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W. A. Dwiggins records, 1937- 1951

1 box 1 box
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The collection includes seven manuscripts by W. A. Dwiggins as well as correspondence between Dwiggins and Melbert B. Cary, Jr. of The Press of the Woolly Whale, regarding publication of Dwiggins' A TECHNIQUE FOR DEALING WITH ARTISTS. The manuscripts are "Prelude to Eden" (a play), 1939; A TECHNIQUE FOR DEALING WITH ARTISTS, 1941; "Typophiles Salutem Vobis Dico" 1937; Script No. 1, Made to write the score of a marionette ballet by Foster Trainer, ca. 1951?; Script No. 1"Elijah" n.d.; Script No. 2"Shapes of the 1/4 note heads" n.d.; and Script No. 3"A and B" n.d.

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W. A. Dwiggins records, 1937- 1951 1 box 1 box

Wallace Ludwig Anderson letters on William Vaughn Moody, 1947-1949

0.5 linear feet 1 box
Abstract Or Scope

Letters from 27 English and American poets answering a request from Wallace L. Anderson, then a graduate student at the University of Chicago writing his dissertation, for opinions and assessments of the poet William Vaughn Moody. Some of the responses are simply pleas of insufficient time or knowledge to give adequate answers, but others are considered assessments or strongly expressed opinions. The respondents giving substantive answers were William Rose Benet, John Ciardi, John Gould Fletcher, John Holmes, Robert Lovett, Edgar Lee Masters, Muriel Rukeyser, George Santayana, Ferdinand Schevill, Karl Shapiro, Wallace Stevens, Allen Tate, Lawrence Thompson, Louis Untermeyer, and William Carlos Williams.

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Wallace Ludwig Anderson letters on William Vaughn Moody, 1947-1949 0.5 linear feet 1 box

Wallace S. Broecker papers, 1960s-2010s

10 Linear Feet 8 record storage cartons
Abstract Or Scope

The collection consists primarily of printouts of journal articles, his books (in English and Asian language translations), some correspondence, tributes, and about 14 binders he labelled as "VITA" which contain his published articles in chronological order. Material dates between the 1960s and the 2010s.

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Wallace S. Broecker papers, 1960s-2010s 10 Linear Feet 8 record storage cartons

Walter B. Pitkin letters, 1897-1959

24 items 1 box
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Photostatic copies of correspondence between Pitkin and Harry P. Breitenbach, chiefly of a personal nature. There are a few letters from Breitenbach to Pitkin, Jr., concerning the disposition of the original letters.

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Walter B. Pitkin letters, 1897-1959 24 items 1 box

Walter Rautenstrauch papers, undated

18 linear feet 32 Ms Boxes, 3 flat boxes
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Scientific, professional, and academic papers of Rautenstrauch, consisting chiefly of notes, outlines, charts, and memoranda assembled by him for his courses at Columbia, his lectures, articles, and professional consultations. There is also a group of blueprints, plans, charts, and graphs related to various American industries and a large group of miscellaneous unbound periodicals, pamphlets, reports, and other printed material.

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Walter Rautenstrauch papers, undated 18 linear feet 32 Ms Boxes, 3 flat boxes

Walt Whitman documents, 1884-1890

22 items 1 volumes
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Items written by or relating to the American poet Walt Whitman (1819-1892) as collected by Williams. There are three autograph letters signed from Whitman to Williams, 1884, 1887, n.d., regarding contributions by the poet to the PHILADELPHIA PRESS, as well as one postal card dated 1890. Also, two proofs of poems with corrections in Whitman's hand and four envelopes; a broadside containing lines from Whitman's poetry, five pages of manuscript notes on remarks made by Whitman on some occasion, two letters, one manuscript receipt, and three printed items concerned with a speech by Whitman, a testimonial, the choice of a speaker for his funeral, and the proposal to purchase the house in which he died, for a memorial. There are two prospectuses for books about the poet, and two placards advertising his books.

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Walt Whitman documents, 1884-1890 22 items 1 volumes

Walt Whitman papers, 1842-1969

0.5 linear feet 1 box
Abstract Or Scope

One letter from Walt Whitman to Alfred Lord Tennyson and three manuscripts by Whitman, one of which is a photostatic copy, several pieces of memorabilia and printed material by and about Whitman. The printed material includes newspaper clippings, pamphlets, periodical articles, illustrations, portraits of Whitman and publications of the Walt Whitman Birthplace Association

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Walt Whitman papers, 1842-1969 0.5 linear feet 1 box

Ward family papers, 1800-1900

2 boxes 2 boxes
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The papers supplement the diaries of John Dod Ward, vice president of the Morris Canal & Boat Company

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Ward family papers, 1800-1900 2 boxes 2 boxes

Warner Mifflin Emancipation document, 1775

0.42 Linear Feet 1 document box
Abstract Or Scope

An extraordinary manumission document created by Warner Mifflin, of Delaware, in 1775. There are also two copies of the book "Life and Ancestry of Warner Mifflin" compiled by Hilda Justice, 1905

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Warner Mifflin Emancipation document, 1775 0.42 Linear Feet 1 document box

Warren Bernard collection of Willard Mullin art work and memorabilia, 1930 - 1970

15 Linear Feet 2 document boxes; 3 record boxes; 1 large flat box; 8 oversize folders
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This collection includes original art as well as ephemera such as ephemera such as a Mullin-designed press pin for the 1952 World Series, spring training programs, advertisements, glassware, display cards, books, magazines, prints, and more.

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Warren Bernard collection of Willard Mullin art work and memorabilia, 1930 - 1970 15 Linear Feet 2 document boxes; 3 record boxes; 1 large flat box; 8 oversize folders