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Aleksandr Aleksandrovich and Mariia Nikolaevna Bashmakov Papers, 1830; 1910-1958
5000 itemsThese papers consist of correspondence, manuscripts, documents, subject files, photographs, and printed materials. Most of the collection concerns Bashmakov's ethnographical work in France in the 1920s and 1930s, including correspondence, many manuscripts, lectures, notes, and copies of his publications. Subject files concern emigre monarchism in France, and the death of Father Georgiĭ Spasskiĭ. There are copies of the Russian version of Bashmakova's memoirs, "Perezhitoe." Cataloged correspondence in the collection consists of letters from Petr Krasnov and one or two items each from Henry Field, Evgeniĭ Miller, Petr Wrangel, and Boris Zaĭt︠s︡ev. There are also photographic slides representing ethnographical types from the Caucasus.
Aleksei Petrovich Arkhangel'skii Papers, 1903-1959
2500 itemsPapers of General Alekseĭ Petrovich Arkhangelśkiĭ, consisting of correspondence, manuscripts, financial records, membership lists, photographs and miscellaneous printed materials. Most of the documents in the collection pertain to the activities of ROVS and its divisions and member organizations, especially its Fifth Section (Belgium), in the late 1920s and the 1930s and 1940s. The correspondence (1924-1954) is primarily between Arkhangelśkiĭ and other military officers, including A.I. Denikin, P.P.N. Krasnov, E.K. Miller, P.N. Wrangel, V.K. Vitkovskiĭ, I.A. Kholḿsen, P.A. Kusonskiĭ, P.K. Kondzerovskiĭ, E.S. Imnadze, etc. The manuscripts encompass official orders and pronouncements, information bulletins, speeches, announcements, manifestos, emigre military course instruction manuals and reports. Many of the latter deal with Soviet internal affairs and foreign policy. The collection also includes photographs, chiefly of White Army personnel in Yugoslavia in the early 1920s, miscellaneous printed materials, ROVS financial records for the period 1924-1926, various membership lists as well as 24 separate subject files, including materials on the founding of ROVS Fifth Section, ROVS activities in North America, Australia, and the Far East, the ROVS Court of Honor, the Russian Defense Corps (Russkiĭ Okhranyĭ Korpus) in Yugoslavia in World War II, the "Vnutrenni︠a︡i︠a︡ Linii︠a︡" and others.
Alexander von Freedericksz Papers, 1936-1965
56 itemsCollection consists of correspondence, manuscripts, diaries, and printed materials. There are letters and telegrams from Field Marshal Carl Gustaf Emil Mannerheim of Finland; two brief memoirs, one by E.L. Miller about Freederichsz and his wife, the other by the wife, entitled"Le salon de ma tante, la Baronne de Witte;" Freedericksz's diaries from 1938-40; and newspaper clippings about Mannerheim.
Ariadna Vladimirovna Tyrkova-Williams Papers, 1897-1961
14 Linear FeetGeorgii Sergeevich Tikhanovich Manuscripts, 1920-1921
6 itemsManuscripts of Tikhanovich. The manuscripts are staff reports; three of the four are signed by Tikhanovich, and the fourth is unsigned. They are entitled: "Prichiny nevozmozhnosti okazanii︠a︡ voennoĭ pomoshchi russkoĭ armii so storony Germanii" (ca. Oct. 1920); "Politika Germanii v russkom voprose" (Oct. 1920); "Bolśhevizm i germanskai︠a︡ burzhuazii︠a︡" (Feb. 1921); and "Obshchie itogi krizisa perezhivaemago evropeĭskim sot︠s︡ializmom" (March 1921). Also included are two letters by General Evgenii Miller in Paris to Wrangel, from October 1920.
Gleb Alekseevich Benzeman Papers, 1930-1977
10 itemsThe papers largely concern Russian military history and the emigre monarchist movement. There are two letters and typescripts on such themes as military education before World War I, the Benzeman family, and the kidnapping of General A. P. Kutepov in 1930. Also included are a pamphlet entitled "Imperator Nikolai II" (no author, published in Germany in 1948), and a binder entitled "Iz krasivogo proshlogo imperatorskoi Rossii" consisting of clippings of articles written by Benzeman.
Il'ia Grigor'evich Savchenko Papers, 1920-1955
9 Linear FeetThe papers of Il'ia Grigor'evich Savchenko (1889-1961). The collection consists of correspondence, manuscripts, photographs, caricatures, and materials relating to a number of Russian émigré organizations. The materials relating to émigré organizations include correspondence, financial records, and mimeographed textbooks prepared by the professors of the Russkii iuridicheskii fakul'tet v Prage (Russian Juridical Institute in Prague), and correspondence and printed materials of the Soiuz ob"edinenii russkikh okonchivshikh vysshie uchebnye asvedeniia (OROVUZ; Union of Societies of Russians Who Have Graduated from Institutes of Higher Education), which Savchenko headed. In addition, there are materials relating to other émigré groups in Europe and the United States with which Savchenko was associated.
Maksimilian Maksimilianovich Filonenko Papers, 1898-1960
7000 itemsThe collection consists of correspondence, manuscripts, case files, a few subject files, printed material and three caricature drawings of Filonenko. By far the greatest amount of material is in the form of manuscripts and case files. The manuscripts fall into two categories: notes and drafts, written in French, dealing with legal matters, and a diary, containing a large number of clippings, in which Filonenko chronicles and comments upon events in Russia, Eastern and Western Europe during the period 1918-1920. The case files, primarily from the 1930s, contain materials gathered in the process of defending his clients, chiefly Russian emigres, before the French courts. Included among these are the records of Filonenko's defense of Nadezhda Plevitskai︠a︡-Skoblin in the General Miller kidnapping trial in 1937-38.
Nikolai Rebrov Memoirs, 1956
45 pagesThe memoirs "Kratkaia biografiia moego zhiznennogo puti s 19l4 goda" concern Rebrov's experiences in World War I and the Civil War. The memoirs end with his demobilization in Germany in 1920.
Petr Panteleimonovich Savin Papers, 1937-1978
125 itemsThe collection consists primarily of the Captain Savin's memoirs. Included are photocopies of three typescript variants of the above work, as well as a photocopy of the published version entitled "Gibelʹ Generala Millera" (Paris, 1939). Also included in the collection is correspondence from the 1960s both to and from Petr Savin, and between third parties. Among these latter are letters from the personal archive of the secretary of Grand Prince Nikita of Russia, Aleksandr Alekseevich Belorukov.