This set of correspondents lists all people that appear in Series I: Correspondence. Note that some of these people only appear the grouped folders in Box 3, Folders 13-17.
Abbott, Lyman
Adams, Henry Carter
Agger, Eugene Ewald
Anderson, Benjamin M.
Andrews, E(lisha) Benjamin
Armstrong, M.A.
Bacon, George Wood
Bacon, Selden
Balfour, --
Ballantine, William Gay
Banks, Enoch Marvin
Barnett, George E.
Barns, W.E.
Barret, Thomas, Towles
Beckhart, Benjamin Haggot
Bell, James Washington
Bellamy, Edward
Bemis, Edward Webster
Benedict, Roswell A.
Bingham, Millicent Ford
Boening, Otto von, Baron
Böhm-Bawerk, Eugen von
Bonar, James
Bostable, C.F.
Brand, Katherine E.
Brearley, J.A.
Brentano, Lujo
Brewster, William Tenney
Brown, Arthur Judson
Brown, T. Edwin
Bryce, James, Viscount Bryce
Burgess, John William
Burnham, Michael
Burton, Marion LeRoy
Burton, Theodore E.
Butler, Nicholas Murray
Butz, Alvin J.
Carey, Robert L.
Carnegie, Louise Whitford (Mrs. Andrew)
Cary, Mildred and Julia
Catlin, Warren B.
Caveruo, Julius H.
Chalmers, Allan Knight
Choate, Washington
Church, Brooke (Mrs. John A.)
Clancy, W.P.
Clark, Alden Hyde
Clark, Charlotte Huntington (Mrs. John H.)
Clark, Eleanor Phelps (Mrs. Frederick H.)
Clark, J. Edmund
Clark, John Bates
Clark, John Maurice
Clark, Mary Lawrence
Clark, Myra Almeda Smith (Mrs. John B.)
Continental Guaranty Corporation
Cutler, Anna A.
Dalla Volta, Richard (Riccardo)
Dawe, Grosvenor
Denslow, Van Buren
Devine, Edward Thomas
Dewey, Davis R.
Dill, James B.
Dorfman, Joseph
Douglas, Paul H.
Dublin, Louis I.
Duggan, Stephen
Dunbar, Charles Franklin
Dyer, Walter A.
Echetoun, Fannie H.
Edwards, Edward Junius
Ely, Richard T.
Ely, Robert Erskine
Emerick, Charles Franklin
Emerson, Anna Seelye
Emerson, Ellen T.
Ewing, Maria Dunlap
Fairchild, Henry Pratt
Feiler, Arthur
Fetter, Frank A.
Finley, John H.
Fisher, Irving
Folwell, William W.
Forbes-Robertson, Ian
Francis, David R.
Franklin, Fabian
Garman, Charles E.
Gates, Merrill E.
Gay, Edwin F.
Giddings, Franklin H.
Gide, Charles
Gildersleeve, Virginia Crocheron
Gillett, Frederick H.
Gilman, Daniel Colt
Ginn & Co., Publishers
Ginzburg, Eli
Gladden, Washington
Graham, Frank D.
Green, Margaret Foster Lyman (Mrs. Charles B.)
Griffis, S.B.
Gunton, George
Hadley, Arthur T.
Hale, Mary T.
Hale, Robert L.
Hardon, Cora Burr (Mrs. H.W.)
Harriss, C. Lowell
Hauge, Gabriel S.
Hazen, Charles Downer
Hepburn, A. Barton
Hill, Paul A.
Hill, William Bancroft
Hirst, Francis W.
Hirst, Gertrude
Hollander, Jacob H.
Holt, Hamilton
Honda, M.
Howson, Roger
Hubbard, Elbert
Hughes, Charles Evans
Hunt, Francis M.
Hunt, Rockwell Denis
Hyde, Charles C.
Iles, George
Irvine, Alexander
Jacbostein, Meyer
James, Edmund J.
Jenkins, Annie E. Huntington
Jenkins, Emily (Mrs. Harry)
Johnson, Alvin S.
Johnston, Alexander
Jones, Alice Gale
Jordan, David Starr
Jordan, Mary A.
Keppel, Frederick P.
Kimball, George C.
Kinley, David
Kinosita, Yetaro
Kitahara, Yoshimo
Knox, Raymond C.
La Fontaine, H.
Laidlaw, Harriet Burton
Lamont, Florence
Lamson, Charles M.
Lancaster, Helen Converse Clark (Mrs. Henry C.)
Lancaster, Henry Carrington
Lazard, Max
Levah, S.
Levermore, Charles H.
Lindsay, Samuel McCune
Lord, Herbert G.
Loria, Achille
Low, Annie Wroe Scollay (Mrs. Seth)
Lowenthal, Esther
Lyman, Elizabeth Huntington Clark (Mrs. Frederick W.)
Lyman, Frederick Clark
Mackenzie, Kenneth
McKinney, Ethelyn
Malin, Patrick Murphy
Mansfield, Helen C.
Marburg, Theodore
Marshall, Alred
Marshall, Mary Paley (Mrs. Alfred)
Martin, Caro Taylor
Mayo-Smith, Richmond
Michael, Emil
Miller, Frank J.
Mills, Frederick C.
Mitchell, Wesley C.
Miyajima, Tsunao
Moore, Henry L.
Moore, John Bassett
Morganthau, Henry
Morrow, Dwight W.
Morrow, Elizabeth Reeve Cutter (Mrs. Dwight W.)
Morse, Anson D.
Morse, Margaret Duncan (Mrs. Anson D.)
Mund, Vernon A.
Munsterberg, Hugo
Neilson, William Allan
Norton, Thomas H.
Olds, Marion E. Leland (Mrs. George D.)
Otte, Gerhard
Padan, R.S.
Paine, Lyman M.
Palgrave, Robert Harry Inglis
Panio, Fannie
Pareto, Vilfredo
Patten, Simon N.
Pegram, George B.
Perry, Bliss
Phelps, Mary Booth (Mrs. Charles H.)
Philippovich, Eugen
Plimpton, Anne
Plimpton, George A.
Potter, William P.
Powell, William P.
Proffitt, Charles G.
Pupin, Michael Idvorsky
Rankin, J.S.
Rignano, Eugenio
Robinson, Frederick B.
Robison, Mary C.
Rodgers, Anna S.
Rogers, E.H.
Rogers, Lindsay
Root, Elihu
Rowe, Leo S.
Royal Swedish Academy of Science
Sabine, Jane D. Kelly (Mrs. Wallace C.)
St. John, Martha Everett (Mrs. Charles E.)
Sakatani, Yoshiro, Baron Sakatani
Sayles, Lita Barney
Schumacher, Hermann
Schumpeter, Joseph
Schuyler, Eugene
Schwiedland, E.
Scott, James Brown
Scuola, Positiva, La
Seelye, Julius H.
Seelye, Laurenus Clark
Seligman, Edwin R.A.
Shaw, Albert
Shepherd, William R.
Shirras, G. Findlay
Shotwell, James T.
Slocum, William F.
Smiley, Albert K., Jr.
Smith, Gertrude Huidekoper (Munroe-)
Smith, Harry de Forest
Smith, Munroe
Smith, Preserved
Spencer, J.O.
Springer, Julius (Verlag)
Stanfield, Otto M.
Stein, L.V.
Stewart, Gertrude D.
Stillman, Frances
Stimson, Henry A.
Stimson, Philip M.
Sullivan, Mark
Suranyi-Unger, Theo
Taft, William Howard
Takei, D.
Tarbell, Ida M.
Taussig, Frank W.
Taylor, Horace
Thomas, Paul B.
Todd, David
Townsend, Charles E.
Trask, O.C.
Tuttle, Charles A.
Viallate, Achille
Villey, Edmond
Von Tobel, Rudolf
Walker, Charles Swan
Walker, Francis Amasa
Walras, Leon
Warne, Colston E.
Warren, Schuyler N., Jr.
Warren, William F.
Washington, Booker T.
Welling, Lucy Lord (Mrs. Brenton)
Westergaard, Harald
Westgren, A.
Whitaker, Albert Conser
White, Horace
Whitin, E. Stagg
Whittin, Robert H.
Wieser, Friedrich Frieherr von
Wilbrandt, Robert
Wilson, Woodrow
Woodbridge, Frederick J.E.
Wright, Carroll D.
Young, Allyn A.