Columbia University Institute of Arts and Sciences Correspondence, 1930-1945

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Series I: Cataloged Correspondence

Box 1 Anderson, Maxwell

Box 1 Angell, Norman

Box 1 Babin, Victor

Box 1 Bairnsfather, Bruce

Box 1 Bakeless, John

Box 1 Baker, Newton D.

Box 1 Benoit-Lévy, Jean

Box 1 Binyon, Laurence

Box 1 Bottome, Phyllis

Box 1 Byrnes, James F.

Box 1 Cram, Ralph Adams

Box 1 Craske, Leonard

Box 1 Davis, Elmer

Box 1 Davis, William H.

Box 1 Dean, Vera Micheles

Box 1 Dewey, Thomas E.

Box 1 Drum, H. A.

Box 1 Duranty, Walter

Box 1 Eden, Anthony F. (Earl of Avon)

Box 1 Farley, James A.

Box 1 Ferber, Edna

Box 1 Fielding, Anne

Box 1 Fosdick, Harry Emerson

Box 1 Frost, Robert

Box 1 Gerard, James W.

Box 1 Haldane, John Burdon S.

Box 1 Halifax, Edward Frederick L. W., Earl of

Box 1 Kirkpatrick, Helen P.

Box 1 Langmuir, Irving

Box 1 Lanux, Pierre de

Box 1 Laski, Harold J.

Box 1 Lewis, Sinclair

Box 1 Litvinoff, Maxim

Box 1 Lovette, Leland P.

Box 1 McCormick, Anne O'Hare

Box 1 McNutt, Paul V.

Box 1 Morgenstierne, Wilhelm T. M.

Box 1 Morley, Christopher

Box 1 Mumford, Lewis

Box 1 Paderwski, Ignacy Jan

Box 1 Perkins, Frances

Box 1 Riegger, Wallingford

Box 1 Roosevelt, Eleanor

Box 1 Roth, Feri

Box 1 Ruml, Beardsley

Box 1 Sayre, Francis B.

Box 1 Seabury, Samuel

Box 1 Syfet, Joseph

Box 1 Shapley, Harlow

Box 1 Skinner, Cornelia

Box 1 Smith, Alfred E.

Box 1 Smith, Harold D.

Box 1 Spalding, Albert

Box 1 Stassen, Harrold E.

Box 1 Stein, Gertrude

Box 1 Stout, Rex

Box 1 Sultberger, Arthur Hays

Box 1 Tao-Ming, Wei

Box 1 Tolkas, Alice B.

Box 1 Wallace, Henry A.

Box 1 Weidman, Charles

Box 1 Wickersham, C. W.

Box 1 Wilkie, Wendell L.

Box 1 Wolfe, Thomas

Box 1 Woollcott, Alexander

Box 1 Young, Oven D.

Series II: Sketches of Lecturers by Lucie Ruth Kraft

Box 2 Agar, Herbert Sebastian

Sketch is autographed by the subject.

Box 2 Anderson, Sherwood

Sketch is autographed by the subject. Item has been separately cataloged and is listed in the Ms/Doc catalog.

Box 2 Angell, Sir Norman

Sketch is autographed by the subject.

Box 2 Anspacher, Louis Kaufman, 3 items

Sketch is autographed by the subject.

Box 2 Auslander, Joseph, 3 items

Sketch is autographed by the subject.

Box 2 Barnett, David

Sketch is autographed by the subject.

Box 2 Barnouw, Adriaan Jacob, 2 items

Sketch is autographed by the subject.

Box 2 Barrett, Samuel Alfred

Box 2 Benét, Stephen Vincent

Box 2 Bentley, Phyllis Eleanor

Box 2 Bohn, Frank, 2 items

Sketch is autographed by the subject.

Box 2 Bouton, Stephen Miles

Sketch is autographed by the subject.

Box 2 Brailsford, Henry Noel, 2 items

Sketch is autographed by the subject.

Box 2 Brittain, Vera

Box 2 Brown, John Mason, 4 items

Sketch is autographed by the subject.

Box 2 Buck, Pearl Sydenstricker

Original copy is missing; it appears that the item was not properly refiled after microfilming in 1991.

Item is available on microfilm. See MN# 91-2094-2. Sketch is autographed by the subject. Item has been separately cataloged and is listed in the Ms/Doc catalog.

Box 2 Chase, Harry Woodburn

Box 2 Cooper, Courtney Ryley

Sketch is autographed by the subject.

Box 2 Craven, Thomas

Sketch is autographed by the subject.

Box 2 Dafoe, John Wesley

Box 2 Dane, Clemence [Winifred Ashton] ?

Box 2 Datta, Surendra Kumar

Sketch is autographed by the subject.

Box 2 DeMille, William Churchill

Sketch is autographed by the subject.

Box 2 Dobrée, Bonamy

Sketch is autographed by the subject.

Box 2 Dugmore, A. Radclyffe ?

Box 2 Dunlap, Knight

Sketch is autographed by the subject.

Box 2 Eastman, Max Forrester

Box 2 Enders, Gordon B.

Sketch is autographed by the subject.

Box 2 Erskine, John

Sketch is autographed by the subject.

Box 2 Essary, Jesse Frederick

Sketch is autographed by the subject.

Box 2 Fadiman, Clifton

Sketch is autographed by the subject.

Box 2 Faÿ, Bernard

Box 2 Fisher, Anne B.

Sketch is autographed by the subject.

Box 2 Flynn, John Thomas

Sketch is autographed by the subject.

Box 2 Franz, Dalies

Box 2 Freuchen, Peter, 2 items

Box 2 Frost, Robert, 2 items

Box 2 Gruber, Ruth

Sketch is autographed by the subject.

Box 2 Haggard, Howard Wilcox

Sketch is autographed by the subject.

Box 2 Haldane, John Burdon Sanderson, 2 items

Box 2 Harlow, Alvin Fay

Box 2 Heiser, Victor George

Sketch is autographed by the subject.

Box 2 High, Stanley Hoflund, 2 items

Sketch is autographed by the subject.

Box 2 Hindus, Maurice Gerschon

Sketch is autographed by the subject.

Box 2 Huddleston, Sisley, 2 items

Box 2 Kelsey, Vera

See Anne B. Fisher, both sketches are on one page. Sketch is autographed by the subject.

Box 2 Kent, Rockwell

Sketch is autographed by the subject. Item has been separately cataloged and is listed in the Ms/Doc catalog.

Box 2 La Follette, Suzanne

Box 2 Laher, Richard

Sketch is autographed by the subject.

Box 2 Langrauir, Irving, 2 items

Box 2 Leighton, Clare

Identified as "Mrs. Brailsford"

Box 2 Lie, Jonas

Sketch is autographed by the subject.

Box 2 L…, William H.P.

Sketch is autographed by the subject.

Box 2 Mason, Daniel Gregory and Herbert Dittler

Box 2 MacCarthy, Sir Desmond

Sketch is autographed by the subject.

Box 2 Marcosson, Isaac Frederick

Sketch is autographed by the subject.

Box 2 Markham, Edwin Charles

Box 2 Meyers, Cecil Kenneth

Sketch is autographed by the subject.

Box 2 Miller, Caroline

Sketch is autographed by the subject.

Box 2 Milton, George Fort

Sketch is autographed by the subject.

Box 2 Montague, William Pepperell, 2 items

Box 2 Moore, Douglas Stuart

Sketch is autographed by the subject. Item has been separately cataloged and is listed in the Ms/Doc catalog.

Box 2 Morley, Christopher Darlington

Box 2 Morley, Edmund Robert Parker, 4th Earl of

Sketch is autographed by the subject.

Box 2 Mulholland, John

Sketch is autographed by the subject.

Box 2 Murry, John Middleton

Box 2 Nijinsky, Romola

Sketch is autographed by the subject. Item has been separately cataloged and is listed in the Ms/Doc catalog.

Box 2 O'Brien, Edward Joseph Harrington, 2 items

Sketch is autographed by the subject.

Box 2 Overstreet, Harry Allen, 5 items

Sketch is autographed by the subject.

Box 2 Parish, J. ?

Sketch is autographed by the subject.

Box 2 Peterson, Houston, 2 items

See also Alvin Fay Harrow, both sketches are on one page. Sketch is autographed by the subject.

Box 2 Phelps, William Lyon

Sketch is autographed by the subject.

Box 2 Pope, James Pinckney

Box 2 Potter, Russell

Includes a self-caricature by Potter. Both sketches are autographed by Potter. See also Sisley Huddleston, both sketches are on one page.

Box 2 Raiguel, George Earle

Box 2 Rice, Elmer L.

Sketch is autographed by the subject. Item has been separately cataloged and is listed in the Ms/Doc catalog.

Box 2 Root, E. Merrill, 2 items

Sketch is autographed by the subject.

Box 2 Rosso, Augusto

Box 2 Sandburg, Carl

Sketch is autographed by the subject. Item has been separately cataloged and is listed in the Ms/Doc catalog.

Box 2 Seldes, Gilbert Vivian, 2 items

Box 2 Shotwell, James Thomson

Box 2 Siegfried, André, 2 items

Sketch is autographed by the subject.

Box 2 Simmons, Harwood and Helen Marshall

Box 2 Skinner, Otis

Sketch is autographed by the subject.

Box 2 Sokolsky, George

Box 2 Soule, George Henry, Jr.

Box 2 Spicer, Earle, 2 items

Sketch is autographed by the subject.

Box 2 Stein, Gertrude, 2 items

Box 2 Stern, William, 2 items

Box 2 Strachey, John [Evelyn John St. Loe Strachey]

Box 2 Taft, Robert Alphonso

Sketch is autographed by the subject.

Box 2 Teurfs, Frank

Sketch is autographed by the subject.

Box 2 Tindall, William York

Sketch is autographed by the subject.

Box 2 Tomlinson, Edward, 3 items

Sketch is autographed by the subject.

Box 2 Van Doren, Mark Albert, 3 items

Sketch is autographed by the subject.

Box 2 Villiers, Alan John

Box 2 Weeks, Edvard Augustus, 7 items

Sketch is autographed by the subject.

Box 2 Wilder, Thornton Niven

Sketch is autographed by the subject. Item has been separately cataloged and is listed in the Ms/Doc catalog.

Box 2 Willert, Sir Arthur

Sketch is autographed by the subject.

Box 2 Wood, Grant

Sketch is autographed by the subject. Item has been separately cataloged and is listed in the Ms/Doc catalog.

Box 2 Unidentified, 4 items

Series III: 1986 Addition

Box 2 "The Handbook"

Box 2 "The Institute Program", 1934-1940

Box 2 Playbill for a production of works by Cornelia Otis Skinner

Series IV: 1990 Addition

Box 2 McKay, Walter H. "The Institute of Arts & Sciences...22nd Session", [1934/1935], 73 [i.e., 72p.]