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Aaron W. Berg papers, 1848-1977

2 linear feet 4 boxes
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Correspondence, manuscripts, photographs, memorabilia, and printed materials concerning Berg's lifelong interest in and work for his alma mater. Berg served the University in many capacities such as vice-president and president of the Alumni Association of Columbia College, 1954-1958, and member of the board of directors of the Alumni Federation of Columbia University, 1946-1958. The correspondence deals chiefly with alumni affairs; some of the major correspondents include Harry J. Carman, Lawrence Chamberlain, Frank S. Hogan, Mr & Mrs Richard Rodgers, and Arthur Hays Sulzberger. Among the photographs are two signed by Dwight D. Eisenhower. Also included is a typescript memoir of Berg's three years as a student in the Columbia School of Law (1927). Berg collaborated with three other students on this memoir. Aaron Berg's correspondence with Dwight D. Eisenhower is at the Eisenhower Library. Also included are literary autographs and manuscripts purchased on the Aaron Berg Fund.

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Aaron W. Berg papers, 1848-1977 2 linear feet 4 boxes

Alan H. Kempner papers, 1809-1981

0.5 linear feet 1 box
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A collection of letters and manuscripts of English and American authors, including one item from each of the following: Pearl S. Buck, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Thomas De Quincey, Thomas Frognall Dibden, Charles Dickens, William Ewart Gladstone, Edmund Gosse, Hester Thackeray Ritchie Fuller, Rockwell Kent, Charles Kingsley, Edward George Bulwer Lytton, John Masefield, Clinton Scollard, William Wordsworth and Walt Whitman. In addition, there are 8 letters from Samuel Rogers (1763-1855) to Mr. and Mrs. Horace Twiss (Annie Sterky Greenwood Twiss), photographs of Alan and Margaret Kempner and miscellaneous Kempner items.

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Alan H. Kempner papers, 1809-1981 0.5 linear feet 1 box

Albert Maltz papers, 1940-1983

10.5 linear feet 22 boxes
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Manuscripts of Maltz, including the notes, drafts, and typescripts for numerous short stories and for the novels, THE CROSS AND THE ARROW, THE UNDERGROUND STREAM, THE JOURNEY OF SIMON MCKEEVER, A LONG DAY IN A SHORT LIFE, and A TALE OF ONE JANUARY. Also, THE CITIZEN WRITER IN RETROSPECT, a two-volume oral history of Maltz done by the University of California, Los Angeles.

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Albert Maltz papers, 1940-1983 10.5 linear feet 22 boxes

Albert Ulmann papers, 1888-1964

2 boxes 2 boxes 1 oversize folder
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Correspondence, manuscripts, notes, clippings, books, and a photograph of Ulmann. There are twenty books from his library, most of which are his copies of his own works. Among the correspondents are Donald Grant Mitchell, Margaret Mitchell, and Francis Hopkinson Smith.

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Albert Ulmann papers, 1888-1964 2 boxes 2 boxes 1 oversize folder

Alfred M. and Clarisse B. Hellman - D.H. Lawrence collection, 1850-1952

14 boxes 14 boxes 1 oversized folder
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The collection of D.H. Lawrence material contains two book-length manuscripts, the typescripts of Sea and Sardinia and The Boy in the Bush, both with manuscript corrections in Lawrence's hand. The typescript for The Boy In The Bush is probably the manuscript from which the book was printed. Other Lawrence manuscripts include "The Future of the Novel," and Chapter 13 of Aaron's Rod. Correspondents include Thomas Seltzer, Johathan Cape, Mrs. Nancy Henry, and Lady Ottoline Morrell. The collection also contains three watercolor drawings made by Lawrence for the jacket of the English edition of The Plumed Serpent. Related printed material is also included. The John Steinbeck material is comprised of one letter, and proofs for thirteen of Steinbeck's works, including East Of Eden and Of Mice and Men. Also included are a printed biography and photographs, and printed ephemera relating to many of Steinbeck's works. There are books inscribed to Alfred and Clarisse Hellman. This collection also contains some correspondence of Alfred Hellman and some letters collected by Dr. Morton Pepper.

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Alfred M. and Clarisse B. Hellman - D.H. Lawrence collection, 1850-1952 14 boxes 14 boxes 1 oversized folder

Alfred Maurice Galpin papers : [on Hart Crane & Samuel Loveman], 1922-1981

0.5 linear feet 1 box
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Correspondence, manuscripts, printed materials, and a photograph concerning his friendship with and scholarly interest in Hart Crane, H.P. Lovecraft, and Samuel Loveman. There are 55 letters from Samuel Loveman, 3 from John Unterecker, and 4 from Brom Weber, and other correspondence about Crane. There are also several Loveman poetry manuscrip]ts and his photograph, as well as printed articles and interviews about Crane

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Alfred Maurice Galpin papers : [on Hart Crane & Samuel Loveman], 1922-1981 0.5 linear feet 1 box

Allan Nevins papers, 1912-1992

104 linear feet 205 boxes; ca.40700 items in oversize items; 207 record storage cartons of books
Abstract Or Scope

Approximately 12,000 letters to Allan Nevins from various correspondents including James Truslow Adams, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Harry S. Truman, Willa Cather, Frances Folsom Cleveland, Van Wyck Brooks, Robert Frost, Newton D. Baker, Archibald MacLeish, John D. Rockefeller, Jr., Carl Sandburg, and Henry Wallace; notes and typescripts for Nevins' books including Emergence of Lincoln, The Ordeal of Democracy, Rockefeller, and History and Historians, with notes by editor Ray A. Billington; miscellaneous transcripts, clippings, newspapers, and photographs. Also, autograph letters and manuscripts by presidents, Civil War figures, financiers, politicians, and authors. There are also the Brand Whitlock World War I Diaries and letters to him by such people as Herbert Hoover, Gen. John J. Pershing, and others.

1 result in this collection

Allan Nevins papers, 1912-1992 104 linear feet 205 boxes; ca.40700 items in oversize items; 207 record storage cartons of books

Amram Scheinfeld papers, 1915-1975

24 linear feet 32 boxes 10 oversize pkgs
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Manuscripts, proofs, and printed editions of Scheinfeld's books on human heredity, YOU AND HEREDITY, WOMEN AND MEN, and THE NEW YOU AND HEREDITY. Sketches and line drawings used as illustrations in the books are included. Also, manuscripts and clippings of his magazine articles; many examples of his comic strips, including "Dixie Dugan;" and correspondence and financial documents about his works.

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Amram Scheinfeld papers, 1915-1975 24 linear feet 32 boxes 10 oversize pkgs

Ann Greyson Papers, 1971-2000

1 linear feet 2 document boxes
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Correspondence, contracts, reviews, brochures, fliers, and photographs of various theatrical productions involving Ann Greyson.

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Ann Greyson Papers, 1971-2000 1 linear feet 2 document boxes

Arthur Christy papers, 1930-1946

2.5 linear feet 6 boxes
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A collection of notes, typescripts, and photostats relating mainly to the researches of Professor Arthur Christy on an index of Thoreau's reading and Thoreau's unpublished "Indian notes" "Index rerum" and "Fact book.".

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Arthur Christy papers, 1930-1946 2.5 linear feet 6 boxes

Arthur Miller papers relating to "The Crucible", 1952-1953

0.5 linear feet 1 manuscript box
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Playscripts, notes, caricatures, rehearsal lists, playbills, a flyer, and newspaper reviews and clippings for THE CRUCIBLE by Arthur Miller. THE CRUCIBLE, a drama about the Salem witch trials of 1692, was first produced in Wilmington in January 1953 and opened in New York in June 1953. The playscripts show the working notes of Arthur Miller and of Jed Harris, the director.

1 result in this collection

Arthur Miller papers relating to "The Crucible", 1952-1953 0.5 linear feet 1 manuscript box

Bennett Cerf papers, 1898-1977

52 linear feet 71 boxes 45 volumes 22 oversized items
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Correspondence, manuscripts, memorabilia, photographs, phonograph and tape recordings, and printed files. Included are Cerf's personal correspondence files, 1929-1945, and the diaries and scrapbooks which he maintained from his school days throughout his active career. The diaries, in date-book format, contain terse notes on Cerf's meetings with authors and friends, on his travels and publishing activities; the scrapbooks contain correspondence and photographs, as well as memorabilia and printed items, and were annotated by Cerf and his wife, Phyllis Fraser Cerf Wagner. Also in the collection are manuscripts and proofs for Cerf's books including "The Laugh's on Me""Treasury of Atrocious Puns""The Sound of Laughter""Stories to Make You Feel Better", and "At Random: the Reminiscences of Bennett Cerf", which was edited by Phyllis Cerf Wagner and Albert Erskine, 1977. The papers also include condolence letters written at the time of Cerf's death, photographs and photo albums,certificates and awards, and miscellaneous printed material, including Random House and Modern Library catalogues. Among the major correspondents are: Truman Capote, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Edna Ferber, Moss Hart, J. Edgar Hoover, Hubert Humphrey, Lyndon B. Johnson, John Lindsay, Joshua Logan, John O'Hara, Jacqueline Onassis, Richard Rodgers, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Gertrude Stein, Adlai Stevenson, Harry Truman, and Robert Penn Warren

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Bennett Cerf papers, 1898-1977 52 linear feet 71 boxes 45 volumes 22 oversized items

Booth Tarkington papers, 1921-1923

1 box 1 box (43 items)
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Correspondence regarding the production of the plays INTIMATE STRANGERS and MAGNOLIA by Tarkington. There are twelve holograph letters, one detail sketch for a costume, and one page of manuscript and one page of typescript notes by Tarkington as well as thirteen telegrams sent by him. The letters and telegrams are all addressed to Mr. Ira A. Hards, director of the plays. In addition, there are copies of seven telegrams by Hards and one by the producer, A.L. Erlanger, all but one of which are addressed to Tarkington. Also, carbon copies of four letters from Hards and Erlanger to Tarkington, two items concerned with book production and dramatic rights of THE INTIMATE STRANGERS and one theatre program.

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Booth Tarkington papers, 1921-1923 1 box 1 box (43 items)

Cecile Starr papers, 1925-2001

15 linear feet 36 manuscript boxes
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Personal documents, correspondence, photographs, audiocassettes, and printed material of the filmmaker, film writer, and educator Cecile Starr (1921-2014).
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Cecile Starr papers, 1925-2001 15 linear feet 36 manuscript boxes

Charles Dudley Warner letters, 1873-1878

1 box 1 box (20 items)
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The letters are written to various people and are partly social and partly business in nature. In some Warner gives advice about publishing matters; in others there are discussions of Warner's extensive public speaking engagements.

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Charles Dudley Warner letters, 1873-1878 1 box 1 box (20 items)

Charles Fenno Hoffman letters, 1824-1843

1 box 1 box (21 items)
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Letters of Hoffman to his family. There are seventeen letters to his niece, Matilda Nicholas Whitman, and one letter to his half-sister, Ann Hoffman Nicholas. The correspondence deals with the literary and social life in New York and with the Hoffman family. Two of the letters have notes added by his father, Josiah Ogden Hoffman. Also, an engraved portrait of Charles Fenno Hoffman.

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Charles Fenno Hoffman letters, 1824-1843 1 box 1 box (21 items)

Charles Keppel papers, 1956-1998, 1956-1998

9 linear feet 14 boxes, 1 oversize folder 9 linear feet 14 boxes, 1 oversize folder
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Correspondence, manuscripts, photographs, audio cassettes, and printed materials. Three items consisting of a nine page autograph poem entitled "The Light Touch"; a collection of short poems written in five small notebooks called "From the Sublime"; and a printed pamphlet of poetry entitled "Modern Haiku and Tanka". All items were prepared during 1971, but several pieces in "From the Sublime" date back to 1956. A sixth notebook dated 1971-1972 for "From the Sublime" is also included. Keppel writes one notebook each month and forwards them to the collection after they are completed. There are a few cataloged letters in Box 1, but the bulk of the collection consists of Keppel's poetry and essays.

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Charles Keppel papers, 1956-1998, 1956-1998 9 linear feet 14 boxes, 1 oversize folder 9 linear feet 14 boxes, 1 oversize folder

Charles Warren Everett papers, 1925-1963

3.5 linear feet 7 manuscript boxes
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This collection consists of correspondence, notes, and manuscripts of Professor Charles Warren Everett, including material pertaining to Everett's works on Jeremy Bentham. Also, items raelting to Everett's work on the Jeremy Bentham Publications Committee and as chairman of the English department at Columbia University.
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Charles Warren Everett papers, 1925-1963 3.5 linear feet 7 manuscript boxes

Charles Yale Harrison papers, 1920-1954

7 linear feet 14 boxes 4 oversize items
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Correspondence, manuscripts, documents, memorabilia, and scrapbooks. Correspondence ranges from personal, family, literary, and fan mail to that dealing with political issues and public housing. Correspondents include Whittaker Chambers, Clarence Darrow, Ruby Darrow, John Dos Passos, Max Eastman, Joseph Freeman, Michael Gold, Upton Sinclair, and Robert F. Wagner. There are manuscript versions for many of Harrison's novels and stories, some of which are unpublished. The memorabilia include tapes and recordings of Harrison's interviews and readings of his works. Scrapbooks consist primarily of newspaper clippings relating to his books, public housing, labor relations, and socialism. Also, copies of some of his books in various editions and translations.

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Charles Yale Harrison papers, 1920-1954 7 linear feet 14 boxes 4 oversize items

Cheryll Y. Greene Papers on Malcolm X, 1954-1996

8 linear feet 7 record cartons
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Correspondence, manuscripts, documents, photographs, relating to her research on the life of Malcolm X.

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Cheryll Y. Greene Papers on Malcolm X, 1954-1996 8 linear feet 7 record cartons

Christopher Coover collection of literary & historical letters manuscripts and documents, 1589-1923

6 linear feet 9 document boxes and 2 mapcases 150201; 15K05
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A unique collection of literary and historical items collected by Christopher Coover.
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Christopher Morley papers, 1916-1954

1 box 1 box (20 items)
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A group of letters and manuscripts of Morley. The five letters are to various persons. Among the manuscripts are an early poem"The Flags on Fifth Avenue" (1916); an essay entitled "In the Steerage of the Lusitania;" a one-act play entitled "On the Shelf;" and a 1941 revision of Shakespeare's TEMPEST.

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Christopher Morley papers, 1916-1954 1 box 1 box (20 items)

Curtis Hidden Page papers, 1870-1948

12 boxes 12 boxes
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Correspondence, manuscripts, and printed materials of Curtis Hidden Page. This collection contains a correspondence of 51 letters between Page and his grandmother, Mrs. Mary E. Hidden, as well as other family correspondence. Much of his incoming correspondence relates to social and academic pursuits, and his publishing activities, including letters from William Stome Booth of Houghton Mifflin concerning Page's anthology entitled "Chief American Poets." There are many holograph and typescripts of his poetry and poetical translations. Most of the poems are in several stages of progress. Present also are notebooks containing lecture notes from his student days.

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Curtis Hidden Page papers, 1870-1948 12 boxes 12 boxes

Dawn Powell papers, 1890s-2012, bulk 1890s-1965

40 linear feet 88 boxes (73 document boxes, 4 half-sized document boxes, 6 record cartons, 3 flat boxes, 1 cassette box, 1 oversized box)
Abstract Or Scope
Dawn Powell (1896-1965) was an American author of novels, plays, and short stories. The collection includes address books, appointment books, books, clippings, correspondence, diaries, ephemera, family materials, manuscripts, notes, notebooks, photographs, programs, research files, reviews, scrapbooks, sketches and drawings.
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Dawn Powell papers, 1890s-2012, bulk 1890s-1965 40 linear feet 88 boxes (73 document boxes, 4 half-sized document boxes, 6 record cartons, 3 flat boxes, 1 cassette box, 1 oversized box)

Don Congdon records, 1973-2018

59 linear feet 122 boxes
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Correspondence, manuscripts, memoranda, contracts, and miscellaneous material from the files of Don Congdon Associates, Inc., literary agency, dealing with the editing and publishing of American and English books, serial rights, reprints, dramatic rights, translations, foreign rights, promotion, and copyright restrictions. Select files pre-date the firm's establishment because some clients of Harold Matson Company, Inc. became clients of Don Congdon Associates, Inc. The cataloged correspondence include: Ray Bradbury, Lillian Hellman, William Manchester, William Shirer, William Styron, and Francois Truffaut.

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Don Congdon records, 1973-2018 59 linear feet 122 boxes

Edgar Allan Poe papers, 1827-1908

.84 linear feet 2 boxes
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An original manuscript of "Annabel Lee" as well as a facsimile manuscript of "Epimanes" an unpublished tale, by Edgar Allan Poe. Included in the collection is an autograph album belonging to Octavia Walton Le Vert. On May 1, 1827 Poe inscribed "When wit and wine and friends have met.." in the album. In addition to the Poe inscription the album contains inscriptions by Henry Clay and by the Southern poet, Edward Coote Pinkney. Also, a daguerreotype portrait of Poe taken in Richmond shortly before his death.

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Edgar Allan Poe papers, 1827-1908 .84 linear feet 2 boxes

Edgar Johnson papers, 1938-1975

5 linear feet 10 boxes
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Manuscripts, notes, transcripts, photographs, photostats, illustrations, and printed materials of Johnson. These are the research notes and manuscripts for his biographical works on Charles Dickens and Sir Walter Scott. An autograph fragment by Scott is included.

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Edgar Johnson papers, 1938-1975 5 linear feet 10 boxes

Edmund Clarence Stedman papers, 1840-1960

120 linear feet 87 boxes
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Personal and professional papers of Stedman, including correspondence, letter books, diaries, poetry manuscripts, scrapbooks, photographs, and genealogical materials for the Stedman and Dodge families. Correspondence and manuscripts of his mother, Elizabeth Clementine Dodge Stedman Kinney (1810-1889), poet and diarist, and of his granddaughter, Laura Stedman Gould (1881-1941), author and editor. Also, editions of Stedman's LIBRARY OF AMERICAN LITERATURE including printed materials relating to the marketing; and an album of Civil War photographs by Mathew Brady, inscribed by the photographer to Laura H.W. Stedman as well as additional loose photographs by Brady.

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Edmund Clarence Stedman papers, 1840-1960 120 linear feet 87 boxes

Eduard Lindeman papers, 1911-1953

18 boxes 18 boxes
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Papers and manuscripts of Eduard Christian Lindeman.

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Eduard Lindeman papers, 1911-1953 18 boxes 18 boxes

Eli Cantor papers, 1935-1985

21.5 linear feet 46 boxes
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Manuscripts, notes, correspondence, printed materials, and books. Ther collection contains typescript manuscripts with handwritten corrections of Cantor's novels"Enemy in the Mirror" (N.Y.: Crown Books, 1977) and "Love Letters" (N.Y.: Crown Books, 1980); printed works composed by Gallery 33 of the Composing Room, which Cantor headed from 196l to 1971; and articles by Cantor from various magazines, including "Esquire" and "Coronet". Also included are typescript manuscripts of "The Rite" (N.Y.: Zebra Books, 1979) and "The Nest" (N.Y.: Zebra Books, 1980), novels written by Cantor under the pseudonym Gregory A. Douglas. Series II of the collection contains 59 bound volumes of publications, edited by Cantor, from the "Research Institute of America", a New York based organization devoted to economic affairs

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Eli Cantor papers, 1935-1985 21.5 linear feet 46 boxes

Elinor Rice Hays papers, 1867-196-

1 linear feet 2 boxes
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This collection consists of copies of correspondence, articles, diaries, memoirs, and other manuscripts by and about the Blackwell family. Also, a small group of papers, including correspondence, documents, photographs, and printed papers, about the Rice family of New York.
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Elinor Rice Hays papers, 1867-196- 1 linear feet 2 boxes

Frank Sypher papers, 1831-1989

1 linear feet 2 boxes and 1 oversized folder
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Correspondence, manuscripts, photographs, and printed materials of Sypher, reflecting his interest in A.C. Swinburne and in the Estonian poet, Aleksis Rannit. Correspondents include Joseph Hume, Ted Joans, Aleksis Rannit, Enid Starkie, and Algernon Charles Swinburne. There are additional materials on Africa, the Mina dialect in Togo, and the Sypher and related families of New York State.

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Frank Sypher papers, 1831-1989 1 linear feet 2 boxes and 1 oversized folder

Frederick Coykendall letters collection, 1778-1941

1.67 linear feet 4 document boxes; 1 oversize box
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Frederick Coykendall's collection of letters from well-known literary figures, chiefly English, of the late Victorian and modern periods.
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Frederick Coykendall letters collection, 1778-1941 1.67 linear feet 4 document boxes; 1 oversize box

Fred Friendly papers, 1917-2004, bulk 1950-1990

97.4 linear feet 220 document boxes 3 index card boxes 2 record cartons 1 oversized box
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This collection encompasses the life and career of Fred Friendly as an author, educator, and television news producer.
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Fred Friendly papers, 1917-2004, bulk 1950-1990 97.4 linear feet 220 document boxes 3 index card boxes 2 record cartons 1 oversized box

Gael Turnbull letters, 1956-1969

0.5 linear feet 1 box (59 items)
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Letters to Gael Turnbull from Charles Olson, William Carlos Williams and his wife Florence Williams, Louis Zukofsky and his wife Celia Zukofsky. There is one poem by Louis Zukofsky and another poem by Charles Olson included in letters. There is also a transcription of a letter from Charles Olson to Michael Shayer.

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Gael Turnbull letters, 1956-1969 0.5 linear feet 1 box (59 items)

Gay-Otis family papers, 1740-1900

33 linear feet 66 boxes
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Personal, business, and legal letters; manuscripts including prose, poetry, and diaries; and documents including deeds, receipts, invoices, and account books. The 18th century materials focus on the personal and business correspondence of Calvin, Jotham, and Martin Gay, sons of Ebenezer Gay who were engaged in shipping between New England and the Maritime Provinces. There are occasional letters of Jotham and Martin referring to the American Revolution. The Otis family correspondence of the 18th century, likewise, is of a purely routine and personal nature. There are only four letters of Col. James Otis, and only two of his son, James. Gay and Otis family interests intertwine during the 19th century with the marriage of Mary Allyne Otis to Ebenezer Gay, who are among the chief correspondents of this century, along with their children including Sidney Howard Gay and Winckworth Allan Gay. The Otis correspondence centers around business, real estate, and personal interests of Mary A. Otis Gay's brothers John, Joseph, and William Otis.

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Gay-Otis family papers, 1740-1900 33 linear feet 66 boxes

George Dunlop papers, 1716-1908

4 boxes 4 boxes (275 Items)
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This collection of letters, manuscripts, autographs, and illustrations of English and American authors and statesmen was assembled by George Dunlop. Many of the letters relate to Robert Burns and to the Burns country of Ayrshire. Among the early items are letters from Robert Burns, Samuel Johnson, Hester Thrale Piozzi, Edgar Allan Poe, and Abraham Lincoln.

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George Dunlop papers, 1716-1908 4 boxes 4 boxes (275 Items)

George Economou papers, 1954-2017

12.5 linear feet 24 boxes, 1 map case drawer
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This collection consists of correspondence, manuscripts, documents, photographs, video and tape recordings, and printed materials relating to Economou's poetry manuscripts, to publications and performances to which he contributed, and to his teaching career as a professor of medieval literature.
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George Economou papers, 1954-2017 12.5 linear feet 24 boxes, 1 map case drawer

George Rice Carpenter letters, 1886-1908, bulk 1893-1908

0.5 linear feet 1 box
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The main body of this collection contains letters from Carpenter to Robert W. Herrick (1868-1938), a student of his at Harvard from 1888 to 1890, and later a colleague on the Massachusetts Institute of Technology faculty, 1890-1893. At this time Herrick went to teach at the University of Chicago and Carpenter came to Columbia. Much of this correspondence is concerned with helping his friend Herrick break into the professional writers' world. Items of personal interest are also discussed in these letters to a long-time friend. Three early letters, 1886-1888, are written to his mother from Paris and Berlin where he spent the two years of the Rogers Fellowship upon his graduation from Harvard in 1886. More descriptive than personal, they tell his impressions of these countries and news items of the day. In addition there is an 11-page manuscript by Carpenter entitled "My Impressions of France" written ca. 1888. There is also a scrapbook of clippings from newspapers and magazines of writings by Carpenter from 1892 to 1905. Included are book reviews, literary writings and some items relating to Columbia University.

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George Rice Carpenter letters, 1886-1908, bulk 1893-1908 0.5 linear feet 1 box

Georges Borchardt Inc. records, 1949-2024

835 linear feet 1102 boxes - 601 manuscript boxes, 2 half manuscript boxes, and 499 record storage cartons
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This collection contains the records of the Georges Borchardt Inc. Literary Agency as well as records from the 1950s and 1960s that pre-date the founding of the agency. The records include clippings, correspondence, contracts, logs, photographs, publicity, reports, reviews, and royalty statements.
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Georges Borchardt Inc. records, 1949-2024 835 linear feet 1102 boxes - 601 manuscript boxes, 2 half manuscript boxes, and 499 record storage cartons

George Washington Cable papers, 1882-1970

3.5 linear feet 9 boxes
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Correspondence, manuscripts, documents, photographs, and printed material. Most of the correspondence is from Cable to Adelene Moffat and relates to the Home Culture Clubs. Other correspondents include Louise S. Cable. There are also typescript and handwritten drafts by Cable; manuscripts, documents, and printed matter concerning Moffat's work with the Home Culture Clubs; photostatic copies of correspondence and manuscripts concerning Cable from other libraries; transcriptions of the correspondence between Cable and Moffat; a transcription of the journal of Clarence B. Roote, an acquaintaince of Cable and Moffat; and one box of manuscripts, notes, and related items concerning Philip Butcher's book about the correspondence between Cable and Moffat, So Full a Harmony.

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George Washington Cable papers, 1882-1970 3.5 linear feet 9 boxes

Gordon Norton Ray letters collection, 1661-1976

9 boxes 9 boxes
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Letters written to Frank Topham, ca. 1879; letters from various 19th century artists including Wyke Bayliss, G. Bowers Edwards, and Carl Haag; letters to Jerome Milkman, 1925-1958; letters to Howes Norris, 1908-1930; letters from various 20th century artists including Sir D.Y. Cameron, Sir John Collier, and Sir Gerald Kelley; and letters and a few manuscripts and documents of various American and British authors. Also, a group of French documents and letters from immediately following the French Revolution, 1793-1812, mostly dealing with military and governmental matters. Correspondents and signers include Lazare Nicolas Marguerite Carnot, Jean Jacques Regis Cambacérès, Jean Etienne Championnet, and Jean Baptiste Michel Saladin. Letters, 1814-1832, written to United States ministers to France including William Harris Crawford, Albert Gallatin, William Cabell River, and Nathaniel Niles. The correspondents include Elie Decazes, Antoine René Charles Mathurin, comte de La Forest, and Armand Emmanuel du Plesis, duc de Richelieu. The letters deal with a variety of diplomatic matters such as the exchange of war prisoners and refuge for the ship DECATUR.

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Gordon Norton Ray letters collection, 1661-1976 9 boxes 9 boxes

Harold Clurman papers, 1922-1980

0.5 linear feet 1 box
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Correspondence, notebooks, and photocopies of manuscripts. There are letters from Jean Dubuffet, Walter Matthau, Arthur Miller, Harold Pinter, and Tennessee Williams. There are also six of Clurman's notebooks with notes on theater and photocopies of typescript pages re. his book, THE FERVENT YEARS (1945).

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Harold Clurman papers, 1922-1980 0.5 linear feet 1 box

Harold Frederic papers, 1887-1939

0.25 Linear Feet 1 manuscript box (14 items)
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Letters, manuscript, photographs, art work, and printed materials concerning Frederic. There are two letters, 1892-1896, from Frederic while he was in London as correspondent for the New York Times, to W. Sheaming of the National Liberal Club and to a London book publisher. A manuscript genealogy of early English families, primarily of the 13th century, probably deals with his ancestors. There is also a photograph of his common-law wife, Kate Lyon Forman, and biographical material on their daughter, Helen Forman.

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Harold Frederic papers, 1887-1939 0.25 Linear Feet 1 manuscript box (14 items)

Harold Matson Company Inc. records, 1937-1980

68 linear feet 139 boxes
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Correspondence, manuscripts, memoranda, contracts and other legal papers, advertising, and printed materials. The files, 1958-1978, of the Harold Matson Company, Inc. include correspondence with authors, publishers, and other agents and deal with the editing and publishing of American and English books, serial rights, reprints, dramatic rights, translations, foreign rights, promotion, and copyright registration. The contract file of McIntosh, McKee & Dodds, Inc. Literary Representatives is also included.

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Harold Matson Company Inc. records, 1937-1980 68 linear feet 139 boxes

Harper & Brothers Records, 1817-1929

104.5 linear feet 28 boxes: 27 document boxes, 2 half-document box, 1 index card box, 2 oversize boxes; 230 volumes in CMI boxes; 1 painting; 1 printing plate
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The collection contains correspondence with the authors, including contracts signed with authors as well as negotiations with the authors over various aspects of publishing their works; financial records documenting many aspects of the operation of Harper & Brothers, including royalties paid to authors, records of stock offerings and company reorganizations, and general ledgers which contain daily notes on all aspects of the operation of the business; book catalogues and trade lists; research materials collected by Eugene Exman for his history of Harper & Brothers; visual materials, from drawings and photographs of Harper's authors to colophon designs and an oil painting of the original Harper's building.

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Harper & Brothers Records, 1817-1929 104.5 linear feet 28 boxes: 27 document boxes, 2 half-document box, 1 index card box, 2 oversize boxes; 230 volumes in CMI boxes; 1 painting; 1 printing plate

Harper & Row Publishers records, 1935-1973

153 linear feet 368 boxes
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Correspondence, manuscripts, contracts, memos., and photographs. The correspondence pertains to the publications of numerous important fiction and non-fiction authors. The files are particularly strong for authors included in two important historical series"The New American Nation" Richard B. Morris and Henry S. Commager, editors; and "The Rise of Modern Europe" William L. Langer, editor. The files of Cass Canfield Sr. contain substantial material on Planned Parenthood and International Planned Parenthood.

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Harper & Row Publishers records, 1935-1973 153 linear feet 368 boxes

Harry Scherman papers, 1937-1969

49 boxes 49 boxes
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Large groups of correspondence with members of the editorial board including Henry Seidel Canby, Dorothy Canfield Fisher, John Marquand, Christopher Morley, and William Allen White, which contain insights into the Club's activities, organization, and literary policies. Also, material relating to Scherman's careers as writer, economist, and philanthropist. Mr. Scherman's economic activities are represented by files of correspondence and papers of the National Bureau of Economic Research, the Federal Union, and the Committee on Economic Development. Among the personal items in the collection are manuscripts of his publications, reviews of his writings, numerous awards he has received, photographs, and documents relating to his long and rich career. There are two particularly warm letters from Winston Churchill and Albert Einstein. Also, additional personal and professional correspondence files of Scherman with publishers, agents, authors, Book of the Month Club judges, and organizations with which he was affiliated.

1 result in this collection

Harry Scherman papers, 1937-1969 49 boxes 49 boxes

Helene Hanff papers, 1931-1995

2 linear feet 4 boxes
Abstract Or Scope

Correspondence, manuscripts, notes, photographs, reviews, clippings, and other printed materials about Hanff, as well as books by and about her.

1 result in this collection

Helene Hanff papers, 1931-1995 2 linear feet 4 boxes

Henry James letters, 1894-1915

1 box 1 box
Abstract Or Scope

Thirty affectionate letters of Henry James to his close friend Ranee Margaret of Sarawak. Also, letters to Walter Berry, Howard V. Knox, and Theodora Sedgwick.

1 result in this collection

Henry James letters, 1894-1915 1 box 1 box

Henry Morton Robinson papers, 1915-1965

42 boxes 42 boxes
Abstract Or Scope

Papers dealing with Robinson's activities as a student and instructor in English at Columbia University, editor of CONTEMPORARY VERSE, senior editor at THE READER'S DIGEST, poet and author of many books including THE CARDINAL. Among the correspondents are Melville Cane, Paul de Kruif, John Erskine, Merrill Moore, and Christopher Morley.

1 result in this collection

Henry Morton Robinson papers, 1915-1965 42 boxes 42 boxes

Henry Parker Willis papers, 1863-1937

37 boxes 37 boxes 134 volumes
Abstract Or Scope

Correspondence, memoranda, manuscripts, speeches, documents, and subject files of Willis. Much of the collection deals with the formation and early development of the Federal Reserve System. The papers also deal with his work with the Philippine National Bank, the Irish Banking Commission, the Banking Inquiry of 1925 and the Banking Act of 1933, the New Zealand Monetary Commission, Australian Banking, and the Indian Currency Commission. Among the major correspondents are Charles Francis Adams, Irving Fisher, Carter Glass, Francis W. Hirst, William G. McAdoo, Christopher Morley, Manuel L. Quezon, and E.R.A. Seligman.

1 result in this collection

Henry Parker Willis papers, 1863-1937 37 boxes 37 boxes 134 volumes

Herbert Gold papers, 1951-1984

1 linear feet 2 document boxes
Abstract Or Scope
This collection contains personal and professional correspondence to and from Herbert Gold, and manuscripts and proofs of his written works, from 1951-1984.
1 result in this collection

Herbert Gold papers, 1951-1984 1 linear feet 2 document boxes

Herman Wouk papers, 1915-2003, bulk 1940-1960

23.26 linear feet 53 document boxes 1 small flat box 2 oversized folders
Abstract Or Scope
This collection documents the professional work of Pulitzer Prize winning author, Herman Wouk. The bulk of the papers are drafts of manuscripts and plays, including The Caine Mutiny, with many annotations and notes by the author. There is also correspondence between Wouk and his colleagues, in particular his brother, the noted scientist, Victor Wouk.
1 result in this collection

Herman Wouk papers, 1915-2003, bulk 1940-1960 23.26 linear feet 53 document boxes 1 small flat box 2 oversized folders

Hodder and Stoughton records, 1875-1914

3 linear feet 6 document boxes
Abstract Or Scope

Correspondence and publishing agreements for many of their authors in the pre-World War I period.

1 result in this collection

Hodder and Stoughton records, 1875-1914 3 linear feet 6 document boxes

Houghton Mifflin Company letters, 1859-1860

1 volume 1 volume
Abstract Or Scope

Seven letters: two from Ralph Waldo Emerson, and one each from James Russell Lowell, Edward Everett, Charles W. Eliot, Charles E. Norton, and Charles Scribner. They are concerned with publishing matters such as returning proofs and forwarding manuscripts.

1 result in this collection

Houghton Mifflin Company letters, 1859-1860 1 volume 1 volume

Hubbard family letters, 1849-1950

2 boxes 2 boxes
Abstract Or Scope

Domestic correspondence of Lucius Lee Hubbard (1849-1933), and that of his wife, Frances Johnson Lambard Hubbard (1852-1927), their three daughters, and other relatives in Cambridge, Massachusetts and Houghton, Michigan. Most of the letters are addressed to Hubbard's daughter Frances Hubbard Flaherty, the wife and co-worker of Robert J. Flaherty, the film director. There is also correspondence of the parents and relatives of Frances Hubbard, the Lambard family of Georgia.

1 result in this collection

Hubbard family letters, 1849-1950 2 boxes 2 boxes

Independent Literary Agents Association records, 1975-1989

3 linear feet 7 manuscript boxes
Abstract Or Scope

Correspondence, by-laws, memoranda, contracts, permission forms, reports, bank statements and other legal papers, advertising, and printed materials.

1 result in this collection

Independent Literary Agents Association records, 1975-1989 3 linear feet 7 manuscript boxes

Isidor Schneider Papers, 1925-1975

8 linear feet 5,000 items in 20 manuscript boxes
Abstract Or Scope

Manuscripts and correspondence of Schneider, including numerous manuscripts of short stories and poems, many of which are unpublished, and several full-length manuscripts of unpublished critical works. The collection also contains an extensive file of typescript reports on books for The Book Find Club, clippings of reviews written by Schneider and about his books, photographs and drawings of Schneider, and a file of correspondence relating to his writings. The literary correspondence includes letters from many of the important novelists, poets, and literary critics from the 1920s to the 1950s. They include Conrad Aiken, Sherwood Anderson, Kenneth Burke, Malcolm Cowley, Theodore Dreiser, Waldo Frank, Lillian Hellman, Robert Hillyer, Alfred Kreymborg, Thomas Mann, Arthur Miller, Marianne Moore, Lewis Mumford, Laura Riding, Muriel Rukeyser, Karl Shapiro, Stephen Spender, Mark Van Doren, and Yvor Winters.

1 result in this collection

Isidor Schneider Papers, 1925-1975 8 linear feet 5,000 items in 20 manuscript boxes

Jack Harris Samuels English and American literary manuscripts and letters collection, [1630]-1964

6.5 linear feet 6 boxes 27 volumes
Abstract Or Scope

A collection of letters, manuscripts, proofs, and drawings of English and American authors, including 33 letters from Alan Gabriel Barnsley (Gabriel Fielding) to Derek Stanford; a letter from James Boswell to George Colman the younger; a letter from Wilkie Collins; a letter from James Fenimore Cooper to William Buell Sprague; a letter from Dinah Maria Mulock Craik; letters from E.M. Forster; letters from Sarah Grand to James B. Pond; letters from T.B. Macauley; a letter from Hester Lynch Piozzi to James Robson; letters and cards from G.B. Shaw; letters from R.B. Sheridan to Thomas Grenville and to C. Ward, and a letter from Elizabeth Ann Linley Sheridan to R.B. Sheridan; a letter from William Wordsworth to F.W. Faber; a letter to Alfred, Lord Tennyson to Benjamin Disraeli; letters from Anthony Trollope written to Frederic Chapman, Mary Christie, J.T. Fields, Frederic Harrison, and others; letters from Ellen Terry and Rhoda Broughton, and postcards from Evelyn Waugh to Graham Ackroyd. The manuscripts include examples by Max Beerbohm, Arnold Bennett, Elizabeth Bowen, John Burroughs, Ivy Compton-Burnett, A.E. Coppard, Baron Corvo, Cecil Day Lewis, Ronald Firbank, E.M. Forster, George Gissing, Sarah Grand, A.P. Herbert, Rudyard Kipling, Edward Lear, Henry W. Longfellow, Amy Lowell, John Wilmot 2nd Earl of Rochester, G.B. Shaw, Edith Sitwell, and Logan Pearsall Smith.

1 result in this collection

Jack Harris Samuels English and American literary manuscripts and letters collection, [1630]-1964 6.5 linear feet 6 boxes 27 volumes

Jack Kerouac papers, 1945-1971

.5 linear feet 1 document box
Abstract Or Scope
Novelist and member of the Beat Generation. The collection includes a small amount of correspondence, manuscript material and ephemera by and relating to Jack Kerouac.
1 result in this collection

Jack Kerouac papers, 1945-1971 .5 linear feet 1 document box

Jacob Rabinowitz letters, 1978-1993

0.5 linear feet 55 items in 1 box
Abstract Or Scope

Letters from William Burroughs, Robert Creeley, Allen Ginsberg, and others concerning his poetry and translations and about their own lives. There are also a few poems and photographs.

1 result in this collection

Jacob Rabinowitz letters, 1978-1993 0.5 linear feet 55 items in 1 box

James Gilvarry literary letters and manuscripts, 1885-1927

.5 linear feet 1 manuscript box
Abstract Or Scope

Letters and manuscripts of English and American authors collected by Gilvarry. Included are a letter from Arnold Bennett, London, 1923, to Miss Renard; a poem "The Sea Bird to the Wave" by Padraic Colum, 1916; an essay of D.H. Lawrence, 1926?; a letter from Ezra Pound, London, ca. 1914, to Seumas O'Sullivan; a letter from George Santayana, Rome, 1927, to E.W. Titus; and a photograph with signature of Herman Melville, New York, 1885.

1 result in this collection

James Gilvarry literary letters and manuscripts, 1885-1927 .5 linear feet 1 manuscript box

James Warner Bellah manuscripts, 1952-1953

1.5 linear feet 3 boxes
Abstract Or Scope

Manuscripts, typescripts, galley and page proofs and printed versions of several of Bellah's stories and books. Most of the stories, which relate to the American Civil War, were published in the SATURDAY EVENING POST. Several items of related correspondence are included. The titles in the collection are: "First Blood at Harper's Ferry" "How Stonewall Came Back" "The Secret of the Seven Days" "Slaughter at Ball's Bluff" "Stonewall Jackson's Way" "Stuart's Charge at Bull Run" "The Valiant Virginians" and "Why Stonewall Jackson got Licked at Kernstown.".

1 result in this collection

James Warner Bellah manuscripts, 1952-1953 1.5 linear feet 3 boxes

John Erskine papers, 1890-1951

40 linear feet 71 boxes (52 boxes of papers including 1 flat box, 8 boxes of books, B1 through B8, 11 boxes of presented books, PB1 through PB11)
Abstract Or Scope

Correspondence relating to Erskine's various educational, musical and literary interests; manuscripts of his writings; lecture notes for college courses; souvenirs of his army service in World War I and his Columbia University professorship, and student papers from his own school and college days. Also, biographical file, scrapbooks, and articles.

1 result in this collection

John Erskine papers, 1890-1951 40 linear feet 71 boxes (52 boxes of papers including 1 flat box, 8 boxes of books, B1 through B8, 11 boxes of presented books, PB1 through PB11)

John Howard Payne papers, 1780-1952

26 boxes 26 boxes 1 portfolio
Abstract Or Scope

Manuscripts by Payne, including plays, poems, journals, essays, account books, correspondence, letter books (to and from) including a large group of letters from Washington Irving. Also, pictorial material, scrapbooks, biographies, portraits, passports, and other documents; and materials on the Cherokee incident, 1835-1838, and Payne's arrest in Georgia. Other material include letters of various members of the Payne family and of related families. Of greatest interest is a group of fine letters and manuscripts of Eloise Richards Payne (1787-1819), a sister of the playwright. These present a sensitive and revealing portrait of the social, cultural, and political life of the time. Among the manuscripts and documents are many items of genealogical interest on the Paine, Shippen, Lynch, Luquer, and Lea families. Two boxes of the papers of Col. Thatcher Taylor Payne Luquer contain correspondence on various aspects of John Howard Payne's career, and on "An Unconscious Autobiography" the letters and diaries of William Osborn Payne (1783-1804), a brother of the playwright, edited by Col. Luquer.

1 result in this collection

John Howard Payne papers, 1780-1952 26 boxes 26 boxes 1 portfolio

John Treat Irving Jr. letters, 1807-1936

6 boxes 6 boxes (312 items)
Abstract Or Scope

A collection of letters to and from John Treat Irving Jr. While there are 63 letters from Irving, the majority of the correspondence is that of his father and mother, John Treat Irving, Sr. and Abby Furman Irving, other members of the Irving family, and friends. There are no letters of Washington Irving in the collection, though there are many interesting reference to him. There are nineteen letters to John Treat Irving from his uncle, the writer Peter Irving (1771-1838), dated 1835-1837. The collection also contains 51 pages of extracts from letters dating from the period of his European travels of 1836-1837. Included are two notebooks. The earlier of the two, dating from 1828 when John Irving was a senior at Columbia College, records class notes, problems, and exercises. The second contains poems, sketches, and essays, most of which are dated 1831-1833, the period preceding his travels to the West and the writing of INDIAN SKETCHES.

1 result in this collection

John Treat Irving Jr. letters, 1807-1936 6 boxes 6 boxes (312 items)

Joseph Freeman papers, 1920-1965

4 linear feet 9 boxes
Abstract Or Scope

Correspondence, manuscripts, drawings, documents, photographs, clippings, and other printed materials. Most of Freeman's own letters are written to Anne Williams Feinberg, his secretary. Among the cataloged correspondence are: Sherwood Anderson, Margaret Bourke-White, Erskine Caldwell, John Dos Passos, Theodore Dreiser, Langston Hughes, Edna St. Vincent Millay, and Lincoln Steffens. There is the manuscript of his book NEVER CALL RETREAT.

1 result in this collection

Joseph Freeman papers, 1920-1965 4 linear feet 9 boxes

Joseph Schwartz papers on Hart Crane, 1921-1985

6 linear feet 13 boxes
Abstract Or Scope

Correspondence, articles, research notes, manuscripts, illustrations, printed materials, and a phonograph record collected by Schwartz in compiling his HART CRANE, A REFERENCE GUIDE (Boston, G.K. Hall [1983]). Among the correspondents are Alfred Gilman and Allen Tate. There is also a xerox copy of the script for a production of "The Bridge" by Hart Crane as a dance drama performed at Bennington College in the early 1930s

1 result in this collection

Joseph Schwartz papers on Hart Crane, 1921-1985 6 linear feet 13 boxes

Judith Emlyn Johnson papers, circa 1967-1979

9 linear feet 21 boxes
Abstract Or Scope

Correspondence, manuscripts, and printed materials of Judith Johnson Sherwin.

1 result in this collection

Judith Emlyn Johnson papers, circa 1967-1979 9 linear feet 21 boxes

Kenyon Cox papers, 1860-1922

602 items
Abstract Or Scope

Included is Cox's correspondence, circa 1880 until his death in 1919, with architects, painters, sculptors, and writers including Bernard Berenson, Edwin Howland Blashfield, Will Hicock Low, John La Farge, Henry Oliver Walker, H. Siddons Mowbray, Theodore Robinson, Elliott Daingerfield, Lucia Fairchild Fuller, Howard Pyle, William A. Coffin, Russell Cowles, Daniel Chester French, Irving R. Wiles, James Monroe Hewlett, Harry Wilson Watrous, Edward R. Simmons, Maxfield and Stephen Parrish, Augustus Saint-Gaudens, Louis Saint-Gaudens, John C. Van Dyke, Wendell P. Garrison, Richard Watson Gilder, Robert Underwood Johnson, the architectural firm of McKim, Mead & White, Stanford White, Charles F. McKim, Cass Gilbert, Charles Adams Platt, and others. Of note are 136 from Cox to lawyer and author Leonard E. Opdyke. Correspondence, circa 1870-1922, with family members, particularly his father, Jacob Dolson Cox (a Union officer), his mother, Louise Howland King Cox (a painter), and his brother Jacob Dolson Cox, Jr. (a Cleveland industrialist and founder of the Cleveland Twist Drill Company). Correspondence of various other family members either among themselves, beginning circa 1860, or with Kenyon Cox is included. Also, manuscripts of Cox's essays, addresses, articles, and other writings on art, circa1870-1919; poetry; and juvenilia.

1 result in this collection

Kenyon Cox papers, 1860-1922 602 items

Lawrence Ferlinghetti papers, 1959-1970

1 box 1 box (83 Items)
Abstract Or Scope

Correspondence of Ferlinghetti with Jack Hirschman about the editing, publishing, and reprinting of his ARTAUD ANTHOLOGY by City Lights Books; and correspondence with the poet Claude Pelieu and with Mary Beach.

1 result in this collection

Lawrence Ferlinghetti papers, 1959-1970 1 box 1 box (83 Items)

Lenore Marshall papers, 1887-1980

23.5 linear feet 40 boxes; 1 scrapbook in place of Box 22; 1 oversize folder
Abstract Or Scope

Correspondence, manuscripts, documents, memorabilia and printed materials. The correspondence deals with literary and political topics, from such people as Hayden Carruth, Irwin Edman, Lola Ridge and Norman Thomas; numerous manuscripts of Mrs. Marshall's writings, including the notes, drafts, manuscripts and proofs of her last novel THE HILL IS LEVEL and various manuscripts of the stories published in THE CONFRONTATION AND OTHER STORIES, and numerous manuscripts of poetry and short stories. Also included is material on the World War II draft of 19-year-olds, economic aid for Western Europe, the Vietnam War, the origin of SANE, the Committee for Nuclear Responsibility, the Amchitka Islands nuclear tests, the Task Force against Nuclear Pollution, and personal correspondence from her own and her husband's families

1 result in this collection

Lenore Marshall papers, 1887-1980 23.5 linear feet 40 boxes; 1 scrapbook in place of Box 22; 1 oversize folder

Lewis Galantière papers, 1920-1977

20 Linear Feet 40 document boxes, 3 card files (Boxes Cataloged 4a, b, c), oversized items
Abstract Or Scope

Writers represented in the correspondence files are Margaret Anderson, Sherwood Anderson, George Antheil, Djuna Barnes, Clive Bell, Malcolm Cowley, E.E. Cummings, John Dos Passos, Ford Madox Ford, Ernest Hemingway, Richard Hughes, Eugene Jolas, Archibald MacLeish, H.L. Mencken, Henry Miller, Adrienne Monnier, Man Ray, Elmer Rice, Jules Romains, Gertrude Stein, John Steinbeck, Allen Tate, Carl Van Vechten, Robert Penn Warren, and Edmund Wilson. Galantiere's best known work as a translator was that of the writings of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, and the collection contains in addition to correspondence, twelve manuscripts, all bearing the author's and the translator's corrections. He also wrote extensively on economic subjects and current history, and these files and manuscripts are present in the collection. Galantiere wrote plays in his own name and adapted Jean Anouilh's ANTIGONE for Katharine Cornell in 1946, and there are materials relating to these works.

1 result in this collection

Lewis Galantière papers, 1920-1977 20 Linear Feet 40 document boxes, 3 card files (Boxes Cataloged 4a, b, c), oversized items

Louis Ginsberg papers, 1920-1976

13 linear feet 26 manuscript boxes, 1 record carton
Abstract Or Scope

Ginsberg's papers are mostly the manuscripts and clippings of his poetry and prose writings, class notes for his courses at Rutgers, clippings of interviews and other publicity materials for his joint poetry readings with Allen Ginsberg, and many books from his library. Also included are ten letters from Ginsberg to Louis Untermeyer regarding Ginsberg's poetry; and four letters from Gisnberg to Stanley Wertheim.

1 result in this collection

Louis Ginsberg papers, 1920-1976 13 linear feet 26 manuscript boxes, 1 record carton

Lucien Price manuscripts, 1951-1958

20 boxes 20 boxes
Abstract Or Scope

Manuscripts of Price, including the notes, manuscripts, typescripts, and galley proofs for HELLAS REGAINED, OCTOBER RHAPSODY, and THE SACRED LEGION, which are parts of his "All Souls" sequence of novels.

1 result in this collection

Lucien Price manuscripts, 1951-1958 20 boxes 20 boxes

Manuel Komroff papers, 1897-1979

23 linear feet 44 boxes 1 drawer
Abstract Or Scope

Correspondence, manuscripts, photographs, and printed materials. There are manuscripts for his books, short stories, articles, and other writings. The printed materials include books written, edited, and translated by Komroff, as well as his contributions to anthologies and periodicals. There are also a number of books by other authors inscribed to him. Most of the photographs are portraits of literary figures, the majority of which were taken by Komroff.

1 result in this collection

Manuel Komroff papers, 1897-1979 23 linear feet 44 boxes 1 drawer

Mark Twain papers, 1900-1968

1 linear feet 2 boxes; 1 volume; 1 oversize folder
Abstract Or Scope

The collection consists of 32 letters written by Samuel L. Clemens to Mary Benjamin Rogers (Mrs. H.H.), his niece by marriage, and four letters written to Clemens and forwarded by him to Mrs. Rogers with comments. The letters are very personal in tone, full of Clemens' well-known wit, and revealing of his personal characteristics. There are a few clippings, cartoons, and one photograph. Also, a collection of 18 letters written by Clemens to Dorothy Sturgis, 1908-1909, relating to the "Angel-Fish Aquarium." There is also one typescript of the Constitution of the Club"The Aquarium, Issued by the Admiral;" and a photograph album of the Mark Twain Dinner, 1905.

1 result in this collection

Mark Twain papers, 1900-1968 1 linear feet 2 boxes; 1 volume; 1 oversize folder

Mary Eleanor Wilkins Freeman letters, 1893-1981, bulk 1893-1901

2 boxes 2 boxes (56 Items)
Abstract Or Scope

Letters of Freeman, addressed to various personalities at Harper Brothers and the Century Magazine, relating chiefly to the publication in serial and book form of her various novels and short stories. Included are letters to Richard Watson Gilder, Robert Underwood Johnson, Colonel George B. Harvey, and Henry Mills Alden. Also, photocopies of the typescript of Brent L. Kendrick's Ph.D. thesis (University of South Carolina, 1981) THE INFANT SPHINX: COLLECTED LETTERS OF MARY E. WILKINS FREEMAN. 2 vols. (Published version in the General Library: PS1713/.A44/1985).

1 result in this collection

Mary Eleanor Wilkins Freeman letters, 1893-1981, bulk 1893-1901 2 boxes 2 boxes (56 Items)

Maurice Francis Egan letters, 1911-1919

1 box 1 box
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Letters from Egan to Henry Goddard Leach. These concern the stories and poems of both men, United States-Scandinavian affairs, President Wilson, Danish theater and literature, and the effect on Denmark of the American embargo during the first World War.

1 result in this collection

Maurice Francis Egan letters, 1911-1919 1 box 1 box

Millen Brand papers, 1919-1976

40 linear feet 95 boxes
Abstract Or Scope
This collection contains correspondence, journals, manuscripts, documents, memorabilia, and printed materials relating to writer Millen Brand.
1 result in this collection

Millen Brand papers, 1919-1976 40 linear feet 95 boxes

Milton Moses Ginsberg papers, 1958-2020

21 Linear Feet 16 RSC and 1 large flatbox
Abstract Or Scope

The Ginsberg papers are primarily his writings and related research materials, with some ephemera from his produced films and plays.

1 result in this collection

Milton Moses Ginsberg papers, 1958-2020 21 Linear Feet 16 RSC and 1 large flatbox

Mott family papers, 1840-1954

3 boxes 3 boxes
Abstract Or Scope

This collection is a random group of papers of three generations of the Mott family. Papers of Jordan Lawrence Mott include 51 deeds, letters, and leases showing Mott's subdivision, improvement, and letting of this property. Correspondence of J.L. Mott II is mostly from well-known people in English society in the early 20th century. Mott's wife, Katherine Jerome Purdy Mott, was a cousin of the Jerome sisters (Lady Randolph Churchill, Lady Leslie, and Mrs. Moreton Frewen). Papers of J.L. Mott III include correspondence with publishers about his works, miscellaneous manuscripts, and financial documents. Correspondents include the Duchess of Abercorn, Prince Arthur (Duke of Connaught) and his family, L.B.R. Briggs, Ednah Dow Cheney, Joseph B. Gilder, H.A. Harvey, Lady Constance Leslie, Frank E. Schoonover, Christian Schussele, and Caspar Whitney.

1 result in this collection

Mott family papers, 1840-1954 3 boxes 3 boxes

Nancy Dawson and Herman Wouk Collection, 1952-1965

0.42 linear feet 1 document box
Abstract Or Scope
This collection contains primarily correspondence between author Herman Wouk and his secretary and research assistant, Nancy Dawson.
1 result in this collection

Nancy Dawson and Herman Wouk Collection, 1952-1965 0.42 linear feet 1 document box

Paul Felix Lazarsfeld papers, 1930-1976

75500 items 283 boxes; 1 tape recording; 1 computer printout; 2 video cassettes
Abstract Or Scope

Correspondence, manuscripts, notes, technical reports, memoranda, questionnaires, interview schedules, personal and professional documents, several photographs, one tape recording, and printed materials. The correspondence files contain letters to colleagues and researchers such as Bernard Berelson, Robert Lynd, Robert Merton, and Frank Stanton. The subject files document Lazarsfeld's many research projects such as the Admissions Officers Project, 1964-1970, the Planning Project for Advanced Training in Social Research, 1950-1955, and his first major endeavor, the Princeton Radio Research Project, 1937-1940. There are complete records for his 1954-1955 study on McCarthyism's effect on college teaching. These original materials consisting of correspondence, interview schedules, and questionnaires contain many detailed comments which could not be included in the published version of this study, THE ACADEMIC MIND (1958). Numerous files relate to Lazarsfeld's position as Associate Director of the Bureau of Applied Social Research (BASR). There are manuscripts of books, research papers, lectures, and articles by Lazarsfeld as well as by his students and colleagues.

1 result in this collection

Paul Felix Lazarsfeld papers, 1930-1976 75500 items 283 boxes; 1 tape recording; 1 computer printout; 2 video cassettes

Paul Gallico papers, 1922-1969

39 linear feet 92 boxes 1 oversize folder
Abstract Or Scope

These papers document the range of his literary career, beginning with his sports columns written for the DAILY NEWS in 1922 and continuing through THE POSEIDON ADVENTURE published in 1969. Included are drafts, typescripts, and proofs for all of his major writings, among them THE SNOW GOOSE, THOMASINA, MRS. 'ARRIS GOES TO PARIS, THE HURRICANE STORY, SCRUFFY, and THE SILENT MIAOW, as well as those for his hundreds of articles, essays, and stories, which have appeared in THE SATURDAY EVENING POST, COSMOPOLITAN, ESQUIRE, and other national magazines. In addition, his files contain his research notes, background material, photographs, and correspondence for each of his works

1 result in this collection

Paul Gallico papers, 1922-1969 39 linear feet 92 boxes 1 oversize folder

Pearl S. Buck Collection, 1932-1956

.84 linear feet 2 document boxes
Abstract Or Scope
The collection consists primarily of carbon copies of manuscripts for Pearl S. Buck's short stories, essays, speeches, and screenplays. Some copies include corrections and additions in Buck's handwriting. The collection also includes publications by other authors including an exhaustive bibliography of Buck's work by Lucille S. Zinn of the Pearl S. Buck Birthplace Foundation, Inc.
1 result in this collection

Pearl S. Buck Collection, 1932-1956 .84 linear feet 2 document boxes

Percival Wilde letters, 1941-1951

1 box 1 box (82 items)
Abstract Or Scope

Letters and postcards from Wilde to Prof Paul Robinson Coleman-Norton, professor of classical philology at Princeton University. The letters are personal in content, reminiscing on their former association at Burgoyne Trail, a nudist camp, asking Coleman-Norton's professional aid, and giving some account of Wilde's current activities. Many of the letters are signed "Jimmy.".

1 result in this collection

Percival Wilde letters, 1941-1951 1 box 1 box (82 items)

Philip Whalen papers, 1941-1979

8.34 linear feet 20 document boxes
Abstract Or Scope
Papers of Philip Whalen, American poet, novelist, and Zen Buddhist associated with the Beat Generation and the San Francisco Renaissance.
1 result in this collection

Philip Whalen papers, 1941-1979 8.34 linear feet 20 document boxes

Ralph Waldo Emerson letters, 1814-1882

1 box 1 box (76 Items)
Abstract Or Scope

Original letters by Ralph Waldo Emerson to various correspondents. One box of letters to and about Emerson. Correspondents include Henry Thoreau, Ellen Tucker Emerson, F.B. Sanborn, and Cyrus Augustus Bartol.

1 result in this collection

Ralph Waldo Emerson letters, 1814-1882 1 box 1 box (76 Items)

Ralph Waldo Emerson papers, 1814-1867

25 boxes
Abstract Or Scope

Photostatic copies of letters by Ralph Waldo Emerson gathered by Professor Ralph L. Rusk for his edition of THE LETTERS OF RALPH WALDO EMERSON (New York, 1939). Also, twenty-six volumes of typescript journals in nine boxes.

1 result in this collection

Ralph Waldo Emerson papers, 1814-1867 25 boxes

Random House records, 1925-1999

702 linear feet 1693 boxes
Abstract Or Scope

The collection consists of the editorial and production archives of Random House, Inc. from its founding in 1925 to the 1990s. The correspondence and editorial files include many of the prominent novelists and short story writers from 20th-century American and European literature: Saul Bellow; Erskine Caldwell; Truman Capote; William Faulkner; Sinclair Lewis; André Malraux; Gertrude Stein and Thornton Wilder. Among the poets there are files for W. H. Auden; Allen Ginsberg; Robinson Jeffers; Robert Lowell; and Stephen Spender. In the area of theater there are files for Maxwell Anderson; Moss Hart; Lillian Hellman; Eugene O'Neill; and Tennessee Williams. Random House transacted business with many fine presses and noted typographers and the archives contain files for Nonesuch Press, Grabhorn Press and Golden Cockerel Press, as wll as for Bruce Rogers, Valenti Angelo, and Edwin, Jane, and Robert Grabhorn.

1 result in this collection

Random House records, 1925-1999 702 linear feet 1693 boxes

Renwick Family papers, 1794-1916

2 linear feet 3 boxes 1 portfolio
Abstract Or Scope

This collection is primarily concerned with Prof. James Renwick and his professional correspondence and papers, both as Professor of Natural Philosophy (Physics) at Columbia College and as a leading engineer. Many certificates of membership in honorary societies are included. There are letters from Washington Irving (1783-1859) to Prof. Renwick and to his mother, Jane Jeffrey Renwick, pertaining to contemporary events and Irving's own activities. The letters to Mrs. Renwick are about the travels and experiences of Irving and Renwick abroad. The collection also covers the affairs of the Prof. Renwick's grandfather, including documents concerning his land grants in New York State, and those of James Armstrong Renwick, including his valedictory address at Columbia College in 1876 and his class reunion in 1916. There are many legal documents, letters, and manuscripts of various members of the Renwick and Brevoort families; among these are Prof. Renwick's notes on his family genealogy and a memoir of Jane Jeffrey Renwick. Correspondents include Clement Clarke Moore, John A. Dix, Martin Van Buren, Secretary of State John Forsyth, and Secretary of the Navy James K. Paulding. There is one letter from Sir Edward Sabine (1788-1883), President of the Royal Society, giving his views on the American Civil War.

1 result in this collection

Renwick Family papers, 1794-1916 2 linear feet 3 boxes 1 portfolio

Richard P. Blackmur manuscripts, 1922-1931

1 linear feet 2 boxes
Abstract Or Scope

Uncataloged novels, plays, and short stories by Blackmur. There are photographs mounted in each of the five volumes. The collection contains THE GREATER TORMENT (novel), KING PANDAR (novel), PLAYS ("The conqueror" "Follow the leader" "Hero" and "The taking of Avis"), SHORT STORIES (33 short stories).

1 result in this collection

Richard P. Blackmur manuscripts, 1922-1931 1 linear feet 2 boxes

Robert Lax papers, 1938-1990

17 linear feet 32 boxes 1 package
Abstract Or Scope

Correspondence, manuscripts, drawings, photographs, and printed material of Lax. Included are letters of Mark and Dorothy Van Doren and Thomas Merton. The bulk of the collection is comprised of Lax's poetry and journal manuscripts, many written in Patmos and Kalymnos, Greece, and originally sent to Emil Antonucci of the Journeyman Press in New York for publication. Also, printed photographs and unprinted negatives of pictures taken by Lax, primarily in Greece.

1 result in this collection

Robert Lax papers, 1938-1990 17 linear feet 32 boxes 1 package

Robert Nathan papers, 1950-1974

1 box 1 box
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Correspondence, manuscript, clippings, and photographs relating to Nathan. Included is a typescript of Dan H. Laurence's study of Nathan's life and work.

1 result in this collection

Robert Nathan papers, 1950-1974 1 box 1 box

Roberts Brothers papers, 1838-1932, bulk 1882-1898

2.5 linear feet 5 boxes
Abstract Or Scope

Correspondence files of Roberts Brothers, pertaining to all departments, editorial, production, advertising, and sales. Also, some miscellaneous letters and documents, unrelated to Roberts Brothers, which deal with various legal matters, including those of Frederick D. Ely and of William A. Dunn, from 1838 until 1932, and letters to the Secretary of Harvard University from 1900 to 1907.

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Roberts Brothers papers, 1838-1932, bulk 1882-1898 2.5 linear feet 5 boxes

Robert Underwood Johnson papers, 1848-1937

6.3 linear feet 15 document boxes
Abstract Or Scope

Correspondence of Johnson with literary and other prominent people in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. There are letters from Annie Fields, John Burroughs, Witter Bynner, Mary Mapes Dodge, Edmund Gosse, Helen Hunt Jackson, Rudyard Kipling, Emma Lazarus, S.W. Mitchell, John Muir, Joseph Pennell, James Whitcomb Riley, Tommaso Salvini, Carlo Sforza, and William Watson. The correspondence deals with the business affairs of the CENTURY MAGAZINE (earlier SCRIBNER'S MAGAZINE), the American Copyright League, the American Embassy in Rome, and Johnson's interest in conservation. There are 600 letters between Johnson and his wife, Katherine McMahon John, which are not only personal but also concern literary and business matters. Among the manuscripts are poetry and prose of Robert Underwood Johnson and Katherine Johnson, poetry of Sir William Watson, Mary Mapes Dodge and John Muir, and sets of corrected proof of Mrs. Humphry Ward's (Mary Augusta Ward) SIR GEORGE TRESSADY. Also, one box of miscellaneous correspondence, American Copyright League materials, photographs, and printed memorabilia.

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Robert Underwood Johnson papers, 1848-1937 6.3 linear feet 15 document boxes

Rochelle Owens papers, 1900-2022

10.5 linear feet 24 boxes and 1 folder
Abstract Or Scope

Correspondence, manuscripts, notes, documents, photographs, audio tapes, and printed materials of Rochelle Owens. Included are: correspondence with other writers, publishers, and friends; scripts and production files of her plays; and, manuscripts and drafts of her books and other poems, along with other related materials. Boxes 1-3: Cataloged correspondence; Boxes 4-12: Owens' writings by title (Manuscripts, notes, photographs& printed materials); Box 13-14: General file (Audio tape cassettes, Biographical materials, Misc., Photographs& Misc. printed materials); Oversize folder: Record album & Photographs.

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Rochelle Owens papers, 1900-2022 10.5 linear feet 24 boxes and 1 folder

Rockwell Kent papers, 1885-1970

59 linear feet 46 boxes 10 drawers 3 slip cases
Abstract Or Scope
A significant collection of Rockwell Kent's correspondence; drawings and sketches; watercolors; lithographs; proofs; manuscripts; and architectural drawings. There are also lithographs and woodblock prints by Kent's students and admirers.
1 result in this collection

Rockwell Kent papers, 1885-1970 59 linear feet 46 boxes 10 drawers 3 slip cases