Box 295 Folder 1
Airlines, 1984
Box 295 Folder 2
Campero, Guillermo; Valenzuela, Jose--Book Excerpts, undated
Box 295 Folder 3
El Magallanes
, 1984
Box 295 Folder 4
Interlink (news service), 1984
Box 295 Folder 5-6
United Nations, 1978-1979, (2 folders)
Box 295 Folder 7-8
General--News Clips, Press Accounts and Reports, 1980-1982
Box 295 Folder 9
ACLU--"Evidence of Persons Returned from the U.S. to El Salvador and Subsequently Killed, Imprisoned or Disappeared",, 1984
Box 295 Folder 10
Agrarian Reform, 1981-1982
Box 295 Folder 11
Americas Watch (AmW), 1981-1982
Amnesty International (AI)
Box 295 Folder 12
Information, 1981-1982
Box 295 Folder 13
Political Prisoners, 1981-1982
Box 295 Folder 14
Arnson, Cynthia--Manuscript, 1982
Box 295 Folder 15
Body Count/Socorro Juridico Weeklies, 1981-1982
Box 295 Folder 16
Chronology of Repression, 1980-1981
Box 295 Folder 17
Churchwomen--Killing of, 1981 September, 1981
Box 295 Folder 18
Comisión de Derechos Humanos de El Salavador (CDHES), 1980-1983
Box 295 Folder 18A
Comisión de Derechos Humanos de El Salavador (CDHES), 1980-1983
Box 295 Folder 19-20
Congress: Testimony/Aid Reports, 1982, (2 folders)
Box 295 Folder 21
Legislation, 1981-1982
Box 295 Folder 22
El Salvador Report, 1982
Box 295 Folder 23
El Salvador Update, 1982
Box 296 Folder 1-6
Human Rights, 1983, (6 folders)
Box 296 Folder 6a
Human Rights (restricted pulled from b296/f1-6), 1983
Box 296 Folder 7
International Center for Journalists (ICJ)--Journalists--Church--Miscellaneous, 1981-1982
Box 296 Folder 8
Journalists, 1982
Box 296 Folder 9
Land Reform, 1981-1982
Box 296 Folder 9A
Land Reform, 1981-1982
Box 296 Folder 10-12
Lefever, Ernst--Nomination, 1981, (3 folders)
Box 296 Folder 13
Organization of American States (OAS) and UN Reports, 1981-1982
Box 296 Folder 14
Political Solutions, 1980-1981
Box 296 Folder 15
Refugees, 1982
Box 296 Folder 15A
Refugees (pulled from b296/f15), 1982
Box 296 Folder 16-18
Research Materials--HRW Human Rights Report, 1982, (3 folders)
Box 296 Folder 19
State Department, 1982
Box 297 Folder 1
Tutela Legal--Weekly Reports, 1982
Box 297 Folder 2
Weeklies, 1981-1982
Box 297 Folder 3-12
General, 1979-1984, (10 folders)
Box 297 Folder 13
Amnesty International, 1983-1984
Box 297 Folder 14
Anti-Terrorism Law, 1981
Box 297 Folder 15
Ayacucho, 1983-1984
Box 297 Folder 16-18
Notes--HRW Report, 1984, (3 folders)
Box 297 Folder 19
"Peru: Democracy on Shaky Ground", Eco-Andes (Draft). 1983 July 8, 1983
Box 297 Folder 20
Various Materials, 1983-1984
Box 298 Folder 1
Breaking News on Peru, 1984 August, 1984
Box 298 Folder 2-6
Case Files, 1983, (5 folders)
Box 298 Folder 7
Lists, 1983-1984
Box 298 Folder 8
Coca--Alto-Huallaga--Narco-terrorism, 1984
Box 298 Folder 9
Comisión Episcopal de Acción Social, 1981-1984
Box 298 Folder 10
Comisión Nacional de Derechos Humanos (CONADEH), 1984
Box 298 Folder 11
Correspondence, 1983
Box 298 Folder 12
Defensa: Boletin del Comite de Defensa del los DD HH-CUSCO
, 1982-1983
Box 298 Folder 13
Diez Conseco, Javier--Reports, 1982-1984
Box 298 Folder 14
, 1983-1984
Box 298 Folder 15
Federacion Latinoamericana de Asociaciones de Familiares de Detenidos-Desaparecidos (FEDEFAM),, 1984
Box 298 Folder 16
Fiscalia Suprema en lo Penal, 1983
Box 298 Folder 17
Foreign Broadcast Information Service (FBIS)--Daily Reports, 1984
Box 298 Folder 18
International Human Rights Law Group--Erica Gordon,, 1983
Box 298 Folder 19
Inter Press Service (IPS)--Dispatches, 1984
Box 298 Folder 20
Lawyers Committee for International Human Rights, 1983
Box 298 Folder 21
Neier, Aryeh, "Excerpts from notes of meetings with officials in Peru", 1983 December 12-16, 1983
Box 298 Folder 22
Uchuraccay (Ayacucho, Peru), 1983-1984
United States
Box 298 Folder 23
Press--International, 1984
Box 298 Folder 24
Washington, DC--Security Assistance Program, 1984-1985
Box 298 Folder 25
VIVIR Defendiendo Nuestros Derechos, 1983-1984