Box 3
Manfred Kridl to unidentified persons
Box 3
Unidentified persons to Manfred Kridl
Box 3
Abramowicz, Dina
Box 3
American... (organizations)
Box 3
American Slavic and East European Review
Box 3
Beal, Chandler
Box 3
Berlin, Free University of
Box 3
Borova, Julia
Box 3
Brussels University
Box 3
Bujnowski, Jozef
Box 3
Bulas, Kazimierz
Box 3
Catholic Committee for Refugees
Box 3
Columbia University
Box 3
Ehrenpreis, Wiktor
Box 3
Erlicfi, Wiktor
Box 3
Fole j ewski, Zbigniew
Box 3
Ford Foundation (recommendations)
Box 3
Gross, Feliks
Box 3
Hertz, Aleksander
Box 3
Koschmieder, E.
Box 3
Kraus, David
Box 3
Langer, Rulka
Box 3
Lodz University
Box 3
Malinowski, Vtfadys^av
Box 3
May enowa, Renata
Box 3
Mizva, Stephen P.
Box 3
Nagurski, Irene
Box 3
New Europe (journal)
Box 3
Pankiewicz, Michal
Box 3
Polish... (organizations, journals)
Box 3
Polish Embassy
Box 4
Polski Instytut Naukovy w Ameryce
Box 4
Rapacka, Halina
Box 4
Roy Publishers
Box 4
Rzeuska, Maria
Box 4
Salman, Artur
Box 4
Scherer-Virski, Olga
Box 4
Schmitt, Bernadette
Box 4
S^avinska, Irena
Box 4
Smith College
Box 4
Staniewska, A. and H.
Box 4
Torun University
Box 4
Tygodnik Polski (New York)
Box 4
U.S. Department of Justice
Box 4
U.S. Department of State
Box 4
U.S. Offices of Price Administration & War Information
Box 4
Whitfield, Francis
Box 4
"Wiedza" Spoldzielnia wydawnicza
Box 4
Witenberg, Joseph C.
Box 4
Woloszynowa, Lidia
Box 4
Zajkowska, A.
Box 4
Zaklad Narodowy im. Ossolinskich
Box 4
Zawacki, Edmund
Box 4
Zawadzki, B. and N.
Box 4
Zgorzelski, Czeslaw
Box 4
Zlotovski, Ignacy
Box 4
Zubrzycki, Boleslaw
Box 4
Zygmund, Antoni and Irena
Box 4
Other Correspondents, A-B
Box 5
Other Correspondents, C-Z
College and University Lectures
Box 6
Lectures on Czech Literature, Brussels University
Box 6
Lectures on the History of Polish Culture, Columbia University
Box 6
Lectures on the History of the Polish Language, Columbia University
Box 6
Lectures on Modern Slavic Poetics, Columbia University
Box 6
Lectures on the 19th and 20th century Polish Novel, Columbia University
Box 6
Lectures on Old Polish Literature, Columbia University
Box 7
Lectures on Polish Folklore, Columbia University
Box 7
Lectures on Polish Intellectual History, Columbia University
Box 7
Lectures on Polish Poetry, Columbia University
Box 7
Lectures on Slavic Literary Theory, Columbia University
Box 7
Lectures on 19th century Slavic Literature, Columbia University
Box 7
Miscellaneous Lectures at Smith College
Box 8
Lectures on Literary Theory, Wilno University
Box 8
Miscellaneous Lecture Notes
Box 9
Curriculum Vitae and Lists of Publications
Box 9
"Adam Mickiewicz" (1955 United Nations talk)
Box 9
"Adam Mickiewicz" in Great Men and Women of Poland
Box 9
"Adam Mickiewicz (1798-1855)"
Box 9
"Adam Mickiewicz jako poeta i jako dzialacz"
Box 9
Adam Mickiewicz, Poet of Poland: A Symposium
Box 10
"Alexandre Fredro"
Box 10
Anthology of Polish Literature
Box 11
"Bibliography of Prose Fiction Studies" (with related correspondence)
Box 11
"Bibliography on Czechoslovak Literature"
Box 11
"Cyprien Norwid"
Box 11
"Early Russian Epic Poetry (Byliny)"
Box 11
"The First Polish Translation of the Slovo o polku Igoreve"
Box 11
"La genese de la 'Jeune Pologne'"
Box 11
"Henryk Sienkiewicz"
Box 11
"Introduction a la theorie du roman"
Box 11
"Introduction to the Study of Literary Works"
Box 11
"JTai a vous parler de la Pologne contemporaine..."
Box 11
"Jean Kochanowski (1530-1584)"
Box 11
Juliusz Slowacki. Liryki
Box 12
"Literatura polska na emigracji (1939-1945)"
Box 12
Literatura polska (na tie rozwoju kultury)
Box 12
"The Lyric Poems or Juliusz Slowacki"
Box 12
"Lyric Poetry and its 'Genres'"
Box 13
"Mickiewicz on America and the American Potato"
Box 13
"Mickiewicz w powojennej krytyce polskiej"
Box 13
"Narodiny nowego swiata"
Box 13
Obituaries of Berent, Boy-Zeleriski, Brzozowska, Kleiner, Piwinski
Box 13
"O pierwszej sowieckiej okupacji Wilna"
Box 13
"O polskosci Wilna"
Box 13
"O przyszlosl kultury polskiej"
Box 13
"O polityce realistycznej"
Box 13
Office of War Information Broadcasts
Box 13
Pharaoh screenplay (with related correspondence)
Box 13
"Poland and Russia in the Past and Future"
Box 13
"Poland's Fight for Democracy"
Box 13
"Polish Democratic Traditions"
Box 13
"Polish Literature" in Collier's Encyclopedia (with related correspondence)
Box 13
"Polish Literature" in Encyclopedia Americana (with related correspondence)
Box 13
"Polish Literature between 1918 and 1939" in Poland, 1918
Box 13
"Polish Literature in Exile"
Box 13
"Polish Poetry" in Dictionary of Poetics and Poetry (with correspondence)
Box 13
"Polish Post-War Literature"
Box 13
"The Position of Poland"
Box 13
"Present Ideological Trends in Poland"
Box 13
"Psychologia sowietystow"
Box 13
Box 13
"The Role of Joseph Pilsudski in Polish Life"
Box 13
"Romantik und Moderne des Zeitgenossen der Heimat, Adam Mickievicz:
Box 13
Juliusz Slowacki"
Box 14
"Russian Formalism"
Box 14
"Salt of Earth"
Box 14
"Shprt Stories, of Caldwell
Box 14
"Some Remarks about Realism in Fiction"
Box 14
"The Structure of Slowacki's Lyric Poems"
Box 14
"Die Struktur der lyrischen Gedichte von Juliusz S^owacki"
Box 14
Survey of Polish literature and Culture
Box 14
"Szkic dziejow kultury polskiej" (with related correspondence)
Box 14
A Treasury of Slavic Literature
Box 14
"Two Champions of a New Christianity: Lamennais and Mickiewicz"
Box 15
"Waclaw Borowy, 1880-1950
Box 15
"What is Theory of Literature?"
Box 15
"Wielki szyderca"
Box 15
"Wstep do liryk Slowackiego"
Box 15
"Zadania demokracji polskiej"
Box 15
Za wasza i nasza wolnosc. Polska mysl demokratyczna w ciagu wiekow
Box 15
"Zu einer richtigen Auffasung des Mickiewicz Nachlasses"
Box 15
Unidentified (on various authors)
Manuscripts by Other Persons
Box 15
Ryszard Matuszewski, "Poezja polska na nowych drogach"
Box 15
Skafander, "De profundis ad astra"
Box 15
Julian Tuwim, Poems
Box 15
Jozef Wittlin, "The Tragic Gogol"
Box 15
Students' Papers