Sawyer Lovett Zine Ephemera Collection, 2014-2022
Collection context
- Abstract:
- The Sawyer Lovett Zine Ephemera Collection contains original zine flats, phocopied stacks of Lovett's zines, hand-drawn posters, poetry edits, Bunny Ears Distro cards, and misc. postcards. Lovett's work thematically explores mental health, queerness, feminism, transmasculinity, and fandom culture.
- Extent:
- .42 Linear Feet (1 box)
- Language:
- English .
- Scope and content:
The Sawyer Lovett Zine Ephemera Collection documents the author's zine-making process as evidenced in his original, collaged zine flats, as well as his editorial process by means of classroom critique. Lovett creates autobiographic zines and poetry regarding his own mental health, queerness, transmasculinity, feminism and interests in fandom cultures such as Harry Potter fandom.
The collection contains two original hand-drawn book cover posters of "Everybody Else's Girl," orignal collaged and hand-drawn zine flats for "Ephemeral Riot #1", "Safe Home #5", "Best Kid Friend #1", "What I Learned in my 1st Year of Teaching" amongst other titles, original drawings, photocopies of zine flats, poetry by Sawyer Lovett with commentary penned by editors, buttons, zinester profile cards by Bunny Ears Distro Press and miscellaneous postcards and stickers.
- Biographical / historical:
Sawyer Lovett is a trans writer who lives in Philadelphia with his wife, a dog, and a hedgehog. He is the author of "Everybody Else's Girl" published by Sweet Candy Press and "Retrospect: A Tazewell's Favorite Eccentric Zinethology" published by Mend My Dress. His writing has also appeared in Apiary, Hoax, and Cleaver. He has organized local zine fairs including the Philadeplhia Feminist Zine Fest and Philadelphia Queer Zest Fest, and worked at radical infoshops and bookstores including The Wooden Shoe and Big Blue Marble Bookstore. He holds a BA in English from American Public University and an MFA in Creative Writing from Rosemont College, Pennsylvania. Subjects he has written on include mental health, queerness, feminism, transmasculinity and fandom culture.
Access and use
- Restrictions:
This collection has no restrictions.
- Terms of access:
Sawyer Lovett, in several zines, notes the copyright restriction as a request to credit his work, not reprint without his permission and not upload it on the internet.
"Please DO NOT: Copy this zine without permission or put it online; sell it on Ebay or amazon for some absurd markup; Quote or reference without attribution; give up." - Safe Home #3
"Please don't: reprint without permission, post excerpts on the internet (except for review purposes), sell on Ebay or at a markup, plagiarise, be dick; Please do: keep in touch, write moar zines, trade and support other zineters. keep the DIY spirit alive, share yr favorite cookie recipes." - Safe Home #5
Permission to publish material from the collection must be requested from Lovett. The Barnard Archives and Special Collections approves permission to publish that which it physically owns; the responsibility to secure copyright permission rests with the patron.
Reproductions can be made for research purposes.
- Preferred citation:
Sawyer Lovett Zine Ephemera Collection, 2014-2022; Box and Folder; Barnard Archives and Special Collections, Barnard Library, Barnard College.
- Location of this collection:
Milstein Center for Teaching and Learning 423Barnard College3009 BroadwayNew York, NY 10027, USA
- Before you visit:
- Please contact with research requests or to schedule a visit; see our website for more information.
- Contact: