Americas Watch (AmW)
Box 335 Folder 2
General, 1988
Box 335 Folder 3-24
Guatemala: News in Brief
, 1986-1988, (22 folders)
Box 335 Folder 26
Atlanta Police Aid, 1987
Box 335 Folder 27
Barrios, Beatriz, 1985
Box 335 Folder 29
De la Roca Eloas. Luis Fernando, 1986-1987
Box 335 Folder 31
Decreto de Amnistiá para Campesios (Peasants fleeing subversion),, 1983
Box 335 Folder 33
License Plates, 1987
Box 335 Folder 34
Manz, Beatriz, "Repatriation and Reintegration: An Ardous [sic ] Process in Guatemala", 1987 October, 1987
Box 335 Folder 35
Military/Solpes, 1983
Box 335 Folder 36-38
Nebaj--Field Notes, 1966-1967 1980 1982, 1966-1967, 1980, 1982, (3 folders)
Box 335 Folder 39
New Republic--Article: "Bureaucracy of Death", 1986 June 30, 1986
Box 335 Folder 41
Patrullas de Autodefensa Civil (PAC) [Civil Patrols]--Petitions for Abolition,, 1988
Box 335 Folder 42
Press, 1986
Box 335 Folder 43
Quetzaltenango Killings, 1987
United Nations (UN)
Box 336 Folder 5
Agencia Latinoamericana de Informacion (ALAI), 1983
Box 336 Folder 6
Aguayo, Sergio (Mexican human rights activist)
Box 336 Folder 7
Aguilar Zinser, Adolfo (Mexican diplomat), 1984
Box 336 Folder 8
American Anthropological Association--Guatemala, 1983
Box 336 Folder 9
American Friends Service Committee, 1983-1984
Americas Watch (AmW)
Box 336 Folder 10
Executive Committee, 1984
Box 336 Folder 11
Americas Watch (AmW) Internship, 1983-1984
Box 336 Folder 12
Refugee Proposal, 1984
Box 336 Folder 13
Asylum, 1982
Box 336 Folder 14
Background Papers: "Mexican Refugee Policy: The Case of the Guatemalan Refugees, 1980-1984", 1984 May, 1984
Box 336 Folder 15
Berryman, Angela, "Central American Refugees: A Survey of the Current Situation", 1982 January, 1982
Box 336 Folder 16
Bibliography, undated
Box 336 Folder 17
Brill, Julie, "Will Mexico's 'Welcome' Last?", Nation, 1984 May 19, 1984
Box 336 Folder 18
Caminante informaciones
, 1984
Box 336 Folder 19
Campeche--Refugees, 1984
Box 336 Folder 20
Chajul, undated
Box 336 Folder 21
Chupadero, Delicias, y Glorio, 1982
Box 336 Folder 22
Comar, 1984
Box 336 Folder 23
Puerto Rico, 1984
Box 336 Folder 24
Central America Report
, 1984
Box 336 Folder 25
Central America Resource Center, undated
Box 336 Folder 26
Central American Health Rights Network/East Coast, 1984
Box 336 Folder 27
Central American Refugee Defense Fund (CARDF), 1984
Box 336 Folder 28
Centro de Estudios Economicos y Sociales del Tercer Mundo, AC,, 1982
Box 336 Folder 29
Chronology of Main Developments Concerning the Guatemalan Refugees, 1980 July -1984 August, 1980
Box 336 Folder 30
Chiapas, 1984
Box 336 Folder 31
Campeche, 1984
San Cristóbal
Box 336 Folder 32
General, 1984
Box 336 Folder 33
Comité Cristiano de Solidardidad, 1982-1984
Box 336 Folder 34
Guatemalan Church in Exile, 1982
Box 336 Folder 35
Church World Service Immigration and Refugee Program, 1984
Box 336 Folder 36
Clay, Jason W., "Guatemalan Refugees", undated
Box 336 Folder 37
Comar--Refugees, 1984
Box 336 Folder 38
Comité de Ayuda a Refugiados Guatemaltecos (CARGUA),
Box 336 Folder 39
Comité de Travail sur les Réfugiés en Amérique Centrale (COTRAC),, 1984
Box 336 Folder 40
Comments on the Chilean Government's Report to the United Nations Human Rights Committee, 1984 July, 1984
Box 336 Folder 41
Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ), 1984
Box 336 Folder 42
Conde, Daniel--Reports, 1983
Box 336 Folder 43
Contacts--U.S. and Abroad, 1983-1984
Box 336 Folder 44
Corbett, Jim, 1982-1983
Box 336 Folder 45
Americas Watch (AmW), 1984
Box 336 Folder 46-47
Letters--Refugee, 1984, (2 folders)
Box 336 Folder 48
Other, 1984
Box 336 Folder 49
Petignani, Tamara, 1984
Box 336 Folder 50
To Answer, 1984
Box 336 Folder 51
Eliecer Valencia (EV)--Exile, 1984
Box 336 Folder 52
Ford Foundation, 1984
Box 336 Folder 53
Guatemala Committee for Human Rights, undated
Box 336 Folder 54
General, 1982 1984, 1982, 1984
Box 336 Folder 55
Government, 1983-1984
Box 336 Folder 56
Grupo de Apoyo a Refugiados Guatemaltecos, 1983
Box 336 Folder 57
Guatemala Human Rights Commission/USA, 1984
Box 336 Folder 58
Guatemala Newspapers, 1984
Box 336 Folder 59
Guatemala Refugee and Mission Contacts, 1984
Box 336 Folder 60
Guatemala Refugee Working Group, 1984
Box 336 Folder 61
Guatemala Refugees in the U.S.
Box 336 Folder 62
Guatemala Relief Project, 1984
Box 336 Folder 63
Health, 1983-1984
Box 336 Folder 64
Hogness, Christopher, "A Health Study of Guatemala: Refugees in Chiapas, Mexico",, 1984
Box 336 Folder 65
Indian Law Resource Center, 1983
Box 336 Folder 66
Informacion Sistematica, 1984
Box 336 Folder 67
Informe Latinoamericano
, 1984
Box 336 Folder 68
International Catholic Migration Commission (ICMC), 1984-1985
Box 336 Folder 69
International Coucil of Voluntary Agencies, 1984
Box 336 Folder 70
Kelly, Deirdre, "Guatemala's Refugees: Victims of Government Policies, Shapers of Government Policies", 1983 January, 1983
Box 337 Folder 1
Lasswell, William L., 1984
Box 337 Folder 2
Latinamerica Press
, 1984
Box 337 Folder 3
Manz, Beatriz (anthropologist), 1984
Box 337 Folder 4
Maps, 1982 undated
Box 337 Folder 5
Memos--Eliecer Valencia (EV), 1984
Box 337 Folder 6
Embassy, 1984
Box 337 Folder 7
Government, 1984
Box 337 Folder 8-12
Newspapers, 1983-1984, (5 folders)
Box 337 Folder 13
Mission Notes, 1984
Box 337 Folder 14
Motozintla, Chiapas, 1983 October, 1983
Box 337 Folder 15
National Council of Churches (NCC)--Human Rights Office, 1984
Box 337 Folder 16
Nelson, Anne, 1984
Box 337 Folder 17
Op-Ed--Draft, undated
Box 337 Folder 18
OXFAM--Interview--Christopher Jackson, 1984
Box 337 Folder 19
PEACE for Guatemala, 1983-1984
Box 337 Folder 20
Perera, Victor (author), 1983-1984
Box 337 Folder 21
, 1983
Box 337 Folder 22
"Refugee Asylum: Policy and Legislative Developments", 1981
Box 337 Folder 23
Refugees--General, 1984
Box 337 Folder 24
Relocation, 1984
Box 337 Folder 25
Repatriation, 1984
Box 337 Folder 26
Report--Guatemala Refugees--Clips, 1984
Box 337 Folder 27
Roca, Daniel, undated
Box 337 Folder 28
Sanctuary, 1984
Box 337 Folder 29
, 1983-1984
Box 337 Folder 30
Servicio Desarrollo y Paz (SEDEPAC), 1984
Box 337 Folder 31
Shiras, Peter (Catholic Relief Services), 1983
Box 337 Folder 32
Social Justice Committee, 1983
Box 337 Folder 33
Testimonies--Nuns, 1984
Box 337 Folder 34
Translation--E. Valencia, 1984
Box 337 Folder 35
Tribal Sovereignty Program--Guatemala Project, 1984
United Nations (UN)
Box 337 Folder 36
High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), 1983-1984
Box 337 Folder 37
Population Conference, 1984
United States
Box 337 Folder 38
Aid, 1984
Box 337 Folder 39
Congress--Committee on Foreign Affairs, 1983
Box 337 Folder 40
Box 337 Folder 41
State Department, 1982, 1984
Box 337 Folder 42
"U.S. Policy on Human Rights in Latin America (Southern Cone)", 1978
Box 337 Folder 43
Update on Guatemala
, 1984
Box 337 Folder 44
Weiss Fagen, Patricia, 1983
Box 337 Folder 45
Women for Guatemala
, 1984
Box 337 Folder 46
Working Notes--Eliecer Valencia, 1984
Box 337 Folder 47
Unidentified folder, 1984
Box 337 Folder 48
Letters, 1982-1984
Box 337 Folder 49
Newspaper Clips, 1984
Box 337 Folder 50
El Pais
, 1983-1984
General Files
Box 338 Folder 1
ACAFADE--Our Search Newsletter, 1989-1990
Box 338 Folder 2
Amnesty Laws and Human Rights Conventions, 1989
Box 338 Folder 3
Central American Legal Defense Program (CALDEP)--Training Materials,, 1989
Box 338 Folder 3
Howard, Frank E.
Box 338 Folder 4
Correspondence, 1989-1990
Box 338 Folder 5
Faxes--Messages sent, 1989-1990
Box 338 Folder 6
Outline of Legal and Central American Experience, 1990
Box 338 Folder 7
Human Rights--American Convention, 1990
Box 338 Folder 8
Americas Watch--Memos, 1989 September -October, 1989
Box 338 Folder 9
Asociación de Estudiantes Universitarios (AEU), 1989
Box 338 Folder 10
Central American Resource Center (CARECEN)--El Salvador, 1989
Box 338 Folder 11
CERJ, 1990
Box 338 Folder 12
General, 1990
Box 338 Folder 13
Grupo de Apoyo Mutuo (GAM), 1989
Box 338 Folder 14
Huelga de Dolores--Killings, 1990 April, 1990
Box 338 Folder 15
Human Rights Groups--Clippings and Statements, 1989-1990
Box 338 Folder 16
Francisco-Francisco, Pascual--Asylum Application, 1989
Box 338 Folder 17
Hope Fyre's case, 1989
Box 338 Folder 18
Jose Antonio Hernandez-Rivas--Case, 1989
Box 338 Folder 19
Laura Mandel's--Case, 1990
Box 338 Folder 20
Miguel Martin-Mateo--Case, 1989
Box 338 Folder 21
Peggy O'Hare's Client, 1989-1990
Box 338 Folder 22
Anne Pillsbury's Client, 1990
Box 338 Folder 23
Sample Affidavits, 1988-1990
Box 338 Folder 24
Labor Report, 1988-1990
Box 338 Folder 25
Outline for Talk, 1990 April 20, 1990
Box 338 Folder 26
Quetzaltenango--Case, 1989
Box 338 Folder 27
Washington Office on Latin America (WOLA), 1989
Box 338 Folder 28
Department of State, 1988-1989
Box 338 Folder 29
General Accounting Office (GAO)--Report, 1989
Box 338 Folder 30
Organization of American States (OAS)--Report, 1989