Douglas Darden papers and drawings, 1979-1996

Series V: Slides

Comprised of three subseries:

Subseries 1: Reference Material contains slides Darden collected as reference for projects or for use in lectures. It includes historical images and images from his explorations, depicting architecture, art, infrastructure, transportation, and technology. This series also includes images of projects by his students, arranged chronologically where dated.

Subseries 2: Condemned Building consists of images of Darden's drawings and models for these projects. Some projects also include research images. The folder for Sex Shop contains images of a model not featured in the publication.

For a more detailed listing of the slides in this series, please see downloadable PDF

Subseries 1: Reference Material

Box 16 Folder 1 1968 to 1988, 1968 Jan to 88 Nov

166 items

Box 16 Folder 2 Undated, Undated

207 items

Box 16 Folder 3 Numbered Reference Series, ca. 1984?

276 items

Box 16 Folder 4 Student Work, ca.1982-96

469 items; contains images of projects created by students

Subseries 2: Condemned Building

Box 17 Folder 1 Museum of Impostors, ca. 1980s-93

89 items; includes research images

Box 17 Folder 2 Temple Forgetful, ca. 1980s-93

68 items

Box 17 Folder 3 Clinic for Sleep Disorders, ca. 1980s-93

31 items

Box 17 Folder 4 Night School, ca. 1980s-93

35 items

Box 17 Folder 5 Melvilla, ca. 1980s-93

69 items; includes images of research and of painting studies

Box 17 Folder 6 Hostel, ca. 1980s-93

133 items; includes images of research and of Dis/continuous Genealogy

Box 17 Folder 7 Saloon for Jesse James, ca. 1980s-93

24 items

Box 17 Folder 8 Sex Shop, ca. 1980s-93

9 items; only contains model images

Box 17 Folder 9 Confessional, ca. 1980s-93

49 items; includes images of research and of Dis/continuous Genealogy

Box 17 Folder 10 Oxygen House, ca. 1980s-93

113 items; includes images of research and of Dis/continuous Genealogy

Subseries 3: Other Projects and Artworks

Box 17 Folder 11 Laughing Girls, ca. 1990-96

55 items

Box 17 Folder 12 Drawings & Paintings, ca. 1982-7

132 items

Box 17 Folder 13 "Scaffolds" Exhibition, ca. 1986

18 items

Box 17 Folder 14 Unidentified Exhibition, Undated

17 items

Box 17 Folder 15 Japan Lecture, 1995 Feb 13

31 items

Box 17 Folder 16 Unidentified, 1995 Mar

10 items