Box 20 Folder 01
Columbian (Later G.W.) University.
Holograph research notes, photocopied articles.
Box 20 Folder 02
Corcoran. [1 of 3]
Holograph research notes, photocopied articles and correspondence, clippings, post cards.
Box 20 Folder 03
Corcoran. [2 of 3].
Holograph research notes, photocopied articles and correspondence, clippings, post cards.
Box 20 Folder 04
Corcoran. [3 of 3].
Holograph research notes, photocopied articles and correspondence, clippings, post cards.
Box 20 Folder 05
Photocopied maps and articles.
Box 20 Folder 06
Corcoran archives material. [1 of 3].
Photocopied articles, illustrations, and correspondence, holograph research notes.
Box 20 Folder 07
Corcoran archives material. [2 of 3].
Photocopied articles, illustrations, and correspondence, clippings,
Box 20 Folder 08
Corcoran archives material. [3 of 3].
Holograph research notes, photocopied articles.
Box 20 Folder 09
Corcoran building- Wash., DC.
Photocopied land maps, articles, and illustrations.
Box 20 Folder 10
[Corcoran correspondence].
Photocopied correspondence [reproduction from the Manuscript Division, Library of Congress].
Box 20 Folder 11
[Corcoran correspondence].
Photocopied correspondence [reproductions from the Manuscript Division, Library of Congress].
Box 20 Folder 12
Corcoran- Eustis: Cannes.
Holograph research notes, photocopied articles, maps, and correspondence.
Box 20 Folder 13
[Corcoran Gallery].
Photocopied articles and correspondence, holograph research notes.
Box 20 Folder 14
Corcoran Gallery, 1859? 1874-opened. [1 of 2]
Clippings, Rattner correspondence, color slides, booklets, black and white photograph, photocopied land maps, articles, and illustrations, feasibility study.
Box 20 Folder 15
Corcoran Gallery, 1859? 1874-opened. [2 of 2]
Clippings, Rattner correspondence, color slides, booklets, black and white photograph, photocopied land maps, articles, and illustrations, feasibility study.
Box 20 Folder 16
[Corcoran Gallery- miscellaneous]. [1 of 3].
Photocopied correspondence, plans, articles, and illustrations, booklet, holograph research notes, Rattner draft article, black and white and color photographs.
Box 20 Folder 17
[Corcoran Gallery- miscellaneous]. [2 of 3].
Stereoscope photographic postcard, black and white photographs, photocopied articles and illustrations, color postcard.
Box 20 Folder 18
[Corcoran Gallery- miscellaneous]. [3 of 3].
Black and white photographic reproductions, color photographs, Rattner bills and receipts, photocopied articles and illustrations.
Box 20 Folder 19
Corcoran carriage house, circa 1850.
Box 20 Folder 22
Re: Corcoran house as "Webster" house.
Photocopied illustrations.
Box 20 Folder 23
Corcoran Papers. [1 of 2]
Photocopied and transcribed correspondence, holograph research notes [reproductions from the Manuscript Division, Library of Congress].
Box 20 Folder 24
Corcoran Papers. [2 of 2]
Photocopied and transcribed correspondence, holograph research notes [reproductions from the Manuscript Division, Library of Congress].
Box 20 Folder 25
Corcoran Papers- A.A. of A.
Photocopied and transcribed correspondence.
Box 20 Folder 26
Corcoran: poss. J.R.
Holograph research notes, photocopied articles, clippings.
Box 20 Folder 27
Corcoran row houses, 1853.
Photocopied legal documents, holograph research notes.
Box 20 Folder 28
Corcoran St.
Clipping, Rattner correspondence.
Box 20 Folder 29
Corcoran, Thos. (father ) Georgetown houses.
Holograph research notes, photocopied articles and illustrations.
Box 20 Folder 30
Corcoran: Vt. Ave. rowhouses, 1853.
Photocopied land map and specifications, holograph research notes.
Box 20 Folder 31
Corcoran wedding.
Box 20 Folder 32
Photocopied legal documents, correspondence, and receipts [reproductions from the Manuscript Division, Library of Congress].
Box 20 Folder 33
Eustis- to 1862.
Photocopied correspondence [reproductions from the Manuscript Division, Library of Congress].
Box 20 Folder 34
From Corc. Gall. file.
Photocopied articles, correspondence, and specifications, holograph research notes.
Box 20 Folder 35
["Greek Slave" and miscellaneous Corcoran biography.]
Holograph research notes, photocopied articles and illustrations.
Box 20 Folder 36
["Greek Slave"].
Rattner correspondence, photocopied articles and illustrations, color photographs.
Box 20 Folder 37
G.S.: Corcoran material, from.
Photocopied articles and illustrations, holograph research notes.
Box 20 Folder 38
G.S. exhib., Boston.
Box 20 Folder 39
G.S. exhib.: Crystal Palace, London.
Exhibition catalog, photocopied articles and illustrations.
Box 20 Folder 40
G.S. exhib.: Crystal Palace, NY.
Holograph research notes, photocopied articles.
Box 20 Folder 41
G.S.: LC WWC MSS [Corcoran Manuscript, Library of Congress]
Photocopied finding aids, holograph research notes, clipping.
Box 20 Folder 42
G.S.: nudity.
Clipping, photocopied articles.
Box 20 Folder 43
G.S.: res.
Box 20 Folder 44
G.S.: Renwick Gall. "modern" style.
Box 20 Folder 45
"Harewood"- Corcoran country house.
Rattner correspondence, photocopied maps, color photographs and negatives, photocopied articles, holograph research notes.
Box 20 Folder 46
Herman- Renwick Gallery.
Rattner correspondence, photocopied plan.
Box 20 Folder 47
Library and Mechanic's Institute.
Holograph research notes.
Box 20 Folder 48
L.S. Wash. res.
Holograph research notes, Rattner CV, map.
Box 21 Folder 01
Oak Hill Cemetery.
Holograph research notes, photocopied articles, Rattner correspondence.
Box 21 Folder 02
Oak Hill Cemetery gate posts.
Box 21 Folder 03
Oak Hill Chapel, 1850.
Holograph research notes, color photographs and negatives.
Box 21 Folder 04
Powers: A. of A.A.
Photocopied articles and illustrations, holograph research notes.
Box 21 Folder 05
Thomas Ritchie, 1778-1854.
Holograph research notes, photocopied article and correspondence [reproduction from the Manuscript Division, Library of Congress].
Box 21 Folder 06
Ritchie to Berret, 1853.
Photocopied correspondence [reproduction from the Manuscript Division, Library of Congress].
Box 21 Folder 07
"Thos. Ritchie House"- Lafayette Sq.
Photocopied land map and articles, holograph research notes.
Box 21 Folder 08
Wash. res.: Nat. Mus. Am. Hist. archives.
Rattner correspondence, exhibition pamphlets.
Box 21 Folder 09
Walter, Thomas U.
Holograph research notes, newsletter.
Box 21 Folder 10
William Corcoran- biographer.
Holograph research notes, photocopied articles.
Box 21 Folder 11
William Corcoran material.
Rattner correspondence, photocopied maps, articles, and correspondence, clippings.
Box 29 Folder 06
[William Corcoran- correspondence]
Photocopied correspondence [reproductions from the Manuscript Division, Library of Congress].
Box 21 Folder 12
Wash. Corc.: ills. [1 of 3].
Color photographs, photocopied articles and illustrations, pamphlet.
Box 21 Folder 13
Wash. Corc.: ills. [2 of 3].
Color photographs and negatives, photocopied articles and illustrations, manuscript.
Box 21 Folder 14
Wash. Corc.: ills. [3 of 3].
Color photographs and negatives.