Subseries VI.1: Amateur Films, Small-Gauge Films (Kogata eiga), 1927-2001 [Bulk Dates: Pre-War 1930-1939]
- Abstract Or Scope
This subseries contains pre-war magazines, camera catalogs, books, and fliers/advertisements related to amateur films (amachua eiga), avant-garde cinema, and photography. The subseries is arranged in alphabetical order by title with additional descriptions in the scope and contents notes. The subseries covers small-gauge films(kogata eiga/小型映画, 8mm, 9.5mm and 16mm), the cameras used for these films, short films(tanpen eiga/短編映画), and culture films(bunka eiga/文化映画). (For documentary film materials, see Subseries VI.7 in this Series.) This subseries also includes Pathé bebī/パテーベビー materials from the 1930s (Pathé Baby home film system from the Pathé-Cinéma camera equipment company). For photocopies of parts of the magazine,Pathé shine/パテーシネand materials related to Ogino Shigeji/荻野茂二 and his versions of the Felix the Cat series that were found with Makino's writings about silhouette animation, see Sub-subseries VI.2.1: Subject Files: Animated Films and Comics(Manga):Animation Materials.
- Collection Context