Human Rights Watch records : Record Group 5: Americas Watch, 1966-1994, bulk 1980-1994

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Series 4: Mary Jane Camejo, 1971-1994

The series is divided into two alphabetically arranged subseries of country and general files. Mary Jane Camejo was an AmW Research Associate, who focused on Latin American politics specifically in Cuba, the Dominican Republic and Haiti. The country files reflect this specialization with the largest group of material associated with these three nations. The files document the plight of Cuban artists, dissidents and political refugees, and Haitian sugar cane labors. Other represented countries include Antigua, Bahamas, Belize, Costa Rica, Grenada, Guyana, Jamaica, Paraguay, Peru, Puerto Rico, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago, and Uruguay. The general files consist primarily of human rights law and policy reports.

Country Files

Box 339 Folder 1 Antigua--General, 1993



Box 339 Folder 2 Correspondence, 1989-1992


Box 339 Folder 3 General, 1991-1993


Box 339 Folder 4 Belize--General, 1989-1993



Box 339 Folder 5-6 The Caribbean Community, 1989-1993, (2 folders)


Box 339 Folder 7 Caribbean Rights, 1989-1990


Box 339 Folder 8-9 General, 1991-1993, (2 folders)


Box 339 Folder 10 Costa Rica--General, 1993



Box 339 Folder 11-12 Academics on Cuba, 1990-1991, (2 folders)


Box 339 Folder 13 Actions, 1986-1987 1990, 1986-1987, 1990


Box 339 Folder 14 Agrarian Brigades, 1991-1992


Box 339 Folder 15-16 AIDS, 1987-1993, (2 folders)


Box 339 Folder 17 Aldana, Carlos, 1991-1992


Box 339 Folder 18 Alduncin, Roberto Rios, 1987-1989


Box 339 Folder 19 Americas Watch (AmW)--General, 1992


Box 339 Folder 20-21 Amnesty International (AI)--General, 1983-1992, (2 folders)


Box 339 Folder 22 Angola, 1987-1991


Box 339 Folder 23-24 Arcos, Gustavo Bergnes, 1986-1990, (2 folders)



Box 339 Folder 25 Elizardo, Sánchez, 1992-1993


Box 339 Folder 26 General, 1987-1990


Box 339 Folder 27 Artists' Letters, 1988-1990


Box 339 Folder 28-29 Arts, 1986-1993, (2 folders)


Box 339 Folder 30 Loose Materials--Various Countries, 1992-1993


Box 340 Folder 1 Asamblea Nacional del Poder Popular de Cuba , 1981


Asociación Defensora de los Derechos Políticos (ADEPO)

Box 340 Folder 2 General, 1991


Box 340 Folder 3 Arrests, 1991 October, 1991


Box 340 Folder 4 Asociación por la Paz Continental (ASOPAZCO)--Testimonies,, 1991

[restricted until 2067]

Box 340 Folder 5 Asociación Pro Arte Libre (APAL)--Detentions, 1988-1989


Box 340 Folder 6 Association--Pro Human Rights Party, 1988-1990



Box 340 Folder 7-10 General, 1987-1992, (4 folders)


Box 340 Folder 11 Case--Sebastian Arcos Cazabón, 1988

[restricted until 2064]

Box 340 Folder 12 AT&T, 1992


Box 340 Folder 13 Azpillaga, Daniel--Cuban Pacifist Movement for Solidarity/Peace,, 1991


Box 340 Folder 14 Bahamonde, Roberto, 1988-1990


Box 340 Folder 15 Bay of Pigs, 1987


Box 340 Folder 16-17 Bohemia, 1987-1988 1991-1992, 1987-1988, 1991-1992, (2 folders)


Box 340 Folder 18 Bosch, Orlando, 1987-1990


Box 340 Folder 19 Caribbean Affairs, 1991


Castro, Fidel

Box 340 Folder 20 General, 1986-1992


Box 340 Folder 21-22 Speeches, 1988-1990, (2 folders)


Castro, Raul

Box 340 Folder 23 General, 1991


Box 340 Folder 24 Speeches, 1992-1993


Box 340 Folder 25 Catholic Conference--United States, 1987-1990


Box 340 Folder 26 Center for Cuban Studies--Catalog, undated


Box 340 Folder 27 China, 1991



Box 340 Folder 28-30 General, 1981-1993, (3 folders)


Box 340 Folder 31 Cuban-Vatican Relations, 1990-1991


Box 341 Folder 1 Clements, Charlie--Unitarian Universalist Service Committee (UUSC),, 1987


Box 341 Folder 2-3 Comisión Cubana de Derechos Humanos y Reconciliación Nacional (CCDHRN),, 1987-1990, (2 folders)


Comité Cubano Pro Derechos Humanos (CCPDH)

Box 341 Folder 2-3 Blanco, Amador Jesús y Hernández, undated


Bofill, Ricardo

Box 341 Folder 5-6 General, 1984-1990, (2 folders)


Box 341 Folder 7 "Cuba 1988 La Situacion de los Derechos Humanos", undated, 1988, undated


Box 341 Folder 8 Miami, 1989-1990


Box 341 Folder 9-13 General, 1986-1991, (5 folders)


Box 341 Folder 14 "Manifest Opposition in Cuba", 1991 May 20, 1991


Box 341 Folder 15 Miami Group, 1986-1990


Box 341 Folder 16 "La Situacion de los Derechos Humanos: The Human Rights Situation", 1991 February, 1991


Box 341 Folder 17 Comité Martiano por los Derechos del Hombre (CMDH), 1989-1990


Box 341 Folder 18 Comité Pro Derechos Humanos de Cuba--Publications, 1987


Box 341 Folder 19 Commission on United States-Central American Relations--Briefing Book II,, 1985


Box 341 Folder 20 Committees for the Defense of the Revolution (CDR), 1988-1991


Communist Party

Box 341 Folder 21 General, 1991-1992


Box 341 Folder 22 Alarcon, Ricardo (foreign minister), 1992


Box 341 Folder 23 4th Party Congress (1991), 1991


Box 341 Folder 24 Reforms, 1990 January -February, 1990


Box 341 Folder 25 Concertación Democrática Cubana (CDC), 1991


Box 341 Folder 26 Conferences, 1987-1989


Box 341 Folder 27-28 Constitution (1976 1992), 1976 1992, 1976, 1992, (2 folders)


Box 342 Coordinadora de Organizaciones de Derechos Humanos en Cuba (CODEHU)


Cernuda, Ramón

Box 342 Folder 1 General, 1989


Box 342 Folder 2 Testimony, 1990-1992


Box 342 Folder 3 Informe de las Comision Cubana de Derechos Humanos y Reconciliacion Nacional,, 1990


Box 342 Folder 4-5 Press Releases and Memoranda, 1989-1993, (2 folders)


Box 342 Folder 6 Correspondence, 1986-1991


Box 342 Folder 7 Cozumel Summit, 1991


Box 342 Folder 8 Crackdown--Dissidents, 1991-1993


Box 342 Folder 9 Crime, 1993


Box 342 Folder 10 Cruz, Maria Elena (poet), 1990-1993


Box 342 Folder 11 Cuadra, Angel (poet), 1986-1993


Cuba, Republic of

Box 342 Folder 12 "Año del III Congreso", 1982 February, 1982


Box 342 Folder 13 Anteproyecto de Ley de los Tribunales Populares, undated


Box 342 Folder 14 Cuban American National Foundation, Inc.--Publications,, 1985-1990


Box 342 Folder 15 Gaceta Oficial de la Republica de Cuba, 1977 1979 1984 1987, 1977, 1979, 1984, 1987


Box 342 Folder 16 Legal Codes, 1979 1985 1987-1988, 1979, 1985, 1987-1988


Box 342 Folder 17-18 Penal Codes, 1983 1985 1987 1990, 1983, 1985, 1987, 1990, (2 folders)


Box 342 Folder 19 Cuba Human Rights Monitor , 1993


Box 342 Folder 20 CubaINFO, 1990 1993, 1990, 1993


Box 342 Folder 21 Cuba Newsletter, 1989 July, 1989


Box 342 Folder 22 Cuban Committee for Human Rights, 1987 1991, 1987, 1991


Cuban Communist Party

Box 342 Folder 23 Party Lines, 1989-1990


Box 342 Folder 24 "A Public Survey on the Quality of Health Care in the Province of Holguín, Cuba",, 1988


Box 343 Folder 1 Cuban Mission--Ambassador Oscar Oramas (U.S. Interests Section),, 1987-1991


Box 343 Folder 2 Cuban Museum of Arts and Culture, Inc., 1988-1991


Box 343 Folder 3 Cubanos Pro-Derechos Humanos, 1991



Box 343 Folder 4 General, 1991-1992


Box 343 Folder 5 Del Pino and others, 1987-1989

[restricted until 2065]

Box 343 Folder 6 Deportations, 1987-1989


Box 343 Folder 7 Díaz, Tania (human rights activist), 1990


Box 343 Folder 8 Directory of Human Rights Organizations, 1985


Box 343 Folder 9 Directory of Officials of the Republic of Cuba, 1985 November, 1985


Box 343 Folder 10-12 Disidente , 1989-1993, (3 folders)


Box 343 Folder 13 Doctors: Julian Arana and Julio Bientz, 1991


Box 343 Folder 14 Domestic Issues, 1990


Box 343 Folder 15 Domínguez, Jorge I., "Cuba's Relations with the Soviet Union and the United States within the Context of Cuban Foreign Policy", 1989 June, 1989


Box 343 Folder 16 Domínguez, Luis Orlando--Trial, 1987


Box 343 Folder 17 Dorfman, Ariel, 1987


Drugs and Drug Trafficking

Box 343 Folder 18 General, 1990-1993


Box 343 Folder 19 Baloyra, Enrique A., "Consensus and Cleavage in the Ochoa Affair: A Preliminary Analysis", 1989 November, 1989


Box 343 Folder 20-21 General Arnaldo Ochoa, 1989-1991, (2 folders)


Box 343 Folder 23 Eastern Europe-Cuba Relations, 1990


Box 343 Folder 24 Eco-Pacifistas--Orlando Polo, 1988-1989


Box 343 Folder 25 Economic Crime, 1992


Box 343 Folder 26 Economy, 1991-1993


Elizardo Sánchez--Hiram Abi--Hubert Jerez (E-H-H)

Box 343 Folder 27 General, 1989


Box 343 Folder 28 Arrests and Protests, 1989-1990


Box 343 Folder 29 Cuban Reactions, 1989


Box 343 Folder 30 Editorials--General Information, 1989


Box 343 Folder 31 Letters, 1989-1990


Box 343 Folder 32 Sentencing, 1989


Box 343 Folder 33 Statements, 1989-1990


Box 343 Folder 34 El Presidio Politico en Cuba Comunista: Testimonio , 1982


Box 343 Folder 35 Elections, 1989 1992-1993, 1989, 1992-1993


Box 344 Folder 1 En Route to Miami, 1989-1990


Box 344 Folder 2 Escalona, Luque, 1991


Box 344 Folder 3 Europe,1991


Box 344 Folder 4 Exiles, 1989-1991 1993, 1989-1991, 1993


Box 344 Folder 5 Familiares de los Cien, 1987 1990, 1987, 1990


Box 344 Folder 6 Families--Correspondence, 1985 1988, 1985, 1988

[restricted until 2064]

Box 344 Folder 7 Fernández, Armando González, 1991

[restricted until 2067]

Box 344 Folder 8 Feria, Aurea, Cao, 1993-1994

[restricted until 2071]

Box 344 Folder 9-10 Foreign Affairs, 1987-1991, (2 folders)


Box 344 Folder 11 Foreign Broadcast Information Service (FBIS)--Daily Reports, 1993 August -December, 1993


Box 344 Folder 12 Garcia-Amador, "La Competencia de la Comision Interamericana de Derechos Humanos y las Obligaciones Internacionales de Cuba en las Materia",, 1984


Box 344 Folder 13-26 General, 1978-1991, (14 folders)


Box 345 Folder 1-21 General, 1990-1992, (21 folders)


Box 346 Folder 1-14 General, 1991-1992, (14 folders)


Box 347 Folder 1-20 General, 1992-1993, (20 folders)


Box 348 Folder 1 González, Idania Barrios--Expediente Acumulativo del Escolar (Cumulative School Record),, 1971

[restricted until 2047]

Box 348 Folder 2-4 Gorbachev Visit--Arrests (1989 April ), 1989-1990, (3 folders)


Box 348 Folder 5-6 Granma, 1987-1990 1993, 1987-1990, 1993, (2 folders)


Box 348 Folder 7 Guadalajara--Presidents' Summit, 1991


Box 348 Folder 8 Guantánamo, 1990


Box 348 Folder 9 Handwritten Notes, undated


Box 348 Folder 10 Hijacking Case, 1987


Box 348 Folder 11 Historical Issues, 1986-1987


Human Rights

Box 348 Folder 12 Activists, 1988-1989


Box 348 Folder 13 Groups, 1987-1992


Box 348 Folder 14 U.S.-Cuban Relations, 1988


Box 348 Folder 15-19 Violations--Denuncias (Complaints), 1988 1992-1993, 1988, 1992-1993, (5 folders)

[restricted until 2069]


Box 348 Folder 20 General, 1993


Box 348 Folder 21 Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS)--Detention Centers,, 1990


Box 348 Folder 22-23 Radio Marti, 1986-1987, (2 folders)


Box 348 Folder 24 Infiltrators, 1992


Box 349 Folder 1 Infiltrators--Killing of Police, 1992 January, 1992


Box 349 Folder 2 "Informe sobre la Violacion de los Derechos Humanos en Cuba" (Report on Human Rights Violations in Cuba,) 1991 January -September, 1991


Box 349 Folder 3 Institute for Policy Studies--Adrian W. DeWind, 1987-1989


Box 349 Folder 4 Intellectuals Letter, 1989


Box 349 Folder 5 Inter-American Dialogue, 1991-1992


Box 349 Folder 6 Interior Ministry, 1989-1991


Box 349 Folder 7 International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), 1987-1993


Box 349 Folder 8 International Rescue Committee--Guillermo Estevez, 1987-1988


Box 349 Folder 9 Junta de Autodefensa de Religiosos Persequidos (JARPE): Testigos de Jehova (Jehovah's Witnesses),, 1987

[restricted until 2063]

Box 349 Folder 10 Labor, 1988-1992


Box 349 Folder 11 Lage, Carlos (Cuban Politburo Member), 1991


Box 349 Folder 12 Lancheros (boaters), 1989-1991


Box 349 Folder 13 Latin American Relations, 1989-1991


Box 349 Folder 14 Lawyers, 1992


Box 349 Folder 15 Libertad y Fe (Freedom and Faith), 1989


Box 349 Folder 16 Mail to Cuba, 1989


Box 349 Folder 17 Mailing List, 1988-1990


Box 349 Folder 18 Mandela, Nelson--Relations with Cuba, 1989-1991


Mariel Boatlift--Aftermath

Box 349 Folder 19-21 Agreement (Oakdale, LA-Atlanta, GA)--Prisoners, 1987-1990, (3 folders)


Box 349 Folder 22 Commission Pro-Justice Mariel Prisoners, 1987


Box 349 Folder 23 Detainees, 1991


Box 349 Folder 24 Work, 1991


Marielitos (Mariel Boatlift refugees)

Box 349 Folder 25 General, 1986-1991


Box 349 Folder 26 Damas Unidas de los Marielitos, 1990


Box 349 Folder 27 "The Freedom Flotilla Six Years Later: From Mariel to Minnesota": A Report of the Minnesota Lawyers International Human Rights Committee, 1986 November, 1986


Box 349 Folder 28 Martinez-Lara, Dr. Samuel, 1987-1990


Box 349 Folder 29 Medical Council, 1991


Box 349 Folder 30 Memos, 1986-1988



Box 349 Folder 31 General, 1987-1993


Box 349 Folder 32 Project, 1990-1992


Box 349 Folder 33 Report, 1992-1993


Box 350 Folder 1 Missile Crisis, 1991


Box 350 Folder 2-4 Movement, Freedom of, 1990-1991, (3 folders)


Box 350 Folder 5 Movimiento Armonia (MAR), 1991-1992


Box 350 Folder 6-7 Movimiento Integracionista Democrático (MID), 1989-1991


Box 350 Folder 8 Movimiento Liberacion, 1992


Box 350 Folder 9 Moya, David--Human Rights Party, 1991


Box 350 Folder 10 Mustelier, Alfredo, 1989-1990


Box 350 Folder 11 National Assembly of People's Power (ANPP), 1989-1992


Box 350 Folder 12 New York Review of Books, 1986-1989


NYC Bar Association

Box 350 Folder 13 Report: Human Rights in Cuba,1988


Box 350 Folder 14-16 Trips, 1987-1988, (3 folders)

[restricted until 2063]

Box 350 Folder 17 "Nobody Listened" (PBS, TV), 1990


Box 350 Folder 18 Nuclear Plant, 1991


Box 350 Folder 18 OAS (Organization of American States)


Box 350 Folder 19 Of Human Rights , 1983-1987


Box 350 Folder 20 Official Statements re, Human Rights, 1990-1991


Box 350 Folder 21 Opposition Groups, 1992


Organization of American States (OAS)

Box 350 Folder 22 General, 1990


Box 350 Folder 23 Annual Report of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights , 1989


Box 350 Folder 24 The Situation of Human Rights in Cub (7th Report), 1982 October, 1982


Box 350 Folder 25 Other Groups--Cuba Reports, 1987-1988


Box 350 Folder 26 Pamphlets--Miscellaneous, 1989 1991 undated, 1989, 1991 undated


Box 350 Folder 27 Pan American Games, 1991


Box 350 Folder 28 Panama, 1989-1990


Box 350 Folder 29 Partido Socialdemócrata Cubano (PASCU)--Arrest--Roberto Luque Escalona,, 1990-1991


Box 350 Folder 30 PEN, 1987-1991


Penal Code

Box 350 Folder 31 Codes, 1987-1988


Box 350 Folder 32 Los Delitos en Espeche (Tomo 2) , 1983


Box 350 Folder 33 Penal System, 1987-1988



Box 350 Folder 34 General, 1990


Box 350 Folder 35 Human Rights Montors, 1990 March, 1990


Box 350 Folder 36 Lancheros (boaters), 1989


Box 350 Folder 37 Peruvian Embassy, 1986-1990


Plantados ("immovable ones"/political prisoners)

Box 351 Folder 1-3 General, 1986-1991, (2 folders)


Box 351 Folder 4 Mustelier, Alfredo, 1989


Box 351 Folder 5 Situation Report, undated

[restricted until 2081]

Box 351 Folder 6 Plebiscite--Dialogue, 1989-1991


Box 351 Folder 7 Police Killings, 1992


Box 351 Folder 8-9 Press, 1984-1992, (2 folders)


Box 351 Folder 10 Press Releases, 1989-1990


Prisoners/Political Prisoners

Box 351 Folder 11-12 Correspondence, 1983-1987, (2 folders)


Box 351 Folder 13 Correspondence, 1982 1988, 1982, 1988

[restricted until 2064]

Box 351 Folder 14 Documents from Prisoners and Human Rights Groups--Inter Press Service News Service (IPS) Trip,, 1988 March

[restricted until 2064]

Box 351 Folder 15-16 General, 1971-1991, (2 folders)


Box 351 Folder 17 Edmigio Lopez Castillo, 1987

[restricted until 2063]

Box 351 Folder 18 Escalona, Vera, 1987

[restricted until 2063]

Box 351 Folder 19 Ex-prisoners, 1989-1990

[restricted until 2066]

Box 351 Folder 20 Herbello, Pilar Lázaro Bueno, 1988-1991

[restricted until 2067]

Hidalgo, Ariel

Box 351 Folder 21 Correspondence, 1987


Box 351 Folder 22 Denuncias (Complaints), 1989-1990


Box 351 Folder 23 Press, 1985-1987


Box 351 Folder 24 Publications, 1985-1988


Box 351 Folder 25 "La Resistencia Civil en Cuba (1983-1991)",


Box 351 Folder 26 Release, 1988


Box 351 Folder 27-29 Hidalgo, Ariel and Teté Machado Hidalgo--General, 1991-1994, (3 folders)


Box 352 Folder 1 Information, 1986-1987


Box 352 Folder 2 Menoyo, Elroy Gutiérrez, 1987


Box 352 Folder 3 Perez, Roberto Martin, 1987


Box 352 Folder 4-9 Prisoner Lists, 1986-1988 undated, 1986-1988, undated, (6 folders)


Box 352 Folder 10-12 Prisoner Releases, 1986-1987 1992, 1986-1987, 1992, (3 folders)


Box 352 Folder 13 Rivas Porta and Luis Rodriguez--Student Letters, 1986


Box 352 Folder 14 Specific Prisoner Data, 1985-1986

[restricted until 2062]

Valls, Jorge (Cuban activist and poet)

Box 352 Folder 15-16 General, 1985-1988, (2 folders)



Box 352 Folder 17 Autograph Manuscript (AMs), undated


Box 352 Folder 18 Typewritten Manuscript (TMs), undated


Box 352 Folder 19 Women's Prisons, 1986-1987


Box 352 Folder 20 Programa Socialista Democratico, 1992


Box 352 Folder 21 Psychiatric Confinement, 1988-1992


Box 352 Folder 22-24 Publications--Miscellaneous (Spanish/English), 1985-1992, (3 folders)


Box 352 Folder 25 Pujals, Jose Mederos, 1986-1987


Box 353 Radio-TV Marti

Box 353 Folder 1 General, 1987-1990


Box 353 Folder 2 "Broadcasts to Cuba: TV Marti Surveys Are Flawed", 1990 August, 1990


Box 353 Folder 3 "Human Rights in Cuba: An Overview", 1989 August, 1989


Box 353 Folder 4 Legislative History, 1983-1989


Box 353 Folder 5 Quarterly Situation Report--Radio Marti Program, 1988


Box 353 Folder 6 "Radio Broadcasting to Cuba", 1983


Box 353 Folder 7 "Situation Report", 1989 September -1989 December, 1989


Box 353 Folder 8 Rapid Action Brigades, 1991-1992


Box 353 Folder 9 Ravelo, Rosa L., "Transformación del Derecho Penal en Cuba",, 1989


Box 353 Folder 10 Reagan Record, 1987


Box 353 Folder 11-13 Refugees/Detainees, 1986-1992, (3 folders)


Box 353 Folder 14 Revolutionary Armed Forces (FAR), 1990-1992


Box 353 Folder 15 Ripoll, Carlos (academic)--Publications, undated


Box 353 Folder 16 Rivero, Adolfo and Emilio Adolfo Rivero, "The Failed Revolution",, undated


Box 353 Folder 17 Roger Reed, 1987-1989


Box 353 Folder 18 Romeu, Jorge Luis, "Thinking of Cuba: A Collection of Short Essays on Castro's Dictatorship", 1992 May, 1992


Box 353 Folder 19 Russia, 1992


Box 353 Folder 20 Sabotage, 1991


Box 353 Folder 21 Sanchez, Elizardo, 1987-1992


Box 353 Folder 22 Saumell, Rafael, 1988


Box 353 Folder 23 Servicio Militar (military service), 1989


Box 353 Folder 24 Solares, Andres Teseiro, 1987-1988


Box 353 Folder 25 Telephone Commuunication, 1988 1990, 1988, 1990



Box 353 Folder 26 Kenneth Roth before the OAS Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, 1990 October 2, 1990


Box 353 Folder 27 Congressional, 1992


Box 353 Folder 28 Thirty Years of the Cuban Revolution: An Assessement (conference) (1989 November 1-4),, 1989


Box 353 Folder 29 Torricelli Act, 1992


Box 353 Folder 30 Tourism, 1989-1992


Box 353 Folder 31 Trade--Economics, 1990-1991


Box 353 Folder 32 Travel, 1987-1991


Box 353 Folder 33 Tribunal Superior, 1987


Box 353 Folder 34 Unidades Militares de Ayuda a la Producción (UMAP), 1990


Box 353 Folder 35 USSR--Relations, 1990-1991


Box 353 Folder 36 Union of Young Communists (UJC), 1990-1993


United Nations

Box 353 Folder 37 "Consideration of the Report of the Mission which Took Place in Cuba in Accordance with Commission Decision 1988/106", 1989 February21, 1989


Box 353 Folder 38-39 General, 1986 1989 August, 1986, 1989


Box 354 Folder 1-4 General, 1989-1993, (4 folders)


Human Rights Commission (UNHRC)

Box 354 Folder 5-7 General, 1987-1989 1991, 1987-1989, 1991, (3 folders)


Box 354 Folder 8 Armando Valladares (U.S. Representative (UNHRC)), 1986-1990


United States

Box 354 Folder 9-11 Bush Administration, 1989-1992, (3 folders)



Box 354 Folder 12 General, 1991-1993


Box 354 Folder 13 Congressional Friends of Human Rights Monitors, 1987-1989


Box 354 Folder 14-15 Documents, 1987-1988, (2 folders)


Box 354 Folder 16 Hearings, 1991


Box 354 Folder 17 Letters, testimonies and other correspondence, 1986


Department of State

Box 354 Folder 18-19 Country Reports, 1979-1992, (2 folders)


Box 354 Folder 20 "Human Rights in Castro's Cuba", 1986 December, 1986


Box 354 Folder 21-22 United States-Cuban Relations, 1990-1992, (2 folders)


Box 355 Folder 1-3 United States-Cuban Relations, 1990-1993, (3 folders)


Box 355 Folder 4 University Professor Expelled, 1992-1993


Box 355 Folder 5 Velasco, Jaime Castillo, "Los Derechos Humanos en la Constitucion Cubana", 1979 June, 1979


Box 355 Folder 6 Verde Olivo (Green Olive ), 1988 June, 1988


Box 355 Folder 7-9 Violations Miscellaneous, 1991-1993, (3 folder)


Box 355 Folder 10 Visa Denials by U.S., 1989


Box 355 Folder 11 Visiting Delegations, 1987-1988


Box 355 Folder 12 Women, 1990


Box 355 Folder 13-14 World Report (1993), 1993, (2 folders)


Dominican Republic

Americas Watch (AmW)

Box 355 Folder 15 "Forced Labor in the Dominican Sugar Industry", 1991 March11, 1991


Box 355 Folder 16 Letters, protests, 1992


Box 355 Folder 17 Meeting--Handouts, 1991 March6, 1991


Box 355 Folder 18 Press Releases re, Haitian Workers, 1990 1992, 1990, 1992


Box 355 Folder 19 American Institute for Free Labor Development, 1991


Box 355 Folder 20 Anti-Slavery International, 1991


Box 355 Folder 21 Asciación Americana deJuristas, 1990


Box 355 Folder 22 Balaguer, Joaquín La Isla ak Revés: Haití el Destino Dominicano, 1989


Box 355 Folder 23-24 Bateys (company town where sugar workers live)--News Clips--General,, 1989-1992, (2 folders)


Box 355 Folder 25 Canadian Groups, 1992


Box 355 Folder 26 Catholic Church, 1991


Box 355 Folder 27 Centro de Información y Comunicación (CICOM), 1992


Box 355 Folder 28-29 Centro de Promocion Integral y Salud Educacional, Inc., 1989 January -1989 April (2 folders), 1989


Box 356 Folder 1-2 Centro de Promocion Integral y Salud Educacional, Inc., 1989 May -July, 1991 December (2 folders), 1989, May -July, 1991


Box 356 Folder 3 Codigo de Trabajo (Labor Code), 1992


Box 356 Folder 4 Comite Amigos de Juan Bosh, 1990


Box 356 Folder 5 Comite de Amigos y Familiares de Confinados, Inc., 1987


Box 356 Folder 6 Comite para la Defensa de los Derechos Barriales, 1986-1990


Box 356 Folder 7 Correspondence--Chron File, 1990-1991


Box 356 Folder 8 Decree, 1990 October, 1990


Box 356 Folder 9 Dominican Government, 1991-1992


Box 356 Folder 10 Domino Haitiano en la Republica Dominicana, 1991


Box 356 Folder 11 Economic Solidarity Pact, 1990


Box 356 Folder 12 Economy, 1991


Box 356 Folder 13 Evertsz, Franc Báez Braceros Haitianos: en la República Dominicana, 1986


Box 356 Folder 14-17 General, 1988-1990, (4 folders)


Box 357 Folder 1-13 General, 1989-1994, (13 folders)


Box 358 Folder 1-4 General, 1992-1994, (4 folders)


Box 358 Folder 5 Haiti y la Republicana Dominicana (relaciones eco-politicas),, 1991-1992


Haitian Refugees

Box 358 Folder 6 Alto Comicionado de las Naciones Unidadas para los Refugiados (ACNUR),, 1992


Box 358 Folder 7 General, 1991-1993


Box 358 Folder 8 Murphy, Martin F., "Chapter 7: Anti-Haitian Prejudice",, 1990


Box 358 Folder 9 Pastoral Haitiana , 1991


Box 358 Folder 10 Repatriations, 1991


Box 358 Folder 11 Reports by other groups, 1991


Box 358 Folder 12 Hegeman, Neal, 1992


Box 358 Folder 13 Immigration, 1991-1992 undated, 1991-1992, undated


International Labor Organization (ILO)

Box 358 Folder 14 General, 1991


Box 358 Folder 15 Materials, 1984-1989


Box 358 Folder 16 Report, 1983


Box 358 Folder 17 Labor Unions, undated


Box 358 Folder 18 Legal Reform, undated


Box 358 Folder 19 Madruga, José Manuel, Azucar y Haitianos en la Republica Dominicana,, 1986


Box 358 Folder 20 Medrano, Felipe de Jesús Garcia (academic), 1992


Box 358 Folder 21 Mission, 1992

[restricted until 2068]

Box 358 Folder 22 Movimiento Socio-Cultural de los Trabajadores Haitianos (MOSCTHA),, 1991-1993


Box 358 Folder 23 Partido Revolucionario Dominicano, 1990


Box 358 Folder 24 Peña Gómez, 1991


Box 358 Folder 25 Pena Gomez, Jose Francisco, 1993 March-July, 1993


Box 358 Folder 26 Plant, Roger, 1983


Box 358 Folder 27 Pons, Frank Moya El Batey, 1986


Box 359 Folder 1 Profile, 1989


Box 359 Folder 2 Radio Enriquillo, 1991-1992


Box 359 Folder 3 Recortes Periodicos--Refugiados Dajabon, 1991 November December, 1991


Box 359 Folder 4 Sánchez, Esteban, 1991


Box 359 Folder 5 Sindicato de Trabajadores, de la Corporación Dominicana de Electricidad,, 1989-1990


Box 359 Folder 6 Testimony, 1991


Box 359 Folder 7 Torturas y abusos a Presos (torture and abuse of prisoners),, 1992-1993


Box 359 Folder 8 Trips, 1989

[restricted until 2065]

Box 359 Folder 9 United Nations (UN), 1988-1990 1992, 1988-1990, 1992


United States

Box 359 Folder 10 Agriculture Department--Sugar Import Policies, 1981-1988


Box 359 Folder 11 Bush Administration, 1989


Box 359 Folder 12 Congress, 1991


State Department

Box 359 Folder 13 Country Reports, 1990


Box 359 Folder 14 Embassy, 1990-1993


Box 359 Folder 15-16 U.S. Trade Representative--Generalized System of Preferences (GSP),, 1989-1993, (2 folders)


Box 359 Folder 17 Grenada--General, 1990-1992



Box 359 Folder 18 General, 1990 1992-1993, 1990, 1992-1993


Box 359 Folder 19 Human Rights Association, 1991



Americas Watch (AmW)

Box 359 Folder 20 "Fugitives from Injustice: The Crisis of Internal Displacement in Haiti", 1994 August, 1994


Box 359 Folder 21 National Coalition of Haitian Refugees (NCHR)--News Releases, 1989-1990 1992-1994, 1989-1990, 1992-1994


Box 359 Folder 22 Trips, 1989

[restricted until 2065]

Box 359 Folder 23 Affaire Saint-Pierre, undated


Box 359 Folder 24 Amnesty International (AI), 1991-1993


Box 359 Folder 25 Anne--Trip, 1993

[restricted until 2069]

Box 359 Folder 26 Arrests, 1989


Box 359 Folder 27 Aristide, 1991-1992


Box 359 Folder 28-32 Associated Press, 1991-1992, (5 folders)


Box 360 Folder 1-7 Associated Press, 1991-1992, (7 folders)


Box 360 Folder 8 Caribbean Human Rights Network: "Haiti: Beleaguered Nation of the Caribbean Who Deny Its People Assistance?", 1993 July, 1993


Box 360 Folder 9-13 Catholic Legal Immigration Network, Inc., 1992-1993, (5 folders)


Box 360 Folder 14 Center for Strategic & International Studies (CSIS)--Reports,, 1990


Box 360 Folder 15 Centre de Promotion des Femmes Ouvrieres (Centre for the Promotion of Women Workers)--Report, 1988 September, 1988


Box 360 Folder 16-17 Centre Haitien des Droits et Libertes (CHADEL), 1989-1993, (2 folders)


Box 360 Folder 18 Centre Lafontant Joseph de Promotion des Droits Hmains,, 1990-1991


Box 360 Folder 19 Club Haītien de Militants pour la Défense et la Promotion des Droits Humains (CHAMID),, 1990


Box 360 Folder 20 Committee to Protect Journalists--Reports, 1992-1993


Box 360 Folder 21 Compa, Lance, "Labor Rights in Haiti"


Box 360 Folder 22 Conseil Electoral Provisoire (CEP) (Permanent Electoral Council),, 1990


Box 361 Folder 1 Constitution, 1987


Box 361 Folder 2 Disappearance--Benson Pierre, 1988 November, 1988


Box 361 Folder 3 Elections, 1987 1990, 1987, 1990


Box 361 Folder 4 "From Repression to Detention: The Plight of the Haitian Refugees",, May 1993


Box 361 Folder 5-19 General, 1989-1992, (15 folders)


Box 362 Folder 1-17 General, 1991-1992, (17 folders)


Box 363 Folder 1-19 General, 1991-1992, (19 folders)


Box 364 Folder 1-8 General, 1993-1994, (8 folders)


Box 364 Folder 9 Grand Bahama--Fox Hill Prison, 1986-1991


Box 364 Folder 10 Haiti: Aperçu de la Situation des Droits de L'Homme au Cours du Mois du Novembre (Overview of the Situation of Human Rights),, 1992


Box 364 Folder 11 Haiti: Horrors, 1993


Box 364 Folder 12 Haiti Info , 1992


Box 364 Folder 13 Haiti Insight , 1989-1992


Box 364 Folder 14 Haiti National Network, 1992 August, 1992


Box 364 Folder 15 Haiti Perspectives , 1992-1993


Box 364 Folder 16-22 Haiti: Résistance & Démocratie: Bulletin Quotidien d'Informations Internationales , 1991-1993, (7 folders)


Box 365 Folder 1 Haiti Since Government Accord, 1993 July -October, 1993


Box 365 Folder 2 Haiti Solidarité Internationale , 1990


Box 365 Folder 3 Haiti: "Violations des Droits Humains Depuis le Coup D'État du 29 Septembre 1991" (Port-au-Prince), 1992 October 1992, 1992, October 1992


Box 365 Folder 4 Haitian Centers Council, Inc. v. McNary, 1992


Box 365 Folder 5-6 Haitian Refugee Center, Inc., 1991-1992, (2 folders)


Box 365 Folder 7 Haitians in U.S., 1991-1992


Box 365 Folder 8 Human Rights Groups, undated


Box 365 Folder 9 Insecurité (insecurity), 1988 November, 1988


Box 365 Folder 10 Institute for European-Latin American Relations--Report: Haiti: An Impossible Democracy?", 1992 May, 1992


Box 365 Folder 11 Journalists--Press, 1989-1990


Box 365 Folder 12 Komite Nasyonal Kongrē Mouvman Demokratik Yo (KONAKOM) (Haitian Creole),, 1989


Box 365 Folder 13 Lafontant, Roger, 1990 February, 1990


Box 365 Folder 14 Lawyers Committee for International Human Rights, 1980-1982


Box 365 Folder 15 "La Toussaint 3" ("All 3"), 1988-1989


Box 365 Folder 16 Le Moniteur, 1990 July 10, 1990


Box 365 Folder 17-18 League of Former Political Prisoners (LAPPH), 1989-1991, (2 folders)


Box 365 Folder 19 Liaison: Une Publication de L'Association Haitienne des Agences Benevoles , 1991


Box 365 Folder 20 Lutte Ouvriere: Revue Indépendante de la Classe Ouvriètre d'Haïti (Workers Fight: Independent Review of the Haitian Fighting Workers Class),, 1989


Box 365 Folder 21 Mario, Paul Jean--Press, 1992


Box 365 Folder 22 "Marxistes, Que Nous Apportez-Vous?" ("Marxists: What We Bring You?"), 1986 July 6, 1986


Box 365 Folder 23 Materials in Haitian Creole, 1991


Box 365 Folder 24 Minnesota Lawyers International Human Rights Committee--Report: "Children's Rights in Haiti", 1989 February, 1989


Box 365 Folder 25 National Labor Committee--Report: "Haiti After the Coup: Sweatshop or Real Development?", 1993 April, 1993


Box 365 Folder 26-27 Organization of American States (OAS)--"Reports on the Situation of Human Rights in Haiti" (Spanish/French), 1988 1990 1993, 1988, 1990, 1993, (2 folders)


Box 365 Folder 28 Parliament, 1991


Box 365 Folder 29 Persecution Report, 1990


Box 365 Folder 30 Publications--Miscellaneous, 1981-1982 1988 1991-1992, 1981-1982, 1988, 1991-1992


Box 366 Folder 1-2 Report, 1990 1993, 1990, 1993, (2 folders)


Box 366 Folder 3 Repression of Organizations and Political Parties, 1988-1989


Box 366 Folder 4 Séminaire Droits de L'Homme, 1992 December 8-9, 1992


Box 366 Folder 5 State of Siege, 1990 January, 1990



Box 366 Folder 6 General, 1991


Box 366 Folder 7 Roth, Kenneth--Testimony, 1989 1992-1993, 1989, 1992-1993


Box 366 Folder 8 Theodore, Rene (Leader, Haitian Communist Party), 1992


Box 366 Folder 9 Thiottes--Arrests in, 1989


Box 366 Folder 10 Third World Reports, Inc.--Report: "Escalating Repression in Haiti and the Failures of U.S. Policy",, 1992


Box 366 Folder 11 United Nations (UN)--General, 1989-1990 1993, 1989-1990, 1993


United States

Box 366 Folder 12 Bush Administration, 1989


Box 366 Folder 13 Congress, 1989


Box 366 Folder 14 Justice Department, "Profiles Series: Haiti", 1993 August, 1993


Box 366 Folder 15 State Department--Briefings, 1992


Box 366 Folder 16 United Nations--General--Human Rights, 1993


Box 366 Folder 17 Jamaica--General, 1990-1993


Box 366 Folder 18 Latin America--Daily Reports, 1993 April -June, 1993



Box 366 Folder 19 Amnesty International (AI), 1989-1990


Box 366 Folder 20 BASE: "La Caida de Stroessner" ("The Fall of Stroessner"),, 1989


Box 366 Folder 21 Church, 1988


Box 366 Folder 22 Correspondence, 1988-1989


Box 366 Folder 23 Coup, 1989 February2, 1989


Box 366 Folder 24 Economy; debt; U.S. aid, 1988


Box 366 Folder 25 Elections, 1989


Box 366 Folder 26-29 General, 1988-1989, (4 folders)


Box 366 Folder 30 Human Rights--Arrests, 1988


Box 366 Folder 31 Land Conflicts, 1989


Box 366 Folder 32 Organization of American States (OAS), 1988


Box 366 Folder 33 Mario Schaerer--Case, 1989

[restricted until 2065]

Box 366 Folder 34 Popular Colorado Movement, 1989


Box 366 Folder 35 Press, 1989


Box 366 Folder 36 Promocion y Defensa de los Derechos Humanos (Pro Demos),, 1989


Box 366 Folder 37 Trials of Stroessner Officials, 1989


Box 366 Folder 38 United Nations (UN), 1988-1989


Box 366 Folder 39 United States--Bush Administration, 1989


Box 367 Peru

Box 367 Folder 1 Caretas, 1984 October 29, 1984


Box 367 Folder 2 Carlos Escobar, 1988-1990

[restricted until 2066]

Puerto Rico

Box 367 Folder 3 Comité en Defensa Derechos Ciudadanos, Inc. (CDDC). 1986 March, 1986


Box 367 Folder 4 General, 1989-1993


Box 367 Folder 5 Hogar Crea, Inc., undated


Box 367 Folder 6 Instituto Puertorriqueño de Derechos Civiles (IPDC), undated


St. Vincent and the Grenadines

Box 367 Folder 7 General, 1991-1993


Box 367 Folder 8 Caribbean Institute for the Promotion of Human Rights (CARICARE),, 1988-1989


Box 367 Folder 9-12 Suriname--General, 1983-1993, (4 folders)


Box 367 Folder 13 Trinidad and Tobago--General, 1989-1993



Box 367 Folder 14 General, 1989


Box 367 Folder 15 Servicio Paz y Justicia, 1990-1991


General Files

Box 367 Folder 16 Fairness & Accuracy in Reporting (FAIR)--Report: Human Rights and the Media,, 1989


Box 367 Folder 17 Greenpeace--Weapons Identification Relating to Human Rights Field Work, 1992 April 5, 1992


Human Rights Watch (HRW)

Box 367 Folder 18 Policies, 1992-1993

[restricted until 2065]

Box 367 Folder 19 Publication Process at a Glance, 1991


Box 367 Folder 20 International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)--Notes, 1993 March10, 1993


Box 367 Folder 21 Police killings/brutality issues, 1991-1992


Box 367 Folder 22 Security Precautions to be Followed on Human Rights Watch Missions Draft Memo, 1992 January 8, 1992

[restricted until 2068]

Box 367 Folder 23 U.S. Human Rights Law--Proposed Changes, 1993 March19, 1993


Box 367 Folder 24 U.S. Supreme Court Memo, 1992 July 15, 1992


Box 367 Folder 25 World Conference on Human Rights--HRW Statement of Concerns,, 1993
