Henry Parker Willis papers, 1863-1937

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Series IX: Volumes

134 volumes including reports, letters, statements and other material of the Federal Reserve System; reports of the Irish Banking Commission; various materials pertaining to the Philippine National Bank and the Indian Central Banking Enquiry Committee; and other items.

Volume 1 Mimeograph Letters and Statements Federal Reserve Board Volume 1, 1914 August-1916 January

Volume 2 Mimeograph Letters and Statements Federal Reserve Board Volume 2, 1914 August-1916 January

Volume 3 Mimeograph Letters and Statements Federal Reserve Board Volume 3, 1916 January-June

Volume 4 Mimeograph Letters and Statements Federal Reserve Board Volume 4, 1916 June-1917 January

Volume 5 Mimeograph Letters and Statements Federal Reserve Board Volume 5, 1917 February-June

Volume 6 Mimeograph Letters and Statements Federal Reserve Board Volume 6, 1917 July-December

Volume 7 Mimeograph Letters and Statements Federal Reserve Board Volume 7, 1918 January-June

Volume 8 Mimeograph Letters and Statements Federal Reserve Board Volume 8 and 9, 1918 July-December

Volume 9 Mimeograph Letters and Statements Federal Reserve Board Volume 10, 1919 January-June

Volume 10 Mimeograph Letters and Statements Federal Reserve Board Volume 11, 1919 July-December

Volume 11 Mimeograph Letters and Statements Federal Reserve Board Volume 12, 1920 January-June

Volume 12 Mimeograph Letters and Statements Federal Reserve Board Volume 13, 1920 July-December

Volume 13 Mimeograph Letters and Statements Federal Reserve Board Volume 14, 1921 January-December

Volume 14 Pamphlets on Federal Reserve Act, etc.

Volume 15 Conference of Federal Reserve, 1928 June 4-5

Volume 16 Report to the Reserve Bank Organization Committee by the Preliminary Committee on Organization, Confidential No. 233

Volume 17 Various Publications, Journal of the American Bankers Association, Volume 6, Number 1, 1913 July

Volume 18 American Bankers Association 1917; Proceedings of the 43rd Annual Convention, Published by Fred E. Farnsworth, 1917

Volume 19 Third Annual Report of the Federal Reserve Board, 1916

Volume 20 Second Annual Report of the Federal Reserve Board, 1915

Volume 21 Chamber of Commerce Referendum No. 45 on Advisory Committee's Report - Powers of National Banks

Volume 22 H.R. 6855 68 Congress, 1st Session, circa 1923-1925

Volume 23 Powers and Functions of Federal Reserve Branch Banks Federal Reserve Board, Washington, 1922 June

Volume 24 Recommendations of the Federal Advisory Council to the Federal Reserve Board, 1915

Volume 25 Fourth Conference of Federal Reserve Agents Volume 1, 1916 December

Volume 26 Fourth Conference of Federal Reserve Agents Volume 2, 1916 December

Volume 27 Congressional Digest, Washington DC March 1926; McFadden Banking Bill, 1926

Volume 28 Hearings Before the Committee on Banking and Currency US Senate, 72nd Congress 1st Session on S. 4115, 1932 March 23-25

Volume 29 Operation of the National and Federal Reserve Banking Systems Hearings; Senate Resolution 71, 1931 March 2

Volume 30 Federal Reserve Bulletin January 1927 to December 1927, Washington: GPO., 1927

Volume 31 63rd Congress 1st Session 5,7 April 7 1913; other Senate Bill regarding Federal Reserve Act., 1913

Volume 32 Copies of Replies to Sullivan Questionnaire

Volume 33 H.R. 6454 63rd Congress, 1st Session; various other Bills, circa 1913-1915

Volume 34 Fourteenth Annual Report of the Federal Reserve Board, 1927

Volume 35 Federal Reserve Board Conferences, 1915 and 1918

Volume 36 Reserve Bank Organization Committee Division and Location of Banks and Head Offices, 1- 750

Volume 37 Reserve Bank Organization Committee Division and Location of Banks and Head Offices, 751 - 1550

Volume 38 Reserve Bank Organization Committee Division and Location of Banks and Head Offices, 1551 - 2250

Volume 39 Reserve Bank Organization Committee Division and Location of Banks and Head Offices, 2251 - 3000

Volume 40 Reserve Bank Organization Committee Division and Location of Banks and Head Offices, 3001 - 3750

Volume 41 H.R. 6454 Committee Print; H.R. 7837 House Banking and Currency Bill

Volume 42 First Federal Conference on Business Reporting Federal Reserve Board (First of Four), 1921 February 21-22

Volume 43 First Federal Conference on Business Reporting Federal Reserve Board (Second of Four), 1921 February 21-22

Volume 44 First Federal Conference on Business Reporting Federal Reserve Board (Third of Four), 1921 February 21-22

Volume 45 First Federal Conference on Business Reporting Federal Reserve Board (Fourth of Four), 1921 February 21-22

Volume 46 Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Group, and Chain Banking - Statistical Data, 1931 November 6

Volume 47 Accounting System for Regional Banks - Marwick, Mitchell, Peat Co., 1914 June 6

Volume 48 Accounting System for Regional Banks - Marwick, Mitchell, Peat Co., 1914 June 6


Volume 49 Accounting Forms for Regional Banks - Marwick, Mitchell, Peat Co.

Volume 50 General Statement and Credit Forms - Marwick, Mitchell, Peat Co.

Volume 51 Newspaper Clippings Springfield Republican, Starting February 4 1902, 1902-

Volume 52 Newspaper Clippings Journal of Commerce and Commercial, Starting May 24 1902., 1902-

Volume 53 Newspaper Clippings Journal of Commerce and Commercial, Starting September 29, 1902., 1902-

Volume 54 Newspaper Clippings Journal of Commerce and Commercial, Starting May 22, 1907, 1907-

Volume 55 Newspaper Clippings Journal of Commerce and Commercial, Starting February 4, 1902, 1902-

Volume 56 Newspaper Clippings Journal of Commerce and Commercial, Starting July 5,1905, 1905-

Volume 57 Newspaper Clippings Journal of Commerce and Commercial, Starting February 28, 1906, 1906-

Volume 58 Newspaper Clippings Journal of Commerce and Commercial, Starting October 24, 1905, 1905-

Volume 59 Newspaper Clippings Journal of Commerce and Commercial, Starting April 10, 1909, 1909-

Volume 60 Newspaper Clippings Journal of Commerce and Commercial, Starting September 23, 1908, 1908-

Volume 61 Newspaper Clippings Journal of Commerce and Commercial, Starting July 5, 1909, 1909-

Volume 62 Newspaper Clippings Journal of Commerce and Commercial, Starting March 23, 1910, 1910-

Volume 63 Miscellaneous News Clippings and Letters regarding "Our Philippine Problem," starting 1905, 1905-

Volume 64 Royal Commission on Indian Currency and Finance, 1926

Volume 65 Indian Currency and Finance Volume 4 & 5, Royal Commission on Indian Currency and Finance, 1926

Volume 66 Miscellaneous, Adolft Wagner

In German

Volume 67 Banking Act 1931-1932 I, 1931-1932

Willis comments on draft bill

Volume 68 Banking Act 1931-1932 II, 1931-1932

Volume 69 Banking Act 1931-1932 III, 1931-1932

Volume 70 Banking Act 1931-1932 IV, 1931-1932

Volume 71 Banking Act 1931-1932 V, 1931-1932

Volume 72 Banking Act 1931-1932 VI, 1931-1932

Volume 73 Senate Drafts I-VII 1931-1932 S-l 72nd Congress 1st Session, 1931 December 9

Volume 74 Banking Act Advisor's Report, 1931-1932

Volume 75 S 4115 Banking Act 1932 72nd Congress 1st Session, 1932 April 2

Volume 76 S 3215 Glass Bill, 1932

Volume 77 Banking Plans, Monetary Commission Plan, Muhleman Plan, Fowler Plan

Volume 78 Approved Minutes of Philippine National Bank Manila, P.I., February 26 1916 to August 25 1916, Volume I., 1916 February 26-August 25

Volume 79 Philippine National Bank Reports, 1916 June 13

Volume 80 Philippine National Bank Minutes, 1916 July 11-1917 February

Volume 81 Federal Reserve Act Drafts and Comparison with Aldrich Bill, 1913 April 1

Volume 82 Weekly Financial Review H. Clews & Co. 1919 - 1921, 1921 Jaunary 8

Volume 83 Banking Inquiry 1925 Volume I, Report of an Inquiry into Contemporary Banking in the U.S., 1925

Volume 84 Banking Inquiry 1925 Volume II, 1925

Volume 85 Banking Inquiry 1925 Volume III, 1925

Volume 86 Banking Inquiry 1925 Volume IV, 1925

Volume 87 Banking Inquiry 1925 Volume V, 1925

Volume 88 Banking Inquiry 1925 Volume VI, 1925

Volume 89 Banking Inquiry 1925 Interviews Appendix A, 1925

Volume 90 Banking Inquiry 1925 Digest of Certain Provisions in State Bank Acts Appendix C, 1925

Volume 91 Banking Inquiry 1925 Branch Banking Abroad Appendix D, 1925

Volume 92 Banking and Business, Institute of Banking NY Chapter, 1918 Autumn

Volume 93 51 - Money and Banking First Half Year 1917-1918, 1917-1918

Volume 94 153 - Banking and Credit First Half Year 1917-1918, 1917-1918

Volume 95 52 - Banking Organization and Administration Second Half Year 1917-1918, 1917-1918

Volume 96 Banking Operation First Half Year 1919-1920, 1919-1920

Volume 97 Banking and Credit First Half Year 1920-1921, 1920-1921

Volume 98 Reserves and Rediscounts Second Half Year 1920-1921, 1920-1921

Volume 99 Commercial Paper First Half Year 1920-1921, 1920-1921

Volume 100 Central Reserve Banking First Half Year 1920-1921, 1920-1921

Volume 101 Banking Seminar, 1920-1921

Volume 102 Financial Institutions First Half Year 1921-1922, 1921-1922

Volume 103 Banking and Credit First Half Year 1921-1922, 1921-1922

Volume 104 Banking and Credit, International Relations, and Theory of International Banking Second Half Year 1921-1922, 1921-1922

Volume 105 Mortgage Banking and Rural Credits Second Half Year 1919-1920, 1919-1920

Volume 106 Banking 114 International Banking and Foreign Lending Spring Semester 1924-1925, 1924-1925

Volume 107 Banking 104 Money and Currency Spring Semester 1924 -1925, 1924-1925

Volume 108 Banking 102 Bank Portfolios and Short Term Lending Spring Semester 1924-1925, 1924-1925

Volume 109 Banking Lectures, 1929-1933

Volume 110 Banking 101 Commercial Paper First Half Year, undated

Volume 111 Banking 103 First Half Year, undated

Volume 112 Banking Seminar, 1927-1928

Volume 113 Banking Legislation Second Half Year, undated

Volume 114 Business of Journalism, undated

Volume 115 Class Notes, 1931-1932

Notes for classes for other years as well.

Volume 116 Gold Standard, Carel J. Smit and William Adams Brown Jr. - The International Gold Standard Reinterpreted

Volume 117 Indian Central Banking Enquiry, 1931

Volume 118 German Bank Inquiry of 1908 National Monetary Commission Stenographic Reports 61st Congress 2nd Session Senate Document 407, circa 1908

Volume 119 The Savings Bank and Its Practical Work, Wm. H. Kniffin Jr.

Volume 120 Report of the Federal Trade Commission Price Bases Inquiry - The Basing-Point Formula and Cement Prices, 1932 March

Volume 121 Report of the Committee of Experts 1929 - Multi-National Group Report on Reparations Payments from Germany, 1929

Volume 122 Irish Banking Commission Sessions Volume I, 1926 March 9-18

Volume 123 Irish Banking Commission Sessions Volume II, 1926 March 18-31

Volume 124 Irish Banking Commission Sessions Volume III, 1926 March 14-May 31

Volume 125 Irish Banking Commission Sessions Volume IV, 1926 June 1-July 1

Volume 126 Irish Banking Commission Agricultural Papers, 1926

Volume 127 Irish Banking Commission Report Drafts Volume 1, Note Currency Memorandum as Adopted, First Interim Report, 1926 April 16

Volume 128 Irish Banking Commission Drafts Volume 2, 1927

Volume 129 Irish Banking Commission Acts and Reports Volume 3 (First to Fourth Interim Reports and several Appendices), 1926

Volume 130 Irish Banking Commission Acts and Reports Volume 4, 1927

Volume 131 Irish Banking Commission Reports and Drafts Volume 5, 1926

Volume 132 Irish Banking Commission Final Draft, 1927 January 11

Volume 133 Agricultural Report - Ireland, 1914 May

Volume 134 National Bank of Ireland - W. Hallhead 1779, 1779