Ferenc Nagy Papers, 1940-1979

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Series VI: Printed Material

Subseries VI.1: Clippings

Box 75 About Hungary (English)

Box 75 About Nagy (English, 3 folders)

Box 76 About Nagy (English, 3 folders)

Box 76 About Nagy (English and Hungarian, Nagy's Scrapbook)

Box 77 About Nagy (Hungarian, 4 folders)

Box 78 About Nagy (Other Languages, 2 folders)

Box 78 About Nagy-Obituaries, Posthumous Articles (English and Hungarian)

Box 78 About Nagy's Book The Struggle Behind the Iron Curtain (English and Hungarian)

Box 78 About Nagy's Foreign Travels (English)

Box 79 About Nagy Family (English and Hungarian, 3 folders)

Box 79 By Nagy (English)

Box 79 By Nagy (Hungarian, 2 folders)

About various countries

Box 79 Arab/Palestine Issues

Box 79 Austria/Czechoslavakia/Romania/Yugoslavia

Box 79 Balkan

Box 79 France

Box 79 Greece/Turkey

Box 79 India/United Kingdom

Box 79 Italy/Spain

Box 79 Marshall Plan

Box 79 S. America

Box 79 Soviet Union

Box 80 Miscellaneous Subjects (English, 2 folders)

Box 80 Miscellaneous Subjects (Hungarian, 2 folders)

Box 80 Miscellaneous Subjects (Other Languages)

Subseries VI.2: Articles and Books

Box 81 Articles about Nagy

Box 81 Articles about Nagy's Struggle Behind the Iron Curtain

Box 81 Articles by Nagy, (4 folders)

Box 81 Articles by others

Box 81 American Magyar Review

Box 81 Amerikai Magyar Nepszava--Aranyjubileumi Albuma

Box 81 Asia's First Republic

Box 81 Autres Geoliers Memes Camps (Hongrie 1944-1951)

Box 81 Bay, Zoltan--Az ember es vilaga

Box 81 Bone, Gyorgy--Magyar Johannitak

Box 81 Centennial Celebration of the Opening of Japan, 1853-1953

Box 81 Csorba-Mikita, Istyan--Gondolatok a szabad magyarorszag agrarpolitikajahoz

Box 81 Domonkos, Laszlo--A Kozbiztonsag

Box 81 Dzilleja, K.--Cilveks Trimda (Man in Exile)

Box 82 Farkas, Ferenc-Amerikai utam (My American Trip)

Box 82 Indian Parliamentary Group-Talk and Reports

Box 82 Jekely, Laszlo J.-It is Your Business!

Box 82 Karoly, Peyer-Valasz egy ragalmazonak

Box 82 Lakatos, Laszlo-Facts about the History of Hungary

Box 82 Liberation and Union

Box 82 Lowry, Charles W.--Where is the Conscience of the West?

Box 82 Magyar Kereszte'ny demokt&ia

Box 82 MaSk, Charles--Will the Future Redeem the Past?

Box 82 Mann, Hiram--America's Glorious Charter

Box 82 Miscellaneous

Box 82 Modi, Chimaniad M.--12 Days with Ranga

Box 82 Nehru, B.K.-India-Pakistan Relations

Box 82 von Patak, Emmerich--Der Letzte Krieg

Box 82 Pellegrini, A.H.--In Memoriam Arturo Toscanini

Box 82 "Physics Digest" Article on Zoltan Bay

Box 82 Pishky, Frederick S.-Present and Anticipated Alternative

Box 82 United State Military Strategies

Box 82 A Plan for Peace (Free Enterprise Progam)

Box 82 Portuondo, Emilio Nunez--The Incident at San Francisco

Box 82 Priks, Erich--Refugees' Pan in Crusade for Freedom

Box 82 Remember Hungary:, 1956-1966

Box 82 Schmidt, John-There is No Easy Road to Peace

Box 82 Sen, Bandhudas--The Bhoo-Dan-Movement

Box 82 Sknonsen, Roberto-Sugestoes para uma politica economica

Box 82 panamericana

Box 82 Szabad Magyarorszag Hangjarol

Box 82 Szilagyi, Joseph--L'Experience Hongroise

Box 82 Sz6zat, Kadas--Illustrated Hungarian History

Box 82 Toth, Gabor-Az Ujjaalakult kisgazdapart programja

Box 83 Ungams Freiheitskampf

Box 83 U.N. Special Committee on the Problem of Hungary-Report, June 12, 1957

Box 83 The Unity of European Culture (B.B.C Broadcasts, July -/010/, 1953), July -October, 1953

Box 83 U.S. Congress -- Miscellaneous

Box 83 U.S. Department of State-Bulletin

Box 83 U.S. Department of State-Land Reform

Box 83 U.S. Department of State-Moscow's European Satellites

Box 83 U.S. Department of State-Our Foreign Policy, 1952

Box 83 U.S. Department of State-Salt II

Box 83 U.S. Information Agency--Reports

Box 83 Vassar College Brochure ("It Was a Man Who Gave the Girls a Chance")

Box 83 Wagner, Francis S.--Fifty Years in the Laboratory: A Survey of the Research Activities of Physicist Zoltan Bay

Box 83 Westcott, Clare--It's Later Than we Think

Box 83 Woltman, Frederick--The Strange Case of Amerasia

Box 83 Young, Robert R.-New Railroads for All

Box 84 Dictionaries

Box 84 History--Kosary, Dominic G.-A History of Hungary

Box 84 Music-Kolday, Zoltan-Zrinyi Szonata

Subseries VI.3: Organizations' Publications

Box 85 Assembly of Captive European Nations ~ Reports

Box 86 Alliance for Liberation and Freedom in Czechoslovakia

Box 86 American-Hungarian federation-Miscellaneous Printed Materials

Box 86 Atlantic Union Committee ("20 Questions on Atlantic Union")

Box 86 Central European Federal Club

Box 86 Central European Federal Club, London (Rules)

Box 86 Center for Strategic Studies, Georgetown University (East-West Trade)

Box 86 Christian Democratic Union of Central Europe ("Christian

Box 86 Democracy in Central Europe")

Box 86 Committee for a Free Asia

Box 86 Committee for Economic Development (East-West Trade)

Box 86 European Movement (Conference on Central and Eastern Europe)

Box 86 Free Europe Committee:

Box 86 Free Europe Committee

Box 86 The Revolt in Hungary

Box 86 Free Europe Press, (2 folders)

Box 86 Radio Free Europe

Box 87 House of Councillors, Secretariat, Tokyo (The Constitution of

Box 87 Japan and the Diet Law)

Box 87 Hungarian Committee-Khrushchev Visit

Box 87 Hungarian Committee-Kiss, Sandor-Kollektivizalas

Box 87 Terrorral

Box 87 Hungarian Committee-Mikoyan Visit

Box 87 Hungarian Freedom Fighters

Box 87 Hungarian Government Publications -- (A Nemzet Termlo

Box 87 Ereje'nek Kiepitese)

Box 87 Hungarian Government Publications-(Az Uj Agrarmagyarorszag)

Box 88 Hungarian National Council-Reports and News from Hungary

Box 88 Hungarian National Council, (3 folders)

Box 88 Hungarian Parliament (13th Session, Oct 29, 1947)

Box 88 Hungarian Peasant Union

Box 88 Hungarian Reformed Federation

Box 88 Hungarian Reformed Federation of America (Bylaws)

Box 89 International Center of Free Trade Unionists in Exile (memorandum)

Box 89 International Peasant Union

Box 89 International Peasant Union (The Communist Conspiracy in India)

Box 89 International Peasant Union (U.N. Memo)

Box 89 Japan Institute of Foreign Affairs

Box 89 Jaritz, Andras (Booklist)

Box 89 Kossuth Foundation -- Hungary: A Survey

Box 89 Kossuth Kiado (Publisher)

Box 89 Librairie Du Recueil Sirey (Introduction a L'Etude Du Droit Hongrois)

Box 89 Magyar Htiseg Mosgalom -- Official Organ (Hungarian Loyalty Movement)

Box 89 Magyar Irok KonyveshaVa, London (Kiadva'nyai)

Box 89 Magyar Konyvtdr, New York

Box 89 A Magyar Nemzeti Bizottmaiiy Mint Politikai Szervezet (The Hungarian National Council as a Political Organization by Erno Acs)

Box 89 Magyar Szabadsag Part (Hungarian Freedom Party) -- Speech by

Box 89 Dezso Sulyok in Parliament, June 12,1947)

Box 89 New Gladiator Book Publishing Co.

Box 89 PetSfi Kor-M&cius e"s Oktober

Box 89 Polish Peasant Party-Mikolajczyk, Stanislaw-On the 70th

Box 89 Anniversary of the Formation of the Polish Peasant Party

Box 89 Ryoku-Fu-Kai (The Green Breeze Society, Japan)

Box 89 Smallholder Party Leaflet

Box 89 Society for the Investigation of Human Ecology-Second

Box 89 Seminar on the Hungarian Revolution of, October, 1956

Box 89 United States Congress

Box 89 United States Government

Box 89 Virginia Convention (Proceedings, 1775)

Subseries VI.4: Periodicals

Box 90 The Albanian Resistance

Box 90 The America Press ("The Marshall Plan: America's Interest in

Box 90 European Recovery")

Box 90 American Magazine

Box 90 American Perspective ("Minority Population Exchanges")

Box 90 Amerikai Magyar N^pszava (American-Hungarian People's Voice)

Box 90 Amerikai Magyar Racli6 TJjsa'g (Hungarian Radio News)

Box 90 Amerikai Magyarsig (The American Hungarian)

Box 90 Amunka's (Hungarian Organ of the Socilaist Labor Party)

Box 90 Angliai Uj Magyarsag (New Hungarians of England)

Box 90 Angliai Uj Magyarsag

Box 90 Az Ember

Box 90 Bara'tsa'g

Box 90 Bethleherrri Hiradd

Box 90 The Bloomfield Minuteman

Box 90 Bulletin (Liberal Democratic Union of Central Eastern Europe in the United States of America)

Box 90 Buzakereszt (Blade of Wheat)

Box 90 The Central European Federalist

Box 90 Christian Democratic Review

Box 90 The Christianform (Battle Bulletin)

Box 90 Chronique de Legislation Fiscale

Box 90 Courrier de L'Occident

Box 91 Danube Press

Box 91 Delamerikai Magyarsag

Box 91 Delamerikai Magyar HMap

Box 91 East Europe

Box 91 East Europe and Soviet Russia

Box 91 E.L.T.A. (Lithuania)

Box 91 Emigrans Szabad Szaj (by Sandor Igady-Kiss)

Box 91 Erdelyi Szemle (Transylvanian Review)

Box 91 Ertesfto (Magyar Nok Vilagszovetsege)

Box 91 Evangeliumi Vilgsolgalat

Box 91 The Exile Labor Committee ("Fourteen Demands of Free Labor")

Box 91 Faklya ("The Torch") The Independent Hungarian Socialist Movement

Box 91 Freedom and Union

Box 91 HadakUtjan

Box 91 Hirunk a Vilagban

Box 91 Histadrut

Box 91 Hungdria

Box 91 Hungarian Bulletin, (2 folders)

Box 91 The Hungarian Observer

Box 91 The Hungarian Quarterly

Box 91 Hungarica Americana

Box 91 Intelligence Digest

Box 91 The Intermarium Bulletin

Box 91 International Free Trade Union News

Box 91 International Peasant Union Monthly Bulletin

Box 91 Japan News

Box 91 Ke'pes Figyelo

Box 91 J Kepes Magyar Magazin

Box 91 Kettos Jarom Alatt

Box 91 Kispajt&s (Little Pal) (Illustrated for Hungarian Children Without a Country)

Box 91 Kronika

Box 91 Ldtohatar

Box 91 Magyar Banyaszlap (Hungarian Miners' Journal)

Box 91 Magyar Gazda (Hungarian Smallholder)

Box 91 Magyar Harcosok Bajtarsi Kozossege

Box 91 Magyar Hirado

Box 91 Magyar Hirnok

Box 91 Magyar Hirszolgalati Iroda (Hungarian News Agency)

Box 91 Magyar Kommunista

Box 91 Magyar Szellem

Box 91 Magyar Szo

Box 91 Magyar Vdndor (Hungarian Wanderer)

Box 91 Magyarorszigi hirek

Box 92 Manchester Guardian Weekly

Box 92 Marcius es Oktober (Petofi Kor)

Box 92 The M.I.T. Observer

Box 92 Nachrichten der Deutschen aus Ungarn "Im Schatten des Kreuzes..."

Box 92 Narodne Noviny

Box 92 Nepszava ("Vers Libre" Poem by Lajos Zilahy for 60th Birthday of Gyulalllyes)

Box 92 The New Leader ("The POW Pact")

Box 92 News From the German Embassy

Box 92 The Paravane

Box 92 Parliamentary Debates (U.K.)

Box 92 The Review of Politics ("Soviet and Western Politics in Hungary, 1944-47")

Box 92 Romanian National Committee Information Bulletin

Box 92 Rotary International (Governor's Monthly Letter)

Box 92 Rundbrief der Deutschen aus Ungarn

Box 92 Sajt Szolgalat

Box 92 Schweizerische Allgemeine

Box 92 Slovdk Amerike

Box 92 Szabad Magyarorszag

Box 92 Szabad Nep

Box 92 Szabadsag

Box 92 ASzfv (The Heart)

Box 92 Szocialdemokrata Nepszava (Official Organ of the Hungarian Social-Democratic Party in Exile)

Box 92 Tajekoztato (Kiilugyi Informicios Kozlony)

Box 92 Tenyek

Box 92 Toborzo

Box 92 Tudosito (Hungarian National Council)

Box 92 Uj Ember

Box 92 Vilag

Box 92 Volonte

Subseries VI.5: Religious Publications

Box 93 Az Ut

Box 93 The Communicant Member

Box 93 Csendes Percek

Box 93 llnekeskonyv (Hymn Book)

Box 93 Evangeliumi Vilagszogalat

Box 93 Hungarian Church Press

Box 93 Hungarian Church Publications

Box 93 Jojjetek

Box 93 Kozlony

Box 93 Magyar Egyha'z (Magyar Church)

Box 93 Miscellaneous, (2 folders)

Box 93 TJj Testamentom (New Testament), Hymn Books

Box 93 Reformatusok Lapja (Hungarian Reformed Religious Paper)

Box 93 Szent Istva'n Legenddja (The Legend of St Stephen)

Box 93 Miscellaneous, (2 folders)