Georges Borchardt Inc. records, 1949-2024

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Series I: Cataloged Correspondence and Manuscripts, 1950s-1980

This series consists of correspondence and manuscripts by notable persons that have been filed at the item level. Among the cataloged correspondents are: Hervé Bazin, Laurent de Brunhoff, Michel Butor, Marguerite Duras, John Gardner, Meyer Levin, and Pierre Mendès-France. Additional correspondence is filed in Series II and Series III.

Box A Allen, Don M.

Box A Apollinaire, Jacqueline Kolb (Mme Guillaume)

Box A Ashbery, John

Box A Bazin, Herve

Box A Bentley, Eric Russell

Box A Brunhoff, Laurent de

Box A Butor, Michel Marie François

Box A Carroll, Paul

Box A Codrescu, Andrei, 1971-1972

Box A Crosby, Caresse

Box A Duras, Marguerite

Box A Ferlinghetti, Lawrence

Gardner, John

Box B 1969-1970

Box B 1971-1979

Levin, Meyer

Box C 1966-1970

Box C 1971-1976

Box D McCarthy, Mary

Box D Mendès France, Pierre

Box D Merwin, William Stanley

Box D Michaux, Henri

Box D Nin, Anais

Rendell, Ruth

Box D 1969

Box D 1972-1980

Box D Sillitoe, Alan, 1974

Box D Simpson, Louis

Box D Swados, Harvey, 1971-1972

Box D Troyat, Henri

Box D Yonrcenar, Marguerite

Series II. English Language Author, Publisher, and Subject Files, 1949-2024

This series primarily consists of files of correspondence with English language authors and publishers on a variety of issues including agreements, contracts, copyright, editing, financial issues, manuscripts, offerings to publishers, permission requests, rights, submissions, and translations. These files also include other records such as author event information, book jackets, catalogs, clippings, publicity items, reviews, and personal communications such as holiday cards, invitations, and postcards. . Files relating to contracts, permissions, and related royalty statements are often filed separately in "contract" files.

Series II also contain subject files on such topics as American Authors, American Publishers, Association of Authors' Representatives, Authors Encouraged and Discouraged, Movies, and Publishers.

Box 782 Folder 2 Abraham, Pearl, 1993-1995

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 484 Folder 4-5 Abraham, Pearl, 1996-2000 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 430 Folder 1 Abraham, Pearl, 2001-2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 498 Folder 2 Abraham, Pearl--Contracts--Foreign, 1995-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 499 Folder 3 Abraham, Pearl--Contracts--U.S. Contracts, 1994-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 440 Folder 11 Abraham, Pearl--Publicity, 1995-2005

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 243 Folder 1 Abrams, Linsey, 1978-1980

Box 386 Folder 1 Abrams, Linsey, 1981-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 674 Folder 1 Abrams, Linsey, 1983-1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 243 Folder 2 Abramsky, Chimen and Henry Collins, 1965-1969

Box 322 Folder 1-2 Adams, Jane, 1977-1980 (2 Folders)

Box 142 Folder 1-3 Adams, Jane, 1978-1979 (3 Folders)

Box 405 Folder 3 Adams, Jane, 1980-1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 498 Folder 3 Agacinski, Sylviane--Contracts, 1998-2005

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 243 Folder 3 Agate, J.E., 1968-1972

Box 484 Folder 6 Agratchev, Dimitri, 1994

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 265 Folder 1 Agreement with Chelsea House, 1977-1980

Box 498 Folder 4 Aitken, Gillon R.--Contracts, 1966-2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 360 Folder 1-2 Aksyonov, Vassily, 1976-1983 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 386 Folder 2 Aksyonov, Vassily, 1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 386 Folder 3 Aksyonov, Vassily, 1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 405 Folder 5 Aksyonov, Vassily, 1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 405 Folder 6 Aksyonov, Vassily, 1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 605 Folder 1 Aksyonov, Vassily, 1988

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 674 Folder 2 Aksyonov, Vassily, 1989

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 596 Folder 1 Aksyonov, Vassily, 1990-1994

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 422 Folder 2 Aksyonov, Vassily, 1994-1995

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 813 Folder 1 Aksyonov, Vassily, 1996-2002

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 498 Folder 5-7 Aksyonov, Vassily--Contracts--Foreign, 1978-2007 (3 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 498 Folder 8 Aksyonov, Vassily--Contracts--Movie and Dramatic, 1981-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 498 Folder 9 Aksyonov, Vassily--Contracts--U.S., 1981-2005

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 405 Folder 4 Aksyonov, Vassily--Publicity, 1989

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 322 Folder 3 Albery, Nabuko Uenishi, 1984-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 243 Folder 4 Alding, Peter, 1972-1976

Box 75 Folder 4 Aldor, Wilhelm, 1966-1969

Box 243 Folder 5 Alexander, C.H. O'D, 1973-1974

Box 484 Folder 7 Alexander, Paul, 1989-1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 498 Folder 10 Alleg, Henri--Contracts, 2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 498 Folder 11 Allegre, Claude--Contracts, 1984-2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 75 Folder 5 Allen (George Allen) & Unwin Ltd., 1972-1973

Box 564 Folder 4 Allen, Jennifer, 1987-1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 484 Folder 8 Allen, Jennifer, 1992-1993

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 605 Folder 2 Allen, Jennifer--Publicity, 1989

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 322 Folder 4 Allen, Paul, 1974-1980

Box 423 Folder 1 Allen, Peter, 1996-1997

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 459 Folder 1 Allen, Peter, 1998-1999

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 498 Folder 12 Allen, Peter--Contracts, 1996-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 782 Folder 3 Allen, Roberta, 1994-1996

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 426 Folder 1 Allen, Roberta, 1997-1998

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 484 Folder 9 Allen, Roberta, 1999-2000

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 429 Folder 1 Allen, Roberta, 2000

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 430 Folder 2 Allen, Roberta, 2001-2002

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 784 Folder 1 Allen, Roberta, 2003-2005

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 498 Folder 13 Allen, Roberta--Contracts, 1994-2005

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 440 Folder 10 Allen, Roberta--Publicity, circa 1986-2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 891 Folder 1 Allingham, Sam, 2010-2013

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 243 Folder 6 Allsop, Kenneth, 1970-1972

Box 498 Folder 14 Allouache, Merzak--Contracts, 1997-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 1 Folder 1 Alter, Robert, 1972-1973

Box 360 Folder 6 Alter, Robert, 1974-1978

Box 243 Folder 7 Alter, Robert, 1979-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 554 Folder 3 Alter, Robert, 1981-1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 555 Folder 1 Alter, Robert, 1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 596 Folder 2 Alter, Robert, 1984-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 739 Folder 1 Alter, Robert, 1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 596 Folder 3 Alter, Robert, 1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 674 Folder 3-4 Alter, Robert, 1988-1989 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 739 Folder 2-3 Alter, Robert, 1990-1992 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 674 Folder 5 Alter, Robert, 1993-1994

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 782 Folder 4-5 Alter, Robert, 1995-1996 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 484 Folder 10 Alter, Robert, 1997-1998

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 430 Folder 3 Alter, Robert, 1999-2000

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 513 Folder 1 Alter, Robert, 2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 501 Folder 6 Alter, Robert, 2004

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 513 Folder 2 Alter, Robert, 2005

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 784 Folder 2-4 Alter, Robert, 2008-2009 (3 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 876 Folder 1 Alter, Robert, 2009-2011

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 881 Folder 1 Alter, Robert, 2012-2014

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 499 Folder 2 Alter, Robert--Contracts--All Other U.S., 1983-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 498 Folder 15 Alter, Robert--Contracts--Basic/Perseus and HarperCollins Contacts, 1978-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 495 Folder 1 Alter, Robert--Contacts--Foreign (Art of Narrative/Poetry, Literature Guide), 1981-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 495 Folder 2 Alter, Robert--Contacts--Foreign (Other), 1980-2005

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 499 Folder 1 Alter, Robert--Contracts--Norton, 1995-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 495 Folder 3 Althusser, Louis--Contracts, 1970-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 290 Folder 16 Álvarez de Toledo, Luisa Isabel, duquesa de Medina Sidonia (Duchess of Medina, Sidonia), 1968-1971

Box 243 Folder 8 Ambler, C. Gifford, 1968-1976

Box 46 Folder 1-2 American Authors, 1960-1962 (2 Folders)

Box 406 Folder 3 American Authors Pending, 1973-1975

Box 322 Folder 5 American Contracts, 1986-1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 46 Folder 5 American Magazines--General, 1961-1962

Box 173 Folder 4 American Motion Pictures--General, 1979

Box 322 Folder 6 American Motion Pictures, 1983-1988

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 46 Folder 6-7 American Publishers--General, 1962-1963 (2 Folders)

Box 173 Folder 5 American Publishers--General 1979

Box 173 Folder 6 American Publishers--General 1980-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 361 Folder 1 American Publishers, 1983-1989

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 323 Folder 1 American Publishers--General, 1984-1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 322 Folder 7 American Publishers--General, 1985-1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 768 Folder 6 American Publishers--Royalties, 1989-1992

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 554 Folder 1 American Publishers--General, 1990-1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 406 Folder 1 American Read, 1974-1980

Box 406 Folder 2 American Read, 1980

Box 243 Folder 9 Ami, Georges, 1956

Box 484 Folder 11 Amichai, Yehuda, 1997-1999

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 495 Folder 4 Amichai, Yehuda--Contacts, 1998-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 243 Folder 10 Amiot, F., 1964-1969

Box 739 Folder 4 Amis, Martin, 1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 739 Folder 5 Amis, Martin, 1991-1992

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 484 Folder 12 Amis, Martin, 1993-1994

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 495 Folder 5 Amis, Martin--Contacts, 1991-2004

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 1 Folder 2-3 Amosoff, Nikolai Mikhailovich, 1966-1975 (2 Folders)

Box 243 Folder 11 Anderson, Ann, 1974-1980

Box 89 Folder 9 Andre Deutsch Ltd.--Grzimek, Bernhard, 1965-1976

Box 89 Folder 10 Andre Deutsch Ltd.--Mott, Michael, 1962-1964

Box 89 Folder 11 Andre Deutsch Ltd.--Wyndham, Violet L. H., 1964-1977

Box 495 Folder 6 André, Serge--Contracts, 1998-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 243 Folder 12 Andrew, Prudence, 1978

Box 1 Folder 4 Andrews, Allen, 1963-1964

Box 1 Folder 5 Andrews, Richard M., 1974

Box 243 Folder 13 Anouilh, Jean, 1953-1971

Box 495 Folder 7 Anthonioz, Genevieve--Contracts, 1999-2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 265 Folder 11 Anthony Blond Ltd, 1980-1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 84 Folder 9 Anthony Blond Ltd--Betjeman, Sir John, 1970-1972

Box 84 Folder 10 Anthony Blond Ltd--Evans, Jocelyn, 1971-1976

Box 84 Folder 11 Anthony Blond Ltd--Feversham, Lord (Charles Antony Peter Duncombe), 1970

Box 84 Folder 12 Anthony Blond Ltd--Gaillardet, Frederic, 1970

Box 84 Folder 13 Anthony Blond Ltd--Godson, John, 1969-1977

Box 84 Folder 14 Anthony Blond Ltd--Lindsay, Cressida, 1969-1972

Box 84 Folder 15 Anthony Blond Ltd--Mutwa, Credo Vusa'mazulu, 1968-1976

Box 84 Folder 16 Anthony Blond Ltd--O'Callaghan, Sean, 1970-1975

Box 84 Folder 17 Anthony Blond Ltd--Osborne, Charles, 1970-1971

Box 84 Folder 18 Anthony Blond Ltd--Rae, Hugh C., 1968-1971

Box 84 Folder 19 Anthony Blond Ltd--Strachey, Lytton, 1968-1976

Box 84 Folder 8 Anthony Blond Ltd--To and From, 1970-1980, 1971-1980

Box 84 Folder 20 Anthony Blond Ltd--Tolstoy, Leo, 1969-1977

Box 323 Folder 2 Appelfeld, Aharon, 1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 75 Folder 6 Appetron Press, 1969-1979

Box 75 Folder 7 Appetron Press--Aircraft Porfolios, 1969-1970

Box 75 Folder 8 Appetron Press--Offerings, 1969-1970

Box 782 Folder 6 Applebaum, Anne, 1994-1996

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 484 Folder 13-14 Applebaum, Anne, 1997-2000 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 430 Folder 5 Applebaum, Anne, 2001-2002

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 500 Folder 16 Applebaum, Anne, 2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 513 Folder 3-4 Applebaum, Anne, 2004-2005 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 784 Folder 5-6 Applebaum, Anne, 2008-2009 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 813 Folder 2 Applebaum, Anne, 2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 832 Folder 1 Applebaum, Anne, 2011

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 818 Folder 1 Applebaum, Anne, 2012

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 876 Folder 2 Applebaum, Anne, 2013

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 891 Folder 2-3 Applebaum, Anne, 2014-2018 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 495 Folder 9 Applebaum, Anne--Contracts, 1994-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 495 Folder 10-11 Applebaum, Anne--Contracts--Foreign A-Z, 1997-2006 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 594 Folder 10 Applebaum, Anne--Contacts--From My Polish Garden, 2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 495 Folder 13 Arcan, Nelly--Contracts, 2003-2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 499 Folder 4-5 Arendt, Hannah--Contacts--Foreign, 1994-2007 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 495 Folder 14 Arendt, Hannah--Contracts--Harcourt, 1985-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 499 Folder 6 Arendt, Hannah--Contacts--Schocken/Other, 2002-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 495 Folder 15 Arghiri, Emanuel--Contracts, 1989-1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 484 Folder 15 Aridjis, Homero, 1998-2000

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 468 Folder 9 Aridjis, Homero, 2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 501 Folder 1 Aridjis, Homero, 2002

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 513 Folder 5-6 Aridjis, Homero, 2003-2004 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 784 Folder 7 Aridjis, Homero, 2005-2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 813 Folder 3-4 Aridjis, Homero, 2007-2010 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 858 Folder 1 Aridjis, Homero, 2011-2013

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 495 Folder 16 Aridjis, Homero--Contracts, 1991-2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 891 Folder 4 Arimah, Lesley, 2015-2016

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 243 Folder 14 Arland, Marcel, 1961

Box 495 Folder 17 Arminjon, Blaise--Contracts, 1987-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 142 Folder 4 Armstrong, Gregory, 1973-1975

Box 243 Folder 15 Armstrong, Gregory, 1975-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 243 Folder 16 Arnaud, Cecile, 1965-1972

Box 75 Folder 10 Arthur Barker Ltd.--Burke, Edmund, 1973-1974

Box 75 Folder 11 Arthur Barker Ltd.--Gribble, Leonard, 1972-1975

Box 500 Folder 3 Asano--Contracts, 2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 243 Folder 17 Asaro, Anne and Kraus, Pat, 1976-1977

Box 422 Folder 4 Ash, John, 1996

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 782 Folder 7 Ash, Timothy Garton, 1995-1996

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 426 Folder 2 Ash, Timothy Garton, 1997-1998

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 468 Folder 10 Ash, Timothy Garton, 1999

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 468 Folder 11 Ash, Timothy Garton, 2000-2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 513 Folder 7 Ash, Timothy Garton, 2004-2005

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 784 Folder 8 Ash, Timothy Garton, 2006-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 832 Folder 2 Ash, Timothy Garton, 2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 832 Folder 3 Ash, Timothy Garton, 2010-2011

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 876 Folder 3 Ash, Timothy Garton, 2012-2013

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 891 Folder 5 Ash, Timothy Garton, 2014-2016

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 496 Folder 1 Ash, Timothy Garton--Contracts, 1990-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 496 Folder 2 Ash, Timothy Garton--Contacts--Other, 1988-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 243 Folder 18 Ash, William, 1969-1974

Box 672 Folder 5 Ashbery, John 1980 and some 1981 Permissions, 1980-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 605 Folder 3 Ashbery, John, 1973-1975

Box 672 Folder 4 Ashbery, John, 1976

Box 564 Folder 5 Ashbery, John, 1977-1978

Box 605 Folder 4 Ashbery, John, 1979

Box 605 Folder 5 Ashbery, John, 1981-1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 672 Folder 6 Ashbery, John, 1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 673 Folder 1-4 Ashbery, John, 1984-1987 (4 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 673 Folder 6-7 Ashbery, John, 1988-1989 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 739 Folder 6 Ashbery, John, 1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 739 Folder 7 Ashbery, John, 1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 468 Folder 12-13 Ashbery, John, 1992-1994 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 426 Folder 3 Ashbery, John, 1995

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 468 Folder 14-15 Ashbery, John, 1996-1998 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 429 Folder 2 Ashbery, John, 1999

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 468 Folder 16 Ashbery, John, 2000

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 468 Folder 17 Ashbery, John, 2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 440 Folder 1 Ashbery, John, 2002

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 501 Folder 2-3 Ashbery, John, 2003-2004 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 784 Folder 9-11 Ashbery, John, 2006-2008 (3 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 813 Folder 5 Ashbery, John, 2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 832 Folder 4-6 Ashbery, John, 2010 (3 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 832 Folder 7 Ashbery, John, 2011

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 866 Folder 1 Ashbery, John, 2012

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 881 Folder 2 Ashbery, John, 2013

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 881 Folder 3 Ashbery, John, 2014-2015

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 501 Folder 4 Ashbery, John--Audio, 2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 496 Folder 3 Ashbery, John--Contacts--Audio, Recording, Performance, 1968-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 496 Folder 4-5 Ashbery, John--Contacts--British A-Z, 1976-2007 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 496 Folder 6 Ashbery, John--Contracts--British Other, 1985-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 496 Folder 7-8 Ashbery, John--Contracts--Foreign A-Z (Country) except UK, 1976-2007 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 831 Folder 1 Ashbery, John--Contracts--Perm, Mag. Ltd eds., 1962-1994

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 831 Folder 2 Ashbery, John--Contracts--Permissions and Outright Payments, 1995-2000

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 831 Folder 3 Ashbery, John--Contracts--Permissions and Other Outright Payments/Contracts, 2000-2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 831 Folder 4 Ashbery, John--Contracts--Permissions, 2004-2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 496 Folder 9 Ashbery, John--Contracts--Permissions, 2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 497 Folder 1-2 Ashbery, John--Contracts--Farrar, Straus & Giroux (FSG)--A-Y, 1993-2007 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 497 Folder 3 Ashbery, John--Contracts--Farrar, Straus & Giroux (FSG)--Reverted, 1995-2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 497 Folder 4 Ashbery, John--Contacts--Viking Penguin, 1974-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 497 Folder 5 Ashbery, John--Contracts--All Other US Book Contracts, 1973-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 813 Folder 6 Ashbery, John--Foreign, 2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 501 Folder 5 Ashbery, John--Foreign, 2004-2005

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 578 Folder 3 Ashbery, John--Foreign, 2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 784 Folder 12 Ashbery, John--Foreign, 2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 813 Folder 7 Ashbery, John--Foreign, 2009-2010 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 818 Folder 2 Ashbery, John--Foreign, 2011

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 361 Folder 6 Ashbery, John--Permissions, 1982-1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 673 Folder 5 Ashbery, John--Permissions, 1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 564 Folder 6-7 Ashbery, John--Permissions, 1989-1993 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 469 Folder 1 Ashbery, John--Permissions, 1994-1997

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 782 Folder 8 Ashbery, John--Permissions, 1996-1998

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 911 Folder 12 Ashbery, John--Permissions, 2013-2015

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 243 Folder 19-20 Asprey, Robert, 1973-1976 (2 folders)

Box 244 Folder 1 Asprey, Robert, 1977

Box 386 Folder 4 Asprey, Robert, 1980-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 323 Folder 3 Asprey, Robert, 1981-1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 361 Folder 2-3 Asprey, Robert, 1978-1980 (2 Folders)

Box 361 Folder 4-5 Asprey, Robert, 1985-1987 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 489 Folder 15 Asprey, Robert, 1988-1996

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 831 Folder 5 Asprey, Robert--Contracts, 1956-1992

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 244 Folder 2 Asquith, Lady Cynthia, 1965-1976

Box 596 Folder 4-5 Association of Authors' Representatives (AAR), 1993-1994 April (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 768 Folder 7 Association of Authors' Representatives (AAR), 1999

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 422 Folder 1 Association of Authors' Representatives (AAR), 2000

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 405 Folder 1-2 Association of Authors' Representatives (AAR)--Correspondence, 1991-1992 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 717 Folder 4 Association of Authors' Representatives (AAR)--Correspondence, 1994-1998

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 575 Folder 9 Association of Authors' Representatives (AAR)--Correspondence with Ginger Knowlton, 1991-1993

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 717 Folder 5 Association of Authors' Representatives (AAR)--Correspondence with Richard Cutris, 1992-1993

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 717 Folder 3 Association of Authors' Representatives (AAR)--International, 1992

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 762 Folder 1 Association of Authors' Representatives (AAR)--Literature, 1995-1998

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 1 Folder 6 Astrachan, Anthony, 1972-1973

Box 244 Folder 3 Astrachan, Anthony, 1973-1975

Box 387 Folder 1 Astrachan, Anthony, 1976-1978

Box 387 Folder 2 Astrachan, Anthony, 1979-1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 361 Folder 7 Astrachan, Anthony, 1982-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 605 Folder 6 Astrachan, Anthony, 1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 555 Folder 2 Astrachan, Anthony, 1986-1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 666 Folder 1 Astrachan, Anthony, 1988-1989

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 831 Folder 6 Astrachan, Anthony--Contracts, 1974-2000

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 244 Folder 4 Atkinson, Ti-Grace, 1973-1975

Box 831 Folder 7 Atkinson, Ti-Grace--Contracts, 1973-2002

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 497 Folder 6 Atlan, Liliane--Contracts, 1986-2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 406 Folder 4 Atlas, James, 1979-1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 362 Folder 1 Atlas, James, 1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 600 Folder 1 Atlas, James, 1986-1992

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 605 Folder 7-8 Atlas, James, 1988-1990 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 489 Folder 16 Atlas, James, 1991-1992

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 512 Folder 6 Atlas, James, 2000-2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 497 Folder 7 Atlas, James--Contracts, 1989-2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 497 Folder 8 Auclair, Marcelle--Contracts, 1987-2002

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 497 Folder 9 Augoyard, Jean-François--Contract, 2003-2004

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 1 Folder 7 Aukema, Charles, 1970

Box 1 Folder 8 Aukema, Charles, 1971-1973

Box 46 Folder 3 Authors (English Language), 1963

Box 430 Folder 6 Authors Discouraged, 2004

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 431 Folder 18 Authors Discouraged, 2005

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 578 Folder 1-2 Authors Discouraged, 2007 July-2008 February (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 596 Folder 6 Authors Encouraged, 1980-1994

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 781 Folder 19 Authors Encouraged, 1995-1997

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 767 Folder 17-18 Authors Encouraged, 1999-2000 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 422 Folder 3 Authors Encouraged, 2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 499 Folder 10 Authors Encouraged, 2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 500 Folder 1 Authors Encouraged, 2004

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 439 Folder 11 Authors Guild, 1994-2004

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 441 Folder 11 Authors Guild, 2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 782 Folder 1 Authors--Miscellaneous, 1999

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 489 Folder 17 Authors--Miscellaneous, 2000

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 362 Folder 2 Avallone, Dr. Leopold, 1983-1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 666 Folder 2 Avi-Hai, Abraham, 1983-1988

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 323 Folder 4 Aynor, H.S., 1969-1973

Box 431 Folder 19 Azerrad, Jack, 1996-1999

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 142 Folder 5 Azerrad, Jacob, 1978-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 362 Folder 3 Azerrad, Jacob, 1978-1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 497 Folder 11 Azerrad, Jacob--Contracts, 1978-2005

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 578 Folder 4 Aziz, Michael, 2007-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 832 Folder 8-9 Aziz, Michael, 2009-2010 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 142 Folder 6-8 Azrin, Nathan, 1975-1978 (3 Folders)

Box 143 Folder 1 Azrin, Nathan, 1979

Box 387 Folder 3 Azrin, Nathan, 1980-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 387 Folder 4 Azrin, Nathan, 1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 406 Folder 5 Azrin, Nathan, 1982-1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 666 Folder 3 Azrin, Nathan, 1985-1988

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 575 Folder 14 Azrin, Nathan, 1988-2000

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 831 Folder 9 Azrin, Nathan--Contracts--How To Series and Job Counseling, 1979-1989

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 497 Folder 12 Azrin, Nathan--Contracts--How to…series & Job Counseling 2, 1989-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 831 Folder 10 Azrin, Nathan--Contracts--All Other, 1976-1997

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 1 Folder 9 Azrin, Nathan and Richard M. Foxx, 1973

Box 143 Folder 2 Arzin, Nathan and Richard M. Foxx, 1974-1976

Box 497 Folder 13 Azrin, Nathan and Foxx, Richard--Contracts, 1973-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 497 Folder 14 Azrin, Nathan and Foxx, Richard--Contracts--Foreign, 1973-2004 (1 of 2)

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 498 Folder 1 Azrin, Nathan and Foxx, Richard--Contracts--Foreign, 1973-2004 (2 of 2)

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 1 Folder 10 Azrin, Nathan and Richard M. Foxx--Foreign Rights, 1974-1975

Box 244 Folder 5 Badcock, C.R., 1976

Box 500 Folder 4 Badie, Bertrand, and Birnbaum, Pierre--Contracts, 1980-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 2 Folder 1 Bail, Jay, 1967-1970

Box 46 Folder 8 Bailey Brothers & Swinfen--Offerings, 1962-1964

Box 666 Folder 4 Bailey, Paul, 1969-1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 74 Folder 1 Bailey, Paul, 1978

Box 740 Folder 1 Baker, Deborah, 1988-1993

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 503 Folder 1 Baker, Deborah--Contracts, 1989-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 784 Folder 13 Bakken, Kerry Neville, 2000-2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 876 Folder 4 Bakken, Kerry Neville, 2004-2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 881 Folder 4 Bakken, Kerry Neville, 2007-2016

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 500 Folder 6 Bakken, Kerry Neville--Contracts, 2000-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 244 Folder 6 Balfour, James, 1967-1976

Box 500 Folder 7 Banks, Lynne Reid--Contracts, 1979-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 362 Folder 11 Banks, Lynne Reid--Watson-Little, 1981-1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 244 Folder 7 Barbault, Armand, 1974

Box 244 Folder 8 Barber, Richard, 1967-1968

Box 244 Folder 9 Barford, Philip, 1967

Box 832 Folder 10 Barish, Evelyn, 2011-2012

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 407 Folder 1 Barrett, Nicholas--Watt, 1984-1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 143 Folder 3 Barrett, Paul, 1975-1976

Box 666 Folder 5 Barrett, Paul, 1977-1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 823 Folder 1 Barrett, Paul--Contracts, 1970-2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 78 Folder 1 Barrie & Jenkins--Agate, James Evershed, 1967-1975

Box 265 Folder 2 Barrie & Jenkins--Antique Series, 1970-1971

Box 78 Folder 2 Barrie & Jenkins--Arms & Armour Series, 1966-1976

Box 265 Folder 3 Barrie & Jenkins--Arms and Armor, 1967-1973

Box 78 Folder 3 Barrie & Jenkins--Barber, Richard, 1963-1973

Box 78 Folder 4 Barrie & Jenkins--Barford, Philip, 1965-1970

Box 78 Folder 5 Barrie & Jenkins--Barrett-Ayres, Reginald, 1971-1980

Box 78 Folder 6 Barrie & Jenkins--Baskett, John, 1965-1976

Box 78 Folder 7 Barrie & Jenkins--Bell, Colin & Rose, 1969-1973

Box 78 Folder 8 Barrie & Jenkins--Bickerton, L. M., 1969-1972

Box 78 Folder 9 Barrie & Jenkins--Blackmore, Howard L., 1968-1973

Box 78 Folder 10 Barrie & Jenkins--Boetie, Dugmore, 1968-1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 78 Folder 11 Barrie & Jenkins--Branson, David, 1971-1972

Box 78 Folder 12 Barrie & Jenkins--Brice, Douglas, 1967

Box 78 Folder 13 Barrie & Jenkins--Brodrick, Alan Houghton, 1971

Box 78 Folder 14 Barrie & Jenkins--Buchan, Tom, 1968-1976

Box 78 Folder 15 Barrie & Jenkins--Carswell, John, 1969

Box 78 Folder 16 Barrie & Jenkins--Chaudhuri, Nirad C., 1971-1976

Box 78 Folder 17 Barrie & Jenkins--Cheiro, 1971

Box 78 Folder 18 Barrie & Jenkins--Chukovskaya, Lydia, 1972-1974

Box 78 Folder 19 Barrie & Jenkins--Church Music Series, 1966-1970

Box 265 Folder 4 Barrie & Jenkins--Church Music, 1966-1980

Box 78 Folder 21 Barrie & Jenkins--Collins, H.P., 1966-1970

Box 78 Folder 20 Barrie & Jenkins--Collins, Henry & Chimen Abramsky, 1965-1969

Box 78 Folder 22 Barrie & Jenkins--Cooper, Martin, 1965-1973

Box 78 Folder 23 Barrie & Jenkins--Crowther, J.G., 1968-1972

Box 78 Folder 24 Barrie & Jenkins--Danielou, Alain, 1967-1968

Box 78 Folder 25 Barrie & Jenkins--Darty, Peter, 1972-1975

Box 79 Folder 1 Barrie & Jenkins--Davies, David, 1973-1977

Box 79 Folder 2 Barrie & Jenkins--Davies, Laurence, 1967-1973

Box 79 Folder 3 Barrie & Jenkins--Dennys, Rodney, 1976

Box 79 Folder 4 Barrie & Jenkins--Edwards, Harry, 1968-1980

Box 79 Folder 5 Barrie & Jenkins--Farga, Franz, 1967-1968

Box 79 Folder 6 Barrie & Jenkins--Field, P.J.C., 1969-1970

Box 79 Folder 7 Barrie & Jenkins--Finch, Karen & Greta Putnam, 1976-1977

Box 79 Folder 8 Barrie & Jenkins--Fitzgerald, C.P., 1971-1973

Box 79 Folder 9 Barrie & Jenkins--Flamant, Maurice & Jeanne Singer-Kerel, 1969-1970

Box 79 Folder 10 Barrie & Jenkins--Fowler, John & John Cornforth, 1973-1976

Box 79 Folder 11 Barrie & Jenkins--Fuller, John, 1964-1975

Box 79 Folder 12 Barrie & Jenkins--Gallet, Michael, 1969-1971

Box 79 Folder 13 Barrie & Jenkins--German Literature Series, 1967-1970

Box 79 Folder 14 Barrie & Jenkins--Ghost Books, 1965-1975

Box 265 Folder 5 Barrie & Jenkins--Ghost Books, 1970-1975

Box 79 Folder 15 Barrie & Jenkins--Glasfurd, Alec, 1965-1966

Box 79 Folder 16-17 Barrie & Jenkins--Godden, Geoffrey, 1972-1977 (2 Folders)

Box 79 Folder 18 Barrie & Jenkins--Graham, Chive & Bill Curling, 1972-1973

Box 79 Folder 19 Barrie & Jenkins--Green, Hugh & John Spencer, 1969-1970

Box 79 Folder 20 Barrie & Jenkins--Harrisson, Martin & Bill Waters, 1971-1976

Box 79 Folder 21 Barrie & Jenkins--Hiebeler, Toni, 1962-1977

Box 79 Folder 22 Barrie & Jenkins--Hotteterre le Romain, Jacques, 1967-1970

Box 79 Folder 23 Barrie & Jenkins--Howard, Patricia, 1963-1971

Box 79 Folder 24 Barrie & Jenkins--Hughes, John, 1970-1976

Box 79 Folder 25 Barrie & Jenkins--Hugill, Stan, 1967-1970

Box 79 Folder 26 Barrie & Jenkins--Illustrated Guides to Pottery & Porcelain, 1969-1973

Box 265 Folder 6 Barrie & Jenkins--Illustrated Guides, 1969-1975

Box 80 Folder 1 Barrie & Jenkins--Jewish Annual (Explorations), 1966-1971

Box 80 Folder 2 Barrie & Jenkins--Jewitt, Llewellynn Frederick William, 1971

Box 80 Folder 3 Barrie & Jenkins--Joseph, Stephen, 1966-1971

Box 80 Folder 4 Barrie & Jenkins--Keller, Hermann, 1972

Box 80 Folder 5 Barrie & Jenkins--Kenyon, Kathleen, 1968-1972

Box 80 Folder 6 Barrie & Jenkins--Kerr, Robert (pseud.), 1973-1978

Box 80 Folder 7 Barrie & Jenkins--Knox, Brian, 1968-1970

Box 80 Folder 8 Barrie & Jenkins--Kodaly, Zoltan, 1969-1972

Box 82 Folder 5 Barrie & Jenkins--Landon, H. C. Robbins (Howard Chandler Robbins), 1969-1970

Filed under Robbins.

Box 80 Folder 9 Barrie & Jenkins--Larney, Judith, 1974-1975

Box 80 Folder 10 Barrie & Jenkins--Lauder, Ian Paton, 1969-1976

Box 80 Folder 11 Barrie & Jenkins--Lenzen, Godehard, 1968

Box 80 Folder 12 Barrie & Jenkins--Levy, Mervyn, 1964-1965

Box 80 Folder 13-14 Barrie & Jenkins--Lister, Margot, 1966-1977 (2 Folders)

Box 80 Folder 15 Barrie & Jenkins--Lloyd, Davina, 1970-1971

Box 80 Folder 16 Barrie & Jenkins--Lloyd, Ward, 1970-1971

Box 80 Folder 17 Barrie & Jenkins--Lumumba, Patrice, 1962-1975

Box 80 Folder 18 Barrie & Jenkins--Lunt, James, 1966-1970

Box 80 Folder 19 Barrie & Jenkins--Maas, Jeremy, 1967-1974

Box 80 Folder 20 Barrie & Jenkins--Mackenzie, Sir Compton, 1965-1974

Box 80 Folder 21 Barrie & Jenkins--Mansfield, Kenneth, 1971-1975

Box 80 Folder 22 Barrie & Jenkins--Marsden, Philip, 1965-1966

Box 80 Folder 23 Barrie & Jenkins--Mellers, Wilfrid, 1963-1975

Box 80 Folder 24 Barrie & Jenkins--Melvill, Harold, 1963-1973

Box 80 Folder 25 Barrie & Jenkins--Middlemas, Keith, 1970-1974

Box 80 Folder 26 Barrie & Jenkins--Mollo, John, 1966-1975

Box 80 Folder 27 Barrie & Jenkins--Moncreiffe, Sir Ian, 1975-1976

Box 80 Folder 28 Barrie & Jenkins--Montgomery, Bernard Law, 1973-1974

Box 80 Folder 29 Barrie & Jenkins--Morley-Fletcher, Hugo, 1969-1970

Box 81 Folder 1 Barrie & Jenkins--Neal, W. Keith (William Keith) and D. H. L. (David Henry Lempriere) Back, 1966-1973

Box 81 Folder 2 Barrie & Jenkins--Neame, L.E., 1961-1969

Box 81 Folder 3 Barrie & Jenkins--Neuhaus, Heinrich, 1972-1973

Box 81 Folder 4 Barrie & Jenkins--Nickson, Hilda, 1965-1975

Box 81 Folder 5 Barrie & Jenkins--Noonan, Michael, 1973-1974

Box 81 Folder 6 Barrie & Jenkins--Norman, Herbert & John, 1969-1971

Box 81 Folder 7 Barrie & Jenkins--Oag, Shay, 1967-1973

Box 81 Folder 8-9 Barrie & Jenkins--Oliver, Paul, 1969-1977 (2 Folders)

Box 81 Folder 10 Barrie & Jenkins--Oliver, Paul, 1978-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 81 Folder 11 Barrie & Jenkins--Orga, Ates, 1969-1972

Box 81 Folder 12 Barrie & Jenkins--Osborn, Reuben, 1965-1971

Box 81 Folder 13 Barrie & Jenkins--Palaiseul, Jean, 1973-1974

Box 81 Folder 14 Barrie & Jenkins--Pitter, Ruth, 1968-1977

Box 81 Folder 15 Barrie & Jenkins--Pugh, Gordon, 1969-1977

Box 81 Folder 16 Barrie & Jenkins--Pulbrook, Susan, Lady & Rosamund Gould, 1968-1977

Box 81 Folder 17 Barrie & Jenkins--Pushkin, Aleksandr Sergeyevich, 1966-1973

Box 81 Folder 18 Barrie & Jenkins--Rawson, Philip S., 1967-1973

Box 81 Folder 19 Barrie & Jenkins--Raynor, Henry, 1970-1976

Box 81 Folder 20 Barrie & Jenkins--Reitlinger, Gerald, 1962-1973

Box 82 Folder 1 Barrie & Jenkins--Restif de la Bretonne, Nicolas Edme, 1964-1973

Box 82 Folder 2 Barrie & Jenkins--Ricjetts, Howard, circa 1969

Box 82 Folder 3 Barrie & Jenkins--Rieth, Adolf, 1968

Box 82 Folder 4 Barrie & Jenkins--Ringer, Vivian Barbara, 1973-1977

Box 82 Folder 6 Barrie & Jenkins--Robins, Eric, 1970

Box 82 Folder 7 Barrie & Jenkins--Ross, Maggie, 1968-1976

Box 82 Folder 8 Barrie & Jenkins--Routh, Francis, 1971-1973

Box 82 Folder 9 Barrie & Jenkins--Rowland, Peter, 1968-1976

Box 82 Folder 10 Barrie & Jenkins--Sanders, Bruce, 1960-1968

Box 82 Folder 11 Barrie & Jenkins--Sandon, Henry, 1974-1976

Box 82 Folder 12-13 Barrie & Jenkins--Savage, George, 1963-1977 (2 Folders)

Box 82 Folder 14 Barrie & Jenkins--Schwarz, Boris, 1968-1976

Box 82 Folder 17 Barrie & Jenkins--Seipolt, Adalbert, 1962-1967

Box 82 Folder 15 Barrie & Jenkins--Silverlight, John, 1967-1975

Box 82 Folder 16 Barrie & Jenkins--Skelton, Geoffrey, 1964-1975

Box 82 Folder 18 Barrie & Jenkins--Snow, Peter, 1972-1974

Box 82 Folder 19 Barrie & Jenkins--Stasov, Vladimir, 1967-1968

Box 83 Folder 2 Barrie & Jenkins--Storey, R.L. (editor)--Chronology of the Medieval World, 1972-1973

Box 83 Folder 1 Barrie & Jenkins--Storey, R.L., 1967-1976

Box 83 Folder 3 Barrie & Jenkins--Summerson, Sir John, 1969-1976

Box 83 Folder 4 Barrie & Jenkins--Swain, Margaret Helen, 1969-1975

Box 83 Folder 5 Barrie & Jenkins--Taylerson, A.W.F., 1968-1970

Box 83 Folder 6 Barrie & Jenkins--Tester, M.H., 1969-1975

Box 83 Folder 7 Barrie & Jenkins--Thomson, David, 1965-1977

Box 76 Folder 1-5 Barrie & Jenkins--To and From, 1972-1974 (5 Folders)

Box 77 Folder 1-3 Barrie & Jenkins--To and From, 1975-1977 (3 Folders)

Box 83 Folder 8 Barrie & Jenkins--Turner book, 1974-1976 (Turner Sketchbooks)

Box 83 Folder 9 Barrie & Jenkins--Twitchett, John & Betty Bailey, 1976

Box 83 Folder 10 Barrie & Jenkins--Verlet, Pierre, 1963-1964

Box 83 Folder 11 Barrie & Jenkins--Victorian Collector Series, 1969-1971

Box 265 Folder 7 Barrie & Jenkins--Victorian Collector Series, 1971-1972

Box 83 Folder 12 Barrie & Jenkins--Walker, Alan, 1967-1976

Box 83 Folder 13 Barrie & Jenkins--Walker, Alan, 1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 83 Folder 14 Barrie & Jenkins--Walker, C.F., 1968-1973

Box 83 Folder 15 Barrie & Jenkins--Wardle, Patricia, 1968

Box 83 Folder 16 Barrie & Jenkins--Wenn, Leslie, 1974-1976

Box 83 Folder 17 Barrie & Jenkins--Werth, Alexander, 1965-1975

Box 83 Folder 18 Barrie & Jenkins--Wheatcroft, Harry, 1969-1975

Box 83 Folder 19 Barrie & Jenkins--Whiter, L.R., 1970

Box 84 Folder 1 Barrie & Jenkins--Wickman, J.W., 1967-1976

Box 84 Folder 2 Barrie & Jenkins--Williams, Neville, 1966-1976

Box 84 Folder 3 Barrie & Jenkins--Wilson, Andrew, 1968-1970

Box 84 Folder 4 Barrie & Jenkins--Wilson, Derek (Hugh Preston), 1975-1977

Box 84 Folder 5 Barrie & Jenkins--Woodman, Dorothy, 1967-1975

Box 84 Folder 6 Barrie & Jenkins--World Coin Catalog, 1971-1973

Box 265 Folder 8 Barrie & Jenkins--World Coin Catalogue, 1969-1971

Box 84 Folder 7 Barrie & Jenkins--Wright, David & Patrick Swift, 1971-1972

Box 265 Folder 9 Barrie & Rockliff--Explorations, 1966-1968

Box 265 Folder 10 Barrie & Rockliff--German Literature Series, 1967-1978

Box 323 Folder 5 Barrymore, Elaine, 1984-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 823 Folder 3 Bartley, Robert--Contracts (Dead), 1991-2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 764 Folder 13 Bartley, Robert--Publicity, 1992-1993

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 244 Folder 10 Baskett, John, 1967-1973

Box 555 Folder 3 Batchelor, John Calvin, 1987-1988

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 605 Folder 9-10 Batchelor, John Calvin, 1989-1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 740 Folder 2 Batchelor, John Calvin, 1992-1996

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 407 Folder 2 Batchelor, John Calvin--Publicity, 1990-1993

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 323 Folder 6 Bat-Heim, Hadassah, 1967-1968

Box 323 Folder 7 Batterberry, M. and A., 1968-1969

Box 863 Folder 3 Beckett, Samuel, 1999

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 857 Folder 2 Beckett, Samuel, 2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 578 Folder 5 Beckett, Samuel, 2005

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 785 Folder 3-4 Beckett, Samuel, 2008 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 863 Folder 6 Beckett, Samuel--Beckett Estate--Correspondence (Edward Beckett, Grove, Samuel French, Dramatists Play Service (DPS) & Miscellaneous), 1998

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 502 Folder 7 Beckett, Samuel--Contracts--Dramatists Play Service (DPS) Only, 1956, 1975, 1994-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 831 Folder 12 Beckett, Samuel--Contracts--French Statements Prior to 1999, circa 1995-1999

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 502 Folder 10 Beckett, Samuel--Contracts--Grove (5%): En attendant Godot; Fin de partie; L'innommable; Malone; Molloy; Three Novels; Centenial, 1991-2007

Box 502 Folder 9 Beckett, Samuel--Contracts--Grove Contracts (No Statements), 1960-2005

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 502 Folder 8 Beckett, Samuel--Contracts--Grove, 2001-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 502 Folder 11 Beckett, Samuel--Contracts--Naxos Audio, 2004-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 502 Folder 12 Beckett, Samuel--Contracts--Other Books, 1961, 1994-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 501 Folder 13 Beckett, Samuel--Contracts--Performance via GB, 2005

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 502 Folder 13 Beckett, Samuel--Contracts--Permission after 2001, 2001-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 502 Folder 14 Beckett, Samuel--Contracts--Samuel French, 2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 430 Folder 12 Beckett, Samuel--Correspondence, 2002-2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 857 Folder 1 Beckett, Samuel--Edward Beckett--Correspondence, 2000-2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 513 Folder 8 Beckett, Samuel--Edward Beckett, 2004

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 513 Folder 9 Beckett, Samuel--Edward Beckett and Grove, 2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 785 Folder 1 Beckett, Samuel--Edward Beckett and Grove, 2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 832 Folder 11-12 Beckett, Samuel--Edward Beckett, Grove, Minuit--Correspondence, 2009-2010 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 832 Folder 13 Beckett, Samuel--Edward Beckett, Grove, Minuit--Correspondence, 2011

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 858 Folder 2 Beckett, Samuel--Edward Beckett, Grove, Minuit--Correspondence, 2012

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 866 Folder 2 Beckett, Samuel--Edward Beckett, Grove, Minuit--Correspondence, 2013

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 876 Folder 5 Beckett, Samuel--Edward Beckett, Grove, Minuit--Correspondence, 2014-2015

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 513 Folder 11 Beckett, Samuel--Other, 2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 785 Folder 2 Beckett, Samuel--Other, 2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 799 Folder 1-4 Beckett, Samuel--Other, 2009 (4 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 832 Folder 14 Beckett, Samuel--Other, 2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 832 Folder 15 Beckett, Samuel--Other, 2011

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 858 Folder 3 Beckett, Samuel--Other, 2012

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 866 Folder 3-4 Beckett, Samuel--Other, 2013-2014, (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 876 Folder 6 Beckett, Samuel--Other, 2015

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 881 Folder 5 Beckett, Samuel--Other, 2016

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 863 Folder 2 Beckett, Samuel--Peformance (Controlled by GB, Inc.), 1998

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 863 Folder 8 Beckett, Samuel--Performance Rights, 1995

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 863 Folder 4 Beckett, Samuel--Performance Rights, 1995-1996

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 863 Folder 5 Beckett, Samuel--Performance Rights, 1997

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 863 Folder 1 Beckett, Samuel--Performance Rights, 2000

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 459 Folder 3-4 Beckett, Samuel--Permissions, 2002-2003 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 513 Folder 10 Beckett, Samuel--Permissions Correspondence, 2004

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 459 Folder 2 Beckett/Albee, 2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 502 Folder 15 Beeching, Jack--Contracts, 1974-2004

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 426 Folder 4 Begley, Adam, 1993

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 858 Folder 4 Begley, Adam, 1998-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 502 Folder 16 Begley, Adam--Contracts, 1993-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 753 Folder 1 Begley, Louis, 1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 740 Folder 3 Begley, Louis, 1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 730 Folder 6 Begley, Louis, 1992

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 782 Folder 9 Begley, Louis, 1993

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 426 Folder 5-6 Begley, Louis, 1995-1996 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 423 Folder 2-3 Begley, Louis, 1997-1998 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 429 Folder 3 Begley, Louis, 1999

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 469 Folder 2 Begley, Louis, 2000

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 430 Folder 7 Begley, Louis, 2001-2002

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 459 Folder 5 Begley, Louis, 2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 501 Folder 7 Begley, Louis, 2004-2005

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 513 Folder 12 Begley, Louis, 2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 575 Folder 15-16 Begley, Louis, 2007-2008 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 813 Folder 8-9 Begley, Louis, 2009-2010 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 833 Folder 1 Begley, Louis, 2011-2012

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 858 Folder 5 Begley, Louis, 2013

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 512 Folder 9 Begley, Louis--Contracts, 1992-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 594 Folder 11 Begley, Louis--Contracts--Ebook Amendments, 2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 501 Folder 14 Begley, Louis--Contracts--French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, 1990-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 502 Folder 17 Begley, Louis--Contracts--German Contracts, 1990-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 502 Folder 18 Begley, Louis--Contracts--U.S. Books, 1990-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 502 Folder 19 Begley, Louis--Contracts--U.S. Other, 1991-2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 514 Folder 1 Begley, Louis--Contracts--United Kingdom (UK) and Other, 1992-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 583 Folder 14 Begley, Louis--Contracts--Venice for Lovers (Grove), 2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 2 Folder 2-6 Beiser, Arthur, 1957-1966 (5 Folders)

Box 605 Folder 11 Beiser, Arthur, 1986-1995

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 143 Folder 4 Beiser, Arthur and Germaine, 1967-1969

Box 143 Folder 5 Beiser, Arthur and Germaine, 1970-1971

Box 2 Folder 7 Beiser, Arthur and Germaine, 1972-1975

Box 143 Folder 6 Beiser, Arthur and Germaine, 1976-1978

Box 143 Folder 7 Belkin, Madeline, 1976

Box 244 Folder 11 Bell, Rose and Colin, 1969-1970

Box 605 Folder 12 Bell, Rudolph, 1981-1988

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 514 Folder 2 Bell, Rudolph--Contracts, 1976-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 143 Folder 8 Bell, Rudolph and Donald Weinstein, 1976-1980

Box 323 Folder 8 Bellamy, Joe David, 1978-1979

Box 244 Folder 12 Bender, Albert K., 1967-1976

Box 2 Folder 8 Benedikt, Marianne, 1974

Box 144 Folder 1 Benedikt, Michael, 1963-1964

Box 3 Folder 1-3 Benedikt, Michael, 1965-1969 (3 Folders)

Box 144 Folder 2 Benedikt, Michael, 1970

Box 144 Folder 3 Benedikt, Michael, 1971

Box 3 Folder 4-5 Benedikt, Michael, 1972-1973 (2 Folders)

Box 144 Folder 4-5 Benedikt, Michael, 1974-1979 (2 Folders)

Box 323 Folder 9 Benedikt, Michael, 1980-1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 666 Folder 6 Benedikt, Michael, 1984-1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 469 Folder 3 Benedikt, Michael (& Wellwarth), 1987-1989

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 882 Folder 3 Benedikt, Michael (& Wellwarth), 1989-2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 514 Folder 4 Benedikt, Michael--Contracts, 1972-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 3 Folder 6 Benedikt, Michael--Performance Permissions--French Theatre, 1965-1967

Box 469 Folder 4 Benedikt, Michael--Permissions--French Anthology, 1968-1974

Box 4 Folder 1 Benedikt, Michael--Permissions--French Anthology, 1973-1979

Box 4 Folder 2 Benedikt, Michael--Permissions--German Anthology, 1965-1967

Box 469 Folder 5 Benedikt, Michael--Permissions--German Anthology, 1967-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 4 Folder 3 Benedikt, Michael--Permissions--German Anthology, 1973-1976

Box 882 Folder 4 Benedikt, Michael--Permissions--German Anthology, 1977-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 882 Folder 7 Benedikt, Michael--Permissions--Prose Poem Anthology, 1974-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 882 Folder 5-6 Benedikt, Michael--Permissions--Spanish Anthology, 1966-1982 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 4 Folder 4 Benedikt, Michael--Permissions--Spanish Anthology, 1973-1976

Box 469 Folder 6 Benedikt, Michael--Surrealist Anthology, 1967-1977

Box 4 Folder 5 Benedikt, Michael--Theatre Experiment, 1967-1968

Box 882 Folder 8 Benedikt, Michael--Theatre Experiment, 1972-1982, 2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 144 Folder 6 Benson, Dennis, 1970

Box 323 Folder 10 Benson, Dennis, 1970-1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 144 Folder 7-8 Benson, Dennis, 1971-1972 (2 Folders)

Box 4 Folder 6 Benson, Dennis C., 1969

Box 244 Folder 13 Benson, Dennis C., 1971-1973

Box 244 Folder 14 Bentley, Joyce, 1973-1980

Box 514 Folder 5 Beon, Yves--Contracts, 1996-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 145 Folder 1 Berg, Barbara, 1979-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 387 Folder 6 Berg, Barbara, 1982-1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 387 Folder 7 Berg, Barbara, 1983-1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 407 Folder 3 Berg, Barbara, 1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 555 Folder 4-5 Berg, Barbara, 1987 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 666 Folder 7 Berg, Barbara, 1988

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 753 Folder 2 Berg, Barbara, 1989-1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 244 Folder 15 Berke Barnes, 1970

Box 4 Folder 7 Berman, Marshall, 1971-1972

Box 145 Folder 2 Berman, Marshall, 1973-1979

Box 363 Folder 1 Berman, Marshall, 1980-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 555 Folder 6 Berman, Marshall, 1982-1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 667 Folder 1 Berman, Marshall, 1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 605 Folder 13 Berman, Marshall, 1985-1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 666 Folder 8 Berman, Marshall, 1989

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 596 Folder 7 Berman, Marshall, 1990-1992

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 777 Folder 1 Berman, Marshall, 1993-1994

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 430 Folder 8 Berman, Marshall, 1995-1999

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 503 Folder 3 Berman, Marshall, 2000-2005

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 785 Folder 5 Berman, Marshall, 2006-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 866 Folder 5 Berman, Marshall, 2008-2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 891 Folder 9 Berman, Marshall, 2011-2014

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 514 Folder 8-9 Berman, Marshall--Contracts--All That is Solid, 1983-2007 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 514 Folder 10 Berman, Marshall--Contracts--Book Contracts, 1987-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 514 Folder 11 Berman, Marshall--Contracts--Other Foreign, 1992-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 514 Folder 12 Berman, Marshall--Contracts--Permissions, 1994-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 244 Folder 16 Bernard, Michel, 1970

Box 173 Folder 7 Bernheim, Alain, 1976-1978

Box 459 Folder 6 Bernstein, Michael André, 2002-2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 578 Folder 6 Bernstein, Michael André, 2004-2005

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 575 Folder 17 Bernstein, Michael André, 2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 514 Folder 13 Bernstein, Michael André--Contracts, 2002-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 244 Folder 17 Berry, Francis, 1962-1973

Box 244 Folder 18 Betjeman, 1972

Box 514 Folder 17 Bigsby, Christopher--Contracts, 1993-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 594 Folder 13 Bigsby, Christopher--Contracts--Addendum to Hester, 2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 4 Folder 8-9 Billington, James H., 1970-1978 (2 Folders)

Box 363 Folder 2 Billington, James H., 1978-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 555 Folder 7 Billington, James H., 1981-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 650 Folder 8 Billington, James H., 1986-1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 731 Folder 2 Billington, James H., 1991-1992

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 433 Folder 3 Billington, James H., 1993-1997

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 515 Folder 1 Billington, James H., 1998-2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 785 Folder 6 Billington, James H., 2006-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 514 Folder 18 Billington, James--Contracts, 1970-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 564 Folder 8 Bing, Elisabeth, 1980-1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 388 Folder 6 Bing, Elisabeth, 1982-1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 389 Folder 1 Bing, Elisabeth, 1985-1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 667 Folder 2 Bing, Elisabeth, 1988

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 776 Folder 2 Bing, Elisabeth, 1992-1995

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 145 Folder 3-4 Bing, Elisabeth, 1977-1979 (2 Folders)

Box 324 Folder 1 Bing, Elisabeth, 1979-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 515 Folder 2 Bing, Elisabeth--Contracts, 1969-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 594 Folder 12 Bing, Elisabeth--Contracts--Ebook Rights Amendment, 2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 515 Folder 3 Bing, Elisabeth and Libby Colman--Contracts, 1989-2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 145 Folder 5 Birnbaum, Ben, 1971-1976

Box 145 Folder 6 Black, Elizabeth, 1973-1978

Box 610 Folder 8 Blake, Quentin, 1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 515 Folder 5 Blake, Quentin--Contracts, 1984-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 515 Folder 6 Blake, Quentin (Dahl)--Contracts--A-G, 1985-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 515 Folder 7 Blake, Quentin (Dahl)--Contracts--H-O, 1993-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 515 Folder 8 Blake, Quentin (Dahl)--Contracts--P-Z, 1983-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 502 Folder 20 Blévis, Marcianne--Contract, 2005-2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 728 Folder 1 Bloch, Ariel and Chana, 1991-1994

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 782 Folder 14 Bloch, Ariel and Chana, 1995-1996

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 515 Folder 11 Bloch, Ariel and Chana--Contracts, 1991-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 423 Folder 4 Bloch, Chana, 1997

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 469 Folder 7 Bloch, Chana, 1998-1999

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 430 Folder 9 Bloch, Chana, 2000

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 785 Folder 7 Bloch, Chana, 2001-2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 576 Folder 2 Bloch, Chana, 2004-2005

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 892 Folder 2 Bloch, Chana, 2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 813 Folder 10 Bloch, Chana, 2007-2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 363 Folder 3 Blonsky, Marshall, 1978-1980

Box 389 Folder 5 Blonsky, Marshall, 1981-1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 389 Folder 6 Blonsky, Marshall, 1983-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 555 Folder 8 Blonsky, Marshall, 1986-1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 753 Folder 3 Blonsky, Marshall, 1988-1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 740 Folder 4 Blonsky, Marshall, 1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 715 Folder 9 Blonsky, Marshall, 1992-1993

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 469 Folder 13 Blonsky, Marshall, 1994-1995

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 515 Folder 13 Blonsky, Marshall--Active Contracts, 1980-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 679 Folder 6 Blonsky, Marshall--Publicity, 1992

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 245 Folder 1 Bloom, Leonard, 1971-1978

Box 389 Folder 2 Bloom, Marc, 1981-1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 324 Folder 3 Bloom, Marc, 1982-1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 389 Folder 3 Bloom, Marc, 1986-1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 389 Folder 4 Bloom, Marc, 1988

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 515 Folder 14 Bloom, Marc and Frank Shorter--Contracts, 1982-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 324 Folder 2 Blue, Adrienne, 1979-1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 145 Folder 7-8 Bluestone, Naomi, 1972-1978 (2 Folders)

Box 753 Folder 4 Blum, David, 1990-1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 740 Folder 5 Blum, David, 1991-1992

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 777 Folder 2 Blum, David, 1993-1994

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 893 Folder 1 Blum, David, 1998-2014

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 516 Folder 1 Blum, David--Contracts, 1984-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 363 Folder 4-5 Bly, Carol, 1979-1982, 1984-1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 389 Folder 7 Bly, Carol, 1981-1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 555 Folder 9 Bly, Carol, 1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 605 Folder 14 Bly, Carol, 1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 667 Folder 3 Bly, Carol, 1988-1989

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 596 Folder 8 Bly, Carol, 1990-1992

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 777 Folder 3 Bly, Carol, 1993-1996

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 516 Folder 2 Bly, Carol--Active Book Contracts, 1990-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 363 Folder 6 Bly, Robert, 1984-1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 564 Folder 9 Bly, Robert, 1986-1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 667 Folder 4 Bly, Robert, 1988-1989

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 740 Folder 6 Bly, Robert, 1988-1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 469 Folder 8 Bly, Robert, 1994

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 426 Folder 7 Bly, Robert, 1995

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 469 Folder 9 Bly, Robert, 1996

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 782 Folder 10-12 Bly, Robert, 1997-1999 (3 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 469 Folder 10 Bly, Robert, 2000-2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 578 Folder 7-8 Bly, Robert, 2000-2006 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 430 Folder 10 Bly, Robert, 2001-2004

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 785 Folder 8 Bly, Robert, 2007-2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 818 Folder 3 Bly, Robert, 2010-2011

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 866 Folder 6 Bly, Robert, 2012

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 881 Folder 6 Bly, Robert, 2013-2015

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 777 Folder 4 Bly, Robert--Books, 1993

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 741 Folder 1-2 Bly, Robert--Books--Other, 1991-1992 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 516 Folder 3 Bly, Robert--Contracts--Addison-Wesley (Books), 1991-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 516 Folder 4-5 Bly, Robert--Contracts--Harper by Title A-M, 1987-2008 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 516 Folder 6 Bly, Robert--Contracts--Harper by Title N-S, 1991-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 516 Folder 7 Bly, Robert--Contracts--Harper by Title T-Z, 1991-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 516 Folder 8 Bly, Robert--Contracts--Audio and Video, 1990-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 516 Folder 9 Bly, Robert--Contracts--Other United States (U.S.) Contracts--A-F, 1991-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 516 Folder 10 Bly, Robert--Contracts--Other United States (U.S.) Contracts--G-Z, 1987-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 517 Folder 1-2 Bly, Robert--Contracts--Foreign Rights--Iron John--A-M (pub), 1991-2008 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 517 Folder 3-4 Bly, Robert--Contracts--Foreign Rights--Iron John--N-Z (pub), 1989-2008 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 517 Folder 5 Bly, Robert--Contracts--Foreign--Maiden King and The Sibling Society, 1993-2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 517 Folder 6 Bly, Robert--Contracts--Other Foreign, 1989-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 517 Folder 8 Bly, Robert--Contracts--All Other (perms), 1989-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 731 Folder 1 Bly, Robert--Correspondence--Addision-Wesley, Ballantine, Harper Collins, 1992

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 740 Folder 7 Bly, Robert--Correspondence--Addision-Wesley, Harper Collins, 1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 469 Folder 11 Bly, Robert--Other, 1990-1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 741 Folder 3 Bly, Robert--Other, 1992

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 782 Folder 13 Bly, Robert--Other, 1993

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 469 Folder 12 Bly, Robert--Other, 1994-1995

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 440 Folder 7 Bly, Robert--Tax Forms, 1993-1995

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 245 Folder 2 Boetie, Dugmore, 1969-1977

Box 777 Folder 5-6 Bois, Yve-Alain, 1994-1995 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 469 Folder 14 Bois, Yve-Alain, 1996

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 782 Folder 15 Bois, Yve-Alain, 1997-1998

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 424 Folder 1 Bois, Yve-Alain, 1999

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 459 Folder 7-8 Bois, Yve-Alain, 2002-2004 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 503 Folder 4 Bois, Yve-Alain, 2005

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 517 Folder 8 Bois, Yve-Alain, 2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 576 Folder 1 Bois, Yve-Alain, 2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 785 Folder 9 Bois, Yve-Alain, 2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 799 Folder 5 Bois, Yve-Alain, 2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 818 Folder 4-5 Bois, Yve-Alain, 2010-2012 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 866 Folder 7 Bois, Yve-Alain, 2013

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 881 Folder 7 Bois, Yves-Alain, 2014-2015

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 517 Folder 9 Bois, Yve-Alain--Contracts--Books, 1994-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 517 Folder 10 Bois, Yve-Alain--Contracts--Other, 2003-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 594 Folder 14 Bois, Yve-Alain--Contracts--Speed Limits, Soulages, 2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 503 Folder 5 Bois, Yve-Alain--Other, 2005

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 469 Folder 15 Bok, Derek, 1992-1995

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 517 Folder 11 Bok, Derek--Contracts, 1992-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 364 Folder 5 Bok, Sissela, 1984-1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 564 Folder 10 Bok, Sissela, 1987-1988

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 605 Folder 15 Bok, Sissela, 1989

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 715 Folder 6 Bok, Sissela, 1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 715 Folder 7 Bok, Sissela, 1991-1993

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 423 Folder 5 Bok, Sissela, 1996

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 517 Folder 12 Bok, Sissela--Contracts, 1985-2008 (1 of 2)

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 518 Folder 1 Bok, Sissela--Contracts, 1985-2008 (2 of 2)

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 764 Folder 14 Bok, Sissela--Publicity, 1989-1992

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 245 Folder 3 Bond, Brian, 1967

Box 245 Folder 4 Bondaryev, Yuri, 1965-1972

Box 892 Folder 1 Book Industry Systems Advisory Committee (BISAC), 1996-1999

[Restricted Until 2039]

Primarily related to the BISAC subsidary rights payment advice form.

Box 364 Folder 6 Boorstin, Paul, 1975-1989

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 564 Folder 11 Booth, Stanley, 1982-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 389 Folder 8 Booth, Stanley, 1984-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 556 Folder 1 Booth, Stanley, 1986-1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 605 Folder 16 Booth, Stanley, 1988-1989

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 715 Folder 8 Booth, Stanley, 1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 363 Folder 7 Borchardt, Georges, 1985-1989

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 782 Folder 16 Borchardt, Georges, 1999

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 518 Folder 2 Borde, Raymond--Contracts, 2001-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 605 Folder 17-18 Boswell, John, 1981-1987 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 715 Folder 5 Boswell, John, 1990-1992

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 777 Folder 7 Boswell, John, 1993-1994

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 518 Folder 4-5 Boswell, John--Contracts, 1981-2007 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 5 Folder 1 Botsford, Keith, 1967-1970

Box 146 Folder 1 Botsford, Keith, 1971

Box 5 Folder 2 Botsford, Keith, 1972-1975

Box 407 Folder 5 Botsforth, Keith, 1980s

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 667 Folder 5 Bowell, John, 1988

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 776 Folder 3 Bowen, Gary, 1987-1998

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 518 Folder 12 Bowen, Gary--Contracts, 1985-2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 728 Folder 2 Bowers, Elisabeth, 1990-1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 777 Folder 8 Bowers, Elisabeth, 1992-1994

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 146 Folder 2 Bowers, John, 1971

Box 5 Folder 3-5 Bowers, John, 1972-1976 (3 Folders)

Box 146 Folder 3 Bowers, John, 1977-1978

Box 390 Folder 1 Bowers, John, 1978-1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 364 Folder 8 Bowers, John, 1979-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 605 Folder 19 Bowers, John, 1986-1989

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 684 Folder 5 Bowers, John, 1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 684 Folder 6 Bowers, John, 1991-1993

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 432 Folder 2 Bowers, John, 1994-1995

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 785 Folder 10 Bowers, John, 1996-2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 892 Folder 3 Bowers, John, 2004-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 518 Folder 13 Bowers, John--Contracts, 1970-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 146 Folder 4-5 Boyd, Blanche, 1974-1979 (2 Folders)

Box 364 Folder 7 Boyd, Blanche, 1978-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 407 Folder 4 Boyd, Blanche, 1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 424 Folder 2 Boyd, Brian, 1979

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 667 Folder 6-7 Boyd, Brian, 1988-1989

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 741 Folder 4 Boyd, Brian, 1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 777 Folder 9 Boyd, Brian, 1991-1992

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 423 Folder 6 Boyd, Brian, 1993

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 430 Folder 4 Boyd, Brian, 1999-2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 518 Folder 14 Boyd, Brian, 2006-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 785 Folder 11 Boyd, Brian, 2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 813 Folder 11-12 Boyd, Brian, 2009-2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 866 Folder 8-9 Boyd, Brian, 2011-2013 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 881 Folder 8 Boyd, Brian, 2014-2015

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 518 Folder 15 Boyd, Brian--Contracts, 1988-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 584 Folder 19 Boyd, Brian--Contracts, 1998-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 594 Folder 15 Boyd, Brian--Contracts--Karl Popper (Random House), 1997-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 667 Folder 8 Boyd, William, 1986-1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 668 Folder 1 Boyd, William, 1988-1989

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 741 Folder 5 Boyd, William, 1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 741 Folder 6 Boyd, William, 1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 471 Folder 8 Boyd, William, 1992

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 426 Folder 8 Boyd, William, 1993

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 471 Folder 9 Boyd, William, 1994

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 426 Folder 9 Boyd, William, 1995

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 426 Folder 10 Boyd, William, 1996

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 423 Folder 7 Boyd, William, 1997

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 424 Folder 3 Boyd, William, 1998

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 782 Folder 17 Boyd, William, 1999

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 471 Folder 10 Boyd, William, 2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 430 Folder 11 Boyd, William, 2002

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 458 Folder 10 Boyd, William, 2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 519 Folder 2 Boyd, William--Contracts--Foreign--Canada, 1990-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 519 Folder 3 Boyd, William--Contracts--Foreign--Danish/Dutch, 1993-2004

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 519 Folder 4-5 Boyd, William--Contracts--Foreign--French, 1987-2008 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 519 Folder 6 Boyd, William--Contracts--Foreign--German/Czech, 1988-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 519 Folder 7 Boyd, William--Contracts--Foreign--Italian/Greek, 1987-2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 519 Folder 8 Boyd, William--Contracts--Foreign--Norwegian/Swedish/Finnish, 1987-2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 519 Folder 9-10 Boyd, William--Contracts--Foreign--Portuguese/Spanish, 1987-2005 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 519 Folder 11 Boyd, William--Contracts--Foreign--All Other..., 1988-2004

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 518 Folder 16 Boyd, William--Contracts--Knopf/Vintage, 1995-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 519 Folder 1 Boyd, William--Contracts--Other U.S. Contracts, 1986-2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 440 Folder 12 Boyd, William--Publicity--A Good Man in Africa, The Destiny of Nathalie "X," and The Blue Afternoon, 1990-2003

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 440 Folder 14 Boyd, William--Publicity--Any Human Heart, 2002

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 440 Folder 13 Boyd, William--Publicity--Armadillo, 1998-2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 440 Folder 15 Boyd, William--Publicity--New Confessions,1987-2004

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 520 Folder 1-3 Boyle, T. Coraghessan, 1977-1980 (3 Folders)

Box 520 Folder 4-13 Boyle, T. Coraghessan, 1981-1990 (10 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 521 Folder 1-2 Boyle, T. Coraghessan, 1991-1992 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 471 Folder 1 Boyle, T. Coraghessan, 1993

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 470 Folder 1 Boyle, T. Coraghessan, 1994

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 471 Folder 2-3 Boyle, T. Coraghessan, 1995-1996 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 768 Folder 3 Boyle, T. Coraghessan, 1996

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 783 Folder 1-3 Boyle, T. Coraghessan, 1997-1999 (3 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 471 Folder 4 Boyle, T. Coraghessan, 2000

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 471 Folder 5 Boyle, T. Coraghessan, 2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 441 Folder 7 Boyle, T. Coraghessan, 2002

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 458 Folder 11 Boyle, T. Coraghessan, 2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 501 Folder 8 Boyle, T.C., 2004

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 503 Folder 6-7 Boyle, T. Coraghessan, 2004-2005 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 521 Folder 3 Boyle, T. Coraghessan, 2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 576 Folder 3 Boyle, T. Coraghessan, 2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 785 Folder 12 Boyle, T. Coraghessan., 2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 799 Folder 6-8 Boyle, T. Coraghessan, 2009 (3 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 814 Folder 1 Boyle, T. Coraghessan, 2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 818 Folder 6 Boyle, T. Coraghessan, 2012

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 858 Folder 6 Boyle, T. Coraghessan, 2013

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 866 Folder 10 Boyle, T. Coraghessan, 2014

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 881 Folder 9 Boyle, T. Coraghessan, 2015

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 783 Folder 4 Boyle, T. Coraghessan--Audio, 1994-1997

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 458 Folder 12 Boyle, T. Coraghessan--Audio 1999-2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 578 Folder 9 Boyle, T. Coraghessan--Audio, 2004-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 833 Folder 2 Boyle, T. Coraghessan--Audio, 2010-2013

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 777 Folder 10 Boyle, T. Coraghessan--Audio/Readings/Performance, 1989-1993

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 586 Folder 3-5 Boyle, T. Coraghessan--Contracts, 1986-2009 (3 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2049]

(Includes German contracts)

Box 594 Folder 16 Boyle, T. Coraghessan--Contracts, 2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 805 Folder 1 Boyle, T. Coraghessan--Contracts, 2011

[Restricted Until 2059]

(Includes contracts for Viking e-book (various and Water Music) and Son Miguel and Collected e-book contract)

Box 586 Folder 1 Boyle, T. Coraghessan--Contracts--Audio, 1990-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 585 Folder 5 Boyle, T. Coraghessan--Contracts--Budding Prospects, Descent of Man, Greasy Lake, World's End, All Other Viking, 1983-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 585 Folder 6 Boyle, T. Coraghessan--Contracts--Book Contracts Other Than Viking, 1982-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 585 Folder 3 Boyle, T. Coraghessan--Contracts--East is East, If the River, Tortilla Curtain, 1998-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 585 Folder 7 Boyle, T. Coraghessan--Contracts--Films/Permissions, 1994-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 586 Folder 2 Boyle, T. Coraghessan--Contracts--Foreign--East is East, Whiskey, 1990-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 593 Folder 2 Boyle, T. Coraghessan--Contracts--Foreign--Friend of the Earth, Tooth and Claw, 1999-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 584 Folder 20 Boyle, T. Coraghessan--Contracts--Foreign--Friend, Riven Rock, 1997-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 593 Folder 4-5 Boyle, T. Coraghessan--Contracts--Foreign--Greasy Lake, Descent, Water Music, 1981-2007 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 593 Folder 3 Boyle, T. Coraghessan--Contracts--Foreign--Inner Circle, Drop, 1987-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 593 Folder 8 Boyle, T. Coraghessan--Contracts--Foreign--Road to Wellville, 1992-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 585 Folder 2 Boyle, T. Coraghessan--Contracts--Foreign--Stories and Miscellaneous, 1983-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 593 Folder 6-7 Boyle, T. Coraghessan--Contracts--Foreign--Tortilla, Plague, 1995-2008 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 585 Folder 1 Boyle, T. Coraghessan--Contracts--Foreign--Without a Hero, Talk, Tooth and Claw, 1993-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 593 Folder 9 Boyle, T. Coraghessan--Contracts--Foreign--World's End, Budding Prospects, 1986-2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 585 Folder 4 Boyle, T. Coraghessan--Contracts--The Inner Circle, Talk is Talk, 2003-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 593 Folder 1 Boyle, T. Coraghessan--Contracts--The Lie, 2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 585 Folder 8 Boyle, T. Coraghessan--Contracts--MAG. And Permissions, 1994-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 855 Folder 5 Boyle, T. Coraghessan--Contracts--Movies (Old), 1984-2000

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 856 Folder 6 Boyle, T. Coraghessan--Contracts--Old Statements w/o Hero, Wellville, Tortilla, East is East, 1988-2000

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 521 Folder 7 Boyle, T. Coraghessan--Contracts--Tooth & Claw, Women, Wild, 2002-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 521 Folder 8 Boyle, T. Coraghessan--Contracts--Wellville & W/O Hero, Riven Rock & TCB Stories, 1991-2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 585 Folder 9-12 Boyle, T. Coraghessan--Contracts--Various Contracts and Statements, 1990-2009 (4 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 521 Folder 9 Boyle, T. Coraghessan--Contracts--Miscellaneous, 1989-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 470 Folder 2 Boyle, T. Coraghessan--Foreign, 1991-1996

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 458 Folder 13 Boyle, T. Coraghessan--Foreign, 2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 521 Folder 4 Boyle, T. Coraghessan--Foreign, 2005

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 578 Folder 10-11 Boyle, T. Coraghessan--Foreign, 2006-2007 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 814 Folder 2-3 Boyle, T. Coraghessan--Foreign, 2009-2010 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 818 Folder 7 Boyle, T. Coraghessan--Foreign, 2011

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 881 Folder 10 Boyle, T. Coraghessan--Foreign, 2012

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 783 Folder 5 Boyle, T. Coraghessan--Movie, 1998-2000

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 429 Folder 4 Boyle, T. Coraghessan--Movie, 1999-2000

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 471 Folder 6 Boyle, T. Coraghessan--Movie, 2000-2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 458 Folder 14 Boyle, T. Coraghessan--Movie, 2002-2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 578 Folder 12 Boyle, T. Coraghessan--Movie, 2004-2005

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 521 Folder 5 Boyle, T. Coraghessan--Movies, 1989-1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 470 Folder 3 Boyle, T. Coraghessan--Movies, 1992-1995

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 470 Folder 4 Boyle, T. Coraghessan--Movies, 1994-1995

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 521 Folder 6 Boyle, T. Coraghessan--Movies, 1999

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 576 Folder 4 Boyle, T. Coraghessan--Movies, 2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 799 Folder 9 Boyle, T. Coraghessan--Movies, 2007-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 833 Folder 3 Boyle, T. Coraghessan--Movies, 2010-2011

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 471 Folder 7 Boyle, T. Coraghessan--To & From, 2000

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 576 Folder 5 Bradshaw, G. A. (Gay A.), 2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 814 Folder 4 Bradshaw, G. A. (Gay A.), 2008-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 876 Folder 7 Bradshaw, G. A. (Gay A.), 2010-2012

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 881 Folder 11 Bradshaw, G. A. (Gay A.), 2013-2016

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 324 Folder 4 Braman, Norman, 1980

Box 245 Folder 5 Branson, David, 1971-1972

Box 324 Folder 5 Brecher, Michael, 1969-1970

Box 891 Folder 10 Bregel, Sarah, 2018

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 741 Folder 7 Brenson, Michael, 1991-1994

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 776 Folder 4 Brenson, Michael, 1995

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 470 Folder 5 Brenson, Michael, 1996

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 424 Folder 4 Brenson, Michael, 1997-1999

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 458 Folder 15 Brenson, Michael, 2000-2002

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 459 Folder 9 Brenson, Michael, 2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 584 Folder 8 Brenson, Michael--Contracts, 1992-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 433 Folder 5 Breytenbach, Breyten, 2000-2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 584 Folder 5 Breytenbach, Breyten--Contracts, 1999-2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 594 Folder 1 Breytenbach, Breyten--Contracts--Lady One Contract (Harcourt), 2000

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 146 Folder 6-7 Bridges, Sue Ellen, 1977-1979 (2 Folders)

Box 564 Folder 12 Bridges, Sue Ellen, 1979-1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 5 Folder 6 Bright, John, 1960-1962

Box 596 Folder 9 Brink, André P. (André Philippus), 1991-1992

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 776 Folder 5-6 Brink, André P. (André Philippus), 1993-1995 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 470 Folder 6 Brink, André P. (André Philippus), 1996-1999 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 432 Folder 1 Brink, André P. (André Philippus), 2000-2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 459 Folder 10-11 Brink, André P. (André Philippus), 2002-2005 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 501 Folder 9 Brink, André P. (André Philippus), 2004

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 576 Folder 6 Brink, André P. (André Philippus), 2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 786 Folder 1 Brink, André P. (André Philippus), 2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 593 Folder 11 Brink, André P. (André Philippus)--Contracts--Books, 1993-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 589 Folder 1 Brink, André P. (André Philippus)--Contracts--Harcourt Contracts, 1995-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 593 Folder 12 Brink, André P. (André Philippus)--Contracts--Other 1994-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 521 Folder 10 Brink, André P. (André Philippus)--Movies, 2003-2004

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 833 Folder 4 Brink, André P. (André Philippus)--Movies, 2005-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 46 Folder 4 British Authors--General, 1961

Box 147 Folder 1-3 Broat, I. G., 1975-1979 (3 Folders)

Box 147 Folder 4 Broat, I. G., 1980-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 593 Folder 13 Broat, I.G.--Contracts, 2006-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 147 Folder 5-7 Brolin, Brent, 1976-1979 (3 Folders)

Box 365 Folder 1 Brolin, Brent, 1977-1980

Box 365 Folder 2 Brolin, Brent, 1977-1980s

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 390 Folder 3 Brolin, Brent, 1985-1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 605 Folder 20-21 Brolin, Brent, 1986-1989 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 596 Folder 10 Brolin, Brent, 1990-1992

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 433 Folder 8 Brolin, Brent, 1992-1999

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 784 Folder 14 Brolin, Brent, 2000-2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 891 Folder 11 Brolin, Brent, 2011-2012

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 584 Folder 10 Brolin, Brent--Contracts, 1997-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 731 Folder 3 Bromwich, David, 1990-1992

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 777 Folder 11 Bromwich, David, 1993-1995

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 470 Folder 10 Bromwich, David, 1996

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 433 Folder 7 Bromwich, David, 1997-1999

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 576 Folder 7 Bromwich, David, 2000-2005

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 893 Folder 2 Bromwich, David, 2006-2014

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 584 Folder 7 Bromwich, David--Contracts, 1990-2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 892 Folder 4 Brooks, Colette, 2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 593 Folder 14 Brooks, Colette--Contracts, 2001-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 892 Folder 5 Broun, Kenneth, 2009-2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 5 Folder 7 Brown, Doris, 1961-1962

Box 5 Folder 8 Brown, Fred, 1970-1972

Box 245 Folder 6 Brown, Fred, 1972-1974

Box 365 Folder 3 Brown, Fred, 1976-1979

Box 365 Folder 4 Brown, Fred, 1980-1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 753 Folder 5 Brown, Fred, 1985-1993

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 433 Folder 4 Brown, Fred, 1994-1995

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 503 Folder 9 Brown, Fred, 1996-2005

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 786 Folder 2-3 Brown, Fred, 2006-2009 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 891 Folder 12 Brown, Fred, 2010-2012

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 584 Folder 6 Brown, Frederick--Contracts, 1971-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 818 Folder 8 Brown, Karen, 2011-2012

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 866 Folder 11 Brown, Karen, 2013

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 882 Folder 9 Brown, Karen, 2014-2015

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 605 Folder 22 Brownstein, Rachel, 1976-1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 433 Folder 2 Brownstein, Rachel, 1984-1995

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 593 Folder 16 Brownstein, Rachel--Contracts, 1976-2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 596 Folder 11 Bruce-Briggs, B. (Barry), 1985-1989

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 596 Folder 12 Bruce-Briggs, B. (Barry), 1990-1995

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 245 Folder 7 Bruckberger, R.P., 1963-1965

Box 753 Folder 6 Brumberg, Joan Jacobs, 1989-1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 777 Folder 12 Brumberg, Joan Jacobs, 1992-1993

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 426 Folder 11 Brumberg, Joan Jacobs, 1994-1995

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 470 Folder 7 Brumberg, Joan Jacobs, 1996

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 423 Folder 8-10 Brumberg, Joan Jacobs, 1997-1999 (3 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 470 Folder 8 Brumberg, Joan Jacobs, 2000

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 470 Folder 9 Brumberg, Joan Jacobs, 2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 432 Folder 3-4 Brumberg, Joan Jacobs, 2002-2003 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 784 Folder 15 Brumberg, Joan Jacobs, 2006-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 813 Folder 13 Brumberg, Joan Jacobs, 2009-2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 584 Folder 9 Brumberg, Joan Jacobs--Contracts, 1983-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 605 Folder 23 Brunhoff, Laurent de, 1979-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 556 Folder 2 Brunhoff, Laurent de, 1986-1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 596 Folder 13 Brunhoff, Laurent de, 1988-1989

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 685 Folder 1 Brunhoff, Laurent de, 1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 753 Folder 17 Brunhoff, Laurent de, 1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 596 Folder 14 Brunhoff, Laurent de, 1992-1993

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 731 Folder 4 Brunhoff, Laurent de, 1994

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 777 Folder 18 Brunhoff, Laurent de, 1995-1996

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 446 Folder 6 Brunhoff, Laurent de, 1997-2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 786 Folder 14 Brunhoff, Laurent de, 2002-2005

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 592 Folder 1 Brunhoff, Laurent de--Random House and Mango--Statements, 1999-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 805 Folder 2 Buchan, John--Contracts, 1983-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 245 Folder 8 Buchan, Tom, 1968-1977

Box 324 Folder 6 Buckman, Peter--Deborah Rogers, 1971-1975

Box 753 Folder 7 Burke, Carolyn, 1990-1995

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 470 Folder 11 Burke, Carolyn, 1996

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 432 Folder 5 Burke, Carolyn, 1997-1999

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 503 Folder 11 Burke, Carolyn, 2000-2004

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 521 Folder 11 Burke, Carolyn, 2005

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 784 Folder 16 Burke, Carolyn, 2006-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 814 Folder 5-6 Burke, Carolyn, 2008-2010 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 891 Folder 13-14 Burke, Carolyn, 2011-2015 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 584 Folder 11 Burke, Carolyn--Contracts, 1990-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 245 Folder 9 Burke, Edmund, 1964-1974

Box 407 Folder 6 Burkholz, Herbert, 1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 390 Folder 4 Burkholz, Herbert, 1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 556 Folder 3 Burkholz, Herbert, 1986-1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 605 Folder 24-25 Burkholz, Herbert, 1988-1989 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 742 Folder 1 Burkholz, Herbert, 1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 742 Folder 2 Burkholz, Herbert, 1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 777 Folder 13 Burkholz, Herbert, 1992-1994

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 460 Folder 1 Burkholz, Herbert, 1993-1994

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 470 Folder 12 Burkholz, Herbert, 1995-1996

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 147 Folder 8 Burland, Brian, 1971-1972

Box 5 Folder 9-10 Burland, Brian, 1973-1974 (2 Folders)

Box 147 Folder 9 Burland, Brian, 1975-1976

Box 564 Folder 13 Burland, Brian, 1978-1988

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 47 Folder 6 Burns & Oates Ltd., 1961

Box 245 Folder 10 Burr, H.S., 1973-1978

Box 389 Folder 9 Busworth, David, 1982-1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 858 Folder 7 Butcher, Amy, 2013

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 866 Folder 12 Butcher, Amy, 2014

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 882 Folder 10 Butcher, Amy, 2015

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 753 Folder 8 Butler, Dr. Robert N., 1987-1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 742 Folder 3 Butler, Dr. Robert N., 1992-1994

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 433 Folder 1 Butler, Robert, 1995

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 503 Folder 12 Butler, Robert, 1997-2005

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 521 Folder 12 Butler, Robert, 2006-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 892 Folder 6 Butler, Robert, 2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 584 Folder 12 Butler, Robert and Myrna Lewis--Contracts, 1986-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 584 Folder 17 Butler, Susan--Contracts, 2006-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 365 Folder 5 Butterworth, Michael, 1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 390 Folder 5 Butterworth, Michael, 1984-1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 584 Folder 18 Butterworth, Michael--Contracts, 1986-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 777 Folder 14 Cahill, Michael, 1996-1997

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 148 Folder 1 Caine, Paul, 1978-1979

Box 245 Folder 11 Caldwell & Wood, 1972-1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 245 Folder 12 Calmette, Joseph, 1962-1975

Box 589 Folder 2 Camara, Dom Helder--Contracts, 1978-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 776 Folder 7 Campo, Rafael, 1994-1996

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 470 Folder 13-15 Campo, Rafael, 1997-2000 ( 3 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 470 Folder 16 Campo, Rafael, 2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 445 Folder 17 Campo, Rafael, 2002

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 786 Folder 4 Campo, Rafael, 2004-2005

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 892 Folder 7 Campo, Rafael, 2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 882 Folder 11 Campo, Rafael, 2007-2017

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 589 Folder 3 Campo, Rafael--Contracts, 1994-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 716 Folder 2 Canty, Kevin, 1992-1993

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 753 Folder 9 Canty, Kevin, 1994

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 776 Folder 8 Canty, Kevin, 1995

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 422 Folder 5 Canty, Kevin, 1996-1997

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 589 Folder 4 Canty, Kevin--Contracts--Foreign, 1988-2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 589 Folder 5 Canty, Kevin--Contracts--U.S. Books, 1996-2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 472 Folder 1 Caponegro, Mary, 1988-1995

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 433 Folder 6 Caponegro, Mary, 1996

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 892 Folder 8 Caponegro, Mary, 1997-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 589 Folder 6 Caponegro, Mary--Contracts, 1988-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 820 Folder 8 Caponegro, Mary--Contracts--Star Café Ebook Amendment, 2011-2012

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 148 Folder 2 Carlisle, Olga, 1977-1978

Box 391 Folder 1 Carlisle, Olga, 1979-1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 814 Folder 7 Caron, Leslie, 2007-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 432 Folder 6 Carr, Virginia Spencer, 2000

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 432 Folder 7 Carr, Virginia Spencer, 2001-2002

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 445 Folder 18 Carr, Virginia Spencer, 2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 786 Folder 5 Carr, Virginia Spencer, 2004

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 814 Folder 8 Carr, Virginia Spencer, 2005

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 589 Folder 8 Carr, Virginia Spencer--Contracts, 2000-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 245 Folder 13 Carswell, John, 1969-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 245 Folder 14 Caute, David, 1978-1980

Box 245 Folder 15 Caute, David, 1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 391 Folder 2 Caute, David, 1983-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 407 Folder 7 Caute, David, 1986-1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 556 Folder 7 Caute, David, 1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 556 Folder 4 Caute, David, 1988

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 610 Folder 9 Caute, David, 1989

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 557 Folder 1 Caute, David, 1990-1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 678 Folder 1 Caute, David--Publicity, 1988-1990

[Restricted Until 2029] (

Box 893 Folder 3 Chamberlain, Kathy, 2015-2017

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 6 Folder 1 Chambers, George, 1973

Box 610 Folder 10 Chanoff, David, 1986-1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 556 Folder 5-6 Chanoff, David, 1988-1989 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 753 Folder 10 Chanoff, David, 1990-1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 589 Folder 16 Chanoff, David--Contracts--Active Contracts, 1983, 2000-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 596 Folder 15 Chanoff, David and Kenneth Good, 1990-1995

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 605 Folder 26 Chanoff, David and Kenneth Good--Movies, 1989-1993

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 764 Folder 15 Chanoff, David and Kenneth Good--Publicity, 1990-1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 6 Folder 2 Chapin, Anthony, 1965-1973

Box 365 Folder 6 Chapin, Anthony, 1974, 1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 184 Folder 7 Chapman & Hall--Feakes, 1972-1974

Box 47 Folder 7-8 Chapman & Hall--Offerings, 1961-1962 (2 Folders)

Box 731 Folder 5 Chapman, Myriam, 1988-1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 391 Folder 3 Chanoff, David, 1982-1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 408 Folder 1 Chanoff, David, 1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 408 Folder 2 Chanoff, David, 1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 407 Folder 8 Chanoff, David, 1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 446 Folder 3 Chanoff, David, 1993-2000

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 245 Folder 16 Charyn, Jerome, 1980-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 365 Folder 7 Charyn, Jerome, 1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 391 Folder 4 Charyn, Jerome, 1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 557 Folder 2 Charyn, Jerome, 1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 669 Folder 1 Charyn, Jerome, 1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 365 Folder 8 Charyn, Jerome, 1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 669 Folder 2 Charyn, Jerome, 1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 564 Folder 14 Charyn, Jerome, 1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 669 Folder 3 Charyn, Jerome, 1988

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 668 Folder 7 Charyn, Jerome, 1989

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 753 Folder 11 Charyn, Jerome, 1990

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 776 Folder 9 Charyn, Jerome, 1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 742 Folder 4 Charyn, Jerome, 1992

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 776 Folder 10-11 Charyn, Jerome, 1993-1994

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 472 Folder 2-3 Charyn, Jerome, 1995-1996 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 423 Folder 11 Charyn, Jerome, 1997

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 472 Folder 4-5 Charyn, Jerome, 1998-2000 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 472 Folder 6 Charyn, Jerome, 2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 432 Folder 8 Charyn, Jerome, 2002

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 445 Folder 19 Charyn, Jerome, 2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 503 Folder 13 Charyn, Jerome, 2004

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 521 Folder 14 Charyn, Jerome, 2005

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 576 Folder 8 Charyn, Jerome, 2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 786 Folder 6 Charyn, Jerome, 2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 799 Folder 10 Charyn, Jerome, 2009-2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 818 Folder 9-10 Charyn, Jerome, 2011-2012 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 858 Folder 9 Charyn, Jerome, 2013

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 866 Folder 13 Charyn, Jerome, 2014

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 883 Folder 1 Charyn, Jerome, 2015

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 589 Folder 18 Charyn, Jerome--Contracts--Avalon, 1980-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 587 Folder 1 Charyn, Jerome--Contracts--Warner, St. Martens--Contracts, 1988-2005

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 589 Folder 19 Charyn, Jerome--Contracts--All Other Contracts, 1986-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 589 Folder 20 Charyn, Jerome--Contracts--Foreign--Japan, Greece, All Others, 1986-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 590 Folder 1 Charyn, Jerome--Contracts--Foreign--UK and Germrany, 1980-2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 590 Folder 2 Charyn, Jerome--Contracts--Foreign--Italy and Spain, 1983-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 588 Folder 1 Charyn, Jerome--Contracts--French Contracts--Casterman, 1984-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 591 Folder 3 Charyn, Jerome--Contracts--French Contracts--DeNoel, Glenat, 1990-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 591 Folder 4-5 Charyn, Jerome--Contracts--French Contracts--Gallimard, Seuil, Stock, 1981-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 587 Folder 2 Charyn, Jerome--Contracts--Other French, 1992-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 820 Folder 8 Charyn, Jerome--Contracts--Mysterious Press Contracts, 2011-2012

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 557 Folder 3 Charyn, Jerome--Foreign, 1990-1993

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 596 Folder 16 Charyn, Jerome--Foreign, 1994

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 472 Folder 7 Charyn, Jerome--Movies, 1992-1999

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 786 Folder 7-8 Charyn, Jerome--Movies, 2000-2008 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 814 Folder 9 Charyn, Jerome--Movies, 2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 148 Folder 3 Chase, James Hadley, 1977-1978

Box 473 Folder 1 Chase, James Hadley, 1979-1988

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 590 Folder 3 Chatwin, Bruce--Contracts--In Patagonia, Viceroy of Ouidah, 1981-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 589 Folder 21 Chatwin, Bruce--Contracts--On the Black Hill and Songlines and other, Audio, 1982-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 753 Folder 12 Chauncey, George, 1989-1993

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 472 Folder 8 Chauncey, George, 1994-1995

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 432 Folder 9 Chauncey, George, 1996-1997

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 445 Folder 20 Chauncey, George, 1998-2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 892 Folder 9 Chauncey, George, 2004-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 590 Folder 4 Chauncey, George--Contracts, 1989-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 893 Folder 4 Chazan, Robert, 2015-2017

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 365 Folder 9 Chemical Bank, 1984-1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 365 Folder 10 Ch'en, Li-Li. 1977-1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 245 Folder 17 Chesser, Eustice, 1971-1979

Box 6 Folder 3 Chester, Alfred, 1954-1956

Box 590 Folder 7 Chesterton, G. K. (Gilbert Keith)--Contracts--Ignatius--Collected Works Volumes 1-10A, 1993-2008

[Restricted Until 2049] (Ignatius is a publisher)

Box 590 Folder 8 Chesterton, G. K. (Gilbert Keith)--Contracts--Ignatius--Collected Works Volumes 13 and up, 1993-2009

[Restricted Until 2049] (Ignatius is a publisher)

Box 587 Folder 3 Chesterton, G. K. (Gilbert Keith)--Contracts--Ignatius--All other besides Collected Works, 1985-2008

[Restricted Until 2049] (Ignatius is a publisher)

Box 590 Folder 9 Chesterton, G. K. (Gilbert Keith)--Contracts--Other, 1984-1995

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 365 Folder 11 Chowder, Ken, 1986-1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 408 Folder 5 Chowder, Ken, 1986-1988

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 391 Folder 5 Chowder, Ken, 1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 596 Folder 17 Chowder, Ken, 1989-1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 472 Folder 9 Chowder, Ken, 1995-1998

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 882 Folder 12 Clare, Olivia, 2013-2014

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 882 Folder 13 Coe, Megan, 2014-2016 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 6 Folder 4-6 Cohen, Arthur, 1962-1969

Box 148 Folder 4 Cohen, Arthur, 1970-1971

Box 6 Folder 7-9 Cohen, Arthur, 1972-1974 (3 Folders)

Box 148 Folder 5 Cohen, Arthur, 1975-1979

Box 668 Folder 2 Cohen, Arthur, 1977-1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 148 Folder 6 Cohen, Arthur--Foreign Rights, 1966-1973

Box 6 Folder 10 Cohen, Arthur--Foreign Rights, 1973

Box 245 Folder 18 Cohen, Geulah, 1965-1968

Box 7 Folder 1-2 Cohen, Geulah, 1966-1969 (2 Folders)

Box 365 Folder 12 Cohen, Geulah, 1979-1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 716 Folder 3 Cohen, Robert, 1991-1992

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 723 Folder 6 Cohen, Robert, 1993

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 777 Folder 15 Cohen, Robert, 1994

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 431 Folder 20 Cohen, Robert, 1995

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 679 Folder 4 Cohen, Robert--Publicity, 1988-1996

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 504 Folder 2 Cohen-Solal, Annie, 2003-2004

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 576 Folder 9-10 Cohen-Solal, Annie, 2005-2006 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 786 Folder 9 Cohen-Solal, Annie, 2008-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 814 Folder 10 Cohen-Solal, Annie, 2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 818 Folder 11-12 Cohen-Solal, Annie, 2011-2012 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 858 Folder 8 Cohen-Solal, Annie, 2013

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 893 Folder 5 Cohen-Solal, Annie, 2014

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 245 Folder 19 Cole, Martin & Philip Cauthry, 1971-1973

Box 245 Folder 20 Coleman, John, 1970-1977

Box 324 Folder 7 Coleman, Libby, 1978-1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 391 Folder 6 Collier, Christopher, 1981-1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 324 Folder 8 Collier, James Lincoln, 1981-1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 366 Folder 1 Collier, James Lincoln, 1982-1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 685 Folder 2 Collier, James Lincoln, 1984-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 391 Folder 7 Collier, James Lincoln, 1986-1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 597 Folder 2 Collier, James Lincoln, 1988-1994

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 587 Folder 11 Collier, James Lincoln--Contracts--Foreign, 1982-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 587 Folder 12 Collier, James Lincoln--Contracts--All Except Foreign, 1981-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 7 Folder 3 Collier, Peter, 1971-1973

Box 366 Folder 2 Collier, Peter, 1974-1975

Box 557 Folder 6 Collier, Peter, 1976

Box 557 Folder 4 Collier, Peter, 1977

Box 658 Folder 1-2 Collier, Peter, 1978-1979 (2 Folders)

Box 557 Folder 5 Collier, Peter, 1980

Box 658 Folder 3 Collier, Peter, 1981-1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 596 Folder 18 Collier, Peter, 1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 597 Folder 1 Collier, Peter, 1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 658 Folder 4 Collier, Peter, 1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 668 Folder 3-5 Collier, Peter, 1986-1988 (3 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 753 Folder 13 Collier, Peter, 1989-1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 777 Folder 16-17 Collier, Peter, 1991-1993 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 472 Folder 10 Collier, Peter, 1994-1995

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 439 Folder 12 Collier, Peter, 1996-1998

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 893 Folder 6 Collier, Peter, 2006-2014

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 587 Folder 13 Collier, Peter--Contracts, 1972-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 588 Folder 6 Collier, Peter--Contracts, 1995-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 587 Folder 14 Collier, Peter and David Horowitz--Contracts--The Rockefellers--Foreign, 1972-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 587 Folder 15 Collier, Peter and David Horowitz--Contracts--All Other Foreign, 1985-2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 591 Folder 6 Collier, Peter and David Horowitz--Contracts--Audio, 1989-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 588 Folder 2 Collier, Peter and David Horowitz--Contracts--The Kennedys--Foreign, 1980-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 245 Folder 21 Collins, 1967-1971

Box 245 Folder 22 Collison, Edmund, 1979-1980

Box 148 Folder 7 Colman, Libby and Arthur, 1978

Box 408 Folder 3 Colville, John Rupert, Sir--Watt, A.P., 1984-1989

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 893 Folder 7 Condran, Peter, 2012-2013

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 245 Folder 23 Conn, Stewart, 1969-1970

Box 148 Folder 8 Connell, Maureen, 1979-1980

Box 391 Folder 8 Connell, Maureen, 1981-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 446 Folder 4 Connell, Maureen, 1986-2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 594 Folder 5 Contracts--Friedman, Frye, Gardner, Johnson, Deleuze, Chanoff--Foreign, 1985-2000

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 913 Folder 1 Contracts--Miscellaneous--A-D, 1998-2007

Restricted Until 2049

Box 913 Folder 2 Contracts--Miscellaneous--E-L, 1960, 1997-2010

Restricted Until 2049

Box 913 Folder 3 Contracts--Miscellaneous--M-Z, 1997-2009

Restricted Until 2049

Box 919 Folder 10 Contracts--Miscellaneous, 1982-2001

Restricted Until 2049

Includes items related to John Gardner, Robert Pinget, and Barbara Solomon.

Box 764 Folder 6 Contracts--Reversion Letters/Where are the Contracts?, 1990-1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 529 Folder 13-16 Contracts--Royalty Statements and Contracts--Miscellaneous, 1980s-2008 (4 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 530 Folder 1-12 Contracts--Royalty Statements and Contracts--Miscellaneous, 1980s-2008 (12 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 531 Folder 1-12 Contracts--Royalty Statements and Contracts--Miscellaneous, 1980s-2008 (12 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 871 Folder 16 Contracts--Royalty Statements and Contracts--Miscellaneous, 1978-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 870 Folder 13 Contracts--Royalty Statements and Contracts--Miscellaneous,1989-2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 874 Folder 9 Contracts--Royalty Statements and Contracts--Miscellaneous, 2001-2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 875 Folder 12 Contracts--Royalty Statements and Contracts--Miscellaneous, 2001-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Includes Andrei Makine, Barbara Seaman, and George Steiner.

Box 583 Folder 17 Contracts--Various Contracts--Boyle, Charyn, Kidder, Huntington, Caron, Coover, Mandanipour, and Brink, 1998-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 512 Folder 10 Contracts--Various Contracts, Agreements, and Statements, 2007-2008 (includes John Ashbery, Samuel Beckett, T.C. Boyle, and others)

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 586 Folder 16-18 Contracts--Various Contracts, 2007-2009 (3 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2049]

Includes Arendt, Ashbery, Alter, Aziz, Bly, Boyd, Bradshaw, Huxley, Shultz Todorov, and Weisel

Box 594 Folder 34-37 Contracts--Various Contracts and Statements, 2008-2009 (4 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 594 Folder 33 Contracts--Various Contracts and Statements--Arendt, Gallant, Dearborn, MacMillan, Elderfield, Reachy, Ashbery, 2008-2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 807 Folder 14 Contracts--Various, 2005-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

(Includes contracts, statements, and correspondence related to Jeffrey Kripal, Charles Johnson, Mavis Gallant, Anka Muhlstein, Eugenia Ginzburg, Ginzburg Jewgienii Solomonowny, Emil Fackenheim, Joseph Frank, John Gardner, Joseph Epstein, and Richard Selzer.)

Box 807 Folder 15 Contracts--Various, 2002-2011

[Restricted Until 2059]

(Includes contracts, statements, and correspondence related to Susan Minot, Ian McEwan, John Lukacs, Ali Hosseini, Anthony Gottlieb, David Horowitz, Jean-Philippe Toussaint, Lily Tuck's "Siam", Claude Levi-Strauss, Roy Morris, Jr., Stephanie Vaughn, George Steiner, Richard Selzer, Richard Selzer, Aldrous Huxley, Suzanne Gordon, Sarah Rayner, Elie Weisel, and Mavis Gallant)

Box 808 Folder 6 Contracts--Various, circa 2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

(Includes contracts, statements, and correspondence related to Claire Messud, John T. Scott and Robert Zaretsky, Gary Giddins, David Guterson, Elisabeth Young-Bruehl, Beppe Severgnini, Robert Nozick, George Steiner, Jean Echenoz, David Horowitz, Tracy Kidder, Shahriar Mandanipour, and Ian McEwan)

Box 808 Folder 7 Contracts--Various, circa 2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

(Includes contracts, statements, and correspondence related to Amit Majmudar, Kate Phillips, John Gardner, Timothy McCall, Isidore Gerald Broat, T.C. Boyle, G.K. Chesterton, Marcos Villatoro, Charles and Gregory Fried, Robert Fagles, David Guterson, Gitta Sereny Honeyman, Tracy Kidder, Deborah Dwork, Mary V. Dearborn, Theodore Draper, Lucy Dawidowicz, Stanley Elkin, Joseph Epstein, Roberta Allen, Yve-Alain Bois, James Billington, Robert Bly, Marc Broom, Christopher Bigsby, Gary Bower, Virginia Spencer Carr, Molly Maskell, Elie Weisel, Kate Wheeler, James L.W. West III, Robert Bly, Rachel Brownstein, Richard Selzer, George Steiner, and Dominique Schnapper.)

Box 808 Folder 8 Contracts--Various, circa 2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

(Includes contracts, statements, and correspondence related to Philip Schultz, Phyllis Rose, John Gardner, Louis Menand, James R. Mellow, Carole Maso, Amit Majmudar, Susan Minot, Richard Selzer, Deborah Dwork, Yve-Alain Bois, Elie Weisel, Charles Johnson, Henry Scott Stokes, Anne Applebaum, Roger Ekirch, John Elderfield, Adam Hochschild, Mavis Gallant, George Gilder, David Guterson, John Hooker, Molly Haskell, Susan Hertog, Virginia Spencer Carr, and T.Coraghessan Boyle.)

Box 808 Folder 9 Contracts--Various, circa 2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

(Includes contracts, statements, and correspondence related to Mary V. Dearborn, John Gardner, Eleanor Coppola, Tzvetan Todorov, Elie Weisel, Paul Weiner, Deborah Dwork, Richard Selzer, Stanley Elkin, T.C. Boyle, James H. Billington, John Lukacs, Michel Foucalt, Tracy Kidder, Marshall Berman, Joseph Epstein, Mavis Gallant, and Jerome Charyn.)

Box 889 Folder 8 Contracts--Various Contracts and Statements, 1992-2002

[Restricted Until 2049]

Includes John Jerome and Kitty Oakes.

Box 47 Folder 9 Contests, 1963

Box 588 Folder 4 Cook, Bob--Contracts, 2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 597 Folder 3 Cooper, Robert K., 1989-1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 657 Folder 1 Coover, Robert, 1969-1971

Box 7 Folder 4-6 Coover, Robert, 1972-1974 (3 Folders)

Box 8 Folder 1 Coover, Robert, 1975

Box 656 Folder 1 Coover, Robert, 1976

Box 644 Folder 2-4 Coover, Robert, 1978-1980 (3 Folders)

Box 645 Folder 1-3 Coover, Robert, 1981-1984 June

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 656 Folder 2-4 Coover, Robert, 1984-1986 (3 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 657 Folder 2 Coover, Robert, 1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 645 Folder 4 Coover, Robert, 1988

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 657 Folder 3 Coover, Robert, 1989

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 753 Folder 14 Coover, Robert, 1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 491 Folder 11 Coover, Robert, 1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 776 Folder 12 Coover, Robert, 1992

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 491 Folder 12 Coover, Robert, 1993

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 426 Folder 12 Coover, Robert, 1994

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 491 Folder 13 Coover, Robert, 1995

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 426 Folder 13 Coover, Robert, 1996

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 471 Folder 11 Coover, Robert, 1997

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 426 Folder 14 Coover, Robert, 1998

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 471 Folder 12-13 Coover, Robert, 1999-2000 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 491 Folder 14 Coover, Robert, 2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 446 Folder 1 Coover, Robert, 2002

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 460 Folder 2 Coover, Robert, 2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 504 Folder 3 Coover, Robert, 2004

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 521 Folder 15 Coover, Robert, 2005

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 578 Folder 13 Coover, Robert, 2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 786 Folder 10-11 Coover, Robert, 2008-2009 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 814 Folder 11 Coover, Robert, 2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 833 Folder 5 Coover, Robert, 2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 820 Folder 1 Coover, Robert, 2011

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 833 Folder 6 Coover, Robert, 2012

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 858 Folder 10 Coover, Robert, 2013

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 869 Folder 1 Coover, Robert, 2014

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 876 Folder 8 Coover, Robert, 2015

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 882 Folder 14 Coover, Robert, 2016

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 894 Folder 1 Coover, Robert, 2017

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 591 Folder 9 Coover, Robert--Contracts--Foreign--Spain, Portugal, Italy, 1982-2004

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 588 Folder 11-12 Coover, Robert--Contracts--Foreign--UK and Germany, 1969-2005 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 594 Folder 17 Coover, Robert--Contracts--Ghost Town (Addendum), 2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 588 Folder 10 Coover, Robert--Contracts--Grove Contracts, 1982-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 588 Folder 9 Coover, Robert--Contracts--John's Wife--Simon & Schuster, 1995-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 588 Folder 7 Coover, Robert--Contracts--Other U.S. Contracts, 1978-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 588 Folder 8 Coover, Robert--Contracts--Miscellaneous, 2006-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 753 Folder 15 Coover, Robert--Foreign, 1990-1995

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 366 Folder 3 Coover, Robert--Magazines, 1980-1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 655 Folder 3 Coover, Robert--Motion Picture, 1970

Box 446 Folder 2 Coover, Robert--Movies, 1990-2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 894 Folder 2 Coover, Robert--Movies, 2002-2017

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 7 Folder 7 Coover, Robert--Others, 1969

Box 558 Folder 6 Coover, Robert--Others, 1970

Box 655 Folder 5 Coover, Robert--Others, 1971

Box 7 Folder 8 Coover, Robert--Others, 1972

Box 644 Folder 1 Coover, Robert--Reviews, 1977

Box 7 Folder 9 Coover, Robert--To and From, 1968-1969

Box 655 Folder 4 Coover, Robert--To and From, 1970

Box 655 Folder 2 Coover, Robert--To and From, Pub., 1977

Box 245 Folder 24 Copeland, James, 1974-1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 148 Folder 9 Coppola, Eleanor, 1978-1979

Box 892 Folder 10 Coppola, Eleanor, 1981-2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 814 Folder 12 Coppola, Eleanor, 2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 582 Folder 4 Coppola, Eleanor--Contracts, 1978-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 611 Folder 8 Copyright Applications, 1989-1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 325 Folder 1 Copyright Information, 1978 August-1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 148 Folder 10 Cornfield, Robert, 1973-1979

Box 668 Folder 6 Cornfield, Robert, 1980-1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 582 Folder 5 Cornfield, Robert--Contracts, 1996-2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 780 Folder 13 Corngold, Stanley, 1992-1994

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 491 Folder 15 Corngold, Stanley, 1995-1996

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 432 Folder 10 Corngold, Stanley, 1997

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 460 Folder 3 Corngold, Stanley, 2003

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 799 Folder 11 Corngold, Stanley, 2005-2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 882 Folder 15 Corngold, Stanley, 2007-2011

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 893 Folder 8 Corngold, Stanley, 2012-2017

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 582 Folder 6 Corngold, Stanley--Contracts, 1992-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 582 Folder 7 Cosman, Carol--Contracts, 1996-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 245 Folder 25 Craig, Bill, 1971-1975

Box 582 Folder 8 Crain, Caleb--Contracts, 1996-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 245 Folder 26 Crawford, Sheilagh, 1972-1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 582 Folder 9 Cremins, Robert--Contracts, 1998-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 47 Folder 10 Cresset Press Ltd, 1962

Box 8 Folder 2 Crombie, John, 1963-1967

Box 245 Folder 27 Crombie, John, 1964

Box 245 Folder 28 Crossley, 1978-1979

Box 645 Folder 5 Crouch, Stanley, 1985-1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 558 Folder 1 Crouch, Stanley, 1988-1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 780 Folder 14 Crouch, Stanley, 1991-1993

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 776 Folder 13 Crouch, Stanley, 1994

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 491 Folder 16 Crouch, Stanley, 1995-1996

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 426 Folder 15 Crouch, Stanley, 1997-1999

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 833 Folder 7 Crouch, Stanley, 2004-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 893 Folder 9 Crounch, Stanley, 2009-2014

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 582 Folder 10 Crouch, Stanley-- Contracts, 1994-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 245 Folder 29 Crowther, J.G., 1970-1972

Box 148 Folder 11 Cruz, Victor, 1972

Box 8 Folder 3 Cruz, Victor, 1973-1975

Box 408 Folder 6 Cruz, Victor, 1980s

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 245 Folder 30 Cunliffe, Mitzi, 1975

Box 148 Folder 12 Cunliffe, Mitzi, 1975-1977

Box 325 Folder 2 Cunningham, Ann Marie, 1979-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 781 Folder 1 Cunningham, Ann Marie, circa 1984-1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 408 Folder 7 Cunningham, Anne-Marie, 1986-1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 582 Folder 12 Cunningham, Ann-Marie--Contracts, 1981-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 893 Folder 10 Curcio, Vincent, 2004-2014

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 582 Folder 13 Curcio, Vicnent--Contracts, 2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 245 Folder 31 Curvers, Alexis, 1957-1963

Box 582 Folder 15 Dahan-Dalmédico, Amy--Contract, 2001-2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 8 Folder 4 Dambekelis, Elsie, 1979-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 582 Folder 16 Damisch, Robert--Contracts, 1997-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 893 Folder 11 Daniels, Roger, 2012-2016

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 149 Folder 1 Danto, Arthur C., 1975-1977

Box 325 Folder 3 Danto, Arthur C., 1977-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 392 Folder 1 Danto, Arthur C., 1981-1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 610 Folder 3 Danto, Arthur C., 1988

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 646 Folder 1 Danto, Arthur C., 1989-1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 781 Folder 2-4 Danto, Arthur C., 1991-1994 (3 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 776 Folder 14 Danto, Arthur C., 1995

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 474 Folder 1 Danto, Arthur C., 1996

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 491 Folder 17 Danto, Arthur C., 1997

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 423 Folder 12 Danto, Arthur C., 1998-1999

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 492 Folder 1 Danto, Arthur C., 2000

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 474 Folder 2 Danto, Arthur C., 2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 460 Folder 4-5 Danto, Arthur C., 2002-2003 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 504 Folder 5 Danto, Arthur C., 2004

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 521 Folder 16 Danto, Arthur C., 2005

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 579 Folder 1 Danto, Arthur C., 2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 786 Folder 12-13 Danto, Arthur C., 2007-2008 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 814 Folder 13 Danto, Arthur C., 2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 833 Folder 8 Danto, Arthur C., 2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 893 Folder 12-13 Danto, Arthur C., 2011-2012 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 582 Folder 17 Danto, Arthur C.--Contracts, 2004-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 594 Folder 18 Danto, Arthur C.--Contracts--Agreement, 2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 582 Folder 18 Danto, Arthur C.--Contracts--Books--Columbia, 1986-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 582 Folder 19 Danto, Arthur C.--Contracts--Books--FS6, 1975-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 583 Folder 1 Danto, Arthur C.--Contracts--Books--Other, 1993-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 583 Folder 2 Danto, Arthur C.--Contracts--Foreign--French, 1972-2002

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 583 Folder 3 Danto, Arthur C.--Contracts--Foreign--German, 1984-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 583 Folder 4 Danto, Arthur C.--Contracts--Foreign--Other, 1988-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 753 Folder 16 Dardis, Tom, 1990-1993

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 426 Folder 16 Dardis, Tom, 1994-1996

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 474 Folder 3 Dardis, Tom, 1997-2000

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 583 Folder 5 Dardis, Tom--Contracts, 1990-2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 246 Folder 1 Darien, Georges, 1968-1969

Box 246 Folder 2 Darty, Peter, 1974-1975

Box 325 Folder 4 Dasheff, William and Laura Dearborn, 1978-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 246 Folder 3 David, Janina, 1969-1978

Box 893 Folder 14 David, Lydia, 2014

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 246 Folder 4 David-Neel, Alexandra, 1970-1972

Box 583 Folder 7 Davidson, A.K.--Contracts, 1997-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 246 Folder 5 Davies, David, 1975-1978

Box 583 Folder 6 Davies, John Booth--Contracts, 1977-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 719 Folder 7 Davis, Lydia, 1991-1995

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 583 Folder 8 Davis, Lydia--Contracts, 1991-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 679 Folder 5 Davis, Lydia--Publicity, 1994-1998

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 8 Folder 5 Dawidowicz, Lucy S., 1970-1974

Box 610 Folder 11 Dawidowicz, Lucy, 1975-1976

Box 646 Folder 2 Dawidowicz, Lucy, 1977-1978

Box 558 Folder 7 Dawidowicz, Lucy, 1979-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 606 Folder 1 Dawidowicz, Lucy, 1982-1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 646 Folder 3-4 Dawidowicz, Lucy, 1984-1989 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 474 Folder 4 Dawidowicz, Lucy, 1990

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 896 Folder 1 Dawidowicz, Lucy, 1991-2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 583 Folder 9 Dawidowicz, Lucy--Contracts--Holt, 1970-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 583 Folder 10 Dawidowicz, Lucy--Contracts--All Other, 1970-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 806 Folder 1 Dawidowicz, Lucy--Contracts--Old Statements and Dead Contracts, 1970-2004

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 474 Folder 5 Dearborn, Mary, 1994-1996

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 431 Folder 14 Dearborn, Mary, 1997-1999

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 431 Folder 15 Dearborn, Mary, 2000-2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 446 Folder 5 Dearborn, Mary, 2002-2005

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 815 Folder 1 Dearborn, Mary, 2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 876 Folder 9 Dearborn, Mary, 2008-2013

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 883 Folder 2 Dearborn, Mary, 2014-2016

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 592 Folder 2 Dearborn, Mary--Contracts, 1994-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 149 Folder 2 De Bono, Edward, 1970

Box 584 Folder 1 De Bono, Edward-- Contracts, 1971-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 584 Folder 2 De Borchgrave, Alexandra Villard--Contracts, 2000-2004

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 366 Folder 6 Delaney, Paul, 1980-1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 558 Folder 8 Delaney, Paul, 1985-1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 646 Folder 5 Delany, Paul, 1988-1992

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 780 Folder 15 Delaney, Paul, 1993-1995

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 474 Folder 6-7 Delaney, Paul, 1996-1997 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 431 Folder 13 Delaney, Paul, 1998-2000

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 522 Folder 1 Delaney, Paul, 2001-2005

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 894 Folder 3 Delaney, Paul, 2009-2014

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 858 Folder 11 Delaney, Paul, 2006-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 592 Folder 4 Delaney, Paul--Contracts, 1980-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 876 Folder 10 Delury, Jane, 2012-2013

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 894 Folder 4 Delury, Jane, 2014-2016

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 149 Folder 3 Denham, Alice, 1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 325 Folder 5 Denham, Alice, 1981-1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 246 Folder 6 Dennis, Mary, 1967-1970

Box 8 Folder 6-7 Dennison, George, 1972-1976 (2 Folders)

Box 149 Folder 4 Dennison, George, 1977-1979

Box 246 Folder 7 Dennison, George, 1979-1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 409 Folder 1 Dennison, George, 1982-1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 409 Folder 2 Dennison, George, 1984-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 246 Folder 8 Dennys, Rodney, 1976

Box 325 Folder 6 Derber, Charles--Boston Nuclear Study Group, 1983-1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 893 Folder 15 Desai, Ian, 2010-2016

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 798 Folder 17 Descombes, Vincent--Contracts, 1989-2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 366 Folder 7 Des Pres, Terrence, 1976-1977

Box 246 Folder 9 Des Pres, Terrence, 1979-1980

Box 409 Folder 3 Des Pres, Terrence, 1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 564 Folder 15 Des Pres, Terrence, 1982-1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 646 Folder 6 Des Pres, Terrence, 1984-1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 592 Folder 9 Des Pres, Terrence--Contracts, 2003-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 589 Folder 22 Des Pres, Terrence--Contracts--The Survivor, 2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 592 Folder 13 Dessaix, Robert--Contracts, 1996-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 796 Folder 5 Detienne, Marcel--Contracts, 1977-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 149 Folder 5 Diamond, Stanley, 1970-1971

Box 8 Folder 8 Diamond, Stanley, 1972-1974

Box 606 Folder 2 Dickinson, Peter, 1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 631 Folder 4 Dickinson, Peter, 1992-1993

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 630 Folder 3 Dickinson, Peter--Children's, 1985-1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 762 Folder 3 Dickinson, Peter--Children's, 1991-1993

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 798 Folder 3 Dickinson, Peter--Contracts--Adult 1989-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 797 Folder 1-4 Dickinson, Peter--Contracts--Children--A-Z, Miscellaneous, 1984-2009 (4 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 762 Folder 2 Dickinson, Peter--Correspondence with A.P. Watt, 1992-1993

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 764 Folder 9 Dickinson, Peter (AP Watt)--Reviews, circa 1986-1999

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 8 Folder 9 Dickstein, Morris, 1972-1976

Box 246 Folder 10 Dickstein, Morris, 1977-1978

Box 246 Folder 11 Dickstein, Morris, 1979-1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 606 Folder 3 Dickstein, Morris, 1983-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 558 Folder 2 Dickstein, Morris, 1986-1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 646 Folder 7 Dickstein, Morris, 1988-1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 432 Folder 11 Dickstein, Morris, 1992-1996

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 446 Folder 9 Dickstein, Morris, 1997-2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 815 Folder 2 Dickstein, Morris, 2004-2005

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 579 Folder 2 Dickstein, Morris, 2006-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 815 Folder 3 Dickstein, Morris, 2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 894 Folder 5 Dickstein, Morris, 2010-2012

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 798 Folder 4 Dickstein, Morris--Contracts, 1975-2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 409 Folder 4 Dillon, Eilís, 1985-1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 246 Folder 12 Dinsdale, Tim--Loch Ness Moster, 1961-1965

Box 246 Folder 13 Diringer, David, 1967-1968

Box 609 Folder 25 Dixon, Norman F.--Contracts, 1984-1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 431 Folder 12 Donoghue, Denis, 1993-1996

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 858 Folder 12 Donoghue, Denis, 1997-2005

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 894 Folder 7 Donoghue, Denis, 2006-2013

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 797 Folder 5 Donoghue, Denis-- Contracts, 1993-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 798 Folder 6 Doueihi, Milad--Contracts, 1995-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 781 Folder 6 Dower, John, 1990-1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 776 Folder 15 Dower, John, 1992-1994

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 474 Folder 8-9 Dower, John, 1995-2000 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 431 Folder 17 Dower, John, 2000-2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 446 Folder 7 Dower, John, 2002-2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 522 Folder 2 Dower, John, 2004-2005

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 786 Folder 15 Dower, John, 2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 867 Folder 1 Dower, John, 2009-2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 894 Folder 8 Dower, John, 2011-2014

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 808 Folder 1 Dower, John--Contracts, 1993-2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 798 Folder 15 Dower, John--Contracts--Foreign, 1991-2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 803 Folder 1 Dower, John--Contracts--U.S. Contracts, 1996-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 246 Folder 14 Drake, W. Raymond, 1974-1978

Box 647 Folder 1 Draper, Theodore, 1987-1989

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 781 Folder 7 Draper, Theodore, 1990-1994

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 798 Folder 8 Draper, Theodore--Contracts, 1987-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 409 Folder 5-6 Drawings--Beck, other (2 Folders)

Box 558 Folder 3 Drew, Bettina, 1985-1988

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 606 Folder 4 Drew, Bettina, 1989-1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 781 Folder 8 Drew, Bettina, 1989-1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 149 Folder 6 Drexler, Rosalyn, 1970

Box 149 Folder 7 Drexler, Rosalyn, 1971

Box 9 Folder 1-2 Drexler, Rosalyn, 1972-1973 (2 Folders)

Box 150 Folder 1-4 Drexler, Rosalyn, 1974-1979 (4 Folders)

Box 325 Folder 7 Drexler, Rosalyn, 1978-1980

Box 366 Folder 8 Drexler, Rosalyn, 1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 366 Folder 9 Drexler, Rosalyn, 1981-1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 392 Folder 2 Drexler, Rosalyn, 1983-1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 149 Folder 8 Drexler, Rosalyn--Movie Rights, 1971-1973

Box 9 Folder 3 Drexler, Rosalyn--Movie Rights, 1974-1976

Box 246 Folder 15 Dubchek, Alexander, 1969

Box 246 Folder 16 Duddington, Natalie, 1968-1976

Box 894 Folder 9 Dungy, Camille, 2016

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 150 Folder 5-6 Dunkell, Samuel, 1977-1978 (2 Folders)

Box 246 Folder 18 Dunkell, Samuel, 1978-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 392 Folder 3 Dunkell, Samuel, 1980-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 647 Folder 2 Dunkell, Samuel, 1986-1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 796 Folder 6 Dunkell, Samuel--Contracts, 1978-2005

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 367 Folder 1 Dunn, Robert, 1979-1980

Box 367 Folder 2 Dunn, Robert, 1980-1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 392 Folder 4 Dunn, Robert, 1983-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 796 Folder 4 Dunn, Robert--Contracts, 1979-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 564 Folder 16 Dunning, Jennifer, 1981-1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 750 Folder 7 Dwork, Deborah

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 597 Folder 4 Dwork, Deborah, 1992-1994

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 474 Folder 10-11 Dwork, Deborah, 1994-1998 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 424 Folder 5 Dwork, Deborah, 1999

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 431 Folder 16 Dwork, Deborah, 2000

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 460 Folder 6 Dwork, Deborah, 2003-2004

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 786 Folder 16-17 Dwork, Deborah, 2005-2006 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 787 Folder 1-2 Dwork, Deborah, 2007-2008 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 892 Folder 11 Dwork, Deborah, 2009-2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 796 Folder 16 Dwork, Deborah--Contracts, 1991-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 474 Folder 12 Dwork, Deborah and Robert Jan van Pelt, 1995-1996

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 150 Folder 7 Eady, Toby, 1971-1973

Box 876 Folder 11 Eagleton, Terry, 2011-2014

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 894 Folder 10 Eagleton, Terry, 2015-2017

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 796 Folder 7 Early, Steve--Contracts, 2007-2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 768 Folder 2 Editorial Inc., 1994

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 768 Folder 1 Editorial/Translator Services, 1996

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 150 Folder 8 Edson, Russell, 1973-1975

Box 367 Folder 4 Edson, Russell, 1976-1980

Box 246 Folder 19 Edwards, Harry, 1970-1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 796 Folder 15 Edwards, Martin--Contracts, 1987-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 150 Folder 9 Eisler, Riane Tennenhaus, 1978-1979

Box 367 Folder 5 Eistein, Kurt, 1984-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 522 Folder 3 Ekirch, A. Roger, 2001-2005

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 799 Folder 12-13 Ekirch, A. Roger, 2006-2010 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 876 Folder 12 Ekirch, A. Roger, 2011

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 895 Folder 1 Ekirch, A. Roger, 2012-2015

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 796 Folder 1 Ekirch, A. Roger--Contracts, 2001-2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 246 Folder 20 El Masry, Yousef, 1963-1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 751 Folder 1 Elderfield, John, 1989-1992

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 776 Folder 16 Elderfield, John, 1993

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 474 Folder 13 Elderfield, John, 1997-1999

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 460 Folder 7 Elderfield, John, 2000-2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 787 Folder 3-4 Elderfield, John, 2004-2008 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 800 Folder 1 Elderfield, John, 2009-2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 876 Folder 13 Elderfield, John, 2011

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 894 Folder 11 Elderfield, John, 2012-2016

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 796 Folder 2 Elderfield, John--Contracts, 1971-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 460 Folder 8 Elderfield, John--Correspondence, 2000-2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 833 Folder 9 Eldridge, Laura, 2008-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 731 Folder 7 Elie, Paul, 1995-1996

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 622 Folder 4-5 Elkann, Alain, 1986-1988

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 431 Folder 3-4 Elkann, Alain, 1990-1992 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 796 Folder 10 Elkann, Alain--Contracts, 1988-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 9 Folder 4 Elkin, Stanley, 1969

Box 620 Folder 1-2 Elkin, Stanley, 1970-1971 (2 Folders)

Box 9 Folder 5-7 Elkin, Stanley, 1972-1974 (3 Folders)

Box 620 Folder 3-5 Elkin, Stanley, 1975-1978 (3 Folders)

Box 621 Folder 1 Elkin, Stanley, 1979

Box 676 Folder 2 Elkin, Stanley, 1980

Box 621 Folder 2-6 Elkin, Stanley, 1981-1985 (4 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 622 Folder 1-3 Elkin, Stanley, 1986-1989 (3 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 472 Folder 11 Elkin, Stanley, 1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 474 Folder 14 Elkin, Stanley, 1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 472 Folder 12 Elkin, Stanley, 1992

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 474 Folder 15 Elkin, Stanley, 1993-1994

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 472 Folder 13-14 Elkin, Stanley, 1995-2000 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 431 Folder 5 Elkin, Stanley, 1999

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 892 Folder 12 Elkin, Stanley, 2002-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 895 Folder 2 Elkin, Stanley, 2009-2016

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 802 Folder 9 Elkin, Stanley--Contracts--Film, Theatre, 1967-1997

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 802 Folder 10 Elkin, Stanley--Contracts--Foreign, 1974-circa 2005

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 798 Folder 12 Elkin, Stanley--Contracts--U.S. Books, 1975-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 802 Folder 11 Elkin, Stanley--Contracts--Miscellaneous, 2005-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 246 Folder 21 Ellerbeck, Rosemary, 1978

Box 9 Folder 8 Elliott, George P., 1969

Box 246 Folder 22 Elliott, George P., 1970

Box 247 Folder 1 Elliott, George P., 1970-1971

Box 10 Folder 1-3 Elliott, George P., 1972-1974 (3 Folders)

Box 326 Folder 1-2 Elliott, George P., 1974-1977 (2 Folders)

Box 247 Folder 2 Elliott, George P., 1975

Box 367 Folder 6 Elliott, George P., 1978

Box 564 Folder 17 Elliott, George P., 1979

Box 409 Folder 7 Elliott, George P., 1979-1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 734 Folder 4 Ellis, Leonard, 1982-1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 326 Folder 5 English, Fanita, 1970-1976

Box 522 Folder 4 Englund, Steven, 2004

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 892 Folder 13 Englund, Steven, 2005-2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 805 Folder 5 Enright, D.J.--Contracts, 1974-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 326 Folder 6-7 Epstein, Joseph, 1971-1978 (2 Folders)

Box 10 Folder 4-6 Epstein, Joseph, 1972-1974 (3 Folders)

Box 326 Folder 8-9 Epstein, Joseph, 1976-1981 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 558 Folder 4 Epstein, Joseph, 1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 623 Folder 1 Epstein, Joseph, 1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 392 Folder 5 Epstein, Joseph, 1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 564 Folder 18 Epstein, Joseph, 1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 606 Folder 5 Epstein, Joseph, 1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 623 Folder 2 Epstein, Joseph, 1986-1988

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 676 Folder 3 Epstein, Joseph, 1989

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 751 Folder 2 Epstein, Joseph, 1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 727 Folder 1 Epstein, Joseph, 1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 781 Folder 9 Epstein, Joseph, 1992

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 474 Folder 16-17 Epstein, Joseph, 1993-1995 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 472 Folder 15 Epstein, Joseph, 1996-1997

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 426 Folder 17 Epstein, Joseph, 1998

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 446 Folder 10 Epstein, Joseph, 2000-2002

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 474 Folder 18 Epstein, Joseph, 2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 504 Folder 8 Epstein, Joseph, 2004-2005

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 787 Folder 5 Epstein, Joseph, 2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 800 Folder 2-3 Epstein, Joseph, 2008-2010 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 858 Folder 13 Epstein, Joseph, 2011

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 895 Folder 3 Epstein, Joseph, 2012-2014

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 594 Folder 19 Epstein, Joseph--Contracts--Ebook Amendments, 2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 802 Folder 12 Epstein, Joseph--Contracts--Film, 1992-2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 805 Folder 6 Epstein, Joseph--Contracts--The Golden Boys and Paula, Dinky and the Shark (Warner Bros.), 1992

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 802 Folder 13 Epstein, Joseph--Contracts--Houghton Mifflin Contracts, 1992-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 807 Folder 3 Epstein, Joseph--Contracts--Magazine, Second Serial, and Foreign Serial, 1972-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 796 Folder 13 Epstein, Joseph--Contracts--Norton Contracts, 1986-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 796 Folder 12 Epstein, Joseph--Contracts--Other Publishers, 1987-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 807 Folder 4 Epstein, Joseph--Contracts--Permissions, 1977-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 781 Folder 10 Epstein, Robert, 1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 805 Folder 7 Epstein, Robert--Contracts, 1991-2002

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 46 Folder 9 Ernest Benn Limited, 1961-1962

Box 392 Folder 8 Ettinger, Elzbieta, 1974-1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 150 Folder 10 Ettinger, Elzbieta, 1976-1979

Box 392 Folder 9 Ettinger, Elzbieta, 1984-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 559 Folder 1 Ettinger, Elzbieta, 1986-1988

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 558 Folder 5 Ettinger, Elzbieta, 1989

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 751 Folder 3 Ettinger, Elzbieta, 1990-1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 727 Folder 2 Ettinger, Elzbieta, 1992

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 776 Folder 17 Ettinger, Elzbieta, 1993

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 781 Folder 11 Ettinger, Elzbieta, 1994

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 475 Folder 1-2 Ettinger, Elzbieta, 1995-1997 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 830 Folder 1 Ettinger, Elzbieta--Contracts--Foreign, 1983-2004

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 802 Folder 14 Ettinger, Elzbieta--Contracts--U.S., 1977-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 833 Folder 10-11 Ewan, Chris, 2006-2010 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 876 Folder 14 Ewan, Chris, 2011-2013

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 895 Folder 4 Ewan, Chris, 2014-2016

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 594 Folder 4 Ewan, Chris--Contracts, 2007-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 10 Folder 7-8 Fackenheim, Emil L., 1966-1967 (2 Folders)

Box 11 Folder 1-2 Fackenheim, Emil L., 1968-1969 (2 Folders)

Box 11 Folder 3-4 Fackenheim, Emil L., 1972-1976 (2 Folders)

Box 151 Folder 1 Fackenheim, Emil L., 1970-1971

Box 151 Folder 2-3 Fackenheim, Emil L., 1977-1979 (2 Folders)

Box 327 Folder 1 Fackenheim, Emil L., 1978-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 393 Folder 1 Fackenheim, Emil L., 1981-1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 393 Folder 2 Fackenheim, Emil L., 1983-1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 565 Folder 1 Fackenheim, Emil L., 1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 559 Folder 2-4 Fackenheim, Emil L., 1986-1989 (3 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 753 Folder 18 Fackenheim, Emil L., 1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 729 Folder 1 Fackenheim, Emil L., 1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 781 Folder 12 Fackenheim, Emil L., 1992-1993

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 475 Folder 11 Fackenheim, Emil L., 1994-1995

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 428 Folder 1 Fackenheim, Emil L., 1996-1998

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 815 Folder 4 Fackenheim, Emil L., 1999-2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 807 Folder 5 Fackenheim, Emil L.--Contracts--Current U.S., 1990-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 803 Folder 2 Fackenheim, Emil L.--Contracts--Foreign, 1991-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 11 Folder 5-6 Fagles, Robert, 1971-1975 (2 Folders)

Box 367 Folder 8 Fagles, Robert, 1976

Box 367 Folder 9 Fagles, Robert, 1977-1979

Box 597 Folder 5-13 Fagles, Robert, 1980-1989 (8 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 729 Folder 2 Fagles, Robert, 1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 597 Folder 14 Fagles, Robert, 1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 729 Folder 3 Fagles, Robert, 1992

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 780 Folder 16 Fagles, Robert, 1993

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 475 Folder 3-9 Fagles, Robert, 1994-2000 (7 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 475 Folder 10 Fagles, Robert, 2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 522 Folder 5 Fagles, Robert, 2002

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 446 Folder 11 Fagles, Robert, 2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 504 Folder 9 Fagles, Robert, 2004

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 522 Folder 6 Fagles, Robert, 2005

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 787 Folder 6-7 Fagles, Robert, 2006-2007 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 833 Folder 12 Fagles, Robert, 2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 895 Folder 5 Fagles, Robert, 2011-2012

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 803 Folder 3 Fagles, Robert--Contracts--Aeneid, 2000-2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 803 Folder 4 Fagles, Robert--Contracts--Iliad, 1982-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 803 Folder 5 Fagles, Robert--Contracts--Iliad--Audio (UK & US), 1992-2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 804 Folder 1-2 Fagles, Robert--Contracts--Odyssey, 1987-2000 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 804 Folder 3 Fagles, Robert--Contracts--Oresteia, 1971-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 803 Folder 6 Fagles, Robert--Contracts--Oresteia--Permission Approvals (UK), 1976-2000

[Restricted Until 2039] (Includes UK Contract)

Box 804 Folder 6 Fagles, Robert--Contracts--Other U.S. Books, 1961-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 804 Folder 7 Fagles, Robert--Contracts--Other, 1961-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 804 Folder 4 Fagles, Robert--Contracts--Performance Rights, 1978-2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 804 Folder 5 Fagles, Robert--Contracts--Three Theban Plays, 1976-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 476 Folder 1 Faison, Seth, 2000

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 327 Folder 2 Falk, Candace, 1977-1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 393 Folder 3 Falk, Candace, 1983-1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 597 Folder 15 Falk, Candace, 1987-1988

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 431 Folder 9 Falk, Candace, 1989-1997

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 876 Folder 15 Falk, Candace, 1998-2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 895 Folder 6 Falk, Candance, 2011-2016

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 803 Folder 7 Falk, Candace--Contracts, 1978-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 410 Folder 1 Falk, Candace--Reviews, 1984-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 410 Folder 2 Falk, Candace--Reviews, 1985-1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 151 Folder 4-6 Farber, Joseph C., 1974-1979 (3 Folders)

Box 327 Folder 3 Farber, Thomas, 1970-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 247 Folder 3 Farber, Thomas, 1971-1978

Box 247 Folder 4 Farga, Franz, 1968

Box 410 Folder 3 Feakes

Box 247 Folder 5 Feakes, G.J., 1961-1974

Box 11 Folder 7 Feakes, G.J., 1965-1966, 1974

Box 247 Folder 6 Featherstone, Donald, 1968-1974

Box 247 Folder 7 Fellowes, Catherine, 1973-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 152 Folder 1 Fenisong, Ruth, 1969-1976

Box 327 Folder 4 Fenisong, Ruth, 1970-1980

Box 393 Folder 4 Ferorelli and Starr, 1981-1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 247 Folder 8 Feversham, Lord, 1970-1971

Box 184 Folder 8 Fiction Collective, 1978

Box 247 Folder 9 Field, P.J.C., 1970

Box 247 Folder 10 Finch & Putnam, 1977

Box 773 Folder 8 Finstad, Susan, 1994-1999

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 152 Folder 3 First, Elsa, 1974-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 476 Folder 2 First, Elsa, 1982-1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 152 Folder 2 Fisher, Elizabeth, 1971-1972

Box 247 Folder 11 Fitzgerald, C.P., 1972

Box 152 Folder 4-5 Flam, Jack D., 1974-1978 (2 Folders)

Box 152 Folder 6 Flam, Jack D., 1979-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 411 Folder 2 Flam, Jack D., 1982-1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 606 Folder 8-9 Flam, Jack D., 1984-1986 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 565 Folder 2 Flam, Jack D., 1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 559 Folder 5-6 Flam, Jack D., 1988-1989 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 727 Folder 3 Flam, Jack D., 1992-1993

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 776 Folder 18 Flam, Jack D., 1994

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 764 Folder 11 Flam, Jack D., 1995-1996

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 428 Folder 2 Flam, Jack D., 1997-1998

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 476 Folder 3 Flam, Jack D., 2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 446 Folder 12 Flam, Jack D., 2002

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 787 Folder 8-10 Flam, Jack D., 2004-2006 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 815 Folder 5 Flam, Jack D., 2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 895 Folder 7 Flam, Jack D., 2008-2012

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 827 Folder 4 Flam, Jack D.--Contracts, 1993-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 804 Folder 8-9 Flam, Jack D.--Contracts--Books, 1979-2010 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 247 Folder 12 Flamant, Maurice and Jeanne Singer-Kerel, 1970-1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 11 Folder 8 Fleischmann, Glen, 1960-1963

Box 12 Folder 1-3 Flender, Harold, 1961-1969 (3 Folders)

Box 12 Folder 4 Flender, Harold, 1970-1972

Box 152 Folder 7 Flender, Harold, 1973-1979

Box 12 Folder 5 Flender, Harold--Foreign Rights, 1972

Box 247 Folder 13 Fletcher, Geoffrey, 1970-1971

Box 597 Folder 18-19 Fonda, Jane, 1987-1989 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 729 Folder 4 Fonda, Jane, 1990-1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 565 Folder 4 Fonda, Jane--Correspondence with Author, Simon & Schuster, etc., 1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 597 Folder 17 Fonda, Jane--Correspondence with Author, Simon & Schuster, etc., 1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 410 Folder 6 Fonda, Jane--Foreign and Entourage, 1985-1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 411 Folder 1 Fonda, Jane--Foreign and Entourage, 1987-1989

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 433 Folder 10 Fonda, Jane--Foreign and Entourage, 1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 368 Folder 3 Fonda, Jane and Femmy DeLyser, 1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 410 Folder 4 Fonda, Jane and Femmy DeLyser--Correspondence with Authors and Simon & Schuster, 1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 597 Folder 16 Fonda, Jane and Femmy DeLyser--Correspondence with Authors and Simon and Schuster, 1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 410 Folder 5 Fonda, Jane and Femmy DeLyser--Correspondence with Authors and Simon & Schuster, 1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 368 Folder 2 Fonda, Jane and Femmy DeLyser--Foreign Rights--Delsyer Correspondence with Bass, and Foreign Contracts Pending: Fonda, 1981-1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 565 Folder 3 Fonda, Jane and Femmy DeLyser--Foreign Rights, 1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 606 Folder 7 Fonda, Jane and Femmy DeLyser--Foreign Rights, 1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 423 Folder 13 Fone, Byrne, 1995

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 476 Folder 4 Fone, Byrne, 1996-1997

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 432 Folder 12 Fone, Byrne, 1997-1999

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 446 Folder 8 Fone, Byrne, 2000-2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 896 Folder 2 Fone, Byrne, 2004-2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 824 Folder 3 Fone, Byrne--Contracts, 1995-2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 368 Folder 1 Foreign Sales, 1982-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 807 Folder 6-7 Forsyth, Frederick--Contracts--Viking Contracts, Statements, 1971-2001 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 776 Folder 19 Frank, Joseph, 1988-1994

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 433 Folder 11 Frank, Joseph, 1995

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 896 Folder 3 Frank, Joseph, 2004-2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 824 Folder 5 Frank, Joseph--Contracts, 1974-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 440 Folder 16 Frank, Joseph--Publicity, 1977-2002

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 327 Folder 5 Frankel, William, 1977-1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 247 Folder 14 Franklin, Olga, 1969-1970

Box 247 Folder 15 Franklyn, J. & V. Keeble, 1969-1979

Box 247 Folder 16 Fraser, Frances, 1973

Box 609 Folder 3 Frederick Muller, Ltd.--Harrison, Michael, 1973-1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 12 Folder 6 Freedman, Ralph, 1971-1976

Box 152 Folder 8 Freedman, Ralph, 1977-1978

Box 327 Folder 6 Freedman, Ralph, 1978-1980

Box 411 Folder 3 Freedman, Ralph, 1981-1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 393 Folder 5 Freedman, Ralph, 1983-1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 565 Folder 5 Freedman, Ralph, 1985-1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 780 Folder 17 Freedman, Ralph, 1988-1994

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 476 Folder 5 Freedman, Ralph, 1994-1996

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 827 Folder 5 Freedman, Ralph--Contracts, 1977-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 247 Folder 17 Frewer, Glyn, 1976-1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 522 Folder 7 Fried, Charles, 2001-2004

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 594 Folder 20 Fried, Gregory--Contracts--Because It Is Wrong (Contract), 2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 895 Folder 8 Friedlander, Judith, 2015-2016

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 606 Folder 6 Friedländer, Saul, 1979-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 598 Folder 3 Friedländer, Saul, 1984-1988

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 729 Folder 5-6 Friedländer, Saul, 1989-1992 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 773 Folder 9 Friedländer, Saul, 1993-1995

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 476 Folder 6 Friedländer, Saul, 1996

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 428 Folder 3 Friedländer, Saul, 1997

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 446 Folder 13 Friedländer, Saul, 1999-2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 504 Folder 13 Friedländer, Saul, 2004-2005

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 579 Folder 3 Friedländer, Saul, 2006-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 787 Folder 11-12 Friedländer, Saul, 2007-2008 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 815 Folder 6 Friedländer, Saul, 2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 858 Folder 14 Friedländer, Saul, 2010-2011

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 854 Folder 1 Friedländer, Saul--Contracts--Foreign, 1993-2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 594 Folder 21 Friedländer, Saul--Contracts--History and Psychoanalysis, 1976-1988

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 827 Folder 6 Friedländer, Saul--Contracts--U.S. Contracts, 1978-2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 883 Folder 3 Friedländer, Saul, 2012-2014

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 12 Folder 7-8 Friedman, Maurice, 1965-1967 (2 Folders)

Box 13 Folder 1 Friedman, Maurice, 1968-1969

Box 152 Folder 9 Friedman, Maurice, 1970-1971

Box 13 Folder 2-3 Friedman, Maurice, 1972-1978 (2 Folders)

Box 327 Folder 7 Friedman, Maurice, 1979-1980

Box 368 Folder 4 Friedman, Maurice, 1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 368 Folder 5 Friedman, Maurice, 1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 393 Folder 7 Friedman, Maurice, 1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 393 Folder 8 Friedman, Maurice, 1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 411 Folder 4 Friedman, Maurice, 1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 565 Folder 6 Friedman, Maurice, 1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 729 Folder 7 Friedman, Maurice, 1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 804 Folder 10 Friedman, Maurice--Contracts, 1984-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 805 Folder 8 Friedman, Maurice--Contracts--Dead, 1971-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 12 Folder 9 Friedman, Maurice--Magazine Offerings, 1964-1966

Box 12 Folder 10 Friedman, Maurice--Magazine Sales, 1965-1966

Box 13 Folder 4 Friedman, Paul, 1961-1963

Box 598 Folder 1 Friedman, Robert, 1986-1988

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 598 Folder 2 Friedman, Robert, 1989-1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 13 Folder 5 Friedman, Sanford, 1973-1979

Box 247 Folder 18 Fry, Pete, 1969-1970

Box 247 Folder 19 Fuller, John, 1964

Box 152 Folder 10 Furst, Jeffrey, 1973-1980

Box 854 Folder 3 Furst, Jeffrey--Contracts, 1969-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 878 Folder 1 Gabel, Aja, 2011-2013

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 247 Folder 20 Gaby, Dan, 1963-1965

Box 13 Folder 6-7 Gaby, Dan, 1963-1970 (2 Folders)

Box 369 Folder 1 Gaines, James, 1976-1980

Box 606 Folder 10 Gaines, James, 1983-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 565 Folder 7 Gaines, James, 1986-1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 433 Folder 12 Gallagher, Dorothy, 1998-2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 787 Folder 13 Gallagher, Dorothy, 2006-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 895 Folder 9 Gallagher, Dorothy, 2009-2015

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 824 Folder 6 Gallagher, Dorothy--Contracts, 1998-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 14 Folder 1 Gallant, Mavis, 1969-1970

Box 676 Folder 4 Gallant, Mavis, 1970

Box 679 Folder 2 Gallant, Mavis, 1971

Box 14 Folder 2-4 Gallant, Mavis, 1972-1974 (3 Folders)

Box 676 Folder 5-7 Gallant, Mavis, 1975-1977 (3 Folders)

Box 677 Folder 1 Gallant, Mavis, 1979

Box 661 Folder 4 Gallant, Mavis, 1980

Box 492 Folder 2 Gallant, Mavis, 1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 661 Folder 5 Gallant, Mavis, 1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 677 Folder 2-3 Gallant, Mavis, 1983-1984 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 722 Folder 1 Gallant, Mavis, 1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 677 Folder 4 Gallant, Mavis, 1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 679 Folder 3 Gallant, Mavis, 1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 722 Folder 2 Gallant, Mavis, 1988

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 422 Folder 11 Gallant, Mavis, 1989-1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 476 Folder 7 Gallant, Mavis, 1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 476 Folder 8-12 Gallant, Mavis, 1991-1995 (5 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 492 Folder 3 Gallant, Mavis, 1996

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 423 Folder 14 Gallant, Mavis, 1997

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 476 Folder 13-14 Gallant, Mavis, 1998-1999 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 476 Folder 15 Gallant, Mavis, 2000-2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 451 Folder 16-17 Gallant, Mavis, 2002-2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 504 Folder 14 Gallant, Mavis, 2004-2005

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 800 Folder 4-5 Gallant, Mavis, 2006-2008 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 815 Folder 7 Gallant, Mavis, 2009-2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 819 Folder 1-2 Gallant, Mavis, 2011-2012 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 859 Folder 1 Gallant, Mavis, 2013

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 883 Folder 4 Gallant, Mavis, 2014

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 861 Folder 3 Gallant, Mavis--Contracts--Canadian Contracts, 1979-2004

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 854 Folder 5 Gallant, Mavis--Contracts--Foreign--French, 1987-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 854 Folder 6 Gallant, Mavis--Contracts--Foreign--Other, 1978-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 820 Folder 8 Gallant, Mavis--Contracts--Kiernan Agreement and Acroos the Bridge Revision, 2011-2012

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 824 Folder 7 Gallant, Mavis--Contracts--McClelland & Stoddard, 1973-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 803 Folder 9 Gallant, Mavis--Contracts--Reverted, 1979-2002

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 861 Folder 4 Gallant, Mavis--Contracts--Theatrical and Movie, 1972-2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 803 Folder 10 Gallant, Mavis--Contracts--U.S. Books, 1981-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 827 Folder 8 Gallant, Mavis--Contracts--Miscellaneous, 1987-2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 803 Folder 8 Gallant, Mavis--Contracts/Permissions, 1977-2011

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 565 Folder 8 Gallant, Mavis--Permissions, 1981-1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 369 Folder 2 Gallant, Mavis--Permissions, 1982-1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 575 Folder 10 Gallant, Mavis--Permissions, 1985-1989

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 247 Folder 21 Gallet, Michel, 1971-1972

Box 47 Folder 13 Galley Press Ltd, 1962-1963

Box 14 Folder 5 Gamez, Tana de, 1966-1969

Box 906 Folder 1 Gao, Xingjian, 2004-2011

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 451 Folder 18 Gao, Xingjian--Australian Literary Management, 2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 861 Folder 9 Gao, Xingjian--Contracts, 2000-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 830 Folder 16 Gao, Xingjian--Contracts--Case for Literature Contract, 2008-2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 719 Folder 6 Garber, Eugene, 1992

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 153 Folder 1 Gardner, John, 1970

Box 153 Folder 2 Gardner, John, 1971

Box 14 Folder 6-8 Gardner, John, 1972-1974 (3 Folders)

Box 153 Folder 3-5 Gardner, John, 1975-1977 (3 Folders)

Box 460 Folder 9 Gardner, John, 1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 781 Folder 13 Gardner, John, 1994

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 492 Folder 5-6 Gardner, John, 1995-1997 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 476 Folder 16 Gardner, John, 1998

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 477 Folder 1 Gardner, John, 1999

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 493 Folder 1 Gardner, John, 1999

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 788 Folder 1 Gardner, John, 1999-2004

[Restricted Until 2049]

Folder's original label is missing.

Box 477 Folder 2 Gardner, John, 2001-2002

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 787 Folder 15 Gardner, John, 2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 815 Folder 8 Gardner, John, 2007-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 833 Folder 13 Gardner, John, 2009-2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 923 Gardner, John--Audio Recording--Excerpts from "Frankenstein", circa 1979, 1 open reel audiotapes (1/4"); 1 7" reel

Music by Joseph Barber, Libretto by John Gardner. Excerpts are from various recordings, including students and the Lexington (Kentucky) Philharmonic.

Box 824 Folder 8 Gardner, John--Contracts--Audio, 1975-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 861 Folder 5 Gardner, John--Contracts--Basic, Counterpoint, 1977-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 824 Folder 9 Gardner, John--Contracts--Film/Theater/Opera/Radio, 1990-2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 830 Folder 4 Gardner, John--Contracts--Foreign Rights--Nickel Mountain, Octobre Light, 1972-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 824 Folder 10 Gardner, John--Contracts--Foreign Rights--Sunlight Dialogues, The King's Indian, Grendel, 1973-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 855 Folder 9 Gardner, John--Contracts--Foreign Rights (Other), 1978-2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 595 Folder 1-2 Gardner, John--Contracts--French, 1971-2008 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 854 Folder 7 Gardner, John--Contracts--Knopf Adult Contracts Only, including Dead Knopf Contracts, 1970-2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 861 Folder 6 Gardner, John--Contracts--Southern Illinois University Press: Poetry of Chaucer, Wakefield Cycle, Christian Poetry…, 1975-2005

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 822 Folder 1 Gardner, John--Contracts--Southern Illinois University Press--Other, 1969-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 827 Folder 9 Gardner, John--Contracts--Other Publishers, 1983-2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 820 Folder 9 Gardner, John--Contracts--Miscellaneous, 2007-2012

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 422 Folder 7 Gardner, John--Correspondence and Pending, 1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 781 Folder 14 Gardner, John--Correspondence with Estate, 1987-1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 422 Folder 6 Gardner, John--Correspondence, 1980-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 432 Folder 13 Gardner, John--Correspondence, 2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 154 Folder 1-2 Gardner, John--Correspondence, Reviews, and Pending, 1978-1979 (2 Folders)

Box 678 Folder 2-3 Gardner, John--Correspondence--Estate, 1983-1984 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 781 Folder 15 Gardner, John--Estate, 1991-1996

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 598 Folder 4 Gardner, John--Foreign, 1986-1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 781 Folder 16 Gardner, John--Foreign, 1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 153 Folder 6 Gardner, John--Foreign Rights, 1970-1973

Box 15 Folder 1 Gardner, John--Foreign Rights, 1974-1975

Box 154 Folder 3-4 Gardner, John--Foreign Rights, 1976-1979 (2 Folders)

Box 327 Folder 9 Gardner, John--Foreign Rights, 1977-1980

Box 369 Folder 4 Gardner, John--Foreign Rights, 1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 369 Folder 5 Gardner, John--Foreign Rights, 1983-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 154 Folder 5-6 Gardner, John--Hardcover Books and Offerings, 1978-1979 (2 Folders)

Box 422 Folder 8-9 Gardner, John--Hardcover Publishers, 1980-1982 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 923 Gardner, John--Shirley Kaplan, circa 1980

This unlabeled file was found in a drawer with John Gardner's manuscripts. Includes a letter about her work with a list of her procutions, clippings, flyers, and two drawings.

Box 422 Folder 10 Gardner, John--Magazine and Serial Rights, 1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Gardner, John--Manuscripts and Proofs

Box 923 The Age of Reason (Anne Bonny and Mary Read), 1979 June, 24pp.

File labelled as "Gardner Screenplay".

Box 923 Amram, undated, 29pp.

Box 923 The Baron's Wood, undated, 13pp.

Box 923 Death and the Maiden: A Tragedy in Three Acts, 1979, 77pp.

Box 923 Death and the Maiden: A Tragedy in Three Acts, circa 1979, 77pp.

Box 923 Helen at Home, undated, 82pp and a page about the play

Missing title page

Box 923 How We Made the Wheel: A Musical Comedy, undated, 80pp.

Box 923 The Latest Word from Delphi, undated


Box 923 The Latest Word from Delphi (A Clown Play) and Three Radio Plays, undated, 2 folders

Includes The Latest Word from Delphi (A Clown Play) (119pp.); The Waterhouse: A Play for Radio; The Temptation Game: A Play for Radio (47pp.); and The Angel: A Play for Radio (35pp.).

Box 923 The Music Lover, undated, 10pp.

Box 923 The Observed: A Scenario, undated, 113pp.

Box 923 The Prince, the Dwarf the Blacksmith's Daughter, 1980, undated, 45pp.

Includes manuscript, poster, press releases, and reviews.

Box 923 Smugglers of Lost Souls Rock, undated, 2 folders; 274pp.

Box 923 The Ruptured Goat: Poems / The Stranger in the Grove: Poems, undated, 2 folders

Two manuscripts, plus some additional poems and pages. These were filed together in one envelope.

Box 923 Stillness, undated


Box 358 Folder 1-2 Stillness and Shadows -- Original setting copy & Master setting copy, 1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 359 Folder 1-2 Stillness and Shadows -- Page Proofs (blue) & Page Proofs (black), 1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 781 Folder 18 Gardner, John--Miscellaneous, 1991-1993

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 768 Folder 9 Gardner, John--Movie and Theatrical, 1989-1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 154 Folder 7 Gardner, John--Movie Rights, 1973-1976

Box 429 Folder 5 Gardner, John--Movie/Theater, 1999

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 460 Folder 10 Gardner, John--Movie/Theater, 2000-2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 477 Folder 3-4 Gardner, John--Movie/Theatre, 1991-1998 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 154 Folder 8-9 Gardner, John--Movies, 1977-1979 (2 Folders)

Box 369 Folder 3 Gardner, John--Movies, Radio, etc., 1980-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 598 Folder 5 Gardner, John--Movies and Radio, 1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 657 Folder 4 Gardner, John--Other, 1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 678 Folder 4-5 Gardner, John--Other, 1984-1985 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 788 Folder 2 Gardner, John--Other, 2004-2005

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 781 Folder 17 Gardner, John--Publishers, 1993

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 679 Folder 1 Gardner, John--Publishers, Etc., 1987-1988

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 774 Folder 3 Gardner, John--Publishers, Etc., 1989-1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 327 Folder 8 Gardner, John--Serial and Magazine Rights Permissions, 1978-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 154 Folder 10-11 Gardner, John--Serial Rights, Permissions, Etc., 1978-1979 (2 Folders)

Box 369 Folder 6 Garrigues, Eduardo, 1981-1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 247 Folder 22 Gash, Jonathan, 1983-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 609 Folder 14 Gash, Jonathan--Bolt and Curtis Brown, 1986-1989

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 248 Folder 1 Gasking, Elizabeth, 1967

Box 155 Folder 1-3 Gavin Thomas, 1974-1979 (3 Folders)

Box 658 Folder 5 Gavin, Thomas, 1981-1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 824 Folder 12 Gavin, Thomas--Contracts, 1975-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 764 Folder 12 Gavin, Thomas--Publicity, 1986-2001

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 774 Folder 4 Gavin, Thomas--Publicity, 1986-2001

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 155 Folder 4-5 Gaylin, Willard, 1977-1979 (2 Folders)

Box 248 Folder 2 Gaylin, Willard, 1979-1980

Box 328 Folder 1 Gaylin, Willard, 1980-1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 606 Folder 11 Gaylin, Willard, 1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 657 Folder 5 Gaylin, Willard, 1984-1993

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 248 Folder 3 Geach, P.T., 1980

Box 15 Folder 2-3 Geissbuhler, Elisabeth Chase, 1959-1961 (2 Folders)

Box 155 Folder 6 Geissbuhler, Elisabeth Chase, 1963-1976

Box 565 Folder 9 Geissbuhler, Elisabeth Chase, 1984-1991

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 477 Folder 5 Geissbuhler, Elisabeth Chase, 1985-1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 15 Folder 4 Genauer, Emily, 1961

Box 47 Folder 1 Geoffrey Bles Ltd., 1961-1962

Box 48 Folder 3 George Ronald, 1961

Box 124 Folder 11 George Weidenfeld & Nicolson Ltd.--Chastel, Andre, 1959-1960

Box 124 Folder 12 George Weidenfeld & Nicolson Ltd.--Pathfinder Series of Biographies, 1962-1965

Box 124 Folder 10 George Weidenfeld & Nicolson Ltd.--To and From, 1964-1968

Box 124 Folder 13 George Weidenfeld & Nicolson Ltd.--Wide World Lecture Bureau, 1963-1964

Box 155 Folder 7 Gerassi, John, 1973

Box 248 Folder 4 Gerassimov, M.M., 1969-1978

Box 248 Folder 5 Ghanem, Fathi, 1965-1972

Box 15 Folder 5 Ghnassia, Maurice, 1963-1970

Box 248 Folder 6 Ghnassia, Maurice, 1970-1973

Box 248 Folder 7 Gibbons, Calvin, 1967-1976

Box 774 Folder 9 Giddins, Gary, 1991

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 477 Folder 6 Giddins, Gary, 1992-1997

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 428 Folder 4 Giddins, Gary, 1998

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 477 Folder 7-8 Giddins, Gary, 1999-2000 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 460 Folder 11-12 Giddins, Gary, 2001-2003 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 505 Folder 1 Giddins, Gary, 2004

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 522 Folder 8 Giddins, Gary, 2005

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 579 Folder 4 Giddins, Gary, 2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 788 Folder 3-4 Giddins, Gary, 2007-2008 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 869 Folder 2 Giddins, Gary, 2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 833 Folder 14 Giddins, Gary, 2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 869 Folder 3 Giddins, Gary, 2011-2012

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 877 Folder 1 Giddins, Gary, 2013

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 822 Folder 3 Giddins, Gary--Contracts--Audio, Film, Elect.--Other (expt DEAD), 1991-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 824 Folder 14 Giddins, Gary--Contracts--DA CAPO Only, 1995-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 822 Folder 4 Giddins, Gary--Contracts--Regular Periodicals, 2004-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 830 Folder 5 Giddins, Gary--Contracts--Other U.S. Books, 1991-2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 830 Folder 6 Giddins, Gary--Contracts--Other, 1994-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 822 Folder 5 Gilbert, Anna--Contracts, 1998-2004

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 822 Folder 6 Gilbert, Martin--Contracts, 1984-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 248 Folder 8 Gilder, George, 1977-1978

Box 328 Folder 3 Gilder, George, 1978-1980

Box 565 Folder 10-11 Gilder, George, 1981-1982 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 606 Folder 12 Gilder, George, 1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 598 Folder 6-7 Gilder, George, 1984-1985 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 685 Folder 3 Gilder, George, 1986-1988

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 659 Folder 2 Gilder, George, 1989

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 753 Folder 19 Gilder, George, 1990-1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 774 Folder 10-11 Gilder, George, 1992-1995 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 477 Folder 9-10 Gilder, George, 1996-2000 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 460 Folder 13 Gilder, George, 2002

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 859 Folder 2 Gilder, George, 2003-2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 895 Folder 10 Gilder, George, 2011-2013

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 592 Folder 14 Gilder, George--Contracts--Books, 1983-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 828 Folder 1 Gilder, George--Contracts--Foreign--Microcosm, Spirt of Enterpirse, Wealth and Poverty, Telecosm, 1981-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 823 Folder 4 Gilder, George--Contracts--Other, 1996-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 328 Folder 4 Gilliatt, Penelope, 1975-1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 156 Folder 1-3 Gilliatt, Penelope, 1977-1979 (3 Folders)

Box 248 Folder 9 Gilliatt, Penelope, 1979-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 659 Folder 3 Gilliatt, Penelope, 1984-1989

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 328 Folder 5 Gingold, Alfred, 1980-1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 606 Folder 13 Gingold, Alfred, 1984-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 565 Folder 12 Gingold, Alfred, 1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 820 Folder 8 Ginzburg, Evgenii︠a︡ (Eugenia)--Contracts--Within the Whirlwind Revision, 2011-2012

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 248 Folder 10 Glasfurd, Alec, 1966

Box 248 Folder 11 Glaskin, G.M., 1973-1978

Box 659 Folder 4 Glazner, Joseph M., 1980-1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 15 Folder 6 Gloag, John, 1968-1969

Box 15 Folder 7 Gloag, John, 1970-1971

Box 661 Folder 1 Gloag, John, 1974-1976

Box 248 Folder 12 Gloag, John, 1975-1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 369 Folder 7 Gloag, John, 1979-1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 660 Folder 1 Gloag, Julian, 1961-1967

Box 16 Folder 1 Gloag, Julian, 1968-1969

Box 16 Folder 2-4 Gloag, Julian, 1970-1973 (3 Folders)

Box 660 Folder 2-3 Gloag, Julian, 1974-1978 (2 Folders)

Box 607 Folder 1 Gloag, Julian, 1979

Box 565 Folder 13 Gloag, Julian, 1980

Box 660 Folder 4-7 Gloag, Julian, 1980-1989 (4 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 433 Folder 14 Gloag, Julian, 1990-1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 17 Folder 4 Gloag, Julian--A Sentence of Life--Foreign Rights, 1966-1967

Box 17 Folder 5 Gloag, Julian--A Sentence of Life--Publicity, Promotion, Advertising, 1966

Box 594 Folder 6-8 Gloag, Julian--Contracts--French and German Rights, 1963-2005 (3 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 16 Folder 5 Gloag, Julian--Correspondence with Simon & Schuster, 1967

Box 16 Folder 6 Gloag, Julian--Foreign Rights, 1968-1970

Box 16 Folder 7 Gloag, Julian--Foreign Rights, 1972-1975

Box 16 Folder 8 Gloag, Julian--Magazine Offerings, 1962-1963

Box 16 Folder 9 Gloag, Julian--Motion Picture & Dramatization, 1968-1971

Box 16 Folder 10 Gloag, Julian--Motion Picture, TV, Dramatic, 1962-1967

Box 16 Folder 11 Gloag, Julian--New Novel--Motion Picture & Magazine Rights, 1964-1967

Box 16 Folder 12 Gloag, Julian--Our Mother's House--Dramatization, 1965-1966

Box 17 Folder 1 Gloag, Juilan--Our Mother's House--Foreign Rights Sold, 1963-1965

Box 17 Folder 2 Gloag, Juilan--Our Mother's House--Foreign Rights Unsold, 1963-1967

Box 17 Folder 3 Gloag, Julian--Publicity, Advertising, 1961-1963

Box 660 Folder 8 Glueck, Grace, 1982-1993

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 248 Folder 13 Godden, G.-- Cancelled Contracts, 1968-1978

Box 248 Folder 14 Godson, John, 1969-1975

Box 156 Folder 4-7 Goffstein, M.B., 1974-1979 (4 Folders)

Box 248 Folder 15 Goffstein, M.B., 1979-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 369 Folder 8 Goffstein, M.B., 1982-1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 659 Folder 1 Goffstein, M.B., 1985-1988

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 735 Folder 4 Goffstein, M.B., 1986-2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 17 Folder 6 Gold, Ivan, 1970-1972

Box 157 Folder 1-2 Gold, Ivan, 1973-1979 (2 Folders)

Box 369 Folder 9 Gold, Ivan, 1980-1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 606 Folder 14 Gold, Ivan, 1984-1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 477 Folder 11 Gold, Ivan, 1987-1997

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 606 Folder 15 Gold, Ivan--Publicity, 1990-1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 328 Folder 6 Gold, Vera, 1973-1980

Box 238 Folder 7 Gold, Vera, 1980-1988

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 17 Folder 7-8 Goldbeck, David & Nikki, 1973-1974 (2 Folders)

Box 157 Folder 3 Goldbeck, Nikki & David, 1975-1976

Box 659 Folder 5 Goldbeck, Nikki and David, 1977-1989

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 157 Folder 4 Goldberg, Gerald Jay, 1970

Box 157 Folder 5 Goldberg, Gerald Jay, 1971

Box 17 Folder 9 Goldberg, Gerald Jay, 1972

Box 157 Folder 6-7 Goldberg, Gerald Jay, 1973-1978 (2 Folders)

Box 411 Folder 7 Goldberg, Gerald Jay, 1980

Box 606 Folder 16 Goldberg, Gerald Jay, 1981-1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 598 Folder 8 Goldberg, Gerald Jay, 1984-1988

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 735 Folder 2 Goldberg, Gerald Jay, 1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 17 Folder 10 Goldberg, Gerald Jay--Foreign Rights, 1970-1972

Box 157 Folder 8-9 Goldberg, Gerald Jay--Movie Rights, 1972-1978 (2 Folders)

Box 774 Folder 12 Goldberg, Gerald Jay and Robert, 1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 735 Folder 3 Goldberg, Gerald Jay and Robert, 1992-1994

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 158 Folder 1-2 Goldberger, Paul, 1974-1979 (2 Folders)

Box 249 Folder 1 Goldberger, Paul, 1978-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 565 Folder 14 Goldberger, Paul, 1982-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 829 Folder 1 Goldberger, Paul--Contracts, 1981-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 431 Folder 8 Goldstein, David, 1999

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 522 Folder 9 Goldstein, David, 1999

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 451 Folder 15 Goldstein, David, 2000-2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 896 Folder 4 Goldstein, David, 2004-2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 827 Folder 10 Goldstein, David--Contracts, 1999-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 158 Folder 3-4 Goldstein, Joyce, 1977-1978 (2 Folders)

Box 565 Folder 15 Goldstein, Joyce, 1979-1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 158 Folder 5 Goldstein, Richard, 1978

Box 158 Folder 6 Goldstein, Ruth, 1976-1979

Box 369 Folder 10 Goldstein, Ruth, 1980-1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 565 Folder 16 Goldstein, Ruth, 1985-1988

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 661 Folder 2 Goldthwaite, John, 1980

Box 158 Folder 7 Goldwaithe, John, 1977-1979

Box 827 Folder 11 Goldthwaite, John--Contracts, 1977-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 158 Folder 8 Goodell, Rae, 1978-1979

Box 775 Folder 1 Goodman, David, 1995-1998

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 422 Folder 12 Goodman, David, 1999

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 466 Folder 1 Goodman, David, 2000-2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 823 Folder 5 Goodman, David--Contracts, 1995-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 249 Folder 2 Goodman, Jonathan, 1980-1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 477 Folder 12 Gordis, Robert, 1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 249 Folder 3 Gordon, Diana, 1972-1980

Box 329 Folder 1 Gordon, Diana, 1979-1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 159 Folder 1 Gordon, Diana R., 1972-1975

Box 775 Folder 2 Gordon, Lyndall, 1995

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 477 Folder 13-14 Gordon, Lyndall, 1996-1999 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 451 Folder 14 Gordon, Lyndall, 2000-2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 579 Folder 5 Gordon, Lyndall, 2004-2005

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 788 Folder 5 Gordon, Lyndall, 2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 834 Folder 1 Gordon, Lyndall, 2007-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 859 Folder 3 Gordon, Lyndall, 2010-2011

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 895 Folder 11-12 Gordon, Lyndall, 2012-2016 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 827 Folder 12 Gordon, Lyndall--Contracts, 1995-2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 159 Folder 2-4 Gordon, Suzanne, 1977-1979 (3 Folders)

Box 721 Folder 1 Gordon, Suzanne, 1980

Box 721 Folder 2 Gordon, Suzanne, 1981-1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 565 Folder 17 Gordon, Suzanne, 1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 411 Folder 8 Gordon, Suzanne, 1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 411 Folder 9 Gordon, Suzanne, 1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 606 Folder 17-18 Gordon, Suzanne, 1986-1987 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 661 Folder 3 Gordon, Suzanne, 1988-1989

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 754 Folder 1 Gordon, Suzanne, 1990-1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 735 Folder 1 Gordon, Suzanne, 1992-1993

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 762 Folder 5 Gordon, Suzanne, 1994

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 477 Folder 15 Gordon, Suzanne, 1997-1998

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 429 Folder 6 Gordon, Suzanne, 1999

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 439 Folder 13 Gordon, Suzanne, 2000-2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 788 Folder 6-7 Gordon, Suzanne, 2005-2007 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 800 Folder 6 Gordon, Suzanne, 2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 895 Folder 13 Gordon, Suzanne, 2008-2011

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 871 Folder 15 Gordon, Suzanne--Contracts--Books, 1994-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 827 Folder 13 Gordon, Suzanne--Contracts--Other, 1991-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 565 Folder 18 Goreau, Angeline, 1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 600 Folder 2 Goreau, Angeline, 1984-1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 477 Folder 16 Goreau, Angeline, 1992-1996

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 565 Folder 19 Gottfried, Robert, 1983-1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 774 Folder 13 Gottlieb, Anthony, 1990-1994

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 432 Folder 14 Gottlieb, Anthony, 1995-1998

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 451 Folder 10 Gottlieb, Anthony, 1999-2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 895 Folder 14 Gottlieb, Anthony, 2009-2016

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 827 Folder 14 Gottlieb, Anthony--Contracts, 1990-2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 249 Folder 4 Gouri, Haim, 1966-1976

Box 17 Folder 11 Gouri, Haim, 1966-1976

Box 826 Folder 4 Graber, G.S.--Contracts, 1976-1991, 2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 822 Folder 11 Graetz, Michael--Contracts, 1993-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 822 Folder 12 Grafton, Anthony--Contracts, 1995-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 249 Folder 5 Graham, C. & Curling, B., 1972-1973

Box 829 Folder 2 Graves, Robert--Contracts, 1980-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 720 Folder 1-3 Gray, Francine du Plessix, 1975-1980 (3 Folders)

Box 720 Folder 4 Gray, Francine du Plessix, 1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 701 Folder 1-6 Gray, Francine du Plessix, 1982-1987 (6 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 720 Folder 5 Gray, Francine du Plessix, 1988-1989

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 774 Folder 5 Gray, Francine du Plessix, 1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 774 Folder 6-7 Gray, Francine du Plessix, 1991-1993 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 475 Folder 12-13 Gray, Francine du Plessix, 1995-1998 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 493 Folder 2 Gray, Francine du Plessix, 1999

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 475 Folder 14 Gray, Francine du Plessix, 2000

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 475 Folder 15 Gray, Francine du Plessix, 2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 451 Folder 11-13 Gray, Francine du Plessix, 2002-2005 (3 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 822 Folder 13 Gray, Francine du Plessix--Contracts--Foreign Rights, 1976-2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 826 Folder 5 Gray, Francine du Plessix--Contracts--Simon and Schuster, 1991-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 823 Folder 6 Gray, Francine du Plessix--Contracts--All Other U.S. Book Contracts, 1983-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 565 Folder 20 Gray, Francine du Plessix--Foreign Rights, 1976-1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 429 Folder 7 Gray, Francine du Plessix--Movie, 1999-2000

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 565 Folder 21 Gray, Francine de Plessix--Movie Rights, 1976

Box 774 Folder 8 Gray, Francine du Plessix--Miscellaneous and Reviews, 1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 249 Folder 6 Green, H. & J.S. Spencer,, 1970-1971

Box 370 Folder 5 Greene, Elaine and Donald Schon, 1970-1978

Box 159 Folder 5-6 Greiff, Constance, 1974-1977 (2 Folders)

Box 565 Folder 22 Greiff, Constance, 1979-1980

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 370 Folder 1 Greiff, Constance, 1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 826 Folder 6 Griggs, Barbara--Contracts, 1990-2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 249 Folder 7 Griffiths, Kenneth, 1974-1978

Box 492 Folder 7 Groneman, Carol, 1996-1999

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 439 Folder 14 Groneman, Carol, 2000

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 826 Folder 7 Groneman, Carol--Contracts, 1996-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 159 Folder 7 Gross, Leonard, 1970

Box 774 Folder 14 Grosskurth, Phyllis, 1993

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 477 Folder 17 Grosskurth, Phyllis, 1994-1996

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 439 Folder 15 Grosskurth, Phyllis, 1997

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 822 Folder 15 Grosskurth, Phyllis--Contracts, 1993-2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 820 Folder 8 Grosskurth, Phyllis--Contracts, 2011-2012

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 159 Folder 8 Grow, Judith, 1976-1979

Box 370 Folder 3 Gruber, Howard E., 1974-1975

Box 566 Folder 1 Gruber, Howard E., 1976-1979

Box 439 Folder 16 Gruber, Howard E., 1980-1993

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 370 Folder 2 Grumbach, Liliane, 1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 822 Folder 21 Gurewitsch, Edna P. (Edna Perkel)--Contracts, 2000-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 492 Folder 8 Gusky, Jeffrey, 2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 463 Folder 1 Gusky, Jeffrey, 2002

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 826 Folder 8 Gusky, Jeffrey--Contracts, 2001-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 159 Folder 9 Guston, Philip, 1971-1972

Box 700 Folder 4 Guterson, David, 1988-1989

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 493 Folder 3 Guterson, David, 1990-1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 775 Folder 3-6 Guterson, David, 1992-1995 (4 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 493 Folder 4 Guterson, David, 1996

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 493 Folder 5 Guterson, David, 1997

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 492 Folder 9 Guterson, David, 1998

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 493 Folder 6 Guterson, David, 1999

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 522 Folder 10 Guterson, David, 2005-2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 788 Folder 8-9 Guterson, David, 2007-2008 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 815 Folder 10 Gutterson, David, 2009-2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 819 Folder 3-4 Gutterson, David, 2011-2012 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 859 Folder 4 Guterson, David, 2013

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 877 Folder 2 Guterson, David, 2014

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 829 Folder 3 Guterson, David--Contracts--Audio, 1995-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 829 Folder 4 Guterson, David--Contracts--Foreign--East of the Mountains, 1996-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 821 Folder 1 Guterson, David--Contracts--Foreign--Snow Falling on Cedars--A-D, 1994-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 829 Folder 5 Guterson, David--Contracts--Foreign--Snow on Cedars--E-O, 1995-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 826 Folder 3 Guterson, David--Contracts--Foreign--Snow Falling on Cedars-P-Z, 1994-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 829 Folder 6 Guterson, David--Contracts--Foreign--Other, 1995-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 828 Folder 3 Guterson, David--Contracts--Harcourt, 1991-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 826 Folder 9 Guterson, David--Contracts--Performance, 2004-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 830 Folder 8 Guterson, David--Contracts--Other, 2007-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 492 Folder 10 Guterson, David--Correspondence, 2000

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 431 Folder 11 Guterson, David--Correspondence, 2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 505 Folder 3 Guterson, David--Correspondence, 2003-2004

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 778 Folder 1 Guterson, David--Movie, 1995-1996

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 492 Folder 11 Guterson, David--Other 2002

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 451 Folder 9 Guterson, David--Other 2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 505 Folder 4 Guterson, David--Other, 2004-2005

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 249 Folder 8 Hadfield, John, 1969-1976

Box 18 Folder 1 Haight II, Frederick Everest, 1970-1972

Box 185 Folder 2 Hale, Robert, Ltd.,1979-1980

Box 18 Folder 2 Hallo, William W., 1968-1969

Box 493 Folder 7 Hamilton, Denise, 2000

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 439 Folder 18 Hamilton, Denise, 2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 460 Folder 14 Hamilton, Denise, 2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 522 Folder 11 Hamilton, Denise, 2004

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 522 Folder 12 Hamilton, Denise, 2005

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 788 Folder 10-11 Hamilton, Denise, 2006-2007 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 800 Folder 7 Hamilton, Denise, 2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 897 Folder 1 Hamilton, Denise, 2009-2013

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 919 Folder 11 Hamilton, Denise, 2014-2018

Restricted Until 2059

Box 806 Folder 5 Hamilton, Denise--Contracts--Damage Control and Last Embrace, 2005-2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 856 Folder 7 Hamilton, Denise--Contracts--Scribner: Jasmine Trade, Last Lullaby, Sugar Skull, 2002-2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 822 Folder 22 Hamilton, Denise--Contracts--Scribner: Savage Garden; Prisoner of Memory; Last Embrace, 2003-2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 823 Folder 7 Hamilton, Denise--Contracts--Other, 2001-2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 159 Folder 10 Hammer, Signe, 1973-1976 (2 Folders)

Box 493 Folder 8 Hammer, Signe, 1979-1997

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 160 Folder 1 Hanley, William, 1970

Box 160 Folder 2-3 Hanley, William, 1971-1975 (2 Folders)

Box 18 Folder 3 Hanley, William, 1972

Box 702 Folder 1 Hanley, William, 1976-1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 18 Folder 4 Hanley, William--Foreign Rights, 1971-1973

Box 886 Folder 1 Haraszti, Miklós--Contracts, 1984-2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 463 Folder 2 Hariharan, Githa, 2002

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 522 Folder 13 Hariharan, Githa, 2003-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 859 Folder 5 Hariharan, Githa, 2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 897 Folder 2 Hariharan, Githa, 2009-2014

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 185 Folder 3 Harrel, Anne Literary Agency, 1978

Box 370 Folder 6 Harrington, Geri, 1980-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 703 Folder 3 Harrington, Geri, 1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 598 Folder 9 Harrington, Geri, 1983-1984

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 701 Folder 7 Harrington, Geri, 1985-1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 493 Folder 9 Harrington, Geri, 1987-1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 18 Folder 5-6 Harris, Eleanor, 1960-1962 (2 Folders)

Box 702 Folder 2 Harris, Lis, 1982-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 775 Folder 7 Harris, Lis, 1986-1995

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 431 Folder 10 Harris, Lis, 1996-1998

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 815 Folder 9 Harris, Lis, 1999-2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 828 Folder 4 Harris, Lis--Contracts, 1982-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 160 Folder 4-7 Harrison, Barbara Grizzuti, 1972-1979 (4 Folders)

Box 702 Folder 3-7 Harrison, Barbara Grizzuti, 1980-1987 (5 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 598 Folder 10-12 Harrison, Barbara Grizzuti, 1981-1984 (3 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 703 Folder 1-2 Harrison, Barbara Grizzuti, 1988-1989 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 735 Folder 5 Harrison, Barbara Grizzuti, 1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 735 Folder 6 Harrison, Barbara Grizzuti, 1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 762 Folder 6-8 Harrison, Barbara Grizzuti, 1992-1995 (3 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 774 Folder 15 Harrison, Barbara Grizzuti, 1996

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 428 Folder 5 Harrison, Barbara Grizzuti, 1997-1998

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 826 Folder 15 Harrison, Barbara Grizzuti--Contracts--Books, 1988-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 762 Folder 9 Harrison, Barbara Grizzuti--Reviews, 1989-1997

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 160 Folder 8 Harrison, Michael, 1973-1974

Box 185 Folder 4 Hart-Davis--Hill, Brian, 1966-1979

Box 600 Folder 3 Hartman, Steven, 1990-1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 161 Folder 1-3 Haskell, Molly, 1974-1978 (3 Folders)

Box 602 Folder 1 Haskell, Molly, 1978-1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 598 Folder 13-15 Haskell, Molly, 1983-1987 (3 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 600 Folder 4 Haskell, Molly, 1988-1989

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 735 Folder 7 Haskell, Molly, 1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 778 Folder 2 Haskell, Molly, 1992-1996

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 493 Folder 10-11 Haskell, Molly, 1997-2000 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 463 Folder 3 Haskell, Molly, 2002-2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 523 Folder 1-2 Haskell, Molly, 2004-2005 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 789 Folder 1-2 Haskell, Molly, 2006-2008 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 815 Folder 11 Haskell, Molly, 2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 859 Folder 6 Haskell, Molly, 2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 897 Folder 3-4 Haskell, Molly, 2011-2016 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 826 Folder 17 Haskell, Molly--Contracts--Books and Copyright, 1975-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 594 Folder 22 Haskell, Molly--Contracts--Town and Country (Contract), 2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 826 Folder 18 Haskell, Molly--Contracts--Other, 2005-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 18 Folder 7 Hassan, Sana, 1974

Box 606 Folder 19 Hassan, Sana, 1975

Box 598 Folder 16 Hassan, Sana, 1976-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 328 Folder 2 Hastings Center, 1976-1979

Box 853 Folder 8 Hatzfeld, Jean--Contracts, 2003-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 18 Folder 8-9 Havas, Laslo, 1965-1969 (2 Folders)

Box 18 Folder 10 Havas, Laslo, 1970-1977

Box 897 Folder 5 Hayes, Caitlin, 2016-2018

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 249 Folder 9 Hayes, M. Horace, 1968-1977

Box 823 Folder 8 Hazan, Pierre--Contracts, 2003-2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 249 Folder 10 Hazlehurst, Cameron, 1970-1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 434 Folder 1 Hegelsen, Sally, 1997

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 598 Folder 17 Heilman, Samuel, 1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 721 Folder 3 Heilman, Samuel, 1985-1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 762 Folder 10 Heilman, Samuel, 1991-1993

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 493 Folder 12 Heilman, Samuel, 1994-1999

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 822 Folder 23 Heilman, Samuel--Contracts, 1996-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 820 Folder 10 Heilman, Samuel--Contracts--A Walker in Jerusalem and The Gate Behind the Wall (Jewish Publication Society), 1994-2005, 2012

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 370 Folder 8 Helgesen, Sally, 1981-1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 598 Folder 18-19 Helgesen, Sally, 1984-1989 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 730 Folder 2 Helgesen, Sally, 1990-1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 762 Folder 11 Helgesen, Sally, 1992-1993

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 775 Folder 8 Helgesen, Sally, 1995

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 826 Folder 19 Helgesen, Sally--Contracts, 1988-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 826 Folder 20 Helgesen, Sally--Contracts--Foreign, 1990-2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 19 Folder 1-2 Henderson, David, 1972-1976 (2 Folders)

Box 161 Folder 4 Henderson, David, 1977-1979

Box 370 Folder 9 Henderson, David, 1980-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 566 Folder 2 Henderson, David, 1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 721 Folder 4-5 Henderson, David, 1983-1988 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 700 Folder 5 Henderson, David, 1989-1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 432 Folder 15 Henderson, David, 1992

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 462 Folder 1 Henderson, David, 1998-2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 826 Folder 22 Henderson, David--Contracts, 1982-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 249 Folder 11 Henderson, Ian, 1968-1973

Box 161 Folder 5 Hendin, Herbert, 1977-1979

Box 370 Folder 7 Hendin, Herbert, 1980-1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 598 Folder 20 Hendin, Herbert, 1983-1989

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 462 Folder 2 Hendin, Herbert, 1993-1995

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 856 Folder 1 Hendin, Herbert--Contracts, 1979-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 161 Folder 6 Hendin, Josephine, 1976-1978

Box 439 Folder 17 Hendin, Josephine, 1979-1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 462 Folder 3 Hendin, Josephine, 1994-2002

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 853 Folder 3 Hendin, Josephine--Contracts, 1976-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 121 Folder 5 Henry Regnery Company Publishers, Chicago, 1953-1954

Box 703 Folder 4 Herman, Zvi, 1965-1974

Box 249 Folder 12 Herman, Zvi, 1967-1976

Box 861 Folder 10 Hertog, Susan, 1992-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 566 Folder 3-4 Heymann, C. David, 1985-1986 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 598 Folder 21-22 Heymann, C. David, 1987-1989 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 718 Folder 4 Heymann, C. David, 1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 718 Folder 5-6 Heymann, C. David, 1991-1992 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 762 Folder 12 Heymann, C. David, 1993

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 774 Folder 16 Heymann, C. David, 1994

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 762 Folder 13-14 Heymann, C. David, 1995-1996 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 440 Folder 2 Heymann, C. David, 1997

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 783 Folder 6-7 Heymann, C. David, 1998 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 494 Folder 1 Heymann, C. David, 1999

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 762 Folder 15 Heymann, C. David--Escrow Account, 1998

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 762 Folder 16 Heymann, C. David--Foreign, 1995

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 494 Folder 2 Hicks, Sheila, 1979-1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 249 Folder 13 Hiebeler, Toni, 1962-1970

Box 249 Folder 14 Hill, Brian, 1967-1977

Box 249 Folder 15 Hill, Douglas, 1967

Box 249 Folder 16 Hill, Graham, 1977-1978

Box 853 Folder 12 Hill, Reginald--Contracts, 1982-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 896 Folder 5 Hill, Susan, 2007-2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 919 Folder 12 Hill, Susan, 2019

File is empty

Box 853 Folder 13 Hill, Susan--Contracts, 1977-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 820 Folder 8 Hill, Susan--Contracts--Strange Meeting Revision, 2011-2012

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 431 Folder 2 Hilman, Samuel, 2000-2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 753 Folder 20 Hilts, Philip J., 1982-1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 412 Folder 1 Hirsch, Julia, 1980-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 919 Folder 13 Hirschman, Catherine, 2010

Restricted Until 2049

Box 19 Folder 3 Hitchcock, George, 1960-1962

Box 599 Folder 1 Hoberman, J. (Jim), 1983-1988

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 721 Folder 6 Hoberman, J. (Jim), 1989-1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 775 Folder 9 Hoberman, J. (Jim), 1992-1995

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 853 Folder 14 Hoberman, J. (Jim)--Contracts, 1983-2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 440 Folder 17 Hoberman, J. (Jim)--Publicity, 1989-1993

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 853 Folder 15 Hobson, Sarah--Contracts, 1972-1991, 2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 599 Folder 2-5 Hochschild, Adam, 1985-1989 (4 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 762 Folder 17 Hochschild, Adam, 1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 774 Folder 17 Hochschild, Adam, 1992-1993

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 778 Folder 3 Hochschild, Adam, 1994-1995

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 494 Folder 3-5 Hochschild, Adam, 1996-1999 (3 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 440 Folder 3 Hochschild, Adam, 2000

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 432 Folder 17 Hochschild, Adam, 2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 462 Folder 4-5 Hochschild, Adam, 2002-2004 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 505 Folder 5 Hochschild, Adam, 2005

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 788 Folder 12-13 Hochschild, Adam, 2006-2008 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 815 Folder 12 Hochschild, Adam, 2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 834 Folder 2 Hochschild, Adam, 2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 834 Folder 3-4 Hochschild, Adam, 2011-2012 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 867 Folder 2 Hochschild, Adam, 2013

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 877 Folder 3 Hochschild, Adam, 2014-2015

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 883 Folder 5 Hochschild, Adam, 2016

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 592 Folder 15 Hochschild, Adam--Contracts--Foreign--King Leopold's Ghost, 1995-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 592 Folder 16 Hochschild, Adam--Contracts--Foreign--Other, 1990-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 592 Folder 17 Hochschild, Adam--Contracts--U.S.--Books 1985-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 592 Folder 18 Hochschild, Adam--Contracts--U.S.--Other, 1998-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 494 Folder 6 Hochschild, Arlie 1998-1999

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 774 Folder 18 Hochschild, Arlie, 1993-1995

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 423 Folder 15 Hochschild, Arlie, 1996-1997

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 523 Folder 3-4 Hochschild, Arlie, 2001-2007 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 788 Folder 14 Hochschild, Arlie, 2006-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 815 Folder 13 Hochschild, Arlie, 2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 834 Folder 5 Hochschild, Arlie, 2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 834 Folder 6 Hochschild, Arlie, 2011

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 867 Folder 3 Hochschild, Arlie, 2012

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 877 Folder 4 Hochschild, Arlie, 2013-2015

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 897 Folder 6 Hochschild, Arlie, 2017

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 807 Folder 8 Hochschild, Arlie--Contracts--U.S. Books, 1997-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 853 Folder 16 Hochschild, Arlie--Contracts--Other, 1997-2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 599 Folder 6 Hochstein, Rollaine, 1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 329 Folder 2 Hochstein, Rolaine, 1982-1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 249 Folder 17 Hodson, Harry, 1968-1972

Box 754 Folder 2-3 Hoffman, Eva, 1990-1994 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 775 Folder 10 Hoffman, Eva, 1995

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 428 Folder 6-7 Hoffman, Eva, 1996-1998 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 506 Folder 10 Hoffman, Eva, 1999-2000

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 506 Folder 11 Hoffman, Eva, 2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 431 Folder 6 Hoffman, Eva, 2002

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 853 Folder 6 Hoffman, Eva--Contracts, 1990-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 856 Folder 5 Hoffman, Eva--Contracts--Foreign, 1990-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 440 Folder 9 Hoffman, Eva--Publicity, 1993-2004

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 371 Folder 1 Hofmann, Paul, 1980-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 394 Folder 1 Hofmann, Paul, 1982-1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 412 Folder 2 Hofmann, Paul, 1984-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 599 Folder 7-9 Hofmann, Paul, 1985-1990 (3 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 774 Folder 19 Hofmann, Paul, 1991-1994

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 432 Folder 16 Hofmann, Paul, 1995-2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 856 Folder 9 Hofmann, Paul--Contracts--Foreign, 1981-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 856 Folder 8 Hofmann, Paul--Contracts--U.S., 1980-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 394 Folder 2 Hoffman, Robert, 1988-1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 462 Folder 6 Hoffman, Ronald, 1992-2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 853 Folder 1 Hoffman, Ronald L.--Contracts, 1987-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 766 Folder 19 Hoffman, Ronald--Publicity, 1985-1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 249 Folder 18 Hogg, Garry, 1968-1979

Box 856 Folder 11 Holden, Anthony and Amanda--Contracts, 1986-2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 506 Folder 12 Holland, Noy, 1990-1999

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 834 Folder 7 Holland, Noy, 2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 877 Folder 5 Holland, Noy, 2002-2013

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 897 Folder 7 Holland, Noy, 2014-2016

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 805 Folder 12 Holland, Noy--Contracts, 1986-2004

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 506 Folder 13 Hollander, Robert and Jean, 1998-1999

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 434 Folder 2 Hollander, Robert and Jean, 2000-2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 856 Folder 10 Hollander, Robert and Jean--Contracts, 1998-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 592 Folder 19 Hollier, Dennis--Contracts, 1993-2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 249 Folder 19 Hollins, Arthur, 1974-1979

Box 47 Folder 15 Hollis & Carter, 1961-1962

Box 19 Folder 4 Holst, Spencer, 1962-1964

Box 249 Folder 20 Honeycombe, Gordon, 1967-1977

Box 883 Folder 6 Hooker, John, 2003-2011

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 897 Folder 8 Hooker, John, 2007-2017

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 853 Folder 7 Hooker, John--Contracts, 2002-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 440 Folder 4 Hopkins, Linda, 2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 788 Folder 15 Hopkins, Linda, 2002-2004

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 856 Folder 15 Hopkins, Linda--Contracts, 2001-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 19 Folder 5 Horowitz, David, 1973-1976

Box 371 Folder 2 Horowitz, David, 1977-1978

Box 412 Folder 3 Horowitz, David, 1979-1980

Box 371 Folder 3 Horowitz, David, 1981-1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 599 Folder 10-11 Horowitz, David, 1984-1988

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 753 Folder 21 Horowitz, David, 1989-1995

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 440 Folder 5 Horowitz, David, 1996

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 462 Folder 7 Horowitz, David, 1999-2004

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 790 Folder 1 Horowitz, David, 2004

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 877 Folder 6 Horowitz, David, 2006-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 877 Folder 7 Horowitz, David, 2009-2011

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 897 Folder 9 Horowitz, David, 2012-2016

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 856 Folder 12 Horowitz, David--Contracts--Simon & Schuster, 1997-2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 856 Folder 13 Horowitz, David--Contracts--Other, 1990-2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 819 Folder 5 Hosseini, Ali, 2012

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 249 Folder 21 Hotteterre le Romain, J., 1968-1970

Box 764 Folder 10 Houghton Mifflin Contract (Kidder Model), 1996

[Restricted Until 2039] (for electronic books)

Box 394 Folder 3 Howard, Bob, 1981-1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 718 Folder 3 Howard, Bob, 1985-1988

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 599 Folder 12 Howard, Richard, 1987-1989

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 855 Folder 4 Howard, Richard--Contracts, 1976-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 898 Folder 1 Howe, Nina, 2013-2017

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 249 Folder 22 Howson, Gerald, 1970-1971

Box 249 Folder 23 Huggett, Richard, 1973-1980

Box 249 Folder 24 Hughes, John, 1970-1976

Box 412 Folder 4 Hughes, Patrick, 1982-1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 249 Folder 25 Hugill, Stan, 1968-1970

Box 412 Folder 5 Hunt, Morton M., 1985-1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 599 Folder 13-15 Hunt, Morton M., 1986-1989 (3 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 566 Folder 5 Hunt, Morton M., 1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 754 Folder 4 Hunt, Morton M., 1990-1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 762 Folder 18 Hunt, Morton M., 1992

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 763 Folder 1-2 Hunt, Morton M., 1993-1997 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 834 Folder 8-9 Hunt, Morton M., 1998-2006 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 855 Folder 6 Hunt, Morton M.--Contracts, 1987-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 763 Folder 3 Huntington, Samuel P., 1993-1995

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 428 Folder 8-9 Huntington, Samuel P., 1996-1999 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 506 Folder 14 Huntington, Samuel P., 2000-2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 434 Folder 3 Huntington, Samuel P., 2002

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 462 Folder 8 Huntington, Samuel P., 2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 523 Folder 5 Huntington, Samuel P., 2004-2005

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 576 Folder 13 Huntington, Samuel P., 2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 790 Folder 2 Huntington, Samuel P., 2007-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 834 Folder 10 Huntington, Samuel P., 2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 854 Folder 8 Huntington, Samuel P.--Contracts, 1994-2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 830 Folder 9 Huntington, Samuel P.--Contracts--The Clash of Civilizations (Hebrew Contract), 2001-2004

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 855 Folder 7 Huntington, Samuel P.--Contracts--Foreign--A-G, 1996-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 855 Folder 8 Huntington, Samuel P.--Contracts--Other Foreign, 1997-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 505 Folder 9 Huntington, Samuel P.--Contracts--U.S., 1993-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 97 Folder 9 Hutchinson Ltd.--General, 1974

Box 98 Folder 2 Hutchinson Ltd.--General, 1980-1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 371 Folder 5 Hutchinson Ltd.--General, 1987-1989

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 552 Folder 4 Hutchinson Ltd.--General, 1987-1994

[Restricted Until 2039] (publisher)

Box 609 Folder 17 Hutchinson Ltd.--General, 1988-1992

[Restricted Until 2039] (uk publisher)

Box 97 Folder 4-7 Hutchinson Ltd.--General correspondence, 1967-1970 (4 Folders)

Box 97 Folder 8 Hutchinson Ltd.--General correspondence, 1971

Box 222 Folder 2-4 Hutchinson Ltd.--General Correspondence, 1983-1984 (3 folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 98 Folder 1 Hutchinson Ltd.--General To and From, 1976

Box 185 Folder 5 Hutchinson Ltd.--Aitchinson, Jean, 1978-1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 90 Folder 17 Hutchinson Ltd.--Aitchison, Jean, 1975-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 185 Folder 6 Hutchinson Ltd.--Alder, Vera Stanley, 1979-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 90 Folder 18 Hutchinson Ltd.--Alexander, Conel Hugh O'Donel, 1972-1974

Box 90 Folder 19 Hutchinson Ltd.--Allen, John E. & Joan Bruce, 1969-1970, 1978

Box 90 Folder 20 Hutchinson Ltd.--Alliss, Peter and Paul Trevillion, 1968-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 90 Folder 21 Hutchinson Ltd.--Allsop, Kenneth, 1969-1977

Box 90 Folder 22 Hutchinson Ltd.--Alvin, Juliette, 1971-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 91 Folder 1 Hutchinson Ltd.--Ambler, C. Gifford, 1968-1970, 1976

Box 98 Folder 10 Hutchinson Ltd.--Anagarika Govinda, Lama (Li Gotami Govinda), 1966-1974

Filed under Govinda.

Box 91 Folder 2 Hutchinson Ltd.--Anderson, Ann, 1972-1980

Box 91 Folder 3 Hutchinson Ltd.--Anderson, Arthur James, 1972

Box 91 Folder 4 Hutchinson Ltd.--Anderson, Bob, 1970-1975

Box 91 Folder 5 Hutchinson Ltd.--Andrew, Prudence. 1968-1976

Box 185 Folder 7 Hutchinson Ltd.--Andrews, Alan, 1979-1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 91 Folder 6 Hutchinson Ltd.--Arnold, H.J.P., 1969-1977

Box 98 Folder 3 Hutchinson Ltd.--Arrow Books General, 1980

Box 91 Folder 7 Hutchinson Ltd.--Ash, William, 1968-1976

Box 185 Folder 8 Hutchinson Ltd.--Ashford, Jeffrey, 1979-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 91 Folder 8 Hutchinson Ltd.--Asquith, Lady Cynthia Mary Evelyn, 1967-1969

Box 185 Folder 9 Hutchinson Ltd.--Audemars, Pierre, 1979-1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 91 Folder 9 Hutchinson Ltd.--Badcock, C.R., 1975-1976

Box 91 Folder 10 Hutchinson Ltd.--Balfour, James (William B. Hepburn), 1967-1976

Box 91 Folder 11 Hutchinson Ltd.--Barnaby, Kenneth C., 1967-1980

Box 185 Folder 10 Hutchinson Ltd.--Barrie and Jenkins--General, 1979-1980

Box 91 Folder 12 Hutchinson Ltd.--Barrington, Jonah, 1973-1975

Box 91 Folder 13 Hutchinson Ltd.--Bass, Howard, 1966-1978

Box 91 Folder 14 Hutchinson Ltd.--Bauman, Zygmunt, 1977

Box 91 Folder 15-16 Hutchinson Ltd.--Beare, George, 1970-1978 (2 Folders)

Box 185 Folder 11 Hutchinson Ltd.--Beare, George, 1981-1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 92 Folder 1 Hutchinson Ltd.--Bennett, Ralph, 1980-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 92 Folder 2 Hutchinson Ltd.--Bentley, Joyce, 1974-1976

Box 92 Folder 3 Hutchinson Ltd.--Berggren, Sigvard, 1968-1970

Box 92 Folder 4 Hutchinson Ltd.--Betteridge, Anne (Margaret Potter), 1973-1978

Box 92 Folder 5 Hutchinson Ltd.--Bharati, Agehananda, 1970-1974

Box 92 Folder 6 Hutchinson Ltd.--Biology Series, 1976-1977

Box 92 Folder 7-8 Hutchinson Ltd.--Bishop, Sheila, 1976-1978 (2 Folders)

Box 92 Folder 9 Hutchinson Ltd.--Biss, Andreas, 1969-1976

Box 92 Folder 10 Hutchinson Ltd.--Bond, Brian, 1967

Box 92 Folder 11 Hutchinson Ltd.--Bourne, Hester, 1972-1976

Box 92 Folder 12 Hutchinson Ltd.--Bradshaw, Samuel, 1966-1968

Box 92 Folder 13 Hutchinson Ltd.--Brander, Michael, 1974-1980

Box 186 Folder 1 Hutchinson Ltd.--Brandon-Jones, David, 1981-1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 92 Folder 14 Hutchinson Ltd.--Brier, Alan & Ian Robinson, 1974-1975

Box 92 Folder 15 Hutchinson Ltd.--Brodrick, Alan Houghton, 1973-1979

Box 93 Folder 2 Hutchinson Ltd.--Butler, Bill, 1973-1980

Box 93 Folder 3-4 Hutchinson Ltd.--Butler, Richard, 1967-1978 (2 Folders)

Box 93 Folder 1 Hutchinson Ltd.--Buytendijk, Frederick, 1972

Box 93 Folder 5 Hutchinson Ltd.--Caldwell, A. & Jeffrey N. Wood, 1969

Box 93 Folder 6-7 Hutchinson Ltd.--Caldwell, John, 1974-1978 (2 Folders)

Box 93 Folder 8 Hutchinson Ltd.--Cheiro, 1969-1970

Box 93 Folder 9 Hutchinson Ltd.--Chesser, Eustace, 1971-1973

Box 93 Folder 10 Hutchinson Ltd.--Christie's Review of the Year, 1971-1974

Box 93 Folder 11 Hutchinson Ltd.--Ciliates & Pycnogonids, 1973-1974

Box 93 Folder 12 Hutchinson Ltd.--Cohen, J.M. & J.F. Phipps, 1979-1980

Box 93 Folder 13 Hutchinson Ltd.--Coleman, John, 1970-1973

Box 93 Folder 14 Hutchinson Ltd.--Coleman, Terry, 1969-1973

Box 93 Folder 15 Hutchinson Ltd.--Conn, Stewart, 1968-1971

Box 93 Folder 16 Hutchinson Ltd.--Copeland, James,1973-1977

Box 93 Folder 17 Hutchinson Ltd.--Coutts-Smith, Kenneth, 1968-1969

Box 93 Folder 18 Hutchinson Ltd.--Craig, Bill, 1971

Box 186 Folder 2 Hutchinson Ltd.--Crawley, Aileen, 1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 93 Folder 19 Hutchinson Ltd.--Crossley, Anthony, 1978-1979

Box 94 Folder 1 Hutchinson Ltd.--Curling, Audrey, 1972-1979

Box 94 Folder 2 Hutchinson Ltd.--Curtis, Susannah, 1972-1976

Box 94 Folder 3 Hutchinson Ltd.--David, Janina, 1969-1977

Box 94 Folder 4 Hutchinson Ltd.--David-Neel, Alexandra, 1969-1972

Box 94 Folder 5 Hutchinson Ltd.--Davies, John B., 1976-1970

Box 94 Folder 6 Hutchinson Ltd.--Del Vasto, Lanza, 1971-1976

Box 94 Folder 7 Hutchinson Ltd.--Denbigh, Kenneth George, 1974-1978

Box 94 Folder 8 Hutchinson Ltd.--Dictionary of Difficult Words, 1969-1975

Box 94 Folder 9 Hutchinson Ltd.--Dillon, Francis, 1971-1977

Box 94 Folder 10 Hutchinson Ltd.--Diringer, David, 1966-1978

Box 94 Folder 11 Hutchinson Ltd.--Dobereiner, Peter, 1980-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 94 Folder 12 Hutchinson Ltd.--Doxiadis, Constantine, 1966-1980

Box 94 Folder 13 Hutchinson Ltd.--Dubcek, Alexander, 1969-1970

Box 94 Folder 14 Hutchinson Ltd.--Dunne, Lee, 1967-1972

Box 94 Folder 15 Hutchinson Ltd.--Durisch, Peter, 1970-1972

Box 95 Folder 1 Hutchinson Ltd.--Eastcott, Michal J., 1979-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 95 Folder 2 Hutchinson Ltd.--Eastvale, Margaret (Mrs. B.M. Carr), 1973-1980

Box 95 Folder 3 Hutchinson Ltd.--Edwards, Robert & Patrick Steptoe, 1979-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 95 Folder 4 Hutchinson Ltd.--Ellis, Audrey, 1972-1977

Box 95 Folder 5 Hutchinson Ltd.--Encyclopedia, 1969-1977

Box 95 Folder 6 Hutchinson Ltd.--Featherstone, Donald F., 1967-1976

Box 95 Folder 7 Hutchinson Ltd.--Fellowes, Catherine, 1972-1974

Box 95 Folder 8 Hutchinson Ltd.--Feuerstein, Georg A. and Jeanine Miller, 1970-1977

Box 95 Folder 9 Hutchinson Ltd.--Fletcher, Geoffrey, 1969-1970

Box 96 Folder 1-4 Hutchinson Ltd.--Forsyth, Frederick, 1970-1976 (4 Folders)

Box 96 Folder 5 Hutchinson Ltd.--Forsyth, Frederick, 1978-1979

Box 186 Folder 3 Hutchinson Ltd.--Forsyth, Frederick, 1980-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 96 Folder 6 Hutchinson Ltd.--Franklin, Olga, 1969-1970

Box 96 Folder 7 Hutchinson Ltd.--Fraser, Frances, 1972-1976

Box 96 Folder 8 Hutchinson Ltd.--Friendly, Alfred, 1972-1977

Box 186 Folder 4 Hutchinson Ltd.--Friendly, Alfred, 1980-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 96 Folder 9 Hutchinson Ltd.--Froissard, Jean & Lily Powell (Horseman's Dictionary), 1973-1978

Box 96 Folder 10 Hutchinson Ltd.--Frost, Kelman, 1968-1969, 1979

Box 96 Folder 11 Hutchinson Ltd.--Fry, Pete, 1966-1970

Box 97 Folder 1 Hutchinson Ltd.--Garrett, Richard, 1968-1980

Box 97 Folder 2 Hutchinson Ltd.--Gasking, Elizabeth, 1965-1973

Box 97 Folder 3 Hutchinson Ltd.--Geach, Peter T., 1978-1980

Box 98 Folder 4 Hutchinson Ltd.--Gerassimov, N.M., 1968-1977

Box 98 Folder 5 Hutchinson Ltd.--Germany, Jo, 1974-1977

Box 186 Folder 5 Hutchinson Ltd.--Germany, Jo, 1978-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 98 Folder 6 Hutchinson Ltd.--Gibbon, Lewis Grassic, 1976-1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 98 Folder 7 Hutchinson Ltd.--Giles, F.J., 1966-1980

Box 98 Folder 8 Hutchinson Ltd.--Goodman, Jonathan, 1979-1980

Box 98 Folder 9 Hutchinson Ltd.--Gordon, John, 1968-1978

Box 99 Folder 1 Hutchinson Ltd.--Gray, Robert, 1978-1979

Box 186 Folder 6 Hutchinson Ltd.--Greene, Liz, 1980-1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 186 Folder 7 Hutchinson Ltd.--Grender, Iris, 1979-1980

Box 186 Folder 8-9 Hutchinson Ltd.--Gribble, Leonard, 1966-1979 (2 folders)

Box 99 Folder 2 Hutchinson Ltd.--Griffiths, Helen, 1966-1970

Box 99 Folder 3-4 Hutchinson Ltd.--Griffiths, Helen, 1971-1977 (2 Folders)

Box 186 Folder 10 Hutchinson Ltd--Griffiths, Helen, 1977-1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 186 Folder 11 Hutchinson Ltd--Griffiths, Helen, 1979-1980

Box 186 Folder 12 Hutchinson Ltd--Griffiths, Kenneth, 1974-1978

Box 99 Folder 5 Hutchinson Ltd.--Guenther, Traus H., 1970-1975

Box 99 Folder 6 Hutchinson Ltd.--Guthrie, John, 1969-1972

Box 99 Folder 7 Hutchinson Ltd.--Hadfield, John, 1968-1975

Box 186 Folder 13 Hutchinson Ltd--Hale, James, 1979-1980

Box 99 Folder 8 Hutchinson Ltd.--Hamilton, Alex, 1968-1973

Box 99 Folder 9 Hutchinson Ltd.--Hamšík, Dušan, 1969-1971

Box 186 Folder 14 Hutchinson Ltd--Hardy, Alister, 1973-1975

Box 99 Folder 10 Hutchinson Ltd.--Harrington, A.P., 1975-1977

Box 187 Folder 1 Hutchinson Ltd.--Harris, Harold, 1975-1976

Box 186 Folder 14 Hutchinson Ltd.--Harvie, Robert, 1973-1975

Box 187 Folder 2 Hutchinson Ltd.--Hayes, Horace, 1968-1976

Box 187 Folder 3 Hutchinson Ltd.--Haynes, Renée, 1976-1977

Box 187 Folder 4 Hutchinson Ltd.--Henderson, Ian, 1968-1972

Box 187 Folder 5 Hutchinson Ltd.--Hickin, Norman, 1967-1971

Box 187 Folder 6 Hutchinson Ltd.--Hill, Grahm, 1976-1977

Box 187 Folder 7 Hutchinson Ltd.--Hobbs, William, 1980-1981

Box 187 Folder 8 Hutchinson Ltd.--Hodson, Harry, 1968-1975

Box 187 Folder 9 Hutchinson Ltd.--Holland, Lillie, 1976-1980

Box 187 Folder 10 Hutchinson Ltd.--Honeycombe, Gordon, 1968-1977

Box 187 Folder 11 Hutchinson Ltd.--Hopkins, Jeffrey & Sopa, Geshe, 1976-1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 188 Folder 1 Hutchinson Ltd.--Hosking, Eric, 1973-1975

Box 188 Folder 2 Hutchinson Ltd.--Howells, Roscoe, 1979

Box 188 Folder 3-4 Hutchinson Ltd.--Howlett, John, 1976-1980 (2 folders)

Box 188 Folder 5 Hutchinson Ltd.--Howson, Gerald, 1973

Box 188 Folder 6 Hutchinson Ltd.--Hoyle, Sir Fred, 1980-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 188 Folder 7 Hutchinson Ltd.--Hubank, Roger, 1977-1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 188 Folder 8 Hutchinson Ltd.--Hulke, Malcolm, 1976-1980

Box 188 Folder 9 Hutchinson Ltd.--Humanities, 1976

Box 188 Folder 10 Hutchinson Ltd.--Hutchinson, Alan, 1974-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 188 Folder 11 Hutchinson Ltd.--Huxley, Ann, 1970-1973

Box 188 Folder 12 Hutchinson Ltd.--Huxley, Ann, 1979-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 99 Folder 11 Hutchinson Ltd.--Hyers, M. Conrad, 1973-1974

Box 99 Folder 12 Hutchinson Ltd.--Hyers, M. Conrad, 1980

Box 100 Folder 1 Hutchinson Ltd.--Inber, Vera, 1970-1971

Box 100 Folder 2 Hutchinson Ltd.--Inquiries, 1980

Box 100 Folder 3 Hutchinson Ltd.--Jacobs, John, 1971-1972

Box 100 Folder 4 Hutchinson Ltd.--James, Edwin, 1972

Box 100 Folder 5-6 Hutchinson Ltd.--James, Naomi, 1979-1981 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 100 Folder 7 Hutchinson Ltd.--Jeffries, Roderic (writing as Peter Alding), 1967-1975

Box 100 Folder 10-12 Hutchinson Ltd.--Jeffries, Roderic, (writing as Jeffrey Ashford), 1966-1978 (3 Folders)

Box 100 Folder 8-9 Hutchinson Ltd.--Jeffries, Roderic (writing as Peter Alding), 1978-1979 (2 Folders)

Box 101 Folder 1 Hutchinson Ltd.--Jobson, William Hamilton, 1972-1980

Box 189 Folder 1 Hutchinson Ltd.--John Paul II, Pope, 1979-1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 101 Folder 2 Hutchinson Ltd.--Jones, Bradshaw, 1966-1975

Box 101 Folder 3 Hutchinson Ltd.--Joseph, Helen, 1966-1975

Box 101 Folder 4 Hutchinson Ltd.--Keller, W. Phillip, 1968-1972

Box 101 Folder 5 Hutchinson Ltd.--Kelly, J.F., 1969-1972

Box 101 Folder 6 Hutchinson Ltd.--Kenton, Warren Derek (Z'ev ben Shimon Halevi), 1980

Box 101 Folder 7-8 Hutchinson Ltd.--Knight, Alanna H., 1969-1977 (2 Folders)

Box 101 Folder 9 Hutchinson Ltd.--Knox, Bill (Pen Names: Michael Kirk, Robert MacLeod, Noah Webster), 1966-1969

Box 101 Folder 10 Hutchinson Ltd.--Knox, Bill (Pen Names: Michael Kirk, Robert MacLeod, Noah Webster), 1970-1972

Box 102 Folder 1-5 Hutchinson Ltd.--Knox, Bill (Pen Names: Michael Kirk, Robert MacLeod, Noah Webster), 1973-1979 (5 Folders)

Box 102 Folder 6 Hutchinson Ltd.--Knox, Bill (Writing as Robert MacLeod), 1967-1975

Box 189 Folder 2 Hutchinson Ltd.--Knox, Bill, 1980-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 186 Folder 14 Hutchinson Ltd.--Koestler, Arthur, 1973-1975

Box 102 Folder 7 Hutchinson Ltd.--Koestler, Arthur, 1979-1980

Box 102 Folder 8 Hutchinson Ltd.--Lang, Ian, 1975

Box 102 Folder 9 Hutchinson Ltd.--Lannoy, Richard & Harry Baines, 1977-1978

Box 102 Folder 10 Hutchinson Ltd.--Latham, John Wilkinsin & R.J. Wilkinson Latham, 1966-1978

Box 102 Folder 11 Hutchinson Ltd.--Lee, Arthur Gould, 1968-1978

Box 102 Folder 12 Hutchinson Ltd.--Leishman, J. B. (James Blair), 1976-1978

Box 103 Folder 1 Hutchinson Ltd.--Leslie, Anita, 1974-1976

Box 103 Folder 2-4 Hutchinson Ltd.--Lewis, Hilda, 1966-1978 (3 Folders)

Box 103 Folder 5 Hutchinson Ltd.--Lillie, Helen (Helen Lillie Marwick), 1970-1976

Box 103 Folder 6 Hutchinson Ltd.--Linder, Mariella, 1967-1976

Box 189 Folder 3 Hutchinson Ltd.--Lister, Margot, 1981-1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 103 Folder 7 Hutchinson Ltd.--Longford, Francis Pakenham and Thomas P. O'Neill, 1969-1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 103 Folder 8 Hutchinson Ltd.--Lubis, Mochtar, 1968-1977

Box 103 Folder 9 Hutchinson Ltd.--Ludlam, Harry, 1969-1977

Box 103 Folder 10 Hutchinson Ltd.--Luk, Charles, 1967-1974

Box 103 Folder 11 Hutchinson Ltd.--Luk, Charles, 1975-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 104 Folder 6 Hutchinson Ltd.--MacCulloch, J. A. (John Arnott), 1972

Box 104 Folder 8 Hutchinson Ltd.--MacDiarmid, Hugh, 1966-1967

Box 104 Folder 10 Hutchinson Ltd.--Macmillan, Norman, 1969-1976

Box 104 Folder 11 Hutchinson Ltd.--MacSweeney, Barry, 1968-1969

Box 104 Folder 12 Hutchinson Ltd.--Madden, Anne Wakefield, 1973-1979

Box 104 Folder 13 Hutchinson Ltd.--Maddocks, Margaret, 1971-1980

Box 104 Folder 14 Hutchinson Ltd.--Mair, George B., 1966-1973

Box 104 Folder 15 Hutchinson Ltd.--Makin, Irene, 1968-1976

Box 104 Folder 16 Hutchinson Ltd.--Mannin, Ethel, 1969-1976

Box 105 Folder 1 Hutchinson Ltd.--Marsden, Peter, 1972-1975

Box 105 Folder 2 Hutchinson Ltd.--Marshall, Peter, 1966-1976

Box 105 Folder 3 Hutchinson Ltd.--Martin, Kingsley, 1966-1976

Box 105 Folder 4 Hutchinson Ltd.--Mason, Haydn T., 1975

Box 104 Folder 1 Hutchinson Ltd.--McBride, William, 1975-1977

Box 104 Folder 2 Hutchinson Ltd.--McCartney, James, 1968-1970

Box 104 Folder 3 Hutchinson Ltd.--McClean, Tom, 1971-1972

Box 104 Folder 4 Hutchinson Ltd.--McCormick, Donald, 1967-1971

Box 104 Folder 5 Hutchinson Ltd.--McCulloch, Alex, 1968-1975

Box 104 Folder 7 Hutchinson Ltd.--McCutcheon, Hugh, 1966-1978

Box 104 Folder 9 Hutchinson Ltd.--McIntosh, Christopher, 1968-1973

Box 105 Folder 5 Hutchinson Ltd.--Mead, W.R. & E.H. Brown, 1967-1971

Box 105 Folder 6 Hutchinson Ltd.--Meadows, Rose, 1979-1980

Box 105 Folder 7 Hutchinson Ltd.--Mellows, Joan, 1973-1976

Box 105 Folder 8 Hutchinson Ltd.--Men in Action Series, 1967-1972

Box 105 Folder 9 Hutchinson Ltd.--Merilees, William, 1966-1969

Box 105 Folder 10 Hutchinson Ltd.--Meyler, Desiree, 1973-1977

Box 105 Folder 11 Hutchinson Ltd.--Milani, Milena, 1966-1975

Box 105 Folder 12 Hutchinson Ltd.--Molesworth, Roger, 1972-1978

Box 105 Folder 13 Hutchinson Ltd.--Moore, Bobby, 1967-1974

Box 105 Folder 14 Hutchinson Ltd.--Moray, Neville, 1970-1974

Box 105 Folder 15 Hutchinson Ltd.--Morris, Desmond & Ramona, 1966-1976

Box 105 Folder 16 Hutchinson Ltd.--Morrison, James, 1980

Box 105 Folder 17 Hutchinson Ltd.--Morry, W. Ritson & W. Melville Mitchell, 1966-1975

Box 106 Folder 1 Hutchinson Ltd.--Moseley, Maboth, 1969-1976

Box 106 Folder 2 Hutchinson Ltd.--Mottram, Tony, 1971-1980

Box 106 Folder 3 Hutchinson Ltd.--Mountfort, Guy, 1974-1978

Box 106 Folder 4 Hutchinson Ltd.--Mountjoy, Alan B. & B.C. Embleton, 1966-1976

Box 106 Folder 5 Hutchinson Ltd.--Muller, Robert, 1969-1971

Box 106 Folder 6 Hutchinson Ltd.--Munro-Smith, R., 1968-1969

Box 106 Folder 7 Hutchinson Ltd.--Murphy, Genevieve, 1976-1978

Box 106 Folder 8 Hutchinson Ltd.--Muskett, Netta, 1973-1977

Box 189 Folder 4 Hutchinson Ltd.--Muskett, Peter, 1979

Box 106 Folder 9 Hutchinson Ltd.--Naismith, Marion, 1970-1978

Box 106 Folder 10 Hutchinson Ltd.--Naydler, Merton, 1968-1977

Box 106 Folder 11-12 Hutchinson Ltd.--Neill, Robert, 1967-1979 (2 Folders)

Box 106 Folder 13 Hutchinson Ltd.--Neterclift, Beryl, 1967-1979

Box 189 Folder 5 Hutchinson Ltd.--Netherclift, Beryl, 1980-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 106 Folder 14 Hutchinson Ltd.--Norcliffe, G.B., 1976-1977

Box 106 Folder 15 Hutchinson Ltd.--Nurmi, Martin, 1974-1976

Box 107 Folder 1-7 Hutchinson Ltd.--Offerings, A-Z, 1980 (7 Folders)

Box 107 Folder 8 Hutchinson Ltd.--Oldroyd, Harold, 1970-1974

Box 107 Folder 9 Hutchinson Ltd.--Osmond, Andrew, 1974-1979

Box 107 Folder 10 Hutchinson Ltd.--Owen, Rosamund, 1976-1979

Box 107 Folder 11 Hutchinson Ltd.--Pask, Gordon, 1974-1975

Box 107 Folder 12 Hutchinson Ltd.--Pedder, I.J. & E.G. Wynne, 1972-1979

Box 107 Folder 13 Hutchinson Ltd.--Philipp, Elliot Elias, 1974-1975

Box 107 Folder 14 Hutchinson Ltd.--Pinto, Vivian de Sola, 1968-1969

Box 108 Folder 1 Hutchinson Ltd.--Pope John Paul II (Karol Wojtyla), 1978-1979

Box 108 Folder 3-5 Hutchinson Ltd.--Popular Dogs with Arco, 1975-1978 (3 Folders)

Box 108 Folder 6 Hutchinson Ltd.--Popular Dogs with Arco, 1979-1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 108 Folder 7-9 Hutchinson Ltd.--Popular Dogs with Howell, 1974-1978 (3 Folders)

Box 108 Folder 10 Hutchinson Ltd.--Popular Dogs with Howell, 1979-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 108 Folder 11 Hutchinson Ltd.--Popular Dogs with Macmillan, 1973-1976

Box 108 Folder 2 Hutchinson Ltd.--Popular Dogs, 1969 (Popular Dogs Series)

Box 108 Folder 12-13 Hutchinson Ltd.--Popular Dogs--Other, 1977-1979 (2 Folders)

Box 109 Folder 1 Hutchinson Ltd.--Pred, Allan R., 1976-1977

Box 109 Folder 2 Hutchinson Ltd.--Prem, Sri Krishna, 1975-1977

Box 189 Folder 6 Hutchinson Ltd.--Prentis, Evelyn, 1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 109 Folder 3 Hutchinson Ltd.--Preston, Adrian, 1967-1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 109 Folder 4 Hutchinson Ltd.--Pribam, Karl & Mervin Gill, 1972-1977

Box 109 Folder 5 Hutchinson Ltd.--Pringle, Mia Kelimer, 1974-1980

Box 109 Folder 6 Hutchinson Ltd.--Proust Letters, 1972

Box 109 Folder 7-8 Hutchinson Ltd.--Proysen, Alf, 1970-1979 (2 Folders)

Box 109 Folder 9 Hutchinson Ltd.--Pullan, J.M., 1968-1971

Box 109 Folder 10 Hutchinson Ltd.--Racster, Olga, 1978

Box 109 Folder 11 Hutchinson Ltd.--Ramsey, Joan and Hartley, 1966-1971

Box 109 Folder 12 Hutchinson Ltd.--Read, Elfreida, 1966-1973

Box 109 Folder 13 Hutchinson Ltd.--Reed, Graham, 1977

Box 109 Folder 14-16 Hutchinson Ltd.--Reeman, Douglas (Alexander Kent), 1975-1979 (3 Folders)

Box 189 Folder 7 Hutchinson Ltd.--Reeman, Douglas, 1980-1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 110 Folder 1 Hutchinson Ltd.--Rendell, Ruth, 1966-1969

Box 110 Folder 2-8 Hutchinson Ltd.--Rendell, Ruth, 1970-1979 (7 Folders)

Box 222 Folder 5 Hutchinson Ltd.--Rendell, Ruth, 1979-1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 189 Folder 8 Hutchinson Ltd.--Rendell, Ruth--Movies, 1980-1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 110 Folder 9-10 Hutchinson Ltd.--Renier, Elizabeth, 1970-1980 (2 Folders)

Box 189 Folder 9 Hutchinson Ltd.--Renier, Elizabeth, 1978-1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 111 Folder 1 Hutchinson Ltd.--Reports, 1980-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 111 Folder 2 Hutchinson Ltd.--Rhodes, Henry T. F. (Henry Taylor Fowkes), 1973

Box 111 Folder 3 Hutchinson Ltd.--Rivers, Anne (Patricia Louise Dalton), 1973-1974

Box 189 Folder 10 Hutchinson Ltd.--Robin, Bernard, 1980-1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 111 Folder 5 Hutchinson Ltd.--Rolt-Wheeler, Francis, 1975-1977

Box 111 Folder 6 Hutchinson Ltd.--Romanov, A.I., pseud., 1971-1976

Box 111 Folder 7 Hutchinson Ltd.--Rosenthal, Gerard, 1975-1976

Box 111 Folder 8-9 Hutchinson Ltd.--Ross, Angus, 1970-1980 (2 Folders)

Box 111 Folder 10 Hutchinson Ltd.--Rossi, Alfred, 1976

Box 111 Folder 11 Hutchinson Ltd.--Rowe, Christopher, 1976

Box 111 Folder 12 Hutchinson Ltd.--Roy, Archie, 1969-1978

Box 111 Folder 13 Hutchinson Ltd.--Ruell, Patrick, 1973-1976

Box 111 Folder 14 Hutchinson Ltd.--Sambursky, Shuel, 1970-1977

Box 111 Folder 15 Hutchinson Ltd.--Sangharakshita, Bhikshu, 1970-1976

Box 111 Folder 16-17 Hutchinson Ltd.--Santa Maria, Jack, 1978-1979 (2 Folders)

Box 189 Folder 11 Hutchinson Ltd.--Santa-Maria, Jack, 1980-1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 111 Folder 18 Hutchinson Ltd.--Saunders, Vivien, 1975-1976

Box 112 Folder 1 Hutchinson Ltd.--Schumann, Wolfgang, 1973-1974

Box 112 Folder 2 Hutchinson Ltd.--Schwarz, Boris, 1979-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 112 Folder 3 Hutchinson Ltd.--Scott, George, 1968-1973

Box 112 Folder 4 Hutchinson Ltd.--Scott, Tom & Geoffrey Cousins, 1967-1975

Box 112 Folder 5 Hutchinson Ltd.--Seth, Ronald, 1969-1971

Box 112 Folder 6 Hutchinson Ltd.--Seymour, Miranda, 1976-1978

Box 112 Folder 7 Hutchinson Ltd.--Simmie, J.M., 1974-1975

Box 112 Folder 8 Hutchinson Ltd.--Slanska, Josefa, 1968-1972

Box 112 Folder 9 Hutchinson Ltd.--Smith, John E., 1979

Box 112 Folder 10 Hutchinson Ltd.--Sontheimer, Kurt & Wilhelm Bleek, 1975-1976

Box 112 Folder 11 Hutchinson Ltd.--Sparrow, Gerald, 1966-1972

Box 112 Folder 12 Hutchinson Ltd.--Spirals Series, 1977-1980

Box 112 Folder 13 Hutchinson Ltd.--Spirals Series, 1979-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 112 Folder 14 Hutchinson Ltd.--Sporne, K.R., 1974-1975

Box 112 Folder 15 Hutchinson Ltd.--Steiner, Irene, 1973-1976

Box 112 Folder 16-17 Hutchinson Ltd.--Steinhoff, Johannes, 1975-1979 (2 Folders)

Box 112 Folder 18 Hutchinson Ltd.--Stevenson, W.C., 1967-1973

Box 190 Folder 1 Hutchinson Ltd.--Stewart, Bruce, 1980-1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 112 Folder 19 Hutchinson Ltd.--Stoddard, Alan, 1969-1976

Box 112 Folder 20 Hutchinson Ltd.--Strick, Philip, 1975-1976

Box 190 Folder 2 Hutchinson Ltd.--Strong, Michael, 1979-1980

Box 112 Folder 21 Hutchinson Ltd.--Swinton, Philip Cunliffe-Lister, 1st Earl of, 1966-1973

Box 112 Folder 22 Hutchinson Ltd.--Sykes, John, 1970-1976

Box 113 Folder 1 Hutchinson Ltd.--Tack, Alfred, 1970-1973

Box 113 Folder 2 Hutchinson Ltd.--Tapsell, R.F., 1966-1977

Box 113 Folder 3 Hutchinson Ltd.--Temple, Nigel, 1970-1972

Box 113 Folder 4 Hutchinson Ltd.--Tester, M.H., 1980

Box 113 Folder 5 Hutchinson Ltd.--Tew, Brian, 1976-1977

Box 113 Folder 6 Hutchinson Ltd.--Thackeray, Alec, 1974-1978

Box 115 Folder 4 Hutchinson Ltd.--The Year's Art Series, 1969-1973

Box 113 Folder 7 Hutchinson Ltd.--Thorndike, Russell, 1972-1976

Box 113 Folder 8-10 Hutchinson Ltd.--Thorpe, Sylvia (June Sylvia Thimblethorpe), 1975-1978 (3 Folders)

Box 190 Folder 3 Hutchinson Ltd.--Thorpe, Sylvia, 1979-1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 113 Folder 11 Hutchinson Ltd.--Townsend, John Rowe, 1966-1975

Box 113 Folder 12 Hutchinson Ltd.--Trevillion, Paul, 1970-1976

Box 113 Folder 13-14 Hutchinson Ltd.--Trollope, Joanna, 1977-1979 (2 Folders)

Box 190 Folder 4 Hutchinson Ltd.--Trollope, Joanna, 1980

Box 114 Folder 1 Hutchinson Ltd.--Ullyett, Kenneth, 1966-1979

Box 114 Folder 2-3 Hutchinson Ltd.--Unsworth, Mair, 1969-1978 (2 Folders)

Box 190 Folder 5 Hutchinson Ltd.--Unsworth, Mair, 1979-1980

Box 114 Folder 4-5 Hutchinson Ltd.--Valdes, Ivy, 1971-1978 (2 Folders)

Box 111 Folder 4 Hutchinson Ltd.--Verdon-Roe, Alliott, 1978-1979

Filed under Roe.

Box 114 Folder 6 Hutchinson Ltd.--Village London, 1979

Box 114 Folder 7 Hutchinson Ltd.--Walder, David, 1966-1972

Box 114 Folder 8 Hutchinson Ltd.--Walk in Dread (Anthology), 1971-1973

Box 114 Folder 9 Hutchinson Ltd.--Walsh, Arthur Edward & John Paxton, 1968-1973

Box 114 Folder 10-11 Hutchinson Ltd.--Walsh, Sheila, 1974-1978 (2 Folders)

Box 190 Folder 6 Hutchinson Ltd.--Walsh, Sheila, 1979-1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 114 Folder 12 Hutchinson Ltd.--Walters, John, 1972-1974

Box 190 Folder 7 Hutchinson Ltd.--Watson, Peter, 1979-1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 114 Folder 13 Hutchinson Ltd.--Weaver, Bill & Keith Macklin, 1975-1976

Box 114 Folder 14 Hutchinson Ltd.--Weldrick, Valerie, 1976-1978

Box 114 Folder 15 Hutchinson Ltd.--White, Eric Walter, 1980-1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 114 Folder 16 Hutchinson Ltd.--Whittle, Norah, 1972-1979

Box 114 Folder 17 Hutchinson Ltd.--Wilson, Mary (Gladys Mary Baldwin Wilson, Baroness Wilson of Rievaulx), 1970-1971

Box 115 Folder 1 Hutchinson Ltd.--Wood, James, 1966-1975

Box 115 Folder 2 Hutchinson Ltd.--Woodward, Edward, 1967-1976

Box 115 Folder 3 Hutchinson Ltd.--Wrightson, Patricia, 1971-1977

Box 190 Folder 8 Hutchinson Ltd.--Wrightson, Patricia, 1979-1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 266 Folder 7 Hutchinson, Alan --General--1980-1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 266 Folder 4 Hutchinson, Alan --Biology Series, 1976-1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 266 Folder 5 Hutchinson, Alan --Christie's Review, 1972-1974

Box 266 Folder 6 Hutchinson, Alan --Encyclopedia, 1970-1971

Box 266 Folder 8 Hutchinson, Alan --Popular Dogs--Arco, 1968-1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 266 Folder 9 Hutchinson, Alan --Popular Dogs--other, 1968-1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 266 Folder 3 Hutchinson, Alan, 1975-1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 267 Folder 1 Hutchinson, Alan--Rendell, 1981-1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 267 Folder 2 Hutchinson, Alan--The Year's Art, 1970-1973

Box 249 Folder 26 Hutchinson, Beryl, 1968-1978

Box 249 Folder 27 Hutton, Bernard, 1961-1968

Box 864 Folder 8 Huxley, Aldous, 2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 865 Folder 1 Huxley, Aldous, 2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 865 Folder 4 Huxley, Aldous--Aldous & Laura Huxley Literary Trust, 2010-2011

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 897 Folder 10-11 Huxley, Aldous--Aldous & Laura Huxley Literary Trust, 2012-2016 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 512 Folder 8 Huxley, Aldous--Contracts, 2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 586 Folder 6 Huxley, Aldous--Contracts (CND), 1997-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 505 Folder 10 Huxley, Aldous--Contracts--Film/Musical/Theater--Contracts, 1976-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 505 Folder 11 Huxley, Aldous--Contracts--Foreign, 1945-2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 586 Folder 7 Huxley, Aldous--Contracts--Foreign--New, 2007-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 583 Folder 15 Huxley, Aldous--Contracts--Various Foreign, 2007-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 864 Folder 1 Huxley, Aldous--Foreign, 2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 815 Folder 15 Huxley, Aldous--Foreign, 2009-2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 867 Folder 4 Huxley, Aldous--Foreign, 2011

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 834 Folder 11 Huxley, Aldous--Foreign, 2012

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 897 Folder 12 Huxley, Aldous--Foreign, 2013-2015

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 864 Folder 3 Huxley, Aldous--HarperCollins (HC), 2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Huxley, Aldous--Laura Huxley--Older Files

This set of files was filed in one file drawer under Laura Huxley, Miscellaneous. Some of the records relate to Aldous Huxley and his estate, other records relate directly to Laura Huxley and her own work. Most of these, given the time period, are likely from Dorris Halsey and the Reese Halsey Literary Agency, the longtime literary agent for the Huxleys.

Box 922 Compcare, 1985-1987, 3 folders

Restricted until 2029

Box 922 Matthew Huxley, 1987-1993

Restricted until 2039

Box 922 Huxley Catalog, 1997-2004

Restricted until 2049

Box 922 Aldous Huxley, 1991-2005

Restricted until 2049

Includes information on conferences, publications, seminars, and the death of Matthew Huxley.

Box 922 Laura Huxley, 1975-1998

Restricted until 2039

Box 922 Laura Huxley--One a Day Reason to Be Happy, 1988-1995

Restricted until 2039

Box 922 Laura Huxley--CBS Recipes for Living and Loving, 1972-1973

Box 922 Laura Huxley--To File, 1992-2003

Restricted until 2049

Box 922 Japanese Contracts, 1994-1995

Restricted until 2039

Box 922 Laura Huxley--Inner Traditions International, 1999-2000

Restricted until 2039

Box 922 Hilsinger-Mendelson, 2004

Restricted until 2049

Box 922 Rupert Hughes and James Kemm, 1997

Restricted until 2039

Box 922 Child of Your Dreams, 1995-1999

Restricted until 2039

Box 922 Laura: Ten Speed Press, 1999

Restricted until 2039

Box 922 Huxley--Power of Attorney, 1998-2003

Restricted until 2049

Box 922 Laura Huxley, 1994-1998

Restricted until 2039

Box 922 Permissions, 1993

Restricted until 2039

Box 922 Laura Huxley--Children: Our Ultimate Investment (COUI), 1995-2004

Restricted until 2049

Box 922 Laura's 90th Birthday Party, 2001

Restricted until 2049

Box 922 Laura Huxley--Miscellaneous (Unfiled), 1980s, 2 folders

Restricted until 2029

Box 922 Laura Huxley--Miscellaneous (Unfiled), 1990s

Restricted until 2039

Box 922 Laura Huxley--Miscellaneous (Unfiled), 2000s, 3 folders

Restricted until 2049

Box 864 Folder 7-8 Huxley, Aldous--Laura Huxley, 2006-2007 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 864 Folder 5 Huxley, Aldous--LH [Laura Huxley], 2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 865 Folder 3 Huxley, Aldous--Laura Huxley Trust (LHT), 2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 864 Folder 2 Huxley, Aldous--Other, 2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 865 Folder 2 Huxley, Aldous--Other, 2010-2011

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 897 Folder 14 Huxley, Aldous--Other, 2012

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 877 Folder 8 Huxley, Aldous--Other, 2015

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 883 Folder 7 Huxley, Aldous--Other, 2016

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 834 Folder 12-14 Huxley, Aldous--Permissions, 2007-2009 (3 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 911 Folder 13 Huxley, Aldous--Permissions, 2013-2015

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 864 Folder 4 Huxley, Aldous--T&T [Tess and Trev Huxley], 2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 865 Folder 5 Huxley, Aldous--Tessa and Trev Huxley, 2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 865 Folder 6 Huxley, Aldous--Tessa and Trev Huxley, 2010-2011

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 897 Folder 13 Huxley, Aldous--Tessa and Trev Huxley, 2012-2016

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 864 Folder 6 Huxley, Aldous--U.K. and Canada, 2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 19 Folder 6-7 Huxtable, Ada Louise, 1972-1978 (2 Folders)

Box 371 Folder 6 Huxtable, Ada Louise, 1979-1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 599 Folder 16-18 Huxtable, Ada Louise, 1983-1986 (3 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 773 Folder 1 Huxtable, Ada Louise, 1991-1995

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 855 Folder 3 Huxtable, Ada Louise--Contracts, 1986-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 249 Folder 28 Hyde, Lewis, 1981-1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 898 Folder 2 Hyde, Lewis, 2006-2014

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 854 Folder 9 Hyde, Lewis--Contracts, 1978-2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 250 Folder 1 Hyers, M. Conrad, 1973-1979

Box 371 Folder 4 Hyman, Mary and Philip, 1979-1980

Box 394 Folder 4 Hyman, Mary and Philip, 1981-1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 412 Folder 6 Hyman, Mary and Philip, 1983-1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 412 Folder 7 Hyman, Mary and Philip, 1985-1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 599 Folder 19 Hyman, Mary and Philip, 1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 638 Folder 7 Hyman, Mary and Philip, 1988-1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 434 Folder 4 Hyman, Mary and Philip, 1991-2000

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 834 Folder 15 Hyman, Philip and Mary, 2005-2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 869 Folder 4 Hyman, Philip and Mary--Contracts, 1979-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 435 Folder 1 Hyman, Paul, 2000-2004

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 861 Folder 11 Ingalls, Rachel, 1973-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 873 Folder 1 Ingalls, Rachel--Contracts--People to People--Assignment Held in Escrow / On the Verge, 2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 807 Folder 9 Ingalls, Rachel--Contracts--Movies, 1986-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 463 Folder 4 Ingalls, Rachel--Movie, 1998-2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 744 Folder 1 Ingalls, Rachel--Movies, 1992

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 815 Folder 14 Ingalls, Rachel--Movies, 2005-2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 47 Folder 16-17 Inquiries, 1962-1963 (2 Folders)

Box 394 Folder 5 Insdorf, Annette, 1980-1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 413 Folder 1 Insdorf, Annette, 1984-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 599 Folder 20 Insdorf, Annette, 1986-1988

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 742 Folder 5 Insdorf, Annette, 1989-1992

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 773 Folder 2 Insdorf, Annette, 1993-1996

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 507 Folder 1 Insdorf, Annette, 1997-1998

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 435 Folder 3 Insdorf, Annette, 1999-2000

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 460 Folder 15 Insdorf, Annette, 2001-2002

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 815 Folder 16 Insdorf, Annette, 2003-2004

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 790 Folder 3 Insdorf, Annette, 2005-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 835 Folder 1 Insdorf, Annette, 2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 877 Folder 9 Insdorf, Annette, 2010-2012

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 898 Folder 3 Insdorf, Annette, 2013-2016

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 855 Folder 1 Insdorf, Annette--Contracts--Foreign, 1985-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 861 Folder 12 Insdorf, Annette--Contracts--U.S. Books, 1981-2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 861 Folder 13 Insdorf, Annette--Contracts--Other U.S. Contracts, 1980-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 20 Folder 1-2 Israel, Peter, 1967-1969 (2 Folders)

Box 161 Folder 7 Israel, Peter, 1970

Box 161 Folder 8 Israel, Peter, 1971

Box 20 Folder 3-5 Israel, Peter, 1972-1974 (3 Folders)

Box 250 Folder 2 Israel, Peter, 1975-1976

Box 371 Folder 8 Israel, Peter, 1977-1980

Box 413 Folder 2 Israel, Peter, 1980-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 606 Folder 20 Israel, Peter, 1986-1989

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 718 Folder 2 Israel/Freeborn, Peter, 1989

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 754 Folder 5 Israel/Freeborn Peter, 1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 434 Folder 5 Israel/Freeborn, Peter, 1991-1998

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 462 Folder 9 Israel/Freeborn, Peter--Movies, 1988-1996

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 744 Folder 2 Israel, Peter / Alexandra Frye, 1992-1993

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 853 Folder 4 Israel, Peter--Contracts, 1989-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

(Includes Alexandra Frye and Peter Freeborn)

Box 422 Folder 13, 2000-2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 877 Folder 10 Jackson, Greg, 2014

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 898 Folder 4 Jackson, Greg, 2015-2016

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 883 Folder 8 Jackson, Greg, 2017

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 718 Folder 1 Jackson, Jon A., 1991-1993

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 869 Folder 9 Jackson, Jon A.--Contracts, 1991-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 20 Folder 6-8 Jacoby, Susan, 1973-1975 (3 Folders)

Box 162 Folder 1-2 Jacoby, Susan, 1978-1979 (2 Folders)

Box 395 Folder 1 Jacoby, Susan, 1980-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 600 Folder 5 Jacoby, Susan, 1982-1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 570 Folder 7 Jacoby, Susan, 1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 395 Folder 2 Jacoby, Susan, 1984-1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 413 Folder 3 Jacoby, Susan, 1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 570 Folder 8 Jacoby, Susan, 1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 607 Folder 2 Jacoby, Susan, 1988-1989

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 764 Folder 1 Jacoby, Susan, 1990-1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 744 Folder 3 Jacoby, Susan, 1992

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 775 Folder 11 Jacoby, Susan, 1993-1995

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 506 Folder 1 Jacoby, Susan, 1996-1997

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 425 Folder 1 Jacoby, Susan, 1998

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 507 Folder 2 Jacoby, Susan, 1999

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 507 Folder 3 Jacoby, Susan, 1999-2001

[Restricted Until 2049] (Includes 3.5" computer disk)

Box 506 Folder 2 Jacoby, Susan, 2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 435 Folder 4 Jacoby, Susan, 2002

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 506 Folder 3 Jacoby, Susan, 2004

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 523 Folder 6 Jacoby, Susan, 2005-2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 790 Folder 4 Jacoby, Susan, 2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 835 Folder 2 Jacoby, Susan, 2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 819 Folder 6 Jacoby, Susan, 2009-2012

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 877 Folder 11 Jacoby, Susan, 2013

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 898 Folder 5 Jacoby, Susan, 2014-2015

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 861 Folder 18 Jacoby, Susan--Contracts, 1988-1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 820 Folder 11 Jacoby, Susan--Contracts--Audio (Books), 1984-2012

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 869 Folder 10 Jacoby, Susan--Contracts--Magazines, Permissions, 1986-2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 775 Folder 12 Jaffe, Michael Grant, 1995

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 425 Folder 2 Jaffe, Michael Grant, 1996

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 506 Folder 4 Jaffe, Michael Grant, 1997-1998

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 507 Folder 4 Jaffe, Michael Grant, 1999-2000

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 463 Folder 5 Jaffe, Michael Grant, 2001-2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 523 Folder 7 Jaffe, Michael Grant, 2004

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 835 Folder 3 Jaffe, Michael Grant, 2005-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 919 Folder 14 Jaffe, Michael Grant, 2013-2016

Restricted Until 2059

Box 870 Folder 1 Jaffe, Michael Grant--Contracts--Foreign, 1995-2005

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 830 Folder 10 Jaffe, Michael Grant--Contracts--U.S., 1995-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 870 Folder 2 Jakobson, Roman--Contracts, 2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 250 Folder 3 James, John, 1966-1976

Box 20 Folder 9 Janeway, William H., 1970-1974

Box 162 Folder 3-4 Jarnow, Jill, 1973-1980 (2 Folders)

Box 570 Folder 9 Jarnow, Jill, 1981-1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 162 Folder 5 Jarnow, Jill--Foreign Rights, 1975-1976

Box 329 Folder 3 Jeal, Tim, 1973-1974

Box 413 Folder 4 Jennings, Humphrey--Watt, A.P., 1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 413 Folder 5 Jerome, John, 1980

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 413 Folder 7 Jerome, John, 1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 413 Folder 6 Jerome, John, 1981-1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 600 Folder 6 Jerome, John, 1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 560 Folder 1 Jerome, John, 1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 600 Folder 7 Jerome, John, 1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 607 Folder 3 Jerome, John, 1986-1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 600 Folder 8 Jerome, John, 1988, 1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 754 Folder 6 Jerome, John, 1989-1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 716 Folder 4-5 Jerome, John, 1991-1995 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 428 Folder 10 Jerome, John, 1996-1997

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 870 Folder 7 Jerome, John--Contracts, 1997-2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 763 Folder 4 Jerome, John--Publicity, 1977-1997

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 89 Folder 8 John Calder (Publishers) Ltd., 1961-1966

Box 378 Folder 2 John Paul II, Pope--Hutchinson, 1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 21 Folder 1 Johnson, Charles, 1973-1974

Box 162 Folder 6-7 Johnson, Charles, 1975-1977 (2 Folders)

Box 163 Folder 1-2 Johnson, Charles, 1978-1979 (2 Folders)

Box 771 Folder 1 Johnson, Charles, 1980

Box 771 Folder 2-11 Johnson, Charles, 1981-1990 (10 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 771 Folder 13-14 Johnson, Charles, 1992-1993 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 425 Folder 3 Johnson, Charles, 1994

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 425 Folder 4 Johnson, Charles, 1995

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 506 Folder 5 Johnson, Charles, 1996

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 425 Folder 5 Johnson, Charles, 1997

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 512 Folder 7 Johnson, Charles, 1998

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 507 Folder 5-6 Johnson, Charles, 1999-2000 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 789 Folder 4-6 Johnson, Charles, 2006-2008 (3 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 816 Folder 1 Johnson, Charles, 2009-2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 819 Folder 7 Johnson, Charles, 2011

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 859 Folder 7 Johnson, Charles, 2013

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 898 Folder 6 Johnson, Charles, 2015-2016

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 883 Folder 9-10 Johnson, Charles, 2014-2017 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 919 Folder 15 Johnson, Charles, 2017

Restricted Until 2059

Box 771 Folder 17 Johnson, Charles--All Other, 1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 771 Folder 12 Johnson, Charles--Books, 1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 870 Folder 7 Jerome, John--Contracts, 1997-2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 869 Folder 11 Johnson, Charles--Contracts--Audio, Theatre, 1994-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 870 Folder 8 Johnson, Charles--Contracts--Books (U.S.) All Other (Besides U.S.), 1974-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 594 Folder 23 Johnson, Charles--Contracts--Buddhadharma, 2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 870 Folder 9 Johnson, Charles--Contracts--Film and Television, 1978-2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 870 Folder 11 Johnson, Charles--Contracts--Foreign, 1976-2005

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 820 Folder 12 Johnson, Charles--Contracts--New Souls; DC/Middle Passage Revert, 2004-2012

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 870 Folder 10 Johnson, Charles--Contracts--Permissions, Miscellaneous, 1991-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 797 Folder 6-7 Johnson, Charles--Contracts--U.S. Books--Simon & Schuster--A-Z, 1986-2009 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 507 Folder 9 Johnson, Charles--Correspondence and Publication, 1998

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 507 Folder 7 Johnson, Charles--Correspondence, 2000

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 507 Folder 8 Johnson, Charles--Correspondence, 2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 435 Folder 5 Johnson, Charles--Correspondence, 2002

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 462 Folder 10 Johnson, Charles--Correspondence, 2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 789 Folder 3 Johnson, Charles--Correspondence, 2004

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 523 Folder 8 Johnson, Charles--Correspondence, 2005

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 771 Folder 16 Johnson, Charles--Movie, 1994-1996

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 507 Folder 10 Johnson, Charles--Movie, 1997-1999

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 435 Folder 8 Johnson, Charles--Movie, 2000

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 507 Folder 11 Johnson, Charles--Other, 2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 435 Folder 6 Johnson, Charles--Other, 2002

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 435 Folder 7 Johnson, Charles--Other, 2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 507 Folder 12-13 Johnson, Charles--Other, 2004-2006 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 744 Folder 4 Johnson, Charles--Miscellaneous, 1991-1992

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 773 Folder 3 Johnson, Charles--Miscellaneous, 1993

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 771 Folder 15 Johnson, Charles--Miscellaneous, 1994

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 428 Folder 12 Johnson, Charles--Miscellaneous, 1997

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 163 Folder 3-4 Johnson, Edgar, 1975-1978 (2 Folders)

Box 506 Folder 6 Johnson, Edgar, 1979-1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 435 Folder 9 Johnson, Eric, 1996-1999

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 896 Folder 6 Johnson, Eric, 2000-2005

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 871 Folder 14 Johnson, Eric--Contracts, 1996-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 859 Folder 8 Johnson, Scott, 2009-2012

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 867 Folder 5 Johnson, Scott, 2013-2014

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 877 Folder 12 Johnson, Scott, 2015

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 898 Folder 7 Johnson, Scott, 2016

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 163 Folder 5 Johnston, Jill, 1974-1975

Box 608 Folder 21 Jonathan Cape Ltd.--General, 1983-1988

[Restricted Until 2029] (UK publisher)

Box 182 Folder 1-3 Jonathan Cape Ltd.--General Correspondence, 1974-1979 (3 folders)

Box 182 Folder 4 Jonathan Cape Ltd.--General Correspondence, 1980-1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 608 Folder 22 Jonathan Cape Ltd.--Allan, Ted, 1977-1988

[Restricted Until 2029] (UK publisher)

Box 182 Folder 5 Jonathan Cape Ltd.--Alpers, Antony, 1977-1978

Box 182 Folder 6 Jonathan Cape Ltd.--Bailey, Paul, 1977

Box 182 Folder 7 Jonathan Cape Ltd.--Bargate, Verity, 1977-1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 182 Folder 8 Jonathan Cape Ltd.--Clarke, I.F., 1979-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 182 Folder 9 Jonathan Cape Ltd.--Collinson, Peter, 1979-1980

Box 182 Folder 10 Jonathan Cape Ltd.--Dibdin, Michael, 1977-1979

Box 182 Folder 11 Jonathan Cape Ltd.--Dixon, Norman, 1976-1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 183 Folder 1 Jonathan Cape Ltd.--Heinz & Lee, 1977-1979

Box 183 Folder 2 Jonathan Cape Ltd.--National Trust, 1975-1978

Box 183 Folder 3 Jonathan Cape Ltd.--National Trust, 1979-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 183 Folder 4-8 Jonathan Cape Ltd.--Offerings, 1976-1977 (5 folders)

Box 184 Folder 1 Jonathan Cape Ltd.--Plomer, William, 1978-1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 222 Folder 1 Jonathan Cape Ltd.--Pym, Barbara, 1979-1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 184 Folder 2 Jonathan Cape Ltd.--Rowse, A. L. (Alfred Leslie), 1978-1980

Box 184 Folder 3 Jonathan Cape Ltd.--Suyin, Han, 1977

Box 184 Folder 4 Jonathan Cape Ltd.--Suyin, Han, 1979

Box 184 Folder 5-6 Jonathan Cape Ltd.--Von Mises, Ludwig Chapman & Hall, 1976-1979 (2 folders)

Box 250 Folder 4 Jones, Alick, 1973-1974

Box 74 Folder 2-4 Jones, D. F. (Dennis Feltham), 1966-1970 (3 Folders)

Box 163 Folder 6 Jones, D. F. (Dennis Feltham), 1971

Box 74 Folder 5-6 Jones, D. F. (Dennis Feltham), 1972-1974 (2 Folders)

Box 163 Folder 7 Jones, D. F. (Dennis Feltham), 1975-1978

Box 434 Folder 6 Jones, D. F. (Dennis Feltham), 1979-1980

Box 566 Folder 6 Jones, D. F. (Dennis Feltham), 1981-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 835 Folder 4 Jones, D. F. (Dennis Feltham), 2002-2005

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 871 Folder 6 Jones, D. F. (Dennis Feltham)--Contracts, 1966, 1987-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 395 Folder 6 Jorant, Albert, 1979-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 506 Folder 7 Jordan, Mark, 1995-2000

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 506 Folder 8 Jordan, Mark, 2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 462 Folder 11 Jordan, Mark, 2002-2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 896 Folder 7 Jordan, Mark, 2004-2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 919 Folder 16 Jordan, Mark, 2015-2016

Restricted Until 2059

Box 853 Folder 5 Jordan, Mark--Contracts, 1996-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 250 Folder 5 Jordania, Redjeb, 1964-1970

Box 21 Folder 2 Jordania, Redjeb, 1965-1968

Box 250 Folder 6 Joseph, Helen, 1967-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 815 Folder 17 Judson, Horace Freeland, 2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 861 Folder 19 Judson, Horace Freeland--Contracts, 2005-2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 506 Folder 9 Judson, Olivia, 1999

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 508 Folder 1 Judson, Olivia, 2000

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 508 Folder 2 Judson, Olivia, 2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 441 Folder 10 Judson, Olivia, 2002

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 463 Folder 6 Judson, Olivia, 2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 508 Folder 3 Judson, Olivia, 2004

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 523 Folder 9 Judson, Olivia, 2005

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 579 Folder 6 Judson, Olivia, 2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 789 Folder 7-8 Judson, Olivia, 2007-2008 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 816 Folder 2 Judson, Olivia, 2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 819 Folder 8 Judson, Olivia, 2010-2011

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 867 Folder 6 Judson, Olivia, 2012-2013

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 898 Folder 8 Judson, Olivia, 2014-2015

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 871 Folder 9 Judson, Olivia--Contracts, 1998-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 871 Folder 10 Judson, Olivia--Contracts--Dr. Tatiana and Other--Foreign, 1999-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 871 Folder 11 Judson, Olivia--Contracts--Movie/Television, 2002-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 830 Folder 16 Judson, Olivia--Contracts--Never the Face, 2008-2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 816 Folder 3 Judson, Olivia--Movies, 2006-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 523 Folder 10 Judson, Olivia--TV & Movies, 2003-2005

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 250 Folder 7 Juliano, Annette, 1978-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 566 Folder 7 Juliano, Annette, 1983-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 190 Folder 9 Justice Department, 1975

Box 871 Folder 13 Kadare, Ismail--Contracts, 1986-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 872 Folder 15 Kadare, Ismail--Contracts--Foreign, 1991-2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 440 Folder 6 Kadare, Ismail--Publicity, 1992-1993

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 423 Folder 16 Kakar, Sudhir, 1997

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 857 Folder 3 Kakar, Sudhir, 2000

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 857 Folder 4 Kakar, Sudhir, 2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 508 Folder 4-7 Kakar, Sudhir, 2002-2006 (4 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 873 Folder 5 Kakar, Sudhir--Contracts, 1997-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 898 Folder 9-10 Kaiman, Jonathan, 2017-2018 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 523 Folder 11 Kaledin, Arthur, 2004-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 873 Folder 7 Kaledin, Arthur--Contracts, 2004-2005

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 372 Folder 5 Kaplan, Fred, 1979-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 683 Folder 7 Kaplan, Fred, 1982-1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 396 Folder 1 Kaplan, Fred, 1984-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 697 Folder 2 Kaplan, Fred, 1986-1988

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 532 Folder 1 Kaplan, Fred, 1989

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 745 Folder 1 Kaplan, Fred, 1990-1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 770 Folder 18 Kaplan, Fred, 1992-1993

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 778 Folder 5-6 Kaplan, Fred, 1994-1995 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 478 Folder 1 Kaplan, Fred, 1996

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 423 Folder 17 Kaplan, Fred, 1997

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 478 Folder 2 Kaplan, Fred, 1999

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 857 Folder 5 Kaplan, Fred, 2000

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 462 Folder 12 Kaplan, Fred, 2001-2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 508 Folder 8 Kaplan, Fred, 2004-2005

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 523 Folder 12 Kaplan, Fred, 2006-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 859 Folder 9 Kaplan, Fred, 2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 867 Folder 7 Kaplan, Fred, 2009-2014

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 898 Folder 11 Kaplan, Fred, 2015

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 823 Folder 10 Kaplan, Fred--Contracts--Books, 1993-2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 873 Folder 8 Kaplan, Fred--Contracts--Foreign, 1987-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 873 Folder 9 Kaplan, Fred--Contracts--Miscellaneous, 1988-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 566 Folder 8 Kaplan, Johanna, 1980-1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 754 Folder 7 Kaplan, Johanna, 1985-1994

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 873 Folder 10 Kaplan, Johanna--Contracts, 1980-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 478 Folder 3 Kapur, Parul, 1998

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 917 Folder 22 Karma-raṅ-byuṅ-kun-khyab-phrin-las, Khenpo Kalu--Contracts, 1994-2007

Restricted Until 2049

Filed under Rinpoche, Kyabdje Kalou.

Box 21 Folder 3 Karp, Lila, 1972-1974

Box 835 Folder 5 Kasten, Kate, 2004

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 873 Folder 12 Kasten, Kate--Contracts, 2004

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 164 Folder 1 Katz, Jacob, 1978-1979

Box 372 Folder 6 Katz, Jacob, 1980-1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 413 Folder 8 Katz, Jacob, 1985-1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 600 Folder 9 Katz, Jacob, 1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 770 Folder 19 Katz, Jacob, 1991-1993

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 434 Folder 7 Katz, Jacob, 1994-1996

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 873 Folder 2 Katz, Jacob--Contracts--Foreign, 1984-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 871 Folder 7 Katz, Jacob--Contracts--Miscellenous (Permissions), 1990-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 873 Folder 3 Katz, Jacob--Contracts--New England Books, 1985-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 873 Folder 4 Katz, Jacob--Contracts--Other Books, 1971-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 867 Folder 8 Katz, Sandor, 2009-2012

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 898 Folder 12 Katz, Sandor, 2013-2015

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 594 Folder 24 Katz, Sandor--Contracts--Cultural Revival, 2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 164 Folder 2 Katz, Steve, 1970

Box 164 Folder 3 Katz, Steve, 1971

Box 21 Folder 4-5 Katz, Steve, 1972-1973 (2 Folders)

Box 164 Folder 4-5 Katz, Steve, 1974-1978 (2 Folders)

Box 164 Folder 6 Katz, Steve, 1979-1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 396 Folder 2 Katz, Steve, 1984-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 684 Folder 1 Katz, Steve, 1986-1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 600 Folder 10 Katz, Steve--Publicity, circa 1987-1994

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 873 Folder 11 Ka-tzetnik 135633--Contracts, 1988-2005

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 250 Folder 8 Kay, Mara, 1967-1978

Box 164 Folder 7 Kay, Mara, 1977-1978

Box 478 Folder 4 Keaton, Diane, 1979-1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 396 Folder 3 Keeble, John, 1980-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 414 Folder 1 Keeble, John, 1981-1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 566 Folder 9 Keeble, John, 1984-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 684 Folder 2 Keeble, John, 1986-1988

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 532 Folder 2 Keeble, John, 1989

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 745 Folder 2-3 Keeble, John, 1990-1992 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 773 Folder 4 Keeble, John, 1992-1993

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 478 Folder 5 Keeble, John, 1994-1995

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 423 Folder 18 Keeble, John, 1996-1997

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 879 Folder 1 Keeble, John--Contracts, 1989-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 679 Folder 7 Keeble, John--Publicity, 1979-1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 165 Folder 1 Keeley, Edmund, 1968-1971

Box 21 Folder 6 Keeley, Edmund, 1972

Box 165 Folder 2-4 Keeley, Edmund, 1973-1979 (3 Folders)

Box 607 Folder 4 Keeley, Edmund, 1980-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 566 Folder 10-11 Keeley, Edmund, 1981-1982 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 697 Folder 3-6 Keeley, Edmund (Mike), 1985-1989 (4 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 773 Folder 5 Keeley, Edmund, 1990-1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 770 Folder 20-21 Keeley, Edmund, 1992-1996 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 425 Folder 7 Keeley, Edmund, 1997

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 478 Folder 6 Keeley, Edmund, 1999-2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 463 Folder 7 Keeley, Edmund, 2002-2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 816 Folder 4 Keeley, Edmund (Mike), 2004-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 898 Folder 13 Keeley, Edmund, 2009-2012

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 586 Folder 8 Keeley, Edmund--Contracts--Books, 1989-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 879 Folder 2 Keeley, Edmund--Contracts--Others, 1958-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 21 Folder 7-9 Keene, Donald, 1971-1977 (3 Folders)

Box 425 Folder 6 Keene, Donald, 1979-1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 566 Folder 12-13 Keene, Donald, 1984-1987 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 754 Folder 8 Keene, Donald, 1990-1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 745 Folder 4 Keene, Donald, 1992-1993

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 424 Folder 6 Keene, Donald, 1995-1998

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 460 Folder 16 Keene, Donald, 1998-2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 478 Folder 7 Keene, Donald, 1999-2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 462 Folder 13 Keene, Donald, 2002-2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 523 Folder 13 Keene, Donald, 2004-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 898 Folder 14 Keene, Donald, 2009-2018

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 879 Folder 3 Keene, Donald--Contracts--Books, Grove, 1970-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 871 Folder 5 Keene, Donald--Contracts--Books, Other, 1961-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 879 Folder 4 Keene, Donald--Contracts--Dawn - 6 Titles, 1971-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 871 Folder 4 Keene, Donald--Contracts--Other (includes copyright, permissions, dead), 1971-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 872 Folder 5 Keene, Donald--Contracts--Other Holt, 1991-2005

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 250 Folder 9 Keller, Philip, 1971-1977

Box 478 Folder 8 Keller, Tsipi, 1997-2002

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 250 Folder 10 Kelly, Linda, 1973-1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 872 Folder 8 Kenan, Orna--Contracts

File is empty.

Box 872 Folder 7 Keneally, Thomas--Contracts, 1976-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 250 Folder 11 Kenyon, Kathleen, 1971-1979

Box 428 Folder 13-14 Kerber, Linda, 1997-1998 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 478 Folder 9 Kerber, Linda, 1999

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 435 Folder 10 Kerber, Linda, 2000

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 896 Folder 8 Kerber, Linda, 2001-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 872 Folder 14 Kerber, Linda--Contracts, 1997-2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 822 Folder 24 Kharitonov, Mark--Contracts, 1994-2002

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 697 Folder 7 Kidder, Tracy, 1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 425 Folder 8 Kidder, Tracy, 1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 697 Folder 8 Kidder, Tracy, 1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 425 Folder 9 Kidder, Tracy, 1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 425 Folder 10 Kidder, Tracy, 1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 698 Folder 1-2 Kidder, Tracy, 1987-1989 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 773 Folder 6-7 Kidder, Tracy, 1990-1993 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 478 Folder 10-12 Kidder, Tracy, 1996-1999 (3 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 478 Folder 13 Kidder, Tracy, 2000-2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 461 Folder 8 Kidder, Tracy, 2002

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 462 Folder 14 Kidder, Tracy, 2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 790 Folder 5-6 Kidder, Tracy, 2006-2008 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 800 Folder 8 Kidder, Tracy, 2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 816 Folder 5 Kidder, Tracy, 2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 859 Folder 10 Kidder, Tracy, 2011-2012

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 899 Folder 1 Kidder, Tracy, 2013-2014

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 524 Folder 1 Kidder, Tracy--Contracts--Audio, 1986-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 820 Folder 13 Kidder, Tracy--Contracts--Ebook Agreements for Home Town and The Soul of a New Machine, 2012

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 524 Folder 2 Kidder, Tracy--Contracts--Film, 1989-1999

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 524 Folder 3 Kidder, Tracy--Contracts--Foreign Books, 1986-2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 524 Folder 4 Kidder, Tracy--Contracts--Houghton Mifflin--Books, 1983-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 594 Folder 25 Kidder, Tracy--Contracts--Reader's Digest, 2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 524 Folder 5 Kidder, Tracy--Contacts--Other, 1981-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 524 Folder 6 Kidder, Tracy--Contracts--Miscellaneous & Other Books, 1979-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 508 Folder 9 Kidder, Tracy--Correspondence, 2004-2005

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 769 Folder 13 Kidder, Tracy--Movies, 1989-1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 425 Folder 11 Kidder, Tracy--Movies, 1992-1993

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 566 Folder 14 Kimball, Philip, 1981-1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 372 Folder 7 Kimball, Philip, 1984-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 607 Folder 5 Kimball, Philip, 1986-1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 22 Folder 1 Kindel, Stephen, 1973-1979

Box 250 Folder 12 King, P.E., 1973-1974

Box 873 Folder 14 King-Smith, Dick--Contracts, 1981-2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 566 Folder 15 Kirn, Walter--Publicity, 1990-1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 479 Folder 1 Kleiman, Dena, 1978-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 165 Folder 5 Kluger, Richard, 1978

Box 414 Folder 2 Kluger, Richard, 1980-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 607 Folder 6-8 Kluger, Richard, 1982-1986 (3 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 745 Folder 5 Kluger, Richard, 1987-1988

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 769 Folder 14 Kluger, Richard, 1989-1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 754 Folder 9 Kluger, Richard, 1991-1994

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 896 Folder 9 Kluger, Richard, 1995-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 679 Folder 8 Kluger, Richard--Publicity, 1991-1998

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 250 Folder 13 Knight, Alanna, 1972-1978

Box 22 Folder 2-4 Knowler, John, 1965-1969 (3 Folders)

Box 165 Folder 6 Knowler, John, 1970

Box 165 Folder 7 Knowler, John, 1971

Box 22 Folder 5 Knowler, John, 1972

Box 165 Folder 8 Knowler, John, 1973-1975

Box 479 Folder 2 Knowler, John, 1976-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 22 Folder 6 Knowler, John--Foreign Rights, 1967-1970

Box 22 Folder 7 Knowles, Roderic, 1973

Box 745 Folder 6 Knox, Bernard, 1986-1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 896 Folder 10 Knox, Bernard, 1991-2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 872 Folder 9 Knox, Bernard--Contracts, 1989-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 250 Folder 14 Knox, Brian, 1971

Box 479 Folder 3 Koch, Polly, 1989-1995

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 250 Folder 15 Kodaly, Zoltan, 1972

Box 479 Folder 4 Kohn, Jerome, 2000-2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 461 Folder 9-10 Kohn, Jerome, 2002-2003 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 508 Folder 10 Kohn, Jerome, 2004

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 523 Folder 14 Kohn, Jerome, 2005

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 577 Folder 1-2 Kohn, Jerome, 2006-2007 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 789 Folder 9-10 Kohn, Jerome, 2008-2009 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 816 Folder 6 Kohn, Jerome, 2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 835 Folder 6 Kohn, Jerome, 2011

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 859 Folder 11 Kohn, Jerome, 2012

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 819 Folder 9 Kohn, Jerome, 2013

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 878 Folder 2 Kohn, Jerome, 2014-2015

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 883 Folder 11 Kohn, Jerome, 2015-2016

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 166 Folder 1 Koning, Hans, 1978-1979

Box 479 Folder 5 Koning, Hans, 1980-1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 532 Folder 3 Kotzwinkle, William, 1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 872 Folder 10 Kotzwinkle, William--Contracts, 1990-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 566 Folder 16 Kotzwinkle, William--Publicity, 1990-1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 166 Folder 2 Kovier, Peter, 1978-1980

Box 250 Folder 16 Kovler, Peter, 1980

Box 479 Folder 6 Kovler, Peter, 1981-1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 250 Folder 17 Kramer, Hilton, 1970-1971

Box 22 Folder 8-10 Kramer, Hilton, 1972-1974 (3 Folders)

Box 251 Folder 1 Kramer, Hilton, 1977-1980

Box 396 Folder 4 Kramer, Hilton, 1980-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 396 Folder 5 Kramer, Hilton, 1981-1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 479 Folder 7 Kramer, Hilton, 1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 873 Folder 13 Kramer, Hilton (Josephine Herbst)--Contracts, 1968-1995, 2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 872 Folder 13 Kramer, Hilton--Contracts, 1973-2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 373 Folder 1 Kramer, Mark, 1975-1979

Box 396 Folder 6 Kramer, Mark, 1979-1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 373 Folder 2 Kramer, Mark, 1980-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 479 Folder 8 Kramer, Mark, 1984-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 435 Folder 11 Kramer, Mark, 1986-1988

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 396 Folder 7 Kreiger, Barbara, 1980-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 396 Folder 8 Kreiger, Barbara, 1981-1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 479 Folder 9 Kreiger, Barbara, 1984-1994

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 479 Folder 10 Kripal, Jeffrey, 2001-2002

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 463 Folder 8 Kripal, Jeffrey, 2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 523 Folder 15 Kripal, Jeffrey, 2004

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 524 Folder 7 Kripal, Jeffrey, 2005-2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 789 Folder 11 Kripal, Jeffrey, 2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 800 Folder 9 Kripal, Jeffrey, 2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 860 Folder 1 Kripal, Jeffrey, 2009-2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 867 Folder 9 Kripal, Jeffrey, 2012-2014

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 899 Folder 2 Kripal, Jeffrey, 2016

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 919 Folder 17 Kripal, Jeffrey, 2017

Restricted Until 2059

Box 872 Folder 3 Kripal, Jeffrey--Contracts, 2001-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 166 Folder 3 Kuhns, William, 1970

Box 166 Folder 4 Kuhns, William, 1971

Box 23 Folder 1-2 Kuhns, William, 1972-1976 (2 Folders)

Box 166 Folder 5-7 Kuhns, William, 1974-1978

Box 769 Folder 15 Kuhns, William, 1981-1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 479 Folder 11 Kuhns, William, 1983-1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 873 Folder 16 Kuhns, William--Contracts, 1973-2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 23 Folder 3 Kuhns, William--Foreign Rights, 1973-1974

Box 167 Folder 1 Kurzweil, Edith, 1977

Box 830 Folder 11 Kussi, Peter--Contracts, 1990-2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 879 Folder 5 Kutler, Stanley I.--Contracts, 2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 524 Folder 8 Kvashay-Boyle, K. (Kerrie)--Contracts, 2006-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 414 Folder 4 Ladenis, Nico--A.P. Watt Ltd., 1987-1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 167 Folder 2-4 Lahr, John, 1977-1979 (3 Folders)

Box 397 Folder 1 Lahr, John, 1979-1980

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 397 Folder 2 Lahr, John, 1980-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 723 Folder 1-4 Lahr, John, 1982-1986 (4 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 722 Folder 3-4 Lahr, John, 1987-1990 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 769 Folder 16-19 Lahr, John, 1991-1995 (4 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 478 Folder 14-15 Lahr, John, 1996-1997 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 425 Folder 12-13 Lahr, John, 1998-1999 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 429 Folder 8 Lahr, John, 2000

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 478 Folder 16 Lahr, John, 2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 435 Folder 12 Lahr, John, 2002

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 463 Folder 9 Lahr, John, 2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 508 Folder 12 Lahr, John, 2004

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 524 Folder 9 Lahr, John, 2005

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 579 Folder 7 Lahr, John, 2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 790 Folder 7-8 Lahr, John, 2007-2008 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 816 Folder 7 Lahr, John, 2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 819 Folder 10 Lahr, John, 2010-2011

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 835 Folder 7 Lahr, John, 2012

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 867 Folder 10 Lahr, John, 2013

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 860 Folder 2 Lahr, John, 2014

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 878 Folder 3 Lahr, John, 2015

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 883 Folder 12 Lahr, John, 2016

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 874 Folder 4 Lahr, John--Contracts--The Manchurian Candidate, 1992-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 874 Folder 5 Lahr, John--Contracts--New Yorker--Monthly Retainer, 1992-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 874 Folder 6 Lahr, John--Contracts--Permissions/Magazines, Excluding New Yorker Monthly Retainer, 1998-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 594 Folder 26 Lahr, John--Contracts--Prick Up Your Ears (Adaptation), 2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 879 Folder 6 Lahr, John--Contracts--United Kingdom--Books, 1971-2011

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 874 Folder 7 Lahr, John--Contracts--United Kingdom--Miscellaneous, 1991-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 874 Folder 8 Lahr, John--Contracts--United States Books, 1995-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 879 Folder 7 Lahr, John--Contracts--Miscellaneous, 1977-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 478 Folder 17 Laing, Richard, 1979-1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 23 Folder 4-5 Landon, H. C. Robbins (Howard Chandler Robbins), 1969-1973 (2 Folders)

Box 167 Folder 5 Landon, H. C. Robbins (Howard Chandler Robbins), 1977-1978

Box 167 Folder 6 Landon, H. C. Robbins (Howard Chandler Robbins), 1979-1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 607 Folder 9-10 Landon, H. C. Robbins (Howard Chandler Robbins), 1982-1989 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 728 Folder 3 Landon, H. C. Robbins (Howard Chandler Robbins), 1990-1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 770 Folder 1 Landon, H. C. Robbins (Howard Chandler Robbins), 1991-1993

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 463 Folder 10 Landon, H. C. Robbins (Howard Chandler Robbins), 1994-2002

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 879 Folder 9 Landon, H. C. Robbins (Howard Chandler Robbins)--Contracts--United Kingdom, 1991-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 879 Folder 10 Landon, H. C. Robbins (Howard Chandler Robbins)--Contracts--United States Books, 1990-2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 879 Folder 11 Landon, H. C. Robbins (Howard Chandler Robbins)--Contracts--Other Foreign, Miscellaneous, 1969-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 478 Folder 18 Lane, Ann, 1993-1995

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 434 Folder 8 Lane, Ann, 1996

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 879 Folder 12 Lane, Ann--Contracts, 1993-2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 440 Folder 18 Lane, Ann--Publicity, 1990-1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 879 Folder 13 Lang, Ian--Contracts, 1975-1998

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 566 Folder 17-18 Langer, Elinor, 1980-1983 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 607 Folder 11 Langer, Elinor, 1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 684 Folder 3 Langer, Elinor, 1985-1988

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 724 Folder 1 Langer, Elinor, 1989

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 770 Folder 2 Langer, Elinor, 1990-1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 478 Folder 19 Langer, Elinor, 1994-1998

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 479 Folder 12 Langer, Elinor, 2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 462 Folder 15 Langer, Elinor, 2002-2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 524 Folder 10 Langer, Elinor, 2004

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 790 Folder 9 Langer, Elinor, 2005-2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 896 Folder 11 Langer, Elinor, 2007-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 899 Folder 3 Langer, Elinor, 2009-2015

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 879 Folder 14 Langer, Elinor--Contracts, 1974-2011

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 251 Folder 2 Larney, Judith, 1975-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 167 Folder 7 Larson, Charles, 1978

Box 167 Folder 8 Larson, Charles, 1979-1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 479 Folder 13 Larson, Erik, 1990-1992

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 768 Folder 10 Larson, Erik, 1991-1993

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 880 Folder 1 Larson, Erik--Contracts, 1990-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 768 Folder 11 Larson, Erik--Publicity, 1992-1994

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 880 Folder 2 Larson, Kay--Contracts, 1991-1993

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 479 Folder 14 Lasch, Christopher, 1983-1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 251 Folder 3 Latham, J.W., 1968-1980

Box 251 Folder 4 Lauder, Ian, 1970-1977

Box 880 Folder 6 Lauterbach, Ann--Contracts, 2000-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 168 Folder 1 Lawner, Lynne, 1969

Box 168 Folder 2 Lawner, Lynne, 1970-1971

Box 23 Folder 6-7 Lawner, Lynne, 1972-1974 (2 Folders)

Box 168 Folder 3-4 Lawner, Lynne, 1975-1979 (2 Folders)

Box 373 Folder 7 Lawner, Lynne, 1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 374 Folder 1 Lawner, Lynne, 1981-1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 398 Folder 3 Lawner, Lynne, 1982-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 398 Folder 4 Lawner, Lynne, 1985-1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 414 Folder 5 Lawner, Lynne, 1987-1988

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 770 Folder 3 Lawner, Lynne, 1989

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 434 Folder 9 Lawner, Lynne, 1992-1993

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 434 Folder 11 Leach, William, 1994-1997

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 823 Folder 11 Leach, William--Contracts, 1994-2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 168 Folder 5 Lebowitz, Albert, 1969-1973

Box 398 Folder 5 Lebowitz, Albert, 1983-1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 566 Folder 19 Lebowitz, Albert, 1985-1988

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 723 Folder 5 Le Carré, John, 1980

Box 770 Folder 4 Le Carré, John, 1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 479 Folder 15-16 Le Carré, John, 1982-1983 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 724 Folder 2 Le Carré, John, 1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 479 Folder 17-19 Le Carré, John, 1985-1988 (3 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 374 Folder 4 Le Carré, John--A Perfect Spy (Reviews: British, American, Canadian, etc.), 1980s

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 805 Folder 13 Le Carré, John, John--Contracts--Audio/Recorded Books, 1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 880 Folder 7 Le Carré, John--Contracts--Tapes and Canada (Durkin), 1983-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 374 Folder 5 Le Carré, John--Documents, 1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 374 Folder 6 Le Carré, John--Reviews, 1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 74 Folder 7 Lecler, René, 1970

Box 23 Folder 8 Lecler, René--Magazine Offerings, 1963

Box 566 Folder 20 Ledeen, Michael and Barbara, 1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 251 Folder 5 Lee, Arthur, 1968-1978

Box 880 Folder 14 Lee, Arthur S. Gould (Arthur Stanley Gould)--Contracts, 1990-1997

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 251 Folder 7 Lee, John Alan-- Dead, 1974-1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 251 Folder 6 Lee, John Alan-- New Press, 1977

Box 251 Folder 8 Legg, Stuart, 1966-1973

Box 566 Folder 21 Lehmann-Haupt, Christopher, 1971

Box 24 Folder 1-2 Lelchuk, Alan, 1969-1970

Box 24 Folder 3-6 Lelchuk, Alan, 1971-1974 (4 Folders)

Box 251 Folder 11 Lelchuk, Alan, 1975-1976

Box 684 Folder 4 Lelchuk, Alan, 1976-1978

Box 566 Folder 22 Lelchuk, Alan, 1978

Box 724 Folder 3 Lelchuk, Alan, 1979-1980

Box 566 Folder 23 Lelchuk, Alan, 1981-1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 607 Folder 12-13 Lelchuk, Alan, 1983-1985 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 566 Folder 24-25 Lelchuk, Alan, 1986-1988 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 724 Folder 4 Lelchuk, Alan, 1989

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 763 Folder 5 Lelchuk, Alan, 1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 770 Folder 5-6 Lelchuk, Alan, 1991-1992 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 480 Folder 1-2 Lelchuk, Alan, 1996-2000 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 462 Folder 16 Lelchuk, Alan, 2001-2002

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 880 Folder 18 Lelchuk, Alan--Contracts--American, 1968-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 880 Folder 19 Lelchuk, Alan--Contracts--Film and Television, 1974-1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 880 Folder 20 Lelchuk, Alan--Contracts--Foreign, 1970-1992

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 24 Folder 7 Lelchuk, Alan--Foreign Rights, 1971-1973

Box 251 Folder 10 Lelchuk, Alan-- Foreign Rights, 1973-1975

Box 251 Folder 9 Lelchuk, Alan-- Movie Rights, 1972-1975

Box 251 Folder 12 Lelchuk, Alan-- Movies, 1976

Box 24 Folder 8 Lendvai, Paul, 1969-1970

Box 374 Folder 7 Lennart, Sane, 1981-1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 168 Folder 6 Lenzer, Gertrud, 1971-1978

Box 607 Folder 14 Lenzer, Gertrud, 1979-1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 880 Folder 21 Lenzer, Gertrud--Contracts, 1971-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 480 Folder 3 Lessard, Suzannah, 1979-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 687 Folder 2 Lesy, Michael, 1974-1975

Box 168 Folder 7-8 Levin, Meyer, 1966-1967 (2 Folders)

Box 169 Folder 1-3 Levin, Meyer, 1968-1970 (3 Folders)

Box 25 Folder 1-4 Levin, Meyer, 1971-1976 (4 Folders)

Box 25 Folder 5 Levin, Meyer--Anthology Permissions, 1968-1971

Box 25 Folder 6 Levin, Meyer--Complaints, 1966-1971

Box 25 Folder 7 Levin, Meyer--Foreign Rights, 1968-1970

Box 25 Folder 8 Levin, Meyer--Foreign Rights, 1972-1973

Box 25 Folder 9 Levine, Morton H., 1972-1973

Box 480 Folder 4 Levison, Andrew, 1975-1979

Box 329 Folder 4 Levison, Andrew, 1980-1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 566 Folder 26 Levy, Donald, 1981-1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 434 Folder 10 Levy, Harlan A., 1995

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 880 Folder 26 Levy, Harlan A.--Contracts, 1996-2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 251 Folder 13 Levy, M., 1965-1978

Box 880 Folder 28 Lewis, Myrna--Contracts, 1993-1997

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 25 Folder 10 Lieberman, Herbert, 1970

Box 25 Folder 11 Lieberman, Herbert, 1971

Box 26 Folder 1-2 Lieberman, Herbert, 1972-1973 (2 Folders)

Box 754 Folder 10 Lieberman, Herbert, 1974-1976

Box 752 Folder 1-2 Lieberman, Herbert, 1976-1977 (2 Folders)

Box 770 Folder 7 Lieberman, Herbert, 1978

Box 754 Folder 11 Lieberman, Herbert, 1979

Box 770 Folder 8 Lieberman, Herbert, 1980-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 725 Folder 1 Lieberman, Herbert, 1981-1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 754 Folder 12 Lieberman, Herbert, 1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 770 Folder 9-10 Lieberman, Herbert, 1984-1985 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 725 Folder 2 Lieberman, Herbert, 1986-1988

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 728 Folder 4 Lieberman, Herbert, 1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 770 Folder 11 Lieberman, Herbert, 1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 480 Folder 5-7 Lieberman, Herbert, 1994-1999 (3 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 435 Folder 13 Lieberman, Herbert, 2000-2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 900 Folder 1 Lieberman, Herbert, 2001-2005

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 886 Folder 2 Lieberman, Herbert--Contracts--American, 1975-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 886 Folder 3 Lieberman, Herbert--Contracts--Foreign--Crawlspace; Brilliant Kids; The 8th Square, 1975-1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 875 Folder 1 Lieberman, Herbert--Contracts--Foreign--Green, Night, City (Necropolis), 1974-2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 886 Folder 4 Lieberman, Herbert--Contracts--Foreign--All Other Titles, 1978-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 886 Folder 5 Lieberman, Herbert--Contracts--French, 1975-2009 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 875 Folder 2 Lieberman, Herbert--Contracts--Movies, 1971-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 875 Folder 3 Lieberman, Herbert--Contracts--Other/Dead, 1969-1996

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 770 Folder 12 Lieberman, Herbert--Foreign Rights, 1976-1977

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 728 Folder 5 Lieberman, Herbert--Foreign Rights, 1978

Box 752 Folder 3 Lieberman, Herbert--Foreign Rights, 1979-1980

Box 686 Folder 9 Lieberman, Herbert--Foreign Rights, 1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 26 Folder 3 Lieberman, Herbert--Movie Rights, 1972-1973

Box 752 Folder 4 Lieberman, Herbert--Movie Rights, 1979-1980

Box 770 Folder 13 Lieberman, Herbert--Movie Rights, 1981-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 770 Folder 14 Lieberman, Herbert--Movie Rights, 1985-1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 752 Folder 5-6 Lieberman, Herbert--Movies, 1974-1976 (2 Folders)

Box 724 Folder 5 Lieberman, Herbert--Movies, 1989

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 728 Folder 6 Lieberman, Herbert--Movies, 1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 480 Folder 8 Lieberman, Herbert--Movies, 1991-1997

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 26 Folder 4-5 Lieberman, Jethro K. (Jethro Koller), 1968-1970 (2 Folders)

Box 26 Folder 6-8 Lieberman, Jethro K. (Jethro Koller), 1971-1974 (3 Folders)

Box 251 Folder 14 Lieberman, Jethro K. (Jethro Koller), 1974-1975

Box 770 Folder 15 Lieberman, Jethro K. (Jethro Koller), 1976

Box 252 Folder 1-2 Lieberman, Jethro K. (Jethro Koller), 1977-1978 (2 folders)

Box 567 Folder 1 Lieberman, Jethro K. (Jethro Koller), 1979

Box 754 Folder 13 Lieberman, Jethro K. (Jethro Koller), 1980

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 687 Folder 1 Lieberman, Jethro K. (Jethro Koller), 1981-1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 754 Folder 14 Lieberman, Jethro K. (Jethro Koller), 1983-1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 725 Folder 3 Lieberman, Jethro K. (Jethro Koller), 1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 754 Folder 15 Lieberman, Jethro K. (Jethro Koller), 1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 607 Folder 15 Lieberman, Jethro K. (Jethro Koller), 1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 754 Folder 16 Lieberman, Jethro K. (Jethro Koller), 1988

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 763 Folder 6 Lieberman, Jethro K. (Jethro Koller), 1989-1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 728 Folder 7 Lieberman, Jethro K. (Jethro Koller), 1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 480 Folder 9-10 Lieberman, Jethro K. (Jethro Koller), 1996-2000 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 466 Folder 3 Lieberman, Jethro K. (Jethro Koller), 2001-2002

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 899 Folder 4 Lieberman, Jethro K. (Jethro Koller), 2004-2011

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 875 Folder 4 Lieberman, Jethro K. (Jethro Koller)--Contracts--Harcourt and West and McGraw, 1976-2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 875 Folder 5 Lieberman, Jethro K. (Jethro Koller)--Contracts--All Other, 1978-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 567 Folder 2 Lieberman, Jethro K. (Jethro Koller)--Litigation, 1979

Box 26 Folder 9 Lieberman, Judith, 1973

Box 252 Folder 3 Liepmann, Klaus, 1972-1975

Box 252 Folder 4 Lifar, Serge (dead), 1967-1972

Box 374 Folder 2 Linder, Erich, 1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 374 Folder 3 Linder, Erich, 1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 252 Folder 5 Linder, Mariella (dead), 1968

Box 252 Folder 6 Lindsay, Cressida (dead), 1970-1979

Box 602 Folder 2 Lish, Gordon, 1983-1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 567 Folder 3 Lish, Gordon, 1985-1988

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 752 Folder 7 Lish, Gordon, 1989-1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 480 Folder 11 Lish, Gordon, 1992-1993

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 886 Folder 6 Lister, Margot--Contracts, 1968-2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 886 Folder 7 Livingston, Jane--Contract, 1999-2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 252 Folder 7 Lloyd, Ward, 1970-1971

Box 27 Folder 1-2 Logan, Elizabeth D., 1971-1974 (2 Folders)

Box 329 Folder 5 Logan, Elizabeth, 1978-1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 120 Folder 1 London Magazine Editions, 1969-1978

Box 252 Folder 8 Lonsdale, Gordon (cancelled), 1965-1967

Box 252 Folder 9 Lorraine, Michelle, 1957-1962

Box 480 Folder 12 Lottman, Herbert R., 1976-1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 886 Folder 11 Lottman, Herbert R.--Contracts, 1972-1994

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 27 Folder 3-4 Lowery, Bruce, 1965-1969 (2 Folders)

Box 730 Folder 3 Lowery, Bruce, 1966-1993

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 567 Folder 4 Lowery, Bruce, 1970-1989

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 252 Folder 10 Lowery, Bruce,, 1974-1979

Box 252 Folder 11 Lubis, Mochter, 1970-1977

Box 252 Folder 12 Ludlam, Harry, 1969-1978

Box 252 Folder 13 Luisi, Billie, 1972-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 27 Folder 5 Luisi, Billie--Foreign Rights, 1973

Box 770 Folder 16-17 Lukacs, John, 1991-1993 (2 Folders)

Box 480 Folder 13-17 Lukacs, John, 1994-1999 (5 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 886 Folder 12 Lukacs, John--Contracts--Foreign--5 Days; Hitler in Russia; June 1941, 1997-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 886 Folder 13 Lukacs, John--Contracts--Foreign--Other, 1996-2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 886 Folder 14 Lukacs, John--Contracts--Other U.S. Books and Dead, 1991-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 428 Folder 15 Lukacs, John, 1998

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 436 Folder 1 Lukacs, John, 2000

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 466 Folder 2 Lukacs, John, 2001-2002

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 524 Folder 11 Lukacs, John, 2003-2004

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 579 Folder 8-9 Lukacs, John, 2005-2006 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 790 Folder 10 Lukacs, John, 2007-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 816 Folder 8 Lukacs, John, 2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 883 Folder 13 Lukacs, John, 2010-2012

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 860 Folder 4 Lukacs, John, 2013

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 875 Folder 7 Lukacs, John--Contracts--Audio and Miscellaneous, 1993-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 875 Folder 8 Lukacs, John--Contracts--Yale, 1986-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 434 Folder 12 Lukacs, Paul, 1997-2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 860 Folder 3 Lukacs, Paul, 2006-2014

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 875 Folder 9 Lukacs, Paul--Contracts, 1997-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 252 Folder 14 Lumumba, Patrice (cancelled), 1962

Box 252 Folder 15 Lunt, James (cancelled), 1966-1972

Box 169 Folder 4 Lyndoe, Edward, 1960-1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 899 Folder 5 Ma, Ling, 2015

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 888 Folder 3 Mabey, Richard--Contracts, 2006-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 252 Folder 16 MacAdams, Cynthia, 1979-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 778 Folder 7 MacArthur, John R., 1991-1995

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 888 Folder 4 MacArthur, John R.--Contracts, 1991-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 680 Folder 1 MacArthur, John R.--Publicity, 1992

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 888 Folder 5 Maccoby, Hyam--Contracts, 1985-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 253 Folder 13 MacKinnon, Charles Roy, 1975-1976

Box 169 Folder 5-7 MacKinnon, Charles Roy, 1977-1979 (3 Folders)

Box 609 Folder 2 MacKinnon, Charles Roy, 1980-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 560 Folder 2 MacKinnon, Charles Roy, 1984-1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 169 Folder 8 MacKinnon, Charles Roy--Foreign Rights, 1975

Box 375 Folder 1 Macksey, Kenneth--Watson-Little, 1985-1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 254 Folder 1 Macmillan, Norman, 1971-1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 414 Folder 6 Macoby, Hyam--A.P. Watt Ltd., 1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 329 Folder 6 Madden, David, 1978-1980

Box 375 Folder 2 Madden, David, 1980-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 375 Folder 3 Madden, David, 1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 414 Folder 8 Madden, David, 1982-1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 567 Folder 5 Madden, David, 1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 414 Folder 9 Madden, David, 1985-1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 754 Folder 17 Madden, David, 1986-1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 560 Folder 3 Madden, David, 1986-1988

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 887 Folder 1 Madden, David--Contracts, 1978-2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 887 Folder 2 Maddox, Brenda--Contracts, 1973-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 415 Folder 1 Maimon, Alex, 1961

Box 28 Folder 1-2 Mainwaring, Marion, 1965-1969 (2 Folders)

Box 74 Folder 8 Mainwaring, Marion, 1969-1972

Box 170 Folder 1 Mainwaring, Marion, 1973-1978

Box 481 Folder 1 Mainwaring, Marion, 1980-1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 835 Folder 8 Majmudar, Amit, 2011

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 820 Folder 2 Majmudar, Amit, 2012

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 867 Folder 11 Majmudar, Amit, 2013

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 887 Folder 4 Makin, Irene--Contracts, 1969-1980

Box 436 Folder 5 Makine, Andrei, 2000

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 887 Folder 5 Makine, Andrei--Contracts, 1996-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 887 Folder 6 Makine, Andrei--Contracts--Foreign, 2001-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 820 Folder 14 Makine, Andrei--Contracts--Music of a Life Option Contract, 2012

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 415 Folder 2 Maks, Michelle, 1985-1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 481 Folder 2 Maks, Michelle, 1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 415 Folder 3 Malcolm, Janet, 1980-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 567 Folder 6 Malcolm, Janet, 1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 725 Folder 4-5 Malcolm, Janet, 1985-1989 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 600 Folder 11 Malcolm, Janet, 1990-1993

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 885 Folder 1 Malcolm, Janet--Contracts, 1982-2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 887 Folder 8 Malcolm, Janet--Contracts--U.S., 1981-2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 415 Folder 4 Malcolm, Janet--Publicity, 1982-1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 254 Folder 2-5 Malone, John (4 folders), 1975-1979

Box 28 Folder 3-6 Malone, John, 1962-1970 (4 Folders)

Box 28 Folder 7-10 Malone, John, 1971-1974 (4 Folders)

Box 329 Folder 7-8 Malone, John, 1978-1981 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 375 Folder 4 Malone, John, 1982-1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 567 Folder 7-8 Malone, John, 1983-1984 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 725 Folder 6 Malone, John, 1985-1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 887 Folder 9 Malone, John--Contracts--Ghosted Work, 1971-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 254 Folder 6 Malone, John-- Foreign Rights, 1974-1977

Box 28 Folder 11 Maloney, David, 1962-1963

Box 790 Folder 11-12 Mandanipour, Shahriar, 2007-2008 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 900 Folder 2 Mandanipour, Shahriar, 2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 835 Folder 9 Mandanipour, Shahriar, 2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 889 Folder 1 Mandanipour, Shahriar, 2011

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 254 Folder 7 Mander, R. & Mitchenson, J., 1968-1969

Box 254 Folder 8 Mannin, Ethel , 1970-1971

Box 254 Folder 9 Manning, Jack, 1977-1978

Box 330 Folder 1 Manning, Jack, 1977-1979

Box 330 Folder 2 Manning, Jack, 1979-1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 254 Folder 10 Mansfield, Kenneth, 1971-1978

Box 170 Folder 2 March, Stella, 1977-1980

Box 440 Folder 20 Marcus, Ben, 1992-1995

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 888 Folder 9 Marcus, Ben--Contracts, 1992-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 255 Folder 1 Marcus, Steven, 1974-1979

Box 887 Folder 10 Marcus, Steven--Contracts, 1962-2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 466 Folder 7 Margulis, Lynn, 2002-2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 508 Folder 13 Margulis, Lynn, 2004-2005

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 790 Folder 13 Margulis, Lynn, 2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 878 Folder 4 Margulis, Lynn, 2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 899 Folder 6 Margulis, Lynn, 2008-2012

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 887 Folder 11 Margulis, Lynn--Contracts, 2002-2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 415 Folder 5 Mariac, Francois--The Egoists

Box 431 Folder 7 Maril, Robert, 1997-2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 481 Folder 3 Maril, Robert Lee, 1998-2002

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 748 Folder 4 Marius, Richard, 1989-1992

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 887 Folder 13 Marius, Richard--Contracts, 1989-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 751 Folder 4 Marlowe, Michael, 1985-1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 887 Folder 15 Marsalis, Wynton--Contracts, 1990-1992

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 680 Folder 2 Marsalis, Wynton--Publicity, 1994-1997

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 255 Folder 2 Marshall, Peter, 1966-1971

Box 415 Folder 6 Martin, Calvin, 1978-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 889 Folder 4 Martin, Calvin--Contracts, 1980-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 255 Folder 3 Martin, Kingsley, 1969-1978

Box 28 Folder 12 Martin, Todd, 1962-1963

Box 255 Folder 4 Martucci & Ranieri, 1961-1962

Box 28 Folder 13 Marx, Rudolph, 1961

Box 567 Folder 9 Maso, Carole, 1987-1989

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 751 Folder 5 Maso, Carole, 1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 751 Folder 6 Maso, Carole, 1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 778 Folder 8 Maso, Carole, 1992

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 481 Folder 4 Maso, Carole, 1995-1998

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 480 Folder 18 Maso, Carole, 1999

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 791 Folder 4 Maso, Carole, 2002-2004

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 900 Folder 3 Maso, Carole, 2005-2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 885 Folder 2 Maso, Carole--Contracts, 1989-2011

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 255 Folder 5 Mason, Haydn, 1975

Box 480 Folder 19 Masson, Jeffrey, 1981-1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 481 Folder 5 Matos, Huber, 1980-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 415 Folder 7 Matute, Anna Maria

Box 480 Folder 20 Matute, Ana, 1968-1978

Box 255 Folder 6 Mayer, Peter, 1970-1976

Box 481 Folder 6 Mayer, Peter, 1981-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 885 Folder 4 Mayer, Peter--Contracts, 1997-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 481 Folder 7 Mayo, Catherine Mansell, 1997-1998

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 429 Folder 10 Mayo, Catherine Mansell, 1999

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 252 Folder 17 McBride, William (dead), 1978

Box 428 Folder 16 McBrien, William, 1989-1996

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 875 Folder 10 McBrien, William--Contracts, 1988-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 436 Folder 2 McCafferty, Kate, 2002

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 427 Folder 1 McCall, Timothy, 1996, 1999

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 429 Folder 9 McCall, Timothy, 2000

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 436 Folder 3 McCall, Timothy, 2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 466 Folder 4 McCall, Timothy, 2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 900 Folder 4 McCall, Timothy, 2004

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 791 Folder 1 McCall, Timothy, 2005

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 790 Folder 14 McCall, Timothy, 2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 835 Folder 11 McCall, Timothy, 2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 878 Folder 5 McCall, Timothy, 2008-2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 899 Folder 7 McCall, Timothy, 2011-2016

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 875 Folder 11 McCall, Timothy--Contracts, 1998-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 567 Folder 10 McCann, Eileen, 1983-1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 650 Folder 2 McCann, Eileen, 1985-1994

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 888 Folder 10 McCann, Eileen and Douglas Shannon--Contracts, 1983-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 253 Folder 1 McCartney, James, 1969-1979

Box 481 Folder 8 McClure, James, 1967-1973

Box 253 Folder 2 McCormick, Donald, 1967-1971

Box 481 Folder 9 McCormmach, Russell, 1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 253 Folder 3 McCulloch, Alan, 1968-1969

Box 253 Folder 4 McCutcheon, Hugh, 1972-1979

Box 253 Folder 5 McDonagh, Don, 1973-1977

Box 481 Folder 10 McDonagh, Don, 1977-1997

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 253 Folder 6 McElroy, Joan, 1975-1977

Box 375 Folder 5 McElroy, Joan, 1978

Box 375 Folder 6 McElroy, Joan, 1978-1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 27 Folder 6-8 McElroy, Joseph, 1965-1969 (3 Folders)

Box 27 Folder 9-10 McElroy, Joseph, 1970-1972 (2 Folders)

Box 27 Folder 11 McElroy, Joseph--Foreign Rights, 1967-1973

Box 253 Folder 7-9 McElroy, Joseph, 1974-1978 (3 folders)

Box 375 Folder 7 McElroy, Joseph, 1979-1980

Box 375 Folder 8 McElroy, Joseph, 1980-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 414 Folder 7 McElroy, Joseph, 1981-1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 567 Folder 11 McElroy, Joseph, 1984-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 778 Folder 9-10 McEwan, Ian, 1989-1990 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 600 Folder 12 McEwan, Ian, 1991-1992

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 778 Folder 11 McEwan, Ian, 1993

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 481 Folder 11-15 McEwan, Ian, 1994-1999 (5 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 434 Folder 13 McEwan, Ian, 2000-2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 466 Folder 5-6 McEwan, Ian, 2002-2003 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 508 Folder 14 McEwan, Ian, 2004

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 524 Folder 12 McEwan, Ian, 2005

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 579 Folder 10 McEwan, Ian, 2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 791 Folder 2-3 McEwan, Ian, 2007-2008 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 900 Folder 5 McEwan, Ian, 2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 816 Folder 9 McEwan, Ian, 2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 835 Folder 10 McEwan, Ian, 2011

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 860 Folder 5 McEwan, Ian, 2012

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 867 Folder 12 McEwan, Ian, 2013-2014

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 878 Folder 6 McEwan, Ian, 2015

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 594 Folder 27 McEwan, Ian--Contracts, 2009-2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 888 Folder 11 McEwan, Ian--Contracts--Amsterdam; Atonement; Saturday, 1998-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 888 Folder 12 McEwan, Ian--Contracts--Audio Contract, 1991-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 888 Folder 13 McEwan, Ian--Contracts--Black Dogs, Child in Time, Enduring Love, 1992-2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 583 Folder 16 McEwan, Ian--Contracts--Daydreamer (HarperCollins), 1994-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 888 Folder 14 McEwan, Ian--Contracts--The Innocent, 4 Book PB Contract (Cement, Comfort, First, In Between), 1989-2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 888 Folder 15 McEwan, Ian--Contracts--On Chesil Beach, 2006-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 888 Folder 16 McEwan, Ian--Contracts--Other Books, 1982-2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 888 Folder 17 McEwan, Ian--Contracts--Other, 1975-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 436 Folder 4 McFeely, William S., 1999

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 835 Folder 12 McFeely, William S., 2005-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 900 Folder 6 McFeely, William S., 2008-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 888 Folder 18 McFeely, William S.--Contracts, 1970-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 481 Folder 16 McGinley, Christine Mary, 1998-1999

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 434 Folder 14 McGinley, Christine Mary, 1999

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 888 Folder 19 McGinley, Christine Mary--Contracts, 1998-2002

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 253 Folder 10 McGough, Roger, 1967-1976

Box 888 Folder 20 McGuire, Ian--Contracts, 1999

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 567 Folder 12 McGuire, Robert, 1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 888 Folder 21 McGuire, Robert--Contracts, 1985-1988

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 253 Folder 11 McIntosh, Christopher, 1969-1970

Box 434 Folder 14 McKinnon, Karen, 2000-2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 888 Folder 22 McKinnon, Karen--Contracts, 2000-2005

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 607 Folder 16 McLuhan, Teri, 1982-1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 481 Folder 17 McLuhan, T.C. (Teri), 1989

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 253 Folder 12 McLuhan, T.C. (Teri), 1975-1977

Box 868 Folder 1 McManus, John, 2013-2014

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 255 Folder 7 Mead, W.R. and M.H. Brown, 1967-1971

Box 778 Folder 12 Means, David, 1995-1996

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 768 Folder 12 Means, David, 1997

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 424 Folder 7 Means, David, 1998

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 429 Folder 11-12 Means, David, 1999-2000 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 481 Folder 18 Means, David, 2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 885 Folder 5 Means, David R.--Contracts, 1999-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 764 Folder 16 Means, David--Publicity, 1999-2002

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 726 Folder 1 Meggs, Brown, 1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 422 Folder 14 Meggs, Brown, 1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 725 Folder 7-8 Mehta, Ved, 1983-1985 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 532 Folder 4-5 Mehta, Ved, 1986-1988 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 533 Folder 1 Mehta, Ved, 1989

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 752 Folder 8 Mehta, Ved, 1990-1992

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 427 Folder 2 Mehta, Ved, 1993

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 777 Folder 19 Mehta, Ved, 1994-1997

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 481 Folder 19 Mehta, Ved, 2000

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 481 Folder 20 Mehta, Ved, 2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 465 Folder 1 Mehta, Ved, 2002

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 463 Folder 11 Mehta, Ved, 2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 524 Folder 13-14 Mehta, Ved, 2004-2005 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 878 Folder 7 Mehta, Ved, 2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 900 Folder 7 Mehta, Ved, 2007-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 889 Folder 5 Mehta, Ved--Contracts--Books Only, 1975-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 889 Folder 6 Mehta, Ved--Contracts--Other, 1961-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 650 Folder 3 Mehta, Ved--Publicity, 1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 482 Folder 3 Meier, Andrew, 2000-2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 465 Folder 2 Meier, Andrew, 2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 525 Folder 1 Meier, Andrew, 2004

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 508 Folder 15 Meier, Andrew--Contracts, 2000-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 29 Folder 1-2 Mekas, Jonas, 1970-1976 (2 Folders)

Box 330 Folder 3 Mellen, Joan, 1986-1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 255 Folder 8 Mellow, James, 1973-1978

Box 375 Folder 9 Mellow, James, 1978-1980

Box 726 Folder 2 Mellow, James, 1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 567 Folder 13 Mellow, James, 1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 754 Folder 18-19 Mellow, James, 1983-1984 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 607 Folder 17 Mellow, James, 1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 415 Folder 8 Mellow, James, 1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 533 Folder 2 Mellow, James, 1987-1988

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 754 Folder 20 Mellow, James, 1989-1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 600 Folder 13 Mellow, James, 1991-1992

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 481 Folder 21-22 Mellow, James, 1993-1996 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 436 Folder 6 Mellow, James, 1997-1998

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 885 Folder 7 Mellow, James--Contracts--Magazine/Other, 1972-2000

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 885 Folder 8 Mellow, James--Contracts--U.S Books, 1969-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 885 Folder 9 Mellow, James--Contracts--Other, 1983-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 255 Folder 9 Mellows, Joan, 1975-1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 255 Folder 10 Melvill, Harold, 1964-1967

Box 481 Folder 23 Menand, Louis, 1993-1995

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 885 Folder 10 Menand, Louis--Contracts, 1993-2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 482 Folder 1 Merkin, Daphne, 1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 709 Folder 3-4 Merwin, W.S. (William Stanley), 1986-1989 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 755 Folder 1 Merwin, W.S. (William Stanley), 1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 778 Folder 13 Merwin, W.S. (William Stanley), 1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 755 Folder 2-3 Merwin, W.S. (William Stanley), 1992-1993 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 778 Folder 14-15 Merwin, W.S. (William Stanley), 1994-1995 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 768 Folder 13 Merwin, W.S. (William Stanley), 1996

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 425 Folder 14 Merwin, W.S. (William Stanley), 1997-1998

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 482 Folder 2 Merwin, W.S. (William Stanley), 1999

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 907 Folder 1 Merwin, W.S. (William Stanley)--Contracts--Knopf, 1987-2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 885 Folder 12 Merwin, W.S. (William Stanley)--Contracts--U.S. Books / Other, 1986-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 907 Folder 2 Merwin, W.S. (William Stanley)--Contracts--All Other, 1991-2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 755 Folder 4 Merwin, W.S. (William Stanley)--Permissions, 1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 709 Folder 5 Merwin, W.S. (William Stanley)--Permissions, 1992

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 755 Folder 5-6 Merwin, W.S. (William Stanley)--Permissions, 1993-1994 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 764 Folder 17 Merwin, W.S. (William Stanley)--Permissions, 1995-1998

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 775 Folder 13 Merwin, W.S. (William Stanley)--Permissions, 1998-1999

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 482 Folder 4-6 Messud, Claire, 1996-1999 (3 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 436 Folder 7 Messud, Claire, 2000

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 509 Folder 1 Messud, Claire, 2001-2004

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 525 Folder 2 Messud, Claire, 2005

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 791 Folder 5-6 Messud, Claire, 2006-2007 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 816 Folder 10 Messud, Claire, 2008-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 860 Folder 6 Messud, Claire, 2010-2011

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 899 Folder 8 Messud, Claire, 2012-2014

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 830 Folder 12 Messud, Claire--Contracts, 1998-2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 830 Folder 13 Messud, Claire--Contracts--The Emperor's Children (RBA), 2006-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 907 Folder 3 Messud, Claire--Contracts--Foreign, 1998-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 816 Folder 11 Messud, Claire--Movies, 2006-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 680 Folder 3 Meyer, G.J., 1974, 1995

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 436 Folder 8 Meyer, G.J., 1993-1995

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 907 Folder 7 Meyers, Margaret--Contracts, 1994-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 525 Folder 3 Meyer, Michael, 2005

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 836 Folder 2 Meyer, Michael, 2006-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 579 Folder 11 Meyer, Michael, 2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 899 Folder 9 Meyer, Michael, 2010-2016

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 586 Folder 9 Meyer, Michael--Contracts, 2005-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 909 Folder 1 Michel, Sam--Contracts, 1988-2000

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 915 Folder 1 Michelson, Annette--Contracts, 1975-2009

Restricted Until 2049

Box 778 Folder 16 Middlebrook, Diane, 1991-1993

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 482 Folder 7 Middlebrook, Diane, 1994-1995

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 768 Folder 14 Middlebrook, Diane, 1996

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 482 Folder 8-10 Middlebrook, Diane, 1997-2000 (3 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 461 Folder 11 Middlebrook, Diane, 2001-2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 525 Folder 5 Middlebrook, Diane, 2004-2005

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 899 Folder 10 Middlebrook, Diane, 2009-2014

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 806 Folder 6 Middlebrook, Diane--Contracts, 1991-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 256 Folder 2 Milani, Milena, 1967-1975

Box 482 Folder 11-13 Miles, Jack, 1991-1995 (3 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 489 Folder 2-3 Miles, Jack, 1996-1997 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 424 Folder 8 Miles, Jack, 1998

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 489 Folder 4-5 Miles, Jack, 1999-2000 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 489 Folder 6 Miles, Jack, 2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 463 Folder 12 Miles, Jack, 2002

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 465 Folder 3 Miles, Jack, 2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 525 Folder 4 Miles, Jack, 2004

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 791 Folder 8 Miles, Jack, 2005

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 817 Folder 1-2 Miles, Jack, 2006-2009 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 899 Folder 11-12 Miles, Jack, 2010-2018 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 907 Folder 8 Miles, Jack--Contracts--Foreign--God, 1992-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 907 Folder 9 Miles, Jack--Contracts--Foreign--Other, 1992-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 907 Folder 10 Miles, Jack--Contracts--United States Books, 1993-2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 255 Folder 11-12 Miller, Jean Baker, 1975-1978 (2 folders)

Box 710 Folder 1 Miller, Jean Baker, 1979-1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 710 Folder 2 Miller, Jean Baker, 1979-1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 607 Folder 18 Miller, Jean Baker, 1988-1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 751 Folder 7 Miller, Jean Baker, 1992

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 482 Folder 14 Miller, Jean Baker, 1993-1995

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 441 Folder 1 Miller, Jean Baker, 1996

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 909 Folder 2 Miller, Jean Baker--Contracts--Beacon, 1975-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 909 Folder 3 Miller, Jean Baker--Contracts--All Others, 1977-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 376 Folder 1 Miller, Tanya, 1986-1989

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 29 Folder 3 Miller, William Robert, 1970

Box 29 Folder 4 Millett, Kate, 1970

Box 29 Folder 5-8 Millett, Kate, 1971-1974 (4 Folders)

Box 170 Folder 3-4 Millett, Kate, 1975-1976 (2 Folders)

Box 567 Folder 14-15 Millett, Kate, 1977-1978 (2 Folders)

Box 170 Folder 5 Millett, Kate, 1979

Box 567 Folder 16-18 Millett, Kate, 1980-1982 (3 Folders)

Box 710 Folder 3-6 Millett, Kate, 1983-1989 (4 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 754 Folder 21 Millett, Kate, 1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 772 Folder 1 Millett, Kate, 1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 600 Folder 14 Millett, Kate, 1992

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 772 Folder 2 Millett, Kate, 1993

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 768 Folder 15 Millett, Kate, 1994

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 772 Folder 3 Millett, Kate, 1995

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 427 Folder 3 Millett, Kate, 1996-1999

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 489 Folder 1 Millett, Kate, 2000

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 436 Folder 9 Millett, Kate, 2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 899 Folder 13 Millett, Kate, 2004-2014

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 853 Folder 18 Millett, Kate--Contracts, 2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 910 Folder 1 Millett, Kate--Contracts--Foreign--A-L (By Title), 1979-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 910 Folder 2 Millett, Kate--Contracts--Foreign--M-P (By Title), 1971-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 912 Folder 2 Millett, Kate--Contracts--Foreign--M-Z, 1975-2008

Restricted Until 2049

Box 807 Folder 10 Millett, Kate--Contracts--Sexual Politics, 1999-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 830 Folder 14 Millett, Kate--Contracts--Sexual Politics (Pocky), 2006-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 909 Folder 5 Millett, Kate--Contracts--United States Books, 1992-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 256 Folder 1 Millett, Kate--Foreign Rights, 1974-1976

Box 910 Folder 3 Millett, Kate--Permissions, 2000-2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 256 Folder 3 Milner & Smart, 1976-1979

Box 436 Folder 10 Minkowitz, Donna, 1999-2000

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 835 Folder 13 Minkowitz, Donna, 2000-2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 836 Folder 1 Minkowitz, Donna, 2011

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 912 Folder 4 Minkowitz, Donna--Contracts, 1999-2003

Restricted Until 2049

Box 705 Folder 5 Minot, Susan, 1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 704 Folder 1 Minot, Susan, 1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 703 Folder 6 Minot, Susan, 1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 704 Folder 2-4 Minot, Susan, 1987-1989 (3 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 772 Folder 4 Minot, Susan, 1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 772 Folder 5-8 Minot, Susan, 1991-1994 (4 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 768 Folder 16 Minot, Susan, 1995

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 494 Folder 7-8 Minot, Susan, 1996-1997 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 424 Folder 9 Minot, Susan, 1998

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 489 Folder 7-8 Minot, Susan, 1999-2000 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 494 Folder 9 Minot, Susan, 2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 461 Folder 7 Minot, Susan, 2002-2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 509 Folder 2 Minot, Susan, 2004-2005

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 791 Folder 9 Minot, Susan, 2006-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 817 Folder 3 Minot, Susan, 2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 836 Folder 3 Minot, Susan, 2009-2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 836 Folder 4 Minot, Susan, 2011

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 860 Folder 7-8 Minot, Susan, 2012-2013 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 878 Folder 8 Minot, Susan, 2014-2015

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 901 Folder 1 Minot, Susan, 2017

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 912 Folder 5 Minot, Susan--Contracts--Foreign--Monkeys, 1984-2005

Restricted Until 2049

Box 912 Folder 6 Minot, Susan--Contracts--Foreign--Other, 1986-2009

Restricted Until 2049

Box 797 Folder 8 Minot, Susan--Contracts--Knopf, 1999-2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 797 Folder 9 Minot, Susan--Contracts--Other U.S. Books, 1985-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 798 Folder 2 Minot, Susan--Contracts--Movie, 1986-2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 912 Folder 7 Minot, Susan--Contracts--Miscellaneous, 1983, 1999-2009

Restricted Until 2049

Box 427 Folder 4 Minot, Susan--Movie, 1998

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 791 Folder 10 Minot, Susan--Movie, 1999-2005

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 836 Folder 5 Minot, Susan--Movies, 2006-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 331 Folder 3-4 Mitchell, Joyce, 1974-1982 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 705 Folder 6 Mitchell, Joyce, 1982-1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 607 Folder 20 Mojtabai, A.G., 1979-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 567 Folder 19 Mojtabai, A.G., 1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 607 Folder 21 Mojtabai, A.G., 1983-1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 772 Folder 9 Mojtabai, A.G., 1990-1993

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 494 Folder 10 Mojtabai, A.G., 1994-1996

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 912 Folder 9 Mojtabai, A.G.--Contracts, 1976-2011

Restricted Until 2059

Box 704 Folder 5 Mojtabai, Grace, 1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 704 Folder 6 Mojtabai, Grace, 1989

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 30 Folder 1-2 Molinaro, Ursule, 1958-1963 (2 Folders)

Box 170 Folder 6-7 Molinaro, Ursule, 1964-1967 (2 Folders)

Box 30 Folder 5-6 Molinaro, Ursule, 1968-1970 (2 Folders)

Box 30 Folder 7 Molinaro, Ursule, 1971

Box 170 Folder 8 Molinaro, Ursule, 1972

Box 30 Folder 8 Molinaro, Ursule, 1973-1974

Box 170 Folder 9 Molinaro, Ursule, 1975

Box 171 Folder 1-3 Molinaro, Ursule, 1976-1979 (3 folders)

Box 377 Folder 3 Molinaro, Ursule, 1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 399 Folder 5 Molinaro, Ursule, 1983-1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 399 Folder 6 Molinaro, Ursule, 1985-1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 704 Folder 7 Molinaro, Ursule, 1988-1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 764 Folder 3 Molinaro, Ursule--Contracts, 1971-1992

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 30 Folder 9 Molinaro, Ursule--Foreign Rights, 1966-1972

Box 256 Folder 4 Mollo, John, 1972

Box 494 Folder 11 Mondrian Catalogue, 1993-1996

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 441 Folder 2 Monjtabai, A.G., 1997

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 710 Folder 7 Monteilhet, Hubert, 1976-1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 607 Folder 22 Monteilhet, Hubert, 1982-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 256 Folder 5 Montgomery, Viscount, 1973-1974

Box 575 Folder 13 Monthy Reports, circa 1986-1988

[Restricted Until 2029]

Status report on authors, items, sales, etc.

Box 567 Folder 20 Monthly Reports, 1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Status report on authors, items, sales, etc.

Box 600 Folder 15 Monthly Reports, 1992

[Restricted Until 2039]

Status report on authors, items, sales, etc.

Box 256 Folder 6 Moore, Bobby, 1968

Box 913 Folder 8 Moore, Peter--Contracts, 2001

Restricted Until 2049

Box 31 Folder 1-3 Moorse, George, 1961-1962 (2 Folders)

Box 171 Folder 4-5 Moorse, George, 1963-1965 (2 folders)

Box 31 Folder 4 Moorse, George, 1966-1968

Box 256 Folder 7 Moorse, George, 1968-1974

Box 171 Folder 6 Moorse, George, 1972-1976

Box 31 Folder 5 Moorse, George--Foreign Rights, 1967-1968

Box 256 Folder 8 Morayk, Neville, 1970-1971

Box 171 Folder 7-9 Morgan, Robin, 1975-1977 (3 folders)

Box 256 Folder 9 Morgan, Robin, 1978-1980

Box 704 Folder 8 Morgan, Robin, 1979-1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 436 Folder 11 Morris, Benny, 2000-2002

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 509 Folder 3 Morris, Benny, 2003-2004

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 525 Folder 6 Morris, Benny, 2005

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 791 Folder 11-12 Morris, Benny, 2006-2007 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 860 Folder 9 Morris, Benny, 2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 579 Folder 12 Morris, Benny, 2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 907 Folder 11 Morris, Benny--Contracts, 2001-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 901 Folder 2 Morris, Benjamin, 2010-2013

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 704 Folder 9 Morris, Edmund, 1978-1980

Box 710 Folder 8 Morris, Edmund, 1980-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 705 Folder 1-3 Morris, Edmund, 1982-1985 (3 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 710 Folder 9 Morris, Edmund, 1986-1988

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 705 Folder 4 Morris, Edmund, 1989

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 772 Folder 10 Morris, Edmund, 1990-1994

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 764 Folder 18 Morris, Edmund, 1995-1997

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 913 Folder 10 Morris, Edmund--Contracts, 1985-2010

Restricted Until 2049

Box 913 Folder 11 Morris, Edmund--Contracts--Foreign, Mov[?], Ta[?], 1979-2007

Restricted Until 2049

Part of the original file label is missing.

Box 31 Folder 6-8 Morris, Ivan, 1971-1974 (3 Folders)

Box 705 Folder 10 Morris, Ivan, 1975

Box 465 Folder 4 Morris, Ivan, 1976-1993

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 900 Folder 8 Morris, Ivan, 1988-2000

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 913 Folder 12 Morris, Ivan--Contracts--Foreign, 1970-2010

Restricted Until 2049

Box 820 Folder 15 Morris, Ivan--Contracts--Nobility/Holt Revert Contract and Bridge Contract with Farrar, Straus and Giroux, Inc., 1988-2012

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 913 Folder 13 Morris, Ivan--Contracts--U.S (United States), 1960-2010

Restricted Until 2049

Box 705 Folder 8 Morris, Mary, 1975-1978

Box 331 Folder 5 Morris, Mary, 1978-1979

Box 482 Folder 15 Morris, Mary, 1980-1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 817 Folder 4-5 Morris, Roy, Jr., 2005-2010 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 889 Folder 2 Morris, Roy, Jr., 2009-2011

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 808 Folder 3 Morris, Roy, Jr.--Contracts, 2001-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 705 Folder 9 Morris, Sylvia, 1980-1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 377 Folder 4 Morris, Sylvia, 1983-1989

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 775 Folder 14 Morris, Sylvia, 1990-1996

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 773 Folder 12 Morris, Sylvia, 1997

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 914 Folder 1 Morris, Sylvia--Contracts, 1981-2008

Restricted Until 2049

Box 763 Folder 9 Morris, Sylvia--Publicity, 1997

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 525 Folder 7 Morris, Jr., Roy, 2003-2004

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 256 Folder 10 Morry, W.R. & Mitchell, W.M., 1968-1978

Box 332 Folder 1-5 Mortimer, Penelope, 1973-1979 (Five Folders)

Box 568 Folder 3 Mortimer, Penelope, 1980-1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 705 Folder 7 Mortimer, Penelope, 1983-1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 482 Folder 16 Mortimer, Penelope, 1985-1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 256 Folder 11 Moseley, Maboth, 1969-1976

Box 256 Folder 12 Moss, Robert, 1971-1978

Box 568 Folder 4 Moss, Stanley, 1978

Box 256 Folder 13 Mossinsohn, Yigal, 1960-1965

Box 31 Folder 9 Mossinsohn, Yigal, 1961-1962

Box 415 Folder 9 Mossinsohn, Yigal

Box 419 Folder 8 Mossinsohn, Yigal

Box 489 Folder 9 Mott, Michael, 1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 256 Folder 14 Mountjoy, Alan B. and Clifford Embleton, 1966-1975

Box 256 Folder 15 Moury, Alain, 1960-1962

Box 256 Folder 16 Moussa, Pierre, 1962-1978

Box 703 Folder 5 Movies--General, 1991-1993

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 749 Folder 4-5 Movies--General, 1994-2000 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 377 Folder 5 Movies--Miscellaneous, 1988

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 553 Folder 6 Movies--Miscellaneous, 1986-1994

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 465 Folder 5 Mudimbe, Valentin Y., 1991-1993

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 533 Folder 3 Muhlstein, Anka, 1979, 1984-1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 441 Folder 3 Muhlstein, Anka, 1996-1998

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 868 Folder 2 Muhlstein, Anka, 1999-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 577 Folder 3-4 Muir, Sharona, 2004-2007 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 791 Folder 7 Muir, Sharona, 2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 817 Folder 6-7 Muir, Sharona, 2009-2010 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 901 Folder 4 Muir, Sharona, 2011-2013

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 914 Folder 5 Muir, Sharona--Contracts, 2004-2007

Restricted Until 2049

Box 191 Folder 10 Muller, Frederick, 1973-1977

Box 567 Folder 21-23 Munro, Eleanor, 1979-1983 (3 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 568 Folder 1-2 Munro, Eleanor, 1984-1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 533 Folder 4 Munro, Eleanor, 1987-1988

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 772 Folder 11 Munro, Eleanor, 1989-1995

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 489 Folder 10 Munro, Eleanor, 1996

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 441 Folder 4 Munro, Eleanor, 1997-1999

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 914 Folder 6 Munro, Eleanor--Contracts, 1979-2009

Restricted Until 2049

Box 489 Folder 11 Munson, Douglas Anne, 1990-1995

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 884 Folder 1 Munson, Douglas Anne, 1994-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 783 Folder 8 Murphy, Yannick, 1987-1995

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 482 Folder 17 Murphy, Yannick, 1995-1997

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 441 Folder 5 Murphy, Yannick, 1997-2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 900 Folder 9 Murphy, Yannick, 2005-2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 914 Folder 7 Murphy, Yannick--Contracts, 1988-2006

Restricted Until 2049

Box 860 Folder 10 Nadzam, Bonnie, 2008-2011

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 901 Folder 5 Nadzam, Bonnie, 2012-2014

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 917 Folder 9 Narayana Rao, Velcheru--Contracts, 2002-2006

Restricted Until 2049

Filed under Rao

Box 256 Folder 17 Naydler, Merton, 1968-1972

Box 256 Folder 18 Neame, L.E., 1962-1969

Box 31 Folder 10 Neuburg, Paul, 1967-1970

Box 256 Folder 19 Neuburg, Paul, 1967-1978

Box 31 Folder 11-12 Neuburg, Paul, 1971-1973

Box 483 Folder 1-2 Neugroschel, Joachim, 1991-1997 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 424 Folder 10 Neugroschel, Joachim, 1998

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 483 Folder 3 Neugroschel, Joachim, 1999

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 437 Folder 1 Neugroschel, Joachim, 2000

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 465 Folder 6 Neugroschel, Joachim, 2001-2002

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 836 Folder 6 Neugroschel, Joachim, 2003-2004

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 836 Folder 7 Neugroschel, Joachim, 2005

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 860 Folder 11 Neugroschel, Joachim, 2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 901 Folder 7 Neugroschel, Joachim, 2007-2013

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 914 Folder 9 Neugroschel, Joachim--Contacts--Penguin U.S. (United States), 1996-2010

Restricted Until 2049

Box 914 Folder 10 Neugroschel, Joachim--Contacts--Other U.S. (United States) Books, 1991-2008

Restricted Until 2049

Box 914 Folder 11 Neugroschel, Joachim--Contacts--Other, 1992-2010, 2017

Restricted Until 2059

Box 256 Folder 20 Neuhaus, H., 1973

Box 256 Folder 21 Neveux, Georges, 1963

Box 121 Folder 9 Neville Spearman Ltd., 1959

Box 121 Folder 10 Neville Spearman Ltd., 1965

Box 121 Folder 11 Neville Spearman Ltd., 1966

Box 122 Folder 1-2 Neville Spearman Ltd., 1967-1968 (2 Folders)

Box 123 Folder 2 Neville Spearman Ltd., 1975

Box 197 Folder 13 Neville Spearman Ltd., 1979-1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 552 Folder 5 Neville Spearman Ltd., 1984-1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 196 Folder 8 Neville Spearman Ltd.--Adorno, 1970-1974

Box 196 Folder 9 Neville Spearman Ltd.--Barbault, Armand, 1973-1974

Box 197 Folder 1 Neville Spearman Ltd.--Bashkiroff, Zenaide, 1961-1967

Box 197 Folder 2 Neville Spearman Ltd.--Bender, Albert, 1967-1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 197 Folder 3 Neville Spearman Ltd.--Bowen, Charles, 1974-1975

Box 197 Folder 4 Neville Spearman Ltd.--Boy Who Saw True, 1974

Box 197 Folder 5 Neville Spearman Ltd.--Brother Philip [F. P. B.], 1977-1978

Box 197 Folder 6 Neville Spearman Ltd.--Burr, Harold Saxton, 1972-1980

Box 197 Folder 7 Neville Spearman Ltd.--Burton, Richard (The Perfumed Garden), 1963-1975

Box 197 Folder 8 Neville Spearman Ltd.--Colquhoun, Ithell, 1974-1975

Box 196 Folder 7 Neville Spearman Ltd.--Correspondence, 1976-1977

Box 197 Folder 9 Neville Spearman Ltd.--Crawford, Sheilagh, 1972

Box 197 Folder 10 Neville Spearman Ltd.--Dickie, James, 1971-1976

Box 197 Folder 11 Neville Spearman Ltd.--Drake, Raymond, 1974-1977

Box 197 Folder 12 Neville Spearman Ltd.--Furst, Jeffrey, 1971-1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 197 Folder 14 Neville Spearman Ltd.--Gibbons, Gavin, 1967-1970

Box 197 Folder 15 Neville Spearman Ltd.--Goncourt, Edmond, 1958-1970

Box 198 Folder 1 Neville Spearman Ltd.--Haining, Peter, 1970-1977

Box 198 Folder 2 Neville Spearman Ltd.--Howson, J.B,. 1970-1974

Box 198 Folder 3 Neville Spearman Ltd.--Hutchinson, Beryl, 1967-1973

Box 123 Folder 4-6 Neville Spearman Ltd.--Hutton, J. Bernard, 1960-1970 (3 Folders)

Box 198 Folder 4 Neville Spearman Ltd.--Junke, N., 1966-1979

Box 198 Folder 5 Neville Spearman Ltd.--King, Francis, 1960-1979

Box 123 Folder 7 Neville Spearman Ltd.--Lonsdale, Gordon A., 1965-1971

Box 198 Folder 6 Neville Spearman Ltd.--Lyndoe, Edward, 1959-1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 198 Folder 7 Neville Spearman Ltd.--Mathers, S. L. MacGregor (Samuel Liddell MacGregor), 1971-1972

Box 198 Folder 8-9 Neville Spearman Ltd.--Meacock, Norma, 1971-1977 (2 folders)

Box 198 Folder 10 Neville Spearman Ltd.--Milner & Smart, 1977-1979

Box 48 Folder 7-9 Neville Spearman Ltd.--Offerings, 1959-1963 (3 Folders)

Box 198 Folder 11 Neville Spearman Ltd.--O'Hara, Patrick, 1967-1974

Box 123 Folder 8-10 Neville Spearman Ltd.--Pollini, Francis, 1965-1967 (3 Folders)

Box 124 Folder 1-2 Neville Spearman Ltd.--Pollini, Francis 1968-1969 (2 Folders)

Box 198 Folder 12 Neville Spearman Ltd.--Ravenscroft, Trevor, 1972-1978

Box 198 Folder 13 Neville Spearman Ltd.--Ravenscroft, Trevor, 1978-1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 383 Folder 4 Neville Spearman Ltd.--Robinson, Lytle and General, 1971-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 199 Folder 1 Neville Spearman Ltd.--Rudorff, Raymond, 1968-1978

Box 199 Folder 2 Neville Spearman Ltd.--Russell, Edward, 1971-1977

Box 199 Folder 3 Neville Spearman Ltd.--Ryall, Edward, 1974-1980

Box 199 Folder 4 Neville Spearman Ltd.--Sadoul, Jaques, 1972

Box 199 Folder 5 Neville Spearman Ltd.--Shores & Ring, 1968-1974

Box 199 Folder 6 Neville Spearman Ltd.--Snelling, O.F., 1964-1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 199 Folder 7 Neville Spearman Ltd.--Tchernine, Odette, 1970-1978

Box 199 Folder 8 Neville Spearman Ltd.--Thorne, Edward, 1971-1972

Box 122 Folder 3-4 Neville Spearman Ltd.--To and From, 1969-1970 (2 Folders)

Box 122 Folder 5-7 Neville Spearman Ltd.--To and From, 1971-1973 (3 Folders)

Box 123 Folder 1 Neville Spearman Ltd.--To and From, 1974

Box 123 Folder 3 Neville Spearman Ltd.--To and From, 1976

Box 199 Folder 9 Neville Spearman Ltd.--Le Poer Trench, Brinsley, Lord Clancarty, 1967-1972

Filed under T for Trench.

Box 199 Folder 10 Neville Spearman Ltd.--Wade, Robert Graham (R.G.), 1968-1979

Box 199 Folder 11 Neville Spearman Ltd.--Walton, Alan Hull, 1969-1970

Box 199 Folder 12 Neville Spearman Ltd.--Whore, 1961-1962

Box 263 Folder 1 Neville Spearman Ltd.--Whore's Rhetorick, 1960-1964

Box 199 Folder 13 Neville Spearman Ltd.--Williamson, George Hunt, 1976-1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 199 Folder 14 Neville Spearman Ltd.--Youth Hosteller's Guide to Europe, 1972-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 263 Folder 2 Neville Spearman Ltd.--Youth Hosteller's Guide, 1972-1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 48 Folder 1 New Literature Ltd., 1960-1962

Box 377 Folder 6 New Press--Lee, John Alan, 1974-1976

Box 256 Folder 22 Newfield, Jack, 1975

Box 256 Folder 23 Newman, Charles, 1973-1975

Box 416 Folder 1 Newman, Charles, 1976-1978

Box 568 Folder 5 Newman, Charles, 1979-1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 711 Folder 1 Newman, Charles, 1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 568 Folder 6 Newman, Charles, 1985-1994

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 796 Folder 3 Newman, Charles--Contracts, 1975-1993

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 257 Folder 1-2 Newman, Leslie, 1972-1978 (2 folders)

Box 332 Folder 6 Newman, Leslie, 1975-1976

Box 257 Folder 3 Nickson, Hilda, 1965-1976

Box 900 Folder 10 Nirenberg, David, 2002-2004

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 820 Folder 16 Nirenberg, David--Contracts, 2002-2012

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 172 Folder 1 Noel, Thomas, 1977

Box 257 Folder 4 Noonan, Michael, 1973-1980

Box 257 Folder 7 Norcliffe, G.B., 1977

Box 257 Folder 5-6 Noren, Catherine, 1976-1978 (2 folders)

Box 399 Folder 7 Noren, Catherine, 1978-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 914 Folder 12 Noren, Catherine--Contracts, 1973-2001

Restricted Until 2049

Box 332 Folder 7 Norman, Derek and Ursule, 1975-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 257 Folder 8 Norman, Herbert & John, 1966-1971

Box 437 Folder 2 Novick, Ben, 1999-2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 915 Folder 4 Novick, Ben--Contracts, 1999-2002

Restricted Until 2049

Box 608 Folder 1 Nozick, Robert, 1982-1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 711 Folder 2 Nozick, Robert, 1986-1989

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 483 Folder 4 Nozick, Robert, 1990-1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 489 Folder 12 Nozick, Robert, 1992-1995

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 436 Folder 12 Nozick, Robert, 1996-1999

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 901 Folder 8 Nozick, Robert, 2000-2011

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 914 Folder 13 Nozick, Robert--Contracts, 1972-2009

Restricted Until 2049

Box 915 Folder 5 Nozick, Robert--Contracts--Foreign,, 1990-2010

Restricted Until 2049

Box 915 Folder 6 Nozick, Robert--Contracts--Simon & Schuster, 1983-2010

Restricted Until 2049

Box 706 Folder 2 Nunberg, Geoffrey, 1983-1989

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 915 Folder 7 Nunberg, Geoffrey--Contracts, 1983-2002

Restricted Until 2049

Box 399 Folder 8 Nunez, Singrid, 1978-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 706 Folder 1 Nunez, Sigrid, 1986-1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 257 Folder 9 Nurmi, Martin, 1976

Box 257 Folder 14 Oag, Shay, 1968-1974

Box 429 Folder 13 O'Brian, Patrick, 1999

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 900 Folder 11 O'Brian, Patrick, 2005-2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 509 Folder 4-6 O'Brian, Patrick--Contracts--Books--A-Z, 1990-2007 (3 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 915 Folder 8-9 O'Brian, Patrick--Contracts--Books on Tape A-Z Since 2006, 2006-2008, 2 folders

Restricted Until 2049

Box 509 Folder 7 O'Brian, Patrick--Contracts--Norton Contracts Only, 1989-2005

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 915 Folder 10 O'Brian, Patrick--Contracts--Random House Audio--Blue at the Mizzen, 1998-2004

Restricted Until 2049

Box 915 Folder 11 O'Brian, Patrick--Contracts--Recorded Books, Audio Contracts Only No Statements, 1991-2003

Restricted Until 2049

Box 509 Folder 8 O'Brian, Patrick--Contracts--Statements All Together, 1990-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 525 Folder 8-9 O'Brian, Patrick--Contracts--Other, Audio, 1995-2008 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 560 Folder 4 O'Brien, Gerald F., 1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 332 Folder 9 O'Brien, Gerald F., 1981-1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 257 Folder 10 O'Callahan, Sean, 1970-1971

Box 901 Folder 9 Odone, Augusto, 2008-2011

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 120 Folder 6 The Odyssey Press, 1970

Box 257 Folder 11 O'Hara, Patrick, 1964-1977

Box 332 Folder 8 Old Foreign Rights Lists, 1972-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 257 Folder 15 Oldroyd, Harold, 1971

Box 427 Folder 5 O'Nan, Stewart, 1993

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 915 Folder 14 O'Nan, Stewart--Contracts, 1993-2009

Restricted Until 2049

Box 600 Folder 16 O'Nan, Stewart--Publicity, 1994-1996

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 257 Folder 12 O'Neill & Longford, 1970-1978

Box 257 Folder 13 O'Neill, William, 1972-1975

Box 377 Folder 8 O'Neill, William, 1976-1977

Box 377 Folder 9 O'Neill, William, 1977-1978

Box 560 Folder 5 O'Neill, William, 1979-1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 711 Folder 3 O'Neill, William, 1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 560 Folder 6 O'Neill, William, 1984-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 610 Folder 25 O'Neill, William, 1986-1988

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 711 Folder 4 O'Neill, William, 1989-1993

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 437 Folder 4 O'Neill, William, 1994-2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 915 Folder 15 O'Neill, William--Contracts,, 1974-2009

Restricted Until 2049

Box 483 Folder 5 Osofsky, Gilbert, 1973-1974

Box 377 Folder 10 Ostrovsky, Erika, 1979-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 257 Folder 16 Ottin, Merry, 1963-1965

Box 916 Folder 2 Oulipo Anthology--Contracts, 1984-2009

Restricted Until 2049

Box 332 Folder 10 Owens, Iris, 1982-1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 172 Folder 2-3 Padfield, Peter, 1977-1980 (2 folders)

Box 792 Folder 1 Page, Max, 2003-2004

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 817 Folder 8 Page, Max, 2005-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 916 Folder 3 Page, Max--Contracts, 2003-2004

Restricted Until 2049

Box 916 Folder 4 Page, Patricia--Contracts, 1995-2009

Restricted Until 2049

Box 680 Folder 4 Page, Patricia--Publicity, 1995-1996

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 257 Folder 17 Palley, William S., 1977

Box 483 Folder 6 Pamuk, Orhan, 1986-1990

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 608 Folder 2 Panish, Paul, 1977-1980

Box 483 Folder 7 Panish, Paul, 1981-1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 257 Folder 18 Park, Ruth, 1967-1971

Box 416 Folder 5 Parkes, James

Box 257 Folder 19 Parkes, James, 1969-1978

Box 901 Folder 10 Pārsīʹpūr, Shahrnūsh, 2010-2011

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 257 Folder 20 Partington, Norman, 1974-1979

Box 333 Folder 1 Passantino, Claire, 1983-1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 378 Folder 4 Passantino, Claire, 1985-1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 778 Folder 17 Passaro, Vince, 1990-1992

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 425 Folder 15 Passaro, Vince, 1992-1994

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 32 Folder 1-2 Pauker, John, 1958-1964 (2 Folders)

Box 466 Folder 8 Payton, Brian, 2002-2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 525 Folder 10 Payton, Brian, 2004-2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 792 Folder 2 Payton, Brian, 2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 916 Folder 9 Payton, Brian--Contracts, 2002-2010

Restricted Until 2049

Box 32 Folder 3 Peacock, Jere, 1966-1968

Box 792 Folder 3 Peelle, Lydia, 2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 878 Folder 9 Peelle, Lydia, 2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 900 Folder 12 Peelle, Lydia, 2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 594 Folder 28 Peelle, Lydia--Contracts--Reasons (Recorded Books), 2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 333 Folder 2 Pell, Eve, 1973-1978

Box 916 Folder 13 Pelt, R. J. (Robert Jan) van--Contracts, 2000-2010

Restricted Until 2049

Box 416 Folder 2 Perera, Victor

Box 32 Folder 4-5 Perera, Victor, 1971-1972

Box 258 Folder 1 Perin, Constance, 1976-1979

Box 608 Folder 3 Perin, Constance, 1980-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 436 Folder 13 Perin, Constance, 1986-1994

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 900 Folder 13 Perin, Constance, 1995-2004

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 916 Folder 14 Perin, Constance--Contracts, 1986-2009

Restricted Until 2049

Box 483 Folder 8 Perl, Jed, 1995

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 911 Folder 1 Permissions--General, 1998, undated

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 911 Folder 2-10 Permissions--A-Z, 2013-2016 (9 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 911 Folder 11 Permissions--American Course Permissions, 2013-2015

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 400 Folder 1 Permissions--Old Permissions, 1982-1988

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 378 Folder 3 Peters, Joan, 1978-1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 902 Folder 1 Peterson, Carla L., 2005

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 333 Folder 3 Peterson, Paula, 1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 763 Folder 10 Petroski, Catherine, 1989-1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 483 Folder 9 Petroski, Catherine, 1990-1993

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 916 Folder 17 Petroski, Catherine--Contracts, 1989

Restricted Until 2029

Box 747 Folder 1 Phathanothai, Sirin, 1991-1993

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 483 Folder 10 Phathanothai, Sirin, 1994

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 916 Folder 19 Phathanothai, Sirin--Contracts, 1991-2008

Restricted Until 2049

Box 483 Folder 11 Phillips, Kate, 1994-1996

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 436 Folder 14 Phillips, Kate, 1997

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 916 Folder 21 Phillips, Kate--Contracts, 1992-2008

Restricted Until 2049

Box 416 Folder 4 Photographs

Box 416 Folder 3 Photographs--Pablo Picasso

Box 74 Folder 9 Pinner, Erna, 1953-1954

Box 74 Folder 10 Piquet, Elise, 1956-1958

Box 32 Folder 6 Piquet, Elise, 1961-1963

Box 549 Folder 3 Plante, David, 1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 483 Folder 12 Pochna, Marie-France, 1994-1995

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 836 Folder 8 Pochna, Marie-France, 1996-2004

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 916 Folder 23 Pochna, Marie-France--Contracts, 1995-2005

Restricted Until 2049

Box 600 Folder 17 Pocock, A.T.G. (Tony), 1988

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 333 Folder 4 Podhoretz, Norman, 1977-1980

Box 378 Folder 1 Podhoretz, Norman, 1980-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 416 Folder 6 Podhoretz, Norman, 1982-1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 568 Folder 7 Podhoretz, Norman, 1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 713 Folder 1 Podhoretz, Norman, 1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 711 Folder 5 Podhoretz, Norman, 1986-1988

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 747 Folder 2 Podhoretz, Norman, 1989-1990

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 483 Folder 13 Podhoretz, Norman, 1991-1994

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 916 Folder 24 Podhoretz, Norman--Contracts, 1977-2009

Restricted Until 2049

Box 568 Folder 8 Podwal, Mark, 1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 608 Folder 4 Podwal, Mark, 1984-1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 779 Folder 1 Podwal, Mark, 1987-1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 779 Folder 2 Podwal, Mark, 1992-1996

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 483 Folder 14 Podwal, Mark, 1997-1998

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 437 Folder 5 Podwal, Mark, 1999-2000

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 902 Folder 3 Podwal, Mark, 2001-2005

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 916 Folder 25 Podwal, Mark--Contracts--All Other Books, 1992-2009

Restricted Until 2049

Box 916 Folder 26 Podwal, Mark--Contracts--Other, 1982-2006

Restricted Until 2049

Box 172 Folder 4 Pollini, Francis, 1970

Box 172 Folder 5-6 Pollini, Francis, 1971-1973 (2 folders)

Box 74 Folder 11 Pollini, Francis, 1974

Box 400 Folder 2 Portugal, R. de la Concha, 1988-1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 483 Folder 15 Portnoy, Miriam, 1977-1978

Box 916 Folder 27 Postgate, Raymond--Contracts, 1985-1992

Restricted Until 2039

Box 568 Folder 9 Potter, Georges, 1979

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 568 Folder 10 Poulin, Al, 1974

Box 436 Folder 15 Pousson, Martin, 1999-2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 525 Folder 11 Pousson, Martin, 2002-2005

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 800 Folder 10 Pousson, Martin, 2006-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 860 Folder 12 Pousson, Martin, 2009-2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 868 Folder 4 Pousson, Martin, 2012-2014

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 916 Folder 29 Pousson, Martin--Contracts, 2001-2010

Restricted Until 2049

Box 258 Folder 2 Pred, Alan, 1977-1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 258 Folder 3 Prentice, Robin-- National Trust Guides, 1976-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 258 Folder 4 Preston, Hugh, 1976-1978

Box 868 Folder 5 Price, Adam, 2012-2014

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 883 Folder 14 Price, Adam, 2015

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 901 Folder 11 Price, Adam, 2018

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 333 Folder 5 Price, Johnathan, 1974-1979

Box 32 Folder 7 Price, Jonathan, 1969-1970

Box 32 Folder 8-11 Price, Jonathan, 1971-1974 (4 Folders)

Box 258 Folder 5 Price, Jonathan, 1971-1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 916 Folder 30 Price, Mary Elisabeth--Contracts, 1998-2000

Restricted Until 2039

Box 258 Folder 6 Price, Norman, 1976-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 560 Folder 7 Prose, Francine, 1981-1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 568 Folder 11 Prose, Francine, 1984-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 712 Folder 1 Prose, Francine, 1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 608 Folder 5 Prose, Francine, 1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 711 Folder 6-7 Prose, Francine, 1988-1989 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 755 Folder 7 Prose, Francine, 1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 779 Folder 3-7 Prose, Francine, 1991-1995 (5 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 773 Folder 13 Prose, Francine, 1997

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 916 Folder 31 Prose, Francine--Contracts--Foreign, 1988-2006

Restricted Until 2049

Box 764 Folder 4 Prose, Francine--Contracts--Magazine Before '93, 1983-1996

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 755 Folder 8 Prose, Francine--Contracts--Magazine, 1993-1997

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 764 Folder 5 Prose, Francine--Contracts--Permissions, 1984-2000

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 763 Folder 11 Prose, Francine--Publicity, 1981-1998

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 902 Folder 4 Prunty, Wyatt, 2005-2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 916 Folder 33 Prunty, Wyatt--Contracts, 2005-2008

Restricted Until 2049

Box 437 Folder 6 Pub General, 2002-2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 48 Folder 2 Publishers for Peace, 1970

Box 554 Folder 2 Publishers General, 1992

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 608 Folder 20 Publishers General, 1993-1994

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 575 Folder 8 Publishers General, 1994-1995

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 600 Folder 18 Publishers General, 1996

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 733 Folder 4-5 Publishers--General, 1997-1998 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 768 Folder 5 Publishers--General, 1999

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 766 Folder 17 Publishers--General, 2000

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 766 Folder 18 Publishers--General, 2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 525 Folder 12 Publishers--General, 2004

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 902 Folder 5 Publishers--General, 2005-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 400 Folder 3 Publishers' Weekly, 1974-1977

Box 172 Folder 7 Pugh, Derek, 1977

Box 258 Folder 7 Pugh, P.D., 1969-1977

Box 258 Folder 8 Pulbrook & Gould, 1968-1972

Box 258 Folder 9 Pullan, J.M., 1968

Box 333 Folder 6 Publishers Weekly--Articles on Foreign Markets, 1978-1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 805 Folder 14 Pym, Barbara--Contracts--Chivers and Contracts and "old" statements, 1978-2007

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 258 Folder 10 Quayle, Eric, 1968-1972

Box 917 Folder 1 Queneau, Raymond--Contracts, 1975-2006

Restricted Until 2049

Box 755 Folder 9 Quinn, Susan, 1988-1993

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 779 Folder 8 Quinn, Susan, 1994

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 776 Folder 1 Quinn, Susan, 1995

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 775 Folder 15 Quinn, Susan, 1996-1998

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 917 Folder 2 Quinn, Susan--Contracts--Foreign, 1984-2007

Restricted Until 2049

Box 917 Folder 3 Quinn, Susan--Contracts--United States, 1988-2009

Restricted Until 2049

Box 483 Folder 16 Quinn, Susan--Movies, 1996-1997

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 258 Folder 11 Rab, Gustav, 1963-1967

Box 258 Folder 12 Raban, Jonathan, 1975-1977

Box 32 Folder 12 Rabinowitz, Dorothy, 1972

Box 258 Folder 13 Rabinowitz, Dorothy, 1973-1976

Box 560 Folder 8 Rabinowitz, Dorothy, 1978-1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 715 Folder 1 Rabinowitz, Dorothy, 1984-1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 747 Folder 3 Rabinowitz, Dorothy, 1990-1992

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 783 Folder 9 Rabinowitz, Dorothy, 1993

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 917 Folder 4 Rabinowitz, Dorothy--Contracts, 1990-2006

Restricted Until 2049

Box 258 Folder 14 Racster, Olga, 1978

Box 258 Folder 15 Rae, Hugh, 1967-1978

Box 917 Folder 7 Rahmann, Pat--Contracts, 2000

Restricted Until 2039

Box 568 Folder 12 Raizner, Bernard, 1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 333 Folder 7 Ramati, Alexander, 1966-1972

Box 884 Folder 12 Random House Boilerplate, 1994-2004

[Restricted Until 2049]

Contract language.

Box 75 Folder 1 Rao, Raja, 1958-1959

Box 258 Folder 16 Raphael, Chaim, 1977-1978

Box 400 Folder 4 Raphael, Chaim, 1979-1980

Box 400 Folder 5 Raphael, Chaim, 1981-1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 400 Folder 6 Raphael, Chaim, 1983-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 568 Folder 13 Raphael, Frederic, 1975

Box 258 Folder 17 Ravenscroft, Trevor, 1973-1978

Box 378 Folder 7 Ravich, Diane, 1979-1980

Box 259 Folder 1 Rawson, P.S., 1968-1969

Box 901 Folder 12 Rayner, Sarah, 2011-2013

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 259 Folder 2 Raynor, Henry, 1972-1976

Box 259 Folder 3 Read, Elfreida--Cancelled, 1966-1973

Box 416 Folder 7 Rechy, John, 1979

Box 561 Folder 1 Rechy, John, 1980

Box 561 Folder 2 Rechy, John, 1981-1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 712 Folder 2-4 Rechy, John, 1983-1988 (3 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 747 Folder 4 Rechy, John, 1989-1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 779 Folder 9-10 Rechy, John, 1991-1992 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 425 Folder 16 Rechy, John, 1993-1994

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 483 Folder 17-18 Rechy, John, 1995-1997 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 424 Folder 11 Rechy, John, 1998

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 483 Folder 19-20 Rechy, John, 1999-2000 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 484 Folder 1 Rechy, John, 2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 461 Folder 1 Rechy, John, 2002

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 510 Folder 4 Rechy, John, 2003-2005

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 526 Folder 1 Rechy, John, 2006-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 868 Folder 6 Rechy, John, 2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 918 Folder 1 Rechy, John--Contracts--Foreign, 1963-2012

Restricted Until 2059

Box 918 Folder 2 Rechy, John--Contracts--Grove, 1970-2009

Restricted Until 2049

Box 918 Folder 3 Rechy, John--Contracts--Other, 1972-2008

Restricted Until 2049

Box 33 Folder 1-2 Reck, Michael, 1964-1967 (2 Folders)

Box 33 Folder 3 Reck, Michael, 1968-1972

Box 484 Folder 2 Reck, Michael, 1973-1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 33 Folder 4 Reck, Michael--Foreign Rights, 1967-1969

Box 561 Folder 3 Reck, Michael--Foreign Rights, 1974-1976

Box 259 Folder 4 Reich, Tova, 1977-1978

Box 568 Folder 14 Reich, Tova, 1979-1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 713 Folder 2 Reich, Tova, 1983-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 600 Folder 19 Reich, Tova, 1986-1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 437 Folder 7 Reich, Tova, 1991-1998

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 917 Folder 16 Reich, Tova--Contracts, 1977-2006

Restricted Until 2049

Box 417 Folder 2 Reich, Walter, 1980-1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 713 Folder 3 Reich, Walter, 1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 437 Folder 8 Reich, Walter, 1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 917 Folder 17 Reich, Walter--Contracts, 1992-2009

Restricted Until 2049

Box 33 Folder 5 Reid, Randall, 1972-1974

Box 259 Folder 5 Reid, Randall, 1975-1976

Box 568 Folder 15 Reid, Randall, 1977-1980

Box 378 Folder 8 Reid, Randall, 1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 490 Folder 1 Reid, Randall, 1982-1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 533 Folder 5 Reid, Randall, 1985-1988

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 779 Folder 11 Reid, Randall, 1989-1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 333 Folder 8 Reik, Miriam, 1969-1970

Box 918 Folder 4 Rendell, Ruth--Contracts--Doubleday, 1995-2009

Restricted Until 2049

Box 918 Folder 5 Rendell, Ruth--Contracts--Other, 1981-2009

Restricted Until 2049

Box 490 Folder 2 Rezzori, Grisah, 1981-1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 437 Folder 9 Rice, Rebecca, 1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 917 Folder 18 Rice, Rebecca--Contracts, 1987-2000

Restricted Until 2039

Box 714 Folder 1-2 Richard, Mark, 1987-1989 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 755 Folder 10 Richard, Mark, 1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 779 Folder 12-13 Richard, Mark, 1991-1993 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 490 Folder 3 Richard, Mark, 1994-1995

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 917 Folder 19 Richard, Mark--Contracts, 1987-2007

Restricted Until 2049

Box 763 Folder 12 Richard, Mark--Publicity, 1989-1998

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 33 Folder 6 Richardson, Vokes, 1968

Box 259 Folder 7 Richer, Paul, 1970

Box 510 Folder 5 Richmond, Michelle, 2003-2004

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 526 Folder 2 Richmond, Michelle, 2005

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 792 Folder 4 Richmond, Michelle, 2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 577 Folder 5-6 Richmond, Michelle, 2007-2008 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 869 Folder 12 Richmond, Michelle, 2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 868 Folder 7 Richmond, Michelle, 2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 868 Folder 8 Richmond, Michelle, 2011-2012

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 820 Folder 3 Richmond, Michelle, 2013

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 878 Folder 10 Richmond, Michelle, 2014-2015

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 918 Folder 6 Richmond, Michelle--Contracts,, 2003-2009

Restricted Until 2049

Box 830 Folder 16 Richmond, Michelle--Contracts--Year of Fog Contract, 2008-2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 593 Folder 18 Richmond, Michelle--Contracts--A Year of Fog (French), 2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 333 Folder 9 Rieber, Robert, 1963-1976

Box 259 Folder 6 Rieth, Adolph--Cancelled, 1970

Box 903 Folder 1 Rifkind, Diana, 2003-2017

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 191 Folder 11 Rivers Press--Drieau La Rochelle, 1973-1974

Box 568 Folder 16 Rivers Press--Mandel 'shtam, 1973-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 568 Folder 17 Rivers Press--Mandel 'shtam; Writers & Readers, 1973-1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 259 Folder 8 Rivers, Anne, 1973-1980

Box 903 Folder 2 Rizzuto, Rahna R., 2016

[Restricted Until 2059]

Rhana Reiko Rizzuto

Box 378 Folder 9 Roazen, Paul, 1977-1979

Box 608 Folder 6 Roazen, Paul, 1980-1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 568 Folder 18 Roazen, Paul, 1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 608 Folder 7 Roazen, Paul, 1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 568 Folder 19-20 Roazen, Paul, 1985-1988 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 714 Folder 3 Roazen, Paul, 1989-1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 746 Folder 1 Roazen, Paul, 1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 752 Folder 9 Roazen, Paul, 1991

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 601 Folder 1 Roazen, Paul, 1992

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 778 Folder 18 Roazen, Paul, 1993

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 490 Folder 4 Roazen, Paul, 1994

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 746 Folder 2 Roazen, Paul, 1995

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 919 Folder 1 Roazen, Paul--Contracts, 1985-2008

Restricted Until 2049

Box 919 Folder 2 Roazen, Paul--Contracts--Foreign (Deads and Copyrights), 1978-2009

Restricted Until 2049

Box 47 Folder 14 Robert Hale Ltd., 1961-1964

Box 225 Folder 1 Robert Lewis Rosen Associates, Ltd., 1977-1978

Box 259 Folder 9 Robins, Eric, 1970

Box 33 Folder 7 Robinson, Jeremy, 1967-1968

Box 378 Folder 10 Robinson, Steve, 1977-1989

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 490 Folder 5 Roditi, Edouard, 1974-1978

Box 378 Folder 11 Rodman, F. Robert, 1979-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 484 Folder 3 Rodman, F. Robert, 1985-1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 601 Folder 2 Rodman, F. Robert, 1989, 1992

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 490 Folder 10 Rodman, F. Robert, 1990-1995

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 437 Folder 10 Rodman, F. Robert, 1997-1999

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 466 Folder 9 Rodman, F. Robert, 2000-2002

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 417 Folder 1 Rodriguez, Juan

Box 561 Folder 4 Rodriguez, Richard, 1982-1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 568 Folder 21 Rodriguez, Richard, 1984-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 713 Folder 4 Rodriguez, Richard, 1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 568 Folder 22 Rodriguez, Richard, 1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 713 Folder 5-6 Rodriguez, Richard, 1988-1989 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 763 Folder 13-14 Rodriguez, Richard, 1990-1992 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 779 Folder 14 Rodriguez, Richard, 1993

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 490 Folder 6-8 Rodriguez, Richard, 1994-1997 (3 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 490 Folder 9 Rodriguez, Richard, 1999

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 436 Folder 16 Rodriguez, Richard, 2000

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 437 Folder 11 Rodriguez, Richard, 2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 466 Folder 10-11 Rodriguez, Richard, 2002-2005 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 526 Folder 3 Rodriguez, Richard, 2006-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 868 Folder 9 Rodriguez, Richard, 2008-2009 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 836 Folder 9 Rodriguez, Richard, 2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 868 Folder 10 Rodriguez, Richard, 2011-2012

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 878 Folder 11 Rodriguez, Richard, 2013

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 764 Folder 7 Rodriguez, Richard--Contracts--Lectures (Dead), 1990-1997

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 805 Folder 15 Rodriguez, Richard--Contracts--Penguin Books, 1986-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 911 Folder 14 Rodriguez, Richard--Permissions, 2013-2015

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 378 Folder 12 Rogan, Barbara, 1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 333 Folder 10 Rogan, Barbara, 1983-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 378 Folder 13 Rogan, Barbara, 1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 334 Folder 1 Rogan, Helen, 1978-1979

Box 334 Folder 2 Rogan, Helen, 1979-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 568 Folder 23 Rogan, Helen, 1982-1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 490 Folder 11 Rogan, Helen, 1985-1988

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 172 Folder 8 Rogers, Anthony, 1978-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 490 Folder 12 Rogers, Jane, 1995

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 424 Folder 12 Rogers, Jane, 1996-1998

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 490 Folder 13 Rogers, Jane, 1999

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 441 Folder 8 Rogers, Jane, 2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 869 Folder 13 Rogers, Jane, 2002-2004

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 902 Folder 6 Rogers, Jane, 2005-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 860 Folder 13 Rogers, Jane, 2011

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 903 Folder 4 Rogers, Jane, 2012-2014

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 608 Folder 8 Rogers, Natalie, 1980-1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 568 Folder 24 Rogers, Natalie, 1983-1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 568 Folder 25 Rogers, Thomas, 1973-1979

Box 561 Folder 5 Rogers, Thomas, 1980-1981

Box 379 Folder 1 Rogers, Thomas, 1981-1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 417 Folder 3 Rognier, Gilbert

Box 259 Folder 12 Rolt, Wheeler F., 1975-1979

Box 902 Folder 7 Romano, Carlin, 1986-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 259 Folder 13 Romanov, A.I.--Cancelled, 1972-1976

Box 379 Folder 2 Rombach, 1987-1988

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 404 Folder 3 Rombach, 1989-1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 259 Folder 14 Ronson, Mavis, 1965

Box 490 Folder 14 Roosevelt, Archie, 1988-1990

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 919 Folder 5 Roosevelt, Selwa--Contracts, 1990-1999

Restricted Until 2039

Box 680 Folder 5 Roosevelt, Selwa--Publicity, 1968-1988

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 561 Folder 6 Rorem, Ned, 1974-1978

Box 714 Folder 4 Rorem, Ned, 1979-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 755 Folder 11-12 Rorem, Ned, 1981-1984 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 714 Folder 5 Rorem, Ned, 1985-1988

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 755 Folder 13 Rorem, Ned, 1989-1993

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 490 Folder 15 Rorem, Ned, 1994-1996

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 437 Folder 12 Rorem, Ned, 1997-1999

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 902 Folder 8 Rorem, Ned, 2000-2005

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 805 Folder 16 Rorem, Ned--Contracts, 1974-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 33 Folder 8 Rose, Barbara, 1971-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 755 Folder 14 Rose, Barbara, 1973-1980

Box 902 Folder 9-10 Rose, Melanie, 2009-2010 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 593 Folder 19 Rose, Melanie--Contracts, 2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 379 Folder 3 Rose, Phyllis, 1977-1978

Box 608 Folder 9 Rose, Phyllis, 1979-1980

Box 568 Folder 26 Rose, Phyllis, 1981-1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 569 Folder 1-4 Rose, Phyllis, 1983-1986 (4 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 714 Folder 6 Rose, Phyllis, 1987-1988

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 755 Folder 15 Rose, Phyllis, 1989

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 490 Folder 16-18 Rose, Phyllis, 1990-1993

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 569 Folder 5 Rose, Phyllis--Jazz Cleopatra Foreign Permissions, 1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 601 Folder 3 Rose, Phyllis--Publicity, circa 1983-1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 259 Folder 15 Rosebury, Theodore, 1975-1976

Box 172 Folder 9 Rosebury, Thomas, 1975-1978

Box 334 Folder 4 Rosenblum, Gail and Muske, Carol, 1975-1977

Box 33 Folder 9 Rosner, Joseph, 1966-1969

Box 259 Folder 16 Ross, Maggie--Cancelled, 1968-1973

Box 259 Folder 17 Roth, Henry, 1969-1972

Box 172 Folder 10 Roth, Henry, 1970

Box 172 Folder 11 Roth, Henry, 1971

Box 173 Folder 1-2 Roth, Henry, 1972-1973 (2 folders)

Box 259 Folder 18 Roth, Oscar, 1976-1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 334 Folder 6 Roth, Oscar, 1976-1978

Box 334 Folder 5 Roth, Oscar, 1979-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 192 Folder 1 Routledge & Kegan Paul Ltd., 1974-1977

Box 192 Folder 2 Routledge & Kegan Paul Ltd.--Berry, 1962-1976

Box 192 Folder 3 Routledge & Kegan Paul Ltd.--Dinsdale, Tim (Canceled), 1962-1967

Box 192 Folder 4 Routledge & Kegan Paul Ltd.--Foremans, Michael, 1962-1963

Box 552 Folder 7 Routledge & Kegan Paul Ltd.--Lethrbridge, T.C., 1962-1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 48 Folder 4 Routledge & Kegan Paul Ltd.--Offerings, 1962

Box 192 Folder 5 Routledge & Kegan Paul Ltd.--Rulledge, Dom Denys, 1962-1976

Box 260 Folder 1 Rowe, Christopher, 1976

Box 260 Folder 2 Rowland, Peter, 1968-1972

Box 260 Folder 3 Roy, Archie, 1970-1976

Box 260 Folder 4 Rubens, Alfred, 1967-1973

Box 34 Folder 1-3 Rubenstein, Richard L., 1967-1969 (3 Folders)

Box 34 Folder 4-6 Rubenstein, Richard L., 1970-1974 (3 Folders)

Box 417 Folder 4 Rubenstein, Richard L., 1975-1979

Box 417 Folder 5 Rubenstein, Richard L., 1980-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 569 Folder 6-7 Rubenstein, Richard L., 1982-1987 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 601 Folder 4 Rubenstein, Richard L., 1988-1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 34 Folder 7 Rubenstein, Richard L.--Article Reprints, Book Proposals, Etc., 1966-1968

Box 417 Folder 6 Rubenstein/Katsaris, 1979

Box 490 Folder 19 Rubin, Trudy, 1974-1977

Box 334 Folder 7 Rubinstein, Hilary, 1985-1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 260 Folder 5 Rudorff, Raymond, 1968-1976

Box 774 Folder 1 Rule, Jane, 1980-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 569 Folder 8 Rule, Jane, 1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 417 Folder 7 Rule, Jane, 1983-1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 569 Folder 9-11 Rule, Jane, 1984-1987 (3 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 715 Folder 2-3 Rule, Jane, 1988-1989 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 491 Folder 1-3 Rule, Jane, 1990-1994 (3 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 441 Folder 9 Rule, Jane, 1995

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 89 Folder 12 Rupert Hart-Davis Ltd., 1965

Box 90 Folder 1 Rupert Hart-Davis Ltd.--Blake, William, 1968-1970

Box 90 Folder 2 Rupert Hart-Davis Ltd.--Boucher, Alan, 1967-1975

Box 90 Folder 3 Rupert Hart-Davis Ltd.--Butler, William, 1967-1973

Box 90 Folder 4 Rupert Hart-Davis Ltd.--Clark, Leonard, 1965

Box 90 Folder 5 Rupert Hart-Davis Ltd.--Duddington, Natalie, 1967-1976

Box 90 Folder 6 Rupert Hart-Davis Ltd.--Garvey, Ric, 1967-1977

Box 90 Folder 7 Rupert Hart-Davis Ltd.--Gunnell, Bryn, 1965-1969

Box 90 Folder 8 Rupert Hart-Davis Ltd.--Kay, Mara, 1966-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 90 Folder 9 Rupert Hart-Davis Ltd.--Mander, Raymond & Joe Mitchenson, 1967-1969

Box 90 Folder 10 Rupert Hart-Davis Ltd.--North, Joan, 1967-1977

Box 90 Folder 11 Rupert Hart-Davis Ltd.--Pope, Ray, 1966-1975

Box 90 Folder 12 Rupert Hart-Davis Ltd.--Quayle, Eric, 1968-1975

Box 90 Folder 13 Rupert Hart-Davis Ltd.--Robinson, Michael, 1968-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 89 Folder 13 Rupert Hart-Davis Ltd.--To and From, 1970

Box 89 Folder 14 Rupert Hart-Davis Ltd.--To and From, 1971-1977

Box 90 Folder 14 Rupert Hart-Davis Ltd.--Tynan, Kenneth, 1966-1971

Box 90 Folder 15 Rupert Hart-Davis Ltd.--Walker, Victoria, 1969-1975

Box 90 Folder 16 Rupert Hart-Davis Ltd.--Westwood, Jennifer, 1976-1977

Box 260 Folder 6 Russel, Edward, 1973-1978

Box 34 Folder 8 Russell, Alfred, 1963

Box 334 Folder 8 Rutherford, Douglas, 1981-1988

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 260 Folder 7 Rutledge, Dom Denis, 1962-1976

Box 260 Folder 8 Ryall, Edward, 1974-1980

Box 48 Folder 5 Ryerson Press, 1961-1962

Box 569 Folder 12 Sachs, Betsy, 1980-1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 417 Folder 8 Sachs, Betsy, 1983-1988

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 686 Folder 1 Sachs, Betsy, 1988-1989

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 437 Folder 13 Sachs, Elizabeth-Ann (Betsy), 1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 772 Folder 12 Sadoff, Ira, 1977

Box 380 Folder 4 Sadoff, Ira, 1977-1978

Box 380 Folder 5 Sadoff, Ira, 1979-1980

Box 569 Folder 13-14 Sadoff, Ira, 1981-1987 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 461 Folder 2 Sadoff, Ira, 1988-1989

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 902 Folder 11 Sagan, Dorion, 2005-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 591 Folder 11 Sagan, Dorion--Contract, 2003-2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 466 Folder 12 Sagan, Dorothy, 2003-2004

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 260 Folder 9 Sagaris, 1975-1977

Box 260 Folder 10-11 Said, Edward, 1973-1978 (2 Folders)

Box 755 Folder 16 Said, Edward, 1979-1980

Box 569 Folder 15-16 Said, Edward, 1981-1983 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 485 Folder 1 Said, Edward, 1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 601 Folder 5 Saint, H.F. (Harry F.), 1983-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 756 Folder 1 Saint, H.F. (Harry F.), 1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 756 Folder 2 Saint, H.F. (Harry F.), 1989

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 746 Folder 3 Saint, H.F. (Harry F.), 1987-1988

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 485 Folder 4 Saint, H.F. (Harry F.), 1990-1993

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 260 Folder 12 Samuel, Edwin, 1970-1976

Box 380 Folder 6 Sanchez, Thomas, 1979-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 334 Folder 9 Sanders, Beverly, 1979-1980

Box 485 Folder 2 Sanders, James & Strickland, Roy, 1982-1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 260 Folder 14-15 Sanders, Roland, 1974-1977 (2 Folders)

Box 36 Folder 1 Sanders, Ronald, 1967-1969

Box 36 Folder 2-3 Sanders, Ronald, 1970-1972 (2 Folders)

Box 746 Folder 4 Sanders, Ronald, 1978-1979

Box 685 Folder 4 Sanders, Ronald, 1980

Box 772 Folder 13-16 Sanders, Ronald, 1981-1988 (4 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 485 Folder 3 Sanders, Ronald, 1989

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 260 Folder 16 Sandstrom, Gosta, 1963-1970

Box 260 Folder 17 Sangharakshita, Bhikshu, 1970-1976

Box 260 Folder 18 Saulnier, Tony, 1960-1963

Box 261 Folder 1 Saxton, Martha, 1978-1979, 1978-1980

Box 485 Folder 5 Saxton, Martha, 1980-1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 465 Folder 7 Saxton, Martha, 1985-2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 902 Folder 14 Saxton, Martha, 2004-2005

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 261 Folder 2 Sayre, Nora, 1974-1978

Box 417 Folder 9 Sayre, Nora, 1979-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 686 Folder 2 Sayre, Nora, 1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 418 Folder 1 Sayre, Nora, 1982-1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 686 Folder 3 Sayre, Nora, 1988-1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 706 Folder 3 Sayre, Nora, 1992-1993

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 763 Folder 15 Sayre, Nora--Publicity, 1994-1995

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 36 Folder 4 Schaefer, Leah Cahan, 1973-1974

Box 334 Folder 10 Schaeffer, Leah Cahan, 1975-1979

Box 381 Folder 3 Schaff, Peter, 1979-1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 431 Folder 1 Schirmer, Robert, 2000

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 437 Folder 14 Schirmer, Robert, 2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 465 Folder 8 Schirmer, Robert, 2002

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 36 Folder 5-6 Schneider, Pierre, 1960-1966 (2 Folders)

Box 261 Folder 3 Schon, Donald, 1971-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 485 Folder 6 Schrage, Paul, 1981-1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 485 Folder 7 Schulman, Helen, 1992-1995

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 526 Folder 4 Schultz, Philip, 2000-2004

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 800 Folder 11 Schultz, Philip, 2006-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 820 Folder 4 Schultz, Philip, 2009-2011

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 594 Folder 29 Schultz, Philip--Contracts--My Dyslexia (Contract), 2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 261 Folder 4 Schuster & Wollseley, 1973-1977

Box 261 Folder 5 Schwartz, Boris, 1970-1988

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 334 Folder 11 Schwartz, Marian, 1979-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 485 Folder 8 Schwartz, Paul, 1978-1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 36 Folder 8 Schwartz, Paul Waldo, 1970

Box 36 Folder 9 Schwartz, Paul Waldo, 1971-1972

Box 418 Folder 2 Schwartz, Paul Waldo, 1973-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 637 Folder 5 Schwartz, Paul Waldo, 1975-1977

Box 48 Folder 6 Scorpion Press, 1961

Box 335 Folder 1 Scott, Peter Dale, 1979-1980

Box 261 Folder 6 Scott, T. & Cousins, Geofrey, 1968-1978

Box 36 Folder 10-11 Scott-Stokes, Henry, 1971-1972 (2 Folders)

Box 261 Folder 7-8 Scott-Stokes, Henry, 1974-1982 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 768 Folder 17 Scott-Stokes, Henry, 1982-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 381 Folder 4 Scott-Stokes, Henry, 1987-1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 437 Folder 15 Scott-Stokes, Henry, 2000, 2004

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 904 Folder 1 Scott-Stokes, Henry, 2002-2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 485 Folder 9 Seaman, Barbara, 2000

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 485 Folder 10 Seaman, Barbara, 2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 438 Folder 1 Seaman, Barbara, 2002

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 465 Folder 9 Seaman, Barbara, 2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 510 Folder 12 Seaman, Barbara, 2004

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 526 Folder 5 Seaman, Barbara, 2005

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 792 Folder 5 Seaman, Barbara, 2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 902 Folder 15 Seaman, Barbara, 2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 576 Folder 14 Seaman, Barbara, 2008-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 464 Folder 1 Seaman, Barbara--Correspondence, 2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 903 Folder 5 Secor, Ketcham, 2012-2013

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 485 Folder 11 Seitz, William, 1978

Box 36 Folder 7 Sela, Owen, 1973

Box 706 Folder 5 Seltzer, Curtis, 1981-1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 381 Folder 5 Selzer, Richard, 1980-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 719 Folder 4 Selzer, Richard, 1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 706 Folder 6-7 Selzer, Richard, 1983-1984 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 698 Folder 3-4 Selzer, Richard, 1985-1986 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 746 Folder 5 Selzer, Richard, 1989-1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 746 Folder 6 Selzer, Richard, 1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 772 Folder 17-19 Selzer, Richard, 1992-1997 (3 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 485 Folder 12-14 Selzer, Richard, 1998-2000 (3 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 485 Folder 15 Selzer, Richard, 2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 526 Folder 6 Selzer, Richard, 2002

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 465 Folder 10 Selzer, Richard, 2003-2004

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 792 Folder 6 Selzer, Richard, 2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 836 Folder 10 Selzer, Richard, 2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 868 Folder 11 Selzer, Richard, 2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 526 Folder 7 Selzer, Richard--Movie, 2005-2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 911 Folder 15 Selzer, Richard--Permissions, 2013-2015

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 261 Folder 9-11 Sereny, Gita, 1974-1979 (3 Folders)

Box 418 Folder 3 Sereny, Gitta, 1977

Box 418 Folder 4 Sereny, Gitta, 1978-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 792 Folder 7-9 Setterfield, Diane, 2005-2007 (3 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 817 Folder 9 Setterfield, Diane, 2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 904 Folder 2 Setterfield, Diane, 2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 465 Folder 11 Severgnini, Beppe, 2002-2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 510 Folder 14 Severgnini, Beppe, 2004-2005

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 526 Folder 8 Severgnini, Beppe, 2006-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 836 Folder 11-12 Severgnini, Beppe, 2008-2010 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 836 Folder 13 Severgnini, Beppe, 2011

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 903 Folder 6-7 Severgnini, Beppe, 2012-2017 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 768 Folder 4 Sewanee Conference, 1998

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 485 Folder 16 Sewanee Writers Conference, 1999

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 800 Folder 12 Sewanee [Writer's Conference], 2002

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 485 Folder 17 Sewanee Writers Conference--Correspondence, 1991-2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 773 Folder 10-11 Sewanee Conference--Other, 1991-1998 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 768 Folder 18 Shammas, Anton, 1991-1993

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 487 Folder 9 Shammas, Anton, 1994-1999

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 903 Folder 8 Shammas, Anton, 2000-2011

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 37 Folder 1 Shapiro, Barry, 1971-1973

Box 903 Folder 9 Shapiro, James A., 2010-2013

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 37 Folder 2-3 Shapiro, Sidney, 1972-1974 (2 Folders)

Box 335 Folder 2 Shapiro, Sidney, 1979-1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 427 Folder 6 Sharma, Akhil, 1996-1999

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 485 Folder 18 Sharma, Akhil, 2000-2001

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 438 Folder 13 Sharma, Akhil, 2002

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 262 Folder 1 Sheck, Laurie, 1979-1980

Box 438 Folder 16 RSS (Sheil Land Associates)--Correspondence, 2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 438 Folder 5 Sheil Land Associates--Cleminshaw, Suzanne, 1998-2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 435 Folder 2 Sheil Land Associates--Ingalls, Rachel, 1997-2005

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 438 Folder 7 Sheil Land Associates--Kenyon, Michael, 1993-1998

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 437 Folder 3 Sheil Land Associates--O'Brian, Patrick, 2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 868 Folder 3 Sheil Land Associates--O'Brian, Patrick, 2004

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 438 Folder 6 Sheil Land Associates--Spencer, Colin, 1992-1996

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 438 Folder 8 Sheil Land Associates--Wakfield, Tom, 1993-1998

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 569 Folder 17 Shloss, Carol, 1982-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 262 Folder 2 Shores, C. & Ring, H., 1969-1970

Box 439 Folder 1 Shtainmets, Leon, 1977

Box 262 Folder 3 Shulman, Sandra, 1971-1979

Box 192 Folder 6 Sidgwick--Martucci & Ranieri, 1961-1973

Box 192 Folder 7 Sidgwick--Moussa, Pierre, 1961-1968

Box 192 Folder 8 Sidgwick--Rab, Gustav, 1962-1970

Box 37 Folder 4 Siegel, Jules, 1970

Box 37 Folder 5-7 Siegel, Jules, 1971-1974 (3 Folders)

Box 262 Folder 4 Sillitoe, Alan, 1970-1979

Box 37 Folder 8 Sillitoe, Alan, 1973

Box 381 Folder 9 Sillitoe, Alan, 1975-1980

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 262 Folder 5 Silverlight, John, 1967-1976

Box 468 Folder 1 Silverstone, Barbara, 1979-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 381 Folder 10 Silverstone, Barbara, 1982-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 487 Folder 10 Silverstone, Barbara, 1986-1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 262 Folder 6 Silverstone, Barbara and Helen Hyman, 1975-1977

Box 719 Folder 5 Silverstone, Barbara and Helen Hyman, 1977-1978

Box 468 Folder 2 Silverstone, Barbara and Helen Hyman, 1992-1996

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 338 Folder 4 Simon: Thorpe, 1972-1978

Box 878 Folder 12 Simmons, Charles, 2005

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 903 Folder 10 Simmons, Charles, 2006-2011

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 827 Folder 15 Simmons, Charles--Contracts, 1998-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 468 Folder 3-4 Simpson, Eileen, 1990-1996 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 262 Folder 7 Sinclaire, Marianne, 1963-1970

Box 338 Folder 5 Singer, Dorothy and Jerome, 1980-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 418 Folder 6 Singer, Dorothy and Jerome, 1980-1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 561 Folder 7 Singer, Dorothy and Jerome, 1983-1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 383 Folder 1 Singer, Dorothy and Jerome, 1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 569 Folder 18 Singer, Dorothy and Jerome, 1986-1989

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 427 Folder 7 Singer, Dorothy and Jerome, 1990-1997

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 904 Folder 3 Sirisena, Hasanthika, 2007-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 593 Folder 20 Sirisena, Hasanthika--Contracts, 2007-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 262 Folder 8 Sitney, P. Adams, 1970-1979

Box 37 Folder 9 Sitney, P. Adams, 1972

Box 418 Folder 7 Sitney, P. Adams, 1979-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 468 Folder 5 Sitney, P. Adams, 1986-1989

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 468 Folder 6 Sitney, P. Adams, 1990-1995

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 904 Folder 4 Sitney, P. Adams, 1996-2004

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 903 Folder 11 Sitney, P. Adams, 2006-2013

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 37 Folder 10 Skedgell, Marian, 1972-1973

Box 262 Folder 9 Skelton, Geoffrey, 1966-1976

Box 37 Folder 11 Skillman, Maude, 1961-1962

Box 262 Folder 10 Slanska, Josefa, 1968-1971

Box 262 Folder 11 Smith, 1977-1979

Box 820 Folder 5 Smith, Austin, 2012

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 860 Folder 14 Smith, Austin, 2013

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 383 Folder 2 Smith, Geoffrey--Watson, 1983-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 321 Folder 4 Smith, Lawrence, 1974-1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 468 Folder 7 Smith, Patrick 1974-1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 903 Folder 12 Smith, Steven C., 2015-2016

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 262 Folder 12 Snelling, O.F., 1964-1974

Box 262 Folder 13 Snow, Peter, 1972-1973

Box 699 Folder 6 Society of Authors Representatives, 1975-1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 225 Folder 2 Society of Authors Representatives, 1980

Box 225 Folder 3 Society of Authors Representatives, 1981-1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 225 Folder 4 Society of Authors Representatives--Committee on Royalty Statements, 1975-1979

Box 338 Folder 6 Soho Charcuterie, 1981-1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 383 Folder 3 Soho Charcuterie, 1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 37 Folder 12-13 Solomon, Barbara Probst, 1971-1973 (2 Folders)

Box 37 Folder 14 Solomon, Barbara Probst, 1973-1978

Box 262 Folder 15 Solomon, Barbara Probst, 1978-1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 569 Folder 19 Solomon, Barbara Probst, 1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 601 Folder 6 Solomon, Maynard, 1986-1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 743 Folder 1 Solomon, Maynard, 1990-1992

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 780 Folder 6 Solomon, Maynard, 1993-1995

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 438 Folder 2 Solomon, Maynard, 1996-2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 526 Folder 9 Solomon, Maynard, 2002-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 878 Folder 13 Solomon, Maynard, 2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 903 Folder 13 Solomon, Maynard, 2009-2016

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 570 Folder 1 Solotaroff, Ted, 1972-1978

Box 561 Folder 8 Solotaroff, Ted, 1979-1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 570 Folder 2-3 Solotaroff, Ted, 1982-1989 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 780 Folder 7 Solotaroff, Ted, 1990-1995

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 488 Folder 9 Solotaroff, Ted, 1996-1998

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 461 Folder 6 Solotaroff, Ted, 1999-2002

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 262 Folder 16 Somerfield, E., 1967-1977

Box 491 Folder 4 Sonnenberg, Ben, 1991-1993

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 427 Folder 8 Sonnenberg, Ben, 1995

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 37 Folder 14 Southworth, Herbert, 1969

Box 418 Folder 8 Sowell, Thomas, 1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 418 Folder 9 Sowell, Thomas, 1981-1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 419 Folder 1 Sowell, Thomas, 1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 611 Folder 2-3 Sowell, Thomas, 1984-1985 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 570 Folder 4 Sowell, Thomas, 1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 427 Folder 9 Sowell, Thomas, 1987-1988

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 491 Folder 5 Sowell, Thomas, 1988-2002

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 700 Folder 1 Sowell, Thomas, 1989

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 561 Folder 9 Sowell, Thomas, 1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 743 Folder 2 Sowell, Thomas, 1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 427 Folder 10 Soyfer, Valery, 1988-1993

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 805 Folder 17 Soyfer, Valery--Contracts, 1988-2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 756 Folder 3 Spark, Muriel, 1988-1989

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 427 Folder 11 Spark, Muriel, 1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 491 Folder 6 Spark, Muriel, 1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 424 Folder 13 Spark, Muriel, 1998

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 491 Folder 7 Spark, Muriel, 1999

[Restricted Until 2039] (no label)

Box 487 Folder 11 Spark, Muriel, 2000

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 487 Folder 12 Spark, Muriel, 2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 438 Folder 3 Spark, Muriel, 2002

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 464 Folder 2 Spark, Muriel, 2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 511 Folder 1 Spark, Muriel, 2004

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 792 Folder 10-12 Spark, Muriel, 2005-2008 (3 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 836 Folder 14 Spark, Muriel, 2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 868 Folder 12 Spark, Muriel, 2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 836 Folder 15 Spark, Muriel, 2011

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 868 Folder 13 Spark, Muriel, 2012

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 878 Folder 14 Spark, Muriel, 2013

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 884 Folder 2 Spark, Muriel, 2014-2016

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 764 Folder 20 Spark, Muriel--Bio, 1960-1988

[Restricted Until 2029] (1 of 2)

Box 765 Folder 1 Spark, Muriel--Bio, 1960-1988

[Restricted Until 2029] (2 of 2)

Box 765 Folder 2 Spark, Muriel--Bio, 1970-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 808 Folder 4 Spark, Muriel--Contracts--New Directions, 1992-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 806 Folder 7 Spark, Muriel--Contracts--Other Books, 1961-2009

[Restricted Until 2049] (Box indicates "Other US Books, non New Directions")

Box 806 Folder 8 Spark, Muriel--Contracts--Miscellaneous (Bookclub, Audio, and Permissions), 1985-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 780 Folder 3-4 Spark, Muriel--Correspondence with MS and Higham, 1992-1993 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 427 Folder 12-13 Spark, Muriel--Correspondence with MS and Higham, 1994-1996 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 491 Folder 8 Spark, Muriel--Correspondence with MS and Higham, 1997

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 487 Folder 13 Spark, Muriel--Correspondence with Publishers 1996, 2000

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 487 Folder 14 Spark, Muriel--Correspondence with Publishers 1997

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 780 Folder 1-2 Spark, Muriel--Correspondence with Publishers, 1992-1993 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 491 Folder 9 Spark, Muriel--Correspondence with Publishers, 1994

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 765 Folder 3 Spark, Muriel--Reviews, 1960s

Box 765 Folder 4 Spark, Muriel--Reviews--The Mandelbaum Gate, circa 1965

Box 487 Folder 15 Spatharis, Sotirios--London Magazine/Alan Ross, 1969-1976

Box 468 Folder 8 Spatz, Gregory, 1996-1998

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 487 Folder 16 Spatz, Gregory, 1998-1999

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 779 Folder 15 Spencer, Brent, 1992-1994

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 699 Folder 7 Spencer, Brent, 1995

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 487 Folder 17 Spencer, Brent, 1999-1998

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 438 Folder 15 Spencer, Brent, 2002-2004

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 440 Folder 8 Spencer, Brent--Publicity, 1995-2002

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 487 Folder 18 Spiegel, Cindy, 1991-1993

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 464 Folder 3 Spiegel, Maura and Tristman, Richard, 1996-2002

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 780 Folder 5 Sporn, Michael, 1975-1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 263 Folder 3 Sprigge, Elizabeth, 1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 35 Folder 1-3 St. George, George, 1967-1969 (3 Folders)

Box 35 Folder 4 St. George, George, 1971

Box 35 Folder 5 St. George, George, 1974

Box 260 Folder 12 St. George, George, 1974-1975

Box 575 Folder 11 St. George, George, 1975-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 35 Folder 6 St. George, George--Correspondence with International Wildlife, 1972-1974

Box 35 Folder 7 St. George, George--Foreign Rights, 1973-1978

Box 263 Folder 4 Stahl, E.L. and W.E. Yuill, 1970-1971

Box 920 Stang, Sondra J., 1981

Restricted until 2029

Box 383 Folder 5 Stang, Sondra, 1982-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 570 Folder 5 Stang, Sondra, 1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 700 Folder 2 Stark, Sharon, 1986-1988

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 263 Folder 5 Stasov, Vladimir, 1969-1976

Box 438 Folder 9-10 Stefaniak, Mary Helen, 2000-2001 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 577 Folder 7-8 Stefaniak, Mary Helen, 2004-2007 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 792 Folder 13 Stefaniak, Mary Helen, 2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 878 Folder 15 Stefaniak, Mary Helen, 2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 878 Folder 16 Stefaniak, Mary Helen, 2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 903 Folder 14 Stefaniak, Mary Helen, 2011-2012

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 594 Folder 30 Stefaniak, Mary Helen--Contracts--Cailiffs (Norton Contract), 2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 419 Folder 2 Stein and Day

Box 608 Folder 10 Steinbach, Meredith, 1978-1980

Box 601 Folder 7 Steinbach, Meredith, 1981-1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 383 Folder 6 Steinbach, Meredith, 1984-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 686 Folder 4 Steinbach, Meredith, 1986-1988

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 706 Folder 8 Steinbach, Meredith--Publicity, 1982, 1990, 1994

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 38 Folder 1-2 Steiner, George, 1953-1958 (2 Folders)

Box 38 Folder 3-4 Steiner, George, 1961-1962 (2 Folders)

Box 920 Steiner, George, 1963-1965, 3 folders

Box 38 Folder 5-8 Steiner, George, 1966-1969 (4 Folders)

Box 39 Folder 1 Steiner, George, 1970

Box 39 Folder 2-4 Steiner, George, 1971-1974 (3 Folders)

Box 920 Steiner, George, 1975

Box 920 Steiner, George (John Chandelier), 1975

Box 920 Steiner, George, 1976-1980, 5 folders

Box 920 Steiner, George, 1981-1983, 3 folders

Restricted until 2029

Box 921 Steiner, George, 1984-1990, 7 folders

Restricted until 2029

Box 921 Steiner, George, 1991-1995, 5 folders

Restricted until 2039

Box 924 Steiner, George, 1996-1997, 2 folders

Restricted until 2039

Box 424 Folder 14 Steiner, George, 1998

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 488 Folder 10 Steiner, George, 1999

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 924 Steiner, George, 2000

Restricted until 2039

Box 924 Steiner, George, 2001

Restricted until 2049

Box 461 Folder 5 Steiner, George, 2002

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 860 Folder 15 Steiner, George, 2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 903 Folder 15 Steiner, George, 2015-2017

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 594 Folder 31 Steiner, George--Contracts, 2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 805 Folder 18 Steiner, George--Contracts--Film and Theatre, 1981-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 586 Folder 12-15 Steiner, George--Contracts--French (Others), 1975-2008 (4 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 526 Folder 10-11 Steiner, George--Contracts--German (Others), 1968-2008 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 805 Folder 19 Steiner, George--Contracts--In Bluebeard's Castle (Portugal and Brazil) and Language and Silence (Brazil), 1987-2002

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 39 Folder 5 Steiner, George--Foreign Rights, 1966-1969

Box 924 Steiner, George--Foreign Rights, 1967-1971, 2 folders

Box 39 Folder 6 Steiner, George--Foreign Rights, 1974-1976

Box 924 Steiner, George--Foreign Rights, 1977-1980, 4 folders

Box 924 Steiner, George--Foreign Rights, 1981-1985, 2 folders

Restricted until 2029

Box 601 Folder 8 Steiner, George--Foreign, 1986-1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 924 Steiner, George--Foreign Rights, 1992-1995

Restricted until 2039

Box 924 Steiner, George--Reviews, 1982

Restricted until 2029

Box 263 Folder 6 Steiner, Irene, 1973-1976

Box 173 Folder 3 Steiner, Robert, 1972

Box 925 Steiner, Robert, 1973

Box 686 Folder 5 Steiner, Robert, 1976-1978

Box 925 Steiner, Robert, 1979-1980

Box 686 Folder 6 Steiner, Robert, 1981-1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 608 Folder 11 Steiner, Robert, 1984-1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 798 Folder 1 Steiner, Robert--Contracts, 2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 756 Folder 4 Steiner, Zara, 1978-1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 464 Folder 4 Steinmetz, Leon, 1978-2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 40 Folder 1-2 Stephens, Michael Gregory, 1970-1972 (2 Folders)

Box 570 Folder 6 Stephens, Michael Gregory, 1973-1976

Box 419 Folder 3 Stern, Daniel, 1978-1980

Box 608 Folder 12-13 Stern, Daniel, 1981-1985 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 698 Folder 5 Stern, Daniel, 1986-1988

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 699 Folder 1 Stern, Daniel, 1989

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 756 Folder 5 Stern, Daniel, 1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 763 Folder 16 Stern, Daniel, 1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 764 Folder 2 Stern, Daniel, 1992-1993

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 925 Stern, Daniel, 1994-1995

Restricted until 2039

Box 488 Folder 11 Stern, Daniel, 1997

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 903 Folder 16 Stern, Daniel, 2002-2016

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 438 Folder 14 Stern, David, 1998-2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 699 Folder 2-3 Stern, Fritz, 1985-1989 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 925 Stern, Fritz, 1990-1997, 2 folders

Restricted until 2039

Box 430 Folder 13 Stern, Fritz, 1998-1999

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 464 Folder 5 Stern, Fritz, 2000-2005

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 817 Folder 10 Stern, Fritz, 2006-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 905 Folder 1 Stern, Fritz, 2010-2012

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 686 Folder 7 Stevenson, Matthew, 1981

[Restricted Until 2029

Box 263 Folder 7 Stevenson, W.C., 1968-1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 338 Folder 7 Stewart, Natacha, 1979-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 338 Folder 8 Stillman, Beatrice, 1976-1980

Box 263 Folder 8 Strachey, Lython, 1968-1979

Box 263 Folder 9 Strangewayes-Booth, 1975-1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 601 Folder 9 Stratton, Ellen, 1989-1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 706 Folder 4 Strouse, Jean, 1974-1975

Box 699 Folder 4 Strouse, Jean, 1977-1980

Box 756 Folder 6 Strouse, Jean, 1981-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 699 Folder 5 Strouse, Jean, 1986-1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 491 Folder 10 Strouse, Jean, 1988-1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 488 Folder 12-14 Strouse, Jean, 1992-1999 (3 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 464 Folder 6 Strouse, Jean, 2000-2002

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 792 Folder 14 Strouse, Jean, 2002-2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 594 Folder 9 Strouse, Jean--Contracts--Architectural Digest, 2000-2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 807 Folder 12 Strouse, Jean--Contracts--U.S. Books, 1975-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 263 Folder 10 Stuart, Forbes, 1975-1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 905 Folder 2 Sullivan, Jack, 2010-2013

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 263 Folder 11 Summerson, John, 1970

Box 427 Folder 14 Sumner, Melanie, 1994-1996

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 488 Folder 15-16 Sumner, Melanie, 1997-1999 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 464 Folder 7 Sumner, Melanie, 2000-2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 792 Folder 15 Sumner, Melanie, 2004-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 817 Folder 11 Sumner, Melanie, 2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 904 Folder 5 Sumner, Melanie, 2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 808 Folder 5 Sumner, Melanie--Contracts, 2001-2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 884 Folder 3 Sussman, Elissa, 2012-2013

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 383 Folder 7 Suvin, Darko, 1968-1988

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 40 Folder 3 Suvin, Darko, 1970-1971

Box 263 Folder 12 Suyin, Han, 1976-1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 780 Folder 8 Svoboda, Terese, 1994-1995

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 488 Folder 17-18 Svoboda, Terese, 1996-1997 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 424 Folder 15 Svoboda, Terese, 1998

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 429 Folder 14 Svoboda, Terese, 1999

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 780 Folder 9 Svoboda, Terese, 2000

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 438 Folder 4 Svoboda, Terese, 2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 440 Folder 19 Svoboda, Terese--Publicity, 1995-2002

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 40 Folder 4-5 Swados, Harvey, 1971-1974 (2 Folders)

Box 635 Folder 2 Swados, Harvey, 1975-1976

Box 601 Folder 10 Swales, Peter, 1981-1989

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 488 Folder 19 Swales, Peter, 1990-1994

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 905 Folder 3 Swamy, Shruti, 2016-2018

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 263 Folder 13 Sykes, John, 1966-1975

Box 263 Folder 14 Tack, Alfred, 1968-1972

Box 40 Folder 6 Taube, Lester S., 1967

Box 40 Folder 7 Taubes, Susan Feldmann, 1964-1967

Box 635 Folder 3 Taylor, John, 1977-1979

Box 263 Folder 15 Taylor, John, 1978

Box 464 Folder 8 Taylor, Yuval, 1994

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 263 Folder 16 Tchernine, Odette, 1970-1976

Box 689 Folder 5 Teitelbaum, Michael, 1972-1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 601 Folder 11 Teitelbaum, Michael, 1985-1988

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 263 Folder 17 Temple, Nigel, 1970-1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 690 Folder 1 Templeton, Charles, 1980-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 338 Folder 9 Templeton, Charles, 1981-1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 905 Folder 4 Templeton, Laura, 2013-2016

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 263 Folder 18 Tester, M.H., 1969-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 635 Folder 5 Tester, William, 1987-1993

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 40 Folder 8 Teveth, Shabtai, 1969-1970

Box 635 Folder 6 Teveth, Shabtai, 1988-1993

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 488 Folder 1 Teveth, Shabtai, 1994

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 439 Folder 2 Teveth, Shabtai, 1995

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 75 Folder 2 Thackeray, Alec, 1977

Box 263 Folder 19 Thackery, Alec, 1974-1978

Box 41 Folder 1-2 Thomas, Audrey, 1970-1974 (2 Folders)

Box 40 Folder 9 Thomas, Audrey, 1973

Box 651 Folder 1 Thomas, Audrey, 1974-1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 690 Folder 2 Thomas, Audrey, 1975

Box 41 Folder 3 Thomas, Audrey, 1977-1978

Box 384 Folder 4 Thomas, Audrey, 1984-1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 41 Folder 4 Thomas, Audrey--Foreign Rights, 1973-1975

Box 601 Folder 12 Thompson, Robert, 1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 636 Folder 1 Thompson, Robert, 1988-1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 488 Folder 2 Thompson, Robert, 1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 575 Folder 12 Thurman, Judith, 1985-1988

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 41 Folder 5 Tierney, John, 1962-1963

Box 689 Folder 6 Timerman, Jacobo, 1979-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 384 Folder 1 Timerman, Jacobo, 1981-1988

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 464 Folder 9 Timerman, Jacobo, 2001-2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 384 Folder 2 Timerman, Jacobo--Movie Rights, 1981-1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 511 Folder 2 Tizard, Barbara--Contracts, 1984-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 905 Folder 5 Tomine, Dylan, 2012

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 488 Folder 3 Toppel, Lori, 1990-1997

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 41 Folder 6-7 Torres, Tereska, 1967-1969 (2 Folders)

Box 41 Folder 8 Torres, Tereska, 1970-1974

Box 680 Folder 6 Townsend, Kim--Publicity, 1996-1997

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 384 Folder 5 Toys to Make, 1980

Box 384 Folder 6 Translators, 1970-1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 820 Folder 8 Tremain, Rose--Contracts--Restoration Revision, 2011-2012

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 636 Folder 2 Troy, Judy, 1985-1989

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 636 Folder 3 Troy, Judy, 1990-1993

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 768 Folder 19-20 Troy, Judy, 1993-1996 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 488 Folder 4-5 Troy, Judy, 1997-1998 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 439 Folder 3 Troy, Judy, 1999

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 526 Folder 12 Troy, Judy, 2000-2005

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 817 Folder 12 Troy, Judy, 2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 820 Folder 6 Troy, Judy, 2009-2012

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 905 Folder 7 Troy, Judy, 2013

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 635 Folder 4 Truxeaxe, Simon, 1978

Box 779 Folder 16 Tuck, Liliane, 1991-1993

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 768 Folder 21 Tuck, Lily, 1994-1995

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 488 Folder 6-8 Tuck, Lily, 1996-1999 (3 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 438 Folder 11 Tuck, Lily, 2000-2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 511 Folder 3 Tuck, Lily, 2002-2004

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 527 Folder 1 Tuck, Lily, 2005

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 793 Folder 1-2 Tuck, Lily, 2006-2008 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 817 Folder 13-14 Tuck, Lily, 2009-2010 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 820 Folder 7 Tuck, Lily, 2011

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 868 Folder 14 Tuck, Lily, 2013

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 884 Folder 4 Tuck, Lily, 2014-2015

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 439 Folder 4 Tucker, Robert, 1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 636 Folder 4 Tucker, William, 1981-1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 384 Folder 7 Tucker, William, 1984-1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 338 Folder 10 Tumin, Melvin, 1978-1979

Box 263 Folder 20 Tuten, Frederick, 1973-1978

Box 384 Folder 8 Tuten, Frederick, 1979-1988

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 385 Folder 1 Ubell, Al, 1984-1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 338 Folder 11 Urdang, Constance, 1975-1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 124 Folder 3 Vallentine, Mitchell & Co. Ltd.--Ben-Gurion, David, 1970-1971

Box 124 Folder 4 Vallentine, Mitchell & Co. Ltd.--Dan, Ben (Ben Porat & Uri Dan), 1969-1976

Box 191 Folder 4 Vallentine, Mitchell & Co. Ltd.--Horbach, Michael, 1967-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 191 Folder 5 Vallentine, Mitchell & Co. Ltd.--Jacobs, Louis, 1969-1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 124 Folder 5 Vallentine, Mitchell & Co. Ltd.--Melnikoff, Pamela Rita, 1966-1979

Box 124 Folder 6 Vallentine, Mitchell & Co. Ltd.--Parkes, James, 1968-1978

Box 191 Folder 6 Vallentine, Mitchell & Co. Ltd.--Rabinowitsch, Wolf Z., 1970-1980

Box 191 Folder 7 Vallentine, Mitchell & Co. Ltd.--Reitlinger, Gerald, 1968-1980

Box 191 Folder 8 Vallentine, Mitchell & Co. Ltd.--Rubens, Alfred, 1966-1973

Box 191 Folder 9 Vallentine, Mitchell & Co. Ltd.--Samuel, Lord Edwin, 1969-1970

Box 419 Folder 5 Valliere, James T.

Box 42 Folder 1 Valliere, James T., 1964-1968

Box 42 Folder 2 Van Peebles, Melvin, 1963

Box 338 Folder 12 Varble, Stephen, 1969-1989

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 608 Folder 14 Vaughan, Ciba, 1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 608 Folder 15 Vaughn, Stephanie, 1980-1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 636 Folder 5-6 Vaughn, Stephanie, 1984-1989 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 489 Folder 13 Vaughn, Stephanie, 1990-1992

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 905 Folder 8 Vaughn, Stephanie, 1993-2011

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 263 Folder 21 Verlet, Pierre, 1964-1973

Box 637 Folder 1 Victor, Thomas, 1975-1979

Box 385 Folder 2 Victor, Thomas, 1980-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 637 Folder 2 Vigeland, Carl, 1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 719 Folder 1-3 Vigeland, Carl, 1992-1995 (3 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 439 Folder 5 Vigeland, Carl, 1996

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 680 Folder 7 Vigeland, Carl--Publicity, 1993-1996

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 489 Folder 14 Villatoro, Marcos, 2000-2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 438 Folder 12 Villatoro, Marcos, 2002

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 464 Folder 10 Villatoro, Marcos, 2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 511 Folder 12 Villatoro, Marcos, 2004

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 792 Folder 16 Villatoro, Marcos, 2005

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 577 Folder 9 Villatoro, Marcos, 2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 836 Folder 16 Villatoro, Marcos, 2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 884 Folder 5 Villatoro, Marcos, 2008-2010 (3 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 906 Folder 2 Villatoro, Marcos, 2011-2017

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 42 Folder 3 Vincent, Peter, 1970

Box 42 Folder 4 Vincent, Peter, 1971-1975

Box 339 Folder 3 Vincent, Peter, 1984-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 419 Folder 6 Voinovich, Vladimir, 1981-1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 601 Folder 13-14 Voinovich, Vladimir, 1982-1985 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 637 Folder 3-4 Voinovich, Vladimir, 1986-1990 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 686 Folder 8 Voinovich, Vladimir, 1989-1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 743 Folder 3-4 Voinovich, Vladimir, 1991-1992 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 494 Folder 12 Voinovich, Vladimir, 1994-1996

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 424 Folder 16 Voinovich, Vladimir, 1997-1999

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 494 Folder 13 Voinovich, Vladimir, 2001-2002

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 464 Folder 11 Voinovich, Vladimir, 2003

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 878 Folder 17 Voinovich, Vladimir, 2004-2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 905 Folder 9 Voinovich, Vladimir, 2007-2016

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 830 Folder 15 Voinovich, Vladimir--Contracts--Chonkin (Spanish Contract), 2005-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 601 Folder 15 Voinovich, Vladimir--Foreign, 1984-1994

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 47 Folder 12 W. Foulsham & Co. Ltd., 1962

Box 377 Folder 7 W.W. Norton File, 1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 263 Folder 22 Wade, Robert Graham (R.G.), 1968-1975

Box 263 Folder 23 Walder, David, 1966-1974

Box 42 Folder 5-7 Ward, Robert, 1972-1974 (3 Folders)

Box 263 Folder 24 Ward, Robert, 1974-1975

Box 339 Folder 5 Ward, Robert, 1975-1977

Box 263 Folder 25 Warner, Dennis, 1975

Box 339 Folder 6 Warner, Dennis, 1975-1976

Box 385 Folder 3 Warner, Dennis, 1977-1980

Box 385 Folder 4 Watson, Robert, 1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 273 Folder 2-6 Watt, Aldis Brian, 1972-1979 (Five Folders)

Box 273 Folder 7 Watt, Aldis Brian, 1979-1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 42 Folder 8 Webb, Charles, 1971-1973

Box 264 Folder 1 Webster, Harriet, 1975-1977

Box 637 Folder 6 Webster, Harriet and Jonathan, 1979

Box 638 Folder 1 Webster, Harriet and Jonathan, 1980-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 346 Folder 5 Webster, Harriet and Jonathan, 1981-1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 201 Folder 3 Weidenfeld & Nicolson Ltd.--Calmette, Joseph, 1962-1975

Box 48 Folder 11 Weidenfeld & Nicolson Ltd. (Educational)--Offerings, 1962

Box 48 Folder 10 Weidenfeld & Nicolson Ltd.--Offerings, 1962

Box 264 Folder 2 Weidenfeld & Nicolson Ltd.--Young Historian, 1961-1962

Box 385 Folder 5 Weidenfeld & Nicolson Ltd.--Young Historian, 1961-1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 638 Folder 2 Weiss, Jeffrey, 1978

Box 264 Folder 3 Wenn, Leslie, 1975-1976

Box 427 Folder 15 West, James L. W., III, 1990-1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 427 Folder 16 West, James L. W., III, 1995-1997

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 904 Folder 6 West, James L. W., III, 2004-2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 856 Folder 2 West, James L. W., III--Contracts, 1998-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 905 Folder 10 West, Monica, 2017-2018

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 676 Folder 1 Westman, Barbara, 1988-1992

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 512 Folder 1 Weston, Greg, 1993-1995

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 264 Folder 4 Westwood, Jennifer, 1967-1977

Box 905 Folder 11 Wetmore, Elizabeth, 2015-2018

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 419 Folder 7 What-a-Mess--A.P. Watt, 1981-1988

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 264 Folder 5 Wheatcroft, Harry, 1970-1971

Box 385 Folder 6 Wheeler, Gordon, 1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 439 Folder 6 Wheeler, Kate, 1995-1997

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 264 Folder 6 White, A., 1975-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 439 Folder 7 White, Richard, 1996-1997

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 512 Folder 2 White, Richard, 1998-1999

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 904 Folder 7 White, Richard, 2006-2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 823 Folder 13 White, Richard--Contracts, 1996-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 264 Folder 7 Whiter, Leonard, 1970

Box 264 Folder 8 Wickman, J.W., 1967-1976

Box 42 Folder 9-11 Wiesel, Elie, 1961-1965 (3 Folders)

Box 75 Folder 3 Wiesel, Elie, 1966

Box 43 Folder 1-4 Wiesel, Elie, 1967-1970 (4 Folders)

Box 43 Folder 5 Wiesel, Elie, 1971

Box 44 Folder 1-3 Wiesel, Elie, 1972-1974 (3 Folders)

Box 769 Folder 1-4 Wiesel, Elie, 1975-1978 (4 Folders)

Box 623 Folder 3 Wiesel, Elie, 1977-1980

Box 653 Folder 1 Wiesel, Elie, 1979

Box 623 Folder 4-5 Wiesel, Elie, 1981-1982 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 624 Folder 1 Wiesel, Elie, 1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 769 Folder 5-6 Wiesel, Elie, 1992-1993 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 486 Folder 1 Wiesel, Elie, 1994

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 780 Folder 10 Wiesel, Elie, 1995

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 486 Folder 2-5 Wiesel, Elie, 1997-2000 (4 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 905 Folder 12 Wiesel, Elie, 2011

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 619 Folder 13 Wiesel, Elie--A Song for Hope--Clippings, Program, circa 1974-1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 601 Folder 16 Wiesel, Elie--Audio, Permissions, 1987-1993

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 439 Folder 9 Wiesel, Elie--Audio Performance and Permissions, 2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 461 Folder 3 Wiesel, Elie--Audio Rights, Performance Rights, and Permissions Correspondence, 2002-2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 527 Folder 2 Wiesel, Elie--Audio/Performance/Permissions, 2004-2005

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 905 Folder 13 Wiesel, Elie--Audio/Performance/Permissions, 2006-2016

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 825 Folder 2 Weisel, Elie--Contracts--American Publishers (General), 1980-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 823 Folder 12 Wiesel, Elie--Contracts--Audio, 1968-2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 828 Folder 5 Wiesel, Elie--Contracts--Haggadah, 1990-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 591 Folder 12 Wiesel, Elie--Contracts--Hill and Wang, 2000-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 825 Folder 3 Weisel, Elie--Contracts--Holt, 1965-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 825 Folder 4 Weisel, Elie--Contracts--Knopf, 1994-2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 831 Folder 15 Wiesel, Elie--Contracts--Memoirs Volumes I & II, 1997-1999

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 828 Folder 6 Wiesel, Elie--Contracts--Movie/Radio Contracts, 1974-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 828 Folder 7 Wiesel, Elie--Contracts--Night Permissions, 2000-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 807 Folder 13 Weisel, Elie--Contracts--Night and Penguin UK, 1981-2005

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 828 Folder 8 Wiesel, Elie--Contracts--Performance, 1973-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 825 Folder 5 Wiesel, Elie--Contracts--Random House, 1977-2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 825 Folder 6 Wiesel, Elie--Contracts--Schocken Books: Oath, Wise Men, Conversations, Testament, 1981-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 825 Folder 7 Wiesel, Elie--Contracts--Schocken Books: Somewhere, Kingdom, Forgotten, Beggar, Trial, 1984-2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 825 Folder 8 Wiesel, Elie--Contracts--Schocken Books: Other, 1982-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 825 Folder 9 Wiesel, Elie--Contracts--Summit, Messengers, Kingdom, 1985-2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 828 Folder 9 Wiesel, Elie--Contracts--Summit, Souls, Twilight (S&S), 1981-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 828 Folder 10 Wiesel, Elie--Contracts--Miscellaneous, 2007-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 486 Folder 6 Wiesel, Elie--Correspondence, 1996

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 512 Folder 3 Wiesel, Elie--Correspondence with Author, Pubs, Mags, 2005

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 837 Folder 1 Wiesel, Elie--Correspondence with Authors, Publications, Magazines, 2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 817 Folder 15-16 Wiesel, Elie--Correspondence with Author, Pubs, Mags, Etc., 2007-2008 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 904 Folder 8 Wiesel, Elie--Correspondence with Author, Pubs, Mags, Misc., 2009-2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 624 Folder 2 Wiesel, Elie--Correspondence with EW and Contracts Pending, 1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 674 Folder 6 Wiesel, Elie--Correspondence with Publishers--United States, 1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 733 Folder 1 Wiesel, Elie--Elie Wiesel Foundation for Humanity--Correspondence, etc., 1988-1992

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 688 Folder 2 Wiesel, Elie--Foreign, 1988-1991

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 512 Folder 4 Wiesel, Elie--Foreign, 2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 527 Folder 3-4 Wiesel, Elie--Foreign, 2004-2005 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 837 Folder 2-3 Wiesel, Elie--Foreign, 2006-2007 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 817 Folder 17 Wiesel, Elie--Foreign, 2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 837 Folder 4 Wiesel, Elie--Foreign, 2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 817 Folder 18 Wiesel, Elie--Foreign, 2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 884 Folder 6 Wiesel, Elie--Foreign, 2011

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 905 Folder 14 Wiesel, Elie--Foreign, 2012

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 780 Folder 11 Wiesel, Elie--Foreign and French (Other than Seuil), 1990-1994

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 44 Folder 4-9 Wiesel, Elie--Foreign Rights, 1971-1974 (3 Folders)

Box 624 Folder 3 Wiesel, Elie--Foreign Rights, 1975-1978

Box 769 Folder 7 Wiesel, Elie--Foreign Rights, 1979

Box 624 Folder 4 Wiesel, Elie--Foreign Rights, 1981-1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 385 Folder 7 Weisel, Elie--Foreign Rights, 1985-1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 688 Folder 1 Wiesel, Elie--French Other Than Seuil, 1987-1989

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 486 Folder 9 Wiesel, Elie--Movie, 1998-1999

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 674 Folder 7 Wiesel, Elie--Movie, TV, Etc., 1984-1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 486 Folder 7 Wiesel, Elie--Movies, TV, 1991-1995

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 773 Folder 14 Wiesel, Elie--Movies, 1996-1997

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 486 Folder 8 Wiesel, Elie--Movies, 1996-2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 904 Folder 9 Wiesel, Elie--Movies, 2005-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 780 Folder 12 Wiesel, Elie--Permissions, 1994-1997

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 773 Folder 15 Wiesel, Elie--Permissions, 1997-2000

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 911 Folder 16 Wiesel, Elie--Permissions, 2013-2015

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 527 Folder 5-6 Wiesel, Elie--Seuil & Minuit, 1999-2006 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 675 Folder 2-3 Wiesel, Elie--To and From, 1985-1987 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 638 Folder 3 Wiesel, Elie--To and From, 1988-1989

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 439 Folder 8 Wiesel, Elie--To/From Author, Publisher and Foreign Only, 2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 461 Folder 4 Wiesel, Elie--To/From Author, Publishers, 2002-2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 512 Folder 5 Wiesel, Elie--To/from EW and Pubs, 2004

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 44 Folder 10 Wiesel, Elie--TV & Movie Rights & Theatre, 1974

Box 769 Folder 10 Wiesel, Elie--TV, Movie & Theater Rights, 1977-1978

Box 653 Folder 2 Wiesel, Elie--TV, Movie, and Theater Rights, 1975-1976

Box 653 Folder 3 Wiesel, Elie--TV, Movie, and Theater Rights, 1979-1980

Box 624 Folder 5 Wiesel, Elie--TV, Movie, Theater, 1981-1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 601 Folder 17 Wiesel, Elie--TV, Movies, 1987-1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 675 Folder 1 Wiesel, Elie--U.S. Publishers, 1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 687 Folder 5-6 Wiesel, Elie--U.S. Publishers, 1986-1988 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 769 Folder 11 Wiesel, Elie--U.S. Publishers, 1989

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 769 Folder 12 Wiesel, Elie--U.S. Publishers, etc., Magazines, 1990-1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 591 Folder 13 Wiesel, Marion--Contracts, 2000-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 404 Folder 8 Wildavsky, Aaron, 1978-1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 675 Folder 4 Wildavsky, Aaron, 1979-1980

Box 675 Folder 5 Wildavsky, Aaron, 1979-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 608 Folder 16 Wildavsky, Aaron, 1982-1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 641 Folder 1 Wildavsky, Aaron, 1985-1988

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 576 Folder 11 Wildavsky, Aaron, 1989-1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 730 Folder 4 Wildavsky, Aaron, 1992-1993

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 264 Folder 9 Wilkinson, G., 1971-1974

Box 264 Folder 10 Williams, Neville, 1966-1976

Box 595 Folder 6 Williams, Tennessee--Contracts--Permissions, 2007-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 837 Folder 5 Williams, Tennessee--Foreign, 2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 527 Folder 7 Williams, Tennessee--Foreign, 2005

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 817 Folder 19 Williams, Tennessee--Foreign, 2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 813 Folder 14 Williams, Tennessee--Foreign, 2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 837 Folder 6 Williams, Tennessee--Foreign, 2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 817 Folder 20 Williams, Tennessee--Foreign, 2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 908 Folder 1 Williams, Tennessee--Foreign, 2011-2012

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 464 Folder 12 Williams, Tennessee--New Directions and Sewanee, 2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 837 Folder 7-10 Williams, Tennessee--New Directions, 2003-2009 (4 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 527 Folder 8 Williams, Tennessee--Other, 2003-2005

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 837 Folder 16-18 Williams, Tennessee--Other, 2006-2009 (3 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 884 Folder 7 Williams, Tennessee--Other, 2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 884 Folder 8 Williams, Tennessee--Other, 2011-2013 (3 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 908 Folder 3 Williams, Tennessee--Other, 2014-2016

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 527 Folder 9 Williams, Tennessee--Permissions, 2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 837 Folder 11-12 Williams, Tennessee--Permissions, 2004-2008 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 911 Folder 17 Williams, Tennessee--Permissions, 2008-2016

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 837 Folder 13-15 Williams, Tennessee--University of the South, 2006-2009 (3 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 884 Folder 9 Williams, Tennessee--University of the South and New Directions, 2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 884 Folder 10 Williams, Tennessee--University of the South and New Directions, 2011-2012

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 908 Folder 2 Williams, Tennessee--University of the South and New Directions, 2013

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 650 Folder 9 Williams, Walter, 1983-1988

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 346 Folder 6 Winegarten, Renee, 1972-1975

Box 675 Folder 6 Winegarten, Renee, 1976-1978

Box 641 Folder 2 Winegarten, Renee, 1979-1980

Box 608 Folder 17 Winegarten, Renee, 1981-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 424 Folder 17 Wingerson, Lois, 1994-1996

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 346 Folder 7 Winn, Marie, 1977-1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 641 Folder 3-4 Winn, Marie, 1983-1985 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 576 Folder 12 Winter, Jay M., 1989-1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 773 Folder 16 Winter, Jay, 1994

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 486 Folder 12-13 Winter, Jay, 1995-1996 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 464 Folder 13 Winter, Jay, 1997

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 339 Folder 4 Wiseman, Thomas, 1978-1979

Box 385 Folder 8 Wiseman, Thomas, 1980-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 641 Folder 5 Wolf, Peter, 1978-1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 201 Folder 4 Wolff, Helen and Kurt--Books, 1963

Box 264 Folder 11 Woodman, Dorothy, 1969-1973

Box 264 Folder 12 Woodward, Edward, 1967-1976

Box 264 Folder 13 Wright & Swift, 1971-1972

Box 45 Folder 1-2 Wright, Richard, 1972-1973 (2 Folders)

Box 641 Folder 6-7 Wright, Richard, 1974-1976 (2 Folders)

Box 404 Folder 9 Wright, Richard, 1977-1980

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 642 Folder 1 Wright, Richard, 1982-1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 688 Folder 3 Wright, Richard, 1984-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 756 Folder 7 Wright, Richard, 1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 602 Folder 3 Wright, Richard, 1989-1994

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 464 Folder 14 Wright, Richard, 1995-2000

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 642 Folder 2-3 Wright, Stephen, 1983-1990 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 688 Folder 4 Wright, Stephen, 1988

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 487 Folder 1 Wright, Stephen, 1993

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 602 Folder 4 Wright, Stephen--Publicity, 1993-1995

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 385 Folder 9 Wrighton, Patricia--Hutchinson, 1985-1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 385 Folder 10 Writer's Guild of America, 1977

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 346 Folder 8 Yale University, 1979-1980

Box 688 Folder 5 Yale University, 1980

Box 404 Folder 10 Yale University, 1980-1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 774 Folder 2 Yale University, 1983-1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 743 Folder 5 Yerushalmi, Yosef, 1989-1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 487 Folder 2 Yerushalmi, Yosef, 1992-1994

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 904 Folder 11 Yerushalmi, Yosef, 1995-2004

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 264 Folder 14 Young, Pete, 1969-1970

Box 45 Folder 3 Young, Peter, 1969-1974

Box 688 Folder 6 Young-Bruehl, Elisabeth, 1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 689 Folder 1 Young-Bruehl, Elisabeth, 1988-1989

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 487 Folder 3 Young-Bruehl, Elisabeth, 1990-1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 486 Folder 14 Young-Bruehl, Elisabeth, 1992-1994

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 487 Folder 4-5 Young-Bruehl, Elisabeth, 1995-2000 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 464 Folder 15 Young-Bruehl, Elisabeth, 2001-2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 527 Folder 10-11 Young-Bruehl, Elisabeth, 2004-2006 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 837 Folder 19-20 Young-Bruehl, Elisabeth, 2007-2008 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 906 Folder 3 Young-Bruehl, Elisabeth, 2009-2011

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 919 Folder 8 Young-Bruehl, Elisabeth--Contracts--All Other United States, 1985-2009

Restricted Until 2049

Box 919 Folder 7 Young-Bruehl, Elisabeth--Contracts--Simon & Schuster, Norton, 1987-2006

Restricted Until 2049

Box 465 Folder 12 Yovel, Yirmiyahu, 1993-2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 837 Folder 21 Yovel, Yirmiyahu, 2004-2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 904 Folder 12 Yovel, Yirmiyahu, 2007-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 45 Folder 4 Yurick, Sol, 1970

Box 45 Folder 5-7 Yurick, Sol, 1971-1973 (3 Folders)

Box 602 Folder 5-6 Yurick, Sol, 1974-1979 (2 Folders)

Box 385 Folder 11 Yurick, Sol, 1984-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 602 Folder 7-8 Yurick, Sol, 1980-1983 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 608 Folder 18 Yurick, Sol, 1986-1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 602 Folder 9 Yurick, Sol, 1988-1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 730 Folder 5 Yurick, Sol, 1992-1994

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 904 Folder 13 Yurick, Sol, 1995-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 853 Folder 17 Yurick, Sol--Contacts--Movies (Active), 1975-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 906 Folder 4 Zaretsky, Robert, 2010-2015

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 602 Folder 10 Zeidner, Lisa, 1986-1988

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 743 Folder 6 Zeidner, Lisa, 1989-1992

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 487 Folder 6-7 Zeidner, Lisa, 1993-1999 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 439 Folder 10 Zeidner, Lisa, 1999

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 918 Folder 8 Zeidner, Lisa--Contracts, 1986-2003

Restricted Until 2049

Box 764 Folder 19 Zeidner, Lisa--Publicity, 1989-2000

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 419 Folder 9 Zeiss, Robert A. and Antonette M., 1976-1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 764 Folder 8 Zimmerman, Francis--Contracts, 1984-1999

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 487 Folder 8 Zuccotti, Susan, 1992-1994

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 464 Folder 16 Zuccotti, Susan, 1995-2000

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 904 Folder 14 Zuccotti, Susan, 2001-2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 906 Folder 5 Zuccotti, Susan, 2010-2011

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 919 Folder 9 Zuccotti, Susan--Contracts, 1986-2008

Restricted Until 2049

Box 602 Folder 11-12 Zweig, Paul, 1975-1980 (2 Folders)

Box 602 Folder 13-14 Zweig, Paul, 1981-1985 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 594 Folder 32 Zweig, Paul--Contracts--Addendum, 2008-2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 268 Folder 1-2 Miscellaneous, 1978-1984 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 191 Folder 3 Miscellaneous, 1979-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 330 Folder 4-6 Miscellaneous, 1982-1986 (Three Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 331 Folder 1-2 Miscellaneous, 1982-1987 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 376 Folder 3 Miscellaneous, 1988

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 376 Folder 4 Miscellaneous, 1989-1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 607 Folder 19 Miscellaneous, 1990-1993

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 608 Folder 19 Miscellaneous, 1993-1994

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 687 Folder 3 Miscellaneous, 1995-1997

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 726 Folder 3 Miscellaneous, 1996-1997

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 763 Folder 7-8 Miscellaneous, 1998-2000 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 768 Folder 8 Miscellaneous, 2000

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 766 Folder 16 Miscellaneous, 2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 441 Folder 6 Miscellaneous, 2003-2004

[Restricted Until 2039]

Series III. French Language Author, Publisher, and Subject Files, 1952-2020

This series consist primarily of files of correspondence with French language authors and publishers on a variety of issues including agreements, contracts, copyright, editing, financial issues, manuscripts, offerings to publishers, permission requests, rights, submissions, and translations. These files also include other records such as author event information, book jackets, catalogs, clippings, publicity items, reviews, and personal communications such as holiday cards, invitations, and postcards. Files relating to contracts, permissions, and related royalty statements are often filed separately in "contract" files.

Box 49 Folder 1 Abbaye de Saint-André Bruges (Belgium), 1967

Box 49 Folder 2 Abbaye de Saint-André Bruges (Belgium), 1968-1978

Box 277 Folder 1 Abbaye de Saint-André Bruges (Belgium), 1979-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 201 Folder 5 Adrienne, 1977

Box 201 Folder 6 Albin Michel, 1972-1980

Box 291 Folder 1 Albin Michel, 1982-1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 650 Folder 6 Albin Michel, 1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 749 Folder 1 Albin Michel, 1987-1994

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 848 Folder 5 Albin Michel--Conchon, Georges, 1959-1965

Box 749 Folder 2 Albin Michel--Lévi, Jean, 1985-1989

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 563 Folder 5 Albin Michel--Offerings, 1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 650 Folder 7 Albin Michel--Offerings, 1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 350 Folder 5 Albin Michel--Offerings, 1984-1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 49 Folder 3 Alexandrov, Victor, 1966-1971

Box 49 Folder 4 Ami, Georges (Georges J. Tardy), 1956-1958

Box 495 Folder 8 Apollinaire, Guillaume--Contracts, 2001-2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 495 Folder 12 Aragon, Louis--Contracts, 1967-2005

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 277 Folder 2 Ariés, Phillippe, 1960-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 499 Folder 7 Ariés, Philippe--Contacts, 1960-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 53 Folder 11 Armand Colin, 1959-1965

Box 230 Folder 10 Armand Colin, 1966-1978

Box 499 Folder 8 Arrabal, Fernando--Contracts, 1966-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 499 Folder 9 Artaud, Antonin--Contracts, 1965-2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 49 Folder 5 Arthaud, 1967-1968

Box 49 Folder 6 Arthaud, 1969-1972

Box 201 Folder 7 Arthaud, 1973-1977

Box 277 Folder 3 Arthaud--Clebert, 1962-1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 277 Folder 4 Arthaud--Decarreaux,1962-1967

Box 49 Folder 7 Arthaud--Everest, by Micheline Morin, 1954-1961

Box 277 Folder 6 Arthaud--Fabre-Luce, 1965-1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 277 Folder 5 Arthaud--Lachouque 1964-1974

Box 49 Folder 8 Arthaud--Mamba-Kan, by Vitold de Marie-Golish, 1954-1965

Box 49 Folder 9 Arthaud--Rebikoff, Dimitri, 1954-1959

Box 49 Folder 10 Aub, Max, 1960

Box 201 Folder 8-10 Aubier Montaigne, 1973-1980 (3 folders)

Box 49 Folder 11 Aubier Montaigne, 1962-1964 (2 Folders)

Box 125 Folder 1-2 Aubier Montaigne, 1965-1966 (2 Folders)

Box 49 Folder 12 Aubier Montaigne, 1967-1970 (4 Folders)

Box 50 Folder 1-2 Aubier Montaigne, 1971-1972 (2 Folders)

Box 277 Folder 7 Aubier Montaigne, 1981-1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 562 Folder 1 Aubier Montaigne, 1984-1994

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 749 Folder 3 Aubier Montaigne, 1990-1993

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 844 Folder 21 Aubier Montaigne--Amiot, François, 1965-1972

Box 229 Folder 7 Aubier Montaigne--Anozie, Sunday, 1971

Box 229 Folder 8 Aubier Montaigne--Audet, Jean-Paul, 1969-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 844 Folder 20 Aubier Montaigne--Barbotin, Edmond, 1979-1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 455 Folder 1 Aubier Montaigne--Berger, Gaston, 1971-1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 229 Folder 9 Aubier Montaigne--Bouillard, Henri, 1965-1974

Box 202 Folder 1 Aubier Montaigne--Breton, Valentin-M. (Valentin-Marie), 1965-1976

Box 844 Folder 19 Aubier Montaigne--Chevènement, Jean-Pierre, 1977-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 50 Folder 4 Aubier Montaigne--Dournes, Jacques, 1965-1967

Box 455 Folder 2 Aubier Montaigne--Ferro, Marc, 1989-1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 229 Folder 10 Aubier Montaigne--Folz, Robert, 1966-1977

Box 844 Folder 22 Aubier Montaigne--Guéroult, Martial , 1982-1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 844 Folder 23 Aubier Montaigne--Guillet, Jacques , 1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 844 Folder 24 Aubier Montaigne--Hyppolite, Jean, 1972-1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 50 Folder 5 Aubier Montaigne--Jeannière, Abel, 1964-1968

Box 229 Folder 11 Aubier Montaigne--Ladrière, Jean, 1971-1972

Box 844 Folder 26 Aubier Montaigne--Le Senne, René, 1969-1973, 1985-1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 844 Folder 25 Aubier Montaigne--Légaut, Marcel, 1979-1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 844 Folder 27 Aubier Montaigne--Lossky, Vladimir, 1973-1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 50 Folder 6 Aubier Montaigne--Lubac, Henri de, 1965-1969

Box 50 Folder 7 Aubier Montaigne--Marcel, Gabriel, 1965-1967

Box 229 Folder 12 Aubier Montaigne--Marin, Louis, 1975-1979

Box 50 Folder 8 Aubier Montaigne--Marlé, René, 1967

Box 844 Folder 28 Aubier Montaigne--Mouroux, Jean, 1973-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 229 Folder 13 Aubier Montaigne--Nabert, Jean, 1965-1967

Box 50 Folder 3 Aubier Montaigne--Offerings, 1972

Box 201 Folder 11-12 Aubier Montaigne--Offerings, 1977-1980 (2 folders)

Box 277 Folder 8 Aubier Montaigne--Offerings, 1980-1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 50 Folder 9 Aubier Montaigne--Ricœur, Paul, 1964-1966

Box 844 Folder 29 Aubier Montaigne--Ricœur, Paul and Gabriel Marcel, 1969-1980

Box 229 Folder 14 Aubier Montaigne--Simonis, Yvan, 1968-1973

Box 651 Folder 2 Audiberti, Jacques, 1961-1966

Box 50 Folder 10 Audiberti, Jacques, 1962-1963

Box 831 Folder 8 Augé, Marc--Contracts, 1994

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 497 Folder 10 Ayçoberry, Pierre--Contracts, 1978-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 277 Folder 9 Avon Play Anthology, 1971-1979

Box 831 Folder 11 Bacharan, Nicole and Dominique Simonet--Contracts, 2000

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 502 Folder 1 Bachelard, Gaston--Contracts, 1961-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 844 Folder 30 Badie, Bertrand and Pierre Birnbaum, 1978-1983, 2000

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 500 Folder 5 Badiou, Alain--Contracts, 1993-2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 844 Folder 31 Balandier, Georges, 1962-1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 823 Folder 2 Barthélémy-Madaule, Madeleine--Contracts, 1980-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 500 Folder 8-15 Barthes--Contracts--A-Z, 1963-2007 (8 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 502 Folder 2 Barrault, Jean--Contracts, 2004-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 501 Folder 10 Baszanger, Isabelle--Contracts, 1996-2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 277 Folder 10 Bataille, Georges, 1962-1978

Box 562 Folder 3-4 Bataille, Georges, 1978-1983 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 649 Folder 2-3 Bataille, Georges, 1984-1989 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 850 Folder 1 Bataille, Georges, 1989-1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 844 Folder 32 Bataille, Georges, 1997-1999

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 891 Folder 6 Bataille, Georges, 2000-2012

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 501 Folder 11 Bataille, George--Contracts--All Boyars, 1977-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 501 Folder 12 Bataille, George--Contracts--Other, 1984-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 502 Folder 3 Bayard, Pierre--Contracts, 1999-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 891 Folder 7-8 Bayard, Pierre--Minuit, 2008-2013 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 50 Folder 11 Bazin, Hervé--Au Nom Du Fils, 1960-1962

Box 50 Folder 12 Bazin, Hervé--Constance, Qui J'ose Aimer, 1954-1957

Box 277 Folder 11 Beauchesne, 1975

Box 502 Folder 4 Beaud, Michel--Contracts, 1981-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 502 Folder 5 Beaufret, Jean--Contracts, 2005-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 502 Folder 6 Beaujour, Michel--Contracts, 1985-2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 583 Folder 11 Beauvoir, Simone de--Contracts, 2005-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 844 Folder 33 Becker, Raymond de, 1965-1978

Box 202 Folder 3 Belfond (Pierre Belfond), 1974-1977

Box 229 Folder 15 Belfond (Pierre Belfond)--Dumas, F.R., 1974-1976

Box 202 Folder 4 Belfond (Pierre Belfond)--Offerings, 1974-1975

Box 229 Folder 16 Belfond (Pierre Belfond)--Renoir, Jean, 1975-1978

Box 882 Folder 2 Ben Jelloun, Tahar, 2006-2011

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 514 Folder 3 Ben Jelloun, Tahar--Contracts, 1993-2005

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 229 Folder 17 Benveniste, Émile, 1974-1976

Box 583 Folder 12 Berg, Jean de--Contracts, 2004-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 202 Folder 5 Berg International Éditeurs, 1974-1978

Box 562 Folder 5 Berg International Éditeurs, 1979-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 455 Folder 3 Berg International Éditeurs--Huard, Pierre and Ming Wong, 1975-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 202 Folder 6 Berg International Éditeurs--Offerings, 1975

Box 514 Folder 6 Bergeron, Louis--Contracts, 1979-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 514 Folder 7 Berman, Antoine--Contracts, 1988-2005

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 65 Folder 15-17 Bernard Grasset, 1953-1958 (3 Folders)

Box 66 Folder 1-4 Bernard Grasset, 1959-1962 (4 Folders)

Box 128 Folder 6-8 Bernard Grasset, 1963-1965 (3 Folders)

Box 129 Folder 1-2 Bernard Grasset, 1966-1967 (2 Folders)

Box 66 Folder 6-8 Bernard Grasset, 1968-1970 (3 Folders)

Box 66 Folder 9-10 Bernard Grasset, 1971-1972

Box 204 Folder 2-4 Bernard Grasset, 1973-1978 (3 folders)

Box 349 Folder 4-5 Bernard Grasset, 1978-1985 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 563 Folder 1 Bernard Grasset, 1986-1988

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 239 Folder 4 Bernard Grasset--Alexandre, Philippe, 1970-1978

Box 239 Folder 5 Bernard Grasset--Aron, Robert, 1960-1977

Box 851 Folder 2 Bernard Grasset--Aron, Robert, 1996-2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 239 Folder 6 Bernard Grasset--Aymé, Marcel, 1965-1969

Box 239 Folder 7 Bernard Grasset--Bars, Henry, 1959-1969

Box 67 Folder 2 Bernard Grasset--Baudelaire, Charles, 1968-1970

Box 67 Folder 3 Bernard Grasset--Bazin, Hervé, 1957-1960

Box 67 Folder 4 Bernard Grasset--Beaufre, André , 1969-1976

Box 467 Folder 6 Bernard Grasset--Berg, Jeanne de, 1986-1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 67 Folder 5 Bernard Grasset--Berg, Marina de, 1959-1971

Box 239 Folder 8 Bernard Grasset--Berger, Yves, 1962-1964

Box 467 Folder 5 Bernard Grasset--Bruckner, Pascal, 1997-1998

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 239 Folder 9 Bernard Grasset--Charles-Roux, Edmonde, 1966-1969

Box 240 Folder 1-2 Bernard Grasset--Charles-Roux, Edmonde, 1969-1977 (2 folders)

Box 851 Folder 3 Bernard Grasset--Charles-Roux, Edmonde, 1988-2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 240 Folder 3 Bernard Grasset--Cixous, Hélène, 1969-1977

Box 240 Folder 4 Bernard Grasset--Couteaux, André , 1961-1967

Box 67 Folder 6 Bernard Grasset--Daniélou, Jean Guénolé Louis M., 1956-1961

Box 240 Folder 5 Bernard Grasset--Duquesne, Jacques, 1966-1979

Box 240 Folder 6 Bernard Grasset--Eschasseriaux, Bernard, 1959-1979

Box 240 Folder 7 Bernard Grasset--Fernandez, Dominique, 1965-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 240 Folder 8 Bernard Grasset--Fesquet, Henri, 1962-1969

Box 240 Folder 9 Bernard Grasset--Franco, Victor, 1962-1976

Box 67 Folder 7 Bernard Grasset--Gennari, Geneviève , 1956-1961

Box 241 Folder 1 Bernard Grasset--Girard, René, 1964-1977

Box 67 Folder 8 Bernard Grasset--Giraudoux, Jean, 1957-1968

Box 240 Folder 10 Bernard Grasset--Giraudoux, Jean, 1969-1979

Box 67 Folder 9 Bernard Grasset--Green, Julien, 1966-1975

Box 67 Folder 10 Bernard Grasset--Haedrich, Marcel, 1961-1969

Box 67 Folder 11 Bernard Grasset--Isaac, Jules, 1961-1971

Box 241 Folder 2 Bernard Grasset--Joffroy, Pierre, 1969-1980

Box 241 Folder 3 Bernard Grasset--Julien, Claude, 1966-1974

Box 241 Folder 4 Bernard Grasset--Lemercier, Grégoire, 1966-1976

Box 67 Folder 12-13 Bernard Grasset--Ligneris, Françoise des, 1959-1963 (2 Folders)

Box 67 Folder 14 Bernard Grasset--Ligneris, Françoise des, 1964-1971

Box 851 Folder 4 Bernard Grasset--Malraux, André, 1972-1980

Box 241 Folder 5 Bernard Grasset--Malraux, Clara, 1966-1975

Box 68 Folder 1 Bernard Grasset--Martinerie, Andrée, 1968-1971

Box 467 Folder 7 Bernard Grasset--Maubiac, Claude, 1970-1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 68 Folder 2-3 Bernard Grasset--Mauriac, François, 1958-1962 (2 Folders)

Box 851 Folder 5 Bernard Grasset--Mauriac, François, 1986-1988, 1998

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 68 Folder 4 Bernard Grasset--Michel, Henri, 1970-1972

Box 241 Folder 6 Bernard Grasset--Monsigny, Jacqueline, 1971-1980

Box 282 Folder 6 Bernard Grasset--Nizan, Paul, 1972

Box 68 Folder 5 Bernard Grasset--Obaldia, René de, 1967-1969

Box 66 Folder 5 Bernard Grasset--Offerings, 1962

Box 67 Folder 1 Bernard Grasset--Offerings, 1972

Box 563 Folder 2 Bernard Grasset--Offerings, 1978-1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 68 Folder 6 Bernard Grasset--Radiguet, Raymond, 1958-1961

Box 282 Folder 7 Bernard Grasset--Ramuz, Charles F., 1968-1976

Box 68 Folder 7 Bernard Grasset--Rochefort, Christiane, 1959-1962

Box 282 Folder 8 Bernard Grasset--Rochefort, Christiane, 1963-1969

Box 68 Folder 8 Bernard Grasset--Rochefort, Christiane, 1969-1973

Box 68 Folder 9 Bernard Grasset--Schakovskoy, Zinaïda, 1958

Box 282 Folder 9 Bernard Grasset--La Souchère, Éléna de, 1963-1979

Box 68 Folder 10 Bernard Grasset--Tatu, Michel, 1965-1970

Box 649 Folder 6 Bernard Grasset--To and From, 1989-1993

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 456 Folder 25 Bernard Grasset--To and From, 1994-2000

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 229 Folder 18 Bernard, Michel, 1969-1973

Box 50 Folder 13 Besterman, Theodore, 1958

Box 514 Folder 14 Bertherat, Therese--Contracts, 1976-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 514 Folder 15 Bertrand Dorléac, Laurence--Contracts, 2005-2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 229 Folder 19 Bettelheim, Charles, 1972-1978

Box 844 Folder 34 Bettelheim, Charles, 1979-1988, 2000

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 514 Folder 16 Bianco, Lucien--Contracts, 1968-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 230 Folder 1 Billetdoux, François, 1963-1975

Box 50 Folder 14-16 Blais, Marie-Claire, 1966-1969 (3 Folders)

Box 50 Folder 17 Blais, Marie-Claire, 1970-1972

Box 51 Folder 1 Blais, Marie-Claire, 1973

Box 202 Folder 7 Blais, Marie-Claire, 1976

Box 515 Folder 4 Blais, Marie-Claire--Contracts, 1977-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 51 Folder 2 Blais, Marie-Claire--Foreign Rights, 1967-1975

Box 51 Folder 3 Blaisdell French Literature Series, 1965 (publisher)

Box 230 Folder 2 Blaisdell French Literature Series, 1966-1976

Box 670 Folder 5 Blanchot, Maurice, 1981-1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 850 Folder 2 Blanchot, Maurice, 1984-1995

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 455 Folder 5 Blanchot, Maurice, 1996-1999

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 515 Folder 10 Blanchot, Maurice--Contracts--Books--Other, 1983-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 515 Folder 9 Blanchot, Maurice--Contracts--Books--Station Hill, 1984-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 277 Folder 12 Bloch-Lainé, François, 1965

Box 515 Folder 12 Blondel, Maurice--Contracts, 1994-2004

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 518 Folder 3 Borgeaud, Philippe--Contracts, 1996-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 518 Folder 6 Boudon, Raymond--Contracts, 1987-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 670 Folder 6 Bourdieu, Pierre, 1984, 1991

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 670 Folder 7 Bourdieu, Pierre, 1988

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 455 Folder 6-7 Bourdieu, Pierre, 1988-1999 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 518 Folder 7 Bourdieu, Pierre--Contracts--Blackwell/Polity, 1984-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 518 Folder 9 Bourdieu, Pierre--Contracts--Other, 1973-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 518 Folder 8 Bourdieu, Pierre--Contracts--Stanford, 1984-2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 518 Folder 10 Boureau, Alain--Contracts, 1997-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 230 Folder 3 Bouyer, Louis, 1959-1978

Box 844 Folder 36 Bouyer, Louis, 1979-1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 518 Folder 11 Bouyer, Louis--Contracts, 1978-2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 715 Folder 4 Brassaï, 1979-1980

Box 51 Folder 4 Brée, Germaine, 1962-1965

Box 277 Folder 13 Brémond d'Ars, Yvonne de, 1961-1970

Box 562 Folder 6 Breton, André , 1962-1994

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 670 Folder 9 Breton, André, 1978-1989

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 593 Folder 10 Breton, André--Contracts, 1995-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 670 Folder 10 Bro, Bernard, 1964-1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 455 Folder 4 Broadway Books Boilerplate, 1997

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 593 Folder 15 Broue, Pierre--Contracts, 2006-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 51 Folder 5-11 Brunhoff, Laurent de, 1960-1968 (7 Folders)

Box 278 Folder 1 Brunhoff, Laurent de, 1968-1976

Box 671 Folder 1 Brunschwig, Henri, 1966-1974

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 51 Folder 12-13 Buchet Chastel, 1961-1970 (2 Folders) (publisher)

Box 202 Folder 9 Buchet Chastel, 1971-1978

Box 562 Folder 7 Buchet Chastel, 1978-1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 671 Folder 2 Buchet Chastel--Bernard, Jean, 1978-1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 230 Folder 4 Buchet Chastel--Rivald, Règis, 1970-1979

Box 584 Folder 15 Burrin, Philippe--Contracts, 1994-2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 51 Folder 14-16 Butor, Michel, 1961-1967 (3 Folders)

Box 230 Folder 5 Butor, Michel, 1967-1970

Box 912 Folder 1 Butor, Michel--Contracts, 2004-2012

Restricted Until 2059

Box 584 Folder 16 Butor, Michel--Contracts, 2006-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 584 Folder 14 Caillois, Roger--Contracts, 1998-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 593 Folder 17 Callon, Michel et al--Contract, 2004

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 52 Folder 1-2 Calmann-Lévy, 1955-1965 (2 Folders) (publisher)

Box 52 Folder 3-4 Calmann-Lévy, 1966-1980 (2 Folders)

Box 844 Folder 37 Calmann-Lévy, 1995-1998

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 584 Folder 13 Calvez, Jean-Yves--Contracts, 1991-2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 589 Folder 7 Carnois, Bernard--Contracts, 1982-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 230 Folder 6 Carouges, Michel, 1959-1974

Box 651 Folder 3 Carrère d'Encausse, Hélène, 1987-1988

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 852 Folder 19 Carrère d'Encausse, Hélène, 1989-1994

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 521 Folder 13 Casanova, Pascale--Contracts--Seuil, 2000-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 589 Folder 9 Castelain, Daniel--Contracts, 1969-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 52 Folder 5 Casterman, 1959-1965

Box 125 Folder 3 Casterman, 1966

Box 589 Folder 10 Castoriadis, Cornelius--Contracts, 1979-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 589 Folder 11 Celan, Paul--Contract, 1999-2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 670 Folder 11 Céline, Louis-Ferdinand, 1987-1988

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 589 Folder 12 Céline, Louis-Ferdinand--Contracts, 1991-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 52 Folder 6 Cendrars, Blaise, 1964-1968

Box 52 Folder 7 Cendrars, Blaise, 1969-1973

Box 202 Folder 10 Cendrars, Blaise, 1973-1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 671 Folder 3 Cendrars, Blaise, 1981-1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 455 Folder 8 Cendrars, Blaise, 1984-1988

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 844 Folder 39 Cendrars, Blaise, 1989-2005

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 589 Folder 13 Cendrars, Blaise--Contracts, 1989-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 52 Folder 8 Centurion, 1961-1966

Box 589 Folder 14 Cerquiglini, Bernard--Contracts, 1996-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 583 Folder 13 Certeau, Michel de--Contracts, 1981-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 52 Folder 11 Césaire, Aimé, 1966-1971

Box 278 Folder 4 Césaire, Aimé, 1971-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 591 Folder 1 Césaire, Aimé--Contracts, 1985-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 591 Folder 2 Césaire, Aimé--Contracts--Old, 1963-1993

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 589 Folder 15 Changeux, Jean-Pierre--Contracts, 1985-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 202 Folder 15 Charles-Roux, Edmonde, 1976-1978

Box 649 Folder 4 Charles-Roux, Edmonde, 1979-1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 589 Folder 17 Chartier, Roger--Contracts, 1999-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 53 Folder 2 Chauvet, Marie, 1956-1957

Box 230 Folder 7 Chauvet, Marie, 1958-1970

Box 230 Folder 8 Chevallier, Gabriel, 1964

Box 590 Folder 6 Chénetier, Marc--Contracts, 1990-2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 844 Folder 41 Chesneaux, Jean, 1970-1988

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 590 Folder 5 Chesneaux, Jean--Contracts, 1970-2005

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 590 Folder 10 Chevillard, Éric--Contracts, 1995-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 587 Folder 4 Choay, Françoise--Contracts, 1984-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 587 Folder 5 Chodkiewicz, Michel--Contracts--Other French, 1992-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 53 Folder 3 Choisy, Maryse, 1956

Box 587 Folder 6 Chraïbi, Driss--Contracts, 1985-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 587 Folder 7 Chrétien, Jean-Louis--Contracts, 2002-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 670 Folder 8 Christian Bourgois Editeur, 1979-1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 844 Folder 35 Christian Bourgois Editeur--Arrabal, Fernando, 1986-2000

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 202 Folder 8 Christian Bourgois Editeur--Union Generale d'Editions (UGE), 1972-1978

Box 844 Folder 42 Cioran, E. M. (Emile M.), 1966-1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 587 Folder 8 Cioran, E. M. (Emile M.)--Contracts, 1980-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 844 Folder 43 Cixous, Hélène, 1987-1997

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 590 Folder 11 Cixous, Hélène--Contracts, 1969-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 844 Folder 44 Clastres, Hélène and Pierre, 1982-1994

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 455 Folder 9 Clastres, Pierre, 1975-1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 587 Folder 9 Clastres, Pierre--Contracts, 1982-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 53 Folder 7-10 Còccioli, Carlo, 1955-1963 (4 Folders)

Box 230 Folder 9 Còccioli, Carlo, 1964-1965

Box 278 Folder 5 Cocteau, Jean, 1958-1974

Box 844 Folder 45 Cocteau, Jean, 1977-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 588 Folder 5 Cocteau, Jean--Contracts, 1959-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 590 Folder 12 Cohen, Claudine--Contracts, 1994-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 587 Folder 10 Cohen-Solal, Annie--Contracts, 2006-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 588 Folder 3 Compagnon, Antoine--Contracts, 1994-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 54 Folder 4 Copi, 1966-1967

Box 54 Folder 5 Copi, 1968-1971

Box 54 Folder 6 Correa, 1955-1958

Box 230 Folder 11 Coste, Didier, 1964-1968

Box 54 Folder 7 Courtine, Robert J., 1968-1973

Box 54 Folder 8 Courtine, Robert J., 1974-1975

Box 203 Folder 1 Crepax, Guido, 1975-1977

Box 455 Folder 10 Crepax, Guido, 1978-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 54 Folder 9 Criterion Books, 1958-1965

Box 588 Folder 13 Crommelynck, Fernand--Contracts, 2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 582 Folder 11 Crozier, Michel--Contracts, 1968-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 582 Folder 14 Dadié, Bernard--Contracts, 1971-2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 54 Folder 10 Daniel, Jean, 1964-1967

Box 54 Folder 11 Daniélou, Jean, 1965

Box 671 Folder 4 Daniélou, Jean, 1967-1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 54 Folder 12-13 Daninos, Pierre, 1956-1958 (2 Folders)

Box 562 Folder 8 Daninos, Pierre, 1957-1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 584 Folder 4 Decret, François--Contracts, 2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 592 Folder 3 Delacampagne, Christian--Contracts, 1997-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 125 Folder 4 Delachaux & Niestlé (Neuchâtel, Switzerland), 1969-1971

Box 709 Folder 2 Delbo, Charlotte, 1965-1995

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 592 Folder 5 Delbo, Charlotte--Contracts, 1994-2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 230 Folder 12 Delpire, 1965-1966

Box 55 Folder 1 Delpire, 1967-1970

Box 230 Folder 13 Delpire--Chambord, Kairuan, 1962-1964

Box 278 Folder 6 Delpire--Genie Du Lieu, 1963-1966

Box 592 Folder 6 Delbrêl, Madeleine--Contracts 1994-2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 592 Folder 8 Deleuze, Gilles--ContractsColumbia University Press, 1983-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 594 Folder 2 Deleuze, Gilles--Contracts--University of Minnesota, 1996-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 594 Folder 3 Deleuze, Gilles--Contracts--Other, 1972-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 125 Folder 5-8 Denoël, 1962-1966 (4 Folders)

Box 55 Folder 4 Denoël, 1967

Box 55 Folder 7 Denoël, 1968

Box 55 Folder 10 Denoël, 1969

Box 56 Folder 1 Denoël, 1970

Box 56 Folder 3 Denoël, 1971

Box 56 Folder 5 Denoël, 1972

Box 56 Folder 7 Denoël, 1973

Box 56 Folder 9 Denoël, 1974

Box 203 Folder 3-5 Denoël, 1975-1977 (3 folders)

Box 278 Folder 7-8 Denoël, 1977-1980 (2 Folders)

Box 562 Folder 9 Denoël, 1981-1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 562 Folder 10 Denoël, 1984-1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 671 Folder 8 Denoël, 1989-1994

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 455 Folder 20 Denoël, 1995-1998

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 57 Folder 1 Denoël--Barjavel, Rene, 1961-1965

Box 231 Folder 1 Denoël--Bellmer, Hans, 1966-1968

Box 455 Folder 21 Denoël--Cabanne, Pierre, 1975-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 231 Folder 3 Denoël--Delvaux, Paul, 1968

Box 231 Folder 4 Denoël--Desmarest, Marie-Anne, 1963-1972

Box 231 Folder 5 Denoël--Etcherelli, Claire, 1968-1974

Box 231 Folder 6 Denoël--Godard, Jean-Luc, 1965-1966

Box 231 Folder 7 Denoël--Groult, Flora, 1962-1968

Box 231 Folder 8 Denoël--Groussard, Serge, 1973-1979

Box 57 Folder 2 Denoël--Japrisot, Sébastien, 1963-1965

Box 231 Folder 9 Denoël--Japrisot, Sébastien, 1966-1978

Box 671 Folder 5 Denoël--Japrisot, Sébastien, 1979-1994

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 231 Folder 10 Denoël--Kantof, Albert, 1976-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 231 Folder 2 Denoël--Lanza del Vasto, Joseph Jean, 1972-1980

Filed under del Vasto.

Box 231 Folder 11 Denoël--Léger, Fernand, 1969-1974

Box 852 Folder 1 Denoël--Monteilhet, Hubert, 1992-1996

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 55 Folder 2-3 Denoël--Offerings, 1966 (2 Folders)

Box 55 Folder 5-6 Denoël--Offerings, 1967 (2 Folders)

Box 55 Folder 8-9 Denoël--Offerings, 1968 (2 Folders)

Box 55 Folder 11-12 Denoël--Offerings, 1969 (2 Folders)

Box 56 Folder 2 Denoël--Offerings, 1970

Box 56 Folder 4 Denoël--Offerings, 1971

Box 56 Folder 6 Denoël--Offerings, 1972

Box 56 Folder 8 Denoël--Offerings, 1973

Box 56 Folder 10 Denoël--Offerings, 1974

Box 203 Folder 6 Denoel--Offerings, 1975

Box 203 Folder 7 Denoel--Offerings, 1979-1980

Box 562 Folder 11 Denoël--Offerings, 1981-1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 57 Folder 3 Denoël--Planete Encyclopedie, 1963-1966

Box 232 Folder 1 Denoël--Planete Encyclopedie, 1967-1975

Box 232 Folder 2 Denoël--Pons, Maurice, 1970-1975

Box 852 Folder 2 Denoël--Ruchpaul, Eva, 1968-1969, 1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 125 Folder 9 Denoël--Sauvy, Alfred, 1958-1959

Box 232 Folder 3 Denoël--Sauvy, Alfred, 1972

Box 57 Folder 4 Denoël--Sempé, 1967-1969

Box 232 Folder 4 Denoël--Sempé, 1962-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 232 Folder 5 Denoël--Servan-Schreiber, Jean-Jacques, 1967-1969

Box 232 Folder 6 Denoël--Thomas, Louis, 1968-1973

Box 278 Folder 9 Derrida, 1968-1973

Box 232 Folder 7 Derrida, Jacques, 1971-1978

Box 672 Folder 1 Derrida, Jacques, 1978-1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 672 Folder 2 Derrida, Jacques, 1987-1995

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 852 Folder 3 Derrida, Jacques, 1996-2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 798 Folder 14 Derrida, Jacques--Contracts, 1975-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 562 Folder 23 Des Femmes, 1975-1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 234 Folder 2 Des Femmes--Forrest, Eva, 1975-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 671 Folder 6 Desanti, Dominique, 1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 592 Folder 10 Desarthe, Agnés--Contracts, 2007-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 592 Folder 11 Desbiolles, Maryline (Seuil)--Contracts, 1999-2004

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 125 Folder 10-14 Desclée de Brouwer (DDB), 1961-1966 (5 Folders)

Box 57 Folder 6 Desclée de Brouwer (DDB), 1967

Box 57 Folder 8 Desclée de Brouwer (DDB), 1968

Box 57 Folder 10 Desclée de Brouwer (DDB), 1969

Box 57 Folder 12 Desclée de Brouwer (DDB), 1970

Box 57 Folder 14 Desclée de Brouwer (DDB), 1971

Box 203 Folder 8 Desclée de Brouwer (DDB), 1972-1978

Box 278 Folder 10 Desclée de Brouwer (DDB), 1978-1980

Box 562 Folder 12 Desclée de Brouwer (DDB), 1981-1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 562 Folder 13 Desclée de Brouwer (DDB), 1984-1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 455 Folder 11 Desclée de Brouwer (DDB), 1990-1998

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 57 Folder 16 Desclée de Brouwer (DDB)--Anciaux, Paul, 1964

Box 852 Folder 4 Desclée de Brouwer (DDB)--Arminjon, Blaise, 1988-1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 232 Folder 8 Desclée de Brouwer (DDB)--Bellet, Maurice, 1965-1975

Box 844 Folder 38 Desclée de Brouwer (DDB)--Calvez, Jean-Yves, 1990-1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 852 Folder 5 Desclée de Brouwer (DDB)--Charbonneau-Lassay, Louis, 1983-1995

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 58 Folder 1 Desclée de Brouwer (DDB)--Charles, Pierre, 1964

Box 232 Folder 9 Desclée de Brouwer (DDB)--Corbon, Jean, 1968-1977

Box 852 Folder 6 Desclée de Brouwer (DDB)--Decloux, Simon, 1986-1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 233 Folder 2 Desclée de Brouwer (DDB)--Drioton, Etienne, 1967

Box 233 Folder 3 Desclée de Brouwer (DDB)--Durandeaux, Jacques, 1967-1968

Box 455 Folder 13 Desclée de Brouwer (DDB)--Evdokimov, Paul, 1965-2001

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 455 Folder 12 Desclée de Brouwer (DDB)--Evdokimov, Paul, 1984-1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 233 Folder 5 Desclée de Brouwer (DDB)--Feuillet, A., 1963-1979

Box 58 Folder 3 Desclée de Brouwer (DDB)--Fraine, Jean de, 1963

Box 852 Folder 7 Desclée de Brouwer (DDB)--Godin, André, 1963-1980

Box 233 Folder 6 Desclée de Brouwer (DDB)--Guillet, Jacques, 1964-1967

Box 233 Folder 7 Desclée de Brouwer (DDB)--Hostie, Raymond, 1963-1974

Box 852 Folder 8 Desclée de Brouwer (DDB)--Hubaut, Michel, 1984-1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 852 Folder 9 Desclée de Brouwer (DDB)--Ignatius IV, Patriarch of Antioch, 1983-1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 233 Folder 8 Desclée de Brouwer (DDB)--Janssens, Louis, 1964-1978

Box 233 Folder 9 Desclée de Brouwer (DDB)--Jean-Nesmy, Claude, 1964-1978

Box 58 Folder 4 Desclée de Brouwer (DDB)--Journet, Charles, 1963-1965

Box 233 Folder 17 Desclée de Brouwer (DDB)--La Mystique et Les Mystiques, 1963-1968

Box 233 Folder 10 Desclée de Brouwer (DDB)--Labarrière, P.J., 1967-1968

Box 233 Folder 11 Desclée de Brouwer (DDB)--Lacombe, Olivier, 1964-1971

Box 233 Folder 12 Desclée de Brouwer (DDB)--Latourelle, René, 1963-1968

Box 671 Folder 7 Desclée de Brouwer (DDB)--Laurentin, René, 1978-1989

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 852 Folder 10 Desclée de Brouwer (DDB)--Laurentin, René, 1978-1979, 1989, 1998

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 455 Folder 14 Desclée de Brouwer (DDB)--Leclerc, Eloi, 1982-1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 455 Folder 15 Desclée de Brouwer (DDB)--Lefebvre, 1979-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 233 Folder 13 Desclée de Brouwer (DDB)--Lefebvre, Georges, 1963-1968

Box 233 Folder 4 Desclée de Brouwer (DDB)--Les Ecrivains Devant Dieu, 1967-1979

Box 233 Folder 14 Desclée de Brouwer (DDB)--Lubienska de Lenval, Hélène, 1966-1967

Box 233 Folder 15 Desclée de Brouwer (DDB)--Maïk, Henri, 1966-1976

Box 58 Folder 5 Desclée de Brouwer (DDB)--Mersch, Emile, 1963-1968

Box 233 Folder 16 Desclée de Brouwer (DDB)--Monden, Louis, 1964-1972

Box 455 Folder 16 Desclée de Brouwer (DDB)--Navantes, F., 1978-1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 57 Folder 5 Desclée de Brouwer (DDB)--Offerings, 1966

Box 57 Folder 7 Desclée de Brouwer (DDB)--Offerings, 1967

Box 57 Folder 9 Desclée de Brouwer (DDB)--Offerings, 1968

Box 57 Folder 11 Desclée de Brouwer (DDB)--Offerings, 1969

Box 57 Folder 13 Desclée de Brouwer (DDB)--Offerings, 1970

Box 57 Folder 15 Desclée de Brouwer (DDB)--Offerings, 1971

Box 203 Folder 3 Desclée de Brouwer (DDB)--Offerings, 1979

Box 278 Folder 11 Desclée de Brouwer (DDB)--Offerings, 1981-1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 562 Folder 14 Desclée de Brouwer (DDB)--Offerings, 1984-1989

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 58 Folder 2 Desclée de Brouwer (DDB)--Paul Marie, de la Croix, 1963-1965

Box 233 Folder 1 Desclée de Brouwer (DDB)--Paul Marie, de la Croix, 1974-1975

Box 852 Folder 11 Desclée de Brouwer (DDB)--Perrin, Joseph Marie, 1966-1980

Box 852 Folder 12 Desclée de Brouwer (DDB)--Petite Vocabulaire Marial, 1982-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 233 Folder 18 Desclée de Brouwer (DDB)--Philipon, A., 1977-1978

Box 852 Folder 13 Desclée de Brouwer (DDB)--Raguin, Yves, 1980-1989

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 852 Folder 14 Desclée de Brouwer (DDB)--Ravier, André, 1980-1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 852 Folder 15 Desclée de Brouwer (DDB)--Renard, A. C. (Alexandre Charles), 1965-1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 233 Folder 19 Desclée de Brouwer (DDB)--Rigaux, Béda, 1965-1976

Box 455 Folder 17 Desclée de Brouwer (DDB)--Rouet, Albert, 1979-1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 455 Folder 18 Desclée de Brouwer (DDB)--Roustang, François, 1963-1968, 1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 233 Folder 20 Desclée de Brouwer (DDB)--Sabourin, L., 1964-1979

Box 58 Folder 6 Desclée de Brouwer (DDB)--Sagesse, 1964-1967

Box 852 Folder 16 Desclée de Brouwer (DDB)--Sendler, Egon, 1986-1992

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 233 Folder 21 Desclée de Brouwer (DDB)--Smulders, Pierre, 1964-1974

Box 278 Folder 12 Desclée de Brouwer (DDB)--Symposia, 1965-1975

Box 233 Folder 22 Desclée de Brouwer (DDB)--Symposia, 1965-1976

Box 233 Folder 23 Desclée de Brouwer (DDB)--Trooster, S., 1965-1974

Box 233 Folder 24 Desclée de Brouwer (DDB)--Uleyn, Arnold, 1968-1974

Box 233 Folder 25 Desclée de Brouwer (DDB)--van Caster, M., 19641974

Box 233 Folder 26 Desclée de Brouwer (DDB)--Wynants, Miche, 1962-1965

Box 455 Folder 19 Desclée de Brouwer (DDB)--Wyzewa,Teodor de and Georges de Saint-Foix,1978-1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 234 Folder 1 Descroche, Henri, 1968-1975

Box 278 Folder 13 Desnos, Robert, 1971

Box 592 Folder 12 Despret, Vinciane--Contract, 2001-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 798 Folder 16 Didi-Huberman, Georges--Contracts, 1993-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 894 Folder 6 Didi-Huberman, Georges--Minuit, 2004-2011

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 798 Folder 18 Dodin, André--Contracts, 1993-1998

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 457 Folder 3 Dominique Halevy, 1970

Box 234 Folder 3 Dommerques, Pierre, 1967-1968

Box 58 Folder 7 Dommergues, Pierre--Permissions, 1967-1971

Box 798 Folder 13 Donzelot, Jacques--Contracts, 1980-2002

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 798 Folder 5 Doresse, Jean--Contracts, 1985-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 467 Folder 1 Drieu La Rochelle, Pierre, 1985-1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 798 Folder 7 Droit, Roger-Pol--Contracts, 1999-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 798 Folder 9 Dubois, Jean-Paul--Contract, 2005-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 798 Folder 10 Duby, Georges--Contracts, 1984-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 246 Folder 17 Dumas, Alexandre, 1976-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 848 Folder 6 Duras, Marguerite, 1958-1960

Box 849 Folder 1 Duras, Marguerite, 1961

Box 848 Folder 7-8 Duras, Marguerite, 1962-1963

Box 58 Folder 8 Duras, Marguerite, 1964-1965

Box 848 Folder 9 Duras, Marguerite, 1966-1973

Box 562 Folder 15 Duras, Marguerite, 1974-1980

Box 670 Folder 1-2 Duras, Marguerite, 1981-1984 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 669 Folder 4 Duras, Marguerite, 1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 670 Folder 3-4 Duras, Marguerite, 1986-1989 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 467 Folder 2 Duras, Marguerite, 1989-1995

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 449 Folder 1 Duras, Marguerite, 1996-2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 806 Folder 2 Duras, Marguerite--Contracts--Four Novels and Moderatos (Minuit), circa 1959-2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 806 Folder 3 Duras, Marguerite--Contracts--Gallimard/Grove--Four Titles (Dix heures, Hiroshima, L'Apres Midi, le Square), 1960-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 805 Folder 3 Duras, Marguerite--Contracts--Minuit, 1973-2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 806 Folder 4 Duras, Marguerite--Contracts--Other Publications, 1964-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 798 Folder 11 Duve, Thierry de--Contracts, 1985-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 796 Folder 14 Duvert, Tony--Contracts, 2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 796 Folder 9 Echenoz, Jean--Contracts, 1984-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 202 Folder 2 Editions Balland, 1975

Box 562 Folder 2 Editions Balland, 1979

Box 53 Folder 1 Éditions Champ libre 1972-1974

Box 202 Folder 13 Éditions Champ libre , 1975-1978

Box 202 Folder 14 Éditions Champ libre --Politiques des Auteurs, 1972-1977

Box 52 Folder 9 Editions du Cerf, 1962-1965

Box 52 Folder 10 Editions du Cerf, 1966-1973

Box 202 Folder 12 Editions du Cerf, 1975-1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 202 Folder 11 Editions du Cerf, 1977-1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 844 Folder 40 Editions du Cerf "New File", 1983-1984, 1998

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 278 Folder 2 Editions du Cerf--Geffré, Claude, 1973-1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 278 Folder 3 Editions du Cerf--Molinié, 1972-1978

Box 136 Folder 5-8 Éditions de La Table ronde, 1954-1958 (4 Folders)

Box 218 Folder 7-9 Éditions de La Table ronde, 1962-1965 (3 folders)

Box 136 Folder 9-10 Éditions de La Table ronde, 1966-1970 (2 Folders)

Box 848 Folder 12 Éditions de La Table ronde, 1971-1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 844 Folder 10 Éditions de La Table ronde, 1980-1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 316 Folder 9 Éditions de La Table ronde--Anouilh, 1963-1976

Box 316 Folder 10 Éditions de La Table ronde--Bodin, 1969-1975

Box 136 Folder 11 Éditions de La Table ronde--Cabanne, Pierre, 1964-1969

Box 316 Folder 11 Éditions de La Table ronde--Dalí, Salvador, 1964-1979

Box 316 Folder 12 Éditions de La Table ronde--De Carmoy, 1967-1968

Box 136 Folder 12 Éditions de La Table ronde--Lazareff, Hélène, 1955-1957

Box 316 Folder 13 Éditions de La Table ronde--Offerings, 1979-1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 317 Folder 1 Éditions de La Table ronde--Saint Pierre, 1964-1967

Box 136 Folder 13 Éditions de La Table ronde--Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre, 1965-1968

Box 317 Folder 2 Éditions de La Table ronde--Troyat, 1965-1968

Box 317 Folder 3 Éditions de La Table ronde--Whitehead Agency, 1969-1970

Box 849 Folder 3-15 Éditions de Minuit, 1957-1969 (13 Folders)

Box 847 Folder 12 Éditions de Minuit, 1970

Box 847 Folder 13-22 Éditions de Minuit, 1971-1980 (10 Folders)

Box 351 Folder 2 Éditions de Minuit, 1980-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 847 Folder 23 Éditions de Minuit, 1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 848 Folder 1 Éditions de Minuit, 1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 351 Folder 1 Éditions de Minuit, 1984, 1983-1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 350 Folder 6 Éditions de Minuit, 1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 376 Folder 2 Éditions de Minuit, 1985-1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 563 Folder 6-7 Éditions de Minuit, 1987-1988 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 449 Folder 7 Éditions de Minuit, 2000-2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 848 Folder 2 Éditions de Minuit--Alleg, Henri, 1958-1965

Box 291 Folder 2 Éditions de Minuit--Amin, 1968-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 851 Folder 16 Éditions de Minuit--Amin, Samir, 1996-2000

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 291 Folder 3 Éditions de Minuit--Axedos, 1971-1978

Box 457 Folder 11 Éditions de Minuit--Bataille, Georges, 1960-1973

Box 449 Folder 9 Éditions de Minuit--Beckett, Samuel, 1961-1970

Box 449 Folder 10-11 Éditions de Minuit--Beckett, Samuel, 1971-1979 (2 Folders)

Box 449 Folder 12-13 Éditions de Minuit--Beckett, Samuel, 1980-1989 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 449 Folder 14-15 Éditions de Minuit--Beckett, Samuel, 1990-1994 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 863 Folder 7 Éditions de Minuit--Beckett, Samuel, 1995

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 848 Folder 3 Éditions de Minuit--Beckett, Samuel, 1996

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 852 Folder 45 Éditions de Minuit--Beckett, Samuel, 2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 851 Folder 18 Éditions de Minuit--Beckett, Samuel--Beckett Directs Beckett, 1991, 2001-2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 851 Folder 17 Éditions de Minuit--Beckett, Samuel--Inactive, 1997-2000

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 291 Folder 4 Éditions de Minuit--Benveniste, 1969-1979

Box 449 Folder 16 Éditions de Minuit--Berg, Jean de, 1964-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 291 Folder 5 Éditions de Minuit--Bergonzo, 1966-1974

Box 449 Folder 17 Éditions de Minuit--Boltanski, Luc, 1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 851 Folder 19 Éditions de Minuit--Bon, François, 1988-1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 851 Folder 20 Éditions de Minuit--Boschetti, Anna, 1986-1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 563 Folder 11-12 Éditions de Minuit--Bourdieu, Pierre, 1973-1987 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 291 Folder 6 Éditions de Minuit--Broue et Temine [Broué, Pierre and Émile Témine], 1967-1980

Box 851 Folder 21 Éditions de Minuit--Castel, Robert, 1986-1988

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 291 Folder 7 Éditions de Minuit--Castelain, 1969-1971

Box 851 Folder 22 Éditions de Minuit--Charle, Christophe, 2002-2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 457 Folder 12 Éditions de Minuit--Correspondence, 1997-1998

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 450 Folder 4 Éditions de Minuit--Delbo, Charlotte, 1996-2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 449 Folder 18-19 Éditions de Minuit--Deleuze & Guattari, 1975-1984 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 650 Folder 4 Éditions de Minuit--Deleuze, Gilles and Felix Guattari, 1983-1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 450 Folder 1 Éditions de Minuit--Deleuze, Gilles, 1988-1992

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 563 Folder 13 Éditions de Minuit--Deleuze, Gilles, 1993-1995

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 450 Folder 2 Éditions de Minuit--Deleuze, Gilles, 1996-2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 450 Folder 3 Éditions de Minuit--Deleuze, Gilles, 2002-2005

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 553 Folder 3 Éditions de Minuit--Descombes, Vincent, 1984-1988

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 450 Folder 5 Éditions de Minuit--Donzelot, Jacques, 1978-1990

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 851 Folder 23 Éditions de Minuit--Dubuffet, Jean, 1987-1990, 2001

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 851 Folder 24 Éditions de Minuit--Duve, Thierry de, 1985-1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 450 Folder 6 Éditions de Minuit--Duvert, Tony, 1967-1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 450 Folder 7-8 Éditions de Minuit--Echenoz, Jean, 1984-1999 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 450 Folder 9 Éditions de Minuit--Echenoz, Jean, 2000-2004

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 689 Folder 2 Éditions de Minuit--Fetjo, François, 1966-1969

Box 851 Folder 25 Éditions de Minuit--Hentsch, Thierry, 1992-2004

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 851 Folder 26 Éditions de Minuit--Hollier, Denis, 1993-1997

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 851 Folder 27 Éditions de Minuit--Hyvrard, Jeanne, 1986-1995

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 563 Folder 14-15 Éditions de Minuit--Irigaray, Luce, 1984-1988 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 689 Folder 3 Éditions de Minuit--Klossowski, Pierre, 1960-1965

Box 450 Folder 10 Éditions de Minuit--Klossowski, Pierre, 1969-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 291 Folder 8 Éditions de Minuit--La Gangrene, 1959-1974

Box 291 Folder 9 Éditions de Minuit--Leuliette, 1961-1978

Box 450 Folder 11 Éditions de Minuit--Leulliette, Pierre, 1985-2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 851 Folder 28 Éditions de Minuit--Lévinas, Emmanuel, 1986-1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 291 Folder 10 Éditions de Minuit--Lewin, 1967-1972

Box 851 Folder 29 Éditions de Minuit--Linhart, Robert, 1978-1995

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 450 Folder 12 Éditions de Minuit--Lyotard, Jean-François, 1980-2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 689 Folder 4 Éditions de Minuit--Maurel, Micheline, 1957-1960

Box 450 Folder 13 Éditions de Minuit--Mauss, Marcel, 1972-1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 292 Folder 8 Éditions de Minuit--Miscellaneous, French, 1976-1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 291 Folder 11 Éditions de Minuit--Morrissette, 1971-1977

Box 450 Folder 14 Éditions de Minuit--Moulin, Raymonde, 1984-1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 292 Folder 4-7 Éditions de Minuit--Offerings, 1966-1983 (4 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 291 Folder 12-14 Éditions de Minuit--Offerings, 1970-1973 (3 Folders)

Box 292 Folder 1-3 Éditions de Minuit--Offerings, 1971-1978 (3 Folders)

Box 351 Folder 3 Éditions de Minuit--Offerings, 1983-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 563 Folder 8-9 Éditions de Minuit--Offerings, 1985-1988 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 849 Folder 21 Éditions de Minuit--Offerings, 1996-1997

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 451 Folder 6 Éditions de Minuit--Offerings, 1999

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 857 Folder 6 Éditions de Minuit--Offerings and General, 2002-2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 849 Folder 16 Éditions de Minuit--Ollier, Claude, 1959-1971

Box 851 Folder 30 Éditions de Minuit--Pavel, Thomas G., 1987-2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 292 Folder 9 Éditions de Minuit--Pinget, 1966-1970

Box 292 Folder 10 Éditions de Minuit--Pinget, 1970-1974

Box 450 Folder 15-16 Éditions de Minuit--Pinget, Robert, 1975-1988 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 902 Folder 2 Éditions de Minuit--Pinget, Robert, 1989-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 849 Folder 17-19 Éditions de Minuit--Robbe-Grillet, Alain, 1958-1967 (3 Folders)

Box 849 Folder 20 Éditions de Minuit--Robbe-Grillet, Alain, 1968-1972

Box 292 Folder 11 Éditions de Minuit--Robbe-Grillet, 1972-1979

Box 450 Folder 17-19 Éditions de Minuit--Robbe-Grillet, Alain, 1980-1989 (3 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 450 Folder 20-22 Éditions de Minuit--Robbe-Grillet, Alain, 1990-1999 (3 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 851 Folder 31 Éditions de Minuit--Rosset, Clément, 1987-1992

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 451 Folder 1 Éditions de Minuit--Rounad, Jean, 1990-1996

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 851 Folder 32 Éditions de Minuit--Roustang, François, 1981-1998

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 451 Folder 2 Éditions de Minuit--Sarraute, Nathalie, 1961-1973

Box 851 Folder 33 Éditions de Minuit--Serres, Michel, 1980-2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 451 Folder 3 Éditions de Minuit--Serres, Michel, 1981-1995

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 457 Folder 13 Éditions de Minuit--Simon, Claude, 1958-1973

Box 451 Folder 4-5 Éditions de Minuit--Simon, Claude, 1974-1989 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 131 Folder 3 Éditions de Minuit--Textbook Editions, 1961-1965

Box 293 Folder 1 Éditions de Minuit--Textbook Editions, 1965-1970

Box 563 Folder 10 Éditions de Minuit--To and From, 1989

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 849 Folder 22 Éditions de Minuit--To and From, 1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 849 Folder 23-25 Éditions de Minuit--To and From, 1991-1993 (3 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 449 Folder 2-4 Éditions de Minuit--To and From, 1994-1996 (3 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 457 Folder 14 Éditions de Minuit--To and From, 1999

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 449 Folder 5 Éditions de Minuit--To and From, 2000

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 449 Folder 6 Éditions de Minuit--To and From, 2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 449 Folder 8 Éditions de Minuit--To and From, 2002

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 451 Folder 7 Éditions de Minuit--To and From, 2003-2004

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 857 Folder 7 Éditions de Minuit--To and From, 2006-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 457 Folder 15 Éditions de Minuit--Toussaint, Jean-Philippe, 1985-2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 905 Folder 6 Éditions de Minuit--Toussaint, Jean-Philippe, 2002-2011

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 851 Folder 34 Éditions de Minuit--Volodine, Antoine, 1994-2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 848 Folder 4 Éditions de Minuit--Wittig, Monique, 1958-1965

Box 293 Folder 2-3 Éditions de Minuit--Wittig, 1969-1979 (2 Folders)

Box 452 Folder 1 Éditions de Minuit--Wittig, Monique, 1981-1999

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 452 Folder 2 Éditions de Minuit--Zumthor, Paul, 1984-1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 131 Folder 12 Editions de Paris, 1954-1958

Box 134 Folder 14-15 Editions du Pont royal, 1961-1962 (2 Folders)

Box 297 Folder 16 Editions du Pont royal--? (Folder Damaged) 1961-1966

Box 297 Folder 15 Editions du Pont royal--Cent Mille and de vie Quotidienne

Box 297 Folder 17 Editions du Pont royal--Grands Voiliers Autor du Monde, 1962-1964

Box 134 Folder 16 Editions du Pont royal--Histoire de la magie, 1962-1964

Box 134 Folder 17 Editions du Pont royal--L'Homme et l'animal, 1962-1964

Box 134 Folder 18 Editions du Pont royal--Rome (Histoire de Rome et des Romains), 1962

Box 298 Folder 1 Editions du Pont royal--Saulnier, 1960-1960

Box 298 Folder 2 Editions du Pont royal--Terre des Empereurs, 1962-1965

Box 135 Folder 7-8 Éditions du Rocher, 1956-1957; 1965-1966 (2 Folders)

Box 135 Folder 9 Éditions du Rocher--Barral, Louis, 1965-1970

Box 851 Folder 40 Éditions du Rocher--Correspondence, 1995

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 453 Folder 20 Éditions du Rocher--Falconi, Carlo, 1965-1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 845 Folder 1-13 Éditions du Seuil, 1953-1965 (13 Folders)

Box 210 Folder 1-4 Éditions du Seuil, 1966-1969

Box 211 Folder 1 Éditions du Seuil, 1970

Box 212 Folder 1-5 Éditions du Seuil, 1973-1975 (1) (5 folders)

Box 213 Folder 1-5 Éditions du Seuil, 1975 (2)-1977 (5 folders)

Box 352 Folder 10 Éditions du Seuil, 1985: Jan.-Jun. 1984-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 353 Folder 1-5 Éditions du Seuil, (July-December 1985 - A-Z 1985) 1980-1986 (5 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 381 Folder 7 Éditions du Seuil, 1986 January-June

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 381 Folder 8 Éditions du Seuil, 1986-1987 July-December

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 564 Folder 2-3 Éditions du Seuil, 1987 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 570 Folder 10-11 Éditions du Seuil, 1988 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 211 Folder 2-4 Éditions du Seuil,1971-1972 (3 folders)

Box 603 Folder 18 Éditions du Seuil--A-B Reviews/Pub, 1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 299 Folder 5 Éditions du Seuil--Abdel-Malek, 1966-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 838 Folder 9 Éditions du Seuil--Agacinski, Sylviane, 1998-2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 838 Folder 10 Éditions du Seuil--Agirre, Julien, 1974-1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 838 Folder 11 Éditions du Seuil--Alata, Jean-Paul, 1976-1978

Box 838 Folder 13 Éditions du Seuil--Appanah-Mouriquand, Nathacha, 2008-2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 838 Folder 14 Éditions du Seuil--Arcan, Nelly, 2003-2011

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 838 Folder 16 Éditions du Seuil--Arenas, Reinaldo, 1969-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 838 Folder 17 Éditions du Seuil--Ariès, Philippe, 1981-2013

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 838 Folder 15 Éditions du Seuil--Aristide, Jean-Bertrand, 1992-1995

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 299 Folder 7 Éditions du Seuil--Atlan, 1968

Box 838 Folder 21 Éditions du Seuil--Atlan, Liliane, 1987-1999

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 214 Folder 1 Éditions du Seuil--Aubier, Dominique, 1957-1958

Box 299 Folder 8 Éditions du Seuil--Auclair, 1959-1977

Box 838 Folder 18 Éditions du Seuil--Auclair, Marcelle, 1993-1995

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 299 Folder 6 Éditions du Seuil--Ayçoberry, Pierre , 1979-1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 838 Folder 19 Éditions du Seuil--Badiou, Alain, 1993-2004

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 838 Folder 20 Éditions du Seuil--Badiou, Alain, 2005-2012

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 214 Folder 2 Éditions du Seuil--Barreau, Jean-Claude, 1960-1971

Box 838 Folder 22 Éditions du Seuil--Barthélemy-Madaule, Madeleine, 1980-1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 299 Folder 9 Éditions du Seuil--Barthes, 1963-1970

Box 299 Folder 10 Éditions du Seuil--Barthes, 1970-1973

Box 300 Folder 1 Éditions du Seuil--Barthes, 1972-1977

Box 553 Folder 4-5 Éditions du Seuil--Barthes, Roland, 1978-1981 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 570 Folder 17-20 Éditions du Seuil--Barthes, Roland, 1982-1990 (4 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 846 Folder 7-9 Éditions du Seuil--Barthes, Roland, 1990-1995 (3 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 454 Folder 11 Éditions du Seuil--Barthes, Roland, 1996-1998

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 454 Folder 12 Éditions du Seuil--Barthes, Roland, 1999-2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 846 Folder 10 Éditions du Seuil--Barthes, Roland, 2004-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 857 Folder 9 Éditions du Seuil--Barthes, Roland, 2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 839 Folder 1 Éditions du Seuil--Barthes, Roland, 2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 839 Folder 2 Éditions du Seuil--Barthes, Roland, 2011

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 214 Folder 3 Éditions du Seuil--Bauchet, Pierre, 1963-1971

Box 857 Folder 8 Éditions du Seuil--Bazin, Hervé, 1962-1983, 1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 300 Folder 2 Éditions du Seuil--Beau, 1972-1977

Box 839 Folder 3 Éditions du Seuil--Beaud, Michel, 1981-2014

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 839 Folder 4 Éditions du Seuil--Beaujour, Michel, 1985-1992

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 838 Folder 23 Éditions du Seuil--Bell, Robert, 1998-1999

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 571 Folder 6 Éditions du Seuil--Ben Jelloun, Tahar, 1980-1989

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 454 Folder 13 Éditions du Seuil--Ben Jelloun, Tahar, 1990-1996

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 454 Folder 14 Éditions du Seuil--Ben Jelloun, Tahar, 1997-2002

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 454 Folder 15 Éditions du Seuil--Ben Jelloun, Tahar, 2003-2004

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 857 Folder 10 Éditions du Seuil--Ben Jelloun, Tahar, 2005-2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 839 Folder 5 Éditions du Seuil--Ben Jelloun, Tahar, 2007-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 839 Folder 8 Éditions du Seuil--Berge, Yvonne, 1975-1980

Box 839 Folder 7 Éditions du Seuil--Bergeron, Louis, 1978-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 214 Folder 4 Éditions du Seuil--Bernanos, Georges, 1963-1967

Box 214 Folder 5 Éditions du Seuil--Berque, Jacques, 1960-1972

Box 571 Folder 1 Éditions du Seuil--Bertherat, Thérèse, 1976-1988

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 839 Folder 6 Éditions du Seuil--Bertherat, Thérèse, 1990-1994

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 839 Folder 9 Éditions du Seuil--Besson, Patrick, 1986-1988

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 839 Folder 10 Éditions du Seuil--Bonnefoy, Yves, 1966-1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 300 Folder 4 Éditions du Seuil--Bouc, Alain, 1975-1977

Box 300 Folder 5 Éditions du Seuil--Bouillard, 1966-1973

Box 300 Folder 6 Éditions du Seuil--Bouleau, Charles, 1960-1977

Box 839 Folder 12 Éditions du Seuil--Bouleau, Charles, 1974-2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 300 Folder 7 Éditions du Seuil--Boulez, 1966-1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 839 Folder 11 Éditions du Seuil--Boulez, Pierre, 1983-1989

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 457 Folder 16 Éditions du Seuil--Bourdieu, Pierrre, 1999-2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 839 Folder 13 Éditions du Seuil--Bourdieu, Pierre, 2004-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 839 Folder 14 Éditions du Seuil--Brandys, Kazimierz, 1978-1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 214 Folder 6 Éditions du Seuil--Brien, André , 1964-1968

Box 839 Folder 15 Éditions du Seuil--Broyelle, Jacques and Evelyne Tschirhart, 1979-1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 457 Folder 17 Éditions du Seuil--Bruckner, Pascal, 1982-1989

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 839 Folder 16 Éditions du Seuil--Bruckner, Pascal, 1990-1992

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 839 Folder 17 Éditions du Seuil--Burrin, Philippe, 1989-2011

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 300 Folder 8 Éditions du Seuil--Calvez, 1963-1978

Box 839 Folder 18 Éditions du Seuil--Câmara, Hélder, 1977-2006

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 839 Folder 19 Éditions du Seuil--Carnois, Bernard, 1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 839 Folder 20 Éditions du Seuil--Casanova, Pascale, 1999-2011

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 839 Folder 21 Éditions du Seuil--Castoriadis, Cornelius, 1976-1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 839 Folder 22-23 Éditions du Seuil--Castoriadis, Cornelius, 1995-2006 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 300 Folder 9 Éditions du Seuil--Cayrol, 1959-1974

Box 571 Folder 2 Éditions du Seuil--Césaire, Aimé , 1981-1989

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 839 Folder 24 Éditions du Seuil--Césaire, Aimé, 1998-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 300 Folder 10 Éditions du Seuil--Chaix, Marie, 1974-1979

Box 839 Folder 25-26 Éditions du Seuil--Chaliand, Gérard, 1989-1996 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 300 Folder 11 Éditions du Seuil--Charon, 1965-1974

Box 839 Folder 27 Éditions du Seuil--Cheng, François, 1979-1999

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 214 Folder 7 Éditions du Seuil--Chenu, Marie-Dominique (M.-D.), 1965-1966

Box 839 Folder 28 Éditions du Seuil--Choay, Françoise, 1980-2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 839 Folder 29 Éditions du Seuil--Chodkiewicz, Michel, 1992

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 457 Folder 18 Éditions du Seuil--Chraïbi, Driss, 1980-1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 839 Folder 30 Éditions du Seuil--Chraïbi, Driss, 1992-1993, 2005

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 839 Folder 33 Éditions du Seuil--Cohen, Claudine, 1994-2002

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 839 Folder 31 Éditions du Seuil--Combaluzier, Charles, 1972-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 839 Folder 32 Éditions du Seuil--Compagnon, Antoine, 1989-1992

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 845 Folder 15-17 Éditions du Seuil--Correspondence, 1997 January-1998 June (3 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 846 Folder 1 Éditions du Seuil--Correspondence, 1998 July-December

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 454 Folder 2-5 Éditions du Seuil--Correspondence, 1999-2000 (4 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 793 Folder 3-9 Éditions du Seuil--Correspondence, 2001-2007 (7 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 846 Folder 2-3 Éditions du Seuil--Correspondence, 2008-2009 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 844 Folder 8 Éditions du Seuil--Correspondence, 2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 838 Folder 1-3 Éditions du Seuil--Correspondence, 2011-2013 (3 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 874 Folder 22 Éditions du Seuil--Correspondence, 2014

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 300 Folder 3 Éditions du Seuil--Costa de Beauregard, O., 1969-1974

Box 214 Folder 8-9 Éditions du Seuil--Crouzat, Henri, 1955-1967 (2 folders)

Box 840 Folder 1 Éditions du Seuil--Courbage, Youssef and Emmanuel Todd, 2008-2011

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 840 Folder 2 Éditions du Seuil--Crozier, Michel, 1963-1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 214 Folder 10 Éditions du Seuil--Cuénot, Claude, 1962-1976

Box 840 Folder 3 Éditions du Seuil--Daix, Pierre, 1978-1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 840 Folder 4 Éditions du Seuil--Damisch, Hubert, 1985-1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 214 Folder 11 Éditions du Seuil--Daniélou, Jean (Father) 1957-1961

Box 454 Folder 6 Éditions du Seuil--Dead Offerings, 1997-1999

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 840 Folder 5 Éditions du Seuil--Debray, Régis, 1967-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 300 Folder 12-13 Éditions du Seuil--Decoin, Didier, 1966-1979 (2 Folders)

Box 840 Folder 6 Éditions du Seuil--Delacampagne, Christian, 1995-2004

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 840 Folder 7 Éditions du Seuil--Delbrêl, Madeleine, 1977-1980

Box 840 Folder 8 Éditions du Seuil--Deleyne, Jan, 1971-1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 846 Folder 11 Éditions du Seuil--Desarthe, Agnès, 2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 300 Folder 14 Éditions du Seuil--Devillers, 1966-1975

Box 840 Folder 9 Éditions du Seuil--Dib, Mohammed, 1984-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 840 Folder 10 Éditions du Seuil--Djaït, Hichem 1983-1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 840 Folder 11 Éditions du Seuil--Dolto, Françoise, 1972-1986, 2000

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 301 Folder 1 Éditions du Seuil--Domingo, 1961-1967

Box 301 Folder 2 Éditions du Seuil--Dormann, 1965-1977

Box 214 Folder 12 Éditions du Seuil--Dormann, Geneviève, 1959-1961

Box 840 Folder 12 Éditions du Seuil--Dubois, Jean-Paul, 2004-2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 301 Folder 3 Éditions du Seuil--Dufrenne, 1968-1973

Box 301 Folder 4 Éditions du Seuil--Dumazedier, Joffre, 1962-1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 301 Folder 5 Éditions du Seuil--Dumitriu, 1965-1978

Box 214 Folder 13-15 Éditions du Seuil--Dumitriu, Petru, (3 folders) 1961-1968

Box 301 Folder 6 Éditions du Seuil--Dumont, 1964-1973

Box 215 Folder 1 Éditions du Seuil--Dumont, René , 1963-1969

Box 840 Folder 13 Éditions du Seuil--Dumont, René, 1974-1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 840 Folder 14 Éditions du Seuil--Ekeland, I. (Ivar), 1984-1997

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 301 Folder 7 Éditions du Seuil--Esmein, 1970-1979

Box 301 Folder 8 Éditions du Seuil--Estang, Luc, 1961-1970

Box 301 Folder 9 Éditions du Seuil--Estivals, Gabrielle (Folder Damaged), 1960-1973

Box 301 Folder 10 Éditions du Seuil--Fakinos, Aris (Phakinos, Arēs) 1970-1980

Box 840 Folder 15 Éditions du Seuil--Fakinos, Aris (Phakinos, Arēs ), 1981-1997

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 840 Folder 16 Éditions du Seuil--Felman, Shoshana, 1980-2005

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 840 Folder 17 Éditions du Seuil--Feraoun, Mouloud, 1999-2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 301 Folder 11 Éditions du Seuil--Finas, 1961-1963

Box 457 Folder 19 Éditions du Seuil--Flem, Lydia, 1996-2004

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 840 Folder 18 Éditions du Seuil--Foucault, Michel, 2009-2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 840 Folder 19 Éditions du Seuil--Fournel, Paul, 2001-2012

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 301 Folder 12 Éditions du Seuil--Frank, Christopher, 1973-1980

Box 840 Folder 20 Éditions du Seuil--Franck, Dan, 1992-2002

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 840 Folder 21 Éditions du Seuil--Franqui, Carlos, 1978-1988

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 301 Folder 13 Éditions du Seuil--Gattégno, Jean, 1973-1979

Box 301 Folder 14 Éditions du Seuil--Genette, 1973-1979

Box 571 Folder 3-4 Éditions du Seuil--Genette, Gérard, 1980-1989 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 458 Folder 1 Éditions du Seuil--Genette, Gérard, 1989-1996

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 840 Folder 22 Éditions du Seuil--Gimpel, Jean, 1977-1997

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 302 Folder 1 Éditions du Seuil--Glénans (Centre nautique des Glénans), 1972-1978

Box 840 Folder 23 Éditions du Seuil--Glénans (Centre nautique des Glénans), 1981-1992

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 571 Folder 5 Éditions du Seuil--Glissant, Édouard, 1958-1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 302 Folder 2 Éditions du Seuil--Godard, 1969-1970

Box 215 Folder 2 Éditions du Seuil--Godbout, Jacques, 1965-1971

Box 457 Folder 20 Éditions du Seuil--Godbout, Jacques, 1972-1982, 1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 840 Folder 24 Éditions du Seuil--Godbout, Jacques, 1987-1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 840 Folder 25 Éditions du Seuil--Goldman, Pierre, 1975-1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 843 Folder 2 Éditions du Seuil--Gomes, Paulo Emílio Salles, 1968-1982, 1999-2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 840 Folder 26 Éditions du Seuil--Gomez-Arcos, Agustin, 1984-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 215 Folder 3 Éditions du Seuil--Gorz, André, 1958-1959

Box 840 Folder 27 Éditions du Seuil--Gorz, André, 1966-1988

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 840 Folder 28 Éditions du Seuil--Goux, Jean-Joseph, 1987-1994

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 840 Folder 29 Éditions du Seuil--Green, Julien, 1983-1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 840 Folder 30 Éditions du Seuil--Green, Julien, 1987-1996

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 840 Folder 31 Éditions du Seuil--Greimas, Algirdas Julien, 1984-1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 840 Folder 32 Éditions du Seuil--Gros, François, 1988-1989

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 840 Folder 33 Éditions du Seuil--Grosser, Alfred, 1965-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 840 Folder 34 Éditions du Seuil--Guillain, Robert, 1965-1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 302 Folder 3 Éditions du Seuil--Gutelman (Lamberti) & Lamour, 1971-1976

Box 840 Folder 35 Éditions du Seuil--Hallyn, Fernand, 1988-1993

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 840 Folder 36 Éditions du Seuil--Hammoudi, Abdellah, 1990-1993

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 841 Folder 1 Éditions du Seuil--Hammoudi, Abdellah, 2005

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 841 Folder 2 Éditions du Seuil--Hatzfeld, Jean, 2002-2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 793 Folder 10 Éditions du Seuil--Hatzfeld, Jean, 2004-2005

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 846 Folder 12 Éditions du Seuil--Hébert, Anne, 1974-1980

Box 302 Folder 5 Éditions du Seuil--Held, 1967-1968

Box 841 Folder 3 Éditions du Seuil--Henry, Michel, 1999-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 302 Folder 4 Éditions du Seuil--Herbert, 1970-1973

Box 841 Folder 4 Éditions du Seuil--Héritier, Françoise, 1981-1988

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 812 Folder 1 Éditions du Seuil--Histoire de la vie privée, 1985-1989

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 841 Folder 5 Éditions du Seuil--Honoré, Jean, 1992-1994

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 302 Folder 6 Éditions du Seuil--Huguenin, 1960-1965

Box 215 Folder 8 Éditions du Seuil--Integrale, 1962-1967

Box 846 Folder 13 Éditions du Seuil--Jacquard, Albert, 1981-1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 841 Folder 6 Éditions du Seuil--Jacquard, Albert, 1982-2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 215 Folder 4 Éditions du Seuil--Jacquemard, Simonne, 1962-1971

Box 458 Folder 2 Éditions du Seuil--Jaulin, Robert, 1970-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 841 Folder 7 Éditions du Seuil--Jaulin, Robert, 1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 302 Folder 7 Éditions du Seuil--Jean, 1966-1974

Box 215 Folder 5 Éditions du Seuil--Jean, Marcel, 1959-1966

Box 302 Folder 8 Éditions du Seuil--Jeannin, 1969-1980

Box 302 Folder 9 Éditions du Seuil--Jeanson, 1969-1973

Box 841 Folder 10 Éditions du Seuil--Jeanson, Francis, 1974-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 215 Folder 6 Éditions du Seuil--Journal de l'Eglise, 1960-1964

Box 302 Folder 10 Éditions du Seuil--Journal d'un Geurillero, 1968-1970

Box 215 Folder 7 Éditions du Seuil--Journet, Charles, 1966

Box 841 Folder 8 Éditions du Seuil--Jullien, François, 1992-1998

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 841 Folder 9 Éditions du Seuil--Kapeliouk, Amnon, 1983-1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 844 Folder 4 Éditions du Seuil--Kateb, Yacine, 1988-1999

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 841 Folder 11 Éditions du Seuil--Kayat, Claude, 1985-1988, 2004

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 841 Folder 12 Éditions du Seuil--Kéhayan, Jean and Nina, 1979-1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 841 Folder 13 Éditions du Seuil--Kempf, Hervé, 2005-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 846 Folder 14 Éditions du Seuil--Kourouma, Ahmadou, 1989-2000

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 841 Folder 14 Éditions du Seuil--Kriegel, Annie, 1968-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 302 Folder 11 Éditions du Seuil--Kristeva, Julia, 1978-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 458 Folder 3 Éditions du Seuil--Kristeva, Julia, 1986-1999

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 841 Folder 15 Éditions du Seuil--Kristof, Agota, 1986-2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 458 Folder 4 Éditions du Seuil--Lacan, 1990-1998

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 847 Folder 1 Éditions du Seuil--Lacan, Jacques, 1967-1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 571 Folder 7 Éditions du Seuil--Lacan, Jacques, 1983-1989

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 793 Folder 11 Éditions du Seuil--Lacan, Jacques, 1999-2005

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 847 Folder 2 Éditions du Seuil--Lacan, Jacques, 2006-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 841 Folder 16 Éditions du Seuil--Lacoue-Labarthe, Philippe and Jean-Luc Nancy, 1985-1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 215 Folder 9-13 Éditions du Seuil--Lacouture, Jean & Simone, (5 folders) 1958-1969

Box 458 Folder 5 Éditions du Seuil--Lacouture, Jean, 1973-1980, 1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 847 Folder 3 Éditions du Seuil--Lacouture, Jean, 1981-1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 841 Folder 18 Éditions du Seuil--Laget, Mireille, 1983-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 838 Folder 12 Éditions du Seuil--L'Allegmagne Nazie et le Genocide Juif, 1985-1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 302 Folder 12 Éditions du Seuil--Landsberg, P.L., 1967

Box 302 Folder 14 Éditions du Seuil--Laurentin, 1962-1968

Box 302 Folder 13 Éditions du Seuil--Laurentin, 1970-1977

Box 841 Folder 21 Éditions du Seuil--Le Goff, Jacques, 1968-1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 841 Folder 17 Éditions du Seuil--Le Roy Ladurie, Emmanuel, 1979-2000

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 303 Folder 3 Éditions du Seuil--Le Porrier: 1974-1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 303 Folder 1 Éditions du Seuil--Leboyer, Frédérick , 1973-1977

Box 847 Folder 4 Éditions du Seuil--Leboyer, Frédérick, 1978-1980

Box 847 Folder 5 Éditions du Seuil--Leboyer, Frédérick, 1994-1995

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 847 Folder 6 Éditions du Seuil--Leboyer, Frédérick, 1997-2004

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 841 Folder 19 Éditions du Seuil--Leclercq, Jacques, 1969-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 841 Folder 20 Éditions du Seuil--Lefort, Claude, 1976-1980

Box 216 Folder 1 Éditions du Seuil--Léon-Dufour, Xavier, 1963-1971

Box 303 Folder 2 Éditions du Seuil--Léon-Dufour, Xavier, 1972-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 847 Folder 7-8 Éditions du Seuil--Léon-Dufour, Xavier, 1981-1989 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 847 Folder 9 Éditions du Seuil--Léon-Dufour, Xavier--Contacts (Dead), 1966-1995

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 841 Folder 22 Éditions du Seuil--Letessier, Dorothée, 1983-1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 841 Folder 23 Éditions du Seuil--Lizot, Jacques, 1976-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 216 Folder 2 Éditions du Seuil--Lorraine, Michelle, 1955-1960

Box 216 Folder 3 Éditions du Seuil--Lubac, Henri de, 1958-1971

Box 303 Folder 4 Éditions du Seuil--Magny, 1969-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 216 Folder 4 Éditions du Seuil--Maitres Spirituels, 1956-1960

Box 841 Folder 24 Éditions du Seuil--Maitres Spirituels, 1958-1969

Box 841 Folder 25 Éditions du Seuil--Maitres Spirituels, 1974-1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 841 Folder 26 Éditions du Seuil--Maitres Spirituels, 1983-1994

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 841 Folder 27 Éditions du Seuil--Malia, Martin, 1980-1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 841 Folder 28 Éditions du Seuil--Mallarmé, Stéphane, 1982-1984, 2004

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 841 Folder 29 Éditions du Seuil--Mannoni, Octave, 1969-1993

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 303 Folder 5 Éditions du Seuil--Marighella, 1970-1974

Box 303 Folder 6 Éditions du Seuil--Marrou, 1968-1980

Box 216 Folder 5 Éditions du Seuil--Marrou, Henri, 1959-1964

Box 841 Folder 30 Éditions du Seuil--Marrou, Henri Irénée, 1981-2002

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 841 Folder 31 Éditions du Seuil--Marteau, Robert, 1978-1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 841 Folder 32 Éditions du Seuil--Marthe, 1982-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 841 Folder 33 Éditions du Seuil--Maspero, François, 1984-1993, 2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 841 Folder 34 Éditions du Seuil--Maximin, Daniel, 1986-1998

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 842 Folder 1 Éditions du Seuil--Meister, Albert, 1967-1973

Box 303 Folder 7 Éditions du Seuil--Mende, Tibor, 1971-1976

Box 842 Folder 2 Éditions du Seuil--Métraux, Alfred, 1966-2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 842 Folder 3 Éditions du Seuil--Meyendorff, John, 1959-1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 842 Folder 4 Éditions du Seuil--Michnik, Adam, 1986-1993

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 303 Folder 8 Éditions du Seuil--Microcosme, 1969-1979

Box 216 Folder 6-10 Éditions du Seuil--Microcosme,1959-1970 (5 folders)

Box 842 Folder 5 Éditions du Seuil--"Microcosms"/Dead [Miscellaneous], 1969-1976

Box 458 Folder 6 Éditions du Seuil--Millet, Catherine, 2001-2002

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 793 Folder 12 Éditions du Seuil--Monénembo, Tierno, 2002-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 842 Folder 6 Éditions du Seuil--Monenembro, Tierno, 2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 842 Folder 7 Éditions du Seuil--Morin, Edgar, 1990-1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 842 Folder 8 Éditions du Seuil--Mounier, Emmanuel, 1962-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 303 Folder 9 Éditions du Seuil--Mus, Paul, 1965-1972

Box 842 Folder 9 Éditions du Seuil--Nadeau, Maurice, 1966-1992

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 303 Folder 10 Éditions du Seuil--Neher, André, 1976-1977

Box 842 Folder 10 Éditions du Seuil--Neher, André, 1986-1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 842 Folder 11 Éditions du Seuil--Nora, Simon and Alain Minc, 1979-1999

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 603 Folder 19 Éditions du Seuil--Offerings, 1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 604 Folder 1-4 Éditions du Seuil--Offerings, 1991-1994 (4 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 846 Folder 4-5 Éditions du Seuil--Offerings, 1995-1997 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 454 Folder 7 Éditions du Seuil--Offerings, 2000-2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 217 Folder 1 Éditions du Seuil--Offerings,1966

Box 304 Folder 1-7 Éditions du Seuil--Offerings: 1967: A-Z, 1968: A-Z, 1969: A-Q, 1965-1969 (7 Folders)

Box 304 Folder 8 Éditions du Seuil--Offerings: 1969: R-Z, 1969-1971

Box 305 Folder 1-3 Éditions du Seuil--Offerings: 1970: A-Z, 1967-1970 (3 Folders)

Box 305 Folder 4-9 Éditions du Seuil--Offerings: 1971: A-Q, 1972: A-Z, 1970-1972 (6 Folders)

Box 306 Folder 1-6 Éditions du Seuil--Offerings: 1973: A-Z, 1974: A-Z, 1975: A-Z, 1971-1975 (6 Folders)

Box 307 Folder 1-6 Éditions du Seuil--Offerings: 1976: A-Z, 1977: A-Z, 1978: A-Z, 1971-1978 (6 Folders)

Box 311 Folder 1-4 Éditions du Seuil--Offerings: 1979-1980 (4 Folders)

Box 308 Folder 1-4 Éditions du Seuil--Offerings: 1979-1980: A-Z, 1965-1980 (4 Folders)

Box 312 Folder 1-4 Éditions du Seuil--Offerings: 1981/1982 January-December, 1980-1982 (4 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 308 Folder 5-6 Éditions du Seuil--Offerings: 1981: A-Z, 1978-1981 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 309 Folder 1-3 Éditions du Seuil--Offerings: 1982: A-Z, 1983: A-M, 1973 -1983 (3 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 310 Folder 1-3 Éditions du Seuil--Offerings: 1983: N-Z, 1984: A-Z, 1978-1985 (3 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 354 Folder 1-3 Éditions du Seuil--Offerings: 1986: L-Z, 1984-1986 (3 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 314 Folder 2 Éditions du Seuil--Offerings: A-M, 1978-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 310 Folder 4-5 Éditions du Seuil--Offerings: Jan.-Dec. 1978 (2 Folders)

Box 313 Folder 1-3 Éditions du Seuil--Offerings: January-December 1983/July-December 1984 (3 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 570 Folder 12 Éditions du Seuil--Offerings--A-B, 1987-1989

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 570 Folder 13 Éditions du Seuil--Offerings--C-K, 1987-1989

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 570 Folder 14 Éditions du Seuil--Offerings--L-Z, 1987-1989

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 842 Folder 12 Éditions du Seuil--Olender, Maurice, 1991-1993

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 842 Folder 13 Éditions du Seuil--Orsenna, Erik, 1988-1993

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 314 Folder 1 Éditions du Seuil--Ouologuem, 1969-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 793 Folder 13 Éditions du Seuil--Page, Martin, 2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 842 Folder 14 Éditions du Seuil--Page, Martin, 2009-2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 842 Folder 16 Éditions du Seuil--Pancol, Katherine, 1985-1989

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 793 Folder 14 Éditions du Seuil--Pastoureau, Michel, 2002-2004

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 842 Folder 15 Éditions du Seuil--Pastoureau, Michel, 2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 842 Folder 17 Éditions du Seuil--Pernoud, Régine, 1966-1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 217 Folder 2 Éditions du Seuil--Perrin, Henri, 1965-1976

Box 842 Folder 18 Éditions du Seuil--Perrot, Michelle, 2010-2013

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 812 Folder 2-3 Éditions du Seuil--Petite Planète, circa 1958-1969 (2 Folders)

Box 812 Folder 4 Éditions du Seuil--Petite Planète, 1970-1973

Box 314 Folder 3 Éditions du Seuil--Petite Planète, 1958-1976

Box 217 Folder 3 Éditions du Seuil--Pezeril, Abbe, 1959-1961

Box 842 Folder 19 Éditions du Seuil--Piattelli-Palmarini, Massimo, 1976-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 842 Folder 20 Éditions du Seuil--Pilhes, René-Victor, 1965-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 842 Folder 21 Éditions du Seuil--Pinto, Jacques, 1989-1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 842 Folder 22 Éditions du Seuil--Pleynet, Marcelin, 1980-1995

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 314 Folder 4 Éditions du Seuil--Plyushch, Leonid, 1976-1979

Box 842 Folder 23 Éditions du Seuil--Pohier, Jacques Marie, 1985-1988

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 842 Folder 24 Éditions du Seuil--Pouillon, Fernand, 1964-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 842 Folder 25 Éditions du Seuil--Quiriny, Bernard, 2010-2011

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 842 Folder 26 Éditions du Seuil--Raeff, Marc, 1982-1984, 2014

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 812 Folder 5 Éditions du Seuil--Reeves, Hubert, 1982-1988

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 842 Folder 27 Éditions du Seuil--Reeves, Hubert, 1990-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 314 Folder 5 Éditions du Seuil--Révolte étudiante, 1976

Box 842 Folder 28 Éditions du Seuil--Révolte étudiante, 1968-1997

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 812 Folder 6 Éditions du Seuil--Ricœur,Paul, 1965-2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 812 Folder 7 Éditions du Seuil--Ricœur, Paul, 1987-1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 842 Folder 29 Éditions du Seuil--Ricœur, Paul, 2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 314 Folder 6 Éditions du Seuil--Riche, 1967-1968

Box 314 Folder 7 Éditions du Seuil--Rideau, 1964-1977

Box 842 Folder 30 Éditions du Seuil--Riffaterre, Michael, 1980-1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 842 Folder 31 Éditions du Seuil--Rio, Michel, 1989-1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 842 Folder 32 Éditions du Seuil--Roberts, Jean-Marc, 1987-1993

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 842 Folder 33 Éditions du Seuil--Roblès, Emmanuel, 1970-1998

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 842 Folder 34 Éditions du Seuil--Roche, Maurice, 1984-1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 842 Folder 35 Éditions du Seuil--Rodinson, Maxime, 1968-2014

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 314 Folder 8 Éditions du Seuil--Roguet, 1973-1978

Box 315 Folder 1 Éditions du Seuil--Romanowicz, 1961-1975

Box 315 Folder 2 Éditions du Seuil--Rosnay, 1971-1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 842 Folder 36 Éditions du Seuil--Rouquié, Alain, 1985-2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 842 Folder 37 Éditions du Seuil--Rousso, Henry, 1987-1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 842 Folder 38 Éditions du Seuil--Roy, Olivier, 1985-2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 843 Folder 1 Éditions du Seuil--Russier, Gabrielle, 1970-1980

Box 842 Folder 39 Éditions du Seuil--Sadoul, Georges, 1968-1993, 2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 842 Folder 40 Éditions du Seuil--Sainte Marie, François de, 1961-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 217 Folder 4 Éditions du Seuil--Salaun, R. & Marcus, R., 1966-1967

Box 842 Folder 41 Éditions du Seuil--Saleem, Hiner, 2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 315 Folder 3 Éditions du Seuil--Salomon, 1970-1979

Box 843 Folder 3 Éditions du Seuil--Salvayre, Lydie, 1994-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 843 Folder 4 Éditions du Seuil--Sandretto, Jean, 1976-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 315 Folder 4 Éditions du Seuil--Saporta, 1962-1967

Box 843 Folder 5 Éditions du Seuil--Sarduy, Severo, 1972-1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 843 Folder 6 Éditions du Seuil--Saudray, Nicolas, 1984-1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 843 Folder 7 Éditions du Seuil--Sauneron, Serge, 1979-1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 315 Folder 5 Éditions du Seuil--Sauvageot, 1968-1969

Box 843 Folder 8 Éditions du Seuil--Schaeffer, Pierre, 2008-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 843 Folder 9 Éditions du Seuil--Schuon, Frithjof, 1983-2000, 2014

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 315 Folder 7 Éditions du Seuil--Schwarz-Bart, 1959-1969

Box 315 Folder 6 Éditions du Seuil--Schwarz-Bart, 1964-1973

Box 843 Folder 10 Éditions du Seuil--Schwarz-Bart, André, 1974-1980

Box 843 Folder 11 Éditions du Seuil--Schwarz-Bart, André, 1981-1999

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 812 Folder 8 Éditions du Seuil--Schwarz-Bart, André, 1996-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 843 Folder 12 Éditions du Seuil--Schwarz-Bart, André, 2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 793 Folder 15 Éditions du Seuil--Schwarz-Bart, Simone, 1972-1992

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 315 Folder 8 Éditions du Seuil--Schwoebel, 1970-1973

Box 843 Folder 13 Éditions du Seuil--Semprún, Jorge, 1978-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 315 Folder 9 Éditions du Seuil--Senghor, 1971-1972

Box 217 Folder 5-6 Éditions du Seuil--Senghor, Léopold Sédar, 1961-1969 (2 folders)

Box 217 Folder 7 Éditions du Seuil--Senghor, Léopold Sédar, 1970-1971

Box 843 Folder 14 Éditions du Seuil--Senghor, Léopold Sédar, 1973-2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 843 Folder 15 Éditions du Seuil--Serge, Victor, 1984-1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 843 Folder 16 Éditions du Seuil--Signes et Paraboles, 1977-1988

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 843 Folder 17 Éditions du Seuil--Signoret, Simone, 1977-2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 217 Folder 8 Éditions du Seuil--Simon, Boris, 1954-1968

Box 315 Folder 10 Éditions du Seuil--Six, 1962-1977

Box 843 Folder 18 Éditions du Seuil--Soboul, Albert, 1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 843 Folder 19 Éditions du Seuil--Solé, Jacques, 1988-1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 843 Folder 20 Éditions du Seuil--Sollers, Philippe, 1968-1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 217 Folder 9 Éditions du Seuil--Solfeges, 1956-1958

Box 315 Folder 11 Éditions du Seuil--Solfeges, 1969-1975

Box 217 Folder 10 Éditions du Seuil--Sollers, Phillippe, 1958-1968

Box 843 Folder 21 Éditions du Seuil--Solzhenit︠s︡yn, Aleksandr Isaevich, 1974-1993

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 812 Folder 9 Éditions du Seuil--Souboul, Albert, 1969-1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 843 Folder 22 Éditions du Seuil--Sternhell, Zeev, 1983-1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 315 Folder 12 Éditions du Seuil--Struve, 1962-1973

Box 454 Folder 8 Éditions du Seuil--Submissions, 1999

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 454 Folder 9-10 Éditions du Seuil--Submissions, 2003-2004 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 793 Folder 16-18 Éditions du Seuil--Submissions, 2005-2007 (3 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 846 Folder 6 Éditions du Seuil--Submissions, 2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 838 Folder 4-5 Éditions du Seuil--Submissions, 2009-2010 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 838 Folder 6-8 Éditions du Seuil--Submissions, 2011-2013 (3 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 874 Folder 23 Éditions du Seuil--Submissions, 2014

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 843 Folder 23 Éditions du Seuil--Taïa, Abdellah, 2007-2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 218 Folder 1-2 Éditions du Seuil--Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre, 1962-1967 (2 folders)

Box 843 Folder 24 Éditions du Seuil--Ternon, Yves, 1978-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 843 Folder 25 Éditions du Seuil--Thiriet, Michèle and Suzanne Képès, 1984-1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 843 Folder 26 Éditions du Seuil--Thomas, Chantal, 1995-2013

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 843 Folder 27 Éditions du Seuil--Tillion, Germaine, 1972-1983, 2002

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 570 Folder 15-16 Éditions du Seuil--To and From, 1989 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 604 Folder 5-6 Éditions du Seuil--To and From, 1990 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 604 Folder 7-15 Éditions du Seuil--To and From, 1991-1995 (8 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 845 Folder 14 Éditions du Seuil--To and From, 1996 July-December

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 315 Folder 13 Éditions du Seuil--Todorov, Tzvetan, 1970-1977

Box 812 Folder 10-12 Éditions du Seuil--Todorov, Tzvetan, 1977-1988 (3 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 812 Folder 13-14 Éditions du Seuil--Todorov, Tzvetan, 1988-1996 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 218 Folder 3-4 Éditions du Seuil--Tresmontant, Claude, 1958-1966 (2 folders)

Box 843 Folder 29 Éditions du Seuil--Tresmontant, Claude, 1967-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 843 Folder 30 Éditions du Seuil--Trọng, Lucien, 1983-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 316 Folder 1 Éditions du Seuil--Uribe, Armando, 1973-1976

Box 843 Folder 31 Éditions du Seuil--Vanhoye, Albert, 1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 843 Folder 32 Éditions du Seuil--Vergote, Antoine, 1982-1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 843 Folder 33 Éditions du Seuil--Vernant, Jean-Pierre, 1990-1991, 2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 843 Folder 34 Éditions du Seuil--Veyne, Paul, 1981-2000

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 218 Folder 5 Éditions du Seuil--Viansson-Ponté, Pierre, 1964-1975

Box 316 Folder 2 Éditions du Seuil--Vidal-Naquet, P. and Schnapp, A., 1969-1974

Box 844 Folder 1 Éditions du Seuil--Vie Privée, 1990-1992

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 844 Folder 2 Éditions du Seuil--Vigarello, Georges, 2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 316 Folder 3 Éditions du Seuil--Vilallonga, 1959-1977

Box 843 Folder 28 Éditions du Seuil--Vu-Chi, Tran, 1988-1992

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 844 Folder 3 Éditions du Seuil--Wauthier, Claude, 1964-1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 381 Folder 6 Éditions du Seuil---Wel Sales to U.K. Publishers, as of January 1986, 1985-1988

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 316 Folder 4 Éditions du Seuil--Yacine, 1959-1976

Box 847 Folder 10 Éditions du Seuil--Ziegler, Jean, 1981-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 844 Folder 5 Éditions du Seuil--Ziegler, Jean, 1990-1992

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 844 Folder 6 Éditions du Seuil--Zimmermann, Francis, 1984-1988

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 847 Folder 11 Éditions du Seuil--Zodiaque, 1959

Box 218 Folder 6 Éditions du Seuil--Zodiaque, 1962-1970

Box 844 Folder 7 Éditions du Seuil--Zumthor, Paul, 1984-1990, 2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 812 Folder 15 Éditions du Seuil--Miscellaneous, 1988-1995

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 60 Folder 10 Editions France-Empire , 1962-1966

Box 128 Folder 5 Éditions Gonthier, 1966

Box 65 Folder 13 Éditions Gonthier--Baldet, Marcel, 1962-1966

Box 239 Folder 3 Éditions Gonthier--Histoire d'une prostitutée, 1964-1968

Box 285 Folder 3 Editions J'ai Lu, 1973-1980

Box 467 Folder 12 Editions J'ai Lu--Hutin, Serge, 1973-1980

Box 317 Folder 8 Éditions Le terrain vague--Other, 1966-1978

Box 317 Folder 6 Éditions Le terrain vague--Socratos, 1970-1975

Box 317 Folder 7 Éditions Le terrain vague--Sternberg, 1966-1978

Box 707 Folder 2 Editions Odile Jacob, 1991-1997

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 851 Folder 7 Editions Odile Jacob, 1997-2000

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 137 Folder 1-4 Editions Pierre Tisné, 1956-1961 (4 Folders)

Box 137 Folder 5-6 Editions Pierre Tisné, 1966-1969 (2 Folders)

Box 317 Folder 9 Editions Pierre Tisné, 1970-1973

Box 137 Folder 7 Editions Pierre Tisné--Architecture, 1969-1970

Box 317 Folder 10 Editions Pierre Tisné--Bussy--Claude-Lafontaine, 1966-1970

Box 317 Folder 12 Editions Pierre Tisné--Delabesse, 1966-1974

Box 317 Folder 13 Editions Pierre Tisné--Frère, 1964-1970

Box 317 Folder 11 Editions Pierre Tisné--Guide Artistique de la France, 1964-1967

Box 137 Folder 8 Editions Pierre Tisné--Napoli, 1963-1968

Box 317 Folder 14 Editions Pierre Tisné--Napoli, 1969-1975

Box 137 Folder 9 Editions Pierre Tisné--Regenery (Henry Regenery Company), 1956-1957

Box 129 Folder 7-10 Editions Robert Laffont, 1962-1966 (4 Folders)

Box 287 Folder 7 Editions Robert Laffont, 1969-1974

Box 563 Folder 4 Editions Robert Laffont, 1974-1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 467 Folder 18 Editions Robert Laffont--Cattaert, Claude, 1962-1969 (includes photos)

Box 72 Folder 1 Editions Robert Laffont--Conte, Arthur, 1964-1966

Box 467 Folder 17 Editions Robert Laffont--Furet, François, 1991-1995

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 851 Folder 9 Editions Robert Laffont--Furet, François, 1996-2002

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 72 Folder 2 Editions Robert Laffont--Lelong, Maurice, 1966

Box 287 Folder 8 Editions Robert Laffont--Levy-Tillard, 1967-1975

Box 287 Folder 9 Editions Robert Laffont--Masry, 1962-1971

Box 287 Folder 10-11 Editions Robert Laffont--Masson, 1959-1970 (2 Folders)

Box 287 Folder 12 Editions Robert Laffont--Nogueres, 1963-1974

Box 241 Folder 11-12 Editions Robert Laffont--Offerings, 1965-1968 (2 folders)

Box 287 Folder 13 Editions Robert Laffont--Olivier, 1964-1971

Box 707 Folder 3-4 Editions Robert Laffont--Peillard, Léonce, 1963-1984 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 457 Folder 6 Editions Robert Laffont--Peillard, Léonce , 1990-1992

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 287 Folder 14 Editions Robert Laffont--Robichon, 1962-1969

Box 137 Folder 11 Editions Universitaires, 1964-1966

Box 234 Folder 4 Editions Universitaires, 1966-1977

Box 852 Folder 17 Editions universitaires, 1979-1980

Box 796 Folder 11 Ekeland, I. (Ivar)--Contracts, 1985-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 651 Folder 4 Eliade, Mircea, 1957-1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 852 Folder 18 Eliade, Mircea, 1983-2000

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 807 Folder 1 Eliade, Mircea--Contracts, 1962-2005

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 796 Folder 8 Elkaïm, Mony--Contracts, 1989-1995

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 807 Folder 2 Ellul, Jacques--Contracts, 1962-2005

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 651 Folder 5 Emmanuel, Pierre, 1967-1972, 1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 455 Folder 22 EPI/Desclée de Brouwer (DDB)--Odent, Michel, 1981-1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 805 Folder 4 Escoula, Yvonne--Contracts, 1968-1992

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 126 Folder 1 Esprit, 1961

Box 234 Folder 5 Eugène Fasquelle--Fasquelle Music Encyclopedia, 1960-1964

Box 347 Folder 1 Eugène Fasquelle--Xerox, 1965-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 203 Folder 10 Euredif, 1975-1976

Box 830 Folder 2 Evdokimov, Paul--Contracts--Contracts, 1988-2003

Box 58 Folder 9 Evergreen Review Reader, 1967-1968

Box 852 Folder 20 Fabrègues, Jean de, 2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 649 Folder 5 Fanon, Frantz, 1969-1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 671 Folder 9 Fanon, Frantz, 1983-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 455 Folder 23 Fanon, Frantz, 1987-1998

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 827 Folder 1 Fanon, Frantz--Peau Noire--Contracts, 1961-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 827 Folder 2 Fanon, Frantz--Wretched--Contracts, 1984-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 234 Folder 7 Fejtö, François, 1967-1978

Box 131 Folder 8 Fernand Nathan, 1954-1955

Box 59 Folder 8 Ferro, Marc, 1967-1972

Box 467 Folder 3 Ferro, Marc, 1972-1988

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 850 Folder 8 Ferro, Marc, 2002

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 827 Folder 3 Ferro, Marc--Contracts, 1968-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 824 Folder 1 Finkielkraut, Alain--Contracts, 1996-2004

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 59 Folder 9 Flammarion, 1962-1965

Box 126 Folder 7 Flammarion, 1966-1967

Box 59 Folder 10-11 Flammarion, 1968-1970 (2 Folders)

Box 60 Folder 1-2 Flammarion, 1971-1972 (2 Folders)

Box 60 Folder 4 Flammarion, 1973

Box 60 Folder 6 Flammarion, 1974

Box 203 Folder 11 Flammarion, 1974-1975

Box 279 Folder 7-8 Flammarion, 1978-1980 (2 Folders)

Box 603 Folder 14 Flammarion, 1981-1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 348 Folder 1 Flammarion, 1984-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 562 Folder 24-25 Flammarion, 1986-1989 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 850 Folder 9 Flammarion, 1990-1995

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 639 Folder 9 Flammarion--Ali-Bab, 1971-1978

Box 639 Folder 10 Flammarion--Auguet, Roland, 1973-1978

Box 640 Folder 1 Flammarion--Badinter, Elisabeth, 1982-1992

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 640 Folder 2 Flammarion--Carrère d'Encausse, Hélène, 1973-1976

Box 852 Folder 41 Flammarion--De Chirico, Giorgio, 2007-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 640 Folder 3 Flammarion--Lartéguy, Jean, 1973-1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 60 Folder 3 Flammarion--Offerings, 1972

Box 60 Folder 5 Flammarion--Offerings, 1973

Box 60 Folder 7 Flammarion--Offerings, 1974

Box 203 Folder 12 Flammarion--Offerings, 1975

Box 203 Folder 13 Flammarion--Offerings, 1978

Box 234 Folder 8 Flammarion--Offerings, 1979-1980

Box 279 Folder 4 Flammarion--Offerings, 1980-1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 348 Folder 2 Flammarion--Offerings: 1985-1988

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 552 Folder 6 Flammarion--Orieux, Jean, 1986-1989

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 707 Folder 6 Flammarion--Orieux, Jean, 1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 234 Folder 9 Flammarion--Ruffié, Jacques , 1977-1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 279 Folder 5-6 Flammarion--Sagan, 1969-1978 (2 Folders)

Box 60 Folder 8 Flammarion--Sagan, Françoise, 1973-1974

Box 850 Folder 10 Flammarion--Sagan, Françoise, 1978-1988

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 234 Folder 10 Flammarion--Theodorakis, Mikis, 1975-1978

Box 824 Folder 2 Flem, Lydia--Contracts, 1997-2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 60 Folder 9 Fleuve Noir, 1973-1979

Box 234 Folder 11 Foucault, Michel, 1965-1980

Box 562 Folder 26-27 Foucault, Michel, 1983-1986 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 707 Folder 7 Foucault, Michel, 1987-1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 458 Folder 8-9 Foucault, Michel, 1990-2000 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 457 Folder 1 Foucault, Michel, 1993-2000

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 850 Folder 11 Foucault, Michel, 2001-2005

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 793 Folder 19 Foucault, Michel, 2006-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 805 Folder 9 Foucault, Michel--Contracts--Pantheon--Discipline and Punish; History of Sexuality; Foucault Reader, 1975-2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 830 Folder 3 Foucault, Michel--Contracts--Pantheon--Herculine, Archaeology, 1973-2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 805 Folder 10 Foucault, Michel--Contracts--Pantheon--I Pierre Riviere; Use of Pleasure V2, 2000-2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 805 Folder 11 Foucault, Michel--Contracts--Pantheon--Order of Things; Madness, 1964-2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 827 Folder 7 Foucault, Michel--Contracts--Permissions, 2008-2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 609 Folder 1 Foucault, Michel--Permissions, 1990-1995

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 911 Folder 20 Foucault, Michel--Permissions--Anthology, 2008-2017

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 911 Folder 21 Foucault, Michel--Permissions--Course Permissions, 2013-2015

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 824 Folder 4 Fournel, Paul--Contracts, 2001-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 650 Folder 1 François Maspero, 1978-1993

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 206 Folder 3-7 François Maspero, 1968-1977 (5 folders)

Box 452 Folder 3 François Maspero--Althusser, Louis, 1969-1997

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 289 Folder 20 François Maspero--Camintau, Cleopas, 1971-1976

Box 289 Folder 13 François Maspero--D'Auber Montaigne, Jean, 1971-1974

Box 289 Folder 14 François Maspero--Elek, Hélène, 1979

Box 289 Folder 15 François Maspero--Emmanuel, 1969-1972

Box 289 Folder 16 François Maspero--Geries and Lobel, 1969-1975

Box 452 Folder 4 François Maspero--Gernet, Louis, 1979-1993

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 289 Folder 17 François Maspero--Gernet, 1979-1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 289 Folder 18 François Maspero--Hussein, 1969-1974

Box 289 Folder 19 François Maspero--Jalée, Pierre, 1970-1978

Box 290 Folder 1 François Maspero--Laroui, 1967-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 290 Folder 2 François Maspero--Löwy, Michael, 1970-1972

Box 290 Folder 3 François Maspero--Nizan, 1970-1972

Box 206 Folder 8 François Maspero--Offerings, 1972

Box 207 Folder 1 François Maspero--Offerings, 1973-1978

Box 290 Folder 4-5 François Maspero--Offerings, 1979-1986 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 452 Folder 5 François Maspero--Pétonnet, Colette , 1970-1989

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 290 Folder 6 François Maspero--Rosmer, Alfred, 1971-1972

Box 290 Folder 7 François Maspero--Sinelnikoff, 1970-1975

Box 290 Folder 8 François Maspero--Terray, 1969

Box 851 Folder 13 François Maspero--Vidal-Naquet, Pierre, 1982-1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 393 Folder 6 French General--Translators, etc., 1987-1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 640 Folder 4 French Backlist, 1980-1988

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 280 Folder 1-2 French Permissions A-K, 1974-1985 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 280 Folder 3 French Permissions L-Z, 1970-1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 640 Folder 5 French Reversions--General, 1988-1989

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 60 Folder 11 Friedländer, Saul, 1964-1966

Box 235 Folder 1 Friedländer, Saul, 1969-1979

Box 861 Folder 1 Friedman, Robert--Contracts, 1986-2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 235 Folder 2 Friedmann, Georges, 1965-1976

Box 854 Folder 2 Furet, François--Contracts, 1987-2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 854 Folder 4 Gacemi, Baya--Contacts, 2003-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 861 Folder 2 Gailly, Christian--Contracts, 2003-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 850 Folder 12 Galaade Éditions--Glissant, Édouard, 2008-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 127 Folder 1-8 Gallimard, 1953-1962 (8 Folders)

Box 128 Folder 1-4 Gallimard, 1963-1966

Box 60 Folder 14 Gallimard, 1967

Box 61 Folder 3 Gallimard, 1968

Box 61 Folder 6 Gallimard, 1969

Box 61 Folder 9 Gallimard, 1970

Box 62 Folder 2 Gallimard, 1971

Box 62 Folder 4 Gallimard, 1972

Box 62 Folder 6 Gallimard, 1973

Box 281 Folder 1-4 Gallimard, 1973-1979 (4 Folders)

Box 63 Folder 1 Gallimard, 1974

Box 280 Folder 4 Gallimard, 1975

Box 603 Folder 15-17 Gallimard, 1980-1982 (3 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 348 Folder 4-7 Gallimard, 1980-1986 (4 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 562 Folder 28-30 Gallimard, 1987-1989 (3 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 700 Folder 3 Gallimard, 1990-1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 456 Folder 11 Gallimard, 1996-1997

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 63 Folder 2 Gallimard--Anthology of Plays, 1960-1962

Box 553 Folder 1 Gallimard--Apollinaire, Guillaume, 1968-1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 850 Folder 13 Gallimard--Apollinaire, Guillaume, 1987-1994

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 235 Folder 3 Gallimard--Aragon, Louis, 1967-1975

Box 850 Folder 14 Gallimard--Aragon, Louis, 1986-1997

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 63 Folder 3 Gallimard--Aron, Raymond, 1958-1962

Box 850 Folder 15 Gallimard--Aron, Raymond, 1969-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 850 Folder 16 Gallimard--Arp, Jean, 1967-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 235 Folder 4 Gallimard--Artaud, Antonin, 1967-1972

Box 707 Folder 8 Gallimard--Artaud, Antonin, 1973-1992

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 456 Folder 1 Gallimard--Artaud, Antonin, 1978-1996

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 235 Folder 5 Gallimard--Aymé, Marcel, 1963-1964

Box 235 Folder 6 Gallimard--Bachelard, Gaston, 1960-1966

Box 850 Folder 17 Gallimard--Berman, Antoine, 1988-1992

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 235 Folder 7 Gallimard--Berque, Jacques, 1967-1980

Box 850 Folder 18 Gallimard--Bianco, Lucien, 1968-1980

Box 456 Folder 2 Gallimard--Blanchot, Maurice, 1971-1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 850 Folder 19 Gallimard--Boureau, Alain, 1997-2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 235 Folder 8 Gallimard--Brégeon, Janine, 1966-1974

Box 63 Folder 4 Gallimard--Breton, André, 1959-1961

Box 762 Folder 4 Gallimard--Breton, André, 1990-1998

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 235 Folder 9 Gallimard--Bruckberger, 1963-1966

Box 235 Folder 10 Gallimard--Burnier, Michel-Antoine, 1967-1978

Box 348 Folder 3 Gallimard--Butor, Michel, 1968-1973

Box 640 Folder 7 Gallimard--Butor, Michel, 1974-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 456 Folder 3 Gallimard--Butor, Michel, 1984-1998

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 235 Folder 11 Gallimard--Cabanis, José, 1966-1978

Box 63 Folder 5 Gallimard--Camus, Albert, 1957-1959

Box 235 Folder 12 Gallimard--Cau, Jean, 1961-1965

Box 640 Folder 8 Gallimard--Céline, Louis-Ferdinand, 1964-1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 456 Folder 4 Gallimard--Céline, Louis-Ferdinard, 1969-1977, 1990-1999

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 850 Folder 20 Gallimard--Certeau, Michel de, 1981-1988

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 235 Folder 13 Gallimard--Chazal, Malcolm de, 1970-1976

Box 235 Folder 15 Gallimard--Cioran, E. M. (Emile M.), 1966-1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 562 Folder 31 Gallimard--Cioran, E. M. (Emile M.), 1984-1988

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 456 Folder 5 Gallimard--Cioran, E. M. (Emile M.), 1994-1999

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 235 Folder 14 Gallimard--Claudel, Paul, 1967-1968

Box 456 Folder 6 Gallimard--Contat, Michel and Michel Rybalka, 1970-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 236 Folder 1 Gallimard--Decroux, Etienne, 1970-1972

Box 553 Folder 2 Gallimard--Detienne, Marcel, 1976-1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 708 Folder 1 Gallimard--Detienne, Marcel, 1984-1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 456 Folder 7 Gallimard--Drieu La Rochelle, Pierre, 1963-1980

Box 850 Folder 21 Gallimard--Ducharme, Réjean, 1975-1999

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 236 Folder 2 Gallimard--Duverger, Maurice, 1964-1977

Box 850 Folder 22 Gallimard--Duverger, Maurice, 1980

Box 456 Folder 8 Gallimard--Duvignaud, Jean, 1976-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 456 Folder 9 Gallimard--Escoula, Ivonne, 1968-1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 63 Folder 6-10 Gallimard--Gascar, Pierre, 1955-1962 (5 Folders)

Box 64 Folder 1 Gallimard--Gascar, Pierre, 1963-1964

Box 648 Folder 2 Gallimard--Gauguin, Paul, 1974-1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 456 Folder 10 Gallimard--Gauthier, Xavière, 1971-1980

Box 648 Folder 1 Gallimard--Gide, André, 1956-1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 850 Folder 23 Gallimard--Gide, André, 1985-1988

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 236 Folder 3 Gallimard--Gilles, Daniel, 1961-1978

Box 236 Folder 4 Gallimard--Goldstein, David, 1976-1978

Box 64 Folder 2 Gallimard--Grenier, Roger, 1958-1966

Box 236 Folder 5 Gallimard--Groethuysen, Bernhard, 1963-1975

Box 236 Folder 6 Gallimard--Guérin, Daniel, 1968-1974

Box 236 Folder 7 Gallimard--Guyotat, Pierre, 1967-1975

Box 648 Folder 3 Gallimard--Ionesco, Eugène , 1962-1993

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 456 Folder 12 Gallimard--Ionesco, Eugène , 1972-2000

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 850 Folder 24 Gallimard--Jacob, Max, 1989-1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 64 Folder 3 Gallimard--Jarlot, Gérard, 1963-1966

Box 236 Folder 8 Gallimard--Kahnweiler, Daniel Henry, 1968-1972

Box 236 Folder 9 Gallimard--Kern, Alfred, 1957-1966

Box 64 Folder 4 Gallimard--Kessel, Joseph, 1960-1962

Box 64 Folder 5 Gallimard--Lange, Monique, 1955-1967

Box 236 Folder 10 Gallimard--Lange, Monique, 1978-1966

Box 456 Folder 13 Gallimard--Lange, Monique, 1983-1988

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 64 Folder 6-7 Gallimard--Le Clézio, J.-M. G. (Jean-Marie Gustave), 1963-1969 (2 Folders)

Box 236 Folder 11 Gallimard--Le Clézio, J.-M. G. (Jean-Marie Gustave), 1967-1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 850 Folder 25 Gallimard--Le Clézio, J.-M. G. (Jean-Marie Gustave), 1984-1997

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 850 Folder 26 Gallimard--Lecomte, Bernard, 2003-2004

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 850 Folder 27 Gallimard--Lefebvre, Henri, 1969-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 236 Folder 12 Gallimard--Leiris, Michel, 1960-1976

Box 850 Folder 28 Gallimard--Leiris, Michel, 1983-1999

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 236 Folder 13 Gallimard--Martin, Charles-Noël, 1959-1963

Box 64 Folder 8 Gallimard--Mendès France, Pierre, 1962-1965

Box 455 Folder 31 Gallimard--Mendès France, Pierre, 1972-1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 237 Folder 1-4 Gallimard--Merle, Robert, 1968-1975 (4 folders)

Box 236 Folder 14 Gallimard--Merle, Robert, 1964-1967

Box 237 Folder 5 Gallimard--Merleau-Ponty, Maurice, 1962-1971

Box 850 Folder 29 Gallimard--Merleau-Ponty, Maurice, 1969-1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 237 Folder 6 Gallimard--Meyer, Jean, 1975-1978

Box 237 Folder 7 Gallimard--Michelet, 1974-1976

Box 852 Folder 42 Gallimard--Modiano, Patrick, 2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 237 Folder 8 Gallimard--Mohrt, Michel, 1961-1977

Box 456 Folder 14 Gallimard--Montherlant, Henry de, 1986-1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 238 Folder 1 Gallimard--Mousnier, Roland, 1968-1977

Box 64 Folder 9 Gallimard--N.R.F. Anthology, 1956-1959

Box 60 Folder 12-13 Gallimard--Offerings, 1966

Box 61 Folder 1-2 Gallimard--Offerings, 1967 (2 Folders)

Box 61 Folder 4-5 Gallimard--Offerings, 1968 (2 Folders)

Box 61 Folder 7-8 Gallimard--Offerings, 1969 (2 Folders)

Box 62 Folder 1 Gallimard--Offerings, 1970

Box 62 Folder 3 Gallimard--Offerings, 1971

Box 62 Folder 5 Gallimard--Offerings, 1972

Box 62 Folder 7 Gallimard--Offerings, 1973

Box 238 Folder 2-4 Gallimard--Offerings, 1973-1978 (3 folders)

Box 281 Folder 5 Gallimard--Offerings, 1978-1980

Box 282 Folder 1-3 Gallimard--Offerings, 1981-1983 (3 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 349 Folder 1-3 Gallimard--Offerings, 1981-1990 (3 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 455 Folder 33 Gallimard--Offerings, 1997-1998

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 884 Folder 11 Gallimard--Offerings/General, 2002-2015

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 850 Folder 30 Gallimard--Oulipo: A Primer of Potential Literature, 1984-2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 456 Folder 15 Gallimard--Paulhan, Jean, 1987-2000

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 64 Folder 10 Gallimard--Perret, Jacques--Wind in the Sails, 1953-1962

Box 64 Folder 11 Gallimard--Pléiade Series, 1962

Box 238 Folder 5 Gallimard--Pléiade, Encyclopedia, 1967

Box 238 Folder 6 Gallimard--Ponge, Francis, 1968-1979

Box 850 Folder 31 Gallimard--Ponge, Francis, 1972-1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 850 Folder 32 Gallimard--Proust, Marcel, 1997

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 638 Folder 4 Gallimard--Queneau, Raymond, 1974-1988

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 64 Folder 12 Gallimard--Renard, Jules, 1962-1969

Box 64 Folder 13 Gallimard--Rivière, Jacques, 1961-1964

Box 850 Folder 33 Gallimard--Rivière, Jacques, 1969-1988

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 238 Folder 7 Gallimard--Romains, Jules, 1974-1979

Box 238 Folder 8 Gallimard--Rostand, Jean, 1962-1971

Box 64 Folder 14-15 Gallimard--Roy, Jules, 1954-1961 (2 Folders)

Box 65 Folder 1 Gallimard--Sartre, Jean-Paul, 1966-1969

Box 282 Folder 4-5 Gallimard--Sartre, Jean-Paul, 1964-1977 (2 Folders)

Box 562 Folder 32 Gallimard--Sartre, Jean-Paul, 1978-1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 638 Folder 6 Gallimard--Sartre, Jean-Paul, 1983-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 648 Folder 4-5 Gallimard--Sartre, Jean-Paul, 1986-1988 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 648 Folder 6 Gallimard--Sartre, Jean-Paul, 1989-1995

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 456 Folder 16 Gallimard--Sartre, Jean-Paul, 1996-2001

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 850 Folder 34 Gallimard--Sartre, Jean-Paul, 2000-2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 902 Folder 13 Gallimard--Sartre, Jean-Paul, 2007-2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 902 Folder 12 Gallimard--Sartre, Jean-Paul--Being and Nothingness, 1947, 1985-2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 65 Folder 2 Gallimard--Schehadé, Georges , 1962-1966

Box 850 Folder 35 Gallimard--Schnapper, Dominique, 1981-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 456 Folder 17 Gallimard--Schwiefert, Peter, 1974-1976, 1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 238 Folder 9 Gallimard--Semprún, Jorge, 1974-1975

Box 456 Folder 18 Gallimard--Semprún, Jorge--Resnais, 1985-1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 65 Folder 3 Gallimard--Serguine, Jacques, 1960-1963

Box 238 Folder 10 Gallimard--Starobinski, Jean, 1971-1972

Box 456 Folder 19 Gallimard--Sullivan, Jean, 1985-1989

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 850 Folder 36 Gallimard--Sullivan, Jean, 1990-1995

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 852 Folder 43 Gallimard--Tardieu, Jean, 2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 65 Folder 4 Gallimard--Terray, Lionel, 1964-1966

Box 65 Folder 5 Gallimard--Textbooks, 1963-1965

Box 238 Folder 11 Gallimard--Thomas, Edith, 1965-1977

Box 708 Folder 2-3 Gallimard--To and From, 1992-1995 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 456 Folder 20 Gallimard--To and From, 1996-2000 (5 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 456 Folder 21 Gallimard--To and From, 2001-2005

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 65 Folder 6 Gallimard--Vailland, Roger, 1964-1971

Box 456 Folder 22 Gallimard--Vaneigem, Raoul, 1974-1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 456 Folder 23 Gallimard--Viénet, René, 1988

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 65 Folder 7 Gallimard--Weil, Simone, 1956-1969

Box 850 Folder 37 Gallimard--Weil, Simone, 1973-1999

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 455 Folder 32 Gallimard--Miscellaneous, 1990-2000

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 808 Folder 2 Gamboni, Dario--Contracts, 1989-2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 238 Folder 12 Garaudy, Roger, 1966-1974

Box 411 Folder 5-6 Gascar, Pierre (2 Folders)

Box 238 Folder 13 Gascar, Pierre, 1964-1972

Box 456 Folder 24 Gascar, Pierre, 1973-1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 824 Folder 11 Gauguin, Paul--Contracts, 1974-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 584 Folder 3 Gaulle, Charles de--Contracts, 1998-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 239 Folder 1 Gauquelin, Michel, 1968-1978

Box 850 Folder 38 Gauquelin, Michel, 1974-1992

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 824 Folder 13 Genette, Gérard--Contracts, 1972-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 822 Folder 2 Ghitany, Gamal (Ghīṭānī, Jamāl)--Contract, 2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 204 Folder 1 Ghnassia, Maurice, 1975

Box 65 Folder 9 Ghnassia, Patrick, 1968-1971

Box 822 Folder 7 Gille, Élisabeth--Contracts, 1998-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 65 Folder 10 Girard, André , 1965-1967

Box 822 Folder 8 Girard, René--Contracts, 1964-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 65 Folder 11 Giraud, Josette, 1953-1954

Box 828 Folder 2 Glissant, Édouard--Contracts, 1980-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 826 Folder 2 Godbout, Jacques--Contracts, 1969-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 851 Folder 1 Godechot, Jacques Léon, 1965-1989

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 822 Folder 9 Godelier, Maurice--Contracts, 1985-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 65 Folder 12 Goetz, Walter, 1955-1958

Box 239 Folder 2 Goldmann, Lucien, 1967-1973

Box 467 Folder 4 Goldmann, Lucien, 1974-1980

Box 563 Folder 3 Gonthier, Jean, 1972-1978

Box 822 Folder 10 Goux, Jean-Joseph--Contracts, 1987-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 65 Folder 14 Goytisolo, Luis, 1960

Box 830 Folder 7 Green, Julien--Contracts--Seuil, 1984-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 822 Folder 14 Greimas, Algirdas Julien--Contracts, 1988-2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 831 Folder 13 Grunberger, Béla--Contracts, 1977-2000

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 822 Folder 16 Gualde, Norbert--Contract, 2005

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 822 Folder 17 Guenther, Herbert (Traus H.)--Contracts, 1971-2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 283 Folder 1 Guerdan, René, 1862-1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 822 Folder 18 Guérin, Daniel--Contracts, 1968-2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 822 Folder 19 Guéroult, Martial--Contracts, 2003-2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 822 Folder 20 Guibert, Hervé--Contracts, 1991-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 68 Folder 11 Guicharnaud, Jacques, 1958-1961

Box 831 Folder 14 Guillebaud, Jean-Claude--Contracts, 1998-2000

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 457 Folder 2 Guillet, Jacques, 1971-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 283 Folder 2 Guitton, Jean, 1959-1979

Box 68 Folder 12 Guth, Paul, 1952-1956

Box 68 Folder 13-14 Hachette, 1960-1962 (2 Folders)

Box 283 Folder 3-8 Hachette, 1965-1979 (5 Folders)

Box 648 Folder 7 Hachette, 1980-1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 707 Folder 1 Hachette, 1987-1996

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 283 Folder 9 Hachette--Bonzon, 1962-1978

Box 69 Folder 1 Hachette--Bremond d'Ars, Yvonne de, 1961-1970

Box 284 Folder 1 Hachette--Daily Life, 1967-1978

Box 851 Folder 6 Hachette--Daily Life, 1978-1992

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 69 Folder 2 Hachette--Daninos, Pierre, 1955

Box 284 Folder 2 Hachette--Frédérix, 1965-1968

Box 467 Folder 8 Hachette--Grimal, Pierre, 1961-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 69 Folder 3-5 Hachette--Guillot, René, 1961-1966 (3 Folders)

Box 649 Folder 1 Hachette--Guillot, René, 1967-1969, 1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 467 Folder 9 Hachette--Guillot, René, 1968-1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 285 Folder 1 Hachette--Inquiries, 1967-1968

Box 284 Folder 3 Hachette--Jullian, 1962-1979

Box 69 Folder 6 Hachette--Mireaux, Emile, 1955-1957

Box 284 Folder 4-7 Hachette--Offerings, 1963-1968 (4 Folders)

Box 284 Folder 8 Hachette--Offerings, 1982-1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 69 Folder 7 Hachette--Perruchot, Henri, 1961-1976

Box 284 Folder 9 Hachette--Picard, 1963-1979

Box 284 Folder 10 Hachette--Restiff, 1962-1969

Box 284 Folder 11 Hachette--Sorre, 1964-1968

Box 69 Folder 8-10 Hachette--Vie Quotidienne Series, 1959-1966 (3 Folders)

Box 861 Folder 8 Hachette--Vie Quotidienne I--Contracts, 1968-2005

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 870 Folder 12 Hachette--Vie Quotidienne / MacMillan / SAS / Books--Contracts, 1966-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 467 Folder 10 Hachette--Wendt, Herbert, 1963-1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 826 Folder 12 Haim, André, 1970-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 826 Folder 10 Hallé, Francis--Contracts--Seuil, 2000-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 826 Folder 11 Hallyn, Fernand--Contracts, 1988-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 284 Folder 12 Hamman, A., 1965-1970

Box 826 Folder 13 Hammoudi, Abdellah--Contracts, 1991-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 826 Folder 14 Hamon, Marie-Christine--Contracts, 1998-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 853 Folder 9 Hébert, Anne--Contracts, 2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 823 Folder 9 Heinich, Nathalie--Contracts, 1996-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 826 Folder 21 Hélias, Pierre Jakez--Contracts, 1976-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 853 Folder 10 Henry, Michel--Contracts--Seuil, 1999-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 856 Folder 14 Honoré, Jean--Contracts, 1992-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 853 Folder 11 Hentsch, Thierry--Contracts, 1992, 2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 861 Folder 7 Hyppolite, Jean--Contracts, 1994-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 861 Folder 14 Ionesco, Eugène--Contracts--Grove Contracts Only, 1956-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 869 Folder 5-6 Ionesco, Eugène --Contracts--Grove Statements A-Z, 1967-2009 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 861 Folder 15 Ionesco, Eugène--Contracts--Permissions / Miscellaneous, 1965-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 285 Folder 2 Intermonde Press, 1960-1968

Box 467 Folder 11 Irigaray, Luce, 1990-1999

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 869 Folder 7 Irigaray, Luce--Contracts--Cornell, 1984-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 869 Folder 8 Irigaray, Luce--Contracts--Other, 1991-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 861 Folder 16 Irigaray, Luce--Contracts--Routledge, Taylor & Francis, 1991-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 861 Folder 17 Jacob, Max--Contracts, 1990-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 870 Folder 3 Jalée, Pierre,--Contracts, 1970-2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 870 Folder 4 Jankélévitch, Vladimir--Contracts, 2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 855 Folder 2 Japrisot, Sébastien--Contracts, 1996-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 207 Folder 5-8 Jean-Jacques Pauvert, 1962-1966 (4 folders)

Box 208 Folder 1-4 Jean-Jacques Pauvert, 1967-1970 (4 folders)

Box 295 Folder 1-3 Jean-Jacques Pauvert, 1968-1974 (3 Folders)

Box 352 Folder 2 Jean-Jacques Pauvert, 1974-1976

Box 563 Folder 19 Jean-Jacques Pauvert, 1976-1978

Box 563 Folder 20 Jean-Jacques Pauvert, 1979-1989

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 452 Folder 17 Jean-Jacques Pauvert, 1990-1996

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 295 Folder 4 Jean-Jacques Pauvert--Belhomme, Youl--1971-1974

Box 295 Folder 5 Jean-Jacques Pauvert--Belleroche, 1968-1970

Box 452 Folder 18 Jean-Jacques Pauvert--Bermanos, Michael, 1967-1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 295 Folder 6 Jean-Jacques Pauvert--Darien, 1966-1970

Box 452 Folder 19 Jean-Jacques Pauvert--Erotologie, 1963-1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 295 Folder 7 Jean-Jacques Pauvert--Faure, 1968-1979

Box 295 Folder 8 Jean-Jacques Pauvert--Henry, 1962-1969

Box 467 Folder 19 Jean-Jacques Pauvert--LeBrun, Annie, 1988-1989

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 452 Folder 20 Jean-Jacques Pauvert--Magazines, 1968-1969

Box 352 Folder 1 Jean-Jacques Pauvert--Offerings, 1982-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 295 Folder 9 Jean-Jacques Pauvert--Picard, 1967-1979

Box 295 Folder 10 Jean-Jacques Pauvert--Réage, Pauline, 1963-1977

Box 851 Folder 35 Jean-Jacques Pauvert--Réage, Pauline, 1979-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 452 Folder 21 Jean-Jacques Pauvert--Roussel, Raymond, 1965-1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 295 Folder 11 Jean-Jacques Pauvert--Sade, 1966-1967

Box 295 Folder 12 Jean-Jacques Pauvert--Sadut, 1969

Box 295 Folder 13 Jean-Jacques Pauvert--Sarrazin, 1965-1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 870 Folder 5 Jeannerod, Marc--Contracts, circa 1984-2005

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 870 Folder 6 Jeanson, Francis--Contracts, 1970-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 871 Folder 12 Jouet, Jacques--Contracts, 2002-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 70 Folder 3-4 Julliard, 1954-1956 (2 Folders)

Box 71 Folder 1 Julliard, 1962

Box 129 Folder 3-6 Julliard, 1963-1966 (4 Folders)

Box 285 Folder 4-7 Julliard, 1967-1970 (4 Folders)

Box 285 Folder 8-9 Julliard, 1970-1975 (2 Folders)

Box 349 Folder 6 Julliard, 1974-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 457 Folder 4 Julliard, 1982-1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 286 Folder 1 Julliard--Anglade, 1976-1975

Box 286 Folder 2 Julliard--Arnaud, 1963-1972

Box 71 Folder 4 Julliard--Brenner, Jacques, 1958-1970

Box 71 Folder 7 Julliard--Deak, E. & S., 1960-1966

Box 286 Folder 4 Julliard--Gilles, 1967-1969

Box 286 Folder 5 Julliard--Gouze, 1963-1976

Box 286 Folder 6 Julliard--Lifar, 1964-1973

Box 286 Folder 7 Julliard--Loverdo, 1966-1977

Box 286 Folder 8 Julliard--Massignon, 1967-1973

Box 71 Folder 8 Julliard--Mendès France, Pierre, 1955-1957

Box 286 Folder 9 Julliard--Neveux, 1963

Box 71 Folder 2 Julliard--Offerings, 1962

Box 286 Folder 10 Julliard--Offerings, 1965-1966

Box 241 Folder 7-10 Julliard--Offerings, 1966-1970 (4 folders)

Box 286 Folder 11-12 Julliard--Offerings, 1969-1973 (2 Folders)

Box 286 Folder 13 Julliard--Offerings, 1973-1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 467 Folder 13 Julliard--Oyono, Ferdinand, 1968-1988

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 286 Folder 15 Julliard--Perec, 1965-1976

Box 467 Folder 14 Julliard--Perec, Georges, 1985-1989

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 286 Folder 16 Julliard--Ponchaud, F., 1977-1979

Box 286 Folder 17 Julliard--Revel, 1965-1978

Box 286 Folder 18 Julliard--Rodriguez, 1969-1970

Box 71 Folder 11 Julliard--Roy, Jules, 1960-1965

Box 467 Folder 15 Julliard--Sendy, Jean, 1973-1980

Box 287 Folder 1 Julliard--Servin, 1961-1966

Box 287 Folder 2 Julliard--Weingarten, 1967-1968

Box 639 Folder 4 Julliard-Christian Bourgois Editeur--Arrabal, Fernando, 1969-1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 286 Folder 3 Julliard-Christian Bourgois Editeur--Breillat, Catherine, 1968-1972

Box 286 Folder 19 Julliard-Christian Bourgois Editeur--Segre, 1969-1971

Box 70 Folder 8 Julliard-Editions Robert Laffont , 1961

Box 70 Folder 5-6 Julliard-Editions Robert Laffont , 1957-1959 (2 Folders)

Box 71 Folder 3 Julliard-Editions Robert Laffont--Beau, Georges, 1958-1961

Box 71 Folder 5 Julliard-Editions Robert Laffont--Carrière, Jean-Claude , 1958-1962

Box 71 Folder 6 Julliard-Editions Robert Laffont--Curvers, Alexis, 1957-1960

Box 71 Folder 9 Julliard-Editions Robert Laffont--Moury, Alain, 1959-1964

Box 286 Folder 14 Julliard-Editions Robert Laffont--Nogueres, 1959-1963

Box 71 Folder 10 Julliard-Editions Robert Laffont--Rostand, Jean, 1961-1967

Box 70 Folder 7 Julliard-Editions Robert Laffont-Pierre Horay, 1960

Box 871 Folder 8 Julien, Franҫois--Contracts, 1992-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 873 Folder 6 Kahnweiler, David-Henry--Contracts, 1990s-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 591 Folder 10 Kandinsky, Wassily--Contracts, 1971-2000

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 853 Folder 2 Kaufmann, Vincent--Contracts, 1992-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 872 Folder 6 Kempf, Hervé,--Contracts, 2005

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 71 Folder 12-14 Kessel, Joseph, 1962-1967 (3 Folders)

Box 287 Folder 3 Kessel, Joseph, 1968-1973

Box 287 Folder 4 Kessel, Joseph, 1973-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 871 Folder 1 Kessel, Joseph--Contracts, 2003-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 871 Folder 2 Khadra, Yasmina--Contracts, 2002-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 871 Folder 3 Kilito, Abdelfattah--Contracts, 2000-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 851 Folder 8 Klossowski, Pierre, 1986-1992

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 873 Folder 15 Klossowski, Pierre--Contracts, 1988-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 872 Folder 11 Kourouma, Ahmadou--Contracts, 1980-2004

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 872 Folder 12 Kovalevsky, Pierre--Contracts, 1974-2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 287 Folder 5 Kramer, 1962-1971

Box 874 Folder 1 Kriegel, Annie--Contracts, 1970-1994

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 872 Folder 2 Kristeva, Julia--Contracts, 1977-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 872 Folder 1 Kristof, Agota--Contracts, 1991-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 287 Folder 6 La Farandole, 1973

Box 72 Folder 3 La Gorce, Paul-Marie de, 1964-1965

Box 563 Folder 18 La Palatine, 1963-1977

Box 457 Folder 5 La Reyniere, 1985-1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 467 Folder 16 Laborit, Henri, 1973-1980

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 874 Folder 2 Lacan, Jacques--Contracts--Norton--Ethics, Ecrits, Television, Other, 1969-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 872 Folder 4 Lacan, Jacques--Contracts--Norton--Seminaries, 1975-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 874 Folder 3 Lacan, Jacques--Contracts--Other, 1973-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 873 Folder 17 Lacoue-Labarthe, Philippe and Jean-Luc Nancy--Contracts, 1988-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 873 Folder 18 Lacouture, Jean--Contracts, 1982-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 873 Folder 19 Ladurie, Emmanuel Le Roy--Contracts, 1979-2002

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 879 Folder 8 Lamarche, Caroline--Contracts, 1998-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 879 Folder 15 Lanzmann, Claude--Contracts, 1985-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 880 Folder 3 Latourelle, René--Contracts, 1963-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 851 Folder 10 Laurentin, René, 1978-1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 880 Folder 4 Laurentin, René --Contracts, 1998

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 880 Folder 5 Laurrent, Éric--Contracts, 2004

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 289 Folder 5 Lavaivre, Noëlle, 1966-1968

Box 852 Folder 44 Le Clézio, J.-M. G. (Jean-Marie Gustave), 2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 880 Folder 8 Le Clézio, J.-M. G. (Jean-Marie Gustave)--Contracts, 1995-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 880 Folder 9 Le Dœuff, Michèle--Contracts, 2005-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 350 Folder 4 Leboyer, Frédérick, 1981-1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 649 Folder 7 Leboyer, Frédérick, 1984-1989

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 707 Folder 5 Leboyer, Frédérick, 1990-1994

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 880 Folder 10 Leboyer, Frédérick--Contracts, 1995-2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 880 Folder 11 Leclaire, Serge--Contracts, 1992-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 880 Folder 12 Leclerc, Eloi--Contracts, 1982-2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 880 Folder 13 Leclercq, Jean--Contracts, 1969-1997

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 289 Folder 6 Lefebvre, Georges, 1971

Box 880 Folder 15 Lefebvre, Henri--Contracts, 1983-1997

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 880 Folder 16 Lefort, Rosine and Robert--Contracts, 1991-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 880 Folder 17 Leiris, Michel--Contracts, 1983-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 880 Folder 22 Léon-Dufour, Xavier--Contracts, 2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 72 Folder 7 Lepp, Ignace, 1961-1965

Box 289 Folder 8 Lepp, Ignace, 1966-1969

Box 289 Folder 7 Lepp, Ignace, 1969-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 880 Folder 23 Lévi-Strauss, Claude--Contracts, 1969-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 880 Folder 24 Lévi-Strauss, Claude--Contracts--Permissions, 1991-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 880 Folder 25 Lévinas, Emmanuel--Contracts, 1971-2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 467 Folder 20 Lévy, Janine, 1972-1992

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 880 Folder 27 Lewin, Moshe--Contracts, 1967-1998

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 126 Folder 2 L'Express, 1966

Box 58 Folder 10-13 L'Express, 1967-1970 (4 Folders)

Box 59 Folder 1-4 L'Express, 1971-1974 (4 Folders)

Box 126 Folder 3-6 L'Express, 1975-1980 (4 Folders)

Box 278 Folder 14 L'Express, 1975-1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 349 Folder 7 L'Express, 1977-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 234 Folder 6 Librairie Arthème Fayard, 1965-1968

Box 59 Folder 5 Librairie Arthème Fayard, 1969

Box 279 Folder 1 Librairie Arthème Fayard, 1971-1980

Box 603 Folder 13 Librairie Arthème Fayard, 1981-1983

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 347 Folder 2-3 Librairie Arthème Fayard, 1983-1985 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 367 Folder 7 Librairie Arthème Fayard, 1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 852 Folder 21 Librairie Arthème Fayard, 2000-2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 639 Folder 6 Librairie Arthème Fayard--Allègre, Claude , 1984-1988

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 852 Folder 22 Librairie Arthème Fayard--Allègre, Claude, 1989-1993

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 347 Folder 4 Librairie Arthème Fayard--Attali, Jaques, 1985-1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 852 Folder 23 Librairie Arthème Fayard--Attali, Jaques, 1987-1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 455 Folder 24 Librairie Arthème Fayard--Boucourechliev, André , 1983-1988

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 852 Folder 24 Librairie Arthème Fayard--Boudon, Raymond, 1987-1995

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 852 Folder 25 Librairie Arthème Fayard--Changeux, Jean-Pierre, 1983-1996

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 455 Folder 25 Librairie Arthème Fayard--Correspondence, 1997-1998

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 852 Folder 26 Librairie Arthème Fayard--Delumeau, Jean, 1984-1998

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 852 Folder 27 Librairie Arthème Fayard--Duby, Georges, 1984-1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 852 Folder 28 Librairie Arthème Fayard--Faure, Edgar, 1970-1980

Box 852 Folder 29 Librairie Arthème Fayard--Godelier, Maurice, 1984-1988

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 852 Folder 30 Librairie Arthème Fayard--Godelier, Maurice, 1996-1997

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 852 Folder 31 Librairie Arthème Fayard--Hagège, Claude, 1987-1998

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 852 Folder 32 Librairie Arthème Fayard--Halkin, Léon-E. (Léon-Ernest), 1988-1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 852 Folder 33 Librairie Arthème Fayard--Haraszti, Miklós, 1984-1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 852 Folder 34 Librairie Arthème Fayard--Jeannerod, Marc, 1984-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 639 Folder 7-8 Librairie Arthème Fayard--Kadare, Ismail, 1985-1989 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 708 Folder 4 Librairie Arthème Fayard--Kadare, Ismail, 1990-1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 455 Folder 26 Librairie Arthème Fayard--Kadare, Ismail, 1987-1996

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 852 Folder 35 Librairie Arthème Fayard--Kadare, Ismail, 1997-1998

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 852 Folder 36 Librairie Arthème Fayard--Kharitonov, Mark, 1993-1997

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 562 Folder 22 Librairie Arthème Fayard--Lanzmann, Claude, 1985-1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 852 Folder 37 Librairie Arthème Fayard--Lanzmann, Claude, 1987-1999

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 455 Folder 27 Librairie Arthème Fayard--Noli, Jean, 1969-1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 59 Folder 6 Librairie Arthème Fayard--Offerings, 1970

Box 59 Folder 7 Librairie Arthème Fayard--Offerings, 1971

Box 279 Folder 2 Librairie Arthème Fayard--Offerings A-M, 1982-1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 279 Folder 3 Librairie Arthème Fayard--Offerings N-Z, 1982-1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 562 Folder 18 Librairie Arthème Fayard--Offerings, 1988-1989

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 455 Folder 28 Librairie Arthème Fayard--Offerings, 1990-1997

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 347 Folder 5-7 Librairie Arthème Fayard--Offerings: 1984: A-M, 1985-1986: A-Z, 1982-1986 (3 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 562 Folder 16 Librairie Arthème Fayard--Offerings--A-K, 1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 562 Folder 17 Librairie Arthème Fayard--Offerings--L-Z, 1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 852 Folder 38 Librairie Arthème Fayard--Pecker, Jean Claude, 1985-1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 852 Folder 39 Librairie Arthème Fayard--Petter, Jean-Jacques, 1984-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 852 Folder 40 Librairie Arthème Fayard--Peyrefitte, Alain, 1989-1995

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 562 Folder 19 Librairie Arthème Fayard--Reports, 1984-1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 850 Folder 3 Librairie Arthème Fayard--Ruffié, Jacques, 1984-1988

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 850 Folder 4 Librairie Arthème Fayard--Signoret, Simone, 1985-1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 850 Folder 5 Librairie Arthème Fayard--Tapié, Victor Lucien, 1969-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 562 Folder 20-21 Librairie Arthème Fayard--To and From, 1987-1989 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 708 Folder 5 Librairie Arthème Fayard--To and From, 1990-1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 709 Folder 1 Librairie Arthème Fayard--To and From, 1992

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 639 Folder 5 Librairie Arthème Fayard--To and From, 1993

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 455 Folder 29-30 Librairie Arthème Fayard--To and From, 1994-1996 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 850 Folder 6 Librairie Arthème Fayard--Vaneigem, Raoul, 1996-1997

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 850 Folder 7 Librairie Arthème Fayard--Vlady, Marina, 1987-1989

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 65 Folder 8 Librairie Gedalge et Cie, 1955

Box 844 Folder 17 Librairie philosophique J. Vrin--Lévinas, Emmanuel, 1971-1990

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 875 Folder 6 Linhart, Robert--Contracts, 1979-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 886 Folder 8 Lizot, Jacques--Contracts, 1975-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 886 Folder 9 Loraux, Nicole--Contracts, 1990-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 886 Folder 10 Lossky, Vladimir--Contracts, 1973-2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 888 Folder 1 Löwy, Michel--Contracts, 1971-1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 639 Folder 3 Lubac, Henri de, 1969-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 851 Folder 11 Lubac, Henri de, 1986-1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 592 Folder 20 Lubac, Henri de--Contracts, 1987-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 886 Folder 15 Lyotard, Jean-François--Contracts, 1981-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 888 Folder 2 Maalouf, Amin--Contracts, 2002-2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 639 Folder 2 Macciocchi, Maria Antonietta, 1971-1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 457 Folder 7 Macciocchi, Maria Antonietta, 1973-1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 887 Folder 3 Magny, Claude-Edmonde--Contracts, 1970-1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 457 Folder 8-9 Makine, Andreï, 1995-1999 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 434 Folder 15 Makine, Andreï, 2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 457 Folder 10 Makine, Andreï, 2002

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 896 Folder 12-13 Makine, Andreï, 2003-2010 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 887 Folder 7 Malamoud, Charles--Contracts, 2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 289 Folder 9 Malaquais, Elizabeth, 1970-1973

Box 888 Folder 6 Mallarmé, Stéphane--Contracts, 1983-1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 467 Folder 21 Malraux, André, 1981-1992

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 851 Folder 12 Malraux, André, 1996-2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 888 Folder 7 Malraux, André--Contracts, 1975-2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 289 Folder 11 Mannoni, Maud, 1968-1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 72 Folder 10 Marabini, Jean, 1956-1957

Box 888 Folder 8 Marcel, Gabriel--Contracts, 1970-1992

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 851 Folder 14 Marin, Louis, 1982-1993

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 887 Folder 12 Marin, Louis--Contracts, 1975-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 452 Folder 6 Maritain, Jacques, 1967-1972

Box 289 Folder 12 Maritain, Jacques, 1973-1976

Box 887 Folder 14 Marrou, Henri--Contracts, 1981-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 887 Folder 16 Martel, Frédéric--Contracts, 1997-2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 889 Folder 3 Marthe, by Anonymous--Contracts, 1982-1988

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 887 Folder 17 Maspero, François--Contracts, 1987-1992

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 72 Folder 11 Matias--Henrioud, Charles, 1960-1962

Box 887 Folder 18 Matricon, Jean and Georges Waysand--Contracts, 1999-2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 72 Folder 12 Matute, Ana María, 1964-1967

Box 73 Folder 1-2 Mauriac, François, 1963-1967 (2 Folders)

Box 290 Folder 9 Mauriac, François, 1964-1970

Box 452 Folder 7 Mauriac, François, 1970-1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 887 Folder 19 Mauriac, François--Contracts, 1954-2005

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 73 Folder 3 Mauriac, François--Les Mal Aimes, 1958-1960

Box 452 Folder 9 Maurois, André, 1981-1988

[Restricted Until 2029] (See Also: M.A. Mosca, in this box)

Box 452 Folder 8 Maurois, André--All Titles, 1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 885 Folder 3 Maurois, André--Contracts, 1959-2004

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 290 Folder 10 Maurois, Gérald, 1976-1979

Box 290 Folder 11 Maurois, Michelle, 1968

Box 861 Folder 20 Mauvignier, Laurent--Contracts, 2006-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 856 Folder 3 Maximin, Daniel--Contracts, 1987-2004

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 290 Folder 13 Mecure de France, 1974-1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 885 Folder 6 Meddeb, Abdelwahab--Contracts, 2002-2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 73 Folder 4-5 Mende, Tibor, 1961-1968 (2 Folders)

Box 290 Folder 12 Mercure de France, 1964-1973

Box 851 Folder 15 Mercure de France, 1999-2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 290 Folder 14 Mercure de France--Doubrovsky, 1969-1974

Box 452 Folder 10 Mercure de France--Gille, Elizabeth, 1998

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 467 Folder 24 Mercure de France--Klossowski, Pierre, 1990-1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 73 Folder 6-7 Meridian Books, Inc., 1956-1960 (2 Folders)

Box 290 Folder 15 Merle, Robert, 1970-1978

Box 467 Folder 23 Merle, Robert, 1978-1983, 1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 639 Folder 1 Merle, Robert, 1985-1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 885 Folder 11 Merleau-Ponty, Maurice--Contracts, 1965-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 907 Folder 4-5 Métraux, Alfred--Contracts, 2002-2006 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 907 Folder 6 Meyendorff, John--Contracts, 1961-2002

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 460 Folder 17 Millet, Catherine, 2001-2002

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 909 Folder 4 Millett, Catherine--Contracts, 2001-2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 458 Folder 7 Millet, Catherine--Publicity, 2001-2002

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 912 Folder 3 Mink, Georges and Jean-Charles Szurek--Contracts, 2001

Restricted Until 2049

Box 915 Folder 2 Missac, Pierre--Contracts, 1992-2006

Restricted Until 2049

Box 467 Folder 25 Modiano, Patrick, 1985-1995

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 912 Folder 8 Modiano, Patrick--Contracts, 1993-2007

Restricted Until 2049

Box 913 Folder 4 Mondzain, Marie-José--Contracts, 1999-2006

Restricted Until 2049

Box 913 Folder 5 Monénembo, Tierno--Contracts, 2001-2006

Restricted Until 2049

Box 913 Folder 6 Mongin, Olivier--Contracts, 1994-1995

Restricted Until 2039

Box 293 Folder 4 Montaurier, Jean, 1962-1974

Box 131 Folder 4-5 Monteilhet, Hubert, 1968-1970 (2 Folders)

Box 293 Folder 5-6 Monteilhet, Hubert, 1970-1972 (2 Folders)

Box 73 Folder 8 Monteilhet, Hubert, 1973

Box 207 Folder 2 Monteilhet, Hubert, 1974-1975

Box 452 Folder 12 Monteilhet, Hubert, 1978-1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 913 Folder 7 Monteilhet, Hubert--Contracts, 1969-1994

Restricted Until 2039

Box 73 Folder 9 Monteilhet, Hubert--Foreign Rights, 1968-1973

Box 207 Folder 3 Monteilhet, Hubert--Foreign Rights,1974-1978

Box 293 Folder 7 Morin, Edgar, 1965-1973

Box 452 Folder 13 Morin, Edgar, 1974-2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 913 Folder 9 Morin, Edgar--Contracts, 1990-2010

Restricted Until 2049

Box 293 Folder 8 Mosca--Offerings, 1978-1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 351 Folder 5 Mosca, Marie-Ange, 1971-1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 452 Folder 14 Mosca, Marie-Ange, 1984-1988

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 914 Folder 2 Mosès, Stéphane--Contracts, 1987-2006

Restricted Until 2049

Box 131 Folder 6-7 Mossinsohn, Yigal, 1963-1966 (2 Folders)

Box 914 Folder 3 Moulin, Raymonde--Contracts, 1984-2000

Restricted Until 2039

Box 914 Folder 4 Mudimbe, V. Y.--Contracts, 1972-2010

Restricted Until 2049

Box 650 Folder 5 Muhlstein, Anka, 1988-1995

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 901 Folder 3 Muhlstein, Anka, 2012-2014

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 914 Folder 8 Nadeau, Maurice--Contracts, 1994-2009

Restricted Until 2049

Box 595 Folder 3 NDiaye, Marie--Contracts, 2001-2004

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 901 Folder 6 NDiaye, Marie--Gallimard, 2009-2012

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 131 Folder 9 Nédoncelle, Maurice, 1962-1964

Box 849 Folder 2 Nin, Anaïs, 1955-1960

Box 915 Folder 3 Nora, Simon and Alain Minc--Contracts, 1978-2009

Restricted Until 2049

Box 207 Folder 4 Le Nouvelle Observateur, 1965-1967

Box 294 Folder 4-5 Le Nouvelle Observateur, 1968-1970 (2 Folders)

Box 294 Folder 1-3 Le Nouvelle Observateur, 1970-1978 (3 Folders)

Box 351 Folder 6 Le Nouvelle Observateur, 1979-1988

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 131 Folder 10 Oceana Publications, 1953

Box 915 Folder 12 Olender, Maurice--Contracts, 1990-2007

Restricted Until 2049

Box 563 Folder 17 Olivier Orban, 1974

Box 452 Folder 15 Ollier, Claude, 1967-1980

Box 915 Folder 13 Ollier, Claude--Contracts, 1969-2008

Restricted Until 2049

Box 294 Folder 6 Oraison, Marc, 1966-1972

Box 452 Folder 16 Oraison, Marc, 1973-1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 915 Folder 16 Orsenna, Erik--Contracts, 1989-2005

Restricted Until 2049

Box 915 Folder 17 Oster, Christian--Contracts, 1999-2006

Restricted Until 2049

Box 916 Folder 1 Ouaknin, Marc-Alain--Contracts, 1998-2008

Restricted Until 2049

Box 131 Folder 11 Ouvaroff, Serge (Traducteurs Litteraires), 1953-1954

Box 916 Folder 5 Paradzhanov, Sergeĭ--Contracts, 1995-2006

Restricted Until 2049

Filed as Paradjanov, Serguei

Box 916 Folder 6 Pastoureau, Michel--Contracts, 2001-2007

Restricted Until 2049

Box 916 Folder 7 Paulhan, Jean--Contracts, 1993-2007

Restricted Until 2049

Box 916 Folder 8 Pavel, Thomas G.--Contracts, 1988-2003

Restricted Until 2049

Box 208 Folder 5-8 Payot, 1964-1969 (4 folders)

Box 352 Folder 3 Payot, 1969-1970

Box 295 Folder 14 Payot, 1973-1976

Box 563 Folder 21 Payot, 1977-1978

Box 563 Folder 22 Payot, 1979-1989

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 452 Folder 22 Payot, 1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 452 Folder 24 Payot--Alexandre, Pierre, 1967-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 452 Folder 25 Payot--Bastide, Roger, 1967-1991

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 452 Folder 26 Payot--Baudouin, Charles, 1965-1970

Box 452 Folder 27 Payot--Belmont, Nicole, 1976-1980

Box 452 Folder 28 Payot--Chasseguet-Smirgel, Janine, 1970-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 452 Folder 29 Payot--Cornrvin, Marianne, 1965-1972

Box 352 Folder 4 Payot--Correspondence, 1970-1972

Box 452 Folder 30 Payot--Diel, Paul, 1977-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 295 Folder 16 Payot--Dumézil, Georges, 1967-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 295 Folder 15 Payot--Grunberg, Bella, 1977-1979

Box 452 Folder 31 Payot--Guillermaz, Jacques, 1969-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 296 Folder 1 Payot--Haim, 1969-1976

Box 296 Folder 2 Payot--Nacht, 1967-1972

Box 352 Folder 5 Payot--Offerings, 1978

Box 452 Folder 23 Payot--Offerings, 1979-1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 208 Folder 9 Payot--Offerings,1970-1971

Box 296 Folder 3-5 Payot--Offerings: 1972-1978 (3 Folders)

Box 296 Folder 6 Payot--Pagès, 1968-1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 296 Folder 7 Payot--Sebag, 1967-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 916 Folder 11 Peillard, Léonce--Contracts, 1982-1992

Restricted Until 2039

Box 916 Folder 12 Pelot, Pierre--Contracts, 1993-1995

Restricted Until 2039

Box 911 Folder 18 Permissions--French Permissions--Anthology, 2013-2015

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 911 Folder 19 Permissions--French Course Permissions, 2013-2015

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 916 Folder 16 Pernoud, Régine--Contracts, 1966-2008

Restricted Until 2049

Box 916 Folder 15 Perrin, Joseph Marie--Contracts, 1966-1991

Restricted Until 2039

Box 916 Folder 10 Petit Vocabulaire Marial--Contracts, 1982-1994

Restricted Until 2039

Box 916 Folder 18 Peyrefitte, Alain--Contracts, 1989-2002

Restricted Until 2049

Box 131 Folder 13 Philip, André, 1963

Box 916 Folder 20 Philipon, M. M. (Marie Michel)--Contracts, 1977-2009

Restricted Until 2049

Box 352 Folder 6 Philips, Kathe, 1983-1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 296 Folder 8-9 Piaget, 1967-1973 (2 Folders)

Box 452 Folder 32-34 Piaget, Jean, 1974-1990 (3 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 916 Folder 22 Piaget, Jean--Contracts--Other, 1968-2009

Restricted Until 2049

Box 70 Folder 1 Pierre Horay, 1959-1962

Box 70 Folder 2 Pierre Horay--Chandet, Henriette and Suzanne Desternes, 1959-1966

Box 72 Folder 8-9 Pieyre de Mandiargues, André, 1961-1967 (2 Folders)

Box 289 Folder 10 Pieyre de Mandiargues, André, 1968-1976

Box 888 Folder 23 Pieyre de Mandiargues, André--Contracts, 1958-1999

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 73 Folder 10 Pirenne, Jacques, 1965-1966

Box 132 Folder 1-7 Plon, 1954-1960 (7 Folders)

Box 296 Folder 10-12 Plon, 1958-1970 (3 Folders)

Box 133 Folder 1-2 Plon, 1961-1962 (2 Folders)

Box 209 Folder 1-4 Plon, 1963-1967 (4 folders)

Box 209 Folder 5-10 Plon, 1971-1976 (6 folders)

Box 563 Folder 23-24 Plon, 1977-1989 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 453 Folder 4 Plon, 1990-2002

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 133 Folder 3 Plon--Bassan, Jean, 1959-1960

Box 133 Folder 4 Plon--Batori, Miklos, 1961-1965

Box 452 Folder 35 Plon--Bernanos, Georges, 1975-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 133 Folder 5 Plon--Bourbon-Parma, Xavier, prince de, 1955-1958

Box 297 Folder 1 Plon--Carrouges, 1965-1969

Box 133 Folder 6 Plon--Chailley, Jacques, 1961-1967

Box 452 Folder 36 Plon--Chailley, Jacques--New File, 1981-1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 452 Folder 37 Plon--Chauvin, Rémy, 1966-1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 452 Folder 38 Plon--Chevalier, Louis, 1968-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 133 Folder 7 Plon--Cuénot, Claude , 1958-1970

Box 133 Folder 8 Plon--Daninos, Pierre--Sonia, 1956-1958

Box 297 Folder 2 Plon--De Villiers, 1972-1980

Box 453 Folder 2 Plon--Doresse, Jean, 1957-1980

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 453 Folder 3 Plon--Doresse, Jean, 1985-1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 133 Folder 9 Plon--D'un monde a l'autre Series, 1956-1959

Box 133 Folder 10 Plon--Favrod, Charles-Henri, 1960-1961

Box 453 Folder 6 Plon--Frazier, Franklin, 1955-1984, 2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 133 Folder 11 Plon--Garder, Michel, 1960-1970

Box 133 Folder 12-13 Plon--Gaulle, Charles de, 1954-1958 (2 Folders)

Box 453 Folder 1 Plon--Gaulle, Charles de, 1970-1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 133 Folder 14 Plon--Guerdan, René, 1954-1955

Box 453 Folder 7 Plon--Hélias, Pierre J., 1975-1990

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 133 Folder 15 Plon--Hell, Henri, 1957-1963

Box 297 Folder 3 Plon--Heuvelmans, 1956-1972

Box 297 Folder 4 Plon--Heuvelmans, 1973-1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 453 Folder 8 Plon--Heuvelmans, Bernard, 1972-1988

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 297 Folder 5 Plon--Katcha, 1972-1973

Box 133 Folder 16 Plon--Katcha, Vahé 1962-1963

Box 133 Folder 17 Plon--Laborde, Jean, 1961-1965

Box 133 Folder 18 Plon--Latil, Pierre de & Jean Rivoire, 1954-1967

Box 297 Folder 6 Plon--Latil, Pierre de & Jean Rivoire, 1974-1975

Box 297 Folder 7 Plon--Lavelle, 1962-1971

Box 297 Folder 8 Plon--Leroy, 1961

Box 297 Folder 9 Plon--Levi-Strauss, 1956-1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 453 Folder 9 Plon--Lévi-Strauss, Claude, 1974-1992

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 851 Folder 36 Plon--Lévi-Strauss, Claude, 1995-2000

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 134 Folder 1 Plon--Mammeri, Mouloud, 1955-1962

Box 467 Folder 22 Plon--Martin, Charles-Noël, 1963-1985

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 134 Folder 2 Plon--Mauriac, François, 1954-1955

Box 134 Folder 3 Plon--Montherlant, Henry de, 1957-1959

Box 297 Folder 10 Plon--Montherlant, Henry de, 1968-1974

Box 453 Folder 10 Plon--Montherlant, Henry de, 1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 352 Folder 7 Plon--Offerings, 1971-1972

Box 297 Folder 11 Plon--Offerings, 1972-1972

Box 297 Folder 12 Plon--Offerings, 1973-1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 134 Folder 4 Plon--Paléologue, Maurice, 1956-1957

Box 133 Folder 5 Plon--Paul-Boncour, Joseph, 1955-1958

Box 297 Folder 13 Plon--Rheims, 1959-1970

Box 453 Folder 11 Plon--Richer, Paul, 1968-1980

Box 134 Folder 5 Plon--Rivoyre, Christine de, 1956-1964

Box 134 Folder 6 Plon--Senet, André, 1954-1963

Box 134 Folder 7 Plon--Spens, Willy de, 1961-1962

Box 297 Folder 14 Plon--Tapié, 1957-1971

Box 453 Folder 12 Plon--Tapié, Victor, 1974-1980

Box 134 Folder 8-11 Plon--Troyat, Henri, 1954-1961 (4 Folders)

Box 134 Folder 12 Plon--Victor, Paul-Émile, 1962-1963

Box 453 Folder 5 Plon--Villiers, Gérard de, 1975-1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 134 Folder 13 Plon--Yourcenar, Marguerite, 1957-1959

Box 851 Folder 37 P.O.L.--Laurens, Camille, 2003 (Includes dossier de presse of older press clippings)

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 453 Folder 13 Poulantzas, Nicos, 1972-1980

Box 916 Folder 28 Pouillon, Fernand--Contracts, 1965-2003

Restricted Until 2049

Box 453 Folder 14 Présence africaine, 1971-1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 135 Folder 1-2 Presse-Avenir, 1961-1962 (2 Folders)

Box 135 Folder 3 Presse-Avenir--Flacelière, Robert, 1962-1964

Box 135 Folder 4 Presses de la Cité, 1962

Box 564 Folder 1 Presses de la Cité, 1967-1973

Box 135 Folder 5-6 Presses universitaires de France, 1954-1962 (2 Folders)

Box 209 Folder 11 Presses universitaires de France, 1962-1966

Box 298 Folder 3 Presses universitaires de France, 1967-1970

Box 298 Folder 4 Presses universitaires de France, 1970-1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 453 Folder 15 Presses universitaires de France, 1973-1990, 2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 851 Folder 38 Presses universitaires de France--Blondel, Maurice, 1993-1994

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 298 Folder 5 Presses universitaires de France--Ey, Henri, 1971-1978

Box 453 Folder 16 Privat--Paupert, Jean-Marie, 1969-1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 453 Folder 17 Proust, Marcel, 1983, 1997

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 453 Folder 18 Proust, Marcel, 1984-1989

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 916 Folder 32 Proust, Marcel--Contracts, 1956-2002

Restricted Until 2049

Box 638 Folder 5 Proust, Marcel--Contre Sainte Beuve, 1956-1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 917 Folder 5 Raeff, Marc--Contracts, 1983-2009

Restricted Until 2049

Box 917 Folder 6 Raguin, Yves--Contracts, 1979-2001

Restricted Until 2049

Box 917 Folder 8 Rancière, Jacques--Contracts, 1992-2009

Restricted Until 2049

Box 917 Folder 10 Ravier, André--Contracts, 1980-2002

Restricted Until 2049

Box 917 Folder 11 Réage, Pauline--Contracts, 1979-1999

Restricted Until 2039

Box 917 Folder 12 Réage, Pauline--Contracts--Others, 1970-2010

Restricted Until 2049

Box 917 Folder 13 Réage, Pauline--Contracts--Random House, Historie D'O, 1969-2008

Restricted Until 2049

Box 917 Folder 14 Redonnet, Marie--Contracts, 1993-2006

Restricted Until 2049

Box 917 Folder 15 Reeves, Hubert--Contracts, 1982-2008

Restricted Until 2049

Box 298 Folder 6 Renault, Maurice, 1968-1972

Box 451 Folder 8 Riboud, Marc, 1986-1988

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 851 Folder 39 Riché, Pierre, 1971-1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 917 Folder 20 Riché, Pierre--Contracts, 1972-2002

Restricted Until 2049

Box 917 Folder 21 Richet, Pascal--Contracts, 2003-2009

Restricted Until 2049

Box 918 Folder 7 Ricœur, Paul--Contracts, 1963-2008

Restricted Until 2049

Box 917 Folder 23 Rio, Michel--Contracts, 1989-2009

Restricted Until 2049

Box 298 Folder 7 Rivoyre, Christine de, 1964-1976

Box 919 Folder 3 Robbe-Grillet, Alain--Contracts-Film, 1979-2013

Restricted Until 2059

Box 807 Folder 11 Robbe-Gillett, Alain--Contracts--La Jalousie Statements and Contract, 1989-2004

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 919 Folder 4 Robbe-Grillet, Alain--Contracts--Other United States Publishers, 1986-2008

Restricted Until 2049

Box 903 Folder 3 Robbe-Grillet, Alain--Film, 2000-2011

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 298 Folder 8 Robert, Marthe, 1964-1973

Box 453 Folder 19 Robert, Marthe, 1974-1980

Box 889 Folder 7 Robert, Marthe--Contracts, 1964-2005

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 856 Folder 4 Rodinson, Maxime--Contracts, 2000-2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 510 Folder 6 Rolin, Olivier--Contracts, 2002-2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 135 Folder 10 Romero, Luis, 1961-1962

Box 919 Folder 6 Rosanvallon, Pierre--Contracts, 1996-2007

Restricted Until 2049

Box 135 Folder 11-12 Rossignol, Jean, 1964-1969 (2 Folders)

Box 298 Folder 9 Rossignol, Jean, 1970-1977

Box 592 Folder 7 Roulet, Daniel de--Contracts, 1999-2002

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 135 Folder 13-14 Roy, Jules, 1966-1970 (2 Folders)

Box 453 Folder 21 Roy, Jules, 1970-1972, 1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 453 Folder 22 Sadoul, Georges, 1969-2000

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 467 Folder 26 Sagan, Françoise, 1982-1989

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 586 Folder 10 Sartre, Jean-Paul--Contracts--Simon and Schuster, 1964-1965, 1984-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 586 Folder 11 Sartre, Jean-Paul--Contracts--Other Publishers including Verso, Chicago, Harvard, Penn, 1983-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 352 Folder 8 Sebag, Lucien, 1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 135 Folder 15 Seghers, 1961-1962

Box 209 Folder 12-13 Seghers, 1963-1967 (2 folders)

Box 298 Folder 10-11 Seghers, 1968-1970 (2 Folders)

Box 298 Folder 12 Seghers, 1971-1973

Box 299 Folder 1 Seghers, 1973-1980

Box 467 Folder 27 Seghers, 1978-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 453 Folder 24 Seghers--Besret, Bernard, 1971-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 453 Folder 25 Seghers--Dadié, Bernard, 1970-1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 453 Folder 26 Seghers--Directors' Series, 1962-1974

Box 453 Folder 27 Seghers--Directors' Series, 1975-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 352 Folder 9 Seghers--Offerings, 1977-1978

Box 135 Folder 16 Seghers--Rossif, Frédéric & Madeleine Chapsal, 1965-1967

Box 299 Folder 2 Seghers--Sainteny, 1970-1978

Box 299 Folder 3 Seghers--Weinberg, 1959-1977

Box 453 Folder 28 Semprún, Jorge, 1974-1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 453 Folder 29 Senghor, Léopold Sédar, 1977-1988

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 453 Folder 30 Senghor, Léopold Sédar, 1989-1993

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 418 Folder 5 Serguine, Jacques

Box 299 Folder 4 Serguine, Jacques, 1968-1976

Box 453 Folder 23 Servan-Schreiber, J.-J. (Jean-Jacques), 1970-1988

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 316 Folder 5 Simoen, 1978-1979

Box 136 Folder 1 Société des auteurs et compositeurs dramatiques, 1963-1970

Box 316 Folder 6 Société des auteurs et compositeurs dramatiques, 1971-1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 316 Folder 7 Starobinski, 1972-1976

Box 844 Folder 9 Starobinski, Jean, 1977-1989

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 316 Folder 8 Steinman, Jean, 1962-1975

Box 848 Folder 10 Stock (Publisher), 1969-1970

Box 848 Folder 11 Stock (Publisher), 1971-1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 419 Folder 4 Sulivan, Jean

Box 805 Folder 20 Szendy, Peter--Contracts, 2006-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 317 Folder 4 Teilhard de Chardin, 1968-1971

Box 848 Folder 13 Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre, 1971-1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 844 Folder 11 Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre, 1984-1988

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 848 Folder 14 Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre, 1989-1996

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 844 Folder 12 Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre, 1997-2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 317 Folder 5 Les Temps Modernes, 1967

Box 317 Folder 15 Touraine, 1968-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 318 Folder 1 Translators, 1965-1967

Box 137 Folder 10 Trez, Alain, 1958-1960

Box 318 Folder 2 Troyat, 1965-1973

Box 848 Folder 15-17 Troyat, Henri, 1974-1988 (3 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 844 Folder 13 Troyat, Henri, 1990-1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 844 Folder 14 Troyat, Henri--Reviews, etc., circa 1987-1990

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 318 Folder 3 Valensin, 1960-1975

Box 137 Folder 12-13 Vauthier, Jean,1960-1968 (2 Folders)

Box 318 Folder 4 Vermes--French Poster Book, 1968-1972

Box 844 Folder 15 Vernant, Jean-Pierre, 1972-1984

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 354 Folder 5 Vian, Boris, 1962-1976

Box 848 Folder 18 Vian, Boris, 1973-1989

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 844 Folder 16 Vian, Boris, 1986-1990

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 595 Folder 4 Viel, Tanguy--Contracts, 2001-2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 595 Folder 5 Volodine, Antoine--Contracts, 1994-2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 318 Folder 5 Wailly, Philippe de: 1968-1975

Box 318 Folder 7 Wesmael-Charlier, 1962-1972

Box 844 Folder 18 Wesmael Charlier--Fabrègues, Jean de, 1963-1980

Box 486 Folder 10 Wiesel, Elie--French Other Than Seuil, 1996-1999

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 467 Folder 28 Wiesel, Elie--French Other Than Seuil/Minuit, including Saint-Cheron To/From, 1998-2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 769 Folder 8 Wiesel, Elie--Seuil, 1986-1988

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 769 Folder 9 Wiesel, Elie--Seuil, 1989-1994

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 486 Folder 11 Wiesel, Elie--Seuil, 1995-1999

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 904 Folder 10 Wiesel, Elie--Seuil and Minuit, 2007-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 848 Folder 19 Yourcenar, Marguerite, 1967-1973, 1988

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 318 Folder 6 Yourcenar, Marguerite, 1974-1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 535 Folder 11 Ziegler, Jean, 1965-1967, 1979

Box 318 Folder 8 Ziegler, Jean, 1970-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 918 Folder 9 Zumthor, Paul--Contracts, 1984-2004

Restricted Until 2049

Box 351 Folder 4 Miscellanous (French), 1981-1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 563 Folder 16 Miscellanous (French), 1989-1995

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 640 Folder 6 Miscellanous (French), 1990-1996

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 603 Folder 12 Miscellanous (French), 1992-1996

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 452 Folder 11 Miscellanous (French), 1994-1998

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 453 Folder 31 Miscellanous (French), 1999-2003 (1 of 2)

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 454 Folder 1 Miscellanous (French), 1999-2003 (2 of 2)

[Restricted Until 2049]

Series IV. Foreign Literary Agencies, Publishers, and Rights, 1954-2016

This series contains files related to foreign editions and foreign rights. These files are arranged by country and include general files related to foreign editions, rights, and publishers as well as files related to specific subagents. Additional records related to foreign rights are sometimes found with the author files in Series II and Series III.

Files related to specific English and French language publishers are filed in Series II and Series III.

Box 634 Folder 8 General--Author European Tours, 1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

(Includes T.Coraghessan Boyle and Robert Bly)

Box 574 Folder 8 General--Foreign Publishers--General, 1987-1989

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 634 Folder 9 General--Meetings with Foreign Publishers, 1990-1996

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 634 Folder 6 General--[Referrals and Rejections], 1992-1994

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 612 Folder 10-11 General--Scouts, 1995-2001 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 421 Folder 15 General--Scouts, 2001-2002

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 444 Folder 3 General--Scouts, 2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 441 Folder 12 General--Scouts, 2004

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 448 Folder 2 General--Scouts, 2005

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 510 Folder 11 General--Scouts, 2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 529 Folder 1 General--Scouts, 2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 580 Folder 5 General--Scouts, 2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 795 Folder 7 General--Scouts, 2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 809 Folder 6 General--Scouts, 2011

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 810 Folder 25 General--Scouts, 2012

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 862 Folder 1 General--Scouts, 2013

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 874 Folder 15 General--Scouts, 2014-2015

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 665 Folder 6 General--Scouts--Jutta Klein, 1989-1994

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 665 Folder 7 General--Scouts--Linda D. Clark, 1990-1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 665 Folder 1 General--Scouts--Lynn C. Franklin (Todd Siegel), 1989-1995

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 632 Folder 5 General--Scouts--Maria Campbell Associates, 1990-1994

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 632 Folder 4 General--Scouts--Mary Anne Thompson Associates, 1991-1994

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 575 Folder 6 General--Scouts--Massey, Blanche, 1989-1993

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 632 Folder 7 General--Scouts--Meetings with Foreign Scouts, 1990-1996

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 634 Folder 5 Argentina--Korn, 1994

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 690 Folder 3 Australia, 1993

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 889 Folder 9 Australia, 2010-2016

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 634 Folder 7 Australia--Australia Direct, 1990-1994

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 612 Folder 4 Australia--Australian Literary Management (ALM), 1994-1998

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 795 Folder 1 Australia--Australian Literary Management (ALM), 1997-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 473 Folder 2 Australia--Australian Literary Management (ALM)--Dessaix, Robert, 1997-1998

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 492 Folder 4 Australia--Australian Literary Management (ALM)--Xingjian, Gao, 2000

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 433 Folder 13 Australia--Australian Literary Management (ALM)--Xingjian, Gao, 2001

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 787 Folder 14 Australia--Australian Literary Management (ALM)--Xingjian, Gao, 2002

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 862 Folder 2 Australia--Cunnane, 2009-2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 613 Folder 15 Baltics, 1998-1999

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 766 Folder 1 Baltics, 2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 421 Folder 1 Baltics, 2002

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 441 Folder 13 Baltics, 2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 444 Folder 5 Baltics, 2004

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 448 Folder 5 Baltics, 2005

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 503 Folder 2 Baltics, 2006-2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 527 Folder 13 Baltics, 2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 580 Folder 6 Baltics, 2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 795 Folder 10 Baltics, 2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 800 Folder 13 Baltics, 2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 809 Folder 7 Baltics, 2011

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 810 Folder 26 Baltics, 2012

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 862 Folder 10 Baltics, 2013

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 889 Folder 16 Baltic, 2014-2016

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 616 Folder 5 Baltics--Josts, 2000

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 319 Folder 7 Brazil, 1978-1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 618 Folder 13 Brazil--General and Publishers, 1990-1999

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 766 Folder 2 Brazil, 2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 421 Folder 2 Brazil, 2002

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 444 Folder 4 Brazil, 2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 441 Folder 14 Brazil, 2004

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 503 Folder 8 Brazil, 2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 527 Folder 14 Brazil, 2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 580 Folder 7 Brazil, 2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 795 Folder 8 Brazil, 2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 800 Folder 14 Brazil, 2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 809 Folder 9 Brazil, 2011

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 811 Folder 1 Brazil, 2012

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 862 Folder 8 Brazil, 2013

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 889 Folder 14 Brazil, 2016

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 319 Folder 8 Brazil--Dr. J.E. Bloch Literary Agency (Schindler), 1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 319 Folder 6 Brazil--Dr. J.E. Bloch Literary Agency (Schindler), 1983-1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 356 Folder 3-4 Brazil--Dr. J.E. Bloch Literary Agency (Schindler), 1984-1986 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 364 Folder 1-2 Brazil--Dr. J.E. Bloch Literary Agency (Schindler), 1986-1988

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 403 Folder 5 Brazil--Schindler, 1989

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 390 Folder 2 Brazil--Schindler, 1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 550 Folder 1 Brazil--Schindler--A-Z, 1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 574 Folder 9-10 Brazil--Schindler, 1992-1993 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 633 Folder 1 Brazil--Schindler, 1994

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 690 Folder 4 Brazil--Schindler, 1995

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 738 Folder 1 Brazil--Schindler, 1996

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 612 Folder 12 Brazil--Schindler, 1997

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 613 Folder 16 Brazil--Schindler, 1998

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 615 Folder 3 Brazil--Schindler, 1999

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 616 Folder 6 Brazil--Schindler, 2000

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 448 Folder 3 Brazil--Schindler, 2005

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 874 Folder 16 Brazil--Schindler, 2014

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 612 Folder 5 Bulgaria, 1993-1996

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 766 Folder 3 Bulgaria, 2000

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 421 Folder 3 Bulgaria, 2002

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 442 Folder 1 Bulgaria, 2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 444 Folder 6 Bulgaria/Romania, 2004

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 448 Folder 6 Bulgaria/Romania, 2005

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 503 Folder 10 Bulgaria, 2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 527 Folder 15 Bulgaria, 2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 580 Folder 8 Bulgaria, 2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 795 Folder 11 Bulgaria, 2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 800 Folder 15 Bulgaria, 2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 809 Folder 8 Bulgaria, 2011

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 811 Folder 2 Bulgaria, 2012

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 862 Folder 11 Bulgaria, 2013

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 889 Folder 17 Bulgaria, 2014-2016

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 612 Folder 7 China, 1989-2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 766 Folder 4 China, 2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 421 Folder 4 China, 2002

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 444 Folder 7 China, 2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 442 Folder 2 China, 2004

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 504 Folder 1 China, 2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 527 Folder 16 China, 2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 580 Folder 9 China, 2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 795 Folder 9 China, 2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 800 Folder 16 China, 2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 809 Folder 10 China, 2011

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 811 Folder 3 China, 2012

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 862 Folder 9 China, 2013

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 889 Folder 15 China, 2015-2016

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 874 Folder 17 China--Bardon, 2014

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 749 Folder 6 China/Taiwan--Bardon, 1996-1997

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 613 Folder 17 China/Taiwan--Bardon, 1998-1999

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 616 Folder 7 China/Taiwan--Bardon, 2000

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 448 Folder 4 China/Taiwan--Bardon, 2005

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 690 Folder 5 China/Taiwan--Big Apple Tuttle-Mori, 1996-1998

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 766 Folder 5 Czech Republic, 2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 421 Folder 5 Czech Republic, 2002

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 444 Folder 8 Czech Republic, 2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 442 Folder 3 Czech Republic, 2004

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 504 Folder 4 Czech Republic, 2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 527 Folder 17 Czech Republic, 2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 580 Folder 10 Czech Republic, 2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 795 Folder 12 Czech Republic, 2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 800 Folder 17 Czech Republic, 2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 809 Folder 11 Czech Republic, 2011

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 811 Folder 4 Czech Republic, 2012

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 862 Folder 12 Czech Republic, 2013

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 889 Folder 18 Czech Republic, 2014-2016

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 613 Folder 18 Czech Republic--Kreshka, 1998-1999

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 616 Folder 8 Czech Republic--Olson, 2000

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 448 Folder 7 Czech Republic--Olson, 2005

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 619 Folder 1 Eastern Europe--General, 1993-2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 612 Folder 1 Eastern Europe--Correspondence, 1992-1996

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 370 Folder 4 Eastern Europe--Gerd Plessl Agency, 1977-1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 357 Folder 2 Eastern Europe--Gerd Plessl, 1982-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 393 Folder 9 Eastern Europe--Gerd Plessl, 1985-1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 612 Folder 2 Eastern Europe--Gerd Plessl, 1991-1996

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 690 Folder 6 Eastern Europe--Gerd Plessl, 1992-1995

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 395 Folder 7 Eastern Europe--Jovan Milenkovic, 1986-1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 634 Folder 2 Eastern Europe--Prava i Prevodi (P&P) (Milenkovic), 1992-1995

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 510 Folder 1 Eastern Europe--Prava i Prevodi (P&P), 2005-2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 528 Folder 17 Eastern Europe--Prava i Prevodi (P&P), 2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 580 Folder 14 Eastern Europe--Prava i Prevodi (P&P), 2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 795 Folder 16 Eastern Europe--Prava i Prevodi (P&P), 2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 672 Folder 3 Eastern Europe Report (Trip), 1993

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 612 Folder 3 Eastern Europe--Miscellaneous, 1990-1996

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 574 Folder 11 France--General and Publishers, 1990-1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 619 Folder 2 France--General, 1993-2000

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 766 Folder 6 France--A-I, 2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 766 Folder 7 France--J-Z, 2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 421 Folder 6 France--A-I, 2002

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 421 Folder 7 France--J-Z, 2002

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 444 Folder 15 France--A-I, 2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 444 Folder 16 France--J-Z, 2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 442 Folder 9 France--A-I, 2004

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 442 Folder 10 France--J-Z, 2004

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 504 Folder 10 France--A-J, 2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 504 Folder 11 France--K-Z, 2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 528 Folder 1 France--A-J, 2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 528 Folder 2 France--K-Z, 2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 581 Folder 1 France--A-J, 2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 581 Folder 2 France--K-Z, 2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 795 Folder 18 France--A-J, 2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 795 Folder 19 France--K-Z, 2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 801 Folder 2-3 France--A-Z, 2010 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 809 Folder 12 France--A-J, 2011

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 809 Folder 13 France--K-Z, 2011

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 811 Folder 5 France--A-J, 2012

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 811 Folder 6 France--K-Z, 2012

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 862 Folder 18-19 France--A-Z, 2013 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 874 Folder 18 France--A-H, 2014

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 874 Folder 19 France--I-Z, 2014

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 889 Folder 23-24 France--A-Z, 2015-2016 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 53 Folder 4-5 France--Clairouin, 1954-1965 (2 Folders)

Box 53 Folder 6 France--Clairouin--St. Laurent, Cecil, 1954-1962

Box 54 Folder 1-3 France--Colin, Rosica, 1954-1959 (3 Folders)

Box 203 Folder 2 France--Delattre, Sa1, 1974

Box 126 Folder 8 France--Laure Forestier (Agent Litteraire), 1968

Box 72 Folder 4-5 France--Michelle Lapautre Agency, 1960-1961 (2 Folders)

Box 204 Folder 5 France--Michelle Lapautre Agency, 1962

Box 204 Folder 6-7 France--Michelle Lapautre Agency, 1964-1966 (2 folders)

Box 130 Folder 2-3 France--Michelle Lapautre Agency, 1967-1968 (2 Folders)

Box 288 Folder 1-2 France--Michelle Lapautre Agency 1967-1980 (2 Folders)

Box 130 Folder 4 France--Michelle Lapautre Agency, 1969-1973

Box 289 Folder 1-2 France--Michelle Lapautre Agency, A-Z, 1969-1985 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 72 Folder 6 France--Michelle Lapautre Agency, 1973

Box 204 Folder 8-9 France--Michelle Lapautre Agency, 1974 (2 folders)

Box 130 Folder 5-7 France--Michelle Lapautre Agency, 1975-1976 (3 Folders)

Box 205 Folder 1-2 France--Michelle Lapautre Agency, 1976-1978 (2 folders alpha organized)

Box 288 Folder 3-6 France--Michelle Lapautre Agency, 1976-1983 (Four Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 204 Folder 10 France--Michelle Lapautre Agency, 1977

Box 131 Folder 1-2 France--Michelle Lapautre Agency, 1978-1979 (2 Folders)

Box 205 Folder 3-4 France--Michelle Lapautre Agency, 1978-1980 (2 folders)

Box 349 Folder 8-10 France--Michelle Lapautre Agency, 1982: A-Z, 1985: A-M, 1980-1985 (Three Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 350 Folder 1-3 France--Michelle Lapautre Agency, 1985: N-Z, 1986: A-Z, 1985-1985 (Three Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 373 Folder 3 France--Michelle Lapautre Agency--A-M, 1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 373 Folder 5 France--Michelle Lapautre Agency--N-Z, 1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 373 Folder 4 France--Michelle Lapautre Agency--A-M, 1988

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 373 Folder 6 France--Michelle Lapautre Agency--N-Z, 1988

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 397 Folder 3 France--Michelle Lapautre Agency--A-D, 1989-1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 397 Folder 4 France--Michelle Lapautre Agency--E-L, 1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 397 Folder 5 France--Michelle Lapautre Agency--N-Z, 1989

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 398 Folder 1 France--Michelle Lapautre Agency, 1990-1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 571 Folder 11 France--Michelle Lapautre Agency--M-Z, 1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 398 Folder 2 France--Michelle Lapautre Agency--Financial and General, 1990-1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 534 Folder 1 France--Michelle Lapautre Agency--A-D, 1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 534 Folder 2 France--Michelle Lapautre Agency--E-L, 1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 534 Folder 3 France--Michelle Lapautre Agency--M-Z, 1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 571 Folder 9 France--Michelle Lapautre Agency--A-D, 1992

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 571 Folder 10 France--Michelle Lapautre Agency--E-L, 1992

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 571 Folder 12 France--Michelle Lapautre Agency--M-Z, 1992

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 633 Folder 2 France--Michelle Lapautre Agency--Financial, 1992

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 571 Folder 8 France--Michelle Lapautre Agency--Publishers, 1992

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 574 Folder 12 France--Michelle Lapautre Agency--A-H, 1993

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 574 Folder 13 France--Michelle Lapautre Agency--I-P, 1993

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 574 Folder 14 France--Michelle Lapautre Agency--Q-Z, 1993

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 691 Folder 2 France--Michelle Lapautre Agency--A-M, 1994

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 692 Folder 1 France--Michelle Lapautre Agency--N-Z, 1994

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 691 Folder 3 France--Michelle Lapautre Agency--A-M, 1995

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 692 Folder 2 France--Michelle Lapautre Agency--N-Z, 1995

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 737 Folder 3 France--Michelle Lapautre Agency--A-M, 1996

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 737 Folder 4 France--Michelle Lapautre Agency--N-Z, 1996

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 612 Folder 13 France--Michelle Lapautre Agency--A-I, 1997

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 612 Folder 14 France--Michelle Lapautre Agency--J-Z, 1997

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 614 Folder 1 France--Michelle Lapautre Agency--A-I, 1998

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 614 Folder 2 France--Michelle Lapautre Agency--J-Z, 1998

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 615 Folder 4 France--Michelle Lapautre Agency--A-I, 1999

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 615 Folder 5 France--Michelle Lapautre Agency--J-Z, 1999

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 616 Folder 9 France--Michelle Lapautre Agency--A-I, 2000

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 616 Folder 10 France--Michelle Lapautre Agency--J-Z, 2000

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 448 Folder 11 France--Michelle Lapautre Agency--A-F, 2005

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 448 Folder 12 France--Michelle Lapautre Agency--G-Z, 2005

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 534 Folder 4 France--Michelle Lapautre Agency--Atheneum, 1963-1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 534 Folder 5 France--Michelle Lapautre Agency--Bollingen, 1962-1973

Box 205 Folder 5-6 France--Michelle Lapautre Agency--Correspondence, 1963-1964 (2 folders)

Box 534 Folder 6 France--Michelle Lapautre Agency--Dial, 1965-1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 534 Folder 7 France--Michelle Lapautre Agency--Dreiser, 1962-1979

Box 534 Folder 8 France--Michelle Lapautre Agency--Follett, 1965-1966

Box 534 Folder 9 France--Michelle Lapautre Agency--Frewin, 1965-1974

Box 534 Folder 10 France--Michelle Lapautre Agency--Gollancz, 1967-1969

Box 289 Folder 3 France--Michelle Lapautre Agency--Grossman, 1963-1972

Box 534 Folder 11 France--Michelle Lapautre Agency--Grove, 1967-1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 205 Folder 7 France--Michelle Lapautre Agency--Grove Press 1962-1966

Box 535 Folder 1 France--Michelle Lapautre Agency--Hill and Wang, 1964-1980

Box 535 Folder 2 France--Michelle Lapautre Agency--Holt, 1964-1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 535 Folder 3 France--Michelle Lapautre Agency--Houghton Mifflin, 1963-1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 535 Folder 4 France--Michelle Lapautre Agency--Little Brown, 1966-1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 205 Folder 8 France--Michelle Lapautre Agency--Little Brown Company, 1961-1966

Box 535 Folder 5 France--Michelle Lapautre Agency--London International, 1967

Box 289 Folder 4 France--Michelle Lapautre Agency--Memmi, 1976-1978

Box 206 Folder 1-2 France--Michelle Lapautre Agency--Pollinger, 1963-1967 (2 folders)

Box 535 Folder 6-7 France--Michelle Lapautre Agency--Pollinger, 1966-1986 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 130 Folder 1 France--Michelle Lapautre Agency--Publishers and Agents, 1966-1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 535 Folder 8 France--Michelle Lapautre Agency--Sheed and Ward, 1962-1978

Box 535 Folder 9 France--Michelle Lapautre Agency--St. Martin's Press, 1967

Box 535 Folder 10 France--Michelle Lapautre Agency--World, 1960-1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 354 Folder 4 France--Strassova Agency, 1958-1965

Box 136 Folder 3-4 France--Strassova Agency--Marceau, Félicien, 1955-1964 (2 Folders)

Box 136 Folder 2 France--Strassova Agency--Maurois, Michelle, 1955-1959

Box 611 Folder 9 French Editions/Rights--Annixter, Paul, 1964-1974

Box 611 Folder 10 French Editions/Rights--Ash, Bernard, 1964-1966

Box 611 Folder 11 French Editions/Rights--Bates, H.E., 1964-1972

Box 611 Folder 12 French Editions/Rights--Becker, Stephen, 1964-1973

Box 611 Folder 13 French Editions/Rights--Chappell, Fred, 1963-1979

Box 611 Folder 14 French Editions/Rights--Clark, Kenneth, 1963-1987

Box 611 Folder 15 French Editions/Rights--Cross, James (Pollinger), 1963-1969

Box 611 Folder 16 French Editions/Rights--Dead Contracts, 1958-1989

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 611 Folder 17 French Editions/Rights--French, 1965-1976

Box 611 Folder 18 French Editions/Rights--Gold, Herbert, 1967-1974

Box 611 Folder 19 French Editions/Rights--Hall, Jenni, 1967-1974

Box 611 Folder 20 French Editions/Rights--Hemingway, Leicester (World), 1962-1974

Box 611 Folder 21 French Editions/Rights--Hughes, Cledwyn (Pollinger), 1962-1970

Box 611 Folder 22 French Editions/Rights--Hughes, Dorothy (Pollinger), 1963-1970

Box 611 Folder 23 French Editions/Rights--Johnson, Lyndon B., 1964-1978

Box 611 Folder 24 French Editions/Rights--Kirkbride, Ronald, 1964-1972

Box 611 Folder 25 French Editions/Rights--Legum, Colin, 1963-1972

Box 611 Folder 26 French Editions/Rights--Lynx, J.J., 1964-1973

Box 611 Folder 27 French Editions/Rights--Marlowe, Stephen, 1961-1972

Box 611 Folder 28 French Editions/Rights--Marshall, S.L.A., 1963-1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 611 Folder 29 French Editions/Rights--Marx, Robert, 1963-1967

Box 611 Folder 30 French Editions/Rights--Montagu, Ashley, 1962-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 611 Folder 31 French Editions/Rights--Peers, William and Dean Brelis, 1964

Box 611 Folder 32 French Editions/Rights--Penrose, Evelyn (Spearman), 1962

Box 611 Folder 33 French Editions/Rights--Petrakis, Harry Mark, 1966-1973, 1988

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 611 Folder 34 French Editions/Rights--Pogue, Forrest C., 1963-1973

Box 611 Folder 35 French Editions/Rights--Pollinger--Miscellaneous, 1962-1968

Box 611 Folder 36 French Editions/Rights--Redgate, John, 1967-1979

Box 611 Folder 37 French Editions/Rights--Robinson, Anthony, 1963-1967

Box 611 Folder 38 French Editions/Rights--Sandstrom, Flora (Pollinger), 1963-1980

Box 611 Folder 39 French Editions/Rights--Saroyan, William (Pollinger), 1962-1973

Box 611 Folder 40 French Editions/Rights--Schlesinger, Arthur, 1964-1979

Box 611 Folder 41 French Editions/Rights--Sidey, Hugh, 1964-1977

Box 611 Folder 42 French Editions/Rights--Trese, Leo J. (Sheed & Ward), 1962-1969

Box 611 Folder 43 French Editions/Rights--Uhnak, Dorothy, 1968-1975

Box 611 Folder 44 French Editions/Rights--Wilhelmsen, Frederick (Sheed & Ward), 1962-1970

Box 611 Folder 45 French Editions/Rights--Wilkinson, G.K. (Pollinger), 1963-1973

Box 611 Folder 46 French Editions/Rights--World Culture Series, 1964-1968

Box 421 Folder 8 French Publishers, 2001-2002

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 444 Folder 14 French Publishers, 2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 442 Folder 8 French Publishers, 2004

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 504 Folder 12 French Publishers, 2005-2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 580 Folder 15 French Publishers, 2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 795 Folder 17 French Publishers, 2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 801 Folder 1 French Publishers, 2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 809 Folder 14 French Publishers, 2011

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 811 Folder 7 French Publishers, 2012

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 574 Folder 15 Germany--General and Publishers, 1989-1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 571 Folder 13 Germany--General and Publishers, 1992

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 619 Folder 3-4 Germany--General and Publishers, 1996-2000 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 767 Folder 1 Germany--A-I, 2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 767 Folder 2 Germany--J-Z, 2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 421 Folder 9 Germany--A-I, 2002

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 421 Folder 10 Germany--J-Z, 2002

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 444 Folder 18 Germany--A-I, 2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 444 Folder 19 Germany--J-Z, 2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 442 Folder 19 Germany--A-I, 2004

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 442 Folder 20 Germany--J-Z, 2004

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 504 Folder 15 Germany--A-J, 2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 504 Folder 16 Germany--K-Z, 2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 528 Folder 5 Germany--A-J, 2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 528 Folder 6 Germany--K-Z, 2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 581 Folder 3 Germany--A-J, 2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 581 Folder 4 Germany--K-Z, 2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 795 Folder 20 Germany--A-J, 2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 795 Folder 21 Germany--K-Z, 2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 801 Folder 4-5 Germany--A-Z, 2010 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 809 Folder 15 Germany--A-J, 2011

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 809 Folder 16 Germany--K-Z, 2011

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 811 Folder 8 Germany--A-J, 2012

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 811 Folder 9 Germany--K-Z, 2012

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 862 Folder 20-21 Germany--A-Z, 2013 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 874 Folder 20 Germany--A-H, 2014

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 874 Folder 21 Germany--I-Z, 2014

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 889 Folder 25-26 Germany--A-Z, 2015-2016 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 633 Folder 6 Germany--Hoffman--German Rights Bly Big Shadow, 1992-1996

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 633 Folder 6 German Language--Liepman, 1992-1996

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 443 Folder 1 German Language--Liepman, 1997-2004

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 448 Folder 13 German Language--Liepman, 2005

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 528 Folder 15 German Language--Liepman, 2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 581 Folder 5 German Language--Liepman, 2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 795 Folder 22 German Language--Liepman, 2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 801 Folder 6 German Language--Liepman, 2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 809 Folder 17 German Language--Liepmann, 2011

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 811 Folder 10 German Language--Liepmann, 2012

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 862 Folder 22 German Language--Liepman, 2013

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 889 Folder 27 German Language--Liepman, 2014-2016

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 140 Folder 7-8 German Language--Mohrbooks Literary Agency, 1974-1976 (2 Folders)

Box 220 Folder 4 German Language--Mohrbooks Literary Agency, 1975-1977

Box 220 Folder 5-6 German Language--Mohrbooks Literary Agency, 1978 (2 folders)

Box 220 Folder 7-8 German Language--Mohrbooks Literary Agency, 1980 (2 folders)

Box 320 Folder 3-6 German Language--Mohrbooks Literary Agency: A-Z, 1981-1985 (Four Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 377 Folder 1 German Language--Mohrbooks Literary Agency--A-K, 1981-1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 377 Folder 2 German Language--Mohrbooks Literary Agency--L-Z, 1981-1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 356 Folder 7-9 German Language--Mohrbooks Literary Agency: 1985: A-Z, 1986: A-M, 1985-1986 (Three Folders)

[Restricted 2029]

Box 357 Folder 1 German Language--Mohrbooks Literary Agency: 1986: N-Z, 1983-1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 376 Folder 5 German Language--Mohrbooks Literary Agency--A-M, 1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 376 Folder 6 German Language--Mohrbooks Literary Agency--N-Z, 1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 376 Folder 7 German Language--Mohrbooks Literary Agency--A-M, 1988

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 376 Folder 8 German Language--Mohrbooks Literary Agency--N-Z, 1988

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 398 Folder 6 German Language--Mohrbooks Literary Agency--A-H, 1989

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 399 Folder 1 German Language--Mohrbooks Literary Agency--I-Z, 1989-1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 399 Folder 2 German Language--Mohrbooks Literary Agency--A-E, 1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 399 Folder 3 German Language--Mohrbooks Literary Agency--F-L, 1990-1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 399 Folder 4 German Language--Mohrbooks Literary Agency--M-Z, 1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 550 Folder 2 German Language--Mohrbooks Literary Agency--A-E, 1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 550 Folder 3 German Language--Mohrbooks Literary Agency--F-L, 1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 550 Folder 4 German Language--Mohrbooks Literary Agency--M-Z, 1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 571 Folder 14 German Language--Mohrbooks Literary Agency, A-D, 1992

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 571 Folder 15 German Language--Mohrbooks Literary Agency, E-L, 1992

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 571 Folder 16 German Language--Mohrbooks Literary Agency, M-Z, 1992

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 575 Folder 1 German Language--Mohrbooks Literary Agency--A-H, 1993

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 574 Folder 16 German Language--Mohrbooks Literary Agency--I-P, 1993

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 575 Folder 2 German Language--Mohrbooks Literary Agency--Q-Z, 1993

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 692 Folder 3 German Language--Mohrbooks Literary Agency--A-I, 1994

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 692 Folder 4 German Language--Mohrbooks Literary Agency--J-R, 1994

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 692 Folder 5 German Language--Mohrbooks Literary Agency--S-Z, 1994

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 693 Folder 1-2 German Language--Mohrbooks Literary Agency--A-M, 1995 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 693 Folder 3 German Language--Mohrbooks Literary Agency--N-Z, 1995

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 734 Folder 1-3 German Language--Mohrbooks Literary Agency--A-M, 1996 (3 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 730 Folder 1 German Language--Mohrbooks Literary Agency--N-Z, 1996

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 613 Folder 1-2 German Language--Mohrbooks Literary Agency--A-I, 1997

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 613 Folder 3 German Language--Mohrbooks Literary Agency--J-Z, 1997

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 614 Folder 3 German Language--Mohrbooks Literary Agency--A-I, 1998

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 614 Folder 4 German Language--Mohrbooks Literary Agency--J-Z, 1998

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 615 Folder 6 German Language--Mohrbooks Literary Agency--A-I, 1999

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 615 Folder 7 German Language--Mohrbooks Literary Agency--J-Z, 1999

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 616 Folder 11 German Language--Mohrbooks Literary Agency--A-I, 2000

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 616 Folder 12 German Language--Mohrbooks Literary Agency--J-Z, 2000

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 448 Folder 15 German Language--Mohrbooks Literary Agency--A-F, 2005

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 448 Folder 16 German Language--Mohrbooks Literary Agency--G-Z, 2005

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 696 Folder 6 German Publishers, 1993-1996

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 862 Folder 24 [German Publishers], 2001-2002

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 444 Folder 17 German Publishers, 2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 443 Folder 2 German Publishers, 2004

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 448 Folder 14 German Publishers, 2005

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 504 Folder 17 German Publishers, 2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 528 Folder 4 German Publishers, 2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 581 Folder 6 German Publishers, 2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 795 Folder 23 German Publishers, 2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 812 Folder 16 German Publishers, 2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 809 Folder 18 German Publishers, 2011

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 811 Folder 11 German Publishers, 2012

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 862 Folder 23 German Publishers, 2013

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 139 Folder 7-8 German Rights--Linder AG, 1969-1973 (2 Folders)

Box 693 Folder 4 Greece, 1988-1992

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 767 Folder 3 Greece, 2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 444 Folder 20 Greece, 2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 443 Folder 3 Greece, 2004

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 505 Folder 2 Greece, 2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 528 Folder 3 Greece, 2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 581 Folder 7 Greece, 2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 794 Folder 1 Greece, 2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 801 Folder 7 Greece, 2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 809 Folder 19 Greece, 2011

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 811 Folder 12 Greece, 2012

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 862 Folder 25 Greece, 2013

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 634 Folder 4 Greece--JLM, 1994-1995

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 736 Folder 4 Greece--JLM, 1996

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 612 Folder 15 Greece--JLM, 1997-1998

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 615 Folder 8 Greece--JLM, 1999

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 616 Folder 13 Greece--JLM, 2000

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 420 Folder 2 Greece--JLM, 2002

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 447 Folder 1 Greece--JLM, 2005

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 889 Folder 28 Greece--JLM, 2014-2016

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 404 Folder 4 Holland--A-F, 1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 404 Folder 5 Holland--G-L, 1990-1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 404 Folder 6 Holland--M-Z, 1989-1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 575 Folder 3 Holland--General and Publishers, 1990-1993

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 767 Folder 4 Holland--A-I, 2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 767 Folder 5 Holland--J-Z, 2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 420 Folder 3 Holland--A-I, 2002

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 420 Folder 4 Holland--J-Z, 2002

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 444 Folder 22 Holland--A-I, 2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 445 Folder 1 Holland--J-Z, 2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 443 Folder 5 Holland--A-I, 2004

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 443 Folder 6 Holland--J-Z, 2004

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 505 Folder 6 Holland--A-J, 2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 505 Folder 7 Holland--K-Z, 2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 528 Folder 7 Holland--A-J, 2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 528 Folder 8 Holland--K-Z, 2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 581 Folder 9 Holland--A-J, 2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 581 Folder 10 Holland--K-Z, 2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 794 Folder 3 Holland--A-J, 2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 794 Folder 4 Holland--K-Z, 2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 801 Folder 8-9 Holland--A-Z, 2010 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 809 Folder 20 Holland--A-J, 2011

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 809 Folder 21 Holland--K-Z, 2011

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 811 Folder 13 Holland--A-J, 2012

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 811 Folder 14 Holland--K-Z, 2012

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 862 Folder 27-28 Holland--A-Z, 2013 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 890 Folder 1-2 Holland--A-Z, 2014-2016 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 694 Folder 1 Holland--Lijnkamp--A-M, 1995

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 694 Folder 2 Holland--Lijnkamp--N-Z, 1995

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 736 Folder 5 Holland--Lijnkamp--A-M, 1996

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 736 Folder 6 Holland--Lijnkamp--N-Z, 1996

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 613 Folder 4 Holland--Lijnkamp--A-I, 1997

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 613 Folder 5 Holland--Lijnkamp--J-Z, 1997

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 613 Folder 6 Holland--Lijnkamp--A-I, 1998

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 613 Folder 7 Holland--Lijnkamp--J-Z, 1998

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 614 Folder 5 Holland--Lijnkamp--J-Z, 1998

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 615 Folder 9 Holland--Lijnkamp--A-I, 1999

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 615 Folder 10 Holland--Lijnkamp--J-Z, 1999

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 616 Folder 14 Holland--Lijnkamp--A-I, 2000

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 616 Folder 15 Holland--Lijnkamp--J-Z, 2000

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 447 Folder 3 Holland--Lijnkamp--A-F, 2005

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 447 Folder 4 Holland--Lijnkamp--G-Z, 2005

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 404 Folder 1 Holland--T&L--A-K, 1989-1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 404 Folder 2 Holland--T&L--L-Z, 1989

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 550 Folder 5 Holland--T&L--A-F, 1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 551 Folder 1 Holland--T&L--G-L, 1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 551 Folder 2 Holland--T&L--M-Z, 1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 571 Folder 17 Holland--T&L--A-M, 1992

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 571 Folder 18 Holland--T&L--N-Z, 1992

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 575 Folder 4 Holland--T&L--A-M, 1993

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 575 Folder 5 Holland--T&L--N-Z, 1993

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 420 Folder 1 Dutch Publishers, 2002

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 444 Folder 21 Dutch Publishers, 2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 443 Folder 4 Dutch Publishers, 2004

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 447 Folder 2 Dutch Publishers, 2005

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 504 Folder 6 Dutch Publishers, 2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 527 Folder 18 Dutch Publishers, 2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 581 Folder 8 Dutch Publishers, 2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 794 Folder 2 Dutch Publishers, 2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 809 Folder 22 Dutch Publishers, 2011

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 811 Folder 15 Dutch Publishers, 2012

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 862 Folder 26 Dutch Publishers, 2013

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 367 Folder 3 Dutch Rights--Rombach, 1980-1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 320 Folder 7 Dutch Rights--Rombach, 1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 321 Folder 1 Dutch Rights--Rombach, 1983-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 357 Folder 4-5 Dutch Rights--Rombach, 1985 & 1986, 1984-1986 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 766 Folder 8 Hungary, 2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 421 Folder 11 Hungary, 2002

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 444 Folder 9 Hungary, 2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 442 Folder 4 Hungary, 2004

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 505 Folder 8 Hungary, 2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 528 Folder 9 Hungary, 2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 580 Folder 11 Hungary, 2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 795 Folder 13 Hungary, 2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 801 Folder 10 Hungary, 2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 809 Folder 23 Hungary, 2011

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 811 Folder 16 Hungary, 2012

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 862 Folder 13 Hungary, 2013

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 889 Folder 19 Hungary, 2014-2016

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 612 Folder 8 Hungary--Bolza, 1995-1997

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 614 Folder 7 Hungary--Bolza, 1998-1999

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 616 Folder 16 Hungary--Bolza, 2000

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 448 Folder 8 Hungary--Bolza, 2005

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 219 Folder 9 Israel, 1975-1977

Box 371 Folder 7 Israel (Agents), 1977-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 664 Folder 6 Israel, 1994-1995

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 767 Folder 6 Israel, 2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 420 Folder 5 Israel, 2002

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 445 Folder 2 Israel, 2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 443 Folder 7 Israel, 2004

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 505 Folder 12 Israel, 2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 528 Folder 10 Israel, 2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 581 Folder 11 Israel, 2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 794 Folder 5 Israel, 2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 801 Folder 11 Israel, 2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 809 Folder 24 Israel, 2011

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 811 Folder 17 Israel, 2012

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 862 Folder 29 Israel, 2013

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 890 Folder 3 Israel, 2014-2016

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 634 Folder 10 Israel--Book Publishers Association of Israel (BPAI), 1990-1995

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 749 Folder 7 Israel--Hadary, 1996-1997

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 614 Folder 6 Israel--Hadary, 1998

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 615 Folder 11 Israel--Hadary, 1999

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 447 Folder 5 Israel--Harris/Elon, 2005

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 140 Folder 9 Israel--Reca Media Services, 1974-1975

Box 357 Folder 3 Israel--Rogan, 1983-1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 635 Folder 1 Israel--Rogan, 1987-1995

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 697 Folder 1 Italy--General and Publishers, 1990-1995

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 619 Folder 5 Italy--General and Publishers, 1996-2000

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 767 Folder 7 Italy--A-I, 2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 767 Folder 8 Italy--J-Z, 2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 420 Folder 7 Italy--A-I, 2002

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 420 Folder 8 Italy--J-Z, 2002

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 445 Folder 4 Italy--A-I, 2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 445 Folder 5 Italy--J-Z, 2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 443 Folder 9 Italy--A-I, 2004

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 443 Folder 10 Italy--J-Z, 2004

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 505 Folder 14 Italy--A-J, 2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 505 Folder 15 Italy--K-Z, 2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 528 Folder 12 Italy--A-J, 2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 528 Folder 13 Italy--K-Z, 2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 581 Folder 13 Italy--A-J, 2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 581 Folder 14 Italy--K-Z, 2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 794 Folder 6 Italy--A-J, 2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 794 Folder 7 Italy--K-Z, 2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 801 Folder 13-14 Italy--A-Z, 2010 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 810 Folder 1 Italy--A-J, 2011

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 810 Folder 2 Italy--K-Z, 2011

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 811 Folder 18 Italy--A-J, 2012

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 811 Folder 19 Italy--K-Z, 2012

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 862 Folder 31-32 Italy--A-Z, 2013 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 890 Folder 4-5 Italy--A-Z, 2014-2016 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 319 Folder 1 Italy--Agenzia Letteraria Internazionale (Erich Linder), 1982-1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 355 Folder 1-3 Italy--Agenzia Letteraria Internazionale (ALI), 1981-1986 (Three Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 360 Folder 3-5 Italy--Agenzia Letteraria Internazionale (ALI)--A-Z, 1986-1988 (3 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 572 Folder 5 Italy--Agenzia Letteraria Internazionale (ALI), 1989-1993

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 500 Folder 2 Italy--Agenzia Letteraria Internazionale (ALI), 1994-2004

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 140 Folder 1 Italy--Agenzia Letteraria Internazionale (Erich Linder)--Italian Rights, 1970-1971

Box 572 Folder 6 Italy--Agenzia Letteraria Internazionale (ALI)--Italian Tax Exemption Forms, 1991-1993

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 388 Folder 1 Italy--Bernabo--A-F, 1988-1989

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 388 Folder 5 Italy--Bernabo--G-Z, 1989

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 388 Folder 4 Italy--Bernabo--A-F, 1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 388 Folder 2 Italy--Bernabo--G-K, 1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 388 Folder 3 Italy--Bernabo--L-Z, 1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 551 Folder 3 Italy--Bernado--A-F, 1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 551 Folder 4 Italy--Bernado--G-K, 1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 551 Folder 5 Italy--Bernado--L-Z, 1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 571 Folder 19 Italy--Bernabo--A-D, 1992

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 571 Folder 20 Italy--Bernabo--E-L, 1992

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 572 Folder 1 Italy--Bernabo--M-Z, 1992

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 572 Folder 2 Italy--Bernabo--A-H, 1993

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 572 Folder 3 Italy--Bernabo--I-P, 1993

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 572 Folder 4 Italy--Bernabo--Q-Z, 1993

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 665 Folder 4 Italy--Bernabo--A-I, 1994

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 633 Folder 5 Italy--Bernabo--J-R, 1994

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 665 Folder 5 Italy--Bernabo--S-Z, 1994

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 694 Folder 3 Italy--Bernabo--A-I, 1995

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 694 Folder 4 Italy--Bernabo--J-R, 1995

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 694 Folder 5 Italy--Bernabo--S-Z, 1995

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 747 Folder 5 Italy--Bernabo--A-I, 1996

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 747 Folder 6 Italy--Bernabo--J-Z, 1996

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 613 Folder 8 Italy--Bernabo--A-I, 1997

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 613 Folder 9 Italy--Bernabo--J-Z, 1997

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 614 Folder 8 Italy--Bernabo--A-I, 1998

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 614 Folder 9 Italy--Bernabo--J-Z, 1998

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 615 Folder 12 Italy--Bernabo--A-I, 1999

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 615 Folder 13 Italy--Bernabo--J-Z, 1999

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 616 Folder 17 Italy--Bernabo--A-I, 2000

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 616 Folder 18 Italy--Bernabo--J-Z, 2000

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 447 Folder 7 Italy--Bernabo--A-F, 2005

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 447 Folder 8 Italy--Bernabo--G-Z, 2005

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 572 Folder 7 Italy--Eninaudi (Donna Giachetti), 1989-1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 420 Folder 6 Italian Publishers, 2001-2002

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 445 Folder 3 Italian Publishers, 2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 443 Folder 8 Italian Publishers, 2004

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 447 Folder 6 Italian Publishers, 2005

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 505 Folder 13 Italian Publishers, 2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 528 Folder 11 Italian Publishers, 2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 581 Folder 12 Italian Publishers, 2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 794 Folder 8 Italian Publishers, 2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 801 Folder 12 Italian Publishers, 2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 810 Folder 3 Italian Publishers, 2011

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 811 Folder 20 Italian Publishers, 2012

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 862 Folder 30 Italian Publishers, 2013

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 445 Folder 6 Japan, 2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 447 Folder 9 Japan--Asano, 2005

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 527 Folder 12 Japan--Asano, 2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 581 Folder 15 Japan--Asano, 2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 794 Folder 9 Japan--Asano, 2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 801 Folder 16 Japan--Asano, 2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 811 Folder 21 Japan--Asano, 2012

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 862 Folder 34 Japan--Asano, 2013

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 326 Folder 3-4 Japan--The English Agency, 1983-1986 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 392 Folder 6 Japan--The English Agency, 1987-1989

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 392 Folder 7 Japan--The English Agency, 1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 572 Folder 8-9 Japan--The English Agency, 1991-1992 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 634 Folder 1 Japan--The English Agency, 1993

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 665 Folder 2 Japan--The English Agency, 1994

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 695 Folder 1 Japan--The English Agency, 1995

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 750 Folder 1-2 Japan--The English Agency, 1996-1997 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 614 Folder 10 Japan--The English Agency, 1998

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 615 Folder 14 Japan--The English Agency, 1999

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 616 Folder 19 Japan--The English Agency, 2000

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 767 Folder 9 Japan--The English Agency, 2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 420 Folder 9 Japan--The English Agency, 2002

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 445 Folder 7 Japan--The English Agency, 2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 443 Folder 12 Japan--The English Agency, 2004

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 447 Folder 10 Japan--The English Agency, 2005

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 504 Folder 7 Japan--The English Agency, 2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 527 Folder 19 Japan--The English Agency, 2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 581 Folder 16 Japan--The English Agency, 2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 794 Folder 10 Japan--The English Agency, 2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 801 Folder 17 Japan--The English Agency, 2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 810 Folder 4 Japan--The English Agency, 2011

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 811 Folder 22 Japan--The English Agency, 2012

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 862 Folder 35 Japan--The English Agency, 2013

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 890 Folder 6 Japan--The English Agency, 2014-2015

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 141 Folder 7-12 Japan--Tuttle-Mori, 1970-1976 (6 Folders)

Box 242 Folder 3 Japan--Tuttle-Mori, 1976-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 321 Folder 5 Japan--Tuttle-Mori, 1982-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 357 Folder 9 Japan--Tuttle-Mori, 1984-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 321 Folder 6 Japan--Tuttle-Mori, 1981-1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 357 Folder 8 Japan--Tuttle-Mori, 1985-1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 684 Folder 3 Japan--Tuttle-Mori, 1987-1988

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 404 Folder 7 Japan--Tuttle-Mori, 1989

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 395 Folder 5 Japan--Tuttle-Mori, 1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 572 Folder 10 Japan--Tuttle-Mori, 1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 572 Folder 11 Japan--Tuttle-Mori, 1992

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 572 Folder 12 Japan--Tuttle-Mori, 1993

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 695 Folder 2 Japan--Tuttle-Mori, 1994-1995

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 750 Folder 3 Japan--Tuttle-Mori, 1996-1997

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 614 Folder 11 Japan--Tuttle-Mori, 1998

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 615 Folder 15 Japan--Tuttle-Mori, 1999

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 616 Folder 20 Japan--Tuttle-Mori, 2000

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 767 Folder 10 Japan--Tuttle-Mori, 2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 420 Folder 10 Japan--Tuttle-Mori, 2002

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 445 Folder 8 Japan--Tuttle-Mori, 2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 443 Folder 13 Japan--Tuttle-Mori, 2004

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 447 Folder 11 Japan--Tuttle Mori, 2005

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 511 Folder 5 Japan--Tuttle-Mori, 2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 529 Folder 6 Japan--Tuttle-Mori, 2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 581 Folder 17 Japan--Tuttle-Mori, 2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 794 Folder 11 Japan--Tuttle-Mori, 2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 801 Folder 18 Japan--Tuttle-Mori, 2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 810 Folder 5 Japan--Tuttle-Mori, 2011

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 811 Folder 23 Japan--Tuttle-Mori, 2012

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 862 Folder 36 Japan--Tuttle-Mori, 2013

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 890 Folder 7 Japan--Tuttle-Mori, 2014-2016

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 220 Folder 1-2 Japan--UNI Agency, 1976-1980 (2 folders)

Box 372 Folder 1 Japan--UNI Agency, 1980-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 372 Folder 2 Japan--UNI Agency, 1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 372 Folder 3 Japan--UNI Agency, 1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 320 Folder 1 Japan--UNI Agency, 1983-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 356 Folder 5-6 Japan--UNI Agency, 1985-1986 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 372 Folder 4 Japan--UNI Agency, 1987-1988

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 395 Folder 3 Japan--UNI Agency, 1989

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 395 Folder 4 Japan--UNI Agency, 1989-1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 572 Folder 13-14 Japan--UNI Agency, 1991-1992 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 572 Folder 15 Japan--UNI Agency, 1993

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 695 Folder 3 Japan--UNI Agency, 1994-1995

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 750 Folder 4 Japan--UNI Agency, 1996-1997

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 614 Folder 12 Japan--UNI Agency, 1998

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 615 Folder 16 Japan--UNI Agency, 1999

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 616 Folder 21 Japan--UNI Agency, 2000

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 420 Folder 11 Japan--UNI Agency, 2002

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 445 Folder 9 Japan--UNI Agency, 2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 443 Folder 14 Japan--UNI Agency, 2004

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 447 Folder 12 Japan--UNI Agency, 2005

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 511 Folder 11 Japan--UNI Agency, 2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 529 Folder 12 Japan--UNI Agency, 2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 581 Folder 18 Japan--UNI Agency, 2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 794 Folder 12 Japan--UNI Agency, 2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 801 Folder 19 Japan--UNI Agency, 2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 810 Folder 6 Japan--UNI, 2011

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 811 Folder 24 Japan--UNI, 2012

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 862 Folder 37 Japan--UNI, 2013

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 890 Folder 8 Japan--UNI, 2014-2015

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 443 Folder 11 Japanese Publishers, 2004

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 801 Folder 15 Japanese Publishers, 2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 810 Folder 7 Japanese Publishers, 2011

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 811 Folder 25 Japanese Publishers--A-J, 2012

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 862 Folder 33 Japanese Publishers, 2013

[Restricted Until 2059]

File is empty.

Box 414 Folder 3 Korea

Box 619 Folder 7 Korea, 1992-2000

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 445 Folder 10 Korea, 2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 443 Folder 15 Korea, 2004

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 508 Folder 11 Korea, 2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 862 Folder 38 Korea, 2013

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 801 Folder 20 Korea, 2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 810 Folder 8 Korea, 2011

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 811 Folder 26 Korea, 2012

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 572 Folder 16 Korea--Kim, Richard, 1985-1994

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 695 Folder 4 Korea--DRT, 1994-1995

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 750 Folder 5 Korea--DRT, 1996-1997

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 614 Folder 13 Korea--DRT/Korea Copyright Center (KCC), 1998

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 615 Folder 17 Korea--DRT/Korea Copyright Center (KCC), 1998

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 617 Folder 1 Korea--Korea Copyright Center (KCC), 2000

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 420 Folder 12 Korea--Korea Copyright Center (KCC), 2002

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 447 Folder 13 Korea--Korea Copyright Center (KCC), 2005

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 528 Folder 14 Korea--Korea Copyright Center (KCC), 2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 581 Folder 19 Korea--Korea Copyright Center (KCC), 2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 794 Folder 13 Korea--Korea Copyright Center (KCC), 2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 890 Folder 9 Korea--Korea Copyright Center (KCC), 2014-2016

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 619 Folder 8 Netherlands, 1995-2000

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 138 Folder 6-10 Netherlands--Gans (Alexander Gans), 1963-1979 (5 Folders)

Box 219 Folder 6-7 Netherlands--Gans (Alexander Gans), 1976-1980 (2 folders)

Box 766 Folder 9 Poland, 2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 421 Folder 12 Poland, 2002

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 444 Folder 10 Poland, 2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 442 Folder 5 Poland, 2004

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 510 Folder 2 Poland, 2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 528 Folder 16 Poland, 2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 580 Folder 12 Poland, 2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 795 Folder 14 Poland, 2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 801 Folder 21 Poland, 2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 810 Folder 9 Poland, 2011

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 811 Folder 27 Poland, 2012

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 862 Folder 14 Poland, 2013

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 889 Folder 20 Poland, 2014-2016

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 691 Folder 1 Poland--Gerd Plessl Agency, 1994-1995

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 448 Folder 9 Poland--Graal, 2005

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 737 Folder 5 Poland--Kanska, 1994-1996

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 613 Folder 10 Poland--Kanska, 1997-1998

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 616 Folder 1 Poland--Kanska, 1999

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 617 Folder 2 Poland--Kanska, 2000

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 378 Folder 5 Portugal, 1981-1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 378 Folder 6 Portugal, 1986-1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 767 Folder 11 Portugal, 2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 420 Folder 13 Portugal, 2002

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 445 Folder 11 Portugal, 2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 443 Folder 16 Portugal, 2004

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 510 Folder 3 Portugal, 2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 801 Folder 22 Portugal, 2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 810 Folder 10 Portugal, 2011

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 811 Folder 28 Portugal, 2012

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 862 Folder 39 Portugal, 2013

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 614 Folder 14 Portugal--De La Concha, 1998

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 616 Folder 2 Portugal--De La Concha, 1999-2000

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 572 Folder 17 Portugal--Nueva Agencia, 1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 665 Folder 3 Portugal--Nueva Agencia, 1993

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 695 Folder 5 Portugal--Nueva Agencia, 1994-1995

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 447 Folder 14 Portugal--RDC, 2005

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 528 Folder 18 Portugal--RDC, 2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 581 Folder 20 Portugal--RDC, 2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 794 Folder 14 Portugal--RDC, 2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 890 Folder 10 Portugal--RDC, 2014-2015

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 444 Folder 11 Romania, 2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 766 Folder 10 Romania--Nurnberg (Tat), 1996-1999

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 421 Folder 13 Russia, 2002

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 444 Folder 12 Russia, 2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 442 Folder 6 Russia, 2004

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 510 Folder 7 Russia, 2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 528 Folder 19 Russia, 2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 580 Folder 13 Russia, 2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 795 Folder 15 Russia, 2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 801 Folder 23 Russia, 2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 810 Folder 11 Russia, 2011

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 811 Folder 29 Russia, 2012

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 862 Folder 15 Russia, 2013

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 889 Folder 21 Russia, 2014-2016

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 612 Folder 9 Russia--Sushkova (Nurnberg), 1996-1997

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 421 Folder 14 Russia--Sushkova (Nurnberg), 2000-2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 448 Folder 10 Russia--Sushkova (Nurnberg), 2005

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 551 Folder 6 Scandinavia--General & Publishers, 1990-1993

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 767 Folder 12 Scandinavia--A-J, 2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 767 Folder 13 Scandinavia--J-Z, 2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 420 Folder 14 Scandinavia--A-I, 2002

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 420 Folder 15 Scandinavia--J-Z, 2002

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 445 Folder 12 Scandinavia--A-I, 2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 445 Folder 13 Scandinavia--J-Z, 2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 443 Folder 17 Scandinavia--A-I, 2004

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 443 Folder 18 Scandinavia--J-Z, 2004

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 510 Folder 8 Scandinavia--A-J, 2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 510 Folder 9 Scandinavia--K-Z, 2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 528 Folder 20 Scandinavia--A-J, 2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 528 Folder 21 Scandinavia--K-Z, 2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 581 Folder 22 Scandinavia--A-J, 2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 581 Folder 23 Scandinavia--K-Z, 2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 794 Folder 15 Scandinavia--A-J, 2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 794 Folder 16 Scandinavia--K-Z, 2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 801 Folder 25-26 Scandanavia--A-Z, 2010 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 141 Folder 1-6 Scandinavia--Lennart Sane Agency, 1969-1977 (6 Folders)

Box 221 Folder 1-3 Scandinavia--Lennart Sane Agency, 1977-1980 (3 folders)

Box 321 Folder 2-3 Scandinavia--Lennart Sane Agency and Scandinavia, other, 1981-1985 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 357 Folder 6-7 Scandinavia--Lennart Sane Agency, 1984-1986 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 380 Folder 7 Scandinavia--Lennart Sane Agency, 1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 381 Folder 1 Scandinavia--Lennart Sane Agency, 1988

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 403 Folder 1 Scandinavia--Lennart Sane Agency--A-F, 1988-1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 403 Folder 2 Scandinavia--Lennart Sane Agency--G-Z, 1989

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 403 Folder 3 Scandinavia--Lennart Sane Agency--A-G, 1989-1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 403 Folder 4 Scandinavia--Lennart Sane Agency--H-Z, 1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 551 Folder 7 Scandinavia--Lennart Sane Agency--A-G, 1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 551 Folder 8 Scandinavia--Lennart Sane Agency--H-Z, 1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 572 Folder 18 Scandinavia--Lennart Sane Agency--A-D, 1992

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 572 Folder 19 Scandinavia--Lennart Sane Agency--E-L, 1992

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 572 Folder 20 Scandinavia--Lennart Sane Agency--M-Z, 1992

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 572 Folder 21 Scandinavia--Lennart Sane Agency--A-M, 1993

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 572 Folder 22 Scandinavia--Lennart Sane Agency--N-Z, 1993

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 664 Folder 2 Scandinavia--Lennart Sane Agency--A-M, 1994

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 664 Folder 3 Scandinavia--Lennart Sane Agency--N-Z, 1994

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 696 Folder 1 Scandinavia--Lennart Sane Agency--A-M, 1995

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 696 Folder 2 Scandinavia--Lennart Sane Agency--N-Z, 1995

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 748 Folder 1 Scandanavia--Lennart Sane Agency--A-M, 1996

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 748 Folder 2 Scandanavia--Lennart Sane Agency--N-Z, 1996

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 613 Folder 11 Scandanavia--Lennart Sane Agency--A-I, 1997

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 613 Folder 12 Scandanavia--Lennart Sane Agency--J-Z, 1997

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 614 Folder 15 Scandanavia--Lennart Sane Agency--A-I, 1998

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 614 Folder 16 Scandanavia--Lennart Sane Agency--J-Z, 1998

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 616 Folder 3 Scandanavia--Lennart Sane Agency--A-I, 1999

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 616 Folder 4 Scandanavia--Lennart Sane Agency--J-Z, 1999

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 617 Folder 3 Scandanavia--Lennart Sane Agency--A-I, 2000

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 617 Folder 4 Scandanavia--Lennart Sane Agency--J-Z, 2000

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 447 Folder 16 Scandinavia--Lennart Sane Agency--A-F, 2005

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 447 Folder 17 Scandinavia--Lennart Sane Agency--G-Z, 2005

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 810 Folder 12 Scandinavia--Lennart Sane Agency--A-J, 2011

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 810 Folder 13 Scandinavia--Lennart Sane Agency--K-Z, 2011

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 811 Folder 30 Scandinavia--Lennart Sane Agency--A-J, 2012

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 811 Folder 31 Scandinavia--Lennart Sane Agency--K-Z, 2012

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 862 Folder 40-41 Scandanavia--Toregard--A-Z, 2013 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 890 Folder 11-12 Scandanavia--Toregard--A-Z, 2014-2016 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 619 Folder 9 Scandinavian Publishers, 1993-2000

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 447 Folder 15 Scandinavian Publishers, 2005

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 510 Folder 10 Scandinavian Publishers, 2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 528 Folder 22 Scandinavian Publishers, 2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 581 Folder 21 Scandinavian Publishers, 2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 801 Folder 24 Scandanavian Publishers, 2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 810 Folder 14 Scandinavian Publishers, 2011

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 811 Folder 32 Scandinavian Publishers, 2012

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 442 Folder 7 Serbia, 2002-2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 444 Folder 13 Serbia, 2004

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 510 Folder 13 Serbia, 2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 810 Folder 15 Serbia, 2011

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 862 Folder 16-17 Serbia, 2012-2013 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 889 Folder 22 Serbia, 2014-2016

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 801 Folder 27 Slovenia, 2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 767 Folder 14 Spain--A-J, 2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 767 Folder 15 Spain--J-Z, 2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 420 Folder 16 Spain--A-I, 2002

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 420 Folder 17 Spain--J-Z, 2002

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 445 Folder 14 Spain--A-I, 2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 445 Folder 15 Spain--J-Z, 2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 442 Folder 11 Spain--A-I, 2004

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 442 Folder 12 Spain--J-Z, 2004

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 510 Folder 15 Spain--A-J, 2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 510 Folder 16 Spain--K-Z, 2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 529 Folder 2 Spain--A-J, 2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 529 Folder 3 Spain--K-Z, 2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 582 Folder 2 Spain--A-J, 2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 582 Folder 3 Spain--K-Z, 2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 794 Folder 18 Spain--A-J, 2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 794 Folder 19 Spain--K-Z, 2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 802 Folder 2-3 Spain--A-Z, 2010 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 810 Folder 16 Spain--A-J, 2011

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 810 Folder 17 Spain--K-Z, 2011

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 811 Folder 33 Spain--A-J, 2012

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 811 Folder 34 Spain--K-Z, 2012

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 862 Folder 43-44 Spain--A-Z, 2013 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 874 Folder 22 Spain--A-H, 2014

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 874 Folder 23 Spain--I-Z, 2014

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 890 Folder 13-14 Spain--A-Z, 2015-2016 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 219 Folder 1 Spain--Carmen Balcells, 1965-1971

Box 138 Folder 1-5 Spain--Carmen Balcells, 1972-1976 (5 Folders)

Box 219 Folder 2-3 Spain--Carmen Balcells, Barcelona, 1977-1979 (2 folders)

Box 219 Folder 4-5 Spain--Carmen Balcells, 1980 (2 folders)

Box 362 Folder 4-10 Spain--Carmen Balcells--A-Z, 1978-1988, 1981-1982, 1987, 1988 (7 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 319 Folder 2-5 Spain--Carmen Balcells--A-Z, 1982-1985 (4 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 355 Folder 4-5 Spain--Carmen Balcells, 1985: A-Z, 1984-1986 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 356 Folder 1-2 Spain--Carmen Balcells, 1986: A-Z, 1985-1986 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 387 Folder 5 Spain--Carmen Balcells, 1989-1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 403 Folder 6 Spain--Carmen Balcells--A-G, 1990-1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 403 Folder 7 Spain--Carmen Balcells--H-Z, 1990-1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 552 Folder 1 Spain--Carmen Balcells--A-G, 1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 552 Folder 2 Spain--Carmen Balcells--H-Z, 1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 573 Folder 1 Spain--Carmen Balcells--A-M, 1992

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 573 Folder 2 Spain--Carmen Balcells--N-Z, 1992

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 573 Folder 3 Spain--Carmen Balcells--A-M, 1993

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 573 Folder 4 Spain--Carmen Balcells--N-Z, 1993

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 664 Folder 4 Spain--Carmen Balcells--A-M, 1994

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 664 Folder 5 Spain--Carmen Balcells--N-Z, 1994

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 696 Folder 3 Spain--Carmen Balcells--A-M, 1995

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 696 Folder 4 Spain--Carmen Balcells--N-Z, 1995

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 736 Folder 3 Spain--Carmen Balcells--A-M, 1996

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 733 Folder 3 Spain--Carmen Balcells--N-Z, 1996

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 613 Folder 13 Spain--Carmen Balcells--A-I, 1997

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 613 Folder 14 Spain--Carmen Balcells--J-Z, 1997

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 614 Folder 17-18 Spain--Carmen Balcells--A-I, 1998-1999 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 615 Folder 1-2 Spain--Carmen Balcells--J-Z, 1998-1999 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 617 Folder 5 Spain--Carmen Balcells--A-I, 2000

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 617 Folder 6 Spain--Carmen Balcells--J-Z, 2000

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 447 Folder 19 Spain--Carmen Balcells--A-F, 2005

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 447 Folder 20 Spain--Carmen Balcells--G-Z, 2005

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 242 Folder 1 Spain--Escobal, Patricio, 1967-1974

Box 619 Folder 10 Spanish Publishers, 1993-2000

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 443 Folder 19 Spanish Publishers, 2001-2004

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 447 Folder 18 Spanish Publishers, 2005

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 529 Folder 4 Spanish Publishers, 2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 582 Folder 1 Spanish Publishers, 2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 794 Folder 17 Spanish Publishers, 2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 802 Folder 1 Spanish Publishers, 2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 810 Folder 18 Spanish Publishers, 2011

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 811 Folder 35 Spanish Publishers, 2012

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 862 Folder 42 Spanish Publishers, 2013

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 221 Folder 4 Turkey, 1973-1976

Box 242 Folder 2 Turkey, 1976-1978

Box 619 Folder 11 Turkey, 1995-1999

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 617 Folder 7 Turkey, 2000

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 767 Folder 16 Turkey, 2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 420 Folder 18 Turkey, 2002

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 445 Folder 16 Turkey, 2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 442 Folder 13 Turkey, 2004

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 447 Folder 21 Turkey, 2005

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 511 Folder 4 Turkey, 2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 529 Folder 5 Turkey, 2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 581 Folder 24 Turkey, 2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 794 Folder 20 Turkey, 2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 801 Folder 28 Turkey, 2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 810 Folder 19 Turkey, 2011

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 811 Folder 36 Turkey, 2012

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 862 Folder 45 Turkey, 2013

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 890 Folder 15 Turkey, 2014-2016

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 696 Folder 5 Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), 1992-1996

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 47 Folder 2 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Agents, 1961-1962

Box 47 Folder 3-5 United Kingdom (U.K.)--British Publishers--General, 1961-1963 (3 Folders)

Box 181 Folder 8 United Kingdom (U.K.)--British Publishers--General 1977-1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 181 Folder 6 United Kingdom (U.K.)--British Publishers--Agreements--Old, 1966-1971

Box 181 Folder 7 United Kingdom (U.K.)--British Publishers and Agents--General 1970-1973

Box 610 Folder 4 United Kingdom (U.K.)--British Publishers and Miscellaneous, 1984-1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 602 Folder 15 United Kingdom (U.K.)--British Miscellaneous and Publishers, 1987-1996

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 573 Folder 5 United Kingdom (U.K.)--British Publishers, 1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 573 Folder 6 United Kingdom (U.K.)--General and Publishers, 1990-1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 552 Folder 3 United Kingdom (U.K.)--General and Publishers, 1992

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 619 Folder 12 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Publishers, 1993-2000

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 15 Folder 8 United Kingdom (U.K.)--British Miscellaneous, 1970-1973

Box 766 Folder 11 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A-D, 2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 766 Folder 12 United Kingdom (U.K.)--E-I, 2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 766 Folder 13 United Kingdom (U.K.)--J-Q, 2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 766 Folder 14 United Kingdom (U.K.)--R-Z, 2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 766 Folder 15 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Publishers, 2001

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 421 Folder 17 United Kingdom (U.K.)--UK A-G, 2002

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 421 Folder 18 United Kingdom (U.K.)--UK H-M, 2002

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 421 Folder 19 United Kingdom (U.K.)--UK N-S, 2002

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 443 Folder 21 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Harvill, 2002

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 421 Folder 16 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Publishers, 2002

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 443 Folder 22 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A-D, 2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 443 Folder 23 United Kingdom (U.K.)--E-I, 2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 444 Folder 1 United Kingdom (U.K.)--J-Q 2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 444 Folder 2 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Q-Z, 2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 443 Folder 20 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Publishers, 2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 442 Folder 14 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A-D, 2004

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 442 Folder 15 United Kingdom (U.K.)--E-I, 2004

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 442 Folder 16 United Kingdom (U.K.)--J-R, 2004

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 442 Folder 17 United Kingdom (U.K.)--S-Z, 2004

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 442 Folder 18 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Publishers, 2004

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 447 Folder 22 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Publishers, 2005

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 511 Folder 6 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A-D, 2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 511 Folder 7 United Kingdom (U.K.)--E-J, 2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 511 Folder 8 United Kingdom (U.K.)--K-P, 2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 511 Folder 9 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Q-Z, 2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 511 Folder 10 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Publishers, 2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 529 Folder 7 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A-D, 2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 529 Folder 8 United Kingdom (U.K.)--E-J, 2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 529 Folder 9 United Kingdom (U.K.)--K-P, 2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 529 Folder 10 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Q-Z, 2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 529 Folder 11 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Publishers, 2007

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 580 Folder 1 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A-D, 2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 580 Folder 2 United Kingdom (U.K.)--E-J, 2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 580 Folder 3 United Kingdom (U.K.)--K-P, 2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 580 Folder 4 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Q-Z, 2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 579 Folder 13 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Publishers, 2008

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 795 Folder 3 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A-D, 2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 795 Folder 4 United Kingdom (U.K.)--E-J, 2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 795 Folder 5 United Kingdom (U.K.)--K-P, 2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 795 Folder 6 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Q-Z, 2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 795 Folder 2 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Publishers, 2009

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 802 Folder 4-7 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A-Z, 2010 (4 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 809 Folder 1 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A-D, 2011

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 809 Folder 2 United Kingdom (U.K.)--E-K, 2011

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 809 Folder 3 United Kingdom (U.K.)--L-R, 2011

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 809 Folder 4 United Kingdom (U.K.)--S-Z, 2011

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 809 Folder 5 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Publishers, 2011

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 810 Folder 20 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A-D, 2012

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 810 Folder 21 United Kingdom (U.K.)--E-K, 2012

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 810 Folder 22 United Kingdom (U.K.)--L-R, 2012

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 810 Folder 23 United Kingdom (U.K.)--S-Z, 2012

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 810 Folder 24 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Publishers, 2012

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 862 Folder 3-6 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A-Z, 2013 (4 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 862 Folder 7 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Publishers, 2013

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 874 Folder 11 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A-D, 2014

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 874 Folder 12 United Kingdom (U.K.)--E-G, 2014

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 874 Folder 13 United Kingdom (U.K.)--H-R, 2014

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 874 Folder 14 United Kingdom (U.K.)--S-Z, 2014

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 889 Folder 10-13 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A-Z, 2015-2016 (4 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2059]

Box 536 Folder 1 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt, 1989-1992

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 573 Folder 7 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt, 1993-1995

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 536 Folder 2 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--Aldiss, Brian, 1987-1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 274 Folder 1 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--Alter, 1977-1980

Box 339 Folder 7 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--Alter, Stephen, 1980-1988

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 536 Folder 3 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--Alter, Stephen, 1988-1994

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 632 Folder 3 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--Anthony, Evelyn, 1983-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 339 Folder 8 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--Anthony, Evelyn, 1985-1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 536 Folder 4 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--Anthony, Evelyn, 1988-1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 339 Folder 9 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--Berman, Chaim, 1979-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 274 Folder 2-4 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--Bermant, Chaim, 1967-1978 (Three Folders)

Box 630 Folder 3 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--Bermant, Chaim, 1982-1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 340 Folder 1 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--Bitov, Oleg, 1983-1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 274 Folder 5 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--Blake, Quentin, 1981-1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 631 Folder 8 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--Blake, Quentin, 1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 536 Folder 5-7 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--Blake, Quentin, 1986-1990 (3 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 537 Folder 1 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--Blake, Quentin, 1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 610 Folder 23-24 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--Blum, David, 1983-1987 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 340 Folder 2 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--Brandon, Ruth, 1984-1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 537 Folder 2 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--Brandon, Ruth, 1988-1989

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 632 Folder 2 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--Buchan, John, 1983-1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 716 Folder 1 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--Buchan, John, 1988-1992

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 340 Folder 3 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--Cammel, Michael, 1981-1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 340 Folder 4 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--Carr, J.L., 1982-1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 573 Folder 8 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--Carr, J.L., 1988-1993

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 340 Folder 5 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--Charlesworth, Monique, 1986-1988

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 632 Folder 1 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--Chesterton, G. K. (Gilbert Keith), 1983-1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 408 Folder 4 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--Chesterton, G. K. (Gilbert Keith), 1986-1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 631 Folder 9 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--Chesterton, G. K. (Gilbert Keith), 1988-1989

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 538 Folder 1 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--Chesterton, G. K. (Gilbert Keith), 1991-1992

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 433 Folder 9 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--Chesterton, G. K. (Gilbert Keith), 1994-2003

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 874 Folder 10 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--Chesterton, G. K. (Gilbert Keith), 2004-2006

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 340 Folder 6 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--Children's Books, 1983-1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 537 Folder 3 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--Cox, Jenny (Sarah Lloyd), 1984-1989

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 340 Folder 7 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--Crispin, Edmund, 1982-1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 340 Folder 8 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--Crofts, Freeman Wills, 1986-1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 538 Folder 2 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--De Bono, Edward, 1972-1989

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 274 Folder 7 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--De Bono--1972-1976

Box 274 Folder 6 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--Dead and Languishing, 1978-1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 631 Folder 3 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--Dickinson, Peter, 1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 473 Folder 3 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--Dickinson, Peter, 1994-1995

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 781 Folder 5 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--Dickinson, Peter, 1996

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 473 Folder 4 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--Dickinson, Peter, 1997-1999

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 631 Folder 5-7 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--Dickinson, Peter--Adults, 1985-1989 (3 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 630 Folder 4-5 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--Dickinson, Peter--Children's, 1987-1988 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 631 Folder 1 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--Dickinson, Peter--Children's, 1989-1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 631 Folder 2 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--Dickinson, Peter--Correspondence, 1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 274 Folder 8 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--Dickison, Peter, 1982-1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 538 Folder 3 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--Dunn, Robert, 1986-circa 1992

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 340 Folder 9 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--Freeman, R. Austin (Richard Austin), 1984-1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 340 Folder 10 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--Freeman, R. Austin (Richard Austin): Estates for Possible Reprinting United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt: Freeman, R. Austin: Offerings, 1983-1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 647 Folder 3 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--Gilbert, Martin, 1983-1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 341 Folder 3 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--Gilbert, Martin, 1984-1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 537 Folder 4 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--Gilbert, Martin, 1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 537 Folder 5 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--Gilbert, Martin, 1988-1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 647 Folder 4 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--Gilbert, Martin, 1989-1995

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 643 Folder 2 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--Goodfield, June, 1980-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 643 Folder 3 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--Goodfield, June, 1983-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 538 Folder 4 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--Goodfield, June, 1985-1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 537 Folder 6 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--Goodfield, June, 1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 603 Folder 9 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--Goodfield, June, 1988-1994

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 275 Folder 1 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--Goodfield--General, 1974-1977

Box 538 Folder 5 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--Gordon, John, 1982-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 341 Folder 4 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--Graves, Robert and O'Prey, Paul, 1985-1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 275 Folder 4 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--Graves, Robert, 1981-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 573 Folder 9 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--Graves, Robert., 1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 275 Folder 5 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--Hamilton, Elizabeth, 1975-1977

Box 341 Folder 5 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--Hamilton, Elizabeth, 1976-1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 341 Folder 6-7 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--Hare, Cyril, 1981-1989 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 610 Folder 22 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--Hill, Reginald, 1982-1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 643 Folder 4-5 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--Hill, Reginald, 1984 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 537 Folder 7 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--Hill, Reginald, 1988-1994

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 341 Folder 8-9 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--Hill, Reginald: Correspondence and Publishers, 1985-1987 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 341 Folder 10 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--Hill, Reginald: Movies and Reviews, 1985-1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 342 Folder 1 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--Hillier, Bevis, 1981-1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 537 Folder 8 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--Hodges, Sheila, 1985-1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 603 Folder 10 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--Holden, Amanda, 1989-1996

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 611 Folder 6 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--Holden, Anthony, 1982-1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 537 Folder 9 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--Holden, Anthony, 1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 539 Folder 1 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--Holden, Anthony, 1988-1993

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 647 Folder 5 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--Hope, Christopher, 1984-1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 342 Folder 2 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--Hope, Christopher, 1984-1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 540 Folder 1 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--Hope, Christopher, 1988

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 541 Folder 1 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--Huntford, Roland, 1982-1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 573 Folder 10 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--Huntford, Roland, 1988-1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 573 Folder 11 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--Jacoby, Hyam, 1988

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 276 Folder 5 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--Johnson, 1972-1975

Box 275 Folder 2 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--June, 1976-1978

Box 275 Folder 3 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--June, 1981-1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 541 Folder 2 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--Kelly, Nora, 1984-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 642 Folder 4-6 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--King-Smith, Dick, 1981-1986 (3 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 541 Folder 3 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--King-Smith, Dick, 1987-1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 342 Folder 3 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--Knox, Ronald, 1983-1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 539 Folder 2 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--Kovel, Joel, 1983-1989

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 342 Folder 4 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--Ladenis, Nico, 1986-1988

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 652 Folder 7 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--Maccoby, Hyam, 1985-1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 275 Folder 6-8 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--Maddox, Brenda, 1972-1978

Box 653 Folder 6 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--Maddox, Brenda, 1980-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 611 Folder 7 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--Maddox, Brenda, 1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 643 Folder 1 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--Maddox, Brenda, 1984-1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 573 Folder 12 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--Maddox, Brenda, 1988-1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 342 Folder 6-7 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--Maddox, Brenda: Reviews, 1984-1989 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 276 Folder 1-2 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--Maddox, Brenda--1977-1979 (2 Folders)

Box 342 Folder 8 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--Maddox, John, 1973-1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 342 Folder 9 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--Mason, A. E. W. (Alfred Edward Woodley), 1983-1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 342 Folder 10 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--Maugham, W. Somerset, 1981-1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 342 Folder 5 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--McCarthy, Patrick, 1979-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 539 Folder 3 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--McCarthy, Patrick, 1982-1989

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 276 Folder 3-4 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--McCarthy, Patrick--1972-1979 (2 Folders)

Box 732 Folder 2 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--McEwan, Ian, 1972-1974

Box 655 Folder 1 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--McEwan, Ian, 1974-1976

Box 343 Folder 1 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--Menuhin, Yehudi, 1984-1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 539 Folder 4 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--Michie, Donald & Johnston, Rory, 1983-1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 343 Folder 2 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--Middlebrook, Martin, 1981-1989

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 539 Folder 5 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--Moore, Patrick 1986-1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 653 Folder 5 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--Moore, Patrick and John Mason, 1983-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 539 Folder 6 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--Morgan, Alison, 1981-1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 654 Folder 2 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--Morley, John David, 1984-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 343 Folder 3 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--Morley, John David, 1985-1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 540 Folder 2 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--Morley, John David, 1988-1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 343 Folder 4-5 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--Mosimann, Anton, 1983-1986 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 654 Folder 3 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--Murry, John Middleton (Richard Cowper), 1982-1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 343 Folder 6 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--Murry, John Middleton (Richard Cowper), 1985-1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 540 Folder 3 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--Murry, John Middleton (Richard Cowper), 1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 343 Folder 7 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--Norris, William, 1981-1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 683 Folder 6 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--Offerings (Retired), 1982-1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 276 Folder 6 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--Offerings Retired, 1954-1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 343 Folder 8 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--Offerings, A-L, 1984-1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 344 Folder 1-2 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--Offerings: N-R, 1984: S-Z, 1982-1987 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 654 Folder 5 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--Oliver, Anthony, 1982-1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 540 Folder 4 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--Oliver, Anthony, 1988-1989

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 654 Folder 4 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--Phipson, Joan, 1981-1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 344 Folder 3 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--Phipson, Joan, 1984-1989

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 344 Folder 4 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--Pinney, Rachel, 1982-1989

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 654 Folder 7 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--Polland, Madeleine A., 1982-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 344 Folder 5-6 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--Polland, Madeleine A., 1982-1988 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 344 Folder 7 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--Postgate, Raymond, 1984-1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 540 Folder 5 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--Postgate, Raymond, 1985-1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 344 Folder 8 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--Price, Anthony, 1981-1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 654 Folder 1 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--Price, Anthony, 1984-1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 540 Folder 6 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--Price, Anthony, 1986-1989

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 540 Folder 7 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--Price, Anthony, 1988-1994

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 882 Folder 1 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--Reports, 1982-1989

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 344 Folder 9-10 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--Rubinstein, Helge, 1981-1989 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 345 Folder 1 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--Rubinstein, Hilary, 1981-1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 652 Folder 6 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--Rubinstein, Hilary, 1984-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 344 Folder 11 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--Rubinstein, Hilary, 1984-1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 540 Folder 8 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--Rubinstein, Hilary, 1988-1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 276 Folder 7 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--Scammel, Michael, 1975-1978

Box 345 Folder 2-4 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--Scammel, Michael, 1983-1988 (Three Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 654 Folder 6 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--Sherwood, John, 1982-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 345 Folder 5 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--Sherwood, John, 1986-1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 603 Folder 11 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--Sherwood, John, 1988-1993

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 345 Folder 6 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--Sprigge, Elizabeth, 1982-1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 652 Folder 4 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--Stewart, J.I.M. (Michael Innes), 1981-1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 653 Folder 4 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--Stewart, J.I.M. (Michael Innes), 1984-1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 540 Folder 9 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--Stewart, J.I.M. (Michael Innes), 1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 540 Folder 10 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--Stewart, J.I.M. (Michael Innes), 1988-1992

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 652 Folder 5 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--Swift, Graham, 1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 687 Folder 4 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--Swift, Graham, 1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 345 Folder 7-9 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--Swift, Graham,1983-1988 (Three Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 540 Folder 11 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--Tizard, Barbara, 1984-1989

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 345 Folder 10 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--Waddington, C. H. (Conrad Hal), 1969-1988

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 345 Folder 11 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--Walker, Martin, 1985-1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 540 Folder 12 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--Walker, Martin, 1988-1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 346 Folder 1-2 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--Walton, Lady Susana: 1986-1988 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 541 Folder 4 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--Yates, Dornford, 1984-1989

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 346 Folder 3 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--Young, Michael, 1985-1988

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 541 Folder 5 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--Young, Michael, 1988-1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 346 Folder 4 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--Yoxen, Edward, 1982-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 541 Folder 6 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt--Yoxen, Edward, 1985-1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 200 Folder 4 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt & Son, 1970

Box 226 Folder 3 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt & Son--Adelson, Roger 1973-1975

Box 226 Folder 5 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt & Son--Aldiss, Brian, 1970

Box 200 Folder 5 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt & Son--Aldiss, Brian, 1971

Box 226 Folder 6-8 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt & Son--Aldiss, Brian, 1973-1975 (3 folders)

Box 227 Folder 1-2 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt & Son--Aldiss, Brian,1978-1979 (2 folders)

Box 226 Folder 4 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt & Son--Aldiss, Brian--Foreign Rights, Movies, etc. 1978-1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 227 Folder 3 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt & Son--Alter, Stephen, 1979-1980

Box 227 Folder 4 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt & Son--Bermant, Chaim, 1978-1979

Box 225 Folder 5-7 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt & Son--Correspondence England,1972-1974 (3 folders)

Box 226 Folder 1-2 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt & Son--Correspondence,1970-1984 (2 folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 227 Folder 5-9 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt & Son--Dead Files, 1981-1983 (5 folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 200 Folder 6-7 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt & Son--DeBono, Edward, 1970-1972 (2 folders)

Box 228 Folder 1-2 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt & Son--General, 1971-1978 (2 folders)

Box 228 Folder 3 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt & Son--Goodfield, June, 1978-1979

Box 228 Folder 4 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt & Son--Hamilton, Elizabeth, 1979

Box 228 Folder 5 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt & Son--Hazlehurst, Cameron, 1970-1980

Box 200 Folder 8 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt & Son--Hedberg, Hakan, 1970-1973

Box 228 Folder 6 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt & Son--Inquiries, 1979

Box 228 Folder 7 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt & Son--Johnson, Brian, 1974-1975

Box 228 Folder 8 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt & Son--Johnson, Thompson, 1974-1978

Box 201 Folder 1 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt & Son--Raban, Jonathan, 1971-1973

Box 228 Folder 9 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt & Son--Raban, Jonathan, 1974-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 228 Folder 10 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt & Son--Raphael, Frederick, 1976-1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 228 Folder 11 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt & Son--Scanmell, Michael, 1979-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 201 Folder 2 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt & Son--Sillitoe, Alan, 1972

Box 229 Folder 1-2 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt & Son--Tennant, Emma, 1972-1978 (2 folders)

Box 229 Folder 3 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt & Son--Tennant, Emma, 1979-1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 229 Folder 4 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt & Son--Vaizey, John, 1977

Box 229 Folder 5 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt & Son--Waddington, C. H. (Conrad Hal), 1974-1977

Box 229 Folder 6 United Kingdom (U.K.)--A.P. Watt & Son--Zohar, Dana, 1977

Box 265 Folder 15 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Bolt & Watson Ltd., 1970-1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 173 Folder 8-12 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Bolt & Watson Ltd., 1971-1975 (5 folders)

Box 174 Folder 2 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Bolt & Watson Ltd.--Allison, Sonia, 1976

Box 85 Folder 1 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Bolt & Watson Ltd.--Baity, Elizabeth Chesley, 1972-1977 (Authors' Agents)

Box 174 Folder 3-4 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Bolt & Watson Ltd.--Banks, Lynne Reid, 1974-1977 (2 folders)

Box 85 Folder 2 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Bolt & Watson Ltd.--Banks, Lynne Reid, 1978-1979

Box 85 Folder 3-4 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Bolt & Watson Ltd.--Banks, Lynne Reid, 1980-1982 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 174 Folder 5 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Bolt & Watson Ltd.--Beeching, Wilfred 1973-1978

Box 174 Folder 6 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Bolt & Watson Ltd.--Bell, Gerard 1971-1973

Box 174 Folder 7 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Bolt & Watson Ltd.--Blair, Peter Hunter 1974-1975

Box 85 Folder 5 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Bolt & Watson Ltd.--Bolt, David, 1979-1980

Box 85 Folder 6 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Bolt & Watson Ltd.--Bond, Brian, 1974-1977

Box 85 Folder 7 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Bolt & Watson Ltd.--Cannon, John, 1979-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 85 Folder 8-9 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Bolt & Watson Ltd.--Carey, Elizabeth, 1980-1982 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 174 Folder 8 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Bolt & Watson Ltd.--Cauthery, Philip & Cole, Martin 1971-1973

Box 85 Folder 10 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Bolt & Watson Ltd.--Churchward, John, 1976-1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 174 Folder 1 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Bolt & Watson Ltd.--Correspondence, 1976

Box 86 Folder 1 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Bolt & Watson Ltd.--Dally, Peter, 1974-1976

Box 86 Folder 2 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Bolt & Watson Ltd.--Derry, John, 1975-1977

Box 86 Folder 3 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Bolt & Watson Ltd.--Dewhurst, Eileen, 1980-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 86 Folder 4-5 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Bolt & Watson Ltd.--Dillon, Eilís (Mrs. Vivian Mercier), 1977-1979 (2 Folders)

Box 86 Folder 6-7 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Bolt & Watson Ltd.--Dillon, Eilís (Mrs. Vivian Mercier), 1979-1984 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 86 Folder 8 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Bolt & Watson Ltd-.-Dumas, Alexandre, 1975-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 174 Folder 9 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Bolt & Watson Ltd.--Emenyonu, Ernest 1973-1975

Box 174 Folder 10 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Bolt & Watson Ltd.--Enright, D.J. 1974-1977

Box 86 Folder 9-10 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Bolt & Watson Ltd.--Enright, Dennis Joseph, 1978-1980 (2 Folders)

Box 86 Folder 11 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Bolt & Watson Ltd.--Flower, Pat, 1976-1978

Box 86 Folder 12 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Bolt & Watson Ltd.--Flower, Pat, 1979-1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 86 Folder 13 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Bolt & Watson Ltd.--Footman, David, 1975-1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 86 Folder 14 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Bolt & Watson Ltd.--Forman, Joan, 1976-1980

Box 86 Folder 15 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Bolt & Watson Ltd.--Forrester, Larry, 1976-1979

Box 609 Folder 4 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Bolt & Watson Ltd.--Forrester, Larry, 1980-1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 86 Folder 16 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Bolt & Watson Ltd.--Foster, David, 1974-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 87 Folder 1 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Bolt & Watson Ltd.--Foxall, Raymond Jehdiada Campbell, 1973-1976

Box 87 Folder 2 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Bolt & Watson Ltd.--Frewer, Glyn, 1976-1979

Box 87 Folder 3 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Bolt & Watson Ltd.--Garrett, Richard, 1979-1980

Box 265 Folder 12 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Bolt & Watson Ltd.--Gash, 1974-1979

Box 265 Folder 13-14 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Bolt & Watson Ltd.--Gash, 1979-1984 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 174 Folder 11 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Bolt & Watson Ltd.--Gilbert, Anna 1973-1976

Box 87 Folder 4 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Bolt & Watson Ltd.--Gilbert, Anna, 1978-1979

Box 87 Folder 5 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Bolt & Watson Ltd.--Gilbert, Anna, 1979-1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 175 Folder 1-2 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Bolt & Watson Ltd.--Glaskin, G.M. 1971-1974 (2 folders)

Box 87 Folder 6 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Bolt & Watson Ltd.--Glaskin, Gerry M., 1975-1978

Box 87 Folder 7 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Bolt & Watson Ltd.--Graber, Gerry S., 1976-1979

Box 87 Folder 8 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Bolt & Watson Ltd.--Graber, Gerry S., 1979-1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 87 Folder 9 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Bolt & Watson Ltd.--Graham, Harriet, 1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 175 Folder 3 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Bolt & Watson Ltd.--Gussman, Boris 1976

Box 87 Folder 10 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Bolt & Watson Ltd.--Harrison, Elizabeth, 1973-1977

Box 87 Folder 11 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Bolt & Watson Ltd.--Harrison, Fred, 1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 88 Folder 1 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Bolt & Watson Ltd.--Hebblethwaite, Peter, 1974-1977

Box 175 Folder 4 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Bolt & Watson Ltd.--Heffron, Doris 1977-1978

Box 88 Folder 2-3 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Bolt & Watson Ltd.--Heley, Veronica "Victoria Thorne" & "Tamar Burkin", 1979-1983 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 88 Folder 4 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Bolt & Watson Ltd.--Hemingway, Amanda, 1981-1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 175 Folder 5 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Bolt & Watson Ltd.--Herley, Richard 1977-1979

Box 88 Folder 5 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Bolt & Watson Ltd.--Hill, Douglas & Gail Robinson, 1973-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 88 Folder 6 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Bolt & Watson Ltd.--Hollins, Arthur, 1972-1979

Box 88 Folder 7-8 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Bolt & Watson Ltd.--Holroyd, Stuart, 1974-1980 (2 Folders)

Box 175 Folder 6 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Bolt & Watson Ltd.--Howse, Derek 1975-1977

Box 175 Folder 7-8 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Bolt & Watson Ltd.--Huggett, Richard 1973-1979 (2 folders)

Box 88 Folder 9 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Bolt & Watson Ltd.--Hutchison, Harold Frederick, 1971-1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 88 Folder 10 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Bolt & Watson Ltd.--Jacobs, Arthur, 1976-1977, 1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 88 Folder 11 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Bolt & Watson Ltd.--Jon, Montague (John Montague Dovener), 1981-1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 88 Folder 12 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Bolt & Watson Ltd.--Kettle, Pamela (Jocelyn), 1974-1977

Box 175 Folder 9 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Bolt & Watson Ltd.--Kettle, Pamela 1972-1973

Box 176 Folder 1-2 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Bolt & Watson Ltd.--Koch, C. J. (Christopher J.), 1976-1979 (2 folders)

Box 88 Folder 13 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Bolt & Watson Ltd.--Koch, C. J. (Christopher J.), 1982-1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 176 Folder 3 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Bolt & Watson Ltd.--Lefebure, Molly 1971-1973

Box 88 Folder 14 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Bolt & Watson Ltd.--Lefebure, Molly, 1975-1978

Box 176 Folder 4 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Bolt & Watson Ltd.--Lemarchand, Elizabeth 1972-1977

Box 88 Folder 15 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Bolt & Watson Ltd.--Lemarchand, Elizabeth, 1978-1979

Box 88 Folder 16 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Bolt & Watson Ltd.--Lemarchand, Elizabeth, 1979-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 266 Folder 1 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Bolt & Watson Ltd.--Lemarchand, Elizabeth, 1981-1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 89 Folder 1 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Bolt & Watson Ltd.--Leslie, Josephine (R.A. Dick), 1972-1977

Box 176 Folder 5 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Bolt & Watson Ltd.--Longmate, Norman 1974

Box 176 Folder 6 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Bolt & Watson Ltd.--Longmate, Norman 1977-1979

Box 89 Folder 2 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Bolt & Watson Ltd.--Longmate, Norman, 1979-1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 177 Folder 1-2 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Bolt & Watson Ltd.--Macksey, Kenneth 1971-1976

Box 89 Folder 3 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Bolt & Watson Ltd.--Macksey, Kenneth, 1977-1978

Box 266 Folder 2 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Bolt & Watson Ltd.--Macksey, Kenneth, 1977-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 89 Folder 4-5 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Bolt & Watson Ltd.--Mann, Jessica (Jessica Thomas), 1971-1979 (2 Folders)

Box 364 Folder 3 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Bolt & Watson Ltd.--Mann, Jessica, 1980-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 89 Folder 6-7 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Bolt & Watson Ltd.--Mayhew, Elizabeth (Joan Bear), 1972-1980 (2 Folders)

Box 177 Folder 3 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Bolt & Watson Ltd.--Mercier, Vivian 1963-1979

Box 177 Folder 4 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Bolt & Watson Ltd.--Mercier, Vivian 1979-1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 177 Folder 5 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Bolt & Watson Ltd.--Merry, Bruce 1975-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 177 Folder 6 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Bolt & Watson Ltd.--Money, Keith 1976-1977

Box 177 Folder 7 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Bolt & Watson Ltd.--Moss, Robert 1972-1974

Box 177 Folder 8 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Bolt & Watson Ltd.--Osbourne, Helena 1978-1979

Box 177 Folder 9-10 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Bolt & Watson Ltd.--Partington, Norman 1972-1975 (2 folders)

Box 177 Folder 11 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Bolt & Watson Ltd.--Price, Jeramie 1973-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 178 Folder 1 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Bolt & Watson Ltd.--Rayson, Steven 1973-1974

Box 178 Folder 2 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Bolt & Watson Ltd.--Robinson, Gail 1981-1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 178 Folder 3 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Bolt & Watson Ltd.--Rowdon, Maurice 1977-1979

Box 178 Folder 4 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Bolt & Watson Ltd.--Segal, Muriel 1971-1978

Box 178 Folder 5 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Bolt & Watson Ltd.--Segal, Muriel 1977-1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 178 Folder 6 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Bolt & Watson Ltd.--Shulman, Sandra 1972-1975

Box 178 Folder 7 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Bolt & Watson Ltd.--Stuart, Forbes 1974-1979

Box 178 Folder 8-9 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Bolt & Watson Ltd.--Trevor, Meriol 1973-1977 (2 folders)

Box 178 Folder 10 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Bolt & Watson Ltd.--Trevor, Meriol 1979-1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 179 Folder 1 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Bolt & Watson Ltd.--Turner, Philip1976-1980

Box 179 Folder 2 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Bolt & Watson Ltd.--Ware, Jane & Hunt, Hugh 1980

Box 179 Folder 3 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Bolt & Watson Ltd.--Wheeler, Guy 1977-1978

Box 179 Folder 4 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Bolt & Watson Ltd.--Wheeler, Guy 1980-1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 179 Folder 5-7 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Bolt & Watson Ltd.--White, Alan 1974-1980 (3 folders)

Box 179 Folder 8 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Bolt & Watson Ltd.--White, Celia 1977-1978

Box 179 Folder 9 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Bolt & Watson Ltd.--White, Celia 1978-1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 180 Folder 1-5 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Bolt & Watson Ltd.--Wilson, Colin 1973-1979 (5 folders)

Box 180 Folder 6 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Bolt & Watson Ltd.--Wilson, Colin 1980-1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 364 Folder 4 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Bolt & Watson Ltd.--Wilson, Colin, 1981-1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 181 Folder 1-2 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Bolt & Watson Ltd.--Wilson, Sandra 1972-1973 (2 folders)

Box 181 Folder 3-4 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Bolt & Watson Ltd.--Wilson, Sandra 1979-1982 (2 folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 181 Folder 5 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Bolt & Watson Ltd.--Wordsworth, Jill 1975-1978

Box 603 Folder 8 United Kingdom (U.K.)--David Higham Associates Ltd.--General, 1989-1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 121 Folder 6 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Deborah Rogers Ltd., 1970

Box 121 Folder 7-8 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Deborah Rogers Ltd., 1971-1973 (2 Folders)

Box 191 Folder 12 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Deborah Rogers Ltd., 1976-1977

Box 268 Folder 4 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Deborah Rogers Ltd., 1977-1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 334 Folder 3 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Deborah Rogers Ltd., 1984-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 575 Folder 7 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Deborah Rogers Ltd., 1985-1989

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 268 Folder 3 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Deborah Rogers Ltd.--Buckman, Peter, 1974-1977

Box 259 Folder 10 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Deborah Rogers Ltd.--Chatwin, Bruce, 1977-1979

Box 732 Folder 5 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Deborah Rogers Ltd.--Chatwin, Bruce, 1980

Box 732 Folder 6-7 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Deborah Rogers Ltd.--Chatwin, Bruce, 1981-1984 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 609 Folder 8 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Deborah Rogers Ltd.--Chatwin, Bruce, 1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 366 Folder 4 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Deborah Rogers Ltd.--Correspondence, 1982-1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 366 Folder 5 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Deborah Rogers Ltd.--Correspondence, 1984-1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 268 Folder 5 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Deborah Rogers Ltd.--McEwan, 1976-1979

Box 732 Folder 3 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Deborah Rogers Ltd.--McEwan, Ian, 1980

Box 732 Folder 4 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Deborah Rogers Ltd.--McEwan, Ian, 1981-1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 549 Folder 1 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Deborah Rogers Ltd.--McEwan, Ian, 1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 549 Folder 2 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Deborah Rogers Ltd.--McEwan, Ian, 1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 259 Folder 11 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Deborah Rogers Ltd.--Plante, David, 1977-1980

Box 624 Folder 6 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Deborah Rogers Ltd.--Plante, David, 1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 629 Folder 1-2 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Deborah Rogers Ltd.--Plante, David, 1982-1985 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 549 Folder 4-6 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Deborah Rogers Ltd.--Plante, David, 1987-1990 (3 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 184 Folder 9 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Green Ltd. Literary Agency--Caute, David, 1976

Box 185 Folder 1 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Green Ltd. Literary Agency--Caute, David, 1977-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 184 Folder 10 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Green Ltd. Literary Agency--Caute, John, 1971

Box 184 Folder 11 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Green Ltd. Literary Agency--Caute, John, 1973

Box 609 Folder 15 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Harrel, Anne--Money, Keith and Peter Padfield, 1979-1993

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 115 Folder 5-7 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Hope Leresche & Sayle, 1966-1968 (3 Folders)

Box 115 Folder 8 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Hope Leresche & Sayle, 1969-1972

Box 117 Folder 1 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Hope Leresche & Sayle, 1976

Box 381 Folder 2 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Hope Leresche & Sayle, 1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 117 Folder 2 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Hope Leresche & Sayle--Aveline, Claude, 1968-1974

Box 222 Folder 6 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Hope Leresche & Sayle--Aveline, Claude, 1978

Box 222 Folder 7 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Hope Leresche & Sayle--Bail, Murray, 1978-1979

Box 117 Folder 3-5 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Hope Leresche & Sayle--Beeching, Jack (James Barbary), 1966-1970 (3 Folders)

Box 117 Folder 6-7 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Hope Leresche & Sayle--Beeching, Jack (James Barbary), 1971-1974 (2 Folders)

Box 222 Folder 8-9 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Hope Leresche & Sayle--Beeching, Jack, 1975-1983 (2 folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 117 Folder 8 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Hope Leresche & Sayle--Bloom, Leonard, 1971-1977

Box 118 Folder 1 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Hope Leresche & Sayle--Brown, Phil, 1966-1968

Box 224 Folder 5 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Hope Leresche & Sayle--Buero Vallejo, Antonio, 1969-1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Filed under Vallejo.

Box 267 Folder 3 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Hope Leresche & Sayle--Deacon, Richard, 1977-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 118 Folder 2 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Hope Leresche & Sayle--Ellis, William, 1972-1977

Box 116 Folder 7 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Hope Leresche & Sayle--Foreign Rights, 1973-1975

Box 320 Folder 2 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Hope Leresche & Sayle--Foreign Rights, 1976-1978

Box 223 Folder 1 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Hope Leresche & Sayle--Franklyn, Julian, 1969-1975

Box 223 Folder 2 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Hope Leresche & Sayle--Hogarth, Paul, 1976-1980

Box 118 Folder 3 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Hope Leresche & Sayle--Hogarth, Paul, 1966-1968

Box 118 Folder 4-6 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Hope Leresche & Sayle--Hogarth, Paul, 1969-1974 (3 Folders)

Box 118 Folder 7 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Hope Leresche & Sayle--James, John (David John), 1966-1968

Box 118 Folder 8-9 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Hope Leresche & Sayle--James, John (David John), 1969-1974 (2 Folders)

Box 223 Folder 3 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Hope Leresche & Sayle--James, John, 1975-1977

Box 223 Folder 4-5 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Hope Leresche & Sayle--Keneally, Thomas, 1975-1977 (2 folders)

Box 223 Folder 6 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Hope Leresche & Sayle--Keneally, Thomas, 1978-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 267 Folder 4 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Hope Leresche & Sayle--Keneally, Thomas, 1978-1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 629 Folder 4 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Hope Leresche & Sayle--Keneally, Tom, 1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 190 Folder 10 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Hope Leresche & Sayle--Marevna, 1983-1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 119 Folder 1 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Hope Leresche & Sayle--Marshall, Archibald, 1966-1970

Box 118 Folder 10 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Hope Leresche & Sayle--McGough, Roger, 1967-1976

Box 629 Folder 5 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Hope Leresche & Sayle--Meyers, Jeffrey, 1973-1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 119 Folder 2 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Hope Leresche & Sayle--Miskin, Lionel, 1968-1978

Box 190 Folder 11 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Hope Leresche & Sayle--Mockler, Anthony, 1978-1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 191 Folder 1 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Hope Leresche & Sayle--Nott, Kathleen, 1976-1978

Box 119 Folder 3 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Hope Leresche & Sayle--Park, Ruth, 1967-1971

Box 191 Folder 2 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Hope Leresche & Sayle--Rothenstein, Sir John, 1970-1979

Box 223 Folder 7 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Hope Leresche & Sayle--Rule Book Offerings 1966-1969

Box 223 Folder 8 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Hope Leresche & Sayle--Rule Magazine Sales, 1967-1969

Box 119 Folder 4-6 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Hope Leresche & Sayle--Rule, Jane, 1966-1970 (3 Folders)

Box 119 Folder 7-9 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Hope Leresche & Sayle--Rule, Jane, 1971-1975 (3 Folders)

Box 224 Folder 9 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Hope Leresche & Sayle--Rule, Jane, 1975-1976

Box 224 Folder 1 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Hope Leresche & Sayle--Rule, Jane, 1976-1978

Box 267 Folder 5 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Hope Leresche & Sayle--Rule, Jane, 1978-1979

Box 630 Folder 1 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Hope Leresche & Sayle--Rule, Jane, 1980

Box 630 Folder 2 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Hope Leresche & Sayle--Rule, Jane, 1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 119 Folder 10 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Hope Leresche & Sayle--Schuster, Felicia & Cecilia Wolseley, 1973-1977

Box 224 Folder 2 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Hope Leresche & Sayle--Searle, Ronald, 1968-1970

Box 224 Folder 3 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Hope Leresche & Sayle--Searle, Ronald, 1970-1979

Box 224 Folder 4 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Hope Leresche & Sayle--Seton, Marie, 1966-1979

Box 116 Folder 1-2 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Hope Leresche & Sayle--To & From, 1969-1970 (2 Folders)

Box 116 Folder 3-7 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Hope Leresche & Sayle--To & From, 1971-1975 (5 Folders)

Box 119 Folder 11 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Hope Leresche & Sayle--Usine-Universite-Union, 1978

Box 224 Folder 6 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Hope Leresche & Sayle--Wantmough, David, 1976-1980

Box 224 Folder 7 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Hope Leresche & Sayle--Watney, John, 1973-1976

Box 121 Folder 1 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Laurence Pollinger Ltd., 1970

Box 121 Folder 2-4 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Laurence Pollinger Ltd., 1971-1975 (3 Folders)

Box 120 Folder 7-8 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Laurence Pollinger Ltd. , 1961-1962 (2 Folders)

Box 120 Folder 9 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Laurence Pollinger Ltd., 1968

Box 120 Folder 2-3 Machin, David (of London International, A.P. Watt & Son), 1968-1969 (2 Folders) (agent)

Box 120 Folder 4 Machin, David (of London International, A.P. Watt & Son)--De Bono, Edward, 1969 (agent)

Box 120 Folder 5 Machin, David (of London International; A.P. Watt & Son)--Hamilton, Elizabeth, 1969-1975

Box 194 Folder 9-11 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--General, 1971-1974 (3 folders)

Box 192 Folder 9-11 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd., 1973-1974 (3 folders)

Box 193 Folder 1-8 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd., 1975-1978 (8 folders)

Box 194 Folder 1-3 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd., 1979-1980 (3 folders)

Box 194 Folder 4 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--G-M, 1980

Box 335 Folder 3-5 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd., 1980: A-F, 1985: A-M, 1977-1986, (Three Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 336 Folder 1-4 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd., 1985: N-Z, 1986 A-Z, 1983-1986 (Four Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 271 Folder 2 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--A-F, 1982-1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 271 Folder 3 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--G-M, 1980-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 271 Folder 1 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--N-Z, 1982-1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 271 Folder 4 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--N-Z, 1983-1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 379 Folder 7 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--A-F, 1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 379 Folder 9 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--N-Z, 1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 380 Folder 1 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--A-F, 1988

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 380 Folder 2 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--G-M, 1988

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 380 Folder 3 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--N-Z, 1988

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 382 Folder 1 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--A-F, 1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 382 Folder 4 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--A-F, 1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 382 Folder 2 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--G-M, 1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 382 Folder 5 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--G-M, 1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 382 Folder 8 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--G-M, 1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 382 Folder 3 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--N-Z, 1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 382 Folder 6 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--N-Z, 1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 401 Folder 4 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--General, 1989

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 541 Folder 7-8 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--General, 1989-1991 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 401 Folder 1 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--A-F, 1989

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 401 Folder 2 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--G-M, 1989-1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 401 Folder 3 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--N-Z, 1989-1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 402 Folder 1 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--A-C, 1990-1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 402 Folder 2 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--D-Ha, 1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 402 Folder 3 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--He-L, 1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 402 Folder 4 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--M-Q, 1990-1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 402 Folder 5 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--R-Z, 1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 542 Folder 3 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--A-D, 1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 543 Folder 1 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--E-HA, 1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 543 Folder 2 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--HE-L, 1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 543 Folder 3 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--M-Z, 1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 602 Folder 16 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--General, 1992-1995

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 573 Folder 13 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--A-D, 1992

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 573 Folder 14 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--E-HA, 1992

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 573 Folder 15 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--HE-L, 1992

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 573 Folder 16-17 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--M-Z, 1992 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 574 Folder 1 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--A-D, 1993

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 574 Folder 2 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--E-H, 1993

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 574 Folder 3 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--I-L, 1993

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 574 Folder 4 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--M-P, 1993

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 574 Folder 5 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Q-T, 1993

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 574 Folder 6 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--U-Z, 1993

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 663 Folder 3 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--A-D, 1994

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 574 Folder 7 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--E-H, 1994

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 663 Folder 4 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--E-H, 1994

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 663 Folder 5 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--I-P, 1994

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 663 Folder 6 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Q-T, 1994

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 664 Folder 1 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--U-Z, 1994

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 662 Folder 1 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--A-D, 1995

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 662 Folder 2 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--E-H, 1995

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 662 Folder 3 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--I-P, 1995

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 663 Folder 1 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Q-T, 1995

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 663 Folder 2 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--U-Z, 1995

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 738 Folder 2 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--A-D, 1996

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 748 Folder 3 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--E-H, 1996

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 738 Folder 3 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--I-P, 1996

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 733 Folder 2 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Q-Z, 1996

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 617 Folder 8-9 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--A-D, 1997 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 617 Folder 10 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--E-H, 1997

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 617 Folder 11 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--I-P, 1997

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 617 Folder 12 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Q-Z, 1997

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 473 Folder 6 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--General, 1998

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 617 Folder 13-14 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--A-D, 1998 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 617 Folder 15 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--E-H, 1998

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 618 Folder 1 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--I-P, 1998

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 618 Folder 2 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Q-Z, 1998

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 618 Folder 3 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--A-D, 1999

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 618 Folder 4 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--E-H, 1999

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 618 Folder 5 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--I-P, 1999

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 618 Folder 6 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Q-Z, 1999

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 618 Folder 7 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--A-F, 2000

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 618 Folder 8-10 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--G-L, 2000 (3 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 618 Folder 11 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--M-R, 2000

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 618 Folder 12 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--S-Z, 2000

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 609 Folder 6 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Allen, Charles, 1984-1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 543 Folder 4 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Allen, Charles, 1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 683 Folder 5 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Anderson, Linda, 1984-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 609 Folder 7 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Anderson, Linda, 1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 336 Folder 5 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Ash, Timothy Garton, 1980-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 732 Folder 1 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Ash, Timothy Garton, 1986-1992

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 473 Folder 7 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Ash, Timothy Garton, 1993-1995

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 543 Folder 5 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Barstow, Phyllida, 1985-1993

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 473 Folder 8 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Bigsby, Christopher, 1993

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 543 Folder 6 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Blount, Margaret, 1973-1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 543 Folder 7 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Blue, Lionel, 1985-1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 610 Folder 16 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Blue, Lionel, 1988-1989

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 544 Folder 1 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Boyd, Edward & Parkes, Roger, 1973-1979

Box 610 Folder 1 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Brackenbury, Rosalind, 1972-1973

Box 268 Folder 6 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Bragg, 1971-1978

Box 680 Folder 8-9 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Bragg, Melvyn, 1979-1986 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 379 Folder 4 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Bragg, Melvyn, 1986-1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 544 Folder 2 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Bragg, Melvyn, 1988-1993

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 681 Folder 1 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Bragg, Melvyn, 1989-1994

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 473 Folder 9 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Bragg, Melvyn, 1996-1997

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 544 Folder 3 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Brook, Stephen, 1987-1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 544 Folder 4 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Cannam, Helen, 1983-1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 473 Folder 10 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Cannam, Helen, 1987-1994

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 544 Folder 5 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Cook, Robert, 1986-1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 544 Folder 6 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Cook, Robert, 1988-1993

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 379 Folder 5 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Correspondence, 1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 379 Folder 6 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Correspondence, 1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 609 Folder 9 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Cragoe, Elizabeth, 1976-1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 473 Folder 11 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Cremins, Robert, 1992-2000

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 609 Folder 10 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Daneman, Meredith, 1982-1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 269 Folder 1 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Dead or Languishing, 1980-1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 731 Folder 6 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Del Conte, Anna, 1992-1993

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 544 Folder 7 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Dupré, Catherine, 1979-1988

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 610 Folder 12 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Ellerbeck, Rosemary (Nicola Thorne), 1979-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 609 Folder 11 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Ellerbeck, Rosemary (Thorne, Nicola), 1983-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 680 Folder 10 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Ellerbeck, Rosemary, 1981-1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 473 Folder 12 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Ellerbeck, Rosemary, 1986-1992

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 609 Folder 20 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Elliot, Janice, 1984-1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 681 Folder 2 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Elliott, Janice, 1981-1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 544 Folder 8 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Elliott, Janice, 1987-1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 737 Folder 1 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Elliott, Janice, 1992-1995

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 270 Folder 9-10 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--England--A-M, 1982-1983 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 269 Folder 2 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Fisher, 1976-1979

Box 609 Folder 12 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Fisher, John, 1980

Box 269 Folder 3-4 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Fleetwood, 1972-1977 (2 Folders)

Box 194 Folder 8 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Fleetwood, Hugh, 1974-1977

Box 681 Folder 3 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Fleetwood, Hugh, 1978-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 473 Folder 13 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Fleetwood, Hugh, 1982-1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 544 Folder 10 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Forrester, Helen, 1985-1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 473 Folder 14 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Forrester, Helen, 1988-1994

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 681 Folder 4 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Freeman, Gillian, 1980

Box 609 Folder 13 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Freeman, Gillian, 1981-1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 544 Folder 9 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Freeman, Gillian, 1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 195 Folder 1 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Gilbert, Harriet, 1976-1978

Box 610 Folder 13 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Gilbert, Harriet, 1979-1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 269 Folder 5 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Gilbert, Harriet,1972-1976

Box 337 Folder 1 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Glazebrook, 1978-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 195 Folder 2 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Glazebrook, Philip, 1976-1977

Box 545 Folder 1 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Glazebrook, Philip, 1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 737 Folder 2 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Glazebrook, Philip, 1988-1993

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 337 Folder 2 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Grant-Adamson, Lesley, 1984-1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 609 Folder 5 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Grant-Adamson, Lesley, 1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 545 Folder 2 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Grant-Adamson, Lesley, 1988-1993

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 545 Folder 3 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Green, Michael, 1987-1988

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 545 Folder 4 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Grenfell, Joyce, 1975-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 545 Folder 5 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Hart-Davis, Duff, 1985-1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 269 Folder 6-7 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Heald, Tim, 1972-1979 (2 Folders)

Box 195 Folder 3 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Heald, Tim, 1977-1978

Box 603 Folder 1 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Heald, Tim, 1980

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 681 Folder 5 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Heald, Tim, 1981-1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 609 Folder 18 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Heald, Tim, 1983-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 603 Folder 2 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Heald, Tim, 1986-1989

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 270 Folder 1-2 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Hill, Susan, 1972-1978 (2 Folders)

Box 610 Folder 14 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Hill, Susan, 1979-1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 337 Folder 3 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Hill, Susan, 1982-1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 545 Folder 6 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Hill, Susan, 1987-1989

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 681 Folder 6 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Hill, Susan, 1990-1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 473 Folder 15 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Hill, Susan, 1993-1998

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 270 Folder 3 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Hobson, Sarah, 1975-1979

Box 545 Folder 7 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Hobson, Sarah, 1981-1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 337 Folder 5 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Hunter, Vic and Lanny, 1982-1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 609 Folder 16 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Hunter, Vic and Lanny, 1984-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 545 Folder 8 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Hunters, Vic and Lanny, 1987-1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 682 Folder 1 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Ingalls, Rachel, 1973-1978

Box 682 Folder 2 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Ingalls, Rachel, 1981-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 610 Folder 15 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Ingalls, Rachel, 1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 545 Folder 9 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Ingalls, Rachel, 1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 546 Folder 1 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Ingalls, Rachel, 1988

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 778 Folder 4 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Ingalls, Rachel, 1993-1996

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 473 Folder 16 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Ingalls, Rachel--Movie, 1996-1997

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 546 Folder 2-4 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Ingalls, Rachel--Movies, 1988-1990 (3 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 546 Folder 5 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Ingalls, Rachel--Movies, 1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 609 Folder 24 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Jones, Mervyn, 1980

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 682 Folder 3 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Jones, Mervyn, 1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 546 Folder 6 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Juxon, John (Austin Stevens), 1987-1989

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 609 Folder 19 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Kelly, Mary, 1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 270 Folder 4 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Kenyon, 1976-1978

Box 270 Folder 5 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Kenyon, 1979-1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 195 Folder 4 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Kenyon, Michael, 1973

Box 546 Folder 7 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Kenyon, Michael, 1983-1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 603 Folder 3 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Kenyon, Michael, 1988-1996

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 473 Folder 17 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Lebrecht, Norman, 1988-1992

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 270 Folder 6 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Lewis, Norman, 1973-1980

Box 682 Folder 4 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Lewis, Norman, 1981-1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 609 Folder 21 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Lewis, Norman, 1983-1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 736 Folder 1 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Lewis, Norman, 1986-2000

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 473 Folder 19 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Livadopoulos, Irene, 1994

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 546 Folder 8 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Llewellyn, Sam, 1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 547 Folder 1 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Llewellyn, Sam, 1988-1989

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 547 Folder 2 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Llewellyn, Sam, 1990-1994

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 337 Folder 4 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Llewelyn, Sam, 1981-1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 682 Folder 5 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Loughran, Peter, 1983-1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 609 Folder 22 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Mabey, Richard, 1976-1988

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 337 Folder 6 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--O'Brian, Patrick, 1978-1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 727 Folder 4 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--O'Brian, Patrick, 1983-1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 727 Folder 5-6 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--O'Brian, Patrick, 1988-1992 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 473 Folder 20 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--O'Brian, Patrick, 1993

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 547 Folder 3 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--O'Brian, Patrick, 1994

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 484 Folder 16-17 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--O'Brian, Patrick, 1995-1996 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 857 Folder 11 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--O'Brian, Patrick, 1997-1998

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 484 Folder 18 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--O'Brian, Patrick, 1998

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 548 Folder 1 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Odgen, John, 1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 195 Folder 5-8 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Offerings (retired), 1972-1975 (4 folders)

Box 196 Folder 1-5 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Offerings (retired), 1976-1980 (5 folders)

Box 541 Folder 10 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Offerings A-M, 1985-1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 542 Folder 1 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Offerings A-M, 1988-1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 541 Folder 11 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Offerings N-Z, 1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 337 Folder 7 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Offerings: 1987: A-M, 1978-1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 717 Folder 1 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Offerings--A-K, 1992-1997

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 610 Folder 20 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Offerings--A-M, 1984-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 717 Folder 2 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Offerings--L-Z, 1991-1997

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 270 Folder 7-8 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Offerings--N-Z, 1973-1980 (2 Folders)

Box 610 Folder 21 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Offerings--N-Z, 1984-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 609 Folder 23 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Osborne, Charles, 1982-1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 610 Folder 17 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Park, Christine, 1985-1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 610 Folder 18 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Pell, Sylvia, 1977-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 682 Folder 6 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Perriam, Wendy, 1979-1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 337 Folder 8 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Perriam, Wendy, 1982-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 610 Folder 19 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Perriam, Wendy, 1986-1988

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 682 Folder 7 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Petrie, Glen, 1972-1979

Box 682 Folder 8 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Petrie, Glen, 1979-1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 547 Folder 4 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Petrie, Glen, 1983-1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 473 Folder 18 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Petrie, Glen, 1987-1989

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 338 Folder 1 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Petrie, Graham, 1980-1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 548 Folder 2 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Pickering, George, 1972-1977

Box 338 Folder 2 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Reports, 1981-1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 547 Folder 5 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Rolt, Francis, 1987-1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 547 Folder 6 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Rutherford, Douglas (McConnell, James), 1982-1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 682 Folder 9 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Rutherford, Douglas, 1978-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 547 Folder 7 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Rutherford, Douglas--Estate of (Real Name: McConnell, James), 1988-1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 683 Folder 1 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Scott, Michael, 1983-1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 603 Folder 4 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Scott, Michael, 1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 547 Folder 8-9 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Simon, Francesca, 1984-1989 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 683 Folder 2 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Sinclair-Stevenson, Christopher, 1979-1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 736 Folder 2 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Sinclair-Stevenson, Christopher, 1986-1994

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 548 Folder 3 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Slater, Nigel, 1983-1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 338 Folder 3 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Slaughter, 1979-1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 196 Folder 6 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Slaughter, Carolyn, 1974-1976

Box 683 Folder 3 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Slaughter, Carolyn, 1983-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 548 Folder 4 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Slaughter, Carolyn, 1986-1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 548 Folder 5 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Slaughter, Carolyn, 1988-1992

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 271 Folder 5 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Slaughter--1977-1978

Box 683 Folder 4 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Stevens, Austin (J. Juxon) (P. Spain), 1979-1984

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 271 Folder 6 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Stevenson, Christopher Sinclair, 1971-1979

Box 271 Folder 7 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Stow, 1969-1974

Box 611 Folder 1 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Stow, Randolph, 1979-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 652 Folder 3 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Stow, Randolph, 1982-1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 542 Folder 2 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Submissions L-Z, 1987-1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 548 Folder 6 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Taylor, Andrew, 1987-1991

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 603 Folder 5 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Taylor, Andrew, 1992-1996

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 548 Folder 7 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Thorpe, Edward, 1982-1983

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 194 Folder 5 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--To and From, 1971-1972

Box 194 Folder 6 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--To and From, 1976

Box 271 Folder 8 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--To And From, 1977-1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 194 Folder 7 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--To and From, 1979-1980

Box 610 Folder 5-7 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--To and From, 1981-1984 (3 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 541 Folder 9 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--To and From, 1988

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 652 Folder 2 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Tremain, Rose, 1976-1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 651 Folder 6 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Tremain, Rose, 1983-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 548 Folder 8-9 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Tremain, Rose, 1986-1989 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 651 Folder 7 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Tremain, Rose, 1990-1992

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 652 Folder 1 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Tremain, Rose, 1992-1993

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 603 Folder 6 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--Tremain, Rose, 1994-1996

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 548 Folder 10 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Richard Scott Simon Ltd.--White, Terence de Vere, 1983-1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 533 Folder 6 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Rogers, Coleridge & White Ltd.--Plante, David, 1991-1992

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 802 Folder 8 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Scouts, 2010

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 447 Folder 23 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Sheil Land--A-D, 2005

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 447 Folder 24 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Sheil Land--E-H, 2005

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 447 Folder 25 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Sheil Land--I-M, 2005

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 448 Folder 1 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Sheil Land--N-Z, 2005

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 75 Folder 9 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Stephen Aske Literary Agency Limited--Aske, Stephen--To and From, 1977-1981 (agent)

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 610 Folder 2 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Stephen Aske Literary Agency Limited--Thompson, Estelle, 1976-1987

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 473 Folder 5 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Stephen Aske Literary Agency Limited--Thompson, Estelle, 1988-1994

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 47 Folder 11 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Toby Eady Associates Limited, 1974

Box 124 Folder 7-8 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Vernon & Copeman Ltd., 1966-1969 (2 Folders)

Box 124 Folder 9 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Vernon & Copeman Ltd.--Seago, J.H., 1968-1969

Box 199 Folder 15-20 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Victoria Vernon Ltd., 1970-1977 (6 folders)

Box 272 Folder 1 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Victoria Vernon Ltd., 1977-1979

Box 629 Folder 3 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Victoria Vernon Ltd., 1981

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 549 Folder 7 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Victoria Vernon Ltd., 1981-1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 603 Folder 7 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Victoria Vernon Ltd., 1986-1987

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 200 Folder 1-3 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Victoria Vernon Ltd.--Butterworth, Michael, 1961-1975 (3 folders)

Box 272 Folder 2-5 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Victoria Vernon Ltd.--Butterworth, Michael--1975-1980 (Four Folders)

Box 339 Folder 1 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Victoria Vernon Ltd.--Butterworth, Michael, 1978-1980

Box 339 Folder 2 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Victoria Vernon Ltd.--Butterworth, Michael, 1980-1982

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 549 Folder 8 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Watson, Little Ltd.--General, 1986-1988

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 577 Folder 10-11 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Watson, Little Ltd.--General, 1988-2004 (2 Folders)

[Restricted Until 2049]

Box 272 Folder 7 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Watson, Little Ltd.--Banks, Lynne Reid--1981-1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 272 Folder 6 United Kingdom (U.K.)--Watson, Little Ltd.--Christie, Anne, 1981-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Series V. Manuscript Logs, circa 1950s-2012

The manuscript logs consist of boxes of index cards. The cards are usually filed by first by author and then by title, although multivolume series are frequently filed first by publisher and then by title. The cards include the activity/dates/results of a title's submission to various publishers, date copy returned, etc.

Many of these boxes were not clearly labeled as to their contents. Boxes 625-627 appear to document inactive (and for the most part, unsold) titles; these boxes are generally unlabeled and one box is labeled as "inactive." Several other boxes are labeled as "sold" but the majority of the other box labels only indicate the alphabetical range of the box's contents.

Box 625 Abel-Bernard, 1950-circa 1979

Box 626 Bernard-Cayrol, 1950s-circa 1979

Box 627 Cazal-Daix, 1950s-circa 1979

Box 627 Pernoud-Zinser, circa 1977-1989

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 757 A-Du, 1980-1990

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 757 D-E, 1954-1980

Box 759 E-KU, 1980-1989

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 757 EM-GI, 1956-1980

Box 757 GI-HU, 1954-1980

Box 758 HA-KE, 1955-1980

Box 758 KEL-LI, 1957-1980

Box 758 LA-TR, 1980-1992

[Restricted Until 2039]

Box 758 LI-MA, 1956-1980

Box 760 ME-NI, 1953-1980

Box 760 NIZ-PON, 1955-1985

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 760 POO-RUL, 1956-1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 760 RU-SN, 1956-1986

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 759 SN-T, 1957-1979

Box 759 U-Z, 1954-1989

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 759 Unfiled A-Z, 1954-1989

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 758 Unfiled B-Z, 1980-1992

[Restricted Until 2039]

(This set of cards is in Box LA-TR)

Box 628 Sold--A-Dennison, 1950s-circa 1989

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 761 Sold--A-L, 1959-1980

Box 761 Sold--DeNoel-L, 1960-1989

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 761 Sold--Keneally-Rostrand, 1959-1989

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box 761 Sold--M-Y, 1963-1989

[Restricted Until 2029]

Box marked as M-W

Series VI: Archived Web Site, 2013-present

Georges Borchardt, Inc. Web Site, 2013-present

Archived web site captures of the official web site of Georges Borchardt, Inc. at Captured semi-annually, 2013-present.

Link to Archived Website