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Aleksandr Naumovich Zak Papers, 1917-1952
1 Linear FeetCorrespondence, manuscripts, a document, subject files and printed materials of Sack. The collection chiefly concerns American claims against Soviet Russia, and the currency of Estonia and other successor states. The collection contains a 1928 document signed by George F. Kennan. The manuscripts include essays and memoranda concerning currency exchange, tax laws and a number of American court cases involving financial affairs immediately after the 1917 revolution. There are subject files relating to diplomatic claims concerning debts, and the Soviet-Estonian peace conference of 1920. Among the printed materials are clippings and various American statutes and laws.
Alfred Korzybski papers, 1917-1950
11 linear feetPapers and correspondence including letters from leading intellectuals of the United States and Europe. Much of this correspondence pertains to the publication and critical discussion of his two influential works, MANHOOD OF HUMANITY : THE SCIENCE AND ART OF HUMAN ENGINEERING (1921) and SCIENCE AND SANITY : AN INTRODUCTION TO NON-ARISTOTELIAN SYSTEMS AND GENERAL SEMANTICS (1933).
Andrew W. Cordier papers, 1918-1975
160 linear feetArmstrong Memorial Research Foundation records, 1944-2003
32 linear feetCorrespondence, adminiatrative files, reports, memoranda, etc.
Arthur Levitt papers, 1948-2007
30 linear feetCorrespondence, speeches, speech materials, news clippings, subject files, audio and videotapes relating to the professional activity of Arthur Levitt, Jr. The papers and audiovisual material deal primarily with his tenure as the Chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission (1993-2001), but also contain earlier records, including some materials relating to Levitt's school years at the Polytechnic Preparatory Country Day School and at Williams College, and his work at Hayden Stone, the American Stock Exchange, and the New York Economic Development Corporation, and his advocacy of the National Endowment of the Arts during the 1991-1992 funding controversy. These papers also contain materials relating to his father, Arthur Levitt, Sr., who served for 24 years as New York State Comptroller.
Carnegie Corporation of New York records, circa 1872-2015
3000 linear feetMinutes, correspondence, annual reports, press releases, financial records, photographs, memorabilia, audiovisual, digital and printed materials document the philanthropic activities and administration of the Carnegie Corporation of New York. The collection is actively growing, primarily through regular document transfers from the Carnegie Corporation of New York. Andrew Carnegie's biographical information and personal philanthropic activity can be found in Series VII. In addition, his pre-1911 gifts, most notably his donations for libraries and church organs, can be found on microfilm (Series II), in the Home Trust Company Records (VI.A), and Financial Record Books (I.C.1). Grant files (Series III.A), which comprise the bulk of the collection) provide information on projects and institutions founded, endowed or supported by the Corporation. The Special Initiatives series (Series IV) contains the records of task forces, commissions and councils, formed by the Corporation mostly during the 1970s, 1980s, and 1990s to address specific issues. The Corporation's records include those of other Carnegie philanthropic organizations (Series VI), including the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching and the Home Trust Company, both of which shared staff, officers, and office space with the Corporation for a period of time.
Columbia LGBT records, 1961-1990, bulk 1967-1989
8.83 linear feetColumbia University Committee on Student Organizations records, 1905-1919
0.83 linear feetColumbia University. Libraries. Representative Committee of Librarians (RCL) records, 1970-1994
9 linear feetNotes and minutes from RCL meetings, 1970-1994.