Box 217 Folder 1
Academic Misconduct, 1940s
Box 217 Folder 2
Aero Club, 1910s
Box 217 Folder 3
African American Cultural Society (AACS), 1990s
Box 217 Folder 4
African American Student Activities and Student Life, 1960s-2000s
Box 217 Folder 5
Afro-American Society, 1960s
Box 217 Folder 6
African Student Associations, 1960s-2000s
Box 217 Folder 7
Anthon Club, 1900s
Box 217 Folder 8
Asian Americans Working for Education (AAWE),, 1990s
Box 217 Folder 9
Asian Students, 1950s-2000s
Box 217 Folder 10
Asian Student Union, 1970s-1990s
Box 217 Folder 11
ATMs and IDs, 1970s-2000s
Box 217 Folder 12 to 13
Axe and Coffin, 1860s-1940s, undated, 1860s-1940s, undated, (2 Folders)
Box 218 Folder 1
Axe and Coffin Roster, 1860s
Box 386 Folder 1
Balls, Receptions, 1870s
Box 218 Folder 2
Barnard Literary Association (CU Debate Society For Men), 1880s-1900s
Box 218 Folder 3
Beanies (Freshman Cap), 1960s-1980s
Box 218 Folder 4
Bicycle Club, 1880s-1890s
Box 218 Folder 5
Biochemical Association, 1910s
Box 218 Folder 6
Black Avengers, 1910s-1950s
Box 218 Folder 7
Black History/Heritage Month, 1980s-2020s
Box 218 Folder 8
Black Students Organization (BSO), 1980s-2000s
Box 218 Folder 9
Blue Key Society, 1920s-1990s
Box 218 Folder 10
Blue Pencil, 1910s-2000s
Box 218 Folder 11
Board of Managers (BOM), 1960s-1990s
Box 218 Folder 12
Boar's Head, 1910s-1930s
Box 218 Folder 13
Boat Club, 1870s-1880s
Box 218 Folder 14
Burial of the Ancients, 1860s-1880s
Box 219 Folder 1
Burial of the Ancients, 1860s-1880s
Box 219 Folder 2
Campus Night, 1920s
Box 219 Folder 3
Cane Spree, 1890s
Box 219 Folder 4
Caribbean Students Association, 1990s
Box 219 Folder 5
CARP (Collegiate Association for Research Principles), 1970s-1980s
Box 219 Folder 6
CAVA (Columbia Area Volunteer Ambulance), 1980s-1990s
Box 219 Folder 7
Census, 1990s-2000s
Box 219 Folder 9
Charles Hamilton Pre-Law Association, 1990s
Box 219 Folder 10
Charter Flights, 1960s
Box 219 Folder 11
Checker Club, 1910s
Box 219 Folder 12
Chemical Society, 1870s-1990s
Box 219 Folder 13
Chess Club, 1960s-1970s
Box 219 Folder 14
Chinese Culture, 1970s-1990s
Box 219 Folder 15
Chinese Students, 1870s-1990s
Box 220 Folder 1
Circolo Italiano, 1910s-1920s
Box 220 Folder 2
Civic Service League, 1910s
Box 220 Folder 3
Class Dances, 1920s-1930s
Box 220 Folder 4
Class Presidents, Society of, 1950s-1960s
Box 220 Folder 5
Classical Club, 1900s-1920s
Box 220 Folder 6
College Fed Challenge (New York Federal Reserve Bank),, 2000s
Box 415 Folder 14
Columbia Chemists Luncheonette and Pharmacy (memoir of owner Lou Raymen), 1930s
Box 220 Folder 7
Columbia Coalition for Fair University Rules, 1980s
Box 220 Folder 8
Columbia College Literary Society, 1900s
Box 220 Folder 9
Columbia Dames, 1920s-180s
Box 220 Folder 10
Columbia Fest, 1980s-1990s
Box 220 Folder 11
Columbia Forum (proposed), 1920s
Box 220 Folder 12
Columbia Horizons, 1990s-2000s
Box 220 Folder 13
Columbia Indoor Miniature Aircraft Society, 1980s-1990s
Box 220 Folder 14
Columbia Italian-Americans (CIA), 1960s
Box 220 Folder 15
Columbia KUBS (Kindergartners' Uptown Benefit Squad),, 1990s
Box 220 Folder 16
Columbia Literary Society, 1920s
Box 220 Folder 17
Columbia Television (CTV), 1970s-1990s
Box 220 Folder 18
Columbia Undergraduate Journal of Law and Public Policy, 1980s
Box 220 Folder 19
Columbia University Action Group (UAG), undated
Box 220 Folder 20
Columbia Urban Experience (CUE), 1990s
Box 220 Folder 22
Come-Back Club, 1910s-1920s
Box 220 Folder 23
Committee for the Promotion of Mutual Understanding and Civility, 1990s
Box 220 Folder 24
Committee on Student Organizations/Union of Student Organizations, 1930s-1990s
Box 220 Folder 25
Common Sense League, 1910s
Box 220 Folder 26
Commons, 1900s-1960s
Box 220 Folder 27
Commuters, 1970s-1990s
Box 220 Folder 28
Conversio Virium, 1990s-2000s
Box 410 Folder 2 to 3
Corrodentia Society, 1970s-2000s, (2 Folders)
Box 410 Folder 4
Minutes, 1970s
Box 411 Folder 10
Cosmopolitan Club, 1930s
Box 415 Folder 11
Council of Student Advisers, 1940s
Box 220 Folder 29
Council on Undergraduate Life, 1980s
Box 220 Folder 30
Counseling Service, 1960s-1990s
Box 220 Folder 31
Course Guide, Columbia-Barnard, 1970s-1990s
Box 220 Folder 32
Credit Cards, Columbia University, 1990s
Box 220 Folder 33
Credit Union, Columbia-Barnard, 1990s
Box 221 Folder 1
Crocchio Goliardico (Italian Student Club), 1930s-1940s
Box 221 Folder 2
Cross Hammers, 1900s-1930s
Box 221 Folder 3
CUBIC (Columbia University Buying Co-op), 1970s
Box 221 Folder 4
CURC (Radio Station), 1940s-1990s
Box 221 Folder 7
Debating, 1900s-1990s
Box 353 Folder 1
8,000 Mile Trip, 1910s
Box 353 Folder 2
Debating Societies and Clubs, 1870s-1910s
Box 353 Folder 3
Intercollegiate Debate, 1890s-1920s
Box 353 Folder 4
Programs, 1890s-1920s
Box 353 Folder 5 to 6
Scholastic Contests, 1910s-1920s, (2 Folders)
Box 221 Folder 9
Deutscher Verein, 1890s-1950s
Box 221 Folder 10
John Dewey Society, 1950s
Box 221 Folder 11
Disabled Students, 1990s
Box 221 Folder 12
Disciplinary Affairs, 1950s-1990s
Box 221 Folder 13
Disciplinary Affairs, Joint Committee on, 1960s-1970s
Box 221 Folder 14
Disciplinary Affairs, 1993 Controversy, 1980s-1990s, 1993, 1980s-1990s
Box 221 Folder 15
Dormitories/Residence Halls, 1960s undated
Box 222 Folder 1 to 3
Dormitories and Residence Halls, 1960s-2020s, (3 Folders)
Box 222 Folder 4
Costs, Conditions, Policies, Statistics, 1900s-2000s
Box 222 Folder 5
Living and Learning Center at Hartley-Wallach, 2000s
Men's Residence Halls
Box 367 Folder 1
Announcements, 1940s
Box 367 Folder 2 to 6
Correspondence--General, 1910s, (5 Folders)
Box 368 Folder 8
Correspondence--General, 1910s
Box 368 Folder 1
Mechanic's Time Report, 1910s
Box 368 Folder 2
General Receipts, 1910s
Box 368 Folder 3
Registered Mail Receipts, 1910s
Box 368 Folder 4
Room Assignment Agreements, 1910s
Box 368 Folder 5
Student Withdrawal Notices, 1910s
Box 368 Folder 6
Telephone Records, 1910s
Box 368 Folder 7
Bursar Receipts, 1910s
Box 368 Folder 9
Guest Cards, 1910s
Box 368 Folder 10
Condition Report, 1933
Box 369 Folder 1 to 2
Volume III and IV--Includes Reorganization of Committee, 1930-1933, (2 Folders)
Box 370 Folder 1 to 2
Volume V and VIII, 1933-1934, (2 Folders)
Box 371 Folder 1 to 3
Volume IX, X and XI, 1934-1935, (3 Folders)
Box 372 Folder 1 to 5
Volume XII, XIV, XV, XVI and XX, 1935-1937, (5 Folders)
Box 431 Folder 1 to 2
Volume XXII and XIII, 1938, 2 folders
Box 223 Folder 1
Dormitories and Residence Halls--Social Life, 1890s-1950s
Box 223 Folder 2
Drug Use, 1930s-1990s
Box 223 Folder 3
Earth Coalition, 1990s-2000s
Box 223 Folder 4
East Coast Chicano Student Forum (ECCSF), 1990s
Box 410 Folder 5 to 6
Eighteenth Century Association, 1960s-1970s, (2 Folders)
Box 410 Folder 7
Stamps, 1960s
Box 223 Folder 5
Employment, Student, 1910s-2010s
Box 420 Folder 3
Engineering (SEAS) Commuting Organization, 1970s-1980s
Box 419 Folder 5-6
Engineering (SEAS) Graduate Student Council (2 folders), 2000s
Box 419 Folder 4
Engineering (SEAS) Graduate Students Guides and Activities, 2000s
Box 420 Folder 4
Engineering (SEAS) Graduate Student Housing, 2000s
Box 420 Folder 5
Engineering (SEAS) Graduate Student Orientation, 2000s
Box 223 Folder 6
Engineering Societies, 1870s-1990s
Box 223 Folder 7
Engineering Student Council (ESC), 1970s-2000s
Box 223 Folder 8
English Graduate Club, undated
Box 223 Folder 9
English Graduate Union, 1920s-1990s
Box 352 Folder 7
English Graduate Union, 1940s-1970s
Box 223 Folder 10
Environmental Awareness Committee (EAC), 1990s-2000s
Box 223 Folder 11
Ethical Humanist Community, 1990s
Box 223 Folder 12
Ethnic Diversity Awareness Program (EDAP), 1990s
Box 223 Folder 13
Exchange Students, 1960s-1990s, undated, 1960s-1990s, undated
Box 223 Folder 14
Ferris Booth Hall--Board, Programs, 1960s-1980s
Student Handouts
Box 223 Folder 15
Forums and Workshops, 1970s undated
Box 223 Folder 16
Newsletter and Newsprint., 1930s-1970s
Box 223 Folder 17
Racism and Race Relations, 1970s-1980s,undated
Box 223 Folder 18
Sex and Sexuality, 1970s undated
Box 223 Folder 19
Student Life and Activities, 1960s-1980s, undated, 1960s-1980s, undated
Box 224 Folder 1
Flying Club, 1980s-1990s
Box 224 Folder 2
Food Service, 1930s-1960s, undated, 1930s-1960s, undated
Box 224 Folder 3
Foreign Student Center, 1940s-1970s
Box 224 Folder 4
Foreign Trade Club, 1940s
Box 224 Folder 5
Freshman, 1900s-1990s
Box 224 Folder 6
Rules for, 1900s-1930s
Box 224 Folder 7
Freshman and Sophomore Rivalry, 1880s-1950s
Box 224 Folder 8
Dinner, 1920s undated
Box 224 Folder 9
Freshman Week, 1930s-1990s
Box 224 Folder 10 to 11
Gay Students at Columbia, 1970s-2010s, undated, 1970s-2010s, undated, (2 Folders)
Box 225 Folder 1
Gemot, 1870s-1920s
Box 225 Folder 2
General Studies Student Council (GSSC), 1990s
Box 225 Folder 3
Germanistic Society, 1910s-1960s
Box 225 Folder 4
Ghost Writers, 1960s
Box 225 Folder 5
Goodwood Cups, 1870s-1930s
Box 225 Folder 6
Invitations and Tickets, 1860s-1870s
Box 225 Folder 7
Programs and Dance Cards, 1860s-1920s
Box 225 Folder 8
"The Search for Goodwood Cups", 1920s-1930s
Box 225 Folder 9
Articles and Newspaper Accounts, 1870s-1880s
Box 225 Folder 10
Old Exhibit Labels, 1860s-1870s
Box 225 Folder 11
Scrapbook, 1860s-1920s
Box 225 Folder 12
Graduate Club, 1900s
Box 225 Folder 13
Graduate History Students, undated
Box 225 Folder 14
Graduate Student Associations For Students of Color, 1980s-1990s
Box 225 Folder 15
Graduate Student Union, 1960s-2000s
Box 225 Folder 16
Grapplers, 1920s undated
Box 225 Folder 17
Greek Club, 1850s-1900s
Box 226 Folder 1
Greek Games, 1910s-2000s
Box 226 Folder 2
Greek Salutatory Oration, undated
Box 226 Folder 3
Greek Students, 1940s
Box 226 Folder 4
Hamilton Club, 1900s
Box 226 Folder 5
Handicapped Students, 1970s-1990s
Box 226 Folder 7
Higher Educational Opportunity Program (HEOP), 1980s-2000s
Box 226 Folder 9
Honor Men, 1930s
Box 226 Folder 10
Honor System, 1910s-1960s
Box 226 Folder 11
House System, 1990s
Box 226 Folder 12
Humanitas (General Studies Student Organization), 1960s-1970s
Box 226 Folder 13
Hungarian Students, 1950s
Box 226 Folder 14
Iberian-American Club, 1910s
Box 227 Folder 1
Indian Students, 1950s-1970s
Box 227 Folder 2
Indo-Iranian Club, 1900s
Box 227 Folder 3
Intercollegiate Activities, 1900s-1980s
Box 227 Folder 4
Intercultural Resource Center (IRC), 1980s-2000s
Box 227 Folder 5
Intergroup Assembly (IGA), 1990s
Box 227 Folder 6
Interim Governing Board (IGB), 1990s
International House
Box 392 Folder 2 to 3
Annual Reports, 1940s, (2 Folders)
Box 392 Folder 4
Brochures, 1950s
Box 392 Folder 5
Correspondence, 1930s-1950s
Box 392 Folder 6
Member Directories and Lists, 1920s-1930s
Box 392 Folder 7
Member Manuals and ID Cards, 1920s-1980s
Box 392 Folder 8
Newspaper Clippings, 1910s-1980s
Box 392 Folder 9
Programs and Speeches, 1920s
Box 227 Folder 7
International Students, 1940s-2000s
Box 227 Folder 8
Guides and Handbooks, 1970s-1980s
Box 227 Folder 9
International Students Club, 1950s-1960s
Box 227 Folder 10
Intertech, 1960s
Box 227 Folder 11
Iranian Students, 1950s-1970s, undated, 1950s-1970s, undated
Box 227 Folder 12
Ivy Council, 1960s-1990s
Box 227 Folder 13
Japanese Club, 1900s
Box 227 Folder 14
Japanese Students, 1910s-1920s
Box 227 Folder 15
Junior Ball 1908, 1900s
Box 227 Folder 16
Keg and Spigot, 1920s
Box 227 Folder 17
King's College Literary Society, 1760s undated
King's Crown
Box 362 Folder 1
Certificates, undated
Box 362 Folder 2
Clippings--General, 1890s-1970s
Box 362 Folder 3
King's Crown Award, 1920s-1960s
Box 362 Folder 4
Correspondence, 1890s-1990s
Box 362 Folder 5
General Information--Business, 1900s-1940s, undated, 1900s-1940s, undated
Box 362 Folder 6
Student Board Elections, 1940s-1950s, undated, 1940s-1950s, undated
Box 227 Folder 18
Kings House of Columbia College, 1950s
Box 227 Folder 19
Knita Nata Nu Society, 1930s
Box 227 Folder 20
Korean Students Association (KSA), 1990s-2000s
Box 227 Folder 21
Latin-American Students, 1940s-2000s
Box 228 Folder 1
Law School Clubs, 1900s-1950s
Box 228 Folder 2
Law Students, 1990s
Box 228 Folder 3
Lerner Student Center--Programming, 1990s-2000s
Box 228 Folder 4
Lesbian Bisexual Gay Coalition (LBGC), 1990s
Box 228 Folder 5
Lesbians and Gays at Teachers College (LGTC),, 1990s
Box 228 Folder 6
Lion's Den, 1930s undated
Box 228 Folder 7
Merit Rolls, 1860s
Box 228 Folder 8
Messenger Service, undated
Box 228 Folder 9
Morning Glories, 1890s-1900s
Box 228 Folder 10 to 11
Nacoms, Senior Society of, 1890s-1920s, (2 Folders)
Box 415 Folder 12
National Association of Schools of International Affairs -- Minutes, 1970s
Box 228 Folder 12
National Student Association, 1960s
Box 228 Folder 13
National Student Clearinghouse on Harassment, 1990s
Box 228 Folder 14
Native American Heritage Month, 1990s
Box 386 Folder 1 to 2
News Clippings, 1850s-2000s
Box 386 Folder 3
News Clippings, Flyers, Advertisements for Students, undated
Box 228 Folder 15
Nightline, 1990s
Box 228 Folder 16
Off-Campus Registry and Veterans Housing Bureau, 1940s-1950s
Box 228 Folder 17
Orgo Night, 1990s-2010s
Box 228 Folder 18
Orientation, 1980s-2010s
Box 200 Folder 14 to 15
Orientation, 1990s-2010s, (2 Folders)
Box 426 Folder 13
Orientation, 2010s
Box 430 Folder 8
Orientation, 2020s
Box 426 Folder 14
Orientation - Transfer Student Welcome Script, 2018
Box 426 Folder 15
Orientation - Visiting and Exchange Student Welcome Script, 2018
Box 229 Folder 1
Overseas Development Network (ODN), 1980s
Box 229 Folder 2
Oxford College, 1980s undated
Box 229 Folder 3
Panty Raids, 1950s
Box 229 Folder 4
Pen and Pipe, 1900s
Box 229 Folder 5 to 8
Anniversaries, 1820s-1910s, undated, 1820s-1910s, undated, (4 Folders)
Box 229 Folder 9
Constitution and By-Laws, 1840s-1910s
Box 229 Folder 10 to 11
Correspondence, 1830s-1980s, undated ( 2 Folders), 1830s-1980s, undated
Box 230 Folder 1
Correspondence--Application to be Columbia Activity, 1980s
Box 230 Folder 2
Bad Poetry Contest, 1980s
Box 230 Folder 3
Flyers, 1980s
Box 230 Folder 4
Lectures, Debates, Contests, 1810s-1910s, undated, 1810s-1910s, undated
Box 230 Folder 5
Meetings, Receptions, 1980s-1990s
Box 230 Folder 6 to 8
Theater, 1910s-1930s, (3 Folders)
Box 230 Folder 9
Literature, 1840s-1850s
Box 231 Folder 1
The New Broom
, 1930s
Box 231 Folder 2
Poetry Prizes in the Columbia Review, 1940s
Box 231 Folder 3
Newsletters and Writings, 1980s
Box 231 Folder 4 to 6
, 1980s-2010s, (3 Folders)
Box 231 Folder 7
Member Index, undated
Box 231 Folder 8
Membership Lists, 1880s undated
Box 231 Folder 9
Membership Initiation and Symbols, 1850s-1880s, undated, 1850s-1880s, undated
Box 231 Folder 10
Treasury Ledger, 1880s
Box 232 Folder 1
Articles on History, 1880s-1900s
Box 232 Folder 2 to 8
News Clippings, 1810s-1990s, undated, 1810s-1990s, undated, (7 Folders)
Box 232 Folder 9
Philosophical Society, 1800s-1900s
Box 233 Folder 1
Physicians and Surgeons, College of--Students, 1870s-1910s, undated, 1870s-1910s, undated
Box 233 Folder 2
'Plex (Night Club in Ferris Booth Hall), 1990s
Box 233 Folder 3
PNYX (Hellenic Student Society), 1920s-1930s
Box 233 Folder 4
Polls, 1930s-1990s
Box 233 Folder 5
Postcrypt Art Gallery, 1980s-1990s
Box 233 Folder 6
Postcrypt Coffeehouse, 1960s-2000s
Box 233 Folder 7
Post-Graduate Employment, 1930s-1980s
Box 233 Folder 8
Pranks, 1910s-1950s
Box 233 Folder 9
Pre-Medical Students, 1960s
Box 233 Folder 10
President's Advisory Committee on Student Life, 1960s
Box 233 Folder 11
Probation and Eligibility, 1910s-1920s
Box 233 Folder 12
Queen's Revels, 1960s
Box 233 Folder 13
Rape Crisis Center, 1990s
Box 233 Folder 14
Rape and Sexual Assault, 1980s-1990s, undated, 1980s-1990s, undated
Box 233 Folder 15
Riots and Criminal Acts, 1900s-1950s
Box 233 Folder 16
Rules of Conduct, 1970s-2010s
Box 234 Folder 1
Russky Kruzhok of Columbia University, 1940s undated
Box 234 Folder 2
Sachems, Senior Society of, 1950s-1990s
Box 234 Folder 3
Sailing Club, 1960s
Box 234 Folder 4
Satire--19th Century, 1810s-1860s, undated, 1810s-1860s, undated
Box 234 Folder 5
Scribblers of Columbia University, the, 1900s
Box 234 Folder 6
Selective Service and Draft, 1940s-1980s, undated, 1940s-1980s, undated
Box 234 Folder 7 to 8
Semi-Annual, 1840s-1920s, (2 Folders)
Box 417 Folder 9
Senior Poll Results, 1929
Box 234 Folder 9
Seniors, 1960s-2000s
Box 234 Folder 10
Shakespeare Society, 1890s-1930s
Box 234 Folder 11
Slavic Club, 1920s undated
Box 234 Folder 12
Social Problems Club, 1910s-1930s
Box 234 Folder 13
Social Service Council, 1920s
Box 234 Folder 14
Societe Francaise, 1900s
Box 234 Folder 15 to 16
Societies--General, 1840s-1960s, undated, 1840s-1960s, undated, (2 Folders)
Box 235 Folder 1
Southern Club, 1920s
Box 235 Folder 2
Soviet-American Student Exchange, 1940s-1980s
Box 235 Folder 3
Square and Compass(Columbia Masonic Society), 1910s-1920s
Box 235 Folder 4
State Clubs (Summer Session), 1920s
Box 235 Folder 5
Streaking, 1970s
Box 235 Folder 6
Student Activities--19th Century, 1880s-1940s
Box 235 Folder 7
Student Assembly, undated
Box 235 Folder 8
Student Educational Exchange Roundtable, 1960s
Box 235 Folder 9
Student Forum, 1900s-1960s, undated, 1900s-1960s, undated
Box 235 Folder 10
Student Guides and Handbooks, 1960s-1980s, undated, 1960s-1980s, undated
Box 235 Folder 11
Student Homophile League, 1960s-2000s
Box 235 Folder 12
Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee (SNCC),, 1960s
Box 235 Folder 13
Student Activities--Student Organizations, Committee on, 1920s-2000s
Box 236 Folder 1
Student Organizations--General, 1900s-2000s
Box 236 Folder 2
Organization Fair, 1995
Box 236 Folder 3
Student Records--Policies, 1960s-2000s
Box 236 Folder 4
Student Representative Forums (Proposed),, undated
Box 236 Folder 5
Students for Environmental and Economic Justice (SEEJ),, 2000s
Box 236 Folder 6
Students, 1880s-1940s
Box 236 Folder 7
Students for Policy Awareness and Action (SPAA), 1960s-1990s
Box 236 Folder 8
Students Promoting Empowerment and knowledge (SPEAK),, 1990s
Box 236 Folder 9
Suicide, 1930s-2000s
Box 236 Folder 10
Summer Community Organization and Political Education Project (SCOPE), 1960s
Box 236 Folder 11
Take Back the Night, 1990s-2000s
Box 391 Folder 4
Teachers College--Student and Student Life, 1890s-1990s
Box 236 Folder 12
Ted Kremer Service Society, 1960s
Box 236 Folder 13
Traditions, 1910s-1920s
Box 236 Folder 14
Triumph, 1880s-1910s
Box 236 Folder 15
Trivia Contests, 1960s
Box 236 Folder 16
Tug-of-War, 1880s-1920s
Box 237 Folder 1
Turath (Columbia's North African and Middle Eastern Club), 1990s-2000s
Box 237 Folder 2
Tutoring and Translating Agency, 1960s-1970s
Box 237 Folder 3
Undergraduate Dormitory Council (UDC), 1960s-1990s, undated, 1960s-1990s, undated
Box 237 Folder 4
Urban New York Program, 1990s
Box 237 Folder 5
Van Am Club and Van Am Society, 1920s-1970s, undated, 1920s-1970s, undated
Box 237 Folder 6 to 7
Varsity "C" Club, 1920s-2000s, (2 Folders)
Box 410 Folder 8
Veterans as Students, 2000s
Box 237 Folder 8
Veterans of Future Wars, 1920s-2000s
Box 237 Folder 9
, 1960s
Box 237 Folder 10
What's On at Columbia
, 1970s undated
Box 237 Folder 11
WBAR, 1990s
Box 237 Folder 12
WKCR Radio, 1950s-2010s
Box 238 Folder 1
WKCR Radio- Program Guides, 1950s-1980s
Box 327 Folder 2 to 5
Writers Club, 1920s-1990s, (4 Folders)
Box 238 Folder 2
Arts Festivals, 1910s-1980s
Bach Society
Box 341 Folder 7
Concert Reviews, 2000s
Box 341 Folder 8
Constitution, 2000s
Box 341 Folder 9
Flyers and Invitations, 2000s
Box 341 Folder 10
Members Lists and Announcements, 2000s
Box 341 Folder 11
Opera Tour to Germany, 2000s
Box 341 Folder 12
Programs, 2000s
Box 238 Folder 3 to 4
Bands, 1910s-2000s, (2 Folders)
Box 238 Folder 5
Banjo and Mandolin Clubs, 1890s-1910s
Box 238 Folder 6
Barnard College Theater Groups, 1960s-1980s, undated, 1960s-1980s, undated
Box 421 Folder 13
Black Theater Ensemble, 2010s
Box 238 Folder 7
Camera Club, 1940s-1970s
Box 238 Folder 8
Chorus, 1940s-1960s
Box 238 Folder 9
Barnard and Columbia, 1950s-1990s
Box 238 Folder 10
Concert and Programs, 1910s-1950s, undated, 1910s-1950s, undated
Box 324 Folder 1
Correspondence and Clippings, 1920s-1930s
Box 324 Folder 2
Programs and Invitations, 1920s-1990s
Box 324 Folder 3
Record of Members, 1920s-1930s
Box 239 Folder 1
Collegium Musicum, 1970s
Box 239 Folder 2
Columbia College Amateur Photographic Society, 1880s undated
Box 239 Folder 3
Columbia Concerts, 1920s-1990s
Box 239 Folder 4
Columbia Dramatists, undated
Box 421 Folder 14
Columbia Musical Society, 200s-2010s
Box 239 Folder 5
Columbia Theater Network (CTN), 1980s
Box 239 Folder 6
Columbia University Filmmakers, 1970s-1990s, undated, 1970s-1990s, undated
Box 239 Folder 7
Columbia University Orchestra, 1910s-2010s
Box 307 Folder 1 to 4
Columbia University Orchestra, 1920s-1990s, (4 Folders)
Box 421 Folder 15
Columbia University Performing Arts League, 2010s
Box 239 Folder 8
Columbia University Players, 1900s-2010s
Box 239 Folder 9
CVA (Columbia Volunteers for the Arts), 1980s-1990s
Box 284 Folder 1 to 2
Dramatic--Newspaper Clippings, 1880s-1970s, (2 Folders)
Box 239 Folder 10 to 11
Dramatic Clubs, 1880s-2000s, (2 Folders)
Box 239 Folder 12
Film Society, 1940s-1950s
Box 239 Folder 13
Films, 1960s-1990s, undated, 1960s-1990s, undated
Box 240 Folder 1
Films, 1920s-2000s
Box 240 Folder 2
Flyers--Arts, 1970s undated
Glee Club
Box 359 Folder 1
General, 1880s-1890s
Box 358 Folder 1
The Alumni Glee Club of Columbia College, 1890s
Box 358 Folder 2
Announcements, 1880s-1990s
Box 358 Folder 3
Bulletin, 1940s
Box 358 Folder 4 to 5
Clippings, 1870s-1940s, (2 Folders)
Box 358 Folder 6
Constitution and By-Laws, 1880s
Box 358 Folder 7
Correspondence, 1880s
Box 411 Folder 11
Correspondence, 1960s
Box 240 Folder 3 to 5
Ephemera, 1880s-1920s, (3 Folders)
Box 359 Folder 2
Membership, 1880s-1890s
Box 411 Folder 12
Notices and Programs, 1960s
Box 359 Folder 3 to 6
Programs and Tickets, 1880s-2000s, (4 Folders)
Box 241 Folder 1
Newspaper Clippings and Press Releases, 1870s-2000s
Box 241 Folder 2
Tour, 1960s
Box 241 Folder 3
Group for Contemporary Music, 1960s-2000s
Box 241 Folder 4
Instrumental Club, 1920s
Box 241 Folder 5
Shakespeare Troupe, 1990s-2000s
Box 241 Folder 6
Programs, 1990s-2000s
Shakespeare Troupe Production Records
Box 242 Folder 1 to 2
Peer Gynt
, 2002, (2 Folders)
Box 242 Folder 3
Taming of the Shrew
, 2003
Box 242 Folder 4
Tempest and Romeo and Juliet, 2003-2004
Box 242 Folder 5
Kingsmen, 1980s undated
Box 242 Folder 6
Klef Klub, 1910s-1920s
Box 242 Folder 7
Laboratory Players, 1920s-1930s
Box 242 Folder 8 to 9
Miller Theater and McMillin Theater--Performances and Programs, 1940s-2010s, (2 Folders)
Box 243 Folder 1
Minor Latham Playhouse--Performances, Programs, 1960s-1990s
Box 243 Folder 2
Morningside Players, 1920s-1930s
Box 243 Folder 3 to 7
Music Art and Around Columbia, 1940s-2000s, undated, 1940s-2000s, undated, (5 Folders)
Box 243 Folder 8
Musical Clubs, 1900s-2000s
Box 244 Folder 1
Musical Society, 1860s-1980s
Box 244 Folder 2
Notes and Keys, 1900s-1970s
Box 244 Folder 3
Opera, 1910s-2000s
Box 244 Folder 4
Orchestra, 1900s-2000s
Box 244 Folder 5
Philharmonic Society, 1900s-1910s
Box 244 Folder 6
Producers and Directors Club, 2000s
Box 244 Folder 7
Senior Show, 1960
Sophomore Show
Box 244 Folder 8
Box 352 Folder 1
Newspaper Clippings, 1890s-1920s, undated, 1890s-1920s, undated
Box 352 Folder 2
Printed Matter, 1900s-1910s
Box 352 Folder 3
Programs, 1870s-1920s
Box 352 Folder 4
Script--Mrs. Temple's Telegram, 1900s
Box 244 Folder 9
Student Artists Association, 1940s-1950s
Box 244 Folder 10
Wigs and Cues, 1930s undated
Box 244 Folder 11
Beta Gamma Sigma, 1910s-1920s
Box 244 Folder 12
Chi Phi, 1920s
Box 244 Folder 13
Delta Sigma Rho, 1920s-1960s
Box 244 Folder 14
Dumb-bells, 1920s undated
Box 244 Folder 15
Kappa Delta Pi, 1940s
Box 245 Folder 1
Omega Epsilon Phi, 1940s
Box 245 Folder 2
Omicron Delta Kappa Society, 1940s
Box 245 Folder 3 to 4
Phi Beta Kappa (New York Delta), 1880s-2010s, (2 Folders)
Box 245 Folder 5
Phi Delta Gamma, 1930s-1940s
Box 245 Folder 6
Phi Delta Theta, 1890s-1930s
Box 245 Folder 7
Phi Iota Alpha, 1990s
Box 245 Folder 8
Phi Lambda Upsilon, 1910s-1970s
Box 245 Folder 9
Pi Delta Epsilon, 1920s
Box 245 Folder 10
Sigma Delta Chi, 1900s-1970s
Box 415 Folder 13
Sigma Nu, 1950s
Box 245 Folder 11
Sigma Xi, 1900s-1990s
Box 245 Folder 12
Tau Beta Pi, 1910s-1990s
Box 245 Folder 13
Tau Kappa Alpha, 1920s
Box 245 Folder 14
Theta Tau, 1950s
Box 246 Folder 1
Alpha Chi Ro, 1950s
Box 246 Folder 2
Alpha Delta Phi, 1880s-1990s
Box 246 Folder 3
Alpha Epsilon Pi, 1990s
Box 246 Folder 4
Alpha Kappa Psi, 1920s
Box 246 Folder 5
Alpha Phi (first sorority of college), 1980s
Box 246 Folder 6
Alpha Phi Alpha, 1960s-1990s
Box 246 Folder 7
Alpha Phi Omega, 1950s-1980s
Box 246 Folder 8
Alpha Sigma Chi, 1870s
Box 246 Folder 9
Alpha Sigma Phi, 1950s
Box 246 Folder 10
Beta Sigma Rho, 1960s
Box 246 Folder 11
Beta Theta Pi, 1950s-1990s
Box 246 Folder 12
Chi Omega Rho, 1980s
Box 246 Folder 13
Delta Gamma, 1990s
Box 246 Folder 14
Delta Kappa Epsilon, 1870s-1920s
Box 246 Folder 15
Delta Phi, 1850s-1990s
Box 246 Folder 16
Delta Psi (St. Anthony Hall), 1860s-1980s
Box 246 Folder 17
Delta Sigma Phi, 2000s
Box 246 Folder 18
Delta Sigma Theta, 1980s
Box 246 Folder 19
Delta Upsilon, 1910s-1960s, undated, 1910s-1960s, undated
Box 246 Folder 20
Fraternity Bias, 1940s-1960s
Box 246 Folder 21
Fraternities--General, 1880s-1980s
Box 247 Folder 1
Hazing, 1900s-1940s, undated, 1900s-1940s, undated
Box 247 Folder 2
Housing, 1910s-1990s
Box 247 Folder 3
Interfraternity Agreements, 1910s-1930s
Box 247 Folder 4
Interfraternity Council and Inter-Greek Council (IGC), 1920s-1990s
Box 247 Folder 5
Kappa Alpha Theta, 1990s
Box 247 Folder 6
Kappa Delta Rho, 1980s undated
Box 247 Folder 7
National Interfraternity Conference, 1920s-1950s
Box 247 Folder 8
Omega Psi Phi, 1960s
Box 247 Folder 9
Pamphratria, 1950s-1970s
Box 247 Folder 10
Phi Epsilon Pi, 1960s-1990s
Box 247 Folder 11
Phi Gamma Delta (Fiji), 1890s-1990s
Box 247 Folder 12
Phi Kappa Psi, 1870s-1980s
Box 247 Folder 13
Phi Kappa Sigma, 1950s
Box 247 Folder 14
Phi Lambda Upsilon, 1940s
Box 247 Folder 15
Pi Kappa Alpha, 1980s
Box 247 Folder 16
Pi Lambda Phi, 1960s
Box 247 Folder 17
Pi Rho, 1990s
Box 248 Folder 1
Pledging and Rushing, 1900s-1990s
Box 248 Folder 2
Psi Kappa Phi, 1980s
Box 248 Folder 3 to 5
Psi Upsilon, 1880s-1980s, undated, 1880s-1980s, undated, (3 Folders)
Box 248 Folder 6
Rushes--Freshmen and Sophomore, 1870s-1940s
Box 248 Folder 7
Sigma Alpha Mu, 1960s-1980s
Box 248 Folder 8
Sigma Chi, 1900s-1980s, undated, 1900s-1980s, undated
Box 248 Folder 9
Sigma Delta Tau, 1990s
Box 248 Folder 10
Sigma Nu, 1930s-1990s
Box 248 Folder 11
Sigma Phi Epsilon, 1990s
Box 248 Folder 12
Social Events--General, 1920s-1990s
Box 249 Folder 1
Sororities, 1900s-2000s
Box 249 Folder 2
Tau Epsilon Phim, 1960s
Box 249 Folder 3
Theta Xi, 1900s-1940s
Box 249 Folder 4
Zeta Beta Tau, 1930s-2000s
Box 249 Folder 5
Zeta Psi, 1990s undated