Tsuyee Pei papers, 1929-1951, bulk 1943-1948

Collection context

Pei, Tsuyee, 1893-1982

The Tsuyee Pei papers document Pei's professional and personal life and provide a glimpse of his career in East Asia and North America during the last years of WWII and the years immediately following. The bulk of the papers consists of correspondences, memoranda, cables and telegrams, and other career files from between 1943 and 1949. These materials highlight Pei's role as first, the general manager of the Bank of China, then, the governor of the Central Bank of China, and offers great details on the development of the banking system in China, wartime aid and relief, foreign exchange market, and international business and economic cooperation. Other materials include newspaper clippings, greeting cards, and printed matter.

貝祖貽檔案記錄了貝祖貽在二戰及國共內戰時於東亞及北美的職業生涯與生活。檔案的大部分材料由1943年至1949年間的通信、備忘通函、電報以及其他工作文件組成。 這些材料展示了貝祖貽先後擔任中國銀行總經理和中華民國中央銀行總裁的工作內容與進程, 並介紹了中國銀行業的發展、戰時援助和救濟、外匯市場以及國際商務和經濟合作等方面的重要細節。其他材料包括剪報、賀卡以及印刷品。

12.1 linear feet (29 full manuscript boxes)
English , Chinese .
Scope and content:

The Tsuyee Pei papers comprise of correspondences, cables and telegrams, memoranda, news clippings, printed matter, and greeting cards, dating from 1929 to 1951, bulk dating from 1943 to 1949. The bulk of career files highlight Pei's leadership the financial sector in China during the last years of WWII. There are correspondences and memoranda highlight Pei's role as the general manager of the Bank of China. The files offer great details on wartime aid and relief and international business and economic cooperation. In particular, there are reports, proceedings, and correspondences from when Pei was in the Chinese Delegation to the United States Monetary and Financial Conference at Bretton Woods in 1944. Another assemblage of files feature Pei's professional activities between 1948 and 1949, largely after Pei's arrival in the United States. There are files related to when Pei led the Technical Mission to Washington D.C. in spring 1948. Other files highlight activities about foreign exchange, international commodity market, and post-war economic reform in China. There are also letters between Pei and prominent Nationalist figures such as Kia-ngau Chang (张公权/张嘉璈), T. V. Soong (宋子文), and David Kung Ling-kan (孔令侃). Other materials include a small batch of private and family files, holiday greeting cards received likely after Pei family's arrival in the US, and various printed matter on topics of banking, commerce, finance.


Biographical / historical:

Tsuyee Pei (Pei Tsu-yi, 貝祖貽, 字淞荪; 1893-27 December 1982) was a renowned Chinese banker in 20th century. A native of Wu County, Jiangsu Province, Pei attended the Chengzhong Middle School in Shanghai and the Affiliated High School of Suzhou University. In 1911, Pei entered the Imperial Railway College in Tangshan, Hebei Province, one of the predecessor of the Southwest Jiaotong University in the present day. At the age of 23, Pei joined the Bank of China's head office in Peking. He was transferred to the Canton office two years later, before moving onto the Hong Kong branch where Pei began to specialize in arbitrage. After returning to mainland China in 1927, Pei ordered Bank of China branches in commerce and treaty ports to engage in foreign exchange operations. After a research trip of banking operations to Europe in 1931, Pei took on the role of manager of the Foreign Department and the Trust Department at the Bank of China. In the following years, under the leadership of T. V. Soong, Pei helped plan Chinese financial reform initiatives, including currency reforms. He spent most of the Second Sino-Japanese War in Chungking/Chongqing, where the Nationalist government was based. Pei was appointed acting general manager of the Bank of China in 1941 and, in this position, attended the 1944 Bretton Woods Conference, representing the Nationalist government. Between February 26, 1946 and February 15, 1947, he was a governor of the Central Bank of China. Pei moved to the United States in 1948. He sought support for the Nationalist government, which soon lost the Chinese Civil War and subsequently retreated to Taiwan. From 1952, Pei served as a director of C. V. Starr & Company, a holding company active in the American and Asian insurance markets. In 1959, he moved to the Shanghai Commercial Bank of Hong Kong, assuming a directorship position between 1962 and 1973. Tsuyee Pei was married to Lien Kwun until her death of cancer in 1929, and later married Aileen C. Pei in 1931. His six children included sons I. M. Pei, Y. K. Pei, Y. T. Pei and daughters Cecelia Shen, Denise Sze and Patricia Tang. Pei died at Manhattan's Lenox Hill Hospital on 27 December 1982, aged 89.

貝祖貽(1893年—1982年12月27日),字淞蓀,生於大清帝國江蘇省吳縣,銀行家,曾任中國銀行副總經理、常務董事,中華民國中央銀行總裁,英屬香港上海商業銀行董事長。貝祖貽自幼受私塾教育,1903年,至上海就讀澄衷中學。1907年,考取蘇州東吳大學中學部,接受高中教育。1911年,進入河北唐山路礦學堂(現今西南交通大學的前身)就讀。貝在23歲時加入了中國銀行北京總行,兩年後被調往廣州分行,其後轉至香港分行,開始專攻套匯業務。1927年返回大陸後,貝領導了中國銀行在商埠和通商口岸開展外匯業務。1931年,貝祖貽至歐洲考察銀行業務, 回國後,任中國銀行國外部與信託部經理。之後數年,貝參與推動了由宋子文領導的各項金融改革舉措。抗日戰爭期間,貝大都在國民政府所在地重慶度過。1941年,貝任中國銀行總經理,並代表國民政府出席了1944年的佈雷頓森林會議。1946年2月26日至1947年2月15日間,貝擔任中華民國中央銀行總裁。1948年,貝祖詒攜全家赴美國。赴美初年,貝向各方尋求對國共內戰時期國民政府的支持。1952年起,貝出任美亞保險公司董事長、紐約斯泰公司 (C. V. Starr & Company) 顧問。1959年,貝加入了香港上海商業銀行,於1962年至1973年擔任董事。貝祖貽1910年與莊氏結婚,直至1929年莊氏因癌症去世。1931年貝與蔣士雲結婚。貝膝下有三子三女,包括長子貝聿銘。貝祖貽與1982年12月27日於曼哈頓的Lenox Hill醫院去世,享年89歲。

Access and use


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Preferred citation:

Identification of specific item, Date (if known); Tsuyee Pei papers, Box # and Folder #; C.V. Starr East Asian Library, Columbia University Libraries

Location of this collection:
300 Kent Hall
1140 Amsterdam Ave.
New York, NY 10027, USA
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Researchers should request materials at least one week in advance to ensure availability. Due to limited storage, please request only the materials you plan to use during your visit.