Box 21 Folder 56
3rd Congregational Un. Ch. of N.Y.
Holograph research notes, photocopied articles and photographs.
Box 21 Folder 57
Adams, Julius Walker.
Holograph research notes, photocopied articles.
Box 21 Folder 58
Bklyn and Andrew.
Rattner correspondence, transcribed legal documents, holograph research notes.
Box 21 Folder 59
Bklyn res.
Box 21 Folder 60
Brewster, Eugene A. and Fullerton, Stephen W.
Holograph research notes, photocopied article.
Box 21 Folder 61
Chronos and res.
Holograph research notes.
Box 21 Folder 62
Church of the Assumption.
Holograph research notes, photocopied articles and illustrations.
Box 21 Folder 63
Church of the Redeemer.
Holograph research notes, black and white photograph and contact sheet, photocopied article.
Box 21 Folder 64
[Churches, NYC].
Photocopied articles and illustrations.
Box 21 Folder 65
Elm Place Congregational Church.
Holograph research notes, photocopied articles and illustrations, color slides.
Box 21 Folder 66
First M.E. Ch. 1869/ Matteawan, NY.
Photocopied article, color slides.
Box 21 Folder 67
First M.E. Church, Newburgh.
Holograph research notes, Rattner correspondence, photocopied specifications and correspondence, clippings, color slides, photocopied articles and illustrations.
Box 21 Folder 68
First Pres. Ch. Middletown, NY 1865-67/ Orchard and North Sts.
Booklet, Rattner correspondence, color slides, black and white photograph, photocopied articles and illustrations, holograph research notes.
Box 22 Folder 01
G.N. research Christian Advocate.
Photocopied articles, holograph research notes.
Box 22 Folder 02
Hudson River Valley research.
Holograph research notes, color slides, maps, pamphlets, photocopied articles, maps, and illustrations, Rattner correspondence, clippings.
Box 22 Folder 03
Hudson Valley research.
Holograph research notes.
Box 22 Folder 04
Immaculate Conception, Church of/ Jersey City, 1862.
Holograph research notes, photocopied articles.
Box 22 Folder 05
Last Judgement.
Rattner correspondence, Smithsonian catalogue index, photocopied articles and illustrations, holograph research notes.
Box 22 Folder 06
Lockwood correspondence, photocopied articles, holograph research notes.
Box 22 Folder 07
[Library of Congress research].
Rattner correspondence, holograph research notes, photocopied article.
Box 22 Folder 08
Lockwood case Hawkins.
Holograph research notes, Rattner correspondence, clipping, photocopied articles.
Box 22 Folder 09
Lockwood case.
Rattner correspondence, holograph research notes, photocopied articles.
Box 22 Folder 10
Lockwood Story [Artist Rembrandt Lockwood].
Photocopied articles, holograph research notes, various color photographs, 1black and white 8x10 photographic reproduction.
Box 22 Folder 11
Lockwood story. [1 of 5].
Color photograph, holograph research notes, photocopied archival materials.
Box 22 Folder 12
Lockwood story. [2 of 5].
Color photograph, holograph research notes, photocopied archival materials.
Box 22 Folder 13
Lockwood Story. [3 of 5].
Color photograph, holograph research notes, photocopied archival materials.
Box 22 Folder 14
Lockwood story. [4 of 5].
Color photograph, holograph research notes, photocopied archival materials.
Box 22 Folder 15
Lockwood story. [5 of 5].
Color photograph, holograph research notes, photocopied archival materials.
Box 22 Folder 16
Lockwood, Frederick Eugene B., 1856.
Holograph research notes, photocopied photographs.
Box 22 Folder 17
Lockwood, Helen.
Holograph research notes, photocopied negative.
Box 22 Folder 18
Lockwood, Rembrandt, 1815-.
Transcribed correspondence, photocopied articles and illustrations, clippings, holograph research notes, map.
Box 22 Folder 19
Lockwood/ Newburgh.
Map, photocopied article, clipping, pamphlet, "Capitol Story" by Cecil Roseberry (book).
Box 22 Folder 20
Lockwood/ Sullivan Co.
Holograph research notes, photocopied article.
Box 22 Folder 21
Moorehouse, David.
Holograph research notes.
Box 22 Folder 22
[National Archives research].
Rattner correspondence, pamphlets, booklets.
Box 22 Folder 23
N.Y.S. Capitol, 1871-.
Rattner correspondence, finding aid, photocopied governmental documents, articles and illustrations, booklet, pamphlet, holograph research notes.
Box 22 Folder 24
New Jersey research.
Rattner correspondence, holograph research notes.
Box 22 Folder 25
Not Lockwood.
Transcribed clippings, photocopied articles and illustrations, holograph research notes.
Box 22 Folder 26
NY P.O. Comp.
Rattner correspondence, transcribed correspondence, photocopied records, holograph research notes.
Box 22 Folder 27
Poss. Lockwood- J.R. and Rodrigue.
Photocopied articles and illustrations, black and white slides, Rattner correspondence.
Box 22 Folder 28
Re: disappearences/ re: missing people file.
Holograph research notes, clippings, photocopied article.
Box 22 Folder 29
Regina Coeli, R.C., Hyde Park, NY. 1863 Dem. (Lockwood?)
Photocopied booklet, holograph research notes, photocopied articles.
Box 22 Folder 30
[Rembrandt Lockwood.]
Color photograph, holograph research notes, photocopied archival materials.
Box 22 Folder 31
Box 22 Folder 32
Res. by Marcia.
Research notes, correspondence, Smithsonian catalogue index.
Box 22 Folder 33
St. Augustine R.C. Sing Sing/ Ossining, NY.
Holograph research notes, clipping, postcard, photocopied articles and photographs.
Box 22 Folder 34
St. James M.E. Church, Harlem.
Photocopied legal documents, specifications, articles and illustrations, color slides, holograph research notes, transcribed clipping.
Box 22 Folder 35
St. Joachim.
Photocopied articles, holograph research notes, color slides.
Box 22 Folder 36
St. John's M.E. Church, Bklyn.
Holograph research notes, photocopied articles and illustrations, color slides.
Box 22 Folder 37
St. Joseph's, 6th Ave. N.Y.C./ Altar- pre-1886 May 16.
Holograph research notes.
Box 22 Folder 38
St. Luke's M.E,. 1869.
Photocopied articles, legal documents, site plan and land map, color slides, clipping.
Box 22 Folder 39
St. Pat's R.C. Church.
Holograph research notes, photocopied articles and illustrations, color slides.
Box 22 Folder 40
St. Pat's R.C. Church, New Haven, CT.
Holograph research notes.
Box 22 Folder 41
St. Patrick's Cathedral/JR, Lockwood.
Photocopied articles, clippings, holograph research notes, Rattner correspondence.
Box 22 Folder 42
St. Pat's research and Lockwood.
Holograph research notes, photocopied and transcribed report.
Box 22 Folder 43
St. Paul the Apostle.
Holograph research notes.
Box 22 Folder 44
St. Paul's Meth. Church, Peekskill, NY.
Photocopied articles and illustrations, color slides, holograph research notes.
Box 22 Folder 45
St. Paul's R.C. Church and Convent.
Holograph research notes, photocopied articles and illustrations, transcribed correspondence.
Box 22 Folder 46
St. Peter R.C., Monticello, 1866-1867. (Lockwood?)
Rattner correspondence, photocopied article, booklets.
Box 22 Folder 47
Tabernacle Congregation of Jersey City, NJ.
Holograph research notes, photocopied articles.
Box 22 Folder 48
The Cath. Lib. Mag.
Rattner correspondence, holograph research notes.
Box 22 Folder 49
W.C. research.
Rattner correspondence, holograph research notes, photocopied articles.
Box 22 Folder 50
Wash. DC. research.
Rattner correspondence, pamphlets, holograph research notes, photocopied articles.
Box 22 Folder 51
Wigley, George J.
Color slides, color and black and white photographs and negatives, holograph research notes, Rattner correspondence, photocopied articles.