Includes minutes and other material relating to the work of the Comité Consultatif, Comité Executif, and the Conseil des Correspants.
This subseries includes minutes, agendas, and correspondence of the Comité d'Administration, often referred to as the Comité. This committee had several names during the Centre's time in Paris, including the Comité Paris et Europe, Conseil Consultatif, Conseil de Direction, and Comité du Centre Européen.
Box 127 Folder 4
Comité du Désarmement, 1926
Box 127 Folder 5
Comité d'Entente des Grandes Associations Internationales, 1937-1938
Box 127 Folder 6
Comité d'Etudes, 1923
Box 129 Folder 6
Commission des Balkans, 1914