Box 6
Adam Ferguson and the Beginnings of Modern Sociology (New York: Columbia University Press), 1930
Box 6
Henry Home, Lord Kames, and the Scottish Enlightenment (The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff), 1971
Box 6
John Millar of Glasgow: 1735-1801 (Cambridge: At the University Press), 1960
Box 6
Millar, John. Von Ursprung des Unterschieds in Den Rangordnungen und Ständen der Gesellschaft Einleitung von William C. Lehmann. (n.p.: Suhrkamp Verlag), 1967
Box 6
"Sociological and Cultural-Anthropological Elements in the Writings of Johann Gottfried von Herder" in Earl W. Count and Gordon T. Bowles, eds. Fact and Theory in Social Science (Syracuse, N.Y.: Syracuse University Press), 1964