outreach, 1973

Box 2 Stationary -- Breakdown, undated

Box 2 Photographs, undated

Series V: Correspondence, 1970-1983

This series consists of incoming and outgoing correspondence collected by Gay People at Columbia (GPC). It is organized chronologically. Most of the correspondence consists of research inquiries from individuals, such as grade school students, undergraduates, graduate students, and professional researchers looking for assistance on a project about homosexuality, or personal inquiries from implicitly or explicitly gay-identified individuals looking for more information about homosexuality and opportunities for making connections with other homosexuals in their area or in New York City. Other individual inquiries concern requests for information about draft deferment. The national profile of Columbia's gay student organization, established by SHL's status as the first of its kind in the United States, helps to explain why GPC was treated as a default resource for those wishing to learn more about homosexuality or to meet other homosexuals. Of particular note is a copy of a letter sent by GPC to the poet W.H. Auden, responding to his request to learn more about GPC's activities and inviting him to a wine and cheese party in his honor at the gay lounge (the collection contains no evidence that such an event actually took place). Also included in the series are manuscript submissions to GPC's newsletter Pride of Lions and many completed questionnaires from students submitted for Pride of Lions' "The Closet" issue from 1973.

Box 2 Correspondence, 1970-1971

Box 2 Correspondence, 1971

Box 2 Educational Inquiries, 1970-1972

Box 2 Educational Inquiries, 1972

Box 2 Correspondence, 1971-1972

Box 2 Educational Inquiries, 1973

Box 2 Correspondence, 1973

Box 2 Educational Inquiries, 1974

Box 2 Correspondence, 1974

Box 2 Mail, 1975-1981

Box 2 Correspondence, 1975

Box 2 GPC Correspondence, 1981-1982

Box 2 Letters for Information, 1975-1982

Box 2 Correspondence answered, 1983

Box 2 Heuston, John -- Pride of Lions Correspondence, 1971-1972

Box 2 Pride of Lions Questionnaire Responses (for "The Closet" Issue), 1972-1973

Box 2 Pride of Lions Manuscript Submissions, 1970s

Series VI: Publications, 1962-1990

Organized into three subseries this series contains Columbia and non-Columbia publications and newspaper clippings collected by Gay People at Columbia-Barnard (GPCB), Columbia Gay and Lesbian Alliance (CGLA) and Columbia Lesbian Bi-Sexual Gay Coalition (LGBC).

Subseries VI.1: Columbia Publications, 1968-1990

This subseries consists of newspapers and magazines published by Columbia University students and collected by Gay People at Columbia-Barnard (GPCB) and Columbia Gay and Lesbian Alliance (CGLA). The series is organized alphabetically by publication title.

Box 3 ACTA Columbiana, 1968 March 6

Box 3 Barnard Bulletin, 1972 November 16-1973 February 22

Box 3 Broadway, 1983-1985

Box 3 The Hamilton Report, 1983 August 29

Box 3 Columbia Reports, 1972 November

Box 3 The Columbia Owl, 1971-1972

Box 3 Pride of Lions, 1972-1973, 1990

Box 3 Copyright Info -- Pride of Lions, 1972-1975

Box 3 Sister, 1988-1989

Box 3 Columbia Daily Spectator, 1971 February18-May 12

Box 3 Columbia Daily Spectator, 1971 October 18-December 16

Box 3 Columbia Daily Spectator, 1972 January 4-May 9

Box 3 Columbia Daily Spectator, 1972 September 19-December 13

Box 3 Columbia Daily Spectator, 1973 January 31-July 19

Box 3 Columbia Daily Spectator, 1973 September 7-December 5

Box 3 Columbia Daily Spectator, 1974

Box 3 Columbia Daily Spectator, 1975 February12-August 14

Box 3 Columbia Daily Spectator, 1975 September 5-December 5

Box 3 Columbia Daily Spectator, 1977

Box 3 Columbia Daily Spectator, 1983 August 17

Box 3 Columbia Daily Spectator, 1981 April-1986 October

Box 3 Columbia Daily Spectator, 1989

Box 3 Columbia Daily Spectator, 1990

Subseries VI.2: Non-Columbia Publications, 1962-1990

This subseries consists of magazines, newsletters, and informational pamphlets collected by Gay People at Columbia-Barnard (GPCB), Columbia Gay and Lesbian Alliance (CGLA) and Columbia Lesbian Bi-Sexual Gay Coalition (LGBC). It is arranged alphabetically by publication title. Most of the publications are addressed to international, national or local gay communities, although some publications for a general readership are also included. The series also contains bibliographies listing books and articles about homosexuality and informational pamphlets addressing homosexuality's intersections with civil rights, religion, and health.

Box 3 "100 Million Luvazoons per Day" by Annonna Moss, 1973

Box 3 "About" Booklets by Channing L. Bete Co., Inc., 1979-1980

Box 3 Act Up Reports, 1989

Box 3 The Advocate, 1987 October-1989 December

Box 3 The Advocate, 1990 January-May

Box 3 Archives Bulletin, 1987 September

Box 3 Asians and Friends, 1989-1990

Box 3 Bibliographies, 1973-1982

Box 3 Bibliographies, 1982 June-December

Box 3 Bibliography, 1983

Box 3 The Body Positive, 1988 September

Box 3 Bondings, 1987 February 16

Box 3 Brooklyn Lesbians Together, 1989

Box 3 "California Weekend" and other poems by Timothy J. Lennox, 1975

Box 3 Catholic World, 1971 June

Box 3 Center Stage, 1989-1990

Box 3 The Challenge and Progress of Homosexual Law Reform, 1968

Box 3 Change Magazine, 1971 October

Box 4 Chicago Gay Liberation, 1971

Box 4 CHP Check-up (Community Health Project), 1989

Box 4 Christopher Street, 1984

Box 4 Christopher Street, 1985

Box 4 Christopher Street, 1986

Box 4 Christopher Street, 1987

Box 4 Christopher Street, 1988

Box 4 Christopher Street, 1989

Box 4 Churchmen Speak Out on Homosexual Law Reform, 1967

Box 4 College, 1974

Box 4 Common Ground, 1981 November

Box 4 Comptroller's Report, 1989 August-November

Box 4 CUNY -- Lesbian and Gay Community News, 1987 October

Box 4 Directory of Homosexual Organizations and Publications, 1977

Box 4 Discovery, 26, January 1988

Box 4 Elysian Fields: Homosexuality/Gays in Literature, undated

Box 4 Empathy, 1988

Box 4 Equal Times, 1988 August 26

Box 4 Erickson Educational Foundation -- Transexual Information, 1973

Box 4 Fourth Annual Reminder Day, 1968

Box 4 GALA Reviews, 1989 May-June

Box 4 Gay Academic Union, 1974-1975

Box 4 Gay Activists Alliance Publications, 1970s

Box 4 The Gay Iowan, 1986 December, 1986

Box 4 GCBC News, 1987-1990

Box 4 GLID News (Gay and Lesbian Independent Daily), 1989 February-September

Box 4 Gay Liberation front Manifesto, 1971

Box 4 GLAAD Bulletin, 1989

Box 4 Gay and Lesbian Synagogue News, 1989

Box 4 Gay Literature, 1975-1976

Box 4 GMHC Annual Report, Gay Men's Health Crisis, Inc., 1986-1987

Box 4 GMHC Newsletter, 1986-1989

Box 4 Gay News, 1970 August 3

Box 4 Gay Rights Legislation in Massachusetts, 1975

Box 4 Gay Rights National Lobby Newsletter, 1977 February-March

Box 4 Gay Switchboard of New York, Inc, 1982-1983

Box 4 Gay Teachers Newsletters, 1981-1982

Box 4 GPU News, 1975 October

Box 4 GPU News, 1972-1973

Box 4 GPU News, 1974

Box 4 GPU News, 1974-1975

Box 4 Greater Gotham Business Council, Inc., 1988-1990

Box 4 Health and Venereal Disease Guide for Gay Men -- GMHP, 1975 July

Box 4 Homosexual Law Reform Society, The Report, 1962-1966

Box 4 The Homosexual Citizen, 1966

Box 4 The Homosexual Citizen, 1967

Box 4 Homosexual Health Report,1982

Box 4 House of Commons Parliamentary Debates, 1967

Box 4 IGLYO -- bulletin, 1987

Box 4 Information about AIDS for the Columbia Community, 1986 October

Box 4 Integrity New York, 1982 November

Box 4 IGLA -- Bulletin (International Lesbian and Gay Association), 1986-1987

Box 4 The Intercollegiate, 1985-1989

Box 4 "Interstate" by Mitchell Halberstadt, 1977

Box 4 An Introduction to the Homophile Movement, 1967

Box 4 The Islanders Club, 1987

Box 4 Journal of the Albany Trust, 1962-1965

Box 5 Lambda Update, 1987

Box 5 Lambda -- Associates of Staten Island, 1986-1987

Box 5 Lavender Health, 1987

Box 5 Lesbian Herstory Archives Newsletter, 1986-1990

Box 5 Lesbian Herstory Archives, 1976 March

Box 5 Life/Style, 1982 April 5

Box 5 "Looking at Women" by Fran Winant, 1971

Box 5 Mattachine (NY) Newsletter, 1968-1972

Box 5 Man to Man Inc., 1968-1969

Box 5 M.C.C., Toronto, 1974 May

Box 5 Misc. Essays, 1975-1981

Box 5 Mouth of the Dragon, 1974 September-1975 March

Box 5 National Gay Task Force, 1980

Box 5 National Gay Health Directory, 1980

Box 5 National Legal Defense Fund, undated

Box 5 Newsweek, 1977-1988

Box 5 The Network Project: Control of Information, 1973 March

Box 5 New York Magazine, 1973 June 18

Box 5 New York Native, 1989 September

Box 5 New York Native, 1989 October

Box 5 New York Native, 1989 November

Box 5 New York Native, 1989 December

Box 5 New York Native, 1990 January

Box 5 New York Native, 1990 February

Box 5 "On the Issues" The Journal of Substance for Progressive Women, 1987-1989

Box 5 Our Voice, 1986-1987

Box 5 Out & Out, 1982 April

Box 5 Outlook, 1989-1990

Box 5 The Paper, 1989 March 1

Box 5 Parents of Lesbians and Gay Men, 1982

Box 5 News from PENNgala, 1989

Box 5 Reports of Pennsylvania Council for Sexual Minorities, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, 1977 March

Box 5 PFLAG Newsletter, 1982 December

Box 5 Pride Guide, 1982

Box 5 Pride Guide, 1982-1986

Box 5 Prisma News, 1989 March

Box 6 PWA Coalition Newsline, 1987

Box 6 PWA Coalition Newsletter, 1988

Box 6 PWA Coalition Newsletter, 1989 January-June

Box 6 PWA Coalition Newsletter, 1989 July-1990 February

Box 6 Richard A. Inman vs. City of Miami, 1967

Box 6 Sappho's Isle, 1989-1990

Box 6 Sexuality and Justice, 1972 November

Box 6 SIDAhona, 1989

Box 6 Social Action, 1967 December

Box 6 Speak Out, 1988-1989

Box 6 Stonewall Report, 1972-1976

Box 6 Student Personnel Services and Homosexuality, 1972

Box 6 Sydney Gay Mardi Gras, 1986

Box 6 Talisman, 1986

Box 6 Time, 1975 September 8

Box 6 Time for Consent?, 1967

Box 6 unADULTerated News, undated

Box 6 Venereal Disease Information, undated

Box 6 Vanguard, 1977 February 25

Box 6 West Village Observer, 1989 November

Box 6 WomaNews, 1989

Subseries VI.3: Clippings, 1967-1987

This subseries consists of newspaper and magazine clippings collected by Gay People at Columbia-Barnard (GPCB), Columbia Gay and Lesbian Alliance (CGLA) and Columbia Lesbian Bi-Sexual Gay Coalition (LGBC). The material is arranged chronologically. Clippings cover a wide range of topics relating to homosexuality and bisexuality, such as civil rights, AIDS, police brutality, homophobia in political campaigns, the performing arts (including television), book reviews, gay marriage, psychiatry, and obituaries. The series includes a scrapbook of clippings from the Columbia Spectator about GPC activities (especially the gay lounge controversy), mounted in a spiral notebook.

Box 6 Gay Liberation, 1973-1974

Box 6 Newspaper Clippings, 1971-1972

Box 6 Spectator Clippings, 1972 September 19-November 30

Box 6 Newspaper Clippings, 1973

Box 6 Newspaper Clippings, 1974

Box 6 Newspaper Clippings, 1975-1977

Box 6 News Articles, 1967-1982

Box 6 Miscellaneous Clippings, 1971-1987

Box 6 Miscellaneous Clippings, undated

Series VII: Subject Files, 1961-1989

Organized into two subseries, this series contains collected fliers, correspondence and informational materials on topics of interest to the gay community.

Subseries VII.1: General, 1964-1989

This subseries consists of collected fliers, correspondence, and informational material pertaining mostly to organizations and services which address the social, psychological medical needs of local and national gay communities. The subseries also contain files for Columbia-specific topics, such as the library, as well as Gay People at Columbia (GPC) and Columbia Gay and Lesbian Alliance (CGLA) communications with other publications. Maintaining the original organization of the files, the subseries is arranged alphabetically according to the organization's name or topic. Many of the folders are dedicated to gay student organizations within the United States as well as internationally.

Box 6 Advocate, 1985 January 25

Box 6 Alcoholism, 1980-1988

Box 6 Alpine County (California), 1971

Box 6 American Lutheran Church, undated

Box 6 Association of Gay Psychologists, 1975

Box 6 Bills, Paid, Various, 1970-1972

Box 6 Bisexuality, 1973-1974

Box 6 Association of Lesbian and Gay Social Workers, 1982

Box 6 Books, 1968-1970

Box 6 Boys in the Band, 1974 October 8

Box 6 Butler Library (C.U.), 1970-1971

Box 6 Center Coordinating Council, 1973-1974

Box 6 Chicago Resource Center, 1984-1988

Box 6 Christian Anti-Homosexuality Trash, 1983-1984

Box 6 Christopher Street Financial, undated

Box 6 Christopher Street Magazine, 1982 March 16

Box 6 Community Services Center, undated

Box 6 Compass -- Chelsea Coordinating Committee on Drug Addiction, Inc., 1975 November 26

Box 6 Conferences, 1972

Box 6 Council on Religion and the Homosexual, 1966-1967

Box 6 Counseling, undated

Box 6 CUNY-Richmond College, 1973 December

Box 6 Drag Affairs, undated

Box 6 Film, 1974

Box 6 G & C Merriam Company, 1965-1971

Box 6 Gay Academic Union, 1975

Box 6 Gay Community Services -- Los Angeles, 1973

Box 6 Gay and Lesbian Student Union, undated

Box 6 Gay Media Coalition, undated

Box 6 Gay Men's Health Care Center, 1974 October 16

Box 6 Gay People of Brooklyn College, 1973 December

Box 6 Gay People's Alliance, 1972

Box 6 Gay Resource Center (Olumpia, Washington), undated

Box 6 "Gay Scene", 1974

Box 6 Gay Scene (NYC), 1971

Box 6 Gay Student Conference, 1986

Box 6 Gay Students Council (GSC), 1973

Box 6 Gay Students' Guide to the Colleges, 1987 March 1

Box 6 Gay Studies, 1974

Box 6 Gay Switchboard (S.F.), 1971 August 12

Box 6 Gay Switchboard (N.Y.), 1973

Box 6 Gay Teachers' Organization, undated

Box 6 Gay Travel Resorts, 1982-1983

Box 6 Gay Synagogue = Gay Jewish Activities, 1971-1983

Box 6 GPU (University of Wisconsin -- Milwaukee), 1971-1972

Box 6 Gyspy Feet (travel service), 1973

Box 6 Halifax, 1972

Box 6 Health, undated

Box 6 High School Project, undated

Box 7 Homofiel Studenten Dispuut (Netherlands), 1968

Box 7 Homosexual Community Counseling Service, 1977

Box 7 Homosexual Community Counseling Center, 1972-1974

Box 7 Homosexual Information Center, 1974-1975

Box 7 Homosexuality, 1966-1974

Box 7 Homosexuality as a Problem, 1964-1970

Box 7 Homosexuals Intransigent, 1973-1974

Box 7 Hunter Fine Arts Society, 1974 October 8

Box 7 IBM Selectric, 1975 May 21

Box 7 Identity House, undated

Box 7 In Magazine, 1969

Box 7 Institute of Human Freedom Dobbs Ferry, 1973

Box 7 Institute for Human Identity, 1973-1975

Box 7 Janus Film Society, 1973

Box 7 Joint Committee for Student Life, 1972-1973

Box 7 Katosi's Sarcoma Project -- Michael Lange and Hardy Kornfield, 1981

Box 7 Kean College (NJ) Gay Coalition, 1973

Box 7 Knoxville Lesbian Collective, 1973

Box 7 Kt. Vermeulen, undated

Box 7 The Lavender People, Venice California, 1971-1972

Box 7 Lesbian Resource Center -- Minneapolis, 1973 January 3

Box 7 Liberation House Gay Collective (NYC), 1971

Box 7 Library, 1970-1974

Box 7 Louisiana State University, 1984-1985

Box 7 Low Library, 1971-1973

Box 7 Low Life, 1984

Box 7 Mandrake Society (St. Louis), 1972 May 29

Box 7 Manford, Morty, 1972

Box 7 Marriages -- Gay, 1970

Box 7 Mattachine Midwest, undated

Box 7 MCC (SF), 1971 August 13

Box 7 Memphis Tennessee, 1970 November

Box 7 Metropolitan Gay Community Council, 1972

Box 7 Midwest Services Center, 1971

Box 7 Minnesota Gay Community, 1975 May

Box 7 National Gay Student Center, 1971-1974

Box 7 National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE), 1977 October 10

Box 7 NELGSU, 1987-1989

Box 7 New Mexico University, 1970 December

Box 7 New York City Gay Men's Chorus, 1982 July 18

Box 7 New York University, 1979-1984

Box 7 New York Times, 1971-1975

Box 7 NY Times, 1971

Box 7 NY Post, 1971-1977

Box 7 Ninth Street Center, undated

Box 7 NYC Gay Events, undated

Box 7 Oberlin College, 1972 October

Box 7 Office of the Student Advocate, undated

Box 7 OGRC, 1977

Box 7 ONE Institute of Homophile Studies, 1968-1972

Box 7 Oscar Wilde Bookshop, 1974

Box 7 Out (Magazine), 1974

Box 7 Paolella, Edward, 1983

Box 7 Parents of Gays, 1975-1983

Box 7 Parents of Gays, 1973-1977

Box 7 Patchwork Majority, 1975

Box 7 Poetry -- Paollela, Ed., 1983

Box 7 Poetry at the Riverside Church/Washington Square Church, 1982

Box 7 PMLA, 1978 May

Box 7 Population Control, undated

Box 7 Poster -- Advertisement, 1972

Box 7 Religion, 1967-1977

Box 7 Religion and GPCB, 1973

Box 7 Religious Institutions, undated

Box 7 Renaissance House, 1973-1974

Box 7 Residence Halls, 1973-1982

Box 7 Santa Barbara (UC) Library, 1970

Box 7 Rutgers -- Newark, undated

Box 7 Senior Action in a Gay Environment, 1982 December

Box 7 Southern California Council on Religion and the Homophile, 1968 March 1

Box 7 Spanish Speaking Gays, 1974

Box 7 Stein and Day, undated

Box 7 Stonewall, 1971-1973

Box 7 Stonewall, 1982-1983

Box 7 SUNY -- Stonybrook, 1982 November

Box 7 Theatre, 1968-1974

Box 7 TOSOS, 1974

Box 7 Trans-sexuals, 1969-1973

Box 7 Tyler, Robin, undated

Box 7 Union Theological Seminary, 1972 January 10

Box 7 University of Connecticut, undated

Box 7 University of Florida -- Gainesville, 1974

Box 7 University of Michigan, 1973 February

Box 7 Vanguard Magazine, undated

Box 7 Vector, 1974

Box 7 Vice Chairperson and Earl Hall Representative, 1973-1974

Box 7 Village Voice, 1971-1974

Box 7 WBAI, 1972-1974

Box 7 WCBS -- FM, 1971-1972

Box 7 West Side Discussiong Group, 1967-1974

Box 7 York University Homophile Association, 1970-1971

Subseries VII.2: Politics and Activism, 1961-1989

This subseries consists of collected fliers, memos, correspondence, and news clippings pertaining to activism on behalf of gay rights and political recognition. Maintaining the original organization of the files, the subseries is arranged alphabetically according to topic or organization. The collected material focuses on the AIDS crisis, New York City Pride (especially the activities of the Christopher Street Liberation Committee in the 1970s), the Gay Liberation movement, legal reform (especially discrimination laws and sodomy laws), local New York City politics, and the Vietnam War (especially draft deferments and anti-war protests). Some of the fliers and memos indicate Gay People at Columbia-Barnard (GPCB) and Columbia Gay and Lesbian Alliance (CGLA) involvement in political advocacy.

Box 7 Academic Freedom, 1965-1983

Box 7 AIDS Literature, 1985-1989

Box 7 Anti-war Marches, undated

Box 7 Armed Services, 1967-1974

Box 7 Austin Gay Liberation, 1970-1971

Box 7 Brown, Howard, 1975

Box 7 Bryant, Anita, 1977

Box 7 Coalition for Lesbian and Gay Rights, 1982 March 15

Box 7 Campaign, 1971-1972

Box 7 Canadian Conference -- York U, 1972

Box 7 Christopher Street Liberation Day Committee, 1973-1982

Box 7 Christopher Street Liberation Day, 1971-973

Box 7 Christopher Street Parade, 1982-1984

Box 7 Civil Rights, 1967-1974

Box 7 CLU, undated

Box 7 Coalition for Lesbian and Gay Rights, 1987-1989

Box 7 Comptroller, 1986

Box 8 Discrimination, 1963-1974

Box 8 Divestment, undated

Box 8 DOB (NYC), 1970

Box 8 Draft, 1970

Box 8 Draft, 1967-1970

Box 8 Eulenspiegel Society (S/M Liberation Group), 1974 March 14

Box 8 Family Protection Act, undated

Box 8 FBI, 1975

Box 8 Federal Government, 1971

Box 8 Flyers, 1982

Box 8 GAA (NYC), 1970-1975

Box 8 Gay Activists Alliance of New York, 1971-1974

Box 8 Gay and Lesbian Independent Democrats (GLID), 1982

Box 8 Gay Liberation, undated

Box 8 Gay Liberation of Westchester GLOW, 1973-1974

Box 8 Gay Marches, 1971-1974

Box 8 Gay People's Alliance, 1974

Box 8 Gay Political Caucus (NYC), 1972

Box 8 Gay Rights Action Coalition, 1974

Box 8 Intro I (Gay Rights Bill), undated

Box 8 Intro 2 (Gay Rights Bill), 1974

Box 8 Intro #475 (Gay Rights Bill), 1971-1974

Box 8 Intro #554 (Gay Rights Bill), 1977

Box 8 Gay Sunshine, 1971-1973

Box 8 Help, Inc., 1972

Box 8 Homophile Action League (Philadelphia), undated

Box 8 Homophile Social Services (SF), 1971 October 19

Box 8 Homosexual Action Forum, Oakland, CA, 1971

Box 8 International Gay and Lesbian Conference, 1987-1988

Box 8 International Gay Rights Congress, 1974-1976

Box 8 Kalos Society, 1971

Box 8 Kentucky Courts -- Hartford, New Haven, 1975

Box 8 Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund, 1982

Box 8 Law Reform, 1966-1969

Box 8 Laws, 1961-1971

Box 8 Legal Papers, undated

Box 8 Legal Papers, undated

Box 8 Lesbian Feminist Liberation, 1973-1974

Box 8 Lesbians, 1973-1977

Box 8 Mattachine Society of New York, 1967

Box 8 May or -- NYC (Koch, Edward), 1983

Box 8 May or -- NYC (Lindsay, John), 1970-1972

Box 8 Michigan Gay Liberation, 1974

Box 8 Ministry and Homosexuality, 1965-1973

Box 8 Modern Political Movements, 1971-1973

Box 8 NELGSU/GLASNYC, 1986-1987

Box 8 National Coalition of Gay Activists (NCGA), 1975-1976

Box 8 National Gay Mobilizing Committee, 1973

Box 8 National Gay Task Force, 1969-1977

Box 8 National Peace Action Coalition, undated

Box 8 NYC Department of Health, 1987

Box 8 New York Civil Liberties Union (NYCLU), 1982 August

Box 8 New York Gay Legal Caucus, 1972

Box 8 New York State Coalition of Gay Organizations, 1972-1975

Box 8 NYSCGO, 1975-1977

Box 8 NGTF Info, 1976-1982

Box 8 Police, undated

Box 8 Political, 1973

Box 8 Politicians (Cuomo, Rotherberg, Moynhan), 1977-1988

Box 8 Political Correspondence, 1983

Box 8 Political Endorsements of GPC, 1977

Box 8 Political Letters and News, 1981

Box 8 Queens Liberation Front, 1973

Box 8 Religion -- Gay Rights Congress Statement, 1974 December 22

Box 8 S.I.R., 1968-1973

Box 8 Socialism, undated

Box 8 Society for Psychological Study of Social Issues (SPSSI), 1981-1982

Box 8 Society for Individual Rights, 1973 May 23

Box 8 Third World Gay Revolution (NYC), 1971

Box 8 United Front of Gay Organizations (Chicago), undated

Box 8 Village Voice, 1975

Box 8 Wisconsin Non-discrimination Law, 1980-1982

Box 8 Women's Action Alliance, undated

Box 8 Women's Liberation, 1971-1973

Box 8 Young Socialist Alliance, undated

Series VIII. Office of Multicultural Affairs Materials, 1970s-2010s

This series contains clippings, fliers, correspondence, memos, posters and conference materials related to LGBT campus groups, activities, events and associated topics collected and maintained by the Office of Multicultural Affairs and its predecessor offices. There is some overlap in content between what is found in this series and other series in this collection.

Box 9 AIDS Clippings, 1980s

Box 9 BGLAD Awareness Days Fliers, 1990s

Box 9 Capsule History of Act Up, 1993 August

Box 9 Columbia Gay Health Advocacy Project, 1988

Box 9 Columbia Queer Alliance Event Fliers and Posters, 2010s

Box 9 Columbia Sundial, 1983-1984

Box 9 Community News, 1993-1996

Box 9 Converso Verium-BDSM, 1990s

Box 9 CGLA Donation to Hetrick-Martin Institute, 1990

Box 9 CGLA Event Fliers, 1990s

Box 9 Donation Information to GPC for the Ivy Gala, 1984

Box 9 Earl Hall Dance, 1986

Box 9 Earl Hall Dance Fliers, 1995

Box 9 Earl Hall Dance Fliers, 1996

Box 9 Earl Hall Dance Fliers, 1997

Box 9 Everyone Allied Against Homophobia Fliers, 2007-2015

Box 9 First Friday Dance Flier, 2008

Box 9 Gay Alums of Columbia Newsletter, 1984

Box 9 Gays and Lesbians of Columbia Solidarity Statement with South African Divestment, undated

Box 9 Gay resources in New York, undated

Box 9 LGBC Collected Materials on Homosexuality, 1990s

Box 9 LGBC Correspondence, 1991

Box 9 LGBC Event fliers and calendars, 1990-2000

Box 9 LGBC Log Book, 1990s

Box 9 LGBC Meeting Notes and Agendas, 1991-1992

Box 10 LGBT Clippings, 1970s-1980s

Box 10 LGBTQ event fliers and posters, 1990s-2000s

Box 10 North East Lesbian and Gay Student Union Conference, 1987

Box 10 Plan for the Celebration of the Repeal of Don't Ask Don't Tell, 2014

Box 10 Proud Colors (formerly Queers of Color), 2000s-2010s

Box 10 Queer Awareness Month, 2000s-2010s

Box 10 Student Anti-Homophobia Leadership Summit 2009 (EAAH), 2009

Box 10 Student Anti-Homophobia Leadership Summit 2010 (EAAH), 2010

Box 10 Student Anti-Homophobia Leadership Summit 2011 (EAAH), 2011

Box 10 Student Anti-Homophobia Leadership Summit 2013 (EAAH), 2013

Box 10 Supporting Documentation for Gay People at Columbia's Non-Discrimination Request, 1970s

Box 10 Wien (Johnson) Dining Hall Incident, 1988