Lydia Davis papers, 1940-2022

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Series VII: Miscellaneous Files, 1947-2019

This series includes various miscellaneous files kept by Davis. The file descriptions in the finding aid were taken from the descriptions written on the files by Davis.

Box 85 Folder 2 Miscellaneous, 1960s-1980s

Miscellaneous, including personal correspondence. Includes a clipping of the Austers' wedding announcement, unidentified manscript pages, manuscripts for "Meditations on Fossil Life" and "The South", and an unbound copy of The Thirteenth Woman.

Box 85 Folder 3 Miscellaneous - to file, Before 2006 November

Box 85 Folder 4 Miscellaneous Papers ("Misc".), 2009-2016

Includes business correspondence, personal letter from Paul Auster (2009), souvenir of Davis-Armantrout reading (2015), clippings, personal/fan correspondence, royalty statements, review, page by Davis from New Ohio Review, letter request from school children, Davis letter about animal cruelty, and blurb draft/notes

Box 85 Folder 5 Miscellaneous Papers ("Miscellaneous"), 1989-2016

Includes programs, photo xerox, book inscriptions, book summary, book catalog, medical letter, royalty statement, draft letter to mother about writing, letter from friend, email comment (mine) about "Head, Heart," translation word lists (2), notes from 2007 conversation with Marguerite Feitlowitz about Argentina, and Davis changes of a translators (of Can't and Won't?)

Box 85 Folder 6 Miscellaneous Papers ("Miscellaneous LD Papers"), 1977, 2000, 2011-2013

Includes miscellaneous royalties, friend's mailings, notes from agent Denise, notes from conversation with Faulkner about Albany appointment, notes from conversation with FSG, notes on preparing Varieties of Disturbance, notes from conversation with John Siciliano, letter of agreement with Johns Hopkins about Leiris, souvenir - Eliot W. receive Aztec Eagle, notes on Diane Williams; reactions to stories, business letters, letter of reference/recommendation for Connie Bree, notes on conversation with Paul Auster, plan for New York City trip, list of Christmas presents (2011), notes on Klaus Hoffer's translation of Varieties of Disturbance, xeroxes of two Blanchot letters, and note from John d' Agata? Recommendation letter has been separated from this file and restricted.

Box 85 Folder 7 Archives--Miscellaneous, 2011-2019

Material mostly from 2013, 2019. Includes to do lists, business and personal correspondence, and notes about work.

Box 85 Folder 8 Archives--Miscellaneous, 2007-2016

Material includes personal correspondence, correspondence (LD), notes, letter from Edna O'Brien, and to-do lists.

Box 46 Folder 10 To Archive - Unrestricted, 1961-1982

Spring 1964 mostly, and summer 1961. Includes notes and letters, mostly to and from parents Spring 1964, and Davis' early writing - age 8, material written at Bread Loaf age 13, school papers, and teenage years.

Box 86 Folder 1 Miscellaneous Papers (1 of 2), 1984-2006

Topics / items include concert program, library newsletter include LWRD programming, invitations, teaching notes, calendar for 1992, Davis' exercise for Theo's 2nd grade, program for Davis' talk at New York Public Library (2003), Pastor Arlene's newsletters - a different issue was inspiration for story, record of judging, note about form for PreviewPort, review of Noon, published letter to the editor (Davis and Alan Cote), memorial for colleague of Robert Gorham Davis, unifished project, reading program Ear Inn, Oxford memorial, and reviews

Box 86 Folder 2 Miscellaneous Papers (2 of 2), 1962, 1982, 1995-1996, 2006-2014

Topics / items include Abacus - Rae Armantrout (1996), personal correspondence, Davis' correspondence, Brearley classmates, Rae poem, review of Noon, error in TLS wh. I wrote letter about, notes on translation, rough lesson plan for class visit, Lynne Tillman souvenir, translation of Pecly, royalty statements, recommendations, business correspondence, payment info DSLA and other stubs. Recommendation letters have been separated from the file and restricted.

Box 96 Folder 2 Miscellaneous Notes, 2006 or earlier

Index card file, unboxed. Per Davis's note, "from file card box created probably when I lived in Port Ewen (til 2006), labeled "Miscellaneous Notes" (I don't remember referring back to it much - but agree with most of the notes")

Box 96 Folder 3 Unlabelled Card File, undated

This appears to be a card file of books, perhaps of book copies owned by Davis. Index card file. This file was originally in its own plastic card box; it has been rehoused into a new box.

Box 86 Folder 3 Miscellaneous, 1968, 1987, 2001, 2004

Includes early story with rejection letter, financial records, and program

Box 86 Folder 4 Other Miscellaneous, 1960s-2005

Includes earlier drafts of Davis' writing, as well as teaching, translations, interviews, "In the Proximinity of Great Men" with revisions, expenses sheet, ideal schedule, college notes and drawings, poem (Davis') accompanying gift, possible residency, Davis' letters to representations, note son processed local development in Port Ewen area (1990s?), poems of Lorine Niedecker with commentary (2002), text of introduction to Lynne Tillman, earlier draft of Blanchot piece, two drafts of letter to the editor by Davis and Davis and Cote, Davis book review, invitations, and thank you notes.

Box 86 Folder 5 Box for Columbia, 1977, 2003-2008

Letters, included printed emails from family, business/friends, Russell Edson.

Box 86 Folder 6 To Archive - Unrestricted, 1947-1997, 2018

Includes notes - H[ope Hale Davis] on life at 96 Maynard, school paper (Putney), letter about Davis' birth, letters from Rachel Hadas, letters from Eliot W., Davis' writing age 9, H[ope Hale Davis] letters from Argentina, etc.

Box 86 Folder 7 Miscellaneous (Old "To File" Material), 1960s, circa 2009, 2017-2019, undated

Includes R. Sieburth, reviews, miscellaneous correspondence (B Epler, editors, etc.), Careau (related to Lewinter translation), invoice / permissions for Essays One, notes, events Davis participated in, etc.