Francis Steegmuller papers, 1877-2012

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Series XVIII: Printed & Posters

Guillaume Apollinaire:

Box 108 Petites Merveilles du Quotidien par Guillaume Apollinaire (1979)

Box 108 Anecdotiques . Guillaume Apollinaire. Librairie Gallimard (1955)

Box 108 Tendre comme le souvenir . Guillaume Apollinaire. Librairie Gallimard (1952)

Box 108 La Femme Assise . Guillaume Apollinaire. Librairie Gallimard (1948)

Box 108 Le Flaneur de Deux Rives . Guillaume Apollinaire. Librairie Gallimard tes(1928)

Box 108 La revue des lettres modernes . Guillaume Apollinaire . Nos. 85-89 (1963)

Box 108 Apollinaire Vivant . André Billy (1923)

Box 108 L'Enchanteur Pourrissant . Guillaume Apollinaire (1921)

Box 108 L'Esprit Nouveau er les Poëtes . Guillaume Apollinaire (1946)

Box 108 Les Mamelles de Tirésias . Guillaume Apollinaire (1946)

Box 108 La Nouvelle Revue Française . (December 1956)

Box 108 La Nouvelle Revue Française . (December 1962)

Box 108 L'Hérésiarque et Cie . Guillaume Apollinaire (1910)

Box 108 Lettres à Lou . Guillaume Apollinaire (1969)

Box 109 La Crise des Valeurs Symbolistes Vignt ans de Poésie Française 1895-1914 . Nichel Décaudin (1960)

Box 109 Guillaume Apollinaire . Pierre Marcel Adéma (1968). Includes letter from Adéma, 17, June 1980

Box 109 Petit Glossaire des Mots Libres D'Apollinaire . Scott Bates (1975)

Box 109 Maupassant . Michael G. Lerner (1975)

Box 109 The Complete Short Stories of Guy de Maupassant . Hanover House (1955)

Box 110 Le Bestiaire ou Cortège D'Orphée . Metropolitan Museum of Art (1977)

Box 110 Ferdinando Galiani and Louise D'Épinay Correspondence I 1769-1770 (1992)

Box 110 La Signora D.Épinay e L'Abate Galiani Lettere Inedite (1769-1772) (1929)

Box 110 La Signora D.Épinay e L'Abate Galiani Lettere Inedite (1773-1782) (1933)

Box 110 A Woman, A Man, and Two Kingdoms Knopf (1991) Uncorrected Proof (2 copies)

Box 110 Lettres de L'Abbé Galiani a Madame D'Épinay Paris (1882)

Vocabulario della Parole del Dialetto Napoletano, che pui' si Scostano dal Dialetto Toscano, con Alcune Ricerche Etimologiche sulle Medesime Degli Accademici Filopatridi . . . Napoli: Presso Guissepe-Naria Porcelli (1789). Two Volumes

Note: Removed and cataloged for Rare Books

Madame D'Épinay:

Box 106 Dernières Années de Madame D'Épinay par Lucien Perey et Gaston Maugras (1883)

Box 106 L'Abbé F. Galiani Corresponcence par Lucien Perey et Gaston Maugras (1889). Volumes I and II

Box 106 Lettres de L'Abbé F. Galiani a Madame D'Épinay par Eugène Asse (1882)

Box 106 Illuministi Italiani. Tome VI. Opere di Ferdinando Galiani a cura di Furio Diaz e Luciano Guerciar Eugène Asse (1984)

Isadora Duncan:

Box 113 Done Into Dance: Isadora Duncan in America. Ann Daly (1995)

Box 113 The Art of the Dance. Isadora Duncan (1928)

Gustave Flaubert:

Box 111 Statues de Chair: Sculptures de James Pradier (1790-1852). (1986)

Box 111 Knopf, Winter 1993--106

Box 111 Gustave Flaubert Club de l'Honnête Homme

Box 111 Autour d'Emma: Madame Bovary un film de Claude Chabrol avec Isabelle Huppert. (1991)

Box 111 La Vie Érotique de Flaubert. Jancques-Louis Douchin (1984)

Box 111 L'Éducation Sentimentale. Édition Garnier Frères (1964)

Box 111 ABC Radio Guide. Vol. 20, No 30 (1983)

Box 111 Correspondence Flaubert-Sand. Flammaron (1981)

Box 111 Flaubert-Sand: The Correspondence. Translated by Francis Steegmuller and Barbara Bray (1993)

Box 112 Lettres inédites de Guatave Flaubert à son éditeur. Michel Lévy (1965)

Box 112 L'educazione sentimentale di Gustave Flaubert nella traduzione di Lalla Ramano

Box 112 La signora Bovary di Guatave Flaubert nella traduzione di Natalia Ginzburg (1983)

Box 112 Gustave Flaubert et sa niece Caroline. Lucie Chevalley-Sabatier (1971)

Box 112 Lettere di Mademoiselle Aïssé a Madame C…. a cura di Benedetta Craveri (1984)

Box 112 Gustave Flaubert-George Sand Correspondence . Texte édité, preface et annoté par Alphonse Jacobs (1981)

Box 112 Salammbô. Gustave Flaubert (1961)

Box 112 Yale Review. Volume 81, Number 4 (1993)

Box 112 Commentaire. Volume 15, Number 60 (1992-93)

Box 113 The Gates of Horn: A Study of Five French Realists. Harry Levin (1963)

Box 113 Gustave Flaubert Extraits de la Correspondance ou Préface a la Vie D'Écrivain (1963)

Box 113 La Correspondance de Flaubert Étude et Répertoire Critique. Charles Carlut (1968)

A Letter from Gustave Flaubert. Keepsake, printed at the Gehenna Press, 1960

Note: Removed and cataloged for Rare Books

George Sand:

Box 114 Friends of George Sand Newsletter (Fall/Winter 1982)

Box 114 George Sand Studies (Spring 1992)

Box 114 Chère Maître: The Correspondence of Gustave Flaubert and George Sand. Adapted by Peter Eyre

Box 114 Chère George Sand by Jean Chalon (1991)

Box 114 The George Sand Gustave Flaubert Letters. Introduction by Stuart Sherman (1977). Paperback

Box 114 The George Sand Gustave Flaubert Letters. Introduction by Stuart Sherman (1977). Hardback

Box 114 George Sand Correspondance (avril 1874-mai 1876) Tome XXIV

Box 114 George Sand Correspondance Suppléments (1817-1876) Tome XXV

Box 114 The Intimate Journal of George Sand. (1977)

Box 115 George Sand Studies (Spring 1993)

Box 115 Friends of George Sand Newsletter (Winter 1977/78)

Box 115 Friends of George Sand Newsletter (Spring/Summer 1978)

Box 115 Friends of George Sand Newsletter (Fall/Winter 1978)

Box 115 Friends of George Sand Newsletter (Spring 1979). Volume II, No. 2

Box 115 Friends of George Sand Newsletter (1979). Volume II, No. 3

Box 115 Friends of George Sand Newsletter (Fall/Winter 1980). Volume III, No. 2

Box 115 Friends of George Sand Newsletter (Spring/Summer 1980). Volume III, No. 1

Box 115 Friends of George Sand Newsletter (Spring/Summer 1981). Volume IV, No. 1

Box 115 Friends of George Sand Newsletter (Spring/Summer 1982). Volume V, No. 1

Box 115 Les Amis de George Sand (1981). No. 1

Other Books from the Library of Francis Steegmuller:

Box 20 Printed materials-clippings, issues of magazines, etc. (1 box)

Box 101 Folder 13 Miscellaneous clippings re. Nijinsky, Maupassant, Flaubert, Cocteau, etc., 1971-2002

Box 23 Books from the Library of F. Steegmuller, many with his notes on endpapers


Tube Box 10 Poster, copy: "The Breasts of Tiresias par Apollianaire," plus Stravinsky's "Soldiers' Tale".

Tube Box 10 Copies of French posters for "Le Coq" a musical production, and laminated press clippings

Tube Box 10 Poster for the Naples production of Salaambo.

Missing 10/2022

Tube Box 10 Poster: "Convegno di Studi Ferdinando Galiani du Secoli Popo 1787-1987".

Missing 10/2022

Box 24 Folder 8 Clipping from The New York Times re. Francis Steegmuller, 31, August 2000

Box 25 Folder 3-4 Jacques Barzun printed material (reprints, photocopies, etc.), 1962-1987-

Box 25 The Century Yearbook, 1996 (memorial on Francis Steegmuller by Jacques Barzun on pages 314-317), 1996

Box 26 The Diary of Vaslav Nijinsky , 1995

Box 28 Arthur King Peters. Seven Trails West. New York: Abbeville Press, 1996

Box 30 Jean Hugo. Le Regard de la Memoire. Éditions Actes Sud, 1983

Box 30 Pierre Le-Tan Rencontres d'une Vie, 1945-1984. Aubier, 1986

Box 30 Horst P. Horst. Salute to the Thirties . New York: Viking Press, 1971

Box 30 Horst: His Life and His Work . New York: Knopf, 1984

Box 31 David Keith (Francis Steegmuller). A Matter of Iodine. New York: Dodd, Mead, 1940

Box 31 John McDonald. The Orgins of Angling . New York: Doubleday, 1963

Box 31 Jesse Kornbluth. Pre-pop Warhol. New York: Random House, 1968 (includes Warhol's cover illustration for Francis Steegmuller'sThe Grand Mademoiselle ), 1968

Box 31 Charles Pratt. The Garden and the Wilderness. Edited by William Maxwell . New York: Horizon Press, 1980

Box 31 Travel & Leisure, August 1997 . Tribute to Francis Steegmuller on pp.71-74.

Box 31 Apollo, March1964. Francis Steegmuller on Jacques Villon, page 229.

Box 31 Holliday, May 1960. Article by Francis Steegmuller on Washington Irving & his house.

Box 31 Holliday, October 1959. Article by Francis Steegmuller on New York City galleries, page 90.

Box 99 Folder 1 "Surrealism in Exile" Invitation to opening reception at La Maison Française NYU

Box 101 Folder 4 John Pope-Hennessy clippings and program of funeral mass at Church of Saint Thomas More, 1995

Box 107 De Gaugin a la Revue Nègre. Jacques-Émile Blanche (1928)

Box 107 Henry Monnier (1939)

Box 107 De Montmartre au Quartier Latin Francis Carco(1927). Two copies

Box 107 La Boite à Perruque. Fernand Fleuret (1937)

Box 107 Les Mémoires du Baron Mollet (1963)

Box 107 History of the Kingdom of Naples. Benedetto Croce (1970)

Box 107 La Pêche aux Souvenirs. Jacques Émile-Blanche (1949)

Box 107 Mercvre de France. Numéro 1064 (1952), 1064

Box 107 Mercvre de France Pierre Reverdy. Numéro 1181 (1962), 1181

Box 107 Cahiers d'un Artiste. Jacques Émile-Blanche (1916)

Box 113 Toward Stendhal. Harry Levin. Pharos Number Three (1945)

Box 113 Diderot. Arthur M. Wilson (1973)

Box 115 Cocteau A Biography by Francis Steegmuller (1986)

Box 115 The Fatal Englishman: Three Short Lives by Sebastian Faulks (1996)

Box 116 Mémoires D'Hortense et de Marie Mancini (1965)

Box 116 Madame de Lafayette A Princesse de Clèves. René-Louis Doyon

Box 116 La vie amoureuse de la Grand Mademoiselle Le plus beau parti de France (1927)

Box 116 La vie amoureuse de la Grand Mademoiselle Le marriage secret (1927)

Box 116 Mercvre de France. Numéro 1166 (Octobre 1960), 1166

Box 116 L'Encyclopédie Diderot

Box 117 Mademoiselle Aïssé ou la nymphe de Circassie by Anne Soprani (1991)

Box 117 James Pradier Correspondence Tome I (1790-1833). Textes réunis, classes et annotés par Douglas Siler (1984)

Box 117 James Pradier Correspondence Tome II (1834-1842). Textes réunis, classes et annotés par Douglas Siler (1984)

Box 117 James Pradier Correspondence Tome III (1843-1846). Textes réunis, classes et annotés par Douglas Siler (1988)

Box 117 Michelangelo Fardella Pensieri scientifici e Lettera antiscolastica (1986)

Box 117 Le manifatture d'arte di Carlo di Borbone Fraanco Strazzullo (1979)

Box 117 A New History of French Literature Edited by Denis Hollier (1989)

Box 118 La Jeunesse de la Grande Mademoiselle by Arvède Barine (1902)

Box 118 Lettres Portugaises avec les réponses Lettres de Mlle Aïssé par Eugène Asse (1893)

Box 118 La Vita Italiana nel Settecento (1903)

Box 118 IXVII Siècle les Grands Auteurs Français du Programme (1970)

Box 118 Le Dossier D' "Alcools" Michel Décaudin (1960)

Box 118 Les Amitiés de la Revue Blanche et Quelques Autres. Evelyn Nattier-Natanson (1959)

Box 118 L'Alphabet des Lettres J'Avais un Secrétaire par Francis Carco (1925)

Box 118 Les lauriers sont coupés. Edouard Dujardin (1925)

Box 118 Alfred Jarry ou le surmâle de lettres par Rachilde. Bernard Grasset (1928)

Box 118 Fernand Fleuret et ses amis par J. de Saint-Jorre (1946)

Box 119 Rage and Fire A Life of Louise Colet by Francine du Plessix Gray (1994)

Box 119 La Dernière Lettre: Prisons et condamnés de la Révolution 1793-1794 par Oliver Blanc (1984), 1793-1794

Box 119 Lettere di Bernardo Tanucci a Carlo III di Borbone (1795-1776) Regesti a Cura di Rosa Mincuzzi (1969)

Box 119 Saint-Exupéry A Biography by Stacy Schiff (1994)

Box 119 Revolution of the Mind: The Life of André Breton by Mark Polizzotti (1995)

Box 119 Genet A Biography by Edmund White (1993)

Box 119 The Journal of Literary Translation. Volume XXIII, Spring 1990.

Box 119 In casa Nicolini e in casa Croce by Benedetto Nicolini (1983).

Box 119 Socrate Immaginario Ferdinando Galiani (1960)

Box 119 Lettres Portugaises de Marianna Alcoforado avec les réponses C.-E. Aïssé (1970)

Box 119 Madame du Deffand e il suo mondo. Benedetta Craveri (1982)

Box 120 Columbia College: Van Doren at 100

Box 120 penguine Classics, January -April 1996

Box 120 Metropolitan Opera Lincoln Center, November 1981

Box 120 Paragone 173 Arte, 1971

Box 120 Playbill. Volume 10, February1973. Issue 2

Box 120 Walter Sickert Jacques-Émile Blanche. Musée de Dieppe (1954)

Box 120 Grand Street. Volume 4, Number 1. Autumn, 1954

Box 120 Laurin-Guilloux-Buffetaud-Tailleur. Catalog (1991)

Box 120 Musées de Genève, 260, Novembre-Décembre, 1985

Box 120 The American Scholar, Autumn, 1988

Box 120 Opera News, January 2, 1982

Box 120 [Auction Catalog] Lettres et Manuscripts Autographs, 17 Juin, 1980

Box 120 [Auction Catalog] Ouvrages anciens, Livres modernes et livres illustrés, . . . 9 Juin, 1980

Box 120 George Sand Studies, Volume VIII, Nos. 1 & 2 (1986/1987)

Box 120 Arts Magazine, Special Paques 1986 Number 35, 1986

Box 120 Art and Landscape of Italy Too Late to be Saved? (1972)

Box 120 Catalogue of The Jack Cole Collection of Books and Pictures on the Dance, Part I and Part II (1979)

Box 120 Sotheby's Catalog of Ballet and Theatre Material (1979)

Box 120 The New Criterion, Volume 2, Number 3 (November 1983)

Box 120 "I Remember" A Composite By: Clara Espen Guggenheimer Binswanger Her Family and Friends On the Occasion of Her 90th Birthday, November 13, 1987

Box 120 E. & Q.E. Gilbert Seldes. Privately printed., 1968

Box 120 Columbia Library Columns. November 1969. Volume XIX, Number 1

Box 120 Italy Italy. Year VI, No. 5 (1988)

Box 120 Napoli Nobilissima. Volume XX, No. V-VI (1981)

Box 120 nest A Magazine of Interiors. Premier Issue (1977)

Box 120 Wilson Library Bulletin, January 1992

Box 120 The New York Times Magazine, January 1, 1995

Box 120 The New Yorker: A Reporter at Large The Incident at Naples, (1986)

Box 120 Wisconsin Magazine of History. Volume 75, Number 2 (1992)

Box 120 Photocopies, from microfilm, of numerous articles by Francis Steegmuller, 1934-1965

Box 121 American Academy of Arts and Letters. Proceedings (1995). Tribute to Francis Steegmuller by William Maxwell on page 85 (2 copies)

Box 121 American Academy of Arts and Letters, 1994-1995

Box 121 The Century Yearbook 1996. The Century Association. Memorial tribute to Francis Steegmuller by Jacques Barzun on page 314

Box 121 Paul Iribe. Denoël (1982)

Box 121 [Catalog] Fifty Literary Pillars. Olin Library (1991)

Box 121 A Fable of Bidpai From the Buch der Weisheit of 1483. Janus Press (1974)

Note: Removed and cataloged for Rare Books

Box 121 Crimes Écrits La littérature en procès au XIX siècle par Yvan Leclerc (1991)

Box 121 Dada a Paris par Jean-Jacques Pauvert (1965)

Box 121 The Business of Enlightenment by Robert Darnton (1979)