Mapcase 14-A-1
Mapcase 14-A-1
The World
Mapcase 14-A-1
Cassini Planisphere
Mapcase 14-A-2
Hemispheres, Polar Regions, Oceans
Mapcase 14-A-3
Mapcase 14-A-4 Mapcase 14-A-5
America - Central and Caribbean
Mapcase 14-A-6
America - North
Mapcase 14-A-7
America - North - Bermuda
Mapcase 14-A-7
America - North - Canada
Mapcase 14-A-7
America - North- Mexico
Mapcase 14-A-9 Mapcase 14-A-10
America - North - U.S.
Mapcase 14-B-1
America - North - U.S. (by sections)
Mapcase 14-B-2
America - North - U.S. (AL - CO)
Mapcase 14-B-3
America - North - U.S. (CT - FL)
Mapcase 14-B-4
America - North - U.S. (GA - KS)
Mapcase 14-B-5
America - North - U.S. (KY - MA)
Mapcase 14-B-6
America - North - U.S. (MI -MT)
Mapcase 14-B-7
America - North - U.S. (NE - NM)
Mapcase 14-B-8 Mapcase 14-B-9
America - North - U.S. (NYC)
Mapcase 14-B-9
America - North - U.S. (NY State)
Mapcase 14-B-9
P - America - North - U.S. (NYC) 1776-1777
Mapcase 14-B-10
America - North - U.S. (NY State)
Mapcase 14-C-1
America - North - U.S. (NC - OR)
Mapcase 14-C-2
America - North - U.S. (PA - TN)
Mapcase 14-C-3
America - North - U.S. (TX - WA)
Mapcase 14-C-4
America - North - U.S. (WVA - WY)
Mapcase 14-C-5
America - South
Mapcase 14-C-6
Near East, Asia (Asia Minor - China)
Mapcase 14-C-7
Asia (Holy Land - Turkey), Australia
Mapcase 14-C-8
Europe, Europe (Aegean -Dalmatia)
Mapcase 14-C-9
Europe (Finland - France)
Mapcase 14-C-10
Europe (Germany - Great Britain)
Mapcase 14-C-11
Europe (Great Britain - Holland)
Mapcase 14-C-12
Europe (Hungary - Italy)
Mapcase 14-C-13
Europe (Luxemburg - Scandinavia)
Mapcase 14-C-14
Europe (Spain - Turkey)
Currently the materials from this drawer are housed in 14-C-13
Mapcase 14-C-15
U.S. History (Wars: to Revolution)
Mapcase 14-D-1
U.S. History (Wars: Rev- War of 1812)
Mapcase 14-D-2
U.S. History (Mexican War - Civil War 1862)
Mapcase 14-D-3
U.S. History (Civil War 1863-1867)
Mapcase 14-D-4
U.S. History (Indian Wars, WWI, WWII)
Mapcase 14-D-4
U.S. History Topographical
Mapcase 14-D-5
Halsband Collection
Mapcase 14-Q-4
Jefferys & Faden, Plan of the City of New York in North America, Surveyed in the Years 1766 & 1767 [by Bernard Ratzer], London
, 1776, 1 item; matted map, 51X39