This sub-subseries contains local city, ward, or prefectural reports and newsletters from Saitama-ken/埼玉県, Tsukuba-shi/つくば市, Tokyo-to/東京都 (Kokubunji-shi/国分寺市, Machida-shi/町田市, Suginami-ku/杉並区, Toshima-ku/豊島区), and Miyazaki-shi/宮崎市, among others.
This sub-subseries contains local publications related to mostly Japanese culture that are not specifically film related, including folk culture related to children, dolls, toys, flower arrangement, pottery, crafts, glass, and sake.
This sub-subseries contains diaries and correspondence of Taguchi Shūji/田口修治 to Kimura Sōju/木村荘十. Taguchi was a Nichiei cameraman who accompanied the military and was captured in the Philippines. In his diary, Taguchi records the war crimes trials of Japanese military leaders in the Philippines. This sub-subseries also contains journals and notebooks of various government agencies that controlled film during the Allied Occupation of Japan.
This includes GHQ's Central Motion Picture Exchange (CMPE) movie theater handbills mainly from the late 1940s. For pre-war movie theater fliers, see Series XII: Movie Theater Handbills/Chirashiand Series XIII: Handbills/Chirashifor Vaudeville Shows and Revues.
These publications include organ bulletins, fliers, and newsletters from various regions in Japan, published by several film workers' unions, includingEiga engeki/映画演劇,published by United Screen and Stage Worker's Union of Japan/日本映画演劇労働組合 (日映演, Japan Film and Theater Workers' Union).
This sub-subseries contains movie theater programs that are reprints from the 1980s of theater programs originally published during the late 1940s and 1950s. They are divided by movie theater name where possible. It also contains study-discussion guides from SCAP CIE (Civil Information and Education Section) and local film (regional) publications and publications for Independent film showings, includingShine furonto,Mirion pāru.It also includes handbills for the American movie culture association andKokusai Weeklyhandbills.
This sub-subseries contains promotional documents and newsletters related to film studios during the Occupation period. These include Shōchiku, Tōhō, Shin Tōhō, Nikkatsu, Tōei, Daiei (Kyoto), Daiei (Tokyo).