This series consists of syllabi, lecture hand-outs, and instructions for written assignments and exams from a diverse set of lectures in the History department. Included in the series is a syllabus and detailed set of field trip instructions for Kenneth Jackson's popular History of the City of New York lecture, though Stoner ultimately dropped the course.
Box 4
A City's History: New York, 1994 Summer
History of the City of New York, 2016 Fall
(UN2535, Kenneth Jackson) (dropped)
Introduction to European History: French Revolution to the Present, 2016 Spring
The Making of the Modern American Landscape, 2007 Spring
(W3441, Elizabeth Blackmar)
Nineteenth-Century Britain, 2016 Fall
(W2323, Matthew Wyman-McCarthy)
The Romans and Their Empire: 745 BC to 565 AD, 2006 Spring