Box 1
Abbot, Joseph Hale
Box 1
Adam, Phebe G.
Box 1
Adams, Alice
Box 1
Adams, Charles F.
Box 1
Adams, John Quincy (1767-1848)
Box 1
Aldrich, Thomas Bailey, 1836-1907
Box 1
Alexander, William, 1819-1882
Box 1
Allen, Frederic
Box 1
Allen, Margaret A.
Box 1
Allen, Philip
Box 1
Amberley, Katherine Louisa Stanley, Viscountess
Box 1
Ames, Julius R.
Box 1
Amory, Thomas C.
Box 1
Anderson, George C.
Box 1
Andrew, John T.
Box 1
Andrews, C. A.
Box 1
Andrew, John Albion, 1818-1867
Box 1
Andrew, John Forrester, 1850-1895
Box 1
Andrews, Edmund
Box 1
Andrews, Emily R.
Box 1
Andrews Son & MacLaine
Box 1
Anthony, Susan Brownell, 1820-1906
Box 1
Aphul, W. N.
Box 1
Appleton, D.F.
Box 1
Armstrong, Kos
Box 1
Arnold, Isaac Newston, 1815-1884
Box 1
Arrington, W. B.
Box 1
Ashurst, Elizabeth See Bardouneau-Narcy
Box 1
Astor, William Backhouse
Box 1
Atcheson, Thomas
Box 1
Atkinson, William Parsons, 1820-1890
Box 1
Attwood, Gilbert
Box 1
Avery, Elroy McKendree, 1844-1835
Box 1
Ayer, James Cook, 1818-1878
Box 2
Bacon, Leonard Woolsey, 1830-1907
Box 2
Bacon, Mary D.
Box 2
Bagley, I. L.
Box 2
Bailey, J.F.
Box 2
Baker, William
Box 2
Baker, William F.
Box 2
Baldwin, Thomas
Box 2
Balhahah, Mrs Alex
Box 2
Bancroft, M.S.
Box 2
Bangs, E.K.
Box 2
Banker, Joseph
Box 2
Banks, Clara
Box 2
Bardouneau-Narcy, Eliza[beth] A. Ashurst
Box 2
Barker, Joseph, 1806-1875
Box 2
Barnes, B. Jr.
Box 2
Barney, Eliza
Box 2
Barnum, Phineas T., 1810-1891
Box 2
Barratt, Anna, 1838-
Box 2
Barratt, Norris Stanley
Box 2
Barton, Bernard, 1784-1841
Box 2
Bayaud, Theodore
Box 2
Bayley, Solomon
Box 2
Beach Brothers
Box 2
Beal, Calib H.
Box 2
Beal, George W.
Box 2
Bechot, Edmund
Box 2
Beecher, Henry Ward, 1813-1887
Box 2
Beem, Martin
Box 2
Bellamy, S.B.
Box 2
Bellew, Frank
Box 2
Beman, Samuel
Box 2
Bemit, C.
Box 2
Bemis, George, 1816-1878
Box 2
Benjamin, Park, 1809-1864
Box 2
Bennett, De Rohigne Mortimer, 1818-1882
Box 2
Berry, Thomas
Box 2
Betty, Edward
Box 2
Bickham, William Denison, 1827-1894
Box 2
Bierstadt, Albert, 1830-1902
Box 2
Bing, Julius
Box 2
Bird, Francis William, 1809-1894
Box 2
Birdsall, S.H.
Box 2
Birney, James Gillespie, 1792-1837
Box 2
Blackler, Ward H.
Box 2
Blackwell, Elizabeth (1821-1910)
Box 2
Blair, Montgomery, 1813-1883
Box 2
Blancan, P.C.
Box 2
Bliss, James Jr. (?)
Box 2
Blood, Harry Ames, 1838-1901
Box 2
Bogert, H. E.
Box 2
Bonne, Thomas I
Box 2
Boone, Charles H.
Box 3
Bowditch, Henry Ingersoll, 1808-1892
Box 3
Bowditch, William I.
Box 3
Boveryem, George
Box 3
Boyesen, Hjalmar Hjorth l848-l895
Box 3
Bradburn, George
Box 3
Bradley, Ellin Bertha
Box 3
Bradley, John
Box 3
Bramhall, F.C.
Box 3
Brewer, M.
Box 3
Brewer, Mary Grey
Box 3
Brewster, Frederick Carroll
Box 3
Boyle, J.B.
Box 3
Briggs, Charles Frederick
Box 3
Brigham, Charles D.
Box 3
Brisbane, William Henry, ca., 1803-1878
Box 3
Brockman, S.
Box 3
Brokaw, Estella Bachman
Box 3
Brooks, Samuel
Box 3
Brooks, Issac A
Box 3
Brooks, Noah, 1830-1903
Box 3
Brown, Benjamin
Box 3
Brown, Mrs. Clare Herbert
Box 3
Brown, John 1800-1859 : Printed items, 1800-1859
Box 3
Brown, John H.
Box 3
Brown, Mary A.
Box 3
Brown, Sarah A./Wallace J.H.
Box 3
Brown, Walter
Box 3
Brown, William W.
Box 4
Browne, John W.
Box 4
Browne, Junius Henri, 1833-1902
Box 4
Browne, Martha (Griffith) d., 1906
Box 4
Browne, William Hand, 1828-1912
Box 4
Bruce, Georgina
Box 4
Bryant, William Cullen 1794-l878
Box 5
Buckingham. Rev. E.
Box 5
Buekeley, Richard
Box 5
Bungay, George Washington, 1818-1892
Box 5
Bunker, Chang and Eng, 1811-1874
Box 5
Burdick, Clara DeWolf
Box 5
Burdick, Mabel L.
Box 5
Burleigh, C.M.
Box 5
Burleigh, Charles Calistus, 1810-1878
Box 5
Burleigh, Florence A.
Box 5
Burleigh, Margaret J.
Box 5
Burnside, Ambrose Everett, 1829-1881
Box 5
Burlingame, Edward Livermore, 1848-1922
Box 5
Butler, Benjamin Franklin, 1818-1893
Box 5
Butler, James Davie, 1815-1905
Box 5
Butler, Mrs. Josephine Elizabeth Grey, 1828-1906
Box 6
Byington, A. Homer
Box 6
Byron, Ann Isabella (Milbanke) baroness
Box 6
Byron, George
Box 6
Cabin[?], Caroline F.
Box 6
Cabot, Samuel
Box 6
Calhoun, L. S. G
Box 6
Campbell, A.
Box 6
Carey, Henry B.?
Box 6
Caro, Pauline Cassin (Mrs. E.M.)
Box 6
Carpender, E. M.
Box 6
Carpenter, E. W.
Box 6
Carpenter, Henry
Box 6
Carroll, William A.
Box 6
Carrow, Emma M.
Box 6
Carter, Robert, 1819-1879
Box 6
Cass, Hiram
Box 6
Cavender, Thomas S.
Box 6
Cerydin (?) J.F.
Box 6
Chadwick, J.B.
Box 6
Chadwick, John White, 1840-1904
Box 6
Channing, William Henry, 1810-1884
Box 7
Chapin, Elizabeth M. Gay (Mrs. Jacob)
Box 7
Chapin, Laura
Box 7
Chapman, Elizabeth B.
Box 7
Chapman, Maria Weston
Box 8
Chapman, Mary G
Box 8
Chapman, W
Box 8
Chase, Salmon Portland, 1808-1873
Box 8
Cheever, Henry Theodore, 1814-1897
Box 8
Child, David Lee, 1794-1874
Box 8
Child, Lydia Maria, 1802-1880
Box 8
Chur, A.T.
Box 8
Churchill, McKeen G.
Box 8
Clarke, Robert
Box 8
Churchman, Samuel
Box 8
Claflen, William
Box 8
Clapp, Henry, Jr
Box 8
Clancey, John S.
Box 8
Clark, Anna Charles (Mrs. Hobert)
Box 8
Clarke, George L.
Box 8
Clark, Hobart
Box 8
Clark, S. T.
Box 8
Clarke, James Freeman, 1810-1888
Box 8
Clarkson, Mary
Box 8
Clarkson, Thomas, 1760-1846
Box 8
Clay, Cassius Marcellus, 1810-1903
Box 8
Clay, Henry, 1777-1852
Box 8
Claybourn, Louisa
Box 8
Cleveland, John L (?)
Box 8
Close, Maud M
Box 8
Cobden, Richard, 1804-1885
Box 8
Coohrane, John, 1813-1898
Box 8
Colburn, Richard T
Box 8
Colfax, Schuyler, 1823-1885
Box 8
Collins, John Anderson
Box 8
Cornstock, N
Box 9
Comstock, Phoebe Ann
Box 9
Cogdon, Charles T.
Box 9
Congdon, Charlotte
Box 9
Conkling, Roscoe, 1829-1888
Box 9
Conover, S.
Box 9
Conway, Moncure Daniel, 1832-1907
Box 9
Cook, Clarence, 1828-1900
Box 9
Cope, Alexis T.
Box 9
Cordier, W.B.
Box 9
Corne, W.F.
Box 9
Costelle, Joseph C.
Box 9
Couzins, Phoebe Wilson, 1842-1913
Box 10
Craft, David
Box 10
Crandal, W.L.
Box 10
Craffut, William Augustus, 1835-1915
Box 10
Crounse, Lorenzo, 1834-1898
Box 10
Crummell, Alexander, 1819-1898
Box 10
Crummell, Henry Richard
Box 10
Culosky, Francis
Box 10
Culver, E.D., 1803-1889
Box 10
Cumming, Edward Hamilton
Box 10
Cummins, A.M.
Box 10
Cunningham, William and James
Box 10
Curtis, Anna Shaw, 1836-1923
Box 10
Curtis, Cornelius
Box 10
Curtis, George William, 1824-1892
Box 10
Curtis, Julia B.
Box 10
Custer, Elizabeth Bacon, 1842-1939
Box 10
Dall, Caroline (Healey), 1822-1912
Box 10
Dana, James Dwight, 1813-1895
Box 10
Darling, Samuel C.
Box 10
Davenport, George D
Box 10
Davenport, John I.
Box 10
Davis, Alex M.
Box 10
Davis, Benjamin B.
Box 11
Davis, Edward M.
Box 11
Davis, Georgina A.
Box 11
Davis, Henry Winter, 1817-1865
Box 11
Davis, John W.C.
Box 11
Davis, Milton
Box 11
Davis, P.W. See: Wright, Paulina
Box 11
Davison, Emma
Box 11
Davison. Edward F.
Box 11
Dawes, Henry Laurens, 1816-1903
Box 11
Day, Mary C.
Box 11
Deane, Charles
Box 11
DeBow, S.H.
Box 11
Delta, P.F.
Box 11
Demorest, Mme. Ellen Louise
Box 11
Denison, Charles Wheeler, 1809-1881
Box 11
Denny, Henry G.
Box 11
Denslow, V.B.
Box 11
Depew, Chauncey Mitchell
Box 11
De Peyster, August
Box 11
Des Cassayrs, Charles
Box 11
Dewar, John
Box 11
Dewees, Watson W.
Box 11
DeWolf, Benjamin
Box 11
Dexter, Wirt, 1832-1890
Box 11
Dicey, Albert Venn
Box 11
Dillingham, John H.
Box 11
Divine, S.R.
Box 11
Divinelle, John W.
Box 11
Doll, E. Adams
Box 11
Doll and Richards
Box 11
Donaldson, F.
Box 11
Donaldson, Thomas
Box 11
Dorr, M.S.W.
Box 11
Doty, Julia
Box 11
Doubleday, Abner, 1819-1893
Box 11
Douglass, Frederick, 1817-1895
Box 11
Draper, John William, 1811-1882
Box 11
Draper, Lymen Copeland, 1815-1891
Box 11
Driscoll, Frederick
Box 11
Driscoll, J.
Box 11
Dubney, J.
Box 11
DuBois, Anna S.
Box 11
Du Chaillu, Paul Belloni
Box 11
Du Chadlin (?) P.B.
Box 11
Dunn, Mary A.
Box 11
Durkee, Sarah A.
Box 11
Dustin, Abby Gay
Box 11
Dutton, O.H.
Box 11
Duyckinck, Evert Augustus
Box 11
Dwight, W.
Box 12
Eaton, John
Box 12
Edson, Obed
Box 12
Ela, J.N.
Box 12
Elder, Cyrus, 1883-1912
Box 12
Elliot, William Waight, 1831-1889
Box 12
Elliot, William Greenleaf, 1811-1887
Box 12
Ellis, Edward Sylvester, 1849-1916
Box 12
Ellis, George Edward, 1814-1894
Box 12
Emerson, Ralph Waldo
Box 12
Emerson, Sarah Hopper Gibbons
Box 12
England, Isaac W.
Box 12
Enwright, Y.
Box 12
Epson, Elizabeth
Box 12
Ericsson, John, 1803-1889
Box 12
Erving, John, 1833-1917
Box 12
Estlin, Mary A.
Box 12
Evans, E. John
Box 12
Evening Post
Box 12
Everett, Edward, 1794-1865
Box 12
Fairbanks, Josephine N.
Box 12
Farnham, Eliza W.
Box 12
Fay, Theodore Sedgwick, 1807-1989
Box 12
Feistpo, R.E.
Box 12
Fenton, Ruben Eaton, 1819-1885
Box 12
Fernald, Charles, 1830-1892
Box 12
Field, David Dudley, 1805-1894
Box 12
Fields, Annie (Adams), 1834-1915
Box 12
Fields, James Thomas, 18l6-l88l
Box 12
Firth Pond and Company
Box 12
Finley, John Huston, 1863-1940
Box 12
Fiske, Mary Alleyne
Box 12
Fiske, Mary Otis Gay (Mrs. Robert T.P.), 1809-1852
Box 12
Fiske, Oliver
Box 12
Fiske, Robert Tarat Paine, 1800-1866
Box 13
Fiske, Sarah Duncan
Box 13
Floyd, Nicoll
Box 13
Flynn, A. Harriet
Box 13
Flynn, J.T.
Box 13
Flower, Frank Abial, 1854-1911
Box 13
Follen, Charles
Box 13
Follen, Eliza Lee (Cabot) (Mrs. Charles), 1787-1860
Box 13
Fonda, A.A.
Box 13
Foote, Henry Stuart, l804-l880
Box 13
Forbes, John Murray, 1813-1898
Box 13
Forbes, W.H.
Box 13
Forman, J. Gilbert
Box 13
Forsyth, James R.
Box 13
Foster, Abigail (Kelley), 1810-1887
Box 14
Foster, Daniel
Box 14
Foster, Stephen Symonds, 1809-1887
Box 14
Foulke, Hugh
Box 14
Fowkes, H.
Box 14
Francis, R.D.
Box 14
Franklin, William Buel, 1823-1903
Box 14
Fremont, Jessie Benton, 1824-1902
Box 14
Fremont, John Charles, 1813-1890
Box 14
French, M
Box 14
French, William S.
Box 14
Fry, Edward P.
Box 14
Fry, Horace
Box 14
Fry, J.R.
Box 14
Fry, W.H.
Box 14
Fuller, W.J.A.
Box 14
Futhey, J. Smith
Box 14
Furness, William Henry 1802Â1896
Box 14
Fussell, Edwin
Box 14
Fussell, Bartholomew, 1794-1871
Box 14
Gage, Frances Dana Barker, 1808-1884
Box 14
Gardner, Charles Kitchell 1787-l869
Box 14
Garnaud, C
Box 14
Garrett, E.S.
Box 14
Garrett, Philip
Box 14
Garrett, R.C. (Mrs, Wm)
Box 14
Garrison, Francis Jackson, 1848-1916
Box 14
Garrison, Wendell Philips, 1840-1907
Box 15
Garrison, William Lloyd, 1805-1879
Box 15
Gassett, Edward
Box 16
Gay, Arthur Otis
Box 17
Gay, Charles W.
Box 18
Gay, Ebenezer, 1818-1899
Box 18
Gay, Eleanor Allen (Mrs, Martin)
Box 19
Gay, Elizabeth Neall, 1840-1859
Box 19A
Gay, Elizabeth Neall, 1860-1871
Box 19B
Gay, Elizabeth Neall, 1872-1873
Box 20
Gay, Elizabeth Neall, 1874-undated
Box 21
Gay, Elizabeth Tarbell (Mrs. Henry)
Box 21
Gay, Ellen (Mrs, Ebenezer)
Box 21
Gay, Francis M
Box 21
Gay, Henry P
Box 21
Gay, Howard
Box 21
Gay, Jotham
Box 21
Gay, Nelly Blood
Box 21
Gay, Martin
Box 22
Gay, Mary Alleyne Otis
Box 23
Gay, Sarah Mifflin, 1861-1897
Box 24
Gay, Sarah Mifflin, undated
Box 25
Gay, Sidney Howard, 1835-1839
Box 26
Gay, Sidney Howard, 1841-October 1844
Box 27
Gay, Sidney Howard, November 1844-May 1845
Box 28
Gay, Sidney Howard, June 1845-June 1846
Box 29
Gay, Sidney Howard, July 1846-1849
Box 30
Gay, Sidney Howard, 1850-1859
Box 31
Gay, Sidney Howard, 1860-November 17, 1883
Box 32
Gay, Sidney Howard, undated
Box 33
Gay, Walter
Box 33
Gay, Winckworth Allan
Box 34
George, Henry
Box 34
Gibbons, Abby (Hopper), 1801-1893
Box 34
Gibbons, Julia
Box 34
Gibbons, W.H.
Box 34
Gibbs, Wolcott, 1822-1908
Box 34
Gibson, William Hamilton, 1850-l896
Box 34
Giddings, Joshus Reed, 1795-l864
Box 34
Gilbert, Howard Worcester, 1819-1894
Box 34
Gilly, Edward
Box 34
Gilmarsh, James R.
Box 34
Gilmore, James R.
Box 34
Gillmore, Quincy Adams, 1825-1888
Box 34
Gladstone, J.P.
Box 34
Godkin, Edwin Lawrence, 1831-1902
Box 34
Godwin, Parke
Box 34
Goodell, William, 1792Â1878
Box 34
Goodenow, Daniel
Box 34
Goodrich and Huntington
Box 35
Goreham, Col. Joseph
Box 35
Gould, A.P.
Box 35
Gould, Benjamin Apthorp, 1787-1859
Box 35
Gove, Mary S. [Nichols, Mary S.Q., 1810-1884]
Box 35
Gowing, E.H.
Box 35
Graham, Walter
Box 35
Gratacap, Louis P.
Box 35
Great Britain. Postmaster General
Box 35
Greeley, Horace, 1811-1872
Box 35
Green, Frances H.
Box 35
Green, Frank B.
Box 35
Green, Horace, 1802-1866
Box 35
Greene, William G
Box 35
Grew, Mary
Box 36
Grey, T.C.
Box 36
Griffith, Mattie
Box 36
Griggs, William C.
Box 36
Grimké, Charlotte Forster
Box 36
Grimké, Sarah Moore, 1792-1873
Box 36
Griscem, John D
Box 36
Griswold, Rufus Wilmot, 1815-1857
Box 36
Gunn, Thomas Butler
Box 36
Gurley, W.H.
Box 36
Gurowski, Adam, 1805-1865
Box 36
H., Charles
Box 36
Box 36
Hale, Edward Everett, 1822-1909
Box 36
Hale, Sarah Josepha
Box 36
Hall, Edward H.
Box 36
Hall, Jonathan P.
Box 36
Hall, W.A.
Box 36
Hallanell, Richard P.
Box 36
Hallett, Charles
Box 36
Hallock, Edward
Box 36
Hallock, Nicholas
Box 36
Hallock, Sarah H.
Box 36
Halpine, Charles Graham, 1829-1868
Box 36
Halstead, Murat, 1829-1908
Box 36
Hambleton, James Pinkney, ca, 1830-1890
Box 36
Hamilton, James Alexander, 1788-1878
Box 36
Hamlin, Charles Eugene, 1861-1921
Box 36
Hammond, James B.
Digital transcriptions available. Please contact for more information.
Box 37
Hanscom, L.R.
Box 37
Hanscom, Simon Parker
Box 37
Hardenbrook, Ellie L. (Mrs. John A.)
Box 37
Hardenbrook, John A
Box 37
Harned, William
Box 37
Harney, G.S.
Box 37
Harper, Fletcher, 1806-1877
Box 37
Harper, Samuel
Box 37
Harper & Bros.
Box 37
Harvey, E.L.
Box 37
Harvey, Elizabeth
Box 37
Harvey (?), Thomas S.
Box 37
Haskell, Daniel N
Box 37
Hathaway, J,C.
Box 37
Haughton, James
Box 37
Haven, Samuel Forster, 1806-1881
Box 37
Hawthorne, Julian, 1846-1934
Box 37
Hayden, Charles
Box 37
Hayden, Horace Edwin, 1837-1917
Box 37
Hayden, Lewis
Box 37
Haydock, Hannah W.
Box 37
Haydock, Robert
Box 37
Hayes, John E.
Box 37
Hayward, John L
Box 37
Heap, James
Box 37
Hedrick, Benjamin Sherwood, 1827-1886
Box 37
Henderson, Thomas J.
Box 37
Henford, F.H.
Box 37
Henning, Thomas
Box 37
Henry, Arthur R.
Box 37
Henry, Frank
Box 37
Henry, Joseph, 1797-1878
Box 37
Herbert, J.K.
Box 37
Herndon, William Henry, 1818-1891
Box 37
Hicks, Alice F.
Box 37
Higginson, Thomas Wentworth, 1823-1911
Box 37
Higginson, Waldo
Box 37
Hildreth, Richard
Box 38
Hill, Adams Sherman (1833-1910), 1862 June – October 1862, 1862 June, October 1862
Box 39
Hill, Adams Sherman (1833-1910), November 1862-May 1863
Box 40
Hill, Adams Sherman (1833-1910), June-October 1863
Box 41
Hill, Adams Sherman (1833-1910), November 1863
Box 41
Hills, E. Augustus
Box 41
Hamilton A
Box 41
Hinckley, H.S.
Box 41
Hinckley, Isaac
Box 41
Hinmann, R.R.
Box 41
Hitt, Robert Roberts, 1834-1906
Box 41
Hoag, Hulda C.
Box 41
Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 1809-1984
Box 41
Honney, W.
Box 41
Hooper, Anne S.
Box 41
Hoover, Frederick & Elizabeth
Box 41
Hopper, Anne M
Box 41
Hopper, Edward, 1847
Box 42
Hopper, Edward, 1848
Box 42
Hopper, Roasalie
Box 42
Houghton, Mifflin & Co.
Box 42
Howard, Joseph R
Box 42
Howe, Samuel Gridley 18O1-1876
Box 42
Howells, Theodora N.
Box 42
Howells, William Dean, 1837-1911
Box 42
Howland, Henry S.
Box 42
Hubbard, C.J.
Box 42
Hudson, Erasmus Darwin, 1805-1880
Box 42
Hudson, Frederic
Box 42
Hulings, Abby Louise Browne
Box 42
Hunt, Charles W., Jr.
Box 42
Hunt, Elizabeth
Box 42
Huntington, W.H.
Box 42
Hurd and Houghton
Box 42
Hurlbut, William Henry l827-1895
Box 42
Hussey, C.C.
Box 42
Hutchinson, Abby
Box 42
Hutter (?) Robert
Box 43
Ide, A.M.
Box 43
Jackson, Francis
Box 43
Jackson, Francis
Box 43
Jackson, Robert
Box 43
Jacobs, Harriet Brent
Box 43
Jacobs, John S.
Box 43
Jacoby, Henry
Box 43
James, Thomas L.
Box 43
Janney, Samuel McPherson, 1801-1880
Box 43
Jay, Charles
Box 43
Jay, John, 1817-1894
Box 43
Jay, William, 1789-1858
Box 43
Jennings, Helen (Mrs. Allan H.)
Box 43
Johnson, Bessie W
Box 43
Johnson, Dania W.
Box 43
Johnson, Laura W
Box 43
Johnson, Lewis
Box 43
Johnson, Mary W.
Box 43
Johnson, Oliver, 1809-1889
Box 43
Johnson, Robert J.
Box 43
Johnson, Rossiter, 1840-1931
Box 43
Johnson, Rowland
Box 43
Johnson, S.
Box 43
Johnson, Tom L.
Box 43
Johnston, Henry Phelps, 1842-1923
Box 43
Jones, I. Elizabeth
Box 43
Jones, Morven M.
Box 43
Jones, S.C.
Box 43
Judd, Rev. Sylverster
Box 43
Judson, S.H.
Box 43
Justice, Anna Neall (Mrs. Theodore)
Box 43
Justice, Eliza Neall (Mrs. William)
Box 43
Justice, Elvira N.
Box 43
Justice, Hilda
Box 43
Justice, William W.
Box 44
Kane, Thomas S.
Box 44
Kasaka, A.
Box 44
Kellogg, Ella Eaton (Mrs John Harvey Kellogg)
Box 44
Kemp, Susan B
Box 44
Kent, William H
Box 44
Kidwell, Cleo H
Box 44
Kidwell, Mr & Mrs
Box 44
Kimber, Abbie, 1845
Box 45
Kimber, Abbie, 1846-
Box 45
King, Gladys
Box 45
King, Samuel
Box 45
Kinman, Mrs.
Box 45
Kinman, Seth
Box 45
Kipel, G.
Box 45
Kirby, Georgiana Bruce (Mrs. Richard)
Box 45
Kite, William
Box 45
Knox, Thomas Wallace, 1835-1896
Box 45
Kollock, Mrs. S.H.
Box 45
Kossuth, Lajos, 1802-1894
Box 45
Landon, Melville De Lancey, 1839-1910
Box 45
Langarl, John A
Box 45
Langhorne, Louisa
Box 45
Lathrop, George Parsons, 1851-1898
Box 45
Latimer, Charles l827-l888
Box 45
Latto, Thomas C
Box 45
Leach, Phineas .
Box 45
Leach, J. Granville
Box 45
Leland, Warren
Box 45
Lemmer, Rachel Sumner
Box 45
Lenihan, Ernest
Box 45
Lermonsoil, A.H.
Box 45
Lesley, Peter, 1819-1903
Box 45
Lesley, Susan Inches (Lyman)
Box 45
Leverence, Henry L.
Box 45
Levinston, J.S.
Box 45
Lewis, Charlotte S
Box 45
Lewis, E.M.
Box 45
Lewis, Sarah
Box 45
Liberman, I.
Box 45
Lieber, Francis, 1800-1872
Box 45
Lieber, Matilda Oppenheimer
Box 45
Lincoln, Arthur
Box 45
Lincoln, Elisa
Box 45
Lincoln, Jarius
Box 45
Lincoln, Solomon
Box 45
Locke, David R.
Box 45
Locke, Mary T
Box 45
Locke, Mary S
Box 45
Lockerby, A.P.
Box 45
Lockwood, Joseph E
Box 45
Loring, Stella L
Box 45
Box 45
Low, John
Box 45
Lowell, Charles
Box 45
Lowell, James Russell, 1819-1891
Box 45
Lowell, Josephine Shaw, 1843-1905
Box 45
Lowell, Marie (White), 1821-1853
Box 45
Lucas, Mrs
Box 45
Ludlow, William H
Box 45
Ludlum, Rebecca M
Box 45
Lukens, Anna
Box 45
Lupton, John
Box 45
Lyman, J.H.
Box 45
Lyman, Susan J
Box 45
Lyng (?), Charles D.
Box 46
McAtee, Morton S
Box 46
McClintock, Elizabeth (See also: Phillips, E.)
Box 46
McClintock, Mary A. (Mrs. Thomas)
Box 46
McClintock, Sarah
Box 46
McClintock, Thomas
Box 46
McConnell, Henry Lloyd
Box 46
McConnell, Luther W
Box 46
McCoy, Joseph H
Box 46
McCulloch, Hugh, 1808-1895
Box 46
McGehn, Miles C
Box 46
McGinnis, Catherine
Box 46
McGregor, W.D.
Box 46
Box 46
McKee, Nora L
Box 46
McKenna, John L
Box 46
Mackensie, Alexander
Box 46
Mackenzie, Robert Shelton, 1809-1880
Box 46
Mackie, James S
Box 46
McKim, James Miller
Box 46
McKim, Sarah A
Box 46
Mackie, James
Box 47
MacManus, F.E.
Box 47
McMaster, James Alphonsus, 1820-1886
Box 47
McWatters, George S
Box 47
Macy, Charles A
Box 47
Macy, Francis H. Jr.
Box 47
Maginnis, J.S
Box 47
Mallory, Sarah
Box 47
Manly, M G
Box 47
Marsh, O.C.
Box 47
Mann, Daniel S
Box 47
Mann, Horace
Box 47
Marshall, J.N.
Box 47
Martineau, Harriet, 1802-1876
Box 47
Mason, James M.
Box 47
Massachusetts Anti-Slavery Society
Box 47
Massie, Mrs.
Box 47
Matthews, Dr.
Box 47
Maxwell, Sidney D
Box 47
May, Elizabeth G
Box 48
May, Samuel, Jr.
Box 48
Mayers, Sydney
Box 48
Mayhew, Jonathan, 1720-1766
Box 48
Meade, George Gordon, 1815-1872
Box 48
Meach, Walton
Box 48
Means, Paul B.
Box 48
Meeker, N.C.
Box 48
Meigs, Charles A
Box 48
Meigs, Henry
Box 48
Melvill, John
Box 48
Mendenhall, Ellwood
Box 48
Mercier, Henri
Box 48
Mesla, I.M.
Box 48
Metford, Phoebe
Box 48
Mickly, N
Box 48
Mifflin, Lloyd, 1846-1921
Box 48
Mifflin, Sarah
Box 48
Mifflin, Warner
Box 48
Miles, Pliny (?)
Box 48
Millar, Willson
Box 48
Millar, Willson
Box 48
Mills, Harriet May
Box 48
Milner, Julius
Box 48
Minod, H
Box 48
Minot, Hattie
Box 48
Mix, Simon H
Box 48
Moore, Frank
Box 48
Moore, George H
Box 48
Moore, Lily
Box 48
Moorhead, James
Box 48
Morgan, Edwin Dennison, 1811-1883
Box 48
Morgan, Eugene, Jr.
Box 48
Morgan, James Appleton
Box 48
Morgan, Thomas S
Box 48
Morris, E
Box 48
Morse, John T., Jr.
Box 48
Morton, A.D.
Box 48
Mosby, John S
Box 48
Mott, James
Box 48
Mott, Lucretia Coffin, 1793-1880
Box 48
Mott, Lydia P.
Box 48
Mudd, I.H. Clay
Box 48
Murphy, Henry C
Box 49
Murrow, W.J.
Box 49
Nagai, K.
Box 49
Neall, A.V.
Box 49
Neall, Cecelia A. (Mrs. Daniel, Jr.)
Box 49
Neall, Daniel
Box 49
Neall, Daniel, Jr, 1849
Box 50
Neall, Daniel, Jr, 1850-
Box 50
Neall, Frank L
Box 50
Neall, Rebecca Bunker
Box 50
Neall, Wilhelmina (Mrs. Frank L.)
Box 50
Needless, Augusta
Box 50
Nelson, Catherine H.
Box 50
Newbold, E[Iizabeth] J.
Box 50
Newbould, Thomas
Box 51
Newcomb, J. Warren
Box 51
Nicerun, E.E.
Box 51
Nicholson, Valentine
Box 51
Nimbury, E.W.
Box 51
Nordhoff, Charles, 1830-1901
Box 51
Nutter, Richard N
Box 51
Oakey, S.M.
Box 51
O'Conor, Charles, 1804-1884
Box 51
Olcott, H.S.
Box 51
Olmsted, Frederick Law, 1822-1903
Box 51
O'Relly, Henry, 1806-1886
Box 51
Osgood, James Ripley, 1836-1892
Box 51
Otis, Amos
Box 51
Otis, J.
Box 51
Otis, John Alexander
Box 51
Otis, John, 1774-1854
Box 51
Otis, M.Z.
Box 51
Otis, Nathaniel W
Box 51
Otis, Walter M
Box 51
Ottarson, Franklin J
Box 51
Owen, Robert
Box 51
Owen, Robert Dale, 1801-1877
Box 51
Oyarzahal, George
Box 51
Oxholm, Lucile H
Box 51
Page, Charles Anderson
Box 51
Page, Henrietta
Box 51
Page, R.C.M.
Box 51
Paige, Nathaniel
Box 51
Paine, Seth
Box 51
Painter, Uriah H
Box 51
Palfrey, John Gorham, 1796-1881
Box 51
Palmer, Henrietta L. (Mrs John W.)
Box 52
Palmer, John Williamson, 1825-1906
Box 52
Parker, Theodore, 1810-1860
Box 52
Parkman, J
Box 52
Parkman, Susan.
Box 52
Parmelle, A B
Box 52
Parmelle, Samuel N
Box 52
Parsons, Anna O.T.
Box 52
Parsons, Caroline L
Box 52
Parsons, Timothy
Box 52
Paton, Andrew
Box 52
Patton, Ludlow
Box 52
Pease, Elizabeth
Box 52
Pease, H.F.
Box 52
Pelly, J
Box 52
Pennock, Joseph Siddon
Box 52
Perkins, William
Box 52
Phelps, George D., etc.
Box 52
Philip, Mary Potter
Box 52
Phillips, Ann
Box 52
Phillips, Elizabeth McClintock (see also: McC--, E.)
Box 52
Phillips, Wendell (1811-1884), 1845
Box 53
Phillips, Wendell (1811-1884), 1846-1892
Box 53
Piatt, Donn
Box 54
Pickard, Samuel Thomas, 1828-1915
Box 54
Pickering, Octavius
Box 54
Pierce, Moses
Box 54
Pierpont, John, 1785-1866
Box 54
Pike, Charles E
Box 54
Pillsbury, Parker, 1809-1898
Box 54
Plantz, Homer G.
Box 54
Plumly, B. Rush
Box 54
Pollard, Agnes L
Box 54
Pollard, Edith N
Box 54
Pollard, Edward Alfred, 1831-1872
Box 54
Porter, Burr
Box 54
Porter, Fitz-John, 1822-1901
Box 54
Porter, Susan (?)
Box 54
Post, Alice Thacher (Mrs. Louis F.)
Box 54
Post, T.A.
Box 54
Potter, John H
Box 54
Potter, M.D.
Box 54
Powell, Anna (Rice), 1855
Box 54A
Powell, Aaron Macy, 1832-1899
Box 55
Powell, Anna (Rice), undated
Box 55
Prentiss, M. (?)
Box 55
Pryor, George C.
Box 56
Pugh, E.K.
Box 56
Pugh, Sarah, 1855
Box 57
Pugh, Sarah, 1856-1884 & undated, 1856-1884, undated
Box 57
Puleston, J.H.
Box 57
Pullar, John
Box 57
Purvis, Annie M.
Box 57
Purvis, H
Box 57
Purvis, Robert
Box 57
Putnam, George Palmer, 1814-1872
Box 57
Putnam, George W.
Box 58
Quincy, Edmund (1808-1877), 1852
Box 58A
Quincy, Edmund (1808-1877), 1853-1873
Box 58A
Quincy, Edmund, Jr.
Box 58A
Quincy, Josiah, 1772-1864
Box 58A
Quincy, Mary
Box 58A
Rathbun, George K.
Box 58A
Ramsey, Alex
Box 58A
Rathburn, George
Box 58A
Raymond, Henry Jarvis, 1820-1869
Box 58A
Redden, Laura Catherine, 1840-1923
Box 58A
Redpath, James, 1833-1891
Box 58A
Reed, William Bradford, 1806-1876
Box 58A
Reed, William Bradford, 1806-1876
Box 58A
Reid, E.J.
Box 58A
Reid, Whitelaw, 1837-1912
Box 58A
Remond,Charles Lenox, 1810-1873
Box 58A
Reynolds, Benjamin
Box 58A
Reynolds, M.W.
Box 58A
Reynolds, Thomas C
Box 58A
Rhoads, Samuel
Box 58A
Rice, A.I.
Box 58A
Rich, John F
Box 58A
Richards, A.C.
Box 58A
Richardson, Abby Sage McFarland
Box 59
Richardson, Albert Deane
Box 60
Richardson, Anna M
Box 60
Richardson, Charles Addison
Box 60
Richardson, Mary Louise Pease (Mrs. Albert D.)
Box 60
Rickertson, Daniel
Box 60
Rickertson, Joseph
Box 60
Ring, Thomas O.
Box 60
Ripley, George, 1802-1880
Box 60
Ritter, W.H.
Box 60
Robinson, William Stevens, 1818-1876
Box 60
Rogers, Eliza S
Box 60
Rogers, N.P.
Box 60
Rogers, S
Box 60
Rollins, John A
Box 60
Rooker, Thomas N.
Box 60
Runkle, Lucia Gilbert
Box 60
Russell, G.R.
Box 60
Russell, John E
Box 60
Russell, Ruth
Box 60
Saint Anthoine, Hippolyte de
Box 60
Salisbury, Albert, 1843-1911
Box 60
Sanders, George Nichlas, 1812-1873
Box 60
Sands, Louis
Box 60
Sanford, E.S
Box 60
Sargent, George B
Box 60
Sargent, Henrietta
Box 60
Savage, I.Y. Jr.
Box 60
Savage, William
Box 60
Scammon, J. Young
Box 60
Schem, Alexander Jacob
Box 60
Schurz, Carl, 1829-1906
Box 60
Scollay, John
Box 60
Scott, Genio C.
Box 60
Scribner, Charles, 1854-1930
Box 60
Scribner, J. Blair
Box 60
Scribner's Charles and Sons
Box 60
Scudder, Horace Ellisha, 1826-1906
Box 60
Searing, Laura see: Redden, Laura
Box 60
Sedgwick, D.W.
Box 60
Serrell, Colonel
Box 60
Sewall, S.E.
Box 60
Sewall, S.E.
Box 60
Seybold, Thad. S
Box 60
Seybold, Thad. S.
Box 60
Seymour, Almira
Box 60
Seymour, Edward
Box 60
Seymour, J.C.W.
Box 60
St. Clair, Alanson
Box 61
Shaffer, J.W.
Box 61
Shakelton, Mary
Box 61
Shapter, P.
Box 61
Shaw, Frank George, 1809-1882
Box 61
Shaw, Gardiner Howland
Box 61
Shaw, Sarah B
Box 61
Shea, George
Box 61
Sheahan, J.W.
Box 61
Shea, John Gilvary, 1824-1892
Box 61
Sheibleson (?) Mary
Box 61
Shelley, Richard L.
Box 61
Shepherd, Nathaniel G
Box 61
Sherman, Anne
Box 61
Sherman, William Tecumsh
Box 62
Shore, W.W.
Box 62
Shriver, Edward J
Box 62
Sigel, Franz
Box 62
Sikes, William Wirt, 1836-1883
Box 62
Simner, Lucy
Box 62
Simonson, May S.
Box 62
Sinclair, Samuel
Box 62
Smalley, George W., July, 1862
Box 63
Smalley, George W., August, 1862-1871
Box 63
Smith, Elias, 1862
Box 64
Smith, Gerrit, 1797Â1874
Box 64
Smith, Increase S
Box 64
Smith, James M'Cune
Box 64
Smith, Myra R
Box 64
Smith R
Box 64
Smith, William Prescott
Box 64
Snodgrass, J.E.
Box 64
Snow, [Luther?]
Box 64
Snyder, George
Box 64
Sparks, Jared, 1789-1866
Box 64
Spooner, Lysander, 1808-1887
Box 64
Squier, Ephraim, George l821-1888
Box 64
Stahel, Julius
Box 64
Stanton, Edwin McMasters, 1814-1869
Box 64
Stanton, Elizabeth (Cady), 1815-1902
Box 64
Stanton, Henry Brewster, 1805-1887
Box 64
Staples, E.D.
Box 64
Staples, J.B.
Box 64
Stebbins, Giles B
Box 64
Stedman, Edmund Clarence, 1833-1908
Box 64
Stetson, C.
Box 64
Stevens, George L
Box 64
Stevens, H.L.
Box 64
Stevens, Obediah
Box 64
Stewart, D.H
Box 64
Sticker, Sarah
Box 64
Stickney, Albert
Box 64
Stickney, L.D.
Box 64
Stiles, Edward
Box 64
Stoddard, Moses
Box 64
Stoddard, Richard Henry, 1825-1903
Box 64
Stone, Thomas T
Box 64
Stone, William L
Box 64
Stone, William Wetmore, l8l9-l895
Box 64
Stratton, Caroline
Box 64
Sturgis, James
Box 64
Stryker, William S
Box 64
Suliot, T.E.
Box 64
Sullivan, John
Box 64
Sullivan, M.A.
Box 64
Sumner, Charles, 1811-1874
Box 64
Swaine, I
Box 64
Sypher, Josiah Rhinehart
Box 65
Sypher, Josiah Rhinehart, May 1863
Box 65
Talbot, George Foster
Box 65
Tappan, Lewis
Box 65
Tarbell, Sewall
Box 65
Taylor, Bayard, l825-l878
Box 65
Taylor, Edward
Box 65
Taylor, James B
Box 65
Thaxter, Anna Q
Box 65
Thaxter, Edward
Box 65
Thaxter, John Q
Box 65
Thomas, R.G.
Box 65
Thompson, George, 1804-1878
Box 65
Thompson, Henry
Box 65
Thurston, James
Box 65
Tidmarsh, Mary T
Box 65
Tilton, Theodore, 1835-1907
Box 65
Tims, Hannah Sophia
Box 65
Tommy, Pete
Box 65
Toney, L.B.
Box 65
Tonnsene, Thomas S
Box 65
Torrey, Charles Turner, 1813-1846
Box 65
Torry, Henry Warren, 1814-1893
Box 65
Towne, Henrietta
Box 65
Townsend, George Alfred, 1841-1914
Box 65
Townesend, Tacie
Box 65
Train, George Francis, 1829-1904
Box 65
Treadway, Rosalind
Box 65
Trumbull, James Hammond, 1821-1897
Box 65
Tuckerman, E.W.
Box 65
Tuxbury, Helen
Box 65
Tweedy, E
Box 65
Tyler, George W
Box 65
Tyng, Charles Y
Box 65
Tyng, Stephen Higginson, 1800-1881
Box 65
Van Wyck, C.H.
Box 65
Vaine, S.W.
Box 65
Underwood, Francis Henry, 1825-1894
Box 65
Vaughn, M.C.
Box 66
Villard, Henry
Box 66
Vines, Mrs, Hannah
Box 66
Visscher, S.G.
Box 66
Wade, John
Box 66
Wade, William
Box 66
Waldo, L.F.
Box 66
Walker, George E
Box 66
Walker, Jonathan, 1799-1878
Box 66
Wallcut, Robert F
Box 66
Waller, Estelle
Box 66
Walser, Eleanor E
Box 66
Walter, Joseph R.
Box 66
Walton, E.H
Box 66
Ward, G.A.
Box 66
Ward, George C.
Box 66
Ward, James C
Box 66
Ward, M.A.
Box 66
Ward, S.A.
Box 66
Ward, W.A.
Box 66
Waring, George E.
Box 66
Warrne, Winslow, 1838-1930
Box 66
Warner, Charles Dudley, 1829-1900
Box 66
Watson, Winslow Marston
Box 66
Webb, Hannah
Box 66
Webb, John
Box 67
Webb, Richard Davis, 1805-1872
Box 67
Webster, Albert L
Box 67
Webster, Daniel
Box 67
Webster, Mary L
Box 67
Weed, Samuel R.
Box 67
Weidemeyer, J.W.
Box 67
Weir, L.C.
Box 67
Weisenhaven, R.L.
Box 67
Weiss, John, 18l8-l879
Box 67
Box 67
Wells, David Ames, 1828-1898
Box 67
Welton, Mrs. L.A.
Box 67
Wemple, William Y.
Box 67
Weston, Anne Warren, 1853
Box 68
Weston, Anne Warren, 1854-1959
Box 68
Weston, Caroline
Box 68
Weston, Deborah
Box 68
Weston, Emma Forbes
Box 68
Weston, Helen
Box 68
Weston, Lucia
Box 68
Weston, R
Box 68
Weston, Richard Warren
Box 68
Wheeler, D.H.
Box 68
White, H.S
Box 68
White, Horace, 1834-1916
Box 68A
White, James T. & Co.
Box 68A
White, James W.
Box 68A
White, Jonathan C.
Box 68A
White, Rhoda S (Mrs. James W.)
Box 68A
White, Richard Grant, 1821-1885
Box 68A
White, W.A.
Box 68A
Whitmann, Jones
Box 68A
Whitmere, Seth
Box 68A
Whittier, John Greenleaf, 1807-1892
Box 68A
Wiard, Norman, 1826-1896
Box 68A
Wickhan, William
Box 68A
Wilcox, Julius
Box 68A
Wilder, J.H.
Box 68A
Wilkinson, Charlotte Mary
Box 68A
Wilkeson, Samuel
Box 68A
Willard, Emma
Box 68A
Willard, Samuel
Box 69
Willcox, Anna G
Box 69
Willcox, David
Box 69
Willcox, Elizabeth N.
Box 69
Willcox, Frederic A
Box 69
Willcox, Hamilton
Box 69
Willcox, Henry
Box 69
Willcox, Mary Alleyne Otis Gay (Mrs. W.G.)
Box 69
Willcox, Sydney Gay
Box 69
Willcox, Mary
Box 69
Willcox, William G
Box 69
Willcox, William H
Box 69
Willcox, Annie Goodenow (Mrs. William H. Willcox)
Box 70
Williams, Henry Willard, 1821-1895
Box 70
Williams, Isaiah Thornton
Box 70
Williams, J.E.
Box 70
Williston, H.C.
Box 70
Wilson, Alexander
Box 70
Wilson, Henry, 1812-1875
Box 70
Wilson, Henry J.
Box 70
Winser, Erastus
Box 70
Winslow, Abby Gay (Mrs. Isaac)
Box 70
Winslow, Frances
Box 70
Winslow, Isaac
Box 71
Winslow, Jeremiah
Box 71
Winslow, Joshua
Box 71
Winsor, Justin, 1831-1897
Box 71
Winthrop, William, 1831-1899
Box 71
Wood, Fernando, 18l2-l88l
Box 71
Woodberry, George
Box 71
Woodruff, A.B.
Box 71
Woodruff, J.B.
Box 71
Woods, J.O.
Box 71
Wool, John Ellis, 1784-1869
Box 71
Wright, Anna E. Harris
Box 71
Wright, Edward N.
Box 71
Wright, Henry Clarke
Box 71
Wright, Jane
Box 71
Wright, Paulina S
Box 71
Wyman, Emm E
Box 71
Wyman, Emma (Willard)
Box 71
Wyman, John
Box 71
Y., Deborah
Box 71
Young, Charles P.
Box 71
Young, Francis G
Box 71
Young, John Russell
Adams, John Quincy
Box 72 Folder 1
Hymn Read at Arthur's Funeral, Poem in the Hand of Sydney Howard Gay?, undated
Box 72 Folder 2
Meet at the Braintree--Resolutions, etc., 1842
Box 72 Folder 3
Cover Addressed to Sydney H. Gay, undated
American Anti-Slavery Society
Box 72 Folder 4
Accounts, undated
Box 72 Folder 5
Fugitive Slave Records, undated
Box 72 Folder 6
Annual Meeting--Resolutions, Minutes, etc., 1842
Box 72 Folder 7
Anonymous Letter to Editors of Dayton, Alabama, 1846 March22, 1846
Box 72 Folder 8
Committee Report, 1842
Box 72 Folder 9
General, 1843-1867
Box 72 Folder 10
List of Donors, undated
Box 72 Folder 11
Minutes, etc., undated
Box 72 Folder 12
Minutes of Executive Committee Meeting, 1845
Box 72 Folder 13
Resolutions, etc., undated
Box 72 Folder 14
Cincinnati Convention--Resolutions, 1843
Box 72 Folder 15
The Army, undated
Box 72 Folder 16
Associated Press--Army Correspondent--Dispatch from McClellan's Army, 1862 July 3, 1862
Box 72 Folder 17
Atkins, Thomas--Boston, Receipt to John Scollay for a Barrel of Rum, 1769
Box 72 Folder 18
Ave Maria--Poem, undated
Box 72 Folder 19
Ay Chiquita (for Elizabeth Johns Neall Gay [Mrs. S.H. Gay])--Poem, undated
Box 72 Folder 20
Ayer, James C.--Lowell, to ADS (a Proxy), 1866 January 28, 1866
Box 72 Folder 21
Barnstable, Mass., Citizens of Barnstable--Petition to Congress Against Flood of Foreigners Emigrating into this Town), undated
Box 72 Folder 22
Barton, Bernard--Slavery--Poem, undated
Box 72 Folder 23
Bavarian Mortgage and Exchange Bank, Munich--Financial Statement, 1897 December 31, 1897
Box 72 Folder 24
Benjamin, Park--Poem "To the Pennsylvania Farmers," 1863 June 17, 1863
Box 72 Folder 25
Benjamin, Park--Autograph Signature, 1809-1864
Box 72 Folder 26
Bliss, L, McClellan, Riverside, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1880 November 6, 1880
Box 72 Folder 27
Bordman, Andrew, Cambridge, MA--Receipt to James Otis for his Bills at Harvard College, 1747
Box 72 Folder 28
Boyesen, Hjalmar Hjorth--Receipts, 1885
Box 72 Folder 29
Boyston, Richard--Receipt to Martin Gay, 1793 July 22, 1793
Box 72 Folder 30
Brown, Benjamin and Thomas Weaver, Newport RI--Certifying that Timothy Perry's 100 Barrels of Pickled Menhaden are in Good Condition"
Box 72 Folder 31
Brown, Mary A.--North Elba (for Publication in the Tribune), 1860 March 6, 1860
Box 72 Folder 31
Bryant, William Cullen
Box 72 Folder 32
History of the United States--Reviews, undated
Box 72 Folder 33
These Struggling Tides of Life, 1873 January 10, 1873
Box 72 Folder 34
Byrnes, James--Montclair, NJ--Byrnes, James to Frances M. Platt--Deed, 1901 July 8, 1901
Box 72 Folder 35
Byrnes, James, New York, NY--Byrnes, James to Ogden Fowler--Lease, 1901 April 24, 1901
Box 72 Folder 36
Camoens--Poem, undated
Box 72 Folder 37
Chapman, Henry, Boston--Receipt for $6 to Gay & Huniman, 1796 August 23, 1796
Chapman, Maria Weston
Box 72 Folder 38
Confidences--Preface, 1847
Box 72 Folder 39-43
Confidences--Book I-VI, undated
Box 72 Folder 44
The Were-Wolf, Translated from the French, undated
Box 72 Folder 45
The Cherub's Mission--Poem, undated
Box 72 Folder 46
"Clan Carty, and Clan Congdon…" for Sarah M. Gay--poem, undated
Box 72 Folder 47
Codmus, George J.--Richmond County, NY,--Codmus to Samuel M. Elliott Release, 1852 July 24, 1852
Box 72 Folder 48
Collet, Oscar--Chonteau's Pond, undated
Box 72 Folder 49
Comstock, Phoebe Ann--Poem, 1850 December 6, 1850
Box 72 Folder 50
Connecticut American Society, undated
Box 72 Folder 51
Cook, Clarence C.--The Skaters, Cambridge Mass.--Poem, 1849 July, 1849
Box 72 Folder 52
Cooper, John, Boston, 1802 July 15, 1802
Box 72 Folder 53
Cunningham, William and James--Bills of Exchange to Andrew Cunningham, Drawn on Joseph Marryat of London, 1796 September 29, 1796
Box 72 Folder 54
D., TE Mart Yarnall's Mistake--Short Story, undated
Box 72 Folder 55
Davies, Stone and Auerbach--Richmond County, NY, Foreclosure Search (Richmond County), 1901 April 22, 1901
Box 72 Folder 56
Davis, Thomas E.--Richmond County--Thomas Davis and Wife to Granville--Pattison Deed, undated
Box 72 Folder 57
De Peyster--Staten Island, Receipt for $70 to SH Gay, 1856 January 2, 1856
Box 72 Folder 58
Dicey, Albert Venn--Calling Card, Also Inscribed by James Bryce, Wiscount Bryce
Box 72 Folder 59
Draper, John William, undated
Box 72 Folder 60
Edwards, Robert and Thomas Atkins--Check Drawn on Theophilus Lilley, 1761 March 25, 1761
Elliott, Samuel
Box 72 Folder 61
to Sydney Howard Gay--Receipt for $153.53, 1850 May 1, 1850
Box 72 Folder 62
to Sydney Howard Gay, Richmond County NY, 1850 July 1, 1850
Box 72 Folder 63
to Francis G. Shaw--Bond, Castleton, NY, 1851 February 13, 1851
Box 72 Folder 64
to Fancis G. Shaw--Mortgage, Castleton, NY, 1851 February 13, 1851
Box 72 Folder 65
Samuel Elliott and Letitia to James O. Sheldon--Deed, undated
Box 72 Folder 66
Samuel Elliott and Letitia to Sidney H. Gay--Warranty Deed, undated
Box 72 Folder 67
Emerson, Ralph Waldo--Mr. Emerson's Remarks, 1848-1849
Box 72 Folder 68
Evens, David, Warner, John, etc. to Anne Mifflin--Assignment of Insurance Policy, 1811 March 13, 1811
Box 72 Folder 69
Eyre, Anne--Will of Anne Eyre--Transcript Copy, 1722 February 14, 1722
Box 72 Folder 70
Fiske, Oliver--Accounts, undated
Box 72 Folder 71
Fiske, Oliver--Plan of Building Lots, undated
Box 72 Folder 72
Follen, Eliza Lee Cabot (Mrs. Charles) A True Story--Draft of Essay on Slavery, undated
Box 72 Folder 73
Forsyth, James R.--Chicago, 1871 October 16, 1871
Box 72 Folder 74
Friends, Society of Germantown--Protest Against Slavery--Transcript Copy, 1688 February 18, 1688
Box 72 Folder 75
Friends, Society of, Philadelphia--Separation of Elizabeth Neall from the Society, 1839 May 30, 1839
Box 72 Folder 76
Garrison, William Lloyd--The Rhode Island Anti-Slavery Society, undated
Box 72 Folder 77
Garrison, William Lloyd--Manuscript of Speech, undated
Box 72 Folder 78
Gay, Ebenezer--Account with the Town of Hingham for Legal Work Re: N. Gill, Hingham, Ma, 1816 August 27, 1816
Box 72 Folder 79
Gay, Ebenezer to Sydney Howard Gay, Hingham, Mass--Deed, 1861 October 19, 1861
Gay, Eleanor Allen (Mrs. Martin)
Box 72 Folder 80
The Legend of Ulinthal--Poem, undated
Box 72 Folder 81
Lines Inscribed to LEL--Poem, undated
Box 72 Folder 82
The Old Church Bell--Poem, undated
Box 72 Folder 83
St. Paul--Poem, Boston, 1846 April, 1846
Gay, Elizabeth Neal (Mrs. S.H.)
Box 72 Folder 84
Accounts and Receipts, undated
Box 72 Folder 85
Mottoes for the Mantelpiece, undated
Box 72 Folder 86
To Isaac Winslow--Accounts for European Trip in 1940 Philadelphia, 1841 February 22, 1940, 1841
Box 72 Folder 87
The Will of Elizabeth Gay, 1845
Box 72 Folder 88
The Appointment of Edward Hopper as Trustee of the Estate of Elizabeth Gay, Philadelphia, 1846 June 13, 1846
Box 72 Folder 89
Memorandum Books, 1871-1888
Box 72 Folder 90
Elizabeth, Martin, and Sarah Gay to Mary Otis Gay, Richmond County, NY, 1888 October 10, 1888
Box 72 Folder 91
Elizabeth Gay and Others to Mary Otis Willcox--Deed, 1904 January 25, 1904
Gay, Jotham
Box 72 Folder 92
Where's My Meria Whether Fled…Poem, undated
Box 72 Folder 93
Account Book "Memmerandums" for Mr. Joshua Winslow, 1771-1781
Gay, Martin
Box 72 Folder 94
Memorials and Resolutions Upon His Decease, undated
Box 72 Folder 95
Documents Relating to The Chicago Colorado Colony, undated
Box 72 Folder 96
Gay, Martin and Julia--to Mary Otis Willcox, Deed, 1908 March 21, 1908
Gay, Sarah Mifflin
Box 72 Folder 97
Charity, undated
Box 72 Folder 98
Childhood Drawings, undated
Box 72 Folder 99
Colonial Governments, undated
Box 72 Folder 100
Drawings, undated
Box 72 Folder 101
Free Trade vs Protection, 1896 March, 1896
Box 72 Folder 102
Government Ownership vs Private Property, 1894 August 31, 1894
Box 72 Folder 103
Is the Single Tax Enough?, undated
Box 72 Folder 104
Is the Single Tax Enough to Solve the Labor Problem?, undated
Box 72 Folder 105
Letter of Resignation from the Manhattan Single Tax Club, undated
Box 72 Folder 106
Monopolies, undated
Box 72 Folder 107
Not for Heart-wounds but for Scratches to William G. Willcox, Staten Island, 1888 February 8, 1888
Box 72 Folder 108
Philippines, 1898 August 20, 1898
Box 72 Folder 109
The Point of Least Resistance, undated
Box 72 Folder 110
The Reformer and the Man of Common Sense, undated
Box 72 Folder 111
Report of the Single Tax Propaganda Association--Notes, undated
Box 72 Folder 112
Single Tax, To the Standard, 1890 September, 1890
Box 72 Folder 113
Single Tax, New York, 1891 undated
Box 72 Folder 114
Single Tax, undated
Box 72 Folder 115
Single Tax, West New Brighton, SI, 1891 May, 1891
Box 72 Folder 116
Single Tax, 1895 July 8, 1895
Box 72 Folder 117
Single Tax--Miscellaneous Notes, undated
Box 72 Folder 118
The Single Tax and What It Would Do, undated
Box 72 Folder 119
Single Tax and Women's Suffrage, 1895 April 10, 1895
Box 72 Folder 120
Single Tax and Woman's Suffrage, 1895 April 10, 1895
Box 72 Folder 121
Single Tax Meetings, 1895 July 1, 1895
Box 72 Folder 122
Single Tax Propaganda, undated
Box 72 Folder 123
Some Arguments for Socialism Criticized, undated
Box 72 Folder 124
Suggestive Questions on Fiske's Civil Government in the United States, undated
Box 72 Folder 125
What the Land Question Means to Me, undated
Box 72 Folder 126
A Woman's Opinion, undated
Box 72 Folder 127
Woman's Suffrage, 1894 March 20, 1894
Box 72 Folder 128-129
Women and the Single Tax, to the Standard, undated
Box 73 Folder 1
WC Bryant's History of the US by SH Gay--Draft, undated
Box 73 Folder 2
American Mining Company--Stock Certificates, and Receipts (26 pieces)
Box 73 Folder 3
Answer to the Inquirer, 1842 January 31, 1842
Box 73 Folder 4
Business Papers, undated
Box 73 Folder 5-23
Business Papers, 1840-1889
Box 73 Folder 24
City vs. Country Living, undated
Box 73 Folder 25
Chief Justice Hornblower's Charge for the Hingham Patriot, 1842 February, 1842
Box 73 Folder 26
Civil War in Rhode Island, 1842 May, 1842
Box 74 Folder 1-3
Private Journals (Boston), Vol. 1-3, 1840-1843
Box 74 Folder 4
Journal of a Voyage from Boston to Canton at Sea, 1835
Box 74 Folder 5
Common Schools--For the Hingham Patriot, 1842 March 4, 1842
Box 74 Folder 4
Diary (Boston), undated
Box 74 Folder 5
Documents Relating to SH. Gay, undated
Box 74 Folder 6
Gambling, 1842 April 30, 1842
Box 75
Record of Fugitives