Sydney Howard Gay papers, 1748-1931

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Series II: Manuscripts and Documents

Adams, John Quincy

Box 72 Folder 1 Hymn Read at Arthur's Funeral, Poem in the Hand of Sydney Howard Gay?, undated

Box 72 Folder 2 Meet at the Braintree--Resolutions, etc., 1842

Box 72 Folder 3 Cover Addressed to Sydney H. Gay, undated

American Anti-Slavery Society

Box 72 Folder 4 Accounts, undated

Box 72 Folder 5 Fugitive Slave Records, undated

Box 72 Folder 6 Annual Meeting--Resolutions, Minutes, etc., 1842

Box 72 Folder 7 Anonymous Letter to Editors of Dayton, Alabama, 1846 March22, 1846

Box 72 Folder 8 Committee Report, 1842

Box 72 Folder 9 General, 1843-1867

Box 72 Folder 10 List of Donors, undated

Box 72 Folder 11 Minutes, etc., undated

Box 72 Folder 12 Minutes of Executive Committee Meeting, 1845

Box 72 Folder 13 Resolutions, etc., undated

Box 72 Folder 14 Cincinnati Convention--Resolutions, 1843

Box 72 Folder 15 The Army, undated

Box 72 Folder 16 Associated Press--Army Correspondent--Dispatch from McClellan's Army, 1862 July 3, 1862

Box 72 Folder 17 Atkins, Thomas--Boston, Receipt to John Scollay for a Barrel of Rum, 1769

Box 72 Folder 18 Ave Maria--Poem, undated

Box 72 Folder 19 Ay Chiquita (for Elizabeth Johns Neall Gay [Mrs. S.H. Gay])--Poem, undated

Box 72 Folder 20 Ayer, James C.--Lowell, to ADS (a Proxy), 1866 January 28, 1866

Box 72 Folder 21 Barnstable, Mass., Citizens of Barnstable--Petition to Congress Against Flood of Foreigners Emigrating into this Town), undated

Box 72 Folder 22 Barton, Bernard--Slavery--Poem, undated

Box 72 Folder 23 Bavarian Mortgage and Exchange Bank, Munich--Financial Statement, 1897 December 31, 1897

Box 72 Folder 24 Benjamin, Park--Poem "To the Pennsylvania Farmers," 1863 June 17, 1863

Box 72 Folder 25 Benjamin, Park--Autograph Signature, 1809-1864

Box 72 Folder 26 Bliss, L, McClellan, Riverside, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1880 November 6, 1880

Box 72 Folder 27 Bordman, Andrew, Cambridge, MA--Receipt to James Otis for his Bills at Harvard College, 1747

Box 72 Folder 28 Boyesen, Hjalmar Hjorth--Receipts, 1885

Box 72 Folder 29 Boyston, Richard--Receipt to Martin Gay, 1793 July 22, 1793

Box 72 Folder 30 Brown, Benjamin and Thomas Weaver, Newport RI--Certifying that Timothy Perry's 100 Barrels of Pickled Menhaden are in Good Condition"

Box 72 Folder 31 Brown, Mary A.--North Elba (for Publication in the Tribune), 1860 March 6, 1860

Box 72 Folder 31 Bryant, William Cullen

Box 72 Folder 32 History of the United States--Reviews, undated

Box 72 Folder 33 These Struggling Tides of Life, 1873 January 10, 1873

Box 72 Folder 34 Byrnes, James--Montclair, NJ--Byrnes, James to Frances M. Platt--Deed, 1901 July 8, 1901

Box 72 Folder 35 Byrnes, James, New York, NY--Byrnes, James to Ogden Fowler--Lease, 1901 April 24, 1901

Box 72 Folder 36 Camoens--Poem, undated

Box 72 Folder 37 Chapman, Henry, Boston--Receipt for $6 to Gay & Huniman, 1796 August 23, 1796

Chapman, Maria Weston

Box 72 Folder 38 Confidences--Preface, 1847

Box 72 Folder 39-43 Confidences--Book I-VI, undated

Box 72 Folder 44 The Were-Wolf, Translated from the French, undated

Box 72 Folder 45 The Cherub's Mission--Poem, undated

Box 72 Folder 46 "Clan Carty, and Clan Congdon…" for Sarah M. Gay--poem, undated

Box 72 Folder 47 Codmus, George J.--Richmond County, NY,--Codmus to Samuel M. Elliott Release, 1852 July 24, 1852

Box 72 Folder 48 Collet, Oscar--Chonteau's Pond, undated

Box 72 Folder 49 Comstock, Phoebe Ann--Poem, 1850 December 6, 1850

Box 72 Folder 50 Connecticut American Society, undated

Box 72 Folder 51 Cook, Clarence C.--The Skaters, Cambridge Mass.--Poem, 1849 July, 1849

Box 72 Folder 52 Cooper, John, Boston, 1802 July 15, 1802

Box 72 Folder 53 Cunningham, William and James--Bills of Exchange to Andrew Cunningham, Drawn on Joseph Marryat of London, 1796 September 29, 1796

Box 72 Folder 54 D., TE Mart Yarnall's Mistake--Short Story, undated

Box 72 Folder 55 Davies, Stone and Auerbach--Richmond County, NY, Foreclosure Search (Richmond County), 1901 April 22, 1901

Box 72 Folder 56 Davis, Thomas E.--Richmond County--Thomas Davis and Wife to Granville--Pattison Deed, undated

Box 72 Folder 57 De Peyster--Staten Island, Receipt for $70 to SH Gay, 1856 January 2, 1856

Box 72 Folder 58 Dicey, Albert Venn--Calling Card, Also Inscribed by James Bryce, Wiscount Bryce

Box 72 Folder 59 Draper, John William, undated

Box 72 Folder 60 Edwards, Robert and Thomas Atkins--Check Drawn on Theophilus Lilley, 1761 March 25, 1761

Elliott, Samuel

Box 72 Folder 61 to Sydney Howard Gay--Receipt for $153.53, 1850 May 1, 1850

Box 72 Folder 62 to Sydney Howard Gay, Richmond County NY, 1850 July 1, 1850

Box 72 Folder 63 to Francis G. Shaw--Bond, Castleton, NY, 1851 February 13, 1851

Box 72 Folder 64 to Fancis G. Shaw--Mortgage, Castleton, NY, 1851 February 13, 1851

Box 72 Folder 65 Samuel Elliott and Letitia to James O. Sheldon--Deed, undated

Box 72 Folder 66 Samuel Elliott and Letitia to Sidney H. Gay--Warranty Deed, undated

Box 72 Folder 67 Emerson, Ralph Waldo--Mr. Emerson's Remarks, 1848-1849

Box 72 Folder 68 Evens, David, Warner, John, etc. to Anne Mifflin--Assignment of Insurance Policy, 1811 March 13, 1811

Box 72 Folder 69 Eyre, Anne--Will of Anne Eyre--Transcript Copy, 1722 February 14, 1722

Box 72 Folder 70 Fiske, Oliver--Accounts, undated

Box 72 Folder 71 Fiske, Oliver--Plan of Building Lots, undated

Box 72 Folder 72 Follen, Eliza Lee Cabot (Mrs. Charles) A True Story--Draft of Essay on Slavery, undated

Box 72 Folder 73 Forsyth, James R.--Chicago, 1871 October 16, 1871

Box 72 Folder 74 Friends, Society of Germantown--Protest Against Slavery--Transcript Copy, 1688 February 18, 1688

Box 72 Folder 75 Friends, Society of, Philadelphia--Separation of Elizabeth Neall from the Society, 1839 May 30, 1839

Box 72 Folder 76 Garrison, William Lloyd--The Rhode Island Anti-Slavery Society, undated

Box 72 Folder 77 Garrison, William Lloyd--Manuscript of Speech, undated

Box 72 Folder 78 Gay, Ebenezer--Account with the Town of Hingham for Legal Work Re: N. Gill, Hingham, Ma, 1816 August 27, 1816

Box 72 Folder 79 Gay, Ebenezer to Sydney Howard Gay, Hingham, Mass--Deed, 1861 October 19, 1861

Gay, Eleanor Allen (Mrs. Martin)

Box 72 Folder 80 The Legend of Ulinthal--Poem, undated

Box 72 Folder 81 Lines Inscribed to LEL--Poem, undated

Box 72 Folder 82 The Old Church Bell--Poem, undated

Box 72 Folder 83 St. Paul--Poem, Boston, 1846 April, 1846

Gay, Elizabeth Neal (Mrs. S.H.)

Box 72 Folder 84 Accounts and Receipts, undated

Box 72 Folder 85 Mottoes for the Mantelpiece, undated

Box 72 Folder 86 To Isaac Winslow--Accounts for European Trip in 1940 Philadelphia, 1841 February 22, 1940, 1841

Box 72 Folder 87 The Will of Elizabeth Gay, 1845

Box 72 Folder 88 The Appointment of Edward Hopper as Trustee of the Estate of Elizabeth Gay, Philadelphia, 1846 June 13, 1846

Box 72 Folder 89 Memorandum Books, 1871-1888

Box 72 Folder 90 Elizabeth, Martin, and Sarah Gay to Mary Otis Gay, Richmond County, NY, 1888 October 10, 1888

Box 72 Folder 91 Elizabeth Gay and Others to Mary Otis Willcox--Deed, 1904 January 25, 1904

Gay, Jotham

Box 72 Folder 92 Where's My Meria Whether Fled…Poem, undated

Box 72 Folder 93 Account Book "Memmerandums" for Mr. Joshua Winslow, 1771-1781

Gay, Martin

Box 72 Folder 94 Memorials and Resolutions Upon His Decease, undated

Box 72 Folder 95 Documents Relating to The Chicago Colorado Colony, undated

Box 72 Folder 96 Gay, Martin and Julia--to Mary Otis Willcox, Deed, 1908 March 21, 1908

Gay, Sarah Mifflin

Box 72 Folder 97 Charity, undated

Box 72 Folder 98 Childhood Drawings, undated

Box 72 Folder 99 Colonial Governments, undated

Box 72 Folder 100 Drawings, undated

Box 72 Folder 101 Free Trade vs Protection, 1896 March, 1896

Box 72 Folder 102 Government Ownership vs Private Property, 1894 August 31, 1894

Box 72 Folder 103 Is the Single Tax Enough?, undated

Box 72 Folder 104 Is the Single Tax Enough to Solve the Labor Problem?, undated

Box 72 Folder 105 Letter of Resignation from the Manhattan Single Tax Club, undated

Box 72 Folder 106 Monopolies, undated

Box 72 Folder 107 Not for Heart-wounds but for Scratches to William G. Willcox, Staten Island, 1888 February 8, 1888

Box 72 Folder 108 Philippines, 1898 August 20, 1898

Box 72 Folder 109 The Point of Least Resistance, undated

Box 72 Folder 110 The Reformer and the Man of Common Sense, undated

Box 72 Folder 111 Report of the Single Tax Propaganda Association--Notes, undated

Box 72 Folder 112 Single Tax, To the Standard, 1890 September, 1890

Box 72 Folder 113 Single Tax, New York, 1891 undated

Box 72 Folder 114 Single Tax, undated

Box 72 Folder 115 Single Tax, West New Brighton, SI, 1891 May, 1891

Box 72 Folder 116 Single Tax, 1895 July 8, 1895

Box 72 Folder 117 Single Tax--Miscellaneous Notes, undated

Box 72 Folder 118 The Single Tax and What It Would Do, undated

Box 72 Folder 119 Single Tax and Women's Suffrage, 1895 April 10, 1895

Box 72 Folder 120 Single Tax and Woman's Suffrage, 1895 April 10, 1895

Box 72 Folder 121 Single Tax Meetings, 1895 July 1, 1895

Box 72 Folder 122 Single Tax Propaganda, undated

Box 72 Folder 123 Some Arguments for Socialism Criticized, undated

Box 72 Folder 124 Suggestive Questions on Fiske's Civil Government in the United States, undated

Box 72 Folder 125 What the Land Question Means to Me, undated

Box 72 Folder 126 A Woman's Opinion, undated

Box 72 Folder 127 Woman's Suffrage, 1894 March 20, 1894

Box 72 Folder 128-129 Women and the Single Tax, to the Standard, undated

Box 73 Folder 1 WC Bryant's History of the US by SH Gay--Draft, undated

Box 73 Folder 2 American Mining Company--Stock Certificates, and Receipts (26 pieces)

Box 73 Folder 3 Answer to the Inquirer, 1842 January 31, 1842

Box 73 Folder 4 Business Papers, undated

Box 73 Folder 5-23 Business Papers, 1840-1889

Box 73 Folder 24 City vs. Country Living, undated

Box 73 Folder 25 Chief Justice Hornblower's Charge for the Hingham Patriot, 1842 February, 1842

Box 73 Folder 26 Civil War in Rhode Island, 1842 May, 1842

Box 74 Folder 1-3 Private Journals (Boston), Vol. 1-3, 1840-1843

Box 74 Folder 4 Journal of a Voyage from Boston to Canton at Sea, 1835

Box 74 Folder 5 Common Schools--For the Hingham Patriot, 1842 March 4, 1842

Box 74 Folder 4 Diary (Boston), undated

Box 74 Folder 5 Documents Relating to SH. Gay, undated

Box 74 Folder 6 Gambling, 1842 April 30, 1842

Box 75 Record of Fugitives

For Record of Fugitives use digital surrogate at the Internet Archive: (Vol 1); (Vol 2).