Subseries VI.1: Amateur Films, Small-Gauge Films (Kogata eiga), 1927-2001 [Bulk Dates: Pre-War 1930-1939]

Scope and content:

This subseries contains pre-war magazines, camera catalogs, books, and fliers/advertisements related to amateur films (amachua eiga), avant-garde cinema, and photography. The subseries is arranged in alphabetical order by title with additional descriptions in the scope and contents notes. The subseries covers small-gauge films(kogata eiga/小型映画, 8mm, 9.5mm and 16mm), the cameras used for these films, short films(tanpen eiga/短編映画), and culture films(bunka eiga/文化映画). (For documentary film materials, see Subseries VI.7 in this Series.) This subseries also includes Pathé bebī/パテーベビー materials from the 1930s (Pathé Baby home film system from the Pathé-Cinéma camera equipment company). For photocopies of parts of the magazine,Pathé shine/パテーシネand materials related to Ogino Shigeji/荻野茂二 and his versions of the Felix the Cat series that were found with Makino's writings about silhouette animation, see Sub-subseries VI.2.1: Subject Files: Animated Films and Comics(Manga):Animation Materials.

There are also several English language camera company newsletters from the late 1920s. There is also a camera catalog, Parts List for Mitchell Cameras, located with the Japanese scenario,Sekai saigo no hi/世界最後の日,in Subseries V.3: Scenarios: Other Screenwriters/Directors (box 36 folder 1). For materials related to proletarian film, see Subseries VI.16: Proletarian Film in this Series. The subseries contains the related topic of cinema poetry ("cinepoem" oreigashi/映画詩). Cinepoems are poems in the form of a film scenario (in 3 folders). This subseries includes Makino's handwritten drafts for his presentation on 1910s and 1930s cinepoems (1993) and the research for this presentation, including photocopied journal articles on poetry written by film critic Kitagawa Fuyuhiko/北川冬彦, ("prose cinema"), film critic Iijima Tadashi/飯島正, Uchida Kimio/内田岐三雄, Kodama Kagai/兒玉花外 and others, photographs of Makino with others, as well as travel guides to Fukuoka.

For more on Kitagawa Fuyuhiko, see Subseries II.5: Kitagawa Fuyuhiko. For reports onkogata eigapublished by Man'ei/満映 (Manchukuo Film Association Ltd./満洲映画協会), see Subseries VII.2 East Asian: China (including Manchuria) (box 611).

Other finding aids:

A detailed listing of the items in Subseries VI.1 can be consulted in adownloadable Excel spreadsheet.

Access and use

Parent restrictions:
This collection is available for use by qualified readers in the Rare Book and Special Collections Reading Room, C.V. Starr East Asian Library at Columbia University. Much of the collection is maintained in off-site storage. This may be retrieved with advance notification only; for further details, please consult the C.V. Starr East Asian Library staff.
Parent terms of access:
Columbia University is providing access to the materials in the Library's collections solely for noncommercial education and research purposes. The unauthorized use, including, but not limited to, publication of the materials without the prior written permission of Columbia University is strictly prohibited. All inquiries regarding permission to publish should be submitted in writing to the Director, C.V. Starr East Asian Library, Columbia University. In addition to permission from Columbia University, permission of the copyright owner (if not Columbia University) and/or any holder of other rights (such as publicity and/or privacy rights) may also be required for reproduction, publication, distributions, and other uses. Responsibility for making an independent legal assessment of any item and securing any necessary permissions rests with the persons desiring to publish the item. Columbia University makes no warranties as to the accuracies of the materials or their fitness for a particular purpose.
Location of this collection:
300 Kent Hall
1140 Amsterdam Ave.
New York, NY 10027, USA
Before you visit:
Researchers should request materials at least one week in advance to ensure availability. Due to limited storage, please request only the materials you plan to use during your visit.